The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 22, 1891, Image 1

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Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
g-;T - g i ?PaSaaalHBI; JliasilllaaEllllaaBligaaT
'V.. '"-.TL- g ' 'jMJS-'m "f vBF ''V " " aMaHaBMBsfaaHasBB tl&b
-- -EisMIlgfJilfcMrfa;Ss- - ijjF VM a-ajH aaa?Ssar:sJakSr m. afaa BB9iHaiSPWIKal HsP'Sbtsr - ?r?
"aali SaaaW "SsaaWaaaaaaaas, aaaa -- Tyt aaaaaai aaaaaa as, aaaaa .aaaa saasw .asE-EasHaE tfpVBBBaBBBBBESBr Basa. aBBBBBBBBBBBBB Bass BBBBB Basal wv aaBW MBaVSasai-BBBBBak SS - SaaaaaarSyaaaaaw. SSr hbv BasT vHHHv L. BsaM BaWaBBBE: m -WSa . w p- . -"
Kr B m ass via aw aw .Baa Tl B9&:-':iflHK. Va aaaaTi btL H BsBaEBaVMa2caBaa-Bv9 wBb2bWWssbb75 -vaaaaai .003. , "saV
WMf - iM-ajBrss-rfaaaj ram "aaaBaaaaW BasrE- ' 1 aaasa lfa ' iwaTssj wasasrJ saT?5?aaTaBB.BsViTaw ItImH' aaaBTal bbbbbi 'b Wk
ssssai ' . & bbbblsbbbb BaaTja iaSE"ttsN -- j---bb1 aV & Wbbbb TJsaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBY" BBaBTWaa . j?g , ' . ' iaawawr"gaaaaaBj-Baaam. i wraaawl" bbbbbbbbbbbbt bbbh bsbbI --4VAVJ Hi ' sbbbbbbl SBBrn k IbbW . BBl 1 BBaVBBH VBVBBBBBBBH T9BVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ik.
5Z1M -33gli-iBBBBBBBBBBBBBWfcagt -?
BWtbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 9 lbobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh
, r
By A. C. Hosmer.
"3fc v
. i
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. II. FORT, Manaccr.
l lf!44?(MM.JF$ fiifr4lf
Funiislied to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
UavhiK had ten years experience In county recordH and one of the most cwmtlrte set of At
stract iHwks In Uie sti te, wc guarantee satisfaction. Your favors solicited
All orders filled promptly
Proprietor of the
City Bakery and Restaurant,
For a pood Square meal. Boarding and Lodging by day or week
All kiiida or Fresh Bread, Pie and Cake. Hcadauarler
Tor OrangcK, Lcmonx and Bauanus. All kind or freh
fruit and Candy, Xulm C'igarn, Tobaeeo, freak Oyter,
and ICe eream In neaton.
Tos. Herburger,
What is
WiVt It ; 1 J
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitchers preecriftiom for Iaffents
and Children. It contains neither Opiaaa, Morahlae aor
other Narcotic nabstaace. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Southing Syrups, and Castor OIL
It is Pleasant. Its guaraatee is thirty yean' use by
Hillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Wonts aad allays
fererisaness. Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Card,
cores Diarrhoea and TOad Colic Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and Aataleacy.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the gfsmsra
and bowels, giving stealthy aad aataral sleep. Cas
toria is tha Childrem's Paaacea-ihe Mather's Friead.
"j7Mrnli u aa rH1" mtdMim'tot ckn
re? fcothea hare nfaatodry tola sm tt Ha
goodj atoctupoa (Mr cUttm."
?: 9i Cl Omaee.,
9 Caatoria fe the bier I cWMwb of
s I am acquainted. I hope Mm Say la bo
fuSfctii'l il llmiT-mr " '
asarcct of their cfaodren, aad aw Oactaria to
teadottaevarioasqaacaostnaaawsJcharB destroyioe tkdr lored oaes, byforciacoiiTm.
morpaise, aootbisc syrep aad etaer awlftii
agenta dowa their, taentiy
i to preauuare grama.n
w;a jia.f
lo.ow dollar bond tiled
and approved. .Address or call on
L. H. FORT Manager, Red Cloud, Xcb.
Caateria k ao well adaf-ted to cbOdraa
Tim immrnd r iia-wrirrlninT
kaova tease,"
IU. fta. Oxford Sf BropWjrB, K. ',
Par alnaliawa in tlr --MJ "
a aai aMtaa aigaTr
Mlatdr aaaaMa paaMw wHbCatorta,
w mmr tore ocr
to kavwa aa re(Blar
Uisnp mmm i i v -"
Auaw C. Barrm, !-,
SCansar gtoaaa, Java? aFsaac (Jay.
The Nebraska .
IleTlicd by hii SaUuic Majesty.
I've reached tlio land of com and wheat.
WTTifro t1 ntv nrrtx fnr mm to eat
The "winjs t Jjat blow with zenbyrs wet
I l'M.r Mil tVil. lanrla l 1inl tnb-t.
rnoKD ,. t . . .
Oh. Nebraska laud, sweet hebraska lasd.
As on the bounteous soil I stand,
I look away across the plains
And wonder why It always rains
Till Gabriel calls with trumpet sound
And says the rain doth hero abound.
The farmer Roes Into his corn.
And there exclaims 'I'll be earned!"
Ho looks ana then he It much shocked
To see ten ears upon the stalk.
We have w heat and lots of oaw.
We have corn to frcd our hoats.
Our chickens are larce and aw eet.
And ph;s are fit for Kings to aU
Our hones are the Norman race.
With iK.dlKrccLto.suituur Ustc.
We're happy anil will contented stay.
In our own beloved Nebraska.
Elm Creek
Fin? rains these ilan.
The fanners arc feeling jubilant.
There will m more corn listed tbtn
planted in tins neigtorhood.
Small grain looks well.
Mrs. C. M. Brown went to New
York last week, called there by the
severe illness of her sister. She ex
pects to return in August.
Thomas Cranch is the proudest and
happiefct mail on the Creek, all be
cause an eight pound boy arnved at
Ins house May 17th. All doing well.
Dr. Moore of Cowles in attendance.
Miss May Cockrcll's school at the
Burr school house, will close May 22d.
Mips Flora Brown's school at Elm
Creek, will close one week later.
E. II. K.
Willow Creek.
Miss Hell Skiles is teaching school
at the Willow Creek tchool house, 2d
term there.
Mrs. Jane Saladen passed to the
great unknown, the 7th, was buried
the St'.i. ajred (53 years. Her's was
the largest funeral procewion that
has ever been at this place. She
was very highly esteemed by all who
know her especially, the6l4 pioneer
neighbors who were in the habit of
gathering around her fireside and
listening to the pleasant anecdotes of
her happy girlhood dajs in merry old
England, k!ic having witnessed the
crowning of Queen Victoria. Her
children have the heart felt sympathy
of the ent.iro neighborhood, it was
hard for friends to give her up, but
oh, how our hearts ached for the
lonely broken hearted bojs as the?
saw their best earthly friends and
mother's laid to her last long rest.
A large party f young people
gathered at the homo of Minnie "Wil
der last Saturday to celebrate her
21st birthday. Sh-received several
nice prc.ecnt.
Mrs. Ron has been on the sick
list, the past few day.
3Ir. Rob "Wright is working Mr.
Convne's farm this summer.
A furious fire did a great deal of
damage on three or four sections on
the Creek last week.
Nice tain Snnda', good prospect
for crops and lots of fruit.
South Side.
Funucrs' have their corn about all
planted, and areTiow wishing for a
good rain.
There was quite a frost on the
South Side last Sunday night, just as
r expected lor Frank Street is letting
his mustache grow out again.
Otto Stockc is on the sick list this
Undo Levi Moore i building,
Mr. Kcsler and Oluitteed arc doing
the work.
1 think it mean of that girl giving
happy Jack the t:titt"u, if he would
just eome to bcc Pecks. Good Sist-r,
I would tve hiui two mittens.
Miss Eva Hummel is working at
Uuncle Levi Moore's,
Pecks Rad Roy said he made me
draw in my horn, please dou't pay
an attention to what he sajs, for I
hear he is going to start to Lincoln in
a few davs so that accounts for
1 i
Joseph Fogle mnst have been set
ting up with the sick, or somebody
else at Red Cloud last Monday Bight,
for he was seen making his way boaae
just as the tun was risiag, soaad
a sleep. Pecxs Good Si&te.
Fanuers are nearly through pltHtiag
The bureau of promotion of the
ii. r i-i-- 1.
Kansas world's fair exhibitioa has
made allotments of funds to be raised
i bv each county throusrh the coaatv or-
, - .- . i w f ,N;,ft isoBwoaeot ear tmstaeas aaea tart
S sanitations to t'e amount of SS2.710J , . , , , . ,
"""" I, ,77 . rc4r:
amount. The allotmeuts for Santa
-rt- t ii .
bUUU.J J v'.j v..... r.a .sr
Dr. Elliot lias bee a great saferer
I with the dropsy for sosae time fast.
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, May 22,
Everyone rejoices over tic nc rains
of Saturday and Sunday.
L. B. Thome and wife left Thurs
day for an cxtcsded trip to California,
Oregon and Wasbingtos.
II. C. Rird of Blue Hill on Monday
arrested George Boyd of this place for
disposing of mortgaged property.
County Sup't Hunter was in town
Friday shaking hands with friends
and visiting the school.
Judson Hyde met with a serious
loss last week in the way of one of his
best work horse.
Rev. Burbank of Blue Hill will
preach a Memorial sermon in the G.
A. K. hall Sunday, May 24, at 3
o'clock. Let everybody com out and
hear him as he is an old soldier and
served three vears under A. E. Burn
sides. S .
Pleaaaat Hill.
Again the messenger of death hag
swooped down in our midst. This
time it took little Elmer Holliday, son
of Wm. Holliday. He died the 18th
of May, just eight months from the
day his beloved mother was laid to
rest The little fellow was 3 Years
old. The mourners have the sym
pathy of the entire community. El
mer was buried at Pleasant Hill ceme
tery the 19th. A large concourse of
neighbors followed the remains to its
last resting place. M.
m i
Geae to Kent.
Pied of brain and spinal fever com-
bined, little Elmer J., eldest sou
of Wm. Holliday, on May 18, aged
3 years, 5 mouths and 22 days. It is
a sad blow to Mr. Holliday as he bur
ied his loving wife only eight months
Our darling little treasure,
The one we lored bo dear.
We looked on him with pleasure.
We lored his voice to hear.
We no longer hear the chatter
Of his rosy lips so sweet.
We no longer hear the patter
Of our little Elmer's feet
We ne'er can see the ringlets
That clustered round his head,
But we always will remember
The little words he said.
The little plant so dear
To ub bv God was given;
It is only budded here.
But is blossoming in Heaven.
In humble supplication
We bow in fervent prayer,
That Jesus may assist us
To meet our Elmer there.
The remains were interred in the
Pleasant Hill 'cemetery. The entire
community extends their heart felt
sympathy tojthe brief family in their
sad bereavement Bv a Friexd.
The Great Petition.
This petition is in circulation the
wide world oyer, but wc fear some
women may have failed to add her
name, and will not be counted among
the pleading host, therefore, the Na
tional V. C T. U. at its late meeting
at Atlanta, promised renewed effort
that none may be admitted.
The great petition of the World's
W. C. T. U. is the plea of suffering,
sobbing womanhood for the protection
of her home and the salvation of her
sons and daughters. Two copies of
the petition will be circulated simul
taneously; one to be signed by wo
men as petitioners, the other by mea
as iudorscrs. Let us see how many
names of Bed Cloud residents our
petition will enroll after being circu
lated. Miss nillard writes: "We
hope this will be a rar when the
woik for tins tctition will be so
largely incicjscd, that when w meet
at Tremont Temple, Boston in Xov.
1891, there will be towers cs a testi
mony, that the great docum:at is
about ready to start on its travels."
Mas. X. F. Dac.
aalalers Beaal
It seems to The Chief that the
people of Red Cloud oucht to eet a
"hiwp" on them, asiag aa iaeleaat
expression and raise eaoaga nwaey to
secure the old soldiers lBter-state rc
maioa. Daring the sessioB of
last year at Superior fally
20,000 jtfople were present. . Let as
supposes cack one left a dollar ia that
towBj it would make that ta ahead !
20,000. Now it is fair to arctaatt
that each one left More tkaa that
aaioaat aad heace it is a Dariac saee-
J , . ... . . , , r7l
fahrtwn. if for notkiag else. ItweaW
be a good thiag for Red Ckrad to make
aa effort to gt tie reaaiea here Let
5 were 20,00etieomt last xew
. it . . "-
,Hfc "c eiJ seaoB, i& is sate te sbj i
that -W,0 wewH be here ibis
A pblieBeetiB I citjaea ibsalibe
called at oace ts makt a j tie
tlm Day
. SO J-
Gakfield Post No
Dept Neb., G. A
Members of the G. A. R., W. IX. U.
and all ex-soldiers will meet at G. A.
R. hall at 1 o'clock sharp. Procession
will form at 1:45 and will move
promptly at 2 o'clock in the following
Mayor and city council.
Grand army and ex-soldiere.
Wonians Relief Corp-.
All civil societies.
Public schools.
Citizens on foot.
Citizens and carriages.
After services at the cemetery the
procession will march back in regular
order to the opera house where further
exercises will be held.
G. R. Chancy, orator of the day.
Rev. E. J. Ranall, Chaplin.
G. W. Knight, Chm.
Happy Hearts
Married, at the residence of Mr.
Wm. Parkcs Wednesday, May 20,
1891, at 8 p. m. Mr. Geo. E. Lcming
and Miss Auna Knowles.
Mr. Leining is an emploje of the
B. Ac M. raiload, located in Deu
Ter, Col. lie was formerly stationed
at this place, lie is a rising youn
Miss Knowles is a ncico of Mrs.
Parkes, mith whom she has made her
home for the past Tour years. She is
a very exemplary and active member
of the M. E. church, and one of the
most efficient officers of the Sunday
The weddiug was attended by a
small company of the most intimate
friends of the contracting parties.
The ceremony was performed in a
very pleasing and impressive niinncr
byRer.K. J. Randall.
The bride and groom accompanied
by Mr. Horace. Easterday and Miss
Clara Dickerson, in elegant attire,
gracefully marched into the parlor
keeping step with the wedding march
flayed by Miss Randall.
After the ceremony and congratu
lations. Mr. and Mrs. Randall leading,
followed by bride and groom and the
guests, filed into the dining room and
sat down to a supper that was simply
grand. The bride's cake was pro
nounced uausilly fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Lcming left on the
9:50 train foi Wymorc to visit his
people, and will return the first of
the week to Denver, which will be
their future home.
The prtsentt were appropriate,
tasteful and elegant.
May success attend the worthy
C'haalaaqaa Circle.
The Chautauqua circle will meet
with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kalcy Mon.
day evening May 25, 1SU1.
Rollcall Responded to by name of
a French author and one of his works.
music iuci u t.isr zoning i
f ... r I." '
and Albright. ' have been nucnbed to the truT br a set
. i. i- i .of would-be financial reforaiera. 1 okal-
Questions on -hnglish possesions cri( Mr dvocats of the frss trade
in Africa" by Miss Martin. theory to Bbow any cooaectioo of a
fx .. ' v 4.x. i i 1 trust or monopoly to the tariff. Thsy
Questions on rrcnth and geology a ptaad on ufeir own bottom raxdJs
by the president. i of either.
Music from Vesper Hymns.
Round table.
Sarriacc Sell.
t i . v-i !-.. .; . at: . we iei au iay unTijopea asa cross ins
On last Wednesday ccmngMi? AUaat,c for what wscluTpTodaeswithia
Hannah Igou, uutil recently one of our own resources better and cheaper.
our estimable teacher ia our public ' pf Jf f oaJ-r f that sUadj
nu-uiv -c i between the laborers of this country aad
schools, was united in mamagc to Mr. , Great UnUas, and the only war to ouav
Willis Paul of South Omaha The Pf k d
that mean as little to lire oa. Foe 30
happy couple left on the rremng train years wealth ha borne no part of the
for the east on an extended weddnc burden of goremraect, says Xr. Tbora-
-' , ,, . . - , wton- Thi state cry has teen repeated
tour. The newly weddec twain have l oilea i fb :sae it y
the best wishes of their many friends believe it. We -will freeiy admit that
r m i i " v. wealth does not bare a just abarsofths
ia Red Cloud, for a long anl happy . bardeos of goversssent, bat at the saase
wedded life. Rev. J. I). Pnllis ier- tiKie they eoosuaae aaore of the taroriss
formed the ceremony in his una hap- gjf hth&i cia. aad W asore
mm a s s -- , . .
pyway, rue weduing wis penoneeat
in the presence of a few iavited frieads ', Tiomton'a Iwahto aetiea. -That ths
u m. t r 00tmoaa psBStoss sooc to be at ths
who take pleasare is wishing thea thigh water stark sosftrac tasasaatry
.!, :ftJT i two hqadrbd miHion doSarsL' No Mr.
racnj Thornton, why id yoa no UU tbesso-
..-. -. . ' pie that the present adsauustratxn baa
Who says it aerer rams ia e- J oot I36T3.SC1 to the toad Wd-
braska. It rained almost steadily term. That issaveral aa5Bog drJUrs aiura
ft, the 15th aatil the evealsg ottl'mimmVlSS
the21t. Idepeodectoces. H.J.O.
While Peak aad
Colorado ia a land of aharp coatraata,
of brilliant light, of i&teaas akadows;
a land where htghta and depth aaake
obvious the meaning of ta word antithe
sis; a land where every mood in miad
can And an answering mood in nature.
The high, white minaret of the mount
ain, from whose alender ptaaaciea float
the wind-blown banner of the aeow,
appeal with silent eloquence to the lofty
aspirations of the aoul; the aosbre
chatftn clift by Titan forces through
granite-hearted hi!la,within whear depth
dark ahadows throng and twirling tor
rents dAsh, ppeak to the heart a language
that thrilbs inspires and awe. It doe
not follow that Uefe gloriea of white
iH'ftl s end thetfe gluutua of dark canon
preclude the pleatmnt interval, theaunny
meadows or the secluded nooks wherein
the tired mind or wearied body may tlnd
!enccful rest and refuge from tunuoil
and toil. To one making a journey in
Colorado, New Mexico or Utah, or taxing
n transcontinenal tour from Kat to
west or vice versa, the Denver and
Kio Grande llailroad offers accommoda
tions equal in elegance, convenience and
luxurv to those with any other line with
the added attractions of the unrivalled
scenery along it line, abounding in a
magnificent opulence of white peak
nnd dark canona. The month of Novem
ber, ISDO, witnessed one of the moat im
portant improvement in railroad facili
ties that has yet been made in Colorado
and the West The completion of the
standard guagc of the Denver and ltio
Grande Railroad from Denver, Colorado,
over the mountains to Ogden, Utah
which five years ago was deemed an im
jiossibihty," is certainly a triumph of
daring and engineering nkill. The new
lino is by the way of Leadville, tunnel
ing Tcnnesfeo Pass, threading the canoe
of Eagle and Grand Hivera, giving a
view of the Mount of the Holy Cross,
enroute, taking it trains through Glen
wood Springs and down the Grand Ktver
to Grand Junction, thence to Salt Lako
City, Oregon and San FranciK-o. By
this route ono is given an opportunity to
behold the magnificence of Eagle River
Canon nnd the marvelous beauty and
grndure of the Canon of the Grand. The
overland train is n model in every re
spect From the engine to the laat firat
cluss coach everything i bright and
new, nnd of the most elegant atyle of
workmansihp and tiniah. If any reader
detiires to know more about these atu
pendous works of nature, write to S. K.
jioojier, Goneral Passenger Agent
Denver, Colorado, and he will send you
free of cost elegantly illustrated book,
giving n full description of the marvel
of the "Scenic Line." Stanley Wood in
the "Gernt Devide."
A C'rlllclsM.
Mk. EorroK:In Thk Xatio of May
13 under the signature of J. IL Thornton
i somo assertions that should not go un
challenged. 1st That tbo price of your corn,
wheat oat, cattle and hoga i fixed in a
foreign market is but half true. That
you are compolled by necessity to take
foreign good in exchange is not true at
nil. Commodities that are exported are
paid for by bills of exchange usually,
and without" any reference to what in
vestment be made of them, whether it
is sugar or raw material. That the duty
on i in j or ted goods is equivalent to a tar
iff upon tho farmer of 50 per cent oo the
export of hi rroducta under the Mc
Kinley bill.
The fact is if free trade was inaugura
ted at onco it would not add one oeat to
tho price of wheat corn or any other
commodity exported from thi coantry.
So long an nine-tenths of the products
of agriculture in this country are con
sumed and marketed at home, it is non
sense to talk of a tariff of fifty or any
other per cent on farm products. For
i last, ton TMra mmj ill f riillr
""' -- .- -..w , f ... I I.-R I I.M.y ,
that ha alUicted ths agricultural cl
ivrery uriirie laanaiaciureu in ureal.
Uritian roM our own labor, and at the
' name time deteriorate ourhome market.
We have tbo labor, we have th capital
and no end of raw material. Why shoald
iters 1 3 one aaors rsaunc ac Mr.
vU. S. C
We wlJJ open
In the city of Red Cloud.
And Summer Wear
Prices WAY
Remember the place,
Ts eTaHaai'stsl ta4, C'araer mi Wrsrtrr Hrrcf aaMl 4tk At r.
Wkcra he wlH hef tiaasl aH m law Inrsc barsJware t
g a a a la we la aad. A arw salpsarat mt geaailae
Baker Wire and
Charter Oak Stoves.
ita raaflaa asssl cflr
B. at,m9.Wm PrawiaaL AJteaar, M.T, J. A. TULLMT, fnrSaa-FraaMf
Ion, V. ianrnair. Ti aaaw ar.
Ta Tsar ts Taitss. slstaasi rnita asc sftt la ni
nnt awssjB as acrwt or tmmmmmtmm mm.
Ts sss K ih lm rate.
ysa ess K josr mtmtj 1st aw Sisly.
wsss mat sa ynsr n Hi mtkm aM wwl wstry in tmrnm mm atMlsaC
w aa att r a U tons.
raMMeri4VfJt4FSfafeiai0W'ae, iMK slr assirJ
ked Cloud, Neb.
Abstracters, Real Estate
and Farm Loan Agent
Red Cloud, Nebraska-
Abstracts of title fnrniabad accurately and profaptly.
SataffactioD Goanuied. 10.000 bemd iUd
Lower than any yard in the jorld
, ' sggaBgaaaagansgaaai
aaassfafjaaT sTsrafsTasBW
T Ijm
atoskaSa tas riaaja af Massa.
as i I all tar aW Uassawl taaas at
?aw asssVaV fJaal MV saVafflBf sVsJsTaT aVM
Vol, 18. No. 43.
MAY 9 1891.
up tome o! the ii&J
Red Cloud Nebr.
water warms plasaaiasj.
tmr twa slaera ssrik W. St J, asa.
Tsar acrvaal aasl Tailrr aller Tra
Albany, Kw York..
& 11
kg9 sBsvaafaaasasbjiL Afaaaaak fasa sMsaWasstf' UsbbbbW
eatr,Xr, tas hi-
sf fsiiiia.Sa
.at scitsU
U XM, m Jaif
i ww.sf Waastar
:iWialaTnaalirs-r, aassa
w aaaw
i aasaasi Jaarjr awaaa.
mLimammm m m
Z laaasaasSaj f Jafc. Mat. 1 a
V ! II
. .- '
zr.i- r