The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1891, Image 4

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FrMnyt Muy I, IStl.
Entered at tle J OMce In Ked Cloud, Neb.,
as mail m: ttrror the second class
M. II. "Bcntlcy was in Lincoln this
Rev. C. B. Lcnfcst was in the city
this week.
llev. E. J. Randall returned home
fiom Bluo Hill Wedneeday.
II. J. Brown will read the Great
Family "Weekly from this on.
J. II. Smith has gone to 3Iinneapo
lis where he expects to locate.
Marshal Eames is making the
rounds of the city repairing the side
walks. Miss Laura L. Smith has returned
from Norton, Kansas, where she has
been visiting friends.
Go to Wm. Zeluff, for a good hair
cut, shave, shampoo, or sea-foam, on
cast side Webster Street
T. C. Hacker, G. B. Chancy, A. II.
Kalcy and Al Galusha arrived home
from Lincoln Wednesday light.
Cotting has a few remnants of fine
gilt papers he is closing out very
cheap. It will pay you to see them.
Prices reduced on my entire stock
of ladies dress goods, notion, hosiery
laces, hamburgs, etc., at Mrs. F. New
Bcv. Dannenfeldt was a pleasant
caller one day last week and renewed
his allegiance to the Great Family
The ladies of tio M. E. church will
give a strawberry and ice cream social
at Ed. Perkins' old stand May 29.
All invited.
The Bed Cloud National Bank, S.
F. Spokcsfield and A. Iforhart arc
putting city water in front of their
business places.
F. V. Taylor has greatly increased
his stock of furniture, carpets, cur
tains &c, and won't be under sold,
call and sec him.
Just received the latest styles in
ladies snmmer wraps, black sattcens,
Challics black brilliantincs and gloves
at Mrs. F. Newhouse's.
Owing to the hard times and scare
ity of money I will sell goods at cost
and some below cost. Please call and
be convinced. Mrs. F. Newhouse.
Already some of our pert politicians
arc fixing up the slate for county offi
cials. It is our opinion that the re
publican party will have something to
say on the subject.
Services will be held in Grace
Church next Sunday, (White Sunday,)
at 10:150 a. ni., and 8, p. m. The Bcv.
Mr. Myers will officiate. Sunday
school at 3:30 p. m.
After years of experience we make
the intelligent care of the dead a
specialty, and are prepared to attend
all calls in the city or country . F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
Undertaking by F. V. Taylor who
has had yea.s of practical experince
in the scientific oare of 'the dead and
is better prepared than ever to eon
duct the business in all its branches.
Wm. Eames, marshal and street
I). Schcnck, night police.
T. J. Ward, water commissioner.
Harvey Vincent, engineer at the
water works.
Two little boys, Johnnie Parkes and
Gcorgic Bradshaw killed a rattlessako
the other da' four and a half feet
long on the Dave Kaley farm east of
the city. The little fellows are cer
tainly very brave.
If our people were not honored by a
visit from President Harrison, they
were by bis brother, who promenaded
the depot platform fifteen or twenty
minutes Tuesday evcnjng while eu
route to Oxford to see Tiis brother
E. J. Ovcring returned Tuesday
evening from Lincoln. While at
Liucoln he made a purchase of the
Lincoln marble and granite works.
As soon as they can the firm will take
possession of their new quarters and
with the increased facilities they will
be able to ' extend their operations
over a greater field.
The B. & M. folks should be more
careful in running their passenger
trains into the depot Wednesday
night the Hastings train arrived first
and the passengers began to alight
not knowing that the Kansas City
train was right back of them and an
accident was only averted by the
promptness of train hands who saw
the impending danger aad hustled the
people off the side track, just as the
train pulled into the depot at a six
mile rate or faster.
I. S. Bcal has just closed a contract
with the Stark nurseries of Louisana,
Mo., whereby he gets 1285 fruit trees,
absolutely free, to set out on his
farm north of the city, the company
only reserving the right to oae crop of
fruit in fifteen years. .The trees take
up seven and a half acres of ground
and under careful management will
become fine property. Mr. Beal has
christened his orchard the uJames G.
Blaine" and proposes to have fruit in
accordance with the name. Several
other fanners have received the trees
and will set them out in accordance
with the contract.
rM Baki nP
Uftd ia VEXBgt I iHooef 40 Years tie Standard.
New poods at Mis. McIJnih:.
Go to Deyo for fishing tackle.
Garden and flower seeds at Deyo's.
J. W. Smith has returned to New
castle. ' Sec the pretty pattern hats at .Mrs.
Nobbiest hats ix the city at Mrs.
Hon. W. A. McKcighan was in
Omaha this week.
Joe Warner is in Omaha as a Unit
ed States grand juror.
Base balls, bats, hammocks and
croquet sets at Deyo's.
W, S. Garbtr has been appointed
State bank examiner.
Fine window shades at Cotting's at
50 cents apiece complete.
The following are the new city offi
cers as appointed by the council:
J)ick Tinker, ex-mayor of Bed
Cloud, was in the city this week.
There is talk of a very prominent
marriage in our city in a few days.
Latest novelties in hats, ribbons
and flowers just received at Mrs.
Deyo has no old patterns of wall pa
per to work off. His stock is new and
C. B. Crone arrived home Wednes
day night from a trip to Hastings to
sec the president
The Lincoln mixed paint has proved
to be as good a paint as there is in the
market Cotting sells it.
A very lar;c number of our people
went to Hastings and Lincoln Wednes
day to see President Harrison .
The ladies of the W. B. C. will
have a box of fine floral offerings
from Lookout mountain for Memorial
Quite a large meeting was held in
this city last Saturday, preliminary to
organixing a Farmers' trust. It's a
great scheme.
0. P, Taylor and wife have returned
to South Omaha, after a visit with
Mr. J. Murray and wife, Mrs. Taylor's
mother and father.
We would suggest that the mer
chants of lied Cloud, each make a
tap of the city water mains, and help
keep things cool this summer crowd
their places of business.
There will bo no graduating exer
cises this year of our public school
students, as the board of education
has extended the term, in order to
conform to the state university rules.
The Bed Cloud base ball club, de
sire to return their thanks to the
citizens of this city, who so generous
ly donated of their funds towards
buying them a new suit.
The ladies of the W II C will serve
strawberries and ice cream tomorrow
(Saturday) night. Everybody come
and have a good time. The funis go
towards paying expenses of Memorial
The CniEF is firm in the belief
that the State is now in good hands
agaia that Gov. Thayer is at the
head of the gubernatorial department.
He has made an excellent governor
and will still continue to do so. He
ip fully alive to the important interest
of the state.
The eity council granted two sa
loon licenses at their Saturday night's
meeting. Morris Stern and M. S.
Marsh wcro the lucky fellows.
Marsh' opens up in the Bothrock
building, and Stern will open up in
the room just west of the Holland
House. There is some talk of one
more application for license
During the past fiscal year of our
city, the report shows that tho alder
man by their wise and economic ef
forts saved tho city about $2,200 as
compared with the preceding year.
That's what we have by electing our
best men to office. This year, the
council expect to save the city al
most twice that amount. Economy
is certainly the road to wealth.
Dr. J. W. Moranville has a very
fine horse' in his "Princa Arthur"
which is developing some fast trotting
qualities. The horse is a thorough
bred and comes from some of the best
stock in the country. He is a neatly
buiU animal, and although never in
but one race, where ten hersts were
entered, he came out third. The
horse is a beauty and is going to
make a fast record.
Dr. J, W. Moranville has leased the
fair grounds for the season closing the
last of September, during which under
his efficient management, thcro will
be a series of matinee races more
brilliant than this city has ever seen.
Those wishing to drive on the track
caa buy a season ticVet by applying
to the doctor at his office. We think
this is the best way to have the track
let Thca one person looks after it
in good shape. Let every one that
eajoys driving, patronize this enter
prise, so that when fair time comes
we will hava as fast a track as any of
our neighbors.
Ikey (yet
SB -BBBaaaaBBaW- BLBbV -aar"aa
SkmCvfs Son?.
First National Bank.
In tbe Stat of Nebraska, at the close of busi
ness. May 4, 1801.
Loansand discounts . 111,287 01
Overdraft)! 1,875 78
U.K. bonds to secure circulation 18,750 00
Stocks, securities, Judgments, claims,
&c 17,735 33
Due f r'm approved reserve )
agents 13,835 T2 13,534 80
Due from other Nat Banks 99 OS )
Real estate, furniture autt fixtures 12,500 00
utuer real estate and mortgages owned l.s-O ,, i
Current expenses and taxes paid 1,71!) 11
rreiinums paiu. on u. n.iuonus
Checks ana other cash items 89 05 ")
wins oi outer i-anai 364 w
Fractional papec currency,
nickels and cents G5 3t
Specie -, 1,310 00
luteal tender note 500 00
Redemption fund wlthU.H.trea
(iperceut.of circulation)
2,334 39
843 23
Total 183,418 51
Capital stock paid in 75.000 oo
Surplus fund 9,000 00
Undivided profits 3.899 00
National Bank notes outstanding 1G,5 ou
Individual deposits subject )
to check 911.813 33V 43.099 CO
Demand certificates deposit 31,250 17)
Notes and IHlls Redlscounted 10,544 95
Dills payable 25,000 00
Total gl83,8 51
State of Nebraska. County of Webster, ss.
I, L. H. Fort, Cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment Is true to tne best of my knowledge and
belief. L. II. Fokt, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th
day of May, 1891. D, B. St'ANom.E,
Notary l'liLllc.
Correct Attest:
.1. A, Tulusys. Directors
.11. i. juj.mi, 1
It. V.
Gnrdcn Seed
Of the best lot in the city. When
in want of anything in this line re
member Perkins & Mitchell's old
stand one door south of Miner Bros.
It is qnite the fashion now to take Do
Witt's Little Early Risers for liver,
stomch and bowel disorders. They are
small pills, bat mighty aood ones. o. x..
cotting sells them.
Fashion and decency should bo always
on good terms.
Purefies the blood, increaes the circula
tion, expels poisonous humors and builds
up the system. What mere do yon want a
medicine to perfom? De Witt's Sarsapa
rilla is reliable 8old byC. L. Cotting.
However great some men's abilities are
their liabilities are always greater.
Very popular, very small, very good.
De Witt's Little Early Risers, the pill for
constipation, biliousness, sickhtadache.
For salo by C. L. cotting, Druggist.
A man is frequently known by the
company he keeps out of.
A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet
beath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure
blood and good health result from the
use of DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. It is sold
by 0. x.. cotting.
Strange that a round dozen should be
a square dozen.
Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism, and
most diseases originate fronfSmpuro
blood. Cleanse it, improve it, pnrefy it
with De Witt's Sarsaparilla and health ia
restored, strength regained. Sold by 0.
L cotting.
When tho painters strike they don't
brush up matters a bit
If food sours on the stomach, digestion
is defective. De Witt's Little Early
Risers will remedy this. Tho famous
littla pills that nevr gripe and never dis
appont. Bold by C. L. Cottitg.
There is one good thing about your
last years straw hat. It fits.
De Witt's Little Early Risers never
gripe or cause nausea 1 ill bii s ure,
assist rather than force. Best little pill
for sick headache, chronic constipation,
dyspepsia. Sold by c. spotting.
''Some men can't stand suspense," as
the philosopher Baid when he witnessed
a hanging.
co nstfpaton, blood.poison, fever! Doc
tors' bills and funeral expenses cost about
two hundred dollars; DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cost a quarter. Take yonr
choice. For sale by c l cotting.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cat torla.
Farm hands, inquire of G. A Lat
ta, Cowles, Neb. tf
Flour of both winter and spring
wheats groceries and garden seeds.
First door south of Miner Bros.
C. M. Myers, Prop.
M. Wilson, Ag't
Warn lifer waa sfck, we cave her Castoria.
Whea ate was a Cfcfld, she cried f or Gutoria.
Wbea sfee becaae Mira, sb choc to Cutorfe.
Itch on human and horsea and all ani
mals cured in 30 minutaa by Woolford'e
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold
by L. H. Devo, drnggit,Red Cloud.
Backlera'a Aralcea Salve
The Beat Salve is the world for cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, 8alt Rheum, fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Coras, aad all other Skia Eruptions,
and positively cares piles, or no pay re
quired. It is gaaraateed to give perfect
aatisf aetiea er aaoaey ref aaded. Price 25
oeats per box. For sale by L.H.Deyo.33
To our frieids and patrons. Owing
to our removal to ike city of Lincoln
aad our subsequent purchase of one of
the works in that city, compels us for
a short tiaae to postpone some of the
orders given to us ia this vicinity, but
with our increased facilities for doing
work we shall he able ia a short time
to falSIl all orders already intrusted to
our care. We shall ia the futare use
in the push exercise the saute care and
attention to oar work, aad every ad
vantage gained by oar r tuoval will be
shared wi'h our pa rims. Wc solicit
a share of your patroaage.
Siacareiy years,
Bori V Oauusg.
Just the sane,
A Wonder Worker.
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of
Burlington Ohio, states that he bad been
under the care of two prominent phy
sicians, and used their treatment untu ne
was not able to get around. They pro
nounced his case to bo Consumption, and
incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption
Coughs and colds and at that time waa
not able to walk across the street without
resting. He found, before he had used
half of a dollar bottle, that he was much
better; he continued to use it and is to
day enjoying good health. If you have
any Throat, Lumr or cheat Trouble try it.
We euarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle
free at L. II. Deyo's drugstore. 5
Honesty is the best, policy, because it
is the only policy which insures against
loss of character.
Electric Bitten.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special
raeution. All who have used Electric
Bitters sing the same song of praise. A
purer medicine does not exist, and it is
guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of
the Liver nnd Kidneys, will remove Pimp
les, Boils, Salt Rheum and other effections
caused by impure blood. For cure ot
Headache, constipation and Indigestion
try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded, Price
suets, and $1.00 per bottle at L. H.
Doyo's drugstore. 6
Tho man who has no ear for music
may be able to hear plainly, yet he is
tone deaf.
Miles' crvc and Liver Pills.
Act on a now principle regulating the
liver, stomach aud bowels through the
nerves. A now discovery. Dr. Miles
pills speedily euro bilousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Un
equaled for men, women, children. Small
est, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25 ctH
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
She Wiin Sick But Twenty Min
ute. Siv years have jiasscd sinco my first confine
ment, at which I have siUIcred both loujr ami
intensely. This tunc, although 1 had useil bi't
one bottlo of ''Mother's ifrieml," I suffered
scarcely any pain, and was not sick more than
twenty minutes, aud Uid not afterwards exper
ience that weakness usual in such ca.tes.
Mi;m. Anhic Uace Lamau, Missouri, January
IS, 1801.
I Have, as Yoa Kaow,
been selling Ilradllcld's Female KeKulator for
years and hao had a steadily increaMnr de
mand for it; it kivcs the very best satisfaction.
I frequently sell it to physicians, who use it in
their practice with the most satisfactory re
sults. It. Thomas, M. 1).,
42-4t ValuosUi.Ua.
Go to Morliart'n.
He has the finest line of stoves
ever seen in the city. He has the
celebrated Garland cook and heaters,
and a full line of others equally as
good. Hardware at the very lowest
figures for cash. Do not buy stoves
or hardware until you see me. Opera
house block. Webster street.
Mother's Friend.
Is tho greatest blesslnc over offered chlld-brar-
inn women. I ha e been a midwife many years
and in each case when Mother's Friend has
been used, it h as accomplished wonders and
relic ed much sntferlnR. It is tho best remedy
for rislnir of the breast known, ami worth tlie
m-ice for that alone. Mns. M. A. BaawsTKR.
Moutnoinery, Ala.
Ilradllcld's Female ItreHlator
should be used by the young woman, she who
.suffers from anv disorder peculiar to her sex,
anil at chance of life is a powerful tonic; bene
fits all w ho uso It. Sold by all druggists. 42-4t
Children Cry for
Fleer's Castorla.
To all whom it may concern.
The couunUtsioner appoiuted to locate a road
commeucing at the southwest corner of sec
tion twenty-seven, town three, range twelve,
west: running thence north between section 27
and S, thence notth between section 21 and 22,
thence north between section 15 and 1G, taeucc
north between section 0 and 10. thenco north
between secllou 3 and 4 on tno line as estab
lished by a surrey mado by the county surveyor
of Webster county, and completed on the 9ta
day ot May, ISM, to the north line ot town 3,
range 12, has reported in favor of the establish
ment xnereor. anu aji oojrcuons uieiciu, ur
claims for damage must bo filed in the county
clerk's office on or before noon tho 12th day of
June, 1891. or such road will be established
without reference thereto.
- 4t II. I). HAWKEY.
County Clerk.
Q. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and I,oan Age1,
Red Cloud.
UDOR- Lessens rAlv
Wffl!5HES2ANGni TOLff-
FB SaLC alTC. fu CtnifS
3 at M aa A V m -M -rcy . -vahfaf I sM Haf
l OJtTFJis-CfaTii &LW&5S
. V ; -
Come sure, and we will make it
Miles T. Hayes'
Patent - Collar
For sale by J. O. BUTLER
Red Cloud, ISuckeye
Harness shox.
aaaasi -mBBaaaaaaaaaaaiQBBaS.
.M M? WjaaaaaaaaW
14aaaaaaaTC-af aaaaaaaV ,
tSsaaaaaaaVrsai? WaaaaaaT i .
tn BBUsBaS-r5riL. aaaaaaar'
t. TaL?FiaaaaaaBS'
jaaaWaaaaar-S.acJ----J,rl- aBBBBBBBBBBBaVBBB?'
BMSv :siiHJ '
3aaaaTaaa&!ijv.-aaaaaaT .
Red Cloud,
S ?L ''i T" r-A f"-T r-oct:l
Tr1 - .. wr
rxa.- cirt-rr!" '"vra
Tmr aaUckijr
rrAaaaaaaaaaavsaaaV) f
. J
Everything in black piece goods at CUT PRICES.
On Saturday, May 16th, 1891.
Just received the largest and best line of
Cannot afford to buy poor goods because they are cheap.
The Cincinnati Shoe tore
Goat Grain
Pebble Goat
French Kid
McKay sewed
Goodycir Welts
Goodjcar turns
hand tarns.
Plain or Patent Leather Tips,
Button, Lace or
Opeta or Common
Sense Lasts
All Widths
AH Sizes
1 .50 to $6
Rubbers and Rubber Boots,
Hunting Boots, Plow Shoes.
Remember the
JLuiuber Co
and Coal.
Cballel Xrtfafc Mtc
Notice U bret7 aire tJt try xirtax ot
rsattel sort-ace ot4 oi t&p 2Sta oar vtJ&T.
1B. aad dBlritat te tfce oAVv oftae sutr
ricrtc r4 Wettr coast y. Xfef-Ma. gnva aa 4
cxmfed trr CeoT lral aa4 C&atV L. IV
ta ytehttii & 9fcepara Ctwapaay ttik
Banarat U. ttfw crrtaia titumtmari so "pi
Sdvv-alfraatfGce. Deal mm Caaa. C IrI V
for ta msi af-sU each, aaa tenttV; iscaf
Peccasivr. tW: aaahelstof Dtrtmtmr. urn.
w ta lat of IlBWt n. im TtrTlirtj . am
vaiai a aosn ttrre i aa aae taMietf
auSmiUtatrTratattf-afvr rt limm JatjX,
im. unxsgi aatag rc sraae ta a ayiagx
ec eaca aaa aa ar aua sbsp vacrnarc
dtUea or mU SMrtaaaa hat
ISa-iTtfec arevrrtr fa
rrjrd tM: ifftm bim nwwhciiMih.t
ia -
IXo. aaci baBt ay yichala st Hawaaj-4 Ga.,aatset
ccrrfc. kkto. xa trackv acMa. asraw
'teT, aa4 aa titana aa4 a-frw lriwtca
er UJmc a tan mm z mamli hwnm wtw,
'h-fora f. sk tracks svvria. taasfcttac
p.i. ferai tM. aa4 a talvrrs as4
apareiUcec -vHb ar tfteJorc g U lit
. ss. paaac ax isa aara.;
flfW raoaty. Xthniti. c ta aaa
diTKObr. MM.a(3'ciBck c as. a(aU 4mf
T.j Casacy - aTiaa. I VM
interesting for you.
J.J. Ducker.
c-eokgi: KriTir
mev mioi:.
) McKay sewed
Frenah Calf f Welts
I "
Dongola j Hand Sewed
Pari?), London or Globe
Congress, Button
Or Lace
Plain or Cap Toe
All Widths, All
1 .50 to $6
Freach Toilet
Shoe Dressing
Fine Custom Work and Repairing
Place for Honest and
Cash Grocery House
Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables. First Class
Coqds Only. Come and see me
The Cash Grocer.
M. B. McXitt Pre. -Hxset CLA-axi,Vi-Pre. L. II. e7, Caaakf
Klup A Ssixrr, AMittaat Cukicr
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Traajact a geaera aaakia anaaa, fcaj aa4 H taJj varraAU. Im
m9tj, areeiact aad ekal dutrici Wa-aa. Bay tail inin exrkaar
Ja. Mc.N'eay. J. A.Tlley, L. II. fart JL V. falrry.
JA.a ULSairej. K. W. BigalaO.
fUnrr Drke, A. J. Keaj.
31 U. McXilC
tstsii aa
V . T!fiAB
HMI ml ta fM. , r "l m J
HIM, A.M) (JRi:i:.'s
;niMKi:.v ftiior..
Oil Grain
Dry Grain
Pebble Goat
Kangoroo J
Plain or Cp Toe
Climax back
Solid Counter and
Fino line of litby'a
Oc to $2
All Ooo-Jfl
a Spccialt.
Good Goock !
Blakisli; & Hatch.
taaaaaaaa tjl
a a a) sjri a
I. W. TrfXEYft, JL at.
aiaaaatr rkfalcla.
aaesi a.isiaiat
" Tt taafTifi-r