THE CHIEF Friday, Jlny 9, 101. Entered at tins I s: Olllce in Kcd Cloud, Neb., as mat' ni..jliTOf the second class EIJXTRIC SPARKS. Go io "W'ie. Zeluff, for a good :iaii cat, shave, shampoo, or sea-foam, on cast side Webster Street Mrs Pred Frasc of Cheyenne, Wyo., and children, is visiting -with her par ents, G W Baker and wife of Ainboy. Cottiug has a few remnants of fine gilt papers he is closing out very cheap. It will pay you to sec them. llemember that The Chief has the best seleotion of horse cuts in the city, and bills printed at hard times prices. Prices reduced on my entire slock of ladies dress goods, notion, hosiery laces, hamburgs, etc., at Mrs. F. New house's. Soon the elephant will pack his trunk preparatory to going on his ppring travels with the funny man of the circus. Wiener has received his'new stock of hats, good wool hats at 25cts. Also the latest styles of spring hats in every grade. F. V. Taylor has greatly increased his stock of furniture, carpets, cur tains &c, and won't be under sold, call and sec him. The best is the cheapest, so accept no cheap grade of white lead, but go to Dcyo's and get the Collier or South ern, the best made. Just received the latest styles in ladies snmmer wraps, black sattcens, Challics black brilliantincs and gloves at Mrs. F. Ncwhouse's. Owing to the hard times and scare ity of money I will sell goods at cost and some below cost. Please call and be convinced. Mrs. F. Newiiouse. Mens suits strong and sightly can be bought at Winner's at $2.75 worth $3.50 and from that up, bargains in all grades of goods bought this season. After years of experience we make the intelligent care of the dead a specialty, and arc prepared to attend all calls in the city or country. F. V. Taylor, funeral director. The district court has adjourned af ter having disposed of many cases. For the last few years the tendency has been towards increasing the num ber of cases rather than the reverse. Undertaking by F. V. Taylor who has had yca.s of practical experince in the scientific care of the dead and is better prepared than ever to con duct the business in all its branches President Harrison will be in Has tings on the morning of the 13th and a large number of our people will go up there to see him. President Harrison is one of our wisast presi dents. F. P. Shields of Blue Hill is making one of the best papers in the state out of his "Leader."' lie has done much for Blue Hill. He always talks busi ness and recently gave the independ ent party tomc good advice. G J Warren has again leased the Argus, this time to Frank Potter and Will McMillian. The boys will be rustlers and the Great Family Weekly will pronounce its benediction upon their heads and wish them success. C. icner has just returned from the east, where he has used every effort known to him in his long ex perience as a merchant to buy goods cheap so as to help those needing any jjoods in his line to obtain theni at hard time prices. The city council met Wednesday night, and Mayor McNitt and th new councilraen were inducted into office and the old officers retired. This is the first time in several years that Bed Cloud has had a republican mayor, and .surely now the city ought to boom. Hope it will. Thcro sLould be organized just as soon as possible in this city, an 'Irri gating Company" for the purpose iof furnishing water for our farmers. Irrigation is the great panacea for the Valley and is the only legitimate source of insuring a successful har vest where rain is comparatively un certain. Let our capitalists proceed at ouce and provide a big ditch that water may be supplied to all our farmers. Who will tako the first step in the premises? There has been a habit by some of aking flowers, and shrubbery from the graves in our cemetery, without permission, attd otherwise desecrating the lafct resting place of those we love. It is a shame that people who have the "semblanetv of the form Divina" should be so lost to all de cency that they will stoop so low as to rob the graves of the feiv decora tions that have been placed thereon by loving hands. It is wokc than criminal in its nature, and if found 'they should be severely punished. YV. Used iiilfillions of "Homes DRPRICES sajsra. -Mjaja'av-afrSaaa, ..aaaf gaaw tv! HK Lm I aav 0n lv P-Sl 1 1.1? ! :J LOCAL DRIFT. 'Tis Mayor AJcXitt. 'Jul Bailey is in Ohio. s L U Deyo was in Lincoln this week Read T. C. Hacker's new advertise ment. P. W. Shea of Beatrice was in the city this week. llanncy McNitt has been appointed a notary public. K F Highland and wife have re turned to Denver. L II Deyo has moved into the Mitchell property The "Pig Social" last Friday night was a grand success. Attorney McNitt was in Nelson this week on business R V Shirey returned from Ogden this week on business. The spring crop of wheat is looking fine all over the county. Mrs L H Deyo, is home from her extended visist in Ohio Mr WillianiB of Ashland, Neb., was in Red Cloud this week. Mrs R V Shirey and family have departed for Ogden, Utah E F Highland was in Red Cloud this week Ed looks natural The street sprinkler is now making the daily rounds of our streets. Geo Whitson has moved into the houso lately occupied by L II Deyo Anson Higby is home from Taconia, Washington. He reports a pleasant time. No saloon licenses have been grant ed as yet, but there will be we pre sume. Geo Holland ia in the city from not Snrincrs. Ark. Geo. looks hale and hearty. Elmer Kaley of Lincoln, was in the city this week waxing hale and hearty He likes Lincoln. Mrs. 0. P. Taylor of Omaha, aud baby, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. Murray. You ought to hear the lion "roar when the elephant "packs its trunk" to some secluded spot. The Modern Woodmen arc getting upon a firm foundation and bids fair to be a grand organization. M. W. Dickcrson & Co., have been making some large shipments of eggs this week, both cast and west. Mrs. A. 0. Fuller, wife of the gen ial landlord of the Holland House, is visiting in Jewel county, Kansas. Mrs. Adam Saladcn died on Wednesday and was buried Thursday. She lived on her farm near Amboy. Andy Warner was in the city this week. Andy reports business in fine shape in Lincoln and his firm doing well. J W Smith, of Newcastle, Wyo. was m the city this week. Mr. Smith reports business in nice shape in his country. MissLillic Smith, daughter of Mr. E. B. Smith, has gone to Lincoln, Neb., for the purpose of completing her musical education. If the gentlemen who writes the annonymous letters to certain parties will make their names known perhaps they might receive an-onswer. Congressman McKcighan and family move to Red Cloud this woek, and will be located in one of the Forrester houses on 4th avenue The fire department was out Weducsday night and done some good practice work. The department is be coming more efficient every day. J. F. Hallenbeck, president and treasurer of the Farmers Lumber Company, was in the west this week on business, and returned Wednes day. The W. R. C. will give a social on Saturday evening, May 10, at K. of P. hall. Everybody cordially invited. Proceeds to be expended for Decora tion day. The Chief looks forward to a peri od of prosperity for Red Cloud dur ing the coming four or five months, if people can be induced to emigrate to this section. Read the new advertisement of IX. M. Martin & Son's in another column of this issue. They are making big inducements to cash buyers. Call aud sec them. The little friends of Grace White gave her a pleasant surprise party on the occasion of her tenth birthday last Monday afternoon. The little folks had a nice time. Two gentlemen named Moody and Sankey registered at the Holland the other day. Whether these two men were the great evangelists or not we are unable to say. Selah! On last Saturday afternoon the lit tle friends of Lora McNitt gathered at her father's residence, the occasion ho lier tenth birthday. A very pleasant time was had by the little folks. Powder. 40 Years tie Standard. LOCAL PUFFS. New goods at Mrs. McBride. Go to Deyo for fishing tackle Garden and flower seeds at Deyo 'a. Sec the pretty pattern hats at Mrs. McBride's. ' Nobbiest hats ix the city at Mm. McBndc's. Base balls, bats, hammocks and croquet sets at Deyo'g. Fine window shades at (Jotting's at 50 cents apiece complete. Latest novelties in hats, ribbons and flowers just received at Mrs. McBridc's. Remember Wiener carries a stock of shoes, and that he will mndcrael any one in that line. Talking about pants Wieners, is selling a good strong article at 75 eta. to $1.50 worth from $1 to $2. Deyo has no old patterns of wall pa per to work off. His stock is new and fresh. The Lincoln mixed paint has proved to be as good a paint as there is in the market. Cotting sells it. Wiener is offering a big bargain in plow shoes at prices ranging from 75 centp to $1.25 worth from $1 to $2, D. S. Viers of Norton county, Kan sas, an uncle of S B Viers, of Guide Rock, was a pleasant caller this week. Jackson, the man who was brought from the Missouri penitentiary to Red Cloud on the charge of disposing of mortgaged property, got clear this week in the district court, the prosecu tion failing to "stick him" on some technicality. Boyd & Overing the marble men have decided to move their marble business to Lincoln. These two men hayc made numerous friends while here, who will be sorry to hear of their decision to move to Lincoln. " They seemed to be doing a good business in this city. T. C. Hacker has opened up his old stand again to the people of Red Cloud, and proposes to be found at all times with a largo stock of fine gro ceries. He needs no recommendation as he is well known in this city as a first class grocer. The Chief wishes him success. President Dickcrson of the Red Cloud base ball club informs a CHIEF reporter that it is the intention of the club to uniform in a few days, and then will give notice to the out side clubs that they must "play ball" or take a back scat. The boys mean business and from the timber in the club we believe they will get there this season. Bcnard McNcny, brother of Attor ney J as McNcny of this city, was ad mitted to the bar as a full fledged lawyer this week, in Judge Gashn's court The Chief congratulates the young man and wishes him success in his researches with Blackstonc and the great legal luminaries whom he will hayc to tusscl with in the days to come, all of which he is fully able to do The President nt Hastings. President Harrison will be at Has tings Wednesday morning next, at 7 o'clock. It is proposed to run a spec ial train from Red Cloud, leaving here at about five in the morning, provid ing a sufficient number desire to go. In order to secure the train at least a hundred passengers at a fare and a third must be guaranteed. If we se cure the train action must be taken at once and those who wish to go will please leave their names at the post office or with Agent Conovcr at the depot. a - Lost. Patent end gate to Bainc wagon nearly new. Finder will please re turn same to W. W. Gilbert, Red Cloud. Lost between Red Cloud and A. Saladcn's old farm. Wanted Farm hands, inquire of G. A Lat ta, Cowlcs, Neb. tf i . m m Notice to Teuckers. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers ofthc public schools of this county, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each month. D. M. IIunteu, County Supt.' 9 a . Flour of both wia'cr and spring wheat, groceries and garden seeds. First door south of Miner Bros. C. M. Myers, Prop. M. Wilson, Ag't For Sale Cheap. A good Columbia bicycle. Apply at this office. '- i a a i Itch on human and horsea and all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. If. Deyo, drugKtstKed Cloud. Nebraska state shooting Tourna ment, Lincolu, Neb.. June 3-6, 1891. Agents in Nebraska may sell tickets to .Lincoln June 1-G inclusive, J. M. Murleck will sign certificates. Sixth Annual meeting Nebraska Funeral Directors association, Lin coln, Neb., June 9-10, 1891. Agent in Nebraska may sell tickets to Lin coln Jnnc 6-10 inclusive, James Hca ton, sec'y, will sign certificates. Second annnal convention. Ne braska state business men's associa tion, Omaha, Neb., May 19-31, 1891 Agents in Nebraska may sell tickets to Omaha, May 16-21 inclusiye, B. T. Hodgin will sign certificates. A. Coxoym, Agt. Chautauqua Circle The chautauqua circle will meet with 3Irs. J. C Warner Moadav even ing, May 11. 1891. PROGRAM 1ST WKK. Rollcall Answered by pithy sayings from French authors. Questions from Chautauquan for 1st aud 2d week. Reading Madame Dr. Scvigae C.L. Cottiug. Table talk Literary Kturlaad ma- der the Guelfs Led by Mrs. Kalef. j 0A Jtotoilw&Mwwqtstf . r-u IK . -. . mil Htf t r s " m am ii-i An jaman aim 5tilr JTMuT 1 1 Hm a. awi fi aaa aaa. -gs aa Jm a am II fflCC a ejgmgy a ,.s i-n.i7--jraMiSlS?twoif SantaClausSoar , BY N. K.Fai rban CUT THIS OUT. If you buy to worth of goods of C. Wiener for cash and present this slip you will receive in return 25 cents. Not good after July 1st, 1891. Garden Seeds Of the best lot in the city. When In want of anything in this line re member PerkinB & Mitchell's old stand one door south of Miner Bros. WImb Babr waa sick, we gave ber Caaoria. Wkaa absvaa a Child, aha cried for CaatorU. Whan ifae became Mbs, aho dun to Cutoria. be ted CbJldrea, aba gave tkan Catferi FOR HARDWARE A. STOVES Go Io Norhart'a. He has the finest line of stoves ever eeen in the eity. He has the celebrated Garland cook and heaters, and a full line of others equally as good. Hardware at the very lowest fieurcs for cash. Do not buy stoves or hardware until you sec mc. Opera house block, Webster street. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla. Now Try Tills. It will cost you nothing and will aurely do you good, if you havo a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, cheat, or lu nge. Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs, and colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money pnid back. SutTerem from la grippe found it juBt the thing, and under its use had a perfect recover'. Try a sample bottle at our expense, and see for yourself just how good n thing it in. Trial bottle free at L. H. Deyo's, Drug Storo.. Large size 50c. & 81. .'J Old-fashioned neckwear Hemp. Special an Conch. S.H.Clifford, NowCassel vVis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatiHtn hU Btomach was disordered, his appetite fell nway, and ho was terribly reduced ia flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bittera cared him. Edward Shepherd, ITnrrisbnrg, III., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bncklen's Arnica Salre, and his leg is sound and well. Sold by L, H. Deyo's Drug store. 3 Two sides to it Tho jaunting carj, The Greatest Strike. Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New Heart Cnre has proven itself to be one of the moat important. The demand for it has became astonishing. Already the treatment of heart disease is being revolutionized, and many unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath, flattering, pains in side, arm, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and Nervous Diseases, free. The unequaled New Heart Care is sold and guaranteed by C. L. Coiting, also his Re storative Nervine for hoadache, fits, sprees hot flashes, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. A Have their annual opening Canals. Will Be Given Away. Our enterpising druggist C. L. Cotting who carries the finest stock of drugs, per fumeries, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, ect., are gxvng away a large number of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Re storative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostra tion, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, ect. Druggists ear it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is universally satisfactory. They also gaar entee Dr. Hues New Heart Care in all cases of nervouB or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on "NeiTou and Heart Dis eases" free. 4 Children Cry for . wchcrs Castorla. Wort k Hundreds ef Dallam. M wife used only two bottles ot "Mothers rriend" before her confinement. Says she would not be without It or hundreds of dollars. Iiaci not nair a much trouble xi before. Dock Miles, Liacoln Tamil, La. old by all drug gists. Woman has been compelled to suSer. not only her own ills, but those arising from a want of knowledge on the part ot those with whom he is connected. In the mansions of the rich and the hovels of the poor, woman has bcu aline the patient victim of ills unknown to man. But now the hour of her redemption has come. Uradfleld's Kemale Regulator cures all dis eases peculiar to her sex. Sold by all drug gists. 37-lt The last 6hoee. is never first in marking Weaiaa'a Health aad Life depends more on regularity on any or all caus es combined An actual or living death Is the result of derangement ot the functions which makes woaua what she is; iaumlute relief Is tbeoulr saf etruard agalast wreck aad mi a. Id ail eases of stoppage, delay, palatal or other irregularities Bradfleld's Female Keynbttor is tkeoaly sura reaxdy. Sold by all dratxlsts. I used three botuesof Mothers Friend." aad when I was sick I never went to bed until 12 39, aad asy boy was Bum at 3 a. m. with scarcely any pain. I wiO do all I caa in mom needing it to expectant mothers. Tear tfcaak tal friend. Mrs. IS. F. Waltcrtia, Marion. O. Septum 3T-K Away up in art The ceiling freaooer. afackleaa Araleea Salve The Beat Silvs in the world for ewU, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bsewam. fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Clulblaiac, Coras, aad all other Bkia Erapaoas, aad positively cares pScs, or bo pay ra qaired. It is goaraateed to give perfect satisfaction or mosey reloaded. Pries S5 eeats per box. For sale by L. H. DeyS3 Not expensive, but high liberty caps. cs' Serve aad Itrcr PIHa. Act ob a sew principle regwtatiavr tae liver, stomach aad bevels Utrvagh ike A new discovery. Dr. Maee' bBs speedily ear bOoasaes. fed tara, torpid liver, aJUs, eoasuaauoa. TJa eaaalsd for aaea, woatea, eaitdrsw- SataU si, amSdosi, earest! MdosoStSSeta Children Ciy for Pitcher Oattorta. m cnucuiooa, . sny recollection receJkiimioviev .soFtmtyrgTOpoltsoF . , green DifiwoofiV a eCflffi- bq? since departed, we pray ana we Mpe; Jlieuseofjljesfoff'ganco ware aaa to larjsfuisrt As 6001 as tey offered xw US k o Co., C h ic ago. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa DO YOU WANT? T Save Fron 25 to 50 cents on ' Ever)' Dollar You Spend ' If so, write for our illustrated cat-, alogue, containing illustrations and prices of everything manfacturcd in the United States, at manufacturers' prices. 10,000 illustrations, all lines represented. Catalogue mailed free on application. Address: Chicago General Supply Co., 178 wcBt Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Some antiquarian has turned his eyes backward forty years, impelled by tho charges of extrnvnKanco mado against the president becnuso lie In travelling over the country on a special train. lie rinds that the luxury of travel at present does not begin to reach tho pitch of ex travagance which prevailed when tho first Harrison undertook his in augural journey to Washington. Lines of steamboats luxuriously appointed and profusely decorated woro pressed into service for this great occasion, and trains of special stage coaches awaited tho pleasure of tho new president through his entire journey. Largo crowds at tended the party and the trip from be ginning to end resembled in many re spects tho progress of a conqueror. Tito present trip is modestly itself compared with that journey. State Journal. It is quite the fnnliton now to tnko De Witt's Littlo Errly Kimim (or liver, stomch and bowel disorders. They nre small pills, but mighty good otn n. c. v. cotting sells thum. The phrase, "Tho sound of tho grind ing is low," must havo originated when the merry-go-round was invented. Purcfies tho blood, increaes the circula tion, expels poisonous humors nud builds up tho system. What imuo do yon waut a medicine to porfom? De WittV Snrsnpa rilla is reliable Sold byC. L. Cotting. The woight of tho world is short ac cording to some merchants. Very popular, very small, very good. De Witt's Little Early Kisors. tho pill for constipation, biliousness, Hick tundnche. For sale by C. L. cotting. Druggist. Tho egg is hardly n coquettish airair at any time, but there is no denying that in this gay spring time, it is full of chic. A beautiful skin, bright eyes, ttwcot beath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of DoWitt'a Barsnpnrilla. It is sold by o. l. cotting. Don't lo6e Bight of nn honorable enemy; hell mnko a good friend. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism, and most diseases originato from impure blood. Clcnnso it, improve it, purcfy i. with De Witt's Sarsnparilla and health is restored, trongth regained. Sold by c. L' cotting. No mnn ever yet minded his own busi ness who didn't got into trouble. If food sours on tho stomach, digestion is defective. DeVitt' Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous littlj pills that novr gripe and never dis appont. Sold by C. I. Cottit,g. Don't call a spado a spado when it is a shovel. Do Witt's Littlo Early Riipe or causo nausea 1 Risers never 1 t ; ure, assist rather than force. Hest little pill for sick headache, chronic constipation, dyspepsia. SoK' by c.L.cotting. A walking delegate Tho messenger boy. cons'ipaton, blood-poison, fever! Doc tors' bills and funeral expenses cost about two hundred dollars; DeWitt's Little Early Risers cost a quarter. Take your hoi ce. For sale by o. r. cotting. WANTED. Salary, $'J5 per Woek. Wanted: Good Agents to sell our general line of merchandise, dling. Above salary will be "live" agents For further No ped paid to informa- tion, addre.-: Chicago Genkral Sitply Co., 178 west Van Burcn St., Chicago, 111. Takc Xolicc Mary A. Statton and Martha )L Mont gomery. You are hereby notified that ob the 10th day of July lSs'.. I purchased the following described lot to-wit in the village of Guide Rock Lot 1. block 1'.' in Webster County Nebraska. Taxed in the name of Hary A , Statton and sold for the delinquent tax for the year 18S7, by the county treasurer of debater county, amount $9.03 and if not redeened on or before July 10th. 1891, I will make application for a treasurer's tax deed. M. Banc. By L. Bitnr, Agent. Chattel Mart cage Sale. Xotice b hereby jdren thJ ly rlrto of a chattel anrtzare dated on the 2ttU dar of Julr. ISO. aad dalr filed tn the office of the couutv clerk of Webster coc&ty. NtraUea. area aad exeeated by Choree Lx-jJ an4 Charles L. ival toKaets9&errti coapany tn secure use paraeBt of t&ree certain proiaistory cotes EiTKibysaJdGeo. Ieal and Cha. L. IVrat Ut said Mchols 4c Shepard Co.. Aul JuirC, ism, far tkwsuai of 1215 each, and dneontae ltof Deeeabcr, imo. oo tis 1st of Decemrr. JifiO; ew the la of December. 1301 rcpecilTttr; oa walea said aoUs there U sow dee tae tan of ISC wttn Interest a: ti per cent frees JaJy 3c, IssL Default Baric- been aade In the psratrst sf each aa all of aaid Botes wherefore tlx cos dKtosi of Mid isortc hare len broken, we wtu sriJ the property la said nvartcanr def atted towtt: One srain -pam:r roaplete. , 'o. asfS bK by Nichols ic MTvd Co.. KatUe crecc. aicjucaa. vita trucks, reite. itrxvr stacker, and aS Ixtnres and aroedase tnlh or beJoac a So the anre. oae K hsr potr , sssyiefe. pwr rrar. o.t czz tram iT xtxh k aeasrd fn. wits truck.. snrer. rmsbUtt: sraae runs asa aii six.crtj ax- with Or txlonrinz to tir at rwlse Je at cw Kwk. Webster ceeatr. Nebraska, oa th- 2h davaf May. !.at2e'eJoeX p.-M ar BatrMay3.UBi. xrrto X acrAe C ByCfeaaeyA-areMK. it's attorn?; s. W. TCT.LEYS,3I. . Baawalfcle PUjwrUn, Ctaa, Xcferaaata. SMXMite First XMiarad Hank. U. Tl Xraavtafnr isrs oa. OawaK disease tr;iet or -nil! Cannot afford to buy poor jjoocU because thvy art- cheap. Tt Cincinnati Shoe tore JOIIX STKOOTHA.VS I.AIlt' IIO. Goat Grain , McKav sewed Donj:ola Goodyear Welts Pebble Goat ( Goodyear turns French Kid J hnd turns. l'lain or Patent Leather Tips, Button, Lace or Congress Opcta or Common Sense Lata All Widths All Sizes 1 .50 to $6 or Kubbcrs and Rubber Roots, Hunting Boots, Plow Shoe. Remember the Kucrcsaora to WAIl.VEK A: WOLFAGCH. lJY5TtlJlTrOM . IF TAKEN nuntNr. cuclhc.t (r t rw 1 GmwmfzwwujseM&ti fvr?XMrh&iz5j ATLANTA. GA. FOR SALE BY . I.. COTTl.G raiccuiMrro with the woaurwr or tms tomrnni etTta much mvmt hrotwrtca raoa ituct or rws hip cr m Tbo Dtnct Route to and from Calcsfo, Jell ft, Ottiwa, FcortA, La Stilt. UoUar, Rock I(hul. la ILLINOIS t Dtrtsport. MuKstlsr, Ottumws, OtkaJoc, Ztt Molntf, Wlnttrwt, Audubon, IIrUn and Coancft BlaA. In IOWA Mla&ttpolls and St. Taul, In MIX KE.SOTA; W'atcrtoirn u4 Slotjx Falli. la DAKOTA: Cxmtron, St. Joarph And Kaom Cr. In MISSOURI j Osuha, Unroln. Fitrburjr ao1 Ntlnn. tn KEBRABKA t AtchUon, LfATcnworlh, Horton, Topk, HutchlBKm. Wichita. BcllfTiU. AUItsf, DodfiS atr. C'AMvtll. la KANSAS ; Klo(fiibr. El Rtao aad Ulnco, In INDIA TERRITORY: PnTr, (Xlorado Spricf and rutbK In COLORADO. TraTtnts ntw inu of rich flralBf AndfTAXlnglAndl.ASbrdlefUi bft fkcUiUf orictrr communkatlon to all towns and rltlM rait and vtst, northwttt And onUiwtst of Cbicaro aad to TaclSc aai tract-octaalc KAporta, UAomncarr VZSTIBULX KXPRXSS' TRAINS LrAdinjr all cosarlton la ipltadar ef rlraMat, btwrn OIICAOO andDE3 MOIKK". O0CNCIX. BLUFFS And OMAITA. and brtvtra UIICAOO And DENVER. COLORADO SPRING3 aad rCERLO. la KAN3AS CITY And TOPEKA And via UT. JMEnT. FlrttClAA DarCoscats, TREE RECUNINO CHAIR CASS, aad Palace RUann, wlta Dialag Car Strrks. CIom coaasrUoaa at Dravar aai CMerais Bftitgt wits dlTertfof railway Usst, bow. feralM taa tw aa4 ptctDrcsiTie STANDARD ' OA UOK TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROUT Orer which fapnblynlrr! tralss ma dAlly THROCCU WITUOUT CHANGE to aad frosi Bait Lake City, Ofdca And bas Fraadaco. THE ROCK ISLAND li aIjo tba Dlnct and FarorlU Lisa to aai from ManltoQ, Plie'i Irak and all other saaltar aad kbIc nsotUAcdciUM aad alalafdUXrlcUta Colorado. DAILY rASTZzXFRZSS TRAINS From St. Joarpb and Kaqm atr to Aad frssi all la rortant towna,dtim And afctlent In Scatbfm Nt braaka, Kanu and the IndUn Tcrritorj. Also tIa ALBERT LEA ROUTE from Kanaaa Cij and ChlfAjo to V$Xf town. Floux FalU. JtlNNEAPOUS And BT. PATTL. cor.cartlonKforall potata north And Dottbwttt bttam the laxrs aad the PactBc Coast. For Tickets. Mr. Fotden. rr edrrd IsfsrsaUe Afr'r to aar Oropon Ticket OSot la the United Staas sr CanadA. or Addxtsa E. ST JOHN. JOHN SUAtTUat, GrlMaaaftr. G4hl7kt.4ratA.iatU cmcAOO. m. AnlMlorsc Thicl Aaaerlallaa. The Webtter Coxxatj Jfctoal Protection and Anti'Uorso Thief Aociatlon tneeta at Cotsle on Saturday previocc to falling of the moon each month. F IIoDOAO, Stc'j. ftmall Size. DE WITT'S Care Bvssvaatau Hnmrm, Mil acat, IaaaceaaSwtA, Liver Cwaaalsiam OtaxlMcaw, Clear live rsjifI-xla fi Mlotchrmmm'l JMilloarara-u Car rwsry reraarilalayelse. Aa ExcwlleaM ATMT BUuaerrill. lrevB t limm-. EARLY -r Tfar" LI tile t.Ua laave tla teecarstoai maA yt it tatt mmf pUIcwrramjuie. kli r Biac.lsla, ar seat hy aaall for 22 rwa(. The Brnataa aa. aa aaa aaa Klrzaatf. rtn on ifiacfia mtimf. Kartla, t. E.C.BC Jc e fhlrAZa, IU. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaal tcfcssWar7aiJiCTiaal yBaaaaaLLLLLBaaaAJBBB! JNnT- -?1saasflaaaaaaaaaaaaV :??aksfHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaf as1 i r aVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaa! JaflPIPNHBHNJHppHraDPaaV ftsaaH aaaaaaaas,aar YOU SKLLS- j gkobuu: Ki:rnr i m:.v mi oils. t Cordovan , McKay tv& Kangaroo ; Goodywar I trench t. alt Uclti Dongola Hai4 wi Pari?, London or Gkb Lasts Congress, Button Or Lace Plaiu or Cap Tec All Width, All Site 1 .50 to $6 French Toilet Shoe Dreeing Fine Custom Work and Repairing fTTi 7 'j.. Place for Honest and Cash Grocery House NOW OPKN Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables. First Class Coods Only. Come and see me T. C. HACK El The Cash Grocer. TltY C()TTL(i S SARSAPARILLA ! D'OllTIlE BLOOD. It latlir beat rlli( .TIimIU-Iim? ii IIio niiirltrl. M. H. McNitt I'ro?. IIe.nky Ci..MtKr., if -Vt. I. II. IfT, Oaahltr A HltntEV, AitihUnt (,'aahior FIRST NATIONAL BAnK Red Cloud, Nebruskn. CAPITAL, S75,OOC Transact a general hanking buitincnH, buy an! ?!! ctinty wxrranta, slat county, precinct and school ditrict bonds. Huy and n tarvign ctehanjr- DIRECTORS: Jaa. McNcny. .1. A.TuIIcya, !. II. I'nri It. V. SltlrrT. John K. Shirey. K. V. I!ihUnI. Henry Ctarlc. A. .1. K't',7 M . - Fanuoir St'fTK.-()K. Lumber Red Cloud, THE pi JtMi-rr cibbke md harness mfg. ca M.1FrmHrmtn. L"JZIXZZ?2L'2lZ jaw . . --. TJ73,: iisr -avrsr aEZRrtZ-VbU. aii put mm s, ya ar aaaajF a " m- w a - wjth ffm s mf ff - Wrr". " . , e fr iratai ti ! v r " Am .m ,.ir, .an MIA. mmn mm m. fiAA mm mm OUR la m M 1 rauaW. avvsMM. L. DOUGLAS ic ?!. -4rpr ""j'-a rr Aalelajr MffCVKV INKawsllCH, mVmmX aa ralrr. Krai Cfsmal. D. B. Spanogle, Rkal Estate i AND LOAN Age j Red Cloud. I Jasar'aJ x I nk jaa. aaaaiM JaLaaaasaaaasvSr pn r-aias UxvSm fat Itoaa. w d n4. i QNCFBICCOriLy rlnlfaram. Tr ! las r rMalla W 1 M aa I m mXbmrm mmti M fc, T-vlwajTaat - -A aaa. fr 1 1 ii i. jVjVHHHHsvA xjyyffiSy a - aaaaaaaa ----s' "aaPHHT " "LHaaaa-lBaBasBiBaaarlL" mi. i. .vi ;iu;i: cnii.iMtiiv oimii (Hi Gr; Dry Or a n ' Hoj 1U!Gm ,t.A' Kaajcwroo j Vhh ar (a To CtiataA WeV S1W Coaatar imA HaKasof HtWy. Oc $2 Alt Gol Warraato.! a Spccinlt). -awav3i Good Goods ! Blakkslkk & Hatch. TIIK - jLunilicj (Do TO U. A II.MY. and Coal. Nebraska. jmir a 521. mtl mm M.T W1 t. 131 Vt a, a. HARNESS tsmli f a.ia-r. Lis- J4. - ?ffl M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl' i rV- I jBaaaaBBBBBBBaPllBBBBBBBBaakJ JL-Umm vr. ttfc?SLI. AH, Sic'j, ELXJUIT, rCLimfm aaaa itfeaSL jjfJj aBaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaav jBaaaaaaaaaarBBBaaaaaaBB A'aT sbbw ABaBaaaaaaaar .vaw- H'aBBBtaaBaBBBBBaaL "5waa-C-''aT- BBBBaBavaa TlSK J aaHi ' aaBBVakaBT BBaVajVaaaai -: W' aBAal ?aaaaaaaaaF i "Mjaaaaaaaaat ia av ' f ''BaBBBBBBaaf' fj Q - BlBBBBBBr waaaa TjaaAjaBBBBBBnawV ' " jsHK3saaaara "- J Mi'-- f. Hayes' Patent - Collar ! For sale hv J. O. BUTLKH !W UJoad, Backejt. iImho ?hop. TMW?. i r !S.tja2- . ,-; . &: ' L '''-'ifS-a,- y Sii ,.i.