The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1891, Image 1

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aSai ' k -t - kzzzz . ' -j-fBWB-WBBBlMISir::3IHSf3!Plr' manna . ' 1 ' " ' " r BE3g. . .
yv a - . -- . - wmmaMaiaW ' gBKBlBWgBMgF,BB- -111 LL"JU"fLzi-. JEnnnnnntnnnnnT . nnnnn:SiZi?viiamt-5L"i: x . ",tlj.W"JrTljjyaf'. vnTOfefc-
-V J m i , M BmmB 'j f SimB " mma VgVgVgVgVgVAa i m iimsmsmn mmmmmmmmi annnnnnnnB mm iH3KB35XI-5 ""WgjgW ISmVaY "annY 5Ej H EnnnnnkJnnn?nmanmi mnnnnnni imnnnnnTsjnrnnnnnnnnnnnnmMmn, MtfcjLj Tfc iw t jjjjf i"S7 ? ' tT K nn. a -HL ,
Mh 9nnnnnmS'annr' .A4i WlHKBbv wmmmv ""H BnmhfcYSi'VaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB nnnnnnnnrL nnmnnnnnw mnnnwT Sal JS m n .samnr nPnmemmagisr nnwanV ananuBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnT I kB "anr V. BEvBBBBBBBBBBBJh. - Jr ' PP
A -kannaatc!AnaaaaVananm 3?sr; - --fcJ7wJBBBBBBjaiMgJBBBBBBBjijjjjj JJ annrTaCenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCo n"k namnnaaannaaaawromnnnT' TpMiPJBjjjjjjjjjjjjjW I "r tt -JT MTjJJJg' f" X-L . . A.i2c9EB
1 By A. C. Hosmer.
Still on Top!
Golden Eagle
A1 bt;2iise stock of
Mens, Boys'
and Children's
Clotning !
An Immense Stock of Shirts, Underwear,
Neckwear and Hosiery.
An Immense Stock of Hats and Caps, New
and Fashionable,
An Immense Stock of Men's and Boy's Boots
and Shoes.
An Immense Stock of Trunks and Valises
await your inspection.
Prices and Quality Guaranteed !
You are invited to call .
Last but not least, we carry a big stock of
all kinds of Woolens to be cut and made up by
us into first-class Suit-, Pants, &c, by first
class workmen.
Fort Abstract
L. II. FORT, Manager.
4 1
--fe,,W.,r irieHl
J Kv m
Furnished to all Lauds in Webster County, Accurately and
HavliiK li:! ton vcar experience in county iraonWnml one of the mnt coinjleto set of Ab
si met uobks In the st?le.o guar.iutee KitlHfnction. Your favors solicited
All orders tilled pniniiitly. lo.cxw irnnd tiled
and approved. Address or call on
L. H. FOKT Manaokh, Ked Cloud, Neb.
Proprietor or Hie
City Bakery and Restaurant,
For a pood Square meal. Boarding and Lodgiu? by day or u
All kind of Freeh 15 read, Iie and Cakes, lleadquarle
Tor Oranpew, Lewom and Bananas. All kiniL or Tresh
fruit and Cand j-, Xutu, CijEarN, Tobaeeo, freli Oj ter,
and Ie ereaia in neaon.
10S. HliRBUKGliK,
What is
Gastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcfcer0 prescription for Infiwts
nd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless snhstituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prerents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
md bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend.
. Castoria.
QtoUU an excellent mediciae for chil
dren. Mothers bare wpetodly told xaeotitt
good effect upon tbdr caildrea."
De. G. a Oasooo.
" CWtoHa te the best iwsedy for eknB c
-widen I am acquainted. I hope the day to not
far distant wbcnmolhert will coartier the real
laterest of their children, and um Caoria In
stead of the variousquacknostTMBa which are
destroying their loved ones, bjrforciag opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hBrtfol
gents dotra their throats, thereby sending
their to prematore graTea."
Da. J. F. Kaooboc,
CoBway, Ark.
Clothing House,
Co., Tied Cloud,
"Catoriafaso well adapted to children that
I recociiaeBd it as superior toanypreKrifttoa
known to me."1
IL A. Aacass, M. D
111 So. Oxford St., Erooklyn, K. Y.
OBrpayaiciaa In the children's depaft
Baest hare spoken highly of their experi
ence la their ostsUe practice with Castoria,
and although we only hsra anxrag ot--medical
supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
Uxotd nosnTAX. axb DisrEyAMr,
Aum C. Sxitb, ie&.
(SrmVS'K T ti
" Eternal Vigilance is
A Writ rOtJSrter.
At last the Saprcme court has given
out its decision in regard to the gov
ernorship and declares in favor of John
31. Thayer, and ousting Boyd. Gov.
Thayer is now governor of Nebraska,
and at last the Supreme tsurt by its
order has vindicated the law and
thrown out a usurper that has never
had the shadow of right to occupy the
office except by "cheeking it." Boyd
has never been naturalized according
to law and his pretexts thereof have
only been of the sliuisy kind. He,
himself having been a member of the
constitutional convention that framed
the law that said: "A man must be
a naturalized citizen of the States
two years before being eligible
to the office of governor."
He was the first and only man that
has tried to hold the office in violation
or the article that he help to make.
Of course the Omaha Bee, a republi
can paper, who while feigning to work
for the republican ticket, clandes
tinely did all it could to help elect
Boyd will call the decision a '"blunder"
as will the democratic papers, but
nine-tenths of the people will rise up
and call the Supreme court "blessed"
for heir righteous decision in the
gubernatorial matter. The decision
is a wic one and a good one.
Inter-Mute Reunion.
Bki Cloud, kh., May 5, 181U.
At a meeting of the council of ad
ministration of the iutcr-statc reunion
association of Kansas and Nebraska
fi. A. K., held at Superior, Nebraska,
April 13, 1S91, the following resolu
tion was unanimously adopted:
Kcsolvcd, that the adjutant be and
he is hereby directed to advertise for
sealed bids from the various towns in
the counties of Jefferson, Thayer,
Nuckolls, Webster, Franklin, Harlan,
Phelps, Kearney, Adams, Clay and
Fillmore, Nebraska, and Washington,
Kcpublic, Smith, Jewell, Osborne and
Cloud counties Kansas, for the loca
tion of the third annual intcr-statc 0.
A. 11. reunion to be held not later than
October 1st, 181U, and that the coun
cil of administration be empowered to
contract with the town offering the
best inducements for the location of
said reunion, said bids to be opened
and considered on or before June 2d,
ISM, at V o'clock.
Scaled proposals will also be re
ceived at said time for the location of
a permanent place of encampaest for
the period of five years herefrom. All
parties who desire are hereby request
ed to send in scaled proposals on each
of said propositions.
Said council reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids at their discre
tion. Kequlrcmcnts nidi will be reeched up to
noon June'.M, is-JI, (or the following Items
to wit:
Twoiity tonsof Imv delivered on the ground.
Filteen loin or straw
Twenty cord of wootl delivered on the
Securing -J03 tents man: or Ipm set up on the
Sufllcient supply or pure water for camp la
coin cnlcut places.
Tanks for watering stock on grounds.
Suitable grounds ror holding reuulon with
in U mile of the depot
Ouc large pavilion.
The above subject to the follow lug co .dltlons:
AH r.tlis of whatsoever kind, horse racing,
street faUn, gambling de Ices, political meet
ings, etc., must be excluded from the grounds
and not allowed lu town during reunion.
Sealed bids must be accompanied by good
and sunlclent bond. K. B. Fultox,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Tito Bed Cloud Mills have been sold
by the United States court, and the
Bed Cloud National bank w,asthe pur
chaur. With the confirmation of
thi sab, we are led to believe that
Red Cloud will resume her accastomed
place in the road to prosperity, and
that several new enterprises will be
floated. It is a consummation de
voutly to be wished for aad can not
come around too qaick for as. The
capitalists behind the scheme arc hci
of note and are able to push matters
to a successful ending and that is what
RccTCloud has needed for years, as we
have all of the natural resoarces, ex
cept money, to nuke a fourishiag lit
tic city. We hope the tide mas coat
uienccd to return.
Mayday was observed ia Red C!od
by our young folks aad many little
tokens of friendship were foad haag
ingtothe doors. One band ef two
girls aud one boy. however changed
the monotony of the occasiea aad tied
a string to a May basket and then laid
it on the step, knocked on the door
and got out of sight When the par
ty came to the door to pick ap the
basket the manipmlators gently drew
it from their reach and the scene
changed from suulcs to frowaa, and
the happiness of the trio was complete
aft ihey hid fooled ieaeOfct.
the Price of Liberty" and One Dollar a year
Red Cloud, Webster County,
Small grain looking fine.
Some com was planted last week.
Miss Minnie Cauffman spent last
week with Mm. Uicka.
W. W. Keith is confined to his bed
with an attack of LaGrippe.
W. K. Tnorne, couaty surveyor,
spent several days in Red Cloud last
week oa business.
Several of our business men pass
their idle time playing lawn Tennis
for their health.
N.J. Hengin ani G. W. Parker,
machine men of Blue Hill were ia
town Monday looking up trade.
Mr. L. B. Thome and wife con
template' a pleasure trip to Washing
ton and the north west in the near
Last week J. W. W rat ton had a
horse bitten by a rattle snake. The
horse and snake both died within an
hour after the bite, the latter by the
hands of Mr. W.
Deputy Grand Master J. E. Butler,
of Hastings organized a new lodge of
A.O.U.W's. on April 29tli, with tho
following list of officers.
Chas. K. Hicks, P. M. W.
F. W. McLaughlin, M. W.
Henry McKclvcy, Foreman.
B. S. White, Overseer.
1). P. Kimmcl, Recorder.
II. L. Bichcndifer, Financier.
A. P. Johnson, Bceciver.
J. Specr, Guide.
B. Lcc, Inside W.
A. C. Blootnficld, Outside W.
Dr. Swigart of Botteland, M. K.
The dates of meeting will be the
2d or 4th Monday's of each month.
We wish the new order success.
S .
Beautiful spring weather.
Grass is getting there in good
Mr. Alex Judy of Burr Oak brought
200 head of cattle up to this place.
Mr. Judy bought of J. Mobley lately.
Most of the fanners will be through
planting corn this week.
A good rain would help the smnll
Mr. Boy Myers took his lister to the
black-smith shop to get it sharpened,
and Ornery Scamp went and stole the
spur wheel and chain off it after sun
down. We have lots of rope ready for
such fellows.
Miss Lizzie Barrett spent Sunday at
Miss Annie Barrett is keeping houpe
for her father.
K. of L. is flourishing in Logan.
The Gramal Jeirj-
Investigating the New Orleans
trouble in regard to the killing of
Italians finds that thej were United
States citizens, and failed to find anj
indictments against the men who
murdered the Italians. Now won't
Rome howl and show her teeth, but
what does the United States care for
her blustering after all. The Italians
are not more desirable citizens than
Chinese, and in tact shoald be for
bidden from landing upon our shores
without a ccrttlcate of good character.
Away with them and let old Italy put
her gun boat to the test, then we
will see who will "come of first.
The Signal through the kind awiatanca
of Mr. X. Gone, who keeps a complete
and correct record of the rain-fall by the
-id of a rain guage, is enabled to keep
its readers pretty well posted on the con
dition of moisture prevailing in this sec
tion. Mr. Cone has joat handed in his
report for the months of January, Feb-an-,
March and April, 1891, and tha fall
of rain and snow for thaae first roar
nsoatfca of tha year aaxmnts to jast 5
inches) and G6 husdredtha, or o$ inches.
Few peopk can form a darinite idea of
what is iarolved in tha exvcesaioa "an
inch of rain." It ntay aid sweh to follow
out this enrioue calculation. Am acta
ia equal to 672iO square inches; an
inch deep of water on this acre will ba
as nuny cubic inches of water, which,
at 227 to the gallon, ia 2000 gallons.
This inunenaa qnnnttty of water will
weigh 2M.O0O pouada, cr 100 tone. Itia
therefore abown by Mr. Cowan record
that the immense weight of 508 tone to
the acre has been precipitated ia moie
tnie frosa the olowde to the earth in thm
nart of Nebraska already tarn aaasoa.
How does that strike yemT-Gnide Rock
C. M. Myers has been ba:ldinga
large addition to his store room aad
from this on the corner grocery will he
found way ne ia the naatter ef enter
arise. Charley is a good feilew aad
his auay frkads who wish him ac-
Neb., Friday, May 8,
Cosirl Precece1lars.
Default taken and decree of fore
closures in the following cases:
Michael Hoffman vs J. S. Both rock
attachment, amt $463.85.
Burnham Tulleys & Co. vs W. M.
Points, amt $1310.
Herman Mossier vs David Stroap,
Nancy K. Wells xs B. Matilda
Grice, due plaintiff $143.55, dae C.
A. Cather adm'r $563.44, due F. &
M. BkgCo. $317.71.
Tootle Ilosea ec Co. vs Chas. Sehaff
nit, attachment, amt $1082 78.
Same vs same on account not due,
amt $572.40
Hartford Theological Society vs
Barton Cure, amt $1221.34.
L. Alice Watson vs H. W. Gulli
ford, amt $52.56, 2 lien 1 year stay.
Same vs same, amt $112.56, 2 lien
1 year stay.
Littleton Savings Bank vs M. II.
Warner, amt $35.75.
Kdwin B. Fay vs Bufus Corey, amt
Wm. Good vs II. A. Burton attach
ment, amt $96.55.
Wm. II. Caroahan vs L. Alexander
amt $150.12.
B. A. Handy vs J. J. Nye, amt
S1J, bmontim .stay.
Lyman H. Tower vs 1). P. New
comer, amt $1326.80.
Ljman II. Tower vs Francis Bruuil
lette, amt $165S.!)5. 1 year stay.
K. Cochrane vs N. B. Thomas, amt
John B. Croxton vs Sbadrock Crux
lou, amt $337.35.
Zilpba Hubbard vs Henry McCorm
al, amt $1222.30.
Neb. L. & T. Co. vs Chas. Cameron,
amt $2 11.70.
II. d. Koehler vs C. Mackey.
John II. Bryant vs Carlisle Helton,
amt $059.80.
John II. Bryant vs Limborner, amt
Arapaho levator Co. vs Omaha
Fire Ins. Co., amt $1075.
Pickard & Weaver vs Kd. Gilford,
amt $209.34.
Fanny B. Godwin vs James H.
Helton, 1st lien $1580.72 to plaintiff,
2d lien $70.15 Boles & Smith, 3d
hen $1024.45 II. C. Cutter.
Ht?Lry Vanllrunt vs Henry Hyde,
amt $H2.
Henry VanBrunt vs N. Gitehcll, amt
The following cases were disposed
of in the district court daring the
April term of court.
Sales confirmed and deeds ordered
in the following eaics:
Buruham Tulleys 6c Co. vs Wm.
Burnbani Tulleys & Co. vs C. K.
Burnham Tulleys fc Co. vs L, P.
The Neb. L. & T. Co, vs James K.
The Neb L & T Co vs Henry W
The Neb L & T Co vs Charles M
Tho Neb L sjTCow Silas S
The Neb L ec T Co vs Oscar Ar
nold, deceased.
The Neb L & T Co vs Carl Gast.
L V Adams vs Cbas Cameron.
Woi Buck vs J. A. Robinson.
C K Bates vs Klisha Brewer.
Bates fc Smith Co vs Aniaada
Bank of Trenton vs I) D M earns.
Farmers & Merchants Bkg Co vs
David Stroup.
German Insurance Co. vs D F At
kinson. F C Grable vs M L Stoddard.
Fred Kick vs Kmata GraseL
Ross R Mattis ts Rebt Roane's.
Neb ec Kaas Farss Loan Co ts A
Nordyke aad Moraaan Co vs Z.
Red Cload Blag Loaa Ass'a vs
Wm Ladlow.
D H Smith vs D O Reed.
Bamaam Tallejs & Co vs J K
(To be eoatinned.)
The dogs of war are pointers.
Gone ap ia marine The rochet
af elan
is the Price of The Chief.
TTae Hal ftprlags r Dakala.
These spring are rapidly becoming
famous on account of the water, and
the many marvelous cures which have'
been effected by the thermal baths.
The town and spring are delightfully
situated in a picturesque valley in the
Black Hills country, abounding in beau
tiful scenic effects, and at an altitude of
3,400 feet above the sea level; thus in
suring a purs atmosphere and eihiiiara
ting climate, absolutely free from
Under the enterprising and progressive
management of the Hot Springs com
pany many desirable improvements have
been made; among the number the erec
tion of n commodious bath house fitted
up with all modern conveniences for the
comfort of guests. New hotels have
been built and comfortably furnished
throughout conducted in rlrst-claas st le
and at reasonable rates. Those w ho
prefer stopping at a private house, will
find many desirable boarding place
where good accommoi 1st tons are fur
nished, and at moderate prices.
The superior daily service now afforded
by the Burlington Iloute to Hot Springs
with through sleeping accommodations
from pmaba, Lincoln, Aurora ami
(irand Ialand, making the trip an rasy
and enjoyable one, and for the benefit of
all who desire to teat tho ctlicacy of tho
water, round trip tickets at reduced
rates, good for ninety dnjs, are now on
sale at all offices of the Burlington
For pamphlet deecriptivo of tho
springs, and fnll information as to rates,
time, etc., apply to any ngont of the
company, or to
J. Kkancis
GenT PashV &, Ticket Agt,
Mason Fisher of Bed Cloud has boon
here this week attending his mothtr,
Mrs. XifTer, who is and has bwn quite
sick. She is an aged lady, but hor re
covery Beetns assured. UluoIItU Leadvr.
Ono of our Illuo Hill ladies and a Ited
Cloud boy certainly intend harmonizing
social matters between tho two towns.
That's right Have your good time
while you're young. lihio Hill Leader.
The little G. A. IL band gavo Mrs.
Lida II. Smith a surprise party laat
Thursday erening, a number of children
were present refreshments were served
and all reported a good time.
Inter-Mtalc LwemiiloN.
lir.u Ctxn'o, Xmik., May 5, 18J1.
To Commander, Pout No. (5. A, IL
Comrade; At a meeting of the
Council of Administration of tho Ne
braska and Kansas Inter-State G. A. It
Reunion, held at Superior, Nebr., the
following resolution was unanimously
"Ilesolved, That tho adjutant lie and
is hereby instructed to advertise for
sealed Inde or proposals for the holding
of the .Id annual Inter-State Iteunion
from towne in the following counties:
Jefferson, Thayer, Nuckolls, Webster,
Franklin, Harlan, Phelps, Kearney,
Adams, Clay, Fillmore, Nebraska, ami
the counties of Washington, Bepublic
Jewell, Smith, Phillips, Osborne and
Cloud, Kansas, and which said bids are
t) be received on or before June 2d 1801,
also a separate proposition to be submit
ted at same time for the permanent loca
tion of encampment for the period of 5
yean herefrom.'
All posts in each and all counties
are entitled to a represents tioa of three
delegates in addition to the poet com
mander, and it is earnestly desired that
each post will see that their post is fully
represented at the encampment which
will be held at Superior, Nebraska, on
June 2d, 1901, at 1 o'clock p. m.
A cordial invitation is especially ex
tended to the various Belief Corps aad
Circles embraced ia the territory of this
sacasBpsaeat also to all Sons of Veterans
aad Veteran Union organizations in said
After the business of the eccaapmeat
is coded a camp tire will be held in the
evening at which time prominent sneak
ers will be present
Comradee, the tisae is drawing neat
when reunions will b a thing of the
past The reaaioa held at Superior last
signal succesa aad finaly c-
n bond of unity between the
of Kaasasastd Nebraska and
ansarea tha saunas of faUre iater-etate
That ef ore it w strongly arged that
this encampment may be attended by
delegation f rent each Post, Circle, Re
KsfCoraaaadaaaaof Veterans ia the
district, so that tha
may be amend anew
Imam that it wftt be, as ssost nnwrediy
wilioaeoftbebest reaakme that has
Cfl ADAMS, Cenamnadsr.
IL B. FULTON, Adjntsnt
Wc wtJJ open
In the city of Red Cloud.
And Summer Wraps Sattuglay.
Prices WAY Down.
Remember the place,
Red Cloud Nebr.
Removed! Removed!
Te MrFnrlaarf'-Old ImmsI, rncrorVrllrr street Mtt1 Itk r.
Where be will keep on hand nil of the lrt ksNwnrr
smmN ls we ratine. A new Hlpmrnl or genuine
Baker Wire and
Charter Oak Stoves.
Jan work, tin roofing nnsl elf) water works plumbing, gun nnt
anannlllon, saeelHlfles wills w. lronme guarantees! anal r
work sallelfee). 4'onse nasi see me two sloom north I. s . wank.
Vear Kerr mm I mh4 Toller alfrr Trnfe
Prealdetjt, AIba7. N.Y.. J. A. TULL-r, fVfro-Pr-eidr
TObU V. BHIRIT, Treurr
Teh X'mmr ApfUrutimn la Thm, nesat j M '4s&tt JiittHJ. UwlmaJ
aad rw tbrrtrn an Jkytu or rrrtcmitvx ua
jrr ant r i kl tlr
SM j on can ri I'm roourr l&to4litr'ij.
ee V wc fcxl ?rr sptrttrauoa ii tnrt lb usmtj t ev v CS.
we cam 1 mttv U- ifw
mra lntrrr-t xA pnarifniU nyl4t
linn rn Um Intrrrrt iirjijf
Ited Cloud. Neb.
Abstracters, Real Estate
and Farm Loan Agent.
Rp:d Cloud, Nebraska-
Abstracts of title funnBlifd arouratoly and promptly.
Satisfaction 0'uaranL flO.iXK) Jond fiUl
Lower than any rd in the world
Ilearj B. Bo jd. I ia mauty jws t&at
I anre astrdrisad frees tbe cosaty tmna
arsref Wetoier axmty Xebr, xk fei
kaiavdancrtbad real estate, to-wif Lo
2.btodcB.ia Ike tUar cf BWienv
Wt laser aaaato Vefefc. forties Uxlar
Ik jmr LT, aaaoaaiiatr to &L&.
aasssnscliBtaenaekeor lienry B. Boyi
and sold far toe deliaqaeat Ujios ml
HinU tas sale eaJalr9in, 13, asvd
rf ne4 reoasesed oa or before
ttei.1' S? -
araetoa ter a
im. i am
M. Bjlvx.
Bj L. Bacm, Afeau
Vol. 18. No. 41
up some of the --
oat oflie, x4 If 4r r tss (h vwmwU
IW7. UH liW. ii
Albany, Nw York.
Tsseie .Venice.
nare Breaased tnjm tfc xmXj lrea
vnrA WelsHer roatf, "lr-, Ike f4
lovinc desera-! rr! Ul wit Lot
IT. bkxrk C, l& Ik Um B&sJaa. I
Wrbsfercoaslr Xbr ussais 1 ta ti
aaeseofManr t- Xjse.sa4otd fcf A4t
qtwet tu tor ih mr 17, i
tax m1. Aaboactijur to, w Jb
35k 15. iswl if atffa8aeleU-
' fore tE3i d7 of JeJV li I
j js & MtJL
iC Btrx-
s -
ftiSv-rf -- -r. .--'. - - - -