i" r TBBfa TiTWF l Tm?3'iBBBBBB9HlBlBBBBiBBBBBBBL Vs XS kPnPVhK BBSuiBfc.TWBBrV r ''BBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBaBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH bKBMrtouBVtshtidf " Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. By A. C. Hosmer. Still on Top ! THE quare cr & Q as1 rf? Golden Eagle Clothing House, Am lnjiifeMse stock of Men's, Buys' and Children's C loin in 2f ! An Immense Stock of Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear and Hosiery. An Immense Stock of Hats and Caps, New and Fashionable, An Immense Stock of Men's and Boy's Boots and Shoes. An Immense Stock of Trunks and Valises await your inspection. Prices and Quality Guaranteed ! You arc invited to call. 0. WIENER. Last but not least, we-earjy a big stock of all kinds of Woolens to be cut and made up by us into first-class Suit-, Pants, &c, by first class workmen. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. II. TOUT, Manamr. KuniisilhHl io all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOriOE. Ilmm.: h.t.l ic.i apcjcilencf in count records and onr-of the in-st cm j.lete set of Ab imI Ihhiks in th'' s.ate. we p..ir.uitef ,s.itlsfiuij)n Aor.r famrs suheited All uidi'io h led ninjth lo.'j do".l.kr IkiihI bleu untl tifpnived. Adilress or call on L H. TOUT Manaoku, lied Cloud. Npb. THY JOS.nERBURGER, IropriiIir ol" Hit Orty Bakery and Restaurant, lr :i o: xiiuirt- iiiviil. Iloardins ami I.tMlhitf Uy claj or tttek AH UimU il l'rtli llri'tul. !' and C'akr. IIralniarUT i"r Orutisr. Iamiumk. ami Itatuuiias. All Uiml tV frtli IVuix and C andj , u:.. i'iaar, Tolmrro, rrc!i 3s.tr.. and UV cTcain In faoii. los. Herburgek, What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ami Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitnto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use. by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria Is an cxwlknt medidt for diD irca. Iib''Wha-roKTcatlrj-tollxneof It gooi elect upon their children. Dc G. C Csooa, Castoria in the I-.! rerady for children cf o-hieh I am Mqmuated. J hopptb day Is not far dfcsant w bea mothers wSl coasUsr the real Interest of thru: children, and ae Casioria itf stead of tievarSoaqu3ekncxrusnswhich arc desirovias: their kmd ones, by f orcis; opium, xaorphiae. toothia; jTCp and other hcrtfu! inrsats :o-a their throats, thereby stsdiae; thca to gfrf!argrc graTtss. lis. J. F. KmccEjoz, Coevayt -ark. TX Cemtmsr CmmMLMT TX Manrratr SirMit, Dealing BvXVXVXB BvXVaVX At -uik JVtfwiivaiiiJi 1 Castoria. Castoria k Boxrell adapttd to children that I recommend It as sarcrior toaay rctsscri jCfc known to rae. , IL A.ABCHX3.2LIX. Jit So. Oxford St., Brooklyn. X. Y. Our physfcis in the chUdres'S depart ment hare srsjfcen highly of their esri ence la their outside jractioe w&h Oasrfc. acd sUhough w cUy hare aaoac -mcdkal suppa trhs: is known as resale firodiaas.yetwe&re free to confess that the aeris of Castoria ha won t to loot wish farce rTos!- Cm; to HwsrrTAt. ad insrsrisi. y.-fr C Surra, Prct ItwTickOty. 'Ulk f, The Xckraaktt Soag. Tune-" Italian Land." I've readied tiic land of drought and beat. Where ikjUiIiik stows for man lo eat, Tlic it ind 4 ttut blow with burning heat O'er all this land h hard to brat. Cn (mes on, Xelraka land, tweet Nebrafca land, a.h on the buniuii; aoll I stuiiii, I look away ncroM tlia plain And wonder hy it nrver raitu. Till Gabriel call with trumiiet tound And juj the rain has passed around. The farmer troes Into ld com. And there he .stands and looks forlorn. He looks and then he Is much v'lockd To .see the shoot has missed the stalk. We hate no wheat, we have no oats. We haw no corn to feed our sboats (Mir chickens an: too poor to eat. And jilt's ko Mjwalin;; through the street. Our hor--s arc the hroucho rare, Mnrvatlun stares them In the f ice, We do not live, we only stay. We are tio jioor to get away. Oskaloosa (la; Herald. The above iioein by an Iowa jmpor in well written but is decidedly out of place. Xcu- York a Hie World' Money Centre. One of the things that have con tributed in a large degree to make London the great moucy centre of the world has been the power of the few I great banking houses of that metropo- 1 lis, such a.s the Haring Brothers, and others that might be named, with con nections all over the world, to afford facilities through mercantile credits for an interchange of commodities, London being the clearing house for the world's transactions. Prominent ly at tho head of thc.-e great financial concern.- was the house of JJaring Urothers for more than a century. The prestige of the Barings is gone, and the house has lost that universal confidence which was the mainstay of its grcatne.-s. Jt was considered im pregnable, but it is hardly possible that it will .-oon be able to inspire that feeling again. The prestige of London as a reliable money centre, to some extent, went with the fall of the Baring-. Where then, can the finan cial world look, for a substitute? Ilardty to the French capital, owing to the unsavory memory of the copper syndicate the Panama canal fiasco, and other collap.-cs of a kindred 1111 ture. Frankfort and Berlin arc not big enough, though backed by the powerful trea.Miry of the Uoth.-ehilds. .Manifest destiny would thm seem to point to New York as the great future clearing house of the world North American Review. The general prospect for Hed Cloud thi.- spring are numerous and gratifying, should all efforts on the part of our people prove to be success ful. There are many enterprises in view and it is to be hoped that they will culminate and help build up the city, lied Cloud naturally should be a city. It has all of the natural sur roundings that it takes to make one. and we cannot see why our people should not be able to bring about the desired end. The great Bepublican river affords one of the best water powers in the state of Nebraska at this point, and wc believe it will be utilized by some one to the material advantage of the city before many more moons come and go. Our citi zens one and all should make one grand effort to bring "order out of chaos ' and set the ball rolling for 31 that will be a hummer and hard to stop. Let".- all hurrah for the city of Hed Cloud. 11. V. Shirey, who has been a resi- I dent of Ketl Cloud for more than eight Je:ir past, and avIio has been closely i identified with her liiany enterprises during that teri(d, ha stvervd his connection as president of the First i I National bank and none into business i ! uguen. I tan. .Vr. hi rev has h . of friends in this city who will lb sorrv to hear that he has decided I to leave Bed Cloud, but who will wish him Godspeed in his new home. gden eopic will find him to Ik. a ru-tlcr and a man who will always le found trying to build up the city in which he resides. His family will fol low lrui in a few days. Mr. Shirey will however still be interested in Bed Cloud n he will still hold his interest in the bank. Tnr. CtilEl' wishes him prosj.eruy iu his new home. The casoof.lune Bent and wife was appealcl from the county to the district court last Friday, a$ the fen- tence af .Ittdge Trunkcy of t',0 days in jau on a ngn'. met am not nit them. In die district court thecal. ISM. at one o'clock. The object L te went Wfore a jury and that body of Llect 3 delei.-ate to attend a ecttB of men -aid the Bont were not guilty rcpnnutive farmers of KaB.Ne and they wyn? dtchargetl To our. . . . ,w.. ... M: : .. tr.J tnotiii morality has been given a ct lc!. The cciion in the upper lT or -1 a,J,i to Inl the or court is somewhat of a farce if all re- g nixation in the iatcrot "of the! ports circulated arc tree, and there farmers of the handling and saleefi Mi-ms to tut ntue aoaut ot tacirir., nrnA- , ..-.i .-.!.- truthfm nev We lelieve that pcvcral good missionaries could Sad employ ment hereaboBts if 5aea cacs are al lowed to co free. Red Cloud, Webster County, RcerfTHnizcd. On list Wcducsdiy evenisg, nam- j her of cx-OJdfcllows, of Bed Cloud with z number in good standing or ganized a new lodge in this city, to j be known as Ben Adhcm lodge, No. , .n.. T i . V VI J . icu, i. j. v. r. me granu masiti John L'vans of Lincoln come in on the evening train, and in conjunction with a number of members from Guide Rock and Blue Hill lodges, proceeded to organize a grand lodge for the purpose of instituting the new lodge after the ritualistic manner. The grand officers took their places and after the usual formula, the fol lowing officers for the new lodge were elected. Chas. Scbaffnit, N. G. S. E. Cozad, V. G. K. Skccu, B. S. G. W. Dow, P. S. A. 0. Berg, Trcas. A. Morhart, W. J. A. Tullcys, Con. After the installation of the officers the initiatory deyre; was conferred on two candidates in an impressive man ner, at the conclusion of which, the new lodge, and its guests returned to the Gardner House, where the gen ial landlord had prepared a magnifi cent spread, to which the boys did ample justice. After this, the three remaining degrees were conferred on the candidates mentioned which took np most of the night. The new lodge starts out under the most favor able circumstances and bids fair to become one of the best in the state. The occasion was a most pleasant one. n -i. m m i. NhII TIiIn on the Doer. In 187.") wc began to manufacture wire nails. At that time they cost ten cents a pound, and the duty was one cent a pound. The duty was in sufficient. In ISSo the wicked Tariff Commission put it up to four cents per pound. From that day we began to make wire nails in dead earnest. The price stiffened a little, but soon dropped to a lower rate than the' had ever been sold before. From fU,000 kegs of 100 pounds in 1S82 the out put went up to :i.ruu (IOC in 1SMU. And as the product increased the price decreased from S..'52 cents iu ISSto.lO cents per pound at the present time. The duty has been re duced to two cents per jmiuihI. If the Uowery parrot.- theory of "the tariff is a tax" be true the present duty if removed would leave the price of wire nails at exactly ten cents er keg of 1110 pound-. Organs of free trade, how do you like this nail story? N. V. Press. ii. i ii During this week, B. X. Shircy, who has been president of the First National bank and principal stock holder, for the past three years, and treasurer of the Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan Company, also formerly cashier or the Bed Cloud National bank, resigned his position for the ostensible purpose of going into busi ness in Ogdcn, and 31. B. McNitt. one of our well known citizens suc ceeded him as president of the First National bank. Mr. L. II. Fort, will remain cashier, and Kllis Shircy as sistant. The new officers folly under stand the business and will make the bank as it always has been one of the 5oundest institutions of the kind in the stale. Unc. Oat Ioik fiue. j Some com planted. J Our assessor. Mr. Stockc is drawing j hi- work to a ch.-e. ;ir. and Mr. Hick have been hav ing the grip for a few days but are better now. tlus Trunkcy has the pass word down to perfection, but he can't get the grip ju-t right. The first tie you see him ask hiia if he has read The Nation. Ha. ha! Didn't wc make Peck's Good Sister draw in her horna sick? We have a good notion to tell the joke on her for being a cowari Peck's Bai Bor. Paupers Tratt Xcdlac There will be a ttectiag in the in-i t of tie farteerj: trat at the court 1 bou in Bc Cloud Satnrdv. Mav P. . 1 j president of the Kashas ABtace. Br Ordee Cowjuttxe. J. S. G ilium. Cka. Neb., Friday, May 1, Bates on Certificate Plan. Trans. Mississippi Commercial Congress, Denver, Col., May 19, 1 591. Agents may sell tickets to Deuvcr. Maj lti, 19th, inclusive, Oaey Newell, Sey., Chamber of Commerce, Denver, will bimi certificates. Grand Lodge A.O.U.W., Grand Island, Neb., May l'2-l'.i 1691. Agents may sell ticket to Grand Island May 9-1' include. W. B. McAlstcr, grand recorder, Grand Island, will sign certificates. Second Annual Coi.cntion Ne braska State Business Mcu's Associa tion. Omaha, Neb., Mv iC-i3, 1891. Agent.- may '11 ticket to Omaha, May 23-2S inclusive. B. Hodgin, ' Sec'y., will sign certificates. Beatrice Chautauqua Assembly, Beatrice, Neb., .Iune2:Jf July C, 1891 I-or the above occasion a rate ot one fare for the round trip has been made, dates oi sale irom points in Nebraska, dune '2'1 and 2.'5 only, tickets good for return and including July 7, from points in Nebraska and Kansas within one hundred and fifty miles of Beatrice, tickets may be sold Juuc 22, July 5, inclusive, good for return until and including July 7. A. CoxoVKit, AL Klmer Simons was 19 years old last Monday, and iu consequence of j the occasion Ins parents gave him a birth day party that he mijiht remember the near approach to man's estate. About fifty guests were pres ent, and the time was put iu in mak ing Klmer have a trcnuiiie good time, the cuests remained until the 4,wec! Miia' hours" and report having a fine time. He was the recipient of several fine presents. - - m. .in Martling Fuel. The American people are rapidly be coming a race of nirvotw wreck, nnd the following !uc;Ke!t the best remedy: AIphontoHempniiig,of Batler.Pa., swear that when hit, sum was ppei-chlenn from St. Vitas dance Dr. Miles great restorn tire nervine enrod him. lira. J. It. Mill er, of Yalpnrai(40ffd J. D. Taylor, of Ixgansport, Ind., each gained 1!U pound from takin it. Mrs. H. A. Gardner, of Vistula, Ind., was cured of 40 to .VI eon vnlsions n day, nnd mnch headnche, diz zinef. bnckncho nnd nervoaH proittration by one bottle. Trial bottlos. nnd fine book of tnnrvelons cures, free at Cotting's who recommend' nnd gunrnnteeH this nn eunled remedy : We Aanln KHlicrilrn our Cen limnorariri on the Tin IMnlc U"Clion. Some time :io we sent samples of American tin plate to certain English journals, asking them to notu-o this new . . , . .i i American industry m their columns. . , o thought it would bo a mater of in- teret to them nnd their renders to know that wo nn- already making tin plate, .lll...iml.ll.nmni-.liilrHiUnfit t-nln ...iv.... ..v .. -. .... .. w ..w. r,- -.- to etfect for months to come. A recent mail brings the London Financial Time with a "notice" in tho shnjie of a column of lalored sarcasm and feigned doubt as to wheather the samples sent w-as really J . men can can tin plate. It is a significant consumption, a at the London Financial Times ,, vi: the same question that ourNowl""' -,r- r'" " fact that raised the same questi York Times and o ther journals which! echo British sentiment nent have raised. We i t ... hnvnin rnnqicnrminur imnra nanent. uui tin plates we have sent yoa are a geo- of Chattanooga a few weeks ago they were celebrating the sucooHefnl saeti- their ores and from their coal, and onj thebmnqnettaforoof thecowm. .- muat ftl a ttn Tils! msUa net nf l fx-tnr m tne ftocui ot uasic svei irosi i their bastcteel and coated with the tin ore that came from the Black Hill. made in Americas shops in St- Losia. TTij-aoaf at fl for the benefit of our English contemjo- 18-3, being 73 yrari, 28 da) old at rarieswewili reat- The piece of tin ,,ig ich Hc Iiurrred in igi7 sent to the Financial Times wa made at , ... .. ,, ., Dernier. Pa by tho United States Iron in his nslive lOatc to Mrs. Polly and Tin Plate'Company, and this is what Olmsted, a widow with three child Mr. W. C. Cronemeyer, tho president of . that company, says of it: -Tho material rcn yix: Mr. L. L. OInated or Ina tised for those plates which we sent you vale, Mrs. Godding, and Mrs. Martin lias been produced from American iron ' 0f Biverton. ore. was first turned into pig metal in, Mr. Sheldon moved with his wife Araencan blast furnaces, A mencan steel . ... . , , .- works converted the p,c Tmetal into steel to Bi-erto-i a few years ago lo Lc billet; the steel billet were rolled into j near their children, where Mrs. Shel thin sheets of steel, the latter were j don died, in March. 1890. Thej pickled, or cleaned of scales, with i having one son, Mr. Sam Sheldon, now American acid, and all tho work per-1. r)(ient of Michigan, but well formed was done by American workman , ,, .-.-i.r. . f (that is, workmen either born in thi k.nowai among the traveling aaco ef couutrj-or who have, by their own free thi-Sute. a the agent in the wot will, clioson America as their home). for the Jackson Wagon Company, The only ingredient contained in those' r Sheldon was named again lo plate which n of foreign origin is the Ji. pc J Hunt, of Wiscornin, tin used for ctmting ifrom'J1. to 5, , ... , ,. ., . Ianlsof foreign ttn toererv lWmb;8'1 ,tht ber at ;nf. rmc mc1' ? of A menc..n steel plate u J the residence of Ins fctcj-on, Mr. During the last ten years the explaoa-' I H mated, where hc alaosl iaoB.ed'at tion that the so called tin plat are v took to his bed, frow which hc not msd from tin ore. but from iron ore j ,rVer 3T0 and only washed with a light coating of ., " ,. - .,i .-fcj: tin. has been so often made by the, He wa. a mcaaber in gooI sUsdi.g American pre generally that any per- e Je iicrlm, .MtcblgaB. aon wiio yet talk about tho impowibilty Lodge L O. O. K. and had lived s of making Un plate for want o! tle tin long and honored life, djtug aaausg ore reveals gross ignorance. The bulk frica(jR wbo 1 to fej, eTfrj waBt of thettnujdbr the English mans-.. , , . - , - facturers is imjorted bythe Dnch East " -t the ba.jl of a iciattte nr Indies or Trotn Australia sndwe can im exaept that of his newly ade tort it from there a welL Yck. sir, the I wife. uineiy Amenn as ue n p ,- fa f j, 0mui ported from ale are WeisJi. . . ... This showing gwJ enough in itaelf. 1T- GeUy delivering bnt we can ro still further. In the city elegant addrr., aad th WL C JBZ&BHBf ABSOIVlBy PURE 1891. bv American workmen, and it u as : Rood aa can bo made anrwherc in tho ! world. Neither the Iondoc Financial ' Timed, trie New York Tirat, nor anv other journal at home or abroad, u htch dovotea coiumn in trying to belittle j American industries, can iiueetion any : longer uiat we are maicmj; tin toatc. ail of which u American material and labor. We do not claim to be aupplyim; the market. It ui over two months yet be fore the new duty on tin plate will go into effect, and 110 months before our bar tin will be protected. We do chum, how err, that we will eoon be maktm; o mucli American tin plate tliat the pi OCW.OOO which we have been eendinj; to Great Iintian will remain at home, and our workmen will b correpondinj;ly , benefited. We advise our Free Trade contemporaries to drop the ttn-p Intel question nnd try to propound mime harder problem. American Kcooommt. Kutfdea Iratk. Heart dieae in br far the moat frr qnent caa.e of addtn death, which in throe ont of fonr cae ii nnnnspccted The ymptons are sot generally under- l tool. Thre are: a habit of "jim on the mup, nhort breath, pain or UitreM iu side, bnck or shonlder. irregular pnWe, nxthmn, week nnd hungry sjell, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry rough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illcatrnted book on heart dis. ease, free at Cottlngs drug storo who sell and guarantee. Dr. Miles unequaled new heart cure, and has restoratire nervine, which eares nervousness, headache, sleep lessness, effect of drinking, etc It con tains no opiates. 3 M. M ! AMelbcr Mclalnlry Inlutr). Every tiny brings ndditionnl proof in sumo form or other of the beneficent ojierntions of the McKinley Tariff lnw in creating new and important indus tries in this country to supply article for which we have hitherto been dVpcn dent on foreign manufacturers. Glazed copying paper is such nn nrticle, and tho following letter from n leading tirm of paper makers explain one of the results of the now law: To the Editor of Tho Prees: No n bite glazed copying iiaer was made in thin country for eotne years liefore the McKinley bill wax passed. Wo are now making it suporior to any foreign nianufneturo. und stdltng it at lew price than it coat to import. I incloe you samples, which you will readily tind eu jierior to any foreign in color and atregth nnd txiual to any in copying qualities. The labor pn this clana of paper is B0 er cent of the cost. Wo are starting anoth er mill to meet the demand. It wao started by free traders wo could not make theee nairs in this country. You see it is fnle. lours truly. Ykkmi.v Huotiikkn ,t C. The quality of the new American 1 product is all that Measrs, Yernon Ilro. ' A Co. prnounce it, and tlio welcome fen- turo of the industry is that the expend I t"" oj money in it nenrlv all goea to ' ir- U "J "J -!u.c1' ' Wo illustrn ' tions that the McKinley law is working i out -ltH jmionit.nient by the jKiplc. New York TresM. I ""' "" Bcklea Arnlrcst Knlvr I , U1 ... .. -.,. i '"" Mt SilTe in the world for cut. ,,. Haw, Ulcers. Halt Kheom. frrrr Snrrs, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chillilsin. Corns, and all other Hkln Krnptinn. M r1""1! cur" P"'IJ" qnired. It is goarnntt-ed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price ." , cents per box. For sale by I. II. Deyo.33 j "" .,7 Inatale. eb., April 4lh. lo.l, ol iter three weeks ill- heldon. Mr. Sheldon was born in New ' vv Ct.i lorkfctatc on the 27th day oi March, The faaeral waa eendactrtl at the the 23th, tke a short bat e reicaiB were laid la their lat resting slaee at KiTCrteB. - . Jrbor Day a abfTe4 ia de f u tcfcoe j. diittitl . .. eight rose hkcs, a4 thrrc trc were planted is Lesor af D. M. Uaa tcr, Lida 5aiti. as4 MeKeigkaa. U. SLGf 17, iJ Baking rowder DOXT BUY , Ms' Until you cxaminc.our is no use of vour Working Sliirts, Mens SXJITS Evervdav Pauls, Than they are worth, sec what wc ask tliese McNitt & Galusha. aaaaa aaaaaeeaaf aaaaaaaaawaaeaeaaaf Removed! Removed! GEOUOKWJI1TSOX, To .Hcl'HrliiHd'sOlil tiuitl, orncr irWihlrr Irrrl hhh lit Ar. Where he will keep n liund till of the ln-l kiirtlwarr gMM(a ft he TouikI. Hrw hlHHtrnl or genuln Baker Wire and Charter Oak Stoves. Jh work, tin roofing Hiul cllj aauler nark pluotblna;, (MR hn4 itMMnlllon. eelHlftr tilth it. I'romptrieM gtiirHBteri nn4 oir work aolleiled. lomr ami cr me two lmr nortli I. A 1. bsink. GEORGE WHiTSON, 1 our fterasiMl MMfl Tollrr alter Trairfe H. CLARKE Proflldcmt, Albnny. N.Y.. J. A- TULLK Y, rVl-Prpklrot F.obt. V. ainr.KY, Trormuror. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FAMM ILAH C., paid up CAPrjjL.$ro.oun. T Xnr Assrl'-llan l Thrm, n"mmm jot & W 4mUg lt-rt tUh Unlr awl rwH Uirtusn s rttt f rrmtBifU hw aftr-MM rM(M &-t h JHrt Wtrrm u wr fc w. l mpvHrjlimn Jf fiH titrrt a4 imrimi x yM- M Van "WU" IBWeS IIk !. llIH I jitr- . r aVraaw )u rS t- xrvnmr 1 Cloud. Neb. BAILEY & MYERS, Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Agent. Red Cloi;d, Neurasra. Abftxactrf of title furnished acxnrat!y and promptly. Satisfaction Guaranl. tj.v0 bond THE TRADERS LUMBER WILL MAKK POSITIVELY Lover than any yard in tfv; world 5(HIrc. Hewrr R. Bojd, I wt coyjy joa that II harre arwrAawM frosi the eoosty trM arw of WetaHr ceec-y X4r- th fc t Vrwaftg dncrnd rmi ts&xie, twtt Lot ,2.b0ckKis the riUkc v Hbvirs. ' WebetM- erurio Nefer, Stc Ha taie. toe mti Bmirnik mam et i&mzjli I''L ad aU m ti deliawmvea 1xv si wi i.ta UK waim m. Ja-7 3Xk, Vs?, atl if acst waiini 1 c iwfer. JstJr ZZK liaL 1 wiS aca tnjtkt Jtrt tmaaiftf'itazdspi K.Bj.rs. Vol. IB. No. 40. ii lltf s - Spring" Stock. 'I here paving more for Overalls, Conieand wars; -! you for oods. trrr U fwiiMr Jsrf S t tM. mtt fGr. i4U irir f n fhv . X UuibM. tmA mmnwj, twi tie, Albany, New York. fijad r O. a Take .aHlrw. yUrf ?- Lv I rrAttf yi Us I Lxr irrte-l itvm th oswatr tr-- i -.. . .t . ntn?vC iiUrerGif, ,ur. urn jo. Mrwts; 4rriU'i trmi rmlsUr Ufr wit. lrt e IT. Lar.:k C tB U T-Jo i5aec ia WLtrtHitT Ktt, mmiwm d to th eaxsA&fXarr u. Lie, aad mAl tor Arlm ltxsi taju te lh jtr lTT. al cti lxzmU. Aarwuuis to 7.11. ex JaJ itefSaXthdra wy. ifU I iM fmLtrm hraui X(rf- m BjItUxc,