The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1891, Image 3

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"I'toiiwi ii ' '
iOr. Talmaaro Continues His Ser
mons on tho Ten Plaguoa
rrofossional Criminals That Infest the
Cities-Modern Systems of Repression or
Llitlo YsJae-A. Fles For More
Christian Methods.
In continuation of Lis lectnrcH on the
"len riajjucs of tho Cities," Dr. Tal
inage in a late sermon at Brooklyn
took his text from Exodus viL 20: "All
tho waters that were in the river were
turned to blood." He said:
Among all the Egyptian plagues none
could have lecn worse than this. Tho
Kile is the wealth of Egypt. Its fish
the food. Its waters the irrigation of
garden and fields. Ita condition decides
the prpsperity or the doom of the Em
pire. What happens to the Nile hap
pens to all Egypt And now in the text
that great river Is incarnadined. It is a
red gash across the empire. In poetic
license we speak of wars which turn
the rivers into blood. But my text was
not a poetic license. It was u. fact, a
great crimson appalling condition, de
scriWl. The Nile rolling deep of blood.
Ciin you imagine a more awful plague?
The modern plague which nearest
-onvsHimls with that is the plague of
crime in all our cities. It halts not for
1 hr idshed. 1 1 shrinks from no carnage.
It bruises, and cuts, and strikes down,
and destroj's. It ivvels in the blood of
lxdy and soul, this plague of crime
rampant for ages, and never loldcr or
moru rampant thsan now.
The nunual poliee reports of these
cities as I examine them are to me more
huggt-Ktlve than Dante's "Inferno," and
all Christian eopU as well ns reform
ers need to waken to a present and
ti-iiu-iidous duty. If you want this
"plague of crime" to stop, there are
wveral kinds of jersoii.s you need to
consider. First, the public criminals.
i 1m vast majority of the criminals who
take ship from Europe come into our
own iKirt In IWJ, of tho 4!t,000 people
who were Incarcerated in tlie prisons
of the country, ::2,0(0 were of foreign
birth. Many of them were the very
desperadoes of society, oozing into the
slums of out cities, waiting for an op
portunity to riot and steal and debauch,
joining the large gang of American
thug;, and cut-throats.
There are In this cluster of cities
New York, Jersey City and Brooklyn
4.000 people whose entiro business in
life is to commit crime. That is as
much their business as jurisprudence
or medicine or merchandise is your
business. "To it they bring all their
energies of body, mind and soul, and
they look ujnm tho intervals which
they sjend in prison as so much un
fortunate loss of time, just as yem look
uon an attack of itiilucuza or rhetimn
t ism whieh fastens 3011 in the house for
a few days. It is their lifetime busi
ness to piek pockets and blowup safes,
unu mh.jhiil, ami pij' iih panel game,
mid they have as much pride of skill in
their business as you have in yours
when you upset the argument of an op
posing counsel, or cure a gunshot
fracture which other surgeons have
given up, or foresee a turn in the mar
ket as you buy goods just before, they
t'o up twenty per cent It is thefr
biisiness to eommit crime, and I do not
Kiippose that once in a year tho thought
of the immorality strikes them. Added
to these professional criminals Amer
ican and foreign, there is a lurge
class of men who are more or less iu
L dustrious in crime. In one year the
oliee of this cluster of cities arrested
10,000 people for theft and 10,000 for as
sault and battery and r.0,000 for intoxi
cation. Drunkenness is responsible for
much of them since it confuses a man's
ideas of property and he gets his hands
on things that do not belong to him
Ten million dollars worth of projerty
stolen in this cluster of cities in one
3 ear. You cannot, us good citizens, be
i:ulcK'udcut of that fact. It will touch
your jHKket, since 1 have to give you
the fact that these three cities pay
alout SS, 000, 000 worth of taxes a year
to arraign, try and snpjnirt the criminal
.More than that, it touches your heart
in the moral depression of the com
munity. You might as well think to
stand in a closely confined nKHii where
tin re are llfty people and yet not
br .ilhe the vitiated air, as to stand in a
community where there is such a great
multitude of tho depraved without
s urn w hat Wing contaminated.
We are all ready to arraign criminals.
We shout at the top of our voice: "Stop
tl u V" With great gusto we put on the
h.itidcuffs and hopples; but what prepa
ration are we making for the day when
the hamlcuit.s and hopples come off?
Ncicty seems to say to these criminals:
"Villain, go in there and rot," when it
ought to say: "You are an offender
against the law, but we meau to give
you an opportunity to repent; we moan
to help you. Here are IStblcs and
tract, and t nristian lumicuccs.
Christ died for von. Iook and live."
Vast Improvements have been made
by introducing industries into the
prison, but wo want something more
than hammers and shoo lasts to reclaim
these people. Aye, we want more than
sermons on tho Sabbath day. Society
must impress these men with the fact
that it docs not enjoy their sufferings,
and that it is attempting to reform aud
elevate them. The majority of crim
inals suppose that sciet3 has a grudge
against them, and they in turn have a
grudge u gainst society. They are harder
in heart and more infuriate w hen they
come out of jail than when they went
The secretary of one of the benevo
lent societies of New York saw a lad 15
years of age, who had spent three years
of his life in prison, and he said to the
lad: "What have they done for you to
make you bettor?" "Well."replied the
bid, "the first time I was brought up
Wforo the judge he said: You ought to
lie ashamed of yourself.' And thou I
committed a crime again, and was
brought up Wfore the same judge, and
he said: 'You rascal!' Aud after awhile
I committed some other crime, and I
was brought Wfore the same judce. and
he , said: You ought to lie hnugc"
That is all they had done for him in the
way of reformation and salvation. "O,"
you say, "these people are incorrigi
ble." I suppose there are hundreds of
persons this day lying in the prison
bunks who would leap up at the pros
pect of reformation if society would
only allow them a way into de
cency and respectability. 0,"
you saj "I have no patience
ith these rogues." 1 ask you.
f pl?' how much Wtter would
-u v Wen under the same circmn
stancc; Suppose your mother had
Wen a blasphemer aud your father a
sot, and you had started life with a
bodj- stuffed with evil proclivities, and
you b3d spent much of your tunc in a
cellar amid obssceuities and cursing,
and if at 10 years of age you had Wen
compelled to go out and steal, battered
and banged at night if you came in
without any spoils, and suppose your
early manhood aDd womanhood had
been covered with rags and filth, and
decent society had turned its back upon
you. and left you to contort with vaga
bonds and whar'-rats Sow much bct
, tor would yon have been? I have no
isympathy with that executive clemency
which would let crime run loose or
which would sit in the gallerr of a
ciiurt room weopiusr because some hard
hearted wretch is brought to justice;
bt I dp say that the safety and Hfo of
the community demand more potential
influences in behalf of public offenders.
I saw in one prisons froman, with a
child almost blind, who had been arrest
ed for the crime of ioverty, who was wait
ing till the slow law could take her to
the almshouse, where she rightfully be
longed, but she wxs thrust in there with
her child, amid tho most abandoned
wretches of the town. 3Iany of the of
fenders in that prison, ideeping on the
floor, with nothing but a Termin-cov-cred
blanket over them. Those people
crowded and wan and wasted and half
suffocated and Infuriated. I said to the
men: "How do you stand it here?"
"God knows," said one man, "we have
to stand iL" 0, they will pay you when
they get out Where they burned down
one house they will burn three. They
will strike deeper the assassin's knife.
They arc this minute plotting worse
burglaries. Some of the city jails are
the best places I know of to manu
facture footpads, vagabonds and cutr
throats. Yale college is not &o well cal
culated to make scholars, nor Harvard
so well calculated to make scientists
nor 1'rinccton so well calculated to
make theologians, as many of our j ails
are calculated to make criminals.
We want men like John Howard and
Sir William IMackstonc, and women
like Elizabeth Fry to do for tho prisons
of-thc United States what those people
did in other days for the prisons of
Again, in your effort to arrest this
plague of crime you need to consider
untrustworthy officials. "Woe unto
thee, 0 land, when thy king is a child
and thy priuccs drink in the morning."
It is a great calamity to a city when
bad men get into public authority.
Why was it that in New York there was
such unparalleled crime Wtwecn lbCfl
and 1871? It was Wcausc the judges
of police in that city at that time, for
the most part, wens as corrupt as the
vagabonds who came Wfore them for
trial. These were the days of high car
nival for election frauds, assassination
and forgery. We had all kinds of rings.
There was one man during those years
that got 818,000 in one year for serving
the public. Iu a few years it was esti
mated that there were fifty millions of
public treasure squandered.
It is no compliment to public author
ity when we have in all the cities of the
country, walking abroad, men and
women notorious for criminality, un
whipped of justice. They are pointed
out to 3ou in tho street day by Any.
There 3'ou find what are called the
"fences," the men who stand Wtwecn
the thief and the honest man, shelter
ing the thief and at a great price hand
ing over the goods to the owner to
whom they Wlong.
And there 3'ou find the "confidence
men," who borrow money of you le
causu U1C3' have a dead child in the
house and want to bury it, when they
never had a house or a family; or thoy
want to go to England and get a large
property there, and they want 3'ou to
pa3 their WU3', and thoy will send tho
mone3' back 113 the vory next mail.
There are "harWr thieves" the "shop
lifters," the "pickjockeLs," famous ull
over the cities. Hundreds of them with
their faces in the "Rogues' Gallery,"
3et doing nothing for the last five or ten
3-ears but defraud societ3' aud escape
justice. When these people go unar
rested and unpunished, it is putting a
high premium uikui vice, and saying to
the young criminals of this country:
"WWt a safe thing it is to W a great
Again; in 3'our effort to arrest this
plague of crime, you need to consider
tho idle population. Of course, I do
not refer to ieoplo who are getting old
or to the sick, or to those who cannot
get work; but I tell vou to look out for
those athletic men und women who will
not work. When the French nobleman
was asked wli3 ho kept busj when he
had so large a propert3 he said: "I
keep on engraving so I ma3 not hang
m3'self." 1 do not care who the man
is 3'ou cannot afford to bo idle. It is
from the idlo elasses that the criminal
classes are made up. Character, like
water, gets putrid if it stands still too
long. Who cun wonder that in this
world, where there Is so much to do,
and all the hosts of earth und heaven
and hell are plunging into the conflict,
and angels are lbying, and God is at
work, und the universe is awake with
the marching and countermarching,
that God lets his indignation fall
ujion a man who chooses idleness?
These men for awhile smoke the Wst
cigars, and wear the Wst clothes, and
move In the highest spheres; but I have
noticed that very soon thoy come down
to the prison, the almshouse, or stop at
the gallows. Tho police stations of
this cluster of citie.s furnished an
nually Wtwecn 200,000 and 300,000 lodg
ings. 1-or the most part, these -'00,000
und :0,000 ldklgings 'are furnished to
able-bodied men and women people as
able to work as 3ou or I ure. When
they are received no longer at one
jHilice station, because they are "re
IH'atcrs," they go to some other station,
and so they keep moving around.
They get their foo.l at house doors,
stealing what thev can lav their
hands on in the front basement while
the servant is spreading the bread in
the back basement They will not
work. Time and again, in the country
districts thc- have wanted hundreds
and thousands of laborers. These men
will not go. They do not want to work.
I have tried them. I have set them to
sawing wood in my cellar to sec
whether they wanted to work. I of
fered to pay them well for it I have
heard the saw going for about three
minutes and then I went down, and la,
the wood but no sawl They are the
pest of society and they stand in the
wa3 of the Lord's ioor, who ought to
W hel-HHl, and must W helped, and will
W helped While there are thousands
of industrious men who cannot get any
work, these men who do not want any
w ork come in and make that plea. I
am In favor of tho restoration of the
old-fashioned whipping post lor just
this one class of men who will not
1 like for that class of people the scant
bill of fare that Paul wrote out for the
Thessalouian loafers: "If any work
not, neither should he cat" lty what
law of God or man is it right that you
nnd 1 should toil day in and day out,
until our hands are blistered and our
arms ache and our brain gets nuxub,
and then W called upon to support,
what iu the Cnlted States are about
2,000,000 loafers!
Again: Among the- uprooting classes
1 place the oppressed poor. Poverty to
a certain extent is chastening; but after
thai, when it drircs a man to the wall,
and he hears his children cry in vain for
bread, it sometimes makes him desper
ate. I think that then; arc thousands
of honest men lacerated into vagabond
ism. There arc men crushed under bur
dens for which they are not half paid.
While there is no excuse for criminality,
even in oppression, I state it as a sim
ple fact that much of the scoundrelism
of the community is consequent upon
ill treatment. There are many men and
women battered and bruised and sttmg
until the hour of despair has come, and
they stand with the ferocity of a wild
beast, which, pursued until it can run.
no longer, turns round, foaming and
bleeding, to fight the- hounds: :
There is a vast uaderground New
York and Brooklyn life that is appall
ing and shaaefuLs. It wallows and
steams with putrefaction. You go
down the stairs, which are wet and de
MVcd with tilth, and at the bottom yoc
find the poor victims am the floor, coli,
sick, three-fourths dead, slinking into a
still darker corner antler the fleam of
the lantern of the police. There baa
not been a breath of fresh air in that
room for five years, literally. The
broken sewer empties its aontents upon
them, and theyie at night in the strim
miag filth. There they arc, men, women
and childrea; blacks, wWtes; Mary
Magdalen -without her repeatanec, ad
Lazarus withoat his God. These art
the "dives" into which the pickpockets
and the thieves go, as well as a great
many who would like a different life
but can not get it
They are the underlying volcano that
threatens us with & Caraccas earth
quake. It rolls aad ;roars and surges
and heaves and rocks and blaspheme
and dies. And there are only two out
lets for it: The police court and the
potter's field. In other word, they
must cither go to prison or to hell.
There is another layer of poverty and
destitution, not so squalid, but almost
as helpless. You hear the incessant
wailing for bread and clothes and fire.
The eyes are sunken. The cheek bones
stand out Their hands are damp with
slow consumption. Their flesh is puffed
up with dropsies Their breath Is like
that of the charnel house- They hear
the roar of the wheels of fashion over
head, and the gay laughter of men and
maidens and wonder why God gave to
others so much and to them so little.
In this cluster of cities, whose cry of
want I interpret, there are said to be,
as far as I can figure it up from the re
ports about 300,000 honest poor who
arc dependent upon individual, city and
state charities. If all their voices could
come up at once it would W a groan
that would jJmkc the foundations of
the city, and bring all earth and heaven
to the rescue. Hut, for the most part
it suffers unexpressed. It sits in silence,
gnashing its teeth and sucking the
blood of its own arteries waiting tho
judgment day. O, I should not wonder
if on that day it would W found out that
some of ns had some things that
Wlonged to them; some extra gar
ment which might have wade them
comfortable in cold days; some bread
thrust into the ash barrel that might
have upjcased their hunger for a little
while; some wasted candle or gas jet
that might have kindled up their dark
ness; some fresco on the ceiling hat
would have given tliem a roof; some
jewel which, brought that orphan girl
in time, might have kept her from be
ing crowded off the precipices of an un
clean life; some New Testament that
would have told them of Him who
"caino to seek and save that which was
0, this wave of vagrancy and hunger
and nakedness that dashes against our
front doorstep! If the roofs of all the
houses of destitution could W lifted so
we could look down into them just as
God looks, whose nerves would In
strong enough to stand it? And j-ot
there they are. The 60,000 sewing
women in these three cities some of
them in hunger and cold, working night
after night, until sometimes the blood
spurts from nostril and lips.
Iliave preached this sermon for four
or five practical reasons: Hecause I
want 3'ou to know who are the uproot
ing classes of societ3. ltocausic I want
3011 to W more discriminating in your
charities Uecause I want 3our hearts
open with generosity and your hands
oen with charit3'. Jlccanse I want
3'ou to W made the sworn friends of all
city evangelism nnd all newsboys lodg
ing houses aud children's nid societies
and Dorcas societies, under tho skillful
manipulation of wives and mothers and
sisters and daughters: let the spare gar
ments of 3'our wurdroWs W fitted to
the limbs of the wun and shivering.
I should not wonder if that hat that
you give should come back a jeweled
coronet or if that garment that yon
hand out from 3our wurdroW should
mysteriously W whitened, and some
how wrought into the Saviour's own
robe, so in the last ilay he would run
hi hand over it, nnd say: "I wasnaked,
and ye clothed me." That would In
putting your garments to glorious uses
Hut tuore than that I have preuched
the sermon because I thought in the
contrast you would see how very kindly
God had dealt with you, aud 1 thought
that thousands of 3on would go to 3'our
comfortable homes nnd sit nt3ourwell
filled tables and at the warm registers
and look at the round faces of 3-our
children, nnd that then 3-011 would burst
into tears at the review of God's good
ness to 3'ou, and that you would go to
your room and lock the door, and kneel
down and say: "O Lord, I have Wen an
ingrate; make me TI13 child O Lord,
there are so many hungry and unclad and
unsheltered; I thnnk Thee that all my
life Thou hast taken such .good care of
me, O, Lord, there are so mam' sick
and crippled cldldren to-day; I thank
Thee mine are well, some of them on
earth, some of them in Heaven. Thy
goodness O Lord, breaks me down.
Take me once, and forever. Sprinkled
as I was many years' ago at the altar
while my mother held me, now I conse
crate rav soul to Thee in a holier bap
tism of repenting tears."
For sinners Ixjru Thou caai'bt to bleed,
.Ami I'm a sinner vile ItiUoeU:
Lord. I believe Thy prucc ls froc,
O uutgnlfv that grace hi nu
A Practice Which Cmitr 1'ont Oftcc Clrrka
Mnrh Vrxallou.
Some of the residents on the shores
of the Hudson seem to W especially
restive under tho humiliation of Wing
compelled to live in places Waring such
common plnco and mere American
names as Irvington, Yonkers, Tarry
town, Pocghkeepsifc, Newbnrg, ctt,
and insist on heading their note and let
ter pajicrs with their hynhenized ideas
of what their post office addresses
ought to be as "Tarrytown-ontbe-lludson,"
and similar deviations from
the actual names of their post o dices.
There was -doubtless good reason in
England for such nam as (bestowed in
pre-iKst office times), as Weston-nnder-
LLsard, Middleton-oB-the-Walds, Stoke
by -Nay land, and like compounds, need
ful to distinguish them from other
Westons, Mtddlctons and Stokcscs; but
in this country; where tWre aro no two
post offices of the same name in anv
state, such linking on of useless ad
denda is simply one of those "freaks of
fatuous folly."
The practice is a vexation to post of
fice clerks, and often leads to the mis
sending of letters; and this fact is
doubtless the reason for the admonition
which appears in the "New York Ix
Office Guide" under the head of "Sug
gestions to the lublic:
"Fanciful additions should not be
made to ihc Barnes of post offices, as
they arc api to mislead and confuse as
sorting clerks, and so cause errors. For
example, "Pattaguxnpus, Me.,' should
not W extended into Pattagumpus-oa-the-Pcaobscot
N. Y. Tribune.
No Insinoations Wantcd- Mrs. De
Gurjie "I want a nice bronze for say
husband's office. It's to be a birtaday
present, aad I want something1 verv
pretty." 'Qcrk fja bric-a-brac depart
ment) "Dont tou think a bast of
Schiller would be about tie iMag?"
Mrs. De Gurgle 0h, dear, bo! I cbow
his failing. He'd consider any sort of a
bast an inclt.-Jewelers' Weekly.
--Hostess (te TiaibDr, a Frcseamasl
"21. Duliois. tHyyon like saisal' M. 1
.-tar -- '
ITabots "i es, yes, sxsdasei I like all
c animals, sc. dog. ze eat. re borc ca-
fin aitiint -t l Kict " rvt-.
Serrravr BhUrs Krplr to flair's Pi
The OsverBMt Xo: Commit! to raj
ladeatattr t'atll the VioUtlo ef tfc
Trraty fa Vrnwnm.
WASinxoTox, April 18. Following is
the reply of Secretary Illaine to the
Italian government:
TbeMarrjuUlKpr rUll. Charge A? ASalrvA.ele:
VtrxlcrmzxT or rTATay Waf tafttra. IX tt.
April It Sir I have th binr to arkcowl
c4ffn the rfoelritot jttura'4rtc1 Thara
daT,AprI12,lL ItcoaUlaJ a ftccvad tele
It ram from the Marquis' kudlol, apart of
Wtilch I here quote: Th government of
(be king of Italy bat askrd uothlojc bejond
thr prompt laatltutioa ot judicial procrcl
lag through Uk regular channels. It would
have bw n absurd to claim the puolahracot
to the ffuIUr partie wllboat the warrantor
a n-Rotar JudicntPuL. Tbc Italian Kovrrmnent
now rrpt-ats tbc name demand. Not until
th federal government ahall have -xpUcltlr
d-ctartl that the aforrtald proceedings hall
be promptly beun can tho diplomatic inci
dent lie considered at closed."
Tnl government certainly bad no dealre
whatever lo change tbc meaning of the ilnr
juU Uudlni's lcloraui of March H. It waa
delivered at the atate department by Karon
Kat a In pcrwon. written in hU own hand and
r preMd In the Kngllab language. The fol
low Ins I tho full text of thu telrgruin;
Italian HinUter. Waahlngton
Home. March 34, lrt. oar rejueti to tbc
federal government aro Very simple, isouie
Italian aub-ct acquitted by the American
uiaglitrute have been murder! tu prUon
while under the Immediate protection ( the
authorities. Our rijkt. Ikrrrforr, to drmamti
end iJtrtf- the jmikmrnt of tkr utunUrrrt aid
am imlemnltf fur Ike victim U unquMtUmaU. I
wish to add that the public opimou In Italy
la Juitly Impatient, nnd If concrete prorU.
Ion were not at ow taken 1 should find
niyaelf In the painful necessity of
openly our dln.itlufnctlon by recalling the
mlulxter of bin majesty from ac?untry whi-re
he la unable to obtain Justice, KCLilSL
The worcH nndcracored are prvcUely thoMj
which 1 quoted In my farmer note and I am
directed by the president to cpreiw the eat
Infliction of till government the very
matTlul qualification of the demand made
by the alarquU Itudlnl 011 behalf of the Ital
ian government.
Vou qnotu in your not another part of the
Xlurquis dl Hudlul's telexram of April 2 In
thue words- MeauwhIlo his uiajesty'n gov
ernment taken note of the declaration where
by the federul government recognizes Unit
an Indemnity l due to the fuuillle of thu
victims In vlrtuo of the treaty In foicu bo
tween the two countries." If the ilnrqul
Hudlul will curefully examine tay note of
April 1 he will dUeover that 1 did not "rec
ognize that an Indemnity is due to the fami
lies of the victims In vlrtuu of the treaty In
In force between the two countries " What
I did was In answer to Huron KuvaV aer
tlon that the United Mute government re
fused to tuke this demand for indemnity into
consideration. I quote -ay reply "Thu
United States so far from refining has dis
tinctly recognised tho prlnclpleot Irideiuhlty
to tllO'C ltiillun sBhJectn tcko nag korr Wrn
trronytit bjf n riMathm of tkr ri'jhtt ttciml tu
tkrm umlrr the tmittf tritk tkr L'niltd Stale
cvncluilcd Frltruary XI. 1&7I."
The Marquis Itudlnl muy bu uniurcd that
thel'tiltod Mate would recompense every
Italian subjeetwho might bo wronged by a
violation of a treaty tu w hlch the faith of the
I'tiltcd Stateg Is plcdgtd. lint this n-iurnnee
leuvet unsettled thu Important qutstiou
whether the treuty has been violated
Mr. Illaine then refers to the Spanish
riot ease under President Fillmore,
which wus hatidled by Mr. Webster, a
.secretary of state, and concludes:
As soon us possible ufter thu lamentable
occurreneo ut .New Orleans the president di
rected the attorney-general tocaiMetbmugh
his department a full Inquiry to be made In
to ull" thu fact conuiH'ted therewith, and
solicited hi opinion whether any criminal
proceedings would lie under thu federal lnw
In the federal rmtrt8 agalintpcrsons charged
with thu kl. ling tif Italian Knbjwts. Hn Ima
not yet recelvid the official report. If It be
found tliut u prosuoutloii can be maintained
under tho statutes of the I'nited st.itcs
the caso will be presented to the neit
grand Jury, according to the usual methiMla
of criminal administration. Hut If It should
be found. Hi seems probable, that criminal
proceedings cun on'y be taken In the court
of Loutsluun, the president ran In this dlree
tlon do no more than to urge upon the state
olllcirt the duty of promptly bringing the
offenders to trial. This w doitis lu his t le
gram to the governor of !oull.tuu as enrly
usMnrehlS. If It shall result that the case
can bo prosecuted only In the state courts ol
Iitilslanii, and the tisniil Judielnl inestlga
tlon nnd procedure under t tic criminal law
Is nut resorted to. It will itu-n be tho duty ol
the United Maten to conl ler w hether somi
other form or rediess may ne aski-u. in;
understood that the state grand Jury Is now
Investigating tho affilr anil, while It is pos
nlblf that the Jury may fall to pr-sutit In
dlctments, tho United Mates cannot assume
that such will be the ease.
The United Mate, did not by tho treaty
w Ith Italy become the Insurer of the llv-s oi
property of Ita'lun subjects resident w Ithlu
our territory. No g ivernment Is able, how
ever high Its cllllr. itlou, ho a ever vigilant
Itn police supervision, noeer severe Its
criminal code and however prompt and In
ItiflextblD Its criminal administration, to se
cure Its own citizens against violence pro
moted by ludlvlditnl mal ce or by sudden
popular tumult. Tho fore gn resident tnul
be content In auch case to share the samt
redress that Is offered bv the law to the citi
zen, and has no Ju-t cause of complaint ot
right to ink the Interposition of his country
if the courts ure equally open to hlin for tht
redress of his Injuries.
The treaty lu tho first, second, thirl and
notably lu the twenty third articles clearlj
limits the rights guaranteed to the citizen
of the contracting powers In the territory ol
each to equal treatment and to free access K
the courts of Justlio. Foreign resident art
not a favored clas. It is qot belli vml thai
Italy w ould des re a more stringent con-true
tion of her duty under the treaty. Where
tho Injury inflicted upon a foreign resident
Is not the uct of the government or of Its
othcers, but of an Individual or of a mob. It t
not believed that claim for indemnity can
Justly be made utiles it shall be tutide to ap
pear that the public authorities charged with
the peace of thu cominunl.y have connived
at the unlawful act, or hat ing timely untie,
of the threatened danger have Iwen gulltyjot
such grosa negligence In the taking of the
necessary precautions as to nniount to con
nlvanco." ff. should appear that
among those killed by the mob at New Or
leans there were some Italian subj cts w ho
were resident or domiciled In that city,
agreeably to our treat v with Italy and not In
violation ot our Immigration law s, and who
were abiding In the peace of the United
States and obeying thu laws thereof and of
tho state of Ijoulslnna, and that the pub
lic officers charged with the duty of pro-
tectlng life ami property In tbat city con
nlvcd at the work f the mob, ir upon proper
notfeo or Information of the threat-ntl dan
Kcr. failinl to take any steps for the preser
vation of the public peace and afterward in
bring tho culll to treat, theprt sldetit would,
under such circumstances, feel that sense
was established that should l submitted to
thorouajd' ratlnn ot ctinures with a view to
thcrellef of tho tauillicsof the Italian subjecll
Who had Inst their lives by lnwlrsn violence
Aocept. sir. the renewo 1 aasnrance of rny
high ctmsld-Tatlnn. Jamks .. ltt.urR.
I-od T. Smith IH-sd.
LKAVEXwoitTH, Kan., April 10. -Hon.
Leonard T. Smith, of this city, died in j
the City of Mexico of heart dkcar-c and
the remains left for home last night.
The deceased was one of the lnst known
men in the west. He came to Leaven
worth in its early days and, with J. iv
Rice, enjnured in the hotel business.
beinf- for many years the landlord
of the I'lantcn. house. Mr. Smith
built the Missouri laclSc line from
here to Kansas City and later built a
continuation of the line to Atchison.
He was the leader in the entcrp1"
which built the iron bridge across the
Missouri north of this city.
Attaekrsl lty Italias.
Xewca.-txe. Ia.. April IC About 100
Italians, who had struck work on the
Pennsylvania lines at Lawrence Junc
tion, raided a party of Americans yes
terday who had taken their place.
The Americans fled and their foreman
was seired and thrown into the Mahoa-in-
river, barely escaping with his life.
Jn thr rrreav of tlM Irrsideat.
Sax Frajccisoq, April IS. The United
States coast defence vessel Monterey.
now m course construction at the Unkm
nwt iiris, am oe launcbed Apnl 2i ia
the presence of f "resident Harrboa.
Jk Ul
Osceola. Mo.. April lfv The Peridac
murder eae, in the St. Oah- county ot
cnix. coart. ended ia the jarr briagiac
in a rerdict of murder in the "second de
gree and aentenchtg Perkins to thirty
years in the penitentiary. As Perkx&s
is 6 years old it aeass'a life sentence.
rrslJttta'Wrts Tulr.
Cnicioo, April IC WUlixa T. Baker,
pnidcBt of the Chicago board of trade,
h been elected president of the board
of directors of the -srorhTa fair, vice
Lyman J. Gaye n-slsed. 34r. Baker's
election rm Ba&nbaooa.
rralfar TrlW Wfc lahaJfeH a Xr Mrs
lea IateaxL
There, arc oe hundred and seventy
four giant cannibals, men and women,
living on Serf Island, in the Gulf of Cal
ifornia, and not sixty bUm from the
mainland of Mexico," said George O.
McNamarato the reporter of a San
Francisco paper.
"jWbat I say might seem ridicalooa,
bat it Is Bevertheless a fact, for I hare
seen some of them daring my travels in
Mexico. Who their ancestors were or
bow long they have occupied, the island
Is not known, bt they are now becom
ing extinct.
"J saw three women and oac man and
their appearance and manner gave me
the impression that they are brutes by
nature and brutes in heart and sonL It
was just by chance that I saw tLcm, as
few of them venture away from the
Wand except to sell the mats and sliawbt
which they make from the skins and
feathers of the albatroMs. They are
cunning thieves, but otherwise their
minds are dull in fact they seem stupe
fied. They have a vacant stare in their
eyes, und. when not serkms, an idiotic
mile spreads over their faces.
"The Island at Seri Is about twenty
miles long and at places ten miles wide,
und 1 was told no Mexican or white man
ever ventures near or attempts to land
on it, as they claim the island is their
domain and shoot the intruders with
poisoned arrows or capture aud cat
them. They exist on fish and goat
meat, which are plentifuL Low houses.
built of slirublrry, are their abode, j
Some live In 'dugoufji,',or caves cut into
banks. They roam about the Island
and lead the laziest life of anv people
that I have heard of. No one can really
tell what their dallv routine of living is.
but it is a fact that the trilnj is dyinf?
out, and it v1U nt be many years be
fore they will liecome extinct Their
mode of burial is not known, Imt it is
estimated that wberw there aro now ;i
handful there were several thousand
not ten years fro, and If they bury the
dead and do not burn the tsalies, a can
nibals do, the bones of their enormous
frames will cover a large area of the
"The man I photographed is over
eveh feet in height His face was a
study when he saw the lens pointed at
him, and he could not understand what
was being done. He. as is all his race,
was htijierstitious, but we overcame that
obstacle by giving him a present of au
old pair of trousers, which he immedi
ately tied around his neck. The gen
tleman standing nex.t to him is alxjut
six feet tall, and he had to hold the In
dian's hand. An old rag encircled the
upier portion of the Indian's limlss and
it was tied around the wait The
blanket is made of albatros skin and
feathers. The bow aud arrows which
he holds are the only weajHin they
know of or use. His Iegn from the knee
down are not covered The liat he
wears is of straw, and he, as he stand
there, is a typical St-ri Indian.
"The women wear patched dresses
made of cloth which they receive for
albatross mats and shawls. They are
wrinkled aud old, very few girls being
among the trile. The Isiwls on their
heads contain broken vessels made of
"They are a wonderful ja-ojde, con
tinued Mr. McNamara, "and no doubt
their past history, if revealed, will
bring to light facts that relate to the
magnificent reign of the Moujcztiiuas,
or even far ltuyoud the time of Cortez.H
Chicago Journal.
What the Hatter Said Alxiut I'ei.ple.
"A ginai way to judge a man is to
listen to his talk when he comes in to
buy n hat for himself. It is all right
for a man to ask his tailor what he
ought to wear. Hut ever' man ought
to know what sort of u hut is most le
coming to him. No urtiele of a man's
wearing apparel so comp'etely makes
or unmakes him as his hat There are
meu win') should never wear any other
than a silk hat, just as there are men
who should nt;ver wear anything in the
wuy of a hat except a Derby. There
are men who will never look like any
thing human with either. Some men
were born to wear nothing but the soft
hat I would not vote for a man who
does nojt know whajt sort of a hut he
should wear witWout taking the advice
otanothcron the subject. I lwKeve it
was Shakspeare who said that dress
proclaims the man. Hhaksteuru knew
what he wanted to say, I reckon, but if
he evwr paid any attention to the matter
he would hare said the hat It is my
observation that a man will say more
fool things when he goes to buy a hat
than at any other time." Chicago Trib
une. The Oilarst Can Sine.
An iinpresnive scene recently
presented at the Conftre(ationaa church
In Stockton, California. The occasion
was the celebration of the anniversary
oi the Chinese MKdoB in that city. A
part of the exercises consisted of sink
ing in chorus and solos and addresses
by the Chinese. The singing, especially
of solos and hymns, was a surprise, as
it was generally supposed that the
Chinese were destitute of capacity in
that direction and incapabla of appre
ciating harmony, judging by what trav
elers in China tell us and ot- the bar
barous exhibitions given ia this crantry
by untaught Immigrants. Otic soloist
particularly carried the audience by
storm and elicited applause that was
with difficulty checked. Scientific
Bagley "Vou don't happen to bve"
a pint measure around here, do you7
Jlracc "Ycsc-flU up one of those nart
win TwlUe.- X. Y. Sun.
kaxsas crrr. April tx
CATTLX fibipphs ecrs. ,s
bntcberr tcrs... 09
XaUVecows .. 144
UOOt Good to cbolcs fccatry 1 si
WUEUT Kp. 2 red 1 to
Ko.2brd M... n
5 IS
3 W
X 38
vVK""AOt 4)
OATS-Xo. a.
FLOCK rstertU, per wck....
Fancy ,. ..... ..
HAT Baled n
SUTTEaV Cbolco cranery . 4
CUEKSE rull crraaa 49
KGGs Cboiw.... ... W m
aVAUUX Hams Ss
Siuu!dr.v... .......
fcides. . .. .......... S
HOTATOKS...... IB at
rr. juis.
4ZTTLEShlpplag steers... 91 m
Batchers' sievrs n 1
aocreir ........ ttn
E8CET Fabr tu cfeotee i K
rxxc&-oo4c . xj. m
WHKAT-Xe. 3 red. -.. ies
i s
2 U
OAT-Sl 3. -. KHm
xxiLslx i
trutui. n
m noif
CATTIX eaiprto tn m m
OG-rcts mmi sastxj
wnccr rir so cWic zz m
fUOCK-Wlaterwbt., t
WUriT-Xo. 3ro4l 1 !
COE Xx 3. . U e
OATs m.X. Ktm
KTK-Sai 3 ,
acmat-Oreaaiwy , X
Omam-- -- - 23 iff
jmr tool
(l;TTtX-Ooms t iwiaaa. SB a
BOG Caod cii-... lse m
njOCaV-Coo4teeeaie ...., H
TVUT-Xa in . 3 3S4a
CKHIX Sfo.3.. . tttr
oaT-W4Moi ssrieet... m
- n
erm J
3 3CJ
Mfr aaMi Aftvr.
FItx Dadell Tell me you're a mar
ried man docs all this billing and coo
iatryou hear so much about continue
after marriage?
Waglcigh Yes; but under slijrhtly
different conditions. The doctor do
most of the billing then, and the babies
do the cooing. Light
uVov good dlgtatlea wait oa appetitev
aad health oa bota." Tata natural aad hap
py condition of tho taiad aad body I brought
about br tho tiwely uc of rTJckly Ah lilt
ten. While act a bcrcracu la say scsse, it
peMsoM the tvoadcrf ul faculty of resewtBc
to tho debilitated avatcsa all tho eiemeaU
rcqulmi to robslld and makn strong. If
you arc troubled with a btsadacbo, dlseaard
liver, kidneys or bovrda, give it a trial. It
will nut fall you.
Txe professional oras&a Is aa tefloea
Utl fallow, for hla bualocaa rive blta a
CrcatpulL ISlnatBffhaai llepuWIcan.
lo TOtr want to cujoy the exuberance of
perfect health I IVtyou want your rhccSa
Ui lv n(. aud vour whole Lin thr!lrl
with neb, pure bUssl cutin Ihnnagh Its
vnuii menuveur vonn tioll rvirxapar
illa. It willdo trhst bo other medicine trill
do. It ivdl make you Itvl like another jer
son. Joumox aaya the greatest aiatdana of
the age aro tho paper maker. They trans
form rats Into ahevU for editor to lie oa.
X. Y. Lukjvr.
IVisnix' Electric Soap ha been tuad for
24 years. Each years sale have turreuMxl
Iu Isss. aalc were 2,l47,ftA uv. Sujcrior
quality, and absolute uniformity and purity,
Eiftdo Ihla tKnaiblu. IK you uo ill Try ft
0e lau't obllprd to a;cur before tho
Cud Jury to liidlto bi thought lung
ton llcpubllcau-
Mt'nTnot bo confounded with common cath
artic or purgative pills, t'artrr s Utile. 1 Jr
errtllsaroeuUrvl unlike litem iu every rv
spect Oue trial will prove their ujsjriurtty
It Ukea two to mako a barpiln, and f rr-
aucntiy a third party tnul cutuo la and iay
jo bilk N. O. IVayuno.
MBuow5' UauNt-utju.TuociiK.s' nrwwiJely
known as an admirable remedy fur limn
chilis, Hoarseut-A, Cotifhs, und Tbrual
troubles. SvUl tny U huxu.
It U to bo expected ibut AuarvnlsU will
mako bombastic tpocehe. buffalo Ex
prr. A Dose in Time Saves Nine of llalo'a
Honey uf lioreliotind unit Tar for Couch.
Pike's Toothache Drop Cure In ououinuto
"That wa- a crack ahot," said tho boy us
be dlatipircd tho ahow wiudow with a j.eb
blu. W UHblugluu I Vst
Pais in the Side nearly uhvayscotnes from u
disordered liver and ipnmUv relict ed by
Curter'a Utile Liver lllls. Don't forget this
When a man Is comeIlcd to work fur
wopo ho Is of necessity led to u hire life,
Buffalo Express.
- .
(Jtvr. your children Dr. Hull's Worm Ihv
stroiers These nice candles tt ill neter do
them hnrui aud may do them much good.
"Ir It wasn't for tthUky " remarked the
cork, "1 would not bo hero In tho Jug." lu
dla!iujK)ti Journal.
Tiitjn Is u terrible ttulcht of i lit" iiifuiiul
tho llttlo plcturo wltli, tho blrf fruuio.
Wushingtou Pont
T -
'Hr.H complexlou ums! to to a irreut an
noyatico to her." "Ah. will, Uiat little mut
ter is all uiudo up now." N. Y. liuruld.
The crow is a wily bird. Naturu has mado
nun caw imun.un it wonj rturral-t l.aprr
What is lacking is truth
and confidence
If there were absolute truth
on the one hand and absolute
confidence on the other, it
wouldn't be necessary for the
makers of Dr. Sat?es Catarrh
Remedy to back up
statement of fact by
They say " If we can't
cure you (make it personal,
please,) of catarrh in the head,
m any form or stage, we'll pay
you S500 for your trouble in
making the trial."
"An advertising fake," you
Funny, isn't it, how some
people prefer sickness to
health when the remedy is
positive and the guarantee
Wise men don't put money
back of " fakes."
And " faking " doesn't pay.
Magical little granules
those tiny, suar-coated Pel
lets of l3r. Pierce scarcely
larger than mustard seeds,
yet powerful to cure active
vet mild in operation. The
best Liver Pill ever invented.
Cure sick headache, dizziness,
constipation. One a doc
The Soap
Ms Pills
T9iet Alterative end
CatfieMtic Properties.
Tmmrw Wli peiaaeMi fie nmmltUmm m
sal 4MjaaMfB4 efaagrew. aasal
tmj tatmt tram Jsr I
aerii i
Speedil j Before
1 4VeJaWtaieleatreiafaieit ajM liiiMia)
t 4sstAeias,aa esaeaiilalSereaxsst4srt.
I,iai ii Frtw.
tetxr tv csraXACKra.
ralas rnmwM.
Of the cirantlc hrxt of advrrtlsn ts-ov
rdlca for dypepl. twt one in tro U effect
ive A hngbt cxrvplkm U He-stelW
Shmta.-h Hilton, a UHaavUle without fat,
aurw, xJy and Wx-nwrt Jler U It W
rScacious .orcwuUpaUin, bihot)stcs. h k
headache., debility, kidacy
troablc and rbcuiaUaa.
Hxac'a a rrmartaKe ca. Tho ether
lay a irajroataaicr wbo haj t-s-u dumb far
years picked up hub and iAo. Wsir
Laaton Lr.Jcr.
Ths beat cnugh medicine U ro' Ctsro
for Ccraausiptluia. Sold everywhere So
Tar aiaa who ha a lrbt of
should co to sa oculist J odea.
11 . t i
Av J T
mmik - ee2?M
Jm WA fsrMm?2ttTr
m m saaw&uL 2&wt:f?Ei
Kittf ry ; sviwot- vmk -
RcmcmlKT last winter's siege. Recall how trying
to health were the frequent changes of the weather.
What was it that helped you win the fiht with disease,
warded off pneumonh and jxssihl)' consumption ? Hid
you give due credit to SCOTT'S EM U LSION of
pure Norwegian Coil Liver Oil aud I lypophosphitcs of
Lime and Soda? Did you proclaim the victory ? 1 lave
you recommended this wonderful ally of health to your
friends? And what will vou do this winter? INc Scott's
Kmulsion as a preventive this time. It will fortify the
system against Coughs, Coits, Cousum fitters, SerpuAt,
General Debility, and rJl Antvmit and Wasting Pubises
(specially in Children. Palatable as Milk.
WKCIAL Scott's HmtdiWi It iK-cr?t M I ttRTd J r tx MJwl fro.
fcMlvn &!l over the oirtl l.-vato-e it tHrvsibpntaMrc SkHjalMUi - tnbU3 Ml UMh a
manner as lu retly ttu rraxs their r-nvlul voia
CAITIOK S-tt Kmuluai u nit i. la fcir- K4t4irt nsjr. Jt r !
j-rt the Kenum t'rrridtMilv by S-tt St It . tw ,UnuJ . t Ut -, N Y-tk
Sold tiy all DrUiTKintv
W AaJHffaW
Far tt
U4 ?! m
;jf ai
C iaii !! at
Jt4u f-rr.
Sr- t-v tnM. uM'
p 4
11 ni'.i s-... rint
Itkt ra'tMt- T ftfllx ll'IM W: W
e J"J ps
nf.xl tf r
tufitl totlirNMi 4
hlh:re jrtt In esir ol rv'
T31!WVH UllVintY
t'le-a-t. lUllef Is lftnxllate.
()! lu III" lle.ld It I Lis MrsuaL
It Is au Ointment, of ahhli a t;vdl pithln I aj -d to UM
Uvsliua. l'tUx-,U- r4.l bj dnirxtii r t-1 lty ts
Addluaa. K. t, IUKtr iA. Wteu. Ta.
Trpoj to Uumi a lirt of catu UmptUitr to a
itreihing nin mratu aa ttotjout of riMtr h
! ran viibtUtid witbtml simu rr:t. l
aicXoru iW c fuSuw, W will L Umoi lUt mti
hxrdihlp ouI.'r bnac jb rttcsowtUa t-I ttmtUi
orii-Ujtt. At loch limn a Tfh llripC itifk.
it lu Ycbt IS t". u tnvmhuUm
IO SBJ ! tj"l to 4Sr tdT l" mil A-
&m inn, yum vast a Vunin Wwkf tl l;
I be ralin Um, naml, Mn-i uuUa ilrj, mtxl m.
4f 4ff rtmloji the tt Irvm httA to limit, lit
lm't crt mrrt,tmAlfrr iktnttkrr A1,m m-Ut
k'rit iby, h kwj Km arta. Ctrjr iit
rxUt Ka o. Whj tlmUn'l rwf IVw 4
wurtk!a uostMfirrt l trrry rarmet UMmy4 0
" Ktth 14o1l" Iffcle Ma. I! cr f
lulrrvjr ttxS when jtmt us ha it " rh IUmkI
Shcku" dflitrrrd t tiUm cut. 1'ankuUrt
mVmi iMasuaud cau&cae In.
4V.J. TOWCK. Boston, Mas.
DO )0U
and Outfit, and yet not lx? oWiged
to give OXK CEXJ
In payment for it ?
A St IWycU. Urtl UjrW. 1- boj- J gU l ,
V 14 Tr li )vj a ?.Ulf ptttQimMt
UJy-eur ( tJ l-y icy t ts rsVfjK ackl
M htflm- tfatt tisvr
wt ' jV"jr an rttljnry ffOfnitkm kits
whtfmitil t ! allKtll4iCTt!iit.
Km Cmmnj Irn. Afciitirii mi
SlMir-IUisiic District
Ter Stt. mVmtmoom AVm. sisatXav. M. at.
mrrtptirm uC lbs mmlrtl sstsrtrsl s4 eafrV-sM-srsl
iaiciua of iia Stat. mtrtJr Vi saa ol &
jVOKTOLX 4k VatamrJOt an.aOAXi. SSO
Waalfi art fn tr4. acwute. SOa kna4tr, V-rmw
TbtK. JSXayvsjiarytraasA.. WSftVs,at
Whtnmr you vit
tt shoM in town.
Looking for Braid
to bind your gown,
Socuro tho Clapv
whtrmr found.
That hokSa tho Noll
on which ia wound
Tho Braid that ia
tha world around.
.Laaahas. S. t. a. aJTsvSBat. Saaak.
rJ2.! 'sty y ,t
'f'sy TV &'
Bats aT ftannearas' i s .tan I m.
MaBBaBV '!? f2ZmmmW mlSl-m.9
7, aajBBar "
s mtm, a. Laaaass
,i mm'untmjXmmrVmWkttEl
t Ja W 1 llyatTlKf a7Ayy
sm ' t t faTS0TBE:BBT'.BaBSBBLsenr jsi
ivmimTmVSsxmz" n
Tkw a (athclte Arcfc
UUiaerp dnwa fc th
Peorvtt f th Pr
aH UlTj. U per to XX
The Greet Remedy For Pain,
but 1 tU twjsrW r . 4. &ttt rccMoU-.
It Cirw ftmfiU, Ptrmetlj;
Mil IwiM WWJt S4 UM llr,
a 4 rr u t n4ra ml S
rM. ! tfcto, Umtt m .
;o ut tu
(Its, tsUkaiM
TrMtMMMrt ! H CKrasOc mm
Surgical DlMiataa.
! U W NaT.- A t
asftU at ta.ia t 4 i. -
mm4 mmmmlmm4 ( H -
.- -i
tita"T mftJmmm K rrfs &-. m to .t at
Xtt mm -4f - ,- - a-- -
aaaaawsssa mi4 hwia fAMMM i twi as I
timrntm PaAia - a afAasr 4 ah mm4 m- ita , - ta4 "
, aaJfcaaaA mf,mm ay I Vf i
mm tar w- -
AMm J',. ( Sm-i .,- H"4
rkMtteM4WM4 tev m, mi'-Am-m mm 4
DB C. m. COE. PrHlnt.
Ilth A SronOwoy. KANSAS CITY. MO.
mil ("ATAKKH.-lV-jt, KA'e.t U uv
A cure Is rwiuu. luf
Curoa Diaop Without BHjlc4n.
irti 1,000 Titiiatiuu mtm tat rati tut
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"BBaa4 vsaMosa.
W Iran ' VtTyt ijii i Mfm
tKm!UfW SMU.Xi,
won f!HOLERA I2?JJK:
mmi - adba. . It US. SU. I. - S-- .
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