! I ijrji .. tja tjgljtjlttwtSip8r.' . -. t . ; -J-"- - . - zH -5 HB r mm?- ? mWMw mmk A M BmI .K mmmmm v' MMMMtSh. HaW jMMMMBaa&ai mmI Am mm Mm faTB'T'" mmmb m-. -' siB "" mmF zr "j -V- ' .? - Sin. - j-- j . bbbbb BBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBaa a 1 . ?. aaBBBBBar k W a MMl .aM mmmm Vmmmm "" BBk. 1 aaaBBj aaaaw T w ft j 1 - wmw. ,- b- - k 'S- jJLSbs ----xZZg -;j 2&W!QpEWm t " I '" lbVBmHBBHJBJ VjMHBfigpBjpBBBBvMVJBBBBBpBBBBBBBpjpnKa? '' f3?fe&- " - By A. C. Hosmer. Still on THE Square Golden Eagle Clothing House, &T Il11lliei1sS stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clotnine ! An Immense Stock of Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear and Hosiery. An Immense Stock of Hats and Caps, New and Fashionable, An Immense Stock of Men's and Boy's -Boots and Shoes. An Immense Stock of Trunks and Valises await your inspection. Prices and Quality Guaranteed ! You are invited to call. C. WIENER. Last but not least, we carry a big stock of all kinds of Woolens to be cut and made up by us into first-class Suit-, Pants, &c, by first class workmen. Fort Abstract Co., Tied Cloud, h. II. FOHT, m'9J I7A "ltrw Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOTICE. IlmltiKlinil Ion jrarcxerU,mr In county rt-cnnN nntl one of tlir mutt rot ijdcte .v.l of Ab itnict Imh'Ks in the Mali', wo punnitoc NtttNfnrtiou. onr fap vtlit tft AH ortlfin tlilHl pnuuptly. w.n iloll.ir IhhhI ltlvtl andaitmr4t. Ailtr'v or call on - h. 11. FOKT Manaoer. Itud Cloml. Neb. THE Fl KH1PTGHHRIIGE M HURHESS WFG. CO Mn 1 Farm rrnarr Is Yearn handMH if o. rarm Harness. Bt Whoirup pricm. iRaSZiSO, with priTilat of exuslniac l!or Imjitut. -V'.IS Chrt, rim.Vj nmAI Bliln put trrlhlciimTwi luitWirtflrr. w amuil vrarlhtn for 2 Tram. m I Any oo wbocao writ cn cniw k Iiorst cr llimm from tn.au wll mm PVttO Vu (30 to mbj tntddlwaan to order larthfm. no pr no credit, aad " ONE PRICE ONLY rinf fnn, Tkrrw8prit cr l'wfclntl Wncana. MM) J naa a athm veil at . Tr liaxKlr. MSo ; (nod a (old at NL Otm al 1 1 Ml M mil for! n .-. iK. 4 BflCOT 15l r hurt ana, K 1 1 0; Klnr KmJ Cart - r Boxtayrcclf taJUttiJ ntii2uaajctaA(7m. OUR HARNESS An tS Km. 1 Oak Imtkrr. lwJcitatosi. ' M-para lUaMntod OUa. rtcc What is BBBBBbw m BBBBB Bk flBBBBfl BBBBBBW? -mmm" Bm BM Bf JIBBBM BbI Castoria is Dr. Samncl Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years nsc by. Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " CXoria Is an excellent medidne for chil dren. Mothers hart rrpratoHy told me of its food cCect upca their cUMrac." Da. G. C Oaseoo, Loa.Xa. Castoria Is tbr bct wweer t or aeldrctt of chichi am acqaaiswL I hop tte dsy is cot far distant utfotnotbtfa mill 00riVtb real interwS of thrlr adrea. awsCMtom ia stead of thevarkmsqtackcwtrwaWBScfa are dfstroyia? their loved oas, fcyf oreJlCopiHsi. morphine. so-Tthiae ynrp aad otber aartful txnt down their throats, thereby elites ihens to premature pr.' Pa.J.F.EQKHaJ0C OoawaT, Ark. Tk Ctotf CagMay, n UmrJmmAW Top! ! Dealing tBBBBBBBBBV .bbbbbbbbbb JBBBBBBBBV 'BBBBBBbW .SBBBBBBBr ' BBBBBBBbT BT bbbTO8HKE MonaKcr. (? III A AM1?I rflrrrt ith rvnuaiacnt, v ,. HIITlVlirm. both aril not n 5"a.a. aanxi aa mi at flii Uidaah - Sll&. Luht iMbis to iuo. L. B. PRATT, Sec'y, ELKHART, IIU Castoria. CMtoria fa so well adspted to chlidrea that I rrcorrsBeed tt tsmFcrvxlaxariiiimxiptim kaawatorae. a . E. A.AK9Ba.XrSu 111 So. Oxford St, Erooklja, KJT. Oar pfcysJciias ia the chQireas depart Best hare fxea hfaidy of thrfr erprri eace ia their oetcide practice trith Cassoria. and aUho8h w osly hxn aesj ccr medical SBpplks hat U iaetra at rejraUr Hrodcts.TK-Brarfrt to coafcas that ti rarrks of Carton has woa to kwk wa laTwapTnit. Ckthep BceTrrt a DtsnyuaT. AizxsC 8atrB,i-. TU41 v YVV7 iimv,i VitVTiSOsTVSW "VrfCi TsV - " Eternal Vigilance is Happy ffoulK Judge Traakev lias become quite an adept in tfaeartof "fiajingtlie iny-j .? Jl 4t..t Mt.1. 4. t..vlc Krit ) fclC WUIUS iiiav Biaac tu umiw uv a one," and on the 18th of the moslb united in marriage Mr. Kmil Frey and aiiFi Lena Giger. Un the '1'Zd he ioined in the holv bonds of uiatri - moiiy, Win. M. McClure and Miss Ktta McDonald. On the following day, April 23,11. M. Tingley end Miss MolliaClinc, were made man and wife by IJis Honor. We extend congratulations. A aol One. We publish the followin-i jut a.s told us by a prominent business man: "I had to purchase quite a bill of goods for my houhcbold and started out to smell around and t-ec where to buy. I visited a store where I had traded more or less for a number of years and found the proprietor regal ing a farmer from Garfield precinct with a long harangue regarding Pope Iro5. store. He assured him that they knew nothing about business and were bound to bust as they were sell ing sugar, soap and coffee way below cost. Leaving the store I returned an hour later to find him talking to another audience. He wa now mourning because so many of hi old customers had left and gone to Pope .Brothers to trade, and ended by as suring his hearers that Pope's goods were old, his shoes poor and his prices high. My curiosity was excited and I visited Pope Bros, f tore to sec for myself. I found the store room filled with goods, a large shipment of dry goods juBt opened fresh from Farwcll of Chicago and Tootle Hosea (Jo. of St. Jo. 1 found them with a good line of Sclz, Schwab it Co's shoes and a large invoice of shoes from Tootle Hosea and Kelly & Goodfel low. which for lack of room Jiad jiot all been placed on the shelves. $3500 worth of dry goods just opened and $1350 worth boots and shoes not out or boxes struck me"as a large spring atock considering the times. I eould now sec why the goods looked twenty years old to the other merchant. The upshot of the matter was that I bought a bill of nearly fifty dollars and saved some money too. Never pend an article for publica tion without giving the editor thy name for thy name may perchance secure publication. Never shouldst thou loaf about a printing office, or knock down type or the boys will love thee as they do shade trees when thou leavc-L Never descharge saliva promiscuously " upon the floor for wcaril' thou may be discharged by the pngilist'c editor. Thou should.-t not read the copy on the printer's j case, or the eompo-er thereof inaj knock thee lown. Never ask ihe editor for new.-, for behold, it is his bu.-incbs at the appointed time to ijivc it to thee without asking. It is not right that thou .-houldr-t ask him who irf the author of au article, for it is his duty to keen euch things to himself, nor shouldst thou quiz the devil for an information, for verily he is wise and sagacious and maye.-t in jure you with his horns aud tail. Examine not the proof sheet, it ia not ready to meet thine ej c. One day this week on information filed with State,- Attorney Hopkins, June Bent and wife were arrested and brought before Judce Trunkcvcharircd with "keeping and maintaining a cer taiu Iioil-c of prostitution, re.-orted to for the purpose of lewdness,"' etc. Judge Trunkcy released them on their giving bond in the sum of $330 each, for their appearance in his, court this afternoon. In all probability they will be bound over to the district court. It appears that they had a young girl less than fifteen year of age in the house, who had been de bauched by depra ed men. a-she al leges, that ought to have been in bet ter business. If they are guilty they should receive the bcaefit of the law. Such cases as the one abote mentioned is a sad reflecttoa on our boa-ted civil ization. The yoeng lady t a ure candidate for the reform school, where it i- hoped she will receive a lea-on in rec titode that willlje beneficial. A Safe laveatmciiL. 1$ which Mgvara&Ued to bris; yoe iatifactoTT reaslt. or ia ease of faflsre'for jearaweban. bees feJUfcC Dr. Kiac's a retara of pwrchae price. . thi safe ' nlscTOScaabai from cor tU-ertwtsd ! Drsggt a bottle of Dt. IGsg Xew Di- roTrryfor ConsBHJptiea. lti gaaraa- M t tA to ferine- rriltf ia eTerr e&K.wbca sedforai:yaetJ6 of Thro&U Lrogn p? ChecUraesas CoE3SitMo. LLEsmaa- tioBOfLsjr,BrcchiUTAih!.Wbop- V - -a-. - -a. nf rVkaK IVfWfL 4iL iMf Tt Ml Tfct imA auUatA taU. nrf aetlr aafa. z& h -"' a' -w" w-m - - -- - - ,-. -- CMi alway fee 4epeJ spoa. Trial b- tk Izf AIL.B. Dcyv'i Oraf More, l the Price of .Liberty " and One Dollar a year is Red Cloud, Webster County, Cowic. TIk1 Wagoner have mostly pme t etraka Citv. lU-v II. I). J'latthas just heard of ... r i- ,,',,, the deith of hi- oldest brother in Wcstinin?tcr, California. Smlli Mtlc. t . JIiw5EHa, treet is viiting with her : uncle mid aunt this week Charlev Turner wa- on the Side M-imiir on Sunday. Mia.- Mattiu Mahani has on a viit. gone ea-t There was a dance at J)ave Ander son s last Tuesday night. All report a good time. Alii Lizzie (tutit working in Bed Cloud. Mn. Klohra wu the guest of Mr.-. Mark Warner last week. Pkck s Good Sitku. Willow i:rcck. Mr-. A damson returned to her home on the 17th, after seeing her father laid to rest, lie died the next day after she got there, and for sever al days her mother's life was des paired of, but was better when Mrs. Adamsou left. Mrs. David Bocplt was so unfortu nate as to lose an infant son last week. Mr. Jake Laecy has been very sick but under the skillful treatment of our mw j.liy -iciaii. Dr. Moore of Cowlcs, is much better. Willow Creek was bank full Inst Sunday caused by the heavy rain Sub day morning. The farmers are re joicing over the prospect of a good crop. Mis Kppa Adamson began a two months' term of school Monday at Pleasant Hill school hou-e. Manitoiia Iiiavalf. We are having plenty of jain late- The grass is getting quite green along the river. Mr. llartwcll and wife went to Xaponec last week. Frank Wilsou and wife of Cowles, were visiting S. K. Walcott and family Sunday. Low Kenyon and Davis went to Bed v(Jloml Saturday nuht. - Kciijou Holdrcdge and 3Ir. Dota started for Seattle, Washington, to stay during the summer months. 3Ir. Kniirht and wife was visiting in Alma last week. The young folks gave a supprise on Geo. Humm.-l Tuesday the 21st. it beinj hi- 10th birthday. Mrs. John Myer.-, and Mr, MorriB was visiting friends in theso parts the first of the week. Mr. Gray as in the Vale Mon day. Kin. Itliuicn. Who says it can't rain in Xebr.aska. A. P. Johnson, C. TC-. Hicks and Iluuh Monroe have been building garden fence.--. Mr. L. Dickerson of Prophetslown. Illino -, is the guest of J. W. Wrat ten. Our farmer.- arc pearly all done seeding and are rejoicing over the fine nins. During tnc rain storm last Sunday Mr. Adams' cowshed sheltering thirty ! head of cattle was struck by lii:ht- niutr. The only damage done wa putting one's eye out. The Congregational Bcpubliean Valley Church Association held their :innui! spijug meeting at this place last Tuesday and Wednesday. A large number from abroad was in at tendance and a grand good meeting was held. Ladies don t forget to call at the pot office when in want of the latest tv.ic Of spring hats. 3Irs. J. Borden ha opened a full line of millinery goods and will be glad to have you call and examine ber stock and get price s. S , Boyd & Ovcring are looking daily for information regarding the con tract they vcrc after last week at Lin cola of uhicL mcutiou wa made in our lst isuc. The monument will ibe made of Uarrc granite for the base. the ceni-r or die as it i technically called, will be of quincy, the whole surmounted by a marble statue. On last Tnesday evening. TilK CniKF man and family were awakened bv the beautiful strains of muic that came jwurinrent'.ey into their sleep ing apartmeat- as they were wafted oh the midnight breeze by the ftkJUcd finger? of tlic well trained mawiciaa. It ha- been well said by 96ue one that .Viuic hath charm t poothe the savage, to make the lioa ceau-e it rage, the lynx forget hi-wrath to maa. Are we. alas. Ies stvagr than these, else music sure would humast car- ap ease We love music whether the und$ are produced br the shepherd jboy of Unnte Scotlaad playing en his bagpipe-, or from the hpts of the beaa tifnl Dccra, or by the Irish ca.-aat playing on the harp of Eria." Merit WIm. We tit-fire to a j to oxr cituc, that He Dcorrr for CosmsptSn. Dr. Khsg Na-lHfeP2l. UaaUxa Arwiea ar '- t-octnc oittes. awl fear strrt? , Hxadled remise taat se wt&. or tlt 8T girea stici s:rral saUtfactieB.? fwt hesitate to paruUc tkr errrrj tni a wa maj i rtajs tbe rtfl price, if aaticf aetery r- aw?? as IWll fsT!AaV t&aV -- Ylaatia araajfaja fa RT ec llr great I IlllltJ j 7 oa tiiraserHs. JM.IVyoDTWf-j - Neb., Friday, April 24, 189 J The enrolling and cngrussmj; clerti of the ltf lamented Legislature were the worst lot of blockheads that ti r a.-i-emblod at the capital dunrs s ' . f .i i . t , se-oion of the JecisIaturr. It i - .t,t th,t nnl . onrlp 1.11 .,.1. r,tipt,innj.ra Th - -.....j , l:,t fc ----.-. - -- l r.i:i. jt;t., -. ...i. !,:.... ., . tk UCUUCII UL.lli.il. Ill U1UUIXMUV .'IV i English lan'TUBgc and adorning thoir,n"- . work with orthographical eeeentrict - i lies that would double discount .lsh Billings in the ztnith of h:s glory as , a ..jjg jt js 6a,j tjjal tjic meijjril bill when presented to Gov. Boyd for, (V. Joe Warren has sold hi- stock his signature contained over 2u0;of hoeond hand good.- to C. 1 Kvans, errors in spelling Grammar was a. ;id same lavs been moved to Fcathcrly thing unknown in the work of the K, Aultz o old slnnd host of n grossing clorls dctaijed for that work Bepctitious, omi-:on-, suocLing uau gnuiuiar, nnrriuie sprn mgaud peninauslud that would make liUius uuoaic or uoracc vtrceiey s statutes blush was the rule The warehouse bill is "ro:ly defcetnc on account of the incompetent work ! the engros'iug committee. One by one the great eulamatie that have been predicted follow the wake of the McKinley bill vani.-he-iu thin air. The fact that tiiT will be manufactured in America i- bgiiutitig to dawn upon the intellect of the ad vocnies. oi iree iraue. .- soon as tnc "v demand i upphed by home iiianufae - til rill', it will save the twontv million that now goe- to foreign auu over countries. I his one commodity will furnish employment by opening up another adocatiou for the laboring elas.-e- of America. Will some free trade adocato please ri-e aud explain how the people of thi- country are to be benefitted by buying j the produce of foreign labor, wlioii there are thousand of idle Iatererer hcre that are out of employment. Al so how a manufacturer can -ureess-' fully' compete with another uuder free trade unle-s he can get his material aud labor as cheap to produce the commodity maufactured. Further more, would not free competition in the market- of the world that we hear so much about inevitably rcdueo the price of American labor to the leel of the uneducated underpaid foreign laborer. But &ajs the anti-protertioii ist, "We don't care a . I want to buy wJicreJjian.buy the cheapest' cry well, if the laborer? ages are reduced, -o is his capacity for eon- has had jor of pra -tical experince sumption. If he earns only ten eout- j in the scientific care of the dead and per day that i his purchasing jKwerj is bettor prepared than ever to con for bread, and what he must live on jducl the business in all its branches. The better labor U paid, tin tetter As soon a the timos get better his table is furnished, hi- children arc, Tin; CiilEK calculates to enlarge its better clothed and educated, he has a s;ZCt t,t Wl. l,clM.rc that it present greater love of homo and couutry nnd I IZC ;,, fjr appreciated, as we aim to becomes a bettor citizen. l.avr all tho. new ami ii rrailjl.l. It is often assorted that the condi tion of labor in Great Brittinu i- a good a- it is in America. To all such I r rm lil rpfir tlifMn to thp rotwirt of Lord Duneaven of the committee from i ,,,w .,.ii-w w, w...-. ,iv .... o...v ...... llrt llalltJA nf 1 AmL tlaf V UlAtlt laflf 10 investigate tue eonuuiou 01 uie la boring classes to be found in the Oc tober number of the North American Bevitw. II J O. SiM-cia! Kale Twontv first conference asw. of gen - ernl pecrotarie of Young Men's Chris - SmT.' ii,i t ,,hi A1'?-' T,,c W- (' ,oc5al Md h,t Sat-30-Mnv i, I'Kll. AgentH mav soli tickotfl i , , ,. ., . toStJonoph April 'JTMnr inelusixiu urtJ3 omop, in the K P. Hall. P. A. Wieting, 40 East 23rd X. V.waa grand ucces atthouch but city, will Rign certilicateH. , little notice had been given, the ball entrn'nthinWnntKmal crnvetionwaJi crowaod to its utmost capacitv, A&;ruL?K!-'''V "!. . .cry ..c'-ntlV CVv Mav :M0 mcltuive. A. Wietuig sI,r,,? "i aI1 Vtrtnt Secy. 40 East 21rd stX.V. City will Mgn certificates. Annual meeting Kans-as State Homte- , surprised him wi onathic Medical Socioty Knuras Clj', ' ., IvWMay GS1&U. Agent nia hell I'cerowd began i tickntR to Kansas Hitr IVlo. Mav.T ineltis ive. Peter Diexlrich M. I. recording he waa so nrpricd. The gnesU gav secV., Kansan City Kan., will sign certi- i him a fine chair a a token of friend hcatee. ' h,r, I. O. O. Pw Celebration York Xebr. ' .. T T . r, .. , April 27 183L Agentamny sell ticket!. L. J. Bchb of nastingr.Ncb., was to York April gJ-'J7 inclusive. M. D I te city this week, looking after Lundftec, Secy., York Xebr will wgn j the slock of goods for the Bercer, Certificates. Aonuat reeling fcuraKa atate All a r a . r x i -m 1S?L Agents mar gelf t,ckel to Lm IP1 lt nattng8 Mr. Bcbb U a 5at coin Mar 9-14 inclusive, M. L.Hfllreek'wr ?nd the right man 10 the ri-ht Secy. Lyons Xebr will sign certificates place Annual Convention Afro. American' League Lincoln Xebv May 12-1 1L .Irhor Ilnj t the IHlllrJM-lMMU Agents mar pell ticket to Lincoln Mjt pvittw; that m- mention phoald MSmclDinvew A.&Baniettf; S,, lr ctCTn oa Ariwr lili rarnam bt Omaha, will s?gn ccrUti ,, ,, t-t-. -i cal DT h te ktIiwh in thi-rity, 1 will Annual Mating "Womans PrelyUtr teieCT say that te me all arrasgeaent iaa Board of Mxseiotia of the Norths rat, ' were cwiuplctc in everv jiarticular. and Peoria I1L Aprfl liOL AgeaU nvay j fw. Hte wa9 mu?t happily attrvnacd. sell ticket to Peoria April UJ3incla lTT x, , ., 1 JLj ,. mve. Xh Amwiddie. 40 North rf TJc Tobm aI K&utar. .-med to tra St 1'eona. w sign cerlificateH. I ne each with the other to wtalc the For the above cnxasvom pweagers ? effort a 3ueccvfc with rcelt a before paying full fare cotEg will be reHirced , sulci There were uite a ter at one-third fareoa profentatioa of cor if frieaa? vtwntm a mtVTilr -Udic" tilicate earned by u projr oSieer of , . ', -t the meeteff as iamtc4 that there wa V nrtwI , .C ?"? ' TC,TuwI aa attendance of oee handred or more : decorated with hnnUag. fiag fowcr. ical Society Lincola Nebr. Mar 111 too nave puu XBUiareoauegotBgtrrp.'etc. aad in aie ol tlsc Jowcr rooa Afl NebrwTlI aipa cetiScate. .r.Vr it 7z:"7- v-;c:rc ! b,,to? T. fl. O. K r.LJw-atrtn TJavH Chit-' S& ticteTto DTvld cirr rtSisi ? "h . aredi: rlwM-o. R. R. Txrfew 5er T-rM Cfrr &'" tfcat the .. -- - " - 9 """-" J Nebraska Half 1 early xeeiscg Sooety ' imparted hy the teachers. Theesaay. ofFTieodXcolBNebrApral5M.freaUIjoc. decJaUoo, aad one ArentK m Nebraska aay Al t&cts to . ... : ;,. m -JtJLs LiBOIiiApriliil.tiriCclav. J lluUvct? di tcryawtraelaTr wtH rraderej Lainser. CWk. Lncola Nd, ill siga H tolsc for teacher ainl certificate. A. Cwsorcr. Agt ch9!ar. ()XE Who Wa TjltEC TTighaajr aalk Power. mL SSGD&9& AaUCMOTBy PURE the Price of The Chief. LOCIL DRIFT. It V ?h-rer is home from Ojdeii. riak .. t , M v , ., Attorney John (.) l riser ana wife, , rM . - . . ' '"-".'"".. Mr. C. I.. Crosby, who has Wen! . . ... a :iek for mc tm! i. ranidlr imnror ) I.I ; The Cezad drum wjoad is about a? near perf ret a. one conld imagine. They are certainly experts in martial music. f Jaft rccr lhc alPtll M ,p, , j!adIJii ftmm.r wr-I,N llark. MUcon.t ('J,aliUi tavK Urillianm. and glove al yhf V Newhou-o's. The V P S C. K. of the Congrc gat'oual churth will give a pig mkju- if, at the old Maronic- hall, Fridat , , .,.v jevocing .Ma) 1. All arc iuied. I Anyone having lands- to rll, or trade for Bud Cloud, Lincoln or Oma ha property or merchandise call at once on Kai.kv & Baukku. Men.- -uits -trong and sightly can be iKjught at Winner sat $2.7. north I $!'..) and from that up, bargaiu.i in i .11 .- J-v. f ...1 !..... I.. .1.. . .. j r b ijkiT- Mriiikr ii iiiiuii nn vjj un j forUxoato during laH Saturday, in losing a uor&e mat cost mm over $f0t). The horse diod near Guide Bock. Isaac Ilummoll of Inavalc, has the proud distinction of having the fir-t new potatoes of the season, nd they were raised in Lew Aliu-tcad's patch. Several of our fire boys were in Blue II ill Wednesday, attending the fire department's entertainment of that city They wcr hand-omcly cn tcitained. This paper can't see that the ap pointment of the new board of trans portation sccretaric- is any improve ment over the old member, who were no better than none. After years of experience we make the intelligent care of the dead a specialty, and arc prepared to attend all calls in the city or country. F. V. 'or. funeral director t'lidcrlakinc by r. . Taylor who - - - - .--. --. fiiiapc. The Knights of Pythia" lodge of this city, is fast growinf in jHjpularity and evry night, from one to two applicat'oiis ar being presented for 1 , rnoniuerMiip irom mong our best citizenv C. H iencr ha just returned from the east, when ho ha nsed every effort known to him in his long ex- I PDrencc as a meicusui to tiuy goo us 1 cheap so as to Help tnosc needing any j goods in his hue to obtain tbcra al J II. B. Simons wa 4 years old I iati rriaar. ana nt wue ana son ith a party. When to gather vob could "are krnoeked the evc OR of 11. It ! Aleraoder Hardware HomnitiT. of tU.tinr. The eW hare beaa .bin- f - - .... , . h, w . .. . . J. 1 . ..Y .. 2 Mm.a u&uv av j9cr. to the pspil sad yooDg sisa i iaa. e iTeioping aad taking ia tfce kwowledgc V. S. Gort Kcpoet, Aaf. jj, xl Baking Powder "S i DON'T BUY Mens Boys 23 3 JL aJL 3 Until you examine our Spring SlSPCk. Thir is no use of your payiftg mofc for Working Shirts, Everyday Patois, Than they are worlli i sec what Ave tliese McNitt Removed! Removed GEOKGEWIIITSOX, T SIcritrlBnil'" HI Mum!, (ornrrm lltr -tr--t tind Kit m Where hr ill Urrp tt ttHin! nil r lhc tf.t bartlHBre gK i bo founit. hv liIitiM'Ut r gfllUlMf Baker Wire and Job work. Ifn roofing utid rlt mm aa ultima. frrlHllir mIIIi h. waark 4llcHel. ftr nait rr B. CLARKE Proflldont-AlbABy, KottU V. aHJRKY. Trctaavaw NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FAKM ILSAM PAW UP CJJJfy-iL.S$o)0o. Tah Taair AppUemtton t Tatran, Mmm ta aMt it tl's Aaaa-t r wwt bum aacaaa you ftta r je itTrl lmwn"Waay aataa ft tan ri? jx Om lt trcs hop o u" jwvr " nn trtwJWf: C1 Cloud. IStb. BAILEY & MYERS, Abstracters, Kcal Estate Red CLouy, Nf,hask.. Abaoxcifc of title fnrmshud jtcouraMy jk1 3fomtJ Sti?faction 0naratn-d. 10.i buil THE TRADERS LUMHEH C( WILL MAKK iF ? 5?f v-5 POS1TIVKL: Lower than anvvanl in the w;rM TaAtr aTKicc. HaaaryB.liofiI.ivin stAdj jva ttU Ik I rsm t&s CBtr - i m n afaangr Bwmawr .vr. vm . . i ... .. .. feWC.Mw rilil!?eauaa.ws. jlw IWaaW. Uff 8Wfs'ilT.ki-. ' iUU ltej0. aaflfCS-maHeur ar w "f ISatJMMCieoa' IJesaryft JSojtt. far t?t mmnumJarrniiriv 9 Mat 1 1 mi an i i r www 4j m j. . ... Il aTatia- OH, I w ff'w txi4eel. 3Ito. Bj Lt.1Uvx,9l- ataaaU fjMa Vr-L la Na'in. i "III 1PP Uilillillj Overalls nine and tr ask vou goods. for r & tralusha BHal .aaW gjjaa-jtjv. Charter Oak Stoves lcr vort ,"luitMjr,Ktin kni l'riKipie rMHrmiWed nnd od tmr In o tlMir n'rrlh 3. A ? bttnlal GEORGE WHiTSON, Vur rr uul uimI Tollrr ul Irr Trti K.V, J A. TVL.lt. rVkol'rti49 j o -4. ta r l mth t tm 9 Oil AUauy. Kfifsr York e and Farm Loan Aaron! fll- -" 'VJCT" 'v 3BS 1 ! Tiake Sotlctr- yisjn ii t. I 4 Jai ih&S. fesiie aautiiwMk aum ltr &mZj U i . -t m. ,' " -- mt.?itjr. WMaaa? Am io&aXtt : ? JEtoR. . mtmmt j,. a 4: JUMmajSHNtfe JT4!. t Js 4 k ! i ir sc rlwefedl s s M .: ! akaitfe Jv?l Jabr laL I wp 1 -"-- - . - -. --- A tz?W&txtsxJi!L w. fur J. fiy L. TUi. Jimb. & i TT X-