V. . A. C. HOSMER, Publisher. .. RED CLOUD, -.-- NEI5RASKA CURRENT COMMENT. Tiik exports of Japan in 1S00 fell off Si:,r.00,000 lwcau.se of the failure of the rice crop and the holding- hack of silk. T;;iu:itci'i.o.is ha-s made it appcMr ance amoiig- the cattle of Maine and New Hampshire in a virulent form, and the catltlo inspectors are busy hunting up and lulling infected cattle. Tiik four-year-old child of John Hatter, who lives a few miles from Dubuque, la., was in the yard play injr wlien a goo.se with younjr goslings ran at her. The dog ran at the goose and the light lietween the two fright ened her into spasms from which she died in a few hours. Tin: czar one year ago forbade Grand Duke Michael to marry Countess Igna ticlF, the dnnghter of the ambassador at Constantinople. The mother of the cHinlrvaHs'j dissuaded the grand duke. On the grand duke" marriage withu maid -orvant tlic czar issued a secret decree depriving him of his ducal rank. Si:cktai:v Noma: writes that it is now illegal for whites to enter any of the Indian reservations soon to be jHnud. He al.vi states that though the two sections in the appropriation law tixingVjthji size of the new coiinticb are eonilicting he will lay out the coun ties according to the latter section, making them seven hundred square miles each. Lati:i: developments into the sup posed fiendish murder of Alexander iMiyiScr, an old citizen of Coshen, Intl., show that liis death w:is caused by rats. The old man fell on the floor in a stupor und nits attacked him, tearing off the llesh and mutilating the face .shocking ly. From this the officers originated tin theory that tramps had clubled the old man to death. I)i: Ihi.r.MA.v, of Tittston, Pa., says that there is nothing in the story about Miss Anna Dickinson's persecu tion. While appearing otherwise rational, her mental trouble took this form from the lcginning. At Pitts ton, where their relations have been understood for years past, it is unneces sary to say that Miss rickinsoti charges emanated from an unsettled mind. It is stated on the best of Wash ington authority that there is no im mediate prospect of a change in the olliee of I'nited States treasurer, and that the president will positively take no action in the matter until Mr. Hus ton recovers from his present illness There is no truth whatever in the re jMrt that arrangements are being made for a count of the cash and securities in anticipation of a change.. Tin: reported postponement of the teeiproeity negotiations with Canada until October 1- is well grounded. Sec retary Plaine, though willing, is in no hurry to discuss the question and thiuks it would pay to hold otr until the elec tion of a more liberal party in Canada Mr. Maine holds that the fishery and the Kchring sea questions which are still pending should be disposed of be fore or at the same time the reciprocity question is settled. Amo.no the patents issued by the pat ent olliee the other da3 were seventeen to (Jeorge I. Siinonds, of l'itchburg, Mass. This is the largest number granted to one man in a single da for many ears, but the case is also inter esting because the inventor has, it is claimed, suctcssfully solved the prob lem of applying the principle of ball bearings to the heaviest machinery. Hitherto it has only been possible to use these bearings on bicycles and very light machinery. Mayor Stkwakt. of Philadelphia, has issued the following order to the police: "All persons connected with the bu reau of police in any capacitv, serving as membcis of the ward executive com mittee or of the city campaign commit tee, are requested to withdraw from the same within the next ten days, or fail ing in ibis to present their resignations. Any violation of this order will ha suf ficient cause for immediate dismissal from the service for disobedience of orders." 'I'm: German socialists are highly in dignant over the fact that their great leader, Itebid, is living in luxury in Perlin. It is said that he, not satisfied w ith a house grandly furnished, and a select and abundant larder, has one of the finest wine cellars in Perlin. and in dulges with his friends in the highest champagnes, Tokay and other lever ages, w bile he makes a business of de nouncing the luxury and extravagance of capitalists, and holding himself forth us a model for the masses. Tin: police dispersed a socialist meet ing w Inch was being held in a hall in lScrgdoff. a town belonging to Ham burg. This action of the police was taken in consequence of the anti-se-metie element hi the meeting indulging in rioting. The fighting was continued in the street and a battle with stones took place between the opposing fac tions. All the windows in the vicinity, including those in the railway station, wen broken by the flying mivsiles. Several of the rioters were placed un der arrest Tiik central committee of the pan-republic congress paid a visit to the White house, headed by Judge Anion, who made a short address to the president, outlining the work accomplished and contemplated by the committee. The president made a brief resjonse, ex pressing his interest in the movement and saying that while he could not speak officially without the authority of congress, his own feelings had always Wen in sympatlry with all movements directed toward the enlargement of hu man rights. Secuktaky Vostkk announces that he will not make public the locations, prices or namesof persons ofTering sites for sale to the government upon which to erect the public buildings provided for by the last congress. In taking this action he follows the uniform practice of the treasury department A special agent will visit each city where a pub lic building is to W erected and after making a careful examination of each site offered, will submit his report to Secretary Foster, who will then make the selection. Skvekai, weeks ago curious discov eries were reported near Era, in Cooke county. Tax. CoL Tally, of Dallas, representing an English scientific soci ety, has Wen there several days prose cuting the investigation. He is report ed to have discovered the remains of a giant woman with a large gold mount ed and ancient modeled tucking comb beneath her hair. This is in the nature of other discoveries made there several weeks ago by a party from Illi nois, and led to the investigation by Sir. Tally, who stated that there was something in store for the theological students and historians as well the scientific world. The place of the dis covery is known as the Clear Creek cat THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. NEWS 01? THE WEEK. Gloanod By Tolojrraph and Mall rEIISOXAf, AND I-OLITICAT Kookish, democrat, ha Wen elected mayor of Denver. ColJt" fm - Tun municipal clcctioaof St Louis favored the democrats. "!. Sknatou Kmn.WDS sent his resigna tion to the governor of Vermont oa.the Oth. -V- ,?JS Tiik sensational tallr concerning Parncll's relations with MrsrO'fcjB4a H- that he has Wen privately mirrirf-to. divorce proceedings. ' and that atne young lady is a ward in ehaaaary'lVB liable to W prosecuted. - ?- Tiik grand dnke" Michaelorltcn, cousin of the czar, has lteea, privately married to the countess of Jftumaberf." Gov. Datum.. O. Fdww. died at Jial leigh, N. C, suddenly on the 7th of heart failure. " Rev. Edwam Doitn Gwrriv-PnTMn, I). D., died at his'rcsidcncc in NcvTYork City recently. For more than fifty-two years he was associated with his broth- er, tlie Ker. h. ireiwus rnme, it.tr.. in the editorial work of the ew lork Observer. PniXKAH T-JtAJiUMrthiKratjduwv man, died at Uridgeport, Conn., on the 7th in his blstycar. Tiik municipal election in Chicago was a much mixed-up alTair, Wth par ties Wing split up and a socialist candi date running. First returns said Cregier, democrat was elected by a plurality of 0 votes. Later the election was claimed by the republican with" a plurality of aWut 1,000 for Hempstead Washburnc. At a recent secret conference of the executive committee of the National league of republican clubs it was de cided by a vote, after a bitter tight, that the efforts oftnc"Icagiic should be devoted to the rcnomination and re election of President Harrison. I.v consequence of the Itussian mass ing of troops on the Galician and Siles ian frontiers the German government has decided to strengthen the eastern frontier garrisons. " , Tub ashes of the cremated remains of Judge Henry J. Stiles, of - Louisville, have Wen buried at Hopkinsvillc, Ky., in the grave of his first wife. JriMiK CAi.mvKi.r. has Wen confined to his room at Little Rock, Ark., with a severe attack of la grippe for the past two weeks. Even though he recovers he will not W able to fill appointments on the circuit for many weeks. Amkihcax Mi.mstkk Fosteu was given a banquet recently at Madrid, Spain, by the Spanish premier. A iitt.i. appropriating J.'00,000 for a world's fair exhibit ha Wen introduced in the Illinois legislature. Tiik Wisconsin house has passed the reapportionment bill and a resolution for the election of I'nited States sena tors by a vote of the icoplc. Attohnky-Gknkkai. Mim.kk is con fined to his residence by sickness. K.V-GoVKHNOIt lllOMAfl U I'l.KTCJlEU, of Missouri, is very ill at his liotne in Washington of pneumonia. William Wallace, postmasterof In dianaixilis, Ind., died on the SUl He was born in Hrookville, Ind., in 1825. He was a son of the late Gov. David Wallace, brother of Gen. Lew Wallace, and was President Harrison's first law partner. Gen. John It. Cooke died at Rich mond, Va., recently. He was a native of Missouri. His sister married Gen. J. E. It. Stuart, the famous confederate cavalryman. Tin: well known playright F. G. Maeiler, author of tho "Canuck'' and other notable pieces, died at New York of pneumonia. Details from the seat of the civil war in Chili are to the effect that Guil erlo Matta, the Chilian minister at Ituenos Ay res, has declared his allegi ance to the rebels and as a consequence he has been publicly denounced as a traitor. Mits. Anxik ItKSANT, the English theosophist socialist and philanthropist, author of "Fruits of Philosophy" and co-worker with the late Charles Itrad laugh, has arrived at New York. The liberals won a sweeping victory in Prince Edward Island. Jv Anna Dickinson has left 'New York for Goshen, N. Y., Where slio will un dergo medical treatment hr.NAioK Mokkill, of Vermont, depre cates reciprocity with Canada. i- , MISCELLANEOUS. Z Jrnoic ItAKRETT, in the eonrtof oyer and terminer at New Yorll, granted an application for a ten days' stay of pro ceedings iu the cu.sc-of the New Haven railroad directors indicted for the Har lem tunnel accident Tin: Lafayette, statne opposite the executive mansion at Washington has Wen completed. : j A .man enveloped in a great overcoat was recently arrested near the porson of the czar. On Wing searched a re volver and some jMiison was found. Gen. Rkn Iti'Ti.KK has sold to the gov ernment for $! i0,000 a granite building and the ground on which it stands in Washington. The New York Methodist conference has voted overwhelmingly that women should not W admitted to the general conference. Owing to the prevalence of remark ably clever counterfeit S2 silver certifi cates the issue of the regular series of fcJ silver certificates has Wen suspended and arrangements are Wing made for the issue of a substitute. The original Wars the portrait of Gen. Hancock and the substitute will have that of the late Secretary Windom. Mahiza S. Kuukankz, a, Itohcmian girl from Omaha, lighted a fire with kerosene at lNicblo. Col. The house was saved, but the girl died. At Itnsscllville. Ky., seven prisoners escaped from the jail by cutting a bar in a window. Four were murderers. For one of them. Jona Porter, who as sassinated George W. Crill, a wealthy farmer, a reward of SI, 000 for arrest and conviction was offered. Tiik steamship Cachmere, from Med iterranean ports, arrived off quaran tine at New York ou the Sth. having on Wanl l.fiOO Italian Immigrants. This Is the largest nuinWr of Italians ever brought to that port by one vessel. There was a cose of contagious disease ou Ward. . Tiirkk men were; blown to pieces by an explosion of nitroglycerine at Pe trolia, Ont The court at Sunderland, England, has grauted a summons against Mr. Storey, a mcmWrof parliament for that division, on a charge of perjury. The perjury is alleged to have Wen com mitted in his charge against the police of assault in connection with the silk works strike. Tun Argentine cabinet, has signed, decree suspending until June next the payment of Ihe deposits in the national and provincial banks and offering de positors tho option of taking internal bonds in exchange for their deposits. Thkrr was a bad wreck on the Wis consin Central at Vernon ivccnily. Thawing ground left the road Wdweak and a t rcightjtrain "went off- the truck. killing engineer and fireman -ana fital ly hurting a lrakcman. Robert Williams, convicted of mur dering Rev. "Mr. Hayes Ja Koyember last, has Wen sentenced to W "hanged at Little Kock, Ark., June S. Tiik ship Drydcn. from Rio Janeiro, is in quarantine at New York with yel-, low fever on board, inc number of . cases has not yet been made known. j Jfdk caso of CharWc E?KIncaid, the newspaper corniposdeatriadicted for he shooting of ex-Kcpmttivc Taul We, of Kentucky, 4n Fcbraary, 1890, which had Wen on trial In the district criminal court at Washington for a couple of weeks, ended ia acqaittaL The Cincinnati stock yard and ad joining buildings burned on the 9th. The loss was 0,000. 'ine lire was caused by boy smoking. Tiik Washington National bank of New York City is to go into volnatary liquidation. - Tub Central hotel, London, Conn., was destroyed by fire, and Michael Daily aged 79, lost his life. Capt. Loab and his deputies nave bcea arrested charged with marder in the recent slaughter at the Moorcwood coke works. The first train to pass through the Grand Trunk railroad tunnel under the St Clair river at Detroit, Mich-, made the trip on the Oth, carrying a numWr of the road's officials. Everything was pronounced satisfactory. There were demonstrations at Wth ends of the tun nel. Two shot were fired by an unknown asMtMtiu at Judge J. T. Can-in at mid night through the rear door of his office at Covinirton. Kv.. without effect The judge is unable to account for the at "tempC Tiik Chicago gas trust has decided to submit to the orders of the court A gigantic copper trust is proposed. Secretary Foster has directed that all proper facilities be accorded the government of the southern states to examine the treasury books for infor mation as to who paid the direct tax, that the tax may now W refunded to the proper individual, his heir or as signee. At Kirtland, O., in the Latter Day Saints' conference a delegate got up and said the formons were all wrong. He had seen the Christ, which he de clared wns Schweinfurth. " Ckntkv IIi'tler and Hampton Nelson were hanged at Sumter, S. G, for the murder of Capt John Maxey in Janu ary last Itoth protested their inno cence. Capt. Maxey was a prominent farmer and was shot down iu the road by the murderers who were lying in ambush. The New York Tribune celebrated its fiftieth anniversary on the 10th. Some dozen or more children who had been playing in a vacant lot at Dubois Pa., found wild parsnip roots and ate them in mistake for the true vegetable. Two of the August Weigelman and of J. M. Itoriger children died in terrible convulsions and several others were suffering. Christian Priese. aged 7.r, and his wife, aged 7'J, were found lying nearly naked on the floor of their home at Waukesha, Wis., the wife dead anil the husband dying. It was supposed to W a double murder. Ill'siXKHH failures (Dun's report) for the seven days ended April U numbered 24H, compared with '2l'.i the previous week anil J0a the corresponding week of last year. General trade was not satisfactory. Greer county is having recognition In the United States court now in ses sion at El Reno, Ok. On account of the dispute on the title between the United States and Texas, the Texas court in that county carefully avoids any ques tions involving title to land: Judge Seay has ruled that all offenses com mitted there are returnable to the fed eral court at El Reno. In a collision between passenger train No. 15 and a freight, eight miles west of Washington, la., on the Rock Island both engines were badly wrecked. Frank Norton, engineer of the freight train, and his fireman, N. I. Wilson, were seriously injured. Other persons were also hurt At a meeting in Washington recently a national association of inventors was formed Dr. Gatling. the inventor, was chosen president and Gardner It. Hub bard, of Washington; Prof. William A. Anthony, president of the American in stitute of engineers; Thomas Shaw, of Philadelphia, and Hon. ltenjnmin Itut tcrworth, of Ohio, were elected vice presidents. Tiik expert who has Wen examining the books of the ltoston Water Power Co. finds that there was an over Issue of aWut 21.000 shares of stock, most of which is eight or ten years old. Another sensation has Wen caused at St Petersburg 13- the suicide of a hussar officer, who, it is rumored, was involved in the plot against the czar. The case is shrouded in mystery. Three children of David Carroll died suddenly at Grcensburg, Pa., and under suspicions circumstances. An inquest wan held, when it was discovered poison had been given them. Two other chil dren were at the point of death. Car roll has only Wen married a few- months to the mother of the children. William Half. was lynched at Ken ton, 0. He had murdered a, policeman March 31. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. The other night seven prisoners con fined in the United States jail at Ard- .more, I. T., made good their .escape. Among the nuraWr was Daniel McGin nis and Leon Queen, a notorious des perado and outlaw. They got ont by cutting the iron bar off a window. Paiinklutes and McCarthyitcs had a desperate encounter with blackthorns at McCrook, near Dublin, on the 12th. Several of the combatants were serious ly injured. The Stnythe block, the Kohl & Mid dlcton museum and adjoining bnildings at Chichgo were destroyed by fire on tho night of the 12th. One or two lives were lost and the damage amounted to $1,000,000. Four Italians were Wat riding on Miller's river at Orange, Mass.. when they came too near the rapids near the sewing machine company's works. They were swept over the dam and drowned. The Itritish and continental money markets were reported buoyant during the week ended April 11. The ap proaching great strike for eight hours in Belgium was watched with some ap prehension. John Rose and John Edwards, con victed of a double murder, weTe shot to death by masked men, who broke into the jail at Zcalandi, Wash. W. C Cash was acquitted of the mur der of E. T. Youngi at Dallas, Tex. Young was said to have led Cash's wife astray. After the acquittal Cash re married the woman, fsom whom he had Wen divorced. Thomas It Rued, ex-spcakcr of the American honse of representatives, passed through Paris without seeing anybody. lie did not even call at the United States legation. He spent only a few hours in the city and went to Italy. Clearing house returns for the week ended April 11 showed an average de crease of 0.4 compared with the cor responding week of last year. In New York there was an increase of 8.7. Dr. Eben Tourjee, who founded and was for many years the director of the New England conservatory of music at Boston, died recently. Ex-Gov. Watekmait, of Califoraia. ia deil Tke .Australian federation coaven tioa. aa-rcRolre4 that the draft of the constitution which it has Wen consider ing W submitted to a popularly elected convention la each Australian colony. aad t2,re colonial con- iSrai e shaUW ktdto 8tep"rta ciubSacnU NEBRASKA STATE NEWE Got. Boyd vetoed the maxim freight rate bill on the day 'the legisla ture adjourned. The house passed it over the veto, bat it failed in the aea ate. In the message the governor said: "There are some provisions in the bill that I admit would W of Wncfit to the farmer; for instance, the rate on lire stock in the eastern part of the state, and which I would gladly sanction and approve." The governor continues: In my Judgment there It not a mile of rail road wrat of tbe alxth principal meridian, excrpt the trunk llnra, that la paying Ita reu sing expenses to day. Tbe product of oar state In sobm lorn are almost entirely con auaaed In the aaat and ssast be carried upon Inter-at ate rates. Tbeae Interstate rates upon grain particularly are bnt very little above tbe rule from Iowa point. These ratea will not be reduced by tbla proposed law, and znajr, and can, to Terr materially advanced by tbe railroad companies la sell defease and for self.preaorTM.tloa; la fact, they coald be advanced more than twenty percent, under this bllL Tberallroaus.could.aad no doubt would, raise tbe Inter-state rate on grain. This could be done by abollthlbg tbe through rates and applying to the state line ratrs tbe Agar provided fa tbls bllL On the grata that would be shipped oat of Nebraska In ono noanon the railroads In tbls way, uader the tariff coald Increase their revenue oTer a million dollar, a!! of which would couie out of the agriculturist. Tbe lofls to tbe rail roads would bv on tbe thousands ol other articles In which the fanner li only indi rectly Interested. Our state to prosper and our farmer to live must on these out-bound shipments be placed as nearly as possible on a parity with Iowa. In this the railroads of lat have done will by us, and It Is not safe to force them to retract by unfair pressure on our part. After giving it as his opinion, from the Wst evidence in his possession, that the prevailing impression that the rail roads of the state arc making a high rate of interest on watered stock is a mistake, and showing tbe net profits of the roads by sworn statements in the auditor's office, the governor says: In view of such facts the proponed reduc tion of 40 to SO per cent, la Nebraska rates could not. In any probability, be upheld in the courts. It Is unfair, unwise and suicidal on our part. The railroads pay more than one seventh of the taxes of this state. Jus. tlce to the people's Interest dumands that they should be encouraged und Induced to continue to help ia tho upbuilding of our state. Tbe object of legislation should W to do the greatest good to tho greatest number without Inflicting hardship on any, und while I nttrlbute the best intentions and mo tives to the farmers and supporters of this bill, yet I win forced Into tbe belief that the act was passed without giving to the ques tions involved therein that close and careful consideration that their Importance de mands. It is truo that the rallroid corporations have. In many instancos, exacted unjust tribute from tho people. Thl abuse of power should be corrected by proper legis lation. Hut legislation should xtop at the correction of the abuno, it hIiouI 1 not ex tend to the infliction of Injustice on the cor porations. The governor says he would gladly upprove a bill fixing maximum rates on live stock, grain, lumber, coal and other commodities in which the agri culturist is most directly interested, but this bill reduces and fixes an inflexible rate on thousands of articles iu which the farmer is not interested, and by making an exceedingly low rate at points on the western Wrder of the state enables Colorado, Wyoming and southern Dakota to obtain a rate aWut 15 per cent- Wlow the present estab lished tariff rate, and profit at the ex pense of tho railroad interests of Ne braska. Disapproved. Gov. Boyd returned tho bill passed by the legislature: to pay attorneys' fees in the cbntested elect jon cases with the following' comments: "Approved this 7th day of April, 1SUI, except the item to James E. Boyd for attorneys fees, S300, und the following items, to-wit: To William II. Dech, for attorneys' fees, f.100; to Charles Mayberry, for attor neys' fees, SMO; to Jacob V. Wolfe, for attorneys' fees, SMO; to John Beattie, for attorneys' fees S'OO; to .1. W. Kdger ton, for attorneys fees, SSOO; to W. F. Wright, for attorneys' fees, SJ500; to A. D'Allemand, for attorneys' fees S'OO. Withholding my approval of said items for thnt in my judgment there were no good and sufficient grounds for bringing the action, each of tho eontestee.s hav ing Wen elected by such pluralities that to me it appears that thc suit must have Wen broughw not with any expectation of success, but for some other motive. I approve tho Mivcral amounts appro priated to pay thc attorneys for thc con testees except my own, for the reason thnt they (the contcstees) were placed in such a position thut they were com pelled to defend." Mlseellnnneotia. Omaha has a Farmers' Alliance base ball team. It defeated the Lincoln team the other day. Tiik grand commandery Knights Templar, recently in session at Kear ney, elected the following officers: Louis II. Korty, Omaha, grand com mander; Edgar C Salisbury, Beatrice, deputy grand commandon John D. Moore, Grand Island, grand generalis simo; James A. Tulloys Red Cloud, grand cnptaln-general; William T. Whitmarsh, Norfolk, grand prelate; Charles B. Finch, Kearncj, grand senior warden; B. P. IL Miller, Lin coln, grand junior warden; James S. France, Omaha, grand treasurer; Wil liam B. Bowen, Omaha, grand recorder II. S. Potter and wife, two of tho oldest and most respected citizens of Ainsworth, died the other morning of pneumonia superinduced by la grippe. They were 80 years old, were married in 1841, never had any children, and five days Wforc their death took to their bed together where they died within three hours of each other. At Hermann thc other day Mrs. An drew Doll killed her two children, aged 7 and 0 years with an ax and then took poison, and died soon after. The wom an had but recently been released from the insane asylum, after Wing pro nounced cured. Tax other morning George Linden, a hotel clerk at Plattsmouth, started on a hunting expedition and attempted to cross thc Missouri river in a small skiff, accompanied by two Wys Frank Gus tafson and John Flaherty. When in mid-stream thc Wat capsized and threw the occupants into the water. Flaherty was drowned and a fisherman rescued the other two. DirHTHERiA in epidemic form prevails at Beatrice, supplemented by measles and la grippe. Weir, independent, was elected mayor of Lincoln at the recent city election by S33 plurality. Tiie Australian ballot system gave general satisfaction at the late munici pal elections In thc state. The Burlington switchmen at Omaha went on a strike the other day to aid Lincoln striking switchmen. Tins residence of J. W. Grahaas, four miles southeast of Beatrice, was de stroyed by fire the other morning. Loss. $2,000; insurance. 5700. TVhtle recently playing in the barn the five-year-old daughter of W. J. Bar rett, of Unadilla. jumped front the xaasger aad broke her seek, dying in stantly. Moax than half of the business por tion of Tobias was burned the other afternoon, the fire coakiag a clean sweep oa both sidesof Main street front the Burlington depot to thc First. Na tional bank. D. E. KixBALU chy ticket agent of tfee Chicago fc North wfsVrn railroad at Omaha, shot hiswelf dead H a Tarn ish bath rocci is thai chy thc other day. . T mils raiasi il lly th . rgUtatar mt Xebrsak. v Following arc the bills of gcacral In tcrcst passed by the leglslatarc at its recent session: SKTATB BILLS. Na. 219, author ring county boards tons the aarplat general funds to purchase fo4 and seed for drought atriekea farmers. No. 30, to enable associations to Incorpo rate for the purpose of acquiring aad hold ing title to real estate. No. 43. providing that the Insane shall to supported at the expense of the state. No 11G, establishing a state board of health: No. IT. enabling the lessees of educational lands to apply to their county cosjmlssloa era and supervisors to have their hold lags appraised for sale. No. 12, allowing commlssloaers to levy a tax not exceeding I mill on the II of the as sessed valuation of the county for the par aose at digging ditches. No 23. limiting county treasurer feet as follows: For amounts collected under $3,096 10 per cent, between 13,000 and $5,000 2 per cenL with iulleag at 10 cents per mile In going to and returning from the seat of gov eminent to settle with the state treasurer. Xo. IS. creating and regulating publlo warehouses and the shipping. Inspecting aad warehousing of grain. No. W, providing for depositing state ana CfiuuiT limn in uniftso ji Maouuai &(. and requiring interest on snch public funds to be paid Into the general fund of atatc and county. No. iss. providing a penalty for the giving away of Are arms and ammunition to Indians who are not citizens. No. 1C8. orxanlzlug sanitary dl-trlcts and regulating thc same. No. 17J, authorizing cities of the ,eeond cla having moru than 5,000 and ley than 25,Ou) Inhabitants to receive byclft or to pur chase real estate for parks or public grounds. No. 1-0, amending sect on 0', of article 2, chapter II, statutes of 1 "''. enabling the miyorand council of cities of thf arcond class to borrow money for the purpose of constructing a nystem of itewerttgn. No 21i, requiring registers of deeds and county clerks who are ex-oftlrlo registers to keep a tnortgnge indebtedness register. No 232, amending chapter 2 of the coin pllrd ctjtuten rehitlmc to thn otdiiri' homo at tirnnd Islund. enabling veteran to pay their Itoirl at tho nam and excluding women from the same whoarouudcrfeiyean of ago. No. 117. providing a penalty of II.0J0 for srlllng or giving of liquors to Indians. llOL'SK HILLS. No 70, appropriating jlOl.OW for the relief of the drought sufferers. No 233, c-t.'iblllNhlu a glr!s Industrial school for Juvenile delinquent nt (Jriicvo. No. 05. repealing tho bounty on beet sugar. No HI, promoting Independence of voters nt elections (the Austr.ill in ballot law.) No 61, Issuing bunds for the purpose.ot aiding the drouth sufferers. No. 16, appropriating matriculation and diploma freit to the nitpport of the llbrury of the university. No. IT. assenting to congressional grants of land sales for the support of thc agricultural college of the tiulvers.ty. No. 271. organizing Thurton county. No. VI, authorizing the organization of mu tual Insurance companies No. VS4. authorizing counties to Issue war rant) ou tho general fund, Iu excess of the amount author zed by law and not to exceed 10 per cent of tho grand assessment. No. KK. providing for the Nebraska exhibit at Chicago und appropriating li,oJ there for. No. 83, apportioning tho. stato Into Judicial districts. No. 2f0. enabling non-residents whosu par ents or guardians pay not lis than 530 annu ally of school tates to attund the university. No. IIS. protecting labor organizations In their tradu marks and labels. No mi. eompelllnir railroads to name tholr stations tin- same as the village or city Iu nlitch they tire located No. 22, requiring county clerks to enter nil fees Iu the fee book No. 5s, Hiuendlng tho constitution to allow the governor to appoint tho member." of the state railway commission No Ml. prohibiting thc harboring of girls under vlgliti en years and boys nmler t wenty onu years of nge In houses of Ill-fume. No'. 101. providing that night hoars shall conMltutea legalday's work for all classes of mechanic and artisans and domestics, except hibortrson the farm. No 2i, providing thnt a United states ung s ze not given nhall ll lat over every school house whllo the school Is In session. No 271. orgiiulr. nx lloyd lonnty. No. 272. emtiowerlni; and makintr It the duty of district school boards of trustees ol high sc'.ools to purchase all necrs arr text books and other Huprd'cs necessary for tho use of tlioir respectU e schools. No. 2, Joint resolution recommeudliu; the foreclosure of the I'nlon I'aclflc niortuages No. 7, Joint resolution submitting to the elector of ihotatn an umendmunt to the coiifttitut'on providing for the Investment of the permanent oducntlon il fund. No f. amending section 25 of chapter IS of the complied statutes, punishing persons who by falso pretense obtain f mm any othr person goods, merchandise or effects what soever with Intent to defraud such person of the i" a tn o No. J requiring nil railroad companies doing buslne-a In Nebraska to eouip all engines and cars with elTlolent and ssfo automatic couplers and brakes. No. r.7, appropriating 12 V" o construct additional buildings at the Nebraska Insti tution for feebln minded youth at Heatrieo. No. 212. authorlzlngcounty boards to grant licenses for thu sj e of spirituous llouors upon application by petition of the majority of the resident ireeiioldem of tho town It thu county Is under township organization. No 211. Incorporating social and benevo lent societies. No. 231. amending section 7. chapter 2C. of tho complied statutes relating to the cloctloa of Judges of the supreme and district courts as also slate officers and legislators. No. 2C0, appropriating JlO.'Oj for tho pay mint of the exprnos of the Nebraska na tional Kimtds Incurred In aiding In the sup pression of the Indian Insurrection. No. J7R. apportioning th congressional districts of the stitc. No 5V7. placing one half of all the moneys paid Into the county treasury at tho disposal of county commissioners for tho general benefit of the county for rovl purpose; thc other half of all moneys paid Into the county tronsurr from the several roa I districts shall be psld by the county treasurer to thc overseer of thc road district from which It was collected. No. i S. directing county boards at their rcjrular meetings to make necessary orders for the Investment of the principal iund de r.vcd from tbe sale of school lands. No. U2. appropriating money for the pay mont of expenses ind eonnsel fees In tbe contests of the execut.veofTlres. No 325. appropriating TZJMW forthcnp. port and maintenance of the national g-uard. No. MJ, appropriate S7S.0X) for two wings to thc Insane asylum at Hastings. Tellosr Fever. Glasgow. April 10. Thc Anchor line steamship Circassia, which left New York March IS nnd reached Grecnts:k yesterday with fever on boanl. is de tained at quarantine at Greenock. The second engineer of tlw steamship died from the fever during the voyage and seven others of thc Circassla's crew are now suffering from thc same malady. The nature of the fever is not stated. New Yobk. April 9. The ship Dry dcn. from Rio Janeiro, is in quarantine with yellow fever on board. Thc num ber of cases has not yet been made known. Spotted TtTtT. Nmr York, April 10. Typhns fever, abont the most contagions and deadly of disca-ses, has nisde its appearance in New York. An autopsy made yester day upon thc body of James Taylor, who recently came from Australia, showed that be bad died of spotted typhus fever, tho most malignant typo of the dread disease. He was no known to be snffcring from tbe disease until after his death. As he was sick for days before in his boarding honse and Rellevne hospital, there is ground for grave apprehension that tbe disease uty spread. All Qlt la tbe' Co KUm. Mot'NTl'LEASAjrr. Pa., April 10 Tha coke region is devoid of excitesient. Considerable surprise was occasioned yesterday by the arrival of Division ; Commander Gen. Scowdea and stafS. Ia company with Geas. McCIelles aad Wiley he visited the varices works and personally looked over the cld. Cp3 his report will depend the withdrawal of the troop. Notices of ejectsaest were placed in the constables' hands yesterday. Tea days notices to qcit will be scrred to-day oa the strikers who are occupy isg the cocapasy NEW LAWS. ANNA DICKINSON'S CASE. Her lararemtioa In a Md ItmtM- ut,i m llavaH 1 lb Wavk of a Knvlons s- Ur lire faaaUkttr Dn!cl- .Nr.w Yokx. April 10. The New York Herald pabllshes a startling story re latlag to the incarceration of Miss Anna Dickinson, the famous lecturer, in aa'iaaane asylum. It says that Miss Dickinson came to New York yester day with Dr. Frederick W. Seward, of (toshea, N. Y at whose houv she ban beca since she escaped from Danville. April S. They came for the purpose of apprising Miss Dickinson's friends in New York of the wrong she had suf fered and to secure legal advice as to the steps necessary to insure her free dom if she should return to Pennsyl vania. Miss Dickinson lays the blame for her incarceration upon her sister, whom she accuses of barWring an intense feeling of jealousy and hatred. She also accuses her sister's tihvMcian. Dr. Hilcmau, of Wing i n the plot against her. Miss Dickinson says that on the day on which she was removed to an asylum the door of her room was broken and six men and a woman rushed in and . overpowered her. One of the men sho - -rv itri t at I ? was Dr- Hdeman. and the woman, , she understands, was thc doctor's aunU Thev announced their intention of tak ing her to Danville where they ?aid she would W Wtter oil. Miss Dickinson struggled until thc skin was torn from her wrists and her garments were ripped from her in nigs ami tatters. Finally she says her jHTseeutors got her hands down and tied them together and she was compelled to submit. Dr. Seward, it appears, Wcamc in formed of the facts of the case as al- i leired bv Mivs Dickinson and obtained the release of MLvs Dickinson under pretense that he intended to take her to a private n.svlutu where she would be more benefiteiL He e.xnrevscd him self to-day as entirely confident of the sanity of Miss Dickinson. The Herald reiorter who Interviewed Miss Dickinson say.s that her manner was calm and rational and thut sho at no time during the interview lclraycd the least evidence of Insanity. She will prosecute her sister for the mental and physical .suffering she has undergone. She says the Danville asylum is a horrible place. he was among thc least dangerous patients, but she says when she looks back on the dreadful thingN she wonders shu did not go insane. April '2 Dr. Seward went to the asylum and she was placed iu his charge. Louis .. McDonald, an old family servant of the Dickinsons, accompanies her uud the din-tor. LABOR TROUBLES. A ltlg Strike Impending In the Pi-mis Iti ill. Coul Fields. I'lTTMtt'Hiiii, I'a.. April 10 - The inter-state convention of miners and oj.-r-ators closed lust evening suddenly after a tierce battle of words uud opinions. Further talk was declared profitless and an adjournment tnkeu siiif die. This action means practically that the inter-state agreement has ln-en alwil ished and that the harmonious relations that have existed lietween the miners and ojM'rators for the past live years are. broken off and may not le resumed. It also means that the 7.1,000 mine workers in tluse two regions will stop work May 1. affecting ,00,oo0 persons directly nnd hundreds of thousands indirectly. As thc mino workers of the country will also demand an eight hour day, a continuation of work in the mines any where after May 1 now seems almost impossible. The two great organiza tions of the country, the Iv nights of Liilnir and the Federation of Lalior, are back of tho men and their money will le at their disposal. NINE THOUSAND MILES. Kit cut or tbe President's Trip to t'.tllforiilii mid Itaek to Washington. Washington, April 10. -The arrange ments for President Harrison's trip through the south and to California have lieon completed. As it now stands the party will consist of President Har rison, Mrs, Dimmick, Postmaster-tlen-eral Wnnamaker, Secretary Uusk, Private Secretary Halfor.l. Executive Clerk Tibbetts and representatives of the press nvsocintions. (Jeorge W. Iloyd, assistant general passenger agent of the Pennsyl vania road, w ill hnve charge of the pnrty. The trip will occupy thirty days and the distance to le trawled will le ,000 miles. It will le from Washing ton to San Francisco, via rhnttniiooga, Ilirminghnm. Memphis, d'alvcston. re turning via Portland. nlt Lake City, Denver. Omaha, Springfield and In dianapolis. HIGH PRICES FOR WHEAT. Higher tjno- Iteasnns For Ktprellng still tatlons. San Fn..vrico, April 10.---One of thc leading grain merchants of thc state, speaking to-day regarding the shortago in the Kurojean wheat crop, sald "Evcrything indicates that the price of wheat will Im higher this year than lasL Six weeks ngo prices commencs-d to go up gradually, and now wheat Is from SI.M to il.Q'J per cental. Our ex porters nre selling cargoes for August, September, October. November and I cember nt thc rate of SI.&0 or tnov. Tlie season's operations are quoted at $'.50 and S1.5S. The.v optims are the lest indications of prices which will prevail during ami after harvest, and the next crop will bring SI SO or more per cental. Thc acreage of wheat this year in California is very good, perhaps larger than ever lefoTe." Fatal Wreek. 5fn.wArKr.f April 0 Tlie engine of the freight train No. 55. north bonnL on thc Wisconsin Central road jumped thc track near Vernon at 12.30 this morning. It ran on a bridge near by and then tipped over, pinioning Din McMoIIen. engineer, IL A. Moore, fireman, and Peter Selpp. a brakeman. beneath Uie vrcck. All wrre terribry sealdL Moore tlicl a few hoars JatT and th" others will probably die The Ikkd' of all are at Waukesha. Soft track, as a result of the frost coming oct, cansesl tbe accid'-nt. A Mnnlrrosi Italian. Nrw Vork. April 10. Uhile working upon an extension of the Delaware, Iackawanna it Western railroad nar Hoss-ville station, between Newark aod East Orange, an I tallaa. know n as Nich olas, beram enraged at James Ken- nedy. another track hand, aod attacked hins with a shovcL He rained b!ow-s oa ' Kennedy's bead until be felled bixa to tlie ground, and then deliberately tried to cat his bead ofL Section IJois Jaznea McCeebaa dashed at the Italian, who dropped bis above! and ran. parcd by I several otter workmen. lie got away. Kensedy I fatally injaresL Zuicxoo, April 10. President A. W. SIth and Meutrs. SL T- How. "WiT liaa Suats. X L liosebralce aad A. L. sTohnsos. of tbe Karxa a.tate board of ajrrScaltsre. havr aajsde xpplkatioc for -pzc lor an exhibit of Kaia prodoeta at tie vrerld fair. Tbe state lexiJa tsre faEed to snsc an appropriation for tie fair, bat thc rsa'J&e oeo- I tSosed have takes tie rsattcr nprn tieir 1 owtj asotkw and propot-- to jrso fl,- j OCO oa an exhibit. They expect to be J eveataaHy refcaborxii crsioi the tale 1 tax. EDMUNDS RESIGNS. T Vermont fWwator Retire to rr!t IUre-!IU tatel In Ittr to tb Ourrrnor. Wahhinotox. April 8. Sonator George F. Edmnnds of Vermont, who has Wen in thc United States senate since April. lA and nearly all of tho time hail Wen ono of thc republican leaders, has resignrsL the resignation to take effect thc 1st day of NovemWr next. The follow ing Is a copy of a letter j tendering his resignation to tho guv crnorof Vermont: fsrrrD tTT ."Kiti!, Wasiusotoi. April , il. i Sir- Considerations entKelr pergonal lead me to tender to yu. as the governor of th state of Vcnwont. my resignation of tho otnc of senator of tho United Sut-. th rrMrnatlon to take effect on the 1st day of NoTctnber. A- l. IKJU This action hxs bwn for otn time In con temptation, and Is dnsllr decided en nl 1 commonwatci to you at t&i time In wrier ine to iiear and con.,.lM. ,hr T,;w, o( thc rro. peopl of our tato In repct ti the selection of niT ueerr. In thu terminating mv official relations i with the state. I ! to etpres to her stead- ' fat, lrl-lllnrnl and patriotic c ten my j profound cratitudn for the Ion; and tin l wsTertng confidence and support tneyha-a K Ven me (coTrrinil an eretitfut period of a usrtrrt a century In tny efforts to pro iiioto snd defend, so far as I hare lwHn able, tholr honor and cltre In cuiuuiou with that ! all the people of the tn't Mates. In ceasing to be a ena or I m pntttd lht I continue to be a cltUen of our hetnrei common vrenlth, uud that 1 mty with tty fellow cit en In pr v.ite life, run tin n- to strive tor the malnteua-icv of tlo pnnel plcs of liberty, eijult and Justice in govern ment wit eh h-s v lihoutthrtsasdo of turn Ing. an hunt rtl thrm from the foundation of the republic I sin, sir, verr respoctlully t yours. l.r KrtK K KUHfstis j To his exeellencv. Cjrroll s. 1'aK". Hydo j Park. Vt Senator Kdmtmds notified Viee-1'resl- nVt Morton, the president of the en f nt 11 resignation in a letter, of which the following is a copy: I'srrrn srTi;s sr4Tr Wasiusutos. April ". Jsin (Mr It leemes mv duty to liifumi tbsit I hse sent to the gerior ( be tutiT of ermoiit my rr.i.-nnlliin vtX the Otllco tif smut ir of the t'nlteil Msttes. to take effect on tho lt da of Noember neit. Accept, sir. for ourself anil thn sen ate, my partlnc s.itutntlons sMiibraeins per onal good lsS.es for all Its members and a confident kikm! hope for It fuluro as "tin' sherf nnrhor of the republic. I am, lr, very respeetfully jour. t.roKUt: I'. l.liMU.sbs. lnouiLtiimut. Ccorge I'r.ihklln Kdmuiids was torn In Kichmond. U. 1'ebrnsry II. Isis. lln i nlucatet at the common schools mid by a prh :it tutor studlvd law at nn enrl i re and began pruclico In ls9, remor n In ls',1 to liurlliigtou Vt. He was a repreenlalir in the Vrrmont leiilslniure In IsM ., s, rlK s speaker for three yr,rs. toi.t In lst 1 snl ini'Uilml of I lie state so'ijlenn I Its president pro tempore At tho beginning of tho civil ur he rits u im-iiiImT of tha state convention that forme I a coalttiotiJw tweett tlie republicans nnd wjr deiiiocf.it and drew up thi re ilutloiis adopted there. He wni appointed to the Pulled iIm sen atn in Slareh. is , by ihe governor of Ver mont to till the vacancy made by the denth j of loliion toot and was theiie t-etttl ! tin ! gllnturt to fill thn one ptred trm and H as re eleete I nt tho rlos- of rsrli sucre-l. ' lug term until the present time ! .Mr Kdiiiund n.is nrtlvn In thn Impeach j meat of Andrew Johnon. slitnl m lilt Iiel- lent l.rioit u;aitist I harles MimnT, and aetrd nn influential part In th pnssage of the leeon.lriietloii meiisures.ndoptlnir a con I sTMitl eoursfv In lsT. J lio was one of ! the members of ttie clccloml commission, , huilior been previous v ehslrmau of tho roiiimlttee which lu e nert w lib a simUnr I ...It. ..f .1... K. ...... .. .....H,. i .. ' prepnrrd the bill crrntnig that commission. The passsijt- ( the I'mcIAo railroad liliidlng act wus uiso I.rif ' due to bis Influence nnd etrtious At the national republican eon. entions ht II In hu-nifo In lso nn.l lsl Mr. I'M in ii ml received 31 and VI otes ro speetlel for the presidential uomliintlon, ehi'h on the first ballot. He was setretcd president pro t mpore of the srti ill- lifter Mr Arthur tic-esme president of tho I'niml Mutes lu the senile he has served on the eotnmlt tees on commerce, public Intnls. uppropr'a tlotis, pi-iislous. tbe Judiclnry and many other Imporiunt ns. bnlng chairman of tho Judiciary lor srvtrnl successive eon Kressi-s. ,s n legislator senator IMinuiols Is noted for his li-tfttl Mcuioen. his readlHrss In repjrtei, nnd Ills lote of strictly parllninrnt ary procedure lie has breti 14 fearless fun o' polilleal Jobs and lntrlu-s lie w.is f be nilthor of Hi- net of Msrelt 37. lsi, fir the suppression of polgainy aiol th illsfriim his. ment of those who praclien ;t 1 his Is known as the lliltnnrids act and wus upheld by tho supreme court In do els. ons thnt wore ren lerl March? issi, in n serins of fle ens, s Hi- H" als. I lie mi tlmr of th' uet of sM preserlbiHK lb" loan tier III which !e tora' Vot-s for president shnll be roiiHlol In hv1 hs Hit, Irmlxr u lh k-ihU' 'l the ntteinpt to eontpH I'res I lent ( letrliiud to fHrnistl that bodr til all doeutiu'tits n,ssry to shww eauso for recent removals frm ofU-. ENGLISH AGRICULTURE. The IxomIimi Sfisndard sr-s I'rosprrlty Tor the I'armrr In the signs of the Tlmr. IOXfMiN, April H. The Stnndanl pul lishes a long nnd careful review of tho iigricultural outlook, in the cimrw of which it says that the abr-ndy rls In wheat has revived the hopes of tb Kn gllsh fanner, adding that whrnt would probably reach the highest prleo In many y-nrs the principal cans of the rise lx'ing the failure of foreign erots, Tlie wheat crop of Prance and Kussin. acconling to thr StantlanL are much lIow tin averagt and thr deficiency will U at leant Sobo0.aoo quarterw. It Is expectd that cold winds and frost, have almost Ieatnved the Prrnch crops. (Jermnny. Holland and I-lgium J nil furnish j-ssltnWt reprt. The Staudnnl in conclusion ays "The incra4-d home ensnmptlon. th J deercaM-d wheat area owing to th ' spread of population and recourses u Mrientlflc tillage iu order to repair tb wati of first so-ttleps thu Increasing th cost ft prtluctJon. must InrTjtably j remove tbe American farmer fonnki-1 able cornrtltlon In Knrofkean market and allow th Knglish tanner to look forward t a prrsp-rou future. Sad Mishap. ItiRMisrrtitAM. Ala., April AtTn cakvsa last night the orra hoos was erowdetl tor an amateur prformaf! which cbd w th a tableau represent ing the gdd- of Hlwrty on a Ihrtm surrocxxlrsl by thirty fairies Impervo atrd by little girls. A th curtain weal np a spark fell from a lights! Unxh which MUs Mall McKachcn. the god. desa of liberty held aloft, oa tb drrt of little Iren Haye-s. bhr- ss-a imme- diaUly envrlopsti Jn flame and ran p screaming to the lAlihtu, wberr twi j vonng men trwn tlx aodle&r vrucl . Wr arvl estlngrjlbeS thc Cnv M f was fatally beraed. 0.iH Neb. April t All orrr Ne-brs-Aka yesterday muniotl elections were held ond-cr tfc o law, which embrace tb A astral Lao plan of voting Keport from nearly -Tery city and vit Us. Ja lb Ule isdirat that tb law l en of tJe bct ever !-vi-L Tb cral rotjtloe w res-rlTfay and casta ting tfce balioU hA t--a greatly earpedjt-d. lie tarn so far sbow jt era! rrsorcptirra of ittt by t- rrpob llcans where party lio- wrre dnira. la most of tbr iow&a the qe-ta w bet-rn lx&- mod no iWavr. ml Um vote axalnfy recalled la frorof licsa. Kajsvi Crrr, Ma, April 4. -nratds aaa? iTt a abock. boy," M yosn2 ThriA Blrd. of Arrsrsiisst. reaciis.r qttt ior a wire that raa aloc ti5 tiir of tie FocOe vtadsirt of lie tiKltic read ia tkat place. HI 4 torched tie anlss-aUted eerprr asd hi ihe rttod an. lis "-- arrii 4t M-raw4 v dassper tsurA td tie Tlidtsct tLooe- Tie tcy hand "tad cw -&.- -rseiJ tie -arlre ihzn id threw It cp -wtti lb tier oca. In vn hutAnt i w duL HU socarad harrSedSy jt tieir i&Ate tn vuttlmm. I HE MAOE A CORRECTION. A Man VTh" W rnsrlrnllu In th Mat ter f Wethf statement. The other day a citizen wh rides down town on tha p'atfonn of a Cas avenue car every morning received a prrstal card asking him to call nt a focrtb-story room in a down town block, and he lost no time in putting in an ap;earanco He found the oeeHiant. to W a man who often rode on tbe same car with him. and the Utter at ones got to business by saying- "Thursday morning last we rlo down on the nro ear. mmemWr'" "Y-e-s. It was snowing. I gav y a light for your eignr Kxactly" AWut me hundred fst west of Cass avenue you ask4 mo If t ever saw such Mnrh weothr "YrA." "A Null seventy-live feot after wi kn-I made the curve from I.edyursl sUwt I replied that I never bo.l I w as boMrai In that reply, but I got to tttltikhi., Ur matter orr aid decided U onsilt mv weather rvetrL I now find that I w led vou." "iir "l find that March. 1st, and Mnrrh. j li. erw suattlly suul .Maron. as I therefor deeelvrnl vtm wh I sW I had nexer .M-en such Mntvh wcwUti I "? nr pnnloti and exprws my r gretv" "Itut but " That Is all Go.! luyr lie went out ntid shHt Uso dsr atlrr him and then ,st.d Uier thr e tour tnluub's. uruleblel w bnt U slis II. finally walke.lott U ike Hd 4 tls stairs tsdt otT hVs rvst himI wia-aWd up hfcs socvts uh.1 w atttwl fsr Msrtv initintes isre. bnt It was tu vuIm. TW tuistnken Htun dl nst nt.nc iMtinott FrtHJ I'n'vs. A Cautious frMsl. .Miss PilliU-tlt W Kill's Wis Whs4ms7 Mlvs MeNevs MUs nhlMHt Ilr's a Urvkwr. lln he ssi.ss.vm !u ysir father yt MLvs M.Niss .-s hut I hMfsllr thtstK it w til itliioiitit to .tuvthltiK l!s Mmfeswl piijhi for an option until the cih! ! tK Mouut IVs. rt wftvua, s. that ks esrtsl.1 wateh me Hi i.min ln with ths strv gtssls in irket Jude Without An Equai i Purif'lhr St rohild. Hlooil, cure ri rtiltil.i. r.tlL K ileum, etc., to give strentth .uui overcome Th.it Tirca l'Veiinjj. tiie Peoples f.ivontu Sprinif sMtduinc is Hood's Sarsaparilla "August Flower" I had Iktch tnullel five months with DyHpepMa. The 1.k tors tiM me it wan chronic I had a lul!ms lftcr eating niula heavy lad in the pit of mv Moniach I .sulfvrcd Ire qucntly from a Water Hrnsh f ilrat matter. Sometimes a ilcathU h t iies.s at thc Stotuath uHi!lf)Vi-;UVe inc. Then aim I would har tkr terrible jwuiis of Wind Clr At Sttch times I would trv tleUh ami could not. I was working thc Cur Thomas McHenrv, DruKi't, Cur. Irwin and Western Ave , Aiie;kMy City, Ta , in whose employ I had xxn for seven yenri Kimiltv I mac1 AuguM Ilower, and alter tiMttg jttt one lottlc for two wevkt. wan en tirely relieved of ail the tnMtble I can now eat things I dared not touch leforc. I wouhl like U refer yoti to Mr. McIIcnry, for whom I workrsl, who known all nltont tny comlUiuit, ami from whom I lmgjit thc medi cine. I live with my wife and family al 39 Jnt" St.. Allegheny City.I'n. Siticd, Joii.v I) Cox. t (I. G. (iKt'KV Sdc Manufacturer, Woodbur, .cw Jcfsev. C S. A. The Cod Thnt Holpa to Cur The Cold. Tho disagreeable taste of tho COO UVER OIL is dissipated In SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Purr ChI Uirr OH nlth HYtOrHOSfHITCS ojt z.:xr: vjrrp rODJ. Tl-e pater,; suffer 4s (net CONKCHPTIOX, crTia. lotcH, roiM. mm WAaTTI mtmr.AmtM. assr t VL M t !llu rrrtrtss ,s, res-r:- ) lf ttvsr7rysr. ft It asrfrr1,.Jt. I URIFY YOUR BLOOD. M i -4 m Mhf Hri 1 1 Ml " Mtf t-MmriW artfavaft-at ! sWti97 JH -arvawt trrrfwi a4 raHlM tfsfetfjn frm M (M Wtl vaf Mfif nmiui l"ti. Wr. Vmmtm mwl tM ml u4 M 1 frmswr, wf4 all Ht yvGt rtiiiaafi. H ft, H t km f Prickly Ash Bitters ! -m mrj mt m nmmUt,M ! H m ! tiTii Im fe- KMf . 1 -IIYII, sw m KIMKYS U a tTHIACM. THrmfH0mi9wil 8 faat tfpawu a la in mmiH en rw km. 144 tt tm wa, racatra a aamc hilmftr vMUMfbaKaSrU tftaaaafla af vmnwU Umi raaa. Wna W taa aalCLT AM KnUfS. Aak yt 4r9ftt He L mUVt Atn UTTUS Cf. ST. LOUIS, If a FLA neifeitstiu. p BUNTING rLMUd iki: l mx W. tlMlTrMX M. CO . -JSTSSsi soss. . s.-.;.T - li. lii. I sruns at tTr ocoos. S - f i'-xi nt ts?. ' -. 1 SSSSSSSTCBSSWS -