The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 17, 1891, Image 1

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    - "" r- ,BCi S -' ' "jjaagBjlMHaiajaaja3ac g "' tst5gjSHMBPB8lWfMBlBB'B'WaigWPjf&VT- vj j .'' - - w
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,.. :!. BMMt Tiff if "W! aSBBbh k'Pa-"SirEVtrf la I .HJ lie J Aa- lL 3i--BBBBBDHiBBBBBBMaBBBBBuHKtef' u i?
gfiss rfehsylllMlliSPgf sia Wlila-a-a-a-a-a-a-aCa-ato-P-a--aw!- mh-t3 I cx 'Jai-aap!Sr u, JfcitwyllllHlMBIIIIIBIIWBilBMg- . '--TJ.
jsW, i3aaafc.aaaaajrr?MP5aBPft ap-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaa IB3iKtpl0Hkjuu 5i
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-Ai3'aFTr-i:WHVfi:a'VL?iWA Wl laaala-aaaaaaai Ma-a-a-a-a-i MB . .Jr'lVHHMH7'f3?ri: b
MS -
5r tV-
44 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
s i.-wrs:,&WB3r.. . -liisvmBrir'viBri m rainv . w - a. ' . v ! rvtt--.f 4-r - -Srr.a
- ""rWIKilfTww ffiTi -----JrpiMilBlPiMy la-a-a-aW -tlZ-il-mlBWwMiBJ11" IIIIHIBIBHllHyijR
--tt - vr jv HMb rrjHtBS h vmclvv---7 .. b i f '--r'..i
--jMMKMMMy-g- g-' - sy . ' v r :MilMfMv ' - ,j aaa ja aaa ! ' "' aa aSaa aa aa aa aTaa aa P'-tj
." 4l53fe"v .-5& r" - '-? cvmS T aa a a aa aa aa aa aa aa &?2f
-'1 iv- ijrfpp - jr , -- r , - aePHVPHBHbv-K?sSSi9ss9S9MiHfef:2c' 3 - P ' rS HtaaW-aMrcrjjjrt- -
By A. C. Hosmer.
ofe7 flye Clothing House,
Ail Iir(ireiise s100 f
Men's, Boys'
0id Children's
Clothing !
An Immense Stock of Shirts, Underwear,
Neckwear and Hosiery.
An Immense Stock of Hats and Caps, New
and Fashionable,
An Immense Stock of Men's and Boy's Boots
and Shoes.
An Immense Stock of Trunks and Valises
await your inspection.
Prices and Quality Guaranteed !
You are invited to call.
Last but not least, we carry a big stock of
all kinds of Woolens to be cut and made up by
us into first-class Suitb, Tants, &c, by first
class workmen.
We Ivelhem "fitsl
Xo one object to having a neat fltliiip boot or fthor,
Wc Invite you to come In and pet acquainted and cv our good.
Buy a fine pair of shoes for Easter !
Take home the best plowshoc in town !
Iluy the liable and older children Minicllitiig neat, nice, durable
Iluy pood of ii that are fully warranted and vvill be repair
ed Tree or charge in oc they fall to give aiifactlon.
All goods Clean, New. Fresh and CHEAP.
Blakeslee & Hatch
Irotrlc!or of the Cincinnati Shoe Store.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Xarcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Blillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieve
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. .
f Castoria.
" CMCori Is a exceUeat stedidae f or ciul-
good tfftct upca tbeir cbiUrm."
Ds. G. C Oasooo,
- CMtori U the lt xteamij t or cfcBdw of
far dlaat vbratncxbws vdoouidertberaAl
fatrrcrt of their children. 1 e Cwtori In
ce&d of the rsrioa (jaek aoatnmwhieh an
deccrojinc thir tared oacs, bj-fordacoptaB.
morrhiae, Mothiac ?Tup aad other kartfal
irnU dova thea thrott, IhwiVy
tam to pfcaaSgB grTm."
Ooswaj, Ark.
TWa Caaiiamr
. TI
CMtorU Is o well adtpced to chQdm that
I rtcoBiaicad feastsparkctoaajpreiriptfoa
kaovato xoe."
IL A. Dl.
Ill Sa Oxford St ErooUya, K. Y.
-'OarptsjalciuM is the cbildirei difrt
awat hare apokea hitily of thr xjri
cace fa their ostalda practice &h Caatoria,
aad aKhoach w oclj hare asoe; ccr
BMdieal affaiai vhat U kaoirn as rcclir
prodocia,yarB trve to coaf eaa that tiat
aMriat of Caatena baa 'vos nto took'
favor spools."
Uxrrxa Eoanraz. aas
tt C. SXTrciVrx
M rry Mratt, Xv Tark OMf
Italy lake Xotlce.
I am the American Eagle,
And my winps Hop together,
Likowiso I roost high.
And I eat bananas ran.
Home may sit on her
Sex-en hills and howl,
hut she cannot
Sit on me!
Will she please put that
In her organ and grind it?
I am mostly a bird of peace
And I was born without teeth,
But I've got talons,
That reach from the storm
Beaten coasts of the Atlantic
To the golden shores of the
Plocid Pacific,
And I use the Rocky Mountains
As whetstones to sharpen them on.
I nerer cackle till I
Lay an egg:
And I point with pride
To the eggs I've laid
In the last hundred years or so.
I'm game from
The point of my beak
To the star-spangled tip
Of my tail feathers,
And when I begin
To scratch gravel,
Mind your eyes!
I'm tho cock of the walk.
And the Henbird of the
Goddess of Liberty.
The only gallinaceous
Kpluribus unum
On record.
Tin an Eagle from Eigleville,
With a scream on me that makes
Thunder sound like
Dropping cotton
On a still morning.
And my present address is
Hail Columbia,
U. S. A.!
Xew York Sun.
Departed Thin Life
On last Monday morning, Mrs. Mary
A. Smith, mother of Mr. E. B. Snrth,
of this city, departed this life, after
many weeks illness, at the ripe old
ae or 79 years.
Mrs. Smith came to Red Cloud
about seven years ago, and has lived
with her feon during that period.
During the past few months her
health gave away owing to old age,
and she was most of the time, for the
last year confined to her room, ' only
waiting to be called home. The morn
ing above mentioned, the members of
the household went to her room as
was customary and found her in usual
health to all 'appearance. She was
asked what ?ho desired for breakfast.
She made known her wants and the
family prepared it for her, but during
their absence from the room, the
summons came, and her soul took its
flight to the land beyond the blue
without warning to the family. The
family thought she was only sleeping
and attempted to wake her, but dis
covered that death had claimed her
as his own. The funeral services
were held at the residence of Mr. E.
B. Smith and was largely attended.
11 ev. Geo. 0. Yciser officiating. The
family lias the sympathy of their
many friends in their great affliction.
At Rent.
Chas. Harper, of this city, who has
been located in lied Cloud for about
three years, died quite suddenly on
Monday afternoon at C:45, after a
lingering illness of five years, al
though not confined to his bed until
the last day, when hs was called by
Death's messenger to leave this world
of trials for one better. The subject
of this sketch wax born in Sandusky,
Ohio. May 10, 18C2, and consequently
was 2S years, eleven months, 3 days
of age, at the time of his death. He
moved from Ohio to Iowa with his
parents in 1S6G, where he resided
until he was 2G years of age, in which
state h was married to Miss Lizzie
Weaycr, of CorrcctionTillc, soon after
wards moved to Nebraska, and settled
in uii city, wnerc ne lonowca nis
trade with his brother, Joseph Har
per, whenever his health permitted
him to do so. His death although
not unexpected caused an aching
void in the hearts of his friends and
relatives, who universally esteemed
hnu for hi stcrl.ns qualities. He
leaves a wifr. an aged father and
moihcr, four brothers, one of whom
reside in lied Cloud and one sister,
with many other relatives to mourn
his premature death. He was faith,
ful and loving husband, a true friend
aud brother, and dutiful son, and be
loved by all rho knew him. The fas
rrl services took place on Thursday
morning from the M. E. Charch, Rev.
E. J. Randall officiating.
Tkc Pint Step.
Perhap joa are run dove, can't eat,
win't Mwp. can't think, caa't do anything
to jocr satisfaction, and job wosder
what ail. jon. Yon should heed the war
ning, joa are taking the firt step into N er
togs Prostration. Yon need a Kerra
Tonic and in Electric Bittcra tow will
find the exact remedy for raatoring yonr
nerrons system to its normal, healthy
condition. Surprising reaalta foDew the
nse of this great Kerre Tome and AlUra
tire. Yonr appetite retcrns, good diges
tion is restored, and the lirer asd kideys
resnme healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 50c at L. H. Deyo drugatore. 6
Garttea See4
Of the best lot in the cttr.
in want of anything in this line re
member Perkins 4k Mitchell old
stand one door south of Miaer Bros.
See Can. far Stale.
ou caa
lear orders at J. L. Mia
cr's or my place. C C. Coo. 35-tf
Far Sale.
A fin stock of proceriea, proris
ions, a-c, will be told at a bargaia if
takes soon. Call oa or ad.reas,
Jones 4k Erias, Be4 Cla4 Neb. tf
Red Cloud, Webster County,
C. W. Bronson will read the Great
Family Weekly for 1891.
Miss Sylvia Cook, of lows, is visit
ing with her sister, Mrs. M. IL
Mrs. C. W. Bronson, of McCook,
was in the Gate City, this week visit
ing old friends.
We can astonish you by our low
prices on window curtains and wall
paper. C L. Cottiog.
Go to Wm. Zcluff, for a good hair
cut, shave, shampoo, or sea-foam, on
east side Webster Street
Two or three fine rains this week,
and it now looks as if wc bhould have
a fine season for good crop?-.
The people of Red Cloud and Web
ster county, should remember to plant
numerous trees on Arbor Day.
F. V. Taylor has greatly increased
his stock of furniture, carpets, cur
tains Ac, and won't be under hold,
call and see him.
Flour of both winter and spring
wheat, groceries and garden heeds.
First door south of Miner Bros.
C. M. Myers, l'rop.
M. Wilson, Ag't.
QThe Franklin Republican, one of
the most rabid republican papers last
fall, has flopped over to the indepen
dent movement. The editor must
have procured a pair of alliance spec
tacles, to effect such a sudden change
of heart.
Hank Moore the genial landlord of
the Gardner House, had a little ex
perience with uToo-Much-Hor3e" on
last Saturday night, and now mean
ders the thoroughfares of the city
with a dislocated proboscis, and oth
er evidences of a collision with terra
firm a.
J. A. Boyd of the firm of Boyd &
Ovcring, started for Lincoln Wednes
day morning to look after a contract
for a very fine granite monument that
they are estimating on. They have
the assuanco that they will get the
contract, the cost of the work will be
from $1000 to $1200.
The W. R. C. will give a social on
Saturday evening, April IS, in K'I
Hal!. Mrs. Emma Manchester Post
National Senior Vice President of the
W. R. C. is expected to be here at
that time. Refreshments with hot
coffee will be served for ten cents.
Every body cordially invited.
Tne Chief extends its thanks to
the sercnaders last Saturday night
for some very fine music. If
there is any one thing tht makes an
editor happy, it is to wake up at night
and hear the melodious strains of
music floating through the mid night
air. It's about the only time that
the think of angels.
Our old friend W L. Glc-.-ncr of
Americus, Georgia, editor of the
Amcricus Recorder, has old that pa
per to the Times Company, and hence
forth it will appear as the Times-Re
corder. Mr. Glcssncr is one of the best
newspaper men in Georgia, and did
much for the growth of his pet town
Amcricus. lie is an enthusiastic
newspaper man, but concluded that a
good job with the railroad company
was much better. Wc believe that
Amcricus enterprises will miss Mr.
Glcssncr's enthusiasm in the upbuild
ing of that enterprising southern city.
It seems that "Young America" or
'Old America" or "Middle Aged Amer
ica" as the case may have been should
be punis-hed if guilty of turning in the
false alarm of fire from box 0, on ThnrS-
day morning at 3:30 causing the fire
department to go pell-mell to the Kuth
end of town for nothing. Wc have no
feathers to extend as we arc not that
kind of a bird, hut we arc willing to be
oncoftwclve tositon the culprit, and
give him his just deserts. The city
dads should pass a stringent ordinance
for that special kind of a case, and then
Detective Kuchn or some one else
should be employed to detect any or all
of those guilty, and on their being taken
before His Honor, Police Judge West,
should be fined in the fullest extent of
the law.
DRl Fa-ryef
That The Chief ha a fine selec
tion of cuts for horse bills, and that
we do the work at hard times prices.
Cone and see us if you want the
Itch on human and bones and all ani
mal cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold
by L. H. Devo, dmggist,Red Cloud.
Boyd has surned the S hour a
u ww, uufc me larzu nana una nirea
Srl are not in it. Tbay can continue to
bor 16 hours a day, and do the feeding, '
mt'tini? xr3 n?Hr litftaorM nKa run firm.
J 1 t... !- J J tr i . "'
H.ttl tfc uii m Kofon L.nrri "
t of the !
It k aaid that a large majorit
Methodist ministers are aeainat the ad
niaaioo of woHen delegates into the coc-
lerescea, aad that the measure will sot
be faroraWy received in the sreneral coo-1
fereDOe. A th.m iiuncn am K mm'n.
stay of the church they can checkmate
we paracaa by rercin to fat up feati
vals to pay church debt and the paraooa
aaiariea. Wbeo itcoaaea to acubbi-f
the woaaec and tellin tbeaa they bare
not the aaaae and ability to rote in'a coc
fereaoa the paraooa will fisd to their Bor
row that tbey hare awakeoed sp tba
wTooar element in the church. The
Metbodiat church owe its frrea&Maa to
the woesac, asd about all the aabaCas
tial piety aad eoterpriae aay chrch has
iaaiaoaaTtha womec Wham the awa
daatrted the Savior of bewrH at the
croait-awoaaeaatrndaBftohlaa. Hiv
torr docs not tell of aTach character
MrKariaoar a
attaa aariy
Neb., Friday, April
SoNlB Slalc.
Fanning is the order of the day with
those that have seed and feed for their
The rain on Wednesday night is what
makes the tillers of the soil look pleas
ing. What conclusion did the farmers come
to in regard to forming a trust in this
country. Does two wrongs make one
right If all other trusts are wrong,
what would there be about tho farmars'
trust to make it right.
I can't write much this week as I am
somewhat embarussed. The Bad Boy
said he had a good Joke on me, and he
would tell it if I didn't keep still. I will
say to the Bad Boy, please don't, for I
hare considered you the second George
Washington in regard to truth. A good
joke is founded on facts, and it is nltx
said of asmngton that tie could prove
every word he said to bo true.
Peck's Good Sistki:.
a nice spring
We had a nice spring Ehower last
The farmers are busy at work getting
in their crops.
Mr. Turkington of Alma was visiting
G. W. Knight Sunday.
Mrs, Ayers has gone to visit her father
near Crete, who is quite sick.
Mr. Jeff Myers was in the Vale Sun
day. Mr. Hunter had a car load of corn
shipped in this week.
Ihe Inavale public school commenced
again next Monday.
- Viola Hill has got the mums.
- -
Mr. Carrier is building a good fenco
around his garden. The horses, dogs,
and cows have had the lion's share"
of hia garden truck long enough.
Miss Mary Knight a returned mission
ary from Turkey, will tell the Cowles
people of the Congregational church of
her missionary labors.
Mrs. Waller has returned from a very
pleasant visit with friends at Franklin.
Ilev. Piatt is 6een on our streets again
after nearly three weeks confinement at
home with vere cough and fever. His
son from Franklin recently visited
his parents here.
Mrs Steelev is slowly recovering from
a sudden nnd severe attack of illness.
The S. S. Easter concert which was
postponed on nccount of the weather is
to be given in the Congregational church
April ID. at 11 a. m. X.
Our good sister seema to be worried
over Old Winter and Miss Spring. We
would ndviso you not to bo so foolish
about this, but we don't think you would
allow anything of the kind yoursolf.
Ilev. Hum-Del Ailed his appointment
at Diet. 3 lost Friday night He
preached nn excellent sermon. He will
oIbo preach on Saturday night, April 18
nt 7:30. Evoryono invited.
Ilob't Hicks and wife had some bad
luck last Friday nighL They Btarted to
church nnd on their way got lost. Mr.
Hicks has lived in Nebraska for 3) years
and traveled a good dwil.. Been to Tex
as, Oregon, California, Ohio, Illinois,
Wash. T'y. and many other places, but
he can't give any good reason why he
got lo6t for ho won't talk about it. It
was moon lieht and be had a lantern.
but still got lost and not one half mile
from home; but after spending some
timo in wandering nrounu he found his
way home nil right. We felt sorry for
the old gentlomnn nnd lady but it is our
nature. We had to laugh a little. He
did not wont Peck's Bad Boy to find it
out but he did just tho same.
The parents of the Bod Boy had a fes
tival at their residence '29 years ago, the
9th of this month. I was not present
daring tho earlier part of the festivities
but arrived before Hie company departed
and they seemed so glad to see me that
all other business closed and we were
given a perfect ovation of kisses nnd re
marks that it look "prezactly'' like its
dad, and it had its mother's eyes. If we
remember distinctly wo had considerable
red flannel presented to us, which act of
kindness entirely overcome our emotions
and we acknowledged our gratitude only
in tears, that being the 7th festival of the
kind at our fathers house. The receipts
of the evening wereentirely satisfactory.
Peck's Bad Bor.
Jacob Williams' baby died in Red
Cloud where they had taken it for the
doctor to attend.
Farmers that could get seed have bean
busy the past week sowing oata.
Some have commenced listing corn.
Not many potatoes planted this spring.
People are not able to buy seed for 1.50
per bushel and sell them in the fall for
15 cents. Sid.
Far alc Cheap.
A good Columbia bicycle,
at this office.
Xatlec la Teaehcra.
Notice is hereby niven that I will
examine all persons who may desire ;
to offer themslre randidatea for
teachers ofthe rmblic schools of this !
couutv, at Red Cloud on the third J
Saturday of each month.
D. M.HurcrzR, County Supt.'
Millet Seed Far Sale.
F. EL Goble ha rot 100 bushels
-jjp, '
clean millet need for sale. EonuLre at
office of Traders Lumber Co. fleu Cloud,
V - braska.
Cemetery Burial Board
The Martin
1 k.r. .-')- Thnr-4r Ann'1 'l tfBI
Arbor day, when all intereated io the J
cemeterT 'are invited to saeet oa the f
gro-na-i wnQcwaii. ke -hi im j
iparpaa j---.- ---. -,-.
and otherwise beautifying the ceaaetery.
fcco. B. St-jcses, Ca'i
ITif-aw ci all m
17, 189).
r-a re
'erkins has gone to Dearer.
Harry Markell of Lincoln, was is
the city this week.
Jno Myers is erecting a f nc fence
around his property on Kim St.
Perkins 4t Mitchell have gone, with
their families to Denver, where they
will reside in the future.
J. S. McArthur has purchased the
property formerly owned by Ira
Sleepeir J. S. has got tired of pay
ing reut.
Anyone hariag lands to sell, or
trade for lied Cloud, Lincoln or Oma
ha property or merchandise call at
once on Kalev &. Darker.
Mens suits strong and sightly can
be bought at Wiener sat $2.75 worth
13.50 and from that up, bargains in
all grades of gaods bought this season.
William Snyder, Deputy Sheriff of
Adams Co.. was in the city last week
and took posession of the Uurtis
Farm for the Nebraska Loan & Tmst
After years of experience we make
the intelligent care of the dead a
specialty, and are prepared to attend
ail calls in the city or country. F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
I'ndertaklng by F. V. Taylor who
has had yca.s of practical experince
in the scientific care of the dead and
is better prepared than ever to eon
duct the business in all its branches.
C. icner has just returned from
the east, where he has used every
effort known to him in his long ex
perience as a merchant to buy goods
cheap so as to help those needing any
goods in his line to obtain them at
Embalming and intelligent care of
the dead a specially by Cozad dc Co.
who carry a full line of coffinn and
caskets, robes, etc., and arc fully pre
pared to take charge of funerals in
the city and country, At Taylors old
stand. Call and sec them. 2t
The New York Press is one of the
best metropolitan papers in the
United States. It is thoroughly re
publican aud sparkles with news,
editorials, wit, liumor. Ac. For a
paper that is alive to the times, one
should read the New York Press-
John Harper of Reynolds, Neb.,
was in lied Cloud this week, atttend
ing the funeral of his cousin, Chas.
Harper, who died on Monday erta
ing. Telegrams were sent to his
relations in Iowa, but they were tan
able to get here in time for the fun
eral. At two o'clock Monday afternoon
the stock of goods that was formerlv
owned by Perkins dc Potter, and had
been closed on chattel mortgage for
the past four weeks, was offered for
sale by the sheriff, and sold to Bergen
Alexander Hardware Co., of Hastings
Neb., for the sum of $1,200, which
was about 50 cents on the dollar.
Cttrd of TVtnnka.
I desiro to extend my thanks for
the services of kind friends, during
the last sickness and death of my
husband, Mrs. Lizzik Harter,
If jou buy 15 worth of
goods of C. Wiener for cash
and present this slip you will
receive in rctara 25 cents. Not
good after July 1st, 1831.
A Curd r Tkanka
To all the kind friends who so tn
pcrly cared for the precious remains
of our loved one, and whose kindly
heart and helpful hands did so much
to comfort and sustain us in our sore
bereavement, wc tcadcr our most sin
cere thanks.
Mrk. A. M. Nvk AM) DArOHTKRS.
James A- fiarfield W. IL C. No. U,
held memorial eriiccs Saturday after
noon. April 4 in honor of the lat(ea
cral W T. Sh'crman aad Admiral D.
T. Porter. A large number of G. A.
R. pot by invitation were prcBt
and the following program wa ren
dered :
lJeadinr National General Order
No. C.
Pravcr by TUv. K J. Randall
tnbetc to itcacral
Sherman Mrs. Pond.
Music Dropping fro the raaks
one by one.
rlcct readme 5lr. Knight.
Brief historical -ketch of thesailiury
career of Sherman and Portr. Mrs.
'. 1. .Miller.
Music Let them rest.
Historical sketch of Gea. Shcnaaa.
.Mrs J. Jadsoa.
2?0-?1 f i1crTC?n
,Tae presides.. Mrs. G. W. Dow,
with a neat little spttch is behalf e!
ioe -jorp-, prcentcu ie c-reTcxary
Wlth beHTl rold rccoita m
after which tie exercises eloaei.
, S. Gart lapa-rt, Asf. 17, ih
Until you examine our
is no use of your
Working Shirts,
Everyday Pants,
Than they are worth,
see what wc ask
?.&. r
McNitt & Galuska.
Removed! Removed!
Ta ScFarlauKl'a Olal JUand, larnrr rt !! r Mrrrl hhi! Ilk Ar.
Where he will keep an hand all r tlir trt linntwarr
gaa1a la he fw4. A new hiifmcttl r crni'lnr
Baker Wire and
Charter Oak Stoves.
Ja)fc waarfc, !! rwwftSMi aMMt elf' water wrk plamfeiHg, gwaa mm4
ajHHatlkM, afaeetaJltea with at. lroawtlnr guaraNlrr4 aaat )ar
wavrfc asHeHed. Caaae aaal are awe two rfiwn nrth f. St J, hank.
Year ftrnnnl anal Taller alter Tra4e
. OT.AR--1 Praatdact, Albany, N.Y- J. A. TULLBT. wVtca-Preiridept
Kobt. V. BHIRinr. Treiutur?r.
Tall TrlAtf MMa Taaa, jo t- A; tjirt ttfa (- SW
aa4 ant l"n m art r omntAv- cau
aVaaaa rw u r ( ' Vr t r
r rmm kH fft muttrj IssrsMUl'lr
B aw 4 a-4 -war V-tVQ aJJ rt
'awa ai trt -
eaae latfat a4 rrlxlf-Ul pjW at
ttoa at lBr-t tniwtm
jmv ww a fc-ml n our maerarr
Ked Cloud, Neb.
Abstracters, Real Estate
and Farm Loan Agent.
Red Cloud, Xkbsa&ra.
Abstnch of ul fnrnisheJ acrrat!v and jjromptlr.
Satinfaction Unamn'ml. SliXM iymit fi!.d
Lower than any yard in the world
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
t. H. FORT, M..rrr
bstraveis of Title
to all LftDdki in Webeter Coantj, Accurate j -ind
taaaw - awaarr
Vol. 18. No. 38.
mm in i
Spring Stock
paying more
Come and
von for
- f Ur ettUy It vm t to SB.
fjr ", M f igfj rJt rft-'--$
U Vs-ii, u) tr -. j, i Ssn-
Albany, Nw York.
tmeori aad - av
tammitU n t
t, at (- - Mftrfasee. Iaa rtn aJoi
at ji aafj acawfac-f !- k
taaawM. - ar iat . .
XfLFOBT H&zxQtx, iU4 Cki, 5a.