fc V tf By A. C. Hosmer. Still on Top ! THE Square Golden Eagle Clothing House, 1 liIliieiS stock of IVlcn's, Boys' and Children's Clothing ! An Immense Stock of Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear and Hosiery. An Immense Stock of Hats and Caps, New and Fashionable, An Immense Stock of Men's and Boys Boots and Shoes. An Immense Stock of Trunks and Valises await your inspection. Trices and Quality Guaranteed ! You arc invited to calk C. WIENER. Last but not least, we carry a big stock of all kinds of Woolens to be cut and made up by us into lirst-class Suit-, Pants, &c, by first class workmen. We Give Them fits ! No one olnjt'fth ! luniiiKU ncal lilting liool or lioi HENCE OUR POPULARITY W'v imilc 3mi to come In ami gel aeqiiuiitU'ri mid see our yood. Buy a fine pair of shoes for Raster ! Take home the best plowshoe in town ! lSii) l lie Imltic mid older children xoinelliinu neul. nice, durable Ituj siimIi ir n !hal are full warranled and a III lie repair ed Tree ofcliartfc in eae .lit'3 fail to sive taiMaclion. All toods Clean, New. Fresh and CHEAP. Blakesi.ef. & Hatch lrHrlelor of Hie 'liiciniili Mioe More. What is I tr wi 111 1 h 1W-! lr J iff ij Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor othor Narcotic suhstancc. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant, Its guarantee is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting SourCurd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. CaSorla i an excellent mullein for cLil jrrn. Mothers haro wrtcllj- toli me oT It good effect upon thdr cfclMrca. De. G. C 0oooo, LovU,Uss. Castoria tlw liot rrrady for children cf which I ani acquainteO. I nop ttoe Jay to not far di-sant when mother 'ill consider the real lntrrt ot their chil Jrea. and two Casiori in stead of the various quack nosaTns which are Jcktroyin their lo-el oaes, by ftveia opium, morphine, noothin; pyrup and other hurtful Prnis doc their throats, thereby teaiUag thcia to jsemature grates." "Da. J. F. CiycEnAS, Conway, Ark. Tke CaUv Cmpaar, TI M Dealing ajKAiUftA?1 Castoria. ' Castoria is so well adapted to children that I reccmaJcnd it as superior to aaj pereenptioa kaownto tae." IL A. Ancsut.M. n, 1 So. Oxford St., Drooklya, X. T. Our physkiaas in the children's depart rsent hare spoken highly of their erperi ence in their outside, practice vita Castoria, and although we otdy bare among oar medical supplies what is kaovm as nsjrular products, yet xne are free to cosfes that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look wUi favor"upon it." Uxrrra Ilosrmt avo DarsrixT, 2 Bo&toe, Ham. Auxx a Surra, JYet., mrrmy Strtt N w Ytk City, r 'UfijoCi " Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is Bladen. m;li feed i- very Kcarc Quite a number of cattle are dying. W heeler Wick. i once more a rei lent of Hhuleti. (Ilcnwood town-bip lww no ju-tice of the peace. Where was L. W. McLaughlin the night of the literary? Farmers are bu.sily engaged with their .-pring work. The annual town meeting was held Tuesday at the G. A. 11. hall. The literary closed last Friday even ing with a good attendance. On account of the storm on Easter Sunday the excrci.-e of the Congrega tional Sunday ,-ehool were postponed until la-t Sunday. Dikii: Mrs. C. Stout, the mother of John and 0. C. Stout, died Midden ly laat Friday evening. She waz (17 years old. The funeral service.- took place Sunday at the residence of C. C. Stout and tho remains interred in the McCoy cemetery. ... ... - Initial v. Farmer have commenced .-owing grain. Mr. G. V. Knight went to lied Cloud Monday. Mr. Wrinkle the as.-e.isor. has com menced hid round trip again. S. K Wolcott and son have rented G. W. Knight'.i farm for the coming year. The Inavale school has a vacation nf two weeks on account of Mi-- Nye's !i"tcr death. (J. W. Knight is visiting at home this week. Mr. MeCluc is home from Norton, Kansas, where he has been for the past week. Mr. Hartwell i,s putting a picket fence arond his place. Mr. Hull the blacksmith, has plenty of work of late. Mr. Sheldon is very sick at Mr. OIni-tcads. ' He is not expected to live. Mr. Vance has gone to farming. Mr. l'rcntis has gone west to buy up some cattle. Km. Amboy. We have been having nice weather but quite changeable. 1 think the young folks had better quit trying to have parties till the farmers get their crops in. We don't need rain for a few days. A urpric party at Chas Fri.-bics last Thursday evening. A jolly time reported. Everybody is farming. Mr. Baker sold one of hi-Jersey cows last week. Mr. Ilinc- has returned from Ne braska City. Orlio Cock rail ha returned from Fremont. Cha-. Mitchell and his best girl spent Sunday in Amboy with Cha-. Frisbie. The Methodist minister has changed his appointment till three o'clock at Amboy. Evening air don't seem to agree with him and the people don't -eem to agree with the sermon he preached Sunday night. They thiuk it was very much out of place and 1 think if Mr Minister would look on the right side of the bible he wouldn't find no Mich scripture in it. . Rose Bn. Line. Our efficient a.c.-sor, Mr. Stocke is inakiti!! his rounds. Carl Stocke started for Iowa the fith to visit this summer. There wa- quite a debate at the Hummel school-house last Thursday night. Question: Resolved, that the free and unlimi ted coinage of silver is for the good of the people. O. McCall said, let us have more silver. Pore it into us by the bowl. How would he look with a bowl of silver dollars in him? When you want to light your cigar just ask Mr. Coon if he ever saw a green back, and then all you have to no is to press mc eau h vac cigar to his face. We rejoice to hear front our sister once more but be careful what you write for we have a good joke oa you. Now bo careful and we won't make it public. If anyone wants to get married, and can't find the preacher junt call on Frank Sux-le and we will have him on . hand on hort notice if the Kcv. Gen ! tlexnan has to so through snow 3 feet deep over his head while sitting on his horc. Frank has rode over Nc braska for IS vcars and has not found out what sport is. Kix. Danac kuows tfiak. rxcK tup Bor. Red Cloud, Webster County, ttoHth Side. There will be omu intere.-ting new. shortly, if we don't mis- our gue.--. for Charley (Just Sr. and the widow Wil liams have been seen riding in the same buggy together apparently look ing as happy as a clam. Wc think now that spring i- here sure for the sandhill crauea are pas siug over on their way north, and Mr. Frank Street ha- got his mustache cut smack smooth off. We are going to have preaching Fri day the I Oth day of April, at the school-hou-e in Di-t. No. 'M. by Rev. G. W. Hummel. Everybody i invitcd to be there by 7 o'clock on that evening. Wc don't believe anyone would ob ject to starting a Sunday .-chool in Hist. '.U, and we would nominate Feck's Bad Boy for superintendent. Will Kuchn met with quite an acci dent la-t week. While trimming up trees with a hatchet he severed the leaders of two of his finer.- c 1 Julian Wilbur i- workins: for O Mi-Call. Otto Stocke. the a-.-e. or of Line township, is now going the rounds to ascertain the wealth of said township. Two of Mr. Geo. Huiumel's daugh ters are boarding with Lew Hummel, their uncle and going to -chool in Red Cloud. Cnele 1'cter McNitt has been layed up for the la-t week with heart trouble. I'kck's Gooi Sisteu. Died. At her home in Red Cloud, Neb., April 5, 1891, Mrs. Lucy J. Ross, aged 42 years, 9 months, and 29 days. Miss Thompson was born in Yir oqua, Wis., June C, 1848, and was married to II . W. Ross in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October 20, 1SG7. She joined the United Brethren church about eleven years ago, was baptized and become a member of the Christian church about one year ago. She had been afflicted 1G years, suf fering severely at times, especially the last 8 months. She leaves a husband and three children to profit by her example as well as to mourn her loss. Four children have preceded their mother into cUrnity. In the midst of sick neen, Buffering, and disappointment she manifested wonderful patience, and developed s lofty Christian character. Services were conducted at the Christian church Tuesday morning by O. II. Truman. Died. At the residence of her mother, Mrs A. M. Nye, in Red Cloud, Nebraska, April G, 1S91, of consumtion, Miss May Evelyn Nye, aged 23 years and 28 "days. May Evelyn Nye wa- born in Cam bridge, Illinois, March S, 18GG. She was a loving obedient child, and a kind sister and playmate. When fifteen years of age she, to gether with her two sisters, united with the Congregational church of their native place; of which church they were members at the time of her death. She was an earnest, consistent Christian, working for the Muster, or patiently suffering and wating. She was always ready, and when the summons came was not afraid to go. Services were held in the Congre atioma! church Wednesday afternoon by Rct. l'alis. The three sisters Mary, Mablo andj May were of the same age, and look- ed so much alike that in former vcars1 their own parents could hardly tell them apart. The circle of three is J broken never to be joined except in eteraitv. School report for Pist. -IV. So. enndled 20. average attendance 14. Thoe whose average i. between 10 asd 100 are Lottie Kmertou. Johanah Earner, Katie Earner. Lixric Earner, I Agnes Earner, Mary Moblcr. Those between SO and 90 arc Frank and Janex DeWitt School closed March 24th. bat on account of the stnnn the exibition was delayed until April 7th and Katie Earner received the prite 1 given for hot declamation. John M. Earxek, Teacher, i I hereby express my thanks to the; ople and friendr of lied Cloud for! iheirsvmpaihy and kimlns during the Ion; I'lcknfs'.sof bv wife. Also to the ladies who furni.hed wreath and j lower for the funeral. Ben Ludlow intcads to open a bil- j ytf tall m the torildiag lately vaca- J tcd ,y J. Beaver. Neb., Friday, April 10, The Election. The election last Tuesday under the new Australian ballot system was a complete success and was one of the most quiet affairs of the kind ever held in the city. Not a bit of elec tioneering was to be teen and every voter was permitted to go to the polls and vote hi sentiments a.s he pleased. The law is certainly a great success and a big improvement over the oid stj?le of holding elections where a voter's footsteps were dogged to the cry ballot box by ward heelers and beconJ class politicians, to see that he voted right. The Tue-day election resulted iu the election of M. B. McNitt, Mayor T. J. Waid. Clerk Henry Cook, Treasurer For members of the school board Mrs. Ellen J. Ducker, H. E. Fond, and Geo. O. Veiser. Alderman 2d ward G. ll.Whitson. Aldermen 1st ward, M. W. Dicker sou and David II. Rudd. Messrs Ward and Cook aie demo crats, and Mr Whitson independent, and from that the balance of the tick et is republican. Mr. McNitt wn- elected by about thirty majority over Mr. Rentier. Tho new ofiicera are good ones and will do their duty rcgardlsss of fear or lavor. Wc feel confident that Mr. McNitt will make one of the beat mayors that Red Cloud has ever had, and we think his election show- the wisdom of having two tickets iu the field u.- there can be no objection to the choice of the people. The Chikf is not inclined to crow over the elec tion, but will say that the choice of the people will alioar that th selec tion of a republican ticket was no "mistake" as one of our city exchange was pleased to call it, but on the other hand was a roaring success Cl'T THIS OIT. If you buy $.") worth of goods of C. Wiener for cash and present this slip you will receiva iu return !i5 cents. Not good after July 1st, 1SSU. American Tin Plate Norton Hros., of Chicago, are contract- ing tin cans for tho season's packing, to bo mndn from Americnn tin, nt prices lower than ever before known in this country. P. II. Laufmnn fc Co.. of Appollo, Pa., havo delivered 10 lxixes of American mndo tin, the quality of which the receiving particH det-enbo ns "excellent nnd tho price ,4n little lower than for tho corresponding quality nnd weight ot imiorted plates. Theso aro facta that will cause sadness in the hearts of freo traders. If tho matter goes much further, watchers will bo necessnry to sit up with tho calamity shoutcrs. Champaign (111.) News. .. Tho carpenter, like tho country school teacher, is accustomed to 'warding around Tun next edition of the eesnion laws of Nebraska will be, if rumors aro true, ono of the curiosities of tho age. It in said that tho enrolling clerks of tho legislnturo havo original ideas about selling, obtained, jerhnjs, from Hon. Frank Lawler. tho author of a scheme of spelling reform that ho baa been in cessantly urging on congress. In pur suanco of that theory, tho bills are, as passed, fearfully and wonderfully spell ed, and tho house committee on engn?d rlMtl An.willAI li.tln I....... a.. n.4nA.. 1 I ... objection. Xow it is tho duty, and baa al wars bsn the custom of the public print - er to "follow copy in printing the laws, though it should take th compoit or out of a fifth story window. It customary where n palpable error occurs for the printer to firwi print thej word as he finis it, and then the word as ho suppo, it ought to havo bwn written, in bracket. The hrs of the present session when printed will per hap look homethinp like this. Be it enacktid (enactexll by the IefcieJater (legislature) of the stait letatej of ew brasky Nebraska.) etc" The effete tast urasxy eurafijea.; ck. inoeneve . i will perhaps jcr and deride ua when! this book appears, Bat we &ball have .j,,, coasolatioa of retorting that !be I , m Ktl urmn. rj !. Vil Va..? x1 nt . -. ..ww. .u. Vw-y ""!each lull taoou at i ) p. ra.. sa v SCT; . u .?twoweek.thertarurat2P.W. V,V to be ruled by honest men who cant . . n comradcs CordllT ianud to epiu man or onwn coiureu viuiasff from the coUee and uniTewjtteaJ" State Journal. ' Highest of all a LMtTOKSf Power. ! Rol ML &esB& ABSOUHEUir PURE the Price or The Chief. 189 . i. oca i. iKirr. Wanted, butter and eggs at J. S. Parkes. All the latest stlc- aud new colors in spriug wraps at R. M. Martin A fcon .-. We mean business and will under sell any dry good? house in the coun ty. Call and be convinced. R. M. Martin fc Son. Mens -uits strong and sightly can be bought at Wiener Mt ?2.7. worth $'t.50 and from that up, bargains in all grades of gods bought thi.- season. Anyone having land- to sell, or trade for Red C'oud, I.Mimlu or Oma ha property or merchandise call at once on Kalkv fc Bakkui. La-t week m our hasty write up of the Temple of Fame we Inadvertantly omitted to mention the fact tlut Mi.- Donahue won the crown on that oc easim A No, wc omitted iu the pro gram the part of George Morhart and Thad McNitt entitled "Joan of Arc and his guard." Dating the hjt few weeks the fol lowing poetry would have boon quite -uitahic to any of the public thorough fares leading to this city This road is not passable, Not even jackassable; And those who wish to travel it Should turn out and gravel it. One of the plea-mi: event.- of the wees wa- the farewell gien to Rev. and Mi-. G. K. Tagg.trt on Friday c euiug at the pleant home of Mr and Mr-. I. P Albright bv the mem hers of the ehautauquu circle. An elegant tea wa- -erved during the evening by the ladies. The et filing wa- spent iu -ocial chat aud will long be remembered by .ill present. A. Pickens & Sou of Hasting show most superb line of carpets, art square, and Smyrna rugs this spring also an elegant line of curtains con sisting of silk and chenile portieres, lace goods iu renaissance, Rrusrcls net, Nottingham Turkish moire, etc Get quotation of price- on any of above lines and wc will guarantee to fell you at lovcr prices and give you standard qualities and brands The gentlemen and Iadiis com pok ing tin Cruader, hate left Re 1 Cloud after doing funic very fine work for the cause of religion. While about one hundred were converted, and seventy-one joiucd the M. E. church. Their method n one that i? both convincing and interesting. If they could have been prevailed upon to have .-taid two or three weeks more they wou'd have accomplished great work in Red Cloud. Boyd Sr. Ovfrini: have added to their works iu the la-t week a poILshiug ma chine. The machine i- the one pat ented by our fellow town-man, D. C. Myers. The machine when placed in operation worL by hand by crank movement and the work of rubbing and polishing is done by a rotary dic the and and water being fed automati cally. This lalwr saving device tales the place of .-ereu men and can jkt form th work much nwre accurately j than bv hand. Anyone i;itiug Haitiag- are cor j dully invited to examine the ini-J menfCftockof dry goodi, carpets and ) milline v !hown bv A. 1'icken i ?oa I J t hw Jca-on. The ascrtmcnt 19 as ! fine ar an) thing west of Chicago and we mot emphatically acrt that oar price arc uinch lncr thn can be found ''ilber in Ouiabai" or Lincoln, '.it 1 . ... ,.i v .ti .-i . . . l !" Prc -" piwm-. Oar tclk of wash dre 'Ws. pnn? jacket? and taWe liner rc oneq-ualed in the ."tite. a. .. I'ntil Intther notice, regular eject-; , ms of Jatae A. OarfirlJ I'tt-tNo.! jSO, Dept. of Neb. G. A IL will be' eld Mondav cvemnz oa or before I . .. . r. n iattCBU. U, . JViUJIli, I . v. o ir !-.....-. l t t. SCtltXCK. AcJj t. U. 8. Ccrt Keport, Aj. x;, iH Q I r DwUns r 0 Fbwder For A FEW DAYS We arc PANTS GOING TO We have a new stock 10WEH THAN Different than you ever CHEAP We have S MTHI and see our One Dollar Pant, nevervvJU) rip, so long as together McNitt Removed! I GE0KGEW1UTS0X, iTo.Hcliirliinr4lti .MiiiiiI. orner r -Wlrr lrrt untl Hit c. Wlit'rc Ur will U't' on IiiiihI till r Hn trl hiinttviiri? good lo lit foitml. li'u lilMiirnl of urtnilttr Baker Wire and Charter Oak Stoves. Job iork. t las rouTlna and city wulrr uorti pltimhliictftiti ami iihiiiiiIIIoii. prrlitlllr with u. l'roiiiitiir uimrniilrril itiul )nr work olic-llrri. 'omr nnd ttir luo door north I. V 71. bunk. CEORCE WHfTSGN, 1 our rr tirtf nnd Toiler Hi Irr Tnuli H. CLARKE Proaltlont, Albnny. N.Y., J, A. TULL87, fVlco-Presidio! Eotat, V. 8HJREY, Trofumror NEBRASKA & KANSAS. WARM ILOAM o, PAID UP CAPnjlL.S50.000. Take our,! ppllratlnn to Thrm, Hvratt- tt itf Vt IZZVt T&SZ'"'''"'''' ' "" HrraNw jw ea c jrmr wny imrajiJijr Mranar tnt..- ih! vrth- py at trvuMc kerl Cloud. Vb. BAILEY & 3lYEsr. Abstracters, Ileal instate and Farm Loan Agent. Rkd Cloud, Nkhrasrvw xbstnictrf of title funiiflil accuratjly and promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 10.000 nd KM THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKK . -mr i Wi s m m ( fj POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in tlv; world Fort Abstract i h. !!. FORT. Masacrr iAb4rae ot Title, Fannslitd to all Lands in Webtdr County, Accoratvly aad ON SHORT XOriOl IU?taC kvi Ue jrin rtfT&cr lx (im&Zj rrftr &&v -t IV- Me wwftf n t Jfr JUJ Tjrr 3ie4 nAwGT SiawMBaUria4 W L. H. FORT JUjuocs, KH Glit Stb. Vol. 18. No. 37. sjoin to m:II SELL JUST IN, Styles, Better Goods ! PRICES KVl-:i i wore bcforcJJome you both do live & Galusfif . Removed! itm-Ut w 1 fttf. Mwt f V Mtebf Altianv, JVmw York, m r?i Fil Co., Red Cloud, IT ill Pi . J & f v