The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1891, Image 4

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I ; '
Friday, April 3, IStl.
Entered at the 1'ott OH'c In lied Cloud, Neb.,
at Biall mutter ol the second class
Oil cake al 1 jo's.
M. Baatn tVki of going to Chicago
Mr. J. B. TiBg1e7 is quite sick this
Major Marsh was in Hebron this
Buy the improved Alabaatine or
New ntjle spring carpets at Cozad
& Co's. 354t
do t J. S. Parkcs for groceries of
ii nuis.
.Mid.. Lavilla Marsh was in Hebron
- this week.
G. K. Chanejhas been on the sick
list this week.
Will Parkcs has been on the sick
list this week.
Watch for R. M.Martin & Son's
ad next week.
Bran and Shorts at C. M. Mjer's
floor and feed store. tf
A splendid line of Spring Jackets
at II. M. Martin & bona.
Cotting has the finest and largest
stock of wall paper in town.
Lost: A large sum of money, by
not buying wall paper of Dejo.
Raven's, horse, cattle and poultry
food always in stock at Cottiogs.
The R. T. Davis wioter wheat flour
at Myer's feed store, Red Cloud, tf
Read C. WioflttT new advertise
ment which occurs in another column.
A. J. White has been quite sick
with the mumps but is getting better.
A new lino of stationery, sponges
and toilet articles just received at
If you want a warranted pocket
knife for a little money. Call on
Paints, oils, varnishes, brushes and
everything in the paint line at
Aunt Jemima's Pan Cako Flour to
be found at the C. M. Myers flour and,
feed store.
For new und stylish diesa oods,
wraps and millinery call on R. M.
Martin & Son.
Remember Wiener carries a stock
of shoes, and that ho will undersell
any one in that line.
Corn, oats, chopped feed, bran, oil
cake, &c. at the Corner Fred Store,
opposite Miner Bros.
Talking about pants Wieners, is
selling a good strr-ng article at 75 cts.
to $l.f0 worth from $1 to 2.
Wiener is offering a big bargain in
plow shoes at prices ranging from 75
cents to $1.25 worth from $1 to $2,
All girls wanting situations, and
all families wanting help, leavo your
names at Rradbrook's Gallery, Moon
block. tf
Aunt Jemima's Pan Cake Flour is
all tho go. We want you all to try
it and tot its qualities. C. M.
Sid Cox, who has been at Fremont
for some months studying book-keeping
has graduated and talks of locating
in Omaha.
Herman Hirkncr, son of Fritz Itirk
ner, has won the distinction of kill
ing the largest goose of the season
Wiener has received his new stock
of hats, good wool hats at 25uts. Also
tho latest styles of spring hats in
every grade.
LaCJrippe his been making the
rou iris and nearly every one in the
city has been affected from the Rus
sian scourge.
The place to find good grades of
winter and spring wheat flours is at
tl.c corner store opposite Miner Bros.
C. M. Mveus.
Knight & .McMillan having surren
dered the lease of the Argus, that
paper has gone back iuto the hauu
of our friend Warren, who will con
duct it henceforth.
After years of experience we make
the intelligent earc of the dead a
specialty, und are prcparod to attend
all calls in the city or country. F. V.
Taylor, funeral director.
C. rtienor has just returnrd from
the east, where lie has used every
effort known to him in his long ex
perience as a merchant to buy goods
cheap so as to help those needing an
Koods in his line to obtain them at
hard time prices.
Jl illlnery and Drcwi-Miiklng.
In these two departments A. Pick
ens & Son of Hastings can save ou
a deal of money. They show the
very finest materials and everything
made in the newest and most aittstie
.-tylcs at much less than eastern
prices. Miss Dutton has ehnrge of
the millinery Mis. Wooley the dress
making; both artifts in their lines
Seed Corn for Sale.
You can leavo orders at J. ,. Min
er's or my place. C. C. Coo.v. 85-if
For SHle.
A fine stock of groceries, provis
ions, &, will be sold at a bargain if
taken soon. Call on. or address,
Jones & Kvans, Red Cloud Neb. tf
For Sale Cheap For Cank.
Four head of hor?. One span thrw
year old colts well matched, and one span
nix year oll mares trull broke. nIo one
priug wagoa and double harnr. for
farther particulars call at this ofnec.
Thk legislature was in an economical
mood tho other day nml proposed to re
duce the rates charged by the newspa
pers of the stato for printing the govern
or's proclamations, embodying the con
stitutional amendments after tho appro
priation bill had iwssed the committee.
The house must have some shortsighted
gentlemen within its routine. Supiose
the newgpaiioni in some of the countries
after having been robbed in this way of
their earnings, the rates having been es
tablished by law, should decline to print
Tuture messages? The consequence
would bo that no amendment could be
constitutionally adopted. The consti
titon requires that amendments shall be
printl forthree mouths at least once
each week in a newspaper in every ooau
tvthat has a newpaper. Conseauty
the eo-operatiou of the press is absolutely
necessary to tho adoption of a constitu
tional amendment
Now there may be some manhood left
in the press and if it is found that the
legislature does not feel its self bound to
pay legal rates for such advertisement
the press may conclude to decline the
job. Such things have occaeioMly hap
pened ia the history of trade aaioa ad
labor combinations. State Journal.
South Side.
Will the editor of Thk Chief be so
kind as to inform us when Old Win
ter will quit sitting in Miss Spring's
lap. Old Winter is getting his
rcputution up to a high pitch on
this side of the river.
The farmers have commenced their
spring work, but Old Winter has ve
toed the bill. We would have siid
Old Cleveland but he isn't president
The farmers think the prospect for
a crop is better this spring than it has
been for years. Everyone seems to
feel encouraged.
Mr. M. L. Hill is helping Mr.
Warner to break a span of colts this
week to work in the harness.
Charley Turner is farming for Mr.
Huffcr this year.
I did not take my pleasure trip to
the mountains as stated by the Bad
Boy. I was only in search of him.
He wag gone so long, or at least I
never heard from him through The
Chief any more, that I came to the
conclusion he had got into mischief
as all bad boys do.
Peck's Good Sister.
Red Cloud Gun and Repair
Shop, E A Young, Prop.
Makes a specialty of repairing guns,
sewing machines, wringers, parasols,
umbrellas, bicycles, gasoline stoves,
tin ware, marble tools, scissors,
knives, lawn mowers, etc., and in fact
everything that can be repaired.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties
wishing to bu new or second hand
guns and sewing machine repairs will
save money by calling on the shop op
posite Chicago Lumber Co. at sign of
the Big Gun.
- - m
New Grocery Store.
J. S. Parkcs has opened a new gro
cery Btorc in his building near The
Chief office, and proposes to sell
groceries, canned fruits, etc., cheaper
than any one in Knd Cloud. Call
and sec him.
Children Cry for
? Iv.r'a Oastoria.
Xotlec to Teacher.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthc publ c schools of thib
county, at ltcd Cloud on the third
Saturday of each month.
1). M. Hunteii, County Supt.'
It is quite the fashion now to tako Do
Witt'a Littlo Errly Itinera for liver,
Htomch and bowel disorders. They uro
small pills, but mighty uood ont.s. c. ..
cotting nells them.
A rattling good tale tho rattlesnake's.
Purefies tho blood, incrcacH tho circula
tion, expels poisonous humors and builds
up tho rtystem. What more do you wnut a
medicine to perfom? Do Witt's Sarsnpa
rilla is reliable Sold byC. Ii. Cotting.
Hack pay kicking a man down stairs.
Very popular, very small, very good.
De Witt's hittlo Enrly Hirers, tho pill for
constipation, biliousness, sick huidnche.
For Bale by C. L. cotting, Druggist.
Tho emptiest man is usually full of
A beautiful Hkin, bright eyes, bweet
licath, K"1 appetite, vigorous body, puro
b'.ood and good health result from tho
uho of De itt'rt Snrxaparilln. It is sold
by c. i cotting.
Tho only pocket-piece boino men carry
in a patch.
Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism, and
most dinoacos originate from impure
blood. Cleanse it, improve it, purefy i'
with Dc Witt'd Snrsaparilla und health is
restored, htroiigth regained. Sold by o.
L cotting.
Shipments of gold abroad aro barred -gold
If food pours on the stomach, digestion
is defective. DoWittV Littlu Knrly
Risen will remedy this. The famous
littlj pills that novr gripe and never dis
appont. Sold by C. L. Cotthg.
Tho dudo never knows where to draw
tho collar line.
Do Witt's Little Early Itisors never
gripo or cause nausea' Mild but sure,
usMst rather thnu force, llcst little pill
for sick headache, chronic constipation,
dyspepsia. Sold by c.L.cottiug.
Death is a wonderful mimic. Ho can
tako anybody olF.
cons'ipatoii, blood-poison, lever! Doc
tors' bills and fuueral expenses cost about
two hundred dollars; DoVutt s Littlo
Early Kisus cost a quarter. Take your
choice. For sale by c. i. cotting.
Pitcher's Castoria-
Ile Disappeared in Omaha.
Gciok Hook, Xebr.. March 23.
Siecial to Tho Bee. This community
is greatly stirred up about tho myster
ious disappearance of Iceland Parker,
assistant iostmnster at this place. He
was a young man of more than ordinary
intelligence and was exceedingly popular.
About six months ago ho left home to
finish his education at Burlington, In.,
whero closo application to his studies
caused his health to break down and he
was compelled to return homo about j -ealed envelope full particulars, testimon
four weeks ago. This greatly worried iaN, let ten, Ac. Address,
him, as ho was very ambitious and j
wanted to h'tiish his education. He
brooded over tho matter and came to tho
conclusion that he was a mental failure.!
a .1 il4ln,l.-l 1 . . . Ik.v I av . 1 --V. t Sih I
ami uiuuul:ii ill' uui iiiv miiutvi l.uu'
from loving parents it seems that ho
could not endure tho idea of his dis
appointed hopes. His father tried to
induce him to consult and tko treat
ment from some eminent sjH.-oinlist in
mental troubles, but for a long time he
resisttH.1 the idea as useless. Sunday
March l.", he brightened up and told
his father ho had concluded to go to
ni.mi.n ;.t .,. .i.,i,it .. , v.;,.;. '
thero. His father urged him to wait hr of the same until her death on
until next morning and ho wouid go .il arch S, 1S9 1, accd 42 year?, nine
with him. but ho insisted that it was n,onluj; al u 20 "dsys. She died in
necessary, so ho was reluctantly allow ,, ,, , ;..- ii.
cd to go alone. He went to Omaha, con- I oik cui.t, Miour biMcr Colc
sulted the physician and told him ho t , ws a aood Christian woman and
was going to" return homo at onei. highly respected in society. She was
Sjnco then no trace of him hs been one of the first scttler of Jewell Co.,
discovertnl. although overv ellert has,i.- ., o...J i..., ,,.lt.., -. .!..,.,,-
been made to tind him.
Parker is about twontv thres or tpru
ty-four i.i's old. slim built. Lht com
plexion and hair, wears n light mus
tache, and when he left homo ias
Used in IMillions cf Homes
itressest m Ulact or dark violuc. t'j.j Jt th ve , tl preselicc 0f a
brown overcoat and Derbv hat. His , - ,. P l . ,. - -
general appearauce is rather delicate. J'V'T' l. f, Jn,Path2,?S
tiis iarents an? nearly crazy over ms invuu-, m.. u. n. nnwi-i uiuui
disappoarance. ttni;.
RcnarkHklc Facta.
Heart diseaso is usually supposed to be
incurablo, bat when proberly treated a
largo proportion of caes can bo cored.
Thus Mrs. Elraira Hatch of Elkhart, Ind.,
and Mrs. Mary L. Baker of OTid.Mich.,
wero cured after suffering 'M years. 8. C.
Linburger of San Jose, I1L, says that Dr.
Miles' New Heart Care, which eared the
former, "worked wonders for his wife."
Levi Logan of Buchanan, Mich., who had
heart disease for 3U years, says iwo uoiues
made him feel like a new man." Dr.
Mileu' New Heart Cure is sold and guaran
teed by C. l. Cotting, druggist. Book of
wonderful testimonials free. 1
Tho centipede dosen't know what
ruin is; ho hoe never yet been on his last
A National Event.
The holding of the World's Fair in a
city scarcely fifty years old will be a re
markable event, but whether it will really
benefit this nation as much as the discov
ery of the Restorative htirvine by Dr,
Franklin Miles is doubtful. This is just
what the American people need to cure
their excessive nervousness, dyapepsia,
headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, neural
gia, nervous debility, dullness, confusion
of mind, etc. It acts like a charm. Trial
bottles and fine book on "Nervous and
Heart Diseases," with nnequaled testi
monials, free at C. L. Cotting'r, druggist.
It is warranted to contain no opium, mor
phine or dangerous drugs. 1
People are like bass drums the thin
ner their hernia tho more noise they
Pronounced IIopelcM,
From a letter written by Mrs. Ade E,
Hurd of Groton, S. D., wo quote: "Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled on
my lungs, cough set in and flnaly termi
nated in conumption. Four doctors
gave mo up saying I could live but a
short time. I gave myself up to my
Saviour, determined if I could not stay
with my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My husband
was advised to get Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and
colds. I gavo it a trial, took in nil eight
bottles; it 1ub cured mo, and thank God
I am now a well and hearty woman."
Trial bottles freo at L. II. Deyo's drug
store, regular size, ."Xk: and 81.00. 4
Tho ballet girl should not include adi
Ioso in her list of graceful revelations.
Good l.ooki.
Good looks aro more than skin deep,
deluding upon a healthy condition of
all tho vital organs. If tho liver bo in
active, you havo a oilious look, if your
stomach bo disordered you have a dys
peptic look, and if your kidneys "bo
affected you havo a pinched look. Se
curo good health and you will have good
looks. Electric Bitters is tho great al
terativo and tonic acts directly on these
vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches,
boils and gives a good complexion. Sold
at Li. II. Deyo's drugstore, TjOc per bottle.
Sorrows aro housed in the tears that
aro shed over them.
To Voting Mother
ulio :ue for tin-lifetime to undergo woman's
.vxercit trial, wu offer you, not the suiior
cniiM-il lij t'liloriifonu, Willi rlk of death for
your.tclf or our dearly-loved ami longed-for
oll--i)riuK. lint ".Mother's Frlfwl." a remedy
which will. It nel ais directed. Invariably al
letlat: the palm, horrors and rhksollahnr, ami
often eirircly do way with them. Kohl by all
druggists. 2-33
I Ilnve Taken Several.
bottles or ISnidllcld'ti Female Kegtdutor for fal
ling of the womb and other diseases combined,
ofircars Miauiling, and I really believe lam
cured entirely, for which ule.isu accept my
hanks. Mi.-. V. IC. :rKin:iNs, Kide, :a.
Alaska is the farther of thin country.
Tho amotuer with his snap-shot cam
era takes his chances.
.Hi lei' .Nerve and Liver Fills.
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, .stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A now discovery. Dr. Miles'
pills speedily cure bilousness, bad taste,
torpid liver, piles, constipation. Uu
oqurded for men, women, children. Small
est, mildest, surest! .r() doses, IT. cts
A miuppcr-tip of unconsidered trilles
a foundling asylum.
Surprise to all.
Alter using ".Mother's friend" two months I
was so .sjHH-'dtly and easily relieved that it was a
MirpriM' to those attuiidim; me. '"Mother's
Friend'' undoubtedly lesvns the ulu, .shortens
the time and report's the mother spt.-edilv to
health Will leeommcmt It to all e.vK.rian!
mother'), and .ulvi-Mliein to me it.
.Mrs. J. A. It., M uncle. Ind.
tr.nlfield'k Fe at ale Krgulator.
has vim, on merit alone, awldspread ami en
dining reputation. It is a combination of vege
table agents, the result of tho eerieure of one
who made the dl.vcases of women u life-long
-ludy. Taker according to directions the or
gans awaVc to now life ami energy, Iciilug the
woman fnc lioiu pain at t!i;je period. Sold
by all dnifTK!"ts. 1-3.J
Adam und Eve wero tho linst ieoplo
who wero hung in f. i. g.
Uueklcn' Ariitceu Salve
The best Salve in the world for cuts,
Druiscs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all other Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or uo pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price '-'"
cents per box. For salo by L. H. Deyo. :U5
Tho foyer-bug that is not an incen
diary tho roach in a theater lobbv.
ain riim'cenrj' in Childbirth.
I'am is no longer necessary in child
birth. Its causes, beirg understood, aro
easily overcome. Any womau may now
become a mother without suffering any
pain whatever, tho labor being made
short, easy, and free from danger. Morn
ing sickness, swelled limbs, and all other
liko evils can bo rapidly controlled, and
all female diseases speedily cured. Phys
icians pronounce it a wonderful discovery.
Never known to fail. L(),(XX) ladies attest
it merits. Cut this out; it may save
your life. Suffer not a day longer, but
send us two '-ceut stamps, and receive in
Frank 1 nomas & Co, Baltimore, Md.
Children fVTOr
Pitcher's Castoria.
Mrs. Amanda Butcher Coleman
was boru in Ohio, June IS, 184S.
She was a member of the Christian
church at aleui in Jewell c.unty,
Ivan-", or i . years ana was a mem-
. , ..-,. r:
ic'v.i - to t-Kcn uacK and interred in
tin. Webb trravevard to he buried with
!ur friend-'
, She Ara; buried March
Tr.e funeral services cre
15, 1S!)1.
40 Years the Standard I
Sanford and Hadlcy arc now pre
pared to dig your trenches, water
ways, cellars &c. on short notice and
prices reasonable.
WTtem Baby waa elck. we gxn b Cartcri.
IVtoea ibevu a Child, she cried for Castoria.
Wbeo the became MUs, kbe cluo to Ctoria.
Application Tor Liceaae.
Notice is hereby given that a petition
signed by thirty or more resident free
holders of the Jirst ward of the city of
Red Cloud, Nebraska, has been filed with
the city clerk of said city of Red Cloud,
praying that a license be granted by aaid
city council of said city to II. W. Gulli
ford for the sale of malt, Bpiritoiui and
vinous liquors in lot 5, in block 27, in the
city of Red Cloud, Nebraska. That ac
tion will be taken on said petition by the
mayor and city council on the 8th day of
April, 1890, or the first meeting thereafter.
T. J. Ward. City Clerk.
Dated at Red Cloud, Nebraska, thia
27th day of March, 1891.
Notice of Chattel Mortgage
Whereas, on the 9th day of March,
1891, Perkins &. Potter executed their
certain promraissory note to Berger, Al
exander Hardware Company for the sum
of 836.71 said note due on demand one
day after date and to secure the payment
of the same, tho said Perkins fc Potter
at tho same time made, executed and de
livered to the said Berger, Alexander
Hardware Company, a chattel mortgage
on tho following described personal prop
erty towit: All that stock of hardware,
tinware situated in the store room on lot
8, block 2G, in tho original town of Red
Cloud Neb., and being in tho town of
Red Cloud, Neb., and consisting of
stoves, cutlery, tinware, tinners tools
and machinery, one liro proof safe, ac
counts, books of account, nnd every and
all other goods of whatsoever kind or
description belonging to us in connec
tion with 6aid stock of hnrdwnro
and tho business ertining thereto
Said mortgago is liled in tho of
fice of tho county clork of Webster coun
ty, Nebraska, nnd whereas default has
been made in tho payment of said note.
no part of tho same having been paid
nn.f lwwviiii.. f !,. f.-iilnrn in n,.v u,.,l
note, the conditions of mini mortgage
. 7, ,-V- .v i-v i
havo been broken. I here is now duo ou
said noto and mortgago from said Pur
kins & I'otter to said Horger, Alexander
Hardware Company tho sum of 8815.71
with interest at ten jier cent ier annum
from March 'J. 1391. Now therefore, no
tice is given that on Saturday the 18th
day of April, 1S91, at tho hour of two
o'clock p. m. in tho city of Ked Cloud,
Nebraska, at tho store room formerly oc
cupied by tho said Perkins & Potter wo
shall proceed to sell said chattel ;roK?r
ty in said chattol mortgago descrilied or
enough thereof to pay tho amount duo
on said noto and the costs of taking, ad
vertising and selling aid projoi ty.
Dated l!el Cloud, Nebraska, March
2G, 1891.
Bkiicki:, Ai.k.anii:i: Hju:mv.i:i: C.
Ily Case A- McNeny, :V-.'lw
Its Attornevs.
Iegal tie.
James Leget, plaintilT i
ngaiust f-
Celia Ixget, defendant. )
District court, Webster county, Neb.
Tho defendant will tako notice that on
tho '-'7th dnvor March, A. 1). 1891, the
plaintiir liled in tho abovo entitletl court
liis petition against defendant, the ob
ject and praver of which is to obtain
from said court a decree of divorce from
the bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiir and defendant. You will
answer said petition on or before Mon
day, May 1th, 1S91, or tho allegations
thereof will bo taken as confessed. You
will also tako notice that plaintiff will
tako tho dejKwition of Dr. . A. Walker
in said cause at tho ollico of said Walker
in Galena, Kansas, on the -1st day of
April, 1S91, at one o'clock p. m.
Uy Jno. K. Willcov, .Vi-lt
His Attorney.
Chattel .TlorlgageSale.
Notice ! liTehy Kieii that by litue of a
rliatlcl mortne dated ou tin lOlIt d.iv of
March, isai. and duly liled lu the olllceof tin:
eoiiutv clerk of Webter county. Nebranka, on
the "JIM day of Map-h, ivjj, and executed by
Ailiel Kurd to .M J. ruriier to secure tlieiuy
inent of Use miiii of scrj'.'S and u;miii w filch
tlifte 1 now due S.K1.2S with lnlere-t at ten per
cent from Mareli l. 1 Sid. Ht-fault Inning been
made in tlie ami'iil o( said Mini and noult
or other proceeding at law havim; lieni Inttitu
tedtoheevru ;iid debt or any part thereof,
therefor-I will hell the property therein den
crilied towit 1 be entire Mmrk of Kroceriejcoii
itins of tea. collee. canned juhxIj, ami .hucIi
other khw a aie ordluarilv K-pt in a grocery
More. al Hour. K)tute5 et , at public auc
tion at tho'Iiirner building lu Cowley, Wclnter
couaty. Nebnink . ou tho I8tli day of April.
Ih9l. at two oeI(K'k p. in. of .said day.
Dated .March '-Nth. l.-'Jl. 3.vt
Jt. .1., Muitgat:ec.
Hy. K.rhauey.
Hid attorney.
Applieation Tor Liecnvc.
Notice is hereh) j:i en that n petition slcned
by thirty or more re-dt'eut frf'-holder of the
llrstwanlof tiiecity cf Ked Cloud, N'ebntka.
has been filed with the city clerk of said city ol
Kei Cloud, ra itu: that a license bo crmiU-d by
aitl cltv count it of .said cllv t Marvin h.
Marh for the all of maIt.piritousamt vinous
Ii(Uor. 011 Iot C, block 31. (01 Initial town) now
ciiy of I.'tsl loud N bnika. in xibl first w-ard,
of sjddcityof lu-d Cloud, llmt action will be
tiiken on haid it-iuiou by the maorund city
council on the 8th uay uf Aprl'. lsiy. or the flrt
T .1. WAim.citv Clerk.
Da'.etl at Red CI01M, Nebniska, this TCth day
of fareli. irt'l xwt
.otiee or Chattel
Wierca. on the 3th dav of March, iwi. Per
kinS: Totter executoo thelrcertaln iiromlssorj
note toKoorco l Rent for the sum of thirty
nine dolla's.dneone da) after date, and to -;
cure tlir pjuieiii f the same the said Perkins
.S: I'otter at the s ime tbue inaile. execute! and
delivered to the said Heoi-e I". Rent, .1 chattel
mortsaseon ihelo.lontin: dtcrllfd property
towit. AH that stick of hardware. stoes. tin
ware cutlery and sods, wares and merchandise
of e ery name, nature and description now in
the More room occupied by Perkins A- Potter In
the city nt Red Cloud. Nebraska, nnd also all
tools and !liurv in tud store room. Said
mortinise ! flted In theortire of the county
clerk uf weliter county, Nebtaka. and where
as default !ia liven made In the jiavmentof
H.dd note and no pirt of tbesain! hatliiR hrti
paid and tiecauso of the failure to 1 ay said note
the conditions of said moitzac have been brok
en There Is now due on sold note and mort
srajc f mm .aid Perkins & Potter fo said George
P. Rent the .um of S with Interest
at ten er cent er annum from Match 5, twi.
Now therefore, notice Is plen that nn
Mouday, April iJth, IsU, at tb hour of two
o'clock p. in. 11 the city of Red t lend. NVbra
teu at the the store nm foimerly occupirI bv
.said Perkins & Potter. e liall procvtsl to ell
vddcliattelprepertvdesrnlivd In said chattel
niortxnse or emxizh thereof to jay the unount
Ine on .said loteand the costs of tallnc tor
inc. advertisius and ellfnc said property.
Dated Red Cloud. Nebraska, March I. tRii.
VtClt. P. Rkvt.
Ry Case & McNe-y, 3i-3n;
lilt Attorneys,.
police of Chattel Jfortnjtr
Whereas. rt the C-t'i ilny ei Urrh. XjOI. lVr
fcini. I'oit, rn-cii.t.l tujr certain protaU
ry ihUo te jAvt Ilaili fur the sara of
t7o SJ. saiil iieic r.Hitc itu- oae day aiu-r ilatr
atil to s.-wrt: Utr rauiH-Ht f the sjiitw. tlur alI
I lYrVias ft IVntrr ? Ui same tmw ma.l". e-xe-
' ....tal m .1 .l1lv.t ... ,?.k ....V l......,. ,ll.,.
chattel tartrtsare oti tlr folkin.rts i!-s-ri&cl
wroesJ pruerl saa.t: AH th: sto-k t
lanlnarr. stor. t.nTif. -..:Jerv aai jniJs.
w-rr- ai-u n.M b-iaut-M- ct rirry mw. wnture j
tiled ! lYikirsi l'otlfrr In Ihi-r.trr.f lill
IHHW r Mm -nl
. . . : - --- -
;it. rsarH I
l:rULad iu,uU
rwry flilurr 3Xr, iorrw r.
anJ rresi.ts ain ttim .s,. nwrt f,
.. In - .1 J - -. J- t It .!. . 1
mesi in ir risce ! ti conuty tiers cf ,
mit o: uv m iiavicr u-tj raiu ri
uf ttie 'allure to iv sW coTr. th- rntnlitt.
ialti ntorsis' lave tn-a beviru. Tfcere
ivrk'- iv-ia uu j3-ji iffi, is. -, B
el sTb-'O wtth Intrn-J at tro tr era: rrr
iiunnm wan Much s. I-i. .Now it?-,
" fore. olee Is sHt lisat on J4sn4sT Ce tail
re in H.- enr j ut Ob - issko. i tee-
tre reftra fers-rtv icn in tu ivrlfa
uoafhtierretr4T uia-.t tfeaamil
not xad uerttfi . Uflt.. a.rrruaz a i
s-nin-aid rrstT
1 mli!?!i" ..,j N-.v, inh i-u
JACO.t UjitUf.
Or Cr & atrXe7.
24 ST
Farmers dumber (Bo
Lumber and Goal.
Red Cloud,
Fort Abstract
L. H. FORT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Uavinjc had ten jean experience in county rrconl and one of me mot eoraptrte v?t of Afc
tract books In the stale, we guarantee satisfaction. Veer lon solicited
All orders filled prompUy lu.( do.Ur Und nlcd
and approved.
It la the fccal Spring Jlcdieiiic on
Sheriff Salr,
By virtue of an execution tfln-cted to me from
the district court of Velnter county, NHjr.iik.i.
on a judgment obtained before A.iidcourt at the
April A. II. IKO term of WctMvr county. Ne
braska, on the 15th day of April. 1"."0. In f.ixor
of Janiei W. imue and Ktjttte I. Ko :in
plaintinfl. and aK:iiut Klizatetl Sauot;t' :i
defemiaiit, for the Mini of one humlicd mIj
lltcuuimiiaini tun; vviu-, himi v-. .,-.
i5 and urcruiiiK ctjtt, ! hae hled uj n the
I. Ihmiw real esUUe tikeu as the pnK.;rtj of
:.ii Oeleixlaiit. to atliiy ll luiunieut limit
IjOM thlrt'nrn. fourteen nnd seenterti. in I lot
twenty-seen. In the oripinnl town, now city f
Red Cloud. Webster county. Nebraska, and will
otter tho game for mile to the highest bn'de; for
cash In h union tin
lllh Duy or April, A. I. I !)!,
In Risl Cloud, said county, al the -ast dorf
tbeeourthUM'lthat'eiiitf tltcbuiMln wli.r.ln
the last term of sudd coll.t w;i held, at the
hour of one o'clock p. in. of said day. when and
where due attei. dance wlllbcpUcu b) tbc un
dersigned Datcsl March 11.191
C. A. TRKI.. Sheriff.
O. C. Tec!. Deput)
F. I. Foss.
Plaintiff's Attorney, S3-1
Xotlee to Xoii-KcnUli'iil.
In the district court of Wehitrr u unity, Ne
braska. David Paul
s I R. AVriKht, 1
Alice Wright. t
David Francis and
Francis. J
The defendants. loren R. Wrisht and Alici
Wrljtht. noH-resldeiits. you are here v notl
lledthut on theRilli dav of .Mann, I-Ul, the
atsie named plalutill llbd in thoortlceof tlie
clerk of thedistrlct court of .said count). Ills e
titionairalust you and the other defendants,
the object and pra)erof wliicli are to lorclosea
certain inortKiiye cAceuted by joutioatd plain
tllTon thellth da) of Mo1mt. Is;, upon the
following real estate In Webster count). Ne
brnska, tow It. Ik-iiiiiin at the north east
corner of the viuth east ipinrter of seetu.i
thirty-three, town three. 110r.l1. lu range ten.
wi-51; thuuee west aluai: the iiorlh line of said
section to laud granted bilhe It SM lunud
i'omiiiny lu Nebraska, tliciici'idoii east Ihiiii
dar) or haid conip.ui) s laud to a point fir
enough Koutti to Include thirt) acres of land,
thence east and pnr.ilell v.lib north I ue of said
section to cast line of said m-cIIou. llieiiee
north abui e,tst line to place of bciuuiii con
taiultiK thirty acres.
1 ou aro r-'nuiretl to answer viul pfliiiou on
or iK'fore Monday the t Ii day or.Ma,isji.
and ttiat If yo 1 fail t.i appearand answer tin al
legations of Mid petlllou will be taken as con
fessed by you to be true.
1)A li Pai 1.,
Ry ('. R. Chancy,
Ills Attorney. 3 Mod
.ollec of
Whereas on tho 9th day of March,
1891, Perkins Sr I'otter executed their
certain promissory note to Dolen Drur
& Company, for tho sum of $77.11 duo
ono day after date, and to secure the
payment of tho same, tho said I'erkini
ife Potter at tho samo time, made, ex
ecuted nnd delivered to tho Dolan
Dm ry &. Company, a chattel mortgage
on the following descnlod personal
property to wit, all that stock of hard
ware, stoves, tinware, cutlery and goods
wares and merchandise of every name,
nature, and descriptionnow in tho store
room occupied by Perkins Sr. Potter in
the city of lied Cloud, Nebraska, and
also all tools and fixtures in said store
room. Said mortgago is tiled in the ollico
of tho county clerk of Webster county,
And whereas default has leen made
in tho payment of said note, no part of
tho same hnving been paid, and lecauKi
of tho failure to pay iwid note, tho con
ditions of said mortgage havo been
broken; thero is now duo on said note
and mortgage from said Perkins it Potter
to said Dolen Drury A- Company, the
sum of 677.1 1 with interest at ! .er
cent por annum, from March 9th.
1891, now therefore notico 1 given,
thnt on Monday, April. Kith. 191, at
the hour of two o'clock p. in., in the
city of Ked Cloud, Nebraska, at the
store room formerly occupied by Raid
Perkins &. Potter, wo jdial! proceed to
sell said chattel property described in
said chattel mortgage, or enough there
of to pay the amount due, on said note
and the costs of taking, htoring, adver
tising, nnd selling said proj-erty
Dated lied Cloud. Nebraska,
a, Mhpeli,
18th, 1891.
Dom-v fc Drum
By Cas J: McNksv,
Tlieir Attorneys.
otlec of
Whereas on the 9th day of March,
1S91, Perkins Jc Potter ejecutel their
certain promissory noto to The Ohio
Valley Foundry Company, for the Mini
of c8,l' said note falling duo one day
after date, and to secure tho payment of
the same the said Perkins nnd Potter.
at the 6ame time, made, executed, and
delivered to the Md Ohe Valley
Foundry Company, a chattel mortgage
on the following described personal
property towit, all thnt 6tock of hard
ware, stoves, tinware, cutlery jrnl goods
wares and merchacdito of every n:ne.
nature and descrintion now in the .Vjre
j room occupied by Perkins Potier in
tho city of Red Cloud. Nebraska. n'i
also all txu and nxture-t in smh! 4on
ruom. Said mortPge b, tiJvsl in tte !
of the county clerk of Wldr vtnX.
And whereas, default has L-vt m&
in the payment of said rd. no prt '
the same having b-cn paul. xtxl !.cv
ol the failure to nav naid note, tlte rr
dition of asd mortgage has tea imkei
tnere M IKTW doc OH
not c t
A Totter
mortgage frotn said
!! Ohio Valkr Kc
the mm of SH.4G snth mtt at 10 T
?7 1
com fr innota irora .narrn vin isji.
co-therefore notiw U ffivt-c. that on!
rormrlr occupiexl by aJ
IVrkjiu Jt
Potter. c shall procewl to -n ? J
chattel proptrtj in aid chxttel mort-i
i. T. -i . i. , ., . , .
ajoocnt do on na.l tU, al ife ,
cota of taking, adrertwmg. tJx w41n: ,
Uatol KI Ctoud. 4ras!ca. Jlarrfa
i$Uu liwl.
iv. s... r? ir
. v"w ..4JrwusT Axr.T.
By Gv i McX tyTT
T Jrtir Attore?T. Si 3jr
brraa-e I .".. "-s-- .". v. -j.. ..-. w j
- . fnsl.s- fl.A I'M!, nf At-.,! It'll . k.l
.nsof iwnrof two o dock n.raic the cty of
U RmI fTVw-tt ?Cl nt ihj. Ll ir.Kn
Co., Ked Cloud,
Adilr" or call on
L. H. FOItT Manager, Red Cloud. Neb.
the market.
rsi':enTt3dTn thi GtccawxT c tk j ccltt ai orria
w. ut'.ctt tsrwuincii ntiu srun cr u i vir or rm
CMcaiio, Boct Island & PacificRy.,
The PIrrct nvjt to and from Chlraro, Joll t. On,
Trorio, La Sallr. Mollne. Rock IiUukI. la ILLINOIS:
Darrtirort, Murttn, Ottoic, OikIi, Pr
itoln'. WIntrrwt, Audubon, llulm an-1 Oundl
bluff.. In IOWA ; MlnouU n4 BU rial, in MIN
KD50TA; Wttown n.l Sloax YtiU. In DAKOTA;
Cameron, St. Jojh n.l Ktrnti Cllr. la MISSOrRI ;
Omaha. Unrtiln, Kaiibury nl Xelwn, In KrDR..K A :
Atclil"jn. LrarenworUi, Horton, Tork, IlolfLln-n.
WichiU. nrlletlllr. Abllenr. 1.)8 City. CkMvtII. In
KAN3A.S. KlngfliliT. El Uco and iiiaco. In INDIAN
TERIUTOKY: Denf r, Colorado ."r-rinn nJ rnebts.
In COLOILVDO. Tiavrrsrs new rrt of rkb final Pf
and srirlne Ii&di. affurlloc tho lit fadlltira of Inter
cou.niuniciUon to all Utn anj cities nut nnJ vett.
ttorthtrrst and aouUiwejt of Ctilcaco tnJ to I'lc and
tranjo.eiDlc seaport".
Leaillnj all comfetKcrt la rnder of ejlpmnt,
TILl'KI'S and OMAHA, and Uturea CHICAGO and
UEXVril. OL0It.I0 .IT.IN(.S an.t I't'EIlLO. l
KANSAS CUT atl TOITKA ar. tU ST. J0F.rn.
Klrtt-t1as IkayOvhrs. FHKH nrCTJNINO CHAIIl
CAIIS, and Talvt. Merr-ef, with Dining Car erlr.
Oiwe connertlom at looter and Colorado iritirilth
dlrertrlni; tallwajr lines, now rbrtnlux tho new and
Orer which mjietlily ejnlptl tralm inn dally
Lake Oty. Oclen and fan Francisco. THE HOCK
ISLAND Ii also th Direct and Farnrite IJne to rl
from Manltmi. like' eak and all other ainltary arvl
tcrnlc reaorta and cities and lulnlndUtrlcUIn Colorado.
Fran St-Jmrrh an.1 Kni Otr to aivl fretn all Ira
(nitant ton. cities and -ctint In SViulhem Nehraka.
Kanvii and thn Italian Tenltorr Alo Tia
LEA Bon E from JCani (lly aiM aiicc to YV"atr
town. M.IUX Falls, MINNEAPOLIS an-l 5T. TACU
conn- tlonj: for all polnu north and north wtt br1ee
the lakes and the I'arlfic Owut.
For Ttcketi, Maps, Folders, er dejlre-t InforraaUaa
an ly to any Ciin Ticket Ofllca In the United Hate
or Canada, or fclJica
Grl 3tacstr, Ga1 Ttt, I. Ttax. At
CirtCAOO. 2I.L.
Ajiti-IIorst- Tlnci Avaotlatlon.
Tho Web,er Connty lotnal Protection
and Anti Horse Thief Association rneeU
at Co-arle oa Stnrdy prtTtoa to falling
of the tnoon each month.
V Hoi-Osi He.
Mik l". Hiyes
Patent - Collar !
For sale In J. O. BUTLER
Haiueta dsop.
, A paphlt of ratomatioa ai S-j
Wk itrmctof tbeUwE,bcrin llowto,!
Ottain I'aU&U. CaTtsla,Tra4
.vMaxka. Coprrtibu. ami tru.B
BsSSl BroN4r.H
aajTt ZFMaBBBBB. sfc
in rKSyQ1-1 - .-
TU rec nnrer 4 I 1
.. .. I
-.s.ATU C-41X- -X-t
iy- i fr r
Removed! Removed! -
To IrFarliuur Old ?taiil. loriicrorWrlwIrr atrt'cl m1 Ilk Ave.
Where lie 111 keep on hand all T Ihe bel hrdwrc
CmmN t he round. A iie' hlmcnt or Bculne
Baker Wire and
Charter Oak Stoves.
Job work, tin roofing and city titer work plumbing, (tin mh1
amunltion. peelaltle ulth u. lroHtplne uaranleed and )r
work aolielled. 4'ome and ee me luo ltora north F. A. TV. hunk.
lour Heranl nnd Toller alter Trade
H. CLAHKE ProHldont, Albany. N.Y., J. A. TULLBV, Vlce-rrtMdent
Kobt. V. SHIHKY. Troomiror.
paid r
Take Yuitr'Aiiiritlloii li 'I'liein, llrraiitr s.m mI 5h Jrallmt illtret lllt IIieleSr
Hint i:nt lIit( Ti .!,- j t i-r e,titiinssiHi Mijiti
Heeanar J ml (.m rl ?! Iuf st
KeriHte )nii r.m kH )i ur iihmm-v Iwwli itrlr
llrrue ne ! hot -ti 1 imi 4i,-Ml.H Ail utrr llf ewU) Ir m imo c4r U RH.
Hrratiar cue ye . tin- lrt tiws
Kcraiiar Intetv t nmt lllrliHlli xi)uM at ttwr nfltfi. Mm! If d.-lrsst r eaa Ke rimiU
tlcui on the llltrltst IMIIMMIS
Hera u r )ou i ill lie iMease,l HU mr hmhimi uf busim, hl aftie imiHe), vt tlmr, v
trout ile
Ked Cloud, Nub.
Abstracters, Real Estate
and Earni Loan Agent.
RlCI) Cl.OIM). Nkhrasra.
AbstnicUs of titlt; fiiriii.lifd an:unilily aiul promptly.
Satisfaction O'linnuifnil!' el(M00 wit flhui
m m
?(IP fcB
Lower tlian any yard in the world
Corner Flour and Feed Store !
lied Cloud, Yel, Mill keep on hand
The hel lobe had. We hall handle all or Uir bel brand f
I'lour. IneliidliiK Ihe II T ati Wlnler Wheal
llour. mauufiiefured al M Joaeph, .'"!
ltran ami Storfn a Spvvialty.
We aoliell a hare r )iur palrnmiife and ahull lr lo plrnae nw
Call and ee k
r. Jt. MY KitS
ttll.OY VII.M. tliiniim r.
IL V.SiiiRf.r, I'rcs. Ur.xnr (.'i.AiiKK(Viec-l'rer. 1. H. FoitT, ChJtr
Kli.ii A SiiiKEr, AnniiUnt Cahlcr
4Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Transact a general banking buinc, buy ami ncll cotintjr wsrrist, !
county, procinctami nohool Jutrict hondu Huj ami nll ftfrnia eichans'
Jas. McNonv. J. A.Tnllrja, J. 11. Fort II. V. SMray,
John ILShircy. K. K. Highland.
Henry Ciarkc, A. J. Kenm-y.
lroprlrlor of Ihr
City Bakery and Restaurant,
I'or h good tqiiare meal. Hoarding and lxIglHg lj day mr week
All klnda or lreh llrrad, lc and lkr. Ilrndajiiarfrra
for Orange. Irmum and Hananaa. .ll kind of frrab
Trull and and, ul. igar. Tobnreo. frr Ojlrr,
and IC.'c rrram In khmih.
I OS. llhKKURGr..
Rkl Estatk !
ANP I oax Agi . '
Re! '
riem, mm ,
tAttr CmplMlM ,
-i." LlTTLEss.
Cmmt Ua trim rwaalr,
aUrmw. m rwwrr
r.raa .fHtaaata. Am KxUal AtCT
"rVMeUttUPllUVxt Itu mnll
Cett urtlt,n aa4 yUm&. r&t m( mT '
iiTniiriin nimni
bbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbwKb. b ' iLSHBaaaaWBi
?Wl-riul. w y trzxu ric4 tm,! m rrmm..
prm;ui.rMii. -
BBa a BWa ak t-Uxxmt, i
C WtTT at m, CfcAra, Ml.
Like Humptv
on ihe wall.
&veN great fall
Santa ClausSckp
corses i'jr wy;
1AK (BOo,
Albany, Now York.
r?R tr
J ti
VbIbM1bBA b
.k aa BV BJB . Mgmm tm .ne.P
14 aMUBfe - is ajar.
t-t. m. mtt limm.
ww m aUa VW fc l.aVaW m-W a.aja1 JBtMm WWIVf
A l imx a awi. . aar -
Vwr ualc kr
.. M
- .. awi mmm
Vrlrr. Kt
tZrm fs&rrtiZjr nrM Sxfkaak! Kukk
t?. m . ,.-&jJ. .
,1 jyA . VV.00
'JrtaaBhc Jhi 4bB '
iir.n 'Baaaaal ?m
i I'PaiiMamniMajajaaahtaiarrtaliiiiiiniiW
i,. aMM.:fi iliPiBaga.
s ai'