The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1891, Image 2

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A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
Tiik German
Of 2,0C5,1CS in tlic population.
Tiik hill prohibiting the bringing of
detectives into the htate to do police or
military duty, known as tlic "anti
3'inkcrton" hill, which recently passed
the Ohio house, was defeated in the
Tin: scaling steamer Neptune has ar
rived at SL Johns, X. F-, witli a catch
of (i'i.OOO seals. She reiorLs that the
lector has 15,000 seals, the Greenland
liO.OOO, the Vanguard '20,000, the Wolf
!20,0(K), the Walrus r.,000, the Kite 3,000,
the Iceland 11,000, the Terra Nova 35,
000, the Aurora 5,000 and the Esquimaux
Arrin:iiKNloxs concerning the unset
tled state of alfairs in Chili have caused
i.hc navy department to decide on send
ing Admiral Jliwvn, the commandant
of the l'acific station, to that country as
soon as.,possiblc Admiral J'rown will
sail within the next fortnight in the
San l-'raucisco, to which he will transfer
Lis Hag.
SrcHirrAHV FosTr.i: has sustained the
fiction of the superintendent of the mint
at Philadelphia in refusing to accept
for coinage the silver brick presented
hy .Messrs. Merrick and Morse for the
purpose of testing the legality of the
treasury silver policy. In this he fol
lows the precedent established by Sec
retary Windom.
Nkaisi.v every citizen of Chambers
county, Ala., when defaulting State
Treasurer Vincent lived, has signed a
petition asking tin- governor to pardon
him. Similar petitions are being circu
lated in every county in Alabama.
Vincent is in the penitentiary for fif
teen years, four of which he has served
in the Pratt coal mines.
Tiik executive committee of the Grant
Monument association held a meeting
and passed resolutions asking the leg
islature to appropriate 500,000 of the
state direct tax, recently refunded by
the United States, for the purpose of
erecting the monument to Gen. Grant
at Uiverside park. A committee to ad
vance the plan was sent to Albany.
Local trainmen report that while En
gineer ISurke was "lying in Milwaukee
hospital he repeated constantly in his
delirium: "My God, some one has cut
the air brakes." They also say that a
much larger sum of money was lost by
the express company than w:is admitted
and intimate that the wreck on the
Chicago fc Northwestern near Hacine
was planned by robbers.
Gi:n. Giiiiio.v, commanding the de
partment of the 1'aciiic, has; in compli
ance with a recent order of the war de
partment, issued an order directing that
Indians be recruited for organization as
follows: For troop L, Fourth cavaljy,
at Fort Sherman, Idaho; for company I,
First infantry, at Fort ltidwcll, Cal.;
for company I, at Fort Spokane, Wash.,
iiud for company H, at Fort Townsend,
Tin: Maine house and senate in joint
he ssiou considered the question of send
ing an address to the governor request
ing the removal from ofllce of Judge
Diaries S. Hamilton, of lliddeforiL lie
is charged with several serious offenses
among them intemperance and unpro
fessional conduct- II is. counsel denied
the charges pleaded lack of time in
which to prepare a defense and asked
for a bill of particulars.
A I'KTlTio.N signed by many represent
atives of the Massachusetts Sabbath
union has been sent to the legislature
against the preparation, printing, pulr
lishiug. sale and delivery of newspapers
on Sunday on the ground that there is
no just or sufficient reasoning why the
publishing and sale of newspapers
should receive discrimination from the
state over any other form of business
or labor on the Lord's day.
Tiik gold token by Lasard Frcres on
the 27th was paid by the New York sub
treasury, two-lifths in double eagles,
two-lift lis in ludf eagles and one-fifth in
eagles. The action of the olllcials in
paying out so large a proportion in
small pieces was decided on as a rule to
be followed by them hereafter on all
withdrawals for export. The privilege
of packing the gold in kegs in the sub
treasury building was also withdrawn.
, Tin: railroad commission bill has
passed both houses of Texas and will
go to the governor, who will sign it. It
provides for three commissioners to be
appointed by the governor. Their sal
aries are fixed at S3,:00 per annum, and
they-will regulate rates and adjust dif
ferences ltctwccn the companies and
tiiippers. The railroads are allowed to
appeal from the decision of the commis
sioners ami to make a difference in the
long and short haul rates.
..AxIIkiimx dispatch ays that the gov
ernment is jKTplexcd over the Axistrian
demand for discrimination in favor of
A ustro-Hungarian cattle and hesitates
to come to a decision on the subject as
to yield may involve Germany in com
mercial ditliculties with Russia and
America. The Hungarians look upon
the differential importation of cattle
Imd produce into Germany as the prin
cipal point in the treaty and may raise
serious objections should it be refused.
Ukx IIoi.kli.kx. Mrs. J. II. Newbaur
and Alf Smith have been arrested at
Milwaukee, Wis., for dealing In Louisi
ana and Mexican lottery tickets. Other
arrests are to follow. The officers have
a list of the people who have purchased
tickets by mail. All of these purchasers
are amenable tinder the law, and as the
list embraces some of the most promi
nent people in the state the arrests cre
ated a sensation. One of the patrons
of the lottery is a member of the Wis
consin legislature.
Vostm astkk-Gkxkkai. Waxanakrr is
busily engaged in the work necessary to
carrying into effect the new postal sub
sidy act H nat a lnR" conference
with the officers of the Inman steam
vbip company on the subject and
he has also token steps to ascer
tain the views and desires of shippers
nt all of the prominent southern ports.
Large shippers and others interested at
Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, Pcnsa
cola. New Orleans and Galvcstion have
been communicated with and invited
to submit any propositions which they
may desire as to lines of communica
tion. .
K PAJU8 correspondent says he learns
on the best authority that the Italian
government, without dtscussing the
Satus of the New Orleans prisoners
maintains that as prisoners they were
eSitfed to be defended while m prison
the sto?e, and declares that, although
iroSaScd innocent, they were not so
ended; therefore the Italian gov
ernment formally demanded rnxnxsh
cnt of the mob's leaders and in
demnity to the families of the men
data In conclusion, the correspondent
''America seems animated wi h
the best intentions and inclined to
gvMxt satisfaction."
Gleaned By Tologroph;and?MaiL
Ciiaiclkh E. ClllCKKinxn, the well
known piano manufacturer, died at
New York on the 'iTd.
I.iug.-Gkx. .Tajiks A. Eaki.v, of the
United States armj was reported dying
at Louisville, K3-., of diseases incident
to old age. He was in charge of the
government depot at JcfTcrsonvillc
many years previous to his retirement.
Oxk of the last acts of Queen ictona
before leaving for the continent was to
respond to an appeal for help from the
Leper hospital on I'obin island, off the
Cape of Good Hope, by ordering that
two photographs of herself, with her
signature attached, should be forward
ed to the institution.
A Kifiirr has been reported between
llritish colonists of Guiana and Venez
uelans on the frontier.
Tiik remains of Gen. Johnston were
laid to rest by the side of his wife in
Green Mount cemetery, Baltimore, Md.
Tiik returns from the elections for
poor law guardians in Ireland show
that the Parnellitcs are almost every
where in a small minority.
Tiik relations between Portugal and
England are again strained over the
state of siege declared by Portugal -in
Manicaland, Africa.
Tiik finance committee of the Arkan
sas senate has reported adversely to the
appropriation of S-'iO.OOO for the world's
Pisomixkxt democrats ratified the
election of Gen. Palmer to the United
Slates senate at Springfield, 111., on the
A Bkhi.i.v dispatch says that consider
able nuinlicrs of Germans have gone to
take service with the Chinese and
Japanese. China has ordered special
war vessels from Germany and Japan
has bought a number of torpedoes from
Loud Salisiu'kv has notified Presi
dent Harrison through Mr. Blaine that
a royal commission will le appointed
to assist British merchants in exhibit
ing the products of llritish industry at
the fair.
A si'Kcial from Washington says ef
forts are being made to secure the re
mission of the unexpired term of the
sentence of Commander McCalla, who
was sentenced to three years' sus
pension. The first 3'ear of the sentence
does not expire until May 15.
fiiki Vox Faiiiiick, president of the
council of the ministry of Saxony, is
Tiik Spanish government has notified
the department of state that it will
participate at the world's Columbian
exposition nt Chicago.
At Sligo Father Kearney, a priest,
made a speech violently attacking Y"ar
nelL J I is address incited his hearers
to violence and at its conclusion the
speaker had the greatest difficulty in
preventing his flock from attacking the
Tin: Pocrsen Zeitung says that the
German emperor will initiate an inquiry
to the Guelph fund scandal. The Na
tional Zeitung, in an article supposed to
1m- inspired, declares that Prince Bis
marck spent :SO,000,000 marks and that
the accounts were burned.
PitKsiDKXT Cannot has telegraphed
to Queen Victoria at Grassc, placing
himself and the French officials at her
service during her residence at that
It is learned at the state department
that there have been no negotiations
with Switzerland for several years di
rectly upon the subject of an arbitration
treaty between that country and the
United States.
Gkx. Jamkh A. Eakix, of the United
States army, died at Louisville, Kj., on
the -Gth. Gen. Eakin was lorn at
Pittsburgh in 1S1JI. He was a mem
ber of the commission which tried Mrs.
Surratt and bore a prominent part in
the funeral of Lincoln.
A semi-official dispatch from Chili
says that President Balmaccda has for
bidden foreign steamers chiefly British
and German, to touch at orts on the
coast between Chauaral and Arica.
The life size iortrait of Jefferson
Davis which the clerk of the Arkansas
house was authorized during the early
part of the session to have painted, has
lieon placed over the speaker's desk. It
took the place of the portrait of George
Washington that has been hanging in
the hall the past twenty years.
Secuktaky Phoctok does not intend
to resign. He characterized reports as
pure gossip.
Charles Ariiitkle, the senior mem
ber of the New York coffee firm, is
dead, aged 58.
Presihext Lymax J. Gaoe and his
fellow-directors, who have guided the
world's fair from the incipiency, have
completed the term of office for which
they were elected. Mr. Gage some time
ago declined a re-election as president,
but he will probably continue n mem
ber of the directory.
Aliermax Colley, the anti-Parnell-ite
enndidate in North Sligo. avers that
the Parnellitcs are distributing 5
notes among the rowdies of Sligo.
CorxT Ahthi'r Kesskthstau and
Countess Anne Fries were caught in a
storm in n pleasure loat off Albasa,
Austria, and were drowned. The youth
ful Count Fries was saved.
J. C. Adams, charged with killing
Cnpt Couch near Oklahoma City over a
claim dispute, has been convicted of
murder in the first degree.
Thf grand jury is to investigate the
failure of Theodore Schwartz v. Co.,
the Louisville, Ky.. bankers and crim
inal prosecution is to follow. The as
sets now turn out to le nothing. The
failure was for $500,000.
Basco Frank, one of the survivors of
the Jconsvillc mine horror, is danger
ously ill and his recovery is doubtful.
Frank and three companions were dis
charged from the hospital a few days
ago. Since that time they have been
feasted by their friends and the high
living proved too much for Frank's
It is now stated .that the injuries re
ceived by Mr. Timothy D. Healy in the
assault made upon him at Cork are more
serious than at first supposed. He will
be obliged to remain in his room for
four weeks.
The signal service reported a Swedish
steamer ashore one mile south of Chica
micomico life saving station on the
North Carolina coast, about 100 miles
south of Cape Henry. Only one of her
crew was saved.
Tins British steamer Strathairly has
been lost off the North Carolina coast
Nineteen lives were lost
The marine court at Gibraltar ad
judged Capt McKeague, of the ill
fated Utopia, guilty of a grave error of
judgment in attempting to tarn his ves
sel out of the anchorage across the An
son's bow.
Two miners were blown to pieces in
the bottom of the Tamarack mine at
Calumet, Mich., the other night The
men fired one blast and had gone into
the drift to fire a second charge.
Banker A. S. Keax has been indicted
by the Chicago grand jury for dcfratiti
ing his creditors in connection with the
failure of his bank some month ago.
There was a collision recently be
tween a passenger train and a freight
at Hacine Junction, Wis., on the North
western road. Willis Andrews a fire
man, was killed and several other train
men wore seriously injured. i
At AViiitxey fc Son, large car wheel
manufacturers of Philadelphia, are
financially embarrassed. The firm has
been rated nt fcjOO.Oodr",'
ui.niatt ""!Li5-"u"u""Mi u
T'l - 6 mm mW wmw X j W AJ
Mage" hx, PafSShSk opera house waml
conncctapviuT4Wadon by telephone
and the music was distinctly heard.
Oliver Yii.ixm Stanoley, was
hanged at Maufcn Chunk. Pa( " The
murder was committed in Wcarncriy on
Saturday, October 12, 1S&9, when he
killed a "Mrs. Walbcrt because hie
f used his attentions.
It is announced that the Allan Steam
ship Co. has purchased the State Line
Steamship Co.'s vessels together with
the good snll of the latter company.
A dispatch from Brisbane, Queens
land, says that the government has
adopted severe measures to repress
rioting and has arrested twenty promi
nent trades unionists for conspiracy.
Corradixi & Co.. bankers and mer
chants of Leghorn, Italy,have failed. Li
abilities amount to 20,000,000 francs.
Other firms are implicated in the failure.
Tiik grippe is prevalent at Dubuque,
la., and it Is estimated that 1,000 cases
exist in the city. Many deaths have oc
Private Patrick Hooax, of troop C,
Third cavalry, U. S. A., shot and killed
Sheriff Marcus Ortego, at Hio Grande
City, March 20. Ortego tried to return
the fire, but his weapon would not dis
charge and while he lay dying he cursed
the revolver for its failure. If Hogan
is acquitted Ortego's friends will kill
him on sight
Pli'miifrs and gas litters of Indianap
olis Ind., have locked out their work
A five thousand dollar fire in the
Commercial hotel and boarding house
of It. Henry at Austin, Pa., destroyed
the building. Three lives were lost:
Lizzie McGarlsk. a domestic; Jack Mc
Carty, a boarder, and an unknown man.
The annual meeting of the yellow
pine lumber association was held at
Montgomery, Ala. J. W. White, of
Missouri, was chosen president and J.
M. Kevins secretary. The price of sec
ond class lumber was raised SI per 1,000
feet and on first class lumber S2 per
1.0C0 feet
Georoe Harris of Newburn, III., who
fasted thirty-three days in January and
February, has been adjudged insane
and placed in an asylum.
Bear Admiral Gherardi has failed
in his mission to secure St Nicholas, a
port on the northwestern coast of the
island of Hayti, as a coaling-station.
The Boston Car Spring Co., with a
factory at Itoxbury, has gone into in
solvency. The company is a Massa
chusetts corporation with a capital of
M. Baltcheff, Bulgarian minister of
finance, was assassinated at Sofia on
the evening of the 27th while out walk
ing with the premier, M. Stambuloff.
The unknown assassin escaped. It
was thought the real intention was to
kill Stainbuloff.
The Norwegian bark Dictator, from
Pensacola, Fla., to Hartlepool, Eug.,
has been wrecked off the Virginia coast
Eight lives were lost
The non-union printers on the Phila
delphia Press joined the union on the
27th and all parties then struck.
Bt'siXKs.s failures (Dun's report) for
the seven days ended March 20 num
Inired 250, compared with 275 the previ
ous week and 243 the corresponding
week of last year.
The winter wheat crop in the south
of Russia is very unpromising. Small
farmers are in a hopeless condition in
There was a report that the Sayward
case would not be called in the supreme
court an agreement being reached.
While the court was in session at
Cork trying the Tippcrary rioting cases
the building took fire and was de
stroyed. The court adjourned.
The Knights of Labor have boycotted
Rochester (N. Y.) made clothing be
cause of the strike.
A y carter of a million persons are
said to le siek in Chicago, mostly from
grip and pneumonia and kindred ail
ments. The Reading Iron Co. has notified its
2,000 employes that owing to the con
tinued depression in the iron trade a
slight reduction in wages will 1m; made.
The employes will accept tho reduction,
s a restoration of the old scale of
wages is promised by the company with
improved business.
Gov. Davis, of Rhode Island, says
he will recognize the requisition papers
for a forger named Guructt which
have come from Gov. Bulkley, of Con
necticut He saj's the possession of the
seal of the state make Bulkley governor
de facta
Mrs. Bexjamix Vickermax, who was
recently rele:ised from the Kalamazoo
(Mich.) asylum, deliberately set fire to
her own clothing and was so badly
burned lnfore the flames could be
smothered that she survived but a few
minutes. She was forty-threo years of
Tiik distillery and winery of thc Gal
legos Wine Co., at Irvington, one of the
largest establishments of thc kind in
California, has been seized by revenue
officers on account of frauds.
The report of secretary Stromberg,
of the Minnesota Farmen' Alliance,
shows that thc organization is making
the same phenomenal growth as last
year. More than 11.000 members have
been enrolled since thc election in No
vember and six or seven sub-alliances
are being organized weekly.
John Plankintox, the noted million
aire, of Milwaukee, Wis., died on the
Wakpf.x Ciiakles OsnonxK, of tho
Tombs prison. New York, died of con
sumption recently.
Ukv. Pr. Howaiii) Crosbv, the well
known Presbyterian divine, died at
New York on the 29th.
Tun Defiance (O.) water stand-pipe
collapsed on the 29th.
At Itallina, Ireland. Pr. Tanner was
seriouslv assaulted by a hostile mob.
being knocked down and dragged pros
trate through the mud.
Srixi'LATlox on the London stock
exchange was dull during thc week
ended March 29. The outlook was
good. Thc continental bourses re
ported business quiet.
Cleauino house returns for tho weok
ended March 2S howcd an average de
crease of 10 2 compared with the corre
sponding week of last year. In New
York tho decrease was IS. 4.
A hole was blown in the port boiler
of the steamer Farmer, which was on
her way ,to Savannah. Ga., from Bruns
wick. The noise of the escaping steam
caused a panic among thc negro deck
hands several of whom rushed over
board and four of them were drowned.
Tiik steamer Galena, recently sunk
at Vineyard Haven. Mass., has been
Gex. Bbooke in his comment on Capt.
Catleys acquittal declared that there
was absolutely nothing to warrant the
acquittal of the accused and further in
sisted that his fierce denunciation of
Catley should become a part of the rec
ord. Catley is boycotted by his brother
President jBakuxas, of Guatemala,
telegraphs that thc letters published in
the United States of the near probabil
ity of a Central American war are
The Enaley City demmy train went
off the track near Ilirmingham, Ala., re
cently. Two cejro passengers were
killed and two or- three more persona
fatally injured.
JWW Y'ztfliW&M .
Xcbnukm LeffteUtar.
WHZXtBeMfiateBiet on the 2 Hh commit-
4nn rennrtrd. md several bill read a firs!
real a flrt
,lnie- The proceedings were ol little loteresi
until the Xuwbcrrjr maximum ruto bill w
reached. When It came up lor pasaRo a
fttnbborn flsht followed, rrrfjuent rails of
tho ten ate were made and a deadlock en
sued. Frequent roll calls continued and at 1
o'clock In the morning officer were In irarcn
of Senator Taylor, who had myterionly
dMappcan-d" and could not be found . .The
houjie upent the morning clon In commit
tee of the whole. At the afternoon cIn
Mr. 8hradtT' bill appropriating an addi
tional HOO.Ovo for the relief of western suffer
er paed but the emcrjeency c!aue failed.
Bills were then considered In committee un
til adjournrarnt.
AFTER uHnjr In fcsdon all nhtht, or rather
after tho srnntora alept all night In the wn
at chutnbur with a few memorr on Kuard
the tnornlnipof tho 7It found the ornate
nominally Mill in acsslon ith the serRi-ant-at-arm
looking for ScnatorTaylor. Ho waa
reported to huTe taken refuge In Council
Bluffs, pending consideration of the mix
Imuu ruto hilt The senate remained In
session all day with a deadlock on Its handa
and Senator Taylor still abscnt-ncros the
tate llnu . The bouse occupied the time
Ilxtcnlnx to reports of various tnnd.tijf com
mittce. At the afternoon session tho labor
committee reported the hill Krjntlnjr a
bounty of one cent per pound on beet sugar,
which after considerable talk was placed on
the general file. The Irrigation bill was de
featcd. and pending a motion to wcrd out
superfluous clerks the house adjourned until
Tun deadlock In the senate wan finally
broken at 5 do o'clock on the afternoon of
the 23d. siithough Senator Taylor had not yet
been caught, and the Xewlwjrry maximum
freight r:it; bill was parsed by 2i yen to 7
nays tliero being 3 absentees The houo
at tho morning m-sslon considered bills In
committee of the whole. Tin: game routine
characterized the afternoon session. A
lengthy discussion was had over the bill
providing for the payment of fee in the con
tested election fuses, but before reaching
any result the committee rose und the house
Is the senate on the 21th the bill providing
for tho election of railroad commissioners
by the people was favorably reported. Hills
passed deflnluir the Qualifications of teach-
cr; providing that reports of railroads Le
made to the auditor; relating to the litlng
of railroad property for taxation, aid re
quiring registers and county clerks to keep
indebtedness records. At the afternoon .sov
slon the warehouse bill was passed by a vote
of 21 yeas to 7 tutyn. The bill alo passed re
quiring banking firms to make reports ot
liabilities and resources to the auditor and
prohibiting commercial bunks Irom doing
snvings bank business In the house lillln
passed forbidding legal proceedings on
chattel mortgnges that contain usurious
rates of Interest; providing for the choosing
of presidential electors by congressional
districts and two by tho state at large; di
viding tho state Into six congressional dis
tricts. The liouso wciU Into committee of,
the whole toconsider blllsou thegeneral file.
IN the m nati! on the 20th .Senators Swit r.ler
Shumway, Koontr and Mattes were appoint
ed to attend tho commercial congress at
Kansas City. In tho afternoon I'rof. Kenton,
of tho agricultural bureau, dellvere 1 an ad
dros regarding the utilisation of urteslan
wells for Irrigation purposes. The remain
der of tho session was spent in committee
of tho whole. ...Tho house passe I a number
of bills none of general Importance, and In
committee of the whole cut down tho ap
propriation for tho support of the militia
from fVJ0 to $25.00. It. J. Iliuton. spocial
agent of the department of agriculture, ad
dressed tho house on the artesian well Irri
gation subject. In tho afternoon bills were
considered In committee of tliu whole.
Tin: ice harvest nt Crete has ended
with a record of 20,720 tons shipped to
various points in Kansas ami Missouri.
Over S1S.000 was paid to the workmen
who gathered the harvest
A fahmki: near Spring Hanche was
nrouscd one night lately by his dog
scratching on the door. He got up,
took his gun and found two of his
neighbors in his eorncrib stealing corn.
He marched them to the house, had his
wife light a lamp so as to see who they
were, and told them to skip, leaving
their sacks.
William Wind.vagkt, proprietor of a
meat market, was found dead in his
place of business at Lincoln the other
morning with his throat cut. His wife
discovered the liody and saw William
Kyle, a former partner of Windnagot's,
running out of the door. Kyle was ar
rested, and asserted that Windnagct
committed suicide.
HANENSTlxn, the Custer count3 mur
derer, under sentence to hang April 17.
recently made a second attempt to kill
himself in the jail at llroken How. This
time he tried hanging, using ;i piece of
his bedclothes. The guard, however,
discovered the scheme and nipped it in
the bud after liauenstine had adjusted
the noose about his neck und attached
the other end of the improvised rope to
the roof of his cell.
The llurlington flyer, west-lound,
was wrecked near Sutton the other
morning. The train was late and run
ning at high speed when it dashed into
the rear of a freight train delayed by
thc snow. The snow was falling rapid
ly and obscured the view. .1. G. Hob
erts. thc passenger engineer, was killed
and his fireman seriously injured by es
caping steam.
The suit brought by the citizens of
Omaha to restrain the city from deliver
ing S150.000 in bonds to tlic Union Depot
Co. was decided the other day in thc
district court against thc railroad.
Judge Duanc in granting thc injunction
took ocenssion to denounce the Union
Pacific management, saying the road
had alwa3s taken everything offered,
but had always failed to give anything
in return.
J. .7. Hade, of Waterloo, shot Wil
liam McMannis the other night, caus
ing his death a few days later. Hade
declared that he found McMannis in
his wife's room. Ilefore his death Mc
Mannis declared that Hade neg
lected his family and has onby been at
home two or three times since last fall.
He said he entertained no undue affec
tion for Mrs. Hade, but had contributed
to the support of the family during
Hade's absence.
Twelve, men deliberated seventy
eight hours at Omaha as to whether
Carey J. Warblnton was insane or ma
licious when he some time since in a
sudden fit of righteous indignation de
stroyed the fine painting "Return of
Spring," as not being proper for ladies
to look at The jury took nearlv as
many ballots as thc Illinois legislature
did for senator, but reached no rcsult
Warbinton was returned to jail to
await the return of the spring term of
court, when he will again realize the un
certainties of a jury trial.
The ninth annual fair of Sarpy coun
ty will be held at Papillion September
16 to 19.
The body of an unknown man was
found just outside the village limits of
Prague the other morning. The coro
ner was investigating.
A tough from llrownvillc was recent
ly arrested at Peru while in the act of
passing a forged note for S7X.
Police raided the Omaha gambling
dens the other night ami reaped a rich
harvest. On r three hundred prisoners
were marched to police headquarters.
EEronrs from all parts of the state
represented tbs snowstorm of thc 2ith
as the severest of the season. In many
places it was twenty inches deep, and
in others badly drifted.
-Tax two-vear-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. R. French, who live at the
Hotel Ideal in Lincoln, got hold of a
bottle of carbolicacid thc other day ad
swallowed a portion of it. She died in
great agony i xa after.
a Daw lap Kcciproclty.
TVashecgto;, March 2&. The eot
ersment of Santo Domingo has appelat
ed 3IasBcl Jesus Galvan as minister to
the United States and it Is understood
that he is especially instructed to se
gotlatc a reciprocity treaty with tits
country. Xr. Galvan negotiated thc
treaty of 18 with thc -linked States,
bet It was never ratified bv the -e)t.
Ttipmnttom at Km Ctty Tb Liat f
Kakhas Citv, Mo., March 20. Th
representation for the coming western
atatca' commercial congress has been
compJctclv arranged, the luts of names
revised, and the delegations of the va
rious states arranged in formal order.
Each state's delegation is thussulxlt
vided: The state representation consisting'
of the governor, president of the sen
ate and speaker of the house of repre
sentatives and delegations from each
house: the senators and congressmen,
specially invited guests including ex
senators and congressmen, high rail
road officials, and the men of
recognized standing in commercial cir-
clcs, and the commercial representa-
tkm. This latter comprise delegates
from the cities, numbering from two to
ten in each stale, which are above 20,
000 population.
Spipkcrs have tccn selected lor the
-...-..e ,n l-ilnrr triven to allow to
i. .... :. - .. .i(,.n. nt
course there will be manv interesting Unit that I wmiU ci operate with turn in i Uibltshment: and the applicants shall
1 1 ' - ., i tiu rrrn,.tr.r nnmluT of tnalDta.nlng the obligations of the fnited ajjr,.,. ia trict!r conform s Ith all reg- and a stili greater number ot , statea towarU Ita,JaM ,atljpcl. wno mI(.n: , """. . . w c h.
bright discussions from men who are wUhlt, thc ,,cri,t the rxeitrmrnt. and that ! 'wn. or onlers that may te ma.ic y
not on thc list, which at present stands: further violence and b!oodsi-d might be ; the secretary of agriculture In carrjlnff
Alabama-Congressman W. CL Oates. AU- rrevent.-d.wa, b.ised upon that Ul.rf I on the work of insjction at his eslab-
IjyUJo J The president further expressed tho hope i lLshmcnt.
rlzona Marcus A. Smith. Tombtonc that all oHenJers might be brought to Jus J 'fc M-cretarv, upm receipt of the
Arkansas-Congressman a 11 Itrcckln- t.ce. O.i the Irtth I telegraphed you th..t nppncwtion xvil giro the otnbllsbment
r.dge. Pine Hlntf. Congressman S .V. IVtt, there was no ex.ltementin tho city at th.vt '-,,, niliniM.r lV whieh all it it-Jli-ntotiTllle:
I-ogan If Knots. Little Hock. f time and th-t I s.w no rr-on to ai.ttcipate " omt .at ntimiM r. ) nu au iv
CWoriiliinator LeUnd Stanford, sn . further trouble. I al stated that the c isivcted prinlucLs xvlll thereafter bc
!., .i..... ini.r.,..inl.n Jmrnh Mi Keuni. 1 tlon taken as d. reeled against partlcuUr know u. nnd thb nuinlierwill 1x5 Ul
Stlisun. Jl It. I'w iouiij;. sau i miinc..-. ,
. r . .. .. - .... L'..H.k...!
Colorado Senator II. 31. Tein r. tenimi
City. Senator K. O. Woleott. Denver, Col.
A. a K sk, H-nver. K. J. V. :klpp. Denver.
ex-Senator Hill. Denver,
Illinois S-nntor Jonn 3L Palmer. spring
Held; Scmtor S. 3L Cullom, Sprlngflrld, Con
grrsiman T. J llenderaon, Princeton; Con
gressman William Springer. Springfield;
MaiHhall Field. CUli a o; I. K. P.tyson, Pon
tlac, e.v Gov. II J. Oglesby. Klkhurt-
Indlaua Srnator Turple, Indianapolis.
Iowa Senator W 11 Allison, Dubuque;
Congressman D It. Henderson, Dubuque; J.
. ('lnrkc n. Des Moines.
Kansas Senator Plumb, Emporia, ex Sen
ator J. .1. Iiigalls. Atdil-ou; Cistrgc H. Peck,
Topeka, J. s. Ktnery, Lawrence.
Kentucky Senator J. C lllaekburn. Vcr
-allies, Senntor J. t. Carlisle. Covington;
Congreasmen V. C P. Hreeklnrldgc, J. H.
McKeiiny. Oak Grove, Htnry Watterson,
Louisiana Senator IL I. Cibson; New Or
leans; Congressman X. C lllanchard, Slirevc
port. Michigan Congressman Julius llurrows,
Kalamazoo; ex-?enator Kussell A. Alger,
Minnesota Senator C K. Davis, St. Paul;
C. A. Plllsbury, Minneapolis; Patrick Kelley,
SL Paul
Mississippi Senator J. . (Jeorge, Carroll
ton. Congressman J. M. Allen, Tupelo; 1. C.
flowery, Vick.sburg
Missouri Senator (Seorgo Vnt. Washing
ton; Senator F. M. Coikrell, Warrcimburg.
Congressman S. W. Cobb, St. Ixiuls, und John
F. Cahlll. St. Louis
Montana Martin MciilnniM, Helena, and
T. II. Carter, Helena.
Nebraska Soiiutor C. T. Manderson, Oma
hit, and J. M. Thurston, Omnhx
Xevuda Congressman IL F. llartine. Car
hoii City.
Xew Mexico Gov. I- It. Prince. S.inta Fe.
North Dakota "-enutor I. It Casey, Jnmes.
town; !. S Pierce, ISIsmiirck; Martin Itynu,
Ohio Senator John Sherman. Munsfleld.
llcnjumln Ilutter worth. Cincinnati; s. J.
Warner, .Marietta . William McKlnley. Can
ton. Oregon Senator J. II. Mitchell. Portland.
Henry Falling, Portland.
South Dakota Senator It. T. Pelllgrew,
Sioux Falls; L C Woody, Dendunod.
Tennessee Senator Isham Harris, Nasli
vlltu; Congressman Kenton McM Hlii, Car
thage, anil II C Kvan. Chattanooga
Texns Congressman linger tj. Mills Cor
s.eana. Congressman .1 D. Sayers, II:itrop,
ex Gov. Huhburil, Austin.
Washington Gov V.. P. Ferry, Olympla;
Senator. I II. Allen, Walla Walla; C. & Voor
lllteM, Colfax.
Wiscoiisin Sonntor W. T. Vilas, .Madison,
und .senator John C ppnnner, Hudson
Wyoming Seiutor Francis II Warren,
Cheyenne, and Senator Joseph N. Carey,
I.a (Srlppe Again Sweeping Over thefoun
try ChleiiKo's Fearful Denth Iteeortl Its
Crip on Other t'ltles.
Cinr-Ano, March J(i. The grip cpi
demic is unabated in this city and the
mortnlityl continues appaling. l"p to
midnight the deaths for two weeks ag
gregated 1,540, or thirty-five per thou
sand, which is unprecedented in Chi
cago. Nearly all died from climatic
complaints. Drug stores have Wen
compelled to increase their force of
clerks. Undertakers are crowded with
work and many funerals are taking
place as early ns 7 a. in. and as Inte as
twilight. The hospitals of the Alexian
brothers, the (Serrnan brothers, the Au
gustine hospital, St. Joseph's hospital
anil the Presbyterian hospital, which
usually take only accidents or paid
patients, have opened their doors to the
victims of the grip and are crowded.
Kight physicians of the fSennan hos
pital were taken down yesterday and 72
nurses of the Illinois training school for
nurses, who have been ministering to
thc sick, have snccumWd sinee Satur
day and .some are. in a critical condition.
At thc women's and children's hospital.
out of a staff of forty physicians nurses
, .. , . n , . n a. t t
and attendants all but five are unfit for
duty. The physicians are in hopes that
thc disease will wear itself out, but all i
suy that until there is a change in the
weather no great improvement can W
PiTTHiit'KOir, Pa.. March 26. From a
street joke thc grip hn Wcotnc a gen
erally dangerous disease. The death
rate has increased to a great extent and
this month will break the reconl by thc
alarming increase of 50 per cent Clo
ing at noon 725 denths have occurred in
Pittsburgh nnd Allegheny in the twenty
four days of this month. Thirty-eight
deaths have Wen reported within the
last twenty-four hours and many no
doubt have not Wen reported.
The CrrTae In St. .Tames Parish. Ij-,
New ORf.KAXS. March 25. Dispatches
received last evening report that the
crevasse in St James parish wa.s closed
by Superintendent John Grant, of the
Texas fc Pacific railroad, aided by the
planters in thc vicinity. This crevasse
was caused by the blowing ont of an
iron pipe or rice flnmc.
Thc Mississippi river comtnlvsion
Tuesday adopted a resolution to the
effect that hereafter no levee shall be
constructed by the commission in which
any cut. pipe, flume, box or similar de
vice is to be placed.
Xw Railroad Comailaalnner.
Topxka. Kan., March 25. The cx
ecutive council at coon to-day elected
as railroad cornmuvsioner W. M.
Mitchell, of Newton, a conductor on
thc Atchison, Topeka 4 Santa Fe, run
ning Wtween Purcell and New
ton. He succeeds Jcdge James
Humphrey, whose term of ofSce
expires April L The result wa a
great surprise, as it wa thought that
Judge Humphrey would certainly be
his own successor. Mitchell is a mas
about 40 years of age and has beea is
the railway service for twesty years.
Xw LiK to XrmasmJ.
St. Louis. March . The contract
has just been signed for the completion
oi the Kaasas City, Beatonville
Southeastern railroad, givisg Bestoo
ille. Ark., a direct aad short cossee
tkm wi:h Kansas City and all poiaU
north. The engineers wfli begin Wed
ntviay to run the line by way of
Sprfairfale on the Bald Kxh, from
which point the Missouri Pacific hx a
road running into Jletsphis. This wiC
give the Missosri Pacilc the nso-4. di
rect and shortest line trots Kaetaa CItj
to Memphis.
Qv. Mcholto lis Xolhln Very Staeh tm
&T Ahoat the K wnt trnchlnr.
Wajuiixotox, March 25. The answer
of (rtv. NicholK of IjuLiiana, to Secre-
tary Maine telegram of March IS, in
reference to the ew Orleans aflatr.
has, been received by tho secretary aad
waa given by him to the press to-day.
Th full text of the letter is as follows:
Hon. James O. Itlalne, Secretary ot State.
Washington, I C:
Xnr Oklk k. I a. March 21 Sir At a lato
hour on the lith Instant 1 rec-lvcd a dlpatf C
from you having reference to the forcbla
breaking, on the Ilth of this month, of
the Jail In ibis city tnd the killing
of eleven prons conflncd therein un
der Indictment found In th criminal
district court lor the parish of Orleans. You
stated to me that It had been represented to
the president, by the minister of Italy, ae
credited to the government of th Lnitesi
Ottitll aiUVtljl 14- akl UU "!-
slon were three or four subjects of the king
of Italy. The telegram disclosed an
he telegram disclosed an appre-
the partof the mlnlstrr. evidently
henslon on
shared In by the nrrsidrnl. that the i
turbunre was a continuous and di
. ...... .- i v- i-t ... t .- ...- ...
tnrbance, which m glit Involve the Italian
,..n i..M)..i,nK...n. ii,.ii,.nr..
1 tlon ti
! Individuals and that the race or nationality
of the parties did not enter as a factor Into
the duturbinre, A week has pased s mo
the date of my d spatrh and the opinion
then entertalncJ as to the termination "f
tho trouble has provil to be well toundod.
The men killed, as I have -talcd. were con
rined In prison, under Indictments found In
the criminal district court for tho parish of
Orleans, tho sheriff has mule his return of
the facts to that court, llie Jude thereof has
charged the grand Jury, now In s.-Min. In
regard to thc matter, and tlm wholo subject
Is, I assume, non under Investigation by
that body.
lamsallsliel that most of the persons
killed were American el Uens. Uut It Is
probable that two r three were Itai.uu stjb
Jects. 1 have tho honor to be, very respect
lully. Fkascis t. Niciiullh.
Simple Serslcc trr thc Deceased Con
Washinoto.v, March J4. The fenenil
setvices over the remains of the lute
(Jen. Joseph K. Johnston, ttok place in
this city this morning. Hy special re
tpiest of the deceased the ceremonies
were devoid of ostentation or formality
and were in keeping with the character
of the man.
There was no exercise at the resl- j
deuce of the'deceased, but just In'fore ,
11 o'clock the remains were taken .
! quietly t St. John's Kpiscopal chureli, !
opposite Lal-'nyette Mti:in, ncm
pnuied by the family and near friend.
The funeral party arrived at the church
at 11 tu ui. It was met by the honorary (
pall bearers, who were: Senator
Morgan and Daniel, Hon. J. 1.
M. Curre, Cen. Parke, V. S. A.:
(Sen. Charles W. Field, (Sen. Ilnrry !
lleth, Keur Adm. Kogers, V. S. N.;
Kear Adm. Temple, (Sen. II. (5. Wright.
(Sen. I'enjamiti W. 1 trice. Col. Archer
Anderson of Itichmoud, Col. Kdwiu (!.
Harris, Hon. J. C. ltuucroft Ilavi and
James Watmoiigh. The active bdy
bcarers eousisled of memlMTs of tho
ex-confedentte associations of thia
city, all men who fought under (Sun.
Johnston during the war Drawn up
in a double line abiiitr the sidewalk
were UK) men of Kojbert 11. camp, ,
confederate veterans, without uniform.
who stood with gray heads bared to tho ,
inclement air as the lunly was Imrne .
iM'tween their ranks. 1
Thc -se ."vices were conducted by Itcv.
Dr. Pong. as. rector of the church, and
were confined to the simple Kpiseopallan
burial service for the ileaiL
At the conclusion of the services and
as the casket was borne to thc hearse
the choir, joined by the congregation,
sang the hymn, ".bide With Me." The
remains were then removed to the Multi
more v Potomac station, followed by
many carriages and left there on the
12:10 train for Ifaltimnre, where the
IkmU will )e interred in (Srceu .Mount
eemetexy, in that city.
If llelleti-s the I'rrsrnt .Sj-tem Ilrsponsl
hle for Mliiijr Ksll.
iKlifAVAPoi.iH, Ind.. March 25. Kx
IVesident Cleveland hio. written a let
ter to the Indiana tariff reform league
declining to 1ms present at the league's
annual meeting. The full text of the
letter is not given out for publication,'
but the closing paragraphs are made
public. They are n follows:
Yon will. I hope, think It not nnilo If I
""xrst the necessity of pushlnir. with worn
lor than ever, the doctrine of our organ
ization. I heller e that the theurle n 1
practlees which tariff reform antaxunltr
ar responslhle for tnanr If not nil of tho
"v w,,l "ffl,c, "r tspln. If thrre .
searelty of rirculatlnir ine-lluin I not tho
,...., .... r. . u B. . rMn,r ,
imvinjt tho money In the hamlsnf the people ;
for their uje whleh ! now needlessly taken
from them under the pretext of necessary
If tho fariner'i lot l a h.ird one In his
dlconriulnr strnjrrle for hetter rewards for
hi. toll, are the price, of h, product, to h ,
Improved hy polley which hampers trad .
In his best markets and Invite, dangerous
rivals. Wh'ther other inans f relief may
appear necessary ti relieve present hard
hips. I beltwo the princ-ple of turlff reform
promises a most Important aid In their sat
Isf.irtlon.nnd that the continued and earnest
advocacy of this principle U essriit al to tb j
IKmrnin; oi ine imr-ieni oi oor country
Ifoplntr that yo-ir rncnlxatlon miy eon
tlnue to be one of jrrrat uetnlns and n
courajremtnt lam, your vry truly.
Unovr.K CT-kviiusd
Bulletin From the On. a. OfTlr on th
Coal Industry.
Waiuvoto.v, March 2-V Th crans
m r- t , ,t .r i if '
...w w. . - v....... K....-M .--
toryof the coal products In the states
west of thc Mississippi nvcr. Tlr pro-
rrrnest n -a k laaiiiui r iinnniin TiwarT n . j
net in lso Is shown
wn t have Wen
32 .bort tons while in
Iksq it had in
creased tlo.nG7.3no nhort tor. While
the quantity produced In IW .'" -
creased more than thres- fold daring thc
decade the value is shown to have de
creased from ?L93 per ton at the mines
in I$s0 in S1.52 in 1SW. making the total i
value of the output of 1153. :t.4t3,2.
A Ieap Tor Ufe.
EA.r.T. flL. March 23c MUs Nora
Gray, while crosislng Ramsey crrsrk on
thc railroad bridgr, was surprised last
evening by the approach of a txain. In
her fright she juisped from the britfsre.
which is fifty feet high, but was not se
riously injured.
To f arratlssto a Tmilnr.
Lonntxj', Kv . March ti Th
grand arr will hjTestrate the fall are j
of Theodore Schwartz vov. tfe baslc
trrs. and crisiisal arosecutios is to fol
low. The ajet no tars out to be
Dothicg. The failure was for &M,VJ.
Cavart E. CTUriC
Nrw Yowc March ZX Charles E.
Chlcierisx. the weiWcsows piaso ssaa
cfactarer. died last evesistf at hi resi
dence. 5 Fifth aTcs9e. Mr Ctiekcriig
was thc gentLKBia who volsstsrfly
tanscd ott to tie MtfTOgafce &&i,&A
left with hm by the sb1st. Raise, aad
which aoosIacw he had, This actios
vu Is aocord with his life locg coarse
cf highest intcgrity-
ttritistt ! Vw-rlMl Vlgh.U
PrtKTo CuziAJU, March 2S. Th
Cm fight ha.s taken place betisees the
Vcserselaas ard the Eagiisk ca tLs
frostier of trith Gslzaa.
ArfiMtlniMl ! For tk Inspection t
Mrta rromnlrtd Br JcrrLry f
.Tlrttltar-Ma"lll llo to !
umbret an Hltar Carra.sea Te.I
Hy Covrrararnt 0lls.
WASiitxr.Tox. March 27. The follow
Ing rule and regulations, being' addi
tional to thoe made under an act of
of congress of August last, nre pre
scribes:! by the secretary of agriculture
for the Inspection of live cattle, hogs
and their carcasses:
The proprietors of slaughter houses,
canning, saltiug. packing or rendering
establishments engaged in the slaughter
of cattle, sheep or swine, the carcxw
orproducLs of which arc to become sub
jects of intcr-state or foreign commerce,
will make application In writing to the
secretary of agriculture for Inspection of
animals and their products stating
the location and addrev of the slaught
te linn. or other ostablLshmf nt tho
i , . " . , , ,. , ,. !
I llnd of animals slaughtered, the esti
mated uumkr of anttuais siaugmcrcw
per week and the character and quan-
. ttty Of the
prodttcts to go into inicr-
state or forrlirn commerce from inr es-
loth by the itsctrs of the depart- '
ment of agriculture and by the owners
, of the establishment j
The secretary will appoint a veterin
ary insjHctr to t.iko charge of the ex
amination and inspection of anlmala '
und their pnxlucts for each establish- .
ment which luvs been orticlally num- '
IhtiI. The Inspector appointed und
all employes under hi direction shall I
have full anil free access nt nil times to
all parts of the building or buildings'
used in tho slaughter of live animal j
and the conversion of their carcases
Into food products.
The veterinary inspector In charge- of
the establishment will carefully inspect
all nnlmals in the ens of the establish
ment ulout to le slaughtered, and no
nnimul shall l allowed to pass the
slaughtering room until it has lieen m
insps-cted. Whenever any nnimul is
found on inspection to be diseased, the
animal shall bo condemned by the In
spector, and the owner shall at once re
move it from the premises and dispnno
of it in such manner as may lw pruvidrtl
by the laws of the state.
The veterinary Inspector, or bis as
sistants, shall carefully inspect at times
of slaughter all animal slaughtered at
said establishment nud make n ist-
mortem rejnirt of the same to the de- s
purtmeut. .Should the carenvs of any
animal on post-mortem examination Ih !
found to be dUeasud and unfit for hit
tnun fixnt. the careavs shall nt onee le
removed from the cstabllsbinent under
the .suitcrvisioti of the iuMetor and Ik'
llK)sed ft In the manner provided by
the laws of the state w here slaughtered. !
The carcasses of the cattle which,
leave an establishment n dressed lecf J
will Ik stauiH'd with a ntimlxTed '
stamp, issued by the department of f
agriculture, by th lnsjector nud u I
reconl will Imj sent U the department at !
Washington. 1
Kach nud evcrj artlclo of finnl prml
net made from the carcasses of ani
mal inspected w ill ! laWlcd or marked
in such milliner as the owner of the es
tablishment tuny dire rt. J
The iutiMi'tioii of swine for export or
Inter state trade will W conducted in
tli, fe.imi. ittftmif-r nm ftreerilMtl in flu I
- - i
foreirolwr rules, with the addition, how-
! ever, that :i miseroseopic examination
for trichina will be required for all
swine product.
The inspector In charge of the slaugh
tering or other establishments will Iv
sue a eertltieute of iuseet!ou for all
carcasses of itnlmnls or finnl product
which are to W extnrtcd into fore It'll
countries, which certillenle will cite the
numWr of fuclory and the name of the
owner, the date of iueftlon and the
tintrtti nf fritf om klfMinn ti litli t li
iiitinv s.r sin s.4-s j a iii-
htamjes attached to the nrticleit to W
Three of the Arenjers on Ihn OimikI Jnry
I.UIenlnr to i:llrnre.
Ni:w Om.RA.Na, March 27- The grand j
jury sjxMit three hours yentenlay ex-
nmining witnesNe relative ti the ly nett
ing of thc It.ilbtns. ( apt D.nxl. of the
i parish prison.U'stifled that the only two
men he Identified totivclj' were Wick
JlfTe and I'arkervm who led thc assault
on the prison gates. i
A. II. French, a wealthy cotton fthlp
jmt. who was in the prison MTving a
term of six ilajk for assaulting a lawyer, ,'
idcntifleil a great many jerons, a well
as tbne of the grand juror, who were
seated around a long table listening Ui
hLs story, rreneh did not attempt U
protect any lody. but told his tory In
detail U) tlic extent of naming Mime of
thc men who handled Winchesters and
5x -shooter.
The other witnesses had bad
menr" '
rf , t t f u , , j
"w'ar ' could Idmtify any-
J he grand jury ad)ournel at I
o'clock until Monday morning, nhn
tho inquiry will W resumed. If th
grand jnry conclude t indict anylxdy - j
there will W a scene almost as extraor
dinary a thc uprising itself, for m le
than 2.000 men who participated Jn th
mob's work will march to the court
house and deliver themselves Intij the
custody of the sheriff
Prising Oat Stnrtu
St. Ioris. March 27. Dispatches
1rom the Dorthern border of Texas say
that no small amount of 'xcitrnrnt
among cattlemen ha Wen caused by
tnr aaoouDccnxnt that leorrrarent
Afft ytUn haA M.Bl roarh(lU Ut lh
, M .,. , ... 1rtA,. . ,.
,, '.,.i ,u, .. i,I
to notlfr tckmrn
that tWr will
til In or, I-
tbe natjoa. y
JcaJMsd large tract of grmxing laB-la la
tn sag9 t a heavy expTt and far
the last two wseks & small eaUmat
place Uw number of cattle shlpprd
there at 10.000 bead.
.SO one lemi to
know why this order was Lwued.
NTt( Kti Tlasa.
Wrx5irT.o. Man., March 27. Thss
Manitoba A. Northwesters aad th Caa-
-jt -i ft v . .. . .
down through North Dakota drummfag .
u settlers tcr a sew eolosr tht U t. I
Inr eatsUKhed at Uw fc-r-al-s, of t f
Manitoba & Northwesters d at YA
SBoedtoa. The- railways txprrt that thefr
agests are barber a hard time, .t
Ksreka the sresta rre gives two hosrs
to get oct of tows, th citizens threaten J
ing to tar and feather theaa. The Cass
dias I'aeiSe sgesi at Botthvratt was ri-
I dra ca rail hy SckabltsaU who oh.
jeetwl to his proselytlsf egorts.
Kaxsas Crrr. Xa. March r:, It U 1
nuBored that the oAce of the &(
perisrdest of the 3tsrik.3-.oe -j- ;
test t-t fc sisa Car U a te atoosse!.
ThUtk UiX4 MrE. G. Fish. j.
who is aiso peristrs4est of tfce Eaa-,
!-l Zy i
ss-s. srs. mm , m m. - - .
twees 2 ad a o cloek
Mime is to W e.xMrted. The certificate s.mcr tuat iVtlgltsi 1' lower IlA c
wlll also contain the tiumWrn of the ! lircIy CUfccI UlC of Dyspvtrsia IK ItJt
t this moreisg six tst" ilTSLl '- ..--3
staking tiIr--: Tfji,'" i.. !
jaicsers sxreiied is
-m-. - - .. . z.n S . . .. l Id
the odi iar. Faw were eharirsl mlth.
grajwi Isreerj aad two with crimksl I
Ow MlfMy Troth.
Fur more Immulablo than the law of tie
Mcde:nnd Persians Is this. Health is Uw
blesslnir. priceless. abov ail others. With
out It who shall succeed I Small aitmrot..
temporary Indigestion. conlricten of UVi
bowels, a chill. Inactivity of th kMayn
may, aye. do culminate difttrwisy ifos
tetter's SU-mach Hitter checitnsto thoi in
bort order.
Tns man who Is a long tttne- roaklrjQe
tin mind may arrtvc at a correvt Jw!;wt.
but It Is yenrrally too tat to bo of any 'io
to hl.- luck.
Donntx' Kbs-irk Sa Is $Att-r fr tvi
to Ue, If M f-tttur 4f-M. thill any
crvsip wowSd ! If tr" u tow. for by
Uo rWfcr r eel. "liUV esst vfs
than soap. A k jrowr gro. r far ImMMr'
Tkc no other.
A COSrtrtRScs gasto Is a ort af an taty
Inpccromonj - t Joseph Nws.
HcsT, easiest to te aal ekemttsi. llw,
Hcincdy for fainrrh. Kjr 2.
PHTI5CT10X wli,
, a dlCcrrscC' evpM b!
Is so important that
everybody know; its ne
cessity and value Ami
there is nothing so jxp
ular and so snccessfttl
for the purpose, as
i The Soap
For two years I suffered terribly
with stomach trouble, mul was for
all that time under treatment bv a
physician. He finally, nflcr trying
everything, said was nlHmt
worn out, and that I would have to
cease eating solid fiod for a time at
least. I was so weak that I couM
j 10j work
Finally on tlic reem-
mendatiou of a friend whohml ucd
your pietHimtttmn
A worn-out
with ! re
sults, I priK-urvtl a
iKtttle f A tig it nt
Flower, ami cuitt-
menced using it. It seemed u tfo
' jm good at OllCe, I rattled III
strength and flesh raoidh
petite been me god, and I suflrie!
no bad clTccLs from what I ate. I
feel now like a new man. and t-on-
worst lorm, JAMIW h. IJKDKKICX,
Saugertics, New York.
W. II. Utsey. St. (forge's. S C,
writes: I havt tiscxl your August
r lower lor I)ysjepsia ami find it an
excellent remedy.
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with
Of Lime and Soda.
Trm nr enwl.H mtft mnlil.iu.
nmtt thrrm it Mitt murh lM...f -.(t
f sen mtintmttJm H rmn, Tr
iillMsiw tk'ir rihrrmlt - -fc
ir.tnmlUnmf I't'lttt IHHtWMgAX i'ttf tltt.,t.iml !, tvr-fj.,. J
r UU rsw m eWf M fmr- lh ft
f th 0ltKttln yuttiltU mf Ik Hifr
pmfJ.tU; lt,yi,Uma r-nfl r
mrib U tm rsm f
H'Hnrit.t. titto.(iirii j
ctiHoxtc ctwait r Hr.rr.Ht: cot.n.
Ml M tfaaltsHl ?
MMrMrW prtptfilfiin fe UWsti
Prkkly JUb Bittirt !
U mm. -.., . . . .. . - ... .
" '" w mm WLmmm. rw im
IftlzJZ "SSTu-. sTa
" tm "am9l n9la
? wJ,'"w f m wm tor 4
f If Ut aMrtt TU
1 riSa.fl a srrtt-
hm Is akt tmbm tnsM M h- H t !rii
Sas f Ukh m I j wmmU U Titi.1;
IsiflKi. HwnstsraWsaSH T10C111
k2H trTTCXS. Afc iwr rsffifl tef X-
is. it a
, mmmmTmZmu
t rt4 b,i,K,M
- ttmmst iwr. u j
M.lMf.airfrt TWfsl.k.n-
si mw mmm-ww rnsav
' llM.
Xtlvt 8 JutYVCT XULLs
ME AITaliTF Tfl Hill til
rriM,2Sc stot.39s41tetnttt.ft- T.