The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 03, 1891, Image 1

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    aSSSSSSSSSjafHBTl SSSSSSSjBfaf -w-t Tj1 t- .
. ... -i T Ml?i MtctftfK5JBHfeW Am wMm l.S!S2S':-'SSiH!CSiKJ35!liJllw H H nnTl?-B I ''PnaiinnL bvbteI BPl innnnnl WBBftW -
-hbA. -a- -i t-r . . i Sjaj an ' SSJ. 'i an i i IHi'i SBM SM ll nBBK.nSJSa?fli r z2?g7: -BHrSF?aM-?32:aBE3BSSBST na BBa Blaa BaSJJJjar Bv BVbwSI-mV sal aaas EftJL-'-BBfci.
iir-trur-aazaVSiatfxnnafbS H I wannnnn AWwmH Ml FM an ?BESftsn.-
juftitldlDls-UrHZS iieSOHSllS&llllnEifllBK JaasawZaSBwlzanaanaawK Innate aHaS "
jam:r-'4BK.:i:-BBaBL-l:J Sgj&sTw - -vVfiH
-aJSJBBBBg' z2BiaaT?BBxvlsBBBBBBB A- ttttHNHHo'IIIIIKK&Dfr 9kIVP l -
s PiiiiflDfkPSBSBB (.bo --SaiS-BflK
By A. C. Hosmkr.
Wc are going to sell
We have a new slock
Different than you ever wore before Come
and see our One Dollar Pant, never will
rip, so long as you both do-live-r
We Give Them fits !
.o one object lo hitting a ileal lilting boot or lioi
Wc Invite you to come in and get acquainted mid ace our good.
Buy a fine pair of shoes for Easter !.
fake home die best plowshoc in town !
llii) I he bnbic and older children MMiictliiug neat, nice, durnhlo
Itu) uood or u that are Tully warranted and will lc repair
ed Tree of charm in e the fall to rIvc MitUrnctloii.
All ooods Clean, New. Fresh and CHEAP.
Blakeslee & Hatch
Proprietor of the Cincinnati Shoe Store.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL
It is Pleasant. Its Brnvranteo is thirty yeas use by
millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea anil Wind Colic Castoria reliere
teething troubles, cures constipation aad natulcscy.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulate the wfmmc
and bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleea, Ca.
ioria is tho Children Panacea the Mother's Fraaa.
" Castoria Is an exwUrst medJdaa foe cblt-
good eCcet upon their cfeildren.M
Us. G. C Oaeooe,
' CASorii fa the bet relr ' cbakea of
hich I am acquainted. I hope H SJT U ot
far !tant Uea mothers will coadJcr the nsal
lctcrct of their chiUrra, aa J um Castoria is
tiexA of the-ariooi quack ncwUTanawbicbaro
drstrcjlcs their loved ones, bj f ordas opium.
xonhixe. soothing tyrop and other hurtful
trnls doira their throat, thereby seadisff
the:n to prezulurc graves."
Dk. J. F. Knromos,
Coevar, Ark.
Tks Ca'
. TI
Styles, Better Goods !
& Galusha.
" Castoria it wll adapted to okSiM I
I rccoamrndftMnpariorloasn
kaoatorac' . . w
Ill So. Oxford 9t, Erookra, W. T.
"OurpferakiaMln the chlldrec's dapaft
xaeat hare vpokra hifhly of their expert
enoa ia their octaVl practice with OMtoria,
ncd aHhough we o&ly hare aof oar
mdkml ipplka hat U kacnra aa rwrclar
pruducts,3-etware free to coaf eat thai the
merits of Oassoria has woa u to look ia
favor upon it.
Bum Hosrrra xss Varcrmxr,
Attxs C Sxith, Ptx.,
Manay Sfewt, Xw TwhOMfb
Eternal Vigilance is
Republican City Ticket.
The Italian government has become
home what riled over the treatment
that .some of her bloodthirsty villians
received at New Orleans the other
day and has recalled Baron l'ava, her
accredited minister to this country.
This has been construed as a declara
tion of war, by some on the part of
the Italian government. TlIE ClUEF,
while it has not it'? usual war paint
on, hopes that Uncle Sam will give
them something to declar war for,
and if they become to haughty, ad
minister to them a sound spanking,
huch as they need and won't forget
soon. To our notion the Celestial is
a far more desirable citizen than the
bloodthirsty Italian. Let King
Uumburt call houiu his minister if he
want.s to and if that irn't enough, let'
him pay the passage of the rest of his
citizens now ?ojourning in tnis coun
try. Wc don't need them. There are
many good Italians, but the bad
ones wc have no use lor. People who
come to America to live .should be
Americans from preference, or other
wise let them slay in their own
country. Our navy may be poor,
but when a foreign foe strikes at us,
it will Gnd five or six million bold
icrs ready for duty on short notice,
and between the navy and army
gucs we can take care of ourselves
for awhile, anyway.
The state legislature in a Gt of
cconumy cut down tae bills of the
various newspapers in the state which
published the amendments advertise
ments fall. The legislative bod)
is a great one. They have put
in (JO d:i).s at Lincoln, at $5 per day,
and yet have not accomplished us
much legislation for the benefit ol
the state as a half dozen good men
eould have done, still they strike the
newspaper office when they feel eco
nomical, and at the same time they
have been spending the people's mon
ey and doing but little for them that
is ot any benefit. The printer's bills
were all legal and should be paid dol
lar for dollar. The idea of even
body being dishonest except the fel
low that is drawing a high salary, and
sailing under some high-sounding
party name for effect only, is pre
posterous. The idea of pajmg a
legislator $300 for doing comparative
ly nothing is all wrong, that is on the
same hypothesis that the newspaper
bills were wrong. The bills were
earned according to law, and ought
to be paid in full or returned for
correction. Wc don't like demo
goguery from any source.
Rosewatcr of the Bee, gave his
readers a column the other day as his
opinion on the Boyd case. We have
always believed that the crafty Ed
ward" sold the republican party out in
Omaha, aud by a kiss betrayed the
party into the hands of democracy,
hence his efforts to prove Mr. Boyd's
election. The facts arc that Boyd
ha? no more right to be Kovcrnor of
Nebraska than any other foreign citi
zen, court or no court, and Roscwatcr
knows it.
Ilis Eminence, Cardinal Gibbous,
discues in a masterly article, in the
North American Review for April, the
Subject of 4 Wealth and its Obliga
tion " Hi- paper is the Grst of a cnes
on that subject, to be followed by con
tributions from the Rt- Rev. BNhnp
Potter, of Now York, Hon. Kdwuni J.
Phelps, late Minister to the Court of
St. .lames, the Rt. Hon. Joseph Cham
berlain, M. P. and others:
Boyd is still
gOTcraor, aad tbr
covernment at Lincoln still
and we shall always think if he is
declared governor finally by the
supreme court, that he was not legal tv
elected thereto, and if legally elected
thereto, that he was sot a citizen of
the lniUd jrtxjej wbcsi clceted ac
cording to law.
Miss Zoe Gaytoa has jest com
pleted her trip across the eonnneat o
foot for a wager of $12,0041 It took
herSlSdavs. And still people will
say wosatu have so pluck, bat the
vaany a poor traaip prime! La goae
over' the dlfUscc aad all he got for it
was all the UrantaUr jaie he coatd
stiUow and scarcely taoagh to eat
Before another iii&2 of the Great
Family Weekly is printed, oar eiiiuua
will hare tried the effect of vxytiag h
the Aastnlian ballot sjsic. Wei
believe thai it will a goad 5chec J
the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is
Red Cloud, Webster County,
'Fomuh S upper
Saturday evening the landlord nave
to the business men of Red Cloud
genuine 'possum supper, which 1
genuine 'possum supper, which was,
A.....3 1... atAnft li i - ft vn If Kjill
IIVUUCU UJ IKUUV tllll.j-uiv ... ,
Cloud's business men. At 9 o'clock
wc were ushered into the commodious
B. 4 M. dining hall and were pleas
antly seated to the following elabor
ate courses.
0ter Soup.
Tossum. Bread roll Spccuil J resting.
Cream salad, IjoUiIct salad
Chicken salad.
Cold bwf. Coffee. Coll ham with lemon.
lev cream. Cake. Oranges, ttanatuu.
etc. etc.
After partaking heartily of the good
things that the host and his attentive
attendants provided, Mr. Wiener,
toast waiter, called for toasts whcb
were suitably responded to by the
following gentlemen: M. R. Bcntly,
Henry Cook, T. J. Ward, II. C.
Scott, G. W. Whitson, A. Higby,
B. MeNeny, Ed Smith, II. L. Hop
kins. The party then broke up after
wishing many returns of nucli occas
sions, and at eleven o'clock all were
on their way home.
Each aud all congtatulnting mine
host Cranzc for the able and suc
cessful issue of his supper. Long
live O'Possum.
Committee Exvrclnv.
Uy Jus. A. Garfield Post No. SO.
G. A. R at Old Masonic Hall, Mon
day, April (I. 1S01, at 7:150 p. m.
I. Music America.
1. Prayer.
.'. Song Star Spangled Knuurr.
1. History of the l.nt. M. It.
,"i. Reading the Order and Circular
letter by 1. N. Richardson.
I. Prayer.
Song Marching thro' Georgia.
Addresses from able speakers.
Song Red White and Blue.
An invitation is cordially extended
to the clergy, the press, schools and
the public generally.
On next Tuesday, will b city
election. There are two tickets in
the Geld both headed by old and re
spected citizens of Red Cloud, eiih-r
one of which will make a good mayor
if e'ected. TlIK ClUKK being a re
publican paper, believes that it is the
duty of republicans to stay b the re
publican ticket and elect it. Wc
have no fight to make, and what wc
can do and say will be done for the
ticket of our choice: i. e. the republi
can ticket. The ticket all through, is
a good, clear ticket and the outcotxc
of careful deliberate action on the
part of the republican convention
There is no necessity of factional
fighting or feuds, go ote as you feel
is right, and in so doing wc bclicvo
yu will vote the republican ticket.
The sad intelligence reached this
city on last Friday, that Florence
Rickards, about eight years of ago
eldest daughter of J. N. Rickards,
had suddenly departed this life with
that dreaded disease, diphtheria.
This is a doubly sad blow to Mr.
Rickards, who only one year ago was
called upon to bury his beloved wife,
aud now the little girl. The sympathy
of his many friends in Red Cloud go
out to him in his hour of grief. It is
a terrible blow and none kaow the
pangs of sorrow that such an affliction
easts upon one, who have never been
called to burv their loved ones. The
Chief extends its heanfelt Fvmrathv.
to Mr. Rickards on this occasion.
A. Pickeu & Son., of Hasting-galled
whose local advertisements appear eu to re.icrc n.s sunenng, ana
, . , -ti i j soon he crew delinoas and never re-
elscwhere in The Chief, will have aaicd coo,ciou.ncf tl. rJe4
grand spring opening April and 7,twaT in great agont. Ralph was
in millinerv,
here thcrs will be
shown an elegant line of Parisian Lnown i Red Cloud, haTinc lived j tight f-rt is places aad a it was Tery
bal-S fte. This will be grand af,ir rc "W "" !li. f,Bn?ral " wn 'nfl hcav-T ,l dld " ietl of
.do"rcil?.en.arc ivit5Mo tPce th.5mor,ne at hts fathers res,-, damagr their heidq,artr, JfCB"'.Bnd ,he -5 " n cd ' r e.t to RUe 11,11 tke
in Hastings. Martta ceaaetcrT tn QaiSeld uwb- llUh of last ssonlfe.
' ,t r. ; iip. His friends and parrau have Miat Mabel $kile achool cfeted
Garleld ff.HO.So.14, will holdi JWJ of the cosamanity i. , tff.e2inh with a very plwaat pkmie.
., , . , , their bereaTemeiii. 'She changed the old tissc wora cs-
mcmon.l semee In honor of the late - ,, . M of .. lcf papj!, appIef
General W. T. Sherman and admirable Milt Master, fomterlj icanaging'and ucdy, aa-J made it omagra aad
D. D. Porter on Saturday, April 4th, editor of the Red Cload Republican, candy much to thr delight tf tie lit
frosa two to three o'clock p &. in nd now bast boss aaafer of the jUe folks, irk- give the b-i f sat
K of P. hail over Red Cload ,V ) Beatrice Kxpress, was in the eity tfei'iifaet!B and will tarh at l!i sajaie
ttonai Rank. Comrades of the G A. Iking hale and hearty. 'place thta?ri. Manitoba.
R. an) rx-aldirr S. of V are in- sssssSJSMsasssMsssssssssjSMsasssssassssssssssssssssssssssssssss
vtud to b. present Scrrices to b-
.. ....... .1! . . Wl- I
Onr friend, Aaron CcfcOTer, the'
handsosse B. 4c M station agent, and
his newly wedded bride, hart arrived
is thp cty, and are don?iIcd )n Jc
CnnoverV rciden.e o cVmih iieward '
street Thk Chikf it pleaded to not-J
their arrival, and extends its feeirtv'
cengratmlatkns to the newlv wedded
v. Paa
few days
Dr. DtBcrell will go io Liae&la is
cm. bnine&s.
Neb., Friday, April 3,
W. C. T. U. CohvchUch.
The fourth annual convention of
.the eighth district W. C. T. U. waa
,e j iu ,he Kaptist church of J
(;ouj vcb., March 17, 18, 1S91.
The convention opened by a meet-I
ing oi me executive committee, xucs
day morning.
Devotional exercises, led by Mrs.
Randolph. At 2:30 o'clock the regu
lar business of the convention began
by appointing committees on credent
ials, resolutions and plans of work.
Then followed reports of local Anions
in Phelps, Franklin, Kearney, Adams
Harlan and Webster couutics. Re
port of loyal legions, and addresses to
children by Nrs. Landers, and Mrs.
Devotional exercises, music, address
of Welcome by Rev. Taggart aud by
Jirs. Biakcfield Pres. of theW.C.T.U.
of Webster county. Responses by
Mrs. Latferty of Alma, Mrs. Darland
of Kcncsaw. Annual address of Mrs.
Harrison, Pres. Address by Mrs.
Hitchcock State Pres. Collection
and benediction.
Reading of minutes, Report of cor
responding secretary and treasurer,
Reports of superintendents of uepart
ments, Election of officers, which re
sulted as follows. President Mrs.
Harrison of Franklin, corresponding
secretary Mrs. Hart cf Franklin, Re
cording secretary, Mrs. Hamilton of
Hloomingtoii, treasurer Mrs. Hazlet
of Kcncsaw.
The gentlemen in the convention
were treated with the greatest cour
tesy, but were not allowed to vote.
Report of committees Demotest
medal work by Mrs. C. L Jones of
Hastings. Report of Vs. Question
Devotional exercises Music, reci
tation Am I lay borther's keeper
Alice Remsberg aud 'The prophecy'
by Berth a Hi own
Address Mrs. M. A. Hitchcock.
Singing God be with you till we
meet again.
Benediction. Adjourned to meet
at Hastings next March.
We report the convention one or
the most profitable and interesting for
the work of the W. C. T. U. ever
held in Red Cloud. Wo feel wc have
been greatly benefitted and encourag
ed to persevere in the great work of
temperance reform.
The following resolutions among
others were adopted
Hesolved, that we deem it the im
per.iiive duty of each member of the
W. C. T V. to use their inllueiicc
in tdo circulation of temperance pa
pers suu-h 2s the rnlou Signal, Union
vVorkcr, New Republic, Lincoln Daily
Call, The Voice and Lever, besides
our local temperance papers, and
against every paper carrying in its
column an advertisement for, or us
ing its influence for the traffic.
Resolved, that wc extend our heart
felt thaukti aad appreciation to the
reception committee of the Rrd Cloud
W. C. T. l, to the citizens who have
so generously opened their door for
our entertainment, and t the manag
ers of the street railway for favors al
so t our honored State President,
Mrs. M. A. Hitchcock who is present
with us, for her assistance and earn
est helpful words.
Amanda M. Laffertt,
M . E. Randolph,
Miss Holusteh.
f . .- f f . T
cit this o trr.
If you buy $5 worth of
goods of C. Wiener for cash
and present this slip you will
reccivu in return 25 cents. Not
good after July 1st, 1391.
A ftmldcsi Death.
Ralph Jadd, oldest son or M. C
Judd, of this city, died very suddenly
this week, afttr an illness of less than
- S hours. I
He bid been quite well up
to Tuesday poon, when he went homo
with an e.r ache. A physician wi
but no help could be adsalnis-
about nineteen rear old and was well J
Rjgaastaf a&n
the Price of The Chief.
Read our new advertisements.
Wanted, butter and eggs at J. S.
All the latest styles and new colors
in spring wraps at R. M. Martin 6
There will be services at the Catho
lic church next Sunday at 10:30 a. m.
Miss Rose Emigh has been iuile
sick with LaGnppe for more than a
Oscar Patmor his returned from
Kansas where he reports having gone
rabbit hunting.
Maude Knight oi Inavale, was vis
iting in the city this week, the guest
of Miss Gertie Pond.
Wc mean business and will under
sell any dry goods house in the coun
ty. Call and be convinced. R. M.
Martin & Son.
Mrs. Wm. Flhorcs, RobU Harris,
Otto Stockc, and Joseph Rrnn.-tt
have added their names to the G. F
W. this week.
If you want good job work, don't
fail to call at Till: CHIEF office. We
guarantee everything we do and
charge all alike.
Mens suits strong and sightly can
be bought at Wiener'sat $2.75 worth
$11.50 and from that up, bargains in
all grades of gsods bought this season.
Anyone having lands to sell, or
trade for Red Cloud, Lincoln or Oma
ha property or merchandise call at
once on Kai.ev t Baiikeu.
John (I. Potter was quite sick this
ucck. He started for Hastings last
week during the heavy snow and got
caught between stations and had to
remain in the cold for two days.
A. Pickens & Son of Hasting show
most superb line of carpets, art
ecjuarcs, and Smyrna rugs this spring
also an elegant line of curtains con
sisting of silk and cheiulc Krtictcs,
lace goods in renaissance, Brust-ls
net, Nottingham Turkish moire, etc.
Jet quotation of prices on any of
above lines and wc will guarantee to
fell you at lower prices and give you
standard qualities and braads.
Anyone visiting Hastings arc cor
dially invited to examine the im
mense stock of dry goods, carpels and
millinc-y shown by A. Pickens A Son
this season. The assortment is as
fine an an) thing west of Chicago and
wc most emphatically assert that our
prices are much lower than can be
found either in Omaha or Lincoln.
Call and sec us and wc wHl make
special prices in silki and patterns.
Our stock of wah dress goods, spring
jackets and tabic linens arc uncqualcd
in the state.
Some fifteen or twenty days ago,
two boys of Osborne county, Kansas,
niraed respectively Elliot and Daw
ley, left their heme in that place,
taking two ponies and started for
Columbus, Nebraska. Their parents,
ho are quite well-to-do soon followed
in search of tinm and came to Red
Cloud, where they lost track of the
wayward children, but they concluded
to hire a rig of Frank Kuchn, and af
ter being gone ten day. found the
boys at Columbus and returned with
tbem. In the meantime the hoys
sold their ponies for a little of noth
ing and took the cars for Columbus,
and when they stepped off of the
train they landed in the arms of their
parents. The lads have probably
learned a lesson that tbey will not
soon forget.
Wlllaar Creek.
Mrs. Adamson was nutaBOned is
haste to her old hosae is
lllioois to the bed aide of her aged
father who is s'owly passing to the
great beyond.
Mrs. George Latu was riiitisg on
the Crrek Tuesday.
Mrs. Bruner's baby ha been Tery
sick but in ome better at this time
Charley Jackton has a child very
sick with diphtheria.
Chrlry iJrubaker haJ a hore get
very bd!v cut oa a barbed wire
Sam Hrubcr threshed thtrty-foar
bushels of clover seed fat week.
iucc thoc items btgan we haTc
had the Kiot dis.:roui snow Morm
of the season- The now drifted
U. S Ct lapttt, Aaf. 7. H
Still on Top!
Goden Eagle
An Immense Stock of Shirts, Underwear,
Neckwear and 1 Iosiery.
An Immense Stock of I Iats and Caps, New
and Fashionable,
An Immense Stock of Men's and Hoy's Boots
and Shoes.
An Immense Stock of Trunks and Valises
await your inspection.
Prices and Quality Guaranteed!
You arc invited to call.
Last but not least, we carry a big stock" of
all kinds of Woolens to be cut and made up by
us into first-class Suit, Pants, &d, by first
class workmen.
The Temple or I'liiur.
The entertainment undtr the aborr
name and given by the la Jt of tho
Congregational church, at the opra
hou.ic, Thurxday evening, April -,
was a grand nuccrsj in ecry a titu
lar and highly -pprccuted by the aud
ience. The vanou partu were car
ried out to perfection and deserve
more than passing comment but owing
to the lateness of the hour, and so
close to time of going to preM we arc
unable to git? more than a brief no
tice. In part wc wi! tnruti. n that
Mrs, Partington and Iko brought
down the Iioum in tlxir rvitneal nia
neuvcrn, aluo Topy kept thr houc in
an uproar. Josiah Alien a ifc and
Uridgct O'Flanagan did thcmtelres
all over with glory. Miriam by Ad
dic Reiglc and six little maids was
highly appreciated. Joe Warren aod
Clarence Winters a pages could not
be excelled. Mim Mabel Martin wan
the Goddess and did her part tplvnd
idly. The costumes were all made ap
in an appropriate manner and the
singing was delightful, in fact itwu
a complete success, and each charac
ter fully delineated The orchestra
composed of Mim Campbell clai oi
bovs farnihrd - in" excellent msne
We. give bdow a complewr program a
rendered on the veajtnn
Jfeusnv of tb r!i. - j HxtJ Mnfa
Mart WjMbJojVKi
K. It Vmnr
Muj xa ot NTt
Eotaa Mtt. .
ou Autkexij
trr ot Cliartt jr
I rvl Pta.Ui nirt.y
KlU UinSi. tt44 fi-rrlt
I Vtrr Ctlt. Fae fc Ui
Onwe UuWut Hwrtr
J-a3T I km yt 1ti
Kn.hitiartaM4ltr ie tUr l
Gra4 b Urt44 K It J
scOrrGoaw ... . J w. Wrn!
(iail HaMBSfMi .... Har-Ai tgo
tnct Kfio .. r-atii tv9i
ItarrwiHw titer fum MruCwrn
mwVf tt 44', Currts &-.!
rvwt a:ts I
Csuvsf M taUaat.
The annsa! saeetlfi of tJbe twn
ship cf Garfeld, wil! W held April
7th, at tie Kent s'tJ Lsow. All
Toter rs renHd n a.iid
Jo3f Easutzx, Clert.
Undtrtahlng by V. Taybr who
has had y.a f prxct!l expense
ia the seientife ore of tfee d-vJ and
X4 trtter ttftti thas err Ut
dset the hsiatM in all t traache
Itch est Jtnnaaa aedt htm a.I tH ami
sank enrad ix 30 ssxsste br T.'ofiT .
SnaisarrUsUan. ThiamrrerfalU. Srtl
by Ll IL Drrs. JracfM,! CkA. I
Vol.18. No. 36.
Clothing House,
Am inittjeiise stock of
Mens, Hoys'
and Children's
Clotninjj !
. -- --- .--. .t. . .
.? f .'.. JilS. T3Vr -V,
m ' '. jl. ytmmtmamm
I'or n.ii.i: by v. fM arrriMi
The chsutauqua circle will aacrt
with Mr. and Mm. C. I. CoUjn
Monday April ii. 1831.
r'iB,M Jii wxxa;.
Music Iuct by Mefi. Albright
and Cottiog.
Roll call Giv quoUtioaa in rt
gard to Prof. Winch!!.
Question on cbnrch Mrs. Dnay.
Qutvtioa on geoly Mm tiitttrt.
Rosnd tabic- PbenoaneBa ef tslea
noes and earthqaaket.
Malc VpT Hymns,
Rall-eall A Krenchnsan meslUatd
in first tir ebapur.
T;oiart asd fan eoaUnipsrarle -
jJr. naracr.
Paper Men a ta in irctrc and
fornsau'oa 'Mabel Marks,
Qqettion on nAtrzj Mn. Kalej.
4rn vttx.
V&r Hysao.
RoU-caU -GJr ibe fmatios of
owe r"eotiJ pfoiwen.
Dvtr ripttTv pirn D?wn in a awise
C W. Kaley.
Au!h--Hw !t itxiiy U P
Qirtto n Petsrh MIs Km-.
Hn.ic oi ly C U Ouia.
Kattllsn)r s4 istelHfrnt ara of
thc-dead a spruit by Cxa4 A C.
who earrr a fnil Is a? ol & .&
ckefj. roh?., cte . and a fnJIy ftt-
?rr i UKr enafc ot isneral tn
U. etir and eeg&try At Taylor old
Urn la Tfnrssarfs
lie has the isrt lite f Utv
rrtr fwa In the ty. IU has tia
4Wd Garlaad cak ad krtUrt.
and a fall ha of other rqaaJly m
pd. Hardware at the vary Urwttl
Jtmrre fr e4ih. Vo nt itmj tvstt
or hardaare et3 ys se ax. Oftr bhx Wetftrr stnwHL
K . Tay'or has fctratJj hmt1
nisstsckof farntlsre. rnt, ?
tatasAe and W9s t W nn4ar &.
rail uim hint-
W nan aK3th y- hr enr Um
nris4 99 window rneUiai and wall
fftr, C L. CUiat;,
tyrmt Vfihit N V-,
.B&as sssrsm am sbbbw
laLrrv .uL