BsaCT :. W'vV " es- " - najtuHJatfiH ! i'w,a,.lltJB,t.,w,. ---- - ifta 'jjr5gg :ifr"itf ttaiwrass. THE IUTDAL Life Insurance Co. of Met Toil RICHARD A. McCURDY, Pmskxnt. IUtlMKttetk7MreailBr3MMkrn,llM JL$$rt, $147,184,991 99 Mm ob Policies at 4 , liaallltlM etker taaa Itterf a. Sands, BecdBtafre all warm, - Farea?i to reikr-llr, BUktaanmcd, 4t,16B salldta, Bkks la force, tU,Ut fUdf, W.tttN ,tftl,SS 4,t;ft.?:fl tt l,t;t,t 1M,M2.( aft tM,tfl,Mt fl 9- 1ME ASSET! All IIVEtTU At flltlWst Seal Estate aaBM4 A lartfata -........ Ualted WaUa Basia aa atfctr fScesrltlM, - - - - H,Sll,Jl leases CsUaiaralSacsrUlet, , 0 Cash (a Tsaakiaal Tract Caaiaaalaf .,-.., at laterect, - - - - ,, 1 M latrmt arenas', Fraaluo -Wftr- red, etc, - fl4T,UI,M1 TC I hava earefally eaaaaiaad the forefolaf auutacat Frost the Surplus abore Metea' a aitMead will ac apportioned aeatoaL Tie aaaUaaa for IStf atom IgCBEaftK r.rr Ikat f lS8t, a Mtoa laAaartt, M, 7:3,68 15 laBeeerTeeareUcictaUSarflae, lt,s:..9.l at la Bert lata, ----- ,HiVJ9 "7 ;n riyauaU t FatkydatUan, I,;7:,ft t: a i:ik !, M" rtieUa, o.a-s.-w ?- . rUklBfrea,S,74Csellrif, ".' W. F. AIAEW, General Argent Nebraska, .artlt and South Dakota, WjrB-lI and Ulan, Omitlia, - - Ii'ebraaka. THE CHIEF. Friday, March 30, ltl. I'ntereil :it tie. Tost Olllrn In Kcl llniid. Nf'i., as mall matter of Ihe aecond rlatt ELECTRIC SPARKS. J. A. Lopciuan is in tlie city Go to J. S. 1'arkcs for groceries of nil kinds Clias. Scliaffnit is cIerkiiir for Vona Bros. & Co. Watch for It. M. Martin & Son's ad next week. When you buy spectacle, get the best at Deyo fl. Arc you going to paint? If bo get prices at Deyo . Condition powders of all kind at Deyo's drug store. Uran and Shorls at C. M. Myer's Hour and feed store. tf A splendid line of Spring Jackets at It. M. Martin & Sous. There is to he : mvw brass bund or ganized in Hed Cloud soon Collin:: has the finest and largest stock ofw.ill paper in town. The backbone of winter is about broken. We are glad of it. The diVlrict W. C. T. l are in sosion in this eity this week. Lew Vance has moved his jewelry store to the Kenney building. Losi: A large sum of money, by not buying wall paper of Deyo, Haven's, horse, cattle and poultry food nlwas in stock at Cuttings. The U. T. Davis winter wheat flour at .Alters feed store, Red Cloud, tf Look -tint for the "Temple of Fame" at the Congregational church April The Sunday .school convention met yctenlay and completed its efforts to day. """ Chris Fas.-lrr is hofne from the east where he has been for four or five weeks. If you want a warranted pocket knife for a little money Call on Cotting. lcyo is selling goods just the same if it is hard times Low prices is what knocks. For new and stylish dies goods, wraps and millinery call on It. M. Mai tin & Son. The finest parlor suits west of Chi cago for $25. Special bargain. See Cozad & Co's. All wool Hcncriettts, Hrilliantines, Flannels greatly reduced in pricci at Mrs. F. Ncwhoubc's. Remember Wiener carries a itook of shoes, and that he will nndtraell any one in that line. Corn, oats, chopped feed, bran, oil ' cake, &c. at the Corner Feed Store, opposite Miner Bros. Paint up your buggy before spring with the best buggy paint il the world, which Deyo sella. Talking about pant Wieners, is selling a good strong article at 75 cts. to $l.f0 worth from $1 to $2. Wiener i offering a big bargain in plow shoes at prices ranging from 75 cents to $1.25 worth from $1 to 12, Dr. Warners' corsets in every style and site, also Di. Warners' misses and children waists, at Mrs. F. Xewhoase. All girls wanting situations, and all families wanting help, leave yoar mines at Bradbrook's Gallery, Moon block. tf Amos Cowden was thrown from a horse the other night and seriously hurt. The horse slipped on the street ear traek. John Davis of Ked Willow Conuty stopped with O. 0. Teel Wednesday night, and left for Cowles Tharaday morning. Wiener has received his new stock of hats, good wool hats at 25cts. Also the latest styles or spring hats in every grade. In another place in today's paper will be found an article taken from the Omaha Bee, which severely criticise W. S. Garter, a member of the state board of transportation, for taking sides with the railroad company in tke matter of waxiumw rates. nrMSBaking r 'oeftwden TOWN TALK. St. Patrick's day was duly celebra ted in lted Cloud. The day was very pleasant up to evening when the weather changed and a rain set in which finally culminated in colder weather. Mrs F. Newhonsc has j:t reru:vl a Urge assortment of corsr is naies, misset-, a Hid chtMrcn'.o waist of all si-, white trimi-ns which she will sell at price lwei than the lowest. Wanted GenerVSpecJ:l and LoC ajents, at all the principal cit:cs of Nebraska, for life and cc ident in suranc. Good pav and easv to work Address A. P. IIowaH. 212 South 17th street, Lincoln, Neb. C. VV icner has just returned from the east, where he has used ver effort known to him in his long ex perience as a merchant to buy goods cheap so as to help those needing any ..nswltf in hi line to obtain them at hard time prices. Notice. Sanford and Hadley are uow pre pared to dig your trenches, water ways, cellars &c. on short notice and prices reasonable, t - Take Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will call at once and settle as I must collect what is due me at once. I can be found at my tld quarters for a few days. Geo. W. Lindsey. Wkea Baby waa alck, we save her CaetorU. Wlwa alw waa a Cbild, ahe cried f or Caatoria. Whea aae became Mka, ahe clHBg to Caatoria. Wbea ate kd Children, ebe raw tbeaaCaatorla, Red Cleud (iun and Repair Shop, E A Young, Prop. Makes a specialty of repairing guns, sewing machinf-s, wrinirers, paraEols, umbrellas, bicycles, gasoline stoves, tin ware, marble tools, scissors, knives, lawn mowers, etc, and in fact everything that can be repaired. Satisfaction guaianlccd. l'arties wishiiiL' to bu 7 new or scco nd hand gnns and sewing machine repairs will savo money by callinn on the shop op posite Chicago Lumber Co. at sign of the BigGuu. No diploma is required to nnrse a re aentment. cooaipaton,blood-polaon, lever! Doc torbilln cost about two hundred dollars; De Witt's Little Early Risem coat a quar ter. Take your choice. For sale by c. v cotting. Few men succeed who strive to get "a head." D Witt's Little Early Risers never griiie or eaaio nausea Mild but aure, aMist ralher than force. Pest Ijttlepill for chronic constipation. Sold by c.i cotting. Never judgo of n mnn's mind by the length ot time it takes him to mnko it .up. It Is all the fashion to tnke.De Witt's Little Errly Riuerji for liver, and bowel disorders. They re small pills, but mighty cood opr,s. c. v. cottjog sells them. Ketumed love letters may T classed under the head of rejected manuscript. De Witt'aSarsaparillapurafis the blood increaes the circulation, and builds up the iiyntem. De Witt's Sarsrparilla is reli ble Sold by C. L. Cotting. 1 ho wages of sin nro paid more promptly thnn tho minister's Balnry. Very popular, very small, very good. De Witt's Little Early Risers, tho pill for constipation, biliousness, sick htadache. For snlo by C. L. cotting, Druggist. The debt of nature is one that a man always jiays ns ho goes. A beautiful akin, good appetite, pure blood and good health result from the use of De Witt'a Sarsapnrilla. Bold by c. i. cotting. Blows aro not always exchanged when you strike an acquaintance. Catarrh, rheumatism, nud most diseases originate from impure blocd. Cleanse it with De Witt's Sarsaparilla Sold by o. L cotting. Pension Attorney Porter of .this city hns again been doing good work, by lately procuring n handsome pension for Abraham Cinrber of Guido Kook, nnil back arrearages, nlso a pension for Abrain Kaley of this city, therby increas ing tho money circulation in the vicin ity. Purifies tho blood, expels poisonous humors aud builds up tho system. What more do you want a medicino to perform? DeWitt'a Sarsaparilla is reliable. For sale by C. L. Cotting. Brought to light An after dinner cigar. Remarkable Rcacae. Mrs.Micheal curtnin Flainfield, III-, makes the statement that she caught cold which settled on her longs; she was treat ed for a month by her family physician but sjfw worse. He told her she waa a hopless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her drug gist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; aho bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefit ed from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself aound and well. Free trial bottles ot this Great Discovery at L. 11. Deyo's Drug Store, large bottles 50c and $1.00 2 - - Iter. Geo. S. Davis A. M., the newly appointed Superintendent of our Bnlgaria mission, is making rapid preparation for departure to his new fcld of labour. lie expects to start from Omaha on Monday tire ISth insL, reaching New York a few days later, stopping on the way to visit his parents in Michig. At the preachers meeting on Monday ar rangcwens were made to give, him and his family a farewell reception, which will take plaee at First Charch, Omaha, Snnday at 3:30 p. m , Bishop Ntwman making the principal ad dress, followed by others. The peo ple -t I'nirertitv Place aud Ltucoln will u uder them a like reception. Bro. Davss realizes the responsibility of the position to which he has keen filet and will do his besv to measnre p to the great work before htm. AdToeato. HLfe& 1 7 I y ' rj'MOTHER'CrllLD I - - J . -T0M0THCIV- 14 Sotoat avu fnitto rmn. , QVGClStt. 1 5Udf icVXi22ilTon 1 OR SALE BY C. L. COTTIXCJ A Cieod Joke. Tin bo.i: ot llJc. iMirs f W c f.t i couiry Is-s i.cs veil to api ly f m rcJicl for !u"ilu'.e latiiicis the count,. W . N. Na.-ou .f the re lief cuuiurs-H.n was in lted Cloud re .ently invotig.ting W ebster citint.'B financial staining, lie found (hat the eeunty had $85,000 in buk aud an indebtedness or $00,000 leaving $25,000 to the cie-iit of the county. In the banks f Bed Cloud there is on d pusit $95,000 an average of $330 to "ach individual depositor. This averiitri. Mr. Nason sas. i? three times larger than tht of the dip hilars in Omaha banks. Con-grr-siiiiiii Mclveighan, whose home is in lieu Willow, exerted his influence to prevent the county from .applying for relief, but was unsuccessful. Omaha Republican. - Sr: idren Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. II! - ' ' - The Mutual Life lnsuracc Com pany, since its organization in 1843, has paid to U policy-holders $304, 555,148.25. The wonderful growth of the Company is due in a lare de gree to the freedom from restriction and irksome conuitious in mc con tract and to the opportunt'es for in vestment which are offered in addi tion to idemnity in case of death. The Mutual Life was the first to practically undertake the simplifica tion of tjie insurance contract and strip it of a verbiage in the mazes of which could be found innumerable re fugCH against cl lims of policyholders who had, however unwittingly, de parted fn-m iIih strict letter of the agreement. That appealed powerfully to the popular taste is evident from the fact that in 1800 the Company wrote over $100,000,000 of new in surance. To Young Mother who are for the 1rt time to undergo woman's .severest trial, ,u oftur you. nottliesiupnr caused by rlilnriifnriii. wlui risk or dentli tor Yourself or your ilearly-Iovwl ami longed-for otl-siirliiK. luit "Mother's Frlfiwl," u remedy which will. If used aa directed. Invariably al Icvlat 5 the na Ins. horrors and risk of labor, and often entirely do way with them. Hold by all dniKXlts. -'-a3 I HaveTakewBeveral. bottles of IlraiMcld's Female KeuIator for fat lliiK of the womb and other diseases combluetl. of 15 years standim;, and I really believe I am riircd eiitirelj-, fr which pleasn accept my hanks. Mi-s. W. K. SraimtJis. Uide, Ca. Alaska the farther of this country. A really uharp man grind. seldom finds life a Mllca Nerve and Liver Pills. Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach aud bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' pills speedily euro bilousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Un equaled for men, women, children. Small est, mildest snreatj ) doses, 25 cts The optician lBtbp eyo-daal trades man." The Secret r Success. C. L. Cotting drngglst, believes that the secret of suueewi Is perseverance. Therefore ho persists In keeping the finest line of perfumeries, and to let articles, drugs and chemicals on the market. He especially invites all persons who have palpitnton. short breath, pain in side or shoulder, dropsy heart disease, to try Dr. Ribs' unequaled New Heart Cure, before it is too late. It hns the largest sale of any similar remedy. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is unsurpassed for sleeplessness, hendache, etc., and it contains no opiates. ." Children Cry for Pitcher's Cettorla. New Croccry Store. J. S. Parkes has opened a new gro cery store in his building near The Chief office, and proposes to sell groceries, canned fruis, etc., cheaper than any one in Red Cloud. Call and see him. "Children Cry for .. r r'a Castorla. Safe laauraace. For a solid and safe investment see ihe contract given by th National Life Insurance Company of Montpel- icr, Vt. A. S. Marsh, Special State Agent. FOR HARDWARE STOTE9 Go to Morhart's. He has the finest line of stoves ever seen in tho eity. He has the celebrated Garland cook and heaters, and a full line of others equally as good. Hardware at the very lowest f gures for cash. Do not buy stoves or hardware nntil yon sec me. Opera honse block. Webster street. i Notice to Teachers. Notire is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each month. D. M. Huntxb, Coanty Supt." Life fGeaeral She Ko literary aanoaneement of the year is of greater interact to the general ablie than of a comprehensive Life of General Shaman, which is about in be --mUmM art told tkroagh agaata by the BoM bowm of labbarJ Brotaars, PHfladafrlm: Admirable biographies of Oranl-ajMt Sheridan, complete to the time of their death, are already famttiar te the pnMie, bat a life ef the third great commander, totniah the aeriaa,. has been lacking. Thevarieaw Mytimfhiia of Sherman hitherto waMahei tawn. nareaaarfly ben ineoaa4to;aa4leTnht awa mamerica, writtoa in 1875, aaM almeit awtaiag of his iateaaly Utereaianf early Wa, and not a watdof eeataa. of tka aaora than twanty years ef samal aetivity aa4 far ternity with oMeeauaaan acnaatlMwar. The work whieh k ante h iaawrt wiM aytwdiiBy anpaly tho wlaalj faU de fer n hieeary ef tee great etraageUc It is eeamt written by Walia Jeeawea, whoaa anility nan aaateriania famBiar to tee ruiimi anllii ef tkreegh his farmer eamally weka,whiak nave had mBaomief the aaleaoftaeir vaai eeitieaw ea- n arntr ef -eak aceato: be is HajGen. au, Beemni, a sua ef literary attainment, who knew better than any ether of hia new Imag, aaJ ranked nest net one to hi- in the army. The tear, kifteryef Saevaana, the met ef lee greet O anemia, wwi aaraeea aM eekara aa aepaenrity mnet U tAB0rlL-5SW5rAUf. Xcm-Reileat .tlce. K. Cechraar, plalBtlfl. N'nnh n. Tliutuas v It I bom is. 1 WeiiiUnt, j in tin1 wY lumeu Man h. Tnwam nu JrfforMMi ii. 'I lionia.4. yon ami vevt at you arr be etiv notlSiil that on tue tali day of t-ebru- i I urv. Isc'l. Curhmne a Maln'tB niei tin jh-u ' tlnn vir-jnkt Ton III Ihf offlrf of till- rlrrk ot int j ill .int-1 -"iirtf WeiMitrr county. -N'eti a.ka.lic ulijif ainl ,rar il wmcii a' "orvCivr n iini'ir s- ctjttl by uu Jointly iumM p'nln- v,,, "-torttiernot nt-ltot.inrjinlanwr JCl 1 I 1II"I' Oil IT IPT'r 'M'llM MI! I4II tl.,,1 of .mII. lai. iri!ieni,rtsioi- Uurtin will iw i tn fi..! i nir'i'M'il hy joii to " tnia'iil :ecrc im-IiTi il aralnvt ymi accordinjtlv r-.TO:ili:AXK Bvi; lc.riiauey. Hii Attoniey. 3i-tt j otlce or Chattel Sale. Rortgxtge Wleren. on the 9th ilay of Mrch, 11. ler klnsi rotter ezecutou thelrcertain pn'tnI'Miry , untet'SK)ra i. llent for The sum of thirty-, nine doIU s. due one ilayafter dat. and to te cure tli-puiyntenl of tlie.s;tme the caitl Perkins fi Totter at tlie same time made, exertiteu anil a a. ... ... J .. fl . Af ..... ' ae.iverra u eorj:e i . ivciu.a cimun mortcBo on Ihejoilowmt dM:rlled pro'HTty tnwlt: All that stock of hardware. .tvrs. tin mirecntlrn'and kix1s, wares and merchiiiiilise of every name, nature and deseriptln now In tnecitTofX"" .-... , "... -. . . - . . WOlsaim nxiures in saiu .siore rwra. nam mortKase Is tiled In theofUre of the rnutity J clerk of wehster county. Nebraska, and wh-r-' H.sdefRUlt luis been madr In the icivmeut of i said nole -ud p N of TJieMine haviits twen , jiald aud b-rrfiLs; of the failure to ay said note the onilitioiiH ot :iid iiiuitirnu have Urn brnk- j en. rherels now diieo'i ibl Kotc ;md nmrl ' g::e Inmi .aid IVrklns . !ter l said Ot-ore I'. Kent the sum of . with Interest , itt ten 1" rent per annum from Mareh !'. ItSU. Now thriefnrc. not'.-e Is tftien that on j .Mi.tidav. jiril I5lh. ls.d. nt the hour of twii) nVliH-kti. in. ii the city of lted .'loud Nebnts-j kit. nt tne Ihe ston- room fuimerly occiiiiii-d by said Perkins f: Totter, vu -hall irtK-esI to -ell ; ,-aiil I 11.1. ici UUri icsvriiim' 111 miii , i.i.i.-i mnrtpiKe or enough thereof to pay the tnnount d lie on .sitid note aud tlie ro-ts of takinc, stor iitir. :uIver(I.-liiK and sclllns said nruiMTty. Dateil lted .'loud, Nebraska, Mrcli is. ikji. E(.. T. Hk.nt. By Case & McXe..y. 3J-3W His Attorneys. .ollceof Chattel Itlortcngc Kale. Whereas on the 0th day of .March. 1S31. 1'er kln& Totter executetl their oertiin promts vir" note to Jacob llai-h for Ihe Mini of 6.8J, Mid note falling due o!ie day alt-r date and to secure the payment of the stiiuv. Ihe said Terkius it Totter at the: same lime made, exe cuteil ami delhered to the said Jacob llaish. a chattel iiinrtgap on the follow in; de-vctitieil iiersonal property towlt: Ail that stink of hardware, stoves, tinware, rutler nod k'xmIs, wres and iiierchnndiu of every name, nature and description now in tlie store room occu tiied by Teikins & Totter in the city of Ked Cloud. Nebraska. al-) all tools, machi nery fixtures, safe, screw cases, desk and f urnl turo In slid More room, nlso all book accounts aud credits of said Unit. Said morti'e is Hied in the oniee of the county clers of Webster county, Ncbraska.and whereas defai.T has been made In the payment of said note, nart of the same lmvliu: been paid ard because of the 'ailure to pay said note, the conditions of i s:iid inortan'-. n;iye been proKt'ii. inure u now due on salil nrie .mid inortu'K'n from sal I Perkins & Tottor to said Jacob HaUli the sum ofSGTO.'Cl with Interest nt ten per cent lvr fiiiiiiiiii ?rnm Xtni-fli l 1h!II. ViiU tlii'irt. fort, nntlri" l lfiven that on .Motnbtv the Utli ilav ot April, Itfd, at the hour ot two o'clock n. m. 'in tlie ci'y of lted Clou '. Nebraska, nt the store riMim formerly occupied bv- said IVrkius & Potter wo shall proceed to seil s:iid chattel projiertvl said chattel mortnue ileserlbed or etiouph thereof to iav the amount due on said note utul the costs ol taking, ailvortlvn a d sailing said property. Dated Ked Cloud, Nebm tn, M.irrli Is. Iffll. J.( illAISII, IyCase& McNeny. Ills- Attorues. ?-3w Xollcf fo Ul-Ht,lt'iilt. In the district court of Wobstir y-uinty, Ne- bmskti. David Paul ) vs K. WrlKld, I Allco WriKbt. f David Francis and i Fruncis. J The defendants, Iiieu K. Wiiplit and Alice Wright, non-residents, you arc herey noti fied Hint 011 theluth ilav of.Miircli. 1-Jl. Ihe above named plaintifT tiled in the otllce of the i.lnrL- .if llwxllktrli't l-lllirt llf vlllll fnlllltV ll'. In- tltionairaliist you aud Mir othnr defeiidaut-. theobject nud praer of which aie to foiclosea j certain iiiorisrace executed by iiuln.-aid plaln- tinouiueiiiu ua 01 ucioim-i', isi. upon uie following real ehtati In Webster county. Ne braska. tow it: llelnniii" at tlie north east comer of t.'ie. south-east ipiarter of M-ctbui thirty-three, town iliree, In ratine ten, west; thence west alo:u; ihe north line of said section to laud granted to Ihe II ft M. Kal ro;iil (VimpJiny in Netinistni.thcnw iiIoiik east boiiu- lnr of HJild coiiikiu's land to a Kiiiit enough soutli to Include thirty acres of land. thence east ami pnntlell with north Vim of said section to east line of said section, thence north alone east Hue to place of In-ginning con - taYouaro,reViIlre5',iii ansuur sa pcti" m.ii on orbefon? Monday the ij'h d;iy pf May. isot, i"f.. vol .. ' or nciore .Mouuay uie iioay pi aiay. isui, and that If you fail to appearand answer theal- leuntlous of said jotltioi, will he tnken aspon- fessedbyyoutohelniu. li.w in TAtu UyC. K. ciianuy, Il! Attorney. iii-ai Xotlee of Chattel Itlorf fc'HUt Sale . Wberons on tho Dtli day of March. 18111, Perkins & 1'ottor executed their certain promissory noto to Dolen tt...... curutiu iii'iiiiKMii 3 imw) iu iuiuii i 'mi.. Jc Comnany, for the sum of $77.11 duo one day after date, and to secure the payment of tne same, tno sanl l'erKins it Potter nt tho snmo time, made, ex ecutetl nnd delivered tf thp Polan Drun it Compaq, a cbnttol mortgage on tho following described personid property to wit, nil that stock of hard wnre, stoves, tinwnre, cutlery nnd ! wares nnd mercbnndiKo of every name, nature, nnd description now in tho store room occupied by Perkins it Potter in tho city of Red Cloud, Xebrnskn. and nlso nil tools nnd fixtures in said store room. Said niortgago is tiled in the ofTtco of the county clerk of Webster county, Nebraska. And whereas defnult has been made in the payment of nald note, no part or the same having been paid, nnd bocmso of the failure to pay said note, tho con ditions of said mortgago hayo been broken; there is now due on said noto and mortgage from said Perkins it Potter to said Dolon Dmry it Company, tho sum of $n.ll with interest nt lo jer cent per annum, from March Htb, 181)1, now therefore notico is given, that on Monday, April, Kith. 1SU1, at the hour of two o'clock p. ra., in the city of Red Cloud, Nebraskn, at the store room formerly occupied by said Perkins & Potter, wo shall proceed to sell said chattel property described in said chattel mortgage, or enough there of to pay tho amount due, on 6nid note and tho" costs of tnkinjr, storinp, adver tising, and selling said nrojerty. Dated Red Cloud, Nebraska, Ma-xh, 18th, 1891. Dourc it Dkcby, By Cask it McNrctr, Their Attorneys. Xotlee ol Chattel Xorfffttjcc Kale Whereas on the 9th day of March, 1891, Perkina & Potter executed their certain promissory note to Tho Ohio Valley Foundry Company, for the sum of 3$,4C said note falling due one day after date, and to secure the payment of the same the said Perkins nnd Potter, at the same time, made, executed, and delivered to the said Ohio Valley Foundry-.Canapany, n chattel mortgage on the' ing deecribed personal property-toant, all that stock of hard ware, atovea, tinware, cutlery and goods wares and merchandise of uvery name, nature and description now in the store room occupied bv Perkins & Potter in the city of Ked Cloud, Nebraska; and also all tools and tixturea in said store room. Said mortgage is filed in the office of the county clerk of Webeter county, Nebraska. v And whereas, default has been made in the payment of said note, no part of the name having been paid, and because of the failure to pay aid note, the con dition of said mortgage has been broken, there is now due on said note and Mortgage from said Perkins Jc Potter to said Ohio Valley Foundry Company the susc of 33S.4G with interest at IU per cent per aunnm from March 9th l&l. sow therefore notice is given, that on Monday, the 13th. of April, 1891, at the hour of two o'clock p. m, in the city of Red Ckwd, Nebraska, at the store room formerly occapied by said Perkins Jc Potter, we shall proceed o sell aid chattel property in aid chattel taort- j gage deecribed, or enough thereof to pay Use aaaocnt one on said nose, asd the casta of snidaaa vertn.nd DatedlUd CSoed, Xabracka. MaxcM ihuePfxvixt FocywiT.VCoMrjurr, Lr Cak k. McXcrr. THK I ?8kwm.QVi SUCiKSSOKS TO Lumber Red O-uul, Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. II. FORT, Manager Absti acts to all L-iiids in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT llntln; ".nd ten year- eMH-rletice In rountr ilr:ct N-oJ-'s In tli Atato. e pwr'Utcr Mtfctiotu Your tvon -lic.t-,l All orders IIHimI pnmiptly l'Vi Ixmd Olrd :nd aiu'nned. Addr-.j ir cil on h II. FOUT Manaokk, Ked Cloud, Neb. TRY CUTTING'S SARSAPARILLA! EUR THE II ia lite betl Spring Irilielne on For Sale Ciienp I'or Cali. Four head of hoises. One span three yenr old coltf well inntched. nnd one span six year old mnres well broke, also one spring wni;on and double harness. For further particulars call at this otHce, Au extravagant waist --forty-eight inch es around, Snrprlr to all. Alter iisiiii; "Mollier's friend" l wo months I was so sH'viily and easily rehexed that It was u siirpri-'f to those atteudlii me. Mother s I Krlclltl undoubtedly lessens Hie pain, snorieu the time and restores the mother -p.-eitiiy 10 health Will recommend It to all expectant mothers, and advKetuemto use II Mrs. J A. K.. Muncie, I ml. Hratllleld'H 1'eniHle Itriilntor. has won, on merit alone, a wid-pread a::d en during reputallon. It is a comliiu itlou of vejre Utlde ap-iit-. the lesult of tho eivrluce of one who made the disea-es of wornm a lif-lons study. Takej' acconliiiK lo dliectlons the or gans awaVe to new lib- -md enui:. hvliu Hie woiiiuu ft from psjnat Ih-M'PerpMh. Sold hy nirdriiVHl-ibt. J After you lmvo discovered that your eon I nierelmnl Ih hii Inmost man, never eontrmlict tutu. li.t nun lmvo Iiik own weijjb. A lluoliaiur .Hi stake. Husbands too often jormit wives, nud parentH tlieir children, to nulTer from headache, dizziness, noiirnlj,'ia, litn, when bv the uso of Dr. MiUs' Hestorntivo Ner vine such rosultH could 1h aprovonteil. Druggists everywhere wiy it ivetittnivor snl satisfaetion, nnd has an immense. Hale. WtxMlworlh A: Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.: Snow 1V.C0.. Syrneuse. N. .: and hun dreds of others nav "it tho rontiKt 6dler tliey over Know." I rial uotue.s nun lino book on Nervous DisenPes, free nt C. L. I f'tmr' i J voiini,, a ... ."" " ti . "1 es my child, yes: dun is tho future I tense of due." I - - ' ll'IPP) Hootler. I Wll". Tiiiimoiw. l'itmaster of Idaville, I Ind., writes: ''Kleetrie Hitters luw done . - . . ... . . 1 mil., writes; r.ieeirie nnur: ,nr fr .n(l thnn nil other u'orV; t V V i 1 t 11. cunilincl, for tlint bad feel: utedieinos tlU urieiny from Itulnov nnd tjlvor trouble. .John i Ijetrilo. farmer nnd KtKkni:in. of same nlnee. save: "Find Kleetrie Hitters to bo tho best Kidney nnd Liver medicine, mndo me feel liko u now man." .1. V. ' Gardner, bnrdvvnre merebnnt, same town I Kavs: Kleetrie Hitters is iust the ihiiu: for a man who is nil run down nnd don't I ...i. t. - : 1: !.... :.. care wiieinor nu liven or men; no ieii. junt liko ho had a now leaM on life. Onlv r0c, n IxUtle, nt L. H. Deyo's Drtur stnrp. . Ked Cloud , I). 11 Snanotr'c, 1 s RhAI. ROTATE AND L OAN AgK' Rcl C'lfHItl. saaan SUc. DE WITT'S ft avail Dom. Care Hrjipcpsta. IlearlanrB, Bllleaa Beaa, laJeUoH, Liver CewplaJat, PUaiaeaa. "fti.T LITTLEsk1. Clear tk Complexlo frvm TPlaialea, aUatekea and aIlovrrarM. Care every frm ef Headackc. Aa BxeeUeat Alter MaaerPlIl. ?KK" EARLY S.' Three ftJUle Fllla Umre the meet per fect action as pleasant eet efaav pill ever aaade. Hold br nrcjlt, er aeat T nsall for 25 eetaU. na Bbtaak ! PI a? -i" ?,P1SFRShK; aEartaw -''- re. B. c. K WITT O.. C1Ico, 111 Miles i". Hayes' -jPatent - Collar For gale hy J. O. BUXLEH " Retl Cloud, Itackfey IllSJnr? -2?chhQJ BaBBBBraaBBBSaalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSdMnr M M St. aTgatsssssssW -flflEaasn -. "ti 9S m 'V'j.'- 'is Vanssr "- "5-- -wtiiiMa-j"sw5p-5. iLnittb er ii . D 1L -. HANDY and Coal. Nebr-iska . Of NOTICE. reonN nnl one of the not . ulr. --t tf At BLGUD. Ilic market. The Press (New York) FOR 1891 SI.;. -My. feikly. The Airyreaalvc Repulillran Journal of the .lfclropolla U t:vs iaii:k tok tiik iassi:s 1'oundcd Doociuber lit. lb'S". hMm over 100,00(1 ccsiss Daily. The l're-s is tlie organ of no faction; pulls no wires; hns no nnimosities to avenge. The moat reitiarkalile tw- paper Mueceaa In Xcw Vork. TIIHIKIS iS A .ATIO.l. Cheap news, vulgnr enntious nnd trssh find no plncsi in tho eolninns of The l'res. Th-1 Tress hns thti brightest editorial pao in New York. It sparkles with points. Tiik I'nisn HfstiAT kiutiox conlniiin nil the good things of the Dnily nnd Hundny i editions. For thoso who cannot nlTord the Dally or are prevented by dtstnuo from oarly receiving it, the Wwckly U a splendid sub stitute AS AX AMP YJEilTMS IX fl JtJSiMIl'M The Tress hns no -nperior in New York. TIIK HKF.W. Within tho rench of nil. Tho best nnd cheapest ucwspnper published iu America Ilally and Miitula) one yeur .". OO ' 1 tlMMlllia, ti.50 . . one .lii Daily only, one year, ll.oo " Tour nionl!i, l.OO iiui(Ia) . one year, ii.OO Weekly l,re, iio ear, - l.OO Send for the l'rr. clreulnr Rauiplex trvc. Agentr wanted Liberal commiiHions. AddrcH.-", TIIK l'KKV. INriTKr., JW lrk How. Xcw Vork. Anll'IIore Thiel Aoclaflon. The Webner County stnttuil Protection and Anti Horse Tldcf Aociatlon mroln nt Cowles on Saturday previous to falling of the moon each month. F. HotxKox, Hec'y. KkciifTs ftalc. By virtue ot n eeestun iUrftJ to rue from tlie llitrk-tcurt ot Webster cowitr, ?elraka. on iidpn-iit obtained lrfore iula rwirt at Ue April A. I. 1J trm ot W'ttntr.r county. 'r bratlu.on I'm? litli Ur of April. 1J. In favor of Jam W Irawn anl Faj-tb? I. Ko j.UIiUn. and acalftt Mlat:tt fljanosle a defeutiatit, for the um ot one humlrrd fltljr. five doJUrs and fotty cent. jkI ct UkJ t X5 aui krcrulBk. cMta. I have StTlel ujon U fotl'inmc rral eUfe tkrn aa tlv provrty of aiI drfentUuf . to atltf y atl jixlzmetit Urmlt Lot thirteen, rouneen anu eoteen. is wvic trentr-wrn. In Ihe urlrlna! tmm. rr dty f Kedrfouil. Wrttfr count y. NebraOia. and win ofTrr the aie fur a!e lo tue li!zrt UJler for rah In b ind on ih- 1 Ilk Day of April, A. I. Il. in i:d CmkuI. aW connty. at Hi- fAti 'Umt of tbe r.urtliue ; that "-rlnr tt-e bniMltia- bff ria the but term ot alJ evs-t nrWiat tb liour of ne o'cViek p. m. of W &r. bn n4 bw do- atlecdanoe vrHI 1h rlten by tbe on lrtcnl IaUrl March II. KL , . O.CTeH. lt7Htj. K I -. I'jUittiiT Attaroy. hhcritT Sale. Sotlrv I Hy rtitj. Uat wlff at-l by lrtwf anonlrr of 4lrta-J frfo tr rf&nr of C. It. J'Ton-. rlrr of tb- Urtrt umn of llwr rtzblb )Jh1 Arvrt wiUttu al for Wet jrr cwwxj, 'raf.a, nt 4t. In an artloa ftttjltrZ Jtvrttl, nwrria -mii- at r- mm I'ntupAtf are rfainllJ mck Klrbt at4 AVahaw ainnat. rvi rari ti- nf . I liaU oSer for 4e at pHbn trede to tLeb&Kxt. bW4-r f T tab latsawlai tVri ot Uk natUmXf- ai fd (J. la sUt aaiWIar wknna Ux? last leraa of t3 rmttl ra UoUlmi ocj Use tilk day ofjfarrk A. . lflf at 11 oYtoeka, srf aW y tVfcCwtsr tir-riti pony lef ! Urvr at4 st la HsKk twrtiry-JlT'. I t& lrra rJw HiS. .-.. v t-.Tj ivi inii am w r r,im, xi- A, II ll O. A. AT. ruiaUr ABars. jit ftlaeHaTs lc. JCMire h fcrrtby 3tti tfcat c&lrr ad by 1r tw ot aa o Art (4 icaie J-! frrea llrtoSir vt & K Croer. tirrt of tte t.trfeJ ctnrfZlSJk tadl'ialsDetrSct. mvhiu as4 Iw Wriwftw ewwety. Verata ym a 4rm tt s rrtlo tVtrte. vTarrrta LjTrarr W- T5n trotr i vbitxis iUfltjU. rt UArr tl-c irll '&raj& Clitt Uei l UXQZ VHit Title 4t9miiamm2- MfcT"TBawaTaTaTaTaTaTaTPCsW lai CaaaarPBasssaiHaBnsskSK n4ai'wwi Ji. rKOetajtarsfc-soiK"-"- " Ka Ut at ts4leA4wEba4 ifrw Atmu jp " "W" wm m ii i, m mmm. . - , r - - - ..-.. . - , !. i. ...... b. w. ... . zme j u in Wht aw wc MmM v mh w i . , 1 n. w.. .f-j . .. i. .. fbiiMbjtMcMM&,. , aai aiain ingrc mag BKirufc ttml. ! ;i rcezuir- KrUtf mclr. J l-m aa-r mj kaaiturrat4rr(tsw7 jun.MPt r a-tssx. -.. ellhifllarjl m iiea:fa4alIriXa- -, 4r a - J " . TT" i aaarssaar--, taax it- nrl tu - fc-a- t crfeetf irty tz Tb -7jla?aasiM-rf-tWlsw$a U ertv bna d I"' Ik " t aaX U It 4ftai Vt f-irrSMw l !rri t ny o, CTaai.. iHfsy. KrrrearMUr. J5carw Crtttm. taaMarJtaaV7 M 4l v-bbbbbbW X m aBJaSaBmeaW hV aBBBBBBBBBBVnaBBW' L M 'VaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK naBBnaBBBBBBBWnaBBBBBBV VBhB mf" PHBBrVraBBBBB'eaBBBBBeV.Ta'S'H 4J923E&&J3 Jl1 Mde KX. J2q irewk &Go. Chicago, ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT Removed! Removed!' GEOUGU W1IITSON, To .flcFarlniHt Olil Maud. timer riV'titer trtel utul Itli o. Where lie will keep ui IiiumI till of tlu trt liurt.r. are gotul l in- foiuwl. V urn shipment of genuine Baker Wire and Charier Oak Stoves. Job work, tin rooting and ell) w liter orko plumbing, iuu and UHiuulllon. peelnlties with u. Iromplue cuuruitleed nud jour work ollrlfru. ('(miic and mt uie two door north 1. A. X. hunk. GEORGE WHiTSON, Vour .ernnl nud Toller nfler Trade H. CLARKE Proaldont. Albany. N.Y. J. A. TULLHY. f Vlco-irpntdcot Kobt. V. SHIRK Y. Troiuiuror. NEBRASKA Fill I L fa j j) up air' Take Voiir'A ppllcMltou to Tliriu, llr uur xi Mill 1 dealNat ilMw aud not throuu an ac'-nt or roiHiiiisMuti mail Hrraiiae Ou ran et the Incit r.l Hrrattir mi can cet our luotiey iinhimllslelv Hrcaurr we do not send tur ajpli itt.ou all wtei Um cmimU) tw uhiw mm cae, t 99. Ilrraiiac we can Khc you the lHt terms Brrur interest aud ptlinlpaiis jsablr at tr OVe, udir reirt vaat (ion oiitne llllrresl lii4)ineut Krruii ou will be pleased with onr manunr of ImiIiw, and ttc laainry. a Iiw um trotible Red Cloud, Neb. Albany, Now Vork. BAILEY & MYERS, Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Ri:n Cj.oijd, Abstracts of title ftiriiiHlird airuratidy and promptly. SatiHfartion (uaran-tM'tl $10,000 lwiid THE TRADliRS LUMBKR CO WILL 3f m TC POSITlVKLv Lower than any yard in tlie world Corner Flour and Feed Store ! Ked Cloud, el, ulll Ueejion liiiud IFLOUR AND FEED! The lel lohe hail. We hall liamlle till of the lei briuwl Flour. Iiieltolliig Ihe It T IliitU Wltiler Hhi'iil I'lour, iiiniiiiruelured til M Joeh, flo -v Ktrtin ami Shorts tt Spvviulty. We aolirll a ahnre oT )our iialroiiuge and hull fr lo plrae you 4'all ami ace g r. ji. jiruits .HILO.V WIIX. Mmmger. II. V.Siiirkv, l'ren. IIkmiy t'i.AiiKr,Vice-l'r. L U. Kort, Chlcr Kl.M- A Hiiihkv, ANlktant t'anhier FIRST NATIONAL BAnK, kRed Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL, S75,000 Transact a general banking hunlnct, buy ami ell caunt warrsta, ?' county, precinct and ttchool district bendp. IJujr and ell fro3 oxefeasg DIRECTORS: Jan. McXcny. .I.A.TuIlry-, J. II. K-n ft. V. 8niry John ILSbircy. K. K. Highland. HcnrT CUrkr, A. J. K-nnry TKt JOS. HE1US URGE R, I'roprlefor of the City Bakery and Restaurant, For a good ftejaare mm I. EloHrding rhi! IdglHg hy any r wr-k All klada of f'rrak llrnifl. I'lr aaf i akr. llrHliotrlrr for Orangr. l,rmon and Bmhhmh. All klml or frrk fralt aad Candy, mI. C'lxHra.TohHrrw, frrk lytrr. and IC'r rrrnm In m-hmn. Ios. Hekhurcsf, - l2Ml .Votlre. la tte irVrt tit Wrtx in . S braMJu JAia If. Crst &adrxJc Ci-9lf. V3mAOt rrl. Ah4 Cto tlott J?t J4M4 t4oi a,-y. " O rla! M vw X- r Xata tiering ( jar. HltVLrnt nM TU f fctal&r roJ7 4 CTrli8 Fijrr. Jf frfsJst IV iit tuW txreti4tfrt dUiIanlt J1 lake peHcr litxt m Jlr . i I'brv mTT t9j j irrx s4 um;. Jtfea il CmUm t4 t tM l tsr yt rvetX U iftrt ttPtvlj, Jtimia acaliMt j1 rtriA aat. lbf)ntJ prf hrtt it S rUm a crti! iBteiri.x ru-tH Vf ft 4 f4acta, feJtw CroT&oa a-J XHoiih Ctvt toa. t WSQaac CtviUtt it Ii & ii i Out tmttk vrH frirr o4 li at A TJac toaOt -. 4?trW A Wtitm lrr I la- . t o raf? a4e m ta VfrittUrt fwia a lbraa U 9vr U yTt f a rri i v mtmsrr c ! au " ue y uwr ic a awr ww CrvtVwt, kia !! av aa tuonsxc flmrtri Ats4 4 trxtir4 by i 5sf te faAil a4 CUUtA Imv Crtnua asJ ArlllTt to f aiU m k 7at tS I tur l f irfafaas yttwt Crvtimo, tbm waa f Cir lstnt J prj ajueysa qb: mi tesmnA& ai mtromta. lioi lxi acsa frtaaJMK Br xra- .ixnLMtfcaiMtf tt-a aa , w m-at aemlL. a4 fr ss s 1 I aW a amy S .a.i wtZMnx t T ft timii-t S awT a jKmi r tnrfee Mtmf O J t ScJHtr.MAjrr, m I am laden V1H7 frrirtl From rfie s golden gate. 10 kqmqs across vp Sea. sea. I caar y sweet a a jm 9 r Witt?AMTA OUAv tZ ."4 4aH As & carffo dearascnbe. only by KANSAS. (i $ Ihr ;rti-)i r U Auent, Nkmraska. fiKx! MAIvK- F ra cj ti of DOUGLAS Al a - aa 4 tr rt" - f a i-w.l. najvy Ft aalc lay UEXUY Ii:NKILH. KMt UrmUtr. Ked Limn. H-auiat ry'rtaa, ted Ckrmd, - tVraraaautu v. wsxxtmufate fw. pa (DAM (DO t i? ?ssssssssL'-4k r"" faiVtaV v 9m9m9m9m99m99J9m SBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ?i!laBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB asjgaiAtfaB-aa mf t W 'jnFTffc awtf "9m9m9i-m V Umm of HoeaKt 0Ycmfite Stdwd. gfcop. Used in Vfc i" ? If :.- 4i? 1' -t.J"&1, ??ii. .... . - ?-&-igfi,T--'..4?.. "-. &riSZr. , -3- T J v " jej-sa tr.-s?a.-j-!An'i:iahSji,E?: -5 x.- r - y5999i9ma9fti -r J. 1 - , .. 'i&, Sm -4- ..fcS.v r ?--- "v g&- '4f -iigtFV. it5a 4iiji