The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1891, Image 1

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    -" " " t --
. ii Mm t JbrSH, H iriI ---
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ta-ws-uVSr r ? Vf?
E . J W" -' .g-
rSi5 -SJiV -.- jt-
r "" v-.5"- RHbbi -""B- Rr vA a il aRRw'Ji2r??;RfC ai aRta I I MM4r5WMCfe5K.sS s-5 -iSaniL-. "4?--
- ""-." " " -Rl VB - RC." - Law Rft LuaV .al Rw vfriinr RRE? m aRRRR H H H -' hI.B'soSfsM'H V r i -"Jje-'- B
jgL-;:.-.';..-r. - - - a 'M'MZIPSViJCI . w4 jRRwtawPT&iiL " "" RRjaO'sJIRRR a n trBi fRRaRc m LmsfH " Bwn gXdgg
.-.;, :--- i-- ! wiigpB ar ii rg r iff i t Rjr wttfnia7"vi aw Tr nuL
SKrsUNaEPabw. ITit (T! mWlXtim m. -" m - ---f' w y - ' jZTB)1KIHBidffliffliffliffliffliffBH a . ifiifiifiifiifiifr-TSJ-li?iifiVi:-; . "fM:1
l-O WlS --? hf??.
By A. C Hosmkr.
Vc arc ioinir to sell
We have a new siock
Different than you ever wore before Come
and see our One Dollar Pant, never will
rip, so long as you both do live
Blakeslee & Hatch
Arc Kcatly Tor ISiimiii'v.
Clean, Fresh, New Goods.
Best quality, LoAvest prices.
Having ruoptmed the Cincinatti Eoot tfe Shoe store, formerly
operated by Warner Az AYolf anger, we oirer to the
citizens of lied Cloud and vicinity
Bargains in Men's, Women's
and Children' Shoes.
CiiHlom wrk and rcpalriuu a specialty. Iin'l forget to
call n no.
Blakesleg & Hatch
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitdser's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Parcgroric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor OIL
It is Pleasant. Its puarantc is thirty years uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
fevcrishucss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves
teething: troubles cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomack
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend
"Cfcatotiais&sexceUtstswdidne forchB
rm. MoUxsi bare repteiHj-told xacctiu
D. O. C Omood,
Lovcll, Kass.
Castoria fa th tt rewir tor chftbra of
rhliilainacqalad. I hope tt Jay is cot
far JUtaat when mother wfllcoasiJcr Ite real
Interrc of their children, and u Castoria in
stead of the variouiquack Boatnaaawhkh an?
derorics their lored oacs, by f ordagopiutn.
tnori-hloe. aoothia irup aad other hurtful
firsts down their throats, thereto? aesdias
them to prcaiature grarec
Da. J. F. Kixan&ec,
Ooevay, Ark.
Tk Cwtamr taaa-aaqr.jTI Mwxr7 Street, Ktr Tori City.
Styles, Better Goods !
Q - n
oo ua
" Castoria is o wrll Adapted to caMrca that
I reccouaesd it as superior to aay preaeripttoa
known to tae.
IL JL. Ascjsix,X. D
lit So. Oxford St., BrooUya, X. T.
-Otirpavskiaaa ia tha chQirca depart
hcbJ have jpoiea hir,bljr of thdr exrri
eaoe in their ouuile rractJce with Cxstcsix.
and alihocsh o oUy haT a-tmaj c
medical jpptka ha: la knaa as -
producasyetare free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has was m to look vUh
Urx3 Hosntxi axa IU5rMT,
Auxx C Sarra, Pm ,
METHIN now in Pants
" Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is
To Cat!
J (With ajtoloiM to I'oct Laureate Tennyson)
r fiit! To eat ! 'Us lont: lel wren two meih,
Tlie liuuRrj" Momach lean and empty fetln.
Total! To tat!
Whntts'cr thou ratest breakfast, dinner, tca
Swm K- '' u, umusl eat BKnin, All, me!
To eat! To eat!
Kat.limipry oul! A down thy ruIM iour
Victuals until that goneness U no more
To eat! To eat!
Chleaico Tribune.
And then! In alter jears. excLilm
At the approach of the jjotity pain.
.My feet! My feet!
-Omaha Ilee.
Alai! Poor Yorlck, he did eat.
And then utraiKlitway hehl up toth feet
In pain! lup-iln!
AftHCMoro .Heeling.
Pursuant to published call, the a'
elect of Webster county met
at the clerk' office in Red Cloud
March 17, 1SJ1, and organized by
electing 0. K. Oatman of Oak creek
chairman, and C. Schcnck of Ked
Cloud city, secretary. On motion duly
seconded and carried, the roll of as
sessors was called to which the follow
ing responded:
" f!. W. Hagan, Guide Hock.
.1. Diiffcc, Beaver creek.
II. II. Allen, Stillwater.
Frank Ailes, Garfield.
J. A. l'oyer, Kim creek.
A. IJuschow, Potsdam.
Otto Stoeke, Line.
II. A. McCunc, Red Cloud Town
ship. John I'oluicky, Hatin.
W. F. llcnklc, Inavalc.
John Stout, Harmony.
C. Schcnck, Red Cloud city.
J 31. Steely, Pleasant Hill.
Mark Noble, Walnut creek.
0. K. llamcy, Cathcrton.
, Glenwood.
It was moved and seconded that a
committee of three be appointed by
the chair to recommend a basis for the
assessment of real estate, and a like
committee on personal property.
The following were appointed as
such committees: G. W. Hagan of
Guide Rock, 11. A. Allen of Stillwater
and 11. A. McCunc of Red Cloud town
ship were appointed as committee on
real estate, and A. Uuschow of Pots
dam, John Polnicky of Batin and Jno.
Stout of Harmony were appointed as
committee on personal property.
The committee on real estate reports
cd by recommending that the basis of
assessment on lands be an average of
$2 per acre, which, on motion was
The committee on personal property
reported the following which was
Stallions, 50 to $500.
Horses of all ages, 5 to $30.
Cattle, fat, $1 per cwt.
Cattle of all ages, 2 to $8.
Mules of all ages, f to $30.
Asses, 50 to $500.
Sheep of all ages, 20 to 50 cts per
Hogs of all ages, 50cts per cwt.
Carriages and. wagons, 1 to $50.
Watches and clocks, 1 to $50.
Sewing or knitting machines, 1 to
Pianofortes, 10 to $100.
Melodeons and organs, 5 to $20.
Corn 10 cts per bu.
Wheat 15 cts per bu.
Oats S cts per bu.
Barley 10 cts per bu.
All other property required to bo
listed at fair cash valuation.
Moved and seconded that the pro
ceedings of this meeting be furnished
the several papers, of the county for
There bi!ing no further business the
meeting was on motion adjourned.
"C. Schexck, Sec
15. K. Oatman, Chm.
At her homo near Red Cloud, Nftb..
March 14, 1S91, of relapse of pneu
monta, Mis. Klvira Sherer, aged 52
c.irs 5 months and 9 days
Miss Klvira Patterson was born at
Newton Fall, Ohio, Oct. 5, 183S. and
wa5 married to It. R. ShcTcr, Oct. 15,
1SG3. They came to Red Cloud -in
April, 1S74, and have lived here ever
since. Her husband died Nov. 2,
1SS0. Strce that time he has man
aged her business with firmness and
succes and kept her family together.
Her sickness lasted ibout 7 week.
Baptized at 7 yrars of ace she has
lived a faithful member of the Chris
tian church until her death. Six
ch Idrcn mourn her loss, hut we be
lieve they will bravely bear the bur
dens which Providence has laid upon
them and win a noble Tietory in the
battle of life.
Fr.ncral services were ht Id in the
Christian thurch, March 1C, by O Hcily- Canada i baviag a hig fght
Truman Nation
G. A. R.
Until lu'thifr notice, regular meet-
itssof Jawcs A. Garfielt Post No.
istt Up. ol
V-K n X i mil v.
-ww. -v- . awa w
held M ndy evcniag oa or befnte'Mi&gtc, h s
each fail r:oo at 7:30 p.u. Istswi wifejfor'tkeai:
! two wc-k thereafter it, 2 p. aa..-Yi-
itijii to at races roraaHr lavittai to
i attend. 6. W. K.1ICHT, P. C.
Red Cloud, Webster County,
The Republican Caucua.
Pursuant to call the republicans of
Bed Cloud met at the court-house on
last Monday night, and nominated a
full ticket The convention was called
to order by M. B. McNitt, and on mo
tion G. It. Chancy was elected chair
man, and A. C. Hosmer, secretary.
The chair appointed Al Galusha and
L. H. Deyo, tellers.
For mayor, the result of the inform
al ballot resulted as follows: Tullcys
5, McNitt 1, Shinklc 2, Hacker 2,
Bcntley 1, Chancy 1.
On formal ballot M. B. McNitt re
ceived the nomination by a good ma
jority and was declared the nominee of
the convention.
Bert G rice was chosen as the candi
date for clerk.
Frank V. Taylor was nominated for
The office of city surveyor was left
Geo. 0. Yciscr and Harry K. Pond
were chosen candidates for school
board for term of three years, and L.
P. Albright for term of two years.
On motion it was decided to select
a republican central committee for the
city, and Geo. J. Warren was made
ch airman.
' The committee for the wards was
selected as follows:
First ward W. Thornburg. T. C.
Hacker and S. W. Foe.
Second ward II. K. Pond, Al Gal
usha and G. It. Chancy.
The ward caucuses also selected al
dermen as follows:
First ward Frank Martin and M.
W. Dickcrson.
Second ward II . C. Scott
The selection of the republican
ticket was a good one and will com
pare favorably with any ever put up
in Red Cloud and if elected will man
age the affairs of the city with the
strictest economy. That is what is
needed in our city affairs.
LUt of Jurors
Luther Brown Oak Creek
A. G. Blackwell Beaver Creek
E. Mctaalf Red Cloud
E. L. Hagan Boivcr Creek
Geo. O. Yeiscr Red Cloud
John Mitchell Walnut Creek
Robert Harris Batin
Charles Guy Beaver Creek
William Sehultz Potsdam
H.E. Sanrord Red Cloud
F C Buschow Potsdam
S. V.. Ludlow Red Cloud
Thos. Emcrtson Garfield
Chas. Myers Pleasant Hill
W. T. Jeffrey Inavalc
John Street Garfield
L. Pcsi tiger Potsdam
II. C. Scott Red Cloud
J. J. Shclton Stillwater
Jno. Olmstcad Guide Rock
A. Galusha Red Cloud
August Zerwich Poudam
I. Hampton Guide Rock
David Giger Pleasant Hill
The above named persons arc to
serve as petit jurors at the next term
of District Court to be held April, 27,
Building Aaaeclatlen.
The stockholders of the Peoples',
Building, Savings and Loan Associa
tion will take notice that their month
ly installments, dues and interests are
due and payable to the undersigned,
in this city at The Ciiiek office on or
before March 28, and must be paid to
avoid fines which accrue after that
date. A. C. HoSMF.R.
Secretary and Treasurer, local
branch. Red Cloud. tf.
Teacher Meeting.
There will be a teachers' meeting at
Blac Hill Saturday, March 28, 1801,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The program is as follows:
A. M.
Music by Blue Hill pupils.
Paper The place of supplementary
work in the school Miss Lena Krcll.
Paper How to interest pupils of
the grammar grade in study. Miss
Margaret and Thornton.
Paper Our proposed school text
book law Mr. J. E- Hammond,
p. M.
Music by Blue Hill pupil.
Paper Mistake in teaching and
text books Prof. J. "R. Thornton.
Class drill in numbers Miss Clara
Social talk, 20 minutes.
Discussion of difficulties ct with
in oar regular school work.
General discussion of each paper
A full attendance is desired.
D. M. HusTCft.
Every lody ia Ulkiag a.t reeipro-
, owr it i: i.riik haa &
... -.. . . K
wnl to , n. tk .mt R.
word to say o. th hjecU Re
claims to hare rreaT few-
-ii -.---- -"---
wx" jeciace ejcmag taesa
e-' w- r' "7 -
- "L a.Aria a m ljaav saA. . w.A&r lk
L..U .. T- . aft... a- ft
, - p.-. w .v
urn asms iwraa u coaie a
le cai mni
iKaooBsawaaaaaanafaM aatasK-
-.,, - .f. T ... m . ... . m
nw. tm w .iwww mj BviBa
BjgajB 7HH
Neb., Friday, March 20,
T ft i .n i i
If all plans work out well, hcu
Cloud stands a fair show for a pros.-
... . i mi
perous season. He nope micii win
be the case. Red Cloud is the best
located city in Nebraska, and there
is lo reason why sufficient capital
can not be induced to foster her en
terprises. Tho fanners of Webster county w ill
meet in Red Cloud next Saturday for
the purje of taking action in rela
tion to forming a national trust. The
scheme is quite gigantic, and seems to
us just a little out of line for a peopl e
who have been fighting trusts for the
last year with great avidity.
There are rumors in the air that the
B. & M. or Rock Island are going to
build a south road from Red Cloud a
several hundred thousand tie- are
being shipped to Red Cloud and un
loaded. We hope the company will
build as it is only a question of time
before some road will occupy that ter
ritory. It is a splendid field for a
railroad and wc shall be wonderfully
surprised if the enterprising B. & M.
docs not occupy it in advance of all
It has been suggested by some of
our business men that Red Cloud vote
bonds and pave the principal streets of
the city, in order to furnish our labor
ing men with work. This is a good
idea. There is not anything in the
whole category of enterprises that help
the growth of a city as much as pav
ing the streets, as it is one sign among
the many that shows the "eternal fit
ness of things" among our enterpris
ing citizens. Outsiders see it, and
it inspires confidence in the city,
and before you know it people are lo
cating in the city with other enter-
Let's have paved streets.
The supreme court of the state has
just handed down a decision in regard
to the powers of boards of education,
in tho matter of laying down partic
ular courses of studies for pupils to
go by. It holds that parents have
the right to make reasonable selec
tions from the prescribedtudics for
their children to pursue, and "their
rights must be respected." Tho case
upon which the decision was based on
was taken up from Ponca. A girl re
fused to study grammar and was ex
pelled for co doing, and ihc court
was asked for a mandamus reinstating
her which they did, using the follow
ing latguagc: "The court holds
that parents have the right to make
reasonable selection from the pre
scribed studies for their children to
pursue, and that this selection must
be respected by tho trustees, as the
right of the parent in tlut respect is
superior to that of the tiustccs and
the teacher." .
The Xcw Orlcnna JlRMHcrc.
The wholesale mobbing of Italians
at New Orleans the other day, hat.
created quite an excitement It seems
that the Italians, who arc naturally
bloodthirsty, organized a secret society
called the Mafia, and the members
thereof take an iron-clad oath to get
rid of any one who may not suit their
particular ideas of how things should
be carried on. Some months ago it
was decided by tho members of the
Mafia that Chief of Police Henneisv
should be removed and as a result
of their deliberations he wa murder
ed in cold blood. The conspirators
were arrested and tried for their live
and an indolent jury of that dirty burg
failed to convict them althnngh the
evidence was said to have been con
clusive This fact riled the good cit
izens of New Orleans, and about 5000
of them concluded that Judge Lynch
should do what a civil court ought to
have done, and with a revengeful spir
it they went for the jail building,
broke down the dors and executed
the culprits, eleven in number by the
bullet route, and the blood of Chief
Hennessy was avenged. The methods
wore somewhat questionable, yet there
comes a time in all men's lives when
they cannot put up with al) kinds of
crime without dealing a death blow to
the perpetrators, and the massacre of
New Orlean's Italians seems to have
been one of those period. Justice is 5
VAktUU tW l'V lV W w-Va 1U r-VVC a A.-1 L-3
. 4ha. avst r Wk aI n f m . ika ?
a..tuit'tahs wonde'red at that the
p,Pl h i. tbdr miSU .nd orf I
the npers who reach for the life blod ;
of good Aaacricafi.
The sew fnat of Bhkelee 4 Hat:h
thoagh osly reeeatly established n rejpert for hias the altar of tW Mf
!. l.ft !, i R1 Pload arihdraJi-iamraiBr far the atfri-
ft ia frieads by their strict at-
teatioa to bmsiaest asd watehfal oh-
-a .. -. a.
aerraaee x taetr cssioairs iarerets-
They saodk the hetof goods, aotice-
J g ,. ef Ia4jc,
fi.,, M4 lie Geo. Keith Hae of
sarm bct w i wbicb wc i
Mg favorablj Lsovn to ihe c ttteas
of sue Uteaa ;M iic-r --c r
faurwarrastrt aiwrii b repair-
... ..... .
fre of chrcc hr c9Stet wr-
fre vf c,,fp. j x csftet wr-
an, in ra the fait V rive stt-
faati'ii we rdrct fer thi rts
j j, 1...... -.....
rt.I ri'l JK.Cia MVaOfC.
m . m . . - .
"ww " J i.ii . ww
the Price of The Chief.
' Floor paint at DcYo'a.
Wanted, butter and eg at J
t4 '
All the latest sides and new colors
in spring wraps at It. M. Martin A
Son' a.
Dell Abel of Lincoln, was in the
city this week viniting his parent.
New baby carriages, novelty gear,
patent brake, at Cozad ii Co', Red
The assessors of Webster county
were in session Tuesday. Fifteen
were present
Mrs. I. H. Hummcll and Lew Olm
stcad have added their names to Tub
Ciiiep for 1891.
The spirits of Red Cloud people
ftl bettor over the prospect that Red
Cloud will boom before long.
Gentle Spring is ahuost here. What
joy that will bring to many who have
had many hardships this winter.
Perkins & Potter tho hardware
merchants have bcon closed up on ex
ecutions by some caster a parties.
Wc mean business and will under
sell any dry goods house in the coun
ty Call aad be convinced. R. M.
Martin & Son.
If you want good job work, doa't
fail to call at Tin: CnifV office. Wc
guarantee everything Wc do and
charge all alike.
Mens suits strong and sightly can
be bought at Wiener's at 12.75 worth
$.'.50 and from that up, bargains in
all grades of gods bought thi season.
Anyone having lands to sell, or
trade for Red Cloud, Lincoln or Oma
ha property or merchandise call at
once on Kamcy 4 Barker.
Miss Ella Winton of Wisconsin,
who has been on an extended visit to
California, on her return home, stop
ped in Red Cloud to visit her brother,
Mr. Geo. Winton.
Mr. M. It. Bcntley and wife have
arrived home from Hot Springs, Ark
ansas, where they have been sojourn
ing during the winter. Titr. Cuir.r
is pleased to note their arrival home.
Van Benson is home from Iowa
where he has been for several weeks
visiting. He says Nebraska is still a
better stile than Iowa. He says he
rather die with dry weather than he
drowned twice a year and frozen the
Charley Potter has a horse that is
somewhat given to running away. On
Sunday last the animal decided to take
another run, and in doing so, npucl
the buggy and threw Mr. Potter out
dislocating his nose and otherwise in
juring him, but not seriously.
The religious meetings conducted at
the Methodist church during the last
week have been fraught with great
success and numerous conversions.
Tho crusaders have a way of attracting
people to the services and every night
the church is overcrowded until many
have to stand for want of seating ca
pacity. The services arc vary inter
esting. t'L'T Till OLT.
If jou buy f5 worth of
goods of C. Wiener for cath
and present thi slip you will
recct tn return 25 cent. Not
good after July !, 1891.
RcelHtlona of Reaped.
Hall or )
RErrBLiCA.v Citt Lodgk V
No. 120. A. O. U. W. )
Republics City, March 3, 1891.
Whercia, Deafi, oar reaorcfeM
enemy, ha for the firat time entered
thce sicred portals aad rrs9Tcd
from our ta id st our newest aaenhcr,
brother Frank C Sleeper, and
t HEREA5, Danag his short asso
ciation with ua he had especially en
deared himself to at by his aavable
nature and ht devotioa to the aofcle
principles of ear WUted erder, there
fore be. it
KE50LVEt, laat while we soar i
'. 4r .. W
Mie Diafio VI we
rt j, j... -.
""V . ", FV
t brother, aad
, KJ r . , , ,. ..
eaaory; aai we it f.rth-
ban iiaift atwflit
cberish hit
er n , .
&Vb.r.'T m,m wt w.
&d f thirty aji; aad he k f.rtfc.
aaa.a Ta. & at . m m
mwh ku, iihiwit w stw
resolattoas be sestt9t4 faaeily of
r ieew wratker, a.i lha aia W
s?reai aaa the rtaWof th U4
wuru wpvitcp,
City Iaees,est the WesUra Work-
T w ft rt
s we iie tm jMMT
k v. Ki.i
CwM C. W.
Om. -? C. W. WHrtsiT,
(X.J. Lcbl
MVcih yaw
i anawar awaarax
a Urn
i-j mjt "aaaaal waaavfnn
Highest of all in Leactuag rower.
M. JLS368R0
.V M ! Rcllrr.
Liscor Nrn.. Marvh 1 1 1S11.
II D Rvnmm h-Mi IVar Mr
Your .f th- 12th i- at hand Inj
replv would that tW purchasing i
1 - - , , . it.. .
cumtmttoe haeml uectdod vet to enU i
anv grain to V onutitv, ami
matter of purchasing and dtributing
grain wa Jrft entirely with them by a
uuuuimoun vot- of the catniuUfttou.
They arc nw investigating Outer
county, and whn lhy return I will
call their alU-utin uyur eomuiuniw
lion, Th appropriation i w small
thatit is doubtful if the county got
anything. Respectfully )ours,
I.rTiirK I'. LrttEN.
(Dictated) General Manager.
Thcabovdltftter was written innti'
swer to one written by County Clerk
Rannoy, in roganl U seed for our farm,
ers who an in uuod. From tho text of
the letter wc infer that the conimittoc
does not pn)jMe to help our farmer af
ter all of their bonnttitl assertions that
they would help the deserving.
II Should lir UfM'Mlfd.
Mr. W. S Girbrr, one of tl.eclorln
of tho stale botrd of trurmjuirtalton.
has taken it upon himself to insue a
pamphlet on what he is pleaded lo
call "Land Grant and Bond &ubidie
and their Bearing un MjxIiiiuiu Rates
for Railtoad Transportation.'
A copy of this pamphlet was de
livered to Senator Stevens with the
following letter;
State of Nebraska, Board of Tran-
rortation Office of the Secrotarir.a
Ian. J. K. Stevens, Chairman Senate
Commitce on Railroad, Senate
Chamber: Senator I hand vou
herewith a pamphlet, believing th
content may bo of interest to )ou.
It is in relation to an argument on
tho Steven tiiMiiiaiuii raU lull,
(senate file 85.) rrcuily printed and
circulated in tit form f a rod pauj.
phlct by nrdr of th srnata commit,
tee nn railroad-. RevpcctfuIIy,
W. S. Garhkr.
Now what buin has Mr. Garbcr
to thrust his ttoio into the pending
legislation before the Ula sonata?
What right ban he U couKtitilie him
self a special rhauipton if any rail
road company or all the railroad com
panies? Is the tate board of trans
portation created a a fence for the
railroads ot is it created for trie pro
tection of tho public? Why should
any member of the board put in his
oar wher: he i not an ked? It seems
to us such impertinence out to be re
sented by the legislator in a aj
that will prevent a repetition
S Lo is to blame for the populardia
content with raslrvads rate? Why
did thi people pledge the legitlatute
to enact a maximum rate law? Hat
not the who'c rilrod smuc been forc
ed upon the J oUatureby the defiant
disregard of the demands of the pro
doceri and shippers br the Utc
board of tranprutior? In tiew of
that fact dec. it heeotae any member
of thst board t ruk htm-If the
monthpice o .at.ruarj mnger? If
there are aty vhd ijtio to the
Stevens bill thy should t prr6t
bt the repreenutr "f the railways
and we have no dnht thy would re
ceive doe cociderat!on. Ifthjt
ven bill ii defective tbe who af
i'OfetJyin lavr "f ra-Ivat rr-gnution
should point it nr B t Mr Garb- r
o" "impiy MMtgni t reio tae ro
and Qkc hituH th 11 pleade
agaiost any regnJalin of railwa r,Us
Be- '
Kskhaiaing ami iatllsrct tare ol
the dead a srfj-esal! by Ond t Co
who carry a foil Hn- of eofiea rwi
caskets. robe, etc.. oI f fUy jy e
pared to ule charge f fearal i&
the city ad castry, At Taylors old
Call tsd lathes.
KaM-klrat'aAriiirea Mail re
Tint Ul fi!f is tk -wrU. S9t e.
Cotw. a&4 X oiLr l?liB T.raym,
t - - rr-" 7" ' iiwmnm,
qf4. H U xtaud u jtt fiit
titctimm rnmtr tisi4. frkmZi
ua pmUTN , O W 14 r-
t ?or tU bj U IL Sv-
f ChU4Uth.
raw sa a lzrt aweMrr S chiU
, U&- smtttL r
tLTT AflT!w TT
ZZ m
itt. was j. a&4 ire
ttvm 4axr Urnrm-
" icls, ,wi4 Hat, a4 a tatf
akS VAaaa . Sm .a . . A 5 . a -ka. .
q... .-, ..' !
. .nv w wtMT nK. -!
--" ... ,. gmmmm mttoMi.
iU satviaa. QeA taJkoi;it mij t
j9tiH. &? ia Ur. bmt
wt mf.d rwawlaw U
Wwau Ac Aawkwaa.
i 18. No. .U
U, S. Gov't Report, Aug- 7 x55
i:im Orrk.
Wcathr it tine when
it i not
. utormt r wtndv.
Thr ft,un& it gating in pwjd
, r .:. . tk
condtt.uH fr pnttg rtpt I no
. 'v. .
i!,eltrouM U, wkn hail the urta;r
! get trrJ, tltk whiah t ow and rlaat
Fxd is gelling rrco in lit' prl
of the universe
Harry Chaplin h mvod t tho
north wrat pari of the oounty, where
h w"l farm the ootnlug ?
WiiluM Burr, baring taWtt a life
Iomk plr, Mis. Laura For wt'l
live tbu yar on Mr Stalth t j'ato
oft Ivat Oewl,
M Latham and IHH 't-g
to fw nm tJ. ll.t ;riitj.
R-v ?wlfo has tclor.ied ft Hi his ''! Ha pieaohrd at lilw t'r ck
las' SJay.
Mr ii i n gar. who wti thr farm
south of H. J, Shwldoi', 4KIVC.J
her fr.on Iowa, a hurt tiu. a,;,
with u-fiiin m ihiitar. and 1A
jm) (mm of ! fsiiH, wlueit was
tn'cd Ut yar by hi bi.t. rr tn
law. Mr. TraUIJ,
Tl oiMg.srhols ts in rrv'r-,
witft ! -toio te8erslh4t tabht
in tt Hnilfr. lvIV.
Wa .kd arnund fr itctu,
(uii hI) find a fe. r.
Bn l hit roil whauwhd
T.Pit Ui: 'hAt jriUiSp
L u tfilf yaJf?"'r l u'
(ban KmStP Slid wif pril Ntn
IV a .'- thf rver
Mi M)rrs lias mvod Red
CltHii w him Mr. and Mr. lysra
very morn, and a parry l have
thMi Usv
ll-fhrt Ogden ha rturoHj from
M Halation wnt t IItng
Iat wir;a
Mr ih and family bar i ved
on J'- SljMlcn's place.
Mr (.'bariey ha htovavi n the
Chaj plaae lot week.
And now my uti
I will tp for foar
You'll b tird ool
Tht truth i though, at pr-fOl
I've naught to talk
It C
9w4a 4
r. IK U ?Mr;i f3 tCT ! T3 i ii
ru. Ia AU, MtU. X-ta Ut-4. to
TlA-ut Saf n mAtr tmt mi m m A - - - awa
x. - -. Ai. XmU i &
i.u "? inTJt r 2i
gmm. k. m - ar. tw-su
0mJU. Lt-ia. tHUt . jMt.t JtrE.tL .
AW a, lsrtr. JtMe,T. ..-!
WVSS2A, WWC( AKic., tMe tT t .&. fa
KAJrtxS CfM.r,Ju4Hbw t(Ul
I OiUiZXUt It $r mM if tuit
pJtw l. -i & tkdHKM t '
IWlllHn. V tt WW Ml S nt. ftji K,
WQI ti WMrmt vf KXMut t.t tat f - Vk
vxstimuls zxrxxm tjlujzs
Lmr&i ait tx9Slf to ntntA 4 m-
actrrra aita4 u urn jrifv. i4
ttorerSt. m--KJki mwbm 7 trt ,
xu?A4 rrrr 4 rmrxt & y frn.
CKX4 nixr. mnfrK lA CM T,
rtr&t mi9t S-t lb
Gtr wl&tt rrscy i y
mttx&tt wttismct a-t.r 4 f K
LkCter. J cm Ttmetvi. 1Z WCC
3tAXa i 1 w Wr nut rw tSyt -
?nm9Z&uJk TLmac&tHf t.sUfr x2 az
Cmm tsJ. JW twbUk ?AAtr A4 &USZj
UEA IfOCTS. & Xmi t 4 Ck ' &
.' - - .o..r m V
, JWw xiaasa7u f -
1T n ll nil la i rwlniT rtinr
T ?. M TtK sr taisrtte
". "
fcT jqi jU MSXSTlAm.
- -- -. t
Fyl SfRc T ,Jawh.B-JaTaamRV--'r' "' f-JT s m
t5i. Jfl- -iPBBBBWTBBBXWrBWllWti "W T
a awawwaw at i, .,,... . A
- .- m " . . v.TT i vjaHMWWw- puiwun"'--
;-. '
.'f' . - .". -, .S" "if- , " i
Jr t "'.--
YZrJ&Z Ji jy, zJr--ZiSvl'l isSss??:
.o'A-il r.
"IK z -. -v? '-5--?:"
r.- .". t -.-. 'ita -j. '&-,-v -., I'o L' ,'M.iX-w'Tv -'.-
?w ti? &rviitifir. ;. -"-;
fMj?o &&5
ij- . r. ?
C. ScaixcK. AiJ't.
jtttaw)Me. lffT-
C L.