?V 5. 4- 5- J" V -, "Ss - 1&.gg5tr THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. HOSfftElt. Publisher. BED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. CURRENT COMMENT. Tiik boss plasterers of Chicago have decided positively not to concede any increase, of wages to the workmen. It has liccn discovered that eight or ton guards in the Massachusetts state prison have been selling saws, files and revolvers to convicts. At the Vatican It is asserted that Sig. Crispi, late prime minister of Italy, ex pects to return to power, and that he lias approached the hol' see with the view to persuade the papal authorities not to accord conccsMoni to the minis try of the Marquis dt Rudini, as the lattcr's cabinet cannot last. Likut. LlvnAom, elder of police of Massowah, who is accused of murder ing' rich natives for purposes of plunder, in a communication to the Seeolo, of Rome, asserts that exalted personages instructed the Massowah police to as sassinate 800 natives. The public are much excited over the affair and de mand that a stringent inquiry be made. SKntET.nv J'ltocTon has awarded medals of honor to the following named enlisted men for gallantry in the action of Wounded Knee creek, S. I)., in De cember last: First Sergeant Jacob Trautman, troop I, Seventh cavalry, and Corporal Paul II. Weiner and Pri vates Joshua II. ilnrtzog. George Green nnd John Flood, all of light battery K, First artillery. Captain II.. F. Dot to lash, in charge of the lower Mississippi levees, reports the Kemp levee completed with the ex ception of sodding, and safe against any water that may le expected this year. Ited ford's in also completed, while Gil non's, Deer park and Fcrriday's will all lm completed in a few days. All of these new levees are three feet above the high water of 1V.M). Jay (lOUi.iiwns again called asa juror in Part 'i of the general sessions at New York, but he did not respond. When he failed tooliey the jury summons.scveral months ago ho was fined S100, ami the corporation counsel set out to collect the- fine. At hist accounts the million aire was a little ahead. Judge Martiue will now fine Mr. Gould again, and the corporation counsel will have some more fun. Lkttkhh have leen written by Sir John Pope Hennessy to priest and other prominent persons in Ireland claiming that he has outbid Mr. Parucll to the extent of the home ride measures which that gentleman desired. Sir John as herts that his position calls for the con trol of everything. Including the funds and .fiscal systems, without which the development of Irish resources would be retarded. Tiik gentlemen interested In raising fund of J.0,000 to 100,000 for the family of Secretary Wlndom had a con sultation at the Union League, club re cently at Now York. The movement is under the supervision of Mr. Stephen II. Elklns. Already 12,000 has been con tributed In New York, and the reports from Washington, where Senator Wash burn and Representative McMilleu are handling the- fund, are equally en couraging. OXK of the literary curiosities of the day will Iw Mr. Gladstone's sketch of Lady Hamilton, thu mistress of Iord Kelson. Mr. Gladstone goes into the rttihjoct with a purely historical inter est, and without any puriose. either to extenuate or exaggerate the conduct of the woman who attached the only stain to the fame of England's great admiral. He has discovered a lot of new data, it is said, and will soon lay them lcfore the public. Tiik most brilliant ceremonies marked the official proclamation of the acces sion of King Alexander I. to the throne of Servia. They commenced. with a solemn service in the Metropolitan church at Belgrade at which ox-King Milan, King Alexander and the regent ministers were present. Then came a reception at court to the foreign diplo matic corps followed by u state lian quct nnd a gala performance at the theater. The city was gayly decorated in honor of the occasion and was bril liantly illuminated. It looks doubtful nlout Senntor Blair going to China. There arc reports that the Chinese government has intimated that the appointment is not wholly ac ceptable. In his career as a reformer the New Hampshire senator has sup plemented a nimble tongue with facile pen. He has said and written severe things about "the heathen Chinese." In his real to promote education he has pictured the Ignorance and the general low-down condition of the Chinese masses in very dark colors. These things .re being recalled nnd will form the basis of official objection, it is said. A HKPOKT of abandoned ianns in Massachusetts form an interesting feature in the twenty-first annual re port of the Massachusetts bureau of statistics. The number of such aban donments has reached 1,401, of which IW are without buildings. The aggre gate acreage is 13rt,ft0'jt and the as sessed valuation is $l,078,32R. Farms with buildings aggregate M,6S0Jf acres, the total valuation of tho property le- lug tW,01; while the farms without buildings aggregate &i,S5S acres, and are valued at S4AI,S09. Tho report shows that the abandonment has been almost entirely confined to the western half of the commonwealth. Nkws ha been received at Jackson, Tenn., of the death in Chester county of Mrs. Bland, formerly tho wife of the great land pirate, John A. MurrelL who was the leader of Mur rtll'a daring gang of murderers, horse and negro slave thieves, which extend ed from Virginia to Texan forty years ago. It was om of tie wont organisa tions ofbanditsaad adfiwayatea ever known in tak'eowatry. Mmrrell was finally sentenced to imprisowBent for horse stealing from Jacksoa, and after serving a term in prison died a re f ormed man in tho mountains of cast Tennessee Ilis name is aynonjmoHS in the south with asoaa wtnation and highway robbery. His wife was very quiet and estimable lady and r.uyrried a gentleman named Bland. Iv view of the fact that a lanro nun tcr of passengers aMfctcd -with pulmo-1 nary complaints are carried on French railroad on their way to southern dis tricts, it has bscn foand expedient to adopt measures to insure thorough dis-" uifection of the bedding in the sleeping and of the seat cushions. The ycT m cushions and silk curtains will he bamtoaed, and the seats will be fitted with soft leather coverings which can he easily cleaned. Coarse carpets are to W substitHtecLfor those ofJancr qual ity now in use, and these arc to be thor "nghly beaten after every trip.-JThe d clothes will be steamed, ad the mattresses covered wit fmperriomiilk ?rwithntta-ercka. BesUma. all this. t is considered desirable toprqdelis ompartaieam 4r paseengrrs smVi raa pansport Vegalattoin -wlfiie re- atpalmi,asaaa, Ikiei1 -?-" luring NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gloanod By Telegraph and MaiL .CONGRESSIONAL. TnK xi-natn on March 2 after voting down various awndnirnt.s concurred In house Hiiiciitliiipnts to Urn shipping bill by 37 to St. Tim MibKtltute la tlio hotisu postal bill In place of the senate snlmidy shipping- bill. Mr. Manderaon whs chosen president pro trill, of the St' nil to, and on motion ot Mr. fiormnn a resolution wan psvcd thanking Mr. IngitlK who retires, for tho Impartial manner In which be "had performed tho du ties of president of tho senate. Tho post oflics appropriation bill wm passed. Tb M'sxlon of the Kennto won a busy one, many conferences bcins jurreed to and much bual nrss disposed of. Kuioxii-s on Mr. l'helaa (Tenn ) were delivered and ibe senate ad journed.. .The house, disposed of a large amount of hurinca. Many conference to port wrc nRreed to. Tho cmtt bill jrrant Inen pension of J2..vn a year to tho widow of Ad in. I'ortcr passed; nli a bill granting rw- lief to certain oftlcers and tneiioftbH nrnt Kansas (colorefl) regiment; also tlm sennto bill for the inspection of cat lie, ho;:, etc. Many conference reports were nmiieu through and at 1 o'clock (at niRht) the house adjourned "" TIIK senate held a brief executive session soon after mcelinir. on the 3d and then agreed toallthuamenduii'iitx to the deficiency mil with tlwxceptjon of four that were reerviil, and these were anally agreed to, iiiclud IiiK the French spoliation claim, and the hill rintilly pMss!. Several coiifcreneo rc porl were a-sn-eil to, liirludluK that on tho eopvriKht Mil. which eliminate the Mier- TTian amendment. Al Hie oeiunn m-n-mu thescii'ile iutiiited on Hie Hawaiian cubic amendment to tlindiploinatie bill and passed lOii pen-ion bills ..1 In-only builncsi trani. uetediu the house wan that of eoiihIdtrlnt onfereneo reports ami in this respect me fcxiiori was a very busy one, 1 In: cntilercnev reports on the pemdoii appropriatin, tlie In dian appropriation and the copyright bills wero agreed to and at a laty lioiir the session closed. AITKU a roiilluiiotis all-nlKl't session In eleariui; up ils work the Semite on tlietthre- redivl from Its Hawaiian cable amendment to tlm diplomatic hill, agreed to the con ference reports on tin legislative appropri. atlon bill and the agricultural bill, and at r, I', a. in tKik a rci'ess for breakfast. 'I lie session was resunit d at 'J a. m., when a mo tion to reconsldur tlie vote on tlie copyright 11X1 was ilefe.ited. The tonier. eiico on the dcllclcncy bill was arce'i to (ri'taining tlm French spoliation claims). A motion by Mr. Itausom tciidurin;; thanks to the vire-presideut was adopted, and all the bus nessof the session having been com pleted the scnatu at noon was declared ad journed siuo die.. ...Thu house agreed to various conference reports on appropria tion bills, but defeated tlie bill for thu re- organization ot tlm army Mr. Mehlnley offered a resolution of thanks to this speaker for his Impartiality and ability in thu ills- charge of his duties, and Mr. Mills demand ed the yeas and nays. The resolution was adopted by n party ote, I he democrats tot ing solidly against It. IIiihIiicss having been completed thu house at noon Mas adjourned nine die. rKILSONAL. AMI 1'OLITICAL. A nisrATfii from Cairo says that the Egyptian army has 1hm-ii organized under English officers even down to subalterns, and it is as much a Hritish army as the native imperial troops in India. AnviCKS from Chill state that three battalions and the Fourth regiment of government troojis stationed near 1'iwigua have shot their officers and de clared in favor of the revolutionist. I'aunkm. will form a political fund apart from that for tenants and his American money seekers will collect for lioth. In signing the copyright bill the pres ident used a large quill taken fnnu an American eagle stmt to him for that purpose by Mr. Koliert U. Johns i, of New York, secretary of the internation al copyright league. The pen was then returned to Mr. Johnson with the presi dent' s compliments. Tun senate select committee on re lations with Canada has decided toleaw Washington for Canada April :( to re sume their investigations begun last summer. Tiik prohibitionists have nominated a state ticket in Uhode Island. T. P. O'CoNXoit sailed from New York on the 4th homeward bound. Tiik Indiana house-has parsed a bill reducing railroad fares to i cents per mile. Tiik legislative council of Arizona has passed a woman sulfrago bill by a votc of 10 to -J. Tub ratification of the Si.veton and Wahicton treaty at Washington throws open to settlement one million acres of land in South Dakota and .Miiuii'sohi. A iiisi'ATt'ii from Madrid says that in a discussion of Cuban affairs in tho Spanish cabinet the sale of the country to the. United States was considered.. The weight of opinion was decidedly adverse to any such negotiation. Tub Vienna eorresjKiiident of the London Times states on good authority that recent negotiations carried on at the courts of (jeriiiauy. ItafV and Austria insure a renewal of the triple alliance. Gov. Fi.EMiNo.of Florida, lias decided to leave the choice of Senator Call's suc cessor to the legislature. Tub election returns in Canada indi cated on the Sth a majority of ntxnit twenty for the Macdouald government. Aiivicks from Chili are to the effect that the insurgents "have lven defeated nt Ovalle and have withdrawn, towards J'jaeerne. Tiik president has appointed C V. Walker, of Oklahoma, and V. II. Payne? of Ann Arlsr, Mich., special agents to make allotments of lands in severalty to theSae nnd Fox Indians. It is said nt the White house that no more appointments will Ik; made, until after the presidents return from his hunting trip next week. Sami'ki. M. Faikkikm. several times prohibitionist candidate for uttorney gcneral of Massachusetts has lnen ar rested charged with having embezzled $2,000 in IKS". Gov. Hw.iH of New York, 1ms lwcii invited to deliver the address on the oc casion of the unveiling of the monu ment to Henry W. Grady in Atlanta, Ga., next summer. The West Virginia senate has passed a bill appropriating $40,000 for the state's world's lair exhibit. Thrkk was a riot at Kaolem, Austria, on election day, organized by anti Semitics, who raided a nunilcr of Jew ish shops and ravaged the Jewish ceme tery, where not one gravestone was left standing. One Jew was killed. It is stated on high Washington au thority that there is no prospect of an immediate change in tho office of United States treasurer. MIKCaXLANEOCS. Thk Marquis de Hretcuil and Miss Lita Garner, of New York, were married on the Sd at Pan. All the nobility of the Basque provinces were prescutat the wedding. Cokxwau. TtRO., soap manufacturers, one of the oldest firms in Louisville, Ky., have made an assignment The liabilities are estimated at S1SJ.000. A nispATCK from West Point, Miss, said that at Macon tho other morning William Ford, manajjer of the canning factory at lloonville, was shot and killed by J. E. Rives, a young lawyer. The parties belong to leading families of that section. Fiwc the other night destroyed -part of the new Marqnardt bank block at IX's Moines, la. Two stone were al most destroyed. Fred UarbaelrJost his catin atock o Jnraitnre and lldlycr & Marti lost their stock of jewelry and utThcmsiTiinn Both Josse&nre largo ly cosrtrod fey insnrancc. The total loV a emmwd at $150,e. rjpaor. LrxBxacirr, of llcriinttays W dies not chum to have at apecisc for !?!Sl6, waeoy xoTanooa mmmm -m -mm mmm-m w inBTK nr lnnaTnmAnrm -. . v - . . -- .. - it iasiaMa4n-ians. last -Aisatr-tjer- From St Pctcrslmrg comes toe new that an admiral who threatened to send workmen to Siberia liccausc they struck work on account of a. grievance lias himself ben sent Ui Siberix Mil. AK1 Ms- .lAronsoJf, of 447 West Huron alrcct, Cliicago, went to the theater tlie other night locking their two children Hans, aged 9 years, ami Mercy, aged 4 years in the house. Ihiring the parents' absence a lamp ex ploded and when they came home the children wens dead, having lecn suffo cated by tbc-RRioke. C. 11. WkiOiit, tho Northern Pacific Tailro&d Boillioflalrc, has purchased the entire capital" stock and bonds of the Hint system of railroads in Oregon and Washington, comprising 17 miles of cdmplcted .road .and forty-two jailes now under construction. The deal in volves about $3,000,000. Gavettk& Pui.AUn, leading bankers tjf France, have suspended. Liabilities, $i,ooolooa Nkws of a horrible massacre comes from Madagascar. Kainiastra, governor of the province of llelanond, resenting a petition from the populace to the gov ernment to defend them from cruelties, massacred 278 persons, including men, women and children belonging to the leading families. Six men were drowned iu the river near Paducah, Ky., being swamped in a storm. A statkmknt shows that during the past congress 411 bills for the erec tion of public buildings were intro duced, carrying a totaTnppropriation of $70,C:w,C'i,i. Of this nnmlier ninetj--three passed lwth houses, appropriating Sl2,o70,0:50, all of which became laws save four, which were vetoed by the president Otto colliery, Minersville, Pa., is flooded and useless. Tiik J. O. Sciiimmkls fruit preserving eompan3''s plant at Kigbth and Ilerks streets, 1'hlladelphia, was destroyed by lire the other morning. The loss was $150,000; insured. M. CoNSTANS, French minister of the interior, has given instructions that 'ven ready money betters on races on courses are henceforth to lo arrested. A kali, of from twelve to fourteen incites of snow was reported through out New England on thu ath, the heaviest of tlie season. Tiik Monroe high school at Monroe, La., was burned the other morning. Thomas Pcmbcrtou and Alliert Host, two students, perished in the flames. I.v u snowslide one-fourth of a mile below Attn, in Emory gulch, I tali, nine men were caught Hans Olsen and Itarney Cast were killed instantly. The lKsly of the latter was recovered. Au gust llausipnb and John Ford were badly hurt, but got out alive. It has transpired that Helena Marko vie and Helena Knicauine, who at tempted to kill King Milan, of Servia, in 18S'J, have Ihicii strangled to death in prison. Milan has requested M. Gnr aschaninc, who was premier at the time of the attempt, to institute an inquiry into the circumstance of the killing of the prisoners. Tiik suit of Hope fc Co., the Amster dam linkers, to compel the Louisiana board of liquidation to fund over $4. 000,000 state lionds, has been decided iu favor of the tioard of liquidation. Tub trisijis have reached Ponca, I. T., nfter a inarch through the Cherokee strip and report an almost utter ab sence, of Isiomrrs. Hut one herd of cat tle was found on the. strip. Tub Queen Isabella association, which intended to erect a pavilion on the world's fair ground for the use of the women otthc world, luis withdrawn its application for space owing to friction between the association and the women's lsiard of managers of the world's fair. Tub snow blockade on the Denver fc llio Grande railroad has been raised. Hamii.io.v Fish Kka.v, of New York, has lieeii appointed permanent receiver of the Kentucky Union Railway Co. Tin: wages of. the heavy grade silk ribbon weavers of the mills at Allen town Pa., have been reduced 10 per cent Hi'MNBS" failures (Dun's report) for the seven days ended March fi numbered ''(;."., ifimpntvd with U'.K) the previous week and -o0 tho corresponding week of last year. GcneraL busiuess was un satisfactory. Lboxaiui Kt'iix, cashier of Faulkner's defunct Dansville bank, has Ihcii sen tenced to tlie iK'iiitcntiary for receiving a dejiosit knowing the bank's insolv ency. Two small children of George White, of Limerick, Me., were burned to death while alone in their house. Tub Haltimoro Methodist conference by a vote of 14. to :W has decided against women delegates to the general con-, ierence. Gki:at excitement is reported in the state of Washington over the coming opening of the Cieur d'Alene rescrva tions. Thousands are encamped on the borders. - ADDrTIOXAL DISPATCHES. Tiikue arc over 1,500 carpenters and plan big mill employes idle at Indianap olis, Ind., in consequenco of the strike ordered by the building and trades council Allot the trade organizations arc being united in their support Tiik ten crop this year is 'J7.000.000 pounds short and this shortage will cause an increase of price to the con sumer of 10 cents a pound. The Canadian parliament will meet April 2t and the. formal opening will ensue the next day. Tub president has appointed James II. Hcattie. of Idaho. United States dis trict judge for Idaho. Dboajf.ff. the Nihilist leader and murderer of the chief of the secret po lice in ISSt, has lccn arrested at Kos troimi, Russia. A reward of 10,000 roubles has for a long time been of fered for the capture of Dcgajcff. Tiik Jacksonville southern passenger train over the A..T. S, F. was derailed reccntlvat Havana, 111. The fireman was killed and two others fatally and manv more seriously Injured. Tiik panic at lluenos Ayres is agam said to have been ended. Tiik clothing manufacturers of Ro chester, N. Y., have locked out their employes because of disputes with them. In Texas there are 1,741,190 whites. 492,S37 negroes, 70S Indians, 7S7i,ninese and 3 Japanese. Gicv. GRKxrRLL, commander ol the Egyptian army, read to an assembly of sheikhs from all parts of the Soadan the KhediTc's proclamation of general amnesty. The proclamation was re ceived with fervent cries of loyalty by the sheikhs. Thk lower Mississippi river was above the danger line on the Sth. Bad reports were being received. Rkv. FATMKGnATO , Catholic priest of Region, N. W. T., has been found dead five miles ontside of the city. He had left town to assist In the elections. On the retarm his tsamcave oat and he rose to death. Ta Freack Senegal expedition has wot aaother iciasy on the Xifsr with aative troosa and French oalrrs. Taa aatiresat Dmaa warn eeatea with a loss of ssakflledaad woaaded inclad ing their chhf. The Frcack lost eleven killed sad many wonn&d. UJLt is axpactcdr-hj theJmrttafton maaareaaeai inai uic iwaw j - pioyes now bebag made wiIljFdkme the rTOa of te eight 1m. u a i. BWiriiajnfml BTmmimmMl Bm fUt,4C . ,v, a Wsia &' rftka 1mV Fckraarr estimate SSmmamm. wiU 'S'nt-'i NEBKASKA STA1"E NEW& XHtrma TsjMslaro. THK sant on tse rth sppolntfa a confer esec oa the bill miklaxsn appreciation lo psrebaM Micd for'tb drought aaajtrt-ra A pet.tion from Omaha banker w pi iMcntea favurinfc the Taylor bill rept-aUBs: the arcs cat usury law. inber pctltiosa wersm-e-sBtcJ,sniI committees reported. A nam ber of bills cra Introduced, among them a bill by Senator Collins for female suflraac' The bill to amend the statute i as to alio 9 a majority of the voter of a county to divide It van lost.recelvinjc only It votes. Adjourned.. In the bonfre committees reported A Irngthy report was submitted from the spcelal com mittee appointed to Invetigate the receipts and expenditures of money i donated by tho United States for the support ot the sjrrl cultural experiment station. The committee found every this; la a satisfactory condi tion. At the afternoon session the house went Into committee, of tho whole to con sider bills on the itcneralflle. When the com mittee rose the bill passed authorizing the boards of supervisors la ths various coun ties to Issua bonds not to exceed 3 per ecat. of the assessed valuation, with a maximum limit of 5'JS.OOO, and use. the proceeds to pur chase seed for the needy farmers selling thu same fur 10 per cent, above cost, talc in a promisory note from the purchaser, payable In five years, and bearing 7 per cent. Interest. Tlie house abo pasied the bill making eight hoars a legal day's work for all classes f working men except those "engaged on the farm or in domestic labor." Adjourned. WllKK the senate met on the 2sth commit tees reported und bills were read a first time. Senator Mattes' resolution that the secretary of tlie senate report to thu senate employes on the pay roll of thu senate with :i view to discharging the superfluous ontvt after a long debate was defeated by a vote of YJ to 12. . When the bouse met .Speaker TClner severely lectured the lobyists who b id been tlie oec.ision of imieti confusion, and an nounced that tho rules iigaiimt them would be rigidly enforced. Tlie McKeynolds school book bill then came up on third reading and paniM-d by fifi to 31. A resolution by Mr. Howe for the appointments a commltt to hives tlgnte charges agatntt members who voted nlil to western sufferers was adopted alter animated debate. Under a resolution tliat a majority of said committee should Ik; antl Inilepeudent tho speaker Hppotnteil Howe (rep ). Faxon (rep.), (iifford (rep ). Taylor (Ind.) of butler, Feichtlugcr (iud.)uud White (ilem.) of Cans. At the aftcrnoou session the house went into committee of tho whole to eoiodder bills on the geuer il file. Tits senate met lit 4 o'clock p. in on tho 2d. Committees r. ported and bills were read a socoud time and referreL The bill estab lishing a normal school at Aurora was read n third time and passed ayes, 17; nays, 11; also the hill locating a normal school at Chadron; also the- bill providing for exten sion of the time of re lcemiiig undue tax sales. ...When tho hoimc met a petition was read from the bankers or Omaha favoring the pasage of senate file ISO Mr. Taylor's bill repealing the present uury law, und Is sitiilliir to thu Massachusetts Ihw and that of several other states. A longdcbatoon usury laws generally folio cd, and the petition wn referred. Many committers reported Jilllswere conldcnd in committee of the whole at the afternoon seisloii, and a lum ber disposed of. TllK senate on tho 3d reconsidered tho vote by which the Oliadron normal school bill had been defeated. Thu conference report on tho bond relief bill was presented and concurred In. On motion ot Senator Heck further proceedings In tho Fiinek-Collliis contest were inib finitely poMpoued. Hills were then considered In lommltten of the whole. The maximum freight rate bill was debated nt great length und finally recom mended for passage.. ...The houe amended the bill to provide for tho issue of flM),(M) In lionds for tho benefit of the drought -offer crs so as to meet tho rciiuirciiiontH of thu constitution and tho bill pnased. Tho hill providing for local option on tho sale of iu tox lotting spirits was debuted at great length and the i nuet.ng clause strlckcu out by a vote of Gs to 72. Many other bills were favorably considered in committee of the whole. A resolution was adopted dlrvrtlng tho speaker to appoint a special committee of nine to sift out all Important bills. TllK senato on the 4th pussed tho bill pro hibiting undertakers or others, without the consent of tho coroner, from placing em balming fluid Iu thu bodies of persons who have died under suspicious circumstances. Tlm warehouse bill pru-xed; also the bid ro tating to rcKhttrullon. Tho ennto in com mitteoof the whole, recommended for pa-s ago the lulls to en-ible purchasers of itd grain to mortgage tho crop to lie grown there'rom, and the bill authorizing county lioards to use llio county surplus general fund to purehuHe fuel, seed grain, etc.. for neely farmers....Alter receiving several petitions tho hou.se, Iu eomiiilltco of tho whole, considered many bills. At tho after noon soion Sir. joilennan's bill for a con Mtliiitlomtl convention was conldered nt lengtb and a motion to strike out the enact ing clans was lost by a volo of ifi lo IS and the bill recommended for passage, ilou-o bill requiring tho names of a majority of tho legal totersof the towu-hlp or jireeimtto s gu a petition for estublisliiiig a saloon be fore tli Ileeiiio shall bo looieil by the boanl of supervisors was also rcuommeiuled for pas-nge. TllK sonnto met lit noon on the Mil. when committees reported oil various bills, and the body adjourned until morning.. ..At tho moiiilng session of tho house tlie Moan bill prohibiting free railroad passes to public officials anil others was passed by W yeas to 83 nays, 'J being abcnt. Ilrodcson, liobson. Nichols and llnglcs. Independents, voted ak'ain-t the bill. The house also paNcd the bill authorizing trades unions and a-soeia tioiis to adopt labels, and punishing those wlio may counterfeit them. Tho women's municipal suffrage bill as defeated by 41 yeas to t'J nays The hill authorizing the formation of farmers' mutual Insurance companies pushed. Itills were then consid ered in committee of tho whole. Mlicrllnnnro. J. A. Uow-ahd, a traveling man, was recently arrested nt Nebraska City on the charge of forgery. Ho was at tho time in the city hospital, having "broken his lefr si few nights previous "while out with the lsiyR." He wn. charged with falsifying orders for fruit trees. Kuwaiio Noah suddenly disappeared from his home at Stella several weeks ago, and the other day he was hcanl from on a passenger train nt Ilagdad, Cat, when h suddenly drew a pistol and shot two passengers (slightly wonnding them), then jumped from the train, ran into the brush and cut his throat He was insane. A ni.K at lleatricc the other night de stroyed the residence occupied by the family of It It Douglas, traveling agent of the llnrlington road. Mrs. Douglas and her little daughter barely escaped from the burning dwelling. Tho loss on the building was $2,300, with $1,000 insurance; on the furniture, 51.200, with $300 insurance. Tns other day Andrew Johnson and Mrs. Van Haven, of Chadron, eloped, taking with them the lattcr's seven children. Their departure was attended hy considerable excitement, as they were followed closely by the infuriated hasband and father of tie family. But the couple reached the train just as it was ready to start and succeeded ia getting aboard. M.ur Schmidt, employed at the Dostwick hotel in Hastings, died the othcrmorning after twelve hours of in describable agony, having taken an un known quantity of oil of tansy. A young man who deceived her was the cause. Katrax Carter, one of the oldest settlers of Washington county, was ac cidentally killed while recently unload ing lumber from a box car at ltlair. M. L. Hattox, living about four miles from Edgar, committed suicide by hanging himself in the loft of his barn the other night Financial dificaltioa led to the set if The Australian ballot bill, which has become a law, will apply to spring elections in the state, as aa emergency dacsc was attached. Da. Hoskaw. who formerly practiced sear Hampton, died recently from a aeli-administrrcd dose of chloral. Tan coanty of Wayne has petitioned the sapreme coart to enjoin the offcials of Thirstoa county from collectinc! taxes am the territory which is claimed br hath oaaaies.'vlf Wayi JMii-ifV wills a 'Saanten comity. , '.-s v : -i T j lrraaAX1' weeks ajpaaSwedei by tka Mac of 2sonlcen visited several miles from kk how after midnight, aarimj he we ammmmmW ry CjammMBsMm JLmV0lwVVOtP9l WamV Wtml ?7.?'&zVBmc TEA1N WRECKED. tr Train DarmQcd at Switch. TK.tlECi DESTROYED BY FIRE. Tkc rtcsaa Killed sad Two Otaers mull? lajarea Maar Metw Hart A Crse Cmhsm4 M ths Garsl IMnstcr. Peoria, 111., March 9. The Jacksoa villc Southeastern passenger train over the A., T. t a F., which left Ticre" at 11:39 yesterday morning, met with a terrible accident at Havana, forty-one miles south of here. The train consist ed of a baggage car, a coach, a chair car and two sleepers and was an hoar and a half-late owing to the storm which raged all night At Havana there is a sharp curve a mile and a half from the depot and the engine struck the curve at the switch and left the track. All the cars fol lowed, piling up in great confusion. The half dressed passengers clinibcd out of the windows and through the roofs of the demolished curs and hast ened, barefooteit through the sleet and over the icy roads tothe nearest houses. The passengers who wero in tho coach extricatod their injured companions. Under the engine was Fireman Sad dler, who was instantly killed. He iuiue here a few days ago from the Ilnl tituore it Ohio road and was a stranger. By the side of the engine was En gineer llirkcnhead of this city, with one arm and a leg cut otT. The other injured are: Flwanl Huiiituett of IVoria, burned and badly bmii-cd. Walter Conovcr, of Monitou, III., left arm torn out and fatally injured. Charles Mulvaney, of Streetor, 111., back and head crushed, will die. .Miss Kinnia Uushton, of St Louis, se riously bruised. Kx press Messenger Hates, of Chicago, left foot torn olf and badly bruised. Frank I. Lewis, of l'eoria, scrlously jnintned in the breast Conductor M. J. Kennedy, who lives at Eureka, 111., and C. L. Hughes hrakeman, of St Ixitiis were also in jured by being thrown against the car seats when the wreck occurred. The wreck immediately took lire and burned with great rapidity. It was with the utmost dilliculty that some of the passengers were rescued and one or two were severely burned. A wrecking train was sent out from Jacksonville at once, but when it reached the scene the fire had swept the debris out of exist ence. Tho loss to the company, including thu death and accident claims will not fall short of S100.00O. An unusually small list of passengers was rtlsiard the train. The people in the sleepers wero not injured, but had to make their way on foot for a mile through the terrible storm to shelter without shoes or any clothes. A.C. Woods, of Jacksonville, 111., was on the train bringing home the remains of his daughter, who had died the. night lH'fore at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. V. Head, of Oak Point With him were his daughters, Mrs. S. D. Osliornc, of this place, and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Kead and two children. Tin1 casket containing the daughter's lxly, which was in the baggage car, was burned to ashes. All the others of the family es caped in a miraculous manner. NEWFOUNDLAND'S POSITION. What the I.lttle Colony Want In thu Wny of n Treaty. IlALirAX, N. S., March 8. Tho ad dress adopted in reply to the governor's speech at the opcuingof the Newfound land assembly makes allusion to the reciprocity treaty with the Tinted States and the French shore question as fol lows: "It is highly satisfactory to know that your ministers have with the ex press sanction of tho imperial govern ment concluded to negotiate a treaty of reciprocity with the United Stttes, but this satisfaction is seriously diminished by the intimation which your excellency has conveyed that the imperial government has with held its assent to this convention. Wc cannot closo our eyes to the fact that her majesty's government in adopting a course fraught with such disastrous consequences to this colony has been influenced by a regard for the interests of the neiglilHiring dominion. It in a subject of congratulation, however, to be informed that your excellency's min isters are using every effort to obtain the assent of her majesty's government to this convention. "We regret that your excellency should have to convcj to us informa tion that the government of the French republic has not favorably received the protmsals for the withdrawal of French subjects from the treaty shore of this Lsland. We infer from the absence of any allusion to any proposal of a re newal of the modus vivendi of b'M that a temporary arrangement so obnoxious to the people of this colony has expired with tho year for which only it was adopted." The governor in reply said that he regretted that he had to take exceptions to those portions of tho address which relate to the proposed convention with the United States. He hail no doubt that when the correspondence in the matter was laid before the assembly they would find that their conclusions and deductions had been erroneous. Speaking of the reciprocity resolution in the assembly Sir-William Whitcway. premier, made a statement which, if true, says the St Johns Herald, al solves the' Britwh government of any had faith. The premier said in effect that the delegate to London snbmitted to Lord Knutsford a draft of the state ments of the proposals Newfoundland wished to make to the United States as a basis of the treaty. After a discus sion the Hritish government consented to permit Mr. ltond to visit Washington to ascertain" if the treaty could be ar ranges! on the lines of the proposal. Mr. Hond consented to terms which wre not in the draft proposals as laid fore Lord Knutsford. CMwls. There are msnj oU naxses &maag the clcrpy of the Episcopal chnrch. Amornjtbcm maj be mentioned Adam, HakewclL DumbclL I,rc. Fury, Gass, Ice, Irish. Jet, Junr. Krnm, Leal. Mac I dafT. 'ocli Jseafbrcasc, SeHwooa, Tardv. Wheat, Stoeklnf. Ycwsgnnsband andZara. The faenltj of Michljraa aatrersity contains 3X3 persons, bat np to Ibe present time ban never laeladed wobj aa aenonr the n amber. Msnr friend plead tkat when new apyolBtaacsts are j to be node, some ox tne vacancies ssaai be ailed bj fesale laatractors. Taoasaodsof ortersare snipped to Eagiaadfroai the region near Greea vrjek, jpasaa. -"Taej- are fanhai aaa raaaied into barrels w taat t3a sfcells cannot open. Tkis keeps tie, crjstrra all ve aa4 cbviates the b nwnfy Htaf fcc TSrorsira reach Karl ia ex- - r . ' Ti r- SI.J4HS aawca as OrssvX. J sad nt, j arenas. SB vra iOHer aWat oa tae ilianilk aafrntolckma for taaaMBC iwei to aAer fW ailar aafTtaat g 1 tarasataa OUR NAVY. A CaHMtle Letter rrsMn lh M ef ater lavatte-AtsraUsta Klelemle aaa tae Xavy Crltlstiea, New Voaic, March T. Ex-Senator Ingalls has been stirring' up an itamensa amount of talk here by one of the most hitter aadcnttlaf attacks thatachan yet made on the navy. The article ap pears in this week's Truth. All the news stands were sold out before S o'clock. A second edition of the paper k in press. The article in substance ia as follows: The annual shriek about oardefcales easts and the bombardment of Xc York, rfeiladsdphla and Boatoa has been emitted. Th yearly pamphlet describing' tho blood eardHsf iBCldenta asd the pplllojt coase- at tbo war With Chill and Spain la !) has ln aent to each leaater and repre seatatlve la eoncresa. Th editorial eatl mates la the metropolitan press ot the SBouat of property within reach of an Ital ian Ironclad la the lower bay and ot the ran som tnat coald be extorted from th mer ehaata sad banker havn all been submitted and are Sled away for ue ajaln In POT. Their purpose Is to reeonclle the people to .t. ....... .. .. HKi m...1,1. i. in BBdtothernonjioundproa.?ite esp-ud- !. In tin.. mmmm f.e khlrv4 aetrt-. ui. iu va va -.-..- tlont and munitions of war. The capacity of Ih t'nltrd Mate to cro i at a navy In an emergency ai demon I atrated In the rr bell Ion. Tint duet between the Monitor and the Merrlmuc In Hampton roada revolutionised naval warfare and the problem has tnce been to construct armor that no projectile could prnotrnte and then Invent projectile thst no armor c-ould rrslt. Kuropnu nation Ue Deo conuuctina" these oapenslve- eap.rlment.. hitherto aud ir.e piups oi iwj are airra'iy ounmm: nu antlqnatcnl for attack or deft ue Dyuamlto and other eaploslves eoutpllcntc th-i sltua tlon and the navy tnat wo are now build- liijatacot of fa).xio)wIll be a worth- le In l'.-0 n Itniniui Ralleys KnjUaJ. France and I Italy would gladly sell ui thrlr - - fJeeta jtMp rccnutiuiioirrou nwcaro tArtnit itrukti iisvr (or nrnlsf hm ara must have hlpt enough lo aieinbl) at' every vulnerable point a force a larce b ' could bortispslehed ncnlntt tt. Tho nil llon j that weare wiuandennon vrels that are j sent on Idle rrrands In piadruns of eolu- tlon.' 'painted pn;eiit ot the deep.' had ' bcttrr be pcut tor earthworks and power ' ful Runs to eoliiumnd very roadstead, ehau- j V fcs e a so -- . - - nel and harbor from which a hotlle fleet could threat or assail Is there any necessity for spendliiK mil llont every year for naval defene. or any Justification for the hyitertral appeats to popularapprehrtislonand alarm? Our policy la pacific Wo have no colonies nor depen dencles nor entangling- alllanrra. Wars break out uneipectfdly. It Is true, soine tlmcs. but from wliat quarter can danger be rationally autlcipated? Our relation ulth France are thoo of traditional am. ty. with Germany, ot kinship and consanguinity; with Uu!la. of fraternity. Tho rrt at trivial. Our only enemy Ik Ktiglund und aim Is under bond to keep the peaee. No othrr uutlou la no vulnerable and none so0rtetnl. She ha Incurred the rentinent of tho human rai c by cniturlrt of liijnstleei Colonel McClure. a notetl Mlsslippl duel ist, had oreii'lon to kick an unrcfNtliiK ti tleman at a hotel In Kalchec lleltiR not Ioum after In alemphls. the colonel uw his victim subjretlux another to the same treat. tnent- IlelnK Komewhat eurous and unerr talti u to the Identity of the person, he said "Are you not the fellow I kicked do n stairs in Notihrr?" -Yes.' replied he. "but. col onel, you and 1 know who to ktek" Knplutid kicked us when we were helplest nnd reeblo. he ucked and burned ti defenseless eip. Ituf. tfliu hi kicked Ireland, she has kicked KK"Pt. "he has kirkeil the Hindoo, the Zulus, the lloera. the I'hlncie, but she Is tif t In the hnblt of klckinK her equal. II. r courHge Ispiudeiit andculculatliit;. .he m careful not to klek Napoleon until the rest of Kuropo joiiud her, und he endured Kits, slan aKressioii until (ho bud persuaded Krunre lo bear the brunt of the Crltncnu campulxn. In our civil war hc did nil ho could, short of open hostility, o destroy the union nud then apologUed nnd paid dam iigea. lately we have hnd another contention about sail poaching and tho IlehrliiK sn.i. Oceans of ink liavo been shed Iu diplomat lo correspondence between Lord Salisbury and Pecrttarr Illulnc. Creut llrlt.ilu fortified Vancouver and sent ships of war Into tho dlsputod water, walking aiound, tuetaphor- Icully ripeuklng. beirKluir us lo knock tho eiup irom ller 8iiouu.r, or io treau iipui inn lulls of her coat, ljrully. slm had an open case at least. In some respects thu best of tho argument A casus belli could euatly huvu been found. If wuutod. and wo were assured that tho dung'r wus imuituent. The boldest held his breath for awhilu Iuimensu upproprlntlons wero prompt, ly voted for fortifications and tho navy and then, while tlm nationnt hulr was standing on end, Kngland suddenly cuuiu Into our su premo court us a suitor und submitted tho whole controversy to the decision of that groat tribunal- Thu iiewnpitprra that do aorlbed thu dramatic utterunces of senators about tho dangers of war with Great Ilrltuln contalued In another column of tlie i.mo lasnc on account of the procee lltus In tho old senate e hum bor. In which Lord Salisbury submitted thoclultnsuf Kngland to adjudica tion as a cjuiatlou of International law. It was reassuring, but it was luughnble. never, theles. Join. J. Ixoalus. EARNINGS DECREASED. Th llurllngtou Show it .Serious railing Off For January. Ciiicaoo, March 7. Tbj statement ol the Chicago. HurliuKton ,t Qulncy Kail- j road Co. for January, compared with that of the corresponding month of hut year, shows: Groiw earnings, Si.3'J'.,S'W. a decrcaao of 53S7.5T9: operating ex penca, Sl.Tl.'sOdl, a decreaso ol in.fH'0. The net earnings, after allowing for all expenses nnd charges except cllriilitotta, show a deficit of 8177,2.11, against net earnings of 81S7,52 in IStK), or a de crcaac of S351.50t. Vice-lresidcnt iVaslcy says: "One considerable cause of the falling oil in .Tanunry earnings; aa compared with last year was the failure of the corn crop In 1890. The growi earnings from the transportation of corn from points west of the Missouri river In the month of January, 1390, vrera 8130,000, while in the same month this year from tlie same points they were only ? 24,000. It appears that tho falling off In rev enue was certainly. If not entirely, on the lines west of the MlsMrari river. The statistics conpilcd by Chairman MJdirclv. of the western freight aaaocla- tion. last week ahowed that the Ilur-j llngton road between Chicago and Kan- as City made a much better comparative ; TT!.-:- ..- it V-..- showing than any other Use between those points. Everybody Cttrrth.aj. Brows' VAtxrr, Minn.. March 7. Flandrcds of Indians belonging to tlie SlssetoB asil Wahpetos baodA gathered here from the reservation all day yea-1 terday and last evening and took part with the whites in celebrating th open- j In of one mill km acres of the finest agrlcnltHral lands In Soath Dakota. The whites rejoice at tlie opportunity to se cure land valued at 810 to $20 aa acre muler the homestead law. and tho In- dlans rejoice becavc the treaty gives them over 53,000.8. The Great North era will be extended across the reserva tios frosa Aberdecs sad St- PftaL, and will cotse from WKxsot os iu way sorth. 4ay FrJa;ht Trsisa. McxFins. Tens.. March?. At a rseet- tag o the cctton exefeasgeasd the 3m- j chants exefestssre u this cttr to t ' actios agalavit ti sscMHre sow pesd- j t I ss. s - trU1atsie oeeJIVw Uisy -ec . -w. . -- j itia? tks iinisuriT Of Irsigat trsias est Swsday, reaolatiosai were adopted set tjpf forth tist e!. JegiItIoa wcaid resslt ia tarsinf bwstars tiat csrw earse to or parsed throagh the ttav 8to acsl ever Ussrs of frasaportaaios aroesj. Teasessee asd wosU delay. ksmper zd iajwe state traV Jd traf- rrsfvsi. St. Pact. Mkca.. Xsrei T-5Ute ut- 'iirrirrTViiTjrvJ,J M" MfVt srhk th accossats of VfJ Csery Jzr F- Drris tosflseorer Wtwe allttoasGaser frwsi Cot Trerrr fa$f tie Is tewr year. Tleflre w a no m w, An OS ciecusM oaw. mmmmi vj -- s -. jr -- - - m aB ss aai we xmgmwmr9jr' MMertaM.Jiasi vaww. s-r etexr, waft set M pi'twi' kit if sisg 0b. ITS WORK REVIEWED. Want tee rtttr- Crs ifm ptWfcrO-Hma That That rllssi-Mevy Arrlr,u,,, ... WASinsiiTftS. Xsrra S.-I reviewing th werk of the riliy-flrst entcs lhrci meas ures, any of which la latrlase Importance sd popnlar Intvrcat would b sufficient for a national Imcc, stand forth pr-eminent arses all others ant. the BcKinley tsriff bM which becsm a law, .croud, the dvfr bill, oa which la the flrt session a compro taito was cltcsrted ll on monthly pur chase of t,lV ouncrx ot silver, w&Jch In turn was followed by a wore radical im are which failed of p. and third, tha federal elections bill which. aftr A protract d.blttor. hotly fought and Intensely etclt tag preliminary tru!c, ful in the a sto to rrch s drcltlv vol on Its merits. Radical Inaovatlont la the rale of tho beuM added Interest to its processings nt determined hat fruitless efforts to adopt tho most vital of these laaovatlons fnsl a part of tec history of tho latter part of tho w session of the senate I Even In Its mortuary reoord the congre i - .....v..t.f .. k. .jii nr iipflin uai iu. i ... ivilMl.xi'ir, ,.. .., .r- summoned uo fewer than twelve of It up- i n-.rntatlTfs and three of lis senators. Tho lit contain thentur ot etor Heck, of Kentucky. Wdon.of MaryUnd. and llrart. I Kelle. Samuel J. Uandall ahd I ' at- T .-.- -. . .1 ttlS lb n rm If,,, .la ami Krorrrnille m. . : .vM rtl IVnn.vIVlftia. V .!! Do Hi wilber n.iv.inaJ Xuitinr. of Sew I or k. Lien- aidTonMnd.of IIUubU. J.AtJIarncs and James I Walker of llourl. James Laifd. ofNVbraska. Kdward J. t.raV. Of Loum-na. tid James I'helan. ot Tennecv Thr total appropriation, for thU eonrc wlllprobablvreachablU'onofdo'Iar In the IMHeth conire rn-wwi nrrn. land vetoed :..ll bill and Jo nt rr.olution-. . H,ue ,n tt,enftyatt lVesldeut IU vctoctioajrt.jr6a. AuiOtuf tht-sr s rr Harrison for the erection of a public bu Idow a our Harbor. Mcv. to authorlif Oklahoma tity to luc bond, to pnvldc a rltcht ot was for the .iloct-iw Coal 4 Kailnad di. to e.iabt -h u i rr-oxsl and pension bureau In thearde- partmentand to create the preieBt he-ad.- Kaiimriii niiu i , , ,n.j,oAnur r tbcrlietoI the ad. Army. lor iiio rwtiei oi n . f tho estate ot t.eorj: W. Law. mlnlstnitrt. O -... 7 1(, bills that became taws dnrlnt; the con. KtT jusl ca,icd numbered ?.l In th Klfiieth concre !.3I were rnnetest Tho uumbrr of bills, stc. lutrodueeil H tho yny tint conjcrrM eareedd b "ir cent. ! ihe number introduced In the fiftieth con. , Krvkv ( .u,cms the bdl which hae bfOHi lan-s , arv thec The tipyrlKht lilt, the prste land court bt I. Hit tiat ubHi b 1. thn Indian dcpresl Ulons cllm b II. th.- tlmlwr aud pre empilon law rx jwal bill, the cus toms administrative bllf. a Kmrul luud forfeiture bill, thu bill to rrUoo the su. prrm court by thn establishment of Inter tnrdlMtceirrult csiurtt of appeal, tho l"nel StttUH JimU'o. k.tlaries bill, thn worHf fair bill, tho yomln,: and Idaho admission bills, the antl lottery and unn trul bills, the re apportionment bid. the Imiulitration bill, the bill to ratify agreements w ith various In dlan tribr's and to pay the friendly moux 11'W.UO. to reduee the fev ot peiisu.n nrfrnt.. to nv tho French pol atton rlatin. tho J meat lnpeet!un bit, to pretiut the bu nurtatlou of adulterated IikhI . and drink. the II e cuttlf hlid prmtSn!! tnstuet onbllt. the bill appro II.OO.'OI fir tlie lllinr .em-it ot Lie Missis I nippi rjy 1. lo penult urBhun sujjir maun I facturrrs to use alcohol without payment of lax rr n,r ctitistruet on of itdeepw ttrlmr- I bor on tho oast of 'I ems. to app. tlm pio- i rrniiil piiu.ie iimis nin, m, m-i ! certain land jjrnnl tnllroads lo Ih of agricultural mi l liidustr'ut eoll eeesls of pub.lc lands nnd tho ree.'ipts irolu J llio suiipott iej!t pn- j 1H,I(.r Kriteral to expend fl'lnslto test tho , ,, jHUery sj stem In small town. I Thu Ilia r edueatlonul toll, tho bill for th) 1 appointment of an alrohol liquor roiinuls. f -Ull nlj n,"CiK.Ht hours" claims LIU ra j t,rtur4 which srn defeated on tt voir a, j wj,o nmoiitf those nftcr pa.stiirf one housu fj,i ( uetiuu in tlm other lire tho bank r,,,,t,.y m txe Conger lard bill und tho I -... reoriranlzAtlen bill. Tho I'ad b-ek pure food hill, the Nk'arwKiii i ennui bill thu 1'ui.itlo mltriAd fundlntt bill and the Inter-stiite eouinere bill lo permit; limited I ouIIiik of earnliii'" by r.nlroa 1 1 out. panics or iituon; the iueuuru which fnlUnl to reiteh a vote In either hnuso The follnwlng am ome of the scnat" bills j Which fade! to pass the house lo provide torthefr eolnugn of stiver, enlnrglng tho i -,.. .,r h.,i.irif 'rs ml ore enmii.ri on the public binds, ret ivlng- the strait of ilrit tenant uruernl of thn urtnv and fr thn e ptorutton and survey of the Interior of Alaska, j The follow lliir house bills fulled to piss thu penate To transfer tho revenue marine s-r ' vleo tollie mar, to authorise the construe tlon of a tunnel titulor the the Oetro.t riv r Ml Detnilt. MIcIl, for th relief of tihpriph uperalora slurllitc the war. . Atiionx tho measures iti w tilth tirithrr house artml (except In soii.i ensri, hi eoin lilltlees) wer- the sub treasury nnd farri tuortiritve bills. jc srrv ee pension bill. thJ ' (.'nnadlnti n-e proettv resolution, tim bill to ' encountrfe the eimstriirtion of n mil rrou tliieutnl railway, the postal s.itlii,s bm.k nnd postal teb'tirnph bills, tho Duller bill ! aid to'Kror.s to omij-rjtn lo Africa, ncuiuit sullrsifo and prtdiibltlon eolislltulloititl amendments thelncotiiwtax bill an I various ( other r-dical llttancl.it and ilit'eiil mcas. u res I Contest for seats held by detiurnts tn the house were made by eighteen republic nns. Theebctlons roiiiliilttt'ii deflileit se.V enteen of these- eleven Iu favor of repobhe. uns ami six In fa or of demon ai, Tho house seate illt republleun In plitee of slttlnjcdemicnis and de lred t ! seat of one democrat vacant. The hotis adopted j the report of the committer on t'fry i.an I presented. i Tho first, or lowr session, was notnbln for thu number of Important measures that be-, ramelawa. WjomltiK and Idaho were ad milled to stntrhood, maktnir thw niittifferof states forty four. A general land r.itt loneiiure idn, proviiin ior iii ionetur i to the government ot all unearned Ij'j-Is (trsiitrd to aid In the eoiistrurtion of rai-road- op;osite porllotis of the roa I uneoiu plvted at tho time of the passage of thu law, opened new lands to settlement. Th? pro- ' hlbitlou of American meat trout certain for elim niarsets L viuichl about tho passage ef tho law to prT d for the Inspection t meats Intende,! for etport Th bills to pro I hiblt the eiportatlun of adulterated articles of food and drnk and lo enabbt th prrsi dent t' prevent tb Importst'oti of trnpur ml ailttttrsf l krfll .f ftuul ml.lr.nV am worthy of special mention, nhil am'tiif j the Iras Important but KrtinUy InUrestIn( laws enacfe.1 were the folhjwUi j J'rnsldltia; for an additional UUut st j reiaryoi in navy anu an n sum er"sry of war. Incresrlnx o I7i a ttsonth th pen slons of those (M-rtnanvntly disabled, for the pmtnnlsatlon by the president Of f xtjlslle to pie rent th spread of ctHttsgUru dt f rom onp state to another, irrti x r-rt a estes of dischsrxe to those who tnl.t-d on- dtr suincl miws in th? ,r of te rtl i lin; to prevent th Jiporu.tk fraoc "- inwHwiirro. Rose,. pu.m, ,T . latter .tat-.eterpt In orlrl.Ipse.Jf.Ml transferrin tb weatb r durvau f m tte a llal eorps to the azriculturil depsrlw.!. Anoth-r oiemir of lmportace tht s. I came a law In t. seeond 'ssjof, was ths dirssrt fax bill. wbtei prcvldsa for refaadi' the smoanta Srvttd la eeruln stst an4.t j thsnSif't war taxof MSt. mi wu iesise I ....- 1. 1ia Sfftf,S. rmmm.m l.TMi4 .K.. ' lose and weary deadlock in the fowis of res)ettlvs eaaa4 by th SrU U ps lb Ml was ompiniTj v jikii; st sinrin a any xrrat bow of rrstasre In th s7f$rfs j -SEeWai of . u. rx sfc. Jarisdlellon of federal rettrU wiM vn4oh- rdryrteTeihoverowJsl dstXet f tlrt) t, nitJ 5tate opreue coisrt. Tfcs et pr vtde for additional eirvsit Jo-fre 'b w. In cnJontltiwHb Jtfetb-aa of ts ffrrj anprrsMt rvnrt, os4 tsUmsesU apefuta dresjit rtrarts lo eertala srae br4we-a thr Urm t ccrsru aad t hirhewt td Selal t rAruti al t thacucortry rr-n-nt svsatfiUlnta emerrnH tm in tSeUucj cf tb frdrrsi twcratt Usi brootfiS nbrrat th mtmat in U s1 rifiPi of a sasrs 4jsm t raxi ti jtw. w84ihc alJ'rid atns. If aks-s ife t&eirxn UVjt 1 in aosbet sftHftuan avJl fSSS OlXKrAtrr. 19 WIITI" xe r-gbxm SMJ u-srlb (t ll CSsWeTJUna Ue ru4rU in Irom t UiUr1 tje limpfjr yt seas froat forests rr. eerrf Crrwu1lsss Aim Kis st. ITmWTMH. I'a., March i Te r rreey obarvt4 dor!;; tk crzMxtUm oi Erssea A htaU. tw weeks ao Ju ta.9 a chasye ia ritulwrU ty nullUm. It ka been dee&k a dxs?cni& priv ilege to crrSBite retlT- sum Wrcaf W jeaUie fsyrasit 1st ease ol IrsriaL SSSUM. UK IA4teAOS7,a4 Ssiah tm m yrw Yee, 3Carea i Tie svrw rw srofI!rr f-rrry ioaxl Kerrrs, f tie Star- daystrwl llsxroi I labok ok lr wy f over to tk r ic Je jrtrij wxmSms. ra dew th tfcreg ws.u4 sckser B V&ia. cf Bask. '. J $ sUat. aVwt Vm $t wt fross her ip- Tie $k&omt A. ir $te sfAre ift sad ck alss ksmiifslHt-1 ly. 31aet3reitmlssirl4vrrweT reaacaeg wr the 36 rjf laisst jjm iMm&cum uet, . ritm m CUmmm 4mtvrl mi. -- - - .v - vidiiiK for town site entries In Oklahoma. to svefc, tlCCp-.catcti COUgl HKC litis amend th. Interstate comni iee act o to , sevefti teW as II rCIIJCtlv mil Kltr tberoiinnlaaiua fuller por In re.p-ct , arc OH .-rv. .l icuicuj o. to maktnir liioinries. und to enable the poet- ' be SlUMCCtCU lO. 1 1 l" tOf lll"C I0IIR- mimfr oftfc'iin '! 'mSSmKmmmWml. r a sajjar ssassw sbsssw sss sasBBBswsBassrsssBssssBBB' The brusque and fussy im pulse of thse days of false impression would rate down all as worthless because one is unworthy. As ( there were no motes in sunbeams t Or comets among stars! Or cataracts in peaceful rivers I Because one remedy pro fesses f.o do what it never was adapted to do, arc all remedies worthless? Because one doctor lets his patient die, are all humbugs? It reautrcs a tine eve and I 1 V. in lmCr Drain lO discriminate to draw the differential line. "They say" that Dr. Pierce's f GOKlCn McdlC.il UlSCOVCrV lUHl X " Dr. Pierce's Iravorite Prescrii tion ha-e cured thousands. They say " for a weak sys- i , , - . . i .. l tCm there b nothing OCttCr tiUfl ., nierfiTOrv" nnd lh.1t thu ...v. -.- -".-' . ,4 Favorite Prescnption is the hojx: of debilitated, feeble women who need a restora tiC tonic and bracing icrvine. And heie's the proot Try one or both. It thev don't help you. tell the World Dispensary Medical Asmh;u tion m, and you get your money back agam. "German Syrup" J. C Davis, Rector of St. James' KpiMMiiul Clmix.lt, Kufnuln. AU "My sou has K'cn Ixitlly nhlK'trl with a tearful awl lurvntcuiug oittgh for several iiioutlit, and after tryiitx .venil nrrxcrintiotlK flOUl nllVNtCUtlls I which failed to relieve huu.'hc 1 been icriceiiy rciorcvi oy wc hmt oi two Inittle of llo- An Episcopal tehee's German Syr up I can reexun Ractor. mend it without hesitation." ClirottK s'-niidinir ca-s that Bochec Cei man Syrup is made a sjrcwHy Many others a filleted as thin Ind was, will do well to make a ot ot this. J, K. Arnold, Montevideo, Mum., write: I alwity.HU.sc German Svrup for a Cold on the I.uuh. I haw never found an equal to it far lea a superior. G. G. GKLXX. Sole Man fr.W ixxUniQ.sVf. RICKLY ASH BITTERS ia! ImsfjfUal sfsnt el Mm wMMMiritfewLlVEII. WHiwilfaiUef sfssiMy yvrtsvn Its (uftcllsiit tht otfe yitssw ksesssM etrM94. TM IKAI. UMET1. STOMACH. B0-EH. H f' tossyfsmMMirwsKk. 0TSP9IA.C0H tTIFATrtfl. RMEUMATIta. IID1ET Dlf CAJC etc. rfl ft rttulrs, unl t Is4f Ift 4tf te attitl Isl8f in arowief fM MfwtHsi cws4 MM iMtis s4 a T0flPI9 LIVER. 7h! BttitUsts M IH t fstM. (a Prickly Ash Bitters ! ttli .o-K7 Cw tse LtYCH. STOMACH mi sQMEYS, ssst 17 Ht stlt. ass) slsati feet assi fesersJ leak ajiW4as rnr r VMnm arfSA a . MsWt es4tis. mi mm V hum sVetfef. Vt tMiM. ayif m tttt tLwf.f f tto tTssHa.asw nsHm mtimt hm. M ftvr irvNisliset , $m H W reerHfefysn. fsMisffAfereafysl THE eefWTRAHIt -ssjHas4 f m. nccklt Mi Mrrais If., rr.Lovu.Ma Titt'sPil WOn TORPID LIVER. AsjssMsaTsSsija)asSwlMttaaya. Sick HeadmcHe, sMtitSsSaisW SUr vkt Piles a sast aXrssr . T tm 1 tM -VasSS-w LJtr ssss trial siUiafsrru Frt.sOc S6X4 XvwrywlMr. M FLACS -tnat ml mx t. w $mmms cs., tyjsga uf JUs-ftOC. sa 0EANS 2 STA1TDAL0KE 5 5 AS 2ILE Y0VI23. (T M They dl jd r lsofKis lJUt f ii t P th" art, turet.y ciruit Mil- j ytia attacks. rsnstistl-in. liral W SV elx. ntalsris.drsebtefy. snds.l sTSi sW noma-! and llrsr dlsoksTi. s r Two a lasts, ono prlc. j m !iil Ha. W hi e h botite, t T OaadusM J 3 Ihut Itms HKtLt, 0 In eooh L r UU. 2 t 4 a dus. J fliijrar OaU-L sL jVanta4AA4y J J tk.14 by t-VufirW. C sW 38 eents per bill. J C J. P. HM1TII & CO., 3 g D7 UrerswVh KUvsn, J 9 New York City k s n a bbbbbK " bbIBbV 9 .. kr. 4, . .C " - & sVJSfcAe.- rtfcj& IT Afa. i " .,