The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 20, 1891, Image 4

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ti-iiifcn i
'''"-'"P'I"'it yn'--yy i. n. yi.-,hn$.
iwHMWa..jiM j v-i'w'.i"wiriit' jy?jiiT W Hi ilnwi 'WiBin,1' .'DaM)a&3ia
" - ' 1- -
3Sg- r5f
J - . j.- . TT ,737" Tl '
ii i .!! Mr weaJcel
JaTm. Mhcr than cm, the arlL
Ayert HU, eiagiaiW,
vT.-fthi-itT iu their act!
.iHrissmeameaded by tha facmltyar
beatelaperients. ;,V
"Havier been sabject, for jaaauto.
coJSpettoM, itlioatciag aMetalat
SSfeSS! I t taft tried AyertFawa.
I deem it both a duty aad a pMiil
to testify that I have derived great Xa
eflt from their use. For orer two yaam
cast I have take oae of those xfm
everyBight bcfwrereUriag. IwoaJdaat
3s!y 1 without ttBwr-g'S
BowuHut, 2o KMt Maim at., Carli-ia, I.
' "I linrp l.'-cntakiBRAyer'aFfflatM
using t'.:!M :u my family aiacelaWtfajJ
cbt.-crfiilly "TO2ii??L!tA55
need r n sjifu bat enectaal catiaraa.
JuhuM. oggs,LouiaTiUe,iy. ,
" For ciplit years I was afllfcted wtth
constipation, which at lagt became m
bad that the doctors Jd"2
for me. Tbea I began totakeAyetg
Pills, and loon the bowela reooaa
their nataral and rernlar c"OB;f JI7
now I am in excellent health." 8. lu
Iioaghbriage, Bryan, Texas.
" HaTinc used Ayer's Pills, with gOM
results, I fully indorse them for the pjr
posesforwhich they are reawmeadad.
T. Conners, M. D., Centre Bridge,
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. e. Aytr Co, Uwii. MfMi
Friday, Fc. 2, 18tl.
Entered at the I'ost Office in lied Cloud, Neb.,
as mail matter of the second class
Floor paint at Dejo'e.
Jim Etuigh hae the muuips.
Jno. It Shircy is in Denver.
Frank Kuclin is about over the
Wanted, bnttcr and eggs at J. S.
Mrs. A. C. Hosnier is borne from
Capt. Iloucbin has been quite sick
this week..
Mrs. D. F. Scamiuon has been on
ths sick list
You ain't in style unless you have
the mumps.
Use (Jotting's Dcrmoline for
chapped hands.
When you buy spectacle?, get the
best at Dcyo's.
Are you going to paint? If so get
prices at Dcyo's.
Condition powders of all kind at
Deyo's drug store.
John Schwancr of Guide Rook was
in the city Monday.
Lost: A large sum of money, by
not buying wall paper of Deyo.
"Microbe killer" cures catarrh,
rheumatism, etc. Sold oy Cotting.
New baby carriages, novelty gear.
patent brake, at Cozad & Co's, Red
Deyo is selling goods just the same
if it is hard times. Low prices is
what knocks.-
The finest parlor suits west of Chi
cago for $25. Special . bargain. See
Cozad & Co's.
The best five cent cigar in the town
for only one dollar per barrcll at Cot
tings. Try a barrel.
All wool Hcnericttas, Brilliantines,
Flannels greatly reduced in price3 at
Mrs. F. Newhoufee's.
Paint up your buggy before spring
with the best buggy paint in the
world, which. Deyo sells.
Dr. J; S, Emigh is down sick with
a severe attack of the mumps. He
will be out soon however.
Dr. Warners' corsets in every style
and size, also Dt. Warners' misses and
childrcns waists, at Mrs. F. Fewhouse.
All kinds of burial cases, robes, etc.
Embalming and intelligent care of
the"acad. Cozad & Co., lied Cloud.
Clcaasc the scalp from scurf and
dandruff; keep the hair soft and of a
natural color by the use of Hall's
vegetable sicillian hair Renewcr.
Charley Hunter of Inavalc, renewed
his "sub" to the Great Family Week
ly. Charley is a rustler and will gat
there ia business if anybody docj.
Lew Albright, C. W. Kaley, Abo
Kalcy and others who have beet in
Xincoln vicwiag the legislative body
have returned to the quietade of
country life.
Mrs. F. Ncwhouse has just receive1
a large assortment of Dr. Waraeca'
corsets ladies, misses, and children's
waists of all sizes, white trimmings
which she will sell at prices lower
than the lowest.
Offing to the rash of business last
week we neglected to mcatiom the
fact that omr friend H. C. Webber,
was the happy papa of a bomacing
baby boy. Usual Nebraska weight
and "daddy" very happy .aad sail
ing. The world-wide reputation of Ayer's
sarsaparilla is the nataral result of its
surpassing value as a blood aedieiae.
Nothing in the whole pharmacopoeia
"effects more astonishing results, ia
scrofula, rheumatism, general debility
and a'l forms of blood disease, thai
jthis remedy.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will
hold a "spider-web" social at tha
residence of Mrs. Henry Howard
ext Tuesday afteraoon, Feb. 24, ths
proceeds of which will be used in
edaeatiag a worthy young lady.
Every oae came aad take a part ia
wtaagliag the -spider's web. Re
" f naisaeais Mrred for lOets.
pm-Qhmmn cry tor
, r - .a
-.-' wC T'Ji "' r );.-i
. - - - - - i - - -- " " " .i .ZZ .
MW1TALK. I l BrW - Wam maYam - V
i iia w earn . rmmmrm. - aw sam eat a. '
Catting the druggist.
A slight saaw oa Thursday.
Kiekapoo remedies st Cotting-.
Hr. MeMilliaa is oa the sisk list.
G. R. Chahey was ia McCook this
Eddie Emigh haaasarioas case of
Ed. Parke has returned from Coun
cil Bluffs.
Go to J. S. Parkes far groceries M
all kinds.
Mrs. Will Emigh Istt this week for
Aurora, Illinois.
For groceries, canced fratts, teas,
coffees, ace. See John Parkas, yon
ean get bargains.
Mr. L. H. Deyo aad wifa left
Thurnday for a two or three weeks
sojourn in Ohio.
Rev. Hawley has traded off his last
residence in Red Cloud, Charley Pot
ter being the purchaser.
Farmers, 30U can get more goods of
Jnhn Parlcoa far less monev than of
any house in Red Cloud.
Mr. Rohsiter and family have
arrived in the city from Fairfield.
Mr. R. will do the repairing aad shoe
making for Blakeslee aV Hatch.
Constipation poisons the blood; De
Witt's little early risers cure eccsti
pation. The cause removed, the
disease is gone. Sold by Cotting. 7
Mr. E. II. Jones was happily sur
prised on Tuesday night by his many
friends, it being the occasion of his
birthday. 'A large number were pres
ent. Blakeslee & Hatch expect to have
their store open on or about March 1,
1891. Mr. B. is now la the eity and
is ai ranging matters just as fast as
Small in size, great in results: De
Witt's little early risers. Best pill
for constipation, best for siek head
ache, best for sour stomach. Sold by
Cotting. 5
Ed. Parkcs expects to get the man
Jackson who defrauded him out of a
team two years ago. The fellow's
time expires soon in the Missouri
Mrs. Kato Pond, Mrs. Dow, Mrs.
Talbot t of Red Cloud, and Mrs. G.
W. Knight of Inavale were in Platts
mouth this week attending the con
vention of the state W. R. C
The ladies of the Congregational
ehurch arc preparing an entertain
ment to, consist of a fan drill and
music to be given at the ehurch on
Tuesday evening March 3. Admis
sion 25 cents, all are cordiallly in
vited. D. Frank Parker and wife of Oma
ha, are in the city this week. . Frank
seems to live under a lucky star, as
he has just reeently been appointed
General Western Manager, with head
quarters at Ogdcn, Utah, for the com
pany he represents, and will move
there in a few days. Tub Cuibf will
always be pleased to hear of Frank's
success, as he deserves it.
Red Cloud is well represented in
Lincoln, and The Chief is pleased to
note the prosperity of all of our for
mer townsmen in that city, especially
is this true of A. L. Funk, who has
accumulated an extensive real estate
bnsincss.. His office, (136 11th,
street) is continually thronged with
people in quest of Lincoln real estate.
We are pleased to see him do well.
The city of Lincoln is fast be
coming one of the finest towns in the
west. She is one continaal stream
of enterprise, and the upbuilding of
Lincoln is the only theme of conver
sation that can be heard from her en
thusiastic citizens. Before tea years
more roll around Lincoln will more
than have touched the 100,000 notch.
Every Ncbraskan should feel proud
of Lincoln.
The editor of Toe Chief was in
Lincoln this week on busiaess.
While there he took in the legislature
aad found that body busily engaged
in making laws. So far the work per
formed was not entirely satisfactory
to the people, yet they may get down
to business. They have now occu
pied 37 diys of the legal time for the
session, leaving only three more days
for the introduction of bills, then tht
tag of war will begin oa the passage
of bills. The Australian ballot sys
tem wilt be adopted aad thea we pre
sume that the great "hoodoo" politi
cians of the larger cities will have to
take a back seat and sec the peeple
elect who they please without the ia
trodactioa of frauduleat voters.
It is not-geaerally kaowa, bat it
seems to be the fact, that eae of the
Bell telephone pateats uader whieh
that compaay has maiataiaad ameae-
poly of the tclephoao hasiaess of the
ceaatry, has expired. It seems that
the first patent graatcd to Bell, whieh
covered the metallic diaphraan was
first issued ia Eagland. This patent
was obtained ea the Dth day ef De
cember, 1876, aad was greeted fer a
term of foarteea years. Bell's first
pateat for the telephone was granted
ia the United States oa the 34th day
0?Jauaary. 1877. Ordinary, it
weald have run till 1894, hut thd
Utited States Jaws provide tbt whea
a fereiga pateat is takea ami before
the Uaited States pateat is greatest
the latter shall termiaaU with the
date of the fereiga pateat.
. ChUdrM Oryfiwr
yJ aRafAtA j m Bj IBl BR) BW SWat H SBBBWAv TBBk.
Used in Millions of Homes
C. Wiener is home from his trip
east after his spring aud - summer
Only eight day more of February,
aad thea spring work will be here for
the farmers.
J.L.Miller aud W. M. Visscher
were in Orleans Wednesday night on
K. of L. business.
De Witt's little early risers: only
pill for chronic constipation, indigee
tion, dyspepsia None so good, Sold
by Cotting. 1
John Parkes will sell you more
groceries for a doll ar than any gro
cer can in Red Cloud. See his new
stock of groceries, sugars, coffees, teas
canned fruits. &c.
Acts at once, never fails. DeWitt's
cough and consumption cure. A
remedy. for asthma, and that feverish
condition which accompanies a severe
cold. Sold by Cotting. 6
Rates on ccitificate plan: Ne
braska Photographers association,
Omaha, Neb., Feb. 19, 1891. Agents
in Nebraska may sell to Omaha, Feb.,
27-19 inclusive. S. Heyn, Omaha,
will sign certificates.
For the above occasions passangers
paying full fare going will be returned
at one third fare on presentation of
certificates signed by the proper offi
cers of the meeting, or guarantee
that there has been an attendance of
one hundred or more who have paid
full fare on the going trip.
A. Coxoveb, Ag.
New Grocery Store.
J. S. Parkcs has opened a new gro
cery store in his building near The
Chief office, and proposes to sell
groceries, canned fruits, etc., cheaper
than auy one in Red Cloud. Call
and see him.
RhcHmRtiMMi Cured ia one day.
"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and
ucuraleia radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system vb
remarkable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause and the dis
ease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. .Price 75
cents. Sold by L. H. Deyo.
Notice lo Tcackcrs.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthe public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on the third
Saturday of each month.
D. M. Hunter, County Supt.'
Dray Line.
People who desire drsying done
with promptn ess and dispatch should
always hire John Barklcy's teams.
John is an old hand at the business
and will do your work well. Terms
reasonable. 1-tf
Go to Moraart's.
He has the finest line of stoves
ever eeen in the city. He has the
celebrated Garland cook and heaters,
and a full line of others equally as
good. Hardware at the very lowest
figures for cash. Do not buy stoves
or hardware until yoa sec me. Opera
house block, Webster street.
Miles' Nerve aad Liver Pills.
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach aud bowels throegh the
nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Hike
pills speedily cure bilousness, bad taste,
torpid lirer, piles, constipation. Un
eqaaled for men, women, children. Small
est, mildest, surest ! 50 doses, 25 eta
- - -
A neat brass pin shows an ivy leaf
ia the white enamel.
A Fatal Mialake.
Physicians make no more fatal mistake
than whan they inform patients that
vous heart troubles come from the
aenandareoz little eonaeaaaaea.
Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana
ist, has proven the contrary in aie
book on "heart disease, whieh may'ba
had free al O. L. Cottings, who guaran
tees aad recommends Dr. Miles unequal
ad new heart cure, whieh has the largest
sale of any heart remedy ia tha world.
It cares nervous and organie heart dis
ease, short breath, flattering, pain or
tenderness ia side, arm or shoulder, irreg
ular pake, faiatiag, smothering, dropsy,
ate. His restorative aerviae cares head
ache, fits, etc 2
A ring represents a narrow ribhoni
ticu in now Knot sec witu uiamoaas.
How lo Saceccel.
This is the great problem of Ufa waieh
few satisfactorily solve. Soma fail be
cause of poor health, others want of lack,
bat the majority from deieiemt grit
want of nerve. They are aervovs, irreeo
ntahaagaableeasyget the Uaea aad
"take the spirits down to keep the spirits
ap," thas wasting Ume, BMMy.eppaetem
Itj aad nerve force. There ia aothiag
like the tartatativo aarviae, diseorered by
the greet specialist, Dr. Miles, to eare all
algia,Bt.Titaadaaee,tta aad hjeteria.
Trial bottles free sample at Ceitiacsdraar
Of all the guard rings told the moat
deeirable is that of magie wire.
beetles of
" Wm W.. kl
.WArs im .a
f doHara. nad
as before. Dock Mlk,
La. Write the BaaeV
Cas Atlanta, Ge-, fat faav
by-Celtlaa. 7 4t
My wife aaed
Ma4bar BWa
' Bays she woeid not
i aaaa isaaasanai sas. a
rmW9Wm; m aemPNaaaraaaa-.
40 Years the Sumiard.
AsKCkor Electing.
There shall 12 heir, annually on
the 3d Tuesd-iy of March al the office j
of the county clerk of each county a f
meeting of the asscsors of stid coun
ty for the purpose of consu'tation in
rctrmrd to the various kinds and claS-
es of property to be by them assess
A . . .
ed and it tliall be tle duty of each
assessor to atteuu such meeting, swl
to call upon and receive from the
county clerk the necessary hooks anil
blanks for the assessment of property
and the failure of any assesor so to do
shall be deemed sufficient cause to
declare his office vacant and for the
appointment of a successor. See ecc
tion 49, chapter 71 compiled statut
es 1889.
Tcachcaft' JlccliHg.
There will be a teachers' meeting
at Red Cloud Saturday, Feb. 23, 1891,
at one o'clock p. in . The program i
as follows.
A lesson in decimal fraction. Mr.
Jos. M. Scolos.
Discussion of difficult points in the
brunches taught in the public schools
Paper, "The teacher's care of the
health of pupils Miss Carrie E.
Paper, "One d:is work in the
schoolroom'' Prof. IJ. II. Culver.
Talk, "Arc teachers' mceetings a
benefit? Prof. F. X. Dauui.
Ten questions on principal events
f 1891. Miss Hannah lgou.
A full attendance is desired.
Tke Burlington Xev Line lo
the Cluck IIIII-.
The Burlington route takes pleas
ure in annouueiug to the public the
completion of its new line to l)i ad
wood, South Dakota, and the formal
opening of same for business.
This event mark an epoch in the
history of Nebraska, in opening up to
the trade centers of the state and the
Missouri Valley, new and valuable tcr
itory and a country immensely rich
in coal and mineral deposits, whose
possibilities for th-j future promise
much for the commercial and manu
facturing prosperity of the state.
The line is substantially construct
jeet being to afford a service that is
first class in every particular, and in
keeping with other through lines of
the Burlington system.
It is the hhortest and quickest line
from Missouririver cities aud princi
pal points in Nebraska to Deadwood
Hot Springs, Custer and Hill City,
South Dakota, Merino and Newcastle,
Wyo., and all pointi in the Black
Through trains are iun daily witL
Pullman sleeping cars from Omaha
and Lincoln to Deadwood without
change, making connection at Lincoln
and Omaha with all trains of the Bur
libgton route to and from all points
east, west and south.
For further information apply to
any Burlington agent, or to
J. Francis, Gcn'l Pass'r Agt.,
Omaha, Neb.
For family groceries of all kinds
see J. S. Parkcs, opposite Moon block
one door north of Mrs. Xewhouse's.
He will sell you goods chcapcrtlmn
any one.
Our friends should give DeWitl's
eough and consumption cure a trial.
No disappointment follows the use of
this reliable medicine, and it merits,
tho praise received from all who use
it 3
' liook Here.
Bulk garden seeds just received.
Immense Stock fresh and reliable and
friccs low. Perkins dc Mitchell.
, Baby was sick, we gave her Csstoria.
she was a Chfld, she cried f or Castoria.
WVa she became Miss, she clung to Csstoria.
, aba hsaCbilurea, she aye then Csstoria.
For Sale
A first class residence with
bath room, eity water and all conven
iences. House with three lots only
two bloeks west of the business centre
of town. For terms eall on or address
A. P. Howard. Red Cloud Neb.
Safe Iaaaraaec
For a solid and safe investment see
theceatract given by thi National
Life Insuraace Company of Moatpel-
', Vt. A. S. a ash,
Special oiatc Agent.
Jake "Nye, proprietor, de
nies to state to the public
that he is prepared to do all
kinds of light and heavy
draying. Baggsge a special
ty. " If you want prornptneaf
and good wdr give him your
older. Terms reasonable.
" 7 J.J.NYE.
Faunas knagee anesmarv in child
birth, taseaaaem b4rg aadentood. are
eaily evercueae. Any woman may now
become a mother witboat ssffrrlsg any
pais whatever, the labor being m&Je
short, easy, and free from dancer. Morn
ing icknee, swelled limb, and all other
like evils en be rapidly controlled, and
all female disease speedily cured. Phys
ician pronounce it a wonderful dincoTery.
Never kxowa to tail. 11,000 Indict attest
1st merit. Cut thU out; it mar mts
jeer life. Suffer not a (lav longer, bnl
fHJDd as two 2-cent atampvas'i receive in
ealed envelope full particulars, testimon
ial?, confidential lettta, Ac AdJrtss,
Frank Thomas fc Co , Baltimore, Mil.
Let a man lend n crooked lifu !nng
enough and he
ill soon be in straights.
Worked Like a Charm.
Uradfield's fimalo regulator worked
faiHyUir,ot c!pres- my Kratitod. Wih
every lr.dy afflicted would try it. 1 know
j like a cli.trm; improvement htvn wouder
lit uonld cure thera. Lula A. Long,
Spring Grove, Fla. Vri'a the Urndlield
Regulator Co., Atlauts, Ga., for further
particnlarH. Sold by Cotting.
T9,. 2SippfiL5e ,oAm
"v tw- 5j
i i 1 1 mmm Mk
ATT nvra ttr.
Sheriff! Sale.
iNoilce Is N?reliy kIvcii, that under and by
vliliii'of ;m order o( stle Issued from tin ottlre
of .'. II. 'rone. clerk of the H-trlcl court of the
rlulitli judicial district within and (or Wen-ter
county. Nehr:uk:i, upon a decree In an nclton
M'Udlti therein, wherein Nomvke and Mor
nmii i!iii:iny are plaint lir.-. ;mf :aiu-t Zad
roek'Kteht and Abraham .Mill retaloeleud
ants, 1 liall offer for s:tte at iubllr vefilut to
tin; lilulteMt Wilder for eah in hand at tliueuM
door el" the courtiioiiM.' at Ked (loud, in .-aid
Webster county, Nebraska, (that beinc ihe
budding wherein the lot teiin of said court
was hoiilcn; on the
ridih duy or.Hnreh A. D. IS9I,
at II o'clock a. in., of said day the follow lu
described property towl: Lots four and five
in block twenty-tire, in tin: town of iduu Hill,
Webster eoutitv, Nebraska.
(Mveti under my hand tlds 17th day of l'i bru
ary A. 1). le'Jl.
('. A.Trci., Sherifl.
).;. Tkki., Deputy.
O. A. A i:i:OT, riaiutirr.s Attornev. jo-it
Sheriff n Snle.
Notice is hereby Kiveu that under and by vir
t lie of an oiler of sale issued from theolttceof
C. It. Crone, clerk of the litricf court of?ihe S.h
ludidnl dUtriet, wtthlti aud lor Webfcter county,
ebnil;M, okii adeeiee in 'Ui action t-eiidini;
Ihcicin. wherein Lvsander W. Tulleys trustee is
DtaintitI and auaiut John K. I'htllisetal Defen
ii;ui I shall oiler for sale at public vendue to liih
e.t bidder for rash tu hand, at the east door of
tlie couitfcouseat Keil Cloud In Webster eountv,
Nebraska (that beinu the building wherein the
Iat teim of said eouit wasaoldeu) on tlie
vlh day of IVIiireli A. IK !!!
at 1 oVIoek p. m.of xaid day. tho following des
cribed proierty towit: 'Ihe northeast quarter
f i.wtiou ten (; In tnu'iiidiip tluee (.'t;
uti'th, mugu eleven (I I) wct olCtli p. m. in
Velstcr county, Nebn;.sk;u (Jiven under mv
hand tht- tvth day of Fcbtuary A. I)., ibul.
C. A. Ti:ki., Sheriff.
:i)-lt Ity . C. Tkki., I:puty.
lh eel enrld u. Itreckenrnlm; ,S: Crofoot,
riaintill's Attorneys.
Legal olicc.
In the district court of Webster c nm'y, Ne
braska. John II. Crortoti
Sliadraek Croxton, Ktiabcth Crovton. .Sanford
Crox.ton.St. Josepli pIoycoinjany, eSoii (.
Nel?on n-isijrtfco of Ueoijre IC. Over Maiutfac
luring Company, .Miiuieiota'riin"ii''r Manti-fiu-tniio-Coiiipuny
Hiol Churehlil Parker, de
feudality). 'Iliealxive named non-resident defendants,
will take notice that on the l.Stli. duy of Febru
ary I t'J! the above named plaintiff, .fohii II.
Croxtou Hied his petition in the di.sti trt court of
Wcb.stcr county, Neuruskit mrainst wild defend
ants tlie object and prayer of .lilcli is to fore
close a certain mortuae executed bv the de
fendants. Sliadraek Croxtou and HII.;tl)ethCro:
ton, to William Croxtou iion the .south half of
the north west miartcr aud the north half of
tlie .south west quarter of .section four (i) town
two C!) r.inj;e nine (! In Webster county. Ne
braska to secure the payment of a certain
premlsory noto tkitcil Septembers. 1S, for the
Mini of twenty-five hundred dollars, pavatilc to
the administrator of thesud William "Croxtou
oi.eday alter the dea'h of the mid William
Croxtou, which Mild note and Mortgage were
aftei ward assigned and transfcrcd by the he:r
at law and legatees of the said Willlnm Crotn
to plaintiff and defendant Isaac Croxtou and
delivered to pluhitiff.
'Unit there is now di.e to the plaintiff upon
the said unto and mortgage from defendant
Sliadraek Croxtou, the sum of thiitecn hundred
dollars with Interest at six vcr -cut jer annum
from April I'd, lsso plaintiff jiray.s that wud
Itremi'es may be sold to satisfy the amountdue
ilm iu said note and mortgage wltk interest
and costs, that any sum remaining may be ap
plied to the iiaymeut of the nmoiiut found due.
defendant Is;iae Croxtou iiM)ii said note and
mortgage; that the uttveptl claims ltns of
each and all the djf-ndants be decreed Junior,
inferior and sulMeqiieut to the lieu of plaintiff,
that all the defendants le foreclosed and barred
of all eipilty of reilemittioti or other interest In
said mortgaged promises, and for uch"othrr re
lief as may be just and equitable.
You arc required to answer .aid petition on
or before Wednesday UicSOthday of March
iPtU. .lOlIM II. CltOXTON.
Ily Cask & NcNenv, UN Atf. no-tt
Cbicaso, Eici Islaii & Pacific Bj,
Tie Sirrct Kent to aad from CUatga. 3MH, OtUvs,
Peoria, M &d!r. XaKae, Rock UXftnd. In 11X1X013;
DTCEport. MaxaUw, Ottawa, Otkalecaa, t
Xolntf, AVintenH. Aadaeoa, HarUn aM Coocdl
Blufla. In IOWA; MlnntarolU an4 St. Taal. In MIX
KESOTA; Vt'itertowu and Sioux rail, in DAKOTA;
Cuaeron, ". irrrt aad Kansns Otr, la SUSSOtTKI;
Osudu, Lincoln. Falrtmrr aad X1a. Ia XCSCABCA :
AIcMjoc. Lrarcnvotth. rXortoo, Tcptka, UcUassa,
Wichlu. T!1tU, AbUcne. Pw Ctf, CMt. fa
SATsAS: Ki&g&ber. El Rcae a&4 Vlzxo, ia i:.DlA3T
TEERrTOnV; Dcbtct. Colorado Sprit sad rxtlo.
ia C0L0R.vrX. Trartms aw inu nf rich fenalfff
aad crazipc laods. a&fdicc ths lt fictllUes cf isttr
coanajanicxlion to H tovaa aed cities cait aad vtal.
aorthTcrt sad Mattwcat f CUcafO aad to TacUe sad
tiass-ocesiiic i escort.
Tadlne all twaraUlara la aclnder et
BLCFTS and OXAHA. sad brfwsssj CHICAGO aad
KAXS.l OTT aad TOfEKA aad -ris ST. X6KTK.
rim-Csm isarOaaeVisv FSXE KBCUSISG CKAJt
CAES. asi Man Sfceawa. m BCatef Car Strtta.
eiferging rsilsay
Or-r srWi wtjblT-tairfJ
ranorcn tnntorr ckasck
Laia:rOrVa sad ta F
ISIiKD tr ftfco to finrt
jrrak rsKraasdcHirs acd
Frsc 5. J&st ed Jtsasaa CSty feaa aB faa
aatUtjTcatacrsaarri2CtT3tta. rm aad the Ixataa Tctrttory. A H AXSZS?
LEABOCTEftwaKssasiOiyaadriT isji teWsSsa,
lesra. tivsx TaTK WSyaAPOtH sad IT. MTX.
r 7SKggs3HftRl3y3it
testa txx auy
ami aswa SaX
taadaaa. TBZ ROCK
aeletai-scdt&wrMlaV raaat
affjrtoaay Qui iHsaat fall as at Petal as
Car a
Cfoar de
teran of Ilea alarms. Aai
The UMle FlUe bstt tk
feet action aa4 al t -eTWS mmi
pHlcvrrnuaie. SU bjr
rat bjr atati fer ii rtnim.
WU C. nc WITT CO.. Ctilrac. IU.
- MserllTa sale.
Notice U here!r Kn that urujrr and by ir
tiwof au roller of 5r li-j turn Vv otBre
ol V. II. Croer clrrk f tbe dUtrirt court the
cirIiUi lu.itclal dUtrlct. tthtrt ami for Vbtr
coiiity. Nctraa. ujon ndrrrre lun jictioa
i mime tlierrln. whrrrln Karter a Mcrchonta
ItauVineLo are Haiutllta. ml ajcalnst lartd
A. Mrcu.j ftixt Mxry K, Mruep et M d
fndants. 1 n!ll oSt -for aMe at ptiblle tca
ilueto the kfchesl bl.Jdrr fur ca.h Intixnd at
therat duorof tUreoartlicwvj. at Ki (loud.
tiMa'it Wrbotrrrountv. Nebraska, thst bcinc
the biitliltnsu herein the lxt term of ld court
nshoMonijii tiio
lOlh Day mT March .. D. !!.
at 1 o'clock . m, of aa!4 ly. thr folUmlng d--cnetl
'nerty itU: lot fifteen iti ami
ixteeu (.to In block nve In Smith and MixtrM
alditioi to the (ity of KrJ Cloud. Vbtrf
county. Nebraska, illvcn under aiy hand ttilt
3d day of February A. !., IOI.
f. A. TEEf Slierlff.
O.CTeel, Iieputy.
J. S. AM.
rialutiff Attorney. a4
MacHPTe Male,
Xntlct! In he rrhveivrn. that uitiler and tit' tlr
tn if an oidt-r t sale liwi from the office of
'. II. Crone Clerk ofthe DUtrlct Court of the
Ktchth.ludlrLiI District, althin and for Wrb
coiinty, Nebraika. ui.n a decree In an action
tieiidinK. therein, when In, The WIIKord and
Noithwav Manulanctnrlnc Co are plaintiff; ami
airiln-rtC. ILti'mteretal ItcfeiuUut. 1 kall
otler forKtlea tmbiic eadue. to the liluliet
bidder for cah In hand, at the exit door of the
rourtliouse at Ked Cloud, in saWl Wetnter
etiunty, ubraVa, that being the butldlns
wlierela the Ut term of said cuur lalioldeiij
lOtk day oriHarea A. . IMI,
at II o'clock a. in, of aid day, thefnt'owlns dev
crltKilinoiKrty towlt. IjhU tweuty-onr jt
and twenty-two . In block ten lo railmail
ar.Ultlon m Kc Cloud, reb.strr r nunty. Xe
iiaska. Civt-n under my hand this 3d day of
Fcbtuary a. I. iwi.
C. A, TSSL. HherltT.
O.c. iaaL,lepatv.
Hatty, rVdo & Dunzaii, ShU
l'ialntlfl's Attorney.
Mierirr'a Male.
Notice Is hcrel'T Riven, that under and by tlr
tue of an order of M!e Issued from the office of
I. I !. Fort. Clerk of the District Court of the
Kiitlith Judicial DUtrlct, within ana for Web
ster county, Nebraska, poa a decree in an ac
tio.: iieiiilinir. therein, wherein. Joseph K. Hall.
ty Is pl.-imtlff, and ar.a.'uu John T. Kobluson
and Martha 1 Kobluson, iHrfcndant.i. I shall
again offer for sale at nubile vendue to the hlgh
ei bidder for cask la band at the east dear of
the court house, at Ked Cloud, Iu said Welster
county, Nebraska, (that being the place where
the last term of said court was lunden. oti the
I'Hr day or Jan. A. O. IUi,
at l o'clock p. at. of said day, the following
described property to-wtt: The muih half of
the southwest unarter of section four in town
ship three north 1 1 range nine west of r, p. m.
in Webster eountv. Nebraska, tilveu under tny
hand this '.'d day of Deceaitier A. I. isao.
C.A.Taau herlff.
(. CTaau Deputy.
D. 11 . llTTieif, 1'htintlS 'a Attorney. llKWd
For want of ch bidders the auore sale Is
hereby continued until March 3, inl.
C. A. Tee!. Sheriff.
Br O. C. Trel. Ietit)
Legal .ollee.
In the dlsti let court ot Webster county, Ne
braska. illi.'im X. Caruahan 1
vs. ;.
Scncer Alexandoret als )
Notice to non-reslilcnt defendants.
Spencer Alexander and Liuuiu Alexander,
his wife, wlK take notice that on the Jrd day
of Dccemlier. 1MW. the above namcsl plaintiff
tiled his petition iiffaluit you. Inmltded with
other, In said court, the tdtject and prater of
w hicli are for the foreclosure of a certain niort
K.iKe. KiW-!i bv you to W. fl. Launlni: dated
Oetoucr Nt, liiS and filed for record and re
corded In the office of the recorder ot deeds of
slid Webstercflunty In books, on page .Mi, con
veying the fulibwiui: descrilied real estate and
premises situated in said county towlt: Tlie
north-east quarter of section thlrtceti (13) town
ship fourvfi north, ranm twelve (Vi) weat of the
Gth p. in. that default hat been tuaile lu the
payment of the indebtedness secured by said
inortL-iize. ntul there Is now due Plaintiff there
on tlie fcum of one liuudred and lorty-ehrht dot
lais and 75-UOths (flix;:.) blether with interest
at ten per cent per nnuuni thereon from Janu
ary 15, Is'Jl, which is secured by said nortKai
which is a valid licit on said premises. Ilaln
tilf prays for the sale of said premises accord
lug to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged due
hint In the premises. and for a decree foreclos
ing the equity of redemption of all of said de
fendaiits and lor an liijuuctlou restraining
You, ami each of you arc required to answer
paid letitlnn on or !cfore Monday the ninth
CJtli) day of .Vnte'i, isqi, or the aemewillhe
Ukvnas tttu. d judpincut and decree ren
dered' acisiisltuuly.
'.T-4t Tlblel.s.MorerFerils.
I'ialutiff s Attorney.
"" lr"olialc .ollee.
State of Nebraska.
Webster county, f
In the county court of our raid county of Wet-
as Ulunt, ineorupctent.
ster. in uieiuHller ot lite ciiardtaustiiuoi nom
Now on the 21st day
of .lauuary. l!Jl. cainu Win. If. Thomas, guard
. guard-
Ian in title natter, and fib-d report of his acts
aud doings ait such guardian and his duly terl
lled M-titlou praying a Dual settlement and al
lowance of account, and that he be discharged
from this trust; it is therefore ordered that
Saturday February aitlt, Isvt.atoae o'clock In
the afternoon at tny office In Ked Cloud be txrsl
as tht time and place for examining and allow
ing sacu account. All persons iRtcnsNco: in
this estate nro rcpjlrcil to appear and show
cause, if such exists, why said account should
not be allowed. It la further entered that Wm
II. Thomas, guardian herein. give aetlcctoaJI
persons interested In said estate by causing a
copy of tills order to be nibllshed la the Ked
Cloud Ciitr.r, a newspaper printed aad In gen
eral circulation in said county lor three Ruccev
ire weeks pnor to the day set for said hearing
Witness my official signature aad the seal of
the county court of said county of Wrhstrr this
i'd day ot January, IWI. I. r. TauKKav,
37-3' County JqJe.
Far Wcaalcr Caaaljr,
Adaalrel ar la aarel af
MHPcrvlMNra Jaa. !, Itfl.
County euperintcadent i 1200 00
Court ex peases 300 00
Conl and coaitboas era) op
Bounty cm wild aaiinals 300 m
SapcrTior services 1600 00
Books, stationary aad pnotiag. 1000 00
Assessment 1800 00
Special committees ISO 00
Cororer 150 on
County attorney K 00
Iacidental expenses O0 oo
Foorhoase, poor farm aad eoaa-
ty poor .... .... .... .... . si ou
Gnide Rock bridge boad 2000 00
Coaaty bridges 11000 OO
Conntf roads, eoaaty iataae,
railroad boads anno 00
Agr'ealteral eoaaty fair eW 00
H- D. aoBrar.
28-4t Coeaty Clertu
aLcaal "sflcc.
Ia the district coart of Webster eoaaty,
The McKinley Iiuaiaf
Loaa aad Treat Co. i
Thomas Mather et al J
Jfotiej to Boa-reaideat defeaslaals.
John W, BeaUey will take actiee Uat
oa tke 3d day of Feesraaryi M,L
above naraed piaiatit Had his pecHiea
agaiast yoa, impleaded with ethers, ia
said coart, the abject aad prayer cf which
are for the fores' oe are af a eertato asert
gage arts-en by Thaeaaa Mather aad wife
to "V. H. Laaaiag, dated Majwh S.lftatVaai
fled for record aad leewided at the eaVe
ef the recorder ef deed, of aaid Webster
eoaaty, ia book a page u eawTiyiaf tha
foBowiag dtsenaed real estate aad
ieee aitaated ia aaid eaaaty tawa ; The
j wwmj aasj
Iwaarter wfaeav
wahlp few ()
weat half f the sawth
ties tairty-tltree (at)
earth, tasge elrrea (11)
av as-, that def awM hm
paysaeat ef the isiihtiaaiii eeswredby
aa4 aericaffe, aaa taste la
UiatiC tWerssra tK sen ef aii haawlrest
aad thirty-tw (33j dsdUre,
with interest ai tmm per
tbereew from Febraary si. WU whieh
is seerasl by said aaertM, whieh fc a
ralrd uea oa
prays for ths srle ef aaid
tag to uw, to saual taw
dee Mm ia the prcm'eaa, aad) far a
fntsaTaiifgahe eajeatyaf
Taa are
asai aellewm . Caire even
said aveaaaaea. FIsialiaT t 1 aYaaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaYalB mBmaev eaawaaea7 ITmaa
aaeaaaa ae aaaieaaT aaag WamV at'maaaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTJaaTaBW - '" ' " i"fci".-i'"i'i
tit rwTICWLriYMfl;'
i -
mflmmi ytttK- - V M Ov LV a..v:&!r eJ
WMmfw Jaf MPmaal CSmfvVSwVl
SWr 3 J Vft " LsrsraaT
N.K.fa!RBANK4Ca c
Jones &
auccEam rm m
Groceries, Provisions
Canned Fruits, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
PAID UP aiPrjjiL,$5Q.000.
Take TenrtapfMrallast Tfceare, meeaaee )ou wtll t .Win ditrct Hh ih WMr
aud not thtough an arnt or comsaiaUm man
meeaeiee you ran gt the kwest rate,
meeaaae ou ran get our taoaey ImauHtiately.
m ranee we do tMt send our atptlctioti all oicr the country t"r same txe U ttl.
meeaaee we ran gUe you tlte l-stlera
eraaae Interval and ptlnclwUls ajable al our office, and If dreltrd we ru t aeeMkte
Uea on the Interest ymeut.
you wilt bepiraaea whb ir manaer
Ked Cloud. Neb.
Fort Abstract Co., Keel Cloud,
L. II. FORT, Maaager.
Abstracts of Title,
Farniehed to all Land in Webntar County, Acuratoly ami
Having had ten year exrlrtce In county record and en f the m.t enmrrt art ef A
atract books In the state, we guamntr aaUsfsvtion. Yoer fsttrrs vlkiUxi
All orders Riled pniiUy
Ta A "" "ar-trT
13iVLL.11. 1
Abstracters, Real Estate
and Farm Loan Agent.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
AbfjtractH of title furninhed accurately and promptly.
Satisfaction Ouaraii'eed. 10.(K)() (Kind iH.nI
Lower than any yard in the world
K. V.SmaEr, 1'res. Hb.irt Clark ittViecl'rc. I.. II. Foar, CssbUr'
Klmr I. Smair, AssisUat Cashier
;Red Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITAlv, - e75,000
Traasait a geacral baaking bnsiacaa, bay aad sell eoaaty wsrrsnu, atn
eoaaty, preciact aad school district boads. If ay aad sell foreige aiekaaew
Jaa.NcNcay. J. A.Tallejs, 0. W. Lindsey, It. V. Sklrry.
Joka ItShirey. K. V. IligMaad.
Hearj Clsrke.
OLA1UU PraaMaat. Alaaay,
Koat. V.
k k la
TMi IN I MT. - IT " " ' fl VsSwNfiSV
beaa Baadekawae mwmmmmm-mmmm wtm WaTMaaSaBWTaBTEMml BBBaT
daw .MBBBaaw 4 :aBaaaWaWBiBkBBVBaTBaWaWawP
tacetherl gfMkaa-. .- aaaam1BaWaW Kaawaa! aaataamamL
laaaaWaWaWaaaWaWaWaWaWaWawaV waRammmaetajgamamaa eaaeaaamaaaf
am i aatejaasa rbwaaBwaBwammmmiBBW awaKr-av.aui. "idma
deer-! dtXaaaSaaamaawalaaf 2 BaaaiiaTat-ar
aaaeaaaeaaai aar i 9aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB aaaaaaaaaaaam
- K - . t VfeRLD , RUR.
:o ta r! aiiq ctiap
11 I i v-rfs- vsae
l.H Iwboi tint'
AW Ihf: wmtrv
I a-fcl if lb? rwtK fffa
t - vrr i leve.
1 .,c 'by tfarvj frSSs
I-1 , : . -hAl butiirvtn
, U vlh bfrtvx f hrie.4
.W I think of Uwe.
L f vt srxa the treere,
tu& tr throes l tJ
Lrf iltvi OMtatt srAke v
AtxJ zlv!Jy trr 4 vak.
l.rt all tot le4ntCfi jk
Jr.0 li Af$iae.
ralere la
oi Puint-As, and e tnoory, mi llavr,
Aibny, New York.
lojam dollar Nmi4 cird
and approved. Addra nr call on
L. II. FOIIT MAMAOKa, Ited Cloud. Neb.
iX 11
A. J. Keaay.
W.Y., J. A. TULLY.
J -r
Miles T. Hayes
Patent - Collar !
Foramlebr J. O. BUTLBH
Bed CtofjrJ, Bvckvj
Haioaaj a4op.
9 aLmmmmttiBBBV.
BaaWaWaT BBaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWawM
F W BaWaWaaBawXaBaaWaWaWaWaWal
t! . KatmaaW
J'V'BaataBaWaWaaV -
' l25K aaawaK
;' '"- 'IsaavH;
hkttX&z ?
' .-Trr "s r-ii.'
aeSSStii,T . . . i. 5s -..., .:
. . J.
"-., S. . -c
X r:
K. -
' fe"?
r? -- "' - -A..i
:Sj5te i5sii -. ,jv.?t i"fii
- -.i- "
J,w x
3"5-... i- - jCts? 1?X '."
ya - saaafr liraflf
. " 3" ' -" x:
.2.1 " V" " - - " .
'ViMgmmmx::-,m-:. . n.. ., v;v-n"; " mJM'dj&y.z&'- &
BL4-13ia:5? .- . 1 - . "-" tX- .' -. . .i-' 'riKf'isifeSSsSSSe1 fe AdTTr"?!!ft3SS
mafaaaa.il1 I II I I TTT -gT---" - - - --- - -- - -r fT mr -- r-n