wpmms Tg&'V? V T-. - -..-- - . ', J 5- - -- 2 v - j. J t -? Mhfc -ilJ-i ;. .-'-"-v--vsM'.;-jva --, .. aa5aBStjBg3Kfc. ' SL.y jy-) jyV-jr j ;TTfiSSJevi-fti1"i 4?f;-';-JrfJsi5mfe . -s ----- - , - L1 -?!?ainia--woaa JiA'5"'v"'," ffn ii w aiBBaaaaKBmaaBaWmmmmBaaaaaaaaBaiBBBBBaaaBBBBBimnnnnmamamnnsmaiHmaaaaaaamB 1- :rT-i.4r-. . ---- . -rf- v 2L " . -, .v sr-'s " & W S, v. - - - -rsES?stete?- . -ife li. ? -.' e. i" L -i-T... tmM fiP I oAifcr " Psae-CS - ?. .... ww . i - i uni U Paas "i . S a. SBW Wa . BBW BWI MBWi BVaW BWaBi aWaWBW BW . -BW BWA BWa BW SBBSrWBBBBavasssaSBSsas -ja m BBW-mB BaTna mmm mn H M H mmanaB aa BB aa BBl BB: Bb BaaaB v nillVIMU I III! yunouMTuunj IK Mi la the tliat :i.- rcUcvwlytfcto T Vara -sod Avar vrlta the Vat enact to TfcU s-fmiltrfHl WMWrmti .life, l iukinmm RVf irti m eraatlr SSi'.-aA.'KSSr me."-A. J. Him, M- On f eec. Several yean aft I wi Tba doctors smal I was ia and that theyatali da at 1ut adriaed aavai a am; tatty Aycr'a Caawy Fatl tliia nedieiaa two tokiag thai wm eared, aad mj hatha : to the preaeat day." Jai DarioBtCoaa. fiovralTeanaao.aaai iron Calitocaia. ay watar. I oaerora a cold tkatfar doral rii eoalaad to .luu. . i Hi mil am m wwnjmm.m v- - - -r --7" -.t iadaaser. WHll" of Ayoza Cherry Pectoral, I IiZ m ! arana aaoa K rrrJtMwT aTttlaa. Mara tha I Aim's Chtmr Ptctcl, Dr J. C. Ayor ft Co 6ot br all DraartaU. Frtwtl; MWUMM FiMf,Fc. IS ltl. Eatered at the 1-aot OSee ia uatailmaMeroftaei LOCAL VRIFT. - John Toiag wu is tk titj week. Waited, bwtter aid effli at J. Parkcs. Use Cottiag's Bemolidt chapped haads. Will Hitcbell was dowa froa tai- 8. far Or- leans Satarday. Orla Coekrall ii atteadias etlltga at Fremoat, Nebraska. "Microbe killer" cares catarrh. rhcumttiBa, etc. Sold ty Cottiag. H. B. Siaioas is aow a fall iedgtd pension ajeit and is doing hasiaase. Bosiacss seeau to he picking ap ia Bed Cloud. We hope it will right along. David Kcsler carries his left in a slincr owint: to a seyere case of rhenmatim. G. Wiener, oar popalar elethier is in the east buying his spriag aad summer clothing. The best five cent cigar in the towa for only one dollar per barrell at Cot tings. Try a barrel Mrs. A. C. Hosaer aad children arc ia Lincoln this week yisiliag with Mrs. A. L. Faak. Bertha Young, the little girl of J. M. Young has been senoasly ill far a week but is coavaleseiag at pres ent M. G. Judd and Mrs. AanaBrewn were united in marriage last Saaday. The GniEF extends its coifratela- tions. Oh, say, wasn't last Sunday a heaa tiful day? It blew forty-aiae ways for Sunday, and was cnoagh to last a whole week. Dick Grey, formerly of Bed Clead and now of Washiagtoa, is ia the city visitiig his wife'a parents, J. H, Smith aad wife. The presence of dandruff indicates a diseased scalp, aal if aot cared, blanching of the hair aadbaldacas will resalt. Hall's Hair Beaewcr will cure it. The Methodist church ladies will entertain the people of Bed Clead oa the 19th with the faaioas Blackbird cantata. It is a very iaterestiag en tertainment and will be worth one's time to see it. J. B. Wright, C. F. Kchler, L H. Hammell, F. D. Martin, Peter Srend son, C. C. Cox, O. McCall, Bev. J. Horton and Chas. 8aelser haye added their names to the "Great Family ' Weekly" since oar last issue. Mrs. I. H. Hammell delegate, Miss Gertie Pond alternate, H. . Pend and wife, Sam West aad wife, J. L. Miller aad wife, G. W. Dow aid wife will go to Plattsmoath, Nebraska, next Monday, to attend the depart ment meeting of the W. R C The "Big Injun" as a progaestiea tor of tie weather last week failed to carry out his native shrewdness ia xorecasung tae weataer. it appears from the eoadilioa af the ai Suaday, that it was a part af the pra gma that was left oat af av recard, or got pied ia the makeaa. Oat devil says it's a "Groand-heg case. On last Monday might the alarm af ire was turned in from Static 1, aad the ire departmentrssf sadidaccaipt ly. The ire was discovered to ha hi Whitsoa's store, aad is aaamaaalto have hoen aaaaed hy a matches hack aad faith. F lytacnrewai qaaacaed neiare aaj faitllMW.rtt.'WiiLiiai iij ccwnyareaaaecAre--i m Cam. J miirm. btywb aa aw aww period. of tltat !lw, ma. eeaa- to ViUecfaUv relieved hy .H.mial.lM eericas damage was ieaa, but it cemv 7 tod ajcose to cur aftitaas. r " MAJtxiKi In St. Jeesph, Xeu. aa MadayFcraary Id. 1891, hytha Key.'E. H. Dramhdagh, pastor of the FfrrtMethWiatchnnh,lr.SlaertA. HaUaadlfra. Bean Maiaaay. Oea grataJatloas. The acwly wedded temple witt he well limianhared as livfag ia the any. Dr. Hall was a praeticixg ph '- hcrefcrmaayyeaia aadll r t -y- "i . . (fermerry Grimm) has Mre ia Sad a aamisr at OiyfMr r Sg&? && -qta tjat Jar a ammaar at yaasa. Lfc"v 's jt3trfia-woBMaaaaaaaaBBaaBa)BBBaaaaBaBaBaBaBaBBBBaB zm??r ' . -,&&$&. C Z -3 - v itiiltataaaan -a . Klaliaass iwwiiM at Cmimg. 0toJ. 8. Paricaa lir mccriN tf h PfMdlt Halftak, af tkta city fanlttd a if tlia. CatiFataUrMffM.tU0mi m MStaMVMk. Hwi'tfarKaitlM Blatk 9ir4pM tk cftcm ktMt, Fak Itlk iM. Mm. W. H. Viaftaer aal aMl jmitoakktaki wwk k4 if gtMaag WaMtkt fie optM, the Bird, will stag, Fek 19ta, Black at the aad wife were in Bed ,ttondia the f uncial E.G. ofEdUSauth. The Black Birds will begin to warhle at the asaal time Feb. 19th, at Opera house. Far greeerics, aaaaed f raits, teas, ecffccsydbc SeeJeha Parkas, yoa aaa gad hartaias. Farmers, jea caa get more goods of Jmbm Pavkaa for loss moacv than of aay hease ia lad Clead. Tomorrow ia Valentine day, aad we presume that there will he much fun aad aa little sarcasm exhibited. "The Big Iajuu" was handsomely serenaded cue aight this week by a 'Qaiatewcef fair wiahlers." Many thanks. Deyee extremely lew prices brought him a large Christmas trade These Iewaafftes will ha continued on every thiagia his store; Get year tiokecs early aad avoid the rash, far when the pie opens the Black Birds birds will siag, Feb. 19, at the opera hoase. A. J. White aad D. 8. Coombs hate made the "Big Injun" happy this week by addiag their names for the G.F.W for 1891. CeWipatioa pemeas the blood; De Witt's little early risers rare consti pation. The caaae removed, the disease is gone. Sold by Cotting. 7 Small ia sise, great in results: De Witt's little early risers. Best pill for constipation, best for sick head ache, beet fer soar stomach. Sold by Cottiag. 5 For family groceries of all kinds see J. 8. Parkes, opposite Moon block oaa deer north of Jars. Nawhouse's. Ha will sell yoa goads cheaper than anyone. There will be work ia the f rst rank ofCalaBtaeledge,Ne.29,K. of P. oa aext Taasday evening, aad probab ly i a the second rank. All Knights in good standing, aad all visiting members, iavited. It has come to oar knowledge that parties have been receiving aid who are act eatitled to it, aad have been making the usual statement. The parties are said to be selfsmstaining and the committee proposes to inves tigate the wrong, aad soma one may have to pat ap for the staff used. The Fanners' Lumber company of Atchison. Km., fled ia the ofice of the secretary of state yesterday eertif cate of its iacorporatioa under the -laws af Kaasas, an act of domes ticatioa to eaable it to traasaet busi- aeas ia this state. J. F. Halleabeck ef Bed Clead isoaeofthe directors aad the aaacera has a capital stock of $16,000. The purpose of the incor poratiea is the traasactioa of any auaafaetiring, mining, mechanical, chemical, mercantile, agricultural implement aad produce business. Journal. ii Ycveoagh will aot tat all winter Yoa will act be kept awake at night; You will get immediate relief if, Tea will mac De Witt's cough aad consumption care. Sold by Cotting 4 Here. Balk garden seeds jast received. Immense Stock fresh aad reliable and prices few. Perkins A Mitchell. Baadfcof raasami L. acmlfm. Oenaauateated. Safest ana at E.B.Imithaa old reat mtaadbaalmrrjCtlmarmof tbo Far asa A MsrehaatB TTaak of Bed Cloud. OaTauwuwy Fab. 10, tho Christian i fifed to ovwraowing with rwamtvecattaadiagtho fun- ot Edmund L.Sauth, who man well aad favorably of Bed Cloud. He was bctwfeJoenn county, Iowa, on thalMhof JaaaU67,aadoama to our old, hi ha wan the Ft Way waa It aha aaa asak an wma am rather, aad aaaora, oafe aaa aadprida cf aia mahcr, aad cfamaauera. afe was idolised aad load fe cared lor by the anly mother whom ha haeavmamywa, aad m return waa a aaafeanddumrulbcyto bar. Darmg afemmmaam trial ist cmara was. to Was has naranta with hum ami an two caamfeaa ha folded hfe Mfe atmaabout his mothata aaaaaaaamamaaaamiag wordeof ccsaV m Jfeaas ts hoy that oam- mawJyanSmmsjuataat feat ecaaajS as sata aa aaaanaw, aa anca. aanarton IttjtototrytmssaaKlma at ttaThas Draped the heavens aa tho on a bier. A Fries, -fc ,, ? j A . JJ J a B aa I Go to Deye fee aae cigars. Don't fail te bay year Iraa r. af Deje. Get yoar daily papers aad mega siaec of Deyo. J. H. Bailey has$5,009 to lean aa geed farm aad city property. Farm Mans eight per neat aad leas. City tea per cent. DeWitt's little early risers: caly ptU for chronic eoottipatiea, tadtacs tie, dyspepsia. Neaeeegeod, Sold by Ceaiag. J. H. Bailey has $50,0M to leaa aa good farm and city property. Farm loans eight pet ecat aad lees. City tcaperccat. Joha Parkes will sell yew mere groceries for a dollar thaa aay gro cer caa iaBed Cload. 8ee hie new stock of groceries, sugary, coffees, teas aaaaed f raits, dec. Acts at oace, aever fails. DeWitt's aaagh and coasmmptioa care. A remedy for asthma, aad that feverish coaditioa which accompanies a severe cold. Sold by Cottiag. 6 There shall be held annually on the 3d Tuesday of March at the ofiec of the county clerk of each souaty a meeting of the assesors of slid coun ty for the purpose cf consultation in regard to the various kinds and class es of property to be by them astes ed aad it thall be the duty of each assessor to sttead such meeting, aad to call upon and receive from the coanty clerk the necessary books and blanks for the assessment of property and the failure of aay assesor so to do shall be deemed suficient cause to declsrc his office vacant and for the appointment of a successor. See sec tion 49, chapter 71 compiled statut es 1889. Miles' NcrrcaadLlvrrPllM. Aet on a new priaoiple regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the aenres. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' pills speedily care biloasnew, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Un equaled for men, women, children. 8maU est, mildest, sorest ! 50 doses, 26 eta ARll-Harso Thief Assaelatlam. jr- The Webster County Vatual Protection and Aati-Horse Thief Association meets at Cowles on Saturday previous to fulling of the moon each month. F. Hososon, Sec'y. Rheamatlsm Cared la aaa day. "Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system lis remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. Price 75 cents. Sold by L. H. Dcjo. Safe iRMHrance. For a solid and safe investment see the contract given by thi National Life Insurance Company of Montpel- icr, Vt A. S. MAB8D, Special State Agent. Cawlcs. Capt Jno. Blaine and daughter Jenny, returned from St Paul on the 5th inst where the wholo family was summoned to the bedside of Chas. Blaine who was dangerously sick. He has since died and was buried on the 10th. A host of friends and neighbors extend hearty sympathy to the bereaved family. The storm of Sunday was so severe that no religious service was held in eith er of the churches. Mrs. Wolcott has received a photo graph of a pillow of flowers which had been placed on the coffin of her sister who recently died in Vermont Our ice men intend to keep cool next summer. Never before has this village had so much put up. A ten pound boy put in an appearance Sunday morning just as the blizzard be gan to rage. It is likely that be will make a stir in the world. H. W. Fowler is the man who looks happy over the event. a. Warth Haadreds af My wife used only two bottles cf ''Mother's Friend" before her third ooa tnemed. Says she would not be without it tor hundreds of dollars. ITadnot r.aar as mueh trouble as before. Dock Mills, Liacoln Parish, La. Write the Brad field Regulator Co-Atlaata, Oa- for far ther partieulart. Sold by Oettfag. 17 4t Aanhay. The wind is blowing the snow into driffs. Sunday school and chnrch will be discontinued today. Mrs. Myers is en the sick list Several of tho voaog folks got dis appointed on going to the wedding Sunday, across the river. The storms will be liable to stop the trains. The Pleasant Bill literary society had an exhibitioa lest Taesdsy Bight Two young men went after their girls, hat the vouag men were too late papa and the girls were gone, aad the youag men said: I wish the old man hadn't took the girls, they will have out names in the paper. There are a great many patting ap ice. Jim Doyle get his thumb badly tore by a pet eooa. Mr. Baker has traded his fiae bagcy horse at, that he get af A. C. Heamer. Mr. Cox is ant agaia after his sick spell. Mr. Emiak is sick agaia. these items began it to lne Mauaa-n Used in Millions of Homes - it XSlalHBmaaaa ""L-.anBeakanaaaaafe vo ' dmaSa PrHfBaking 1 Th Mutual A octtlon S. Y. tik, meeUemt aa mek botffil. I to from It to 76 yearn old, of both atx ltOf to 99099 at death, M0 te $2500 if aermaaeatly dis abled, or less ef two limbs, or eyes. $2M to $1250 for loss of oae band, feci or eye $5 to $25 per week if disabled by accideat er siekaess. Ne restriction as to iesidenec or aecaaatioa. Members are ia immediate beaef t fer death from the date ef Certii cate, and for indemnity for sick and acci dent beaelts, after sixty days from date ef Certif cste. issue iaoinc certificate, without ex tra cost, insurance payable, Far Death. lajartea hy AceWesrt. LaooafUnahe or Eyes. Pemnaaeat INaahtllt-. " Mckmeaa hy aataral caaae. We cuard assinst the accumulation of a large number of Death and Disabili ty claims, during any one month, by pro viding that ail claims anau be paid wun in ninety days after receipt of oatisfac tory proof. NOTICE The Fallawlaa Palate, First. We place no restrictions on members as to occupation or rest dence so lone as payments are promptly made. 8econd. livery member knows from the first, the exact cost and the date of payment on his insurance. Third. It provides for the Arbi tration of all disputed claims. Fourth. People of both sexes from 18 to 75 veara old are accepted as memberr. Fifth. Provision is made to ad vance from $100 to $500, for funeral expenses, if necessary. Sixth. 5To portion of the principal of the Bsscrve Fund can be used for expenses. - Seventh. We have paid more money in Sick and Aceident benefits, since Jan., 1886, than any other As sociatioa ia the Uaited States. Eighth. Certificates of member ship ia the Mutual Union Ass'n. arc exempt by the laws of New York faom attachment by creditors. COST. The first cost id the MeinbeiAliip or Admission Fee, psysble with t'te ap plication, to the agent as follows. sm - as.aa $ aa . $ a.aa - i.aa 2 - V2, 7M 3. 4 - 13.w 1 . .a s - 18. Applicsnt pays examination fee. Maathly amyaieats am a)l Bill WE Age. Am't Ago. Am't Age. Am't. 18-25 8 .85 42 $1.08 50 91.80 2G .80 43 1.10 CO 1.88 27 .87 44 1.12 01 2.00 28 .88 45 1.15 02 2.20 20 .89 4G 1.18 63 2.40 ' .T0 .90 47 1.22 04 2.60 31 .91 48 1.20 65 2.80 32 .92 49 1-10 00 3.00 33 .93' fiO 1-34 67 354 34 .04 51 1JW 68 a48 33 J 32 1.12 CO 3.72 36 .96 53 1.46 70 4.00 37 M 54 1.50 71 4.28 38 1.00 55 1.56 72 4.50 39 1.02 56 1.62 73 4.84 40 1.04 57 1.68 74 5.16 41 1.06 53 1.74 75 5.52 NO ASSESSMENTS. For 82000 insurance the cost would be twice the above rates; for 83000 insur ance the cost would be three times the nbove rates; fcc Maathly Payaieals Xcver For particulars, call on or address A. P. Howaid, State Agent. Bed Cloud, Neb Laeal agents waated. - . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Katlee ta Teaehcrs. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers ofthe public schools of this coauty, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each moath. D. M. Hunter, County Supt.' Dray Mae. People who desire drsying done with promptness and dispatch should always hire John Berkley's teams. John is aa old head at the business aad will do your work well. Terms reasosaMe. 1-tf Children Cry for Pltoher'e Cattorl. fc 1TOVES ta Marhart. He has the iaest liae of stoves ever eeea ia tae city. He ass tit celebrated Garland ceok and Beaters. aad a fall liae ef others eqaally as good. Hardware at the very lowest cares for cask Do aot baj stoves er hardware aatil yoa see me. Open hoase block, Webster street ii There will be a teachers' meetias; at Bed Cload Satarday, Feb. 28, 1891. at oae o'clock p. m. The program is aa fellows. A lessoa in decimel fractions Mr. Jos. H. Scows. Diseassioa ef difiealt points in the breaches taaght in the pahlie tchools Teachers. Paper, ((The teacher's care af the health ef pnpils Mies Carrie S. BrakeiaM. Paper, "Oae days work ia the sahWJroem"-Pref. B. H. Calrar. Talk, "Are teachers' meeettags a haaaiiT--Praf . F. N. Daam. Tea aaestiias aa priaaiaal eveaU f 18f 1. Mma Haaaah lgaa. A fall attaaaaaaa ia aM D.M.HOTKB. 40 Years the Standard. rv la akth. lleoaaaaa, bairg madantood. oaadv ovoromar. Aar womaa aiy are lunar n aother without BBttriag aar paJa ahataver, th labor being made ohort, easj. and f rre from daagtr. Mora las; aiekaeii, wdlet limb, and all other tike evil caa be rapidly eoatrotled. aad alt female dttieanes peedi!r cured, i'bj ieiaaa pronoaaeo it a voadcrf ul dtoeorery. Kerer knows to fail. 30,000 ladies attrat ita aierita. Cut thia oat; it may mt yoar life. Sstcr nut a day longer, hat Bead as two l!-cent stamp, aad receive ia -taltd earelope fall particaJir, tmtimoa iaht, eoaftdvatial lettca, Jte. AdJrr, Fraak Thomaa Jt Co , Baltimore, Md. 22-3m Let a man lead a crooked life loag eaomgh and he will noon be ia straight. Warked Like a BradaehTt female refralator worked like a charm; improveaie&t beea woader f al; eaaaot el prt-u my gratitade. WUh ovary lady afflicted would try it. I know it woald enre them. Lola A. Loag, Spring Grove, Fla. Vri,4 the Bradleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for farther particulars. Sold by Cotting. A boy's first cigar mny smoke bowabont the boy. roll, bat ReaaarkMhlc Facia. Heart li.enfte if unally anppocd to be incurable, but when proUvrly treated a large proportion of case can be cared. Thus Mm. Elmira Hatch of Elkhart, Ind and Mi. Mnry L. Baker of Ovid.Mich., vera cared after MaiTerini; VO years. S. C. Linbnrer of San Joif , 111., .i j that Dr. Miles' New Heart Care, which cared the former, "worked wonders for hi wife." Levi Logan of Buchanan, Mich., who had heart disease for SO years, eavn two bottle made him fcel like a new man." Dr. Miles' New Heart Core is sold and guaran teed by C. L. Cotting, drnggiitt. Book of wonderful testimonial free. 1 fBFgTBrryaai Two vices and one virtue do not make a saint. A .nllonnl Eveaf. Jho holding of the Worlds Fair in a city scarcely fifty years old will be n re markable tiVeiit, but whether it will really benefit this nation an much an tho discov ery of tho Restorative Nervine, by Dr. Franklin Slile.s it doubtful. This in just whnt the American people need to care their txceysivo iiervouue!!, dyspepsia, h adache, diziuu-.-, l?tplettne.4, neural gin, nervou debility, dullneits, confusion of mind, etc. It acts llko h chnrm. Trial bottles and fino book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases," with unequaled testi monials, free at C. L. Cotting', druggist. It is warranted to contain no opium, mor phino or dangerous dr oga. 1 T iAHMt wucQUiwrrto with the GtoourHr or this comm wm orrai MUCH VU.UMU IMFMWATICH PHO'J A STUST Of THiS MtP Of THf PaiMrn Dnolr Tsiinri 0. Donifla'Da ' UJUWgUf UUua UIOUU (X iOblUb IIJ., The Direct Route to anl from Chlcajro. Jollrt, Ottawa, rearta. La Salle, Molluc, rtock bluid, la 1LUN013I Davenport, Muxtinr, Ottumws, Otkalooa, Die Molaes, Wintcnrt, AuJubon, Harlan and Council Btuflk, la IOWA : MluneapolU nd St. Taut, !a MIX KESOTA; W'atertoirn and Sioux F11j. In DAKOTA; Cameron, St. J-tli and Kansas City, la MISSOURI; Omaha, Lincoln, Falrtmry and .'on. In KERRA9CA AtchUon, Lcavcnwortli. Horton. Toptka, Hatchlaaea, Wkhita. Bellevlllp. AMIm. Ttnigt) air, CaUvell, ta KANSAS: KlntfUnr, El Reno and Ulnco, In IXDIAJI TERRrrORY; DcnTcr. Colorado Sprlnffi and Puttie, la COLORADO. Travcrws ncv areas of rkh Suwlnff and (razlBK land, affording the tidt StctllU or later cemmanlcation to all towns nnd cltlt. ut and wnt, aorthwest and soutlnrrt of Cblcago and to I'acUiC aad trant-oieaulc seaports. magnificent vxstibult express trains Leading- all competitors In oplcndor of eqnfpmeat, betveen CHICAGO an-i DES MOIXE. COUXaL BLUFFS and OMAHA, and Mtw CHICAGO aad DENVER, COLORADO SI'RIXRH and I'UEBLO. via KANSAS CITY aad TOrEKA and vU ST. JoSEPrT. Flrst-aaas Day Ooocho, FREE RECUN'IXO CTLUB CARS, aad ralare SlfprK, with Dining Car Service, CIom connrctlons at Denver and Colorado Sprlnfi Kk diverging railway lines, now forming the aiw Sad plctnrcjque STANDARD OAUOK TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROUTT Over which mprMjr-o,!!lprd tralni rna dally THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE to and from Salt Lake City. Ojdea and Pin Francisco. TOB ROCK ISLAND U also the Direct and Favorite Una ta aad from Slanltou, Tike's Peak ami all other sanitary aad cealc resorts and cities nnd mining districts tn Colorado DAILY rASTEXPRESS TRAINS From St Joarph and Kana city to and from all tsa aortant terns, cities and sections In Southern Nebraska, Kansas and th Indian Territory. Also via ALBEIT LEA SOCTK from Kansas City and Chlraf9 to Water town. Sioax Falls, XINNE.r0U3 and ST. FACT uaaartiofMr for all points north aad northwest titaw tb lakes and the Pacific Coart. For Tickets, Maps. Folders, r.r desired fafonaaUaa aatdy to any Coupon Ticket Office In the UalUd oraddrcai B. ST JOHN, JOHN SKBAaTIAVf Orl Maaascr. CenTTkt.Araf,At. - cmcAoo. m. AgRl3GfiK IF TAK& DURING CHANGE Of LIFE waiMffligMfflMwuiMitai 'JX8& sswiojavti. Jjrl bapf,e25S.Vtor cj FOat iALE BY . L. CavTTIXCI Legal Satire. In the district court of Wabater Nebraska. The McKinley Lanning ") Loan and Trust Co. I ts r Thomas Mather et al j ITotiei to aon-residsnt defeodanta. John W. Bentlej will take aotiee that oa lha 2d day of Febraary, 1891, tae above named plaintiff filed his petition ajraiBst joa, impleaded with others, ia aid coart, the object aad prayer cf which are for the f oreeloeara af a certaia seert caawaivtm by Thomaa Hatha aad wife toW.H. Laaaiag.datsvd March J,ls,aad Had for recard aad recorded m the aaaw atkanordref deedeof aaid Weastar . ia book a. pagai. eaa raying dasanbea real astaia aaa aitaasaiia said aoaaty tawit: half af the eoath-veataaarte at tiaa tairty-Uree (33) tawaaUp faac () aria, laaaw elerea (11) wasted thaaaa a. am. that defaattaas teal ac ta laaeaiasusawa wawssswss ssy aaortarawa. aad there is taeraaa the aaa ec atx tairtj-two (CSS) wttk fatatwat at tea ear as, imn. araaid asaaaaaa. wais la a ac arayasof toe arte aacsaaaw.to KalBtfrTa Attorney. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A feJsaj?a"CwanaaaT,MPMmam ajgaanaaaai AvjMaiCroagg ajrTnil-CtO-'- JszWQrj-ui."L jJvr aCAdpSni. faaV.dr!- alaiaus; taeraaa the aaat ac ata aaaaraa cam and aaavaaaaaa s s valid laaa an an if ant, naananr atamaueeamnaaaw. w aamimmaawwswar swswassa. OC 9ftaal lavmaUMal aMardKlnr VasWa9C.4aT "y 3" , tMtTsaassdMaaajaagea caaaty amstair.. - w fr anaTFCVirf I). Saaaaaalcg aaa asjatty av vaaaatawMai asx raavaaasai aaae ssrat aasa eawa- mmmmmammmmmmimmmmmmummimmmm-mimmt aS af aaid awfeadaatt. traaav.. ....... aaw aw V saw twa-urcal tas asMssassr aaisl waii- u, atk- l.... .- jasa aa m saw mBL SL flu aa aw rsafssur- sw s m -aasa p weave assjssa sssw ss w ,.. - - - b aw botmhsw was w- s- -. -. - aak aJk. aAvMaAW tsm & . aSSms w9 ika aaa aw as? aaeaww aaasassay swap wsawassv apsBtw arvayjaw ..'..... sjenaeeBanaasw wsajwaswai w,Mfc imn. mr tha aaaaaBka Aa - a4a. saaltr iaaasat ' - --- as a anaamr aa. aaaTmms- muw af vs s aawa w saaaawa ss sw s-s- - mammmmywj vmmmmmm wawa-aaawa -y - -- - & t ! mBBBBBBBnw jBBsmaaFBawmawawmw wflJtflm ftS waTYMsj aaaan JaafdWaaMaavm tatanm flawaVeaal aTwaaVafdanaaal aa'dTswiBav1 w w " , sa w, - - - - - - - eaasff) mI ASiBflHHlrimVaPaMnWmmaaf maanW filfM iNtfsfmlfl Je Afpn0MaaVaal afafJaawfVj mWeeeaa 1 "M""?",r,T"LT--: '. " D. B. Spatiogle, Real Estatk and Loa Agk RcH Cloud. Notice U hereby cia that urvr atd by tr to of annrfarrof v laaard tiutn t)i idaB of C RCrsse drk of Um UUuict court ed aaa eighth judicial district, vsRam and for Wefcstfv cotttty. Mcbraska. cpon adVrrrr laaa acWa patMnns tBcrtia. arrrta ranswra a Mevraaaea BaaklucCo aw atalaUta, aad acaJ Havt4 A. JHnxip aad Mary K atrtiu rt ala ). frDdoata. I 1I oSrr for aai at Mblie vats duels tte klgtK-kt bJsJSVr tor raali In kaad at ta at dtier af tte cmrttsmMe. at Br4 Oassd. In aald V'cbtr county. Nebraska, (taat betaa tae uaidtast aarrrla tar laat lerat of sa-M crt aaa aaMca) aa ta lath aay aCSarem A. . IMI, atla'clocka. ai.of asddday.tatfUasiiB Ct enfeed profTty nU; Lot ftrtrva (U aad atrra (H) la Mock 8te la MialUi aad addltian to tbe city of ltrd Cloud. WrMrr county. Nebraska. Clvra undrr sav haad taia 3d day of Frbruary A. It.. 1. O.A.TKEUiUicrtt. . O.C.Tp.i,Urtaty. J. H.(IUIM. Italntiff'a Attonwy. toM ahertaraadOe, Notice la Inrrtby pjven. that uiuk-r and bv lr tiu: ut aa orUf r ! sale iMunl mea ta oSV of C. II. Crowarrk t the District Cwjrt of Uw FJiibthJtMlicUl lHttrict, mlthtn and for Web cvunty. cbraaa. u;n a Urcrr In an actio Miuilnic, tarrrin. when in. The Willford and Nor tliwar Manutanciurins Co are plaintiff; aud ACaitittC R.'l'uttret al HrfetuUrtv I at) otter for aalr a publjo vctvJi-'. tu t his Iks bidder for cah In hand, ad thr ral door id ta courthouse at KcJ t'kxid. In aah Wattttar county, xrbrasla. (tlwit Utti the tulUta whrrrtu the Ut term ot laid four twashuldra on tho lath day at March A. a. ialv at 11 o'clock a. to, of aaid day. tnefotlowinc de cribtd pioporty towtt; Um tweatv-oue 121 andtwtni-twor;l in block tru K rallnMM addition toUcd Cloud, fctster coutity. Ne- traaka. i.Um under )' baad thtsad day ef C, A,Tt,Hlrlff, II. t?lat Ilrn.t tuiiiy.i asio s l'ungan, llalaUffa attorney. tthcriaT's Bale. Notice is ker tr men. that uadcr and bv vlr tue of an order of sate lMtied from taeolSeeof L. 1!. Fort. Clerk of the DIM tic t Court of tkw KJglitli Judicial IUtnrt.aithla and for Web ster countv, .Nebraska, upon a decree In aa ac tlo.t pemlintr. Uu-rein, nlicrelu. Joseph H Hall cy is iil.amtllT, and aralnsi John 1. Koblasea and Martha u Kotliiou. lkfendanta. i aall again oiler toraa'c at (ubllc endue to the htgb et bidder fur cuA iuLand at the attlor id Uio court hi lv. ai lUvlllmid, in aald WtJetrr couniy. .rnnika, iirwt dviuk tno Ptaco niier the List term of aald court was hoMen. on the I3lh day af Jaa. .. D. laai, at 1 o'clock p. to. of aald dar, the followlac described propert) to-wtt: The vwjth kalf of thcsotithmestituincroI section tour In toaa ship tlirec north I range nine eat of fi a. sa. ia Webster county. Nebraska, (ilvea under aay land till? -d day of lcccarrr A. I). 19mk C.A.Tksu "aerlff. I). C. Taau DriHity. I. II. KtticW, ruintlS ' Attorney. lafj For aunt of cash tiliHen tlie above sale la hereby continued uutil Marvh 3, iiui. C. A. Teel. Sacrlfl. Dr U. C. Trrl. lrpat send roa our caTatoaucaaa MICKa ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INOIANnaOUl. IND Chattel Starlgag e Hale. Notice U herebv Riven that by ylrtue of a chattel mortKHSC dated on the fth day of Feb ruary, ittuo. and duly filed la the office of the countv clerk of Webster county. Neb .on the Mill day of February, IK), and executed by II. A. Rurtoii and 11. P. Hurton to I- Gilbert to secure the payment of tae sum offfvQSand niton which Uierf la due the sum of IIM.lt. IWault tiatiiiK been made In the pa j men t of said sum and no suit or other pfocmllutr at law having beou instituted to satare aald ilrM or any part thereof, therefore I frill aetl the pnjw erty therein ilrscrlbr!: Two vearllns; teeraa'idtwotMo-)rr old heifer, one sorrel horae. at public auction at the yard of (illftrd fi Waller In the tnn af Cowles, Webster cotm ty. Nebraska, on the 14th day of February. IWI, at one o'clock p. m. of said (lay. L. C. C.lllrt. MortFure. Legal .allre. In the district court ot Webster county, bratkn. William N.rarnaloin ) vs. Spencer Alex.unlT ft a's ) Nottru to uon tesblrrtt ilefrndstit. Ne- Htencer Alexander and iJiinl- Alrvander. in wile, will taac notico tli.tl on tlie strd day of December. 1J. the above nnmeil pUlntitt filed his petition asalust ou. imtdeaded with others. In said court, the object and prater of which are for the foreclosure of a certain mort gajtc. Rheti by you lo W. fl. Lannlrur dated October 1st, lax, and files! for record and re corded In tlie office of tlie recorder of deeds said Webster county In liook i. on pace Ml, eonr ve Imc the following described rr.U estate aad premises situated iti said cotinty tonsil. The north-east uarter of section thirteen (ta) towra. ship four t) north, range twelve (U) wrat d the Cth p. m. that default lias been made In the (tayment of tlip Indebtedtieas secured by said morurace. ami there Is now due plaintiff tkrr on the sum of one hundred and forty-eicht do. lars and 73-100th (SllS-T.'Otocether wltfi Interest at ten per cent per annum thereon from Janu ary 1.1. 1yl, which is secured by aald taortran which Is a valid lien on said i-rr mles. llaM. tiff pran for tae aale of said premises acrocd I UK to Law, to satisfy the aaiount adjudced due klm in the premises. and for a decree foreeloe lne the e'juity of relemptlon of ail of said de frndants and lr an injunction restralulaa waste. You, and each of you are reaulred to answer, aaid petition on or before Monday the ninth (9tb) day of March, laai, or Ue aaraewiltbe taken aa true, a-d Judgatent and decree rea dcrcd accordiriKly. -t-ii iiBeets.MereyrevTia, nf lotlfl a A i Attoraey. Prahatc bailee. State of Ncbraaka. . Webster county, f In the county court of our aald coanty of Web ster, ia Uw: matter ot the KnaidtaatJiiaof Thoav as Blunt. Ineoeapetent. Now on the 21st day of January. 11. caase Sa. If. Thoaua. raard lan ia this oaUer. and Sld report el Ma acta and doir.pi aa suck guardian aad his duly vert Red iieUtioa praying a Snal aettleaaeat aad al low ance of accmiat. aad that he aw dlsrturar I froat UtU trust: It U Oserefere ordered that satirOay February 9th. tart . at oae o'clock ta theafterBooaataByoSlcelnKadOowdaeSied .. t . tiB. ulJ niae fne aalaisMr aad allow ing aath accouat. All persons Interested Vt this estate are required to appear aad aaaw cause. If such exists, why raid aecoant aweaM not be allowed. It Is farther areVred that Was II.Tbosaaa. zuardlan berela.kive aatleetwaM person interested in said estate byeaertnta copy of tals arder to ne ptwnei ia use aaa Oosd CHiar. a newspaper prtated aad ia ara- enu clreulailon ia saw casatf y ror usree ive weeks actor to Use day art far aald ssrarksa witMsaaryealelalslcBatnre aasf the aeal at the retraty covfrt of said eeaatv af Vefcter tMe rddayef Jaaaary. 191. U.r.Tnssiasv. X-& CssatyJadaw. 3 IsUMHBKJA -jaaaaaV FnavgamaajjJ VWTV' akwaarSmn majmab eawvam aaaaVaaTaasT sjasaaaata awanrVBaV nVswa& CswMosaweai iaswaovggaa g aim mwaM a wasarfaa ajafsagaawanama maaasaan wf BBBBBaBaVavSBm'BamBtfHggr -ktffaBTLBBVeBBBBV tas " ami aa Tae aaaaaaiaai ww aawavar-a arswa- wsansi s. t IZr. SZ. a Bssa. aasWf lagataev aaaavwaaaBaaawsaaia........ mmmmmggfQ saaam aa avvv asanasmv aaaA aar aaaaaa aaaavvasseaaarvaaai... ap saw aaaannaans. .... ... essw wsf 3Mt CsrwatyCwwa. " , " ft "- BLanr aacr aai JD REnCtiBCR sone mnkciwsw N.rC.RilRBIull(8c6-, CHICAGO. MrW If: -'c Aa groccrs Keep m z. rPR' WU5EWIf E WAHTS IT. Jones & NICKaaMNU TO Groceries, Provisions Canned Fruits. Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. NEBRASKA FARM LOAN CO PAID UP CJPJ'JJL,$00.000. Taha YaavtAaatteaMaa) Tfcaaa, aetastt yM alii anng liunt iia i& irfr aad Mat iktsNtgh aa arai or OMaauwiud aaat aVcaaaa yau ran gvd the lowest tab. BVeaaaa sou ran c Jmr taoart iHsmedUtelv aaawp da hot aM )nar acdlrattem all aaa wa ran alte you Vtm brt trrta aaalatrivat and vrinclrtalUiNiiableat Oaa ea tKa laternat momm aaa yoa will be piraaed aRh aur aiaaawr trauMe. Red Cloud. Nb. wanted! Wt rallal all Furniture, Mortuary Gotnls, &c. CWMUJ hlaea, avrsama, rarmela, elr, mmr ack fr l'trrta Is caaiplrla aad are snsv rsrrlal MllrHllestt ia I at era af Fort Abstract t. ii. roaT. Muw- Abstracts of Title. Fanuniied to all Landn in Wribater County, Aci:timN;ly ami ON SHORT NOriCK. llavlac had ten year avpsrlssea la msitity reearda asxl ot, f jl.e nvt n,t-Ui -if, AS stract books la tbsUt. wxwraWaeiafarUm. Var fsrs Mtt w All ordeta Sited pmesptlr, W.ass dlU ian4 Sled aad aaaruved. AdAf a m rail m L. II. FOKT MAjAsn. U& lol. Nb. BAILEY & MYEltS, Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Agent. Red Cloud. Nebraska. Abtrtractei of title funiihtl accurately and prrmij'tly. Satinaction Giiaran.l. 910.000 botid 1.!! THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. W1IX MAKK S W Hi IS POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world m B. V.Saiasr, Pres. Hssnr CtABaatVit.rrt. I. II. Koar. W.ir KtLls L SatUT, AsstaUat Caakier FIRST NATIONAL BAXK, .Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITA!., Trsaaset a gtatral asakiaaaaslaesa, eeaaty, areciaet sad acneal dletrict Jaa.XcNeav. J. A.Tallevs, Jeaa aVflairey. Heary Clarke. FOE CASH a S a S S f aM. f STRICTLY CASH BASIS, rlaartbnsi. mmu& vsmfY.r SOfrTKAte H0Spr5 BMtEY, 5c pjce ajio 5one rore. Biff HCVCR MlraW. THOSE If Y&uT OnttY fM l0r Evans, MaflaKR rjhalaillBl. ha & KANSAS. t orrf tae r-mntry for kiow (jv U an. out rAr. amt if draifrl xt ummU of builm-. t aata av?. ttaw Albany, Nsw York. aad rsaaslar r alsaclt asf the COZAD & CO. Co., Jieii Cloml. 75.000 atU toaaty wary Ma. alat Bay sad J1 Uu esc G. W. Liadser. K. V. Shlrvy. K. f. IllgaUad. A - J. Keaaay, W.T,J. A.TULUIT. IBrC SJjM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanR. awPL saHKdr r "Br ':rkB fif 4B mrmnB-dBamaaaaaaaa aamaiaBBT mBBBBaaaL JTrrL aJ-saaMaaaV' 'jQHHSGi -'KL' ?( madBBBmFs aaBiBBPBPIBBkiBB a Miles f. Hates' Patent- Collar! a-sasskr J. O. BUTUX dead. Bseksf' fTJ awXrfit mdalaTadlaSaTwT' flaaPIWII T UaaaaSBsMaBdL' asstrwassef amaaaaaaaCsSVsa?aVa9r3 ' smaPaTVaVrSwatila'd Pitcher's Cattorla. -41 a" 4t