The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1891, Image 3

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f Week For CfcrWtU-U
hhtyrf Ufe Th ftntoir Ever
steady t
In a late sermon at Brooklyn Ber. T.
y ,JeWitt Talmsge took his text from
f A&k x. 21: "One thing thou lackest
Rxhe young man of the text was a
splendid nature. We fall in lore with
him at the first glance. lie was amiable,
frank, earnest, educated, refined, re
spectable and moral, and jet he was sot
a Christian. And to Christ addressed
him in the words that I hare read to
jon: "One thing thou lackest. I sap
pose that the text was no more appro
priate to the young man of whom I
hare just spoken than it is appropriate
to a great multitude of people in this
audience. There are many things in
which yon are not lacking. For instance,
you arc not lacking in a good home.
Neither are yon lacking in the
refinements and courtesies of life.
Yon understand the polite phraseology
of invitation, regard and apology. Yon
have on appropriate apparel. If I am
well clothed on other occasions, I
will be in a religious audience.
However reckless I may be about
my personal appearance at other
times, when I come into a con
secrated assemblage I shall have on the
"bes dress I have. We all understand
the proprieties of every day life and the
proprieties of Sabbath life.
Neither arc you lacking in worldly
success. You have not made as much
money as you would like to make, but
you have an income. While others are
falc when they say they have no in
come or arc making no money, you
have never told that falsehood. You
have had a livelihood oryou have fallen
upon old resources, which is just the
bame thing, for God is just as good to us
when He takes care of us by a surplus
of the past as by present success. While
there arc thousands of men with hunger
tearing at the throat with the strength
of a tiger's paw, not one of you is
hungry Neither arc you lacking in
pleasant friendship. You have real
good friends. If the scarlet fever
should come to-night to yonr house, you
know very well who would come in and
sit up with the sick one; or, if death
should come, you know who would
come in and take your hand tight in
theirs with that peculiar grip which
means "I'll stand by you."
Friends? You all have friends.
Neither are you lacking in your admir
ation of the Christian religion. There
is nothing that makes you so angry as
to have a man malign Christ. Yon get
red in the face and you say: "Sir, I
want you to understand that though I
am not myself a Christian, I don't like
such things said as that in my store,
and the man goes off, giving you a part
ing salutation, but you hardly answer
him. You are provoked beyond all
Many of you have been supporters of
religion and have given more to the
" cause of Christ than some who profess
His faith. There is nothing that would
please 3'ou more than to see your son or
daughter standing at the altar of Christ,
talcing the vows of the Christian. It
might be a little hard on you, and might
make you nervous and agitated for a
little while, but you would be man
enough to say: "My child, that is
right. Go on, I am glad you haven't
been kept back by my example. I hope
some day to join you." You believe all
Jie doctrines of religion. A man out
yonder sa3s: "I am a sinner." You re
spond: "So am I." Some one says: "I
believe that Christ came to save the
world." You say: "So do I." Look
ing at your character, at your surround
ings, I find a thousand things about
which to congratulate you, and yet I
must tell yon, in the love and fear of
God, and ith reference toatny last ac
count: "One thing thou lackest."
You need, my friends, in the first
place, the element of happiness. Some
day you feel wretched. You do not
knoy what is the matter with you.
You say: "I did not sleep last night.
I think that must be the reason of my
restlessness;' or "I have eaten some
thing that did not agree with me, and
I think that must be the reason." And
you are unhappy. O, my friends hap
piness docs not depend upon physical
condition. Some of the happiest people
I have ever known have been those who
have been wrapped in consumption or
stung with neuralgia, or burning with
the slow fire of some fever. I never
shall forget one man in my first parish,
who, in excruciation of body, cried out:
"Mr. Talmage, I forgot all my pain in
the love and joy of Jesus Christ. I
can't think of my sufferings when I
think of Christ."
There are young men who have not
been Christians more than six months
who would stand up to-night, if I should
ask them, and say in those six months
they fiavc had more joy and satisfaction
than in all the years of their frivolity
end dissipation. Go to the door of that
gin shop to-night, and when the gang
of young men come out ask them if they
are happv. They laugh along the street,
and they jeer, and they shout; but no
body has any idea that they arc happy.
1 could call upon tne ajrea men in
this house to give testimony. There
are aged men here who tried the world,
and they tried religion, and they are
willing to testify on our side. It was
not long ago that an aged man arose in
a prayer circle and said: "Brethren, I
lost my son just as he was graduated
from college, and it broke my heart,
but I am glad now he has gone. He is
at rest, escaped from all sorrow and all
trouble. And then, in 1657, 1 lost all
my property, and you see I am getting
old, and it is rather hard upon me; but I
am sure God will not let me suffer. He
has not taken care of me for seventy-
five years now to let me drop cut of His
hands. I went into the room of an
aged man his eyesight nearly gone,
his hearing nearly gone and what do
tou suppose he was talking about?
The goodness of God and the joys of re
ligion. What is it that gave that aged
man so much satisfaction and peace?
It is the grace of God that is brighter
than sunshine and that is sweeter than
music O, religion's "ways are ways of
pleasantness and all her paths are
peace. And if yom have sot the satis
faction that is to be found in Jesaa
Christ I mast tell yoa, with all the con
centrated emphasis of my soul: "One
thing thou lackest"
I remark again, that yom lack the ele
ment of usefulness. Where la yoar
business? Yon say it is No. 45 sack m
street, or No. 360 such a street, or No.
aOAKBch a street. Mv friend immortal.
jrom business is wherever there is a
j-snar to be wiped away or a soattohe
- eared. Yon may, before coming to
Christy do a great -many noble things.
Yon take a loaf of bread to that starv
ing man in the alley; bat he wants im
mortal biead. Ton take 'a pound of
candles to that dark shanty. They
want the light that springs from the
throne of God, and yon. can not take it-j
because yon have it nt in yoar own
heart. You know thatThe flight of an
arrow depends Terr much upon the
strength of the bow, and I have to tell
yon that the best bow that was erer
sga. made was made oat of the cross of
Qvi and when xeligkm takes a coal
H oa that, ami palls ft
ami lets H fir, erecy time it
tin If Qolmta. There are people hers
af high ami srili m, aad large mesas,
ml cumnred umnds, who, if they would
come mto the Kmgdom of God, wonld
set the cHy afire withreligkmss wak
ening, O, hearyoa not the more than
million vetoes of those la these two
cities who are unconverted? Toieee of
those who in these two cities are dying
in their sins? They want light. They
want bread. They want Christ They
waat Heaven. O, that the Lord would
make yoa a flaming evangel. We all
hare a work to do. I can not do yonr
work, nor can you do my work. God
points us out the place where we are to
serve, and yet are there not people in
this house who are 39. 40, 60 and 40
years of age and yet hare not begun the
great work for which they were cre
ated? With every worldly equipment:
"One thing thou lackest
Again, you lack the element of per
sonal safety. Where are those people
who associated with you twenty years
ago? Where are those people that fif
teen years ago. used to cross South
ferry or Fulton ferry with you to New
York? Walk down the street where
you were in business fifteen years ago
and see how all the signs have changed.
Where are the people gone? How many
of them arc landed in eternity I can not
say, but many, many. I went to the
village -of my boyhood. 'Die houses
were all changed. I passed one house
in which once resided a man who had
lived an earnest useful life, and he is in
glory now. In the next house a miser
lived. He devoured widows houses, and
spent his whole life in trying to make
the world worse and worse. And
he is gone the good man and the miser
both gone to the same place. Ah, did
they go to the same place? It is
an infinite absurdity to suppose them in
the same place. If the miser had a
harp, what tune did lie play on it? O,
my friends, I commend to yon this re
ligion as the only personal safety. When
you die, where are you going to? When
you leave all these scenes, upon what
scenes will you enter?
Suppose a man is prepared for the
future world, what difference docs It
make to him whether he goes to his
home to-day or goes into glory? Only
this difference. If he dies he is better
off. Where he had one joy on earth he
will have a million in Heaven. When
he has a small sphere here he will hare
a grand sphere there.
My hope in Christ is not so bright as
many Christians I know; but I would
not give it up for the whole universe,
in one eash payment if it were offered
me. It has been so much comfort to
me in time of trouble, it has been so
much strength to me when I have been
assailed, it has been so much rest to me
when I have been perplexed, and it is
around my heart such an encasement
of satisfaction and blessedness that I
fln tt anil linm YMfntv f.rw1 ntirl aave.
Take away my health, take away my
life, take any thing rather than rob me
of this hope, this plain simple hope
which I have in Jesus Christ my Lord.
I must have this robe when the hut
chill strikes through me. I must have
this light when all other lights go out
in the blast that comes up from the cold
Jordan. I mast have this sword with
which to fight my way through all those
foes on my way heavenward.
When I was in London I saw
there the wonderful armor of Henry
VIIL and Edward III. and yet I
have to tell you that there is nothing in
chain mail or brass plate or gauntlet or
halberd that makes a man so safe as
the armor in which the Lord clothes his
dear children. O, there is a safety in
religion. You will ride down all your
foes. Look out for the man who has
the strength of the Lord God with him.
In olden times the horsemen usedio ride
into battle with lifted lances, and the
enemy fled the field.
The Lord on the white horse of vic
tory, and with lifted lances of divine
strength, rides into the battle, and
down goes the spiritual foe; while the
victor shouts the triumph through the
Lord Jesus Christ As a matter of per
sonal safety, my dear friend, you must
have this religion.
I apply my subject to several classes
of people before me. First, to that
great multitude of young people in this
audience. Some of these young men
are in lxtarding houses. They have but
few social advantages. They think
that no one cares for their souls. Many
of them arc on small salaries, and they
are cramped and bothered perpetually,
and sometimes their heart fails them.
Young men, to-night at your bedroom
door on the third floor you will hear a
knocking. It will be the hand of Jesus
Christ the young man's friend, saying:
0, young man, let me come in; 1 will
help thee, I will comfort thee, I w ill de
liver thee." Take the Bible out of the
trunk, if it has been hidden away. If
you have not the courage to lay it on
the shelf or table take that llible that
was given to you by some loved one,
take it out of the trunk and lay it
down on the bottom of the
chair, then kneel down beside it
and read and pray and pray and read
until all your disturbance is gone, and
you feel that peace which neither earth
nor hell can rob you of. Thy father's
God, thy mother's God waits for thee.
ft rnnncr mnn Kiano frtf tliv Hfo'
Escape now! "One thing thou lackest!"
But I apply this subject to the aged
not many here. Not many in any as
semblage. Feople do not live to get old.
That is the general rule. Here and
there an aged man in the house. I tell
you the truth. You have lived long
enough in this world to know that it
can not satisfy an immortal nature. I
must talk to yon more reverentially
than I do to these other people, while
at the same time I speak with great
plainness. O, father of the weary step,
O, mother, bent down under the ail
ments of life, has thy God ever forsaken
thee? Through all these years, who
has been your best friend?
Seventy years of mercies? Seventy
years of food and clothing! O, how
many bright mornings! How many
glorious evening hours have yon seen!
O, father, mother, God has been very
good toy on. Do yon feel it? Some of
yon have children and grand-children;
the former cheered your young life, the
latter twine yonr gray locks in their
tiny fingers. Has all the goodness that
God has been making pass before yon
produced no change in your feelings,
and must it be said of yon, notwith
standing all this: "One thing thou
O, if yon could only feel the hand of
Christ smoothing the cares out of
wrinkled faces. Of, if you could only
feel the warm of Christ steadying yonr
tottering steps. I lift my voice loud
enough to break through the deafness
of the ear while I cry out: "One thing
thou lackest" It is a very hard thing
for an old man to become a Christian.
I know it is. It m so hard a thing that
hut God Almighty can do itbybJaom
nJKtentgrace;Hecanbrmgyoua4the eleventh hour at half-past eleven at
one minute 6i twelve he ems bring you
I must make application of this sub
ject also, to these who arc'-prospered.
Have you, my friends, found that dol
lars and cents are no permanent const)
latkm to the soul? You have large
worldly resources, hot you have no
treasures in Heaven? Is an embroid
ered pillow all that you want to put
your dying head pJ You have heard
people all met wee mJK.auoux eartaiy
you reject Christ aa4 reject mm finally
that it will be wane far tou
those who had it hard ia this world,
cause the contrast will malm the
comfiturc so much mere appalling?
As the hart bounds for Urn
brooks, as the roe speeds do wn the hOl
side, speed then to Christ. "Escape far
thy life, look mot behind thee, neither
stay thou ia all the plain; escape to the
mountain lest thou be consumed."
I must make my application to an
other clam of persons the poor. Whea
you cannot pay your rent when due
have you nobody but the landlord to
talk to? When the fiour has gone oat
of the barrel, and you hare not 19 cents
with which to go to the bakery, sad
your children are tugging at your dress
for something to eat have you nothing
but the wor4j charities to appeal to?
Whea winter comes, and there -are no
coals, and the ash barrels have no more
cinders, who takes care of you? Have
you nobody but the overseer of the
poor? But I preach to you a poor
man's Christ If yoa do not' have in
the winterblankete enough tocover you
in the night I want to tell yon of Him
who had not where to lay his head. If
yon lie on the bare floor, I want to tell
yon of Him who had for a pillow a hard
crow and whose foot-bath was the
streaming blood of his own heart O,
you poor man! O, yon poor woman!
Jesus understands your case altogether.
Talk it right out to Him to-night Get
down on your floor and say: "Lord Je
sus Christ Thou wast poor, and I am
poor. Help me. Thou art rich now.
and bring me up to Thy riches. Do
you think God would cast yon off? Will
He? ion might as well think that the
mother would take the child that feeds
on her breast and dash its life out as to
think that God would put aside roughly
those who have fled to Him for pity and
If you have ever been on the sea, yon
have been surprised in the first voyage
to find there are so few sails in sight
Sometimes yon go along two, three,
four, five, six and seven days and do not
see a single sail; but when a vessel does
come in sight the sea glasses are lifted
to the eye, the vessel is watched, and if
it comes very near, the captain, through
the trumpet cries loudly across the
water: "Whither bound?"
So yon and I meet on this sea of life.
We come and we go. Some of us have
never met before. Some of us will
never meet again. But I hail yon
across the sea, and with reference to
the last great day, and with reference
to the two great words, I cry across the
water: "Whither bound? Whither
bounty I know what service that
craft was made for, but hast thou
thrown overboard the compass? Is
there no helm to guide it? Is the ship
at the mercy of the tempest? Is there
no gun of distress booming through
the storm? With priceless treasures
with treasures aboard worth more than
all the Indies wilt though never come
np out of the trough of the sea? O,
Lord, lay hold of that man! Son of
God, if Thou wert ever needed any
where. Thou art needed here. There
are so many sins to be pardoned. There
are so many wounds to be healed.
There are so many souls to be saved.
Help, Jesus! Help, Holy Ghost! Help,
ministering angels from the throne!
Help, all sweet memories of the past!
Help, all prayers for our future deliv
erance! O, that now, in this the ac
cepted time and the day of salvation,
you would hear the voice of mercy and
live. Taste and see that the Lord is
gracious. In this closing moment of
the service, when every thing in the
house is so favorable when every thing
is so still, when God is so loving and
Heaven is so near, drop your sins and
take Jesus. Do not cheat yourselves
out of Heaven. Do not do that God
forbid that at the last when it is too
late to correct the mistake, a voice
should rise from the pillow, or drop
from the throne, uttering just, four
words four sad, annihilating words:
"One thing thou lackest"
The Upper Klcht-IIand Corner Is the
Proper I'laee.
It has become a custom which all
thoughtful persons always observe, to
place the stamp on the upper right-hand
corner of the envelope, but few people
have ever stopped to think what was
the reason for this choice of position.
The canceling stamp and the postm ark
ing stamp are fastened side by side upon
the same handle, and if the stamp is
correctly placed one blow makes both
impressions. If, however, the stamp is
on the lower right-hand corner the post
mark falls on the address, and both are
illegible, whik if the stamp is on the
left-hand side, the postmark, which is
always at the left of the canceled does
not strike the envelope at all, and a
second blow is necessary to secure it
So, if the stamp is any where except in
the upper right-hand corner, it makes
just twice as much work for the clerk,
and this where he is stamping many
thousand pieces every day, is no small
matter. There has been in use for some
time, in the post-office in Boston, a
number of canceling machines, into
which the letters, all faced upward, are
fed. These machines, if the stamps ar
correctly placed, do the work quite
well, leaving on the envelope the row
of long black lines which we all have
noticed on Boston letters.
I am not able to learn, however, that
there is any other office in the country,
as yet, which uses these. The Boston
office has also, quite recently, put in
operation a most ingenious machine for
canceling and postmarking postal cards,
which differs from the other in the
greater rapidity of its work. Two
hundred cards can be placed in it at
once, a crank is turned, nnd click!
click! they fall into a basket all stamped.
Max Bennett, in St. Nicholas.
A Carpse Wit , w Jewelry.
Tne largest amount of jewelry known
to be in a single grave was bnried in
Greenwood cemetery several years ago.
The undertaker who nnd charge of the
funeral protested against it, but was
severely snubbed for his interference.
The family had its war, nnd in that
grave is bnried fully S3,00 worth of
diamonds, with which the body was
decked when prepared for bnriaL
Sometimes, though not often, families
who desire to bury their dead hi the
clothing worn in life, in evening or
wedding dresses, for ieetanrr, substi
tute less cosUy imimtkma for the Jew
elry worn hi life, partly from motives
of thrift and partly from a supersti
tions fear that nay thing taken off n
body when H is ready for the tomb will
bring ill-luck to future wearers. This
superstition and a desire to prevent
gossip are powerful inducements for
the bnrml of jewelry, for Outclass who
have "sweB" funerals earn lees for tan
money rahae of the
danger of being criticised by
rivals. X. T.
record is that of
a Coa-
n watery grave only tn tad
of his long-lost brother, st
to whom he owed three dollars
half fee turnips.
to Urn judge that taey
ipryopemtincai the Oa
to this
The way m which oar
of modem Europe trr to
as msu
by their
ly clad, noori r fed
land of the Nile before M
the Israelites out of Egypt If.
pero, who is weU qualified to
sU points connected with Egyptology,
devotes several very interesting pages
to the subject in his charming "Historic
Beadinga." It seems that the families
of the working classes were quite as im
provident in Egypt thirty centuries ago
as some of Jthem are ia England at the
present day. At the beginning of the
month, whea they had just received
their month's rations, eating and drink
mg went on without restraint By the
middle of the month the stock began te
fail, and famine began to stare the
thriftless households hi the face. So
again and agaia they went out on strike
in order to extort more from their su
periors. A strike of masons is described
by M. Msspero in detail, snd some parts
of the description might almost be mis
taken for extracts from an English or
German newspaper in the nineteenth
century of the Christian era.
The 10th of the month the builders
employed at a temple rushed tumultu
ously out of the place where they were
working and sat down behind a chapel
in the temple precinct, exclaiming: "We
are hungry and there are eighteen days
before the next pav day." They charged
the paymasters with dishonesty, assert
ing that the Utter gave false measure.
The paymasters, on the other hand,
charged the men with want of fore
sight alleging that they spent their
wages ss soon as they touched them.
After some further negotiations with
the officers of the Government the men
resumed work on the understanding
that the King himself should receive
their complaint Two days later Pha
raoh actually visited the temple, and
when the matter was laid before him
ordered relief to be given to the woebe
gone masons. For a short time there
was quiet but boon provisions failed
and discontent broke out again with re
newed violence. On the ICth of the fol
lowing month the strike was in full
force again. Not a man would work.
On the 17th and 18th they still refused
to lift a tool. On the 19th they at
tempted to leave the precincts of the
temple in order to carry their griev
ances into the outer world, but found
that the person who was placed over
them had taken precautions so effective
ly that no one could leave. So they
spent the whole of that day in laying
their plans. On the following day they
resorted to more noisy methods. After
vainly appealing with loud cries to their
manager, they decided to apply to the
Governor of the city, and therefore
rushed through the busy streets to the
inconvenience of pedestrians, not - top
ping until they reached the Governor'
palace. Like their European successors,
these discontented artisans stubbornly
refused to work, spent many hours io
discussing their position and prospects,
disturbed the order of the streets by
their impetuous movements, and ulti
mately obtained part, at least of their
demands. So we can trace the strike
back for 3,000 years; that is, to a period
when Home was not built and even
Greek civilization was still in its infancy.
How old the method was at that time
It Is at present impossible to say. Per
haps the custom is as old as the Pyra
mids. Perhaps the first strike preceded
the most ancient of the existing monu
mentsof civilization. Pall Mall Gazette.
The Doys Pat Up a Joke oa Uncle Jim, Bat
Keekoned Without Their Host.
A gentleman, familiarly known as
"Uncle Jim," is one of the nation's em
ployes, not many miles from the Barge.
Office. He is genial, courteous and effi
cient, but in no wise remarkable sava
for an almost total deficiency in th
sense of smell.
Several days since a numlcr of hit
friends went to a Whitehall Street cigar
dealer and asked him to construct a
cigar for them, the component parts of
which were to be tar, felt, cotton rags
and glue. The whole affair was to be
covered with a "Henry Clay" wrapper.
The next time the crowd, including
Uncle Jim, came together, one of them
produced and informally presented the
old gentleman with the aforesaid abomi
nation. .
Uncle Jim, who, it may be remarked,
is extremely fond of cigars, took the
proffered weed, chewed it awhile pen
sively, lit it and finally smoked it Sev
eral of those present who had intended
to stay and see the outcome of the joke
had now suddenly changed their minds.
The aroma that filled the place was
something appalling. In five minutes
the room was empty, save for the pres
ence of the smoker and the original per
petrator of the joke.
After enduring the stench for several
minutes, however, he too hsd fled, leav
ing Uncle Jim in sole and undisturbed
possession. After half an hour or so he
returned jnst in time to sec the victim I
making his final expectoration prepara
tory to throwing away the butt.
"What do you think of that cigar.
Uncle Jim? he asked. "It's n gennine
Cuban Henry Clsv."
'O." returned Uncle Jim, with n self
satisfied smile, "it was a fine cigar, yes,
n mighty fine cigar. But I tellyouTxny
boy (this confidentially), thev don't
make Henry Clays as thev used to. No,
siree. X. V. Herald.
Tom 'They say tha t T jmson writes
poetry." Jack "But his friends are do
ing their best to contradict the report.
-Yankee Blade,
"There is. aothmg new under tW
matter of
CATTLE Shipping steers.. ..S JO 4S
Mutehcrs' steers... 2 S3 8 S 73
Native cows 200 w s 35
OGS Good to choice heavy IU 1 SN
WHEAT No. 2 red u
No. 2 hard ss J 6
OOaiC Not 2 : C'-t
OATS No. 2 5ne te.
UTE No. 2 f5a Gt
FLOUS Patent. per sack.... ? 2 4S
Faacr. 21 2 11
HAT aaled. 'U 19 00
aVTTXn Choice ereaaserj.. 2s 73
CHEESE Tall cream $ M
EGGS Choice. 37sw Is
honlder S a OS
eJees. ...... a 6
SflABSV.......... ........ ...... SSU s
CATTLE- thine tag steer. . .. IS n
Batcheri' steers... IN t in
HOGB faekUHr IX in
SHEEP Fab to choice....... a 4 2t
WiOCH--Cheies. - Is a la
WHEAT Ne. 2 rd........ MS mA
coin sre.2 . . . as a a
OATb Xa. 2. ... 1&69 4&k
mnwBwmi dT mv Taft
"sJmsmV . W Kmf 31 arnQfe
CATTTE narauBStsseers-... IM a ITS
HOOI ruahlsgsnasaJBumg s a ITS
msEXP-raameheiee. a
FtOCB Waster wheat. ...... set a la)
WHEAT Xe. Srecl .. .. Ma it
cob-xe.2. . a a an
OATS-3Ce.2.... ............ ef a
ETE Xa. 2. .. 72 a We
aWJammW ,. 9 Cm V 94aPt
CATTir fmnwasttss. t a sea
HOGf Qt SSfhsl. is a M
FIOCH Cdochots...... is II
WHEAT Xe. 2nd ISSttja 121
coax Xe.2. . ......... - a u
OATS-WeiSua mhret. ma -t
Hcrmr rimsmj n.m am
selves If we do not mf It before oar
s, On ke first oar of J
mj friend and wmuaf for
ashrknswsmo agsajl
sever usscrise It AadrM.Ua
nrsrliiua nay on had tell me
that I waste be hreufhtss lsw,aadayss
isntMe a Miasms. 1 sasum hare
maiden. 1 had always
strong snd hesltar, sad
seunds sad hardly knew, ia my ewa eaperl
once, wast pain er sickness were. Very
mssy pouplu whe will read this statement
realise at thnes that they are uaseaally
tired and csasotaccosat for It. They fed
dull paiss ia rations parts ef the sedy aad
de sot uaifntsss why. Or taey are ex
cstdisgly auagry one day sad entirely
without speeUte the scat. This was Jurt
the way I felt whea the releatSeae nulsdy
which had fssteaed Itself ssea use first he
gsa. SUA I theogat nothisg ef it; that
probably I had Ukea a cold which weald
soon peas swsy. SaorUy sf ter thi I so
tleed a scary, and at tinea aeuralgic, pala
ia oae side of my head, but as it would corns
one day and be cose the aext I raid Utile
attention to it. Then say stomach wouM get
out of order and my food often failed to
digest, causing st times great iacoavea
ieece. Yet, even a a physician, 1 did not
tbiakthst taeae thiagsmtnatanrihUig seri
ous. 1 fancied I was suftVring from ms
lsris snd doctored myself sccordinrlr. Bat
1 got bo better. I nest noticed a peculiar j
aosas l wa pass-
- . . -
ins also that there were
tare quuuun
one day aad very little the aexc and that a
persistent froth snd scum sppeared oa the
surface, and a sediment settled. And yet I
did not realise my danger, for, indeed, see
ing these symptoms continually, I finally
beeamo accustomed to tbess, and my suepi- j
don wss wholly disarmed by the fact that 1
had no pain ia the affected organs or in their
viemityVWhy 1 should have been so blind
I cannot. understand.
I consulted tho best medical skill In the
land. 1 visited all the famed mineral springs
In America and traveled from Maine to
California Htill I crew worse. No two
physicant sgreed ss to my malady. One j
said i was troubled witnspiasl irritation;
another, dyspepsia; another, heart disease;
another, general debility; another conges
tion of the base of tho brain ; aud so oa
through a long list of common diseases, the
symptoms of many of which 1 reaUy bad.
In this way several years passed, during
which time I was steadily growing worse.
Sly condltloB had really become pitiable.
The slight symptoms I had at first experi
enced were developed into terrible and
constant disorders. My weight had been
reduced from 207 to 130 pounds. My life
was s burden to myself snd friends. 1 could
retala so food oa my stomach, and lived
wholly by injections 1 was a living msas
of pain. My pulse wss uncontrollsble. In
my agony 1 frequently fell to the floor snd
clutched the carpet sud urayed for death.
Morphine had little or ao -ffect in deaden
ing the pain. For six days snd nights I had
the death-premonitory hiccoughs constant
ly. My water was filled with tube-casts
and albumen. I wss struggling with
Bright- Disease of the kidneys la Its last
stages I
While suffering thus I received a call from
my pastor, the Rev. Dr. Foote, at that time
rector of 8t Paul's Episcopal Church, of
this city. I felt that it was our last inter ,
view, bat ia the coarse of conversation Dr. I
cures of cases 11 Ue my own which had conie
under his observation. As a practicing I
physician snd s graduate of tho schools. I
derided the Idea of any medlcino outsldo the
regular channels being la the least bene
ficial. So solicitous, howerer, wss Dr.
Foote, that I finally promised I would waive
my prejudice. I began its use on tho first
day of June, 13S1, and took it according to
direction. At first it sickened mc; but
this I thought was a good sign for one ia
my debilitated condition. I continued to
take it; the sickening sensation departed
snd I was Anally able to retain food upon
my stomach. In s few dsys I noticed n de
cided change for the better, as also did my
wife snd friend. My htfeoughs ceased
sad I experienced less pain than formerly.
I was so rejoiced st this improved condition
that upon what I had believed but a few days
before wss my dying bed, I vowed, in the
presence of my family and friends, should
ranAfflV T .mi1il lisith YlnKllflv fttlfl nrl.
vately make kuown this remedy for the
good ol uumanity, wuererer anu wuencver
I hsd an opportunity, and this letter is ia
fulfillment of that vow. My improvement
wss constant from that time, and in less
than three months I had gained K pounds
In flesh, became entirely free from pain end
I behove I owe my His and present condi
tion wholly to Warner's Safe Cure, the rem
edy which I used.
Since my recovery I bsvc thoroughly re
investigated the subject of kidney diffi
culties and Bright's disease, snd the truths j
developed sro mtoundlng. I therefore j
state, deliberately, snd ss a physician, that
I believe more ttun one-half the d'athM whtch
occur in America art Muted by Br.ghVt da-
tarn of (hrkldnrm. This may sound like a '
rash statement but I am prepared to fully (
verify it Bright's disease has no distinctive ,
features of its own, (Indeed, it often devel
ops without any pais whatever in the
kidneys or their vicinity) but nsstbe symp
toms of nearly every other comeaos com
plaint Hundreds of people die daily, whose
barisls sre sutborlzed by a phystcisas cer
tificstess occurring from "Heart Disease," 1
'Apoplexy." 'Psrslysi." 44Spiasl Coev I
plaint," "Rheumatism," "Pneumonia," sad
other common complaints, wbea ia reality
it is from Bright's disease of the kidneys.
Few physicians, and fewer people, realize
the extent of this disease or its dangerous
and insidious nature. It steals into the
system likes thief, manifest its presence
if at sll by the commonest symptoms and
fastens itself in the constitution before the
victia is aware of it It is searlv ss hered
itary as cossumptiou, quite ss coaaoa sad
f uUy ss fatal. Entire families, isaeriUsgit
from their ancestors, hare died, and yet none
of the aantber knewor reslixed the ayttsri
ons power which was tenoving them. Ia
stead ef cenuaoa synintsms U eftea shows
nose whstever, bat brings death suddenly,
from convulsions, spoplezy, or heart dis
ease. As one who has saf ered, and knows
by bitter experience what he says, 1 iss
more evervoae who reads these words aot
sue, 1911,
to neglect the slightest symptoms of kidaey ! m. m m mf
dimeolty. 5o eae can sord to hazard sach 1 INDIAN HORROR8
I make the feregoiag smtemeaU sused J
BBast raeta which I can sabsUatiate to the
letter. The wdfsre of those who msy pos
sibly be snferers sacks I was, Is aa ample
isdacemeatforme to take the steal hare,
and if I can suecessfaUy wara others from
the dangerous path ia which I oace walked,
ismwUUngtoendare all prof essieaal and
personal amseaueaees. HErio5 a
"What became of Hank Bitters?
naked a man who had left Oklahoma a
year ago, of oae who and just
"Hank? Oh. he's dead."
"Taum! Jnst as I expected! Of
eoursehecnnwtosomehad end? Give
himself, you
" Wal, H wasn't exactly that way
with Hank. The boys gave hau rope
an sorter throwed ia the haag-
kaaw." TSZZrS&YiA&EXXZMlTm: R I Rmanmnl HmmnnnnVBnnTsW aTsfl fa M a llam P i.
eneeghan' sorter throwedia the hang- ZJZZZTilttlTSSXriS''1 mmmatmgZTmfamm pjnn sHM layavremnwa iai 1 11
T--M - -z-T ---. BUanUjUjUnBBJIIIIIIIIB BHBaai. WW JBSBga-"i' ay
g5Zg? &$&&$& ivn-Ra 4pord mMtSooogffSP'
SsMa. SSSVJSBVSSiBBfBaaavBaaaBaBav " SjjSrMT'SaaaaaVaaMa ' " "jT5" ' " ' 1 a
jVjjj, , ' . j aamnunBusuBmnua awsnusCWPamT'" imnsss anstHmmWHVnnnW
sr -a . mSAmmSmtSmwmwmwmWtKfawitm Bwtrwsw sBTBpsBwarmwasBSBu .m ssw w mrmsuv smv UBmmsamnnHBsaansmw
" HaimnnlsmssCaflBs VSfBSeStfSffIiVtEttommmmx fXSSKKTSlSSSmmm
UtKSSSSSSStiSLJSSB !BgxgggisnnnsiiMimi mTTL
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm "'Pamnnw gfw asavfaaanfjunnnnnnnm aTssv
'mnnnafrma7 mnhafmna mnnnmmm wUlCmn nWsteUamMRRa HmamaVHS mmxmCiPasSCE amnnnnnnnagml ?". !!
amunnnwmumammWa ammmmmW mmmni anunuaV'mBmnn' f--,.. lansmsm m uaBBwaaaaaaajaa nnnnm BsnVam mH ammmammmmsmmnmnnmnmnm. ayayjHrmWajsWmmssaswJjaaj Jslm RmfRsWr fam?mnmV"sssV
Kfrnnr mTamamnV ammmmaL aUawmT laWnhsamsrmnsfa. " -H' HmmWmmmmmnms ' mmmttmmmmmmi'mm
4mHXiSBmmuiHmmnma ' ." naawamwmlrPsf 'mwmSPmB?mmimmU mjC9mMVtMiMMMMmmWk-
mmBOmSBSB . aa. - mmR nmustmnuna R aamnmannnnnP ESSxBJSb awfrnmsVaam
M"ygs"P?WM''W, - RRHmmWiat. , Hsr"- RlwHsfaR. R aSHmmumVma WsmRTHRt insnii la W r ia Mi
Bmsma amsmmn. msmsmsmumsmsml amaaismsmL. mnunuksmnnnnmnuun SnBBms mma b. m j-b j bsssj aumm msmsmnuawssr' sm uBsrsaussB' ssr wssmpr BavaBT m aaw bf BBBBsssuBmF
-daaannsdnanujnBannnf & BnBBnaBnwannunBa sanuna . t ftnnnS ' munHmHmnnBBHmm. mm nmr Rm BRmmammmmmBHmmmaaaaRmm -aBaarjaaaaaaa n n 1 itnwmmmmmmme0mmmmm-immr'm4mrr5mBm'
f flu yoa mt me m4 verymJafrea saM
amVweeht MswamevieUrfms-
mrm, sepev sy nrmg is nonae
Tears, sad the Aaisdote ass fee awee
fimbeaorn! VOlars wsrta f
eiaeseemklharedaeeferMm, lasrthad
eeoefmrseifbtars trrtae maswee, and
H cured him inmsaietelr. I ei
it la everv eae mmwtmr frMM
Bjietfeujr years, W.w.Moxi
Wasar the pretty tjr writer Par
as to pst her arms sheet her sm lifers
neck she Is art to say ef the srttmi -Jib)
free frem ra4je
and direction isseecr.
cess, the boor sruw
st ale-ht a habit, aad the aueral
every way btr when Dr. Jena Sail's See
ssfMnUais uuMleuessC.
"An r remarked the
keeper, wbea he saw the
Sine;" -I am asUetpstsd."
Din yen erer r withla a mOe ef s
factory! If so yoa know what
they aike soap of. PofeWas' Etectrio Seep
ftory Is as free from odor a a eheie tse
tory, Trytioace. Ask year arwjar fee st
Take so Imitation.
Tac young tssa who wits 'sbsMs te mr
rreeshls Jo" sarrd ssesey by seeding H
by aialL orrUtows Herald.
I havb been ocratoonr troubled with
Coucat, and la ccb esr Lave ueJ llaowVs
BeoscuiAt. Tkucaa. wnich bare never
failed, and I mutt Mr tley srr rcctA to
Bone ia Ue world. rNellx A. iUy, Cashier,
' Paul, Mica.
f JB.
Maxaokc are 'i! to be rke and rrss
tar. ,tiu n JOU . m ilkaey to a rjAJ. l4jrT
taic paiu to bare It prrscatl w you.
Mt friend, look berr you know bflwwrk
and nervous j our wlfcl, and you know that
Carter's Iron fills will rWlere ner Now
why not be fair about 11 aud buy ucr a boa
1 These U ccc very pleasant feature about
, J Wfih. rldeoa a cold nfrht-and Uat Is tne
arrlral hcmeorrUtown HeraM.
i n, tn ,n.t,,iZ ,- ..v .
worm medicines. Dr. Bull's Worai Ie
strojers are always sure and taste Ilka
dainty little candies.
A ma could not serve two masters in tbe
old days, but novrsdavs sailors oftea serve
three-masters. Pittsburgh Cbruclcle.
Dox'T Wheeie and couich when Hale's
Bottey of ilorehoond and Tar will cure.
Pike's Toothache Imj cure In cue minute.
Tns easiest way for a prisoner to escape
from jail is by Alius his bjcctlocs. Blaf
hamton Republican.
!Cr.vr.s fall to cure sick headache, often
the very first dose. This is what is said by
sll who try Carter's Little Liver 1'tUs.
Oo to the ant." said Solomon to ths
needy slurrard of old. Rut tho needy slue
rard aowadays generally goes to bis uncle.
.Vo Opium In Piso's Cure for Consumption
uurcs wtiere ouier remedies Tall.
To rscvt.KT tho lips snd bsnds of fir is
from tains; chipped tell the young men not
to call scats. Boston Herald.
CcsmranTrLT ssn rsanassvrLr
sea Taeeem, wellla
e c z a. x
wherevar found
That holda tha Roll
on which ia wound
The Braid that la known
the world around.
JICKsuw !liH pffr pttt t'trw xnu :.
Cr!ll-!o ( rvrat Haorr Syrtnaa. Kw1
abaut April lrt. mil Tbl of CuaWnU rar4
onljr loin, who 4 ttamoBfl !!rFtdfttlat'.
Aim rimrwm rosT rurjc r xu u.uttu an
or 5Tr Furr-nlux 4ilfw
rrmc Leisrrrr. ssr rns AB,n TwL
sb-sabs tarjsa 1 m rmm.
rwj tbs
anoiric ocin
ia :i !Str t.rlcf lf J iltilri awl colors, oo Urt
pivrcm r.r-1. in tniKic r. irwi up.
mom ou cr4. itMtd.
Klv f sll wh. Vrt. tWCtrr 09 rtnart.
w. ss. raw nan, srsiBBe. ci
this tmMt rttry tfin yo. vrtt
tSA asshaa Car. lestanyrArOTs
e.rtm rvtfl in,rmm wkirrr M I
trHwa !SBiJsimsCseirhea..Sa.iMa Bi I
w.4 tr -r k. s
"r " ci
Aru wt4 rr mr r . a tkrsHMw .
VMS ta. ntim .a
M4 rou rm. aO lu
rra. ea..
pmifrm. iiibii
ws .rTBBHSaa BBsri,Sa sfjrn am ibubWbs,
mH" "" Hhw
Bhl ml mil nfeE!?2illlaa
aaamiancacsstwrs. Mnm
BJmmiammmf sir. hrrancx.
- - w-m BmwaBal9BBHammmnnnHml &22'2E3SP'Smt,Emi119'
naagl naani la a-Ttya. n a noXAlttA msajar di M asmmnna Hsmmnnnmfamna WBSMMM annf iwmnujnan,
lsSrSHl m m
amaaaaaaaalmmamamnLrmaw mn nL
maaaaaaaaaaemaaaaaassvnwaasaaT mn
YOV hernia
ls a 'citadel
The winter's
jstorms are the
coming enemr. You know that this enemy will mC
down KM five long months outside thU citadel, ami do its
bat to break in ind destroy. Is this citadel garrisoocvl
and provisroned? The garrison is your cowtitutioiv $
k vigorous or depleted ? How long can it fight without
help ? Have you made provision for the parnon hv fur
nishing a supply of SCOTTS EMULSION of
ure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and i 1 rjxphiphuct of
iroc and Soda ? It restores the nagging energies, in
creases the resisting jpowcrs agaiast duco&c ; cmrts Cm
sumptitUiScrcfuIm OrmrrsJ Dbititr,mnd UA nmk d
IVastine Diseases (isfcially in Ckzldren) keeps coughs
and colds outtaikt so enables the constitution to hold the
fort of health, Palatable as Milk.
nrgClAl-mr ssmsBShBB swrn, sa4 is r-rfr4 Vr t sf4t IV
(esafea all nt tM wU. fet tatTi4 va2? a4 m
Btaaaer as W g-resslr isrnsse ttetr Htita vais.
CACTJOJr arcn' KasUka is T- Ba!sfter4r4 !;-?. ?
rt tb rrttai. rFr4 amir Vr ssvVn sVwbb, naaaf ittt4t , ,
fcoid by aU Draagtet.
SSSM. MaeafsMt.CsWCsmxrmsneeemmf, aeseeas.x
Jeefsees eaVeef.. Csf . sw. fee asVe. rrtV
.. FrifktM Jrsmss. We Hsnest W TrmU- ImmTmi .
TMI rtftmT 0l WtU, CrtVt NUtf M TSVIslTV MMSUTI.
uicMuri nut una u Mmaes h bu netmnttt mm.
Far Sick Htttftcit. Waak Ittfaaca. fcaMirttf
DittitrtfL CmUaatia, Ditar itrtfJ Lhrar, ale.,
' SCfUU SMsVC, $t iin atamlr sm. fws; mt
I tfe7
a in- swm osssnssK u k. a imutri tut iut it tmmtit tui m
Tnr"TmF Tsfma fcsyniTsn,MssirByga'1 .
swuTVfftlI -. Iki rlrr fi rP 4 I iire fjri
mKy4 amnHmmPDKaCmnnnm
VnunnnnnnnnnnnBBVVBnHmvm .aulmnnnnnnHmrmnr'BUnnm ajsnuununnnnnnnnnnnnnnm
'KAKKKiBF A snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsBH annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV "
KPBBk,Rb aBBsttlmnstnBmnnnmm "
WIHRV mummVmis'.mv'munV
mntmmmmnnnmnmmRr IbbbtThV ImV T amnwJjakiW n
annnnnnTHmnnnnnnnaammnBsa. xmnTI mw sVaP ImnT iaiamnT ,
amnnnnnnnnnnnnBmVMn' jumfl ilWJ " PR JMlamnwiv i&
SUBbJ aRnmm it afw AhsIRh-ar 'JS3LWM&,
RRRJRIRRJRnTnwRJ RfuasTi ."T- mmrmY -:.HmnMS
WwBJBt KETmW VamwVannnnnw --jd mumuVHuS
fVHHnhBIBHEr SbUhZ TbT amnunPHBBmav mnnnnnnnnmm' , ismumnnnnnnnf
MKMB&m amtfck CHtHSW ''"umtmnmnS
a2aBBmfmmWumnnnnnBmm eaimaienimaiiis.sBwaj-ssaBn
JmGamnm7amTRRmmLlE TlSmmlm n bwbwb-. mji,uWt &,
B29famBmmmnn.aVaT yye-Je . - rg
BTRaCsnnnW W 111 u.mut s a4iaa4VfSW tms s-mb
mnnnnnnnnnnnnmZmnnBaL. & mbw 1 as j . 't'nif)
anfgVaffaffaffaffaffaff iTil-r sbms hibsb -"
i mmLmiw7S SB. waaXfn.a J-il ' m s
Hmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm nil. in i'j 11. 1 "l - "2JH! T j Tl
IJfMRRRHRHmmummfamV SriBWw w bbTS ? bs..h f
mnW'aBsTaBl WlmBSWBmSS'SmBmSmSMmimaJBBBBrmBmB w I. .- - m - -.m dbBK.aaB. SvBBaaBk
ummmTnunMilrNNaaB HTsnT n -r -'Tf 'g'J' 3tg ST
RufRaUMRRJRR B TjSfc VST r f mTtSmH j7. sniaa
aamTai aW 'aftif HmmtT
Z 1 ' JJ J.lkttkinefSSmimmmMWStMjfmdmmL amjaaBBBB ass BSBysaay gsBBirss
ZmZmiZ2rfamn?j&fmmmmmmmmrm' iiri "' "
JOHN UnWtt CMaCOBafnlNime
FOFMiea i
ZgmmW ZMimWUM lag,
aasnnTmrsSa. riam ana a imirarias. ? -y
yjaaaa Ra R T.
, Js- M .,
.M. t mum
-" -
yL je' .ef i'fc'
suis& tiJf-vS? -
1 --. ZjzJZzfztri-. -;. ,&,.
.Vm. 2 t ' . -. --.a. -J?-1.. - -ata. i.--..yer . -
. S?L, -- .
rrt -8Z-J 2.
r a
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&SZfr- -".
.-' lu
t'T" 'Jjr-
-XSfcSfesr-. . uSS8. s I "5 SiSUr J&ZS??
, xv- Tir
jF- -XS-.
-. -ma
-ja---aari. 1-te'T , !-!..
ltaHmV5U'- QsWlr---
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Kf - "wt
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Bl?gSij?5age'' "&'?&' - mV.IS-matJ . r- jrrf- -"'- - r ? E
"' "a ajunuuuj uuavannnamuBnnjuma mnman anna arm mmsmnna RR HauBmaaaaB -itMifsW-PRMmvmf RRB mwVRRsRasmnmmsHRmmsHm" r amnmnnw aanaauBnaBunnanaa.
- - -.-.' , - v - ZZ' v4Rjlrs
- J$& 1 -a . - . . " p s
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fr'?- , ' 1. j i. . "5 C s--x r " KHH
ir", '-' Z i '- , . .CBBBBBBBB