! ! f - - . - - - . m so$ i. 1 & S I I - ? . U -".- sfc ... H.-- Vi i? " .- 4-. - --, - ?&& . w-Tfe?r .jr T' -n-m. v h: -" . ;2S ?- L a . 7?$ -? Bheuma bnsti U scJdmtfceatwsd.M rare W tlw we et aiUn. Be Mitt yea get Ajerw tier, and jUe BtlH Use add is t:..raghly expelled tee aretes. A 'Alxmt two yews age fur ucarlv two reus frt p.Mf , 1m iug able te walk only wUh greet o.scotHfort, aed having tried varieu r.-medies, iaclwliag mineral tvitueut relief. I aaw hrm meat ia a Cakakgv paper that ft aal iicea relieve 01 taw ejetremueg plaint, alter loae; eanenag. ay Avt-r it Bataapanua. itaee in;.;. - trial of tab atedkiee, ana leek ' it r . ularly for eight mentha, aa4 mi pli:is:-,i to atate that k he effected ft r" !! care. I hareaiaeehai aere f .. of the dlaeeae."-Mre. B. Irving 1 ' , 110 Weft 12KheL,Xew York. ":e year aire I waa tekaaftt i 'uatatory rheaatatieai, heme? l i ....i tA miw aataa. I( 1 i. TnU mummum UUU an smYmLmmi. r- mnurmi -eeeveea. enm ama, mnmnLvnaav anus bbbbbbbbbbbbbi nunm mam- I'f., - ;' :;t of the sickness rery meeh jekjM " ..tated, with ao appetite, aad 77Mfts - disordered ia every way. IeaBaaeftm hiiBis Ayer'a SanaparUIa aa4 hegamta mnmve at ace, jcalaiag ia atiaftftt nl noon recoveriaff aty aeaal cannot ay too aiach ia praiaa taw wrcll-knnirn Btediciae.,, Mrs. Is. A. 8tark, Kashas, N. H. AVer's Sirsipiriili, V TBCTAafSBT Or. J. C Arar ft Cft rrkftl;sicktU,ft. WerteftSa FrMay, Feh. , lttl. ArtereaattaefeitOflBcalB Bei.Cleaa, Ndfc, at sail ataoer w lae eeceaa cm LOAXBKlFT. I. S. Seal kai reoeircd aa imcreate of pension. H. A. Shinkle aas Wei tie sick list tbii week. The finest and largest asfortaeat of valentines in town is at Dejoa. The W. C. T. U. will Meet with Mrs. Saanel Garber daring Febrmary. C. Schaffnit is home from the great west where he has been for several weeks. WillKmigh has gone to Awora, 111, and has Ukea his celebrated stall ion there. J. Ai Hosmer of Des Moinw, Iowa, brother of the editor of this paper was in Bed Clond over Siaday. The post ofiee was closed Monday front one mntil two on accowit of tke funeral of Secretary WindoM. A Bine Hill fellow was located in the coMty bastile Satirday night on a charge of aisdeBcaaor of soatc kind. A. G. Willis has pmrchased the Kidd property and is fitting it up for a nice residence It is a file resi dence property. JohnParkes has traded for a lice line of goods and will open wp a fine store in his bmldiag just south of The t'miF o&ce. The tkeaoneter has been lather turbulent this week. Sunday it was 4 below zero, Monday two above and Tuesday two below. G. W. Francis, Edward Neble, L. D. Thomas, H. W. Brewer and F. M. Cockrall have done their duty to the Great Family Weekly this week. J. W. Robinson of the Franklin Re publican, has been sued by some chap m that burg for libel. We miss our guess if Robinson doesn't come out way ahead. He ought to. The ground hag did not observe bis shadow is this part of the moral vine yard, and therefore we predict that the valley will be basking in glorious sunshine while some other part of the footstool will be burden with six weeks of cold weather. F, P. Shields has dropped tke same of (Alliaaee Knight" and resumed his old name of Blue Hill Leader, thus resuming his old time polities, democ cracy. He is getting out a good pa per and it ought to lie fully apprecia ted by his constitucney. Hiram Hicks, formerly of Bed Cloud but later of Haigler, died the other day altera severe illness. Mr. Hicks was well known in this eity, aid his many friends will be sorry te hear of his death. He was a straight forward, upright man and respected by all who knew him. We have it en pretty good authority that sooner or later the B. M. con template building a south read from Bed Cloud. To our notion that would be one of the most paving branches that that execUent read could project. We hope they will de so at wo late date, as it would be a big help to Bed Cloud. Mr. O. C. Fuller, the versatile pro prietor of the Holland House, ia here and has assumed charge of thai fa mous hOftkry. Mr. Fuller is a life long hotel mam and will maintain the reputation of the heuee. Tmr Chief welcomes him te Bed Cloud and he speaks for him a meat liberal patron age from the traveling public. Wt wish him noceee. Under existing laws if a mortgage fails to realise the entire sum cerered by the instrument in (he sale of mort rtd property, the balance will be come n judgment against any other property held by the mortgagor, a bill has been introduced in the fagis lature linutiue the execution) te the ntvnerty moitnced, and the debtor from further eWgatiee. The time is net far the people wiU be celled upon Use leeteityeeVen. During the ket few yean ne particular attention has been paid to this matter, but we think Hie high time that webegiat practice rigid econemy in all nranehe tkeeitv rOTsrnmset. The r-L. m . m I nan inftucunteU tnerttat nmiiinisu, aad kt'a have a wme will keeeuft that Une and adhere te it ae there ie ! in .that - - S-,yej mereessoeiyu nayMuaa- v m ?v .. awftfAweedef eeewesnisteg i every aisirlnmt m etmer te get . fc e nWooo o pwytne; heme. 'i"'ft)sjjaAM aJWaaaeaajftt faTftnawftWMOnuB mnww 'UUa Jh.j?. -v- ' ' r .-.' -!?- Tt; -m ' a A " ht A.. mmBKB. hkkb Oe U J. 8. Parkee far groceries ef emum emBunsluv U. C. Saett is up agaia after a se vara illnees. What are our people going to do about irrigation? Mrs. Dr. Sherer haa been quite but in getting better. J. F. Hallenheck waa naite unfor tunate thia week in spraining his ankle For groceries, canted fruits, teas, coffees,. See John Parkes, you can get bargains. Farmers, you can get more goods of J a!b Parle far less ntonev than of any house in Bed Cloud. The little children of Mr. A. Gal she have been threatened with pneu monia but are getting aloag nicely. -The entertainment at the M. K. ehureh Monday night was a grand success and was highly appreciated. Deyee extremely low prices brought him a larce Uhnstmss trade xnese lew prices will be continued on every thing in his store. Ceeetination poisons the blood; De- Witt's little early risers cure consti- patien. The cause removed, the disease is gone. Sold by (Jotting. 7 The Pacific railway has 15100ths ef ft mile of road in county, in Oak Creek township, and pays 119.93 tax te thereon, that is when tbey pay it. Little Nellie Fort, daughter of L. H. Fort, has been very sick this week with infiamation of the bowels, but we are pleased to learn that she is re covering. Small in sise, great in results: De- Witt's little early risers. JScst pill for constipation, best for sick head ache, best for sour stomach . bold by Cottiag. a For familv Groceries of sll kinds see J. S. Parkesj opposite Moon block one door north of Mrs. Newhouse's. He will sell von eoods cheaper than any one. Your cough will not lait all winter Yen will not be kept awake at night; You will get immediate relief if. You will use DeWitt's cough and consumption cure. Sold by Cotting 4 The B. 4b M. railway company paid their taxes this week, amounting to 11,304.10. Who say a railroad is not a eood institution to have in our midst Webster county has 70 miles and we wish it had 270. Calanthe lodge No. 29 K. P. is getting along nicely and bids fair to regain its former prestige. On next Tueeday cveninc there will be work in the first rink. AH Knights in good standing cordially invited. Vis iting Knights welcomed. The ruiiman car company owe Webster county $100,19 taxes on their cars but do-not pay' it. We would suggest to Treasurer Fassler that he gobble on to one of their cars for the amount some day. They should be made to pay it just Iik the rest of us. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has given me great relief in bronchitis. With in a month I have sent some of this preparation to a friend suffering from bronchitis and asthma. It has done him so much good that he writes for more. Chas. F. Dumptervillc, Ply mouth, Jfingland. Judge Trunkey has returned from Sioux City, Iowa, where he has been attending the funeral of his brother. B. T. Trunkey, wko died there last week of pneumonia after two days ill ness. His remains wereinterred in Sioux City. His death was very sud- den and was n sad blow to his wife and family who were not apprised of his serious condition only twelve hours before death. The war department has broken ground for a new fort at Sandy Hook for the protection of the harbor of New York. It is to be the most ex tensive fortification in the couutay. It will be principally armed by the new style of mortars, which are really abort riled guns. The guns can pitch a cartridge of dynamite orem mensite twelve miles to the seaward, and if one hits an iron clad it goes down like Mr. McGinty. The blind editor, Frank Beslin, now engagec in newspaper work in Salt Lake City, is about to try the transplanting of the eyes from a live rabbit into the place of his own sight fere orbs and connecting them with the optic nerves. He will then be able to tell how affairs appear to an editor looking through the timorous eyee of a rabbit. It is stated, on the authority of the Burlington Hawkeye that the operation has been frequent ly successful. Ex. Married, at Bed-Cloud, Neb., Feb. 3, 1891. Mr. Karl Ohr nnd Miss Karoline Lang, both of Webster coun ty. C. Seacock Esq. oficiatiag.y Neither ef the happy couple could speak or understand the tin&Iish language, aad the Squire was equally ignorant of the German language, ut laese aimcuiiuee were overcome bv the mediation f an interpreter wae is pronoteae in both languages, am pcntmN aia pan in me cere- lea te the satisfaction ef all con- Ths Nebraska "trees association o a ery ftgainat lecislativc cat ting ef their advertising rates. It ia hard eeeugh aledding for publishers in the northwest at the present rates, doubtless. The legislature shouldn't cut rales anyway. That it a matter that the laws of business will attend te better than the laws ef the state. But' we are sorry te he compelled to cornices that n large number of Ne braofe newspaper men here been ad vocating the cutting of the rates of almcet everbedy elee by legislative aemetansnA and when the business ba- gM cat eta hardly ceajceture where itwtll seep. The present political cried sannmte he eharacterised bv aad aincnlar tendenev to Iniato the sixteenth eenturv ef political eeeaemy. Then It years later, it waa aun- peeed fto"be one ef the meet inrpart nntfunstisns of the law making new er te hntcrfere with prieee and to Vun everyhedy'a profile for the good ef everybody eise. is wee we ef neternel atrernaisnt me te tWWimOtyf i i ; : : iw . BmsHheksaxauw-srvmiemBsassBsa ismmsBsasmaasmmaeTSBBBmasmHm ssmmma smasas arassBBBBrawawam nrWIbaKinS (Powder Used in MiDioos of Hornet Exccnmic Go to Deyo for fiae cigars. Don't fail to buy your drugs ecc. of Dero. Kickappo Indian remedies at Cot tings. Dermoline-for chapped handa at Cotting. John Campbell of Btin has been adjudged insane. Get your daily papers aad msga xines of Deyo. H. A. Shinkle is around again after a few days illaess. Podc Bros, now have a shoemaker working in their store who docs all kinds of repairing. S. N. smith, John lluelmsoo, and J. O. Butler have made the Big Injun happy this week J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on good farm and city property. Farm loans eight per cent and less. City ten per cent. DeWitt's little early risers: only pill for chronic constipation, indigcs tion, dspcpsia. None so good, Sold by Coiting. 1 J. H. Bailey has $50,000. to loan on good farm and city property. Farm loans eight pet cent and less. City ten per cent. John Walstead, of this county who has been laboring in Sioux City, Iowa, fell dead the other day in that city. He formerly lived 111 Bed Cloud. ' As 6oon an you discover any falling of the hair orgrayness always uce Hall's Hair reacwer to tone up the secretions and prevent baldness or grayness. John rarkes will sell you more groceries for a dollar than any gro cer can in Bed Cloud. See his new stock of groceries, sugars, coffees, teas canned frnits. &c. Acts at once, never fails. DeWitt's congh and consumption cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverish condition which accompanies a severe cold. Sold by Cotting. 6 ine trouble with Mgnor Urispi in .a -. particular ana Italy in general is that the Italian government hrs been trying to put on more style than it can afford. It has bankrupted the Kiople in an effort to apo Germany, ussia, England and France in the display of military and naval brass buttons and tinsel, refuses to trot in its own class The same sort of snob bishness is breaking the heart of Bel gium, Spain, Portugal, Turkey and figjpt- Arkansas rejoiced for twenty-four hours with exceeding joy over the defeat of Ingalls, and her legislature passed a roaring resolution of congrat ulation to Kansas on the election of Pcffer. Whether it was feared that the endorsement of the Arkansas legislature would turn the already queasy stomach of Kansas, and cause another revolution, or whether it was whispered that Peffer was a republican in the disguise of a farmer may never be known, but the next day tha legis lature of Arkansas had a bad head ache and considered the resolution and threw it under the table. State Journal. List Of JUNTft. Luthor Browo, Oak Creek A. G. Blaekwell, Beaver Creek E. Mctcalf, Bed Cloud E. L. Hagan, Beavor Creek Geo. O. Yeiscr, Bed Cloud John Mitchell, Walnut Creek Robert Harris, Batin Charles Guy, Beaver Creek William Schults, Potsdam H. E. Sanford, Bed Cloud F. C. Buschow, Potsdam S. V, Ludlow, Bed Cloud Thos. Emerton, Garfield Chas. Mysrs, Pleasant Hill W. J. Jeffrey, Inavale Jno. Street, Garfield L. Pesinger, Potsdam H C. Scott, Bed Cloud J. J. Shelton, Stillwater Jno. Olmstead, Guide Bock A. Galusha, Bed Cloud $ sU' Wfeea Baby was sick, wa nave Waea sac was a Caai,sae criei fee Waeaaae PaMIc Sale. The undersigned will sell at pnblie auction on his farm f ve atiles west aaissvea miles south of Bed Clean. nnd twe stiles east na4 eae femrta ef a mile north of Jaisee, Kansas, en Monday 16, Feb. 16, 1891, at ten o'clock a. at., 13 heat of atoek flee cribed as followa: 5 milch cows, 2 heifer calves coming 3 years old, 2 spring heifer calves, 2 yenning steers, one gelding coming 3 years in the spring broke to work, eae aerse eem iag 7 years in the sprinr, weU brelea te work double or aiagle, aaoat tea head stack hoe aad nnasteai ether artielea ete. Terma All semeef $5 tad aader eaah ii hand, nil turna ever $i a ered it ef nine msnths will begrfea, par chaser giving note and afareved te enrity; with tea per eeet Meaatt fieai date, tea of for eeeh. Joan Kne. Col. C. L. Wivrmir, "Mvatic care" for aenralfU mdieaQy emrea ia i te a eeya. Its action apea the. resnarkableand mvaterieai tin It re- ateace the eanae na the dJe- immediately dieanaeara. leee areatl v heaeata. Priar7i 8aUhyL.H.Dej. ": -, -..-, "V-". . tasamjmj" 40 Yean the Standard Mvrah lva Vandyke departed thia life Jan. 10, '91raged 5 years 1 month nnd 10 days. Marstoa Vandyke de parted this life Jaa. 11, '91, 'aged 9 years 6 months nnd 11 days, daughter and son of William aad Emma Van dyke. Ours the loss and notour darling's, Our's the pain and this the joy; Our's the mourning and the weeping Their'a the bliss without all y; Their's the eity pare and golden Our'a the earth-life stained with sin; Their's the green fi-dd and the garden Where the angles enter in . Theirs' the white rooes ever shining In the love that made them ao Their's the glory and the rapture Which the angles only know; Their'a the crown-wreath never fading Their's the music of the skies; Our's the eyes all dimmed with weep- Their's the ever tearless eyes. Their's the little feet that patter (Making mnsic as they go;) Thro' the golden street? of heaven, And where living waters flow; Their's the little hands, that beckons Ever from that radiant shore; Angles of the lord to leed us Where we'll part no more. 31. D. U. A spring medicine is needed by everyone. Winter food, largely con sisting of salt meat and animal fats, causes the liver to become disordered and the blood impure, hence the ne cessity of a cleausing medicine. Tur best Ayer's is Sarsaparilla. Two half dollars serve as the outer esses of a new watch. TaeOIdatadeTonf Dr. Browa Seqaard's elixir of yoath may be an important discovery, bat every one knows that Dr. Franklin Miles' New heart care certainly is. It has given thousands afflicted with serious heart dis ease a new lease of life. Drnggists who can observe its effects on many catomers everywhere speak veiy highly of it. uro John Weaver, of Knightatown. Ind., says "I have sold much of Dr. Mile' now cure and have received many good report. I sold some to one of the leading Masons 8tate officers and it did him a Krtat dea of good, "sold and guaranteed by c. L. cotting. , I asked her heart of Winnifred, Ah! if 1 could but win it; She laughitcgly replied, "dear Ned, I fear you are not in it." Medern BHaeevertea. What Bell and Edison are to the tele phone aad electricity, says the Pittaburg News, Dr Franklin Kile.-?, the well knowa specialist in nervous diseases, ia to the nervous system and nerve fluid. Among his numerous discoveries his Restor ative nervine was undoubtedly the great est. It is unsurpassed in nervouness, dyspepsia, headache, epilepsy, neuralgia backache, melanchoUy, sleeplessness, ehangeof life, etc. Free trial bottles may be had of cL cotting druggist, and also Dr. wiles new book on "Mew and Startling facts" for the afflicted. Everyone shoald read this interesting instructive aad finely illustrated book. 6 Far Sale. Mj tailor shop on 4th avennu. Terms reasonable. F. Birkner. A printer's palette in enamel, with blotches of color distributed over it, forms a novel frame for a miniature. JVarth Haadrcda ar Dallam. My wife used only two bottles of "Mother's Friend" before her third con flnemed. Says she would not be without it for handreds of dollars. ITad not near as much trouble as before. Dock Mills, Lincoln Parish, La. Write the Brad- field Regalator Co., Atlanta, Ga, for far ther particulars Bold by Cotting. 27 4t Of nil the guard rings sold the most desirable ia that of magic wire. .... Warked Like a Cham. Bradleld's female regulator worked like a charm; improvement been wonder fal; cannot ei press my gratitude. Wish every lady aflieted would try it. I know it would cure them. Lula A. Long, 8pring Grove, Fla. Wrif.a the Bradfeid Regalator Cc, Atlanta, Ga., for farther partiealars. Bold by Cotting. A ring represents a narrow ribbon tied in a bow knot set with diamonds. . Far Sale A frst class residence with bath loom, eity water and all conven iences. House with three lots' only two blocks west of the business centre of town. For terms call on or address A. P. Howard. Red Cloud Neb. ... Cleatme; Oat Sale. Of the Webster 8t, livery, feed and feedetnblee. I will offer my entire livery stock, consisting of 10 head good driving hocnes, 1 span of 4 year old marse 3 top buggies, nearly new, 1 carriage, new, 1 spring wagon, 1 road wagon, 1 hearse, G net double harness, almost new, 2 g saddles, a lot of robes, Uanhets, wnipa, etc. The above stock is in good condition. Tbaae goods will be sold for cash or trade nt reasonable figures, or at private sale, and moat be closed oat nt once aa I am going into other baa nam and do not wish to keep the stock. In addition to the above I have also n eood eurveyor a comrans with attthe latest attechmentn thereto, nlaon anod farm in Uwyenne county, Knaana, for trade for city property. . . hu&k a. axnaor. Far a solid aad safe investment sec the contract given by tha National Life Inearaaee Company of Mentnel- ier, Vt A. S. Mabsh, Special Slate Ageat. A neat brass win shews aa in leaf ia tan white cusmsl. . Be has the ia the etty. Qnilsni eeek asm aawa wmm i v SUM W - Bardwareat the f. ansa. Denathaf piS i. V awawmr flea ia smml aysuaa asanas . . . ... .. TkawatsA a Aauseeeww saaawvay. mwbj a sa . ".t jaa a m aaSfSBBSiawnM. fm . m wenaea nan ammaua. aejsmesa, manuas ireoat g. L. Oeemng. j: i nmnr" - t "ewwtat nmfefaTammmWwn Inset line etV eaeeea He Van the aacos writ Meet Veapcr Uyn na. B-tl rait The name f tome pe I mentioned ' chapter G Table Ulk Daily ne ta Questions on iiiorv Mr. J. C. Warner. Queaticas from Chaaci-rta Tenny son Mu Martin. Discussion oa Chaatarqtt.i read ings Opened by ilw. Tjggait TIIIUD WBIK Music Vesper Hjmns. Boll call Answered by ran a and dates of mien tthc rign of Henry the 6th. Table talk Famous strikes aad what they have accomplished. Beview questions on hitory (1st half) Miss Sherer. Questions on from Chaucer to Ten nyson Mn. Denny. Beading Coronation of George 3d C. L. Cotting. , FOURTH WEEK Music Vesper Hymns. Boll call Responded to by ans wers of the questions on The world of today in the question table. Table talk Current events. Beview questions ou history (last half) L. P. Albright. Questions on from Chaucer to Tennyson Mrs. Taylor. .. Dray Llae. People who desire draying done with promptness and dispatch should always hire John Barkley's teams. John is an old hand at the business and will do your work well. Terms reasonable. 1-tf Only a married woman, has tho right to say that the nicest men in the world are the married men, though somehow they seem to be the ones who say it the least. Pala iraaecenaary I" CallelalrtB. Pain ib no longer necessary in child birth. Its cause, being understood, are easily overcome. Any woman may now become a mother without suffering any pain whatever, the labor being made short, easy, and free from danger. Morn ing sicknes, swelled limbs, and all other like evils can be rapidly controlled, and all female diseases speedily cured. . Phys icians pronounce it a wonderful discovery. Never known to fail. 20,000 ladies attest its merits. Cut this out; it may sare yoar life. 8uffer not a day longer, but send us two 2-cent stamps, and receive ia ftealed envelope full particulars, testimon ials, confidential lettes, Ac. Address, Frank Thomas k. Co , Baltimore, Md. U2-3m SacrlsTa Sale. Notice Is hereby given tlint under and by vir tue of an onlerof sale issued from tho offlee of C.H. Croats tltrk of the district court of the eighth Judicial district, within nnd for Wvbiter county. Nebraska, unon adecsae in an action iwudinK therein, wherein Farmers & Merchaats Bank lug Co aru plaintiffs, and aKalust David A. Ntroup and Mary K. Mtroup et aU de feudeats, I shall offer for sale at public ven due to the highest bidder for cash in liand at the east door of the courthouse, at Red Cloud, in said Webster county. Nebraska, (that being the buildiiii; wherein the hist term of said court wasno!dcn)ontlio- lth Day of March A. D. 191, at 1 o'clock p. m, of said day, the following des cribed nruiertv tnwit: Lots Afteen ir,i and sixteen (1C) iu block live la Smith and Moore addition to the city of Ited Cloud. Webster county , Nebraska. Civen under my hand this 3d day of February A. !., 1831. C.A.TKKUHlH-rlff. U. C. Teel, Deputy. J.8.C1LIIAM, l'laiiitlW.s Attorney. &&. Sherinm Sale, Notice Is lierelty given, Uiat under aad tv vir tue of an onler ul sale Issued from the office of C.U. Crone Clerk of the Ditrlet Court of the Eighth Judicial District, within and lor Web county, Nebraska, iimii a decree lit an action uendinK, therein, wherrln. The Wlllford and North way Alatiufuncturing Co are plaintiff: ami against C K.)f otter et al Iteleudouti. I nhall oner for sale a public vemloe, to the highest bidder for easli in hattd. at the east door of the courthouse at Ked Cloud, In said Welwtcr county, Kebnista, that being the buildiuic whereta Uie last term of said cour twashuldenj outlie leih day afMareh A. D. 1SI, at 11 o'clock a.,m, of said day, the following des cribed property towit: Ixiti twenty-one SI aa4 tweaty-two si in block ten IK railroad addition to Ited Cloud, Webster county. Ne braska, (ilven under aiy haud this 3d day of February A. I.lwl. C. A.Taau Kherlff, O.U. faauDepatr. Batty, Casto & Ihingan, SSvt llaintiR's Attorney. Leaal Xatlre. Iu the eoanty eoart of Webster eoanty, Nebraska. The McKiuley Lanaiog Loan and Trast Co. TS Thomas Mather et al Votieo to non-resident defendants. John w. Bentley will take notice that on the Sd day of February, 1891, the above named plaintiff fled his petition agaiast yoa, impleaded with others, ia said eoart, the object and prayer cf which are for the foreclosure of a certain snort gage given by Thomas Mather aad wife to H. Laaniag, dated March 3d, 1885, aad fled for record and recorded is the oflee of the recorder of deeds of said Webster eoanty, in book a, page 1. conveying the following described real estate and prem ises titaated ia said eoanty towit: The west half of the soath-west qaarter of see tion thirty-three (33) township four (4) Aortb, laage eleven (11) west of the Ctk p. m that default has been made ia the payment of the iadebteaaeas a scared by said mortgage and there is now dee plaintiff thereon the sam of six hundred and thirty-two (633T dollars, together with interest at tea per cent per aaaeaa thereon from February 3d, 1891, which is secured by said mortgage, whieh is a valid lien on said premiaea. Plaintiff rays for the sele ef said premises accord ing to law, to satisfy the amount adjudged dee him iu the premise, and for a deersa feredositgthe eqaityof redemption ef all of said eefendaats. Yon are reqaired to answer said petl tiea an or before steaday the sUUeate day of March, 1891, e maun ne true, and iei rmdned aeeordiagly. er 3Mt Plamtirs AUemeya. hrnMATK w wsrmsumm Far Weaeter Ceasatjr, Hfshraihn, Adapted hy tma aweeard af ffnmervmaruJawa.ld, lMI, Oseatyeuiiiniiaulnil... $ lSSt ee OMnata 0X-MmwMal dehaw nv afXamml " damn. Brnf) fejaMha aanwB afMala?JVeslsss ' ww man mm I i aahf 1 aahlawlmaal fM nm WkWmJ Wm waswel aswawammnwaVew awVyajmsawmnwavn aaaajwanmnnpa . aauunm ammy emamnmnnwaweamwv ntanemmy wmnv Baab ewaaaaMaaaa ISO 09 j' uv) ea aeaiejSw eaaeraey. ......... ua ew aaaar . .... ... sauw ww aMaX war tfA ad eeenT ee aaaaw aseaa. vaaugw aieuw. .. & p uneasy eesegea ............... ueween saaaaasa aaaaaa. ..... s p egveiuawnaai eeeaww aaar.. um w anaa' wasnaa jaemnanmum teT Netie ia heteey given that I will examine all pcron wh nt l ir 1 1 .. r i!i. ttowlvw eandttUt' for terl..r '.filo ..iMi fho! t li Cfmuty, t Kcti Cl-H-l tl.c third Strtrd l reh month. - D. M. Huxrxn, Cennty Sept.' .BRAQCTELD3 0 aTYH iCUc ti1 at PtmA. vbt 'STJttAtfOU r taiuw oviunc chance or XTi EJu&?ae rem sale by c l. FOR CASH! k k k k FROM THIS DATE OX, I SHALL NELL Ml CsOOaM Oa The STRICTLY CASH BASIS, Aad la dalaej aa will he aMe ta give uny raetasnrrs the hvaelt af heller arlcea l shall hera casaplcle alack af Dr) fjew Baals, Shaea, aad tiraeerfea aad aallell yaar trade. O. V OrOKHSFlELD. Miles f. Hayes' Patent - Collar ! For sale by J. O. BUTLER Red Cloud, Bnckeye liainesB shop. aherluTa Hale. Notice l here!' Riven, that tinder mimI by vlr tueof au order of Ki'e Isvinl from !) oftio; of L. H. Fort, Clerk of the IMittrli-t Omrt of tha Kiffuth Judicial INMrtct.allhia an4 for Wrb ster couaty. Nebraska, apon a decree In aa ac Uoa pendinir, therein. WlierelB. Joseph K. Hall- ey Is Plaintiff, ana SKainst John T. -KoUnttm aau Manna fc Kounson, liefendanU. again offer for salo at ihiMIc vendue to the hla et bidder for cask In hand at tke eattdonr of the eoart bouse, at Ked Clend, In said Webster county, Nebraska, that tiring tho elaca where the hut term of said court was hoidrn. oa the ISlh day af Jaa. A. at. I awl, at I o'clock p. m. ef said day, the fotlowlac described refitTty to-wlt: Tha soutli aalf oi the southwest nurter of sertlon tour la town shlii three aerta la mure nine weal of e p. ml. ta Webster ceuaty. Nebraska, tilvea aader at y hand this M day of December A. O. ism. O. C Taax. Iiasmty. c.a. iaar, imeria. 1). H.KTTiea.I'laiati For want of cash bidders the jiuunrii iwm hereby continued until March 3. ism m anere sale Is C. A. Teel. Kherlff. ByO.C. Ted. Itefwtfy Chattel Hartgage hmle. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortftaee dated oa the h 4a? at Feb ruary, ism. and duly flled in the offices the county clerk of Webster couaty. Neb., en the 1Mb day of February, nea. aad ezeewted by H. A. Burtoa ainl It. P. Burtoa to L. C. Kllbert to secure the payment off the mat of Ssesaad uuna which there la due the sum of SIM. II. lierau.il nanax seea mane inineayawwoi IBS acea mane iniaeayaKWoi I no suit or other proceeding at law Instituted to secure said deb er reef, therefore i will self tke prep- sum sam aad aav uart thereof. aavrecaeea steers aad two two-year eld heifers, horw4.atpobHeaaeaea at the yard a Waller ia the tewa ef Owlea, Wei erty taerein aeacnaeu: im yeafiiaw ef timet owlea, Weester ty, Neeraska, oa the la ai asm o'clock a. m. ef sai Kaska, oa the ia ay or o'clock p. m. ef said day. day of February, law. L. v. tiueen. Leaal Xatlce. Ia the district court et Wabstrr couaty. Ne- WHUamN.Carsahsn vs. I See act r AleismVret ala 1 Notice te aoa-restdeat defendants. Sweaeer Alesaader aad tJaaie AfcruuMcr, his wife, will take notice that a the xaw day efUutmher. 1M. the above named ptaUtil aied MaHieaaKaJa yew. nar4ea4rw wKh ahera.m said eemrt. the obmrt aad praise ef arhieh are far the fumtaa af caae, given bv yec te W. H. LaaaJmr dated I Oweeer 1st, leas, aad Med ftar rsrea. aad re K auiisia rerernmnmemeewmereeareerea aiwas w jaOdWetmWiaasarymaafcs.eapsew.eaai- taa leaaanaw eesenma rem easaw mmm aa aaM eaamty sawn: Taw af afetasa thirtaea (Oi mwa raswe twel (u west af she r(i rnrre is aaw ia aeuetM BKiraivj acvrcw mw sMhmMveiaM farts'- taieiTsi , tarn, suns snrarea ay ma vane nea ea bkfflemw. as ama iat tt aawaaaaaB.aaMl far a wnm RwmtVMVnVna daj pj br aa ITOIALfr BaT UTLT dnammmna ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvammmmnW - lanffIBmHi nmmmlImmmmmSr .aaawmay'tawmmY?! J-' waVnnBBw-BnananB "' IP-awPSammnawSL nuJrrmmmmw1; ? IJnmmnaV' BsmmmnammmP?S ' taavaweamearest wwAr7vSsre;Pe7--7ee-err amasrvaa nwmwaii eafaiawaaressaay. nwaasaaaswaaaawayavaweweegyewaw enaaa. w aam eaaawu swsy aasw waeppa pyyw nSaaaaaj n aa Soli rJTr ,gamasmnMmTseaaa laewajem, nena m Use eayamnwenldneaBwaa, aemapauyeawmdaaaaaaawt aaataaslai 9BidmraBaBBBarKBma7wnasmna emW pjaaBByewaaaw AHjik flnalHlUUMUW&Cd f zal CW6HC0. jrl il ft 4 w- A-y rXS3SM M Jk rvtnrvrtAN that has any xnk. And many thoc bc wc ton, VL 6PCND tO CtrHTvS FOR A U55F OPRMRBANK-SANTA- CL AU5S0AP BEST WEEKLY AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL 'ABUSHKU t 1M INI. SI.N THE PRAIRIE FARMER. Davcrraero lac-rK-L Coaaacr trvana m Agriculturt, Live Stock, Vtttrinary, Dtiry, Horti culture, Entomology, Poultry, Bttt, Oardtn and Lawn, Scitnca, Markata, Etc. A raaalljr Jnanial f twi cr,rtk Wwtc ru howif. UwUJk. IU MIcllMy , ImiI. Mt family, nilot Itii l'rartk.'al lUtMrUo(u al NiMcriMtMt rrir: Ona Dollar Per Year. SMlMcrtaltMt rrlr Prairie Farmer Horse Book. itfclan Sew! CMtalala ValuM ISO ANiwrrt! KmhrrNM A Meat twealar aa. tk. fct n.i4m Ata.iir.- wvwaw.w hvmvw. nrti IMH bv thk sarraa mv masry owcr; jwuw t wvca urn mum. CMttr, mn, iit, rvnufi aw, to. TnuxiMkaaMiTniK ra.iaiR rABjanm i a,i,, naa. nml a year SwrMly as.se. rtiaV rtsM. aftsVPt tent UK far a CLUt ef ffUW Inhtahmrs te THC fHAMwt fAaata. Tat Mnt FaVmff M. NEBRASKA FARM LOAN CO. PAID UP CAPl'lAL,$50flOQ. Take -; A awHralUa m Thm, n.fw jou will tt illn4 lltt Ufa u U-U aua no inroucii an tm.v or rMHttsioii man fSSSf you can grt w loet nlr, eaaae you ran art juar muncy lminrtutly aewKV ik imi M-Bti Mir appnrtttiou all bsm we can gir you tl Ix-.t tr rtn aeaalnterrst and trlnrlialli imiaHcat tUrn ou tlie Infrmt payment raaaayou witlbepfrAMSt Mtth ur annrr UMdde. Hod Cloud. Nt;b. WANTED! Sea aad W la eall al ear etare all rlaeaca Fllll mm w-vvaam .iaa a,Baa.B - Aa --- la caasafcle aad wc j M Fort Abstract Co., Ked Cloud, h. II. FOKT, MnuftT. Absipaets of Title. Farnishryi to all Landt in Wt;bntr County, AcctirAfaly and ON SHORT NOIICK. IIalaa had ten year rinrfi la munly rreard ai4 "4 Uw faMt riiM m .(Al atrart book In the ataf , mr (iuriM MtlttkrtJon. Yoa f trt4 AU orders Sllrd frtjasptiy Waa 4-rfUf U$ SU-I aod ataeuve4. .A4t nr rli oh I. If. FORT Namaoh. Ui Clal. Neh. BAILEY Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Agent. Red Cloud, Nebraska. AtMtncto of title furnished accaratffly and iifomptix. Satiafaction Ouarmn'd. aiO.OOO bond fiUl THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKJC ff i POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world B. .aiEir, Free. Haaar Class Klus L SaiSST, NATIONAL ;Hed Cloud, CAPITAL Tain seel a gsneral fcaoatna; aeajsam, ty, fresieH eae seneei eieanot iinae. awj saa see mohan ins. MeKear. J. A. TaBeje, Jehu &8aerej. Henry Clarse, . ChTaAamU IVnwawVaasV dpjnnsy m. av, X. A. TPIeewT wlewmjnjnmans Kem.T.nmtiaWaTrweaaanw . .amnawswamnwaLav HSMiBBSmV WHBKUL aBBBBtaMfjamBwanBaaHuaawvSMavaW EKSnmeemSBmanmSSeaBBa aaswaswnwaawaswnwami B5dnhnaaaaaaL5 'iaHHBfaTBHHHHm.K vaaa i - GLmwWIIP-ntHADF JONLY'dY ftfian f W BMsMnaBn m BrBar Ws Mm "JBflv M w a aw FULCAU HM YEM. iwinn airnaf i wnna. tlw M-iikowkrl tam m t arMhtoe 1hmc folk rUr II to IW tt iwwiMi Ul 1 CVjrt- Ttturtjr Tit.- of iVrnrrsTl I 9m4 tar rm mp. I Active Agenta Wanted. SES '-ey !! Haw far alt. aiMMii UI mM i UnvoU mJ rkwwMMIr. IVi J M. uu. m mi wa. van ra iam r awna. TM Im, IN ammfst It, wUlafea m 8c KANSAS. utrr toe couauy iir hm mm k sh. Hir offtr. aixl If Jml nrrwitif vhm.u o( butn-. jut nuiM-y. IUa, Mt Albany, Nw York. atsMrh af k m iiiwpi.Mani, wir, earnava wa w iwh - A fc. ' - amy rassrclal allralhea T lha COZAD & CO. & 3IYERS, ,Veafrae. L U. Fewr, Caeekr Aneielaaw Cashier Nabraaka. - 976,000 ewv aad east oouoir wen G. W. Iiadeav. S. V. falrew. M, T. Igaaeaa, A. T. L, D. B. SpeUMgle, RfcAL E.5TAT1 AMD L OAN AcKi Reel Cloud. '.- . HI m -i?S t STAiSf. aeaumBsaaaaB.wjamBBPnaBujeaaf "wrpummmami-wwamaBweyeBBBm j - .T r-r - - v ttx.WSiLLZ-'e imu t. Wpsssai. &-'&?tt&&i ':. . 1N V . - :v. .:.i j!-zl----' H--r-''J- - - - L 'A'T. -T-wTt. K 5&,e'- r ,.-"J r, . -m.' .i -a- . s. L-.f., SSfiiV- va -fs " DliiJSK .-s:-V V.iai' . wl 'V" "fcJtj)ij-!T: TU. -V ?.r2J!&'A' r Si&5 s J,V4''- jz v? -pj-.vv; ft U. -, t -frfhJXt-y-XrZ-cZ-A. .'? . -M, -si Bm-fi.ta jafcyg-m?-- BBMMMtMBaaBBsaaBmamMewmaeaiaMMmBBaiaMaeHeismBHM KE5rifrY3S;"-i"ti-dfsii2r lVdjria.t. enweiwamae?www frS&-&?S&t. z. r.7iTk. - .WltK F'-m. ' " U "- r . In-. p " W- 'Ti -CTrt---r'.' -r. - A Jj' r ,- J" Ali. LiV I T " ' rr. j,-"." 7"ti -i K-v- - brfl ---. - " " - -. J- ". W. X , t t. -' IL. T. r K - -" -S -Jf-. 5' -:. . srjssasrSas&sses " .it"rj-T -&w. -1 iv--.j.ot w t -i -w wTi .. m i .- w- -nn: -. - - - -i j. ( ..- .-jj - - laj- - r 'ir- -t, m -. .". T -fmf .t ' - mi- 't ij . -- -C9hiZ-niA r--j..;feA?r'Srsaafa5vi. 'tU J -"'