The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1891, Image 4

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-i "Vii im
a .?v ; , c
-. t
iay,-rg .,; ,.-T
h. ""fswarai
'frie V'-f-'.'" , "-' r
foe taav
i malady.
Ira trrataaeat fetal
f Ajar garaaaartiila the east ef aft
Wood na: ' rs. The
tae letter; delay to
I waa treaMea with catarrh for
hrnrMriL I tried Tail TCBBVi
and was treated by a aamaaraf HuraW
:an. bat received a await aattl X'
began to take Ayert
few bottle of this aaedidaa cawed jm af
this troableaoBM comalaial aad eem
pletely reatored say heelta." JeeeeM.
feocg. Holaaea's Mills, K. C. -
i TttM Aver'e
otiiiio tded to aae for catarrh, I
rlin l to doabt ita jcr. Hajiaf;
tr- oBMayreBaedIeafwtthlKtIOaa
r-, 1 hadnolaMB taai aaywHajwvwM
fr.jne. I became wuda4 frBB leaa
: t.itite and impaired diceeuoa. I
J r! iinarly lost tlie aeaaa otaeaeU.aad
i..v rysteaa was badly deraaged. Iwat
iS-)tit diaconragwl, waea a fnead atge
i:.o to try Ayer's 8araaparilla, aad re
i;rred Hie to person whom it bad caret
or catarrh. Alter TasiBC aui a -Wtles
of tbis Haedldae, I aaa coaTlaee
Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Sirsipirilli,
Or. J. C. Ayar ft Co, Lawai; Mam
irtecfi; UWuJ,. Wetthteal
FrMhijr, Jam. 1, IStl.
Entered at the 1'ost Office in Ked Cloud, eb
as nail matter oi tae aecoaa ciass
Go to Deyo for fine cigars.
Donjt fail to buy your drags &c. of
Kickappo Indian remedies at Cot
Dermolinc-for chapped hands at
Chap. uhaffnit is in New Mexico
on bueinesa.
Get jour daily papers aad
zincs of Deyo.
Mr. Wilson of Hastings
was in
lied Cl"ud on Tuesday.
Harry Hopkins has assumed the
duties of county attorney.
Mr. Andrews of Bladen was a
plcasaut caller one day this week.
Services at the Christian church
next Lord's day by 0. M. Truman.
The new board of supervisors met
this week and transacted business.
The Webster county alliance met
in this citv Saturday and transacted
Mrs. J. C. Allen, and son ltalph,
are in the city, the guests of Mayor
Marsh's family.
Mrs. Jane Saladen, of Amboy, re
news her allegiance to the "best paper.
in the county."
The Nebraska National Guards
have been ordered home as the In
dian was is over.
Pope Bros, will sell felt boots at
$1.75 ladies heavy shoes at $1
children's school shoes worth $1.50 at
98 cts.
J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on
good farm and city property. Farm
loans eight per cent and less. City
ten per cent.
DeWitt's little, early risers: only
pill for chronic constipation, indigts
tion, dyspepsia. None so cood, Sold
by Cotting. 1
J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on
good farm and city property. Farm
loans eight pel cent and less. City
ten per cent.
Dcyos extremely low prices brought
him a large Christmas trade These
iow prices will be continued oil every
thing in his store.
iicnry uuuiow nas taaen tne man
agement of the Campbell Press.
Henry is a good fellow aad will make
the paper a success.
Constipation poisons fce blood; De-
Witt's little early risers care coisti
pation. The cause removad, the
disease is gone. Sold by Cotting. 7
Baldness is catching says a scientist
Its catching flies in summer time. Use
Hall's ha;r renewcr and cover the bald
place with healthy hair and flies won't
Your cough will not last all winter
You will not he kept awake at night;
You will get immediate relief if.
You will use DeWitt's cough aad
consumption cure. Sold by Cotting 4
Capt. F. A. Utuehin, has gone to
the cast part of the state in search of
provisions for the deserving paor af
Garfield township. There are a great
ntaay people in this county who will
need aid badly before spriag.
War VaaDyke of Line township
nas bad tne mif tortane to nave two
of his children die with diphtheritic
croup. The blow isva hard one for
the family, who have the sympathy of
their friends.
C. H. Potter, W. B. Koby, J. W.
Kobertson, S. Liaiqaist, John Hoi
comb, D. M. Abel, G. W. Baker, aad
Fred Fra,hava gladdeaed the "Big
IajaaV' hadaartara with their praa-
nee and ceah this week.
of Home
i mamjamnnmwamwawasam
? Catarrh
' IteiliUiia, UaaUlaeaeaanm
- " I eiaoBea' fram the !. there w
ee bo care foe taav liaiasims ami
aaanjareea mala. Tarelere,taaaaly
-.-. trrataaaaf la m tlMTMCB MHM
that the only anre way oi treauas wm
olntinate dineaae to tbioagh tbe blooi.,
-Cimrles H. alaloaey, 113 Hirer at
, priBaking
f-ii. ..&." - & -,. ti' s --zi
aaaaaaaaaaaAc - -'r-j Stsrf-?-?.iir'i-f -v jjs?Q.
- -&&&?&)
Praaaadiaga heard Mnerrisers Web
ster eeaaty, Nib., eenvened at cnart
hewee Janaary 13, 1891.
Beard called to erder, aMved aad
that L Fish act as temporary
chairman. The certificate of D. r.
Trankey, county judge of Hupenrisors
wIm have filed their bonds and quali
fied are as follows:
W. H. Patterson. Harmony; :,
P. Zimmerman. Pottsdam;
J. Itasscr, Pleasant Hill;
11. H. Holdrege, Inavalc;
L. D. Thomas, Elm Creek;
A. H. Crary, Gnide Bock;
D. Kesler, 2d ward Bed Cloud;
A. H. Hoffman, Batin;
G. W. Hummel, Line;
M. M. Miller. Stillwater;
A. O. Berg, 1st ward Bed Cloud;
Moved that the board now proceed
to elect permanent chairman by fcbal
lot G. W. Hummel received 14 votes
and A. 3IcCall 2 votes. Mr. Hummel
having received a majority of all the
votes cast was declared elected chair
man of said board for the year 1801.
J. B. Willcox presented his bond as
county attorney and claimed to lie his
own successor for the reason that Mr.
Hopkins failed to have his bond ap
proved according to law.
Moved and carried that a commit
tee of three be appointed by the chair
to examine and report upon the bond
of J. B. Willcox. Chair appointed as
said committee McCall. McCrary and
Adjourned to 7 o'clock p. in. of same
7 o'clock p. ui.. Jan. liJ. "91. board
convened, number present Hi.
The chairman appointed the follow
ing committees for the ensuing year:
Ways and Means. W. II. Barcus.
(chm.) A. McCall, W. II. Patterson,
D. Kesler, B. L. Alyea.
Olfieial Bonds. Isaac Fish. (chm.
P. Zimmerman. A. H. Crary.
Snpplies. G. K. Coon, (chm.) A.
O. Berg, W. H. Barcus.
Claims G. P. Cather, Lchm. L.
D.Thomas. W.C Laird.
Bridges. A. McCall, chm. A. H.
Crary, W. C. Laird.
Boads. Barcus, chm. J. Basscr
W. 11. Patterson.
Settling with couuty treasurer
and Clerk. L. D. Thomas, chm. G.
P. Cather, A. McCall.
Settling with county Judge and
county Superintendent. A. H. Hoff
man, (chm.) P. Zimmerman, Isaac
Scttlcing with sheriff and jailor.
A. H. Crary, chm. D. Kesler, M. M.
Kules.G. P. Cather, chm. H.
H. Holdrcdge, W. II. Patterson .
Printing. H. H. Holdredge. chm
A. C). Berg. J. Basser.
Jail, court house and grounds.
A.O. Berg, (chm.) G. E. Coon, A.
H. Hoffman.
Poor farm. B. L. Alyea, (chm.)
D. Keller, G. E. Coon.
License and permits. M. M. Mill
er, (chm.) H. H. Holdredge, W.C.
Boundaries. R. L. Alyea, (chm.)
A. H. Hoffman, Isaac Fish, J. Basser
M. M. Miller.
Moved and carried that the commit
tees appointed by the chair be the
committees for the ensuing year.
Moved and carried that the rules gov
erning the board for 1890 govern this
board until commtttce on rules report.
Petition of Chas. Gust and others
for road on state line referred to com
mittee on mads.
Bcport of special uMUimittoe to ex
amine the bond of J. B. Willcox as
county attorney reported favorable
and that they accepted of the bond.
A hearing was granted Mr. Willcox
and Hopkins. Moved and carried that
the county attorney case be laid over
until Thursday next.
Adjourned to Jan. 14 at 9 a. m.
Board convened, number present IS.
Mr. Hopkins appeared before the
board and presented the subject of aid
for destitute people in the comity.
Moved and earricd that the chair
appoint a committee of three to draft
a resolution to nicmoralixe the legisla
ture far aid for destitute people in
Webster county. Chair appointed as
said committee Alyea, Fish, Patterson.
Hoffman and Miller. Also by request
a committee of three was appointed by
the chair as relief committee to re
ceive and turn over to the proper par
ties or distribute as the case may re
quire all goods, provisions, etc.. that
may be shipped through the countv
clerk as aid.
Adjourned to 1 o'clock p. m.
1 o'clock p. m.. board convened,
number present 18.
Moved and carried that J. McCallum
be elected as member of soldiers re
lief commission for three years.
Motion by Alyea that road prayed
for in petition for road number 59,
town 1. range 11, tenainatiu at Be-
publicaa river, be opened aad thanrh
tender of $10 be offered to each of the
two chumaats for daauge, Mr.
Mrs. Unas. Bcssc. The
ayes and
nayes beiag called for, the restart ef
40 Years the Suodwd.
Mid vote was ayeaCfrary, 'Bbmm,
Miller, Rawer, Coo Alyea, Berg,
Kctudcr, Fish and chairman 11.
Nayea Laird, Zimmerman, Thonuw,
Hoffman, Cather.- HcMrege--6. The
motion was declared carried.
Barcns moved aad carried that the
salary eftho eeaaty saaereateadeat
of public instraetioeof Wefeter coun
ty, for the year 1891 be $1000.
Moved and carried that Thomas
Aadcrson. alio is iadebeted to the
coanty for rent of Por farm ' shall
make and exeate a note with satis
factory security due fh nine months
with interest, that the board will
accept it in payment of its claim of
$175, said note to be famished by
Jan. 16, 1891.
Petition of C. Gust, J. Robertson,
and others for the location aad estab
lishing of read on the east and west
i'ne on the south side of tec 32-1-11,
being on state line between Neb. and
Kaus , said road to be 33 feet wide,
was by the committee on road reported
favorable, and the board ordered
(aid road to be located and plated
according to prayer of said petition,
all damages being waived. Adjourn
ed to Jan. 15, 1891, at 9 a. m.
An Important Matter.
Druggists everywhere report that the
nales of the Restorative Nervine a nerve
food and medicine are astonishing; ex
ceeding anything they ever bad, while it
gives universal satisfaction in headache
nervousness, sleeplessness, sexual debility
backache, poor memory, fits, dizziness,
etc. Taylor Bros., of Byran, O.; Ambery
A Murphy, of Battle Creek, atich.; C. B.
Woodworth A. Co , of Fort Wane, lad,
nnd hundreds of others fctate that they
never handled any medicine which sold so
rapidly, or gave such satisfaction. Trial
bottles of this great medicine and book on
Nervous Diseases, free at C- L. Cotting who
guarantees and recommends it. 3
SRfe Insurance.
For a solid and safe investment sec
the contract given by tlu National
Life Insurance Company of Montpel-
ier, Vt. A. S. Marsh,
Special State Agent.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Winter has at last reached this part
of the world.
The La Grippe is prevailing to souiej
extent in these parts.
Mr. J. Kipcr's baby about five
months old is dead.
Mr. I. D. Thomas' little girl, about
five weeks old. is sick with La Grippe.
M'ss Flora Brown commenced
school again, Jan. 12th, at Elm Creek
G'en! or after a three week's vacation.
31 r. De Grew is suffcriiing with the
rheumatism, hc has uot entirely re
covered from the effects of the injury
he received several weeks ago, by his
horse falling and breaking three of
his ribs.
Mr. Thomas Crouch's little girl was
quite sick last week, with symptoms
of pneumonia. She is better now.
Mr. Isaac Thomas moved last week
on the old Xulting place, which he
will farm this year.
A. P.
Small in size, great in results: De
Witt's little early risers. Best pill
for constipation, best for sick head
ache, best for sour stomach. Sold by
Cotting. 5
Farmers Creek.
The reason Farmers Creek has been
heard from for so long is on account
of every body being so busy gathering
in the big crop (of nothing) which we
raised this summer, but lucky for us
that we got it all in, in time to let it
snow on the 8th.
U. G. Worley who has been visit
ing here for a few days left for his
home in Iowa.
Mr. Robert Cochrane and fam
ily of Kcd Cloud Wi.s visiting his
parents P. M. Cochrine last week.
There was a spelling school at dis
trict No. 51 on last Wednesday eve
ning conducted by the teacher, Wm.
The singing school, north west of
here wound up with a fight the other
Frank DeLon of Custer
the . H. Jones farm and
farming in Webster county.
People should be mere carefal
about shooting while tbe Indian scare
is going on, several families were
scared to their ccllera the other day,
but a c'osc examination proved it to
be Grant shootiag jack rabbits.
There are lots of stray hogs Naroand
hctc that had ought to be taken care
of. News Boy.
Headache ia the direct result of In
digestion aad stomach disorders.
Remedy these by using DeWitt's lit
tle early risers and your headache die
appears. The favorite little pill
everywhere. Sold by Catting. 8
Willew creek.
Charley Thompson nnd Mint Stott
of Gnide Rock were amarmti New
Years day, by Rev. Blackwell, we
wish them well and a life af hliaa.
We have had soma saow, hat these
warm days are takiag it all eat
Wa are glad Tbf Cnxr
better eaek week.
The Willow creek alliance sent
DowThompeeaaaa' dtlegaU it the
aUte eonveation hell at Liaoala.
Clara Norris aad Frank Bailj were
aaarried New Year'a, hj Kar.
well at the brides hme eae mile
oi tae lyTeaa. dray laetr r m a
happy and leaf life.
Sir. Brnhaker laat- eae af
ptoaeer horses laat Saiarday. -
Mr. Adamten ia making an i
batnr far katcaiag'ehiekeaa.
Mr. JHIa.fea4 the
kahia4dai aea Jaa. li. ha
the fall sympathf of the
.' i .
.&' . - ?&B&JXsSi& 9.V '. . - '. i t.
.. -li .dSa5agsew
. .Mfjcjpsf r,-MnKnr.-? Y:j rir- aatfe-ri'V ifv ir-'-r-t??
LOTS. Imnaaarri
Fane ralaervieeeef little Alvadaagh
ter'ef Mr. Vandyke, at their home,
Jan. lwth. 1891. aged 4 years
Theie is ae feck however watched
and attendee,
Bat eae dead leaah ia there;
Tfcare tane ireahie fcewe'er defended,
Bat has oae vacant chair.
There ia a pair of little hands
Laid to net forever more;
There's two nearly dimpled cheeks
Whoaa rich bkawoming ia o'er.
Death haw aaaled two little eyea
That wht bo aaora aaaUe or weep;
Tiny whadowa of tbe aonl
Little Alva, gone to sleep.
There's another bad removed
.Threw the door the angles made
Darling Alva haa penned ia,
Far bsyond tbe azure skies,
Where the tiny etareyee peep
From all earth's aad doubt and fears
Little Alva, gone to sleep.
She will wake in rarer lands,
Where the angles voices sing.
There the flow'ret shall expand,
There shall love's perfection bring,
She has reach'd the golden shore.
Thro1 the river, cold and deep,
Anglea bore her softly there.
Little Alva, gone to sleep.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Acts at once, never fails. DeWitt's
cough and consumption cure. A
remedy for asthma, and that feverish
condition which accompanies a severe
cold. Sold by Cotting. 6
JhcUom Khmb.
Dennis O'Harc tras found dead a
tniio north east of Gobies ranch on
the old Higby place, last Sunday
morning the 11th. It seems that
Patrick McCool and Dennis left Kcd
Cloud about 9 or 10 o'clock on Satu.
day night for their home in Kansas,
they were full of liquor, besides hav
ing a pint bottle full in their pocket.
It seems they were too full to drive
the team and pulled the team into
the head of a draw where they both
fell out without turning the buggy
over. The horses went home where
the Ktepson of Dennis Jaxcs Mc-
Cully, found the in
Jamcs hitched
the horses to another bugtrj and went
in search of the missing men. He
found Dennis living yet but could
not speak. James helped his uncle
in the buggy but could not lift his
stepfather so ho left him lay while he
drove his Uncle, P. McCool, to Chas.
Stcffcn's a distance of 4 mile?. He
left his uncle there and Mrl StefTeus
two sons, went back with James and
found Dennis dead. They took him
to his home in Smith county. Kans.
The Coroner called a jury and the
jury found a verdict that Mr. O. Hare
came to his death by exposure laying
out in the snow all night, caused by
being intoxicated. Hc was buried in
Red Cloud on Tuesday. Hc was for
ty-three years of age. Sid.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Do you want to keep thoroughly
posted on the effects of the New
Tariff Law, as shown from week to
Do you want to know all about the
policy of Protection and have an
answer to every false statement of
the Free-Traders?
Then subscribe for your home
paper and the Amkrican Economist,
published weekly by the American
Protective Tariff League, New York.
(Sample copy free). The Economist is
an acknowledged authority on Pro
tection and should be widely read.
The yearly subscription of the Econo
mist is $2. but we have made s
special arrangement with the pub
lishers by which we can send
yoa the Economist for one year and
Baby was aide, we ce aer Caatoria.
a Ca0d,afce cried for Caatoria.
Jaflmrai ia Lift,
People fail in smear ways. In basinea
ia morality, ia religion, in bappiaeM, and
in healta. A weak heart ia often an an
poepeeitd eaaaa of failare of life. If the
atood doea not eirealata properly in the
laafe. there is saortaaM of b reatlua thma
ate,; ia the braia, dizziBeBs,h,eaeanhet etc
ia the atoaaaea, wind, pais indigcatioa
etiat spaua, ate,; ia the liver, torpidity,
ata jastton aad etc Fain ia the left side
afloalisraad ataaaaeh, iaeeaead by heart
braia. Far all these maladies arr. aulas'
Mew Cure for the heart aad leags ia the
btet remedy. Bold, guaranteed aad re.
by C.lCottiag, treatie frees
Carriage, sign an4 aoaae paiatiag
UaH wooa f aisn, graiaiag. etc, Skof
afpaeiu Piatt's Lamner YareL Al
werk gnaraateea.
Thejaet aei
taeawa tae
They aaaaaly
aal taata, aeipiJ Urer
fee aasa
Bring in jam eM iron, aonea, cen
par aadraeSer and get cask. Bcaes
aa cry aad free f rem tmelL
4w J Cl W. Dow.
MHee' Hearre amd Lhrer
An imnartaat iieeerary
aarraa. k new nrmajaai
aare MUaaaaaaa,
pVafHV eaaal amaMSar XmV Saw MmtanV
rreaa4 3. L. CiHiag.
aaarnmr atM Jiaemara FaaeM 1. mmt
anaaklaataawMaHMKit. II at boaai aa "SWlSSl
awaaaavav - - - - -- - - th. "- -
m.l. . - ' - ami aw eumamTwraam
,nea aihril-ceamM af aaaaaaarla. Man. c HftfiK!
. -j ..-' "? r "1 -IL TMJ1 JW. . -T- i" -"
-- --- aaaaaiatwk. Imkb. wMa iki akdaU y!"?1"
aaraaTWawaaar .aMwmaa!9. waiaw www jaHvjHwtjavs a atABBakA.fl
j, WLfW 2J
far rmeen V
My wife haa suffered for fifteen years
f rom cooceatkm and painful menstrua
tion. After ustnc throe bottles o( Brad
tJeld's Female Regulator she Ls now able
to do her Iioupo work and i,'o whore she
S leases. J. W. DavL, Moravian Fall
.C. Writ Ilradfiold Regulator Co.
Atlanta, tia., for further particulars
Sold by C. L. Cotting. 'Zi 4t
Ge te .Horhtirf.
lie hsg the finest line of stoves
ever eccn in the city. II.? hzi tbe
celebrated Garland cook and hcators.
and a full line of other equally as
good. Hardware at the very l,cst
figures for cash. Do not imv stoves
or hardware until vou hc in Opera
house block. 'A'cbstcr street.
Xollrc te Tcwrher.
Notice is hereby given that I will
i t a
examine ail persons wuo mar aesire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers oft ho public schools of this
couuty, at Keu ilomi on the third
festurdav of each month.
D. M. Huntkr, County Supt.'
Itch on human and hordes nnd all ani
mals cured in IV) minute by Wooiford's
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold
bv L. II. Deyo, druggist, Hod Cloud.
We sell more or l)eN itt' little ris
ers than any other pill; their action
Is to easy, do not grip or cause pain,
arc the best regulator of the liver,
stomach and howle. 2
C. L. (
LMDOrilf pepu pain.
oci-TVi MvruruJ',
JiLDfl. Sifc
Sul.O Ut M.U
6Saoe:LOS5ToR c
Smnil CBf S?;?r"r7tt!?"I'' Small
size, fyygs vOfc i & ""
Cure ISynrepv: , rr-;tv.
lies, r::tiu'fi'-':::
En" to
P. li V
V. :fn
Clear tilt' o:ii5'.t.!
Blotclfir" i':i'.'.ow
form'.!"" ..'--I.f. ."-
Dinner r:.:.
Pre wz fc . I S " ?' T"'"t
ThrcE.iil!e:iii !t :is print ior
fort actio: uml T!':ir::I vTtt rl'ar.y
pill -vcr ina: '. SiM lij l'Ti:i''-:.t t
cut by mall f r 2" .-cm.
Tlio UvmI
1111 on frf B 3 2Z Tv. 15 :',,!5bl
I? rlli
K.G. 1K WI'IT t O.. Iilcau, 111.
Patent - Collar !
For sale by J. O. BUTLER
Red Cloud. Buckeye
Harness shop.
The .cMtur of Hie fiiKiixlMCi.
"AreonlinR tc Ihimor. .NVstor, I he M warrior
and the wUe couiivjllor o( tb .rit.'ks IjscI niletl
over tlirue pfiicnilloii-of m?ii, nml w;is wle
as tlio l!ini.ort:il ro'Is."
The Xortli Atucrivau Kt- lew
Ims be-n in the vun or Aiiicricm thought for
more than three iiinrtcr.- or a ctMitury. ranklni;
always with the kct ntul mMt intliieiitial peri
mlicitU in the world. itUUie mouth-piece of
tlie men who know hum about the srcat topic
on which American reimc to 1h informed
from month to month, its contributors Iteiui;
the leaders of thought and action l every field.
Those who would Like comicl ofthw highest
knowlrd'o on tbe affair of the time, and (eurn
what is to lie said rejratdlnz them lj tin recog
nized autlmiitle on both side, mint thfrcfore
Netor of the iiuazini!.
"lhe North American Itcricw I ahead of
any maj-azhic this roiintry ha f ver cn In the
importance of the topic it discusses kI th
eminence of Its contributors." Allxuir Arpw.
"Has become. a it were, tlie lntellicent Amer
ican citizen's lwn-i-look on great qutstloa of
tlie hour." HuIfaJo K.prr?.
"The North American Keviewtoiuhef Ameri
cans on almost every poli.t in hick tliey are
interested." nosttrti Herald.
iiartia presentation f both sides ' ImjKirUut
subjects ' rinladelphla Tubllc IItr.
The list of recent contributor to tb Kericw
forms a roll of represcntaiire men aad women
of tlie time in&udins V c Ola:toic, J. U.
Blaine. Cardinal ;tbbon. J5prkr Rerl. Ex
iieakcr trlisltf, W McKinJey. .Ir . Ouiila. Mrae
Adam,Retiel Sherman. Admiral Tortrr, Maw
UUvattkr. X A Kdison. Hi-!;op 1 C Totter. Klli-
-A moulder or inteinsenr opinion ujiam nn-
abeth I1iel
Morier.Ooi US Iiiwrsoll. It Uoorre. c M le-
nielp. viva raroe-i. aj rsaiiwir. on
pew. Edward Kcllajny, l'rof . J Urjce. O
inotx, eic tv
eeatw a aaanher: tayear.
Xw i the l lane to aahaerlhe,
The ertk Anncrieaa Retiear,
3 East 14th 81, XcwYerk
ShertaT'a Sale.
Xotlce Is berebj jnxen that under aad bjr vlr
tne of aa o-der oi sale Usucd trom tbe oSSce of
L. II. Fort, clerk of the district court of tae KM
judicial district, witamaod lor Werner eoaacjr.
5r (or aV at traliHc vendue, to tfee
aaider for casta m band, at tbe east dooraCme
MBrtaeate at Ked .Towi. in weoiirr tww,
Kearaaka, naatlwiac the bolltlinz wfcereto tae
la lena of aaW coart was boWta) oa ta
s7the1aFrJamwaarjr A.D. !!
at S a'cteck a. m. e aa!4 day. the faUowtoc
exited property towK: The aertfceaat iarter
afjaHluatweBtr-qt C8 la towaafcia taree
O) aorta, raajceelerea(io at
Weaater eeeatr. Nebraska. Grreaaader arjr
lis takaarotULumaLi a. v.. ism.
C. A. Tzxl, eraT.
By OXTwa. Drsty.
C - Flassbcxc. hUltias AVtonrf.
ClMUtH Rartamge Sale.
Notice ia berefcr elvea itut by rirtae ef a
ehaMel aaortjeace dated n tke Kb dar of F'H
raarr. laacaad dulr'&W in tbe c-Aceef tbe
lanatj eierk of Webster rcamt?. Nb oa tae
lath aey ef Fearaarr , ite. a&d rjucsvd by H.
A.aartaa aae B r. lUmtuxx. to L.C .Cbert
Sa awan aae aayateat of tkejaaa of tscsaaa
aaaw watak tacre Maw tke jaw of f:s.ll.
pefaaia aavta aeea maae ixtaepaiavracaf
aaM aa as4 fc afe or 4ker prorttil at taw
ofexwuiseu rae
iwarcare sw-'v oewt r
weoctaefc ! i
laww two faae M aetfera. oae
. J . a a v
aa? asiacywnt oi .
taf cwwtea. Weaoer aaaav
iaa t of rttiwair. ae.
I m X r
a, v.
9 jzLnmMii JDlFllF?
a i"'
'iV.'ti annate
pift aaaaaa
. ' i-Jj'Vm. aaaaaaaaaaaaV
- ''P't aaaaar
' tJamrftaunWBaV
' faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav
v taaaiiaaTajaaaaanaaTnBur
-laaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaan
-U j aafaaaaaaaaaW
Far aW aaaaaaaaaV
lav , -B'1' aaaaaaaaaF
''7 .v m S BiaaaaaaaaT!aa
'ztL-2r aaaaaaaaaaWJ'.
. '. '&maaV';aaaaaaaaaaW
- ?T3pvp aaalBaaaaaaaaawli
tti "s5fi? aaaaaaaaaaW
r 1- 17 - c- 'v--
O SaaaaaaafM
'" - -SaaaaaWgBamJ)
-,- ' "4aaaaaBaaaaaTJPFi;
- anaBaaaaa'PasCa;.
""MWt ..WTsraaaaaaa. tBay
-- flBaOnVr
r. Hayes
". .''?JJiiicSF?JA.
y , -.-
a s
Ota The
! Ih lolHg ao will be able lev
give any etHlwanrra the heacfll enT
heller rarleea I ahwll keea m
ftlele aieek mi Irr)' Cwaisai,
a, fMMaea, eusel aro)eertee.
aimel awllell jrwwr traelc.
S. V Spokksfield.
"The Riddle
BV .V U. AKillllV,
Lecturer of the f! Farmers'
X wonderful book of tho present time.
It treats of tho tconotuiu nnd induatrial
quoetionii now upheaving society.
Iho author looks at the iueetiooa
from lx.'tweon tiiuplow Imndli, ami riaee
to elcxiuence u hiH mnHUrlv and logical
treatment of questions relating to land,
nuIroailH, money, taxation, coat of inter
change, co-oeratiou, etc Now i the
time to sell thiH remarkable, Lxcluaire
Urritor civen . Extierioncn not iimmw.
sary. Do not wait, but write at once.
naming territory you want, to
Industrial Publishing Co,
Office Block, West 5th St
?-'-k DES MOINDS, Iowa.
$3 SHOE S1
I'or sale my
Hhme Dealer, Reel CIcHtel.
I. W. TII.L:i4, M. D.
HeaMopaltole rhyalclaB
Red Claael, Xehraaaa.
Onlco opposite First National flank.
U. S.Kxamlniii Siufon.
Chronic diseases treated bv mall.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
SherinTa ftaie.
Notice I hertbr siren, that under ana" byTir
tue of an order of sale Issued from theoavceaf
I.. If. Fort. Clerk of the IMslrict Court of tfce
Kljrhtli Judicial DUtnct, within and for Web
str county. cbraska. npm a decree 1 aa ae
Uou penduic. therein, wherein. Joejh K. Bail
ey I nlaintllT. anc aga;iil John T. KobiuM
and Martha I- lloUuioii. DtfcndanU. t ba
acaln offer for aa-e at public tendae to Ue h ll
et bidder for cash in ha'id at the east door of
tbe court house, at KoM loud, la said W
eoatitr. Nebraska, that beias tb- pUee
tlie lat term of nald court was htden, ea tae
l.llh elajr af Jaa. .. D. IMI,
at I o'clock p. ai. of said dar. the followiaff
descrihed j.roi-erty U-wlt: The wth aatf of
theoutliestotsirteriC arrtioa four in town
sblji three north I ranee nlae weat of c a. at.
in Welnter cewnty. Nebraska. iit ea andtr aiy
band this 3d day of IXnaber A. I. !-
.A.Titf, aerlt.
O. C. Tuu. inty.
I. 11. Erriea. rtaiotlS ' atiorsey. im
EKor want of tush bMJert tbe abore aaje
rebr continue until Kebraujra.saW.
C. A.Teel.JaerL
rry . C. TrcL lJpw)
Notice 1 hereby rie. taat nwler and arvir-
teofaa order ot aate ueu rrwat uc aset
I. II. Fort, Clerk of tbe Wtrtet Court rf tke
KlzbtkJwdictal W strict. Kww mm tar Wek-
couotr. Nebraska. o;oa a decree ia aa
is, therein, w ben is, Krtaa.Taarji
Co. are
iatlfc a&d acaiwt
HHftwae! aad Beli Haataael TM
urw r.
eCer fcraa!a''pcdUfeodfc to r
btadv fercatft la basa. uuvm aa
eovtaoswe at Ke4 Cload. la mM
eouatr. acbrarta. ttkit faeaw tae
wheteia tke ktat terwj of aabl coar twaa
w?lh enaf af Jaa. jl
at 1 eVJeek aaa.ef aaM 4mg,
erlatd ptuyMf ivmm ti
rf tiloii fweotr Jaar IM) la
arrk:rac;twtTr tgwewi aftaw Ua.
km weaotrr rowaiy. euaaaa. vta i
t aaaa tab ana aa ef afeeaaaar a. O.
C. a-T
O.C. ram.rarraty.
a a'
Notice ia aeteay ghm
fweof aaseaarof safe
aflVB.rert;elerfc oftaccaarlts
aeaalaetaetHa. w
txar italnue.
efe&daat, I sVafi or
aaeaa tae aajaew
tae raat door of taa
" ""v' - . &
gV A peaahlet f atforaatloe aa aaaTr
aRiOMaia rateata, CaMTfeaeaABmw
TgVgm eVanmaaV awwRrew mV maeVAgwgawaw
rot me
IMAk k 111
aWaaaaam aaawBaakaaaaana aaamaaaat m
mWmcawB RamaVawmaaHw amamTTa am
aatf aaaiaa I wakF.BHMwaa
braaJeat aaalie va-
awaaVaaa awSaeraf awaiow ainj w tatawa.
aat.m.Waaaawaaaaejr. jtoTaiaaaa. Qtvaaaa
aaraMraaaamtaaaaarf fawaaaaaraaa.
T sl . , ..
a4SxSL -JSKSar.,
-drl.v' S'. tfc.'ijSSSv-Ev. nrr
'"--iitfV r Itfi
fcn pdif)
.'J i
mjLcr ii
Dry Goods
Boots and Shoes.
We are now located in the Moon
Block, where we have a fine
line of Dry Goods, Etc.
Wehtsr SM Livery, Feel, ui Sale M
Frank A Kueiin. Prop
Boarding by tho lay. week, cr month at nrvoruuil
rata. Farmer are imita! to stop at our barn whn In the
city. Special attentiou iaitl to their trade. Pricy for
single feeding, a lovr aa anywhere in the city. Don't for
get the place.
F. N. Richardson, Prop, Red Cloud.
We hare more hay and more corn, more oatu, and mm
barn (all of which we purcliaaed when prioBm were ay
down) than anv firm in town, there4 we R tnired 2 give
U lower R8t tlian any firm between the 3 ocean. Boarding
by the day, week or month. We do not brag of our hore
mnihip. Stock in our care Kho their keeping, Call on
na at the old reliabln barn back of Powioaaca aad Jbe con
inoed that what we tell yon la true.
Abstracters, Real Estate
and Farm Loan Agent.
Red Cloud, Nebkaska.
AMiacto of title fonunbed aocnnMy aad prooptly.
SatofKtkm OauaaL lf.W brNil SI
a w aa mi a
Lower dun any yard in the world
Iinr CtABaavViawrraa.
KujeL Saiarr.
.Red Cloud, Nebraska.
r aajaaaajeamakemt wBaaf aaaJaaaama alaBaw4aWl '
RawmmmmmBB RRJR) RfRSRaaaJ aeaWewaaFm i
mtw awaJatar. J. A.Taaarjav C W.Lin Iim. .
aaa R amaawy. aw w RaaaamaV
aUmry Oknran. A. 3, Kmwmm,
bTRsaRSR aBaBaBmBVAUBaamT.mT.XA.TBUarW eaaawaaMoaaaai
waaaaawMa faiaaCrjow aaaaaaaaia armmamanja
aamjaV. -nr, aaaaaaawaa awaaaaWJaWR,
' ' - "- " ?" ' .vv "nr" "4W
brfy wkii Wf2?
flSHy fWRKlaall IfCaW ilMaVwWH
I mgjaajgrafammw smmjw aaa aa naaBjai aaj
iuncit4a3tSI :
COMfQamsM aaTwawmaV
her saxe dVVHid? we
aamhnt Und fa lAartTlliSan
Livery B
. -o
awarr, Laer
, awjaM eaa a
aeealav aWff aaat
z jfsc-rsi.ii jri'r.-ai-j&mF
V Sri -JT" ? r. -'r-'
. -j i?v;