The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1891, Image 2

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H niimjji im.
XiBlakd Staxtokd has been renomi
tated hy the Republicans for Uaited
Stales Senator from California
Tta Minnesota Howe completed Mi
rf-aaisatkm by the election of the En-
i (Alliance-Democrat) ticket.
Johx Cbaxch, once a noted portrait
painter of Washington mad New York;
died at Urbana, P., rcceatly aged M.
Secretary Windom has axed the
salary of Miss Phoebe Coaseas, of the
board of lady managers of the Col
Man Exposition, at , per aaai
Tmk Imperial Tribanal of Leipsic has
decided that henceforth a rcfasal to
rise aad participate in a toast to the
health of the Kaiser shall constitute
high treason.
-Air agent for Cincinnati parties-has
purchased the lop school house Bear
ZanesTille, O.. where cx-PrcsideBt tiar-
fiekl taught in 1851. The buildiafr ih
wanted for exhibition at the Worlds
A Shanghai dispatch says that the
Chinese Imperial authorities, at the vig
orous instance of the foreign ministers,
are bringing' to justice the murderers
of Christians in Szcchuen. The ring
leader had both his cars cat off aad was
exposed in a cage for three days with
out food, when he died.
A DISPATCH from Montevideo says
that the Uruguayan Government has
issued a decree announcing that the
National bank will January 8 commence
redeeming' the paper currency of the
Bepublic, paying gold therefor, and
that the bank will complete the process
of redemption by .tuly 1.
An engraver named Heck and an inn
keeper named Korte have lieen arrest
ed at Munster, fJcrmanj-. on the charge
of producing a fictitious note liook of
Martin Luther, the supposed illscovery
of which recently caused a great sensa
tion in literary circles. It is alleged
that a youthful apprentice of Heck
made the necessary engravings ami
ivory carving.
Secretarv Wixikim has Jssued a cir
cular letter prescribing regulations for
smelting and refining imported ores
and crude metals on lionds. Applica
tion for the establishment of wart
houses for that purpose must lie made
to custom house officers and a bond
given. The regulations provide for the
withdrawing of the ores or crude met
als for consumption.
A Berlin correspondent says: "It ap
pears settled that Emin Pasha is to be
Governor of the western portion of Ger
man East Africa, including the lake
territory, and Herr Von Soden, Governor
over the remainder. Karon Wissmann
will probably retire or be sent to settle'
affairs in West Africa. He is displeased
because he was not appointed head of
the new colonial department.'
The House Committee on Rules ex
amined under oath Messrs. Stevens and
Apperson, correspondents of the St.
Iouis Glolie-Dcmocrat, with reference
to the charge published in their paper
that Senators and Representatives were
interested in a silver pool. The corre
spondents declined to give any informa
tion. Xo decision was reached by the
committee as to what to do with Mr.
Dockery's resolution providing for an
Smai.i.-pox is on the increase in
Texas, and at one or two points it ap
icars to be assuming an epidemic form.
Great alarm exists about Temple, Hel
ton and other towns and the Governor
has ordered the State health officer from
Houston to Austin, and his headquarters
will lie there until the disease abates.
The State has taken absolute control of
quarantine matters, and no place will I
lie quarantined except by order of the
The son of Senor Pcraza, Venezuelaa
Miuistcr at Washington, on New Year's
day escorted Miss Rice, daughter of a
photographer there, to Miss Blaine's rc
t eption and dinner. She licing a beauti
ful girl was cordially received by the
diplomats until they learned that she
was the daughter of a photographer,
when they grew chilly and the next
day complaint was made to the depart
ment. Young l'craza hearing of it has
set gossip at rest by quietly marrying
the young lady who now smiles over the
discomfiture of the diplomats.
A n vices received at Brisbane, Aus
tralia, from New Guinea, state that
the Tugaree, the head hunting tribe
of the island, made an attack on a
village, massacred forty of the inhabtt
ants and looted a large number of the
dwellings. The tribe threatened an at
tack on some villages near the Govern
ment post, held under the command of
Magistrate Cameron, who has charge
of the western district, aad a force of
armed constables has been seat to the
assistance of Magistrate Cameron, who
has received orders to act in the mean
while on the defensive.
Brahford McGregor, the mechanic
al expert of Cincinnati has saeceeded,
after numerous experiments, in uniting;
aluminum with glass, and claims to be
the first who has done so. A large piece of
the aluminum with a glass tube ia the
center was turned in his lathe aad it
was impossible to detect the slightest
law or joint where they came together;
in fact, it appeared as oae solid mass.
Heretofore no metal could be made to
unite with glass on which the contrac
tion and expansion were the same, aad
it is claimed this will create a revolution
in the way of making incandescent
The Council at Rome has pronounced
in favor of the validity of the marriage
of Count d'Urscl, of Fraaee, aad Marie
d'UrseVnee Lavis, c4 NewYorkV The
marriage took place ia 188, and ia 1878
she eloped with a Freachman named
Say aad auBweqaeatly contracted a civil
marriage la Switzerland. Ia 1884 she
endeavored ia France to secare aa aa
nulmeatof hcrarst aarriage, withoajt
success. Then she weat to 'Rome aaaV
enlisted the inflaeace of her sisters, the
Marchioness Cavotte, the Daehess
d'Eate aad the Countess Sella ia her be
half. Ia spite of the efforts of these
ladies -aa adve
rendered on the appeal.
Abxaxgemksts are beta; saade'to
fight the collection of all aotes held by
the Iwrrester comaaaies ia.Nerth Da
kota, aad H is said the amount is about
SMM,Mt Tha'ginaad of contest is
hat-aotas were fiyea.ior aiaaVrswkh
tbe contract Oat repairs shoaVl ha
farniohed frae'aad the receatly
bined Aaeerieaa saarreaterComaaa
made armte tiwtaU repairs mast here
after be paid Jar m cash.
ground for tJwcoatest will be that the
ne w-coainsaT isar trasramt m
fc enaaTarytotimaismJwffawUH lTmaaJHthMho:aaaleaamraaaaaTm rhatwtUwamaowhaa tsruaght to tAe "; --w r .rTV . aha Jasawa mat what aha haa toammasl rWMSWXSSXTi
-: &yS Pak?r JJfcM-Ch-TCk- JaS la1V aar of jsidgmeatr "Call far hear,- r g jgj f7Z?JfZ wpmrl- . PHI19aarW? aTVT
pfeT "' &?'gi "."T 'Z- S!'1'" Wfl-J ilf wWreHdjfwrym. tefareyoarcacm jj'fm'i'f1 Wmm S uSr. ''WMI?m? "lvaawmm
- -
OssatiBy Talagraph and MaB.
The Senate ate at ansa en tee MS. Mr.
Hale reported the Men aaaerUeaawat bHt
without amcada-caL Mr. McConaell, Beaa-ter-eleet
from Make, was sworn la Me.'
naena. Ms relaaguc. bavin already takes
Ms seat). An executive sessioB was then
best, When the doors were reopened the
election bill came up and Mr. George pro
ceeded te speak ansinat It bat yielded to M
Stewart, ,Jfer.,) who moved to take
ap the laance MIL Tela was
a sarpriee to senator Hear and the friends of
the elettlea Mil, bat a rote was takea which
resulted m raver of the motion by si tea?,
eight BepaMiean. Stanford, Jones (Kev.),
Stewart. MeCennell. Sbonp, Teller, WolesM
and Washbnrn, Totiaar wKa the Pewatrats.
TMasarprise In eMe-trackta the election
bMeanaad some tslk aad the Senate aeon
Xo bnaineaa of general ha
was transacted In the House.
wan the Senate met on the sth the at-
tendance was very slim. At the expiration
ef the moraine; boar the finance bill came
np.the aneatioH pendinf belna; the amend
meat offered by Mr. Stewart (Vev ) by adel-ms-hl
free coinajre provision. Mr. Teller
spoke at length in. favor of the bill. He
declared that when he voted to lay aside tbe
elections bill for the financial bill lie did so
belit-viHg that the lattrr was of more Impor
tance to the people than tbe former and be
had no apologies to make. He
criticised the position of Senator bhenuan
and refuted his argument against free silver
coinage. Mr. (Micruian said lie would reply
ataoaaefutHretlme to.Mr. Teller. Mr. Mor
j rm .poke againrt freetoinage anil Mr. Vest
favored it The Home pascd the bili r'
pealing the law authorizing the President to
suspend tonnage dues !ly a vote of lul yeas
to W nays the Houc decided to take up the
shipping bill and pending debate on the same
AFTSa agreeing to the conference report on
tbe public printiug deficiency bill the fecnate
en the 7th took np tbe financial bill. Mr.
Daniel (Va.) spoke in favor of the bill and
.the absolute tfree and unlimited eoinage
of silver. At-the elooe of his ttpwch Mr.
I'luml followed in an argument in favor of
free eoinage. He did not claim that free
eoinage was a panacea for all evil, but eon
tended it wa a long, a wise and important
aten in the right direction. Mr. Hiecock
spoke against the pending amendment (free
eoinage). After an executive session the
Senate adjourned After the morning hour
the House, in Committee of the Whole, re
aaied consideration of the shipping bill.
Mr. Herbert (Ala.) opposed the bill and Mr.
Jllagiey (Me.) spoke in favor. Mr. Dockery
(Mo.) spoke against it. fending debate the
House adjourned.
Soon after the Senate met on
tbe Sth Mr. I'latt gave notiee
that at the earliest possible moment
he would call-up the copyright bill and Mr.
Allison gave notice of his intention to call up
the t longer lard bill. After pasting a number
of minor bills the financial bill was taken up
and Mr. Stewart asked unanimous consent
for taking a vote on the bill Saturday at 4
o'clock. Mr. German expressed his surprise
at tbe propealtion as he Senator from Ohio
(Sherman) had declared the free coinage
amendment revolutionary. He thongbt there
should be more time given for a careful con
sideration of the bllL It was finally agreed
to take a vote on the bill Wednesday. Ad
journed The House further considered the
shipping bill and Mr. Grosvenor (i.) ad
dressed the House in favor of the bill. He
fore he concluded the House adjourned
AFTKS the presentation of petitions in the
Senate on the 9th the financial bill again
eatue np and Mr. Blackburn spoke in favor of
Mr. Stewart's free coinage amendment. Mr.
Morgan follotved in a speech favoring the
bill, bat pending bis remarks the bill was in
formally laid aside, several minor bills
passed and the Senate adjourned.... But little
was done in the House. The bill referring to
the court of claims the claim of the Citizens'
Hank of Louisiana grow ing out of the seizure
and covering Into the United states Treasury
$313,000 by General Bntler during the war was
debated until .". o'clock and w cut o er. At the
evening session sixty private pension bills
Tin-: republican agitation in Spain is
causing serious alarm in Madrid and
the Government has ordered the police
to expel all suspected foreigners from
the country.
Thk Danish Government has officially
recognized the Republic of Itrazil.
Thk Montana House divided. Repub
licans organizing and Democrats organ
izing. The Senate and Governor being
Democratic, however, soon ended the
schism in favor of the Democrats.
Thk House Committee on Invalid
Pensions has agreed to report favorably
a bill granting' a pension of 9100 per
month to Franz Sigel, late Major-Gen-cral
of volunteers.
It is said that a letter of the Czarina
to her sister, the Princess of 'Wales,
earnestly advises as a matter of pru
dence and in the interest of humanity
English non-interference in Russia's
policy toward the Jews.
Caitaix Wallace, who was killed
by Indians in the battle at Wounded
Knee, was buried at Yorkville, S. C,
hi old home.
Thk Prohibitionists of Mississippi pro
pose to organize for the fall campaign.
Undkr an agreement between O'Brien
and Parncll. McCarthy is to resign his
leadership, the two factions to agree
upon a new leader.
It i& stated that the Kiag of Rouma
nia has decided to abdicate in favor of
his son.
Associate Ji'stick E. Ciiarlks Dk
VKXH, of the Massachusetts Supreme
Court, is dead. He was 71 years old,
and was Attorney-General under Presi
dent Hayes.
Thk President has sent to the Senate
the following nominations: II. C. Pugh,
of Indiana, Consul at Palermo; O. G.
Bailey, of Nebraska, register of the
land office at Bloomington, Neb.; also a
number of army promotions.
Thk international monetary confer
ence met at Washington on the 7th, but
transacted no business, owing to the
abserJbe of delegates, and" adjourned to
the call of the temporary chairman,
Senor Romero, the Mexican representa
tive. Hsrbkrt L. Rand, the new Consul to
the Caroline islands, will ask the Gov
ernment to station a man-of-war at
Ponapi, for protection against Spanish
tyranny. .
Grkbck is reported crashed under
taxation. Its debt is enormous.
Ex-Presidest Cleveland was the
principal speaker at the Academy of
Music, Philadelphia, on the. Jackson. an
niversary. PnssiaEXT Carxot expressed the
friendliest feeling-for South American
Republics on the occasion of the
Bolivia's envoy announcing1 his recall.
Tbe House Committee on Foreign Af
fairs has referred to a sub-committee
the Cummings resolution in regard to
the Jews in Russia. A resolution cx
prtwiag; sympathy with tbe Jens will
be drawn up.
Taux President has nominated William
A. Rnssell, of. Massachusetts; Lambert
Tree, of Illinois, and Nathaniel P. Hill,
of Colorado, to be Commissioners to con
aider the astaMishmeataf aa iaierna
tieaalcoiaor coias. '
Govebxob Fbancis seat his ananal
message to the Missouri Legislature on
the-tth. Many of the Alliance features
of reform were recommended.
The Senate has passed the House bill
for the relief of Pavmaster Wham.
crediting him with &S.S45 Gorerameat I
ranae, ec watea ae was robbed taAri
zoaainMay, 1SS0. "
Cetoma J&okbt H. Caocsxrr, the
clysurviviar grandonof the famous
Davy Crockett, died a Stafthjart, Ark.; J
CaACMCST M. Depkw has been
ot the New-York
Unkm Leacae Clab for the
HtCSwtagaaaarwBtamYmmJaa t.wi2 " aaaceaHttraaw overseer laatfalL Latex !"""-"--. T" ""7TL T. -".-." : . . TT- W. Jfarraw, wme liin imsti SrmrSrfSX9
AaotherlSw A.aaaaaahaw firm swalio-es n ,.V--T"L ,L he was aapotaajd school amtnettreas- aereaotee, waa .,.- a - r- - - ---. y,.,,,, --, wwmn wi aa gagfagfa1! aa apTasTas,
fwabcloitethc-.iaorfand v"TB-lEZsSnlE arer mat his latest niatm ,ai lis, trlaate. to recam-emt ham. - a. A.ea e-erea. aaaaaa oa. am m'aaimmmr -tear an. a raV "gglfiggfcrrr satawS
waereaare raised Jar the reteLof thaiCtamo F:fTT-7r-:rT:-T7T thatotfiu jtv. ?i "Mjr frieaan," simatea ine exaorser, JTT-l-xrrTiT- saw thsaga raaasaw aamatalr slma -.T,ZZ .' :"Tr!:
wriUfiaTtO I
hkewdlMmeesae,as far
Tar. East Iaanaa Owveraaaent has de
cided to smead the amrriage cede by
rakaactheag ofeoasewt frasateato
twefee Tears, hat R re fa as to interfere
farther with the extotiaf Jaws.
Csss mad Adaaa.Coaataes, lav
I wrhaaasaaealaseeaeealakloa?
r . mm - - tn .J
at UM aeraatoa ira.; "a
Will ae paid e. Dwilasas la the steel
trade ia aaid to betha eaase.
Tbjc aisthrr has aeaa very cold at
riaaaliia. " The k was fram eight
s a
tar tea hackee thick aad a large
Tanas-are rumors that the alleged
cheap metWof produwiag alantriaam,
of which so maeh was expected at Chi
cago, is a zrano.
TwESTV-oxK prisoners ia the jail at
Chattanooga, Teen., who had revolted,
were' starred into sabtaiasioa.
The cold and raw weather is re
sponsible for an alarming increase in
tbe death rate in most Europeaa eitie.
One of the most startling reports on
this subject comes from Dublin, where
.tbe.nBraber,of deaths during the past
week reached the phenomenal propor
tion of 40 6-10 in 1,000.
The New York clearing- house certifi
cates continue to decrease. On the 7th
9900,000 were canceled, leaving- the
amount outstanding- 99,955,000.
Ex:li!I Board of Trade returns for
December show imports increased !,
140.000 and exports 391,000 as compared
with the corresponding' month ml Kb!).
S. A. Kkan, the defaulting1 banker of
Chicago, has been indicted by the grand
The emigration from Germany for
America, during the month of November
was excessive.
Two brakemen were killed by a colli
sion between stock trains at Chicago on
the bth.
Hamhmig dispatches statu that several
merchants of that city are preparing to
outfit a steamer to begin a cruise in
Itchring- sea about May 1, and that a
promise has been given from Herlin
that two vessels of the German navy
anil cruise in the northern part during
the scaling- season.
It was said that Lieutenant Casey,
who was killed recently in the Bad
Lands, was shot from behind by a Urule
Mayor Ckeoiek, of Chicago, has
given notice to the railroad companies
and others occupying the lake front
that they must remove all their prop
erty before February 29 or the city will
A Charleston, W. Va., special to the
Baltimore Sun says that news has
reached there from Logan County, that
State, that the Brumfield-McCoy ven
detta, which had been quiet for some
months had been renewed ami that in a
fight on Hart's creek a few days ago six
men were killed.
The Baltimore & Ohio is reducing its
labor force.
At Lancaster. Pa., two men were
fatally hurt by the fall of a church scaf
folding. Joii.v L. Sullivan recently honored
a reportcrof the. Milwaukee Daily News
by knocking him down.
Because he employed a German, a
grocer of Toulouse, France, named
Lind, was raided by angry Frenchmen
and his place was wrecked.
The Cherokee Commissioners called
on the Secretary of the Interior recently
and made a statement of what has been
Jjus far accomplished by them. Sev
eral important agreements had been
signed by the tribes in the eastern part
of the Indian Territory, the only tribe
which has so far refused the terms of
fered by the Government being the
Business failures -(Dun's report) for
the seven days ended January 8 num
bered 403, compared with 328 the pre
vious week and S7: the corresponding
week of last year.
Tin: powder pool organized about
eighteen months ago at San Francisco
collapsed and the price of powder has
consequently suffered a drop. The
cause of the dissolution was the compe
tition of the Eastern firms.
Assertions that Jay Gould has ob
tained a controlling' interest in the
Santa Fc continue to be made.
Dkla mater & Co. (including George
W. Delamatcr, late Republican candi
date for Governor), bankers, who as
signed recently, were summoned before
an alderman at Meadville, Pa., charged
with embezzlement The complaint
was made by the outgoing lioard of
county commissioners, who charge Del
amatcr & Co. with the embezzlement of
upward of $30,000 of county funds.
The oatmeal mill owners of America
are reported to be aliout to form a big
combine with Ferdinand Shumakcr, of
Ohio, as president It will result in
closing down smaller mills.
Cleaiuxg house returns for the week
ended January 11 showed an average
decrease of 1.5 compared with the cor
responding week of last year. In Sew
York the decrease was 0.5.
A workman named Reiny was killed
at Boston recently by injudiciously tak
ing hold of an incandescent light. This
was said to be the first incandescent
light fatality.
The pension appropriation bill was
reported to the Senate on the 10th. The
financial bill was further debated, Mr.
Morgan being the principal speaker.
The army appropriation bill was in
committee of the House.
. Amexie Rives, the American author
ess, is very. HI in I-ans. She has not
left her bed since early in December.
Jkrrv Sullivan, a thirteen-year-old
boy, was killed at Lynchburg, Va.,
when taking hold of a guy wire of an
electric light.
A collision took place in the Firth
of Forth, Scotland, between two steam
ers on the 11th. Fifteen lives were lost
Father Craft exonerates the mili
tary for the recent slaughter of fiijr
Foot s band.
Stocks were buoyant and raoaey
abundant on the Loadon Stock Ex
change during- the week ended Jaauary
10. Mirer was firm, growiajr oat of a
belief that free coinage woald be estab
lished in the United States. Paris aews
papers were jubilant over the success of
the new French tioTcrameat loan. The
Berlin bourse was firm aad quiet.
The Bureau of American Kepnblka
ts informed that the Government of
Nicaragua has abolished its system of
ad -Ta-orcm duties aad now
duties waoa tbe gross weight of each
article accordinr to the priated tariff,
aad consular iavotees have also been
dispeased with.
The House Committee oa Public
BajMings aad Grounds
a favorable report oa a hill
San Francisco public hailalar, alto
bills aparrmrmtmc 5u,t each for
buUdiags at Joplin, Mo., aad Toledo, O.
Bishop -Fallows, of the
Cpfccopal Eaiacapal Charch, ia debili
tated by tiickaess.
It docs not speak well
ot tlmeltwol
? .
m amWfclife
m aaaa9aaraamBs jruBwamar-'uvanau m hbbWTEBHu mm aaawmasaaw - t- . w avn-. . ----- anaaaxsai mama am aaaawH masaamz nam an am t -ansa Mvaai Bwaaaamsam - - - -w ami i i - jl " na"s ama aanawmpi j--tw
NEBRAitA OTJJE Wpl! Qflfim
Bora aeaamaf 'she Xemasfca Legtatetara
MelkleJalHi aallejlha seanMto order and C
RMrtbMstasaatmiy at am lailtaamtrac
ssUCeCmatralOemmlttee, ra elected earr
tary aratem. A committee it Ave aa rre
aeatiatowaiaaaalnte4;hla. User a aar
liameatsrylmnthli, was faereasat. waea
sac cammlWes mportcd the Senators were
worn m. Taeamrtlea at enttorafeHawea,
taeleaMMmaaam oraaaUJaa the Senate try
easeaiaf w. A. -Arynaar. nreahlent i C. H-y
Tittle, nacrmsry; M. A. amwarae. am aaetm
aat; E. K. Carter, second assistant ; Major
Derby, at igeant at arms ; J. C fKaaley , door
keeper: DaaielAthen, enrolling clerk; C. L.
Braiaard. engramlng elerk; Isaac Ilea
thorne, aeaaaaaler ; IL K. Irake. custodian
of the cloak foam, Aajenraed TheHonee
was eaUel to eroer ay B. II. Cevdery.
secretary ef Mate. JCvery member was
present. Fer temporary Speaker Messrs. a.
M. KMer (lad ). J. O. Crame (Ben.) aad r. K.
White (Osm) were placed la aomlaatioa.
The rail call gave Elder is. Crash l. White
M and Mr. Elder was declared daly el tad.
Eric Jehaaea (lad.) aad John B. Baner
(Ken.) were nominated far elerk aad Johnson
was electeJ by a vote of M to 21 for Baser.
After the mamaais were sworn m the Mease
organised by electlag the following officers,
all ladeaeadeats: Speaker. S M. Elder; chief
clerk. Eric Johnson, of Phelps; flrst assist
ant, W. c HaMea. of Baffale; second assist
ant. A. II Bfgeiow. of Greeley: sergeant-at-arms
Noah Mihler,ef Red Willow; deer
keeper, . W. Kurt, of Red Willow; enroll
ing elerk, J. K. (looirerengrossingclerk.
Fremont Conet B.F jaenbocler."of "herl
dan. chaplain. After some uliibutering
about the resolution to notify the cnate
that the House was ready for business the
House adjourned.
AFTEB each house in its separate capacity
had transacted unimportant business on the
th, both houses of the Legislature met in
Joint session at 3 o'clock for tbe purpose of
eanvasing the vote for State oftlerr. A
contest immediately arose between Lieutenant-Governor
Mieklejohn and Speaker Elder
as to who should preside. The Eicntenant
t 'ovcrnor was Inn in the opinion that hf
was presiding officer and recited law and
precedent to sustain hiiu. Senator Meuns
offered a resolution that as a contest existed
for state officers the Legislature would not
canvass the vote until the matter was
decided by law. The Speaker at
tempted to pat the motion, but the Lieutenant-Governor,
asserting his authority,
declared that no business could lie transact
etfexcept the open ing of the returns, and de
clared tbe motion out of order Thiabrought
on wild confusion. An appeal was made,
but he declined to entertain it. and directed
the Speaker to open the returns, which he
declined to do. A motion to adjourn was de
clared carried 1-ytbe Speaker, but was nn
noticed by the Lieutenant-Governor and
there n as no adjournment. After four houtV
wrangling a motion to place the returns in
charge of tbe Secretary of State ami take a
recess until 10 o'clock next day was put by
the Lieutenant-Governor and carried, and
the members left the hall amid great confu
sion. In its separate capacity neither limine
transacted any busiuess on the 8th. lloth
houses met in Joint seson and thn .tme
conflict of authority as to who should pre
side continued between the Speaker and
Lieutenant-Governor. An agreement was
reached to submit the matter to the Su
preme Court. A mandamus from the Su
preme Court was served upon Speaker Elder
commanding him to canvass the vote. After
much confusion the vote was canvassed and
oil motion of Mr. Shrader that the Joint con
vention declare that nobody had been elected
was carried and amid confusion the two
bodies separated.
Rksiiikxts of Dorchester arc justly
proud of their new $10,000 brick school
house which is one of the best in Va
line County.
Thomas, the fifteen-year-old
son of John Dalton, an Otoe County
farmer, was recently killed by the acci
dental discharge of his gun while hunt
ing. At a church concert at Delta the
other night a .young lad3 slapped the
face of the wife of a minister liccause
the preacher's wife had lieen talking
aliout her.
IIktwkkx Pawnee City and IJern a
collision occurred lictwcen two Uock
Island trains the other morninir bv
which Engineer Neal Smith was killed
and eight other trainmen injured, sev
eral seriously.
Thk three-year-old son of Charles
Rager. living near Davenport, Thayer
County, met with a horrible death the
other day. Mrs. linger had a tub of
boiling water sitting on the floor and
near it were playing her two little
children. In their frolics one gave the
other a push and he fell into the water
and before the mother could rescue the
child he was so terribly scalded that he
Sled in a few hours.
Whii.k lately putting in a short piece
of new steam pipe between the tHiilers
in the basement of the Millard Hotel,
at Omaha, William Allen, the engineer,
was scalded to death and Patrick Snell.
the fireman, and Charles Lindstadt,
yardman, were terribly burned by the
bursting of a large iron pipe upon which
there was a pressure of aliout sixty
pounds of steam at the time. It was
thought that Snell could not recover.
Allen leaves a wife and one child.
A JtATHER important decision was re
cently rendered by the Supreme Court
which holds that a fatherwhohad killed
his daughter could not inherit her prop
erty. The case grew out of the cele
brated Shellenberger murder at Ne
braska City. Shellenberger lived with
his second wife in 1806. He had two
children, who owned eighty acres of
valuable land near Nebraska City,
which they inherited from their dead
mother. Shellenberger murdered his
daughter, it was thought, to secure her
property. He claimed to inherit the
girl's interest and when arrested for the
crime deeded his right to Frank Ran
som, his attorney, for his defense. Shel
lenberger was afterward hanged bv a
mob. Ransom brought suit in parti
tion, and Jndge Mason, of Lincoln, was
appointed to defend for the son. The
court below deckled for Ransom, but
the Supreme Court held that the fath
er's blood was tainted by the crime and
confirmed the title in the son.
There is now invested in United
States bonds, State securities and regis
tered county bonds out of the perma
nent school fund the sum of 9S,S23,943.X.
and cash in the State treasury to the
amount of $522,34.96, making a total of
2,745,397.21, as compared with !,100,
744.45 oa November 90, 1888, an increase
in the permanent school fund of 9644,
503.76 in the last two years.
The Governor has received urgent ap
peals from Gordon aad Hot Springs for
defense from the Indians. The four
companies of college boys who consti
tute the battalion at tbe State Univer
sity offered their services to the Gov
ernor to go the front at,oace.
Charles Moore, employed by Charles
Culver, of Albion, was kicked in the
right ear by a colt the other day. The
iajury is likely to result fatally, coa
cussioa of the brain being- produced.
Albert Hanscoube. a Wood River
blackmmith, is serving; a thirty-day
sentence in the 'Ball County jail for
beatbag his wife.
DcBCte the last seasoa C. M. KanaV
man, of Johnson County; sold aad
shipped to Cmrmaati aver 4,W worth
of apples, besides a lot of small fruit,
which brought good prices.
' AsaXAJro ladies have formed a aoa
aarHaaa W. C. T- U. -
The Sapream Court has coatnatd
the jadgmeat of the lower court of
Caster County and Haustine will
Fred PattebwDX. of lock Bluffs,
Cass Coaaty, was elected justice of the
laatfalL Later
appointed school natricttreas-
his latest n iwlmial
For Tws
Ttatda the ttast V
I Corw-TW Lew
thw Latter CeraaL
WAasWta-rojr, Jan. IS. The estimate
of the prodacts of cora, wheat ami oata
of 18t, as complied by the stotmtidaa
of the Departaseat of Agriculture makes
cora aggregate l,49a,?e,ant bushels;
wheat 3f,iCS,Wt bashals; oats JTVttl,
ose hashcls.
The area of cora, which was slightly
increased ia plaatiag was redaccd by
atter failare aad aheadonmeat hy atore
thaaa,aajaaiMrrea. The area harvest
ed, 71,7,73 acres. The average yield
per acre wan 30.7 bushels aad the sap
ply for consumption per head of popula
tion Is 55 bushels, or 11 bushels Ics
tbaa last ye ir. The rate of yield was
lower ia lss7 and 1881, years of very
severe drought.
The aggregate wheal, acreage is ."jJ.
087,154 acres, nearly the same as in
1S9B, aad the yield per acre 11.1 bash
civ These arc measured bushels of a
quality grading somewhat lower than
usual, the weight of which will lie
gh'en in the March report. Past rec
ords have shown that the annual differ
ences in weight of the croparcnotofteu
more than a pound above or lielow the
average weight for a scries of years, the
lowest for seven years Wing 56.5 in ISM
and the highest 5H.5 in 1(S7. The yield
per acre is the same as lso. when the
product was nearly 416,000,000 bushels,
and with two exceptions is the lowest
rate during the past decade. Tbe area
in oats was 3',431,36'J acres and the
yield per acre was ltf.8 bushels. This
is only 74 per cent, of the average of
ten years past, which wan ' bushels
and the smallest rate of yield ever re
ported by this office.
The December condition of the grow
ing wheat crop ia returned at 1W.4. This
is lietter than Decemlier returns for two
years past. Along the Atlantic coast a
slight depreciation is noted an the re
sult of the excess of moisture in some
localities, making planting late ami
giving rather small growth before the
advent of freezing weather. In
the Ohio valley the season was
generally favorable for seeding unl
early growth and the plant entered
the winter iuartcr in promisinir con
dition. Some damage was done bv the
llessian ny, especially in early sown
fields. Condition m Missouri and Kan
sas Was variable, local injury from
drought and fly combining to somewhat
reduce State averages.
-. . -
A Mob or Seaeoast Men Visit IheC'lonahlltjr
Hoard of tinardians.
Cokk, .Ian. 11. While a meeting of
hoard of guardians of Clonakility was
in progress a mob of aliout 100 laborers
from the seucoust uul neightairhoods
suddenly broke in upon the lioard
heedless of the remonstrauccN and of
the show of resistance made ly the po
lice, and insisted upon having a hear
ing. The guardians finally consented
to listen to the spokesman of the party.
The latter said that they and their
families were literally starring, and
that they had individually not been
able to earn a shilling' in six months.
They demanded work, and told the
guardians that they were driven to
desperation by the suffering they and
their families endured. The iruardians
promised to do their utmost to relieve
their distress, but their means are
Troops Hampered by a strike.
Oklreichk. N. !., Jan. 12. A freight
strike is on at this point, this lieing the
supply station for the troops now in the
field. While the Government hail charge
of its transfer teams they were paid 5
per day, but on Thursday last two con
tractors appeared on the scene and re
duced the compensation so that the
teamsters would not be able to make
more than S- per day and a well organ
ized strike ensued. Fourteen carloads
of supplies are now on the sidetrack,
and it is evident that the three camps
of troops which are. stationed thirty
miles distant must be running short of
O'Rrlell Hopes For the Hest.
Hurmh-xe-Sur-Mkk, .Ian. 1-. Mr.
William O'Brien denies the truth of any
cable dispatch published in London al
leging that there had been a dispute
between himself and Mr. Dillon. He
said: "He and I have been acting in
concert all along ami will continue to
do so." Mr. O'Brien added that the
only thing he was at liberty to say con
cerning his interview with Mr. McCar
thy and Mr. Sexton was that the con
sultation had strengthened his hope
that a satisfactory conclusion would be
arrived aL
Rashness Depreeatew.
SriiixnriKLli. 111., Jan. 11. It seems
now that the promised attempts by each
party to unseat members of the other in
order to secure a majority of the joint
ballot will probably be held in abey
ance, since if once entered on there is no
knowing- where it would stop. Threats
of the Democratic House to unseat Mc
Ranc has led to a counter threat by the
Republican Senate to unseat Noonan
and others and these are urging their
brethren in the House not to get them
into trouble by any rash measures.
Collision In the KacUsfc ChaaacL
Lokdon. Jan. 11. The steamer Mkl
dlesboro and an unknown foreign brig
were in collision in the middle of the
channel. The bark was badly dam
aged and it is believed that she went
down sooa after the accident with all
hands oa board.
Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. I o. The
House to-day had a heated debate orer
the report of the committee appointed
to ascertain the clerical h?!p aeeded
The report recommeadejl cutting as?
fifty clerks aad was adopted.
Chrvsaathemam dances are the rage
in England just now. At a great ball
ia Birmiagham the other eveainc Mrs.
Herbert Chamberlain was dressed as a
white chrvsaathemum ia a skirt of
white silk, stiffened aad shaded to rap
resent the petal of the lower: boast
of green silk to represent tbestem. with
shaded velvrtleaTasmlltmjoathe white
sldrt. aad head dress of petal formiac
tbe heart of the lower.
A maa shoald be careful whom ha
slsaders. It m impoaaible to sliaf mad
ataman without atmrmof Ucikag-iaf to
his skirta cvea whea ha wears trousers.
A Southern Oregon paper relates that
Miss Sophia lis. of JackaoavflJc who
iaherind a fertnae of tin, from her
father, deedtd the saase to her relatives
User objected to her
a poor man. aad then wedded-the maa
of bereJatnee, who had oalj maaly at
tributes to
Mr fiiiaib "ihrrrlri the exhorter.
"Call far
ia a arafaae war." "T.
- aaickly
are fully aewaadtd that year birr
will he ready far yaa te fare yon reach.
rmm movtHo.
MamaeaaVMi Vmaw a Cmtasaate raw
hhjaiiaa) CTmm flitting tmsm at
Liscolx, Xeh.. Jan. It. The rt
evaaVct of aatlH-rky in the great polk
ami saddle taak aaiee yeMerday after
atsm whea teligiimi were rrcrived ay
a asemarr of the Iegmlatnre and traan
mined to teaeerane Beya aiatinc that aa
lama outbreak wontd take place In the
aarthtra part of the Mate ami aafciay
that alitm at the fremt he placed to rr
peHheatlacIc f kieeraor Ifcwd ordrrrd
AdjataaMsraeral Cole to awke prrpara-
ler the oatbreak, hat CSearrel Cole
to obey, itatiag that he woakt
oaly framtovcn(rThavrr.
of Adjataat-K-neral was at
declared vacaat aad Msm after
Gareraer Koyd apaoiated Gcrn-ral Vic
tor Vlfqaakt to the poaitkm. The Mat
forrra on the fnmtier now have two
c-aamaaders aad U fc impoaaible to tell
whom they will obey.
The Jaaitoraof the State Ilousr and
the audi carrier, Lane, have gone over
to Governor Boyd ami it U said gas and
steam will be turned off Governor
Thayera office.
Yesterday Governor Thayer ielf
tioacd the Supreme Court Ur a writ of
quo warranto to deWrruian the puilkn
of Governor Ittiyd. The court atvnenl
iaformally that no dccUion would lv
matle until next Tuesday
As to the jnrrsrhctin if thr crt in
the premises, tJovernor Thayer asakr
the following statement:
To wboM It mar rtmrrru My rmolthm ;
exactly this. Tlirr- I- a seneral rm irttv.ti
thatMr.Korili not acitianof thWroutitrv;
thst, altlioiiKh lie llr bre fir iuaiif J-tB.
lie ot-s alleKin-r t forvlicn jmrr I
desire this mailer to or trtol brfrr the
Supreme Court, for It l judu-Ul jii-tiou.
If he is a eltUrn it I vrrj-r inaitcr for
hitu to prove the fsct. It he l s Httjtrii liir
fact should be rs'alilialietL Artil 1. .
tion!, of the state Coimtituliou of .bfk
is In the follow Iiic rd l'f-roii in.
'aaasi .
ellglliU- no person shall Ik? eligible to
the office of t"orrur or Ij-utrnm.
tiovemor who liall not liar sltsluol
the aac of 30 vear. and Int-ii fur twro -ar
next prrcetllng hU eleellon a citizen of tin
United Mates and of lliU Matr." tjoiuaa
can not mnke thia proxlalon any lnuiKT.
1 har sworn to support tin Constitution and
it is my duty to pre rut a fsr a l In uiy
KJr a periMin who oae alleaianee to s
forrltni Kovernnieiit Ixxominn .ttrnr of
Nebraska. If the pmprr iribuuul Iuuttt dr.
elde that Mr. Hol la ellaiMo to llc hsUIii.
I will immediately tramtfer tin- rth to hint.
Iamadled by IiIkIi I"al authority that It
is my duty to defend thet'oiiKtltutloi'i
Jmiv t Huti.M.
tlovenwr ltoyd ha nothing to say
about his case, that he know n he i a
citizen, has lieen legally elected nml
qualified and intends to act at all
hazards. He issued a rejidsitii)n for a
prisoner yesterday and -terforiued other
official actv His friends claim that
1 ,Vi'n if "' waK not a legally natnrnlizefl
l -T.l . . ,- : . . - . ?-r . .t
citizen he is nevertheless a citicn of the
United States because he was a clti.en
of the Territory if Nebraska and when
the State was admitted into the I'nion
all its citizens were invested with full
citizenship. Others say that it is the
design of Mr. Boyd to take the oftitt
and keep the case in the courts during
the greater part of his term.
Intense interest is felt in the situa
tion, but all parties remain cool and
are determined that there shall ih
disturbance tending official settlement
of the controversy .
Mr. Powers, the Allianee canilidutc.
took the oath of office at 1 o'clock yes
tcrdaj and it is said that the lej-ifda-tnrc
will recogttie him as Governor
Governor Boyd has been recoifiiized
by all the State oMicers as Governor and
they will report to him.
Thayer has lieeu informed by the Su
preme Court that he is not Governor of
Nebraska, and even it Governor Boyd
is proved ineligible, Lieutenant-Governor
Majors will succeed. But the old
man refuses to retire.
Adjutaut-General Cole was sent for
by Boyd yesterday afternoon and or
dered to disperse the militia assembled
in the State House. "I will take orders
from no one but Thayer," said In.
"Your authority ceases this instant,"
said Boyd, and a written order remov
ing Cole and appointing General Victor
Vifquain was at once made out and
signed. Viftpiain was one of three
men voted medals by Congrevs for
bravery on the field of battle.
The new Adjutant-General sent word
last evening to Captain Khndu, who
commands the squad ef tw-nty in Thay
er's office, that ho must remove his men
from the Capitol building. Khada de-
enncu to remove mem last mgiiL i n
less the3 arc removed early in the morn
ing all will lie arrested as trespassers.
Steam wan turned off at the rooms oc
cupied by Thayer and he is having a
rather chilly time. To-day he will lie
removed by force, if necessary, a he is
using the public building for private
purposes without permission.
Brigadier-General Colby, command
ing the militia in the field, lias recog
nized Governor Boyd's authority and
has telegraphed for instructions.
RsaaissraUssB la Cklll.
New York, Jan. 10. Dispatches were
received yesterday indicating outbreaks
of troublesome times in the rather quiet
and staid country of Chili. Mr. Jeffrey.
of the firm of Flint A, Co., said: "We
hare had several letters and also some
dispatches which give the difficulty
pretty fully. The whole trouble U be
tween the President and the Congrcsa.
The people through the Congress want
some laws made which will tie conces
sions to the lower classes. The 1 'resi
lient refuses to call the Congress tt
gether and does not desire to hare the
lawn made. I suppose the overbrariag
aad tyrannical action of the President
has exasperated the public ami led to
the rumors of an outbreak which you
have liearrh
Taw Cauwth lilanan,
San Francisco. Jan. 10. Herbert 1
Rand, of Carthage. III., recently ap
pointed American Consul to the Caro
line Islands, who is here on his way to
the scene of his duties, haa just received
letters from his brother, who haa been
a mavooaary on tne uuaatu tor sixteen
years, firing aa account of outrage
committed by aativen ia their revolt
against the Spaaianl. The natives
have killed 39 foreigners, iscladiag
niaeteen Spanish soldier. They looted
aad burned the houses of all the mis
sionaries at PoeapL Ker. Mr. Baad
lost his library, worth fl.ea. aad all
ha personal aad hoasehohi effects.
Lo-ttejr, Jan. It. Tha Faastwg t'a
derwritrrs' Association haa urfed the
Germaa Government tn offictally de
clare tbe Elbe closed to aavkratksm.
The atesssers Kfraria. Platsasa aad
Borkam hare heea wrecked ia the ice.
The crews were saved. Other craft
aow ia the river are kt freat daager.
At Haate ami Trieste oa the Aariatk
the storm lafnswUh aaawasad tevarity.
Ia hath ckiea aD the theaters aad other
pltmtrfaaaaaaaeaarcclmdwd the
street cars have stopped raanjaa;. The
bluzardatseaerre that Hat
FoT Scstt, Eaa.. Jan. IB. Last Bight
at lfoeleck Drpasy Sheriff Alien erasre-
a araswacr to tha ceaa'y Jas!
aaw trial to his case w
The Bsiaaaersaa tha JaO, at
Allea watered, dwaaed aat his
Xfwt ami fred twahessfram a rrealv-
m Alkaa's left
tha awar ami
the earht
a m mm aua mmmmmmmmr mumm uu asanas bbbjl. " anaswamsmm uuum ammma annum awanw auaa-. v ammmunt auanan aunm ai . m at ar.
uoa m TNC
as? the
I.tritJ. Nek. Jaa. . Vesterday
waa the Uvelwwt la the hiatery f the
Nehrasha Igialatare aad fnm all r
aearaaees the aad in ant yet. The
troahle started Wiihn iay warn the
body met ia jolai sassism to raavaaa las
vote. As Urwteaaat Wvermw Meskle
joha f a virvd actiac the fane of the
ret eras he waa asawaawd Vy the A1U
aae. aathey kaamsed that the awttltal
should he a Maided aver ay the maaff
of the Iteaae. Tain nalttr attt mpH n
call the hmty wrdsw. hat was ealfesl
lowa by MemWiamm. WraVmt reach
lac J coawlaakan they adarardwaU
Wt tunrnliw
j All the mrs f Kcartwalatire Hall
j were clnarty gwanlrd yesterday aasww
j iajr. ant! none bat arabrn of the Le-g-'
Ulatare. State nwSerr ami peratw hav
ing Uumim-M lasUle were a4mlteL
Cnvwds Ailed the owtWhts.
, The Alllancr mcmbcr hasl taken po-
Nria of the IIouat at 5 clcW In the
HMwaiar- They placed the prahrr ka
the chair and mil a cnUn f aIstat
cnrcaMts-at-arm around him. When
I.tcutcnant-tJovenior Melklcjohn ap
I pmrcd he w twt lKiwtl to mk bU
seat, but he sttil jn frvMit of the Jnrak
' er. ready to call thr joint clm U r
lcr. U4h sll- UjmI ergaiit-at-arMsa
within call and any attempt on either
side to prtn-wd ith the rsiiv of the
I rote would hate piveipitatel a row.
The Independent refttM-d to rjoT
t nife .Metklejohn as prestdlna onterr aad
tho Democrats and Kepublican bisorssl
the lowers of Klder. Finally the thre
parties appointed a rointnittew t ab
nilt t tho jMiprvme t onrt to who
t.lnmld preside at the joint -slon. All
agreed to this.
Thonuuouncc'ncnt of this prlUtn
to the crowd in the corridor clieitrd
cheers that fairly made the In'tlding
tremble. A request wa rnt to Gov
ernor Thayer by .Speaker Klder asking
him to clear the hall. The tjovernor
made a conciliatory speech. aking the
crowd to keep quirt, bwt this only elic
ited tbe jeer of th crowd. The Gov.
ernor then ordered them to dUpenw
The uproar in the corridors afc-alu broke
out, and after contluulng for arveral
minutes a full company of militia and a
cordon of at lice appeared ! the M-rue
and ilrmo the cnwd htw'U frxun the
doom if KeprtM'iitative Hull.
The Supreme I nrt inlervl Kldrr to t
announce the returns o that Uie inati- ,
gtirutioti of State ofuccrs could 1 pn-
eroded witli. When tin- uitilitlaiuus was
served on Sia'nker Khler he refused to
abide bv it ami n haud to hand Unlit en-
sued, in w hii'h the liepuldicans and
Demi !! t.s came tiff t icbirkiu. Tin
Uepuldicaus and IVmocrals then wttli
drew from tho joint convention, leaving
Sicukcr Klder lu ojintrol
lUyd took tho oath of of! ice lit n
notary's office up town
After a Inn;,' and In-Mod discussion it
was finally decided by Senker Khler
that tho returns should lie cauvart.
Aftertho result wasantnunoodShrud-r,
lndoiendoiit. moveil that the joint en
volition declare that ttohodv had Ihhmi
rects-l to nny of the Mate executive
(itlices. A long wrangle onmdt but
Shruder's motion finally carried. To
day tho two houses will moot neparato
ly and take up the contest on1.
toivernor Thaxei still acts us chief
executive and ivftix to ivcgnle
llovd's election
sminiirhrnnii fiiaMaa srrtaei
I'roHtlale ttir Hrlty.
B) ttmf It.
Winmi'Ko. Man., Jnn. !. The akeie
ton of a ton-year-old Victoria Indian ly
ha Im-oh found six miles east of Fort
SnskutclM'wan, standing with it arm
outstretched and the wrist tied to two
trees. Tho ImwIv has liet'ti Identiflrd a
tho son of tho Imlian Itluo Horn, who
went hunting and trappiur w ith hi boy
in the llraver 1 1 ilia near Kort Saskat
chewan last .luae. While looking at
IiIm traa one day. accompanied by thr
boy, lllue Horn told thn latter to re
turn bi camp while he continued tti ex
amine his tr.qst. n the rrttira of
lllue Horn to the ewmp lie
was surprised to find that I lie
hoy had not returned. Tho other In
dians in the camp turned out and
searched for the Niy, but did not find
him. Wstrrday a ha! f-breed from
llcavcr f Jike. namol Charles teh-
nault. found in tho wroU not far from
New lleavor Lake a trail, and almut six
miles east of Fort Saskatchewan the
skeleton of the child.
From tlw situation of the skeleton it
U evident that the boy waa hilled arvl
offered a a sacrifice by some Indians
on a huntinj expedition, a is ttteir cw.
tom. Tlie Imlians had hunif atsmt the
bly piocos if cloth ami trinkets te
secure tho favor of Un (Tod-
KnWt of its HatasMl .
.TRrrr.KSrx Citt, Ms. Jan. ".--Tba
i act tnsi uie trial m rx-itau rraari r
Kd. T. Nolaail haa Issca postponed Ra
ti! tle latter part of April has I wen a
tfencral topic of ermversation amon?
memlsrrs of the Lrris!ature toilay, aavl
from what ia said, there i a ktronjr
sentiment in favor of a leifUlative in
vestigation, to the end that a better
understanding may be reached in re
irard to tbe operation of the law sasVr
which the State Treasury wa mad so
suffer. The Assembly ha fal! yow
Mas. HARft'ao.v think every
should be allowed acsme aettkNl
for her boa hold as mallaa I
sonal expraaea.
Man, $KXAnm KraasrKB
Itcve hi a rrgatar alhya aaa
keefaaff aosouata. She prefer U mt a
low-aian the aaaaeaaaWaeeda ami so
qaaawfea asked:
H as. Jrararr. Fiklb la aaaitiee ia
lowed a refralar laiumf. wwJsoat
she assert, there eaa he aa real
tic com fort.
Maw. ATRarjraVf'4a7aUa;faTXB
skSrrs the qaeataoa one mt rMal
iaace, ami declares that more thaa half
of oar wahappy sawarljaws are the
resnit of this at rV.
Mas. SssATtm 3faafeganwiH
that the fmpts-taaee ef trmsmr a ajfc
wHh a refaJar am. aes VsaVt
af the to liriiaal. ka
to he coanSafcred far a
nie waorasatwas m.
aaaaw Twaw mwwl war aWsrw BBaaaw BBBBBarayay
aaaaamamaaamaaV ammml aafaaaamm SmmV
VarnVBamt mammB gtuaft mmsa
iVawFatl MamsaPsmwl INI waamff
hand eaa better awaawa wit yearly ea-
ssssBSra. raaatsa SMaaamaaaaWtaBaSi
MXa wajr shsmM ha eaamIar4 er
zaacte4 to aak'mar amwawd for every
caHt aae aaettatv vaaaawa Jartv aaaer
. rarser, rua at aaa awasaaa waaawsr
taaastMaiBasv SbBsaaaasaT9
Wet Weather
anp m i as fra ta ' t v-.
s4 mm n s ti - - tv ftf " ...
m 4.. .! k f -ilfr sf'-r- iSt--
4 sSNst-HSU swy. ! ,! t
SJSISW IIiWi"! f V 4t S-f '9' "i rw ,t-
shi ean rtwsi'sa. n .--.i .. .
t v 1 ef t - -
Uw 1mri .. l Mf Ue !
ft M t-Si
K)0 Do On Dollar
n tri sa
ia.- aj rw
Botk ha method ami result when
fyntp of Figs Is taken ; It I rJcaa;
M rr fresh ing to the Ls!et ami m U
rratly yet promptly on Um KkIoov.
Liver am! Ikwe!, c!eAne iht t
temeflrctuallr. dUv-U dUJa, boa t
achat aal fever a ml cures hshitul
c-Ttirtlition. Hvrup of Flfr k th.v
enly rrtne-ly of its k!m! ever tn
dwcVd, pirating to the lattc anil s
reptabSa to the ttontacK, prjt hi
tat actios atnl trulr KrnerkL.t in iu
eflcta, fssrrJ ohW front the nioal
aanhhr audi agratabla auKiUneea.
its many excellent sjtsalittes c'm
men.! it to all ! aava ! it
Urn moat p-makar lwwe-i ktiown.
rsrrup ut Figt h tor tela ia oV)
smu l bottles he ail laraliftgilrtig
ffiata. Any refmhta tlrujnft h
nay not cave it en haiwi ail) jr
ura it ronitljr fr auy ou h
wuhea to try it. Io not accent
CAUFVMii Fie snur ca
tevmnii. t r rtx.
alat sat aat me asatmi sitsHe
prtfaftllmi aaiaa watbet
rtatm aad raw ma attttr
IHastteaiacS. Tse itaiUtli tls .
fhat at tat attt and tatett rmawsl
r . taeraaa artstad tse rtaf
aid at am me la mt diatasery at wfr tetts
hwaad tam faaafp. s4 ail Ut iaaraiieaai
WW ayVw Is lis) fiajflpv m
Mtkly nth BHttrt !
ana i im ittt a raasaawf . aad te te
pratsat aty wtwisf httatta 4'iif4 Ht
aT Ww wPwWHawaH VWw lmssi VmWwa w
llVCtv tor tt KIMKTt tor (t.
tTHIACN. TMtrsstsw, It swat well
aaf kwarssty awws hf Sti a ssva atad
M mat arfaamit at fe itt aettt ate t
ttat, asd M twain aat ffaaWa a ts ri.
tot to tot Syrnwa aasti bat fir II a blsl
aaajdmaf NdeaMefcf srsaal levattir
laprtita. Biataair mt may f BICMLT
Ulk MTTlBt. Asa yaar rsaaitt ftf N.
ritciir ash mnm ct-
mil all aTs COOOTt AH '
? wr wwia awsra
-i wtt-Msaaattia
fnt l tvlk1t U 1-
WALE8 Coodyear,
lb wfrM"iifr'-ti it . isw
lV t?l ft(lll CM. lAf.fta uu. t Aa.. It..
4tlHll IK- Wttriljabjfnt tkwl .!.
ii.i hi iar r- r"' ot-MO i
was At t'ttHKHa, iv-s . . inM,
fri. fmnvt 'sxiattl. 4 ! w
Tuft's Pills
cuib (xnranPATio .
1.2 Lm. TUB) 0LY.
irji- ? tr fMj miT.
aaBBiwahTaasw' asa as I
m amv amwsamj
JX amap BmarJBk amaT
.amamamaai vaw wamamamV
ammmA P- mmK
aVammr U mamBmBmaaaaV
a? SB waaaaaaaaaaamml
waaamm ISjaaaaajmsaaBaaBaamBffam awHtaaawHaar aaaaaama a tfaaaama
Jy ayHHaHB)BBayawmT ""w T WWJWWM W W99w
aajp ataaa. taaaswaaaj f eaaa
aahtatemmaa trtaaia.yawraE4?sw'
amajmmam akaans-ak maiaBwsaBBffi m aaaaaBBBaaaasaavaBaBaB wwauaaBaav-
aaawawB? USfSSSmSSSUSu9
BmaaaBwanBbBm.REBm aafaSmaam
aaBBaaaraiBrmBFi " W'Plaama.-
JiBBlW- W fc,
aaaVaVaftm BBS wmamsaaaam BT
r j
smmmmmtKaHBnmfeS &S&h-t-X2Zl 5 f. irSSt-EaS&gJiSS &8 &rl& SS$gZ&?3&& ttJ&&&r .'fc ?&-U
esss ,-rr iai k li an iiaajai iaj ii iii i vv .-- cv ., jc- . "V: - 5i'ir" 5rr- m - aUi -?na- w c.i? rr',,Tr-' -vw-i'j &: t2W " vu- -. x ,t?jr--?Jxr. r i. -? " --je--oe , r- iw -& zes-r-trst. ?s-.. -r .., - - ,-t &, -w -. -- jt v.wat ots; -z.l - 'jr- -irft. . .wiv---. '---r5.--'J - -fr-- sl.