dibrvK , - J-iJ' m?-'' -,- -. s.- i yi,- 4v "- ,. en?;? ac -J - . -V" "-.- i-i 5 1 i?T!- - , asK jatSAJj" rgf rjaa "3ti,6wWHj3l'fc''i .Jtn JaanBP; -x H r&'i gtzvtitm ww turmngm li liln ' X& K (BPi.-- u Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. wsg1- i-r - -ss--,-r3y. - rJVC3'.tff r'f'&rilvl' 1aw r-ftTSJyKV wm: :"-.wwm"a.TTMHi,n.r' va.gac -3 f . jij; .,. r iEi - . . .. .J T Ei JwajJMBg yr .g. MgBl jaa.c t?"--. - - - JtgBg'B M - " K JT'fTHrmL -? v - " ---,. - "' JMl ' J aaaft.!aaaw7raWMa mWXmSmSBSSJlSSSMud " " ; JrSaiESawr'BeatjaaaiauesBejicsAi yiyK58!W5BK3EilE3g-MB."-aIBKMK3MiSr--J -s? uaUj.njti2aaaaaZJaiaMieBWaua , a M msmp sBjSPBSLEBfcMEMSMTfc. UaUaaaarUpwn EIBSKHBLAAjPHBrT "lUaaaaaaaaaWi BKBDiH . 4 m. caUBUBT asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar MfcMBBftfigjMtrjie.Tf - . "SST mi" m - -. jr-"jinssBBjBBBBSfra' -l t --"t3r'"-'BBaBaB waVjwv h Sana naval V nBaBaBaBaaaaaaK Eaaam HVI aaal aaaus t-BBTwjtBfti i , .ilKgHinSHpJlggagmrgggBB BBj a KHhbaaUYaaVc BB L. aY TgsSaaamBn It -. fSi? By A. C. Hosmer. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, January 16, 189) Vol. 18. No. 25. Now is the Time! t, m. PEN SKANai WILL SELL YOU Watches, Cldfeks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. Rt'puiriiiK a specially. I am ltaled in ClliHg's Drag Slerc, Wot Side WclMtcr SI reel. Call and nee ate before jraa dee!4c to bay. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. 1AH CO.. PAID UPCJP1'Jj1LJ50,000. Take YourMiipllrnlloH to Tlirm, Bcraau you n III Iks dealins lirt-ct wllli the leader aiut not Ilirouli an :it-nt orroiiiniisiKin man. BniiuM' you 5in j;ot the lowest rat. ltnUM you am pet your money Immediately. Itvt'uHM; we do not send your application all over the country for some one else to nil. licrauM we am pive 3-ou the lntsttenns. Se'aiiNetnt'nst and vrlncliiaUs payable at ouroulce, amlir desired we can cive aceoinoda tion on the interest nymenti. llcfnBH you will be pleased with our manner-of business, and save money, save tiaac kivo Hawta Praearc AM. The following letter from Coigrefs min MeKeighan to J. L. Miller, was handei ns for poblieatioo. Liacoln, Neb., Jan. 12, 1891. Dear Sir: Yomr letter it at band, owing to the fact tbat designing per son! are taking adraatage of free transportation, it is not likely that the railroad company will famish fr freight to any county, nntil it is or ganized. Adrise yea to eall aiaet ing of the justices of the peace and list all needy persona at once, so that i wc can get aid through tho state or ganization. I am to meet with the State Relief Committee this afternoon and will do all that I can to get mat ters in shape, but by ail means let Webster county organize at once and canvass the county. Get from each individual a sworn statement of his condition . This is necessary in order to get free transportation for coal or relief of any kind. I will try to get coal free as a special case, bat may not succeed. If the county boarl have not adjourned, you might lay this matter before them. Yours Ac. W. A. McKkiouan. There is no use trying to get around it, there are a great many in Webster county who must have aid and that too, roon. Mr. McKeighan's suggestion is a good one and ought to be acted upon at onee. Caalacaa. 'Written for Ton Cautr. B-wiBeM, all aaalxed witk b4mr. tHrktlr aaaaew. aetata- km. CtaKly.wlta petsistcaee. feUtwai. Leads a aaaa to i aaaeaf that is wertafpaTsatag Moat met safer froai atsjact. Yau Blast an It, press It, farce K. It to Kper joa expect MaayfaU tana lmaalUoa, Many Uroufh shear ladasts, Btaay tarouch preeraaUaaUoa, Many tkroagh their wild ezi lted Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. WANTED IfH and Weaica lo eall at oar tttore aasl all elnases af esaailac aar stack af Mm MM lillffi i. Sow ins Mn HincM, Oraaa, Carnclfi. etc, ar alack mT ITaaertak er OuocIk U complete aad we aay cuacclal atlcatlaa la this breach af the talac COZAD & CO. THE Farmsp ILimilitiF C SDCCESSOKS TO R. A. HANDY. Lumber and Goal Red Cloud, Nebraska. While in attendance at the public installation and free banquet given by the G. A. R'a. Monday evening the Republican reporter aceidently over heard one of th city, editor's remark that he had purposely donned an en larged coat and rest, and then had to go away hungry. Would it not be advisable to procure an extension suit just to be worn on such occa sions. Republican. We don't know just how the lady editress of the Republican knew that Bro. Myeraof the Democrat made sueh an onslaught on the victuals spoken of on the occasion, but we have known bin failing for a long time and Lave begged of him with tears streaming down both sides of our "handsome checks" to not give himself away in such places, and to always conduct himself as if he had been used to plenty. Of course John is lean and it takes lots to fill him up, but that is no reason why his appetite should be so ravenour. After he has learned from experience, as the "Big Injun" has in the last twenty-five years to work for nothing and board himself all things will appear easy. We beseech of yon John to let up. Alpheus D. Brown, has been re warded by the government for faith ful service during the war with a pension of 12 per month. He se cured his pension through Pension Agent Porter of this cty. TnE Chief is always pleased to learn of the sucoecs of any of the "old boys in blue" -who are thus rewarded. It that ever? soldier Noaa will fall who bar aaaWttoa, Noae witk eacrgy aad zeal, Kone with strength of will aad parpose, None who burning ardor feel. Never pleasure mix with baslasw. - FortkeycaaaoCwiHiwtbtoad, When you.SMke the vala endeavor. Business will be at an cad. Strictly, then, attend to business Till that business Is complete. Then indulge la yoer aarasHaeats, And la social pleasures swset. EoGABTaoan. TO WX TALK. Thi Ciuef would be pleased to have come good railroad company build into Red Cloud, this year. Sylvester Day, is now running his feed barn by himself. Mr. Day has a large numberof farmer frienda and is doing a nice business. Young Ed Smith is improving very rapidly we understand, and will be able to be around soon, if there should be no back set. Dr. Moran ville is treating his case at precent Dr. J. Dillard has purchased the Funk property and we understand took possession, of it last Monday. He contemplates moving his livery stable barn near the depot upon it Our citizens hav been -enjoying the snow storm hugely duriuf the first of he week. A anew storm of any consequence is a great rarity fate We belieTe lberc were eao"Kh What is &rotwa VkiMM Castoria is Br. fianwJ Pitcher's feariatia far latitats andCbildrea. ItcaataiasaeitsMrOsaMaiUaaear other Xareetic saWhiaeei. It is a atarnmleaB saawtttata for FariievIraasf SaaOdac 8yrajjs,aa Castar Ofl. It is Pleasaat. Its jaawaatee is thirty years ae ay Millions feveiisbiieas. cures Diarrhoea aasl Wlad CaUc. teethias Castoria aaiiatilates aad bowels, taria is tho Chilaraa's U "Castorisisaa Srca. XotLeaasva of Mathers, faetetia iratrai nTTai nan nasi aTtasa Casteria areveats Taaaitiar Soar Card. CasUrla reMeras traahles, caxas caaattiatisa aaa laralnarr tmaaa leraiates the atsssacai civiasr healthy aasl aatsaal sleea. Cas- Cagtoria. Ctatoria. aaawataaaC Oawaea, H.A. Hili,M.Bw awataxfa saaksa aar af tasar avjarl laim is ttaa iiasaas aiafm Hhrslishi, oaeLBrferdBsetasaa. aredacts.Tst wasta Baa to esaf ttattaa " - - good effect upon tin sa i hilihia." So.0. C "Castoria is the best naaedr for which I an acquainted. Iaopataeaayisast for distant vrhn mothers FTInaaiilii la I ail interest of their children, aad s&eadofthevarioosqnackaearMaswaiCBaia destroying their loved fuorpaiae, soothing syrHp aad otaeraartfal sweats down their throats, thereby ipnaaaturegrave,M Da. 1.1. r.Ark. is our opinion tnat every should be pensioned. If .there is any man on earth who deserves recogni tion at the hands of the people it is the one who bore the brunt of battle that the country might not perish. The government is too tardy in the se matters. We coogratulato oar old friend on his success m securing a timely pension. The boys of Bladen, viz: Latham, Boyd aad Sailor, who broke into the G. A. R. hall of that place were brought to Red Cloud on the 12th, aad after being daly tried before Judge Trunkey, were fined $5 aad costs, aad were committed until sack fine aad costa were paid. The G. A. R. folks became tired of having their hall broken into aad pillaged at the pleasure of aay and all who so desired Sailor was discharged as net guilty. The fines af the other two amounted to over $80 each. Pretty rich fun all for ewe dollar. this section and when one doer come it is hugely enjoyed by our people. Tiik Chief is pleased to note that Treanor Conc,;aon of our worthy friend, Nelson Cone of Guide Rock, has been appointed by the legislature as engrossing clerk of the house. It is a worthy appointment and the young maa is fully qualified to all it. Floyd Reynolds, of Red Cloud, was in the city Monday evening, en route home from St. Francis, where he had been spending the Halidays with his father-in-law. He is cmply ed as tinner in the hardware store of Adam Morhart Red Cloud. Or leans Press. The other day a young lady from Kansas entered one of our prominent stores, and startled thu handsome cleric oy asking mm if "U9 was va cant" meaning we presume if hfe was at leisure. The young maa confiden tially informed our reporter that he wasn't vacant by a darned sight. Dr. John Dillard, formerly of Lex ington, Ky., a permanent member of the American medieai aaauciatioa and now principal stock holder of the Far mers' and Merchants' ba ok of Red Cloud, Neb., is visiting Mr. W. 8. Garber of this city, and stopping at the Merchants' hotel. State JeuraaL Mr. Treamor Cone of tjtia place was so fortunate as to obtain the position f engrossing clerk of the hsusa of representatives at Lincoln, oa its or ganization last Tuesday. It is a good paying oatcc and one for which Mr. Cone ia particularly well fitted. Mr. Coue Is fiaishiag his tern of school in the district west of town. Gaide Rock Signal. Electric dynamos are now asing introduced to famish electric current for telegraph wires, and why weak1 not the same power ha eaVettvo oa telephoac liacs? It is rarely that owe caa taiK wit satisfaction over a tale- pheae line even a short distance af The state legislature hat a eall j or ganised, aad will go down in history as the most peculiar legislature that has ever graced the capital of the great state of Nebraska. The Inde pendents seem to have been afraid that esse oae was layisg is wait to raa is aeold deck" en them aad the jang Hsg between them and the Democrats and Republieana was alike disgrace ful and unwarranted. The people ef Nebraska do not desire any sueh actions oa the part of their represen tatives. Wc do sot blame aay oae party more than another, as all were striving for supremacy and were bound to carry their poiat at all hassards. Meiklejohn president ef the senate and Speaker Elder of the house al most caused s little revolution over who should preside at the joist scssioa Then Elder refused, sa speaker of the house to 'publish the election returns as directed by the constitution aad the supreme court was resorted to, to compel him to do so. It caused a great uproar, hut everything has ap parently adjusted itself at the present writing. Then Governor Thayer called out a company ofmalitiatohold the fort againist Boyd who is holding down th governor's position. While this paper does not go very much on Boyd or his methods of accomplishing his election, we believe Gov. Thayer should have stepped down and out, without causing so much commotion, yet we do not believe that Boyd is entitled to hold the office, if he is not naturalized. In all probability the leg islature will drop his head ia the bas ket at the contest on the 20th, and thereupon declare Powers the govern - Written for Taa Cater) Not mcnU. bu ready actios. Though words.oiay ilras as wvll. Not protalse. hut pertamaar, Tbrouxbocl Um world will tali. Not blossom, hat taa traits. Will chver the tanaer Heart; Not bud. but lb btooaU&c Sower. Its perfusM wiU uajrt. Not dawn, but the f uU suaaabi. Illuminate the vale: It is the aapla sbonti Tbat Kladens hill aad dale. Not hoping, but epeetia. We auy escape tbe sod: Not thinking, but belJwIns. Will lift the soul to iio-. KtxiaaTMoaxa. Red Cloud eaae very near haviag a second gubernatorial crisis ia Red Clnnd. only it is over who shall be county attorney. Judge Wilcox was the retiring attorney, aad claimed that Harry Hopkins had not complied with the law in having his sons ap proved. The probabilities are that the board will scat Mr. Hopkias. a he was the unanimous choice of the people, although there might have been a technicality ia the filing of his bond. fraudulent votes east ia Omaha for Boyd to have elected Powers. Tut Chief wants to see the man that was honestly elected get the office whether it be Boyd, Powers or Richards. laellaa Sews. Sunos, Neb., Dec. 13, 1801. Via Podunk Holler. The latest war news that has attracted the people at this ageney (Sutton) is the fact that "Big-Man-Waoop-Kr- up- for- Harlan Loudlv-last-Fall has surrendered to Chief-Elder-Berry and is now pouring soup into his friends and giving taffy to his enemies. John-Son of the lower Bruel Advertiser tribe has taken charge of the Independent police and is fleeing towards Lincoln to see his "Elder" brother. Great excitement and poor prospect for old Chief-makeup to work himself into "iotfacr com pany." Big-Father-Ashamed-of the Flop, is gettiag restless. Wc look for "Heep-Big-Cliaagc" to come ia immediately. S. F. D. The ureal popularity of Ayer's pills as a cathartic is due no less to their promptness and efficacy than to their coating of sugar and freedom frm any injurious effects. Children take them readily. See Aycr's almanac for this year, just out. Weak eyes and inflamed lids indi cate an impure condition of the blood the best remedy is Ayer's sarsaparilla It vitalizes the blood, regulates the secretions and expels all scrofulous humors from the system. Try it. Price $1 . To sLow ths evil effects of whisky upon the human family wa might just xefsr to the case of Dcsnis O'Harw, sad his partner Pat McCool, who cams to Red Cloud last Saturday and because iatoxicated. ami oa re turning home, when only a few miles from Red Cloud, the cold westher to gether with the over load of whisky, caused them to fall out of theirwagoa aad in the fall, O'Hare received inju ries from being chilled snd otherwiss so that he never rallied, and had it not been for the speedy recovery, of Mc Coel he woald have also joiacd the silent majority. There is a probabil ity ef aa interesting law suit grewiag out of Mr. O flares death. He leaves s family and several children to mourn his sadden and aatimely death. The war-like. Indiana are satisfied now after haviag caused a big rsssses sad the loss of several lives to lay dswa their srsw sad swass into ute resstvstaoa. some sow or other the government should not treat srferiPl ehould ha leaked after five or aix miles. Tim MM. - ! Tee asae, the small jars used is evidently taa weak to help the voice. It has heea varieeslj ssliasslad that there are assay people ia this eaaaty who will weed aid hefete fnafV nw matta aWald hw thar- gMj wruttgatod by those ia alsa- cace, aad if sack is the A number af disreputable women from Hastings came to thu city the lothsr dsy and took pessessioa of s here they proceeded tss allure oar yeengmeu to dssliasiien X agent of the property was aoti fi sd aad he gava them aotiee to ly a ad they lev. this matter lightlj bat make aa ample out af the guilty. om that set at lest for ever this matter of disn outbreaks. cx ssrill 1st- The aew eeaasy Vtard this week by destine Rev. Gro. liam- mcl, chtirmae This will mtk third term ia that position snd wc feel asared that hie effwtts aa chair mau have heeefaUy apprfeiattd. Mr. Mammal is sa txseatisasalj good series pksasad will do heaetj the Home first and the warld afterwards1 should be applied to oar ova eaaaty, aad then some other place. Dr. Pattes, the well knewa pro prietor of the Superior hatrl h.s ren ted the 4th Arraae roeL ia thia Hteiiy and will wja it ..pfer the gener al rueli.-. The lfeeseris a first ekes hotel nsaa and will do a alee Although the iiewe.yetwaatn kicks ia that lias wnlsasbSfihtn .sade ah sa the jdMaJtsf aa. OsrfrtssXotklejsha, late U sssat gsfsiaat is sertaisly a s any fellow and eavsved gl ry ia bis heMle for the tiea. Use- Annual meeting state Board of Agriculture, Liacola, Neb , Jaa. 19, 21-1891, agcats in Nebraska may sell tickets to Liacola, Jaa. 19-21 in clusive, Robert W. Fames, secretary Brownville, Neb. will sign certificates. Annual meeting Nebraska State Fircmens Association, Grand Islaad, Neb. Jaa. 20-22, agents in Nebraska may sell tickets to Graad Islaad Jaa. 28-22 inclusive, Geo. F. Coacoraa, York, Neb., will sign certificates. State Prohibition Coafereac, Lia coln, Neb. Jan. 22-23, ageats ia Neb raska may sell tickets to Liacola Jaa. 19-23 inclusive, R. A. Hawlcy Lia coln, Neb. will sign certificates. Annual meeting Nebraska, Im proved Stock Breeders Association Beatrice, Neb. Feb. 17-19. ageass ia Nebraska may sell tickets to Beatrice Feb. 15-1 9 ioclasive, H. Rc:d, Se'y. Lincoln, Neb. will sign certificates. Annual wiater meetiaf Nebraska State Horticultural society, Lincoln, N?b., Jan. 13-15, inclusive. C. J. Carpenter tcc'y. Fairhury, Neb , will sign certificates. Annual mectiag National Farmers AUiaaae Omaha, Neb., Jaa. 27-28, all agent- may sell tickets to Omaha, Jaa. 24-28 inclusive, August Pest, aec'y, Maaltoa, Ia. will siga certifi cates. For the above occasions passengers paying full fare goiag will be returned at oae third fare on preseatatiee ef certificate sigaed by the proper oflieer efthe meeting on gear aa tec that there has been an attendance ef eae hundred or more wl have paid fall fare en the going trip. A. Cosoteu Agt. EdgUs Spana Liajs hard, soft or calloused loi ssfaea from hurst, wood senna pl'iata, rreeser, riac-booa, Drains, aMawoUea throeaa, SavolSOaraaeof oae bottle, tod the saost woaderf el ererkaewa. Sold by L. at. Deye, snot, Red Oead. it feaMteeaU pa aad bssun- cares. etiJEea, wasveat. A patficnger goisg esrt parehawod s scalpers ticket ia Dearer the ether day, sad started to Ksasss City. Being a Pelaader, he esald sot road Kaglieb, aad whea he get into uVe aaia aad arrived at Oxford, Neh., has eieket raa eat. Be then paid his to Be4 Ilea wacre ao iaaacially sad had to tea charity. The ssslasri aaght to ho otose sd. Itiaa GRAND 1 5 OFF SALE OR A STRAIGHT 20 per cent Reduction. On all Suits. Overcoats, Caps, Underwear, On sums of $5 or more. BBBsaaaajKfc JSsBafn1& ? This sale will last o FEB. 1, 1891: McNitt & Galusha. We invite you to bring us lava 8 PHIS i te WevrtM lathe theft jr rtei ae Meal write) tar est sawtaa. ma- 4 . .aaaaaaaaanaaaaxauai BaaaaaBLaBI BSVaaaaaaaawZ I Blank Books and Stationery also ! C L. COTTING. Jones & Evans, Groceries, Provisions Canned Fruits, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. JL FOBT, Ksesasr. Abmirmeim ! Titles Itemjahed toaH LaastJelsi WeAafitT Coeasiy, A u irately asW OW 8HOBT KOnCK. SaawaV SsafaaaaV Mhaawat fawSBSaaaaWaa SaWSl SBsf Aawa a. tmtftum aalahat" TTLfOasItSaae, Bad Cleasi 3te4v Old Reliable Feed and Sale Stable saaaawi sr ' . -in "'' ' - - ".fcfca waaVkBBBaBBkaBi SUUn sai awaaawaaaaaUjsssawaaawawsagwaaawiaaaawa ' KEoCLoua Nei. - n Oar ffdiiii ihiall sise sMslaVe Sa' " " " s" " -' -a aV - ? "2" s,"r - .r . EMORY i 1 - ,' cr -"".' if1' . tJ. i -r?" rccrSe. - -K-sg. - - . - Z -: 3J$atr, tt .& t r-"ik - hz US- J'17 -i""?vr- . . b . 5 $ ; v ,- JrflGt'Sa -JVJir"wt-&r..-.. .-V - r F.n-x-r- t tt-Tj -s r 9. ,.'ir -. -..' -, r.T?r. -ccv ' j. r . jrr -i-rz,; ...- ,rrr 'hS.M-w .. Jm."JS fcj-l .- i-JK-tj- s- r-ij-T- t7t "!,- , ? .'' y ISft. St. 'l Tl Ci wx;j!j 1!T .at "--.j.--- .. MSaSaiaBsaBB3fc-J'laSH'' JIB mV? IT' 5t6i t -a J-'-E -H- "WiT i'LJ'" Vl&iXt..5 4 .- - mm m -rmm mm ' t . . "c i. -. V. . . t f - IX -J .-T 'j V 'ift. si.?as?i - ( rm - Lrf.,. -3 . ki mi 'tiir - r T-r SoiSibr- 'rir, ,id- w..w-I'-Walii -tj - r-j- .