The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 02, 1891, Image 1

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" Mth
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tASiS , si
8&?if?s v '"
IJy A. C. Hosmer.
McNitt & Galusha,
Want you to
Suits in Men's Sizes before
Boys' and Children's Suits
We sell Underwear Cheaper than anyone in
the city. Our line of "
Is a little nicer than you are used to looking at.
Silk Handkerchiefs of every description
at correct prices.
Now is the Time!
a mi
Rcaairia a apeetalt) . I aaa tacatctl la Catllafrt avrae; Marc,
Wt Mc Wcaeter Street. Call aaa act) aw aefare yaa
,-s --
PAID UP (X4PnJLJ50,000.
tou can get we asea nue.
yoa eaa sjst yoar ateecy lauaediateljr
mm arire vaatha aex
e iatenat aad priedsalls asanas at
m aatae interest jtayssaa.
Ked Cloud, Neb.
SSX&ss. .
SSEsJ? vl -r?"
see their
6.50, 5.Q0, $3.75
For winter wear from $1
Silverware, &c.
ecewae ym pi be dealing direct with Ike lead f
orer the eaaatry fee seaas om be to an.
aad it desiiec weeaasiYe
sure rase, save
Albany, New York.
tea saaa exaaatae smbt C3VMliK they've feaad a geld miat wear fcasV aawag saaahas aawl esssjtam aaaawa aa
II Git fc,Sli,s,2 KCSfoA &&sgSgl
U J UUUIUI, JUHh IMOTTHICTffljILJl .. iMumiOmj ti. ,i. lPlBfjsf: 'BJWb an'l'sjaa fj l&t2 1
aaav.BMaaaaaaB ""sTS2.rt?. a 'tjjjBjaj - .;. . ... -"- .-.. - -- -. ,v-iav. --&'. . ii,-i i j',?c,w.-t,i---.-jM5. -.- st- aamaaaraaMaamaawaaaajaaw i
r. ' ';1'' v.-V-;'JS'T.'ff .'H-i jSPSf .ri'-.-' :--'- ;;,.-l.T-i-; " " i."
" Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
to $16.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agen
Red Cloud.
Miles T. Hayes'
Patent - Collar !
For ale by J. O. BUTLER
Keel Cloud, Buckeye
Hainea. drop.
Jmmm 'nflaaVaaaS
aTbbVbVbT alaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaaaaaaTaWaw Mm
cflaaaaaaaaaaaaaav aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
" BvaaSiFTHSaaaaaa'
-- j Tay8jaaaaa"Mc
?a? amMfcaJBa aaaaaaawaaWaWy
-nrPaaaaV "S
ATBtaCb d tome what ef a practical Jake ca a asHaaaawawaWaa atwaTcawaanaS
THJWXjffrS fellewwhtwaated U harrow ateae ? J "9 mm
afVa S-iLt TgrsTe cja. laiaaaaws apjaa aaartaiaaai''aawaB , ! " ?? a'?rv"-:frirlJf-: awgyr-;,;-- aawMaYljawfaatjO Mm
aasar ms as q vl. es jaT .m c- r . . .l4v? TaaaasBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBaBBBBBBBiaaaaaT - aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa- - - m? r,k .a..K AtaaKSa aakEaaaHaaai caa yMWi- & -k snaaa
3t 3 - -i . ff. i 5f J r to-:r r r- BBrBaaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT' ws. -v -asaajaaaBasasmaasB .-' t VAaaaaai BnannnnnaiBaXjiaaaaaaaaVa
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb, Friday, January 2,
The old jear bait paae4 into MiT
ion, with all its rare, aaxirttM aai
troables, and 1891 has b Wa
withoai a record. The past yoar Jlm
bet one of jey towmmy tmi m jmt tf
Mrrow to others, ytl withal, the jeya
aid fdeaRiircs that it auj have
broaght forth, jet we all ahold he
thankful that we have fccea peraitted
to lire aad breathe the pre aad
adalterated atmosphere of thix woi
derful Nebraska cliaatc. It in tree
that in portion of Nebranla, the
crops hare beca failares but ia other
portioos the crops have been boHtti
fal, jet what is trae of Nebraiiha ii
true of maay other states. The year
will therefore go down the ages ax a
aeaiorabh one aot oalj oa the ac
count of shortages in crops, bat as the
jear that brought forth a great ap
bearal in the political areas. The
floan:ial world has been somewha t de
ranged and the abseicc of this neces
(tarjr commodity has momentarily cur
tailed the exchange of commerce on
as largo a scale as woald have oc
curred had there been plenty of cir
culating medium on hand. Many ac
cidents and other fatalities have taken
place daring the year just gone oat and
thousand and one other thiagsthata
causes man to shudder, aad make him
very thankful that he is still ia the
flesh. Let as hope that 1891 will
bring good crops and abuadaace of
moisture, the restoration of the atoncy
market, fewer accidents and a geaersl
release of all the woes that mrb is
heir to, that the basinets horisoa of
lted Cloud may brighten, and that a
new era of prosperity aad success will
dawn upon oar people. With these
few remarks the Grert Faaily Week-
readers a happy New Year.
vt ita
One thing is certain that the com
ing legislature should be more liberal
with the sharitable iastitutioas of the
state, than its predecessor was. Ia
many instances the state institutions
were handicapped in their efforts to
auiolorute the misery of the aflictod
who come under their oaro. If there
is one thing above another that makes
a state great in the estimation of the
world, it is the care that it gives to
afiicted haaanity within its bor
ders. Money spent that way is not
thrown away, but is spent in a good
and glorious cause. The state talks
of raisiag $500,000 for aa exhihitioa
of its products in the World's Fair,
yet how much more important is it to
look after tho unfortunate f rst, aad
then the World's. Fair. Therefore
the tate should do the right thing ia
the matter of appropriation for charit
able iastitutioas Irst aad thoa raiso
500.000 for the Chicago World's
On the same sabject the State
Journal says: An attack will prob
ably be made during the session of the
legislature npna the 'State charities "
Tne expenditure of menoy ia sobools,
asylams and refora itorics should aot
be looked apon as a pablio charity,
but as a business investment. It is
cheaper and better t maiataia eea
tral asylums for the insaae thaa to
leave this clas of persoas to the inef
ficient eare of the counties. Jt Is
cheaper to educate the bliaa aad tie
deaf aad the daab than to alltw one
half of them U grew ap ia a life tf
idleacss aad misery. It is cheaper to
reform ieatTrigjble veaths ia the iav
aastrisl scheola tha to maintain thea
ia the psnitcatiary whea they grew te
manhood. It is cheaper tetraia the
feeble miaded ap to a coaditiea tf
self eDpnott thaa to allow the U he
tome public charge threagh all their
lives. Aad so tn threagh the lit.
As a business propositioa it ia heistr
U provide for a vigorous system ef
state tdaeatieaal aad rertcmaterj ta
slitatita thaa to leave the week a he
alJF tal'y and aia
teat hy wdividaalo ami ear
ptlttieal divieieea. Thai the weak
ahoaM he dene ia a prepttitiosi rs
airias; ao dtatte,
- A feUew the saaee JaV nlaesal a
It it most important, at this jaac
tarc that tht results of a liberal vie
terj should he perfectly andersteod.
ttrtae trst plaee,vthe ltheral pertj are
aaeaifteally committed to the pritt
eipleef aarestrieted recipncity with
the Uaited Sutes, providing there is
aa csptetatioa that saeh a propositioa
will he acceded to. Kceiprocity im
plies a perfect and unrestricted rx
ehaagc of every aataral product and
every maaafavtured article, the effect
of which woald be that commerce
ahall be as aarestrieted aloag the
whole foar tkousaad miles of border
liac as it is aow betweea the states ef
the Uaioa of the provinces of the Do
minioa. The consequences of th
obliteration of the commercial barrier
will be that the area of the trade of
the United States eould be doubled;
while, inasmuch as an enormous de
vclopement would follow in Canada
from the opcu market which would
thus be afforded in this country, the
volume of trade woald increase ia the
same manner, with the same rapidity,
aad with the proft as it increased
with the opening of the western
states. It will rest largely with the
Americans themselves to share in the
profits of this development, as they
already are largely in the individual
possession of lands, timber limits and
mineral locations in Canada. These
they eould further increase for hy the
liberality of the laws they oan possess
themselves, by purchase, of any prop
erty that promises a large return un
der the changed circumstances. Free
raw material from all parts of the Do
minion, greatly aeeded to cheapen
maaafaetarea for export, produced at
r. . o-v -a -
selves, aad by the necessary develop
ment affording them a market for
American manufactures, is a result
the value of whieh surely no one csa
aestiia, as growing out or a recipro
cal arrangement between the two
coaatries, at ao eest of political dis.
tarbaaee to either. Kraatu Wimsa
ia North Aaerivaa Review for Janu-
3Ir. Cone of Guide Rock, u school
tcachvr, was brought to lied Cioad
oa last Saturday, charged with a too
severs paaishment of a pupil. He
was discharged as not guilty. Child
ren are tender now a davs, and the
school teachers arc arrested and
threateaed with dire vcesrcatiee for
whippiag a refractory papil, but ia
the good old days, when the "Big In-
jua' went to the "decs trial" school,
it was aot aa aticoataoa thing for a
teaehtr to kaook down aad mop the
floor with a bad papil and it was all
right, aad when the papil .went home
instead of getting sympathy he re
ceived the second flogging for haviag
been whipped at school. A vsst
difercace then aud now. Spare the
rod. and spoil the child.
Lathe Boyd, Peter Sailor, and Wa.
Snyder, of Bladen were arrested and
brought to the county sest on charge
of bnakinr; into the G. A. R. hall at
that place. It seems ihst the hove
had had a dance ia the- hall and hired
the janitor te light it up, aying
aothing aheat the priee to le paid.
He charged them $1.00. This they
refased to pay aad he locked their or
gaa ia the hall aad woald But let
them have t. The beys by some
metaa catered the hall aad tetk the
trgaa cat, aad ia cvetcaaeact were
arretted. Their rate was coatiaaed
aatil Jan. IS, before Jadgt Traakey.
Q- M. Plamh, who hat been edit
ing the Med Clead Repablicaa, tatea-
aiUy a repablicaa paper, has deserted i
tht party aad hit newspaper at the
saawe time aad will jtta G. Jt. GiBtaa
Mtpsjhjishiaf eUXew BepaW
Ht, a pffshihst:a trgaa at Liattla.
WhM will atetantef tht Red dead
aaa hcea eerf
at aaa aetata aava
tfcaafl a it mm
the Price of The Chief.
Mr Weleett Lat jot received
aews of the desth ef her sifter Mrs.
Fuller, age about 7 at Verawat.
Mis. W. has the Under ay apathy tf
her frirndV. '
The M. K. SamUy sabtej latere
ting service ia their chare i en Christ
mas eve. Music, reeitatieat est.,
filed the early part ef the evening.
A erosa 1 at Uttt rrscted instead of a
tree, and the dUtrihation of the pre,
cut hanging from the cross, r
placed aaderaeath il, "was spirited
aad excit:ng.
The Coiigregatioualita had a sort
of family gathering for dinner on
Christmas day. It was intruded to
include all the families reprvceatcd
in the hurch and Sunday school,
and although some few had made
Micir arrangements, a large numiier
gathered, and had a most excellent
dinner, good music, and a very enjoy
able season of good cheer and christ
ian fellowship, a regular eoagrega
tional iovefeasl to he long remem
bered. . W. II.
Good by old jesr.
Mrs. A. V. Johnson and Lea Bur
nett arc on the sick list.
A full turn out vbh reported at the
Plain View Chrislmus tree.
The alliance of Harmony gave a
sirc viuri;iiu4s aner ai tie Har
mony school house.
h. II. Ar.'hcr and wife of (Hell,
arc spending the holidays with her
parent Mr. and Mrs. A. Caaffaan.
Miss Minnie Cauffmaa rctaraed
home after several months visit wittj
her sister ia Odell Neb.,
;A.'t fc!L4?rtlHtff twit tyfe
them the inittca(s) Christmas eve.
Mr. l'robasco is speeding the
Holiday vacation at his home in
Blue Hill and Miss Lialy with hr?
parents in Kansas,
The young men who stole the
organ from the G. A. R. hall are
liable to get themselves into trouble
as it is not business vlo ft other peo
ples locks with keys, sorry to see the
loys in trouble but it will probsbly
teach them a lesson. S .
Pope Bros, sre getting their store
in shspe and when coaplcted will
have one of the nicest stores ia Red
Cioad. They are mea who arc thorough
ruatlcr after trade. Those sre the
men who wia. They will have tne of
the largest stocks of goods in the val
ley. A few necks ago Tiik Cmir had
an item about holding revival servi
ces ia a certan place which we raggest
cd that as it was a strong democratic
town the result of the aext elcctioa
woald show if any tf the brethren
were soaadly ooaverted. This pro
voked the editors of aa cxehaage to
ask the question, 'can a democrat W
a christian?" Well, brother, it is a
little doubtful uader ordinary cirenm
stances. Some of them may get into
heaven and -'tread the pearly streets
of the New Jerusalem," hot it will
only he through the kindness tf geed
oid l'cter who is sappeeed to he the
gaardian at the gates. Tub Caiar
believes ia the doctrine that whea a
maa is staadly converted the fact
that he has catered apta a new life
will acsbewa by b daily walk aad
etaversation. Wc may err ia jadg
acat, hat acctrdiaf te tht htt ssghi
at hart wt believe that ia eeitr !
he a f all fledged chrittiaa a aaa awaat
he aeecessorily he a seaad repahli
tea. Aad wt have araisraiit aatlv
trity fee thisriht here ia Red Chad
Oat ef the leading aemssrats ia this
city, whea he heard ehat amstshsref
his party had precattd csattrsitfj,
aid: "Xcw je felltw taiak yta
aevepUjcd k U im
Mrm waavflf fawfavaawaVw Aaaa
nttsf dear thr tditer tf
Whsf is
II It rioawaat. Ita
MUlleaa eMetaera.
tottalaa; trwahtsja.
aawelav arlvlaa; ataMay
tweia Is the Ckllarwa'a
Uiaraam aaat Wlatl CaMw. Caaaiiwa nlaaww)
aaalamitetta the lawtl, tigalalu law) awajwMaaa
. . , .. .. . 1. . . -.- ' ' m i
rArZTTHmmwt,m i n ! 1 1 in ii an ami
aanaasl taflaaafl ataaaat aJnanW akaisasaa a.
flfaaa waaans avmataas aawaar aaaaawaam. aaaaaaTaa aaa aaaa.
a.Q.c,fnMiii at a. taaam U. a.
Lvanam HlBcatwBassaajakaVV
Oaaariatoib.uiMaiyrwaaaaaaf "OavsjaeamaseastM aaaaaei eaasit
akatmr.j-)BU4. I Sap a ear Is art sssat asaa asaaaa atSBtJ t taa aasanV
rrairtaMtwi4iveiaaaaBWSaBial aaat a Base asaata BawawiaaiCmsssts.
Bmmdw4rmrmmrmwmmmmmmVmmm9 aaVaatA wVaffM wm M mWtmm m rmfmUtt
WmWfwRIt ItaflT Infjtaf tsfjaaa aVtVavafwawsawVtj pWawaWawflanTrtVWaav awMA
wai towa taHr tliwawv aasaessmlae awavaaaBB."
flfJCCEwftwU Tw HACaaKal es
Canned Fruits,
Red Cloud,
FanueFia Lambeaf Co
Red Cloud, -
X. a Acalnr. lactarer of the XsAfcsaal
Farar' Alliance, has satemt the Mat
of authors and bow offers to th swbae a
Wook Mtttied -The fUildknf tlieSaiWt."
The first ariittoa of the nanhT heakast
Ijaoa cosnnWted by hta tniHIiahera. It fas
a hafMkue bonk of aoase UM ertafa sav
sjaa. boRl in f ss muUn. hesf nsnroeee
and library. bveriatT an issseeaaaf tike
stem aad RirstcrkMa KUtkii.
looks stomUly acroas tWAfriaaa
and alco orsstalmi
uie stem (arnrisf or tat aet
tank seuaiime tobeof aWatt
value. Mr. Aatiby it haewa wsdefjr hi
aMc aaat oteer statee aaa
asaaker s7 furt aad vhsor. ai
every toiae k aumsthiaaef has
aswy. ne
ef the leva Ft
aad the area thsae tea asma
towa AJkaana dates fresa has
est it tana
asj the teatea af wlSsa tat aaaa
aa aaaa from the saaaawaiat ef
wmaraaUy "trae to
Jkor. TM)
Vol 18. No. 23.
gaaraaHii la lalHf fwMaf ansa lay
cu Mxrouawmm
IAaUhawS. '---:
anuVaaaaaam haaalaaa flflfejB4naaaaaaaaaaauE
and Goal
- - Nebnska.
Tht ! erterly teavsatUa sf
the Wekater cae4r W. & T 11
held at RUdea hVc. K aad )? M
there were a eeeehrrs fw shf m4,
the aeetie$ were iattreetias; sad
prefltoUa. The teheef tUMt f
totee aad the fsairU flfm G4
Ttapiara famiahsd aesse Mrtlkst
aiajM- Rcpertt wtf fteeived 1m
aha awitas, tat toyaf Up; s u
tftal aadpriNi wrrh, asela! parity
hifedily eed health mmA f4
itliiii. TIal)storiakeMr'wee
I " fPwaf J9VaaraW awpavT WW btwswIJ'ww
Wawaasa nMat aaaam aaiaakawawaWaWaaawafll T WaaJ a
aFWPas aaarv awaavas emBsmaiBBBaTaarvBBBTai armra
that tree to
laW aMaaVaVawaflrft
Oa anaaai eftae lah Pm.
"0s s wf9Jw ValflMaaWsFap Wmw sw) prffsf 0
'f '
I -.
aaaTsaTaXaawSaar'af i fniit ixi , J .j
t,aaa aaaaeaaasassjswas tttttuSZ
aa aaaa aasaaasssamae as a answams)'-'
Wm3tm9A9B&Jt1 ewawawjassssamv
Tflaaap wawaa eawawawawaaa aasaawawawawEnmaa awaVvaaVraV aaw
Wmmmwfmammmmmmmu-mmm mmm mmmr g
waal aajaJaMiB BMbW net awaaaTaf Jtaf
aaajaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaBeasecaasm sm'
4WQtUmmmwmwuSnumBmw mi
aaaaaaw "-aesnaa amsslB. F "
cflnsfltPaaaa)aajnwljaws -'
aaaveanaai-'-'- - - ': '' .i-- - e -. .
mjm vSMmnVaaBaaaSsaBaeaBlBnSnanafea.
oTri' jwaawmjaaaaaWBaTeaaiaHawaw
': -U '' ff ., "'5iij- 'a saiBaaaaaal
- "I