A HEAKTT iiMniMM - I -v.- " -.v- jy : - ' -a-- - TS r"""- , . . . . , sa-. .. j n -.. -.- "" -j www i.ni- ,-- i mMymf- g. , ' ' 1 VII 1111 m " VP."""P f - nWHIMIM WW B - B?' . niu.ii uwwi. nwiH. mr man iiwim ! m rtt' m'iiiiMiif -L-1---; --,--.,.- ? -t.r. -- - . ,HWinwjiaia,.awAB i r y aw tvvbbvv - t ..,- vKVKmu'B.-'Br. .. .. ' sav a -" -- mm. S.MJ f . A ' -tf ' OKicr tkst Ckrte,i it Fr flisk. I'PAkeKUIaietM1 'Setter mT' '3 yatweiA'y.tlie M 0"T' WHUTHM' ,Mt MM 'iKtle On'y ex ttaw ker creepla' lid mos'here. ."un to wis-n uz " " r" . . ' MMA fr Alflbt n' I f-cc that pawurboi otfaeredte'd Mch u n be a changed the subjic it the Mj wuzChris"musUay; ycrlocVcy- atellin' coastant whmt the etter An- it' nadc JSl al eaa I hato't got T.ll at iSx'i couldn't sUnd it, aa' the day afore I sxa2 2l awful qaiet' x tBlc the. keer" rir daown to the great big city, Jiat packed ua'Rorged with folks. The hull Hiti- of um happy aa' laagkla' M tnakitf jokes. ! wrac to n aohlc bulldln' with popeora attHBg inttritiR. n' l-'fe' tin horns an' go-carta an' keers aa' drum-, an' thin'H. -ic feller wuzn't haughty-proud, but 'ud haat an' Mirt nn' pull: tflUid out thirty shlllia' an' Byamtwu bilin'full. c tttcr. I Kot ,)ack lmm ln thc evnm the hso-JM' wii7. dark an' htill, nt tlie moon v uz a rlsin' nolc over to old Tag I pecked "P M)ft to Joe's room an' slid the latch cm the door. Warn Ipitea jump an' my packln's weBt flyia' to thc tloor: Fcr there u pa astamlin' in front of a painted Med, An' we heenl a hoot, an' there wuz Joe asquat- tm" up tn lied. lc ?io a jump an' landed, an' I thought my Ivnes "U'l brecU, in: .vk a JCMr and ixded. Kz I Jelt two tlizht arms glvin' a bear-hug 'raound my neck. Sech a time ez we bad seen hollerin'! you could hear us far an' near I'll netr have a better if I live till bunderd j ear. Ob, neighbors: don't lc stingy when it comes toCliris"inuday: Itc clus tin- hull year thro', but th'n put savia thoughts away It'b haf cue liearty laugbin' time aa' let the rouble RO Fcrgit jour ockit Ikmcs an give your hearts a ha"ce toRruiv! rioreucc E. Pratt, in Judge. HOMAIN'S LEGACY. His Christmas Present to Blake and Her Children. Mrs. NLY two days until Christmas! 11 o w different this will be from the one I looked forward to this year!" thought Mr. Bomain as h e restlessly paced the wide porch of his handsome home. "How pleasant the air is as i W o iVrfP S-&) warm and balmy as spring! Exquisite, if one had someone to enjoy it with; but I'm lone some, l'oor Tom! How I hoped to see you aain, to tell you that thefaultwas mi no in that quarrel; and you arp dead buried only last week, they tell me and I am back in Old Virginia, with ecr a child or a chick to bid me wel come." "I)ood-mornin Mister Man; will you please turn to ye nauction?' As theso words fell on his ear, Mr. Komatn turned and saw two little chil dren standing on tho stops, a chicken held tightly under the arm of one of tbem. Tuey were pretty children, too aboy and a girl, exactly the same size. Uloade curls crowned each shining head; brown eyes, with long, curling lashes, looked frankly out from under straight, clear cut eyebrows, and two little pug noses turned up merrily from tho little rosy mouths that were always smiling be neath. No, not always; for there was a frightened little quiver about them now, as their owners looked up timidly at thc stern, handsome man who was so earnestly regarding them. "Come to your what?' repeated Mr. Komain. "To our nauction,' the boy explained "Papa's gone to Heaven, and wes goin' to havo a nauction; it's to det money, you see; we's goin to sell all our sings. Mamma says ye more ye folkes come, ye more wo'll det money; and if dcre's enoueh, wo's not goin to sell my wockin horse, lse dot Pickie, dis here chickie, feafe mo and Rosy take turns holdln MIL KOMAIX TUBXr.D AXD CHILPKEX. SAW TWO her but we tan't bole ye horse, we'lldonow. Id "Did your mamma send joa?" asked Mr. Bomain. nfa nrk cVtci'c flwl mv m &nm U, UV. .M.W. .., Wi ght we'd help ask folkes. Mr. Man." 'And smiling in a friendly but self- gntened fashion, the ckUdrea down the walk. As their little vanished, Uncle Peter cajte areuri'tke house. "Who are those childrM, tattle? " queried Mr. Bomain, gaziaf: after thee. "Dejs po' Maesa Blake chill apt, ask. Yo 'members Ijoleyee bowMaseaTeei done die Us week : well dey's kf twlaaT : : weu aey-s bm awiaa. aeamlons bow. MJm1 JJey do say it's Blake's belm sign a note far aiaUMtaa, aaMM eaa'rl pay, an dey is ter.be ajaactfem dee te' morrow, sn Massa TeaVaet dead a week ITriiiim lH p r f-rj wsbw Hta GffKP&2S " " 'S mM v. Otft ( ffiWS? Jn yt.scaseljr. TeXles: I" . KSMiS2il rel with Tefa . a v !!" - iiajr.ae aaa raceiMd. -' - m - - -1-- -T' irranr;eamawWm, U Eateieto take ref iltm estate left hlav and yesterday he'had reaoJMdaosMfor the trst ttaM siaee kk hsnied depart- - -" ' x -: l .was jsst bia.fmimr Hlei tke.world tker.lM'seeiiow?! Jeel like, a wanSa.tWt0eeaafiB4 4onely. Uow enthaslisticr'TMji ia4 I were then! bow dees MemtsVlp wasl x ' : .. . "&f Tf And taking up uldMtr.liew laugh burst from his Iifsee be MedVim witty alluaioas to aaallresai ?u Avery dilereat look same aitotkia &.". face as he glanced dowavftke nas M xaeaext letter wblea mtkUeye,aad rw ; y v e "Mr Oeab Fkuaw: After -all. I Sad Y i ieayoiataMaey. I hart m and he to wUliag e grmKir I eww rana. iSMtMke mast save yeerfcwne. Bw tocsalaader that leas. IlalakMC m tett yea a aecret, wmnli I Imaw'ilKRWjmmsr theaaldadjetaiag: '"" - "la tea years I hope to hare nosey to open my smiaiag land; awMtlae ril use my Meadow Farm to nave year heme, aad yoa can repay me before the mortgage falls dae. I had tateaded to settle Tooth farms on Nellie as sooaaswe were married; so if aay thing happeas to me.' my deer hey, you may consider Nellie aad her iaterests year legacy from r - "YoBrsaserer, Tom." "To tb.lnk I threw away a friendship like that? almost groaned Mr. Bomain, sake lswt own the paper. Then a sud den thought struck him, and he hastily rang the bell. "Uacle Peter," he said, "who owns wkat ,used to be Mr. Tom Blake's .MesdVwfrarm?' OId ,tr. Brown, sah; he got power ful rick en dat farm. Yo see, sah, hit's got a coalnnine in it Ob, yes, sab, he's rich. $ "And' Tom mortgaged that land to save myxoid home, thought Mr. Bo main, sorrowfully. "I wonder if it could be that the check I seat from En gland did net get to bim in time? t In any case he's dead, aad Nellie aad'tbe children penniless, snd " glsnsfng-at' the letter again legacy to mil "An auction almost at Christmas eve! Why, it seems fairly barbarous, thought Mr. Bomain, indignantly, as he entered what had been the pleasant home of his friend Tom, and was so soon to be left desolate uader the hands of tho auctioneer It was early in the day, but already the house was filled with neighbors who had come from miles around to at tend the sale; and as Mr. Bomain moved among them his eaks were constantly greeted with remarkska the foolishness of "signin for people." m Sick at heart, he entered the little kitchen back of the house, which was as yet unocenpied, save by Mrs. Blake's' fsltbful old colored cook, Aunt- llsncy. She was sitting oa ai? split-bottomed chair, rocking herself to and" fro and occasionally wiping her eyes with' her blue-checked apron. "Where is your mistress, auntie? Mr. Bomain askod. There was a kindly ring in his voice that unlocked the old woman's bur dened heart, and she sobbod aloud as she answered: "Ob, massa, she dono took do chill uns, an gon' to her cousin's Miss Rachel. It jest broko my po' ole heart to see 'em go! But Miss' lilake say she couldn't stand it here, an doy havo to go soon sure. Po' things! only de good Lord know what's to come of dem, she say." "Ob, massa, hit's awful hard on missis, dis is. Sho went all over de bouse dis mornin tryin to say good bye to it. De little ones a-clingin to her ken' a nickin ud thins. . 'Mamma. dey won't-talcs my wockia'-horsowill fc dey?' 'Mamma, will de nauction m det my little chair?' dey ask. Missis tried to hoi'- back de tears an' speak chirk to dem chilluns, but when sho come to her own room she say: stay out here, darlings; mamma You wants to go in here alone.' I took do chilluns, but presently! ieek in do room, an dore was my po' missis, a kneelin' 'fore massa's big arm-chair, wid her head a lyin' oa de big family Bible dat she'd put on de chair; she, had .her arms around dat, an' she was cryin' softly. " Oh, my husband!' she whispered over and over, an den she say: r " A fader to de faderless, a husband ' "HE TALK A HEAP O MR. ROMAIS.1 to de widow. Dear Lord, let dis cup pass from me. - "I shet de de' den. By'm by ska eeme out, all white aa' trembll'n, but she tried to smile oa de chilluns as she led dem.dowa the walk. ' "Dose po' little thiags! Rosy was huggin' ker rag doll aa tryin to kide it nnder her spun, aa Bomala was totia Pickie, de chicken dost in ke arms. 'De aanctioa maa caa't take mamma's chilluns, aa' so he caa't take oars.' deyd keeassyia. , . l I "Bomsiar reneated ker eisitof. ' - i "Yes,ah. Bomaia; dat's for a fries1 of Massa Tom's. Msssa aot see him for years, but he talk a heap o Mr. Bomain." "Thank God! Tom forgave me," whis pered Mr. Remain, as he left tke kitekea ia response to tke kasiaess-like toaes of the auctioneer that now rang oat clear sad cold asTie begaa ofeMaxflM'Tnorl zuraitare. r Great was tke iadigaatioa of one spin ster wkea the first bid of a tall, hand some stranger carried the price far be yond tkeaum ska had mental decided on, aadhesecBredHwithoatopnoalfsefi, Her feeliags were seea .shared ky. most of thoM preeeat, for a similar scobs took place over almost every articleoteredforsale, from Mrs. Blake's alaae to Romaia's iockiaf-korse. Tke straager outbid every oae,'aad was sooa sole pessessor. He even became tke ewasr of the farm aad stack, taeoaly active 'rHaaragstmit aim keiaf tke 'reawseatativ ef -Mr. Jkwwmfsrtke tekl ad jeiaiag aiseeslr Mr. Brewa kadaaiexaseted te meet with aay oasMitisa, sad s aad set tke limitamrsaiMMUaWawaa toaayata vary moaarats mgate. This Mr. Mtke of the sale, Mr. far alsy,awaaM take !JLJt anakLIoe it TMS.smt tke Mwtr mtflaJ wrJl - iSETJzzTTi iJ i3S wmmmi immm teiimihfn. TkMnMiMlr lHfwr rMYamBBVw Vast -T - -3t V t warn amBvsasmmmmafie j3l aw rasmarai 1 iiimisasm siawami n 1 wrrgsawmwmmmmWTTTan 1 tr t ?sim.ts ts obligation. property werereMfrassm A m- . "-- -i wen, aiierseeiag Mr. Komaia hastened te ike kitekea. "Go for.yww aUstress, saaU be Mid, ''am) ask ;ker:'te; fleaw kriag the childrea aad come bask at oaea. There ktmsitsafNi; fu, $ When AWtKancy delivered this mes sage, a few misstes lster, to Mrs. Blake, she was greattjBrarlsed; bat, with the patience bora deep ssfTer iag, she at once 5alld.me child rea to accompany her, aadweBt,,kome, won dering, as she walked aleag, how she wm to endure the.alfowy saaeiag kef home despoiled ef Ua lrsMars.v She had draasW'Oe akjkt ef . wagoas and pcople,.msTlsg ker'geeia) aa as she entered the gate,- was Mtsskhed to so ona, OalyJUUo. the osdaor. Ur Imskinr is ake Ustrava U ika aettiaw (sun, and ksaaase sp toVsjailTtkem. The childrasraa feyfalljaytke walk, and at the s sight of the4 rssms. when they entered,-;eried,glsfsIly:-"Wby, mamma, may be ieK wasn't ao nsuc tionP v Mrs. Blako gave herself no time to think, but hastened from one room te another, seeking the lawyers, until shs came to her own room. How pretty and homelike it still looked! -There was her husband's big arm-chair, still drawn up to the tsble, just as she bad left it; the family Bible still lay on its seat, but on it lay some thing she had not left there, and as she picked it up she read her own namo on tbelbig envelor. With fingers trem bling so she couldhardly use them, she tor it open snd read: 'JfrDEAK Mas. 'Blake: When you read thc inclosed letter, written twelve years ago, by my friend and your hutbasd. I thtak yoa will not deny it is my right U five you the inclosed dckfbetc, securing to yoa your home. He gawafrte mine. "i JTnd Mr. Brown hurried this Kale to secure the; land adjacent to his coalmine. It is very valuable, 3tt"d la a few years will make you "rich. "And now, my dear frleaC to morrow can not be to you a Merry Christmas, but with braTeheerfulnessIhopeyou will make it to your children not an unhappy one. I am -Very slncetelr yoar Mead, aa I was your US totl fell wb by 1 am w- mal goi 1 pul Jiisl n.l An I -- tv. -r -w . -r - ' i -r msssmawmawmmr BBBBBBBBraaamammL . hi awsiBmBwmBwmBwsrmaaai xsaa awmsaasassasmm ami w .caaaw amsm atasmam pbmw ai maw-asar amass- sammmasammv asm mm ma sm am sm. Za. smawma sm j- . -" w '-- ;- I mams WVVK H VY MM ! - -.. --" Hv.l.A ' If am -- - " . - . .... - ". ' mBMBT,.. Am TV' A ..V aammai -. 3 dsw aa mV lTamketk, If. J. ware diggfmfS vaalt ia a lei aear the "Old Taadhmj." ntsskslk eresk, asm tke bead tarn ketVsMwUeewa. Tkemea said it to Bsary Miller fsrstrile, ami Wm9 aV"jFsw mwP)swf aB ammav aavwmmaaMmf' eWs MilUr tied ktto tke hell, sad was la daesdtobeUevetaatU ooamiasd geld kyito yslkw'sppsafMci. So ke aad seme fragmeats totted ky Mveral jewel er is Elizabeth, aad mack to hfsde light they alTsalm tke metarceataiaed a large pereeatage of geld. If tke tes timony of these msa caa be relied upoa Mr. Millsr kas a treassre, for the bell weighs aboat forty petted. Mr. Miller is aday laborer with a large family, aad such sa aaexpected fortuae would ke peculiarly scceetsble. Tke bell is S iackM ia eiresmfereace at tke base aad tapers ia leag, gracef al carves to tke top, wkkk is feartoea iackM high. To this top is sflxed ths crowa by which the bell was swuag. The crowa is shout three laches across, two inches high, sad three-fourths of aa iach ia tbickaess. In shape it is s coro net with three apertures for fastening it to a beam. About three inches shove the rim of the bell runs this inscription, la half-lack relief letters: 4 9 SOI DE KANCICO DARTIAGA. : The inscription does not quite make the circuit of the bell, aad the space be tween the two ends is ornamented with little diagonal figures, which to Mr. Miller suggested the Jtevr de lit of France, but they seemed too regular in shape for this design. A plain part of the bell is ornamented in the same man ner. There is no date, but the bell is discolored and seems to be eaten by its long burial. The scholarship of Eliza beth has been unable to decipher the inscription, and as there was never a b convent or similar institution situated near the place where the rel to was un earthed it is a natural conclusion of the owner that in case it contains precious metals it is part of a buried treasure. It seems probable that the bell onco nged to a Portuguese monastery. e scholar is encouraged in this be- ty the fact tbat several hundred n worth of banish doubloons were ral years ago found in the Sound tho mouth of the creek on whose the bell was discovered. Mr. rwas first persuaded that there Jrecious metal in the bell by his Joseph Metzner, who is a molder o foundry or Moore Brothers and some knowledgo of metallurgy. roperty on which the bell was dls- ed belongs to a Mr. Forsyth. -2. men, RAPPING AN ELEPHANT. rlas-maatlaa Advaatarela tfca Wilds rAXea. nt and motionless, quits hidden in arkness. steed the huge form of an ull elephant, one of whose, tusks en damaged in his youth snd bad e totally decayed, ins head was forward in order to rest his one tor tusk upoa the ground, bis loosely coiled between his fore was also resting on the ground, his grest ragged ears flapped odically in vain' endeavor to shake e myriads of mosquitoes that per tly hovered around bis head. Sud the forest was lit up by a most flash of lightning, followed an in afterward by a crashing peal of der. The elephant raised his head a startled jerk, his huge limbs ing with fear. most before the rumbling echoes of thunder had died away, the rain, .bad been threatening for so many fell .in torrents. Flashes of tning succeeded each other so rapid- au the attendant peals of thunder converted into one continuous and the violence of the wind soon eased to a veritable tornado a leal hurricane. were blown down and uprooted 11 sides. The terrified elephant re ed for some time motionless with ', but ss the tempest continued, the ster became suddenly panic-strickon. charged madly through the denM t, stumbling and falling over the nks of unrooted trees in ais endeav to gain some open patch where thore id he no danger of being crushed by falling timber. ddenly, in the midst of a mad rush, elepbaat sank to the ground with a p squeal of pain. The poor brute severed the vines tbat supported of the trans tbat had been arranged previous day, and a heavily-weighte'd ar was plunged between his shoul- ror some moments ho rsmsined Itionless, then the great body rollcl ply from side to side ia vsin en- kvor to free himself from the spear. the weapon was barbed sad the lata had penetrated too deeply te l shaken off. Here he remained, ex ited, until daybreak, his hide cov- bd with patches of mud and deep red tears of blood. Herbert Ward, ia ribner's. Dsavar's Wealthy fSaetblarfc. It isn't every day that a colored man y bo seen who is rated at $2.,ooo, who i a wsll stocked fsrm of 880 acres, a It bsnk account aad, at the same time. putting in fifteen hours a day at a itblack stand. Such a man is making is home ln Denver. Ills name is Jacob lower, and every day he plies the lacking brush at a chair on Lawrence Ireet in front of the Gibbs House. lower is a f all-blooded Africaa of large aad powerful frame, lie is a maa wnem zorty-ame years nave rested rhtly, and yet his has been a life of lance aad vicissitude, whose recital rould scarcely be credited were it net lat the strange facts are corroborated scars upoa his body and ky aa hoaer- i membership in the u. A. R., where he bootblack-ranchman is recognized man whoso word is as good as his .Denver News. THE GENERAL MARKETS. KANSAS CITY. Dec IS. lAITLE Shipping steers.. .5 3 35 m IS Butchers' steers... 2 8 IN Native cows 2 SO 2 TT 8 Good to choice heavy 1U IEAT No. 2 red mm St 2fo.2h.rd f4 (M "owaW- w it ).) aWJV wWB TS No.2 44 0 44 fa Xo.2 m 0 Jit r-tMt,pcrsack.... 2 m 2 43 Fancy- 2 M m 3 13 AY Rated -.. ?SS 0 IN fKR Choice creamery.. 2S t 22 CKSE rwtl cream ft f 58 Choice. JXa 2 IWt.( r2V B rATObOM............... sev 9 99 ST. LOUIS. Shipp'tas; steers. IS 4 Batchers' steers... IS IS ;s TfachiBc-'-- - s e 0) set IT Fair to choice IS IN ta 11 I" SO. X red. M SS lX. 31 HI B'VU' vl Saw ww-a "lflh 7 - aB W flaw ........ S 3S -. Jay maf R Jay Saw,, CiOCAGa. laa smart.... ia sat rwtdahippkisT l Sat rteeaeiee. IS 4 is E.iP...r-... tavfffS ."(.4-s.. &wM "vSP- ..-. .7 m - ss- K TTOJtK. t vi ,- '- -. !. .-virs.si. i VataH """?..th. -T&:r?.ra ... zr-r, rrrrr. rjg.v-.ii.-" -a,..: "-'' armwar 'Sm 1? ,-., Hum ismvl? saw jssmva i am a vavsatr.aiev shtam aw takiasrtke traia toawifflisai aavesv aad tke .steamed km fstrwmrd west M far smsM stt. smtoi amtelmrgk aad Cmaanwnt arrays - " T " i- taiasAtoltses. Oasa at EaStWsrae, tke ls4e LsdyBrsseey areisfctejr "Jsck to tke Friace aad Prf aeesa of Wales, aad ke wm; tawed seed, taJPriace aad Pr.acMS Edward of Saxc-Valmar: at Cewes. He was a great favor. to every where, had tkree Aae eallars glvea kim sad a silver medaL ' "Jack wss aearly thirteea. wkea ke eaded his aetabls career. $ Y. SssdayJearaaL A. Tkere is a most remarkable echo ia a cava la Kentucky. R Wast is tkere remarkable about it? A. If yoa call out. "Hello, Smlthf the echo says. "What Smith do you mesa?" no less than fourteen dist'net times. TexM Sif tings. lattto rriis. The true hero will eBdesvor to make the most of life, and to this end the first con sideration is a robust coastltutioa. Like a good general on the battle plain, who, when expecting an attack from the enemy, will eiitrench himself in fortifications, so he, when disease is ia the atmosphere or hover ing in ambush amid climatic changes, will fortify his system against every encroach ment the grim monster may seek to make. Many a grand life has ended for want of timely precaution in the hour of need. When fever sad inlaenxa are abroad, when the damp chilly daya touch the marrow bones, when effluvia and malaria walk band in hand, then it ia that the system should be fortified by s use of that superb strengthening tonic alterative of Dr. John Ball's HHnwparHla. which keeps the blood Sure and the functions regulated, so that iseasc can not enter the citadel of life. "So the old gentleman kicked yoa down the stoop when you called to boo his (laugh ter. Did he break aay thing!" "Yes. ho broke our engagement-" Philadelphia Times. . Stats or Onto, Crrr or Toutoo, I LCCJLS COCSTT, "' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the arm of F. J. Cheney sTc Co., doing business in the City of Tokdo. County and State aforesaid, aad that said firm will pay ths sum of one hcxpuo dol lars for each and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FbaxbJ.Chexct. Sworn to before me and subscribed In m: preses,uu6tudayofDecember.A.D.l! iszALl A. W. Olbasox, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send lor testi monials, free. F. J. Caxxcr at Co., Toledo.0. Sold by Druggists, 73c. "Does alcohol affect tho blood!" asked the professor of the medical student. "I should think," replied the young man, "that it might have sotno tendency to get Into the jug-ular vols.' Washington Post. Peas soap is white. Brown soas arc adulterated with rosin. Pcrfumo is only put in to hide the presence of putrid fat. Dobbins' Electric Soap is iure, white, and unscented. Has been sold since 1865. Try it IfctC. Java must be a moral place to live in ; we never see it advertised except i pure Java" Puck. Will be found aa excellent remedy for sick headache. Carter's Littlo Liver rills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try them, - It is fortunate that wo are not all rich. Some of us would not kuow how to act if wo were. Boston Traveller. Coughs and Colds. Those who are suf fering from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, etc, should try Brown's Uboncuial Tkocues. Svtd only in bitxtt. Or course there are exceptions to the rule "the good dio young," but there aren't many of us. Elm Ira Gazette FOB SALE BT '-- ..A3cC&?. 'O-Jx fci fe3Kv "s .. j"i r- 1 a -ez -r aaffwifci ftnvalar.flfttiMHft w li f i ni . i -- -'- j... Ia. B WIMImMHI Tkai liAli tlitt Mtnoa m a. ..- . B.ubLyi .jAuf - --., -y,j ,ii,- ujl'u. f ir BfVI IMfw '" 1 iTw . " - '- 11 mm.mlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlM , 'a. wmwiaimvMmum () Mn. MMmKmm II ll iilllW'am- aamwatvamamamilaasmamamai Z (O JUM SMllfllRHI.ImH :v mm mw&mmEemmmmz . ikx.. -fMmnkw m M r AnBW-BBBBuVmmvk tk&KRK3&9a& t7jmm mk r mMMSuxmm'magsz , tmmmmm Dr9lLib'B CarLmmmmmmmmmmmmm awsaamf -amaammam ml aam P &atMMJ -BTnammawlmlmKmV-'? WKBJBkSUEzP - i 4SwABsaaaaaaaBTmaiASnBB ac vv3 mfla aa aaaTSSTiu ssm m 4IBmBWB7aWsnaTffaBsmBT mas AAAAAAAAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAASAAt t. JaTSaWi fSV WBBaWSW SSI WMBm tmWBI lflDBBBBBHmag-r.. Tf -it 24 f T ,' ufaEanM7Emsr J- y-f asms w s y r'HSrf It ' IJSSSi r ? -' f J " TmMMHEmama I v - f MaaWr5sA-Zraaaasmm BTa'saW'wmaam WavB ay mn si Trf uruaaaaaaMBW5mvMNBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaBLa & ' - - mBBBBBB-fc - -I SmBBBBBBBBBWSW - -g tt? .. s r . 11- ,?m B '" ' --T'rTg3awZrraamma-ci- Im 'l Wbsm ' KTisi7sbii 0i 0 HaaamamT1! - ' t-r-. f - -5 - tK wK T"" p kBW PHe WvM HSMB SMHV IS WWBC yeseri ' ew IT-roMh 6si f tat r 5o,bHtIescetried te and a Becke."-. Jtorpa Jfews. climate here did not agree wHh me raa sick with amteria moat all the The least exposure save me a severe time. roU aad my health was miet-sw. I rrw pwraker aatU I bgaa f Dr. Batl's Harsarar-Ua. waea I raiaea aeaita aas Mreartb. 1 recommend it sa the very beat trrnartheaia medtciae. 5srs w medtciae. Sara traXa, WototM, fad. 'Bsrx to Brooklyn, eh r "Yep. Ceme ecrsss say thing remarkable I" 'Yep." "Whetr "The bridge." Life. A Dost ia Tlce Saves 5Iae of Halo's Hon ey of Horehocnd and Tar (or Coughs. PUcu's Toothache Drops cure la one minute, A max no sooner ccto old enough to know hoir to talk well thaa be 13 learns the value of aot tilklng at all Atchivoa Otoba. Axx unlike all other pills. ICo psrglsr or , pain. Art specially oa the liver aad bl!. vaners itue uver Fills. OaepUladoM IIoL-fltBotOJ rccijT To jins-erre egg al ways inwek them in laj era lllnghamtoa Rci'ubllcaa. So Opium in l'Io's Cure for Consumption Cures where other remedies fall. 23c Bong of thc maa who ticrcr should have got married : "I would that my luo would silent be." Hos'on IIcrahL CeCHAM ainlcm. rm 9W WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.- Foe BILIOUS ft NERVOUS MSMD08 Svdi m WM 4tW Pimm fee Jremat. Wssm mmi I'mmii. aW(7rs-rssest. CoVCsf.r7sss-f s ei SAsrfAsss firth. Coffrtirrtt. Scunj. gbtthn tm t Ae SJp, Frightfwl Ormmt.mmlmll sTervess aW TnmWmf i THE riMT DOtl WILL CtYt tlUIt IN TWIHTY rsHIHfTtt. UECHAKS ntl8 TMUH 4$ UHCUB MtTMl flMAUS T OOaVUIY fAtW. For Sick Heidtche, Weak StMiaclL mfin4 DigestHjn, Gonstipatitn, T ACT UU UMOIC. lrref tsm thyi mltxhm. briosliicback tli knm 4f f antif. sal aruuint wnn imuvmnv - HEALTH tlie ror sAssfaW ttrfi of the human fraa. On r ta ofu in th SfMf m. 0Mfti U tbat UCCtUaTf PMJJ Nnvl Hal UMItl I sav eearaiFTSBv EBseimrt m tms wema M4 Ss nnt00ittn muter Soto Aot for Ih VH4 IIEKOIIAM'S I'IMJioa niW fiiv mj i n k ..; AlaU. .-A. tiff trmr m:rr.iiT of 3XCv3sCCSs THE POSITIVE CURE. KI.YTUU)TUEk&.MWairMtU'svTafa. rrto"9 B ALL ARD'S jiwis- SSIS nUnCnUUnif ITISVEnYS06TIINMTimTiiMTMillNl safLffBllsrll SKaiciiUly j.d-pttl to CH ILDIIKN. ;nrSYRUP!'lMiPrice 50c. Swkfmgnaim. TTtMt Coueb Ifedlcinc. Cures where all else fail. taste. Children take it without otrjectioa. ny NEWS DEALERS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13th. the 1 wl w or TMK 1 ii9v!V.m ' mm NEW YORK SmPW flRPPIBV mBBBBBBl7j'y' SC3fm4 mmV JsaasmamamamammmB mBBmmma f VO HHH VWi amvamM'itT ma7ammafji -LsmmamV Lsmmamam.amK(1B mammmmai dHC llBB mmmmmmml JsaHamamamamamaM aasmamP BBBBBBBBBSm BBSbsVCBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB mBBBBBBB LHjKf iJP' UGUmlmUm MTaBBBBSBaj-t - j e- . ,, "sbbj maaMsemm. ayvammaa smmj flS7?SSrtU hrVlTC: Z 4 -- ' SS?3S .ris2 "MBAA' I- JahrVyl IfFWmsmCr A Proolajmatetemtt AJiTI-BILIOUS Tuffs Pills WQIKMBD MAKES EASY I ip uaaa aaeoaa coyiwamsiir. I Book to -Moras-nr- Mms Pwaa. eariKtat aasitUAtwa vm, a vtLA- va. c a, j Sou ar all twruaurs. i immtfffTi rrtt'mtr Wsorderem Liver, tie.. - cu!r Mftttm. t,? m . iwwwwm, - , iiii S5jm jpsmaw s mBswBM myJswemk wbvwJbt WJawJ) amavsWsvwtswsmaW Ihsvw fttmamjlee arffeM. Attewmjatms rrwew. a. w. SLLsn ce.. as see aa mm .-' Ar LdaM MIMflKBI ! AIL iMitnoi Recommended by Physicians. Pleasant and agrcrab io totae Christinas aanas will have a cover beatjtifuijr ftimifn mtm&ftdnin eWwf'ffwnt title page the original of the engraving here tlluitrated. It will also contain to pages of illustrations and reading matter contributed by thc GKKAT WRITERS OF THE DAY. and unexcelled in quakty by that of y publication in the United States. This number will be one of the tbi ee hum bers sent in Pflaaat ubtv tf 3S5 I Virce XX-Vls These three Rushers will c leits Uffer MMrabet of illtsstratiotu and 50 pet cr.mKtfreadMf auttcr thaa that contained ik a. Of (awijiriki t- There fore our offer embraces both qtsMfitf aad rpiatit The three Bumbers foe 10 cents ctMtsk: (1) Mm. AmMtm M. Bar sew asriei. "The Beads of TaMaer. Mrs. Bart the sutkor of that mot twccestfsl serial. "Friemd Oims," just completed m Tke &ntry; but heeeatW Mrs. Bsrr will write etxJtMrtdy for Tkt Jim Yerk Ledger. USa r4&etjf& .sMMfBjra' amScrlKaam ef The B-ttleof Lake Erie." laat!rieHMBfl (3) Mmrfmrct Mamf Eadf mMmu fmmIffa sss-ssm U - - avWkwe'Pa' smVvJBWamBSkwBm' aaaesv'a4F sf BjPvbwstVj "7 4sswwtvwema writtcw eistitalt fee Tie IMjer, htstvifs-ly JSImv traiei VjWtkm tie Mri?aadissittlasa FOUR PAGE SOUVENXJt SUP1UMENX Mfw0 avaWes JaswessM ssease Bsssrml a series of article firmg to GrmnV MfLHarevd fwtaastSFAaULUIM EDITOR' ajsWavl ef-taV M,amast3ftaw -I- aWCtS MTtH Ott kMtst EPPS'S COCOA UaMVttO t2 LeV Ttflt 0IY. WELLS !i M.VKK Omr WmI fc: sisasmyM tr VllMf WMa.kWl iimktrm TIPrtB). OMtO. vssai i iiV nu-v tsesMjimm . raa-s. i THEN WEEKLV M.IK. Srm Mfty - riv - U f .. 1 THi wsin( ! TV 4M WtaAlf Smm t Ika mxI r.fa H-lJ Mttv -. I fril lllii M MMI " M . a r-- J,. IltMMMKflMIMtBMMt .). tfSK BI..MU Vi -nn r . f 1 EMORY s-vsyttiSrrf A.L n sw nws.MiM. JSSB&EA i tSSSES f rvattaAMMa, ... i raa M P, maaaBsrhmBi aMlBIUIllrsmtaiws. It. '. - . - -.--- 44.AMM. iyrt (' Ii H VU Hitn !. '- tuiimwfiH irtsTiFYfS Hrt tti mv " r -, bJltrl.. I.. imk. vjk w r I ai. a v k r a m mT. Id4 l-l !. 4 ilrc. i ifi.. srr.ciAt.iH m Tlifar - n4mal o-i ti-ii" fitJ o. ftaw nMteiiMifiif- wrnj iKn'$mx,f.m-. a ital TM-n -. - tit w In.. SW. -MAVt-a V tl. 1st n f. nastasu.i lftfv- !' HM"ly raw Musrtra xr.m h M!(..M4 f.K C, A. N. K.-O. vmaa wmrriam AB)VKSITlaK tm 9 mtm 4W - Number FREE withtaaMstTM4rAit MiV SMBSS4BS CATASWmS SL - wi ai AArM h. jKNta vweisu lit, asmfUS ef ettatfllXIT afW afflltt. INE m m& aBaama nawm a r"rB '"S-'- smasV3las3s---s ila. smjmmmti . avalBmBwU- . w v I Mfkd'g- . v i I BBSBwCVBBaaBBI9"' i "" fc,f I BSSbIBII wt w iSMt AsB'sBmaaaM4i teVvve MBismaa amhsaa fSmtm I Xiirw ay 5f1 1 ''' 4rJH If m x-maa .n.Stl. ' istnBMita ' nfflPSfe. LEDGER asaw ajvw wt I latest ttety, " To What terjr vahuMe swMlamaill K Til's Of slaWkavas nstsmmf at f a. thf fee ,i3 EmfS-w "LSm - -Ki - . 3 . 4! z.i--i. . iii jTira runii.i - : .J7--i rm r rm r a bsriiaiwv - i h p-- . - - --r. i 'l.. s!Ldu..tv &hr?tt terUtiv 6nciwaSaM aHSSi .- "K. . 4 . " v - im-v-- ..h -. -.Tin 1 t.-l m W tf M iTinWiP iV jK 'KKK V. . n . I bi.'.k IttivM .......... .wm. II. iiV iV K iH nl Ti ..iHBHHHiHi -. or -