The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 19, 1890, Image 2

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r '.' 'r,8 '" -- 3- 5&-w' "- '... i " ' , - x TS?' "S'Sf - J"lBBa Wil m -t' g 1 .jM ' ' ahlasSf hlTliiiiJJ traTs aaa aaaea lhi sBftsjM -'-f liJBsai mmi UftrrriTiinil bt unSt
rE""'!??' lssBrwBwJww Sa9MaalCAVBm MVaaMaaltfW mVMakam miaBBlSh 'vmhm nOBBOBsl sfOaWsWsWBl.BBPaHWI JBmWsswsw ff2ESEt m 'awSaSsBSMeBaBasahamBMah' 'DeHaMeMaBBBlBBBai'' OJsalsJ aMa wkMear 9MQf WBBBmsV 'TP'" JsTm" sf"J"sMaWsl w "Bbf """"W,,""'" md h: amftmMBMav mMasaam bbbb tBBMaaaMam bb WMr ffWttsm ahSaaa: aaaWMmUaa)
KslaTfk'V . arp.wwscw ;r,:" "' efH. B Nisaleyrat - Jsta fcmnsea.j ia. gaAamasesp.m aaam ABOVa was) aWSOWmM UHy - ' ...-. . .. -.-,.. --j ms aa Jatoa' Isaa, aaai-am mara m ".j.?
. J-
-i-i& .ajsc. . . .?! ' aaaa. him r.- a Jeto&Measaam.BM aMwaMaaU...4 'i111 ' '- a...n. - an asaiaaavTBafa aaaa Assamssa. saa zm. - - - urarHnna
- -!.
:tme hcal oowboy.
Mil the eld oowaaa, Tw
cleea hack to the tMa?
aVFve seea i
fi'taet strike a
I MMK. TMn'l
3Vi.,- -
twcca thiags tei aa
i there.
cowboy, foriastsaee. Abm
lie used to the every-dsy Baacasr
i mf woaMi't hardly
article they have tack la the
8' as belonging to the mm kMi
sver saw aay of tha geatry ia (ha:
but their picture are everywhere.
per caa't mention stock without
ia two, or three likeaeeses of
they call cowboys, Am' I should
i they was habitually oa tha prod
isatia a vktia.
sir rif is a paralyser. It geaer-
loonslsts of a hat sombrerer they
lit of the disaeasioas of an average
itubrthe'aaae'they wear pin'd
rat aa' exteadia oac bebiad like a
Imer kitcbea. Or course tbey all
' lorn, curly hair.
text comes the buckskin shirt aa
Its, fringed aadheaded all oyer.
Is is generally aaderstood to hare
lea af suaa rm atea aaaaa 1 aaa vsaaah laf
a. mm. m. mt a.
Ir boots well, thay are soaiethiac
ralk arouad aad wandec-at Twefttr
legs, aad, as if.tfsat wasn't aaeejew,.
a a . -
r nave a naaei anroa oa aasBBBsea
ver the kiM aad bettoas tohlsd.'
f Naturally they have Spar to MW
this .gorgeousness; aad it is a hp
shank is about four Inches ia the
ir, aa oa the end a hear a rewel
jewhat larger thaa the head of a'
lato can. They drag it along the
land aa it makes a furrer you could'
fat corn. in.
Aais to be expected, this apparitioa
-heeled,! aad at such odd times as
hasal rot. his gun' ia his head he
lars it oa his left side in a government
kbbard, with;he flap buckled dowa.
They appear to-aave a dialect of
Blr-owa'Say, stranger,' seeais to be
grand hailing greeting of the order.
I used to think the old 'Lose Star'
ail had seme aretcy SBsky-loolciag
cimens oa it, but'they was plum civ-
Ized compared with the average cow-
y of the Eastern press.
"owjust-compare the outfit of the
reragerancn pud-one wnp Knows
lough about his basiaess to hold a
iy job with the above. -As a rule
m will find him wearing a Stetson hat
itti a four-iac6ibrim that wouldn't flop
the owner wanted it to, a heavy wool
tirt of some dark color that won't show
rt, maybe a handkerchief arouad his
ck, trousers or overalls won
his boots as often as ia 'em, aa. if he
i in a bushy country, a pair of "chaps'
irer these, the whole making a costume
iat is maybe picturesque, but gorgeous
lardlv. '
"As for a six-shoeter, not oaa ia tea
rear 'em, but the tenth man don't wear
lis on the leftside aad tied down in his
cabbard. If he wants it at all. ho
L-ants it where he can get it out and a
krkin' terribli sudden.-
"Of course, you will occasionally run
Icross a specimen rigged out to strike
terror on sight, but as a rule ,they are
Iriftin' around huntin' a job, or else are
cids who were weaaed too young aad
lon't know any better.
"The artists and writers in tha East,
In drawing their pictures ef, cowboys,
lave gone a chip or" two further over
ihe limit and got 'cm mixod up with
the desperadoes and professional killers.
N'obody, can deny that there are bad
sen among the cowboys, but as a , rue
when one of them gets up a name as a
killer he quits 'puachin',' throws away
his white bat and spurs, and drifts to
the city, where he can exhibit himself,
and after awhile, if he isn't killed off,
gets a steady job doalin' stud-poker, and
lives in hope of somo day going East to
help elevate the dram-er." Chicago
Dkuateaea la; Ftea-ftowl an la tha Met-
lWr : JBMt-HMk '
One of the smartest bits of smuggling
1 know of occurred when one of the
largest and handsomest diamond rings
in the country owned at present by
one of our leading families was brought
in duty free. Here is the scheme: Among
the steerage passengers was a respectable-looking
workman with a large Dutch
pipe. Just as he approached Castle Oar
don he wrapped the diamond in a thin
piece of paper, put it in the bowl of his
pipe, then filled it up with tobacco.
When he landed aad while the iaspec
tors were sif tiag his few worldly posses
sions, the immigrant was making vari
ous futile attempts to light his pipe,
but just whea about to do so he would
make some remark totheiaspectors aad
the match would go out. Ia a short
time he was ia aa East-side hotel, lug
gage and all, whence he was soon trass-'
- .. " - - - - -i . -- - ! uMNAaaaaiD a s. r.unwav... ewsmw awaeesama giarm eieac sa aaaaaTa awr sm ph i -- --ttt"-ti. t. - t lawn
"" sisasi wa ma w-.-i-!.!- ---". " "' '- -p- m. Q-. w. aa :...ji at Mi-SiaQitsom w s --- --- ..-.- -m -.m -eaat maaar-swa Bsaasiiia shaahaimi
i rmisata Meav I aaecac tha waaoa over aa ambaak- sawm taaw seiw 'jwfc"? iaii- nsr rTMiMTrasasw"M '- w- - . "M""- "- zr ?"TT .. ----- ttimm. r -
ferred to oae of the city's aristocratic
The latest diamond trick is this; Cut
the buttons off your overcoat, place ua
aet stones inside the top of the button,
cover them oa with cloth aai saw them
oa, afresh. Tha scheme pays for the
trouble aadgees triumphantly. ':
I have kaown a case where a pair of
hollow heels oa a lady's shoes contained
mora wealth thaa a modern shoe store.
Tha shoes were worn simply to come
ashore with.-N. Y. World.
flaanrt . ! )
Tea Duchess at 8hamcoddy-:-Our am;
glish girls are mora attractive to mea
than your American girls.
Misas Maabattaa-Ho w is it then that
your me a seem to prefer America wives?
The. Dachess Tha explaaatioa ia
these exeeptloaal aases is-simply that
HbeBeateeneefeatoBev. -
.vTfias MaabattoaThen haw kit thai
"American ailMeeaar. doat marry soma
of year English Juliets? Judge.
Wkm tho MiHM Lay.
Voaa day last summer a geatlemaa at
FlaialeM, N.J., had aotiea ecrved ee
him by his cook.
"Why do you leave?" ha asked.
"It's too hot here for a Christian ia
"It's no hotter for you thaa it is far," observed tha employer "Yet I
-havatestafi- $ $
a "That's aha diJereeoe beiweea yea-
tt.w LUa.
far aet waaag-
iw -
JM wmmr-wwnm -to, :.saay.fara, nsr,
keaa. j-i.-mmi : ir -?a . . aaaa
taaystayoa took axason lateuigeat.
AH l
wars. :
IaaMtato Fair has aa
TJKrrr ."-aammmm: aaaam.Val .aaaaj- aw ftamnamwmss
IHMIF" -Tl. ! i-Vr
awi.?S3E??-Ae5aiS V-sSs
mil i i ii n ssf Jj-i'.--;;:. .Jjt,Bf.-4'9 '.. '-jt .v::Ta,i' --. - 2. -, . ,-fja c--vx -&j&!miiJ?iV3mrs--y&,s z'r!S'rm jx - ; - n?. ".'-:v-- T"-ijiiii.- xi ;: zr??s. i-r'-ir.rfi'?r.i-'?.;-sr.:i3j.-:-- ivi-.t.'.-" - i -
mmmmmmmmmmiiSMimmmVmTmStmmXXS!mmmlmm - r- - --...-. .,.. . -'w'fr --,.--.-r f - '--- - --'-.
MMcanvt as H. W. Graham
famUy wara raUraiag from York to
IfaCaaL a.a wagea, while
tsestecame frighteaad aad
over aa ambaak-
t thirty fast hick. Mr. Graham
tarawa elsar aaraas the stream, aad
hla wits aad iafaat sea fell lata it aad
witbeut sarlaas iajary
Taauttlaaay. fearyearseM,
tha wagea aad held fast to tae
af tha stream. Ha was aa
vaea take aat aad died
Warn Herman Beradt, ef Palestine.
was lately haskiageora he aai oaa af
his harass raaehed for tha saatojaarat
the same time aad the horse got4he aai
as well as oaa af Saradt's lagers, which
It hit aft -
Bobbbt Fkbxch, a boy 14 years old.
was Instantly killed tha other after
aeoa by a freight traia while swltchiag
ia toe Union Pacific yards at Fremoat
He was on top of the ears aad a saddea"
stop threw him oa the track across the
rail, whea the wheels passed over him
ami sat hie body ia two.
Wjnue out walking near Nebraska
City tha otter evening Miss Josie Wee-
jssi was raa over by a runaway farm
team, sastafalag a broken arm aad
.ether, asrtoesajsries. Several com
jmitfoBs were also injured.
" J. C Watkom,- a switchman, was re
ceatly killed by falling from the top of
a freight car. at Lincoln. He 'leaves a
wife aad three chlldrea.
PXABT.vDBairis, a domestic employed
la the home afM.IV Springer ia Lie-
ale, attempted suicide the other day by
sNciag laudanum, bat took aa overdese
aad failed. She had made every prepsr
atiaa for burial aad was so dlspoadeat
at. har recovery that she declared her
iateattea of taklag strychnine aext
time aad makiag sura work of it This
was her secead attempt at suicide aad
4ae cause was a falsa accssatioa as to
bercoaduct "
t PrABXs from a Missouri Pacific aa
ine the other aight set fire to a large
yoaag oreaard belonging to A. Tiptoa,
aear Nebraska City, aad almost com
pletely destroyed it, resoltiag Ia dam
ages of several thousaad dollars.
Neuje Dkwey, 18 years old, who
worked ia a steam lauadry at Lincoln,
while recently passing collars aad cuffs
through burning hot rollers, called
maaglers, got her fingers caught be
tween them aad before the machine
could be stopped had her hand terribly
crashed aad burned.
Pjesdbb aow has a fire department
and accessary apparatus.
A ultk fire at Poaca destroyed sev
eral buildings, including the hall occu
pied by the Odd Fellows, all their re
galia, furniture, books, etc.
Ik the case of Henry T. Clarke against
John L Blair, of Hlalrstown; N. J., in
volving the title to 10,000 acres of-land
ia Cuming County, valued at about
$300, 000, the United States Court, at
Omaha the other day rendered a 'de
cision in favor of the p'.alntlff. The
suit had been pending for ten years.
Two young fellows at York wanted tc
have their pictures takenr ia cowboy
fashion and the photographer loaaed
them revolvers to add to their woolly
appearaace. While in tha act of being
tobk" one of the revolvers went off
and the Imllet landed In the artist's
right leg, near the thigh, makiag an
ugly but not dangerous wound.
Citizexs of Tecumseh collected aad
forwarded to tha sufferers in the west
ern part of the State over 500 worth of
clothing, floar aad grocer' es.
Albkrt DAnLORCir, living near Ber
traad, was recently thrown out of a
wagoa by a runaway team aad bad- his
ana broken, besides receiving other in
juries. It is claimed that the Dawson County
poor farm is grossly mismanaged, ana
aa investigation will be made.
The hotel at llrayton and the Demo
crat office were destroyed by fire the
other morning.
Carl Eouma, aSauaders County wife
beater, has been fined f 10 and costs for
indulging ia his favorite amusemeat
Got eff too cheaply.
A tovso soa of Harry Johnson, resid
ing near Beaver City, died recently as
the result of falling into a vat of boil
ing liquid some weeks ago
The farmers residing aear Asblaad
have orgaaiaed a stock compaay to start
a lumber yard at that place with a capi
tal stock of 40,000.
While S. B. Smith,, of Iadiaaola, was
lately digglag a well oa tha hUl at his
home tha workmea struck aa ochre bed
at the depth of alaety-five feet below
the surface. He fouad ao water, but
thiaks he fouad a fortaae.
D. B. BuaxuoH, of Friend, stepped
off a high sidewalk the other aight aad
received iajaries which msy prove
Bobbebs broke iato the store of Au
gust Doehliag, at Staples hits t, the other
sight aad carted off 9400 worth of
Paul Shultz, aged about aiaa years,
was receatly raciag with several com
pamloas to try which should reach home
first from school, at Liacola, aad at
tempted to take a aear cat by crawliag
aader some cars at a railroad crosslag.
Just as he got uader the ears the traia
moved aad he was killed.
Toe elevator vof Priagla Soa, at
Great, was receatly destroyed by Ire,
together with about 2,e bushels each
of wheat aad com. The loss was about1
,, iasuraace $5.60.
lw Swan JoHKsoa, a farmer, met with a
serious aad perhaps fatal aooideatat
Haldrege the other aftoraaoa. While
waitiagat the Farmer's elevator with a
load of wheat his team was frightened
by the cars. Ha attempted to hold the
horses by the bits, bat they broke
away, throwiag him to tha groaad aader
too wagoa, hath legs being crushed aad
severe iateraal iajaries sestaiaed.
W. B. Watxbmax, a yoaag aasiaass
maa of Page, receatly oommlttoiaai
c'de by shootiag himself. Ha was M
years old, aad disaapoiatmaat ia a love
affair was givea as the cease.
John Daax. of Fremoat, has said his
elevator to aa associatfoa of farmers.
William Hsksbj; aa old Germaa of
North Bead, receatly became iasaae
apoa tha subject of religloa aad came
aear killiag his wife.
i.Tm Goveraorhas appelated Coloael
. k. ramac, ec riattsasoata. a mem
bar of tha Tisttiaf aad axamiaiag hoard
af the soldiers' home at Oraad Islaad;
ia place of C J. Dilworta. reaigaed.
' Cbables Kblsos, a promiaeat cattle
man Lviagaear Whltmam, wasaecideat
ally shot aad killed the other day while
ceeeelyeaedlisgagea. jt
Tte maw ceart heata deaatad to Bex
Bails Ceaaty by tha c tiasae of'BJem
iagferd wiU aa" completed by Jaaaary a.
i. Mas. Jambs Millabd, while reeeaUv
viaiUagat the home of A. B, Boeaa, ia
the oa BBS
AmiB Lbwisv a
of AV
keeaka aty, aged at
aaajrad 'aat aha aelka
uaj, tire, ease as feel play
. - XL- - it.. -
CTAaaAuaaa aaaaabj ahrawa
saar-aiiii! ags, aad tre-
asaa from tha I were reesssa wttaaat earioas inisry. .vssIViiSSSSLm' h F"-"-?w"?'4' - qpJJ '"'g t.. T rkWitiluM u ku r r mf?u ? rr "TT "" TL. TTIZT - -. m aaaaaaam aafiasimstaaa
SSmS t w waw ww i wm mw ; jwm k -- iiv. ... umi . mmi..ui Ammm tornnnJ fla - I .. .1 r- . ii --n .- r
- av. .a a-.a e--a & it. r , ,r- -v -. - -r. aaaBBami Aaaara : m. & . BBrammmi waa bbbbbb srasraar mTaBBnaaaaav aaaa aaaa aaa aaaa awewP" .
MM -.T- -jm. :... . -v. siawm-iii !.. u. ff?Bir.fC r - - -- ,-. r..JTT 'TTTrrW. .. Smevjtfall sma aaahfai, atom-SBB laisiia i
. mmam- a . w mr mmKmm- h h . hv & bb rKm m mmm vw mb afk mm t m wnr rmmwm ww mmmm - aw - - w w -
wai f ."j" " - J T VaZi i iw -emlU waaaasapai-i m g?.M Ta, g ." - ' V -- - -- em-asaKBiB .aaaaj ajm aaw saves "sr ' Z 1 a m -L ,! ' m tmiahmmssVaaal BalBBMBBaBW
Taaav isbbbbb aaa. mmammar BBBWmmBBT-aaaaaTmi mm, saapsr aa. ramBBBraBBBBvaaBmmmmmar'mp ma avammmmma am awee" . a-mmaaMask!BmkA mrkMa saaAmah. . 'La raabma aaaaaa mma mmaami bbbbbibi BBBBmamB mmaaiBemwavaa aw - ar .
asinwwsww wmmjmmm.;-- - k eBa W.aaBjF.... jbil assajer. JUBBm. - Bims. .itwiiw -..-.. m ?.- . - - asraf Pr. Bwamer.
mn-Bmayw?!!-9??:! aawsMaaiaa-v . aad aatrissU athte ia these twarteets wnezma sain trTTT smmsaar. Bad -MartoM
aswamwMWMissesassaa as iiisani t irifirT islnr 1 f- t) ia a aisaaata sermoa aa tae aaiy -z- - - . TiiiitilH 11 I "" lii- aarwl
mnimi i . ., . mm"ii sovtb cabouha. area sin lateiv at mpaaklva. ----.-.' .. mmb
mmtmmmJL SBB'af ssfjaw 2. SX'LJ. s sjea, T. iiaasa ;m a, fe.x.swiawapaiB..w - -; Ti-. T" togaiTiiac am sSBtBBJ aa mass aw a i r -- -' ---
.-- Jtaaunp.v.Bwawu.K'ai a ciismh iisssiibi p t. wiiasm mmanrz v aaamaa. -uamascas. - aw isxa was: rw-. i v . - ---- ?-
..ta-.aac.aaaasaaataMei . - - -SrrTSl at. . aMaeaa 'acta. la. & Dr. Til asaa u ..iTTr. aa a -- aasaaaaa aaw'laaa at
aaaaavar. aa.BBBaa as. am. araamaBammw aaa aaam aAiaMiaiaiM - araai iiasa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaavaiiaBBaaBaa aaaBaaasaaaBi . .avaaaara aaaaaaasar ma , - :p aaa
snna 1 1 sail BaWABA. i --. .. - - m vMWMaiaw y . z lt.t? ?7t.-- ,
- i
Jem. . Hawley. B
Quart Oasr. w....i'i
. a".
M. W. Raaaoa. D,
! (B.clawl
A. H. OeJjmltt, D..1MS
jaaa & Oavasa, O.asti
Joka Skenaaa, K..iaa
Calvla & Brioe. D..USV
....... R..UB7
(!.iamjos. S. Dolph, R...
W. D. Vooraeea. D.1SS7
David a Tarple, O.lsa
Mattii. Qaajr. K....UH
Wa. B. Alltaoa. JL.IW.
Natbaa F. Dlxea. R.1B
U aaad
J Sharif
Matt a Batter.
3X.. B. BlacktmnuDtani
R. F. Pcttierew, B.MBft
Jaa G. Carlisle, D.iaaj
aaa mWt
Willuua & Bete. D.laa
A laWtf
Isaaa G. Harrla, P.MK
Ktueae Hale. R.. ..laeijoha H. Reaxsa. D.1M1
WtUaa P. Frye. RiajsiRteaard Coke, D. . .!
A. P. Oonua, D. ..1MB
E.K. Wilson. D....1W7;
Jaatla a MerrllLR.lM7
Geo. F. EdataBea,K.MH
George F. Hoar, R..1NB
HearyL. Dawes, R.1M3
Joka W. DaaleL D.18H
Joaa a Bsraoar, u.iae
jaa acMiuaa, K.. ..iao
Joka a Allee, a...iat
CK. Davis. R 1
iCBaaJ.Faalkaer.D. iat
W. D. Waabln.R.18S
Jeka E. Kenaa, D.-iaa
E. C Wslthsl!.D...IflS5
Jas Z. George. D..ia
rauetaaaawyer. k.ibh
F. M.Coclcrell,D...lBW!
Jos. M. Carey, R...1M6
Frets E. warrea, k.ibw
Preseat Senators whose aaeeeaaera are to be
chosen tkls winter: J. K. Joae, D. Ark.; Le
land Stanford, R., CaL; H. M. Teller, R., CoL;
O. H. Piatt, R.. Conn.; W. Call, D., Fla.; C B.
FarwelL R., IIL; J. J. Iagalls, a, Kan.; J. a
Eustls, D., La.; G. G. Vest, D.. Ma; J. P.
Jones, RT Nev.: H. W. Blair, R, N. H.; W. M.
Evarta, R, N. Y.; Z. B. Vance, D.. N. C.; G. A.
Pierce, R-, N. D.; J. H. Mitchell, a. Ore.; J. D.
Cameron, R., Pa.; Wade Hampton. D., a
C; G.C.Moody, a, 'a D.; W. C.8qaire,a,
Wash.; J. a Bpooaer, a. Wis.
BepuMicaa 88; Democrats, SM; Farmers
Alliance. 8; vacancy, 1; uncertain, 1; whole
number, 3K.
Those marked served ia the Fifty-trst
House. Those marked t served ia a previous
House. Those marked J were aaseated by the
Fifty-ant House.
1. Rich'dH. Clarke D
2. Hll'ryA.HerbertD
X William a OatesD
4. Louis W. TurpinJD
B. James a Cobb..D
a J. H. Baakhead..D
7. Wa H. Foraey..D
& Joseph Wheeler.D
1. William H. CatetD
3. C. a Breck'rldicetD
a. Tbos. C McRae..D
4. William L. Terry.D
& Samuel W. Peet'.D
1. Thos. J. Geary.. ..Dl A. John T. Cuttiax...R
2. Ant. CammlaettcRj 5. Eugene F.Loud..R
3. Joseph McKeaaaR A Wa W. Bowers..R
L Hosea Townsend'R)
1. Lewis Spcrry Dj X Cbas. A. Russell. R
2 Wash. F. Wilcox. DJ 4. RobL a DeForestD
1. Joaa W. Causey.. Di
L Steph. a Mallory.D! 2. Robert BuUoclr..D
1. Ratua a Lester. D
2. Henry G. TuraerD
3. Charles F. Crisp. D
A. Charles L. Moaea.D
ft. L. F. Livingston. D
A James H. Blount'D
7. a Wa Everett.. D
8. Thos. G. Lawson.D
ft Thomas a Wlnn.D
K Thos. a Wataea..D
.... R
1. Willis Sweet.
J..Aheer Taylor.... R
2. Lawr. a McGaan.D
X Al'nK. Durburow.D
4. Wm. C. NewberryD
X Alb'tJ. Uopkias.R
5. Robert a Hltt...R
11. BeaJ. T. Cable.. ..D
12. Scott Wike D
13. Wa M.SpringerD
14. Owea Scott D
15. Samuel T. Busey.D
IB. Geo. W. Fithian.D
17. Edward Lane.... D
18. Wm. 8. Formaa..D
lft Jas. a Williams'. D
. Geo. W.Smith.. .R
7. T. J. Henderson..R
a Lewis Steward... D
9. Henry W. 8now..D
Ml Phillip a Poat...Rj
Wm. F. Parrett..D & a V. BrookshireD
John L. Brctz.... D ft Daniel Waugh....R
Jason a Brown..D 10. David A. Pat ton.. D
Wm. a Holman..D
IL A. N. Martin..... D
Geo. W. Cooper. .D
H. U. Johnson. ...R
Wm. D. Byaum.D
12. C.A.O.McClellanD.
ia. ifenj. tr. aiveiy.u
John F. Scerley..D:
Walter I. Hayes. Di
D. a Henderson. R:
Walter H. BuUer.D
7. Joka A. T.Hull.. .R
a James P. Flick.. R
ft Thomas Bowman. D
W. J.P. Delliver....R
JohaT. Hamilton.D
II. Gee. D. Perkins.. R
Fred K White.... D
1. CaseBroderlck...R
ft a a Funstoe...R
& BeaJ. H. Clover.. .A
4. JohaG. Otu A
5. John M. Davis.... A
ft. William Baker.... A
7. Jerry Simpson. ...A
1. William J. 8toae.D
7. W.Breckiandge.D
ft Jas. a McCreary.D
9. Thos. H. ParBterD
& William T. Kllte.D
ILE Geodalght.D
4. A.aMoatgomeryD
S. Asher G. Carath.D
a, W. W. DiekeraoBD
10. Joha W. KendaU.D
II. John H. WUaea..R
1. AdolBh Meyer.... D;
4. N. C Blaachard.D
ft, M. D. Lacaat D
Chaa. J. Beatner.D
a a M. Rohertaoa.D
a Aadrew
r Prise... .D
1. Thos. a 1
-..Rl a SethL. MUllkea.R
... r! 4. Chaa. A. BeatelleR
a N. DiBgley, Jr.
1. HearyPate. D! 4. IsldorRayaert....D
a Herman 8tMW..D a asraaaOomptoanD
a H. Welles Rask..D a Wa M. MeKaJc..D
L Chaa. & WaaiaHR
7. Wa Cogswell
a Elliah A. MaraaK
e. aeaeaT.ste
a Jaka F. Aanw.D
4. JosephttO-Neil'D
a Sherman Hear.... D
ft Meary a Ldce..R
ft Geo. F. WUltaaai
10. Jos. H. Walker
11. F.aceeUdge...
ia JeaaCOreaay-
L J. L. Chiamaa...D
7. JustlaaWalUng D
a H.'M. YoaaaasT.D
ft Jaaes a Gorman. D
a Jan. voeaaeu..B
ft H. H. Wheeler.. .D
C JaliasC BarrswaB a. T. A. a Wi
a a.a.Feret. D1L &a
a- ByroaG. Bleat... D
L Wa M. Bairies.'.D
a JaaK. CastIe....D
a K. HalveiseB.FA.
a Jeeaueo
aOrdaaHaU.. .Di
L JehaM-AUea..
a Joha C Kyle...
a Clarke Lewie...
a JeaH.
I aw A aaV eBas3WaaaJ
T. Chaa. a
L WaH. Hatch... D
a Joka J.
ft Chaa. H. Maaaar.D
a Alex.M.DekeryD
a aP.CWUaee....D
a JaaaCtesaeya.D
a Jaka T. Hear... D
7. Rtak'dH.NerteD
IL Rtok'dP.Maaa..D
ML DLA.DeAnaea4..D
14. Msrahall ArasM.
L WUliamW. Dlxea D
L WBUaalXBvyaa.Dj
S. W. A. MeKeaghanl
a? a
1. L.F.McKmaeyt.
L CA.1
a ji
Ui aaaaaavav
ItiKrf&Tfc r -Si
" " -
Qustae Hies P-BSw nwtifc-"" a.Af1SJvla s.?rv!BBSlV?Sf sasswaiwa ww bwsws' aigai ia -- .- i . m.i. asar. tsTaamav aaaaaaas assmw
al imS B. W C gaaaM IM . Itaal A Mmlmm T BlWWi Ol OVO nMT, W OBBMMO BBa aIA tkaft Vaa aa am kaJ pmSi SBS) MAaaHaaaaBS SB aaaaBBlBBaBWaj m
lawi....... .......... y..wa 9,uaMR!H'"!lk 5',Jt"i,"'r . .- f . ... wara seta saas saay maes aw aaa waasi i p -w -t . ..
W. m. Gaaaaler. MwMsa
asasMlaaseci, D..MSS
Hlaeoek, auaal
IKal.V...aai-'sV aaahaaVaTaaravallt1.. A . v. - - au a .a am a. wrr a -ww ,. , . -- - - as- .mlavaJa a - . t. at -7sT W aamaaaal aai aaa saaBmaaTT
mmmemammMmm.ixA.vmmmm d :wt,wv" -...- jra. j . m-?- mmm- wm emt tMrmmMm m mtwmmftmmm tat. laMM .tAwsaftaamtat4-a - i- T-V '- J - m JM w "T.-" -f. '
---- aaa-mt asoaa aa.aa: . : -.t - - mr maaamaw- amimamma aaa aTaWaTaaaaa mwaaaaZmi amsw BBamairaTanaB. 'amaaai aasawamm aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaa .-, ' -w , '-, m -ay, car wrmr -
.m.mmm-M..m MmmUIWmmim.L aSv. -.ll iaVe ..Inr l.t Wt.X. a. a.ltv. ' ' - - ww - ... .. -.. w - ,t--'- aw - - - - - -- a . - ..---a,
EvaauW. ' rTim;m"?2Wr?iu bower the dtv- 8a laxuriaat are taeee araaaa aaaaa, ansa jmgiiag mm aaa ,-...-- -- mmm ... saBBasjam? awaasmyf aaasmKaamlI.
KastasBr.aiisai m - . - "" rJUTTr 7rrF,. , aatalaac aooaalaatiaaecraaaiaasisai usramosa aoasa, aaaa aa as ana aa - t " -i - aaaaamaami
. ... 4 - .x M--tv m9miMmmWt3mmm aaaaal hsbbs aBBBBBV WMaasamBmBna ha-m .. . . . a a a -l ss a mmmmamWm g. aaaai oaaaaaaaai UaBaBBaaeae Tma. atom, maammmmmama bbbbbbbs nmaa wamwww----
y?-3L- l . , &&&&" mmf It ft- glltterlarwiU feaaadma aaaa aa tha Daaaeaeea piaia aai laara wsaaaaa ay ' " aaaaaaararcaeaC mVmWULmW
"ea w.uevon-...0im joaa JUUsaaaea- tft&mmk im aba ansaaaaai eanaaaa to ii . . .. . - -. . -- - - ',- iaaimtm. gauu y. k.-' wm m ww --
vwvU iMBmiI. nl b m w mmm m m mmmwmjmmmmtrmm -mi m a riiTa knavM s a Tlra tataS tha aaa aTtaaaaaaaasa BMUaaeBM Saaa aa " fc pw 9mm mm mmmmm aaaasaa ja hmbm amHBaw wm
aS'A"ay.t IBSF;.i......B V a. hi5aAji:S-?a. mM V. WIai Uliani SIVIII mmm mwmmmmmmmmmmmt. mmmmmmmmi mmm vw , A mmMmmmmmtgm- - - - - - Im. mWKEKK mtmm'B'mMWmmW SaaSa-
a banTa dLssmasJ'naai aBamar SBdLa Travaaaar st v ssm tm naMM sa 9mmMmmmm. am T amsi ta maaa. mY ama ma aaa saa. aai haa. aai aaa ftab saaaaa aa flLmaaamae Vaaa maBBBave aaaaaaamaa
as Camam- aJammBBaaMaa aamaah amamaaaaiB.. aai aaamamas"""aB"nmpBBaamBmmaBBmaai eaWaaa aa aaa aaaaa as aamna-a? saw aBmvmmaTBnpm' Bn-w mniw .? mmL.m.m. mmmmm. mm. m tm m. a a m ha"WW asmmaaamww npamr
" ssaaaw ' " asaaaaasaT'' A' wanaaaaaaaamT Jmaaaaa. 3- - ar4awaBat TmaaBmaaan aafai aamwTaaBaV aaaaal BaBasIaaaaf BHmtaaaBaf aaa aaaa aaaW haaaaaajf aasMaar CbbMR Ni aaaaana-aW It Waaal aaaaaaal saaaaaaaaa aa. i,ataaTmaat aaaaamaaaav aaai trtartaaf aarcw
aL T aJa JmapavaiyaaTaP"Wa aaWsaa aaaaL -TavT i" a m m A mmf- tamBtaamkaia ammftaaV 4baM fafaaVh amtaah -amaaAk tMamaJL aaaaaaaal smaa aBaaaa"" aw ,mai
aaaaaavaagi ajfmmTala wa,Trwcaaaa"a saaaraaaaa aaay aamma mmm aTmaTaaasaaaaF aaawaf aaaall "araBam aTraMaaaa ar Paaaaamamaa. aaaaramamaama TTf"w Jaa "- avTyawM mmhmtmmm,mmm, av "lyfs mi - - " ' m. m eiamiai Wavw'" aaja aWaaaaaTWWrav -
Mr , fafeB f alblliMiHav.dimV 9masmWUVaBaBaBaaaBatA ' 1?T -' ,mB. r ""p ep . a?T - . . a aa 1" m mr-."av Z m,. '"a-'aat -mt rl- i- . kmW mmmmmmtAmmmmmMmV', mmmmmmmm4mmmZ famflHmv9UmaaaBaaaTF' " ;aaaaaasaveFfaa,a) aBaaaaaaaaTaw
'lea aaaaaaa eff OaaaVf aw"aas aa am aaaFaaaanf aa -, - . aawaTaaTa-aTP TimaBaaaaaaa mamammBaaama mvamamj -r "'-. - - -' - - . 'Vat- - - - --"'-J "aaJVW .aav- m. "" m 7 i5J& " " haBaMkaBBk --vjaaanamTaamtah
aagaaamaa QAajftjajtaaJ ' aaBaaaBrHaa4avMaWaa alw a4aaaaBaBhJ aaaaaal a AW. aBmmanMaaBaaasw aBaW anaaPaaaaaaa aVaaaanaaaMBtf -aaaaaaV - BBaaaaaaaM ala
1. W Ju j aaaPjaaaaaV C cab JaC mmfmmlmmWmZm amaaaaa aaaaaa BBaaaavaBBB mat araaaat aRavV I aaaaaawW afaavT aaaaa. anaMaaaaaWai aaaa Vapavamal aaaaAara AaMBMrnsa- " ' aaavaamaaanaaaaa
?OaOOL - 'awtaVM'QBtB Jtflapttaatoaaaaaraa aaMaaaMKaraiv aaafaf' 'hMmaBMm1V aaam-E aa ajaaw faaiWaaf 9Mk. aaaxsaaaaamlaAgAA- aaaaaaamaal aaaBBAaVmaBaBaft ' aBaaaBaaaBaBaBaBW
i. a aaifcak aaa mmmmmmmmm fcTifc mi fcB,jfcTfc -- -" m " 'ls?aaw aaamaaaaaaV saaaaBaBBBaaaaT aaaaa aaameaaaay aamaaaas ma aawamaaaana1 wammmBammmjaammmmmmpaaB1. BTMarWmVJar- TranrjP mWmWBmmmw' "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmr anaaaaT anaaav'aBBamaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
Ar'mTaamaBBBmaBBBBaBam tKfTBBtloa aaaamfaWva aaaa'BaaesaFsaaaP aaaaaB'aaaJsmT JmXxXimmmVmWrJmXxmT " aaVHBBaiaaaBav"!
- aw awawaBgaBpaVnwBwa'Vsaae aamams ammBBa flaasa aBaavasaaat waararaaVBmlaB aaav .'..!" " . - mani' ? ' ' ' x jtA -"-- :- n 3. r ' I. - w mmT'--J W"a v 'K " syc.- r --&. - a , L.-aat yamaml mmmm lr - - -aaar i i - m mm TaafTsaJas" iHBBkMlBMMMIIrHBMBHBBHBaBB"BBBaB,
nj v" vs?E . ., -jS?t? - . . , . v k- 2 & . wasa ai aa BMSaay Aasawsv ar as 1 ssaaa wammj & y ..- . T.
i. J.DvBtokarajoa DjML festal
1. Caarlea 8ewart.DI
T. Was. M. CraIa....D
a. j
..D LW. Mesre D
S. RaaerQ.MIlle. .D
W. Jeaeah0.aayars.D
C' afaaU W BaVaaaty.
1L a W. T.
tW ef O AsWsKl
1 H. Hv Pewers.
aa a
Was. W. Great.. .B
.Die p.c
2. John W. LawaeaD
X Geo. D. Wlsett...D!
7. C T. 0'Ferral.,.D
a Warn. H. F. Lee...D
a t. A.aahaaaa..P
CJaaeaF. Baes.Di
8l P. G. Lester.... D
Ml rL8LG.Taeker.D
1. Joka L. Wilson.. R
wist vibcisia!
L J.a Peadletea$..D X J. a Aldenoa...
& Wa L. WUaea. .Dl 4. Jas. A. Caaehart
1. CUaton A. Babbit D
R Charles Barwi..D
S. AlleaaBushaell.Dj
a LaeaaM. Miller.. D
7. Frank P. Caftan. D
R Nils P. Hasea..R
ft. Thomas Lynch.. .D
4. JehaL. Mitchell.. D
a, Gee. H. Brickner. D
L Clarence D.ClarkRI
1. Marrua A. Smith, a
saw Mexico.
L Aataato Joseph.. D.
1. David A. Harvey, a
1. JohaT. Caiae....D.
APhysldaa adatas HU WaaUr
rleaee wMa a Wamaa of Fashtoa.
"My funniest patient?'' said the doc
tor. "Well, that question is something
of a facer. You newspaper fellows da
ask the queerest questions."
"Tell me, Doc," urged the scribe,
'about the most siagular patient you
have or ever had, as the case may be."
"I see," said the doctor, thoughtfully,
"you are bouad to stick to me like a
vampire until I tell you something,
so here goes. A certaia woman who
lives oa West Fifty-seventh street has a
maaia for every thing extraordinary.
She is what you would call a beautiful
woman, but I don't believe she has even
an apology for a soul. Whether her
husband realizes the latter fact I do not
pretend to say, aad if he does he has too
much pride to confess It to the world.
Well, this woman came to me one morn
ing with a little vial aad requested me
to inject some of its contents in both of
her arms and neck. Of course I in
quired what the liquid might bw. Sbo
" That's all right; I will give you fifty
dollars if you will do it
" 'But, madam,' I protested; 'I am not
in the habit of injecting unknown fluids
into the human system.'
"'Ob, I know what it is,' she an
swered, 'and, moreover, I don't want it
in my system nor in my veina I sim
ply want it administered under the
"I looked at her a moment and won
dered, though she did not look like ono,
if she. was a morphine fiend. She
seemed to divine my semi-suspicion and
said: 'No, it is bo kiad of morphine.
Smell of it'
"She held the little vislinherown
hand to my aostrils, which inhaled a
potest fragrance in which rose oil was
represented. 'You see. she explained,
'I have a friend who has just returned
from Paris where she hss seen this
thing successfully done. Come, hero
is a fifty-dollar note. Do you refuse?
"Now, you as a newspaper man
know the value of fifty dollars and so
do L It seemed wise for mo to say 'No,'
but I secured the necessary instrument
aad told her I would comply with her
request at her own peril. 'AH right,
she answered, and in five minutes I
had completed my novel task. She had
an idea, you know, that her arms and
neck would exhale a delicious perfume
and she went away as happy as a two-days'-old
"Ia about a week she came back and
wanted me to inject somo more of the
potent essence ia her arms and neck.
On her right arm I aoticed aa in
flamed spot just where tbe previous
injection had beea made, and I told her
that it looked as if aa abscess was form
ing there.
'"Never mind,' she said, 'I want to
find out if there is any thing in it'
"Thaa I Irmly decliaed to pursue the
experimeat She departed ia a state of
wrath, aad I hava aot seen her from
thatday to this. She was my funniest
patient" N. Y. Press.
taw Ctatfage At'
The athlete in a recitatioc is very
amusiag. When he enters some admirer
asaally whispers to bis coaldaat:
MLookathim. Ua't he adaadyr The
athlete always looks too large for his
chair ia the class-room. Yoa woader
why itdoea aot break dowa. The hook,
tea, aeesss all out of place, ia his big
haada, aad a peacil looks' positively
f aaay as he handles it He wears aa
air of patroaage, as if iatelleetaal per
salts wara wall ia their way, aad a
thiag to be eaoouraged, area iaterest
iag oa ocraekas, bat jest a little ua
wortby a maa of mascle.
He likes jo stretch oat his big limbs
aad watch them' ia repose, "kaowiag
how mach they caa da whea occasioa
reqairee. Tha professor avea defers
ta him a little usable to relate his
iastiactive homage to power, evea
thoegh it be paysfceaL Whea ha strolls
tha yard mea look eat ef their
wiadews after hiss. Ha is poiated aat
to the yoaag lady visitors, aad the fair
creatarea leak witavawe apaa tha god
like Bating whom they have asaa tat
tliag ia aad aad gore for the boaor of
Harvard ia saperhemaa faahioa. ,
Tha athlete daring his seaeea of
activity does aot study mach. He has
to reserve his aaergias far phyeiealef-
Tart" Ha
Ia Paleealaa wa speat last aight la a
at bevel af aaa story; aat eaaials aad
sheep ia tae hasimiat Yet sever did
tattasest briUlaat hotel oa aayeoeti
aaat sees aa attractive to bm as that
swaesara. If era had aaaa obliged to
stay ia teat as wa expected to da that
aight, wa mast hava perished. A vlo
leat storm had opsaad apoa us its vol
lays of hall, aad saow. aad rata, aad
wise, aa if to 1st as kaow what tha
Jattala aaeaas whea prophet aad evaagai
ist aad Christ himself spoke of the fury
cf tha elesscBta .The atmospheric
wrath broke apoa as about oae o'clock
la theTafteraeoa aad wa were aatll
aight azpsesd to it With heads aad
feat haaaabed, aad oar bodies chilled
to tha hoaa, wa made our slow way. As
tha aight approached, tbe tempest
thiekeasd aad blackaaed aad streagth
eaad. Soae af our at leaden ta goiag
ahead had galaed aermissioa for us to
halt for the aight la the mud hovel I
speak of. But the tempest ceased dar
iag the aight, aad before it was fully
dsy wa were feeling for the stirrups of
oar saddled horses, this being the day
whose long msrch will bring us to that
city whose aams caa aot be pronounced
la the hearing of tbe intelligent or the
Christian without makiag the blood to
tiagle aad the aerves to thrill aad put
ting the best emotions of the soul iato
agitatioa -Damascus!
During tha day we passed Ctcsarea
PhiUppi, the northern terminus of
Christ's journeying North of that he
aever went We lunch at noon, seated
oa the fallea columas of one of Herod's
At four o'clock ia the afternoon, com
ing to a hill-top, we saw oa tbe broad
plain a eity, which tbe most famous
camel driver of all timo. afterward
called Mohammed, the prophet and (he
founder of the most stupendous system
of error that has ever cursed tbe earth,
refused to enter because ho said God
would aot allow man to enter but one
paradise snd ha would not enter this
earthly paradise lest he should bo de
nied entrance to the heavonly. Hut no
city that I ever saw so play a bide and
seek with the traveler. Tbe air is so
clesr the distant objects seem close by.
You come oa the top of a hill and Da
mascus seems only a little way off. But
dowa you go into a valley and you see
aothiag for tbe aext half hour but bar
renness and rocks regurg.tated by the
volcanoes of other sges. Up another
hill and down again. Up again aad
dowa again. But after your pationce ia
almostexhausted you reach the last hill
top and the city of Damascus, tbe old
est city under the whole hoavens, aad
built by Noah's grandson, grows upea
your vision.
This is the very road, for it has beea
tha only road for thousands of years,
the road from Jerusalem to Damascua
along which a cavalcade of mounted of-ficera-
went, aad 1846 years ago, in tha
midst of them a fierce little maa who
made op by magnitude of hatred for
his diminutive stature, and waa tha
leading spirit and, tbough suffering
from chronic Inflammation of tbe eyea
from those eyes flashed more lndigaa
t'.oa agaiast Christ's followers thaa aay
one of the horsed procession. This lit
tle man, before his name was changed
to Paul, was called Saul. So many of
the mightiest natures of all ages are
condensed into smallness of stature.
The Frenchman who was sometimes
called by his troops "Old One Hundred
Thousand,'' was often because of his
abbreviated personal prosence styled
"Little Nsp." Lord Nelson, with in
significant stature to start with, aad
one eye put out at Calvi, and his right
arm taken off at Teneriffe, proves him
self st Trafalgar the mightiest hero of
the English aavy. Tbe greatest of
American tbeologiaas, Archibald Alex
ander, could stand under the elbow of
many of his contemporarlea Look out
for little men whea they start out for
some especial mission of good or eviL
The thunderbolt is only a coadeasatloa
of electricity.
Wall, that galloplag group of herss
msa oa the road to Damascus were
halted quicker thaa bombshell or cav
alry charge ever halted a regimeat
Tha J&yjiaa noonday, because of the
clarity of the atmosphere, is the bright
est of all aeoadays and the aooadsy saa
la Syria is positively terrific for bril
llsBce. But suddealy that noon there
flashed from the heavens a light which
made tha Syrian sua seem tame ss a
star in comparison. It waa the face of
tha slaia aad asceaded Christ looklag
from tha heaveaa aad uader the dash
of that overpoweriag light all the hones
dropped With their riders, numaa face
aad h orsss mane together ia the dast
Aad thea two claps of thaader followed
ntteriag two worda the secoad word
like the first: "Seal! Saa'.! For throe
days that fallea equestriaa waa totally
alias, for excessive light will seas
slaoe extiajeiah tha eyesight I had
read it a haadred times, bat it never aa
Impressed ma before aad probably will
aever aa Impress ma sgaia, as I took my
Bible from the saddle bags sad read
aloud to oar comrades ia travel: "As ha
journeyed, ha came aear Damascus sad
seddealy there seised rouad about him
a light from Heavea aad he fell to tha
th aad heard a voice aayiag aato
aim 'Saul! Seal! Why persecateet thoa
seer aad ha said: ' Who art Thoa, Lordr
Aad tha Lard said: 'I. am Jcsas whom
reed far wa shall sea this ushorsed wsmss aad child hi lamsssasaaadoca . JLW V B111""
eeeeatriaa Uter ia Damascaa toward aoteaelara slfagisaas ta Meaammai. .y."?7r - . . Tim' mf7 73 aaaafam
which hie horse's hoed is tamed aad at Bat I am gtod ta say that a wide, herd . ; sraa ragaaf ia CfBgaaal A aaaaaraWlafs
which we mast earselvee arrive before sphreaUtpke reed W withla a lew gJ?'"' ?Z2 T JLT ftaWraflallW
aight Tha evealagia aear st hand, yeeea beea caaaaraetod from aay rest ea " : V.1 mn" "JPI- JL Sit aaaffal ma Bw
aacMMlamBMuv Hamaa bwlai tha ah sis af las Msiissiiasaaa to ibis faaaiewaf hasmeitaslasys icea sf ml L?1.""-
aaaaaa saaf wwj aastaTal afSVaf ; aVaraTamaWFal aPFaTsaJaaa aaawv auaaamraw aaa, aaaav aaaaeaaa avaaaBaarmmmma aaw aaaaaa m oa. .'aT oaff a., j a . n. m. aaa?rLaaBaBmBmf BaVaaaL aaaa maaa aaat
mam ama allaam-amaaal maw mm i ma-aaaai mmm aiaT ama ajaaBBBBBamv aaaana. u ayraaT aaaaatml aw - - av r-mamfn1 si -
tbey mast
tetaasaaddy Tiber,
asaa erkd eat wish a
ever he had aaat Ir
treapa, attoriaff those
which every mialster af tha Osaasl
soasr or later takes far hla teat; MAre
aot Aheaa aad Pharpar, rivets af
Damaacas, better thaa the waters of Is
rael? May I aot wash ia them aad ha
Oaly those who hava traveled ia the
deeerta of Syria or Egypt or have ia
the Orieatal citiea heard the tiakliag of
the bell of those who eell water eaa
realise what it is to have this beverage
In abundance.
We were awakened la the morning ia
Damascus by the soag of those who
have different kinds of food to sail. It
is aot a street cry. aa la London er New
York, beta weird aad long drawa oat
solo, compared with which a butx-aaw
is musical. It makes you inopportunely
waken, and will not lot you sleep sjain.
But to thuee who understand tbe exact
meaning of tbe song it becomes qalte
tolerable, for they slag: "God is the
nourisher, buy my bread;" 'God ia the
aourisher, buy my milk;" "God is the
nourisher, buy roy fruit" As you look
out of tbe city you see tbe Mobamme
dana who are ia large majority ia tbe
city, at prayer. And if it were put to
vote who should bo king of all the earth
15,000 la that city would aay Christ but
130,000 would say Mohammed. Looklag
from tbe window, you see the house
tops, snd on the streets Moham
medans at worship. The muelxla
or tbe officers of religion, who an
nounce the time of worship, appear
high oa the differeat minarets or tall
towers, aad walked arouad the miaeret
enclosed by a railing sad cry in a
sad and mumbling way: "God Is great
I bear witness that tboro is no Goii but
God. I bear witness that Mohammed ia
the apostlo of God. Come to prayers!
Come to salvatloa! Goi is great There
is no other but God. Prayers are better
tban aleep N Five times a day mast tbe
Mohammedan engage in worship. As
he begins be turns his face toward the
city of Mecca, aad aarelia apoa tha
ground a rug which he alwaya carries.
With his thumbs touching tbo lobes of
his ears, aad holding his face between
hla hands he cries: "God is great"
Tbon folding hla bands across his girdle
he looks dowa and says: "Holiness to
Thee. O. God, and praise be to Thee.
Great is thy name. Great is thy great
ness There is no deity but Thee."
Then tho worshiper sits upon his heels,
then ho touches bis nose to tbe rug and
then his forehead, these genuflections
accompanied with tbe cry: "Great is
God." Thea raising tbe forefinger of
his right hand toward heaven he says:
"I testify that there is no deity but God
and I testify that Mohammed ia the
servant of God snd tbe messenger of
There are two or three commeadable
things about Mohammedanism. One Is
that its disciples wash before every act
of prayer, and that Is five times a day.
and there la s gospel la cleaalinesa
Another commendable thing la, tbey
don't care who la looking, and nothing
caa atop them in their prayer. Aaeiher
thiag ia that by the ordor of Mohammed,
and aa order obeyed for l.bOO years, no
Mohammedan touches strong drink.
But tbe polygamy, the many-wiwhood
of Mohammedanism has made that re
ligion the unutterable and everlasting
curse of women, aad whea womaa
slaka the race sinks
The sprit of the horrible religloa
which pervades the olty of Damascaa,
along whose streets we walk and out of
whose baxara we make parcbases sad la
whose mosques we study the wood carv
ings sad bediseameata was demoa
atrated as late ss lMO, wbea ia this
city it put to death 6,909 Christiana la
forty-eight hours sad put to the torch
3. WO Christiaa homes, aad those streets
we walk to-day were red with the ear
Bags, and tha shrieks end grosas of tbe
dying sad dishoaored aea sad wossea
made this place a hell oa earth. This
weat oa uatll a Mohammedaa, better
thaa his religloa, Abd-el-Kader by
aaaa, a great soldier who la eaa war
had with SS.M0 troops best M,eM of the
eaemy, bow protested agaiast this mas
sacre aad gathered the Chrlstiaas of
Damaacas iato castles sad privsto
bouses sad filled his owa horns
with affrighted sufferers. After
awhile the mob came to bis door aad de
manded the "Christian degs" whom he
was shslteriBg. Aad Abd-el-Kader
aouated a horse sad draw bis sword
aad with a fsw of his eld soldiers arouad
him charged oa tha mob aai cried:
"Wretches! Is this tha way yoa honor
tha prophet? May his earsee be apoa
yoa! .taama oa yea! Shame! Yoa will
yet live to repeat Yoa' thiak yoa aay
do as yaa please with the Christ'eae.
bat tha aay afiaanhaaaa will esme.
The Frssas wtil yat tarn year maaaaes
latocharehea, Jfeta Cariselsa will I
give an. Thay are my sUai Stead
back or I adll give my maa aha ardor to
Ire." Thea by tha arifateteae greet
soal uader Gad ahowaeoof
tioa relied beak
Althoaghaoarwa aaisrl ised far-
tbrsaah aaa streets of De
leaved, there ia ia assay
parts at saa any
of hatred far Cartesiaatty that if it
dared weald aat to
salad ha Daeaeseaewae
Eat I am giad ta aay that a wide.
plssaM toraplke read has withla a Ssw
af aba Moditoii aaaaa ta this
eity af Deaasaeaav ami. if
to at
aaaaaatal ffsa itTHT -w
sa asaa it
tha abates tremble, with aa
abates! aat ha
hremrht saa aeiat af
back to tha hill aad aaviaw a
as though tost dipped la a eioar faaat
ala. a triumph af cattery hlee a hee
aaad medera feaadrymea aad sasmmm
have attempted ta vela to imitate, Oa
the eJdeef tote aawat daaaaaka, ssaed
after this city, igurep af aalmsla aad
fruits, aad laadaraasa here beieg
first wrought lato silk ssasaha
Aad specimen af damaaheamlag by
which la thla eity steal sad icaa were
irst graved, aad thea the graavea
filled with wire af gold-amaahaam-lag.
Bat sued back or be raa aear. far
hero are at the gateeef the eity ladea
caravaaa from Aleppo la oae directiea
and from Jerusalem la saother direc
tiea, aad caravans of all aaUeae pa 7 a
toll to thla supremacy. Great is Dam
ascus! But what meet atira my seal isabllad
maa pasaiBg along the street email af
suture sad laslgatflcaat ia pereeaal
appearaace. Ue was oae of that caval
cade coalag from Jerusalem to Damas
cus to kill Chrlstisaajsaa wa saw aim
aad his horse tumble ap there oa tha
road some dlsUaca oat ef tha eity. aad
he got up blind. Yea it is Saul ef
Tarsus aow goiag aloaf thla street
called Straight He la led by his
friends, for he caa aot see hie head be
fore hla face, uato the house of Jadaa,
aot Jadas the bad, hut Judas the feed.
Ia aaotaer part af thla eity oaa
Aaaalaa. aot Aaaalaa tha liar.
hut .Aaaalaa the Christiaa. Is
told by tbe Lord ta go to thle house of
Judas in Straight street aad put hts
hands on tbe bltad eyee of Saul, that
hla eight might retura. 'ta," said
Aaaalaa "I dare aet go. That Seal is
s terrible fellow. He hills Chrlstlsaa,
aad he will kill me." "Oa" aaht the
Lord, aad Aaaaias weat There alts la
blindneaa that tremeadoua persecutor.
He was a great aetata srachsa,
He had atarted for tha city af
Damascus far tho oaa purpose of
assessiaating Christ's followers, bat
since tbst fall from hla horse be had ear
t rely changed. Aaaaias steps ap to
the sightless maa. puts hts right thumb
oa oho eye sad the left thumb oa tha
other eye, and la aa outburst of sym
pathy, and love, and faith aaya
"Brother Saul! Brother seel! the Lord,
evea Jesus that appeared uato thee la
the way as thou caaeat has east ma
that thou mayat receive thy eight aad
be filled with the Holy Ghoet"
Instantly eeatethiag liha eealee fell
from the blind men's eyea aad he arose
from that seat the mightiest evaagel ef
all ages
There are many people la this house
to-day as blind as Paul was before
Aaaaias touched his eyes. Aad there
are raaay here from whose eyee the
scales have already fallen. Yoa see all
subjects and all things dlfTereatly God,
aadCbr st, anl eternity, and yeurawa
immortal apirit
Sometimes the eealee do aot all fall
at oace. Wbea I was a hoy, at Mouat
Pleaeant cae Sunday afteraeea read
ing Doddridge's Rite aad Pragreee of
Bellgioa In the Soul, that afteraeea
some of tbe eealee fell from my eyes
and I aaw a litt a After I had beea la
the mlaiatry about a year, oae Sunday
afternoon in the village parseesge reed
ing the Bible story af the Syre-Phaai-
elaa's fslth other sealee fell from my
eyes aad I ssw belter. Two Suaday
eveaisgs sgo. while areparlaAT far tha
evening service In New York. I picked
up a book that I did aet remember to
heve area before, aid after I aai read a
page about recoeeeeratlea to God I
thiak theremalalBf eealee fell from my
eyea Shall aotoarvlelt to Damascaa
to-day result like Paal'e visit la elaioa
to the bliad sad lacrssssd vteisa far
those waa saw swaawhat hsfcra
I wsaraasaaf af a paJators eh 1 Idaho
b earns -h4lW la, tolcaoy. Bar aaaa
the cslld wss aesrly grewa a aargsea
removed the' bliadaeee: Whoa told teat
thla could be done, tha ehtieVs chief
thought her asether
ahe would he able
who had watched ever bar with
teaderaeee Whea sight earns
la raptures, sad raa act aaaaa
father's bss sad she t her eyas aa If to
aesara herself that toU wea really tae
father whom sbo had aaly staawa bw
teach, aad bow laeklaa; aaaa bias, ae
hie maa aa ha was, la sppaaraassmt
well aa la reality, aba cried east ' Jaet
to thiak that I had tha lather aa aaay
years sad Borer haev aMaf 4a peal
aad greater is tha coal's jeyfat sararlss
whea the sceUee leM from aba ayaa aad
the leaf epnitasl earkaeee la
aai wo loaftaphttoee
BiwayafaaVasaaaalaviag. bat aaw for
Ue arat rsrsalsi aai ear
ever goeaxwa cry. Aaaa
To each oae ef Aa vaM aalMtaia af
aaditere I aay. as A assies dai te aaat
af T
i. -!SiJW
aaaaa ssBBf
aaa was
ZtZLZfuJL" fa?7 llaWUawllnllL
Sma, tbM.e.wto'.hae aS f5f D AHHC
wav that Shea - ----- - --- A fw aaalBnalll
aaaiasi hieelagltk.. -- -- - -- 4V v BaaWamatafmavWa
aadlaladwitbaaamWsakaaa. MM fi 4 A - - snaahmmr
aasta avary maa. - gt a Jks '' 9--.-
lactoses aew
lertal ae BMasra waey, tne
ii tlfaai aerial. "Cab aad Ca
fe Kktr iteai as. "twawing th
ntreV aa tret ef twelve a?trtal
ana asfwe iwim asoetmy
atosCaretiae Manner. "
tee ert-awaa mit ant!
e'atktt! Tiar."t
by a weH-kaiwn Ha Una
la aaaaaa. Tae aaavt ters. fmft
I mr l a inu ir4nrr or
a Carton. schi bt
Sartl are by "alfio Pratt Mctaa iirm
aamlfesevreaa Cheaier. Grahaai H Tarn-
seew aaaavsrya WeaTesraVt, Chrktt m
Yji. aaaaatah aobtes IVeeeii. Her (r
Tatagta, Maaa Haw ley. John C Crrtr.
fee aUBans rwp. mr
sa4fTaCOaT M. A nt
at Bar malir mroinctton or
a'sarjaBS'eisacTit'tef -TV
the Jrugrlas Kathr..' vraK
a ta Amavtca hy Jra T
TaaprMa af VM Aw&a wiU rrma i
aaur a esata tmrnnr i.
4weaiitveeay thing ' tl
aastalear" "Why daa't jca ui
tl bt a
O qui
"OriaJatv! m
Jtasa, 5oaraCat3.Juiyanh, tv7.
mlrr la 1 eavUxM two tktlUr
far two tonics ef ywr Maln Anudfl,
The aeitle yea aeat me a vear 1 fr u
a aephew ef alee who hl rhiil for more
lasa tares BMetha, aa.l uktr BMUutito
from the deetar alt the tim tttoi im
era t aural ftereaeaail uVn half xhn
aatme Sf the Aaliuto he wa rn rly u fu
Yearatraly. H. t taK
Ir torheye haew ai
nalaod aeoae to
saufU m tha ntv
wr wuhl ar vcrr r
fnlL ritatiuraU l'rr.
Maaaa, year httle drl irrotr ntorv i5
aad this sack day ltil lr Huli Wen
Deetreyer, dot her mk brtorn In Uu-
i -
risaMrebaelyriillt ImlUn "ummcr l-
4nee bm hav U Tvavwr hlottkvl at o'ftit
ritttrgi llao
thc old-fashioned pill. Too
reckless in its way of doing
business, too. It cleans you
out, but it uses you up, and
your outraged system rises up
against it. Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets have a better way.
They do just what is needed
no more. Nothing can be
more thorough nothing is as
mild and gentle. They're the
smallest, cheapest, the easiest
to take. One tiny, sugnr
coated granule's a gentle lax
ative three to four are ca
thartic. Sick Headache.
Constipation, Indigestion, bil
ious Attacks, and all derange
ments of the Li 'er, Stomach
and Bowels arc promptly re
lieved and permanently cured.
aWta tta) aatdaa4
aawar aaay aaaaas aaaaaaa saw ay a
llsuftchntly, iafill asaew, fcavl-
mmmmmmmmmM Mmtmmatm. mmAmmmtmmmmmMmt
aawaw aaa awvavw ananj wawaw aaaavtama
aaaaaaaaam. &rTwfmtf).ilk
mlfWmUmif af awkaal tver aro
caaaal jktm aW fcmat aaf to-
1 mtMmmmmmmm. tmimm mmMtmrnmrnmrnt mmmmmmmm tm
mwmannw aw nmw awmmaaa, wrmm' ms
hi aaaaa aai tralr aaaelrial U Its
aaMkfftaM4 eaJ r fc-aa the avt
aaaaay aaa awreaaase) aajasaaew,
'km aamTV saMaaaai easJaaes aom-
alaMaa4aatWaaaa it
-'2. "I r ? N .
wr'f e
-. -- mrJ.snf j. 1 -f . w .. :
St -J.'"-, -.1
Ipsare I
aat aaatffaaamay paraatf Baewa.
anmaamS. Wamm at ma eTB7 mm.
wwmmmtww mm mW- mmw u, OaapnW mLwmmw
amwamAmmaahav3 ' '
CMJfiwmfJni aWatHP en
I 'at-mv AaaaMlmailllll
F mMmTT Iff aTl
-wS$- '
- W J
Sr 4
rv -J.