K;i s BBt.A, , j uJaa9BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaasm - t $ smw- ', . bVt'i. - fr waafiMMBMMlST-jrV " tbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw ..-:-- msV- . ZmJrLi- t3BWiBB1Wgj?i2iL.- tJaBTaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBKBBBae'' f IM:" pppK , 3EpppspppiBaBafiBaBBBBBBB?BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB n-'L 'BsBMPPWMBBBJIBB BbbbbbbW9k EI v JassmBBf S'ir.tZ&fErmaHcr-sSnnB T. --:";"-":-"l;rml ' ' -' :;iiiUhni3amiai&3K - :-J:-::iKafcusHSHSH&Vfl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBWaBBVNaS733?fasssnu'4 trass awBBBBBBmS! saVBBSBBBBBBBBYI minK!; AT r;"'Bift -i -sl;"-iMlSBM!BBIMKBtBlCJMPjy!gP lBWBrt'TjZBaBBBaBBBtBBBBBmE?am: asaBBBBBBBBBBBBBTB KfcaJMlMlWfcfc.-' "" s atfa? ' ' l?2abbbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb "sHbbVbbbbsbVsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb igsaRasmmKBsm&asm....... ui BflMF; 44 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Libertyfand One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. I'-- s M If r I I? c ' By A. C. Hosmer. McNitt & Galusha, RED Want you to $8.00, 6.50, 5.Q0, $3.75 Suits in Men's Sizes before buying. Boys' and Children's Suits We sell Underwear Cheaper than anyone in M-v"- Is a little nicer than you are used to looking at. Silk Handkerchiefs of every description at correct prices. Christmas Ktnr m ML 9 THE JEWELER, IS UEKE, WITH THE FIX EST LIKE OF Watches, Ever m hi Bed CIHd,Mdl shall ell it at prices that all tUHMPd to bar. My a are ALL NEW. Reaairlag a aeclallr. I mat laeated tat ttlacV Bras Mare, Wert SMe Wehter Street. Call aatf see ae aelare jaa aeeMetaaar NEBRASKA FARM LOAN CO PAID UP CAPITAL J50,000. Trie. Xr:AFHeaU.a C. Thra, ana noi iBrouga aa nt wr coauu isse rou caa rck ue wwex me. taae -oucaa nt vosraManriw nMwede ataca4ywirirllwi M.verae ! we can stve tmi ta. bnsietmn. Ke tBteirt a iiacipaiai aagawa; at our tteu ou the iutmt pajiauiU. aaM you wiM fee ateasetwllii Mr - rf trouble. Ked Cloud, Neb. - rare in laraaiiiuBiiB aaaauft aaaii wp ! i .t - -,- j..kt; lav UAaUaW JLWaiTl.'f W f I TTTtaf -daBBjBl' SHJKlBawaVsiBnwc' ! "wJ,,ffy H "? ??, p 14? i T " v",-ii - -T'-:- I" a aa 'aaaaaaBaBaaaB.aaai bbbbb aai bbbbbbi bm bbbbibbbbi bbv- aai aai aai bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbi aaa .aaBaaBBBB -.BPaBkaBWBBW-aas .aai aaiaBBBBtBa bbp bb bbwbbbi aai bbubbbubb. - -- - - - - - - bbbb -- a - - - i -? - -a33 ---- " , t" aaatBlav'BBMBmav W ,NEB see their For winter wear from $1 in the city. Our line MWWWEPM 9 is coming m F11MM, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. & KANSAS. t )raaMlBc4aMa5ntwMi tfcel p. aa4ITdMiw we Albany, New York. 1 Red Cloud, , 'tit- r 'ifj' '-"' to $16, o D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Age" Red Cloud. - Tro; -- 'S "2; Miles T. Hayes Patent - Collar ! Dor nle by J. O. BUTLER Bad Cloud, Buckeye HifntBi Aop. 727ZWF ' aBalBa. bB hHaaBam j; j jaaajaaaaajaav Xffl laBaBaBaBaWaBaPL -iaVaBaBaBBVaaTaBvaaB' '-ftWaRaWaBBaf faWaVPSaWaBBBaV . vaaaarssauPaaaaaaaaT '': faaTaaWaBaBBl JaBBBawBBBBBBI- fflsBHal .rSaBaBBaBE . v '-feBaBaBaBx - 'C' &3a3BaBHr:i afaSBBBaP -tiHaBBBaBaBBBHpS- :---.. JaBBKBjBBaBBjIir .CVMBBaBafaBBBBBBaV T-tat"- BHaafaavBafaTSaW M aaamaar aaVBav r ' MHtAiJ T fl aaBaBWaaaawBF ,v" 4I&' aWiaV- I 'aaaatfahiaBaaaalaaHa awam'JPBaVaaaaaV Ba bVJ javVIQa'aV aTBrB aVCaVBaB BB BBBBB J BVBBVBBE Ba.aa7r SBSmJOUm ssmAimiSsSr. - - i ; ,in m Webster County,;Neb., Friday, December 19, ITEMS OF IXTEBEfT. did yaw Mff Aa! we aaTe taeai, aeaatMMHt- tie art aa4 I aaak, aUaeellai JMICMIC VBVB n" laeau GaTa alavfar faeau s. . aaftdCalTOaaBW-atft'1fcrfe Peace on earth, good will towards men. The fire department hare received their new bell which is a dandy. lion. W. A. McKeighan wife and two daughters were in Lincoln this week. Mrs. Floyd Reynolds has gone to Kan sas to visit with her folks a few weeks. The state teachers' association will meet in Lincoln on the 29th, 30th sad 31st Don't forcet to contribute to the poor in your arrangements to make Christmas presents. J. W. Wallin and A. N. Godwin hsve inflated the Big Injun's pocketbook this week.QThanks. VE. Blossom and wife who are quite well known here have decided to more to St. Joseph, where Mr. B. expects to get work. The Red Cloud public schools will have a vacation of two weeks. The va catian will commence today and contin ue until January 5, 1891. Married, Dec 15th, by Rev. H. D. Piatt at the Congregational Parsonage, Cowles, Mr. Harry E. Chaplin and Miss Mary Burr, both of Cowles. The tire boys are going to havo a fine masquerade ball on Christmas night Owing to the number of masks already sold it bids fair to be tho largest danoe of the season. Prof. Hunter hns now settled down to business and is fast learning the intri cate duties of his office. His family is nicely- located two doors north of Mrs. Strohm's residence, on Webster street . "The Alliance people hold a county meeting here lost Saturday. A large number were present. Tho meeting was one of interest Quite a number went to Lincoln to attend tho state meeting. The electric Are alarm which is being put in for tho benefit of the fire department-is almost connected with the offi cer's residences. The alarm box will be on the corner of Webster street and 4th avenue. Mrs. F. A. Anderson, relict of Henry -Anderson- Sr.; -flowatwd, died at her daughter's residence, Mrs. Alex Bentley, on December 10 aged 7!) years and 6 months, after a somewhat extended ill ness. The body was taken to Dubuque, Iowa, for interment Tho investigation being held at various places to figure out who is governor of the state is dragging along slowly. We are a little afraid that it is a scheme to keep the legislature from doing needed work by getting them into a big turmoil that will consume most of the session. Tho following officers were elected for the ensuing term Rod Cloud Chapter No. 19, R. A. M: M. B. McXitt H. P. C. W. Kaley. K. S. F. Spokesfield, Scribe J. A. Tulleys, Secy G. W. Lindsey, Treas. Geo. Holland talks of opening a hotel nt Hot Springs, Dakota. You can de pend on it if he does that he will have the best hotel in South Dakota. George is among the best and most prosperous hotel keepers in the west and has more friends among the traveling public than any man in the business. King Kalakaua, of the Hawaiian Is lands, is in this country in conference with Secretary Blaine. It leaks out that his mission is to negotiate the sale of the Islands to this government If this rumor be true and the terms asked are reasonable, it may be depended upon that Mr. Blaine will favor the scheme. Our old friend a B. Hosford, well known in Red Cloud has located in Den ver where he has opened a real estate office. There is no one on earth that we should like to ee succeed bettor than we woold our old friend Charley. He is an honorable and upright fellow and has all of the business qualification needed to bo successful. The "Simfonie" given by the King's daughters of the Baptist charck was one of the most pleasant as well aa unique entertainments that we have ever wit nessed in the city. It was sosthiag out of the usual line and the participants deserve credit In another place we give a more extended write-up by a re porter for the occasion. Our people who have eaoagfa aad plenty to share should not forget the more unfortunate who are in need of the necessities of life by reason of their having failed to raise enough food to keep the gaunt wolf from their doors during the coming winter. There are a large number of people in Webster oo ty, who will need aid before winter is orer and our citizens should begin the good work soon. The annual meeting of the todies aid society of ttoCbojfregatioBal ckareh was held on Dec 12. The following osTUiri were elected for the new yean Presi dent Mrs. Taggart, rice-presideat Msa. K. B. Warner, secretary Mrs. Clifford Pope, treasurer Mrs. C UCottisg. As inteiesting resort wss read by tW secre tary. The treasurers report showed that $18437 had been raised sad flSLflS T.ELWiluajDsisiathcK7 today se csrissr raossa where M.JU Tlftaas f Lbbcosb, sad Mr. forth with s as are both good Mr.T uafewssys. ttosi It RM v AkvA a. Tue Kcic's Daccstwis. The King's Daughters entertainment given at the opera house last Friday evening was a wncosss and well appreciated by the krge audience. The sublime, redkntkmH and pathetic recitations and musical melodies, made up a varied program. The "overture by GimbeT which Miss McAroy so grscefslly payed wss foUow matrfcvletiisi Campbell, and Thadias McNitt were the violinists, and Miss Marsh, pianist their theme was the patriotic "air of America with van ations." In a natural mimicking tone Miss Alice Remsberg iadistriouly whittled a stick, boy fashion as she recited "What a boy thinks. Mas Jessie Sherman sweetly sang s vocal solo from "Rosewig" and responded to an encore. The tableau, "temptation" wss also good. Part second opened with the "kinder simfonie' which consisted of eight charming maidens in becoming conven- tial costumes while violin, piano, drum, whistles, flute, cornet and other musical instruments represented the birds as they piped and whistled the merry sim fonie. It is hard to tell of the "Shadow Pan tomiaeV which was the funniest the antics of the "Feejee Islanders" as they cooked the missionary aad his civilization or the "clean shave" that vividly recall ed similiar experiences, or the joke on Dr. "Emy." Miss Nye always holds the attention of her hearers and especially she did so as she recited the tragic story of the "Fall of Pemberton Mills." In the vocal solo from "Wamelink" Miss Igou's full rich tones were heard to advantage and she was supported ably by the exquistite tones of the violin of Mr. Penman and Miss McAvoy pianist The Highland Lassies in native cos tume were recognized to be the Misses Sherman and Tulleys as they sweetly sung the popular "Scotch Ballad" and responded to the encore. The male quartette of Messrs. Plumb, Barker, Cotting and Mitchell gave pleasing interpretation to the sonorous melody in the chapel, and this number concluded one of the best homo enter tainments of the season. Rf.iorter. A Mr.KRY Christmas. Tiir. Chief wishes its thousands of readers, a merry, merry Christmas. True the prospect is not one that is well calculated to make the hearts of the people cheerful and bright, owing to the distress among the poorer classes, yet what in t bo need of brooding trouble ami freUiir,' ovr some thing that can not be hel(l, therefore let us all make the best of it and bo as merry as circumstances will permit us to be, hoping that with the next turn of the tide it will bring more beautiful re sults. To those who have plenty, let them bo generous and make light hearts wherever they can, and those who have enough to keep the gaunt wolf from the door, be thankful that they have it After all let's put aside the cares of life and send forth the glad tidding,s that the "Star of Bethlehem" still shines for all as He did in ages past Then set the Christmas bell a going, and we dare say that through the "Eternal fitness of things" there will be brighter days com ing, and Christmas will bo but the dawn of better times. Let us hope it may. Again we wish our friends, a merry Christmas. Axothkk Fisc At half past twelve o'clock last Friday sight the cry of f re was soanded on the streets, and a few see oads later Watchman Hatfield at the Ire department was giving the alarm bell the necessary shaking sp that would call oat the fire company. A reporter of "The Great Family Weekly" was boos is tran sit and found the ire to be located in the barn owned by Milt Rotaroek oa the corner of 7th Areaae ssd Webster street jsst ast of the second ward seaoolaoase. The Ire seems to be a mystery aad the owners can not aeeosntfer it as as one had been sear the barn after the chores for the evening had bees attended to. There were foar or Its head ef hers ee is the stable, one cow aad several hogs, bat the treses' gotten too far along to save them when it was dis covered by Will West who gave the alarm, althoask oar emciest Ire department was on the grosses aad throwing two streams of water in nine misstes after the alarm had bees tamed in. The ire was ia dose proximity to several residences and had ft sot bees for the depertsseat work there wosM have bees several aoes sossemeJ by the lery elemests. The less to Mr. Kotareek ea stock bsraed wfil be fi $300 to lars sssst f&tt. English Spsvia Liniment removes aQ hard, soft or csltoamd lamps sad blem ishes from horses, blood spavins, csrbs, splints, swesaey, ring-boon, stifles, S rains, all swollen throats, coughs, eta. ve&Oby use of one bottle. Warran ted the most wonderful blemish care ever known. Sold by L H. Deyo, drag gist, Red Ckwd. Itch hnmss sad sBssi- in 30 aisatss by WossforeTs This sever fails. Sold Sanitary Lotioa. byLRDeyo, RsdCkmd. J.f. Hallctick, Bed Qsad, Vet. aassmsmm ammm skWsmssaaFaaV - i" fTnjhur afal am f it PwwoU. S, Gart lasjt, Aag. l, tsmf Mi l i , i , .,, J.SBMMeBllSSSWM I I ju - M.i p 1890. Icella. Written ferTHSCMisr) ler)Usan.Mim Evra en mmmtt am Her pallid rfeeeiu ar UU Aad twenty bcnmms er Kstatrfi what she ears. "What atti IceUa?" yea wW TMi sac bobm 'ow let sse tarow aside tSe jratoy4Ila AM IteUa la a tdW oae. Her very heart is ceW, AM won it ta aer reias The erubeaerBt ufi Caa sala oa aer a aetd. Sbeaotalex knows at Of merrtHteat or alee, or rneaastii p warn, of teas rarest. uc ail tae jors mat cues a- i Aad save a eaara tor i Like ietelea the eves i Or saow upoa tae i That gleam aad iImbsb la the mm rrom amra aunt the Say U sea, ae ever will he fea4. I see IreUa icy cold. And (e U her chiUia glaace; ('ear. aed wlthla a aarrow awakl That eaaaot levlac hearts eafaM. And checks the least aara Away! Icella; let tae seek Other campaaioashlp. Where gtowiaa eye aad btMshla- rheek The bamlag words of love will sseak. And klMtc brlM the 11a. TaM:r.BSHADK, December ts, lam EiKiAa Tmossb. ssiasJea. Mr. A. P. Johnson drove over to Camp bell Saturday evening. Mr. Frank McLaughlin spent Mstur day in Hastings. Mr.V.H. Hall and family Snadaysd with father Arnold. Mr. It H. Springer has gone to Boise City, Idaho. Mr. Hugh Monroe and wife of Proser, Nelx, drove to Bladen Husday returning Monday with his mother ssd sister, who will spend the holidays with htm at hi home in Proser. Mr. L B. Thome and wife, his mother and Henry McKelvey, attended the l'Jth anniversary of Adams county at Juniata the 11th. The W. C. T. U. held their county con vention at tho UongregatHjnal church in this place- Tuesday and WedneaUy of this week. . Liar. Otto Stocko marketed three hade hogs last week. of Will Hicks is cutting s big ditch for Levi Moore. Tuff Sutton says this nice weather is the stuff. Geo. Hummel marketed last week. hogs Dick Turner is making a new stsble walling it uti with stone. Peter McNitt is repairing shed. hia cattle Squealing republicans should read the Presidents message over again it is good ror the lack bone. We noticed in the Great Family Wash ly that there ha been some horse a etol en in Kansas and brought to Red Ckmd aad sold, this ought to be s wsratsg to farmers, why not organise n horse thief association in Line, we are as s city without nre protection. JoeSaladen says the slliasoe siat what he thought it wss, he says he thinks they ought to organise again. Joe keeps a stiff upper lis just think what the alliance has doss just simply turned everything up aids down it w just the stuff and yon casr dVssad oa it for Tuff Sutton tokl me so. Pecks Bad Boy was over in the neigh borhood of Dan Sniders the other day and we seen Dan wandering aroaad looking on the ground as though he had lost something end Mpssssd he had lost his purse from his looks he had one hand run is his pocket ss to bis stbow ond the other oaths aids of hia fsss, ea being asked whst had hssssaiil Dsa said: well my dogs are both nose I dost know where they are I hops they will come tack sooa, sad whim ws isg they retarsed, sad joy oa the farm for son Pkckm Bad Boy. Thk HArrr Hcvrcvo Gsocsne. Set ting Hull, the greet sssrehistofthe mv hie red man fooled with Uscle Sams musketry and a leaden ausavs took him to the hsppy hasting gronsds where he will not bother the pale faces oa that tar restisl sphere any mors. If mors sf those fellows were Is fas seat to glory we have an ides that there would sot he much Unable is the aorth-west Of conns the government sssst taae ears of them and do their best to civilise nncoath wild msa, bat it after all these years ef the Indians in aa effort to better their condition that better should bam issalUi some imiBxivsment of eanras. hat the wild hmtlnct is there sad aa ladies wiHl don the war nsintst the eke ef fas! hat to-day as qniekly ssssded hi tat good eld Pnrtfsair dsya. Tic largest stsek sf fsrsiNsTt jnsertaktsg gsods in Wtast atCezsd aadCsa. price. B.C. r-k rr BSsaa F53i Henry Cook is Hcndaaarterw foi Holiday Gifts Closing Oat ! SLAUGHTEBIN Mat tag 4rrial ta aasa ta Boots, Shoes Rubbers, ETC, AT ACTUAL COST ! We eta mat wvamt la may sVslsjal fa IHI, ' 1st ejmasMf Arrttrs Blsssa asl BatSafa' aVaSBHiM SbS sswmw rM fjssls f) Mmw Cailai sssbbw Mta aWats - ami nssmw Mha assass ... -If SBmwsmmas IMt1lMf ssWsMsaas . . It! - W a, asaatas gmaas tM Men's ssd ladies shots at arissr that Ws ales hare a fall list ef Mta s sad If eta seed ssvthing fa esr list 4e srt arstea. If we easnst emit ss ot WABNEK & Hear 'Em Smile ! COTTI COME AND S Jones & 5?-. CtOCD. . Fort Ab.tj t Ked Cfcmd, ,aV . - la. aLxIOBaaBBBBBBm. ' - m.am-i-.t.-t. --r -s 'X'- -Mi! - "-S - aafttt.t'ssaa , " m j- bsblsw ii bbVZmw aaBk " - - J - - "tc,-mv H" aamnn smsBBBBBBBmaBTal .bv aaBmiL AfaM "i. ssJasmaBSkassBsamssK sbsbs. TS-ftkfcs.fAW assssjS-, -; '4 l-BasfaW ' asslamBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBV r MEBk BBBBBHaSmmBBBBSa r'.aBBBBBBBmBBaT3, aWmBBBfBBBBBBVaBBBBWBBBPsmBBBBBB - SBBBBBBV aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtSBBBBBBBBBBBBBk -flt VA4 SBBBBBBBBtBBBTS i- 1 -SB BBBBB TjsiBgavABBwaBBBBBBBBBBBBm. BBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbTSVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT -' BBBBi aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BBBBBBKaBSSW -aBBBBBt .aBBalaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSflBBBBBBV WWKKItKfm tKfKKF -Vasmmw- BmasmBBswBBwsBsafBBBBVBBB 'BMBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI mmh BBBBBaTBBBBBBBBBBV V BBBV BBBTSBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aaaaaaSAea' .S-k-ajkWlnBBBBSBBhnaBBBT ';'aaBBBBBBm Vol.18. No. 21. '-aBBWSll of aaisl ti- k?s c --v" Llarala, are wIN AT I, 1 witt ssWsish. Isdiee slissere h(ch we viil ssN et fsil is rail en as beere tat smss sen. JUssseifsJff ts the tessV, WOLFANGEB. Q'S Evans, N ""ssBSmrmmaa hhswsBaa asms iMmw Immsas, sv TaasaTaMaV EEUS Provisions FraiU,Ete. - NKBK18SA. -iittaM i ,- ,. js " H lF 7 , at -w-sy - c j. - . ----: -j- i ' jt a &jz7Siif