The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 12, 1890, Image 6

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Clothing j Boots Shoes
Men's Furnisliing Goods,
Hats, Trunks, Valises, &c.
It lias been our aim m the last seven years
that we have done business in Red Gloud to
sell goods for the least possible profit, to make
a fair return for our investment. This, all
fair minded people will concede.
All our goods are guaranteed as represent
ed, and if you find them otherwise brir.g them
back before being soiled and we will cheerfully
return your money.
Proprietor Golden Eagle Clothing House.
Merchant Tailoring a Specialty.
Fair Store !
Is to b". found a
At Prices to
B. V.SniBEV, Pres. Henry CLABKE,Vicc-Pres. L. II. Fort, Cashici
Ellis I. Siiirev, Assistant Cashier
tRed Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITA $75,000
Transact a general banking business, by and sell county warrants, alsc
county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchange
Jas. McNeny. J. A. Tulleys, G. W. Lindscy. 11. V. Shircy.
John R. Shirey. E. T. Highland.
Henry Clarke. A. J- Kennry.
H. OLARKB President, Albany, N.Yn J. A. TULLBY, f Vice-President
Bobi. V. 8HIBST, Treasurer.
What is
'Cttrli ia Dr. fi1 Pttekci's pMMrifOoB fr Iafknts
Narooiio avbaUmce.
far FMfric, Dtepe, 8 tkimg Sjnw, md Cter OIL
It IrFtoMMat. Its fMiwtee Is thirty years ase by
- -
aa Wiad Colic
. tsatalat; triaalw, cares coastisatisa aa4 aataleaey.
'fhwkiMMAM t3be) ae)d rs?rtaaea tks etavaiaia
.aaa towels, ilrlag. ataUsy aaaf aataial slsaa. Gat
.-. i. -, . SX -
,.?. -13315.
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,,-,,"-!l!lftViML -T"mlfer .sl'a.a fii??aLX
HdkXaBiaeapaiaaeraPf?."P S. ,. .v. .. . r
aaaaeateaaajy"i . . f v -
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lare assortment of
Suit the times.
It Is a hantlcM ambetitate
Uiac SaarCsHU
fSeMeeAtUaeaw. Uattt
1 expelled from the ajsteat. there caa
be ee care for this leatheeaia eal
SaacMeeajaalady. Therefere(theeaJy
effective treatment Is a thereegh eeerae
ef AyeVs ffAraaemrilU the heat of an
blood periflers. The sooser yom hegbi
tho better ; delay is daogeroee.
' I was trowWed with catarrh for oyer
two years. I tried rarieae itmtMm,
and was treated bye eaaiheref ebyeW
ciaas, bet received no beaelt aatu X
began to take Oyer's Sanaparilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cared mm ef
this troublesome eoaiplaiat aad com
pletely restored my health." Jesse X.
Hoggs, Uolman's iftlte, N. C.
Wlicn Aycr'a Sanaparilla wae rec
oiuineudcd to me for catarrh, I was ia
clined to doubt its efficacy. Hariag
tried ro many remedies, with little hea
efit, I had no faith that aaythiaa; woahl
cure me. I became emaciated from low
of appetite and impaired digestkm. I
had nearly lost the sense of smell,
div system was badly deraaaed. Iae
about disCourazcd. when a friend arced
me to try Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, and re
ferred me to persons whom it had cared
or catarrh. After taking half ft deeen
bottlrs of this medicine, I am convinced
that the only sure way of treatine this
olMkmtc disease in through the blood."
Cliarles If. Maloney, 113 Bivcr St.,
Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Sirsipirilli,
Or. J. C. Ayer Co Lowei, MSSB
Trice et;ixtctUSS WertMSfateSla.
-Friday, Dec. 13, 18ta.
Entered at tc i'ost Office in Red Cloud, Neb.,
as mail tnatterof the second class
Kicknpoo remedies at Cot tings.
Dolls so cheap as never vas at Cot
tings. A splendid line of school reward
cards at Cottings.
Trunks and valicci, elegant stock.
ttcNitt & Galasha.
Messrs Warner & Wolfangcr were
in Lincoln this week.
The fire department give a masque
rade ball Christmas night.
Stoves! Stoves! cheaper than be
fore at Perkins & Potters.
Some of our joung folk have been
putting in the week skating.
Toys and Christmas goods way down
to hard pan this year at Cotting?.
We have the over coats for you
this fall. McNitt & Galusha.
We have the best suit you ever
saw for $0,50. McNitt & Galusha.
The place 'to sec a line of men's
flannel shirts is at McNitt & Galusha.
Five and ten cents will buy some
thing nice for the children atCottings.
We carry the largest stock and sell
at prices sthat suits. McNitt & Gal
usha. A large invoice of pictnre moldings
just received at Cozad & Cos. furni
ture store.
Our stock is complete iu our Hues
priceB about half, the usaal. McNitt
& Galusha.
Perkins & Potter still hold the
fort and can make price b lower than
the lowest.
Look here! You can save money
by going to Perkins & Potters and
get their prices.
Underwear, you never saw a nice
asto:kand the low prices catch you.
McNiU & Galusha.
The Nebraska and Kansas Farm
Lnan Co. want all the good farm
loans they can get. tf
Deputy sheriff, O. C. Tool, was in
Fairbury this week on business con
nected with his office.
The weather has been very balmy
most of the week, and our citizens
have enjoyed the occasion.
Perkins & Potter are offering extra
inducements on their large stock of
heating stoves in order to close them
out at once. Call and get prices.
Do not buy anything in the furni
ture line until you have consulted
Cozad & Cos. Taey have bottom
prices on furniture and everything in
their line.
Tho oity authorities are talking
of putting in an electric fiie alarm.
On the corner of l.h Avenue and
Webster street will be placed the
signal box and the key left handy
for use. It would be a big improve
ment. D. M. Piatt who has established
himself in Denver in the lumber busi
ness, was in the city this week. Mr.
Piatt is a No. 1 business man and un
derstands the lumber business thor
oughly huving b.en engaged in it the
better part of his life.
The young people of the M. E.
church will jxive a dime social at the
rcbidcuue of Mr. and Mrs. Shetwood
Friday evening Dec 39. Sociability
hiteispjrseii with music and refresh
ments will be the program. A cor
dial invitation is cxtcnuVtl to all
Ity order of committee.
The books donated to the Y. 31. C.
A. library have been returned to the
doners whose names are recorded
therein. Those marked ''unknown"
and bearing nams of non-residents,
have been left with Cassins Winters
wlure original owners can get them
upon application.
A company incorporated as the
Farmers Lumber Company are pur
chasing the R. A. Handy Umber ari
at Bed Cloud. J. F. Ilollcnbeek is
interested in the. company and will
have the general management ef this
y ird with other yards this company
will own farther west Mr. Bollen
beck intends moving his family frets
Atchison, Kaneae, teBei Ckam aai
make this city his permanent heme. '
11. D. Raaaey ia fast Wjemlng ewe
ef the best cenntv elnke that Weh
ster eonntr has.ever had. He ie eare-
fsl is every detail and we helievehis
recerds wift taasate 'iavechly wi'ii
any msdexlor he eeamty. Bfwidea
hdng a gwdekrk ke iIm inlak
and cenrtsese and. tsiej iiasleef Wcfc
stereeatitv wIm ,lave. ssjnuMea wxtk
thai eWV will llweUd in a mai:
itr tlBsse'esslnsniiJeiiiThe
aakeftcrtaaata aayltofr tays
John H. Shircy and wife arc in
tLe city this week.
Mrs. Mary J. Paries of Iseunels
it visiting in4his city.
A. L. Fssk, of Lincoln was in the
city s few hosts this week.
Deyo it making s special drive on
albums as he boufht too many.
White Feather, the Chipptwa In
dian was in the city this week.
Mess' fancy alippers, msmers and
other nice presests at Wieners
Bits. E. J. Randall entertained her
Sunday school class last Wedcts
Chairman Wilder of tie board of
supervisors was in tho eity Wednes
Wanted 10,000 people at once to
htep into Deyo's drugstore and sec his
holiday i;oods.
Boys flannel waists and long pasts
suits from 7 to 10 vcars at less thnn
cost at Wieners.
We are telling dolls cheaper than
anyone dare, and we havj lots of
them. L. H. Deyo.
The aid society of the Methodist
tJiurch will give s dinner New Years
day. Don t forget it.
Perkins & Potter will make the
lowest prices on every thing in their
For nice holiday presents both use
ful and ornamental can be fonnd in
large assortments at Wieners.
We know it is hard timo but you
have no ides how far s very little mon
ey will go in the purchase of toys at
Tom Hatfield has been appointed
watchman at the fire departmn t
headquarters, and will stay then
aights. J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on
good farm and city property. Farm
loans eight per cent and less. City
ten per cent.
Loans made at low rates of intercs
by the Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan
Co. Money ready as soon as papers
are signed. it'
DeWitt's little early ribcrs: only
pill for chronic constipation, ind igo!
tion, dyspepsia. Nono so coed, Sold
by Coiting. 1
J. II. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on
good farm and city property. Farm
loans eight pei cent and less. City
ten per cent.
Don't forget the entertainment at
the opera house to-night It will be
one of the best entertainments ever
given in Red Cloud.
Go to McNitt & Galusha for a
tailor made suits. We will save you
from five to ten dollars. This is the
reason we take so many orders.
Constipation poisoss.the blood; De
Witt's little early risers cure consti
pation. The cause removed, the
disease is gone. Sold by Cotting. 7
Acts at once, never fails. DeWitt's
cough and consumption cure. A
remedy for asthma, and that feverish
condition which accompanies a severe
cold. Sold by Cottiog. G
Jim Butler the .harness man, while
using his pen-knife the other day
stuck the point of it into hit limb
just below the knee cap and conse
quently is a "lecdio" lame.
Your cough will not last all winter
You will not be kept awake at night;
You will get immediate relief if.
You will use DeWitt's cough and
consumption cure. Sold by Cotting 4
Pope Bros, have leased the old Mc
Farland room and will some time next
week open up their large dry goods
store. These gentlemen will do busi
ness when they get their store opened
as they are rustlers.
Deyo has hit store ehoek full of
goods. He hat one of the largest va
rieties of Christmas goods we ever taw
tin toys, wooden toys, glass toys,
every kind of toys made, cups and
saucers, vase, rose jars, etc., plush
goods of every kind and price. Go
Cut and slash seems te be the pro
gram now by" every merchant or at
least they advertise to do so. Wien
er, the leading elothier of the Re
publican Valley, is sevr behind hand
and invites sll buyers of clothing,
boots atd thoet to call on him before
buying, ssd he will convince them
that money will be saved by doing so.
When Baby was stele, we gave 1
When afae sras a CfcBd, she cried t or Osstoria.
Whta she became Miss, she cfaac Castoria.
Whea she bad Cafldrea, she gate tbess Caaterie,
Iteh, mange, asd acratehee on hnsaan or
animals cored in thirty sainntea by Wool
ford's sanitary Lotion. This never fails
sold brL- H. Deyo drmjrjrist, Bed Clocd
Wise Hesx The swssrs of tie
hersee, which were xtolen the other
day near Cawker City, Kansas, and
sold te tiro. W. Ltndsey. at anction
on onr streeta last Satarday were, in
Red Cload after the team and prion-
era. lne name of the ewaer. ef the
. m . -
hersee was
VI nr
tiaas antper. and ne
end he
wa acceapanied hy Ben Ksiken, .J
o -ij -' vi-ax ii-- j
ar. vvaaimin niisrn, ser.
Albert BoeakeeL Tser ssefcr the
f riseaere, and berves Seek toR
sssw a a . ansa "
aesseeeay. xse nnxgnera gave;
taetr sssaee aa auper, sai vers csas
ina of the ase frees wheat nhej had
te4en las heme. They win he jail
ed at Blanket aad frnhekly. wiM a
ever the reed far s tarsi ef yearn in
UmKsssss sea.
nr nnm nn . vJ."
J. O. Butler
has moved three
doors nearer the
state of Kansas.
Ga Is
He hat the finest line of stoves
evereeeaia the city. He has the
celebrated Garland cook and heaters,
and a full line of others equally as
good. Hardware at the very luwcst
ficsres for cash. Do not buy stoves
or hardwire until you sec mc. Optra
house block. Webster street.
i -e e -
Say Ike Southern Jleaical
"Mother Friend" is growing in favor
throughout the south and highly rec
ommended y physicians. We consider
is indispensable to those who know they
meat paM through the ordeal of child
birth. Write Bradfitld Reg. Co., Atlanta
Ga. for particulars Sold by C. L. Cot-
I ting.
Great slaughter sale of boots asd
shoes at Warner & Wolf anger's.
They are going to relocate in Lincoln
and do not want to move the goods.
You can set bargains at their htore.
Headache is the direct result of In
digestion and stomach disorders.
Remedy these by using DeWitt's lit
tle early risers ana your ncauaene aia
appears. The favorite little pill
everywhere. Said by Cotting 8
I -M !-
Your wated cheeks may have all
the plumpness and bloom of health
through your use of AvorV sarsapar
illa. T1ih time-honored remedy still
leads the van. It improves digestion,
purities the blood, and invigorates the
system. Give it a trial.
The liarfh, drastic purgatives, once
deemed so indispcnsible, have given
place to milder and more skillfully
prepared laxatives; hence the great
and growing demand for Aycr'& pills.
Physicians everywhere recommend
them for costiveness, indigestion and
on hand
line of
Holiday Goods,
Hollow Ware,
New Gaaelft aal law arlcce. Call
a1 sec them ncforc purr saw
Ins clacwkcrc
SkcritT'a Saic.
vtl I. lu.Mli-intn (liit iinrtor Mtil liwlr
UictIaiinUTofs.ic lied from theonfeeot
1.. 1!. Fort, Clerk of the I)Ltrict Otirt oft'
KiKhtli Jnuiclnl l)itn't. wJthln and for Web
ster CIMiniV, CI)raK. Unj r-rc: in ini
tio., pen.lfup. Herein, uherelti. Joseph Klfctil
ex is plaintiff, anosraliiit Jr'hn T. HrHion
aiid Martha u KoMiimiu. ItrfcndMiits rlall
nwln oner forra cat j.ithlk; enliietoU!e nfli
.j t.Hiinr frtf nh lii htjd nithe cas'door ol
Uk? court brew, at i:l l:d, ttertT
cstiiitty. X bracks, ftlsat N-ins P5 wbere
the lat trm of aid curt wa !iMen. on the
131k mt Jaa. A. I. 191,
at 1 o'etoek . m. of said dar. the follow lar
deseiibed Ht:rty b-wit: Ibefiaath halt of
tlMftontlinetiimirof section Sjar in toem-
! shln three north I range nine vest of C b. ex.
lnWelterronDtv.eDnKa. ieniwery
band this 2d day of Deeeaiber . D. inx.
CA.Tni, Mrif.
i . C Teat, Depntjr.
D. If. EmeW, riatatig a attorney. 1JS
SkcrinTn Sale. -
Notice Is hereby pi ven. tkat nnSeT and by Tlr
taaf an order ol sale lulled !n the tiSVieef
I. II Fort, tier's otthe lii-iiet Ccrt
1'ii.r. ,. jfi.i ruM.i hiu -ntt tar JKlf
I CCHIH .IMAM. ..-,. w . -- -w. --
1 oer nmniv. ytbnwka upon a decree i
tioN priidir., therein. Kberebx S
f TTfc..'Tt itiintie ai asakw enriss-
un Jjwr $ :2r ,
lSer tor sale at bW 'eaHae, tne
I Si it sla
Bfckter for eaah h
ef the court
lass.'d WchstKceurttAXetaasfca. (isajt.Wif
the twtt41s vnervin the Us Vc C saM nsnrt
a. w. iaai,
sai ---' said dT.
s4stMertTto-srttr T'y
s- !-si4tti aa sm sswnsm
swsf. In nmmttyKAj9- .-
rnsiTr 3 1 r rs snsjss
into .JnsjstPsn.nsii.A-I.
Kjktxtm junxsn nsiswsr
IV mill
Xttee U Jterrbr tlrt a Htat mill Jcasuy to.
1 St. seaM lUs w'Ji be mviTe by U eeafttr
t9rtt of uijniQr cf Vtir emmif, S
brwka, for sutr4K tn b fur&Ubrd uM ruurty
tivmmmrie4f fcfeJsto I aeronMMtal by a
ttmA jumI fuSVhmt tmul te WrtMtc ceuMjt 1c
raw reatiart Is let xtMrastwtac fstUdul jr
Imaumi of c ttrart.
Th frftmiNe i a liito! vjmiJI mjmrttl
.inl tbe Mtfur rt bteaiax. a)l feuls to te fiM
with thcetu)ycirrk.
USaaaetefctMls, prtnlrd s4 fc!, ? !lx
3.WBcaTps :. i.a.a prMKri, wm:
eaulopts So. t XXX r'cltd, vhitr
s ffclrca rteants pUin pane nrr fcaofc
s itM rccertfa pntcU lr beufc.
S trircs record printed pace rr book.
C quires rccvrits pUin pmgt frr book.
C ntdres records rtil4 m per hoot.
A recent to be lull boumi extra KawUn
eads. Uaud and Iron? rannn rover. 49 IU
I'arsen's SrotHi ftrst rUw linen ieOcrr )pr.
Ieniess arm ret Hi: per rest.
1oh Isaac's pent No. 1 pe. sruu.
l,u I.iao ens No to per rov
lou Isaac pen No 9 per tjtoe.
Lead pencils, Faber's o 4 hexagon iuVter
lips pe 6ro
eal pencils Faber's red and Mtie per duru
Kubber bands No II ratiS4ted trr J.
Kubber eraMrt (ink and pencil) Fabrr' jxrr
Flcurina tabs SxltW eah) ir ttiousatnL
Fisu.-iu tabs Cx luiUO eachi jr tUo&satid.
Arnold's tuk pet jiurt
Ctrtcr's oanulne ink per pint.
Abstract legal cap U lb Crane eitra pfr
Abstract legal mp la ll Crane extra per
Atstract legal cap not ruled Craae extra per
Killing ihtiis No I jxfr pen.
McUlu's paper fasteners round beads No 1
per box.
Met; it's paper fasteners, round beads, ' 9
per box.
Claim blaaks lJ sbeetper thousand.
Certificates ot electiou per buudrrd.
Claims lor damages on reads per hundred.
McGlU's pjjH.T tastcners round heads No 3
CopTtnc Ink, Stevens r pint.
Mine eraser exiraipiai it rk
rerfeetlou mucilage per uoru.
Fertecllon letter nles iex Die.
Clobe doeumtut boxe lCtxv; jr dozen.
t;lt Ve document boxes 10xtx3i, per d'xeii,
iloiHj document boxe 10x44x3, prr UeB
ioieiocuineuiioMi iosix.'S perdoicu.
5lotK! itocument boxv I0xt(vi erduzen.
tllobedoouuicnt loxea 104xlt (er dozen.
Ulboo docutnviit loxe I0tl4l per dczen,
.lustier tloeke t '! uulre nxtra er dozen.
JnMloe dorket f. iulre extra per dozen.
Fee booki2 quire extra er dozen
Kond oerrsreceijit ikkW luo Iu book irr
Ktvtd Ill's, extra materLil per dozen.
24 poll books H) rotes each for IKiO per UtoL
TaxrecelpU. original, duplicate ami tnpll
rate er thousand.
Kecelpts for pajment under protest jer ISO.
KedeupUon certificates ier loo.
Application for lbjuor licence per 100.
Athdait tor bounty on scalps per Mo.
Apiulntrnent, oath ami rsorr of road ap
priascrs per ion.
Appointment, oath aiul report of road com
mlvdoner ;er ICO.
Certincate of acknowledgement per HO.
Certificates of character per liuudred.
CertlQcates for bounty ou calw ier 100.
Klection uottcea for ISCW jer dozen.
Official hands .r too.
Oath of ottlee per lOo.
Xotlce, oa'h and report of special ruad lotu
mlsslooer per loo.
ltoad overseers annual settlement ier 100.
Attachment affidavits district court per ton.
Attachment orders district court per luo.
Affidavits against garulhee district court per
AffUlavlts of replevin district court iht 100,
Appearance txnds district court it KU
lkmds for costs district court Kr too.
May bonds ui strict court ovr luo.
Injunction tonds district court ter too.
Jtcpleviu lonils district court jer too.
Attachment bonds district court per 100.
Court wranners (civil) district court nor ISO
Court wrappers (criminal) district court per
Cautions to transcript district court tier 10).
Cerlllcateto tninM.-ript district court er 10.
t uptious aim ccruucaies 10 laxe ueKillou
district courtier 100.
Conunlssiou to take deposition district court
tier loo.
Xoticc to tak dejiositlon district court jvr
iK-cl.irution of Intention district court ier los
Keturnsof executions district court ner ion.
Kxecutiuus 011 transcript district court per
Final papers district court jer 100.
Jury and witness list district court jer loo.
Order of delivery to replevin district court
Kr 100.
1'rccipcs district court jn-r too.
lIccogulzaiMM of ertuiluai witness district
court ier hninlrcd.
Summons original district court per 100.
Summons copy district court per 100.
Summons Iu error district court per ton.
Suhpu'tias original district court per 100.
SutiMi-nas ropy distrl:t court per 10s.
b'uuJMcuxs iu cilmltul cases district court per
Statements pf cosU dUUictcowtper u.
Verdicts of Jury district court per 100,
Affidavits and iiiuk'rtakiiijr for Onler of at'
tadimeiit in Justice court per HO.
Affldav Its for k'anitshec justice coirt ier loo.
Appeal uiidvrtaklus: Justice court er loo.
Com pi units Justice court per luo.
Commltmtnts for contempt Justice court per
Executions Justice court per Ifio.
allttimus in bailable cases Justice court ier
Mittimus In cases not bailable Justice court
lcr li.
X'ltico of constable sale J-istlce court er 100
Notice of garnishee Justice court per !.
Order of attachment Jutlco ciwrt per too.
Order of sale of altachcd properly Justice
court iht Hi).
Orier of arrest Jitstlre court per 10a
KccoKuiruuce to keep the eace Jtislirc ro ut
per lim.
Kcplevin summons luslice enurl im.t K.
.Siiinmons ortKliul Justice cHirt er lur.
Summons copy. Justice court ier inn.
Summons aKalnt garnishee Justice court tr
Huhpu-n&s copy Jusllc court jer hundred.
Hubpo lias orlplnal Justice court per hundred.
State srarratts Justice court per hundred.
Search warrants justice court per hundred.
Undertaking for costs Justice court ier hun
Undertaking in order of arrest Jus'lce court
ler huiidrel.
Verdict of Jurr Justice court per hundred.
Venire for Jury Justice court er hundred.
Tlie county tmard reserves the right to reject
any and alt bids.
Ited Cloud. !cceinter 2. 190.
II. I. KAJt.xr.r. County Clerk.
Praaaalc Xallec.
State of Nebraska.!
ebster county, )
Xotlce is hereby given In nil persons having
claims and demands against Warren r Kent,
late of Webster county deceased, that we time 1 f
Bxed for tiling claims against said estate S lHSr
IflUClill 1IUHI 3fc W1 V N.UHMJI tw.. .
persons are reiulml to present their cuums
with tae Touchers to the cwruty Jndge of said
county at hU offtee therein on of before the stli
day of July. liOl, and all claims so Bled will be
heard leforo the said J wise on the 9th day of
July. ISM. at 10 o'clock Iu the forenoon. Dated
this 9th day ef December. lwe.
j D. F. Txu k k County Judcc.
Uy Tirtne ef aa exeention directed to me frota
tlie dltrlct court of Webster muBty, Xehraka.
rei a iiidtoneat ehtahsed before fsasal West of
Xed Cl"d, said teanty, Nebraska, on the 24ti
ilayof Nottsaher. Use, and traRscrlpsed teeaut
court la favor el Ml a. A. Clinm (forasally Mrs.
A. Mnsbcrj as plaiatllT, and aalaC Thos
Emih and W. J. KasfcjM as defeadan's. for the
sunt r 1972.78 aad tut taxed at K aed aeeru'
iBg casta, I ease sried upon we runosrinx per.
oenv taaen a tne nropertT 01 sawi
cistoasiMrssklescriitlositosril. Oae
ivruuvuvrmii. 'fit-
jts-s ai-Hrtsix jw eu iveidit v. .
wm offer the s-isw ir ssijio the bfctwst bhide r
jurr.ii iu uiHj ua it z .- 'j s i n Hf, t
l, ivja. in front of tb Id Hond 'tJfHl
Rank. .d CId, .. at the hnT f I VWV
p. m id saJ'i Hy mhrn cd hriros n-J-
a(tc tl! lnpcaiiS-i.lMUMlrrsrd. imwu
Iecrsn-r l. Us. C A. tn-L. sberi9.
OXTH Ueistr.
JU.H K. niMrti. RsIatiTs AWy. 9
Hkallce fa
sifaa.Jsw---l her
(sibssw fcrst
- isknesni stiintk
HssC tm lltm
Kl sy i ymttmhtr. A. 9. MW. rdmim . Wf
IMMtkHNissssastm. rststesstai wMn
I JHinflsMa yStt HMafa
HitfceaTlLtnssjiist wter m
ctrsMka.awadassl vrftr t
tm sw tafrriwwtre mt rrrtai mmUnrm !
a rcrw
rfUruailA.rj mm nsrsna sw
Fy stole as V, mss. wsirjw ut umvmim
lnuwif sHmTciA MftsM arvnvt siSsrsH
sta. tXi Iw srs Owner TVe smstk BsVf efXS
iisns rsst tisslr r sf ssttias stusstLS. m-
WfiWi'-siuiin.tasnwsrtSMtsssssssT is s r,
3rf eTcsi sSa nserwMi
srery atrrntit um it i i d y
UssMAtSssJC JsMrs. srs it
jftrmt prr nnsnnsnssi sfsi yrstss psw
VVsVfsVVBVssffsVsssVVnrV nsffWaTWnrar
nnnnnnnnr njnn fnnnnnnj fnsi
MsssunssstsnU Msjsssstnnnnrnsrsssnl jn
sasrrsssT'sssnsansv nssi issr sssa JhsriHrnsst
Lrssasff MWf n sst m tsssasssV. '- -
ss5nnssr5v.''?-:: ?" jasa js &'
4pAII trpso6p5 hwe great fal
tS vWjSantaClausSoap
1 yef r-
y ivt I
-..T X, !- -
JIca aael Waaiea tm rati nt uar slsire nnti
Nil rlliaaca oT
KcwlMg .UnrklMx, 4lrgHM, "arfrts, rtc. oar stork tsf lsfcrtsik
rn CaeMKla 1 CUMIHlctr MMcl WC 1Hf t-sHMPrlHl ttflrntlsSH 1st Ikte
ItrMHrk r Ikr ImImc
Jones &
fci'c:; iKHHOit
to u ii:K
IK'Mlrra In
Groceries, Provisions
Canned Fruits, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebkaska.
Fort Abstract Co., Ited Clond,
I,. II. FOIIT. Minupr.
Atostraetj of Title,
FuruiohtHl to all LiukIh in Wobtr County, Accunttuly und
Having had ten )ear cvrlticr In countr
straei books m tnr siauj,ve xuaraiure Hiiiisrixw, iwr ian mwi-i
All oideis flilel jiroinpUy HWw dSUr Utid Bld
and approved Address or call on
L. II. TOUT Manaokh. Ke,l ClouJ. Net.
Abstracters, Real Estate
and Farm Loan Agent.
Red Cloud, Nkiwasra.
Abstracts of titlo funiishel accunitIy and promptly.
Satisfaction O'uaranNvtl. $10,000 bond
Lx)wer than any yard in the world
Welilsr Street liver;, Id ui Sole U.
Frank A Kukhn. Pkoj
Boarding by the day, wetik, cr month at rt;ouAl?
rater. Fnnnew are united to ntop at our barn win in ih
citv. Special attention paid to their tradu. Pricw for
single feeding, as low a anyvvliyre in tho city. Don t for
he place.
Feed, Sale Li very Barn
F. N. Richardson, Prop, Red Cloud.
We have more hay and more com. more at, and roorw
barn (all of which we purchased when price were ay
down) than any firm in town, there4 we H reiarel 2 give
U lower RSts than any firm hetweunjlie 2 owan, Boarding
by tlie day, week or month. We do not brag of onr hone
HiiinHliirj. Stock in onr care ho'i their keeping Call on
.. .. .....
u- t tlie old reiiaou nam oacic
; vinoed that what we tell you
nnsjsj nwsassssy sps jss
VnVVTiaH mmrrmmiSSCmSi I sfT jMr
hmmhmummmmmdpriem mmm$i sms bmfwm.
t A laVBssssssssssssssssssssssssH- nm. ft 1bbW
skPBssssssaaa vskj na
ssnaL" .nHX. 'aSIm?.
Vrjyaa) 3b ATntasssI LmajsaajsJ nVnTsssVsWBVsssWnj sHafssftatnW t um aAsssssasavsvaaL an Ana
iwsssssassjsnssanssnsiMrfasssns sanai
asXsnliss " ,r mmKmS.
corrir irjcway;
"' ns come tosky
h)j macc om.-v ov
rHMtiNr ear alasrk ml
v rAstiii.K,
recsirds at e f th tan?t wjOt
ut AS
..m . a
oi j'otiiomce ana tw con
i troe-
Art u tmm-wj$ Ciiwis: mp. m.-
Jflknaa 3arsW aavaAMM Jbntna.
1-"V-'B" aPaip- jMaa
s m HwwWs aasw t" a "Anils' st
y "FlPaWBsBiMBEfcajsnnaan)
4 ' " w
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iml. -sn J isrsssssr,sswssssssssssssss s,ssssr..-sssimssssssssnsl.
r sMssnsEnasTssj asnsnnsnb -aasn a nn m
f "Wmm nafaaa li'. " apnnnnnnninnni J nnsw
JI - ag m9Tmm m , . j MfeajfasWvaiisk0Aa,
L nsssssssssanssnVsT nsssssssssssssssssssssssssasssssvfnssaaissMiavSVi' i:l V asaBassBBHHHHHB'
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- f" 7 snssMLannntojssj- aans aaaaau v' .t.' - ?
ai '3ar!!!HHrnnBanMssanBst - - i jsasjnninjnnnnnnr ,
K(lBLyiLBnBsai 'SSBS909S
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