-&,.- ' JK ''' "r" ,- - y' ?f .v d V BCW J - -s It- i:i t liirS- lV- :t V f i I n 5 1 r ib 5 P it y i -i1 u I 4 .1 !l sS f f "2 I BED CLOUD CHUF. . .. J..- Cfif , . rs-i . -. 'is - Nebraska ; -y CURRENT COMMENT. stoissd as advaaee of DiraiMmMA, Is prevailiBgtoaa isgoxteatis tlM coaatrysoath ef As sert Lm, Miss. Nearly every family is SBeetod mora or hn, Br the death of kis wife, daughter of Hares Meyer KotaoaalM, Lord bery, tko Eag lleh statesman, row 2,M,M dowry aad a msgaileeat waioa. Eacnr Pass, see arrived safely at Victoria Nyaaaa, after kaviag sees ea gaged ia several gkt with tao Arab slave ioalera, ia all of wkiek tao -xopeaas were Tiotorioaa Mr. Bautoub's Irieh relief Mil, ia -which ao uki Tote of S.Mt to aco ide seed potatoes for distressed farm ers ia Irelaad, has passed tao ooamit tee ltage ia the British Hoaso of Coav aaoaa Szvcx the death of Kiaa; WUliaai the Butch repablicaas have aoaa partlea Jarly actire ia propajratlaf their pria ciples. The police throaf hoat Hollaad hT already seized a large aumber of repahlicaa p'acards aad ateasores have -beea adopted to preTeat aay pahUe die oemiaatioa of republican idoaa. speciai. from Nagasaki. Japaa, Bays: Wbea the Alliaaoe arrived at Poa p!, it was fouad that a war kad orokca out betweea tbeaatlveaaad the Bpaaisk. The Amerleaa miatioaaries were accased of causiag tae war -aad the Alliaaoe was forced to restore tko saiastoaaries to the islaad of Oalaa. (ton: of the killed ia the recast Chi cago 4b Altoa wreck at JacksoaTllle Jaactioa. I1L. was Fred C Smith, of fekia. I1L He waa oao of tko most promiaeat aad wealtky basfaoss mea la the city aad was iaterested ia a large aamber of basiaeas eaterprisea It was rarioasly estimated that he was wortk fSM OM to f 1,600,00a . It is aaderstood that the aecouats of 'the late Goaeral W. W. Belkaap are ia tod shape and that kis widow is ia aeed of ready money. For that reasoa the executive couac'.l ia allow' ag a few huadred dollars due General Belkaap as ageat of Iowa ia pressiag war claims aad the warrant issued to Mrs. Belkaap Sastead of the admiaistrator of the es tate. Chief Bbooks reports that durlag the year 846 arresU were made by Secret Service agents Most of them were for counterfeiting aad passiag conaterfeit money. CoaTictioas were secured ia fifty-one oases, aad iaes to the amount of $19,168 imposed, aad the offendors seateaoed aad counterfeit money to the. amoaat of ff 16,781 ee zed. News has beea received by the Sup erintendent of the Coast aad Geodetic Survey from the two Goveramoat sur vey parties who spent last year ia Alaska oa tke upper Yukon. All were well ia both parties. The corps ia charge of Mr. Turner -will winter at St Michaels, while the MeGrath corps will remain on the Yukon for tke par pose of makiag astroaomical observe t!ona Two bills to provide for tke free coia age of silver have beea tatrodaced ia the 6enate, one by Senator Teller aad the other by Senator Plnmb. Mr. Tell er said to a reporter: "We will aa doubtedly put a free cajaage bill through the Senate at tkls mmsloa aad I thiak it will go to tke President Of course, I am not so conldeat of tke action of tke House, but tke Senate will certalaly pass a free colaage bill." Advices received from Tiea Tain, China, via Vladivostock, state that a vast number of the people ia Tiea Tsia aad vlciaity are ia a coadl t'on of terrible destitutioa owlag to the recent floods. Tkey are desperate from starvatioa aad are mesaciag tke Earo peaa resideats witk massacre aad plan der. They 'threatea to march' aaoa Pekia aad loot that oity after plunder ing tke Europeans ia their owa prov ince Gitoss extortions are being praoticod on consumptives visiting Borlia for treat meat under the Koch metkod. The Continental Hotel has charged Prau Beiger. of Carlsruhe, wkose kas bead died there after being inoculated by Dr. Levy, the sum of ?6f marks for tke disiafectioa alone of the room ao occupied. The Goverameat, it is said, will be forced to withdraw the lymph from private aoarcos eatirely if tkls Bwiadliag coatiaaea Tax Emferor of Germany kas later lewed a barber aamed aUoger, wko lives ia Gleglea, ia order to obtaia from Bim the report of Bieger's secret diph theria care, which, it is stated, worked woaders among tke patleats of Gleglea aad tke aeigbborhood. as has beea aa thoritatlvely proved. The discovery was made by aUeger's fataerwko ia a ahepherd. The Kaiser has promised eger aa opportaaity of makiag ox perimeats with kis remedy at tko Char ity Hospital aader the saparvisioa of Profs. Koch aad Bergmaaa. A bio cora kaskiag match, ia wkiek all Westers Iowa was Iaterested, took place at Avoca roceatly. Al Jokasea aad Will McConaelU wko for two years kad claimed the ekamptoaakip of Iowa, were the coatastaata A Aeld of oara averagiag forty basaels to tao aero was ckosoa aad each ehampioa worked tea bears. A big crowd of mea watcked tke race aad cheered taoir respective lavoritoa Tke result waa that each contestant keeked aad cribbed asset 140 basaels. The prise was $1M a aad was awarded to Jokasea, his beiag freer of basks ixattvx Frank, of Miaseari, kas iatredaoed a Wll f or tao appoiat Bseat of a commisaioa of tvo psrssas to BoMoaseo for six year aot more thaa throe of whom shall be of oaepollUeal arty, whose ditty It aaoald be to ex amlaeiatoaad aacartaia tao atiee of eeeassoditieshothU tkla cowatry aad abroad -with epeeial laiaraacsa to tMBgoa Ib aha tariff laws of tao Ualted atones, tko aomaaoat easee of this to kola obiectofitsframoristo mtoBtaatwinbe ihissjrtoa, The TsJaableaa eaasHsr MtkAaariafoaaasiOB. . "" ncvaes aw saw asumsi ago Of IM. Yaero waa ansno uauc ox sssa cm vans m pm mining is BBS BBS BBS BO anon sain acwih . w . usfc mm aia. ZC1ZZ -"-'-- - m m at ..gRg-.. - lsrmers AlUaaoe at Ocala. Fla., saa seadiasU torottevoNow York. ttV wrath of all the stock rakers of tkat says: "1 sad hsia sf ia I iag three weeks ZJSSZ lYll mi I I s m iBsM.! 2tS?s ' " ! f1 ..iliS.fjffiiif1-''1 "" aasaed araaolsttoa arglag Coagrees ta vor was firmer. The PariaBoarse wss ooaatry, beeease of takraishag of tko fas the Walts aUaea witk Mr. Liaoala. "JTSfmmihK'TTlkZm mttn uSmjT.?Zl" w! S 'WggSS---- eamot tko Leeleettoas bill .tot. BsrUs waa isaottvs, aerkbaaiaeaa M kk gaoat Oao sight-it was Jast r"" TTum.uittirw w"!tJ1LLZZ 5 S is -g-lySggtfgpj BDBxaaxAwammr That Troack steamship LaCkaaiiagBO lasdollty aoasm q the lias last those after too batslo of Ball Baa-I was rest- ""T-TaZTaa aaaaTaamam af 4V rami asm 2ZZLTik4 I reoost fishm setsmear'satlsaa ami raosstty ia ooUistea with the awiaa aaoald kavo raa iato tko lake, last sad ooaldaot slews Iwaasafoat- gtCBBarrl rfsaTaaleTa'mslllsa see '-;.'- I "'SSmPimW'' ISmc! 4 " Tl.tn.n saw XlXml wm hag aks ssrt wMok ; toa T -mJuwl mBlSSSSSSSS i ir V "JW&ffWc.. BBm V J m . sa - aBw.-- f-sv - m "" - - -j. -gf-- ABmwL VVsbbbubbI' BmBmBsar'BkM wBBBBk' a 'ftamsB?' 'LsSBSBBr rmmBBH 1 sanasmafml Battssf 4apkS apsavms .mapaBV jsBaWP T 'ml 'gJAOBBaafB " "s- 'sBSamavy nmsv i" - r lg) '-'Ksmi' 9itt00(0ff Cv? tPal afctUesst esSsWL' Bsmaatst' asmml 7- -1 w --Jsaw- SBWnsml BaaBBBBBBBBBmBl BBrnml T-saamaBBBSBaBat aVaa, s wsaamam bbbt4bVsbbb rbbbbbbi sataBBBBBT "" R bSbI PsPsPj 9ssaVswBmv3 T: glg- gS " ''XMllSS, SSm JssSesfcrM.ClJi oame drownag. far to thia day tto too"...! alepa -Th. soor was 1uaji sM lZ q T i?5 il.r1v onwSB'wr gVvBn awBmssaa-SBm .muaF.wB s -Ck s? - jw , . ' ' t -,,j ' -' M XBsnaaHBn' VaaaBSHBaBMa'sBBBnsBBsaasBT aWtanBaaamau Asbbbi ssaSk BnnhnnBaT'BBBBmBT 'BBBBBBBBBBal bbbbbb .HflBjHMttflLJBBBBBBn " mTamsaa wJmgAgaflABjssa -4 SBBBBBBBflsBv T ' sbbbbw mfsaBsmal jbBbBPsbV. t'-rr ,nmnasamainaaamaawe5nssmm JB9VPaahMnghBBSjH 4ss flgmsammaS' 1 w " -j 'ksTssa sbbT Asbsb Ifiws OF TBI WEEK. OlewMi B7 Ttllgraph md XaJL session ef the Fiftr-arst Can- ivened at aoeaoa December 1. The Kb neariy air the senators Immediately after prayrr by the the credentials ef Newrs. Carey aeaators-elect from the aew of Wyoming, were presented and they sworn in.Cary drawing; the long and the short term. Tae Fresiaenrsmea- wss then presented and read and the aawarnea....TB Hoase met at nooa. the credentials of Messrs. Bracken- rldsje (Ark.), Sweet (Idaho), Stone (Pa.) aad Clark (Wyo.) were presented and they were sworn la, Mr. Breckinridge being greeted WKh applause by bis friends. The creden tials ef DavM A. Harvey, as Delegate arom. Oslshsms, were presented aad be was sworn ta. The President's mfinas wss then read aad the Sense adjesrasd. Avraa disposing ef'vsrios motions aad reselatlons on the 2d tbe Senate by a strict party vote took np the Federal elec tions bill andwblle the bill was being read the hoar of 3 o'clock arrived and a motion by Senator Hoar to continue tbe reading ef the bill was antagonised by Mr. Gor man, who wished to proceed with unfin ished bnslness-the eight-hoar Gill. It was anally decided by a party vote to proceed with tbe reading, which continued antil ad journment... .In tbe House petitions for the amending of the McKinley bill were pre sented. The copyright bill was then taken np and various motions made to get It out of tbe way, bat after ordering tbe previous question the House adjourned. In the Senate on the 3d Mr. Callom Intro dnced a bill to reduce letter postage to one cent. The Indian troubles In tbe North went were then discussed until 2 o'clock, when the elections bill came np and Senator Tur pie addressed the Senate In opposition to the biU antil adjournment.... In the House the copyright bill was takea up and after some debate passed by 189 yess to !fi nays and the House adjourned. w Prrrnoirs were presented in the Senate on tbe 4th, aad tbe resolution offered by Senator Hawley to issue arms to the States of North and South Dakota and Nebraska, for defense against the Indians, was taken up. and after a general discussion of the Indian troubles was adopted. The elections bill wss then taken up aad Mr. Pugh spoke against it. No other baslness of general Importance was transacted The House paused tbe bill for the punishment of any guardian, committee er other Judiciary sgent for the embezzle ment of the pension of a ward, aad the pen sion nppropristion bill was considered In committee of tbe whole until adjournment. AITEB routine business In the Senate on the 5th the elections bill sgsin came up In the regular order and Senator Gray spoke at length in opposition. During the debate the fsct came oat that a grave error had been de in the printing of the bill, and pending discussion the Senate adjourned after Mr. Morgan had offered a resolution calling on the Attorney-General for a statement ss to places of residence and date of appointment of chief supervisors of elec tions In the Southern States.... The House, after some discussion, took up and passed the Senate resolution for supplying arms to certain Northwestern Ststes for defense against the Indians. The pension appropri ation bill was then further considered, and oa motion of Mr. Dockcry, of Missouri, an amendment was adopted providing that no agent or attorney should demand, receive or be allowed any compensation in any disabil ity case. It Is estimated by Mr. Dockery and Chairman Morrill, of the Invalid Pension Committee that this will save $5,000,000 to the pensioners within the next three years. Tbe bill passed and the House adjourned. nBBONAL AMD tfOUTICAX. Gexzbax Cadmus M. Wilcox died at Wasfaiagtoa on the 2d. An acrimoaious conference of Irish Natioaalists ia Loadon on the 3d ended somewhat favorably for ParaelL Mb. Perkins has introduced a resolu tion in the House for the issuance of eeeds to aeedy farmers in Kansas and Nebraska. M Leorand Virxr.iw, governor of tke Baak of France, is dead. J. H. Baxteb, Surgeon-General, U. S. A., has beea stricken with parslys.a. D. B Favkbweatk. deceased, a millioaaire leather merchant of New York, has left S200, 000 to Cornell Uni versity. The Natioaal Farmers Alliance and Industrial Uaioa met in convention at Ocala, Fla, oa the 2d. CoLOXKL S. Ta STKWAirr, brother of Ualted 8tates Seaatar Stewart, of Ne vada, aad a large mine owner, died at 8atter Creek, Cat, recently. Tbb Italian Goverameat has resolved oa a conciliatory policy toward all ex cept the extreme clerical element, and ia acoordaaoe with this course all per sons convicted of offenses wholly political-are to be released. Exglaitd is reported bringing strong iaf aeaee to boar oa Hollaed to obtaia the adhesion of that country to the agreemeat permitting the Congo Free State to levy import duties. Advices from Berlia state that an otker member will be added to the kooeekold of Emperor William shortly. Pabveix caa aot marry Mrs. O'Shea aatil the Captain chooses to enter a mo ttoa ia court for absolute divorce. Hob: Isaac M. Jordan, one of the best kaowa members of the bar in Cln- daaati, fell down the elevator in the LlaeolB Inn court, where his office wss located, aad was instantly killed. Mas. Maby Tukpib. Mother of Sena tor Tarpie. was burned to death near Delphi. lad., roceatly. She was nearly ee years old. Lobd 8ausburt challenges Mr. Glad ataao to relate all the facts ia the Ha wardea iatervlew with Mr. ParnelL Tax election of mayor at Louisville, Ky.. weat ia favor of the Democrats The Irisk land purchase bill passed its second reading in the British House of Commoas by a vote of 908 to 130. TnTxPresideat aad Secretary Blaine aroeor.oasly considering the appoiat moat of Congressman Morrow, of Call feraia, aa Miaister to Guatemala ia place of Laasiag B Mixner, recalled. Da. Joddiam Baxter, Surgeon-General of tae Ualted States army, wko waa strlckea witk paralysis, d-ed at Waaaiagtoa oa tae 4ta. He sever re gaiaed ooasoiousaess after tke attack. Kino Kalakaua, of tke Saadwiok Islaads, arrived at Saa Fraaolsco oa the Ualted 8tates war ship Charleston. It la declared that aa understanding has aeea reached ia Congressional circles by which ao river aad harbor bill will be passed at this session, there by roduciag the appropriatioas by fa,. Mas. Pxxu wife of Bight Hon. Arthur Pool. Sneaker of tke British Houss of Commons, is deed. Hob. Sib John Waubb Hvddlkston, Jastioe of tke Queen's Bench division of the EaaiUh High Court of Justice, is dead. He was bora la 1817. The Prosideat has aomiaated Romal doPaehoco, of CaUfornla, as Minister to Ceatral America, vice Mixner, re eallod ia coaseneace of the Barraadia affair. Tbb New i'ork Herald supports Caarlea A. Daaa aa aacceasor to Evarsr Ib the Ualted Stotea Seaate. Cocnt Hermabn Von Dalwio. aPras alaa aehlemsa oagaged ia cattle raia lag ia Tsxas, waa killed by a trala Tbe Caar la displeased witk kis Mia- of War. a party of ska aame of Vaaaovaki of tao Natioaal at Ocala, Fla., araaolsttoa arrlar Ciasmsi to bili 1 J 1 . .. - . . - ' - ..- : m a a.-i-. m . ..T-..-' . .. ua B-. m ibh mm w. m - vwv mm . mg W. - aaaamaaaanBBaaaaBasm JbaaM r. Attn, oaekier of tke Al- aAT.TT.Vt! " wkiek mod lilts risklas f nahsBT was rakaai - smew atkUeaneotoCaieaiwiaosaMy ef .- -r oaf ia oaak by two mea dressed Ilka n. -- nnanaaaa am. Tma. sates sftSBaars. - - asm assssn - j Tbb Poaa'a rosoipt of Peter's from Irelaad smows a marked falling off tkls year Tbb trial of Mrs Nellie Pearey at LoadoB. okarged witk aaviag ia Oeto fcar last mnrdored a womsa aamed Mia, Hooks, tka wile of asvlovor, oaded ia a Tsdictof mllty of aaraor ta the first decree aa4 tko prisoaer was ss todsatk. A scbooNVB witk all kaads waa costly lost ia tko Bay of ready. Corawallla. . Tbb Sorites tokaeeo factory, Detroit, was os Ire loeeAtly. Tka leas footed . Two tremea were killed aid two seriously la jured by a falling walL Tax strike oa tka Pittsburgh, Shen andoah A Lake Erio railroad kas saded ia a compromise. Fibb ia Oxford, Ala., destroyed tko Arlington Hotel aad six stores, causiag tsa see loss. The long overdue Aacnor iiae steam ship Ethiopia, from 2Vew York to Glas gow, hss beea fouad. Her shaft was broken, sad ske had to proceed under saiL Ibwin, a janitor, ami his wife perished in a fire at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue aad Ninth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., on the Sd. The Bittenhouse Maaufscturiag Com pany, of Passaic, N. J., at the head of which is Edward H. Ammidowa, has failed with 1800,000 debt aad $200, 000 smMCtfl Only the hub aad spoke factory waa destroyed by the fire at Anna, O. The conference with the Cherokees witk relation to the surrender of the Strip commenced at Taaleqnah on the Sd. The country's mortgage indebted ness amounts to 850,000,000. Sin panper women were burned to death by a fire at the workkouse st New-castle-on-Tyne, England. The Catkolic Church and school at Homestead, near Pittsburgh, Pa., has been destroyed by fire. Seven workasea were killed aadeight badly hurt by the collapse of a blast furnace under repairs at the Illinois iron works, Joliet, I1L The fesr that diphtheria would be come epidemic ia Indianapolis, Ind., has been real sod aad cases are beiag reported to the health dopartmeat at the rate of If teea a day. Bio de Janeiro is coatiderably agi tated over the wrecking of the Tribune newspaper office by officers of the Gov ernment; Chicago proposes to issuo $5,000,000 bonds for World's Fair purposes. The TimmermsB Opera House, En glewood. Chicago, burned the other night There was a panic of hotel guests, but all escaped. The loss wss shout f 100, 000. Four firemen were seriously injured at Pittsburgh, Pa., beiag caught under falling walls wbea Magpine's cracker factory wss burned. The loss was 9135, 000. St. .Mart's Catholic Church, ia a suburb of Birmingham, Ala, has beea destroyed by fire. The Baak of England has reduced its rate of discount from six to five per cent The fsmous trotter Electioneer died at the Palo Alto farm, CaL, recently. One of the inoculated patients of Prof. Koch died recently in terrible agony. Napoleon McDaniel, convicted snd sentenced for life for the Cotton Belt train robbery, recently made bis escape in company with a murderer from the jail atTexarkans, Ark. The Cherokees have beea offered $7, 528.442.19 for the Strip. Delamater &, Co., bankers, of Mead ville. Pa, have assigned. The bead of the firm was the defeated Republicaa candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. The Federal grand jury nt Chicago has indicted, along with two other men, John M. Egan, president of the Chicago, St Paul & Kansas City road, for viola tion of the Jnter-Stato commerce law. Business failures (Dun's report) for the seven days ended December 4 num bered 812, as compared with 249 the previous week and 816 the correspond ing week of last year. Money contin ued stringent The coal mine owners of Alabama have refused to either advance the wages of the strikers or confer with the leaders of the strikers. The lockout of the hat trimmers of Danbury, Conn., which had paralyzed the trade, eaded by concessions on both sides The warden of the State peaitentiary of Minnesota hss been compelled to re sign for laxity of discipline. Among other things he allowed Cole Youager to leave the prison for a time on parole. Cohen's corset factory, New York, has beea destroyed by fire. The lost reached 1500.000. ADDITIONAL DISrATCMBB. The expected rupture ia the Irish party occurred at Loadon oa tbe Ota. Forty-five members seceded. Justia McCsrtby headed Paraell their written resolution, which Paraell tore to pieces. Both factions were confident and ware preparing for a vigorous warfare. Under the operation of high duties Germany's foreign trade has been con tinually losing ground, according to a recent dispatch from Berlin. Bun ItiJtKE, a "terror" or Arizona, was shot dead recently by two telegraph operators near Navajo Spriags while oa one of his "periodicals." An attempt wss msde recently to kill the Governor of Chiapas, Mexico. The assassin was slaia by the Governor in stead. Tiik Bull & Grant Farm lmplemeat Company, of San Francisco, has filed a petition in Insolvency. Total liabilU ties. moOQ; assets, toa,vea, It is reported that a large graia firm of Liverpool has failed. Thkrk is a report that King Kalakana has come to sell tko Saadwiek Islaads to the United 8tatea Clearing hoase returas for the week eaded December t showed an average decrease of a. 5 compared with the cor responding week of Isst year, la New York the decrease was 13.?. Wilmam B. Kniobt, aivtl oagiaoer of Kaasas City. Ma, saceamkad to kis ia juries ia the recent collislea at Jack sonville Junction, IIL, aad hU remains wore seat hssaa A project ia formiag Is Saala to Beet all the railways. PaocxxDtNSS ware aaiet ia loaal circles on tka eta. bill was tao mala taing.be ato. Discoott waa arm la Leadea dariag jfovamaar at as v of IK- Taore waa asaaa talk of sadiaaaw)dtorotfcrvoNowTork. au la eeaUntring his lectures on tka Holy Land Bar. X Da WlttTalmage ataaskai his tenth sermoa at Breeklya from tao text: "He eatered iato a ship sad sat la the sea; aad the whole multitude was by the sea oa the lead." Mark. iv. L Ho said: It'is Moaday mornlag isoarPalostlao exnerieaosa, aad the sky ia a Una Galilee above, aa ia a boat we sell the blue Galilee beneath. It la to Ir tee a miles loag aad six miles wide, bat the atmosphere Is so clear it seems as if I could cast a stone from beech to beach. The lake looks aa though it kad beea let dowa oa silver pulleys from tke keaveas aad wore a seetloa of tko sea of glass tkat at Joka describee ss a part of the colostial landscape. Lake Galilee is a depreesioa of six huadred feet ia which tka river Jordaa widens snd tarries a little, for tke river Jordaa comes in at its aorth side aad departs from its south side, so this lake has its cradle and its grave. Its white satia cradle is among the snows of Mount Hermon where the Jordan starts, sad its sepulchre is the Dead Sea, into which the Jordan empties. Lake Como of Italy, Lake Geneva of Switzerland, Lake Lomond of Scotland, Lake Winnl pesaukee of America are larger, but Lake Galilee is the greatest diamond that ever dropped from the finger of the clouds As sometimes a beautiful child in a aeigbborhood has a halt dozen pet names, and some of the neighbors call her by one aame, and others by an other, so this pet lake of the planet has a profusion of namea Ask the Arab as he goes by what this sheet of water is, aad he will call it Tabsriyeh. Ask Moses of the Old Testament and he calls it Sea of Cbianeretb. Ask Mat thew snd he cells it Sea of Galilee. Ask Luke and he calls it Sea of Genno saret Ask John and he calls it Ses of Tiberias. Ask Josophus snd Eusebius, and they have other aames ready. Of tbe 270 war ships Josephus ma neuvered on these waters for Josephus wss a warrior as well ss a historian there remains not one piece of a hulk, or one patch of a canvas, or one splinter of an oar. But return to America we sever will until we have had a sail upon this inland sea. Not from a wharf but from a beach covered with black snd white pebbles we go on board a boat of about ten or twelve tons, to be propelled partly by sail and partly by water. It is a rough boat and as far as possible removed from a Venetian gondola or a sportsman's yacht With a commoa saw and hammor and axe many of you could make a bettor one. Four bare footed Arabs, instead of sittin? down to their oars, stand as they always do in rowing, snd pull away from shore. We put our overcoats and shawls on a small deck in the stern of the boat tbe very kind of a deck where Christ lay on a fisherman's coat, when of old a tempest pounced upon the fishing smack of the affrighted disciples. Can it be that those Bible stories about sudden storms on this lske are true? Is it pos sible that a sea of such seeming placid ity of temper could ever rise aad rage at the heavens? On our right bank are the hot sulphur baths, so hot they are scalding, aad tbe waters must cool off a long while before head or foot can endure their temper ature. Volcanoes have been boiling theso waters for centuries Four springs roll their resources into two great swim ming reservoirs. King Herod there tried to oathe off the results of his ex cesses, snd Pliny and Josephus describe tbe spur tings out of these volcanic heats, sad Joshua and Moses know about them, aad this moment long lines of pilgrims from alljjarts of the earth are walUag for jshjpr tarn to stop into the stesmiag restoratives. Let the boat, as far aa possible aad aot rua aground, hug the western shore of the lake that we may see the city of Tiberias once a great capital, of the architecture of which a few mosaics, and fallen pillars, snd pedostals, and here and there a broken and shattered frieze remain, mightily suggestive of the time when Herod Antipss had a palace hero aad reigned with an opulence, and pomp, and cruelty, aad abomination that paralyzes the fingers of the historian when he comes to write it, aad too fingers of tbe painter when he attempts to transfer it to canvas Side by side are the two great charac ters of this lake region: Jesas and Heron Antipaa Aad did any age pro duce any such antipodes? Kindness and cruelty, holiness aad filth, gener osity aad meanness, self-sacrifice and selfishness, the saperaal aad the infer nal, midnoon and midnight The father of this Herod Antipss wss a gealas at assassination. He could manufacture more reasons for puttiag peoplo out of thia life thaa aay maa ia all history. He sends forHyrcanus to come from Babyloa to Jerusalem to be made high priest aad slays him. Ho haa hia brother-in-law, while ia bathiag with bim, drowned by the Kiag's atteadaata. He slays his wife aad hia wife'a mother, and two of hia sobs aad hia aacle, aad filled a volume of atrocities, the lsst chapter of which was the massacre of all tbe babes at Bethlehem. With sack a father aa Herod the Great, yoa are aot surprised that this Herod An Upas, whose palace stood oa the beaks of the lske we nowaail, was a combiaatioa of wolf, reptile aad byeaa. While the Christ who walks yoader beaks dad sails tkese waters was so good tkat al most every rood of this sceaery ia asso ciated with soma wise word or some kiadly deed, aad all literature, aad all art aad all earth, aad all Heaveaaro pat to the utmost effort is tryisg to express kow greed aad glorioaa aad lovely ke was, aad is. aad is to bo. TkeCkrist ly aad Herodic ckaractars ara diffareat as the two lakes we visit aad set far apart, Gailea aad Dead sea; the oao flower beaked aad tao otker bitumin ous and blasted; the oao kovered over by tke mercy of Christ, tko otker blast ed by the wrath of God; the oao faUof f aay tribes saortiag is tka clear depths, tka otker forever lifeless; tka waters of tka oao sweet aad plesesat to tko taste, the otker bitter asd sharp aad dlarast lag. Awf al Dead seal Glorious Gos Batwekmkovor tothekilleof Gedare, os tka otker mde, dowa wkiek S,M swiae, after setae; paoaseead by two evu.raa late it the of all the stock rakers of tkat try, soeaaaaef tamraishag of the aVs book of Levitteos to the h DnrWosomOroTe kit sal la those ssoaataiaea' steep for tko attempt to limb la the f see ef armed mea woakt havs eallod sows sxtermlsatios. 8o Bored had groat oagoa of wood. Iros saaad, made aad Hied thorn witk sol diers and let them dews frees tao top of tka precipices aatil tkey gave sigaal tkat they wore level witk taaoavorsa asd tkos from taeee cages tkey stopped oat to tka asostk of tko eavoraa aad aaviag set oaougk grass aad wood oa fire to 111 tko eavoraa witk smoke asd atraagalatioa, the ktddea people woald como forth to die; aad if aot com lag forth volaatarily, Herod's mea woald pall them oat with loag iroa hooks, aad Josephus says that oae father rather thaa submit to the attackiag army, flung kb wife aad sevea ckildrea dowa the precipice aad thea leaped after them to his owa death. Now, ye Arab oarsmen, row on, for wo wast before noon to land at Caper aaum, tbe three years' home of Jesus But before arrival there we are to have a aew experieace. The lake that had beea a smooth surface begias to break up iato roughaeas, The air which all the moraiag made our sail almost use loss, saddenly takes hold of our boat witk a grip astoaisbiag. aad our poor craft begias to roll and pitch and tum ble, aad ia five minutes we pass from a calm to violence. On that lake an at mospheric fury gives no warning, and the change wo saw ia five minutes made me feel that the boat in which Christ sailed may bare been skillfully man aged, when the tempest struck it, and the wild importunate cry went up: "Lord save us or we perish!" If tho winds and the waves bad continued to Increase in violence tbe following fif teen minutes in tbe sarao ratio, as in tbe first five, and we bad been still at their morcy, our bones would havo been bleaching in tbe bottom of Lake Gen nesaret instead of our boin? hero to toll the story! But tbo same power that rescued tbe fishermen of old, to-day safely landed our party. What a Christ for rough weather! All tbo sailor boys ought to fly to him as did tboso Galilean mari ners All you in tho forecastle, and all you who run up and down tbo slippery ratlines, take to sea with you Htm who with a quiet word sent tho winds back through tho mountain gorges. "filar ot pcare! beam o'er ibe billow Bless t e -oul tbat itlnh forthesi Bless tlie sailor' lom-lr pi l w. Far, far nt aca." Hero at Capernaum, tbe Arabs having in tboir arms carried us asboro to the only place where our Lord ovor bad a pastors to, and we stepped amid tho ruins of the church whero Ho proacbed again and again, tbo synagogue, whose r.ch sculpturing lay thuro, not as when others see it in sprtngtimo covered with weeds, snd loathsome w tu reptiles, but in tbat December weather com pletely uncovered to our agitated and intense gaze. On ono stone of tbat synagogue is tho sculpturing of a pot of manna, an artistic commemoration of the time when tbo Israelites wcro fed by manna in tho wilderness, and to which sculpturing no doubt, Christ pointed upward, whilo He was preach ing tbat sermon on this very spot, in which bo said: "Not as your fathers did eat manna and aro deal; ho that eatetb of this bread shall live forover." These Arab tents which on this De cember day I find in Palestine disappear and I see Capernaum as it was when Jesus was pastor of tbe church here. Look at that wealthy homo, tbo archi tecture, tbe marblo front, tbo up holstery, tbo slavo in uniform at tbo doorway. It is tbe residenco of a cciirt ierof Herod, probably CLuza by name his wife, Joanna, a Christian disciple. But something i" tbe matter. Tho slaves are in groat excitement and the courtier living tboro runs down the front steps and takes a horse and puts him at full run across the country. The boy of tbat nobleman is dying of ty phoid fever. All tho doctors havo failed to give relief. But about five miles up tbe country, at Can a, there Is a Divine Doctor, Jesus by name, and tbe agonized father has gone for him, and with what earnestness those can understand who have had a dying child in tho bouse. This court'er cries to Christ: 'Come down ere my child die!" Whilo tho father is absent and at I o'clock in tbe afternoon tbo peoplo watch ng the dying boy see a chango ia tbe countenance and Joanna, tho mother, on ono sido of bis couch says: "Why, this darling is getting well; the fever has broken; seo tho perspiraon oa his forehead; did any of you give him say new kind of medicine?" "No," to the answer. Tbo boy turns on his pillow, his delirium gone, and asks for something to eat and says: "Where's father?" Ob, he has gono up to Cana to get a young doctor of about 31 years of ago. But no doctor Is needed now in this houso at Capernaum. The peoplo look at tke sun dial to find what time of tke day It Is and see it is just past boob aad 1 o'clock. Then they start out aad meet tbe returning father and as boob ss they como within speaking distanco they sbout st tho top of their voices; "Your boy isgettingwelL" "Is it possible?" says tbe father; "when did tbe change for tbe better take place?' "One o'cock.'Ms the answer. "Why," says the courtier, "tbat Is just the hour tbat Jesus said to me: Thy soaliveth.' Ose o'clock!" Do aot mix up this case with the angry discnssloa about Christian science, but accept tbe doctriae, as old as tbe Bible, that God does snswer prayer for tbe sick. That Car-eraaum boy was aot the oaly illustration of the fact that prayer is m'ghtler than a typhoid fever. Aad there is not a doctor of large practice bat has come into the s ck room of some hopeless case and, in a cheerful manner, if ho were a Christina, or with a be wildered maaaer if be were a skeptic said: ' 'Well, what have you beea doiag with this patieat? What have yoa beea giving him? The pulse is better. The crisis to past After all. I thinklie will get welL" Prayer will yet be ackaowl edged ia tho world's materia medics aad the cry ia jest aa appropriate aow aa wkea Chess, the courier from Caper aaam uttered ia Christ's hearing: "Como dowa ere my child dieP If the I prayer be aot aaswered in the way we wish it ia because uoa aas sometaiag setter for the child thaa earthly recovery there aro thousands of mea an alive ia assurer to fathers' prayers, myself oao of the Bltftase. Tko mightiest agency ia the aalvoraa to prayer, aad it tarns evea tao Al mighty. It decides the dostiates of ia dJvMnals, families aad aatfoaa. During asw and eivil war a rsaUemm was a at tko Waits Hoase ia ton aad ho eivos-thls lacidoat says: "I sad seas ssosdii hmtao Waitoatowsewitk ss kk gaoat Oao sight it Ihobetttoef I wkioklwaa to is asd aadmotkrtrs' a aos) ss snSs. sat pa, esstwfatawd sat hoard Bslomoa la tao eight ao prayed far wind say soar Met I saa set toad tala people, leas aot geido tao affairs of tkto Nattos wlthoat Thy kelp. I ass soor ssd weak aad atafal O God, who didst hoar Salomes wkea ke cried for wisdom, kear saa aad save the Nation!" Yoa ato wo dos't aeed toga baak to Basis times for evl dosee that prayer to hoard aad aa swered. Bat some oao assy say that Christ at Capernaum healed tkat eearUera child, yet He woald aot kavo daaa it for ass ha ksmbls life. Wky. ia tkat vary Capernaum He did the same tklsg far a djtag alava. Tkls waa tho care of -a Besaaa soldier's slave, wboete oaly ao kMwtodged righto were the wtebes of kioowaor. Aad soso are ae saw oa slsved or so humble or slek or ao siafaL bat tka all-symsatketie Christ to ready to help them, ready to care (kern, ready toemsac.pato them. "But," says some oae, "why waa it that Christ coming to save the world should spend so machot his time oa sad around so solitary a p see as Lake Galilee? Thcro is only one city ot aay sise oa its beach, aad both tke westers aad eastern shores are a solitude, brokea oaly by the sounds coming from the mud hovels of the degraded. Why did aot Christ begin at Babyloa tho mighty, at Athens the learned, at Cairo the historic, at Thebes the hundred gated, at Kome the triumphant? If Chr.st was going to savo tbe world, why not go whero tbo world's people dwell?" My friends. Galileo was tbe hub of the wheel of civilization, aad art, aad tbe center of a populatiba that staggers realization. On tbe shore of the lake we sail to-day, stood nine great citlea, Scythopolis, Tarichm, Hippos, Gamala, Ohoraz n, Capernaum. Betbsalda, Mag dala, Tiberias and many villages, the smallest of which bad 15,600 la habitants, according to Josephus, and reaching from tho beach back into tbo country in all directions Four thousand ships, history says, wero at one t.mo upon these waters Battles wore fought there, whlck shocked all nations with their conse quences. Upon those sea fights looked Ves pasian and Titus, and Trajan, and wholo omplres. From one of these naval encounters so many of tbe dead floated to tbe beacn they could not soon enough bo entombed, and a plague waa threatened. Twelve hundred soldiers escaping from these vessels of war were ono day massacred in tbe amphitheater atTiboriai For 300 years that almost continuous city encircling Lako tiili.ee wss tho metropolis of our planet. It was to tho very heart of tbo world tbat Jesus cam u to sootbo its sorrows, and pardon its sins, and hoal its sick, and emanc.pato its enslaved, and reanimate Its dead. And let tho church and tho world take tho suggestion. Whilo tbo solitary places aro not to bo neglected, wo mutt stnko for the great cities If this world is ovor to bo taken for Christ Evangel ize all tbo earth except tbe cities and in ono year tbo cities would corrupt tbo earth. But bring tbe cities and all tbo wor d will come. Bring Paris and Franco will come. Bring Berlin and Germany wl 1 conic. Bring St. Peters burg ami Russia will come, llring Vi enna and Austria will come. Bring Cairo and Kgypt will coma llring tbo near 3.000.000 peoplo in this cluster of cities on tho Atlantic coast and all America will soon scu the salvation of God. OTbou blessed Chr.st who didst come to tho mighty cities one rcllng Lake Galileo! como in mercy to all our great cities of to-day. Thou who didst put Thy band on tbo white mano of the foaming bills of Gennesarct, and make them lie down nt Thy feet, hush all tbe raging passions of tbo world! O Thou blessed Christ who on tho night when tho disciples wore trying to cross thia lake and "tbo wind was contrary, "after nine hours of rowing had mado omy three miles, didst come stepping on water that at tho touch of Thy foot banlened Into crystal, meot all our shipping whether on placid or stormy seas, and say to all Thy peoplo now by. whatever stylo of tempest totsed or driven as Thou didst to tbo drenched disciples in tho cyclone. "Bn of good cbeor. It is L Bo not afraid!" Thank God that I have seen this lake of Cbristly memories, and I can say with Robert McCbeyne. tbo ascended minister of Scotland, wbo, seated on the banks of this lake, wrote in his last, s'.ck days and just before he crossed tbe Jordan, not tho Jordan tbat empties into Galilee, but tbe Jordaa tbat emp ties into tbo "sea of glass mingled witb fire," these sweet words, fit to be played by human fingers on strung strings of l earthly lute or by angelic fingers as scrapbic barps: It not that the Bill I gasoU Ccuita down to Uriah thy tide. But lis that waa plcrcrd to save from bslt 'Oft wanderod by tby !!. Graceiol around tkee the aiouatalas SSOSf, Ttioti ealai, reposing ; But nh!f r more, tho ba .utlfsl ftot Of Jcau walked u'r thro O Parlour! gone to God'a right bin. Tet trie tame Saviour still. Graved oa Tby hejrt la this lovely straso And evsry fragrant hllL FOUND IN A COW'S HOOF. Siraas Bevery mt Blag Vm jrtir lhlrtyTMira. A few weeks ago Thomas D. Addisos, a dairy farmer living at Fa Iriax Station, Ya. oa the Yirglala Midland railroad, twenty-four miles from Washington, discovered imbedded la the hoof ef ose of his cows a large seal riag. Tho ring was a very haadsosso ose. aad had en graved upoa the seal tke coat cf of Mexico, tho word "Mexico. Spanish word that tho farmer could aot decipher laside were the words, "H. J. Huat, Worth's Div." Mr. Addisos reported the f adlag of the riag to tho Aloxaadria papers, which psbiished a ekert aottoo of ia Soos after ke received a letter from Cotoael Pitcher. U. & A., saw living is Washragtos. sayisg thst ho was as intimate friead of Coloset float aad served witk h.m threagk tko MoxJcaa war. Wkea tka ofJeers ef Wertk's Diviotos left Mexico they wished to havo rno meatoos ef tho daya asd sights ssest together there, ao all had risga ataao slika Daring thrarohoUtoa Cotoael. tao redoral artillery at oao tiate waa tall ses a fcs Mr. dlses'a asasssw. aad the rtog hy aim at died two ago, Mia fssaUy lives Is saa riag re covered alter a tepee of a a st a Weakly; eoatary. is bssm sr mbma rmmmmm BMHiiiB. ffumainavt mim .. b m m mm -aW4n ymaa Am. Am.a1aa m.i1,.I 4A.A WnUESV--" nfc. 0OSV w..,, SSSaai Stf laVaJMTOsU ANO THC WaVtAOMMt IKNITHWUT, Tko aeadsifmlsnisiarf of tao great wheat leads ef salvos a apTesdld toaraastoa Is of lets. That those Co seosUarly adapted ta tbo growth of tho vary laoat a i ad to of wheat aad other Hi wale to already well kaowa, asd, is daHaa, tkey aredaes what aro aa- aWBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBst W? ftsBaBB BWWBbAsBBHB. AbBBBBBBBB BBS "M VSBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBUB. W BBBBBB1 BBSBySB)BJSy4BnB) SSBJSB'SBBB BBS all eorteof ajBoSBBsH wVVeav smaPsV wBrvB wwo roots aa au eorteof gardes vos 494ssSeMM gJFsWaTI 0(bV SaaM enaaVafVsaaS MMaa IJHBDAraSaBBBB 0SQH Small woader, thea, eoaalderiag th0timiaadiurctltvo4rfxit mlw iy advaatagoa pomosatl by th Caa adiaa country, aad tho millions of acre of fat laads aow offered la 3ualtobev Asalalboia and Alberto, that attlrs are flocklag thither eager to secure farSto ia a wellgoverad, poaoeabt eoaasry, where th climate is saost healthful asd th soil does not wear out, hut yields a rich rotura year after year for the labor bestowed upon it. The following dispatch ia this oa aootios will so doubt a read with la terest. It refer to tka arovlaoo of Manitoba: "WtJl.f trso, Nov. ST. Tke toeal gov ernment has lust Issued another but ..!-,! -WIK !. A llrtrllri . , .. ,i,i "isons with lswe la average yields a4 -produQta of wheat, cote, barley and po Uto crops, based on th returns of "acroago aad average yUlds for th ro- , "spectiv years: EUtiirtatml ktiMM vldbl I katt -13.4 bushels ia '. 31.1 bushels la ta. "Oats, 16, S ia M 41.S ia M. Barley, "13.la'9, 9i.l ia . Fotatooa, Hi "in , 230 la 0. Product of wheat, "7,301,579 for '0. U.0SS,70 for W. Oat. "3,415,104 for W, 9.513.43S for , Barley, "1.051,551 for '80. S,ats,415 for . Pota "toes, 1.353.3S3 for'. t,54d.to for ft. "Little Information is given about "flax, but field root are spoken of as "being more thaa usually productive 'Ihla voir. r , ,i.i w..--M M "this year, compared with last. During "th harvesting aaon there was a great "scarcity of farm laborers. "Tbreo pcrsoas from Hamilton, Dako "ta, havo been in the city sine Monday. "and to-day left for th VTst. Tklr "expenses hero aro paid by tke Dom in "ion Government, and their mission is "to pick out sufficient good farm lead "on which to locate three huadred Da "kota families whoso aames aro la their "poHsrssloa, aad wko will rosaovo to "Manitoba early in the spring." A Imbwwm' Wamlag. Teschor Thomas 1 saw you laugh just nnvr. What are you laughing about? Tommy I wa just thinking about something. Teacher -You hav no bttalsea thinking during school hours. Don't lot it occur again. Texas M flings, Visitor "Isn't your mother afraid, Willie, of catching cold in those slip pera?" Wltlio "Hub, 1 gueaa you don't know them slippers! Ma uw them to warm tbe whole family with." Ameri can Grocer. Tea Hnair or The Tiara, of New York. aay: "An extraordinary advance la the uao of cocoa Mi'itu In hav taken ptar of late years lu Kngland. la tit IIoUm of Ccminoua tbilaat Malti the Klglit linn. O. J. lochrn, ttm Chaitrrtlur uf the Ka chequer, ralll attrntiott to it aa cau for much of the fulling off of tho uao of ctffv Ho uttributed it In a fniaatr? to th iol' tlnu preparation of coctm known aa '(Jralcful ami Comforting tiad taken, la accord with this suggestion It may bo la tvrcAlIng to follow the course coco haa tiikcn in England inc 1SW, wbn the duty which IimI been standing at W, twrlb., with an Importation of under half a million ixMimla. wasrcilucrd to 3d. per In., and not long after we And the aoHicanpatHlo duo trlno of mcdlclnolntrmluced Ibto tho king dom, and Umt tho uaeof eoco was sp-cUTy advocated by phyMciatis wlopaiag that mode uf practice, boon after we tnd ta Brat homoeopathic chemtats establUbrd la Kb gland (tho firm of James Kppa at Co.) pro-ducr-1 special preparation, which only nettled boiling water or milk to bo atone ready forth table, and th superior char acter of this production baa, tiodnubt, iloa much, aa th Chancellor of tho Kschrourr aid, to bring about (harked a it vr by a further redaction ef th duty to Id. per ib.) the advance made." Coo liver oil la nnrSrd at nlii ceatea plat botiie, but we fear It will never aerom a popular beverage evea at thai pric. Lowell Courier. ' a 'I ' . rNaff la Mt. Three mallgaaat foe to hums hspplssss ro-operate for evlL Their aws r dy- pepaia, bilious . eonstipaUoa. Tbsugh uycy coauiuu s swoBg saUc,toy be overthrown with Hostel tor Stem IHtter. IVot Istoateaeouoly. f but by parsisteae. H caa malsrial. rh matlc aad kldaey aiimoat and aervou. nesa. Aak ronr drugat fr Mostetter'a Almanac, and headvmedef their esperter merit. "I'vg chord at last" sail tnetraato.se ho eagaaaaa pttoef cottoav ' p owVaaVsWS wood timber.! US Baowit's ttoOSCBfaL Tanrawa tmr Cougba. Cold sod all thr Throat Troao- --'rroomiiaanur the B-ni . - a, Jarfy It 1 dinaselt for a (fteasrl i give at to yoa stmlght Tesa JKf uagn ' ' .I r Afg ia ta Bide wmrt alwars roam f i aamrirstraw Iivraod laavpljrrelavj fJsrter's UMJoUvrrnis. ItomiUrgniMi. Ir teaks fvaay, bat a foadi mo r TMC OCNCflAL MAftKCTfv -. -. !4Bf as CTT, toe. a caTTue-aippig wf a. js as Ssacaer' atueia as e S to Xrtiverwaja, t s 2 OS r 2 to WBKAT-.Jre4 . ., ' m 9 X.t bar,.. , ., a a- ag COBJf Ste., jM, ....,., . . f as gaj OATS B. J .. .. .;. MbjS ss BTE ?f, J.. ,., ... , . at w SH run;a.rste,paaw. . tm e tm '2r- " m I st mBT"BaeS.. . .... T IS S) 9 to agyrias-CltaVan lajiaij . to o BJ """BSSaBBB. i 4i aiiju-n waaaa . .... ,,.. .. a rXfTATOtS-. t . ...., . .. rr. Lurtc - sat - so St 0 J& SBBT m-"S V Vim- wj4r0 1 af--- mm JfS WvV 04-aW. 1 is SBBBBBBmBBBBSSB) UBBBBBBBPaV frsiealto K a sod treK of kaama astern Assyyoawaoss attosie heat ea Won do IbteteSoT event lateoaVa. 9et4 askk nmo, whose afaej Meaww tm fire from tao ewWto f stood peteeei "Itwa'tMpmjptfjwlfee: I be trio a half a aW rvewdl. a4 taov did mo feaw. I W all pirMeraar bammwr." I Jf fckr U peyskfaMHi an hum W Um f ! th writer. "Yr. fr I bv irted tare fltf feront sera, asd r grrw u4rr tboir trtwtexwt. I harp tnk my Uim say case fes lncraJ t lth f srMafe! Mwrrr. Oxr wrttrr.wbo w afriwof taOMBVriRg tnttivkhtel.at Ul ;,!M to rmvolix M Mjl l froWt Mas to air rr.Jfea llnB'a crMpr.P.A IrtoL n coweftfl lt t wtl n f.Hh al gH, bt fwd ffct v ( iUmi!. il It itfBuiK' brt-bt ytau rl r abmr,g0tb6oa4doliVsri twlrr-wri-oace IT. Ptgr ar &?t to g" ea h frr il. It I Impnaatbie to COc Of "ach 1& o B w!h U aot u Un trt Ut, bcr ov. aWtea Tranacript. A me wb b jrcixl n9UIie t yeawnaeyght UikB4mrll (row aufar. tx wkatbMjrt T.sw,0, J 10. .. tfgMaa, I J. Chsakt : O fcsriM 1 hav barn I a the evwer! iractK? ui r ' Ida far tot ti) yi, mtui rM a la" la all aay prrtlc aul rjf$r- .? : nrcr aevn a irnratSon Ui 1 roa pi i acrlbe wtib a taueb cobC4pn of u. . as 1 caa tUU'a C.4aitN t.'nrv, iRnnf r i bv ton. Ilva rrtt-rlhrtl It m arri e n ay ia coicuios ai t &xvr j t a rae of Gurrs tKat It vrxwUt n -- lhy wduM Uk it .xriiia; t t' -r. ' Youre Truly, uuoru i 0krt, 3l Nwir ' Wo will ttv lion for iatiiui' i r n thatcaa rH t jirt wjih 11U l 1a i Cur. Taken tttrujk!K W, J. Caaxit : I lnj , Tulr.1 - I) Held by DnifxitU, t.V ! stranger ret. th ja?j e pUtaoi ta r brtr. ntu u oJ a to which UU bo aiwulil txmh ib , er's hair. Yosser huuttirt, A Boog to 1H t WcbUT' Uu i-' -IMcUonar y Thia net lxk i t' 'tJnahrdlel, thruifh!r rrrltl a r targvxl uadr tho utrTtJn of i r I TSM, II. lt l.U l . of Y J Vtk t ! KJilorisu rtrk o tlw rrvl'a h V actistj prirr for ovr Un jnar tiiorr thou a huRtlrrti J1U JlU'rar, n havr brrn eoj-asrd uj-n It The pernio! lu H irt'aratln txifwr' t ropv wa trlntl riivvtot aavu r i T wrk, well uwl in family, vrttl t ' " valun to tb wjemlKT-, Uwrfuf tfcaa tnu tlmrn ita coat Uld U In mcacj . TaoaB ready-riclotbe6f jiks - to brtatlfl ffllli lodlgiaattaa. " Xo. er oagfT for tic frajr luck. ItsntaK th of I'rKfclv AU !" brain graeral lhrouftMt tho tv , Wat, It waa a fearful Uoso tf .'. aad dally l of utslnlnf, tbat !'' ?j Sown tbtbnt uf ffTT fMi. r larial troubi, In pl-fuf acU m. harrowing i-uraU. l'rb-Wly Ah Imv o with Ita mlkl, Hthiig tu-iit't vw urvu, awv tul attrr tla. . bH nerrwaary. la Utrer r I jorictrr -!) !j j ha, tllMs! Iln-rnr kutij. can i u better tnau to v i tx Tmt railroad man who wanJl timldtv rmtietcl th faruruf u trip. "WahtogU iat. I Bavtr Ixvn cur-l of UW-it i pt-n f ..! ti i verr laai aiagra kikt m ior a.i t tu relief, 1 lwIy umI Hr Hull m parllla, which la tlwt lt bti ntu th- world. -K. A. Allur, lHr' V. "I SW blind, aad iiav b-n fi birth." a!l llm bt. nd man ; "tHittn- ' r haa alwaya teen )ulb a jvaro.t u u. - WKI0 powder an trjal5nia' , rita fUAht. Tb iirel widW-'ii' th brat iiuil ilict. l..ttM I Hot baa been arknotvlolKr.1 Ut H be the pt oil. Try It rynt a v. a r- ,. m - Tax amall'pAa victim U to baVit) )- - Btin Truvcllcr HLaa Honey of llrrhoutnl aa t lievea wbtMvplnoiugtt. I'lke'a Toothache Irup cum ln,be t o Tea miller nud lif loWoa DtiLi.jn grind. St. Joaet'h Net. Two Ciants On la tm kant-4rif U, - iwsiM 4 . ani ! 14 tf. gn tu. .iibttui ff nation. rt'llLtf In tl i f - t t 'Billf ,lrn4l In l from flUr" tUlflMl If 0r OfOOjt bhl t ' t VOerfal,oliiai kMt tiri On ! aht Uarrt ltwt . BXHtara aMMtletnr, II gfl cw7 r vrvfuta, alt rttn, ( tlr vtnt t ' 4 M.iprun'iiwWI. fi-Hat l, t. It f ffr at alt I rm ttt i,n '!: eeijf fcl by ! autif tiMiiumor it Mill Sarsaparilla SoMvalMnui, St 4fd. ,'.r. - 7 C I. MOH CO, ArntutUrr, Ittmt 4... WO Dowww Oftor Dollar ABDOMINAL BANDS tOB'SSSj, irVtwn 6JUWEHTS. IPISlfatnCTlWU IMCLl as. UG- afTS. maBsasotW siairfssn.asBvwtMLui S)sys FUMtt IJATKZM amwmrmmwm. PttCKLY ASH BITTERS Hood 9 V ' n JACXJRaV frlsos, fttsttir LTmmm lm aaore s atossot sswsss ss rr irmmfmmUi. -aaaianaaMaMttaVMalaaiMMMUr WO Wt vlswtoaVtoif wk Wit I fassfBw sisal bhiUbjI i ss i at sm SBaawaaSSytoaTUBlJt SBjgaMtoimai st4ssnaBnnHSsssBaaBSBBasBaaasBaBs liyKilB flKK2aCHal.s -.'S3? -fjS?-Ti LV ZbXu IF v. Sfe iiC2b?5