..? "4TtS:- ' 4 r ' 3gaft- srw:; jtesasas" rife " aBanfan,: ' t a.- 'kU,' AW -: v - a AT TTJ-P - - MUlilU At M af Lorlttoae I aad wialto, twc -ph) njMin ratinr amj-o ur. xni it gemim . . -y-s ..tfiYWntM "t"?" jiu n m rimiinn - r-yy safrSy.' -. - r -' -.-- - .MM;Bf WHKnHB BaSX .JBMSSSi mwrn ,m mmmmm -? ,-r- : UT. VaBBBSBBW Mil I mmmw 1 j. - - 4. .a . -- fem'frMm - '.ireirAxsra " irJl . mmIm w pmi mmi .. amvtoaaassaa, aad tbe attorn 'Is1 -X?S - fun Iralead ewrTT r mmMmmrmm iwg T:?-f-F ' wasm taBMMaftMMtoaaftheriftylntCM- ttkfll. --rfiiBii I ii'iTln km sailed aaaa ' 4T r" """ - " - . . .m . . .. - SK - S- mi SaBU k BB?S?aesXr 3J BBXBBjO . mmrmmmmwW SBPBWB1 S S' S1 mmm a . j, Vr mmw nnyiihrr r?T?"5f???-!2ff?. -A tw trial of Vn Kellle Feerey ., nutt-a L-Tn Mr of ana Btore had great eegee IT-- " -I-Zr-r-" " ' 5ZL. fcSuitS; Leaaax. oharged with having to Oats- ,,.,,,,,, r P. Tax missis IsTlsihsm lawlssl tin lull 11 1 hi fin 11 n imliinBiin "tt unuimilM dewa frees the tat MM i-W - .e -', ," .. -- - m - - - - - ---. - ftlkA ansanav -- - .- . a m 1.1 ih H m ravK. b w oiMRnfvmt v w n,,ha ma win ftwi. or aviib mtmmmkm ajb . to ffralliaf t mi axtMtla tk eoMtrysetiUi f Ah Wet Lm. Miam. NmvIj tray fMftily toageefft Br taaieata at ato wtfa, ftaafhtar af Sana Majmr Sotaaakili. Lari bery, taa Eafliaa atatanaaa, 3,aat,aa towiy mm a aMfallaaat ViSloa. Emdt Pawa mm arrTB aafelj at Victoria Xyaaa af tar haviaff aaaa aa gaged ia Mvaral ftfhta vita taa Arab alaro daalera. ia all of watoa taa Ka ropeaas were vietorioaa Mr. Bauoubs Irtea relief bill. whick ka asks areta of tf,Mtto Tide seed notatoee for distressed fi crs ia Irolaad. kas aaased tke tit- tea stsfe ia tke Britfak Hoass af SQ0B& , Suck tke death o! Kiajr Willis tke Dutck repaWicaas aare keea aartiea Isrlj active ia proaajraM Ckeir aria ciples. Tke police tkroafkoat Hollaad bare already seized a large aaatbar of xepublicsa p'acards aad sMasaras kare been adopted to preveat aay pakUe die semiastioa of repablicaa ideas. A SPECIAI. from Nagasaki. Japaa, Bays: Wbca tke Alliance arriTed at Ton pi, it was foaad tkat a war kad broken oat betweea tkeastlTesaad tke Bpaaisb. The Americaa aiiasioaaries were sccased of caasiag tke war -aad the Alliance was forced to rwaore tke aniwtoaaries to tke islsad af Oalaa, Oxe of tke killed ia tke recast Cki csgo & Altoa wreck at Jacksoatrille Junction. I1L, was Fred C Smith, of Pekia, I1L He was oaa of tke most prominent aad wealthy basiaees mea 3a the city aad was iaterested ia a large aamber of basiaees eaterprises. It was rariossly estimated tkat ka was wortk f5de ooo to tieoo,aMi . It is understood tkat tke aecoaats of 'the late Goaeral W. W. Belkaap are ia bad shape aad that bis widow is ia meed of ready money. For that reasoa tke executive couac.1 ia allow' ag a few hundred dollars due General Belkaap as agent of Iowa ia pressiag wsr claims bad the warrsat Issued to Mrs. Belkaap Instead of the admiaistrator of the es tate. Chief Bbooks reports tkat dariag the year 840 arrests were made by Secret Service ageata Most of tkem were for coaaterfsitlaf aad passiag coaaterfeit moaey. Coavletioas ware aecured in ftrty-oaa eases, aad laes to the amount of $19tlM imposed, aad the offenders seateaoed aad eoaatarfalt money to tke. amoaat of Hit, 71 was ae zed. Nkw has been received by the Sup erintendent of the Coast aad Geodetic Survey from the two Goverameat sur vey parties wko speat last year ia Alaska oa tke upper Yukon. All were well ia both parties. Tke corps la charge of Mr. Tuner -will wiatar at St Michaels, while tha MeGratk corps will remain oa tke Tukoa for tke par pose of makiag astroaomical observa tions. Two bills to provide for tke free coia age of silver have beea latrodaced ia the Senate, oae by Seaator Teller aad the other by Seaator Plamb. Mr. Tall er said to a reporter: "We will aa doubtedly pat a free cajaage bill through the Seaate at this ssIoa aad I tkiak it will go to tke Presldeat Of course, I am not so cocldeat of tke actioa or tke House, bat tke Seaate will certaialy pass a free colaagabUL Advices received from Tiea Tata, China, via Vladivostok, steta that a vast number of the people ia Tlea Tsia aad vlciaity are ia a ooadi t'.oa of terrible destitatioa owtago the recent floods. Tkey are desperate from Btarvatioa aad are mesaciaff tke Euro pean resideaaa witk msssscre aad plea der. Tkey tkreatea to marokT aaoa Pekia aad loot that olty after plaadar in? the Europeans ia tkeir owa prov ince. Guoss eztortloas are beiag praotloed on consumptives visiting Barlia for treatmeat mader tke Koch method. The Continental Hotel has charged Frau Belger. of Csrlsruke, wkose kas baad died there after belag iaocalatod by Dr. Levy, tke earn of 7M) marks for tke disafectloa aloae of tha room he occupied. Tha Goverameat; it Is said, will be forced to withdraw tha lymph from private soaroes eatirely It this ewiadliag oeattaaea Tax Fmaarer af Germaay has iater Tiewed a barker darned Blager. who lives ia Gleg lea, ia order to aetata from him tke report af Biegera secret diph theria care, which, it ia stated, worked woaders amoag tha aatieats of Gteglea aad the aeighhorkood. aa has beea aa thorltatively proved. Tha diaeevery was made by Sieger's fatkerwka to a ahepkerd. Tha Kaiser has Begar aa epaertaaite of perimeats with his remedy at tha Char Jty Heaaital aafter tha saparvtoiea Profs. Koch aad A me cora kasklag asatoh, la whleh all Western Iowa wss iatoreeted, place at Avoos rooeatty. Al Jak aad Will McCoaaell. -who far two had claimed the chamsioaskip af Iowa, were tha osatestaats. A laid at eara averagtag forty hashela to tha aere was chosam aad each ehsmplea worked torn hoars: A bkr crowd of tke race aad eheered their favoritea Tha result waa that cemteammt keeked aad cribbed about 140 bushels The prise was ttf a heiaff freer af haaka Fxaxk, af Misaeari, has btil JecthaaapsiaV meat of a of Ive hold oasea far six three of wl pellttaal aetoaa arty. wkose duty smlxalato of imodittoebothla y -with ckaagee la the tarW laws af the Uaited titatoa. tha aacXMsmat eaasa of tale toatohelxWi object af Its frassar fa to aaaxi . skat will be vataabki fa mea waaeaaa laapacttva ysars, aot mere ttax!: v juries ia ma recent eemstex at Jack- eel ay tha wrath of uod; taa aaa full of hotter for the cauataaaeartaty recovery cammsafsf tho Fadoral artfllery that KGM-IMm: ,,., aaam WkW-WmL tWmMm,mmmJ 9- b-mi sjhau aa af aaa pMitteaii --. -. rr w.mw-.inw ., -. ! mj mm ipnuf; u imcmh-hph, mmm. mmwm miw mil i i w - ateaa wms was smwesasa as mi. Mm. ' ii - .,..,... ,t w m n ffnaxLeasMBsB) xxf aaaB xaaaa ssms- adtaiBa mj flhxa mWTlM at sxaaWsCTaaaa , ' m m'r7'- mm -- - .- bubs, a -awa ava -maaamw warn sbbbbbbsbbp ajaaaaa bbsj, mm i. xaasaia aaaa. BBsnaimaaBBaaBajj am aaaap aaxam axaaaa amav asiwwji i -- ---- - Maj aa XBaaaamamx bbbbxbI waama aBmBBAaaaasVammsl bxbbxbsbw "' -J - 4x9 97 efts "TTTTr -Fl . -. JgSxamsaaBX JST 41ll""w 0S;J' esadlag gahj to relievo New York ff wrath of aUtha aback rsisirs at that says: "I had haaasssnadiag three waeks "Jf -jJSEJ tS'iaiil a V? VSiTl JgjJ------' JSaBaxS aaxaaxftlsBBXaV !:'i' aiv'AtA;:CtmaBBXBBBBBBmxv BsBxaawavw w-xaw1 aVxaWf'av saMBBWamapvav; axtUn aawapw aVavaTUaa mTaxap iSaaavwVaV MCK VaxaxaxxMSsx exav axxx KwsaaaXaV waw axBXjjaBT"" awaxaal JaxaFa laBt4-MBfck ASkal -" M -. " sPxaxxmsT savaaj axa.Bmsaml "r"- m. - ai - -'- - - . - ifi nmWmJ9SB& ... TaxlVeBchstesalaUCaaaiaaxao Iaxdoatyeoafcattaaidaathattteea astaa ka4aWof xUXBB-IwaarsV aZ??'!mmmm-wZZ wam.,t. xi M fa 1 gjafaja. ajj i axaBBjaaakxaAxam 'aaavaBBBmTwawaB's ,ya; Jyy. . L . raa v-Matlv 1st aUtsasss' wltat' 'taa ntniaia nhaadd kavsi tbbi isiasi sba laasn. Isaa Bssd aaaasd Bast Btosa. IweBBBSnt aw aisaaaBW-.aw BsaaJ BBmBaaea aaa.. a,- . . . mmmrmmmmm- &'- "gtfKtWw&mwmTmwtwmmwwwamWWmmtmw t aBs!aaaBttyll$ .aataia aaaa aaaa lolled aad 'saaaty ' nmmm - - -- . !.. -- -----.--- ,.- iS, -j,,i tmm -- - ZaLaa. taassasL uama asnakawaannr' fsfxakxtl'aaaaajB aaaaaaaxjaf Xf Waxxxaaasr ajiaasw&4 ayasx 15 bbbbbbb V-xxml BBBXXxxxt'BXxU t- -m:BBBBaaaaBa1jmaxax -"V .'! I- . aa auatl saawaaj vaawsart ar mt avKf. bbbkjk mwrnktwrn m wbb. caBaaBBaBBBj , .ffcak MBMsmSB MtsA jgmitmmm. WmWMmv9z;Zuw'lmr 'Mm f Waawxaba sxaxl "BvajBaaaBBBa) ; Jrf1JallS BKaaVaaans 8aydar has eamredChiaf Jlayeatea,- xaa amZawxiatv far tothiaaar the aha Piaatdsat stopt .Tha dear aaa tmiTliTlilf't. lggfe.ggVgw xxClaxPSxBxx Hr - 5 " 4awJaiaBtsssABaaMasssBBflBtBBm BBXXBmSaxBBBilwxxBBBBB -J3'-'1r ? i- xwHl' "baW aBaffaxsaaaHsaBWsm axaaapw U"Tj'7TBi? v - B"!SaxaBa Wb04' - -' g! "A'.ssm-.-'--r" - - --' t T.-j, eawaxaaamjaxianr. aa MmW J'4'""-,'- xT'BXamV-'' bbbbxb r axxxxPaBBBBBBamBBBBBBBm "" '' aBBattaBBBBBst' aaaa TPyw? P?9S!' SHi jm M t AghjgglWlf-fsBa -1?? -i BAmmLmi-mmlM ALjjmjSW'm j aaBaftxVwIaaaxBB'' lm bbbbV ' ssaaaa' " .i$& 'Zr'' &' ,: -HBH BbiMgBpaaBaxaxfc J;WJ&&i t:-&$3m -k'JMrFrmW f-Vfete of tke rmy-ir Cea- L Thm amuiv air the after prayer ay ae retfeatieta of Htmmn. Carey Benatora-eMct from tfco at Wyemlsg, were presented aad they In.Cary drawing tne ioaaaa tae aaort term. TacrrMiaenrs laea presented aad read and the adJoaraed....Tac Hoase met ataoon. the eredeallala of Messrs. Breeken. (Ark.). Sweet adake), Stoae (Pa.) aad Clark (Wye.) were preeeated ana taey were sworn m, Mr. BreeklarMffe beta greeted wMhapplsaeeby his Meade. The creden tials of David A. Harvey, m Delegate srom Oklahoma, were preeeated aad he wasswera m. TaerreoMeafa meassgs was then read aad tke Menae adleor d." disposing ofvsrioos motloas aad oa iae za lue iwaaw mj m striet party vote took ap the Federal elec tions WU and while the bill waaheinff read the hoar of J o'clock arrived and a motion ay Senator Hoar to contlane the reading of tke kill was antagonised by Mr. Gor man, wko wished to proceed with Main toned knstaesa-theeigbt-hoar CilL It was anally decided by a party vote to proceed with the reading, which continued aatil ad journment..... In the House petitions for the amending of the McKlaley bill were pre sented. Tke copyright bill was then taken up nnd various motions made to get It out of the way. bat after ordering the previous question the House sdjoarned. is tke Beasts en tne sa air. uauom aim dncedsbill to rednce letter portage to one cent. The Indian troubles in the Northwest were then discussed until 2 o'clock, when the elections bill came up and Senator Tor pie addressed the Senate in opposition to the bill antll adjournment.... In the Houae the copyright bill was taken up and after some debate passed by 138 yess to nays and the House adjourned. t, PBTmoxs were presented in the Senate on the 4th, and the.resolution offered by Senator Hawley to issue snas to the State of North sad South Dakota and Nebraska, for defense against the Indians, was taken up, and after a gesersl discussion of the Indisn troubles wss adopted. The elections bill was then taken up and Mr. Pugh spoke against it. So other business of general importance wan transacted.... The House passed the bill for the punishment of any guardian, committee or other Judiciary agent for the embezzle ment of the pension of a ward, and the pen sion appropriation bill was considered In committee of the whole until adjournment. Arnca routine business in the Senate on the Stb the elections bill again came up in the regular order and Senator tiray spoke at length in opposition. During the debate the fact came oat that a grave error had been made In the printing of the bill, snd pending discussion the Senate adjourned after Mr. Morgan had offered a resolution calling on the Attorney-General for a statement as to places of residence and date of appointment of ehief supervisors of elec tions in the Southern States.... The House, after some discussion, took up and passed the Senate resolution for supplying arms to certain Northwestern States for defense against the Indians. The pension appropri ation bill was then further considered, and on motion of Mr. Dockery, of Missouri, an amendment was adopted providing that no agent or attorney should demand, receive or be allowed any compensation In any disabil ity ease. It is estimated by Mr. Dockery and Chairman Morrill, of the Invalid Pension Committee that this will save $5,000,080 to the pensioners within the next three years. The bill passed snd the House adjourned. MAX AMD rOUTICAL. Gkkkrax Cadmus M. Wilcox died at Wasklagtoa oa the 3d. Ax acriaaoalous coafereace of Irish Natioaslists ia Loadoaon the Sd eaded somewhat favorably for ParaelL Mb. Pesxixs has iatroduced a resolu tion in the House for the issusnee of seeds to aeedy farmers in Ksasss aad Nebraska. M Leokakd Virxr.ns. governor of tke Baak of Fraace, is dead. J. H. Baxtbb, Surgeon-General, U. S. A., kas beea strickea with paralyses. D. B. Favkbweatk. deceased, a mlllioaalre leather merchant of New York, has left 200.000 to Cornell Uni versity. Thk Natioaal Farmers Alllaace and Iadustrisl Uaioa met in convention at Ocala, Fla, oa the 2d. OotvoXSL S. IX Stkwart, brother of Uaited States Seaator Stewart, of Ne vada, aad a large miae owaer, died at 8atter Creek, Cat, repeatly. Tax Italian Goverameat has resolved oa a eoaclliatery policy toward all ex eept the extreme clerical element, aad ia aeoordaaoe witk tkis course all per soas coavicted of offenses wholly political-are to be released. Esguutd is reported brlagiag stroag iaf aeaee to hear oa Hollaad to obtain the adhesion of that country to the agrssmsat permlttiag the Coago Free State to levy import duties. Advicm from Berlin state thstaa other member will be added to the koaaehaU of Emperor William shortly. Paxstux can not marry Mrs. O'Shes aatil tha Captain chooses to enter a mo tion la court for absolute divorce. Hoy. Isaac M. Jordaw, one of the hast kaowa members of the bar in Cin eiaaati, fell down the elevator in tke Lincoln Inn court, wkere kis office was located, aad was instantly killed. Mas. Maxy Tvkpik. 'mother of Seaa tor Tarpie. was buraed to death near Delphi. lad., recently. She was aearly ft years old. Loao SAXisaraT ehalleages Mr. Glad ateaa to relate all the facts ia the Ha warden Interview with Mr. ParaelL Tax emotion af mayor at Louisville. Ky.. want in favor af the Democrata Tm Irish lead purchase bill passed ItaaecondreadiBffia the British Hoase of Commoaa by a vote of 908 to 180. Tarn Presldeat aad Secretary Blaine areeer.oasly coaaideriag the appoiat- meatof Oeagressmaa Morrow, of Csll farxto, aa Miaistor to Guatemala ia plaoe of Laasiaf B. Miner, recalled. Da, JoDDtAK Baxtxx, Sargeoa-Gea-oral af tha Uaited States army, who waa etriekea. with paralysis, ded at Wasklagtoa ax tha 4th. Ha xaver re gaixad eeascioBSaess after tke attack. Krso Kalakava. of the Ssadwioh Islsads, arrived at Saa Fraacisco oa the Uaited States war ahip Charleston. It to declared tkat aa aaderstanding has beea reached in Coagressioaal oireles by whleh no river aad harbor bill will he pssssd at this session, there by reduclaff the aperoprlatloas by Mas. Pxxu wifa af Eight Hoa. Arthur af the British House of to Hex. mm Joxar Waukk Huddixstox, Jastfos tke Queen's Beach divisiox af tha EaflUsh High Court of Justice, is He waa bora ia 1817. Txm Presldeat has xomiaatod stomal- of Csliforals, aa Miaistor to Central America, vlee Misaer, re aailaitaaaxaeaaaxaa af theBarraadia sapporta toEvarte- i tha .Uaited Statea Seaate. CevxT xutxMAJnr Vox Dalwig. aPras- ix cattle rato- taf ha Taxaa, was kiHsd by a traia ax itxaaahh Tax- to diealeesed with hie Mia- of Was, a party of aha asme af UT"- -"" m Bl . . - b . .- -m, .mm. -,. .. ... a .a SF m " SBSSSa v ai -t BBI HBT HBHB1 mm mm m-- - - " - - - i mmmAA -. m mm. i vrwm m. lam mm wnMimw w nw ssis seat bosso, the otaer forever iifsiess: taa waters of wasaea aaw ava ix axswar as sewers , .- .... " - . a at am - - m . aalecoaatry .1 Cemxr MxxaiAXir Daiwio the otter bitter axd sharp aad dtogast- aalatade. died two years ago. Mto fsssUyaew WMC';; :" S"::,' JT J. lamtll Ulxal ntJMalxxllir - sbaaesw a I " s-s w sw- rawnDusi waro asm ib vaaanaas-1 ixa awiat uaaa aaai matsaas una- abb awinan aa cy i mm shtw livaala TfssslBsTtaa saa xtr. Aamioam aw. ixsnas snnnaBHn aaa aa bbbbi aa tMMiaer- wiki taa wseowded Kovambardataaavar- aeil, rsa ta to tha lahas aad briagiac gaeet at tha Whito Beasa . BiuiTT7 - - ----- wiiMtoTTsBarT ia aaat "-"".' ' "TyL1' -. BauBBBnaaamaBB. sbbu m bl as . aww a - - " IT"1 ..-. sa xiPBaxBxaxaY bbbbbb asBXlBBBsBPml ABBXBBBsamBmB axBBBBBBBBa. maaBm mmmmmmmm-m ww mm v-aaBsw-a xaaBBBBBf aaBBax sbbbVsbb ssakax faBagKaBaaBxl ajsjaamsa mmmmmmmmmmmmm. aj MXkjBa -malaanBMal Basasiakmai aa aSJaaam axTAMaaaaaal . m ml naaxv .-.. - - A.tt ai ml a?aahi.da. - laAt.. la' Ah. .. .4 aVa. maV4W f sal Jaa f- msLaa araBBaxxam bbbjbbb ayaaajBarBraa bbbbbbbwbbbbk bbbbbbbbbbba-bbj n isaias- mmr-, T w ' bXXXbxxxbbbbxxW saaxxm Tdle maitjof aniKM m - tk avUaMraUIMMMM ! jae- 1 ! ! " - to death. A inumn with all eeaUylost la tha Bayaf Ixxdy. near Corxwalltai TaaSoottea tobaoeo faetory, Detroit; waa ox Ira raseAtty. Tha toss footed ap tw,MtL Two tremea were killed aad two seriously injured by a falling walL Tax strike oa tha Pittsburgh, Saea asdosh A Lake Eria railroad has eaded ia a compromise. Fixx ix Oxford, Ala., destroyed tha Arliagtox Hotel aad six stores, caasiag 33, tee loss. Tax long overdue Anchor lixa steam ship Ethiopia, from New York to Glss gow, has beea found. Her shaft waa broken, and ske had to proceed under saiL Ihwin, a jaaltor, aad his wifa perisked ia a (ire at the corner of Peaasylvsala aveaue aad Ninth street; Pittsburgh, Fa,, on tke 3d. Thk Sittoahoaae Maaafacturiac Com pany, of Passaic, N. J., at the hoad of which is Edward H. Ammidown, has failed with $600,000 debt aad fS00,0M assets. Oxly the hub aad spoke factory was destroyed by the fire at Anna, a Thk coafereace with the Cherokeea with relatioa to the surreader of tha Strip commonced at Tahleqosh on tha Sd. Tax country's mortgage indebted ness amouate to f85e,0t,eaoL Six pauper women were burned to death by a fire at the workhouse at New-castle-on-Tyne, England. The Catkolic Church aad school at Homestead, near Pittsburgh, Pa, has been destroyed by fire. Sevxn workmea were killed aad eight badly hurt by the collapse of ablest furnsce under repairs at the Illiaols Iron works, Joliet, I1L Thk fesr that diphtkerla would be oome epidemic ix Iadiaaspolls, lad., has been real sed aad oasea are being reported to the health dapartmeat at the rate of fif teea a day. Bio dk Jaxeixo is considerably agi tated over the wrecking of the Tribune newspaper office by officers of the Gov ernment; Chicago proposes to issna $5,000,080 bonds for World's Fair purposes. Thk Timmermsn Opera House, Ea glewood, Chicago, burned the other night There was a paaio of hotel guests, but all escaped. The loss was about $100,000. Four firemen were seriously iajured at Pittsburgh, Pa., belag: caught uader falliag walls whea Msgffiae's cracker factory was burned. Tha loss was $125, 000. St. JUakt's Catholic Church, la a suburb of Birmingham, Ala,, bas been destroyed by fire. Tub Bank of England has reduced its rate of discount from six to five per cent The famous trotter Electioneer died at the Palo Alto farm, CsL, recently. One of the inoculated patients of Prof. Koch died recently in terrible agony. Napoleon McDamel, convicted aad sentenced for life for the Cotton Belt train robbery, receatly made his escape in company with a murderer from the jiilstTexarkana, Ark. The Cherokees have beea offered $7, 538.442.19 for the Strip Delamatxr & Co., bankers, of Mead ville. Pa., have assigned. The bead of the firm was the defeated Republicaa candidate for Governor of Pennsylvaala, The Federal grand jury at Chicago has iadlcted, aloag with two other mea, Joha M. Egan, presldeat of the Chicago, St Paul & Kansas City road, for viola tion of the Inter-Stato commerce law. Business' failures (Dun's report) for the seven days ended December 4 num bered 313. as compared with 240 tke previous week and 316 the correspond ing week of last year. Moaey coatla ued stringent The coal miae owaers of Alabama have refused to either advaace the wages of tho strikers or confer with the leaders of the strikers. The lockout of the bat trimmers of Dsabury, Coax, which had paralysed the trade, eaded by coacessioas oa both sides The warden of the State peaiteatlary of Minnesota has been compelled to re sign for laxity of discipline. Among other things he allowed Cole Youager to leave the prison for a time on parole. Cohek's corset factory, New York, has beea destroyed by fire. Tke 1 reached 150. OOt. ADDITIOXAI. DD3TA' The expected rupture ia the Irish party occurred at Loadoa oa tbedth. Forty-five members seceded. Justia McCarthy beaded Psraell their writtea resolution, which Paraell tore to pieces. Both factions were coafideat aad were preparing for a vigorous warfare. Under the operation of high duties Germany's foreign trade has beea ooa tinually losing ground, accordiag to a recent dispatch from Berlin. Bun I tut kb, a "terror" of Arixoaa, was shot dead reooatiy by two telegraph operators near Navajo Spriags while ox one of his "psriodloals." An sttompt wss msde receatly to kill tke Governor of Ckiapas, Mexico. Tha assassin was slaia by the Governor ia stead. Thk Bull ds Grant Farm Implement Company, of San Francisco, has filed a petition ia insolvency. Total liabili ties. 7&.00; assets, 15s. 800. It is reported that a large graia firm of Liverpool has failed. There is a report tkat Klag Kalskaua has come to sell the Saadwiek Islsads to the Uaited 8Utoa Cmcarjng ko jso retaraa for tke weak eaded December tskowed aa averse decrease of a 5 oompared witk tke responding week of last year. Ia New York tke decrease was 13.7. WimJam B. Knioxt, eivil aagiaeer of Kaasas Oty. Ma, aaccamhad tohuis juries ia tha recent eelllelex at Jack sonville Jaactioa, IIL, and htoromalna atk A raoaacr la fermiag ta Saaia to aeet all the rsllwsya. PaocxEDiNas ware atot la ieaal circles oa tha f tk. bill was tha mala tklag .hafara tha ato. Discocxt waa Ins ia tha week oaded November rate age of IK- asadlag gaht to rettevn New York. WTm-m. 9 -"W R' V'.2'. " . "M fnrr rarr-" if-'i iyiiaiB'tVTtii-FaaBBai "- r";ifflan fSTftnTirmrrii n-mr a nun n. r t i rn ns naiTmirnTH ah rmnwr TWTaninfMaanani nr iiianraaaaaaaaaiaBaasri iisait.srrr ir wan ii isi aawiMi man kVnysSrSdl.- waulaffkialectareoox tho'Holy Bar. X DaWlttTalMag" ataasked hlsteathasrmeaat text 'Be extend Into a ship aadsat Ix the aaa; axd tha whale altttade was by tkesoaea tholaxd." Mark. lv. L Ha said: It is Monday merxlxf Ix oar Falastlxa experleacea, axd tha aky is a hlae Galilee above, as la a boat we sell the hlae Galilee baxeetb. It la thirtaea miles long sad six miles wide, but tke atmosphere to so clear It asems as If I could cast a stone from beach to beach. Tha lake looks as though it had beea let down ox silver pallsys from the heaveaa axd were a section of the sea of glass that at Johx describee aa a part of tha celestial lsadscspe. Lake Galilee to a depression of six hundred feet in which tba river Jordan wideas aad tarries a little, for tke river Jordan comes ix at its aorth side aad departs from its south side, so this lake has its cradle and its grave. Its white satis cradle is amoag the snows of Mount Hermon where the Jordan starts, sad its sepulchre is the Dead Sea, iato which the Jordan empties. Lake Como of Italy, Lake Geneva of Switzerland, Lake Lomond of Scotland, Lake Wianl pesaukee of America are larger, but Lake Galilee is the greatest dismoad that ever dropped from the finger of the clouda As sometimes a beaatiful child in a neighborhood has a half dozea pet names, and some of the neighbors call her by oae asme. aad others by sn other, so this pet lake of the planet has a profusion of nsmea Ask the Arsb as he goes by what this sheet of water Is, aad he will call it Tabsriyeb. Ask Moses of the Old Testament and he calls it Sea of Cbinnereth. Ask Mat thew and he calls it Sea of Galilee. Ask Luke aad he calls it Sea of Genne ssret Ask John and he calls it Sea of Tiberisa. Ask Josopbus and Eusebius, and they have other Barnes ready. Of the 370 war ships Josepbus ma neuvered on these waters for Josephus was a warrior as well ss a historian there remains not one piece of a bulk, or one patch of a canvas, or one splinter of an oar. But return to America we never will until we have hsd a sail upon this inland sea. Not from a wharf but from a beach covered with black and white pebbles we go on board a boat of about ten or twelve tons, to be propelled pertly by sail aad partly by water. It is a rough boat and as far as possible removed from a Venetian gondola or a sportsman's yacht With a commoa saw and hammor and axe many of you could make a better one. Four bare footed Arabs, instead of sitting down to their oars, stand as they always do in rowing, and pull away from shore. We put our overcoats and shawls on a smsll deck in the stern of the boat the very kind of a deck where Christ lay on a fisherman's coat, when of old a tempest pounced upon the fishing smack of the affrighted disciples. Can it be thst those Bible stories about sudden storms on this lske are true? Is it pos sible thst a sea of such seeming placid ity of temper could ever rise aad rage at the heavens? On our right bank are the hot sulphur baths, so hot they are scalding, aad the waters must cool off a long while before band or foot can endure their temper ature. Volcanoes have been boiling these waters for centuries. Four springs roll their resources Into twogreatswim miag reservoirs. King Herod there tried to oathe off the results of bis ex cesses, and Pliny and Josephus describe the spurting out of these volesnlc bests, aad Joshua aad Moses knew about them, axd this moment long lines of pilgrims from alljarts of the earth are walUa for ehjdc tern to step into the steamiag lestoratlves. Let the boat, as far.aa possible aad aot rua aground, hug the western shore of the lake that we may seethe city of Tiberias, once a great capitel, of the architecture of which a few mosaics, and fallen pillars, and pedestals, and here and there a broken and sbsttered frieze remain, mightily suggestive of the time when Herod Antipas had a palace here aad reigaed with aa opuleace, and pomp, aad cruelty, aad abominatioa that paralyses the fingers of the historiaa whea he comes to write it, aad tho fingers of the palatar wkea ke attempts to trsasfer it to csnvsa , Side by side are tke two great charac ters of this lake region: Jesus and Heron Antipaa Aad did aay age pro duce aay such antipodes? Kindness aad cruelty, holiness aad 11th, geaer osity aad meaaaess, self-sacrifice and selfishness, the saperaal aad the infer aali midaooa aad mldaight The fsther of this Herod Antipas was a gealus at assasslaatioB, He could manufacture more reasons for puttiag peoplo out of tkis life tkaa aay man ia all history. He sends for Hyrcanus to come from Babyloa to Jerusalem to be made high priest aad slays him. Ha has hia brother-ia-law, while ia bathiag with him, drowaed by the Kisg's atteadaata. He slsys kis wifa and kis wife'o metker, and two of kis sobs aad kia aacle, aad filled a volume of atrocities, tke last chapter of whleh was tha mswscre of all the babes at Bethlehem. With suck a father aa Herod the Great; yoaare aot surprised tkat tkis Herod As Upas, whose palace stood oa tke banks of tha lake we bow sail, was a combiastioa of wolf, reptile axd hyexa. Wkila tke Ckrist wko walks yoader beaks dad sails tkese waters was so good that al most every rood of tkis soeaery ia asso ciated witk soma wise word or soma kindly deed, aad all literature, axd all art aad all earth, aad all Hea vea are pat to tke utmost effort ix trying; to express how greed aad glorioaa aad lovely he waa, aad to, aad to to be, ThaChrist ly aad Herodie characters are differeat aa tha two lakee we visit aad aot far apart, Gailee axd Dead sea; tha ewer basked axd tha other Utopia- oaa axd blasted; tha by tha mercy of Christ, tha otter blast ed by the wrath of God; the aaa full of laay tribes sportlag ix tho clear depths, the other forever lifeless; the waters af the aaa awaat sad, plea saa t to tha taste, the otter bitter sad sharp aad dlarast- Awrat ft Batwe leek over to the hills af Gedara, s tha ether asdo, dawx whleh MM by devil, rax iato aha fat aarmltsiaff it of all the stock rsisirs at thai try, hsesaas of thfe ratals af tha hula mM m. hU t tk IIBMI at Br Mtb fraa h ueaasa aarixa bbibsu arsar bbibx aaaasasaa bt saa ear . aaa atvu.war mbhbbi - .. . . j Mjk. :rr rjzz m wumm mu-'ummmm,-r. m -jv1 '-zr ' iiiiii- lit bsw nasa ississi .n 'ni w 'in' Twmwmaaammm. bsmis mi gi"'i ii i j"m" at to elimb ta aba faee of anaed stoa would aztonalaatioa, 8a af wood. Iron tiled thee with sol- let them dowa from the tea af aha preoipiees aatil they gave signal that shay were level with tba eavoraa. tkey oat to tha aftonth of tha cavarxa aad haviaff aot aaoagh grass aad wood aa re to fill tho osvaraswith smoko aad atvaagBlatlea, tbehiddea people would come forth to die; aad If est coming forth vetaatarily. Herod's mea weald pall them oat with long Iroa kooks, aad Joaspbaa asys that oaa father rather thaa submit to the attackiag army, flexg kto wifa aad ae vea ckildreadowx tke precipice aad tkaa leaped after them to hia owa death. Now, ya Arab oarsmen, row oa, for wa want before boob to lsad at Caper xaum, the three years' home of Jesua Bat before arrival there we are to have axewexperieace. The lake thst had beea a smooth surface begias to break up Iato roogkaeas. The air which all tke moraiag msde our sail almost use leas, suddenly tokos kold of our boat with a grip astoalshiag, aad our poor craft begias to roll and pitch and tum ble, aad la five minutes we psss from a calm to violence. Oa thst lake sn at mospheric fury gives no warning, and tha change we sawta ive minutes made me feel that the host in which Christ sailed msy have beea skillfully msn aged, whea the tempest struck it, and the wild importunate cry went up: "Lord ssve us or we perish!" If the winds and the wares had continued to increase ia violence the following fif teen minutes in the sarao ratio, as in the first flvo, and we. hsd been still at their morcy, our bones would have been bleaching in the bottom of Lako Gen n ess ret instead of our bein? hero to toll the story! But tho ssme power thst rescued the fishermen of old, to-day safely landed our psrty. What a Christ for rough weather! All the sailor boys ought to fly to him ss did those Galilean marl nera All you in tho forecastle, and all you who run up and down tho slippery ratlines, take to sea with you Him who with a quiet word sent tho winds back through the mountain gorges. "Star of pease! beam o'er the billow Bless t e -oul tuatitlbt (or t best Bless tne sailor's lon-!y pl'l w. Far. (ar at sea." Hero at Capernaum, tho Arabs having in their arms carried us asboro to the only place where our Lord over had s pastorate and we stepped amid tho rums of the church whero Ho preached sgain and again, the synagogue, whose r.ch sculpturing lay there, not ss when others see it in springtime covered with weeds, and loathsome w tu reptiles, but in that December weather com pletely uncovered to our agitated and intense gaze. On ono stono of that synsgogue is the sculpturing of a pot of manna, an artistic commemoration of the time when tho Israelites were fed by manna in the wildorness, and to which sculpturing no doubt, Christ pointed upward, whilo He was preach ing that sermon on this very spot, in which bo said: "Not as your fathers did eat manna and aro deal; ho that eateth of this bread shall live forever." Those Arab tents which on this De cember dsy I find in Palestine disappear and I see Capernaum as it was when Jesus wss pastor of the church hero. Look at that wealthy home, tho archi tecture, the marble front, tho up holstery, the slaves in uniform st the doorway. It is the residenco of a court ier of Herod, probably Chuza by name his wife, Joanna, a Christian disciple. But something 1- the matter. Tho slaves are in great excitement and the courtier living tbore runs down the front steps and takes a horse and puts him at full run across the country. Tbe boy of thst noblemsn Is dying of ty phoid fever. All tho doctors havo failed to give relief. But about flvo miles up the country, at Cans, there is a Divine Doctor, Jesus by asme, and tbe agonized father hss gone for him, sad with what earaestaess those csn understand who have hsd a dying child in tho house. This court'er cries to Christ: "Come down ere my child die!" Whilo tho fsther is absent and at 1 o'clock in tho afternoon tho peoplo watch ng the dying boy see a chango in the countenance and Joanna, the mother, on one sido of bis couch says: "Why, this darling is getting well; the fever hss broken; see tho perspirat'on on bis forehead; did any of you give him aay new kind of medicine?" "No," ia the aaswer. Tbe boy turns on his pillow, his delirium gone, and asks for something to est and ssys: "Where's father?' Ob, he hss gone up to Csns to get a young doctor of about SI vests of sge. But no doctor Is needed now in this bouso at Capcrnsum. The peoplo look at tke sun dial to find what time of the dsy it is and see it is just past noon aad 1 o'clock. Then they start out aad meet the returning father snd ss soon ss they come within speaking distaaco they shout at the top of their voice: "Your boy is getting welL" "Is it possible?' ssys the father; "when did tbe cbsage for the better take plaoe?" "Oae o'cock.'Ms tbe snswer. "Why," says tke courtier, "that is just the hour that Jesus said to me: Tby soaliveth,' Oaeo'closkr Do aot mix ap tkis ease witk tbe angry discassioa aboat Christisn science, but accept the doctriae, as old as tbe Bible, that God does aaswer prayer for the sick. Tkat Caperaaam boy was aot tbe oxly illustration of the fsct thst prayer Is BVghtier tbaa a typhoid fever. Aad there is aot a doctor of large practice bat has coma iato the ack room of some hopeless ease and, in a cheerf al manner, if he ware a ChrUUsa. or with a be wildered maaaer if be were a skeptic. said: 'Well, wkat have you beea dolag with this patleat? Wkat kave yoa beea giviag him? Tba pulse la better. The crisis to past After all. I thiakhe will get well. Prayer will yet be ackaowl edged ta tke world's materia medics aad tke cry ia jest aa appropriate bow aa wkea Chaxa, tha courier from Caper aaam Bttorad ia Christ's heariag: "Come dowa ere my child die r If the prayer be aet answered ia the way we wish It to aaeaasa Gad has something better far tha child thaa earthly recovery of alive la axswar to fathers' lyselfeaeefthe altltade. Tha mightiest agency ia tha aa! to prayer, aad it tarae evea tha Al mighty. It decides taa dasttaiee of ta divfcfaals, families aad aattoaa. Dariag ear sad eivil war a at aha Walla Haass ia Bad att' prayers, myself oae of the k. htat a4 that tfnaa, Gaamral Maat . mmm" -- s --aks sanmaxaxsmBaxf ha am anmxaa aaaa aa ertaa aaa as teaasaaaitifat ha prayed I saa aet lead tale people. I gafcle tha affairs of this Nattoa withoat Thy help. I ass atafal O God, who didst bear whea ha eried for wisdsav hear asa aad save theNsttoar- Yea asa wa dea's toga seek ta sable abaca for svi- that prayer to may aay that Christ at am healad that eeartier's ahUd. yet Ha waald aet aaaa aaaa It ia kamble life. Why. la that Caperaaam Ha did taa ssme tklag far a dyiBf alava Thto aaa taa care af a Bemsa aoldiera alava, wheee ealy ae kaawledged righto were taa wlaaoe af hia owaer. Aad aaaa are aa aaw aa slaved ar ae hnmbte or slek ar aa atafal. bat tha all-eymxathetie Ckrist to ready ta help thess, ready to eara them, ready toemaac.pate them. "But" says some oae, "wky waa it that Christ coming to sava the world skoald spend so mack of his time oa sad around so solitary a p aaa aa Lake Galilee? Thero is oslr oae city of aay sise oa its beach, and both the westora sad eastern shores are a solitude, brokea oaly by tbe souads com lag from tbe mud hovels of tbe degraded, Wky did aot Christ begin at Babyloa tba mighty, at Athens the learned, at Cairo tbe historic at Thebes the hundred gated, at Home the triumphant? If Chr.st wss going to aavo the world, why not go where the world's people dwell?" My friends, Galilee was the hub of the wheel of civilisstion, aad art, aad tha center of a populatlba tkat staggers reallzatioa. On the shore of the lake we sail to-day. stood nine great cities, Scythopolis, TsricUm, Hippos, Gatnala, Ohorazn, Capernaum. Bethsalda, Mag dala, Tiberias and many villages, tha smallest of which bad 15,390 ia- hab.tants, according to Josephs snd reaching from tho beach back into tho country in all directions Four thousand ships, history says, were at ono t.me upon these wstera Battles were fought there, which shocked all aatlons with tkeir coaas quencea Upon those sea fgbts looked Ves pasian and Titus, sad Trajan, and whole empires. From one of these naval encounters so msny of the dead floated to the bescn they could not soon enough bo entombed, snd a plague was threatened. Twelve hundred soldiers escaping from these vessels of war were ono day massacred in the amphitheater at Tiboriai. For 300 years that almost continuous city encircling Lako Gall.ee was the metropolis of our planet It was to tho very heart of tho world that Jesus caino to sootbo its sorrows, snd pardon its sins, and heal its sick, and cmanc.pate its enslaved, and reanimate its dead. And let tho church and tho world take tho suggestion. Whtlo tho solitary places aro not to bo neglected, we must striko for tho great cities If this world is over to bo taken for Christ Evangel izo all tho earth except tbe cities and in ono year tho cities would corrupt tho earth. But bring the cities and all tho wor d will como. Bring Paris aad Franco will come. Bring Berlin and Germany wi 1 coma Bring St Peters burg and Ilussia will come. Bring Vi cuna and Austria will come. Bring Cairo and Kgypt will coma Bring the near 3.000.000 people in this clustor of cities on tho Atlantic coast and all America will soon see tbe salvation of God. OTbou blessed Chr.st who didst come to tho mighty cities encircling Lake Galileo! come in mercy to all our great cities of to-day. Thou who dldat put Thy hand on tho wblto mano of the foaming bills of Gennesaret, and make them lie down at Thy feet hush sll tbe raging passions of tho world! O Thou blessed Christ who on tho night when tho disciples were trying to cross this lako snd "tho wind was contrary." after nine hours of rowing bad made only three miles, didst come stepping on water thst at tho touch of Thy foot hanlenod into crystal, meot all oar shipping whether on placid or atormy seas, and say to all Thy peoplo bow by. whatever stylo of tempest tossed or driven as Thou didst to the drenched disciples in tho cyclone, "Bo of good cbeer. It is L Be not afraid!" Thank God tkat I have seen this lske of Christly memories, snd I csn ssy with Kobert McCbeyne. tbe ascended minister of Scotlaad, who, nested oa the banks of this lake, wrote in his last sick days snd just before he crossed the Jordan, aot tho Jordan that empties into Galilee, but tbe Jordan that emp ties into tbe "sea of glass mingled with fire," these sweet words, fit to be played by human fingers on strung strings of earthl? lute or by sngelic lagers am seraphic harps: it Is not that the mil I gaselle Cones down to drlak thy tide. But Ha tbat was plcrerd to save from kstl 'Oil wandersd by thy sM. Gracelul sroaad thee tbe moaatalas asset, Tuoa calm, repea a; Hnt Mb! f- r more, tho bs-utlfal feet Of Jesa wiiUed o'sr thre. O f avloar I soae to God's right hand. Yet ttiesame Saviour still. Graved oa Tby hejrt Is this lovely ttraad. And every fragrant allL FOUND IN A COWS HOOP. Siraage mUtmrwrf mt m Mlag Xeavty thirty Twra. A few weeks ago Thomas D Addlsox, a dairy farmer II vlag at Fa irf ax Station, Va. oa tke Virgiala Midland railroad, tweaty-four miles from Wasklagtoa, discovered Imbedded la the hoof ef oae of his cows a large seal riag. The rlag wss a very baadsosae oae, aad had ea graved upox tha seal tha eeat of of Mexico, the ward "Mexico. Spanish word thst tha farmer eeald aet decipher. Iaeide were tha words. fl. J. Huat. Worth's Div." Mr. Addiasa reported tha gadlag af tbe riag to tha Alexandria papers, wblch pahUshad a short aatiee af ia Soea after ha received a latter frees Celeael Pitcher, U. fv A, saw Uviagsa Wsahtogtea, eayiag that ha was aa intbaato Irtoad ef Cataaal Haat, served with km Urwawh tha war. Whea tha aasesrs ef Worth's Dlvietoa left Mexico they wished ta hava asa af tha dare aad ahrhto saeat together thara, as all slika Dariag thattoaelllea CsleaaL to llrssadtarCsBsrsL H artOlery ateaa auae was statlaxH la Mr. Ad- dlsea'a by him at that akaav Caasral Haat died taa years aga Hto fataUy livaala rtagta- ef a a aartor af a artwwfal: OTaaa aktht WaaBWBp'nmta aaQawar aaxWl sffoasaaaa so mimswnaPMoaorai. mama i amain s a n - snAanmrnammrwanw. spsasmwrnBLaans , - a. m - - --... .. m-m-mmm mm mw mm - . .a a- AMSMAh. mmm covered after a laaaa af a qaarter af a apjcii rsiTS "- m aTaVJaawW afafal WW&m9 I xsAMfTTJaU AfM9 TM SjaasBi'BBBB, I WOatTHPrawfT, great wheat lasxaaaf xfjillili ill aVa Caaaeaaa Xeraawaah farrrxaaea fa aalfoo a saleeBBB laaaaaxBaa aflat. That aataliarly lisslad ta taa varylasat gratia af to already well Samll woader. yadvaaasgaa si I by taeCaa- adiaa coaatry, aad the mlllleae af asrea of fat leads sow offered la Maalteaa, Asstalboia aad Alberto, that eetttefa at iocklas? thither raawr to ia a well-governed, peaceable where tke climate Is most healthful tke eoilaaea aot wear out, bat yields a rich retura year after year tar tha laaar bestowed upea It. Tba following dispatch ia thto eea aeetioa will no doubt be read with la tercst It refers to tha pes via af Manitoba: "Wisxtrxo, Nov. T.-.Tbo leeel gar "erameat bas just issued another hul ietia which gives the follewiag compar isons with 1W la average yields aad "products of wheat, oats, barley aad po "tato crops, baaed on the returns af "acreage sad average yields for the re spective yesra: "Estimated average yield la wheat -13.4 bushels la 9. 31.1 baaheto ia ft, 'Oata. IAS la ', sl.S ia fa. aWley, "U.ftla'W. S3.1 la ta, Pototoea, lit "la 9, 30ln . Product of wheat, T,d01,57t for '. 14.aso.7aP for f. Oats, "3.41104for'a.9,313,S3forsw. Barley, "l.OM.SM for '. a.aaf ,41i for - Pata "toes, 1.3SS.S85 for'af, t,54d,aw fort, " Little informatioa is givea aboat Mflax. but field roots are spekoa of as "being more thaa usually arodaetive "this year. "Large quantities af hay were pat ap "thia year, compared with last During "the harvesting seasoa there was a great "scarcity of farm laborers, "Thrco persoaa from Hamlltoa. Dake "ta. kave beea ia tke city si ace Meeday, "snd to-day left for tke West Their "expenses here are paid by tke Dom I n "loa Government sad their mlsaioa Is "to pick out sufficient good fans lead "on which to locate three haadred Da "kola fsmllies whose aamesare ia their "possessioa, and who will remove to "Manitoba early in the spring." An I Teacher Thomas. I saw you laugk just now. What are you laughing aboat? Tommy I wss just thinking about something. Teacher You have no business thinking during school hours. Don't lot it occur again. Texas Mftlnga Visitor "Isn't your mother afraid, Willie, of catching cold In those slip pers?" Willie "Huh, Igueaa you don't know them slippers! Ms us them to warm tbe whole family with." Ameri can Grocer. Tas HnsirorTMBTiMcs. of New York, says: "An extraordinary advance In the use of cocoa seems to have token place of late years in England, la the House of Commons t hi vlastseasinii tbe Klght Hon. it. J. Closchen, the Chancellor of the Ka- i-hAnij,r .111 nlfonflnn fii It mm m. mnui f fir much of the falllnjf og of tha use of cogr. no aiinuuieu n in mrwuni to nm oi tion a pretMtratloB of cocoa kaowa aa Grateful and Comforting; had taken, la sccord with this suggestion It may be Is. terestlng to follow the course cocoa has taken in r.iiRUMxi since last, wnm the duty which had been standing st 61. per Ik. with aa importation of under hlf a mlllica iiound. was reduced to ai per lb., and aet long after we Mnd the boaMSopaiblo doe trine of medicine introduced late Urn king dom, and that tho usnof cocoa was specially advocated by physicians adepatlmtawde of practice. Boon after we ind the grst homoeopathic chemist established la Ka gland (the inn ef James Kppe et Co.) pro duced a special preparation, which ealy needed boiling water or milk to heateace ready for the table, aad the superior char acter of thia productioa has, no deubt, deae much, a the Chancellor or the Kscheaaer said, to bring about bached a it was by a further redaction ef the daty to Id. per lb.) the advance made." Cod liver oil is now sge red st ceaUa plat bottle, hut we fear it will sever aerome a pepeiar neytrsge evea price.-. homtM Coarier. e tVKswrs la a'aftt, Three malignaat foes to human co-operate for evil. Their peoaia. MHeasaess. eoasti tiy they coasUtute a etroag syadica4taey he overthrowa with Bestetter's Mem mttera. We4 jastMtoaeeuelr. of hut by peralstoawj. We eaa malarial matlo aad kidney BiimeBU aad aervetM neaa. Ask jenr dnagist for fdesteitsr's Almanac, aad hesdvisedof their saaerior merit. T vg streak a thetrsam.asbe chord at last. seal wpawa pnook woodU: v-H. YTratorald. Uts Baowx'a heovamt. Taecaas far Coaghs, Cokls sadall ether Taroat Treaa- tm. -rre-emiaeauy toe sast,"--v. f BsW'BBj gPaXBBBgr Ir la dlsTssalt for a gtve it to yea srhrat-T iKftiaga Pant la the ffise aearly always i from liver aad Is iweramptlyrslwTSaaj PHki. Ia'tfsrgttBta. Carter's Li wis Liver THE OCNEKAL MAKKCTS. KSt1TT,Bwr. a CATTIg. by tee-steer. , J sa'aTsii XeteBers' stwjs SS a s to 7stvees. ,... S IS nGft-4Mtosie)iy IMSIS WHEAT S.Xrrl . ,. g S XB ss swe. .c at ai at txia Be .., .... . . at av ami XT C-Jfe. . run;srfcM,ws)s. .. is a set eaaey,-. ,M, ,. ... s S IS AT aalfa.. ...J...., ... tb s ass shsssB fksssBBsa asaaaafa araaahef taa eBBBmssSf mmmj BS W WM9W wa . ,,i" easaxxamSirV laaaxBaaBaaafBXBnBwsB f aB5PxmBas sywy thea. eoasidertag aha nsmas arelva- TnsMksa It JsahsJsaay, bat a saaktojr faad Is aha """Py aaasBayasxyy aa aaBsTfcftJfgaaxjaa TsiansBXaaaggxV BFITlEMCiBin mmmv vi mm mmwwm wvvpwtv " ' la a sad araHof kamaa atara. moo mtadte heatealMaadae f-a-w.-g. faasHaBaLaaBV xaalaUl ah alfb aamaax bbbTwJbxbV fBBsf"awaaa2v cxbbbbbj bb area? as bbsbbbbvc aaeee ateaa etawa oa ar i wfalMiaslssei Mleaa'taet thaw tfteda saM a sVer swarded aw a. 1 Sfaaraare haaSa u' stead seasvad oa to from loaa'tltefpmysvojfHliee: a a'0tw rseaewies. aaa I hetfevs aU kamswew." uUw iweeT are iHtmkaaT. toe t - Yea. for I havo trass taree mi mlv arrrw ass as 4r I asTf mad my wtliwl r is Iscwrabte sad amik iRr4tt, ' .lliei wrHr. waa wa erneiwor XtesaaVriM IndlvMml. at im wwxr ta e stTtsmUg hi pnilfc a'! frUrf tegiva lr. Ja o iarpr. aja eematoscvM IU v ml " utu. MaM,bwtaKdeWt oi fAitowr.!. ft las caa4awisx, hroort co rifcf ; tt laea saa u iisewu. - issrpv rites. area toaoen OnfirHt It la kapriWlllr to conceive ef acSi this? X sasaam who u oa . nro nv, ttr Trasscripv aa waa has practiced meiHetaA lor ) oaahi to ksmv stall from agar ; tvi astxBBBBTk bbb aaa ft TotatkO..Jaa,ld,ljc MassaaF. J. CacKT tc 0 i;tn.'-. I save asea la the general t'raci!o of cm! hwae far most tdjcarm, &l wphKI ? ix ia aH aiy pewrtic a4 rviK?rir4r btn aever soea a pmaratk imx 1 ctioVl prr scrisawiihas wuck tnililetu:e of urr as I caa hWl'a Cstarrh Cwr maftufacturl ay yea. Havo jr?rtitl lt srrai Xaasa aad lm rWt is waderf ol, ami w4 aay ia eoechtalea that I hare j ti U &cl a rasa of Oaurrh that itwmsid ht cat it they weald take it svenlltu to !invue yeara Truly. I U !osmt, M. d . Wa wig give tWB for aay caaa er C'tH aTaatcaanat earrdwitb II1V CUrtb Care. Taken lntnuUlv g, J. Cxaxat Co . 1'repa , Tlolo, O. awes by Druewisl. TV w ' i ' - ra a strssgai" about ti prt," ptoBsSd thaaew aartwr, wb wu uts4vMM as to whleh aitloWe abouldvaib ibacut. er's aair.--Yoasera Htuua. i A Book to Buv Webaler'a Intt rntlP04l Dkisory. This vr book l tl nutttatk "Usahrldcsd" theruaily revlt onl n laraed uader tbe supervision of lo. vaa, IX l, U- D ot Yale Caltrf.iy Kditorlal wrk on toe rrrUSca ha trrn in active iintrrrss for ovr tn jrar, wvml Mor thau a bumlml al4 Uternrj- trVcr have brrn enirrl ujn It Tbe un r, peaded ia lu itrcfaralioa befotv V-a fir.t copy was printed rs?r.li asUt Tbi work, welt used In rasilly. will l of mora value to the member thereof tban aiuy tkaea Its cost laid up la moaey. Taosa rsadY'inade clothe of your & bristle with iBdlgnetlo-" "Vci Uwy are for tbe fray - ruva. ..I - . i Bsrtms th uo of I'nckly Ah lUtwr in tarns geaoral thnmalwul tbo South st Weal, It waa a fearful Uosw of "Ui-t MaM. sad saily iloar of iiuln!m, ihal n fotvr,! down the throU of aufferrr from till tn larlal trouble, la !a" cf such oliuotion, harrowing t-amtlire. !ri-kh Ab lUttrr.. with its mlkt. sootbihg a'tiiUi mow hol.i. supreaie sway, btl attrr owe trUl. Il nhen Becesssry. I forever eubllbcU You who havo lfk'helarlnn, sour tm. avhs, lleo. liver or kUlney, cn lo w better thaa to give It a trial TsTS railroad wan who wanted to wait timid! v retikxl th favor of cue roi&t tip.-Wasslsgtrtu IoaU uj atiSh rt MB I bavb bra rrtd of blood rtlu In It very last staar af lr doolors luitrnf to giT me relief. 1 simply uot Dr Hull rW parllta, whk-h ia the brt hloott Mvrllcln? lit th worW.K. A, Alosnl?r, IVirrlurir, Va. "I SB blind, attit hav bon from my birth." said UmWiU.1 wa; "bat my Utlicr kss always beH qulto a par wl to mo." Wsshimo powder are strong aliMlif.onl ruU cUhM. Tb urrt soap ytitrtlnabiit the beat and ctn-ajKrat. lubllii l!lvtr Moap ha Itrea a'hRoTi(xlgrl fr i jsr la be the pifet M. Try It rigbt ariy. Tan amali-pos victim U to ItilcAviy fit-'M. Bostoa Traveller Usui's lleney of lloresound awl Tar r. Iteves whooplag cough. Pike's Toothache l)rip euro in one ininoto. Tas miller tad life to be sae couU&uai grlnd-Ht. Joseph News. Two Ciants On the aa4-5ffl. ' -. ewni j !. bVstawoil4orr,cn"W4 lit ' mrf ssUofi. sstMHig In Ike H l t rtr "'f ISMllf-4t4tid4 la fnti nf fUr r lr4 fcjr nut wrone kabita "4 Mlif.- iwrfal.-41i,JM i.ft.lL, O is ether h,l-Hmt't !.rnlt. U atoSsra ssil. ih tt ar f tT" slooS, tvtmptiaming IS mn Wtm4tt rft arrofsla. salt rseasi, mtctUm eiiii'r t ' eat. aamnHa leal. wmWb.mtm, U re iBrr at all tmm i fltant ot d..m. mtMi ale) fey is aM of tae Ust of I Jtife MM! 8 Sartaparilla Sotl f art Smawia . rt.4 forfc. h'tttfi''f OrvaDoHar ABDOMINAL ssWrXTS. aVastrawlUTIIelBl aaaBUawlaV KTt Bfaajtaf twvmlfaVBd kiswdaxamv. laaalafllan.aB. PIKUY ASH BITTERS Hood jmDotH n7 BANDS IF Jrf " 'A m mi .. I' " mr B 1 - mm. VA aWmmm. M -mmM Vhx Ba rH ?J nAL tMOmwm, TrVtoaa, fa aaa far tamrama)OT kr immimmmmn aa mjs BBBBBBjBxaaa1 aa wf sxassftMP Wfl jaVaTlKyawi v - - .. ssiee) a j assanmaaaaBAamAxxei xxsaaXasasta ssnasa ssa smmi ssammass ssmana as bbb psaasyxf aaaxxxj ax axajaxxx hat aaxa sttBSMBi aHmsssmassssainsai jiam r i- 1 r . I ? l -' 15 l,& r f M i .-&.