The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 12, 1890, Image 1

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'I . W Jy r. it,'"
r t
- i . - ftrtt war., iitjtjqagr j.jomi umh
Vi ' -" - .-;' S1 . f . . 'ifc. m i i - - " MBHffT MBWhtl MBBHW,wWW''JMriii Mi .
-- "1- - 'WW .-i 'iBK M. 'it 7 -a0 --, m-t . , ;kJT, . .A 'KXHBIHFIP'VP'- i.At- ' Ml kBIM9HE)-Ch fciai -. '1W' Q- '4 41V. Wf'T-
jl -:v fesJJJJlLBK 'PmBK 'm wmMkvh. "i 'IiiiiiifeeS&Uf :Wsk -
By A. C. Hosmer.
McNitt & Galusha,
Want you to
Suits in
Boys' and Children's Suits
We sell Underwear Cheaper than anyone in
in the eity. Our line of
Is a little nicer than you are used to looking at.
Silk Handkerchiefs of every description
at correct prices.
Ever seen Ih Red CluHtl, and 1 hIiuII cll tt ut priecs that all can
afford to buy. My goodii arc ALL XEW.
Re-pairing a specially. I am located in Colllnc's Drug Stare, an
Wct Side Webster Street. Call and cc me before yan
decide ta buy.
Take Yer:Aplleatt.a t. Tkta, Becaaseyou will be dealing direct with tke leadtr
aud not tbrougk aa aceat or coauntsiiiua Ban.
BecmiM you can pt tke lowest rate.
Kecaaac you can sot yoar laoaey iraawdiately.
cuawnv do not seed your appIkatSea all uvcr Uie couutrr for sowe oac eke to ClU
MerMuma we can givi-you Ibe bcaAteraM.
maa a interest sad prtBcitwuis payable at our
tteu out he interest payeats.
eeaaaeToawUlbeBMsedvttaeGrBuuiaer of
Ked Cloud, Neb.
Ho! Tfeere
, S F. SPOKE5FIELDas evei vthutgih
the DiytCoodsJsCbdSiy line and sells -
"5- V.i&n4-Jsfe.
. il z- J:
7B H .
" I1
see their
6.5Q, 5.00, $3.75
Men's Sizes before
For winter wear from $1
is Coming
Silverware, &c.
office, and if desired rc cma cive aceoawda
enslaeas. and mta muwr. av Haw.av
Albany, New York.
-iir is-
" Eternal Vigilance is the
Red Cloud,
to $16.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan
Red Cloud.
Miles T. Hayes
Patent - CoUar !
For sale by O. BUTLER
: Bed Cloud, Backejd
XkSL nffam
--vmffaRUk. AammmW
1 ')( WMrffTamw aTmmmVRffa
EmmmmmmmmT mmammmmmmlmmmV
anrBay aaaaaaaajaj
-mt m't' Wt amma
flKaRssK: nmmmmL
'enmsnnV 'i
PraroUJ? mVJrsl'iyilj "- Mr. ghamv Mr. Miwa t. Mr, r -'
ii4TIii V' n swaJtsaaad, Jsnsnms Jar. ; i
T -TlVJUWZtC ,Jm mimmtifm' 5-- msamat
w k' waask waanianm" max v nsaam nm a mmrmmntam mar;
Mi t V5. Wr"- - v j ,. . . ..,-,.'"5
faSMyw tdAmSSio $?' ''w' x aesawsr, amsaxsanaxss iajnmm
" ' FiBi9FjfifTSf- lnTWaasattssahaaos naSaa msBMal
fG&ftfKUKfA&mtKBt!MEMJ&M&. SsaAsaM aTAbSSrnu ' 'assess
v0vS5sa9.BBsrJBsalBaBa9ew pjra7 xSx)msssa aaM a ' , , -asssx
Price of Liberty' and
Webster County, Neb., Friday, December 12,
Baoka did yau sayf Ah! we
have them, lhae bcautiral lit
tle haaklc!, fine art and sift
boaks, mlacellaneoHit bouku and
Juvenile boaktt. Yea, Dcyo has
them. CJo to him Tor them.
Mrs. Lotsou is sick with rheumatism.
Another marringo in high life is re
ported at these headquarters by "Dame
Art Howard has resigned his position
as manager of the R. A. Handy lumber
Joshua Lindsey has received a pension
of $12 per month through J. Porter's pen
sion agency.
The aid society of the M. E. church
meet at Mrs. C. Ii. Crone's this Friday
afternoon. The third division furnish
The Democrat office has been moTed
to tho basement of the F. & M. bank.
The new quarters nre much more con
venient than the old ones.
Ed. Ii. Smith, tho barber, is rustica
ting in tho country for thirty days, lie
has thrown aside the cares of business,
and gone forth to recuperate his hoalth.
Lost between Rod Cloud and Inavale
Sunday night a wildcat robe extra line
checkered lining. 85 reward will be paid
for return of same at Gardner house
Red Cloud. M. L. Ricuahdm.
Charley Reiglo (known as Reddy, the
White Scout of the Mowhawks) is in
from Denver. It is said that he became
so badly frightened in tho mountains
over the Indian outbreak that his whisk
ers refused to grow until ho reached itcd
A number of government survoyors
wore hero one day last week hunting up
lines for irrigation purposes. They went
to Amboy and thore proceeded to the
north. Tho salvation of the country de
mands that tho government take some
step towards helping the country out in
dry seasons, and we presume the pres
ence of surveyors here were a part of a
program for that purpose. The Platte
river could bo utilized for a supply pow
er and with numerous reservoirs, there
would be no lack of crops in dry years.
They commenced their line somewhere
near Amboy we understand.
. .
Sentenced to Jail. Bert Hatlield
and another lad got into a difliculty Sat
urday night with Erick Dahl and Fritz
Birkner and struck tho men and injured
mem. mo uoys were arresicu and on
Monday morning they were tried before
Police Judge West, ond one given fifteen
days in ja 1 and on bread and water three
days in the week, and tho other .10 days
with bread and water four days out of
the week. Rather of a thin diot theso
crispy mornings.
- - a i
IIousk Thieves. On last Saturday
two men, giving their names as Kiper,
cmuo in from Kansas with a team of fair
sized horses, ono dun and tho other a
black. They wanted to soil them and
finding no buyers, hunted up Col. Chas.
Winfrey, tho auctioneer, and Charley not
suspecting but what everything was
squaro sold them at public. sale on the
streets for $72.50, our follow townsman,
Geo. W. Lindsey, lecoming the purchas
er. Mr. Lindsey did not pay the money
over until Eonday morning, and had not
done so more than thirty minutes, before
Frank Kuclin, our local detective, had
received a card announcing that the
horses had been stolen from nearCawker
City, Kansas, giving an exact description
of the horses. Mr. Winfrey was first no
tified and then Mr Lindsey and less than
an hour after tho money had been paid
men were on their track, and by two or
three o'clock, the thieves were in the em
brace of the ollicers, and brought to Red
Cloud where they were jailed for safe
keeping until they could bo taken back
to Kansas. Mr. Lindsey secured 8CC cf
the money and consequently was only
loser about $&0 which the men had
spent. They were found near Cowles,
making tracks for the north country.
The team was well worth 8150 and
would have been dirt cheap at $72.50.
Tile Deestbict ScHooL.On last Fri.
day evening the ladies of the Congrega
tional church, entertained the citizens of
Red Cloud with an old fashioaed district
school. Nearly every person in Red
Cloud who had the pleasure of being a
pupil in "ye olden time schools' will
vividly remember the scenes from real
life on the occasion. The editor of this
"Great Family HTeekly" although not yet
two score, remembers the day well, when
he was compelled to toe the mark in a
similiar manner to the spelling elass in
troduced to the pablie last Friday night.
Many other incidents were brought out
that freshened the mind of the ehud of 35
40, 50 aad 60 years ago. The whole affair
was very life-like aad presented ate re
reality that one coold imagine who had
not had the pleasure of preaeatias; bm
school toacher with a cabaae. Mr. Cot
ting saade an excellent teacher of the
early period aad managed his school ia
abont the same way that they weregorera
idiatke good old days gone by, thoaga
nambered by many iaterveaiag years,
win never be forgotten. Every eae of
the participants deserve great credit for
their rarieas parts. Tax Carar cajaysd
the aecaaioa very saaeh, as it broaght
baek early reeaUectieas wkea we aeedtt)
sit ea the treat seat m rsaah the
eehaol-aisitter's fecials. Ia these days a
papil had to he an expert ai dedgisg if
he wished to be whole when night eame.
The fallowing ladies aad geatlesaea took
Mrs. Warn. Dkkeoa, Mrs. J. W. Sher
weod, Mrs. Tkos. Brakeacld, Mrs. J- C.
Warner, Mrs. &K.Meride, Mrs. J. W. .
Warren, Mrs W. P. Watson, Mrs. M. aV
MeHitt. . J.
aftstaoauMrs. 8. &. Spokes. Mrs.
Fred Dey. Mra. t.E. Goble, Mrs. .
A. toward. MrsaWrker.' Mrs. Oaaia,
Mie.S.B. Waraa&Mts. Hazard Mr.
Mrhee, -Mr.BlsMin.Mr. Cewdea, Mr.
Waiter, Mr.i atafcsv Mr. - Martin, Mr.
One Dollar a year 'is
v - Ja
Last week Mr. James Xoblsy's little
boy had a horse fall on him. Tho horeo
stumbled and fell on the boy breaking
three of his ribs. Their little girl Martha
has got a white swelling on her leg. She
is not expected to lire king. Last spring
Mr. Mobley had a little boy kicked by a
horw and killed. Mr. and Mrs. Mobiey
are having a hard timo of it.
Fine weather still continues which is
very favorable for tho farmers oh feed
will be fhort before spring. Sn.
Evangelist Billings has just been as
sisting Pastor Piatt in a two week's pro
tracted meeting at the Congregational
church. People generally wero much in
terested in Mr. Billings, and excellent re
sults were secured. Some twenty ex
pressed a desire at the closing meeting
to unite with one or the other of tho
Baxter Burton and family reached Sa
lem, Oregon, November 27.
Mr. John Waller has the Oregon fever
and it is feared it will "carry him off."
Air. j. u. von nau a big sale or per
sonal property on Wednesday last week
preparatory to going somewhere. So the
people skedaddle. "Xox."
Coldest snap of the season was Satur
day night
Fine winter weather.
Mrs Otto Stocke is much better. Able
to attend to her domestic duties.
Mr. Pony McVey is some better at this
Uncle Peter McNitt has completed his
Mr. Van Benson of Red Cloud, was
over in Line a few days ago.
Uncle Billy VanDyke, our newly elec
ted justice of the peaco, is now ready tq
attend to any business that may come
under tho justice court and ho can tie
the nuptial knot as accurate as anyone.
Peck's Bad Boy.
Don't forget tho Christmas tree.
The children will give a good entertain
ment Christmas eve.
Finewinter weather these days, just
cold aHbgh to be bracing.
A law saijTuestlay at Blue Hill be
tween D. Knrns and W. O Cox.
Mr. Henry McKelvey and Miss Lowory
-went to Juniata the forepart of the week.
Mr. Probasco of lilue Hill, has been
engaged to teach tho Bladen school.
Christmas does not seom so near at
hand, yet when one enters thostoro of C.
E. Hicks and sees the toys and fino holi
day novelties displayed there, ho realizes
that time Hies and thut another Christ
mas is near at band.
D. M. Hunter moved to Red Cloud
Wednesday where his appointment to
tho oflice of county superintendent calls
him. During his akiwt-sUy'-in Bladen
he has made many fraflHs who wish him
success, but aro terry fcf lose him ns a
school teacher and citizen.
liuv. Herrington oC Merrcck county,
preached in the Baptist church Sunday
morning to a small congregation, it not
being well enough known to call out a
crowded house. S .
C. W. Prentis of Fremont,
is visiting
his brother a. hi.
Ralph Hartwell has gone to Franklin
to attend the winter term of academy.
Mr. Turkington of Alma, was visit
ing his father-in-law Knight and friends
in this city last week.
W. N. Richardson of Red Cloud, and
Marsh Parker of South Omaha, were
guests of the Hummel house, Friday.
Some of our democrats are much giv
en to boasting that their party this year
elected a majority of the members to
congress from northern states. There is
much reason for their complacence over
this. It is an assurance that for once
since the war they have really and hon
estly elected a majority to congress, that
their majority represents actually cast
ballots and not mere tissue or adroit
The ball given by Arthur Davis last
Friday night was successful in every de
tail. About twenty couples engaged in
tho dance. The music was excellent and
the party thoroughly enjoyable.
Rev. McVey, our pastor has so far re
covered from his recent illness as to be
able to rename his pastoral duties.
Mrs. L. Hummel is visiting relatives
of tfajfl cilv
J.McCulhasIeftfor Norton, Kansas,
where he will reside in the future, hav
ing transferred the Colby mail route to
Mr. Eddy of this place.
U. G. Knight of Campbell, was among
the visitors Sunday.
W. J. Vance has erected a wind mill
on his farm.
The boys all smoked on Mr. VanDyke
samaws WOCaw
What has become of oar singing
Mrs. B. Mills of Red ClowL spent a
day with as.
Lswi Kesvon hm cxateoi of eur 1
bar yard daring Mr, Iron's sbssau.
OTsrthis part
His ban nr.
total, him. Kn
w 1
' $ "
. aX- -: ri .
.- i.-Ov --it,. ? -iiA -- ji. r
: . -v.-, - -.- (.ail . , . w -ack j -r -m- r-
. v bi. fUvra "v-;' tr i
KS2t r -2snV55 ahv?.
T&A ,'M.
';t. t
nr MsVey camaMmsal
Perry cClsyeosjaty
i ii
Uamlmistiag Farmers' ITlisap' f
Lincoln, Neheaska, Dauambsi,lnet).
AgmwmVihtaais may sea ticmete to
Uacota Dec -M4t wiisan. J. Mr
fal tee gniag wfll lm returned a?osa
third fare na inamlniiiii ir inHfisli i
a ?a sxsiaBw aaaaa eaaiv awav aasai as
sasaasasn ec ems naasnan arnMSs- ana
the Price of The Chief.
ftiews rram RHter Creek
Itru Ctoup, Xss., Dec lOtk (Sptcta
to the AdVrttir.--Tho ReU OoaJ Ckikt
at thU place ha jobed McKcighan nnd
the Alliance at Cat-tlh Holler and they
have pruurd re solution demanding mutt
grub An outbreak is expected every
moment. Theghon dancer hav formed
a circle around McKelguan who 1 urging
them on to tha wildest frenzy. Tobe
Custor has been wired nnd i on hi way
Ou uupccirl engine at in Hide au hoar.
It ii cxjHjcted he will b able to tooth Ho
Kaighan and pretent blood feed. Great
excitement still prevails aaioatf tne
pie. Sutton Advertiser.
Since the above was pat in type, asd
while tho "Big lojau" of Ike Red Closd
GaiKjr wae indulging in a pow-wow aad
demanding more rations and te a!,
a swift footed courier arrived at Cat-finh
Holler with the intelligence that "Big
Man-Editor-oMhe-Advcrtitier and his
Bucks" had been surrontded ia the Salt
River country, where they were meraea
tarially expected to aink or awiro if tke
MepflLth didn't appear soon to help them
out. A later di-tpatch broaght in from
Cow-Boy'fl tlulch reported that the
"braves' had ceased the ghost, dancing
and commenced 'h)king in their Wools."
No telling what will beeeme of 'them if
the "Nebraska Army" does not receive
marching order noon. Pockaehee.
Tho "tips nnd downs" of life are
strange, but in this age the "dowtuT
como faster than the "ups." There
nevor wis n neu no dirTerance how
smooth the-surface, but what it is often
lashed in terrific turmoil by the proems
of tho elements, yet often both pict
ures are beautiful. Some men's success
is often stranger than their failures in
life, but the latter is often tho causo of
their success, history will bear the latter
assertion out. in publishing a news
jkiper how different with every change
of political power comes to tho editor
often his success or failure, and more
times failure, while the battle is going
on, ho next to the candidates is the
center of attraction, but after it is set
tled how often does he, the man who
was the main instrument in the success
of his party becomes forgotten. The
banks of the river of lifo is shown with
many such a wreck unforgiven and for
gotten, buried by an ungenerous public
Tho bo least business on earth, the most
thankless position on earth, and the one
to last sought for is publishing a news
pacr. Where ono man succeeds, live
hundred fail. Tho days of pumpkins
chips nnd wheat stones are not past, but
living realities of tho present day in the
nowspnper business. To the young man
who contemplates entering upon the
brilliant and glorious career of a journal
ist. Itcmcmbertsna if you are prepared
to livo ou wind, and go seedily dressed,
owe every man you meet, and bo contiu
aly doging some scheme that may look
nice on paper and never profit you a cent
just launch out in the newspaper busi
ness arid nine times out of ten you will
get enough of tho glorious business in
short order. Hard work and poor pay,
sleepless nights and continual growling,
the doubts and hopes of a future, that so
far as your pocket book a ooncesrned
will often be your success.
Jack or Hartk.
James T. Call, Carml, III., Hays:
He paid tbirty-oae dollars doctor's bill
for his wife ia one year, and one bottle of
Bradflcld's Female Regulator did her
more good than all the medicine she bad
taken before.
H. Dale, druggist, Carml, III. Writ
Brndfield Rcgl. Co., Atlaata, Cia., for
particulars. Hold by C. L. Catting.
Read our uew ads this week.
Barbed wire, the best at Perkiis 4c
The county alliaace meets in Ilea
Cloud tomorrow.
F. A. Kueha and Col. Winfrey
were in Guide Roe k Tanrtnsy.
Miss Kato Keigle is doiag cleric
work in the eoanty clerk's emce.
Go and see Warner Wolfanger.
They are disposlag of their goods at
To overcome the marks ef sge, all
who have gray beards shoakl nse
Buckingham Dye for the whiskers,
the be?t aad cleaaeit dye made for
colorisg brown or black.
We sell more' ef DeWitt little ris
ers than any other pill; their setiea
Is to easy, do sot grip sr caase pais,
are the best rtgalater ef the liver,
stomach aad bowles. 2
G. L. forma.
Small ia site, grant ia rasalu: De
Witt's little early risen. Beat pUl
for csastipatiea, best far siek haad
ache, best far sear stemssb. SeJd by
Cettiag. 5
D. X. Hiater, the aewlj asaaiatad
eoanty saaanatendsat af aaNia
scheeM, has mTed bis fsssilj la tat
city, tie liTaa ia the
ea Webster street,
The ragmlar aaaaaJ iliitiia ef aal
eers fer Garseld Peat Kfc a, O. A.
R. ana held Monday eTaaaag aad tat
feUewiag cmesrs were skeaan far tbe
H. B. Stsneas, seaier riea.
jamea aarrny. ;
Bar; & J. KsadanV
H. B.rd,
1. X. Grass,
.1. 'f!
?.?? -TL-
-"" ''.
-.' , S
n,z vs
k snsa'? Jf,S
- J.T I
3e ':?l
';. 'ia?'.2-2iL. -
rr-A.n ..i,
VeaVammmnni annnnnsnmr-'? -" jJgmnPBPffPimnnnnnnnnmsMBnnm -hnnnnnvvBammmmmmmmmn
iaamnLummmmmmmV ZzlxSSfKKtdtSJtr
VAwaJsnnn W AtK trrVmw. amlinsMBsn W
p jTJMBBsrTBnmw r ladsnlmBnnnnnrnVBnnr
N NS , vT?J,ammaaf aV Jtcitr
Henry Cook is Hcadquai
Holiday Gifts
Mavtas; strrtelrel ts
c la
Boots, Shoes Rubbers,
We eta aafwaat tm mnar tVafalM la
fare affer ta tna ptapln m
faJtanrlag exrrrsnngly tatr prlraa,
a IM aanwr Jtrciica
Men-anal sjaamty
lira's rM
W. L.
Ilea's aad ladies skae at ariser that
Wa alse hsvs a fall has ef X
Me' aad
If jew seed savtkteg in ear Hae da not fail te sen aa as befars nW siaet
re brekea. If wa eta set it aa eae eea Besafatljf la tha trade,
Hear 'Em
. SaJWsM that ljaJ saunas am aasamsaeV SMaBBaaaW aaaal fkatasH.
Ba wsaamaPa"" mwsrm srnnnna anmwanj vvnasy aaaa wj jJjBKKK amawmr Vnnnannmj
Vou 18. No. 20.
of all kinJ
Out !
gjmraia. arc
W aarVr
entire stacH at
aseeS Ctaaa
I f
will asWnteh.
Udtea sppf vUea wa vitt sail at
VS . v . --, .V - . " - - ----- - - - --
- -y it' jIj-t- !,. J- if'S!;v, .
&A . . f--; --;. tfSJt " ' i i. tiMiiifi.1" ig