JL V i: 57- -. &v&?i- tv 5 Bed Cxoud Chief Supplement. Beaver City wants a aackiag aease. - Btaaea Baw's in euaaaay has or- a 400 aaaaa bell. Psaaer bow las a firs aeaartaeal the neeejwary apparatas. i a - Oaa aaadrea coapleH atteBasa the itsftheBajal Arch Maasas AgTBMasiaai will WaaWe to the It of the Crete Ysaag MeV ib asociatia. Crossiag'.s gun dab defeat- Fritaa ib a pigeoa shoot at the lat- plate by a score of -27 to 1ft. in broke iato the store of Dsliliagat Strpleharet aad of $400 worth f gosas. i ms biooBi faeterj eai- Ire baadtt aad afferds a good for the farmers Brodacts. Haaaer, aped seveatv, aad a F g!xt, residing aear Ayr, wen ia Marriage the other day. i a - - B. Burleigh of Fneae. stepp cd hf(h sidewalk the other n;ght i!v4 iajaries which aiay prove fa- Sale lievca kaaeked a I ole ia tkc hot el V Waesaeraa clevatfr at Istaaa the other night aad car- a large aaaatity of oats. B. JUL Young & Go's, Great 99c Lot 1 All for 99c Worth $2.20 i Italia aarliaattat waa caavea if. Ia his speech eaeaiBg the Kiag Haatbert Mti that the electtaas for aieaihen ef the iher f aepaties had reacerea lore solid thaa ever. Italy was faithful to Lcr far- :alliaaees, aad the cordial friead- i thai existed betweea the powers laisatpated the daager of iateraat- iplicatioas. Most reaasar- itiaiaatieas every when prevailed laced that hills to iatprove tioB ef th worKBMB should Katrodaccd. In eeaclusioa his tystid: "Following wv father's I have always retpvcti d the of aiv aacestow religion, bat sever suffer ay sovereign auth- to le deragated in that religion's This attennce was greeted enthusiaatic applaaae. m is giviag goods away nearly. think of it $2.20 worth of far ealy 99 ceats. LotS Whole Lot for 99CTS Worth $2.05. 12 yds Lace Edge worth 10c 12 yds Lace Edge worth 20c 1 pr nicker plated 7 in. shears 75c. 1 bottle best Sperm Oil worth 15c 1 pr fine side combs worth 50c 6 spools thread worth 25c 10 vil velvet ribbon worth 25::. 1 bottle perfumery worth 10c . 2 papers needles worth 20c 2 papers pins worth 5c 1 hair ornament worth 50c I 10 yds velvet ribbons worth oOc 12 yds Torchon lace worth 20c 12 doz agate buttons worth 10c 1 siik handkerchief worth 35c 1 pocket purse worth 25c 1 fine Em. handkerchirf worth 25c 1 2 yds lace worth 25c 1 pair side combs worth 50c 6 spools thread worth 25e 2 paper needles worth 10c ?.'.. 1 paper brass pins worth 5c J 0 yds ribbon wnrth 45c 1 cteel cut backs comb worth $1 12 yds Torchon lace worth 25c 1 silk handkerchief worth 25c 1 Cotton handerchief worth 25c 10 yards ribbon worih 50c 1 bottle perfumery worth 10c, This is the greatest bargain salts ever offend in this country cast or west. Cur stock sane go if at half pike. We have a thousand different article that will be sold at fees than half value, Now Is the time to boy toreb and toweling, napkins, hosier, glove handkerchiefs and MTinVn. A good album for 18 oeute, laundried white shirts for 35 cents, lanndried white shirts for 50 cents, laces of all kinds at half price, Eatpenders for 5 cents perpeir, ssphvrs for 5 cental for lap worth 10 cents anywhere. Notions of all kinds at abont Lot3 The Whole Lot For 99c. Worth 2.10 Lot 4 The Whole Lot 99cw6rtl$220 99 cent sale will stir little. Everyone will one waitq mspnog omera aac. YOUNG'S C. O. D. EMPORIUM. ap j m aad hay oae of the Moon Block, Red Cloud. ;'s 99 tent safer on the occasion. 1 uno Vnmilr ViMkl fn aonm. rmmm?r - - - st , . - - efMvtMaHawHBBBBaBmaammmmmmwKVv!' gL-gaam T - SannnnnY"BBnnnnnnnnnnrBBnnnnnnnnnnv"aaV aHBBaaSSK kbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfiix