The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1890, Image 4

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Clothing Boots Shoes
Men's Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Trunks, Valises, &c.
It has been our aim in the last seven years
that we have done business in Red Cloud to
sell goods for the least possible profit to make
a fair return for our investment. This, all
fair minded people will concede.
All our goods are guaranteed as represent
ed, and if you find them otherwise bring them
back before being soiled and we will cheerfully
return your money.
Proprietor Golden Eagle Clothing House.
Merchant Tailoriug a Specialty.
Fair Store !
Is to bs found a
At Prices to
K. V.Siiirey, Prcs. Henry Clarke, Vice-Pres. L. II. Fort, Cashiei
Ellis I. Suirev, Assistant Cashier
JFted Cloud9 Nebraska.
CAPITAIj,, - $75,000
Transact a general banking business, bay and sell county warranty alsc
county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and 'sell foreign exchange
Jas. McNeny. J. A.Tulleys, G. W. Lindsey. R. V. Shircy.
John ILShirey. E. F. Highland.
Henry Clarke, A. J. Kcnnoy.
B. OLASKB President, Albany, N.Y J. A. TTJIiLET, fVice-PreeideQt
Bobu V. SHIBBY. Treasurer.
What is
ffk y MM A bbbbr bbb! ' m m W bbbI W
C teri lsJr. fieBJBfi Pitcfceg! iMMripttom for laikmta
aajdCUldrea. It OMtaimiBeitker Opium, MorBUmemer
Cker VaiMiie mbetaace. It is a hanaleee Metitto
zWPwecsriCyDiWBeSostRdBff Syrnps,aad GRtr OH
It Is JMffBBRBt! Its soanuatee Is thirty Tears' mte y
CastarJa preheats Toadtisc Ssar Cari
eaves Diarrhoea aad
tsria is ths ChUdiem's
tnathlar traahles. cares
reateils aaalmllstra
'" Castoria. Cagtoriir -"
MCaaaasaaaaassBBatBaaBaaisraat MGaaatatosaaHasaaadtoaVlaaaaa
aa.o.LOanai. "" &A.Aaaaaa,at.Bu
Taaal.aTssi 1111a OsJerta.saesakja.sTT
-raasirslilsibiTTTsiljrrr i - "Oar kj ai lias at tba aaaaaaissaaaV
BPSJMMnMBRaaaawBaBal WaBaaWBsBBaaaaSTaam CaVJsp asm asaanBT HBBaaV BaRnWRRv wRRi faRRRRsaaaj
4flSMaiaaiassklsfeaas9'sfaaa;saiBsa. asaaaaayaweaasaBsstoaaalsMttaaaa
i ill' l Biiaisa ajiep sal in tsiifsl asssaa af OisHriii fcaa a as a bmk aBk
Ij7j. tLik usiasi. Iksntf siaiSai saveraasatt.
IVpiiMnn - .... - w
nssnai Ark. Auaa C. aaara. Assu
. ' . S"' k r
ij,. .
r t " -
large assortment of
Suit the times.
constipation and
the 1, xcsalates the
aatarad aeamt Cjaa
yasrsa rae maaars aasjam: ,
asaaaaP-rT th .r
f8Ktare'sffrt tcal tonic
a staaccairoaiUMKeacaMu
FraneaUr. Uik ohm iaSJ
atkMedCsa.aaMljra. K
apeetofat or Mija la f
Am Oatur rwUnJ. It a
Natare in ejecting tfae aaacaa, allBja
Irritatkm, iadacM repsae, aa ia tha
aaaat popmkr of all coh earaa,
MOC tae sway preparalloa kefart Ike
aaalie for the care of colds, eoacaa,
acaacaitia. aad kiadred dtoeaaea, tbtva
fa aoae, withla tlM raaga o(ny azaari
aaecao reliable aa Ayera Ckarry Pae
toraL Foryearalwaaaakjeettoealda,
fallowed by terrible coMka. Akaat fear
yean ago, wkea ao aSUeted, I was a
Tiled totry Ajac'a Cberry Pectoral aad
to lay all other reaaediee saide. I did
so. aad witbia a week was well of aty
coSdtaad coagk., Mace tkea I kajf.
alwaya kept this prepsntioa la the
koase, aad feel coaiparatirely 8eeare.M
Mrs. I. I. Browa, Oeamark, Idea,
MA few yeara ago I took a serere cold
wkick affected aty Iobri. I bad a ter
rible jcoagb, aad pawed aight after
might witboat sleep. Tlie doctors gava
soeap. I tried Ayer's Clierry Pectoral,
whick reliered aiy lnaga, indnced sleep,
aad afforded the rest necexary for the
recovery of my strength. By the eoa
tiBBal use of the Pectoral, a permanent
care was effected." Horace Pairbrother,
Aytr's Gbeny Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayar A Ca, Lows. Mass.
faMbyaUPrsiglsls. Prkstt; tkitotUw.ftS.
Hre are ahaariav a large stack
ralhastaataaaaaally Ww pri
ces. Balls, alalia, aalla, alalia that
laash. alalia that err, alalia that
aay papa aad anaaaa, two faced
dellajaat llkeaasae little alri, la
ract all kiads ef dalla fraai aae
eeat ta t).aa.
Haliday ajaads are gradaally
caailaf to the fraat far Chriat
ataa will aoaa he herc
Call anas Ifyaawaal a gald
pea and penholder.
Fragrant new perfume Jast
We have a fall line of the
Kickapoo Indian Remedies.
Drugs and medicine alwaya
In stock.
Bring us your prescriptions.
Friday, Bee. 5, ISta.
Kntercd at the Tost Office in Red L'loud, 2icb.t
as mail matter of the second class
Glass and putty at Deyos.
It. B. Fulton lias returned
Trunks and valioo, elegaut stock.
McNitt & Galusha.
Stores! Stoves! cheaper than he
fore at Perkins & Potters.
Wc have the over coata for yon
this fall. McNitt & Galusha.
We have the heat suit you ever
saw for $6,50. McNitt & Galusha.
The place to see a line of men's
flannel shirts is at McNitt & Galusha.
Miss Flora Quick, of Iadianola,
is visiting friend in the city this
Wc carry the largest stock and sell
at prices Bthat 'suits. McNitt & Gal
usha. Subscriptions for any paper or mag
azine published in the world taken at
A large invoice of picture moldings
just received at Coiad & Cos. furni
ture store.
Our stock is complete in onr lines
prices about half the nsaaL McNitt
& Galusha.
Perkins & Potter still hold the
fott and can make prices lower than
the lowest
Dcyo is going to astonish tho na
tives with lus prices on holiday goods
this year.
Look here! You can save money
by going to Perkins & Potters and
get their prices.
Underwear, you never saw as nice
a stock and the low prices catch you.
McNitt & Galusha.
The Nebraska and Kansas Farm
Lnan Co. want all the good farm
loans they can get. tf
Although everybody cries hard
times, Wiener has his store crowded
fuller with goods than any season be
fore. J. Nustein has moved his cigar
factory to Charley Potter's building
on 4th Avenue. He has much better
quarters now.
Ch&rlfay Chase who has b?ea in the
west for about two years, has returned
to Red Cloud, on acconat of severe
John S. Parkes has purchased the
business of Wm. Kier, and has moved
the stock into his building south of
Tiie Chirp office.
II. H. Townscnd of the North
Branch Academy, North Branch,
Kansas was in the city this week and
made this osace a pleasant call.
Perkins V Potter are offering extra
inducements on their large atock of
heating stoves in order to close them
enVat onee . Call and get prices.
The diphtheria Mara is abating.
Most of the reported cases are getting
along nicely and in a few more days
the scare will nave completely abated.
Do not buy anything in the furni
ture hue until you have consulted
leaaaAes Cos. Taey have hettem
prices on furniture mad everythiag is
taeir uaa
xfew is the time whea yen will want
ta It year ekildrea eat wits
C. Wiener has still a luge line left
sad will sell them at leas than ana
far the reason that he will set haadk
wemea aad childreas sheas hereafter
Charley Garaey has lived ia Web
ster county 21 yeara aad is eae ef
tht most prosperous farmers we have,
aad what hs has he has worked hard
for. Bis success is priueipally dae
I to ''laving by eaough for dry weather
seBae" and.rlwaye being preaeies
- IsmMIT.
CaaraaOaraey says tfctaiak'swuair la Jast
ttkenwzaaaeeasMte jiserassa xi yssrrsg
am. M.a
Ii vMUag atWeei
MeekawfwIetB Mer
tteft. naaett- DM
rwMwir ,
Mr. M. a. Btatter aa4 wife ksire gese te Ifet
atsaaaas. waste saej irm iibhim iw
aim Ckessv was vetsi a Best.leaklagglri
aitBeBstaaBBWBn)eattereTSBlagaad ia
eelrai a aae ahsna.
Hn. J. W. SsHtk raeetrea af as
ker kasaaaa la Kewnsrtto, Wye tae
Kmr fanaar la Webster eoaaty sfcoalg try
ami stake aa aaezklbtt tor tke Wlsser wi
exMWt at Uaeala. Jan. as. it Is very kaasr
taat tkat Weasarjuaaajr ikuaklasrepreaiatul.
rresMeat Barrlaa kss sasie his Maaaui
saeeefc" te eeagwws. sail It U a awwter aSeee?
shSaaiatihlB. He aanaJes all ubjeetsiiin
sble aiaaoer. We skaN aire a sjmojwis of ie
suae next week If sossiMe.
fluk Hoere. "Chief ef the Big Ssgwa" or tfe
fertile valley of tke kfeBubHcaaThasEwB TSa
tke koaUlesC kaBjaakTiBglathe BammouTSc
FdffiMSl !ffJ?l TETwar
Ueres Uaakljeiitttka to tke bek aad '$
C. B. Croae. well-knonra to hum nt ru.
Ciuar's readers has beea apw-iatedrderk of
tbe dlrtrfct eeurtla the alsee oTu Fsrt rS
sigued. Mr. Crone Is one off our mod M citizens
Md is yell able to -bojd down" tkeSalce mK
has had years of exBerioee la sack work aud
we feel certain that the board off supervisor
could not have awde a better ftdeetMa? lie U
a careful ofllcer ana will Invariably look after
tbe interests of tbe deople in the admlBistrattea
ctkeaCalrsofhbiomce. The Cklel 'was weS
pleased over bis appointment and extends the
neartiestcoagratalatlonsoatbisoeeasloB. Suc
cess Is oar best wish to Mr. Crone.
MiM Eva J. King, who has held th responsi
ble office efcouaty saperiateadeat for the last
throe years, has resixned aad her successor ap
poiated in the person of I). M. Hunter of r.laU
en. Miss Kin went into thesfflce three jears
aro. and aith her mature ability as a tmriiw
proceeded from the start to infuse new lire into
that office, and now leaves it with the satisfac
tion oi
of baviok rejuvenated the .work In tbe
ty schools to tkat mint where none before
isve ever beea able to attain. We believn
her have ever beea able to attain. We believe
tnat DOtn roe patrons m ue puoiic scaools of
Webster county, as well as the children, ih be
sorry tnat sae uas seen m toresvnasshe has
handled the affairs of that office very ably.
During this week car friend, L.M. Fort, re
signed his office of dislncf clerk and C. R. Crone
was appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Fort
bears the distinction of being the most careful
and best posted clerks that has ever held an of
fice In tliis state. He was alwa)S accurate in
his work, and never aimed to please anyone by
doing something contrary to law, Mr. Fort's
motto la his business affairs has always been
"perfection in all thl"KS" and bv a close adber
ance to those cardinal principles has won quite
a reputation lu tho state. While we are sorry
to lose him we feel certain that bis office will be
as ably managed by his successor, Mr. Crone.
The CniBF will always have a good word for
Mr. Fort.
Miles Nerve aad Liver Pills.
An important discovery. They set on
the livei, stomach and bowels though the
nerves. A new principal. They speedly
core billioasness, bad taste, torpid liver
piles and constipation. Splendid for men
woman and children. Smallest, mildest
purest. 80 doses for 25 cents. Samples
free at 0. L. Cotting.
The supervisors have adjourned.
Deyo is getting out his line of
holiday goods.
Jim Kidd and Will Brewer arc in
the city this week.
Remember that Pcyo keeps all
the great Indian remedies.
The lied Cloud Publishing Com
pany was sued this morning, before
Judge West, to recover certain water
fees due the city.
Acts at once, never fails. DcWitt's
cough and consumption cure. A
remedy for asthma, and that feverish
condition which accompanies a severe
cold. Sold by Cotting. G
We omitted to mention laht week
in our efforts to demolish turkey, a
grand Thanksgiving party thatoccured
etR. M. Martin's residence. All
enjoyed tho evening hugely.
Your cough will not last all winter
You will, not be kept awake at night;
You wHl get immediate relief if,
You willmsc DeWitt's cough and
consumptioa oure. Sold by Cotting 4
Mrs. Sarah Parkes tho mother of
Wm. John, and Ed Parkes, living at
Indianola, died on Thursday after a
brief illness. The boys went to
Indianola, this morning to be present
at the funeral.
There came near being a fire at the
Gardner'House this morning. The
fire was first discovered in a sofa, but
by the promptness of Henry Moore
the genial proprietor, the fire was ex
tinguished in its incipiency. It was
a very close call.
Says the Saatacrn Mcaleal
"Mother's Friend" is growing in favor
throughout the south and is highly rec
ommended by physicians. We consider
is indispensable to those who know they
mast pass through the ordeal of child
birth. Write Braaneld Bag. Co., Atlanta
Ga. for particulars, Sold by C. L. Cot
ting. Headache is the direct result of In
digestion aad stoaaoh disorders.
Remedy these by using DeWitt's lit
tle early risers and your headache dis
appears. Tbe favorite little pill
everywhere. Sold by Cotting. S
A large list of Webster county lands
to trade for Lincoln property. Ad
dress A. L. Funk, 13G North 11th, St.
Lincoln, Nebr.
daaja Far GeaS.
It is to be keped that the barbarous
bustle has gone for good, bat it is eerlaia
tho great discovery of Dr Franklin
Mile kaa coma to stay and alleviate ka
man suReriag This woaderf al nerve food
aad medicine builds ap worn oat systems
cures fits, spasms, headache, nervous pros
titution, dizziness, sleeplessness, monthly
pain, sexual troubles, etc srs John B
Huler of Valparaiso, Indiana and J 1
Taylor of Logansport Iadiaaa gained 20
pounds a moatk while taking it Finely
illestrated treatise oa "Nervous Diseases"
aad sample bottle of tke restorative nerv
iae free at Cottiag's who guarantees it 5
. . .
Carriage, siga and house painting
Hard wood finish, graining, etc, Shop
opposite Piatt's Lumber Yard. Al
work guaranteed.
Cete MarsWurt'a.
He has the inest line of stoves
lever seen in the city. He has the
celebrated Garland cook and heaters,
and a full line ef others equally as
good. Hardware at the very lowest
igares for cash. Do not bay stoves
or hardware uatil you see me. Opera
house block. Webster street.
slaaaea T. SaCt,
IIL, Says:
He nasi thirty
far ais aif. ia
doliars aocter's MU
did aar
W. W. OSfcert's Ja eMMesaak aassSsa
tker ear aa was aaiiy ajawsl atorssreaa.
TrTT. T'TfZ: an. CeaansI Wresaasc
ana aonars ewesars aau Exeeatioasmsuce eeau aeraai . - . . - t.,... . -
rear, aad earn BOttiee lUaaaas la laMlalae aaaa. JasUee asart a aasm-aaT. a-aT 1 ' - - -' - '""'
BiailalaTa Fasaala Bagnlaasr stiel aar tiintmai'- nm-- --- - ,,. ... .. .. . m --'-- . mmmBa. -iJaf
AtL . m - 9 aatfWaaaWWa nam staavW ari amBaaanaaFamj jmsaasasims vmaa a m0f BHfaaaa taaasmV aaaaaMal WaBm (aa aml saaaasmsj mm aanjamajBsw ayaaaaa aaaaWa aaBBaasaaT Jaaaaj mm rff m . mm9 f mawwwWmi
aaaWaWfcW KVnamBi eaaVaa saaaa aaaV aaBBaaasvaasaW smsaaas aafassTat WBm aVaV amsar ana aaam tameHsa saJaaBamT aBaaBsaaa aasaB aasnV sflfaBaWaaW asaWaaTaa aBaWraraaBaW srsaaaBaT sSRaTamaaaaV asm aaaaal BBBBBBBBaar se
H-Oeia, draggiat, Caraai, OI. Write atimmLmmiSSmS!am!mV . .. - . " " ;ir.!' 1&'&mm ad WW Sfjgf JS22&S 3 Jrl" l3-
araMM mSrZm jSZ. Oa., faa VSSTmmm'SmU 'iSbm. JmTS-faamk ?mTSmmT?SVZaZ ggeSi ST TjarngTali fT"
KaBaVfaaaMfaTaaansa BBSs auaaaai bbbbb) BBBBaaalf aaBBBBBBaaT BBBaBBaTaV m aassar aaanarsai asl aawasFaai saaaa taaa. BBaaaaaT Beaaa aBaaaa aast -mmimmUmr fJaaaaaaaaa aaa aavA aWasasa aaaaaai sarJaaal' aal M aaBBaaaaBBBaaam mesmaaa.ek a.
WlmjBmiiiiBBsa emiyamm jaaamr aaan w T7LLEMu M. ffJU PF . f ."''y Jt STzSZLmtW1TSSmS.tff " . r
? T ! saaimm I sal I i iiml si i ITT L Il'iLJtgwjBy-JS,?L-"B.?, ? Tl!l!LmJ'm!J'mkJ & a
awaarTia aaaaeavev jw m. rc. w mmm BSSiweaeia ava vaaa ea aav aaaaa aaejar BS asas snaBa iveweju wm eiv SBBBB BS BMea aj& Jfta
WtamamaasaGaaLamiarmdavOBBamia. ESl. a. ritn jjmii. r amsjji . J bsbbss aassaj am aanaa a mwm aaaraTe - - - eaiaa ysr aaaaaiasi sa aa
asaasraas iiyy aaM caasTjarr Bamaisjai U. tLBsasalaaai sarsjeiau at t a'eae1 ai ea etfaaaa m .m-.Z j' ?J aaaa) a aaaa ajjada, aay ma
masaaaBaeaBsse aaassaaaaaaj as sssarm. Pti? Siir. Imii r Cgji aBsdmeaartajaafeiyBaaa. erssad saaaat8rasaa ns saasavaaMi ama e --- '-?P?8-nia,aseaara
amssmaarBaaaLateaaaaammCmamma. -yrftSty,iTTSihi -- sa atfeI nfS niTiirssaii sTras auTy.Va J?yaf naHa, s
smaBBa aasamv aaaaaa vaasaaaBassBaaaj asaasw sbbbbstsb. aaaaamms samamapa am aasZasWWa a das anaata j aaaaaaBic ssasass a pasta ssaasmasam . . msaemr aa 7w - . aa ' asnamsi aaw aasa aaajBsaaarJB' mMsasfsBMfaamama mast afBBBas sajgajamt maW
Vmajstsuasfsrcemajsatise emart par kaa aTahUafffaM OfW aW a-a-VaZS t2LaVjJ fcJf: S 'm2 2
Perkins sk Potter will make the
lowest prices an every thing ia their
New goods arriviag daily at Cotad
et Cos. furaiture store, call and look
over their large stock.
John Myers ha taken clnre of
the Democrat again . lie will reduce
the tiise te a seven colum folio.
J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to lean en
geed farm aad city pro erty. Farm
leans eight per cent and less. City
ten per cent
Loans made at law rates of iateree
by the Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loea
Co. Money ready as wri as papers
are signed. tf
DeWitt's little early risers: only
pill for chronic constipation, ind iges
tion, dyspepsia. None so good, Sold
by Cotting. 1
J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on
good farm and city property. Farm
loans eight pet cent and less. City
ten per cent.
Go to McNitt A Galusha for a
tailor made suits. We will save you
from five to ten dollars. Tbis is the
reason we take so many orders.
Jotbam Martin, .supervinor of Potts
dam township, received a telegram on
Wednesday announcing the accident
al death of a nephew in Illinois.
Constipation poisons the blood; De
Witt's little early risers cure cotsti
patiou. The cause removed, the
disease is gone. Sold by Cotting. 7
It is bard to get good and reliable
boots and shoes, C. Wiener has some
that he can guarantee aud sell at no
higher prices than are asked for in
ferior goods. -
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that under and by vlr
tue of au nkT of sale Issued from the office ot
L. II. Fort. Clerk of the District Court of the
Kiglitli Judicial District, within and for Web
ster county, Nebraska, npon a decree In an ac
tio.: pendliis. therein, wherein. Joseph K. Ball-
ey is Plaintiff, aim aga;usl John T, R
Defendant. I shall
again offer for sale at public t endue to the IiIkIi-
est bidder for cash iu hand at the easidonr nf
the court liouso, at Kl Cloud, In said Webster
county, Nebraska, that ta'itis the place where
the last term of sold court was holden. on the
ISfh day or Jaa. A. D. Idtl,
at 1 o'clock p. m. of said dav. the following:
described property to-writ: The south half of
the southwest iiuurterot section four in town
ship three north in range nine west of 6 p. tn.
in Webster county. Nebraska, (ilvea under my
hand this 2d day of Dvceniler A. D. 19ue.
u.A.TSBt, nerlff.
. .. . O. C. Tsnu Deputy.
1). II . Kniut, MainttS 's Attorney. l'aod
Weaater Caaaly Saaallea for
Notice is hereby given that until January 1st.
1881, sealed bids wilt be received by the county
board or supervisors of Webster county, Ne
braska, for supplies to be furnished saldcobnty
for the year 1891 aud to be ordered from timo to
time as needed, bids to be accompanied by a
good and sufficient bond to Webster ceuaty In
case contract Is let Kuaranteelus faithful ier
formance of contract.
Tho following is a listo! supplies required
and tbe manner of bidding, all bids to be tiled
with ths county clerk.
12 SOU note heads, printed aad ruled, 7 lbs.
20.0W envelopes No. 10XXX printed, white,
per thousand.
joooo envelopes No. C XXX printed, white
per thousand.
k iiulres records plain page per book.
8 quires records priutod head ikt book.
8 quires record printed page per look,
C quires records plain pae per book.
C quires records printed page per Iwok.
All records to be full bound extra Russian
ends, bands and front cauvjs cover, 40 lb
Parson's Scotch first class linen ledger paper.
l'eerless arm rest 8x12 per rest.
Leon Isaac's oens No. 1 tier tiros.
ljrou Isaac's pens No 10 per Kross,
Jicou Isaac s pens xso ner cross.
Lead pencils, faber's Not hexagon robber
iis per gross.
Jjead iMMiciis Faber's red and blue per dozn.
Rubber hands No 11 varlgated prr I, MM.
Rubber erasers (ink aud pencil) Faber's tier
Figuring tabs .'. x S 1OT each) per thousand.
Mguringtabs ox 10 (loo each) tier thousand.
Arnold's Ink pet quart.
Carter's carmine ink per pint.
Abstract legal cap 18 lb Crane extra per
Abstract legal cap ic lbs Crane extra per
Abstract legal cap not ruled Craue extra per
Jtullnir pens o 1 per pen.
JI1CU1I1S pi
aier fasteuers round heads No l
per iox,
McGll's pajcr fasteners, round beads, Ne 9
per box.
Claim blanks sheet per thousand.
Certificates of election per hundred.
Claims lor damages on roads ier hundred.
McU Ill's pater fasteners round heads No 2
per box.
Copying Ink, Stevens per pint
Knife eraser extra qual'ty per knife.
Perfection mucilage per dozen.
Perfection letter tiles ier file.
Ulobe document boxes ICx4"4x4'i per dozen.
lilobe document boxes 10x44X3! i per dozen.
Ulobe document boxes lox4Mx3!t per dozen
Ulobe document boxes 10x41x.:i per dozen.
Ulolto document boxes 10x4!4x2 per dozen.
Ulobe document boxes 10x4x1' t per dozen.
t ilboe document boxes lox4!xl per dozen.
Justice docket 2 quire extra per dozen.
Justice docket c quire extra per dozen.
Fee books 2 quire extra er dozen.
Iload overseers receipt book loa In book per
Koad lis's, extra material per dozen.
38 poll books Soo votes each for irao per book:
Tax receipts, original, duplicate aud tripli
cate per thousand.
Receipts for payment under protest per 100.
Redemption certificates per 100.
Application for liquor license per ISO.
Amdatit for bountv on scalps per leo.
Appointment, oath and report of road ap
praisers per loo.
Appointment, oath and report of road com
missionerperuo. Certificate of acknowledgement per 108.
Certificates of character tier hundred.
Certificates for bounty on scalps per 1M.
Election notices for i&o per dozen.
Official bouds per 10O.
Oath of office per 100.
Notice, oa'h and report of special road com
missioner per 100.
Koad overseers aunual settlement per lea.
Attachment affidavits district court per tea.
Attachment orders district court per lea.
Affidavits against garaUhce district court per
Affidavits of replevin district court per W,
Appearance bonds district court per lot;
Bouds for costs district court per 108.
May bonds aistrict court ocr lus.
Injunction bonds district court per MS.
licplctin tonds district court per 108.
Attachment Londs district court per 188.
Court wrapper (civil) district court per 188.
Court wrappers (criminal) district court per
Captions to transcript district court per MB.
Certificates to traarcript district eeert per MS.
Captions aad certlScates to take eepositiea
district eeart per MS.
Commission to take deposition district eeart
Notice to take deposition district court per
Declaration of intention district court aerial.
Keturas ef executions aistrict court per M8.
Executions ou transcript district eeart per
Final papers district conrt per toe.
Jury and witness list district court per 188.
of delivery to realerlB district caart
Precipes district coart per '
Keconizaace cf crtm
wltaesa distr'-et-
ceort per BBBorea.
amoas orWrJaal district eeart per Ms.
HsBssaens copy district coart per Mt.
fliiBHnorn in rrnrr hIbTiTi t i rrtrTTf
SabmrBas oriaiBai district court per 188.
tfubpiraas copy dlstri.-t conrt per MB.
t Bftwrnas ia crhaiwal cases district caart per
Katements or costs district eeart per Ma.
Verdicts of jury district coart er 1J.
AfStUnuaod aadertakiac for order ef at
tachment ia Justice eeart per K.
ASMaTlts for icaraWwejBsace conrt aerMa.
AbehriI nneVnaklacJasOce coart per Me.
Complaints Justice coart arr MS.
CessplraHBts for coalemai Jastlce eeart per
Has on hand a fine
line of
Holiday Goods,
Hollow Ware,
Xew CSaaera aae! law prler. Call
aad see thenu before parraaa
lag elecwaere
J. O. Butler
has moved three
doors nearer the
state of Kansas.
has als aaase aaaarice
nasea aa
aaa. ereyr Mir
pc BOf l
Viae Calf aad Laced Waterpreef (.rata.
Tae exerllear aad wearlsff qualities of tkla skoa
ccamot te bttter itowa thaa lir tbe Mrrwc eadora
meata of Hs thooMBds of roataat wearrra.
tBE.aa 2eaalN llaadewrd, an rWsat aad
AJH IfaadwwedrWelt. A floe calf Mto
ss iiaeqaaUrtt for til aad duraUIHr.
S44M) (iaadvear Welt la the laaOarJ dm
9 . ai a popatar eric.
Jm Pallceaiaa,a Mba lanprdallr Adapted
w for railroad roes, ranaera, etc.
AUatailelaCoacmM, Battoa aad Lace.
S3 A $2 SHOES . .ft.
hare area most favorably reeelred lam IntmiJared
ana iae recent improrrwniii n
to any alines aold ai toeM prices.
and tbe rveriit Impmrpaicnts make Urn aapertor
ask jrnar veaier, ana ir no cannot a pijr rou
tflm-t to rartorr racloainr adTrrilard
postal for onlrr blank.
VT. I.. DOVULA9, RracklM, M
!- e
or a
rar sale fcy
aaae Dealer, Meal Claael.
Xallee ta Xan-Kealdcat
AttfeR.Jnncand tier husband, (whase first
MHieisHRknoa n) will take notice that mi the
l-.tli day ef NeTenber. A. D. tU. ailwln K. Fay
filed Ids petition aipiinst xi. iniileaded with
otliers. In the district conn of Webster cotinty.
wetraska, the object ami prayer of which are
for tae foreclosure of a certain tnortcaire alrm
by Kufns and Jidla A. Corey to said KdwTn B.
Fay dated May 13, Iftft. enareyina the foUowlMr
preaaiscs situated In said county of Webster an-T
state of Nebraska towit: Tlic south half of the
north-east rosrter of section sereatecn, town
ship four north, ra&se nln. watt of Uin SUt 1'.
M. Tor the purpose of securinc a priaciaj pron
Lssory note of flow, of even date therewith;
that said premises were afterwards conTeyed by
warranty deed to said Attie 11. Jones, who by
the terms of said deed assumed aad agreed to
Ey said mort&me Indebtedness; that defaalt
tecs made In the payment of the lntrat
on said Bote end the same ia past due ami
wholly unpaid and plaintiff has elected, as hi
said acta and mortaace proYlded, to declare all
of aid indebtedness due; that there U now due
plalstif the sum of f togcUiar with Inter
est at ten per eeat per annum on 837.11 theteot
from Norember 1st, 189; on 8K thereof from
Norember 1st, Xto; oa 84a thereof from May
1st. INS: on 19 thereof from Nerrmber 1st,
ISM, aad oa tieoo thereof from Norember 1st,
1899, to the commencement of this suit at eijcLt
percent per annum and at ten per eeat per an
num thereafter; that said mortcajte was sled
tor record and recorded Deecmbrr 13th. 1SS. in
book 1 of tbe mortsaire records of said Webster
ceaatyon pace 3:
fntiff prays that said defcada&U may U
and foreclosed of their ciulty of
foreclosed of their eiultv of
Mtoa: last saw premises may
.- . . .
be sold
rordinjc to law to satisfy said Indebtedness ant
that said defendants. Rufiai Corey Julia A.
Corey and Attic K. Jones maybe adjudged M
pay any deficiency and fr mtrh further aad
other relief as mar lie Just and euiul.
Toa and each af you ar? required to answer
said aetltlon oa ar More Monday the h day
of January A. I. iset, er the same will be taken
as true aad decree and judgment rendered ac
eafwiagls' tHWijr k. Fat.
18 ByTlbbets. Merry it Ferris. Ills Attar weys
hint, tlto ft ib Jtlliy.
aad Xettasmstera SjusraML
ArriTex. Lrates.
aadFreih SJSpm :p
via NVt&w astern ruate
AJThesssOassaassapmr rhieaswTasvm.:
LeateaOiaaa - p m: Omaha . a as; ar
arrires a Maajnts s.a p m-
Ottr, aad aB potats
Tae aanr aaeta
m niianaafeur aav r mi
xm iiBBBBBBairt m ."ww
rflaaBBBBBwiJ 'fnBBBml0
HatTMalaai tIBBii IUUb. ami
I a
wt auivje work
Yr3 ftvr dom"
. . I
cams totrKen.A.nai?ov
.Hen aael W
ra la rail al star atatrv
all rl
la raianplrlr aael arr
araara mt
Jones &
KrarHsa !slac Ma c s.
Ul't:ftOII TO HACK Kit
Ifralrra In
Groceries, Provisions
Canned Fruits, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
Fort Abstract Co.. Jted Cloud,
L. II. FORT, M4naKcr.
AlBtritet of Title.
Furninlii to all Land in Webster County, Accurately ami
IlavliiK bad ten exrrlrticit In rounly rrnmU and :ntv tlu' r.i rratrto at ,t
atract books In tlir statf. Me sur.uiti 4tifacilna -.r ftrxc .W(r(Ui
All ordet flilrd promptly !. dml r Uod B!fl
and aitnVf). AitiUr ir rAll oh
! II. FOltT Ma.nacikk, IU4 Cloui. Neb.
Abstracters, Real Estate ,
and Farm Loan Agent.f
Red Cloud, Nkhrasra.
Abstract of title funiinhud accurately and promptly.
Satisfaction Uuaran4Mx.. $10,000 bond iM
Lower than any yard in the world
Wekter fat Livery, Feel ui Sale M.
Frank A Kukun. Prop.
Boarding by tho day, woek, cr month at nrooiiula
rate. Farmers are Xin itl to stop at our barn when iif Umj
city. Siecial attention paid to their trade. Priws for
single feeding, as low ai anywhere in the city. Don't for
get the place.
Cincinnati Boot
ie aaarare aaara pnt ta aaat taalfaaaai
liasra. mlaraya amM
,alwafaasslairstraa s
aaala ataac. alaraya
My ftuylnir of U.
Feed. Sale ILi very Barn
F. N. Richardson, Prop, Red Cloud.
Wrfsm more bay and amore cora. more oatiL and aaora
barn (all of which we pnrchattod when mnm met ay
down) than anv fin in town, tliere4 we R pfaind I pre
U lower R8ta than any Irai tfetwetai Ota 2 ttomtm, Boanliag
by the day, week or atocitli. .We do aot brag of our hotte
maxwhip. Stock in otaTGamifliow Call oa
oa at the old reliable barm back of TtxKMnt aad tbe coa
Tinoed that what we tett yom k tna,
a 11 4 aJt- BBAIAHK
rzssiiS '''ilnl'
4W X rVU YbbbbbbbbbbbbbsI
.31'? aBBBBBsf
1" 5fs' ii? aaaaa
f" , J&MXi I faBBBBB.
, "-.V
tje men.
sHTC"Sat, 0f.
aael rauailar
stark sr
a a
rC. .V RLl ra-isafaamf
a i
s -l-sV
fbraassB, Cararia. rlr. aar atssrh mi 1'astrrtak
par raarrltal nllraltaa la IM
Ifcr aaalaraa
at I1
& Shoe House
par 1 Maa aanr araff far aa.
artN bmw eH fa aa.
asiel far f 4. ays? aaW fVar ! 1m
MmrU ta ate aaWy Wc raa saita
m'1mm4laMlmlmmmn mn6hmw9m0m9tmHmm -!W VmTfZ?
aPsma BsaaBBBaa7aa b i aw aemarmaa aFVsa'aBBjssBBBm BBBBBBBmBSK 8maBmmssBm axasa bbbbbW aaassl aasT aamBal
4aamaamaBBBamma " sWs . .- . m a mM-. m . t J J sBamaaBaaaeeamaaeaeBmaaamameaaeeeajeemaaaamawaeaaaaasaaaaaBaae Z mL 4 TaBBBB aBBBBaBBBBWT' aamad-. aramsBSB BBBBm: naaW fBBSB, ammr aBBBBBj
emee v saVaaaCa) aW aaaaTr jVBsBaBfar CvsTlsTa VaaW araaaaaBFdaaai ay . atvaw aamaaaaa amaaaai. aaaWaaaWsaB; m
AaBjaamaskfgaj aaBBBBBaasI anal 'snaaWaaar aaaaaMAss-sa asaa BESfajfl aaaa sasaaVaVaVsasasal BTsaBasMVsaV nst csaWsa fasa smBBBBBBB . aBBnBBBBBBSBKSBaaaaaaanBk aaaaBmaaasamaBBBaBa 9-mlmwW mWUmmm dsaajaWjajsaaaaaaajjsf VnaaaBBBaaaT aaaaVst
VaaWaWaaasmm. aBBBBaaama, bjsbb, saaaaVWdj avaaWsaWaaav WVaaaJanaaa mam aamaJ aaM aaskdlai mmaaltaF' aaaaama emaMasaAstaajaaa saAaasBjaa aaajsajsaaa taKlaaaaaaaa aBrSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BaTSBBlaBBTSBBBBBBvl asaaa aaamar aaaTMa .7 TaaaaBs ana avvpaamamBs aaparw
mjlfal aajf M sssaaaaaaaf aftaaBmaaasfat naaal llsaaaaaBal aaf- aaa- sataaaVaaaaaar- flaBaaaaaaaT Qaaaak- teaam 9aal XBaaNsPVasaaal XaaaTIaaHa lasal bbTbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH Ts3tJ!ff w9fK
9mmm Wfmtm Wmm'mWfW WWWMMMmm aaaafafl Vasfsaaml aa sWs aaaBBaaaaaaaWt rWaaay ajaaaaaas -" T -ma- sbj- WHaWWMmW WaWMaWWKmWWmmmmmWam'1' &7&
y BJl . Jr ht a " masaaaeBBmBBram asmBBBmm y. jx j
te take advantage of good pnees.
Par rant aa
Afflj It H. W. OlanfiH.
ff'S Av.jtt,'.i I
'- . Ii i1kHl' SPLc JjC . ew-rf- - ..
Si?4S&5C .r.'-
-jT fir-
.;-. '
Sfi .-?-.
r- i '
A. 4mSi -. .-- jOfc. . -
3i ?t-Zi!-SL
,c.s I.
. Wt'y
'- TT-ifc.'-- -.''XTrSfc- TL - - - iJ!'-'-. "i. JTJ-'
.t ..V.iei j. a- " r T. .. . .
UWNsSwAiHiriAJSfc:.V5, -
"-f r.J-J'-'Crf-.'S.'tsS
it. 71?.
-? . rt'-fi'-'p-zui-as,: tr f? z-n c
-i. " .u?; a
"fN -M- - . V-.-iS.
'v'- Syjifii'5,!CX-J-?-J.r
v .. " r
r-frh --
5 r-r -s
--, ,- ,-- - tr -
5f - Si s-.H
IABt " r i i'
tZgy&hxOiFa. SST
re-i -ic ' -rf;1
z-i- '
3r5'- . v-fcasv. , A'
iy -. . 'r 2-Z7ZT7::- .- -. - "V
B . u. - t -7- wT T-. j j' -rr- r -m t
,.-.-j:ri'tr -- - - . " - .t. ' - . ' . s" '!k
z-j mi . z. -r - -i . s T .. . - -" -i "!r . vb . ", yf-i s: J 4
' - ..,--' - 4. f-SEL . r- "- Dei- vhifM.s S
"t ' j-- 3 ' . -, a A w.' - - - w . 1 3i...'V. 3q-?. r L, T-. ... . 4 " 4T-V J- .
jr.. -fs' Ac ..'jv( i '. .. , A - ' . . r -'--!.. . . .. a ??' J ... r ,:xr-Si .&& - .f Z rjkT'-7r z.:?'- L.'
. xt Tni jTTftr- -. .i 4o'i .i -'.-p-a' w . r - -e - i. jl. . . . - - -t --. .2, -f " v; r. tv"y. ivuv - .- . .mw. -m. b- r. '
Si J.--T fcr: .,-
mmmusL'grmt.r rs't .,r?xzz4?r:z ts-s. fsf
m tr? r a arx ?V'(J(xK',.i,sr-'1-; jtx a'- j-- "- rscr- r. -ix.
r .&.?. zs-Tif.iSs?'j?;v.7jt1.--st ? -LSi.-vr-?. riHvj?A'-
BBBBBBBaS3&a' ttSSiL3aSVarCli9 -" .' ---.-v-i.'ilV-. "-'-
Mtr-irj c- slil t- rr n ni a r i. our v - - i - . v.wri v v - - .-r . r t v-v-r
t 2izr.&TA-..-j&'i:v'-xrj', --t,., .x-t. z.-" . Tjt ' -" cn-i.-'v:frJi
g fTr1r 'aaagef -aamagag. -aCIWaag,at3BaWKa
--"i-j"r-w"iriL 'js.i.j-'r'Z-'-Ni,frTj. jr jr-i. r?vjii'J;,-5 "-'..AYsejit-ytwVi'VJiy- ' . -a va. .n-r. j -j j . - ',tsb . -r - . v 'atfwaisv w - - i- .. t .w. -dMEaHnvmr:- 1 hi mn mams