.v i .' f wip "SSgpsi? -:i . " hj' -f ! l-'-V & 3 .- Sl . f ?. fc I u r :-, V . S -.llT" ."-- Jtiu' , -' r - - . ,. 5S -ivy? IVffvn Vr nrfn rnnvtf .-ir.ATuaar- jo, uiaui-' ici- pa- i-iti c? . s 5sS Vr HOWBCKi - ltHMtwrtWta ""V -ed cloud: - - -'- Nebraska :CmtENT OOWMENT. Derosa, Bel, has elected a Democratic annyar the tot it aver had. The Brazilian fleet; coaslstiag of an Jreaclad and a wooden corvette, arrival st New York aa the 2th, alLwelL NEWS OF THE WEEK. 4 a-BaeaBBMSan O ait By Tatoraph ud HUUL of ruunoAt. Portugal to snffering Tmc Siberian Exile Petition AasocJa ticm of New York few decided to call the Czar's attention to the coniitioa of tan Jews is Russia. Judge Utt, publisher of the Dabaqna Times, has beem indicted forcrlatlaal 1 bel by the grand jury, apoa the com plaint ot Congressman-elect Butler of the Fourth district M. De Fbkycihbt, French Minister of War, has become a candidate for the vacant seat ia the Academy. Inconse queaee of his popularity all other can didates save Zola hare withdrawn. Another American woman has capt ured a Count, Miss Katheryn Louise Bailey, daughter or Joseph T. Bailey, the head of a large Philadelphia jewelry firm, being married to Count de Sibour. Thk threshing machine manufactur ers of the United States have been in session at Chicago for the purpose of forming a trust which, wben completed, will rival the harvester trust recently organized. All the furnaces in Pittsburgh and Allegheny were compelled to close down owing to the almost total failure of ihe natural gas supply. The pressure was less than half an ounce wben it should have been ten. Urox the premises of Henry Brock nan, proprietor of a horse rendering establishment in the outskirts of Chi cago, was discovered a quantity of neatly dressed horse flesh. He is sup posed to have been carrying on an act ive trade with tbe lower class of restaurants. It has been suggested that the only way to prevent the Duchy of Luxem burg falling into the hands of Germany will be for tbe young Queen Wilhel mina, of Holland, when she becomes of age, to marry tbe heir to tbe Luxem burg throne, and negotiations with thi9 end in view are now in progress. Join? W. Mackay, owner of tbe Mackay-Bcnnett cable, has purchased all the property and franchises of tbe Bankers' and Merchants' Telegraph Company in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, tbe United Linos Telegraph Company and the Postal Telegraph Company for $390,000. Tn Queen fromlaflnenm JJmuimr. to working most aenloasly at his memoirs with the assistance of Hen Lotkar Bucher and his private secretary, Dr. Chrysaader. but it will take some time to complete them. Ma. Paxxbix was re-elected to the leadership of the Irish National ista. The protest of the English Liberals were entirely ignored. The result has caused a hopeless split much to the satisfaction of the Conservatives Thk British Parliament was opened on the 25th. Nothing of moment was contained la the Queen's speech. uMSUAHa J. Shillabek, known in the literary world as "Mr. Partington," is dead. He was 76 years of age. TaxSultaaof Turkey has conferred the grand decoration of the Imperial Order of Medjidie on Prof. Koch. A dispatch from Suakim says that tbe desert chief, Senoussi, is marching against the Mabdi with a largo and well armed force, and that tbe Mabdi, owing to numerous desertions and priva tion is in no condition to meet tbe enemy. Sexator Wade Hamftox was shot in Washington County. Miss., while bunting with his son. The latter's gun accidentally weatoffand the Senator got a load of bird shot in his face. Serious results were not expected. Commissioner Rauu has had a con ference with the sub-committee of tbo House Committee on Appropriations, in charge of appropriations for pensions. General Raum told the committee that the pension deficiency would amount to about S2, 000. 000. Tax Freacb public debt is 30,800,813, 594 francs. Lait Coxxemaka, daughter of Lord Dalhousie. has obtained a decree of di vorce from Lord Connemara, ex-Governor of Madras, for adultery and cruelty. Pitch has been re-elected Senator from Alabama. Kino Kalakaua. of the Sandwich islands will visit California shortly for his health. Pakxell issued his manifesto to the Irish people on tbe 28th. Tbe O'Shea matter was ignored and defiance hurled at tbe English Liberals. The address was intensely independent and it was probable would divide the Irish party as well as hopelessly severing concerted action with tbe Liberals Tub lottery law passed by the Fifty first Congress has decreased the re ceipts of the New Orloans post-office $120,000 a pear, and has resulted in tbe discharge of quite a number of clerks already, whoso services are no longer required to run the office. This is about one-third of the annual income of the office. The State Hoard of Pensions of North Carolina has apportioned SSC.000 among cx-Confoderato pensioners in that State. That amount under an act of the last Legislature, was this year raised by taxation. Tbe pensioners are soldiers disabled while in the service of tbe State and widows of soldiers killed in such service. The steamship l'reak water, from Puerto Cortez, brings tho news that Sanchez committed suicide when ho found that the tide of battle was against him. Bogran's Adjutant and his P.nanco Minister were killed. H. Aldenbakcr. who was reported killed, was with Major E. H. Burke at tho time and is uninjured. STitixf.EXTorders havo been sent from St Petersburg that all Chinese settling in the Transbaikal region of Asiatic ltussia shall be required to declare themselves subjects of tho Czar. The Russian districts adjoining Manchuria are being fllled up with Chinese colon ists, many of whom are believed to bo in the military service of China. Judge Coor.EV, chairman ot the Inter state Commerce Commission, who re turned to Washington in an improved condition after an absence of some time, has again been compelled to temporarily relinquish his duties. Ho overworked himself after his return and at tho ad vice of his physician has gone to his home to recuperate. Ho has written that he stood the trip well and no alarm is felt The Belgian Premier bas introduced a bill extending tho franchise. This action is a complete surprise, and tho Radicals are highly elated. The workingmen who had threatened to strike in order to emphasize tho'r demand for universal suffrage have decided to remain at work. There is great rejoicing in Brussels and the other large cities, the streets being crowded with people celebrating tbe important event It is stated in London that Home Sec retary Matthews is fully prepared for a complete answer in behalf of the Gov ernment to any question in Parliament embodying tbe allegations mado by Mr. Davitt and others that the Fenian prisoner. John Daly, is the victim of a plot organized by emissaries of tbe Royal Irish constabulary. It is said that the Home Secretary has himself investigated the charges and come to the conclusion that they aro without fonndntion. The Uaited States Supreme Court has decided adversely to tbe appeal of the Navassa rioters, condemned for murder. By act of Congress Federal authority exteads to guaao islands worked by Aawricaa citizens where no other juris diction exists. It will be remembered that negroes employed oa Navaaea isl and, in the Car.bbcan sea, iadulged la a riot against their ofJcers, kllliag one or two, the reataiader beiag rescued by a British war ship Trial was had at Baltimore, Md. The State Board of Caavassers at Co lumbia, & C, dec ded the Miller-Elliott Congressional contest ia favor of Elliott and gave him the certificate. This gives South Carioliaa a solid Democratic delegation ia the next Congress. Miller, colored Republican, contested the elec tioa, claiatiag a majority, but ballots were throwa eat ia eertaia localities oa account of size and color. Elliott went before the Supreme Court and it de cided ia his favor. Miller will contest bis seat ia Coagrese. Jnxjc Gossox. of Philadelphia, haaced down a. highly, important opia Jea, in which be refused the application far iacornoratioa of the Richmond Be j tail Ceal Comaaay. ef Philadelphia, o the grouad that the' company was totaled indirectly for the purpose ef es tablishing a trust for the regulation ef prices ef the retail ceal trade or that eltj. sTbeeeireWthe 'company sets . ifortb.iai.t iiej jevneees are to " Js ? ? m of the eornoratleaTaad i unwarranted f acreese : -J5'8&&&g&Z l &? mr&z&apm MISCEIXAXEOU8. F. B. CnocKEB, of tbo Crocker Cracker Manufacturing Company, of Denver, CoL, is missing. Dil Beromaxx. in his clinical lecturo at Berlin, warned his patients that no absolute cure bad been effected by tho use of Prof. Koch's curative lymph. The Supreme Court of Montana has handed down a decision in tbe famous Davis will case, affirming tho ruling of the lower court and leaving John A. Davis administrator of the estate. As no constitutional points are involved tbo case can not be appealed. The oleomargarine law of Minnesota has been held to be unconstitutional. The land case of West Guthrie, Ok., bas been decided adversely to tho home steaders and in favor of the town-sito company. Thomas Raii of Floral Park, L. I., and Alfred A 1 chin, of Pcekskill, while walking on tbe tracks of tho Long Island railroad were struck by a train. Rail was instantly killed and Alcbin was seriously though not fatally in jured. A CT.ERK living in Sofia, Bulgaria, who was afflicted with lupus and wbo visited Berlin for treatment with Prof. Koch's remedy, has arrived home ap parently cured. Ciiaih.es Sturu was crushed to death under a falling safe at Dlebold's works, Canton, O. Two other men wero seri ously injured. The ltadger Illuminating Company, of Milwaukee, Wis, is said to be in good shapo. Agent Rotek at Pine Ridge has been greatly annoyed by newspaper corre spondents. He threatened to expel tho Aew York Wond-liorald man. At St Johns, N. II., on tbe 25th the boilers of O. D Sutton's mill exploded. Six men were blown to pieces. The Norwegian bark Ever has been wrecked. The fate of tbo crew was un certain. Settlers in Western Oklahoma are much alarmed over tbe Indian Messiah crazo. TnE report of the Internal Revenue Department sbowod an increaso of re ceipts amounting to about $12,000,000 tbe past year. Eva Hamilton, tbe notorious wife and now widow of Robert Ray Hamil ton, has been pardoned out of the Now Jersey penitentiary. The Gloucester schooner "Ocean Queen," recently seized at Sour'is, P. E I., has been released on payment of a fine of 9200. It is rumored that J. R. Bakor, tbe missing Philadelphia broker, who failed, bas gone to Brazil. Red Cloud wrote to a friend in Omaha that be did not want any trouble with tbe whites. The racing stable of Amos G. Camp bell, of Louisvilic, Ky., will bo sold at auction. The Dublin Express says that tbe measures adopted by the Government to relievo tbe distress in the western part of Ireland aris'ng from the failure of the potato crop will be put into opera t:on before Christmas. All three members of the conference committee representing the strikers on tho Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad have been arrested on the charge of conspiracy. Ax explosion occurred in a colliery near Bolton, England, the other day. Eight miners were killed. Two companies of cavalry have been ordered to clear the eastern portion of tbe Cherokee Strip. The Czar has ordered an investigation of prison abuses at Tomsk, Siberia. Horrible treatment of female prisoners to reported. Sidxet Dillox has been elected presi dent of the Union Pacific, vice Charles F. Adams, resigned. The Gould trust was ia control of the road. The Erie railroad has come to aa agreement with its engineers and the threatened trouble has been averted. Mayor Walsh, of Wexford, Ireland, has been sent to prison for three months for publishing interdicted articles, Mas. O'Shea has withdrawn her cross salt agaiast Captain O'Shea. The Chicago. Milwaukee fc St Paul freight house No -3, Caicago, was de stroyed by are receatly. Loss, tIMMi H. H. BelLj a Duluth. Miaa., beaker, has beea forced to the walL The lia bilities were about fTef.en, more tana covered by assets. At Texarkaaa, Tex., aa election waa held, with reference to removiag the couaty seat Votes were bought at auction, eane'ng much comateat Ir to expected that Weavers freight rates will he pat ap and become more stable with Gould ia control of so away Tax aetorioae PtekLaHls to reaet led areaajilay lagabeejathse.-'baalam at Oleneeete m-& f Ta aberihVwae unable to 'tad any property to levy wpoe ia the, abetter ef the Chleage Glebe sad aa apelicetiee for a receivership has been made SacarrAXr WnrooM "has sensed the aew revenue setter beiag built at BalaV atore the Galveston. The river saaaesfhae overflowed Its -Aajr anamewa steamer waa re ported at London to have gee down is a heavy gale off Duageaees. Three mea were kiUed and 'fear la jared by a boiler ezptoelos st Hackers' sawmill, Seetlaad. Worth County. Ga. Tax great football match between Yale aad Princeton took place at East era park. Brooklys. X, Y.. es Thaaks giviag day. Princeton waa badly heat en The score waa IS to a Shortly be fore aoon a serious mishap occurred, s portion of the grand 'ataad eoUapsiag, causing the injury ef assay persons. Three small boys were killed reoeat iy at Atlantic, Iowa, while digging iato a sandbank. A fearful tide wrecked forty vessels at Christiana, Norway, on the 27th. Over 120 deaths were reported. The large six-story building occup'ed by tho Powers Dry Goods Company at St Paul, Minn., was on fire receatly. Tbe loss was 9250, 090. Postmasteh-Gexebal Waxamaker bas directed tbe postmaster at Austin, Tex, to dismiss immediately R B. Kinney, the assistant postmaster at that place. Kinney destroyed certain evi dence in his possession af terit had been demanded of bim by a post-office in spector, who wanted to uso it in prose cuting a case arising under the anti lottery law. Six sailors of tho whaling bark Ocean were recently lost in tho Pacific. A mortally wounded whale struck tbe chasing boat and the men were drowned. A XUMBER of Poles quarreled with negro laborers on a phosphate island near Charleston, S. G, a few days ago. A terrible fight resulted, fourteen men being reported killed. The steamboat T. P. Leathers was burned on tbe river near Fort Adams, Miss. Tbe chambermaid and four roust abouts, all colored, were lost BuRRAR, of England, defeated Master son, of Australia, in a boat race at Syd ney, N. S. W. Rayville. La., has been seriously aamagea by nre. Supervising Architect Wixdrim in his annual report to tbo Secretary of tho Treasury says that the total amount ex panded on public buildings during the past fiscal year was $4,075,04& of which S3.C91.341 was paid for sites and in tho construction of new buildings and 8224. 394 for repairs and alterations of build ings. There were completed during tho year twenty-one buildings. It is reported in New York that negotiations'are in progress between the Chesapeake fc Ohio railroad and the Whito Star steamship lme for a direct lme of steamers from Newport News, Va., to England. The sons of tho late Governor Steven son, of Nevada, propose to contest tboir father's will in favor of their stepmother, one of tho lady managers of tbo World's Fair. Jay Goui.n's charges that Charles Francis Adams used the Union Pacific for the benefit of the Kansas City stock yards is denied. Business failures (Dun's report) for tbe seven days ended November 27 numbered 24I, compared with 274 the previous week and 249 tho correspond ing week of last year. John R. Kakkr. .Tir.. the missin? Philadelphia brer, is said to be a de faulter to tho amount of 81,000,000 on the estate of his grandfather. John Gerhard and his wife and two children wore killed by a train at Glos ter, N. IL Three duck hunters from Oswego, N. Y., aro believed to havo been drowned in Sadus bay, Lako Ontario. A violent oartbquako shock was felt throughout the valley of tho Dan ube on tbe 2Stb. Tho peop'o wore panic stricken, but little damage was dona B. K. Jamisson & Co., bankers of Philadelphia, have suspended. Liabili ties not definitely stated, but some where between 8500,000 and 51,000,000. Deputy Saxaud. managing director of the Banque d'Etat of Paris, has ab sconded with 1,000,000 francs subscribed for a loan. The iron beams supporting one of tbo boilers of the United States steamer Alert gavo way recently and tho re pairs of tho vessel wero corresponding ly delayed. Goyeunoi: Mellette, of South Da kota, has issued a proclamation regard ing the Indian scare in which he urges all settlers who deem themselves and homes unsafe to remain where they are, as tbo troops and Government have com pletely mastered tho hostile olement VEBKA8KA STATE NEWS. Tse Freacb Goveraaseat wiU sot al low the importation into FranceotPret Kooh's lymph ea the grouad that the importation ef nsediciaes, the rempoei ties of which to set known, to illegal, a law prohibiting such importation being is exigence, - T-- ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. The Treasury Department is pre pared to meot tbe demand for silvei notes of small denominations. M. JX Henry, of Kansas, bas been appointed by tho President an alter nate World's Fair Commi.winnfr J. F. Thompson resigned. The Irish envoys in America have issued a manifesto in which the reten tion of Parnoll is made secondary to home rulo for Ireland. The Chcrokeo Strip was reported cleared of cattle December 1 per agree ment witn ine President Rev. Brown, in charge of tbo Epis copal Church at Mlddletown, assaulted G. H. King, a divinity student on the Annapolis train because King sat on bis bat King's nose was broken aad both eyes wore blacked. Eighty-seven bodies havo beea fouad in the flooded Anna pit of tbe Bruox Mining Company, Germany. Seventy eight miners were recovered alive. Easton & Clark, car manufacturers of Cincinnati, have assigned. Clearixo. house returns for the week ended November 29 showed aa average increase or 3.1 compared with the cor responding week of last year. In New York there was a decrease of 0.5. BEnxixr, Soxs, the well known piano manufacturers ot New York, have as signed. Twenty-four shoe manufacturers ef Rochester, N. Y., have bound them selves together to force the uaioa atea to abandon their opposition to the iatre ductioa of lasting machines. Collectob Bradshaw, of Puget Sound. Wash., swore before the Con gressional committee on Immigration that fifty or sixty Chinese were prob ably smuggled across the llae each month. The WelUaaa Steel & Ires Company, of Cheater. Pa., has shutdown its Bes semer departosest for as iadelaite pe riod. " Two girls, daughters of Nelaos Deeair, were drowsed by breaking through the ice oa Desalr lake, sear Bice Lake, Wis They were alone at the time. The bodies were recovered. Germany has redoubled tie restric tions oa Americas perk, had determined following the line There to talk of the lead smelters formingatrust The London Stock Exchaage waa re ported steady daring the week eased November 29. haviar comnletelv re covered from the effects ef taeBarisf eiuumrnwMTBb AMCrKU railWSJS weroRtrong. The Paris Bearse - was active and. the German' li wm Qleadj. W. J. Ecsxt, a- prominent jbael an of Great, 'committed euletde the ethrrdVy by aheetiaf himself? is the heedt No caitse assigned:. r - VvKUliimKU, 15 years'eld, was hunt ing auate distance below Nebraska City the other afternoon wees h's gun was accidentally discharged, tearing off his right band nt the wrist The load passed through the hnt of a compan on, bat fortuaately missed tbe head. Oxb ef the peculiar freaks of the late election took place in Sherman County. Emmerfon Smith, couaty attorney elect of Sherman County, studied law for a few months under Attornev Scott. of Loup City. He was then admitted to the bar aad a few days later received the nomination for county attorney on the Alliance ticket His instructor, Scott was nominated for tbe same po sition os the Republican ticket but was badly beaten in the race by his pupiL Tub Custer County jail now contains but one inmsto and be is a prisoner from Box Butte County, held for sate keeping. The annual winter meeting of the State Hoard of Agriculture will be held at Lincoln beginning January 20 at the same time with tbe winter corn exhibit A oaxg of Osceola boys raided tbe mills at that place the other night and broke thirty-six panes of glass. The proprietor learned thoir names and taxed them 2I.C0 for their fun. The boys afterward bad interesting "wood shed interv'ews" with the parents who pa d tbe bills. W. It Weeks ex-treasurer of Greeley County, bas been arrested charged with embezzlement The shortage, it is al lepol. will amount to several thousand dollars. Mr. Weeks was one of tbe most popular men in the county, and tho re sult of the investigation of bis accounts bas astonished tho community. The handsome new res:dcnco of Mrs. Anna E Miller, at lteatricc. was com pletely destroyed by fire the other night Tho structure was one of the handsomest in tbo c ty ani cost $1,000. Mrs. Milier is at present a resident of Omaha, but expected to take possession of the houso within a few days. Tho or.'g n of tbo fire is supposed to bo in cendiary. The insurance was 4,000. A late fire at Arcadia destroyed prop erty to tbo value or 523.000. About half the Imtldinjjs burned wero insured. The Commercial Hotel, post-office a hard ware store, general store, saloon, barber shop, meat market and billiard hall were burned. II. II. Bliss, one of the most popular citizens of Steele City, was accidentally shot the other morning by John Barlow. He lived about half an hour. He leaves awifo and one child. Barlow was almost crazed with grief at tho sad affa'r. Samuel Carter, a soldier of the reg ular army wbo had been stationed at Fort Meade and who was recently re tired from the sorv co. was found dead in his bod at tbe Jennings Hotol at Omaha the other morning. Ho had blown out tho gas upon retir'n. Ho was 03 years of age, was a privato in troop C, Eighth cavalry, and went to" Fort Meade with his regiment about two years ago from Fort Brown. Tex. Ho was on h s way to tho San Antonio' soldiers' home. Hon. Edward Bates, of York, lato Democratic candidate for judge in the Sixth d strict has applied to tho Su premo Court for a peremptory writ of mandamus to compel tbe State Board of Canvassers to canvass tho returns from that district and to certify to his elec tion as judge. Tbe board notified Judge Bates that tbe returns would not bo canvassed, tho allogod reason being tho neglect of Governor Thayer to include in the proclamation for the general election a call for tbo election of a judge in that d 1st ret, and tho Supreme Court will bo called upon to decido whether this neglect invalidates tbo election. Tub cattlemen of Southern Cherry County hare formed an association for tho protection of stock and the exter mination of wolves Patents havo been issued to Goorgo A. and J. P. Culver, of Blue Springs, for a dust collector, and Barton W. Harmer, of Avoca, for a horso hay rake. Six deer were killed in Grant County during tbe recent snow fall E. W. Ormsby and 109 othor tax-pay-ors of Merrick County, havo petitioned tbo board of supervisors to put a bounty on wolves It is assorted that a thou sand or moro dollars damage is done by these animals on hogs, sheep, tur keys, calves, etc., and something must be done to protect the tax-payers on whom the loss falls. James Vivian, clerk of tho Arlington notol at Hastings, committed suicide recently by taking morphine. The foundation for tho now Congre gational church at Craw lord has been laid. Godfrey Gaileex has disappeared from York, leaving several creditors in tbe lurch. Fire at River ton recently destroyed tbo livery barn of George Enos, contain ing eleven horses, a number of buggies and harness and a large quantity of feed. Tbo barn of Isaac Shepardson, with two horses and two cows, was also burned. Tbe fire is supposed to have been of incendiary origin. Lewis Butler or St. Paul will spend the next year of his lifo in tho peniten tiary as a penalty for disposing of mortgaged property. He is 65 years of age, but ho mado a great run for his liberty after committing tbe crime and was not captured until he had retched Corpus Christ1, Texas. Frank, tbe twelve-year-old son of J. H. Lamb, living four miles north of Grand Island, was thrown from a horse and dragged to death the other day. He was herding cattle and tbe horse be came frightened and throw him. One foot caught in tbe stirrup and he was unable to extricate himself. The horse ran to the house, a half mile away, dragging the dead body of the boy with bim. Dr. L W. Fvxck of Beatrice has served notice on George W. Collins State Senator-elect for Gage County, thnt ho will contest the election on tbe ground of errors In tbe count Collins apparent majority was 2& C M. Eastbrday. formerly a Te enmseh boy, bas bees elected a State oBccr is Washiagtoa. Nezigh is ra'siag 9t,oeo for a boaus for a 9SSS. 060 beet sugar factory to be bailt next spring. Patents were lately issued to the following Nebraska inventors: Hoops for coopers' ware, Leonard L. Frost Ar cadia; awaiag slide or runner, Heary C Beetor, Liaoola. woax Ratuff. of Auburn, had bees missiag his corn, aad ese sight he tied a bull-dog to the corn crib door. Tbe -thieves came, poisoned the dog. broke opes the deer aad carried away the com. Fsaxk Fowlbb, ef Fremoat aew traveling in Japan, nearly lost hie life recently while running some rapids ia a Japaseee rives His boat west to pieces bat be landed ess reck asd PARNELL'S MANIFESTO. f " Losses. Nov. 2f. Mr. ParaeU tossed the follewiag maalfesto last sight: To the IrUa repl: The latagrlty aad mesneaSMice of a section of the Iris party avian brn appanaiiy MpseS and ee irorei bythswite pullers ef the Literal party. It has aorouM aecetaary tor me. as lesser of tbe Irish party, to take eenaacl VMS yon, and, bavin given you tbe kaewl seen vales Is la ay pkmmmIob. te aak your toegBMat apoa a matter which aew selaly devolves upon yen to 6ee.'4. Tae letter from Mr. Gudatoae te Mr. Mar toy, written for the parpote of laiaeneiaa: the decision of tbe Irian party in the eholee of their leader aad claim lax for the Liberals aad their leadera the right of veto upon the eholee. Is the Immediate cause ot this ad dress. The threat la that letter, repeated ae la- FAIB. woes or the worlds rrastsee Cos B Chicago, Nov. 3s The National vTor.d's Fair Commission yesterday moraing teo'x ap the report of the com mittee ea build lags aad grounds Th a precipitated a rather acrimonious inter change between Cemmias'.oaer Mart a dale, of ladtoaa. who was la favor of adeptiag the report nad Commis sioner DeYouag. of California, who waa opposed to it The latter peiated out tbat the plsss of tbe buildings were meetly in verbal outline with working plans and declared that a loopbo'o was left through which the local director might come out with a lot of mere shells He moved that aejWwvereeBV GOULD ON e enaasaaaanaw- the bulldiaesbe made of eiaa. atal amd Ssrffi3uaTtt -if.. Ir08 nd lM'Proof- After some discus numerous snuen newspapers, that unless ,- . .i , ,. . . . Ireland concede the right otveto to Kaglaad . B """w 1 table, she wiU iadeSaltely postpone her chance of " being pointed out by Mr. Martindale ohfalalag home mle. compete me. white aot tbat there bad not been time since the f,a ? mtut d",,w,B slightest peeel- selection of the site to preparo working bHIty ef such n less, to put before you la- niM- .. - JT .... formatioa which uatil iow.eo far ae wy ' ElB for iucn " ,rrT of ctsres collesgucs are concerned, bat been solely ia ; ino repo" was aaopied. my possess ion, and which will enable you! Chairman Waller, of to uaderstaad the measure of loss with of tho World' Fair foroiva affair which you are tbreateael ualetayoa con sent to throw ese to the English wolves now committee, after Connecticut regn consulting with howlla for ao.trnrtlo.. i COUCagUCS, SCIil IUO lOUOWing ICIO- Mr. Parnell gives an account of his STrm to Secretary Maine in reply meetinr with Gladstone a. vMr ami. and ' to the ono received from Mr the nrocosltions then discussed as to the Blaine that government of Ireland, and continues: lme of tho commissioners tbat tbe I need aot say tbat the oiestlon. the Tital State Department wan socking for polit aad Isaportaat Questloa ot the retention of ' icul advanUgo in the schemo for secur the Irish members on one han-i. ami Indefl. lnff World's Fair exhibits from the alte delay la granting full powers to n . .. , ... . , Irish Legislature on th other, g'ave mo Latin-American republic, that depart great concera The absence of any pro- ment would withdraw from tho partici vUion for the settlement of the agrarian pation of the work and await the action questloa-of a:iy policy on the part of the 0r the coinnv-sslon: "V J!?'-"?:1 wU ' "' I CHtCACO X v A-m reply to your tcte .,.r.EU....uu v.. ... ....(..u... , w ,.i li.c , n -.,..,. ... .IIM.I.. ,H.. ... I i?z ... : '. " : -' -"---- ", I ine eiaic iepiiri:ntni in aiu or loreiga u- hlbltion rcaue nf the inlslnturpretntlon of t lie act ot tho World t'oltimblun Com. inUloii, on the report o( the committee on foreign affair of that body, arrangements for securing exhibit from South American ir'pnhl!s. I brg to a hsu re you that neither i th committee nor th i Commifttlon ronsM. ored the measure in any 'rain a political ona. Come people can dl'cuvcr politic In tho Lord's priyer, hut If thrn nni any ot thl clnss In the Commission they nro fort un-itely nulttiT numerous nor laSunntlal. Tho rpot of tho comutltto' waa unanl riiuinly uccepted and referral to the appro prlute department, lour respectfully, IttoMAs M. Waller. In answer to this Mr. Illainu tele graphed tho following: lion. Tiiomi M. Waller. Chicij;o: washing, X.ir. 26. DIspatvh received. VI.' woll thit nds wull. James C. Hlaixe. Tho report of the financo committee flvinfr tkn llnrtr nt tm sjirMtnrtr nf that tcadinir f the bill I . . . ,.- ,, J i J asked me to in- 1"1t managers at S2.000 per annum was Saw Toss, Ke. ? Oesld waa bv s Tribes neestst lest eveateg aad asked whether there weshi te any farther chaagea is the maeagemeat ef the Union Pacitt Me a as we red: "Ne farther ehasgee are esstestpf sled. Mr. D.lloa wilt devote himself Is the Valid lag ap ef the property, and has practical espertoaee aad thorough kaewledge will sees hare th!eftcL tie to famil iar with the read, which will make his task easier teas tt weald have Veea ia aa eatlrely aew aad untried business Mr. Dillon to as eU mas. aa yon asy, but It waa at as advaaeed age whea Mr. Vaaderbilt was king ef every thing. aad Mr. Dillon is etresg nad feariear both in mind nad body." Ia regard to the Fraacis Adama in reeigaiag deacy, Mr. Gould waa somewhat reluc tant to speak. "We did set see It" he said, "until wo were es the train on our return. Mr. Sage was extremely In-4 dignaat aad I doubt If he would haw entered tbe board if be had heard tbe address. I was surprised at tbe teae of I It for when Mr. Adams came to see me last weok bo thanked me for my effort Ills slatr- was Tbo fact is, as I understand, tbat tho directors really knew very little about what tbe pr.dcut was doing. There is a p'cen of road out i. na a i' lL - --r " ii ii WHff ftt FARMING PAYS. bCbbabBbBbBbBbBbv B aaaaSsBSaaVBrwwBr ?L v.. " .... .1. .1 n vlou- .f , -.. !,,!... ,. I Mi,iHC" iwaipT. .. . j vr. MV V. .45u w. f . ..... " m.Hr w.a t rntvifiv a tiAaMi AsAlnilw ia and A!" WrL. ih'j throe ifrrat fr til prT Incca of North- wrstrra Canaila. bav p,rlsr Un th nsoatcarefully watrbfHl portion of thn North American cnliR,ni dnrlr-c tbo psvatycar. The tbr prulncra bv tren aptly termed the ffrn.?i anl paatsre of Cana-I. Manitoba bu aearly ,4,es.)e actt or n rieat ef Charles H. peculiarly adajstl to tbo j;nth the ureal- ef whtat and other c?rral. AinlloU aaaaosHeining inrr .,,ww.wi o,.-. ,. fat land- pn;Jatly IUMp to mlttnl farming, and AlbrrU has -fsCW.OOO acr of land si fcrtllr a cjin l found. v; extn' of natural piur; and bruad dUtrict rich tn coal. mlnorU Ami timber. In theo tbrsi provtner xhntn is an abundant watr supply, furnlshwl by a multitude of lakps rlrcr. erk and spring, and no portion of thjrlobo can claim a mart healthful cUmato. no; one b!tUr lapul to tho growth of tho 1 noat graJei of wboat. or 5o pwUutlo agriculture In all tv brnchc. Thn past season was a flnn Illustration of ia Utah graded and ready for tho rails, J wonderful advantACo and product land purchase bill by tho Government at tho commencement of tho last av-ffion Mr. Moriey communicated with nu as to tbe course to bi ndoptrd. Having regard to the avowed absence of any policy oa the part of tho Liberal icuicrs'nnd parsy with regard to tho matter of Hid Ian 1 oil I trongly a'ivlscd Mr. Mor.ey aalr.st any direct challenge of tho principle of State tided land purchase, nnd flndmjr that the fears and alarm of the Kngllsh taxpayers to State aid by the hypothecation o! Krauts for local purposes in Ireland n a counter ituar- antee had been assuaged, that lite hopeless struggle against the principle of the meat ure shou.d not bo maintained utid that we should direct our sole effor:., on thn second rcadlnajof the bit1, to the assertion of thn principle of local control. In this 1 um bound to say Mr. Bloricy entirely agreed with me. bnt he was at tho sumo time much hampered and expressed hit snuu o( his pos tlon In that direction by the attltudo of j Many thanks. toe extreme stcilon of his party led by Mr. Labouchere, and in a subs rjuent Inter view he impressol upon im thu necessity or meeting the second wiin a direct negative an I and although it is 150 mi es long tbe dl rectors know nothing about It There is another picco eighty miles long In Southern Kansas, on which I bellev tho rails have been laid. It does not connect anywhere with tho Union Pa cific system, and the directors were sur- building it These extensions and the purchase of the Oregon rail war and i navigation, which I think waa a wlw one,bave created a considerable float- jvencaa of th country; wheat and oth? cereals, roots, vegn tables, bay. ri4 . all yielded enormou's crop-s and thor' i more genulao pnwirily and eonunt montU-dy amonjc tho wttlorsof North western Canaila. than hx lon r cnlcd In tbo blorjr of any newly opfrl agricultural nplcm. Among all thf-o millions of amof fertile lands, fr as air toalt nho ? for now homes, upon t)i'm. ?ttlor from ' owry nation of Kunvt, !rm tho obUw ing debt but It can easily bo handle L ' ar of I anada at:d frm many partw oi "What is specially surprising Is tho ; tho Tnltl Sutra n rapidly cwrlwn addition of about 4.000 natres to tbe , farms and l-vltfg th foumlatlen fern pay roll and I have not yot been nbte to futdre compottinry llnd any one wbo can explain the in-' creasa Tho fact is that tbe road bas ! been run on principles that have never before boon carried Into practice Com now, toll mo bat dertako tho motion 1 igrccl to this, hut only nn condition tint 1 um iu: t utt-irk the principle of ihtr m usurc. biu ii. c-oulluu myself to crltk-ism of its details I think his was false strategy, halt us uloptevi out of rrgard to Knj;llsli pi cjudlcus and rad ical peculiarities. ' 4lnntnl ..ml t 1 .tfl ,1.. PAtMn.t.i.t.a. .t- i4viti'i aim u t.., fcnu vuiuiitosiuil Jiu- journed sino die. Arcordmjr to the by laws tho next tucetin? will take place in April. The World's Fair lady managers took un and discussed at irreat lenirth the Just beloro tha comuitncoinent of this ,,uestion whether or not the board session I was avaln fiivured with another , i ... . ., Interview will, "lr. Morley I Impresau I t l'ou ll request tho managumont of tho upon him thd policy of un oblique mc.hnd j l'a'r l close tho show on Sunday. It or procedure with reference to land, pur j was finally voted 28 to 31 to do so. chase and the necessity utid impottancc of i proviJIngfortho qii(stion of local control CORRECTED CENSUS. andof limitation in thu upplk-atiuii of fund. I uuxn-uu wi.uinej.nu i ii.tcii 10 movo on Tli -.rlll..l i-....ui-,i f ,v- ... - w.w .....'.h. ...w... p. ..... j. ...r. iwmw9 ". to move on the first reading of the bin mi iii.mntliiifiit in favor of this local control, ndisln tuat irthis were rejected it mi,ht bo left to Hn. radicals oa thu second road in t; to oppo o tho principle of tho mcauiruL 'ihi up . termitiation of tho popu' pcared to be h propnr courtuiitid I lult Mr. ' of tho country. '1 ho t Money nnucr mo unicsi"!i in-t tins MlStit .! llrl atnlln. Hut before 1 can admit ot your par- I Jns? vour addreasos tonivdaua-hler." .t The . th father. '1 mi'it know tho oiUini of dinerenco Dvtwoen the two presidenu ; your debt. i very aimpio oui very great- .sir. un ion is an honest practical railroad man, while Mr. Adams is a theorist. "When I was in Kansas City last I beard that Mr. Adams personally owned a controlling Interest In tbe stock yards there, and that the railroad was dellv you on. "in that case, air." said the suitor, "will you kindly permit me ! tain a chalrr'l'hlladelplila Time. ttrlngla? t'p th l4t. Head of tho J rm -That a protly oring llvo-atock at rates that barely cov- touh looking oJllcoroat jou aro oar ercd tho cost of transportation, while Inl? around. Mr. Travors. thn n.trw)r v-.U k-aMl B! DtMl fWkt l (h-i I TraVOrS. Yc, T, I Cot this nllh n til -c wouiu iuii io my uuiy. istu in ai:i;n v ho made mc a rcmatkablo pr posal. Ueferring to ill probuhte itpproueiilni; victory of tbe Xlbrral parly nt the polls he suggested some onsldi rations as t. the fu ture ot tho Irish piity'nnU ho asked me whether 1 would bo willing to msiuiih! the rflice of Chief Secretary for Irelaml or whether I woulJ allow another member of my party to take tbe position. He a so put before me the desirability of filling oneot the ofilccs of tbe Crown in Ireland by a lesnl member of my party 1 told hliu. amused as 1 was at tho proposal, that I could not agree to forfeit In any way thu Indepen dence ot the party or nny of Its members; that tho Ir.su people had trtHtcl me in this movement becauie they believed that the declaration I h id made to them tCork In 1SS0 was a true one and rvpre- I rented my convictions, and that I would ' on no account depart from It. 1 considered that i.fter tho declaration we had ropcatcd and msdo the proposal cf Mr. Morley that wo woul 1 i How ourselves ta bj nbsorbrd Into English politics was one based upon an entire misconception of our p sltlon withrtg.irJ to our Irish constituents and of tho pledges we had given. In conclusion ho directed my attention to tha plan of campaign. Ho said that it would be im possible for the Libural party when it at talaed power to do any thing for these evict ed tenants by direct action and that it would also bo Impossible for tb-j Irish Parliament under the power conferred to do any thing for them, and flinging up hi hands with agesturuof despair, he exc aimed: "Having been In Tlpporary, 1 do not know M-iiat to propose in reard to tbo matter." I told him this question was a limited ono; that I did not see that he nerd allow hlnnelf to bobsmpcred by its future consideration; that f. nds would be available from America aad elsewhere for tbe support of those ten ants as long as might be necessary; that of course I understood that it was a difficulty. but that it was a limited ono and should not bo allowed to interfere with tbe general In tel est n of tha country. I allude to this matter onlv because with in the list few daya a atrong argument In many minds for my expulsion has been that unless the Liber ls come Into power at the next general electioa the plan of campaign tenants will sutler. A I have -bowa the Liberals propose to do nothing for tbe plan of campaign tenants by direct actioa when th y come into power, but I :.m entitled to ask thst thn existence rd these tenants, whom 1 havo suprorted la ev-ry way in the past and whom J snail con tlnue to support in the future, shall not constitute a reason for my expulsion from Irish politics. I have repentmlly pledged uiysclt to st-tnd by thcs evicted tcnana nud they shall not be allowed to suffer and I believe tbat the Irish people throughout the world will support nits In this pol cy. I uo not believe mm any action oi too Irish prople la supporting mc will ndarg-r the home rule cause or postpone thu estab lishment of an Ir.sh Parliament. Hut even If th danger wiih which we are threaten d by the Ubcral party of to-day wero to be realized 1 bo! it vc that the Irisli people throughout the world would agree with sne that postponement would be prefer able to a compromise of our National riilits by the acceptance of measures which would not realize the aspirations of our r.t e. 1 havt the honor tn remain ycur faithful servant, Chaulks Siuaki l'auxru. Slight Increase. Washington. Nov. 2S. Superintend ent l'orter has completed bis final del ation slat sties try. Jhu total differs by 141,710 from that contained in tho bul lot n issued from tho Census Iliircau on October UvS. This change is due to tho correction of errors of what is termed thelirstor rough count and tho addi tion of names ascertained to havo been omittod from tho enumeration. Tho verified population of the United States in 1899is03,Cl!a lly States and di visions it is as follow: North Atlantic division, 17,401,545 Maine, GoI.OSG; New Hampshire, 37rt. 5110: Vermont 332.422; Massachusetts. 2,338,94.1; Ilhodo Island. 345,o0; Con necticut, 740,258: New York. 5,097,859; Now Jersey, l,444,03o; Pennsylvania. 5,258,014. i-outh Atlantic division, 8,857.020 Delaware, 108,403; District of Columbia. 230,392; Maryland. 1,042,390; Virginia. 1.055.9S0; West Virginia, 7D2.794; North Carolina, 1,017,947; South Carolina, 1.151,149; Goorgia, 1, 8.57, 553; Fior.da. 391,422. North Central division. 22,3rV2,279 Ohio. 3,072,310; Indiana, 2.921,404; Illi nois, 3,S2G,:;51; Michigan, 2,093,889; Wisconsin. l.GSC,8S0; Minnosota, 1 301, S26; Iowa, 1.91L89G; Missouri, 2,079.184; North Dakota, 182.719; South Dakota, 32S.80S; Nebraska, i. 058,910, Kansas, 1, 427, 09G. South Central division, 10.972.893 Kentucky, 1,858.035; Tennessee. 1,707. 518: Alabama, 1,513,017; Missinsippi, 1.- 289.000; Louisiana, 1,118,587; Texas, 2. i.532; Oklahoma, 01.831; Arkansa 1. 128.179. Western division, 3,027,013 Montana, 132.159; Wyoming, 00,705; Colorado. 412. 19S; New Mexico, 153 593; Arizona. 59.020; Utah, 207,905; Nevada, 45,701; Idaho. 81.385; Oregon. 313,707; Washing ton, 349.390; California. 1.208,130. the stock yards earned ft. 000. 000 ia tbe last year. This Is something we never permit on our linen. "The change In tho management of, tbo Union Pacific insures harmony among Western railways and the forma-' tlon of a strong assoc atlon on about tbe basis suggested by Chairman Walk er. It was tho Union Pacific tbat broke up tbe 'gentlemen's agreement,' al though Mr. Adams was actlvo In form ing it It will be tbe purpose of tho now association not so much to advance I rates as tocnablo tbe railroads to irnt those now supposed to !o In force. In stead of a great paraphernalia of agonts and Kolfcltors, tho association will havo central agents in tho large cities and tho frolght can bo routed under tho orders of tho committee chosen iraTors. ics, a r. i stu irm wiwi the laat raise Ih my salary 1'uok. IV wren tor- I want to loll you, Ur llornblowor, hotv touch I hkd your M-rmon on brotherly loo yoatonlay morning. It w?. powerful and right t tho point" Df. llornbloiir i am very glad If you oBjiVed It," II. "Kn joyed It! Welt. 1 should ay I ltt' There aro a Ut uf ;xH)pto In that eh u rah that 1 bato like kiuoii, and you atuiplr gavo them fit," lloston Ctxtrter. The Value. Of IIiumI's rrai-rilia ru.4j I- tratttth u tslly trtjrulnsttlr fenrrt hil f-w inii III Its UMI th fimnjt)fi -n mIHol f tre-ii. till lltrf, IH-sl rtkttn f-n ) but till CtmkJ. Catarrt U (nlilulluul In riurttrr by tho association. Tbe saving by tbe , E7Z:iXrZZ abolition of tho Independent officers HrirUiu--k n ti-a- at u tiiut-- wlll bo very large, whllo rates will be very oaslly and firmly maintained. Railroads will get the rates In the pres ent schedtilo and traffic managers will have tlmo for othor work than listening to yarns about rates by aorao other lino. Such an agreement will preserve com petition for It will tend to glvo tbe lit tle roads a cbanco. whito tho present mothod Is driving them Into tbccontrol or tho larger systems. I think every Stato in tho Union ought to pasa laws compelling tbo observance of an agree ment on that basis." SOME SILLY SNICKERS. A MAS. giving the name of Lindley at Beatriee ta ether rf. on ike charge of breaking into a farm noose and gaUserimg-in n eaaji tity ot valnable plnader near Bnrehard. Two Fried ksy. ia aad la yeaaol ngsj.-aaaaed U Dine aad Hasn DUWn, awrreled, van th former draw a knife and slashed tha la tbar three U cat acrean tha faet aalngnlte She "Look at tbat lady, Charles. Isn't ber bonnet heavenlyr Ho "It is rather high, that's a fact" CnAKLEY Hollo wnEA "I bad a weal funny dweam about mesclf lawst night,' SarcasUc Friend"! didn't know you were subject to nightmare." FACETiors Yoctii (during second shave) ''No matter which way you draw the razor von shavo down-' Bar ber "Yes, and you may razor repeated ly without much fuzz." Walkei: "Good gracious, Wentman, how you have changed only a gbost of your former self. What have you been doing?" Wentman "Following out the 'Health Hints in tbe newspapers." Disccssiso the New Baby. Mrs. Glib "Yes, if any thing can reconcile me to tbe babv's lanrc couth it is the- thought tbat when she grows up she will have plenty of pa for talking." Willix "What makes you come to our honse so often. Mr. Hankinson? Do yon want to marry our Irene?" Miss Iteae (taken by surprise, bat realizing with rare presence ot mind that Mr Haakiasoa has to say something now) Willie, yon impertinent boy. leave the room. "Hew did yea manage ta sell Hew te Make Hoate Attractive to that woman? Caavaaafr "When she came lata tbe parlor I rose as if to leave, aad. begged bar naraoa far calling, retnarking that I aaw she did net need any saca book. (Ska Tseagat tare cap.) Fiatsx ArmT "I received a atagait-ceattribntotomvskiUtheataerdarat . ...... -- . . :r . . .1H saa esatainoa-" jeeaaa anm "in deed! What waa it?" First Artist "Yea know tha fictfrra A Storm nt Sear Well, a ataa aad his wife were wianrtaa; it, aad I overheard the fellow say. Caaat away, my dear: that nfctnrs t Said to lie ".Voajr" Cohaa. Dui:a.;o. Cal., Nov. 2a A band of Navajo Indians wero horo yesterday from their reservation in the southern part of the State. While they say "they aro not in if they show from tbc!r actions they aro greatly excited over tho reports from Dakota and it would take but little to indtico them to join tho Siour. They would talk but little and claimed to have some com munication from tho north. Theii theory is tbat tbo Messiah is none other than Isidore Cobcn, wbo was known throughout Southern Colorado as "Nosey" Cohen, a leader well ac quainted with their tongues and cus toms. Many of the Southern Utes talk of tLo craze with little interest Over aa KmhmmkmnmU Kaxsas City, Kan.. Nov. 28. Six heavily loaded freight cars went over an embankment at tbe foot of Minne sota a venae nt 2:90 o'clock yesterday afternoon, creating a sort of a paaic among tha iahabitaataof the little but, in that immediate neighborhood and almost totally destroying tbe cars. A Missouri Pacific engine was engaged in pusbing a Northwestern transfer train over to the latter company's yards when tbe front car became derailed and tumbled over the embankment Before tbe engiae cenki be stopped Ire other cars were forced over tbe embankment No one was injured. WON BY VALE. Vale Win the tlreat rt-tell VtmtottAn Areidfut That Mtghl Have Mmm Mora frlou. Nkw Youk, Nov. 28. Tbe foot-ball gamo at Eastera park. Brooklyn, in which tho interest of and every lover of foot-ball has beoa centered has been fought and tho blue banner of Yale flies proudly in tbe breeze while the orange and black of Princeton trails ia defeat Princeton's dofeat waa comnletf. ber ' scoro being 0 to Yale's 82. Tbe game was witnessed by at least 30,000 spectators. About 12:25 o'clock the crowds that wero seated oa the free stands on the eastern side made frantic endeavors to get a place of vantage. In the scramble tbat followed a vast throng of men whowcreataadingin front thought they could see a way whereby they could get scats In tbe ruab. They crowded onto tbo seats, which were onUaarv portablo base-ball seats, made of cast iron with planks across for seats. Tho minute tbe rush began aa omin ous crack was plainly beard. It waa followed by a crash, a roar, which was soon drowned by the voices af men and women crying out in distress. Tbe north end of tho eastern bleachers had fallen and many were injarwd, and the cheers and boms were hnshnsL It was half an hour before the crowd recovered its wonted gaiety. They could net ho'd off any longer, and aa Us time far tha beginning of the game waa near the shock of the secideat was soea forget tea in tbe expectation of aeeiag tha contest tr Umlnatln lb Imixirttl In lit (th! H tuilM ami font l, ami Uf f"tM" lhe ffrviml Mrabrno ti healthf mit'tillnn, A hn-'h !- Ins full Infornisihw "III t mi r t all Im witalu K. n. H tare to i !? Hood's Sarsaoarilla HoM t?y all 1 nMtt . r ci. i iom a eu- ri !" furs, t'f jMrr.l nl .l-rfhe. Iell. !. KM Doftt One Dollar as- aw , ABDOMINAL BANDS aBBBBfaBBBaataV CMVAf lsTsaaTsssssVaVj rWrvP asj IWswaw rTwsswr 6ARMEHTS. IrfalMITfCTIMhi I1CIS taw no te YS. It sat cm Ifrws ll p nsst um m or iajst, u4 okmuar. fsf MM 91 1 a -f L BC"','sB m r An Trata Wn.Kr.tnAKKK, Pa., Nov. 2a Twc Hungarians, Mike Herdtck and Dennis Chesna, were arrested for attempt! ag to wreck a train on the Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western railroad near Ply mouth yesterday afternoon. Tha Hun garians were seen trying to fasten two large eonnliaff plan te tha mala track by the engineer aad iremaa af aeoal train, waa tank them te the leekaa. A fast mail trala waa aearly daa aad aa awfal calamity waa areaaUy averted by the timely discovery af tha tiea oa tha track. Tha ansa warn aald ia ne.W ball far trlaL l50iAWAaacJs lad.. Kav. it la lift Omar X Bailey waa caavSetad af acetaaarj ta tha awarder l Harriaaa, afarnsaraf aad ntattawid ta tha lita. G aa4tfcia arsaraf aa aa will aa Ktsrasras, Maw Xar. Haatittaa at.Kiftgataa rati way New Oxlxaxs. Nov. 28. Taa boat T. P. Leathers, Caput a W. Lamb, bound from Lakepert Miaa. far Kew Orleans, was destroyed by Ira at II o'clock yesterday morning aear Fart Adams, Mis The boat aad a total loss. The chambermaid and fear aboata. all eolored, were lent. The T. I. Leathers waa a stem wheat heat built ia 1 aad awaad fry Cea iwb i. v. iateersv or thta city, cost 44.aca. was valaed at f34.aa iasared far tM.ana. Mwhadaaaataiaaa bales oa Tasard. Da waa kaaw aaeat OTTM rXAawrr. UVSM WXaTD-FBOOr LaVATKZK JACXXTS, Frfaaa, MusHf tsrtom fm jftein mmun. Ia there a aWheel Maaae ta wear town waatlaar a "aTTs aaVsTa tar ttm fh rtst iianui. 6. W. SmMORS a CO., ,MA-A Wnt MM NTS fasfflNavi. aaaataasrsrun aaasaassa PRICKLY ASH BITTERS raast- Iimi itlli smsttaUrmlanaaaalsm wnfsw aarswsn na taaraawat aa asafe wawasiav afnsBas5ai0 awvaTLf . aw raraas nartai msji aaya. trarWa. CwH Wslrwrlali aaswasasirsaaf r fatOMT ! aflfaa asnaarfasnjsjaatad h aa'imgM tatrawaj-rfa. MasafJnW at altwlaaalfa hWihkWhml Mtal CmiXfowntE. Ma. JNav. license waa granted Tasaaajafi to Joaa Kaiaey aad Mies Jeaia R KiUnara. aad la a few aaara aftar. ward CI areata fdmaadaea aad kla father asked far Ifaeaaa far Car eaee ta wed Mian Killtwa. It ejaastioa waa waaM ha taa ta wad aha atrL hai heat stalaey ta taa hiaan af aad teak aar ta, wtula waa Ufa aatiasaa m0tmmimm,nmc9 aal BBBaBaTaL aad aw fat aaalaBaBn4at aa--"- w s ai wf aaaasaavaaaf saaaaysas aaaasaV m raaaftaa Trwa WUtt. tnaat T Tin IflilaaliiipiHiaH Hi Will llWatilllllasWsaTaWtaalilawat "sTjslWa.il MlnWI.'aatsaaTaajtasaV HWr IM awTltaaf jja, Rsaw laa bt am al Lai 1 1 kl I wbata waa alaa araataaV laakvl awtsV af - -. T B VaMsW aaaaW Baaaaaaaaaaaamai" fl Baa gM bv OaFawVaf sffTaf7fatftaTaaa aatataw aaBswpVaaaV awsavsnman -- ppwwssaWBPBwaassVarBBto laaiara Caaat v. twaaty ntaiai ata aasaana P-itsiaryfi. t. ha va parlsaW fra. saald aaarvV HIHf VaSaLT MMmL WW mm a a--a a a- taBatan afAMsa BaBsVll-Bsar aXaWBaVasa BanasanaaT--BaTi aaaa-a-sa-. ag-.-- , T MmBfWWT aMst yaaBTtMaW aWat m nstaTaBawaf V9mWJ saswafsaaaaW BaBaBBTaSaaailsBfc WglflfaWMfcal . . wawanaaaamaaBBWaa ta aa. -BaasaBSBasasasBsafa -s-aaaasa aaC-l i fsawafatlrfpawBw - -sam .. as -a -a - ' wSV-r SBB Bfp ' m MMUaM aa-iLaaaah---M- asav -wa -a. JT maB anBBaBBBBTnBF aTuanrasaa Otaaamieaaa. aTtMtanaaaaai aaaawsaa sat au a SSZSVB2&Jmm'Hm XMmataaa, MeBh-wa. - - - - -- wfmmmfimmuiK BatasaahS8a-. BamUtaata tlda plans yea --- --- -i-.-"-gy' -9mEKMKTr?awm-w fwmally aaaaed asss-a ia taa -'' - " -- - " -- lr!jll--B-H-B-l--K-BB-D . . t -s . . - a- i -ra- b -r-i tr m mi mbbbbk bib k Hr--. t i- w m bbbbbbbb bbbb -bbbk - - bibw b-bb-bbbbbb bbbv BWl'a-aTWBW BBaB-i BBaaBaBT. " - 1 ' aa ------- - --p- -- - - --- " ww--a-av h- m fBaaBaT9r aaaKa aBBW aBaaWaa rBBaBBWBBBa-- B IHB uBa i. A r? j " . - -.-.-.-' -v '-.-.', . - v .'-- . B-aBBBBa-ia------a. "" ",.-- ' - . ' . . - w. . - . - ' -'-.-- : -.'...' .-i.. - . '. .... ' - -' VL-- , . - ." l - . .-,!. - r-fc. . . t. v- ju . ' . -. . .- j-. . :-. i - -r - ., - .1 . , . - - : r - . - -. '. . BTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT " '"- "'-- "r ----".-.'-'---.i- . "i'V. -.-. .-da3! -rt!ia--..-a..-.---y..Am-B... Aa-J..---. . ?. aEBLtieF -. W- .-- tatday aad anil ha Satuday. waawa graad gtvan here la haaar af 4 '