The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1890, Image 1

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fe-r " ' "J '-.'".-' ": " '' . ' v" - , ij-sawnwk -bm.bbj wama
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" Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
. - L
" i - -- - "' ' bbbbb --BBiBBBaanB)JaBBTW'BfcBanmBantgBBBBi,' ' BBaTT JT. jSTZtLSbb. llJll . - 'mfBBBETj .J"liBgaSSamTSBlB- flCrwUKlMAnMHnV -.'S--,P.'fc
.'"-pHBfliailiK' jJtefeEjpf' i ,atm.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigr -MMt.rx-i ; x. - 5 4viiiiiiiiiiif aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBMiBriTW i " 1 an "fyaW nr iifa i v " Uf
rrjScBrr'rfapBaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBtt-'Ba yBBBBBBBiilBaKyBBaaaaaPBaaaaaaKfrt4ttyarBKHr MaMaaaaaaaaaBBBBBPBBBBMBBMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaP A lllllllllllllllllPlB'VHiiaiiaAviiViiii HuESSKB$jS3KXtf
ajyS.-' -
rs- r
' ,
By A. C. Hosmer.
McNitt & Galusha,
Want you to
$8.00, 6.50, 5.Q0, $3
Suits in Men's Sizes before buying.
Boys' and Children's Suits
We sell Underwear Cheaper than anyone in
in the city. Our line of
Is a little nicer than you are used to looking at.
Silk Handkerchiefs of every description
at correct prices.
a .mi
Ercr seen In Red Ctond, and I shall kcII it at price that all ran
afford f e nay. My goods arc ALE XEW.
Repairing a uneelalty. I am located in Collinr' Drag Stare, on
Wert Side Wcnster Street. Call and sec me before yon
decide to buy.
PAID UP CJPnjL,$50,00Q.
Bcbc you can pet the lowest rate.
Mcaae you can set your money Immediately.
neaaeYe do not send your application all over the country for some one else to fill.
cchm we can frive you the best terms.
KecaH3 interest and principal is payable t our office, and if desired we can cive accomoda
tion on the interest payments. ."-
lleeaN3-ou will be pleased with owr aunaer
Red Cloud, Neb.
Ho 1 There !
r S F. SPOKESFIELD hss eveiything in
the Dry Coods and Grocery line and sells"
Try him if you want square dealing.
"ii""3-sE. '
see their
For winter wear from $1
is Coming
Silverware, &c.
of business, and save nosey.
kre tlae, save
Albany, New York.
" 1" - I-.- J-A-Tat: RbbbV- .--.'-.: J'ITt TJ-.,-.rJr-.-M.g-- B.WBrlatrJSariLtiBtLT.v, -f- "s& aBBBBBBBBBnm
.';-.-v..-civiv:.A.-';,vt.r.',;-.t:,.,Y . -r r.AV-u -.-i?J;.'V'-,A,'-i---j.r-,-- ija'-i; tv.v, "-j-.i?SrTr.-mi.-r'."Jv-',-. -;-- - -.- , '.i- j - " " -"-"" - -- -.- .- -..t .- -- tm--sr--vsrst!nwtM.- -TifryiBinnBTrr "-- - -'- - .--s -
Si aaaBBMBan ii TrSMrlfH- &tefiiT ym&frti tahsvinmimitifrb, .laiW-r,--' - iw :r:.i- --- ; -iflririilm jaMaasnnnmnnnnnawfcga
to $16.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan AcK''r
Red Cloud
Miles T. Hayes'
Patent - Collar !
For sale by J. O. BUTLER
Bed Cloud, Buckeye
TO. Ma mjrm
ova via
!TQfl Q&
ffiffivam Jnlmnnw
nB.1 JVTnivonannfnnr
mvi limnmnHnnGnaPK
i nnnnnnnwnnnnav
nmnmm mVmnnnnnnnnnnnnnVpVTsf
- mJmf V-mnmnf
. 'Scn9anwssfwnP''
aml I HsuImKV-. nQjL
" SsaPFfeSs - mSFAZBrZTEZm ,5fciTg-y. wmnn?,fsjiafnjnfvnMgsn . t
- I KsTfi-ir Iff- TinirTnisTi auirnosu. . dklmmmmk tmr aitk hmmd- -a.-ZT' T. T 'MsaVr.raWsTV-: ?-? i -anwnfaaaOaAnRBnaaS V
m " . i.1..- - -- . , - . j . .h ii mm - . mmm -iM.. . a.... . it -w r- . -. mrtmm jn j
wmmmmm, . aivilsaH.lraiBi.n AMnirnsd. - - " -- - -"- - ---- . - imV.CIaBBrawaaaannl-n 'tJaVaamBBBBBBPnnanl aMHaWVaV wnnnnnnnnVal --. .JwsTt-
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, December
at tho opera Iioubo
Al Cummiiitfs of Beatrice wah in the
city this week.
Xook out for something now in tne
musical line at tho opora house next
Elder Garner is holding protracted
J meeting at the Christian church. Mr.
mer w an aoie mmisxer.
The ladies aid society of the M. E.
church, 3d division, meeta with Mrs.
Goble on this Friday afternoon.
Miss Liottie Sterner recently received
a handsome gold watch on the occasion
of her 15th birthday.
Mrs. Alex Fatten (nee Miller) and son
have returned to Red Cloud where they
will remain in tho future.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
Ranney every Thursday, during the
month of Dec. Meet promptly at li p. m.
Old Santa Claus is notifying the peo
ple in this vicinity that ho will be on
hands at tho usual time. See his an
nouncements in this issue by various
A bald headed woman is unusual be
fore she is 4o, but gray hair is common
with them earlier. Baldness and gray
ness may be prevented by using Hall's
hair renewer.
In times like these, every nickle counts
therefore call at The Chiep if you want
job work of all kinds just as cheap m it
can be procured any where in the state.
Work guaranteed.
All those heating and itching humors
of the scalp; so troublesome to many
persons, are effectually cured by the use
of Ayor's hnir vigor. If not attended to
in time, theso diseases are very liable to
result in loss of tho hair.
Jack Miller, recently of tho Democrat
has severed his connection with that
paper, and it is now in the hands of
John Myers, its former proprietor. Mr.
Miller is a very forcible and versatilo
editor and The Chief is sorry to lose
him from nmong the fraternity in this
Messrs. A. P. Howard and Henry Lud
low, of this city, two of our young men,
State agents for tho People's building
loan and saving's association of Geneva,
N. Y., left this week for Concordia, Kan
sas. They havo that state for their
operations. The boys aro worthy young
men and are entitled to tho confidence
of the people.
The Chief wishes them
Jnnies Mobloy of Walnut creek town
shipis having more than his share of
affliction. It will bo remembered that
a few months ago ho had ono of his
boys injured so seriously by a horse
kicking him that ho died. A'fow weeks
ago a little girl had one of her limbs in
jured badly and tho chances are that
she will bo a cripple for lifo. Sho has
had several pieces of decayed bone taken
from her limb and has been under the
caro of Dr. Dennoy. On last Saturday
while Mr. Mobley was coming to Ked
Cloud after medicine for the girl, and
when almost here, one of his sons caught
up wiui mm conveying ine iniormation
that another boy had been thrown from
a horse and almost killed. Mr. Mobley
returned at onco to his home to look
after the little sufferer. He certainly
has the sympathy of his many acquain
tances in his neighborhood.
School report of district No. 27 for tho
month ending Nov. 28. No. enrolled 25
average dnily .attendance 20. Names of
those not tardy during the month,
Nellie Jones, Chas. Tennnnt, Guy Ten
nant, Eddie Jones, Earl Tennant, Jessie
McKeighan, Christian Reiher, Edward
Dickson, Roy Harris. Names of those
not absent during the month after be
ginning the term, Richard Tennant,
Paul Dickson, Lily Walline, Jennie Wal
line, Earl Gurnea, Willie Gurnea, Freddie
Walline, Tom Parley, Annie Yulerick,
Annie iseiner, Jessio McKeighan, Ed
ward Dickson. Patrons are cordially
invited to visit us and see our work.
Lida Smith, Teacher.
i M
Sinco the memory of the Nebraska
man runneth not to the contrary the
federal courts in this state have been
the forage ground of the sharper and
the shyster. They have been the terror
of the poor man and the honest man,
and the heaven of the rich man and the
dubious man. They have not enjoyed
popular confidence and esteem. Tn
nils state oi unngs 11 is aectuedly re
freshing to know that Judge Caldwell,
the newly appointed judge for this cir
cuit has some old-fashioned ideas of law
and justice and honesty. He has just
thrown out of court a case in which the
Al? A il ... .
plaintiff added the interest to the prin
cipal in order to make the amount 82.000 1
ana inns come under the jurisdiction of
the court He also firmly refuses to
allow attorney's fees in judgments, on
the ground that the federal courts
should follow the state law. He also
says that as a principle of law a contract
to pay an attorney's fee in case of suit k
void. Too much, honor cannot be paid
to the upright judge who puts reform
where it is most needed. Lincoln Her
ald. ...
Willow Creek. -
Miss Adda Edson of thtsplace won th
silver medal at the contest held at
Guide Rock the 20th of Nov.
Chickens along the Creek are dying of
cholera or something of that nature.
Mrs. Bon was the receipisnt of a verr
beautiful present on her 40th buthdsj
her father-in-law seat her a tray of
Charley Brubaker will farm Hsarra
place next season.
Will Lewis is belpiag Mr. Braatr with
his faU work.
Boawof the Alliaace brothers of this
lodge are oa the war aath.
Thirty-four aeighhors took
with A. C Boa Thaaksgma;.
. Bon west to Blae Mifl oa ta
aw aster Mrs. Baas.
natt seaooL bar mm
jfaTfr'n-r' gT.y-T-, " -- , ( rrnf bla fWesW saTwnV -. m: -- mis--- a Z
wmiwrii . - - ata.raan Md J l w?.-Br-.BFrH'7 --" ,--1;-?-?!.' ..' ww'- ,,",
wiaioc aoaoai at winnw cmir u ati. r.a - -- "Trr-1-- am waaiaaa aav::snT?anT,-xwaB.',nniv -;. ,."' ;-;-r:
TaM"3l k. . i! -'..' --. . : T: '--.-.- ' T" .f. '"""I; MSJWW. BBB .WSB :vr '. k&kAjBMMBat. --. BBBK?'aawaaaaaKZaaBBS3BBB "- --r'-i
y-- r,""Pf tae eeaat aaasvaam nnraaar aaanaaa. aaaaaj ava si,ruajaM v-.rjsy. :.-"... - i- am "mn- "- -, mnmaamaa - - r J
- -a a. .- -. - 3. . - --; .. saw waaar aaaaan a-aaavanwai of ' aaav na-.. r saaannnnnnnnnK: aaVaar-wFnFmawsnmaanawr. a
ill "T . I W B t-:s BJ - - - 7ZT-. L WBBBBBMl-.-iM. m7. ' - - - ...... - - . .. t -.- , .v-, j. 'I - -' ! -' --vs "w . T-i-.? "- .. ".-'.r&- -as
i : -: -m wmmm m. .&. SAflnaflk' k ,.--. - - .-. rr - bt -b- ' "f, i " ., . - . . r .jr. i ' -. ,-- -r -rs ms- . -
Elm Creek.
G. W. Conrod is tired of Nebraska.
He sold most of his stock not long ago,
intends going to Iowa soon.
Mr. Buckles has rented tho Thomas
Blunt place, which ho moved on to,
some weeks ago.
Thomas Crouch has had a wioduiill
put up on his place "
Henry Johnson andC. P..Jisen started
to northen Iowa, Nov. 20th with a car
containing their furniture, stock and
machinery. Their families aro goiug
this week.
Miss Mary Cockrell commenced a six
months term of school, at the Burr school
house in district No. 04, Dec. 1st.
Rev. Wolfe is holding a protracted
meeting at Elm Creek school house, it
commenced Nov. 23d, the attendance is
good and much interest is manifested.
Jeff Chaplin has rented the farm
from which Dr. Johnson moved.
Lyceum is in progress at the Burr
school house, meets every Friday night
P. W. McLaughlin spent Sunday
The dance Thursday ovoning was well
Miss Gracie Hicks viHited with 1'earl
Cnuflin on last week,
.Mr. Archer or Odell, attended Thanks
giving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cautli
man. Grandma Cox, returned Friday evon
ing after several months visit with
friends in Illinois.
Mrs. E. J. Soloman started Monday
evening to join her husband in Wash
ington. Congressman elect W. A. McKeighan
addressed a large audience on Wednes
day evening at tho G. A. K. Hall.
W.W. Goodrich, Chas. Williams and
Chas Turnbough returned from their trip
to Minnesota the foro part of tho week.
There are some rather light fingered
persons in this vicinity and unless they
stop their petty thiving they nre going
to he exposed.
D. M. Hunter is spending this week at
Red Cloud and Guide Rock on imort
ant business, Mr. Probasco of Blue Hill
has taken his place iu tho school room.
S .
Mrs. Otto Stock has been luck for
some time past but is some better at this
Dan Snyder has boon on tho sick lint
for a few days but is out again.
Mr McVay is not much butter, typhoid
fovor is tho trouble, Mrs. McVay is nurs
ing a soro arm.
Otto Stokes is building a now stable.
Mr. and Mrs. HickB have been in the
east part of the state for a few weeks
Mark Warner is building anew brick
house and it is nearly completed.
Uncle Poter McNittt is building a new
Dick Turner is boring a well for Uncle
Levi Moose.
Tho river is higher now than it has
been for several months.
School in district No. 31 closed Wed
nesday tho 3d, with a good attendance,
with Miss Sarah Fisher in charge.
Mr. Wobbermin is building a new
house 30x00. Tho old man is a rustler
and a good mechanic doing his own
mason and carpenter work.
Wo are glad to say we know of no
diphtheria at present writing across tho
Hunters from Red Cloud are vory
numerous in the country and they
should be very careful whose land they
hunt on and save themselves trouble.
Wonder why that new school houo in
district No. 31 was not built that was
promised in 00 days with its pillars of
stone and towering columns of marble
and roof of slate and carpeted floor and
cushioned chairs, this promise is like
many promisee made by the democratic
party that these promise makers belong
to instead of making their promises good
they go fishing.
H. B. Simons and wife were the guests
of Otto Stoke and wife on last Sunday
Reward, we will offer the following re
ward, one pumpkin and one squash to
any one that will give us any information
as to the whereabouts of that mammouth
law suit that was going to be brought on
the school board for moving the school
house in district No. 31 we hadn't heard
of any one being sent up to Lincoln
by the officers yet.
Pecks Bad Bot.
Some of our farmer friends are still
leaving Kansas to better their condition
in life. Whether they will make a suc
cess or sot, time will tell.
We saw a prairie schooner headed for
Kansas with this inscription on the cover
" in Uod we trusted and in Nebraska we
busted" sad on tne other side UU Kansas
to root, hog aad die."
Quite a number of farmers will run
short of feed before spring.
We took in the Big Indian show Sat
urday aight. We saw several others
from Kansas there.
Mrs. Mouatf ord has been home oa a
vist the pest week.
Methodist church quarterly meeting
wiUtjeteld at Pleasant Grove, Dec U
and 15.
a W.Barrett is in Newcastle, Wro
C Steffea has a ne w gir L 8m. .
Taeasaasla Pelalaea.
la a receat word oa heart dkeasd, Dr.
FraaVia Miles, the aetca specialist, gives
m&ayaewaalstarniag facta Thou
of people are slowly poises isg taseives
weaxssOs their Warts by the aee of tea
eoCee, tobaess) aai alcohol These are
heartaalBS, eaaanf it to beat rap&aly,
by Dr
We mU mm ef DeHiM' Httle
en tan say ataar aill: laeir
Is ta easy, nC grip or seass aaii,
are tae west jarsjalar ef tke Utst,
taassmensay wsaiamg it t, isisaais
ihni Ism af nrialh ssn ssini, pskn
ia sale aai saaanss, asagrj nai fasat
saaas Tiaswy srsswaa: af Ins Bastes
aiJw liala.( Ferwiifcisiiaarfkttate
kMrta tba nai'mmWn kUlr rm.
Frsnkaa Mass wbisa I fee sale at
ssa;ssxT8ssaa arc sac ww jipwaiw v saw uvwr. - r- -"tt" aai wal vsav-. aW nal' -; 'mnnwTsaaa-nBnr'wnwaV4BVsr
5, 1890.
SaaervMarw Praceeaincs.
Rod Cloud. December 1 1?90, 10
o'clock a. in. Board convened pcxucnt
to adjournment, T. J. Wilder iu chair,
number present l.", minutes of last
meeting read, corrected and approved.
Petition of Henrietta Henrueld for
the, appnumuent of the no se 1-1-10
univor.-ity land.-. Chair appointed a-.-aid
committee D. .McCallmu, W. II.
Marcus and L. I. Thoma.
llcort of committee appointed to
appraise section I, town '2, range 10,
also section 15, town 2, range It). Web
ster county, Neb., were as follow:
Ne lie 9-2-10 , 7
" 'C livf .
7JW llO UU ... ........... 5H
"w W . PH
No luv Uo , f 4 uo
NwtiM-iln too
Snruwdu 3d)
He IW do 2 s5
Nesw do ..
Swftwdo ..
2 TO
2 rr.
7 00
3 0
2 23
4 to
7 ui
3 CO
2 (8
7 00
4 00
2 U
Swsv d ..
He s.v dc ..
Nese do ..
Nw w d ..
Hwso do ..,
S se flu . .
Nc iw 15 2-W.
Xw uo do .
Sw ne do
ro ne
Xv nw
Hw n w
he nw
Nu !w
... ...... ..
.... .......
.... .... .....
.Nw sw do
V 5W do
He w do
Xe m; do
Xv o do
Sw e do
Se se do
Gloved and carried, that the report
of the committee he received and coiu
mittc discharged.
G. W. Hummel asked for an oppo
sition of $25 to assist Perry McVey of
Line township, who is sick and iu des
titute circumstance. Amount grant
ed and clerk ordered to draw warrant
to G. W. Hummel to ho appropriated
by him as is necessary.
By rcquc.-t of committee of public
lauds and buildings to appraise chool
land iu section lU-'t-ll. it wa moved
that a committee of three ho appointed
by the chair. The chair appointed
Thomas, Barcus and Frame.
Adjourned to 1 o'clock p. m.
1 o'clock p. m., number present 15.
On motion the clerk was ordered to
draw warrant to S. Foe of $75 on in
sane fund for relief of transient poor.
Committee appointed to appraise
the nc sc section 1-1-20 university
land, reported as follows:
That we, the said committee, ap
praise the said nc sc section 1-1-10 at
$.1.50 per aerc. Moved, that report of
committee he received and committee
Report of county judge for fees re
ceived for June, July and August,
read, approved and ordered on file.
ltepoit of county superintendent of
institute work was read, accepted and
ordered on file, (see report)
The resignation of Noble Sanford,
justice of peace, was read, accepted
and ordered on hie.
Report of county clerk for year end
ing Sept. 30, read, approved and or
dered placed on file.
Moved, that W. E. Thome he re
quested to make plat of road No. 55
son-eyed by him known an the Wheat
The resignation of E. J. King, coun
ty superintendent public ichool., was
read, accepted and ordered on file.
Moved and carried, that the ap
pointment of coanty superintendent
be set for 1 o'clock Dec. 3.
Petition of E. S. Doyle, B. C. Burt
and others for the vacating of road
commencing at a point between the
south-east quarter sue soath-wct quar
ter oi miction Zl-t-lZ and running
from said point north along the 1 sec
tion line through section. No. 21-IG-9
and 5 to a point where said public
road intersicU with the eotnty Hbc
between Webster and Adams counties
was received and read, also a remon
strance to Tasatuig Mid road. Upon
investigation it was moved and ear
ned mat saiu roaa re vacate a
prayed for in said petition.
On motion the coaaty attorney wa.
instructed1 to appeal from the decision
of the board of eoanty eesnmittee of
Thayer coaaty, rejecting the bill of
ebster county for the case ef Isaac
Williams, a pavper of said Thayer Ce.
and the county attorney was alsa di
rected to sign an aaaeal bend for
Webster county ia said ease and fie
the same as reqaired by law which
was earned.
Cotumittee on roads made report as
That road Ne: 59, commenting al
south-west corner ef section 1 aad
rsnaJBg thence east to KepeUicaa
river, petitioned for by G. W. Lind-
soy, Chas. Besse aad others, he gnat-
cuvh cunaiuuas laai laeaarusn waive
all wright of daaaages. The report ef
anamittce was aeeeated and lara. or
dered to aotrfj said petit
pertiagui favor efhwildiaaahtiage
23 feet lear ami ten feat
of 7i he made la heald said swniee.
Adjoaraea to Dmmhar 3, If a. m.
At 9 e '.leek a. a.. Piimihsr 3,
lBff.pfeseatto adjimimam heara
meveasd, amnbar pnaiat IX
Mitin hy vTUder that Bsary Faav
jar be ass nam eaaaanrnt far
eat Hill towashia.
JMoarl ef Saasxtrnwlnm ef -
wm, m rajova- w inaaT fmiUbig mrW-KWZm "-F9mWBm mB
Ii. II. Fort presented his
Itioa as clnrk of th dutrlct court of
j Wrbsior oauty whieh wa jcccptcl
Motion U CV.hir that C B. Crvtic
be splinted clerk of tho dutricl
court for Wr.btcr cuuufy to 11 va
caccy which tuotiuu was carrird. C.
U. Crone filed hi bond which was uu
Iy approved and wan swora :o ctfice
(ommittt'o appointed to tavestigatt
the claim of U. W. Morey msd re
port ai follow Thai the OOttfttj tv
fund to ). tlaum J 'I 17, redemption
for sale 15S7, and refund to Morey
thc sum of 01 cents for ISSi U and
US cents for 1SSH Ux aad that the
county treasurer trikc fom the uv
l.. .t i 2nn -.. ,..,.. i...- iu . l. .
lint, lit icju uu naiuu aeics ill uc ii. Dl 10 On motion the
report of the committee was accepted
and rcmruittce discharged.
The folloifing w2icn! bonds
ft 7(k4Va isuu.- W VI V
n f (ll liMalW - .mTm.
Wm KinK0. 11.
1 N'o '
- a BBB
no s.1
... uo 'Jit
Chas femoiscr
A Hedge
G Luhn
N Uurd
A J Dake
W II Cramer
Chas l'hel
Wm J Simpson
W S JutTrcv
J 0 Taylor"
H Pierce
!) l
, no
. ne
Phil Kddy
H anuebcrgit Uo
er a
..mi 10 45
M Shccly
TOU't I'l.KIlK.;.
David A. Andoron Oak ctcck, W.
II. I'onllewait ltcaver crfd, II. J.
Thcldon Elm creek, W. 0. Parker
Potsdam, C L. IMdy Inavatc, .1. M
llowcn Harmony.
CASVY. James drove Stillwater, Pliilix
Killough Stillwater, A. I). Kanucv
Wm. A. Garrison PoUidaui.
C. U. Crone, clerk of the district
Wm. Hump, Stillwater, John W.
Simpson, Puttndam.
M. C. Fulton Walnut crecK, Wm.
A. Garrison Potsdam, W. II. Ilooart
Oak creek, F. H Gariach Kim creek,
F. S Beaver Heaver crsck, Daniel
Snyder Line.
James M. Steely Pleasant Hill,
Mark Noble Walnut creek, C Schcack
lied Cloud city, John Stout Harmon v,
U. II. Allen Stillwater, Ajguf llus
chow Potsdam, James Duffcy Reaver
creek, John A. l'oyer Elm creek.
Board convened at one o'clock p. m.
with If) members preent.
A ballot for county superintendent
was taken which resulted ia the elec
tion of 1. M. Hunter.
The motion to appropriate $25 to
assist J. U. McVey of Llae towabip
adopted Dec. I'd was recOMidercd as
Mr. McVey hu been take In charge
by the Soldier's Itclie! cotamlMioe.
The coubIv treasurer was attracted
to hold .ill tdonv pd in on man
damus In case of school district No. 2d
until the next meeting of ths couatv
The report of tho presideat of the
Webster County Agricultural Society
was read and placed oa fie. Us
motion three hundred dollars was ap
propriated to said socle, ia accordance
with provision of section 12, chapter
compiled statutes of Nebraska.
Bond of 1. M. Hualer coaaty super
intendent of school was presented aad
OfRciai boad of K. M. F. Grabs,
justice of the peace of Garfield town
ship was approved.
Memorial from Hall couair to the
legislature or Nebraska is regard to
the care and custody of pebim ssoeeys
was presented aad eadorsed by the
board aad the clerk isstrsctod to pros
eat the same to the legUlatare.
Majority and miasritj reperts
from the committee ea elalms
ia regard to the pay ef Jadfss
aad on clerks of electioa was arss
eated. Os motioa the smefsritp
repert rerommeediaw that saah Jeasne
and ekrks be allowed tee tweney ear
vises was adopted am a t e4 net
vote, as fetlews: Tea MeCfa'om.
Bartes, Groves, Laird. Thsmat. Ham
meL Foe. Frame. Hall aad W Hear-10.
Nay-MeCall. CitW. Wells. rb.
Kakf , Alyea, Coon 7.
Esport of committee oa jery elaltae
wm adopted as reported.
The fbttowiag claims were aUewed ea
feaeral faad.
C.A.T.ariCfT fain
L. IT. Tott, twm, te
Omhae ntawblioas, priatisr. 44
U. W. Fewler. esr eff saeser. W t
Mst7a.atewer,wbiBcfsvprnasr 2
aLO.smw7srteeMssspr aw at
K.C. rawswtt.tisriisg MM
M. P. Waaaiy. psstscs sad esevesv St V
E. J. Kassj. aslary sisai Jat
I. U. Bessv iwpasrs at jol 1
Lrimh,tiisesarMa.Wsaiair Ma
atf-ai I Is pear m
lnsaam jrwwy att topese,
mill nuMMfiiur, assa
m. a aaamas. eswios; saw swasv, m49
I.B.Wntosa.sawssMtoseaaVeasw 1 a
naatv awsssnw aa. nsnwa,. an nw..
You 18. No. 19.
K. M Mrtlt U fut jail. 3 5
A. t lloamor, prttttiatf V mi
U J. Warm IT C?
C A. ftvvl, k.Uibat aad Imrjia,-
hiurws 1 CO
Mr-Nttt X Galuaha,cuodwfir r
McXitl A t;alua guulaf4r pMK -N
11. D. lUu.v. Us list tW liesj T t
11. I). IUkjm-jt laBmintf oxtttJcstssi
of elvtjon a! Nraiahiasi
jtnion prvsdiags 7 '
A. P. Joom, trooisi fr pr A .)
X. Mr hart, UMd for il 3 A
Jolm Jrmmm, Ulor .1 Ui
J. A. Mwo. rt couaty juihfssvf
Henry Ludlow, t'HaUas:
11. H. Hliiujn, oil
A. J. llayM, jfih for pw
P. If. Iloflc. iTOCnU fi fT
it i
i i
a. IU t?mjr, prtettat
Martin A: Hoti, sxds tr poor
Kob't DatuprvlL mdkl arvka
Tho following claims were alio! oa
bndgrt funI.
IfcC,Olmnt(4t. rp4riii brkls u 75
J. A. Ilauk, tattor on brhtirs H 7ft
t;H, Va WWt, Ubur oa txriihps. !
J. It, Uankm " - 74
W...lliatA "
A. A. IVatc. - - I Ui
John IVltiicknr, - 12 H
Itottnl Uin aloanil in lworiUr
1th ut i oVhck.
IVvint ounvenl parseaat W aJfaatw
lUMtt, Dee. 4liutV 'ikk ., s4ki
uinmlr jitat.
!t4ort of eoeamitt ea Uba pt
cntnl. utitd aal wsrtsat tmteJ
Jrawu ou Ihmum faaJ.
f W Tutior-, meJWat ft,
C, A. Tl, liBrlr tmem,
U II. Fori, itiMrkt Hurk to,
1. S. OtMmttf. -
H..H. Mrll., w
J. L. Hume,
Tho following etftitwr !
brliSo fuini: .
Win Iron-,
Joj Wnti5ii, Av Ljiurn
W K. Iloker.
Hi .
tt if,
t H)
atkmd ii
II til
? SO
19 4
y wi
n t
' u t
y a-i
& iu to
It. H.Tlbbtvj
UrtlTJ t;t!lJiIS,TI
nio, llurr,
i. t). Thomaa,
TraUom I.umtif Co.
S. J. XtUllrll, p4l(Nl,
w. t. Iluiumcl,
V. 1 1W.
Cowl l.timWr Co. HpitU,
A. .MCt'ftU, &
. M
BaasaaBk .. ImI tin J
H. WaU kwl lt tomtit to rft l
him fVI.'.J. t amoitt f t.v
paid twic9 oa w If atxtWm 34,
rnncn lu. Motioa muk sa4
ty)uat traarr rateae tka.
The rolkielne claime
Iowp.1 and ckrrk ojnsssssssssssssswsr war
rants for tit ssbbsbbssssssssssssWM fuiwl of
a. i MokMnMs. snanass rov torsr .
. . .. .. .. . B"' . .1
M. W. Itirk. shenffw foes V
Perkins A Pottor 90S eredit f.
(l FAUr claim 4M a)low-l m
I It. Fort, district ektrk fW 9mm
M. M. SU-rn It 450
H C,8;ott,.J credit oa to l &
I. IL Fort, district clerk fe,
C A. Teel sheriffs fes, MWksl
cute," W
J.Henrlch 'Wheat cmmm S W
K. K. .) W cmlit m Uf m
John Kay -Wlieatema 5 W
J. IJ, Home - W
H, II. - l.W
II. C Hurt " i 1'
A. I). Karww - . 7 tt)
W. IL Pattemm - 7 m
I. O. Martia " W
at W. Ilird - n n
J. UiirKiw-i - I W
J. J. Martin M 1 '-
A. ShroW M 1 W
A. Hot.ka M I W
J. O. Wilttaass 1 W
U. . Koch " 1 ca
Claims w sUto va. J. Ilavel as foiWrw:
L. IL Fort 9 15
0, A. Tl 4 m
J a W6Tean I )
D. F. Tmaltsr &
M. A. Shiaki attoadaaee of Issard 10
If. A. ILmdy. esal 175 m
The ftrifowMsj etsisas fee sepervr'
rvic4 wsre aavwed:
a, s. w, $n t
uruk. Mm
LsJrJ. 21
Wiklf, , ! tw
1. Martie,
Alye. I
Catber, 1 7
Hta. W
Ilsaaatsl. 12 79
Keter. I
stoCsstosa, m
rrrmr MM
Orerss, nu
"Wrjod tolls. WeawsrasA WsaUeto
mfasa rvyat ami asstoUiiilmlnaamae
esIam awssWawa w sWjanswn awnaset avsnmnnaw'npw'
Iwest4s4kf me ssnilmi of fwysi
D. M. Healer, wofl laewa to am
ef the y Stasias ffaletatey f Wen-
vUPn &tmj$ nef awv"! nlwwwfw) ?
ill the vaeasey tae edsee ef eeeely
jwrist4eftt s lehtit iaelrssfiss,
eeeaineaed by the riniliis of swim
JCva J. Kiaav Mr. IsWsr lea vere
Ala mmmlmtmT bMbbI Ts
Tsemseav a
wsaasaj aw saw
wwsi svassss. aJWJJP aw vaJ