! --, a.5 . S.-tl- iw-irr iC- JeS& -?' ..-..- ,-2"? ct-v- iVS- -i . -4r W ". .- V !r' - -fc jfrft jA-iSl-w.!. " Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The chief. fgi K"k - .aawaw in i - aaianaawnr-rni i--iJIBtW"iJBl,"IJI --Sr'J-'JSfffW-i''s pa i I, m - - " imiiwKr -. , 55Bf ' i' i "i'T'Jri55S8iMPBPEBEL-zLj-tfc- - - 1 1 nBaajewC anaMSnanni a .t , .-'i':i;r,:"--::'i"i:Vr!:fep "y-Tir-'iBBjRjKB PSRaMRflBnaaaaaaaMwrdKeP :S3'::njiWRrtjtaaaBjBaaBnaav B R ::-c::i--5:--.ir""' f t r-;fBEaHBBBQMSSBHBIHHCfi9BBH JHHBn ' r ArX. l iJVyWWeWneBWCBWBlVeenWeaaW4WBWBWAWBKP'2"L. anV5. ,-p rTTf JttTti:. fc -- i wJKl iMMBHBIiWli ' jjm iWlfTrJpN- r i ' - Ka?ewaaaaaaaaaaaaaawF f - MWJMMWw.gSt?1i--j . . P t? 'JszSnfBKMlnBL.- Hb 4MHIEc--SIVHH.d49bmBIVIK- WSBWBaaaaaaaaaBaaaaneneeanawinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae S Wiinaaaaaaaaaaaalea1HnaaaaW7BnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahV fe9,BawaaBaaM,ts!ssT-'st w P' ir-- By A. C. Hosmer. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, November 21, 1890. Vol. 1R No. 17. McNitt & Galusha, RED CLOUD, NEB. Propose to sell r SUITS AND 151 OVERCOATSl For less money than anyone this year. Goods never Avere offered so cheap in market as this year, on account of this fact. WE HAVE BOUGHT an iiimsvially large stock. We shall sell yon a better suit than yon ever bought before at the A IImmc llnbleMted. LWrilteii fur The Ciiikk 1 it and wonder wliy it N My wife St alw-iya cront. Ami though I jntnder o't-r it well. I s'Ulain at t Iom; Fhe scarce cait liheu jileasant look, Orseak a pleasant word; Her slurp, acidula'cd fiance Would turn new milk to cum, I carry conl, the kitchen sweep. And trim the parlor lire; I wash the dishes, scrub the iorch. Like servant irl jou hire; I empty ahe. Mj-pail, too. And breakfast table spread, Motof the household 1 do. Kven to make the bed. These thing I do to pleas? my wife. Not for mere exercise. Not with a aelllsh end in lew-. Ah you, perhaps, surmise. All through the day I labor hard At business In the town, , And homeward wind my way at night, Only to meet a frown. I diyad the very name of home; It is no home to me; instead of pcncand comfort, 1 nut tribulation see. I grudge the sacred happiness That other eople flml, Where wife and husband lovers are. Affectionate and kind. IIo:i:e is not home where quarrels rae; When hasty words arise; When strife and anger seam the face. And light the Hashing ejrs; Where looks are sullen anil morose. And actions all unkind. And brightly raise th kindling flame Within my grateful breast. Tax;i.kshadk, Nov. 21, lu'.to. KrcAitTi-onN. HclMMMnylni.1. CNMlrlr. BlMitie for 9g. The The cry i heard all along the line ' The mt strikioic remits of the ) ! ..! r r -i - ... ft s " ! "Elaine tor presiaent in iz wnc (liatict ir :.. .-t. .1. - i . . IhmI. An election ? hcM hero Ul nc IiariciMuovciiietit are tees ia the lee-1 Thursdat niirht fur the members of thing is certain that nu better man i jglature. There the overturn ia com- the Methmli.t rhnh m rote fnr or can be nominated than ll.o I'luucd ;pIct,. I the senate .d the house, aga.nsl the election of ua,cu a. del Knight for that standard bearer in . wilL.rc rur llicre lnan tW(,Bt- TMr ,k0 ,.,. .n ... , Mhf.,.. i "est, old party has stood firmly entrenched every member voted. A gentlcwaB 1S92. He i8 by odds the : .-. .. t l . ' wihcai anu mo icarncu siatcsuaii id ( u,e new party has cairied every breast-' trho was present s.M it was a One nd America to day irrespective of the pro-j workj every trricade, aad swept tri-ed affair. Probably he would have Uuction of any pu-ty or cli-iuc. He pLamij. jnto thc citadel. Thelvoted the same wty had h bet. will Deanieio carrv the mauU oid ,.;.Lt,,r whlMi l..t u.n.U..l partv to victory and that id what c llnc0)a waiJ maJe up as folio s; want. He is truly an American and M'-NATK. has all of his interests centered on Jtepubliraus In-uuK-rat. fotal the success and ttro.-sueritv of the; world's irreatcst and best retiublicTi v a i thc United States. Hurrah for ' Kepubitcaus.. ti -ion.- IUlo.-niL" IJIaine for 18!)2. i men labor . iioi'm: Totu'. 6 XI I 1) .SKNATK ITEMS OF INTEREST. price: In overcoats the price is from $1 to $3 less than last season. In underwear we catch th.m Come and see. Christmas is Coming T. m BIT 1 PEW 124. i MAm, THE JEWELER, IK HERE, WITH THE FIXEST LIXE OF nljHIETw Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware. &c. D. B. Spanogle, KhAL Estate AND I OAN Age NT Red Cloud. Ever ecn Im Red Cloud, and 1 fclinll cll it al prices III at all ran afford f o buy. Hy good are AL.I.. XEW. Repairiui; a pecially. I am located in Colling Dru;? Store, on Went Side Webster direct. Call and sec me before you decide to bU3'. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FAMJH MAM CO., PAID UP CJPI'JJL,50,000. Take Twr;ApPllctl Tbcsa, Krravikc you will Ihj dealing tlirtct with the leuilf r aud not UiroiiRli au acent or commiiou man . eeaaae you trait get tlie lowest rate. Bere ou can get yoar moaey Immediately. aecaavenedo not send your appHcaiiouauoteri.iccoiuury JrMinu? cue C.etonil. .''jemmme xe can give you the best terms. 7aMifcinten'staniliriiicIalisiayabicat our office, ami if dcshvU v.c can give acromoda id tteu ou the interest payments. Bcaa3ouwiUueiHeasedwiuioiirmanBer 01 ousmess, aim save money, save tia, save trouble. Red Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York. t-.' . Ho! There I . S F. SPOKESFIELD has eve.ything in thc DryCoods and Grocery line and sells CHEAP FR CASH. --, him if you want square dealing. ?S--- t t&zs5zw !! l iUUUUUUUUUbibbKX t Amb?- Ur " -ftassEUUUUUUB SBumibVbIbbbbbbbbbHF 39HBuuv9uuBKBr Miles T. Hayes Patent - Collar ! For sale by J. O. BUTLER Bed Cloud, Buckeye Harness shop. FRAZER AXLE BBifiSE. r tsiUi anhn ant n i mim aka. (iMdSTikw BMdCkaHrtatalacOkc iifjHai fjvvv s in rimr Vlasttol THS FRAZER. I tw II laltiy ' - " MN CYlTVBjCffV FRAZCK LABEL. Look out Tor the district school. Frank Potter has returned to Oma ha to work. Bert JJrcwcr has returned to Red Cloud to live. The Kearney Hub says: Oh! Oh! Oh! OKeighan, O'Urien, O'.Kciu. A. L. Funk was on our streets this week. He is much pleased with his new home in Lincoln. There will be a Thanksgiving dinner and oyster supper at' the Amboy .school house. IKi.ner, 250 supper, J.) G. W. Lindsey lias rotuincil f.'otu a three weeks visit lo Newcastle, Wyo., where he has been looking after his business interests. It. AdatLMHi, U. & iViiKe, Kd Mctculf and John Copley, have each and every one added their "dollars of the daddies" to the Big ltijuu's fund. The youngut-t ehihl. of Sylvester Ludlow, and wife, departed tin- lite ou Monday afiuinoou fiuni dihtluita They have thc sympathy ol the people of lied Cloud in their atflel:ou. Will you say grace?" said the editor As the minister took his sent; And thc latttr cried as the food. he spied: ''Lord, give us something to cat!" Married, Nov. 18th, 1890, at the residence of Rev. Geo. O. Ycifcr (he officiating) in Red Cloud, Nebr., Mr. Swan J. Banks and Miss M. Laura Bringleson all of Webster county, Neb. Thc Lady Godiva must have had exceptionally long hair since it com pletely concearncd her lovely person. Since Aycr'i hair vigor name into use sach examples are not so rare as for merly. I not only promotes the growth of the hair, but gives it a rich silken texture. One of the firt acts of Congress niaa McKcighan should be to secure Red Cloud a public building. Red Cloud is thc gateway to thc great republican valiev 'and should havr public buildings commensurate with her dignity and position and Con- crefsman McKeighsn will be equal to the occasion wc hope. Some go to church to weep, while others go to sleep; some go their wives to please, conscience, others go to ease; soae go to tell their woe, oth ers go to show their clothes; some go to hear thc preacher, others like th selo schreecher; boys go to recoa aoiter, girls go because they oaghter. Maay go for sage rtleetiwrecwm few to help collectioas. Three or four hig Iadtaas oa ear tracts with a sstdietBc man have at tracted oar snail boys and sosac of v larger oaes. Aa Iadiaa is ca riosity hereabouts, ahhoaeh it hat bca less thaa 20 years xiace they raaaied this part of the saoral -ria-yard afoot aad aloae. A fellew al ways feels like keepiar smi haad m Uf af his head to tasurwthe safety T hia acalp wheaevcr he sees thc fes tive red aaa caapiug ca thc trail of hk pale faced hrcther, as waiter haw eiviliaed he saay hare heccae; if he hat a feather ia hia hair it hriaf w fresh ateaaeriea cf m earlier day wheat Lav eUgeti hia week m the S AlILmc IK IIHHT.lt ... K-'ii!lif;iui ... t Tottl Vti HOU.sK KOSUWater Ot the JSec, COtllCs Out in l5tlicldtliclloreiicclnthciu,m.-nlnmnlrx. a lone editorial this week :d tri..- tol,olu,f newtrsWatu:c: explain his lack cf support of the state republican ticket. There is no doubt but what there was a well de fined plot between thc republican leauers of that city and democrats to secure Boyd's election, because he hailed from Omaha and was identified with the whisky interests of that city, and it is variously estimated that thc Bee was seriously mixed up with the deal. Thc facts arc that thc last campaign was a mixed up deal wherein a few prominent rcpub- Mlltinci .... iH'iuor.utv Kt'liutilirauH Total 21 . . si KM Koch, an eminent physician of Ber lin, (iermany, has discovered a rem edy for thc cure of consumption, whicii is said to hi sure and speedy. If his remedy does not turn out to be lican Judases of Omaha tried to sell h fao .similar to Dr. Brown Scjuards member of the church The warm weather, Mticr the ttorwi of the Sth inxl, is of grtt benefit to. thn farucra and Mocltucr, it shortens thc time they will hate to feed. It may not be a honattta to the coal dialers, but it rejoice- tho hraitu of the tioujumen, and wj hope it may be prolonqcd. for w ntmot run to thc compile for fuel is vie did last year. Our" )0iing Hchonlma'm, Myrtle ) Sawyer and Claude Orchard, wo her are doing good work in thei' school. A correspondent of iln Arcu ll week 4g4ve ut Hay." Wonder how he found out tli.it Mr. Iluuimel and myself wct.t to Hcl Cloud t attend a meeting of the "Diughtcri tf Ite beoca," We did not Intend to have it known, but wc went, and a It wa very muddy we went on tlm train With alt thc f.iu't finding about ttto railroads, people Hud them a great 9 lllMflesi. I. lUmn ht R"tie tu Irvlaad. W Keith rrlu.nri fra W iogton Mondat. V. M. lluntor dtore over l Hill Situuhr. Wra. Mcltaald hiprd a of h0( Wrdicdy. A. llichchuffr i Iras graphy with I. I. Kimiwcl. V. Hjrnc hippd rarlael eft cattle to Omiha latl Tuculay. Oa Turday of !t weeh Hefjff Boyd ami cvcrfi other hiafcal tie "r'od of hose to Omaha. i4i. Burden and fatally el Cf brll upcnt Sunday with hia father brother of lhi pliCf, The frietidi of Mr ad Mra. idc pave them a irpn9 leal We4 ncJiy crcnitijf. A pleaaett tiflrt a Apent by tl.oac prfseat, Mr Woodtdi and family took their it pasture Tuesday mofitlag foe futuro homo tioar (hjtuwks, III. TJi ti. A. It. ltj held a i Wcdnraday ercnin H. Nriit cf llattiig. delivered h! 1 cetera .f my life tm cxpncaetM te tilled houe. Jj- so, the republican i e.xlixir of life, it will be a blessing to I convenience on kucIi occis out. Com he election of Bovd 'mankind. It is reported that the! ing bsck I had th pleasure of riding out. and did do nartv to secure the ------- jii - . and it looks as if Rosewater was mix-lt'crmau emperor has that much faith 'on one of the now reclining chair cub ed up in thc affair. Sixteen ot our laboring men left last Saturday morning f-r Nowca&tlc, where tluy go in search of work. They expect to secure work on rail road construction. in it that he has contributed a half million dollars to its discoverer. What next. Congressman McKeiglun has re turned home after attending several jollification meetings over the state. of the B. & M. road. It in finished in !ioo Ptjlc iritis oak piucling, and plate gla. mirror., and chairs of a new patten, very Milatantial and com fortablc, an 1 vrhal :'. better, all thin comfort and luxury i-t not jura for the rioh people win travel, but it in for BMBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaawMtBBaVariantBiW y?' B?3zk S iv !akt'i4f lvosBBaiiBBBBaiaaa t aBBBaaaaHjrfBaBBBBBBBBa aeaaaamaaaaaama (iiitr'BHaaaamG!Baaaat aeBTBaaaaaaaaaaBBBaaaaV BBaaaaaEBwaaaB HsBBBBieaerT L. BHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai Hf 9'-'-VL';slawawawawflBllp--lBV rU aiiiiaawawawP'iVBBwawawal aaaaaaaaBHBaavl 'k- ilhBaaaarVSIBSitBHeaW lUiaawaaBiiaBBBaaal akaaaaaaakaaaaTCBalilBJ kaaawBaiBkaaaaiaaaJiiKHB7 t.taaawaaBtaaaeaaaaaaaaawiBaaaaaaaaaaaai aeaaaaaaaaBBBBttsJaWBttflLOIH awawawawawawawawawawaCTBBsitjHsisWawM BBaaaaaaaaar9SBaVaBBaaaaBBBaaaaBaHriBWB llttSBBtiaMwafiBwawiiB BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBfsW-WsSjE izr7 '...js-i jjaaSSSSC -jSCSiSaSaSaSaSSaSSjBSfc-11111 jhlBS''3j aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMCS3w?fL . :J1L lygfev. j Hg'jl3Miiaw- aitJBMlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat-!ga'iaict IsiMtMle. Ilrtd .i jfid rJti Sunday ntxht, (' lluiitt i 1 ijkmI a car 1'm4 of i tin da v. .Mr.&&We44vtfc .'onlTiiinitsr. , , , r. K4w4 haw aw4 kk mm eil he ha4raJewt arten -aw- el . F J- I Humor Iian it t bo 4 wedding near fittnri lr. C.iiitptVll uA. thw MiM.itri lat lnl, Mr Kouyou Mhn hi j attl for awhilr tai hint wt'cl Mr HartwcH; ll ice of el a : ssS . . -ts . : r--- iaoTr . S- U vT 5 j - V ' x . 't " Jewaryfe , " XF A T J- 34 I" !?w 5. fL&: 1 WEBSTKR TRKirrt RED CLOrR, MMI4I MIRTH. Thc preacher werks for the souls of men and generally gets his pay; thc merchant reaps his reward for toil in profits from day to day; the banker T. 1). Hubble, the denoeratie postmaster at Fair bury, was restiag comfortably in a capacious am chair at the Paxton, complaeeatly cogitat- sits in his office chair with his bundle i ing upon recent events. A Bee ataa of cash for rent, and gathers a har-j interrupted bis maaiags and asked vest month by month of vigorous ten per cent: thc dealer in grog stands behind thc bar and fills up thn schoon ers high, and jingles the tin that the boy- "bio:; in" for portions of goodlmuc, differancc old rye; j him a fw questions. The Mr. Hud- jblc said: ''I don't know as Richards' refusal to d'-lire azain.t prohibition made It wa iut about the lawyers and doct ;r find j the name an if he had declared in rork to do that brings in thc hard , .favor of is, bscauje it was generally cold cash, and the men who r eld the J understood that he leaaed that way plaac or snadc find tuonc to but their hash; but the editor has a and if he had rnme out sgaiant it, it would have weakened Boyd and thankless t-tsk as thebmy months strengthened Powers." roll bv, and he knows no rtjt of bodv or brain while he misses thc chance to die. His reward ia this world ever comes, but over the silent sea, if justice rcign9 he is bound Jo have as elegant jubilee. Wait for :t Ex. m m individuals 'How do vcu account for the dic tion of Bod and tho defeat of the batiocc of the democratic ticket?" '-Well, Boyd ssadc saore of a caa paigo thaa any one ef the ethers. He was really the eelj aaa o the ticket who west owt aad did hard work all over the state. Another the general public, and t worth a short trip on the train jat to ce those beautiful car. There wa3 gathered lat Sunday morniag a large congrratios to har the Rcr. McVcy preach. He f;ld to appear but the people did not o home entirely disappointed for wc had an fntluiiat'tc Sncday school. K. IS. K.MT. Two sleek looking caste Q ie vioww last w.-ca. one aa? i aad proceeded to canvas the eity for th,DP Le w" fceIw J "'" abigboaaaxaiathe way of an ad- hPle m9n AtMjtlawjf ewawlidatc rertisiag scheme, batfectsMtelj die! l doat Uow "ow ! ether eerie notscce-with theiieceee (er suckers)r the 8Ut fct " "V that they fewad ia Gtaad Island and elsewhere,, aad faally left the city and their heard hilt 'Swaiay anorning for other parts. Red Cloud docs not cftea get bunkoed by men who live off of ether people. It i reported that the seen are waatcd ia Graad Island where they collected several snag seats of atewy ia lie ef space in their paper. Geo. O. reiser, secretary of the tfcheel heard has instructed the jia- ltors of the vanewe waral seaeoM te take every wfecaatiea and to fesai- mmtM tk La1 rfwaWcrIf Titf heard ef edaeetiea ha Je taraed aa hat if it is.aet, i whenever the alliaaee acefle scratch ed aajbcdjr it was alaaaaT always ia favor of Boyd. We dida't have a democratic paper ia the eeaaty, while j the repahlicaaa had twe aad the alli ance one, bat thc vote shewed repae- lieaas 1.J02, desaeeraea !!, alliaaee - .. .- - jo. aacetaer pentee at an tae stajapiag; hat we easae ett pretty well with the Tetca." ' What igarc will the alliaaee m ia 1392? That depeede alleytacr wa the If it U Mtidaeteev se aha fawawaw. the aQiaaee mil! he Ut aT iw aaatt .arHcll. Diphtheria in a very iligaaat form ha b'Q.n wrisg in thU vicinity, but at fin idling there are ey atw cac, aad tno. ailiclcd with the ami eira arc til reported a re covering. The fst-l cases it far arc three of Mr. John Street danghter?. one chili In the fa mil of Mr. J. . Smith, aad two of Mr. Kf child ren. The h clr.k meet aCrtW f. w). a tiw lat Saturday In rack Neath at the ij!rir . ho ' Iniw, ill district . All w'-oie Hitg'nstcd ia the aarvaaaw tuMiit of eduction am Invited tw aft t. i.d L K. U ut.irr, Pree. NkLUK 4liCl.tt See'y. If there i o danger efdipacaavee s i th g (ho c.imjU ahaald aw) r rd lr a shift tieriod. The Ua 'il bov t allturd im iv t ;li'rt MiUmit . ifnrttai Wt v, ii L .: uiu'i b the Hate ef t ie ioofjcil to order red flags awt aa) jat rc dnM mhttn there aaaw im can?, u hsi pmplc woatd aetki ingly run into the dlKeae, who hare breo expoW aheald ha waw infectrd aod firraatined ae w tw kvp tht diote frosa weiaaj ant round. We have only car in tfie city bat if the allowed .n roam around at wtH U no tilling ho Hy saajr he ed. If thc cnuscil will net health o$;tr the phytleiaac j taker: c4ry praetfeee as je.p. to rwii'i iadr IiBjrerris pKd i pad. '. I Boil, carbaarlc. and ?erj.t ftc ifctlicitc that the a radraorir-r to reject ssiseaai , aad that AyerV araperil1a hi , ativel; seeded- It t the lie of al! blod medidaee. Hrajrsbt for it, sad tek aw i TUtte will he a Meeitwar Mr. John HaieihacUr reeeatly .-1-5wtj,alww leet a two tear eld celt freaa . in a. it, m known eaw,c. Nef ck :th, ai 2 Bera to Mr. sad Mra. Alf llama "e? It a girL Graadwa aad graad pa ef aVe h m ' AM tarrted . J. A, TatT, tex Tl th fcTiolru a-au afeCartaey are corrcspowdJ fr le hy 1eye. Mra. Ida SheMea ef KiataaVarjr, & i -, P. is visitiag with her pereats, Mr. and Mrs. MeCaiiaej. JfMMlt. Charley Dew ef XcweMtfe, Wje., ia the city thij week visttteg hie rH' mmnvj mw CTtataee Cf IM et n geed treaisaeat f XeweeatJe aa Hkee the eoaalry rery reach. H, ft. Siwt ha iewt , ear lead ef tfeUy Wake OiJ, aW M ai ktrs.. e e awawawa snaf sella it at t m prieea aa eaawraal iaevWat. U kaadlee aslliwf law tie heat 51 aad casalaaa. aVaw ' jaar efdemfdr hisa aWaetwat weaa '''i S. " , arfar feraiadiag childrea geiag te acheel wka hare heea exaeeed ia J I HVH -. t -. j-.5j4C- .XSIHH aaa f jt m t W4 9 w - - aw r J - " ? "?k . -ws"- "aw"saBwjaeBBB , - aaaaaawaaansw J -c A . -v VV a W tfl - aff a. aaaaLksafWCwawawlBwawa. ' sal 'sTmBnm'anWawaaltwf LWktWM iaUaaavl v '' aaPwk' ' : - m - sawa RwV.,' T RaaRaaVwRaaaTaSwRavaaawRi' - - aaaai-T' aaaai aaaaaar,. .??.. raaaaaBaaasaaaaaaiBaBiaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaai-f- -, f . ... , 't -- : v. v: -aaaaii. . aim. - i.:.y?-; aamr . 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaana' Mataaw. aai' nW" -m-.-.. RwV- Rv.-' RRlRRRRRRVs aw ?aa- awwaaaaaaEaaaaaswawu . vswawaweaiar awpn waar. :waaaai asaanK a enna.. - r-:- WBiAawwaaaaawaa aa.- wv.wflBaaanawBaaLBaatf,'. -' ' diahltism " Tiavalf ateantion aflan 1 - mimLiM'Z" -U - t - tfi5wBWPym'' -' "IfPyfiEs-.' jsisw pihmiss ijtmm a awwawawe.-vaeaaLwwaa aa.waW" awsaaaa j w - ? 4. .-i -; "vj? ",. - w ?cr -. s. A" at. lawvwa awaeawaw eweaaaawfc'&aw aaaasHawaawwa asaaaas -aK. -. -'B sawaaaanraaiaWiaaaaawaaraiM BwaawaaBaaanf:- '-,3- aaaa ? mmj - i hi -rr . . v'rrrusi,Ar'a!Zi vit -yvi'i.- 'jzzt -:.. w: -rm.i,- - '. .r r'kaaEaaBBaBBBEaaBBaBaBBBaaBBBBaBBaviaK' -- mHiHaaaaaaaaaaai'i,! - -?- -aK liii naaafewaa" J-' - ---- -lf TT---,-'", nana. - - - -s . , ss.m,wmimwmmmmmwmmmmmAmr3mwmmmm a k 'z -- rrJr . r . k - '. 4.. K "fiT. Ji 'ST ".3?&5t 11 "r "W:S leuf . - Srf- -- . -, "ife?'- .. .:; '- ', - . . .- " .,- .J-a.- ..C -.,-- ---. -rS5SS1afe8 - t'". ." awaw wav.wapwaw-ew BBBaawaw-c- ?- eo-er? . -- cw,- i : wtaaawaw. wasssa ananana awananananann awaa nwaBBBaaau agMBfBBBjBjBBm, -- " .--. .--,. i.. -.i - ia ii' r-s sh .a-j-'. : - '-z . , - t- r -, i a