The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 14, 1890, Image 4

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I-;&S'53.-,iJ -3
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dggi&t.L, .,
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. a. . JMMMMM,,,,,BB,WBMB,M,aBaaaaaiBnaaBaaaannnl
SaSr -1 I t
-&- J:. I . - i
Like These,
Everybody Must Be Saving.
We are willing to help you do it, and have
used every effort our long experience in this
business has given us to buy good serviceable
goods for ready cash, obtaining many bar
gains, which we will give you the benefit of.
No house in the state can offer you lower pri
ces and but few, a larger stock of Clotning,
Boots, and Shoes to select from. It is no
trouble for us to show
ht& u Emgle Clothing
MT. I- DMriu
wmrnatea, aai erery pair
aaeTprJee ataaped ea tanas
4t9 eUafaC FOR
Ftoe Calf aad Lace Wateraraaf Grain.
TMCKfflncenl mriit qulltlM of thin shoe
jwgwi i or inc auoajr oaaorae-
'i bumbbui ot tauuni Trauma.
I CmhOm HmJhwj, as elegaat aad
naoe watca commends itaeii.
Welc. Aflaecair saoa
for atria aad darabUttr.
Welc la tbe staadard dreai
3m tSSSSSSg1
3fc2 SHOES lSX..
fcave taea aaa favorably reretrpd aiaco latrodaced
tae veccat MamnKiU autke them ranriot
Daaltr. aad V ae cannot mnni r a
tm factory frloalar adrerttaed mice, or a
I laSl I !!
W. 1, awl'GLAB, BfMklH,
For sale by
Besrier, Red Cload.
4 tarv-r.. -!.:? aad CaeatrtetkelTalaa
mmdUtcmj :T.OtT A RIVAL. Bawalrari
aiIjrWtktMrtctrccaealsedthat aaeraaa tatlta
laaafearakcea aiadeallr!alailast3fc
S"it it mUrA-Ti.hfp ttmt, Sceae tkara a
Mreaaanrxl It I .tiMR. Do aot he bayaaeaa
SatkipMaa lalaz
It aaa yaar irr !akr. and yon t . It rcadvad
SMSaarSatattkeCralraalal aad Iaria EaaaaV
SJai, Mit'trtcre.
AHaaaca -arnaMir1.adrtt!iCi
ihy strea, that aatier aad by air
f sals lames front taeeaeeot
Diatriet Oaavt ett tk
Wstrtet, wttala aaa for Web.
aaecree laaaae-
ey toaailatuT, aas saa:ast Jeaa T, SoMnsoB
aaa asms t. asaiasoa, iMfeaaaats.
aaa maara aiae esstoeor OI
asaeaueaa, ibssm Webster
aawaaytesaaaa, jmm aeisa tae aiaea waere
ttolMKtens aCsaMesaMwashoMea, oatbe
11th day ofKov. A. RVlSt,
siiaViaek a. am. af saM day. the fonowiBg
atsauti t-wit: The moth half
im sootn a&u ot
nerK sernoaioar ia town
ia raassaiae west of 6 ..
,. Gtveaaaaeraur
A.D. IiMl.
c a. Tasx.8aria.
D. M. ETTHST, PlsiatiS 'a AHoney. llM
Gaaaera, George L.
iKfard. the wife Sf
raawtt tatoawMesaateataeiaji
1 1
it to fore-1
Mlianananasiii'Hi'iiiinaH eP
snaanananaB'.r"' "nnnrSK.
Jl9 "kUaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaarES
aSaaaaaaaaW saaaaaaaasar
---'- rpBttt&&JB'r.m ii ii -Tffiirgr'-fr-T- '- flir-- V ?SS&3;jK33a V -F-v r--f- i&&&& J? s-Sm' ?J?&T&r?: 7 - & . iv" :
you our goods.
Ladles Have Tried It
A number of my lady customers have
tried "mother's friend," and would not
be without for many times its cost
They recommend it to all who are to be
come mothers. B. A. Payne, druggist,
ureenvuie Ala. write uradtield Ketr
Co. Atlanta, Ga. for particulars. By C
Li. Cotting druggist.
. i
Go to Morhart's.
He has the finest line of stoves
ever eecn in the city. He has tbe
celebrated Garland cook and heaters,
and a full line of others equally as
good. Hardware at the very lowest
figures for cash. Do not buy stoves
or hardware until you sec me. Opera
house block. Webster street
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills.
An important discovery. They aet on
the Uvea, stomach and bowels though the
nerves. A new principal. They speedly
cure billiousnesB, bad taste, torpid liver
piles and constipation. Splendid for men
woman and children. Smallest, mildest
purest. 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples
ires at o. u. uotting.
Jake Sellars
Is prepared to do all kinds of butcher
ing at reasonable rates. Parties desir
ing his services will please leave orders
a T A.1 o a . wv
Bireiuieny cc iiuiizs. will also par
highest market price for hides an3 taf
low. tf.
ivaea Baby was sick, we cave her CsstorSs.
"Wbea she was a CfaBd,she cried for Castoris.
Constipation poisoas the blood; De
Witt's little early risers cure entsU
pation. The cans removed, the
disease is goac. Sold by Cottiag. 7
Your cough will not lait all winter
lorn will not )e kept awak at night;
Yon will gat immediate relief if.
Yon will aw DcWitt'a oorngk aid
eonsnmptioa cure. SoM By Cottiar 4
IP TAKEN DOftINC CUmnu&tm txwv
" rz -
Notice Is henfavnaa
tae sf aa arator af mim.a
H. Fart, derk of taa t
Mkialalstrlet. wtthmaa far We
it theyk
i la a
I shall
ss the
ia W
Givea aaaer aur
f m .aaaw vssk BkaasBaav' m9
IN its first stages, sacceasfally
cheeked by tbe prompt ase of Ajrar's
Cherry Pectoral. Even ia the later
periods of that disease, the cough is
woaderfally relieved by this awdictee.
I hare nsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with the best effect in say practice.
This wonderful preparatkm once saved.
say life. I had a coastaat couli, sight
wests, was greatly reduced in flesh,
and given up by y pliyskian. One
bottle and a half of the Pectoral cared
sne." A. J. EiOson, II. D., Middktoa,
Several years ago I was severely ill.
Tbe doctors said I was in consumption,
sad that they could do nothing for inc,
bat advised me, as a last re-sort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine two or three months I
was cured, and my health remains pood
to the present day." James Bircuard,
Darien, Conn.
44 Several years ago, oh passage home
from California, by water, I contracted
so aevere a. cold that for some days I
was confined to my state-room, and a
physician oa board considered my life
In danger. Happening to have a bottle
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it
freely, and my lanjcs were booh restored
to a healthy condition. Since then I
bare invariably recommended this prep
aration." J. I. Chandler, Junction, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
4) nsraasa sr
Dr J. C. Avar k Co., Lowell, Mass.
BoMtysUDnggtou. Fries il;UUtttos,ts
Wc have a llac stack f vialias
accardlaas, harsaaalcs, aajaltarn,
anal banjos.
IT year hag have the cholera,
try Haae Has; Kemedy or Brag
Ions cholera aaecllc
Cotliag's Derasollne in the hest
preparation made for channed
Wc have a fall stock ot class
and pally at hard limes prices
We hare the flnest line of
pocket knives In town and at
price that arc selllns; them
every day
Look at oar one dollar lamps
they arc beauties for the money
Friday, Nov. 14, lSt.
Entered at the Post Office In Bed Cloud, Neb.,
as mail mattero! the second class -
A good hot dinner for 19 cents
Lamps and lanterns at Deyos.
District court meets on the 24th.
Sohool books, tablets and slates at
The best ppccticles made are solfl
by Deyo.
Latest styles in carpets at F. V
A new line of picture mouldings at
F. V. Taylors.
Trunks and -valicc, -clegaut stock.
McNitt & G;.lu.ha.
Rev. H. D. Piatt of Cowlcs, war a
pie s ant caller this week.
If you want the best buy the White
for sale by F. V. Taylor.
M. It. Bently and wife returned
home this week from the east.
Do not fail to call and see my slock
of window shades. F. V. Tatlob,
Wc have tae over coats for you
this fill. McNitt & Galnsha.
We have the best suit you ever
saw for tff,50. 3IcNitt & Galnsha.
The plaoc to see a line of men's
flannel shirts is at McNitt & Galnsha.
We carry the largest stock and sell
at prices sthat suits. McNitt & Gal
nsha. Deyo savf his trade is good and we
know why. It is because he is sell
ing oods at hard time prices.
D. M. Piatt is getting ready to
move. t Denver, where he has arrang
ed to start a large lumber yard.
if yon arc going to buy a carpet
reawill gave money and get tha
best by calling on F. V. Taylor.
Wild geese were going south in
large flacks last Friday night, aad
several of our sportsmen winged
1 them as they passed over the electric
Roadniaster MeFarland of the B &
M has rented K. McFarland's resi
dence and isored into it it. Me
Farland having moved his family into
the Mooa Bloek.
It looks a little strange U a fellow
up a tree, why Hon. W. A. MeKsigh
an, if he is not a democrat, or ia sym
pathy with them, should go to Oma
ha to make speeches, at a democratic
jmbilee in honor of Gov. elect Boy d.
The people who voted for Mae with
the naderstandiag that he was to steer
clear of all parties, will wonder at his
action in this matter.
If the republican party wants U
win in '92 it must deal a death blew
to trut aad monopolies' aad do meet
legislation in favor ef toe poor aad
less for the rich. On th it basis they
will win in '92, aad other wist it will
be doubtful.
On last Saturday a rcty heavy
sleet storm visited this s action aad
remained on the ground three or
fear days. Ts telegraph and elect
ric light wires gave the appearance
ox targe castes tae lee had Trace
thick upon them.
The democrat peliticiavas aaa aews
papera are elated ever the aueattafwl
leetiea ef Brjaa, Xaateigbaav. aad
Kday itaajmst. aarieioa of
- L. -. T?.& ZL- t, -r "m
m saver acuta
s sun at viae a m
fori cents. IhMahJ.
Whose mwe ahaakl he arstaeo.
He carried the rote af Irdsad. ''
Aaa pert ef Coleraao.
Giro us litem or give us desth.
An BBc'e of Dave Raid's is ia the
Wright Thornbnrg wss in Lincoln
this week.
A. U. Becker of Lincoln, was in
the citv this week.
rrauk Kuthn has been on the sick
list for a few das. M'
Mr. W. A. McAvoy who has been
on the sick list is getting better.
Our stock is com pi te in oar lines
prices about half the usiaL McNitt
oe Galnsha.
Underwear, you never saw as nice
attozk and the low prices eateh you.
McNitt & Galnsha.
The Nebraska and Kansas Farm
Lnan Co. want all the good farm
loans they csn get. tf
Has anyone heard whether N. V.
Harlan was running for congress in
this district or not.
Go to Deyos drug store and you
will ind lamp chimneys of every site
style, and shape msde.
Anything in the line of furniture
carpets, window shades, etc., at lowest
prices at F. V. Taylor's.
Miss Mary Cook, state counselor of
the W. R. C. was in Red Cloud Tues
day on a visit to the Relief Corps.
Several of our working men are go
ing ont west to secure luerstivo jobs
on railroads building out in that
In Kansas the republican state
ticket with the exception of attorney
general was elected. The legislature
there ss well sb in this state is al
liance. Tom Benton, republican candidate
for auditor, ran behind his ticket in
Red Cloud owing to machine work on
the part of his man Friday.
Now is the time when you will want
to fit your children out with shoes.
C. Wiener has still a large line left
and will sell them at lesb than cost
for the reason that he will not handle
women and childrens' shoes hereafter.
Hon. G. M. Lambertson of Lin
coln, has been appointed as attorney
for inter-stste commerce commission.
Mr. Lambertson is one of our best le
gal lights, and his appointment docs
our state a great honor.
Peter Smith is up again after three
weeks sickuess.. Peter rejoices much
ly over democratic success. It does
our heart good to see a democrat re
joice because it is a long time be
tween drinks, a it were for them.
Frank Potter talks of making an
overland tour by rail to tho Blaek
Hi!!: after the usual style of the
meek aud lowly followers of the "art
preservative." It will be fun for
Frank but hard on tho railroad ties.
Mrs. Mary A. Morgan, the state
president of the W. R. C. was in the
city this week. She was the lady
who run on the prohibition ticket for
state superintendent of public in
struction, but unfortunately lacked
votes enough to get elcstcd.
Del Bailey writes from Kansas to
the effect that the republicans of Jew
ell county were fortnustc enough to
elect a road overseer in one township
in that county, and concludes by that,
that the MoKinley bill is fully en
dorsed. In the course of his letter
Del gats quite humorous and he die
plays ready wit enough to become a
second Bill Nye.
The city council should st once
adopt stringent rules to protect the
people from diphtheria. There are
several bad eases in the country adja
cent, and a few cases in tae city and
it is no more than right that those
who are sick should be quarrantiied.
A board of health should be appoint
ed. While there are not many eases,
is the time to slop its ravages.
If the independents contest Boyd's
election, it will make Rome howl vo
ciferously, because it is anticipated
that there were quite a number of ir
regularities ia Omaha that will have
to be looked after, aad ye gods, won't
Rosewaterand Hitchcock make the
air blue when that little bit of rascal
ity ia shown up to the vision of the
people. The independent! should
contest the election.
The Walters' Burlesque eomedy
eomnaay were billed here for two
nights this week. The first night
they had a fair house, but the show
waa so reeky that a portion ef the la
dies left before the performance was
through. Oa the second night they
bad ae bouse. People wbe travel ea
their gall should alway be treated "in
just such a manner aa tha Walter'
outfit were. They are N. G.
We hepe the earning legislators
will try aad relieve the people ef the
man j burdens that they have te bear.
Eeenesaj will be the watch word we
nreeeae. If we mistake net the aaaa.
ing legislature will tad eat that laws
for the ameleratiee ef tbe seffcrtag
aw wanrV aP aarwal waWlvVn aFwVV9flBnw
will be ae aaaa, but rather ef aa ia
trieate nature. It as easy te talk re
form bat a much harder job te aeeare
Witt's Mfde eatij ri
D. M. Francia f Coales, has re
ceived a pensioe.
Althonh everybody cries hard
times, Wiener hss his strre crowded
fallcr with poods than any season be
fore. J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on
good farm and city property. Farm
loans eight per eent and !. City
ten per cent.
Loans made at low r ates of interes
by the Nebraska & Kausas Farm Loin
Co. Money ready as soon-as papers
sjti signed! if
iJfDcWitt's little esrly risers: only
pill fcr chronic constipation, indiges
tion, dyspepsia. None so good, Sold
by Cotting. J
J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on
good farm and city property. Farm
loans eight pel cent and less. City
ten per cent.
Coffins wood cloth and metalic cas
kets of the best grades and lowest
priees. Intelligent csre of the dead
a specialty by F V Taylor.
Go to McNitt & Galusha for a
tailor made suits. Wc will save yon
from five to ten dollars. This is the
reason wo take so many orders.
It is bard to get good and reliable
boots and shoes, C. Wiener hss some
that he can guarantee and sell at no
higher priees than are asked for in
ferior goods.
uo io i. n. renman for your
jewelry. He has just received a
handsome new stock. Call and select
your Christmas presents". Repairing
promptly done.
Acts at once, never fails. De Witt's
cough and consumption cure. A
remedy for asthma, and thst feverish
condition which accompanies a severe
cold. Soid by Cotting. 6
The republican state ticket has
been elected with the exception of
governor, and Boyd of Omaha, a ran
tankcrous democrat was the lucky
chap to beat the republican candidate,
and the independents talk of contest
ing Boyd's election on the grounds
of fraud in Omaha. They hope by
so doing to secure Powers as govern
or. Ths state legislature is alliance .
Bi-ennial meeting head camp
Modern Woodmen of ' America,
Springfield, HI., Nov. 11161890.
B. & M. will sell tickets for the above
occasion at rate of one fare and a
third on certificate plan W. W.
Buell, Lyons, la., will sign certificates
Tickets on sale Nov. 9 16 inclusive.
A. Cqnoveb, Agt.
Go nnd do likewise. If your whiskers
are grizzly and unbecoming uso Buck
ingham's dyo and they will look ss when
you were younger.
The attack on John Wannmaker's
credit is oni of the meanest things that
has happened for some time. Political
opponents have sought to rob him of his
reputation of honesty and piety, but no
one has ever before charged that he coald
not pay his bills. John Wanamaker has
introduced business principles into the
postal service and is endeavoring to give
the country an approach to postal tele
graph. He is a worthy public man and
has the confidence of the country. Bee
There is no more-fruitful source of dis
ease than vitiated blood. It involves
every organ and function of the body,
and if not immediately corrected by the
use ot Ayer's sarsaparilla, sooner or later
leads to fatal results. Be warned in
The Hon. Bill MeKeighan, congressman-elect
from the Second district wants
it distinctly understood that he is not a
democrat . The declaration is made with
out reservation or( qualiteatiOB. Me
Keighan is tor the alliance of the Second
district, and as long as the alliance exists
and controls the avenass to ofiee Me
Keighan can be depended upea to stick.
Bat isn't it rather late for William to de
clare himself i He did not reject a demo
cratie nomination, nor decline with en
thusiastic support of his former party as
sociates. Evea the feeble explosions of
the jackass battery were cheerfully accep
ted. To repudiate the simon-pure aad
the magwamp supporters after the battle
is won is the essence of iagratitede. Bee
The combination of ingredients found
in Ayer's pills readers them tonic and
curative as well aa cathartic. For thk
reason they are the best medicine for
people of costive habit, as they restore
the natural action of the boweJe, without
. .
A Menuarkaate Letter.
The foUowiag letter from Mr. W
Thomson, of Colambas. Wis, ia peeeuarly
interestingMy wifeseys shc,Vaas been
treated for her head, stomach aad ner
vous prostration by three aetsefs ia
Mew York, two ia Chicago, cos ia Fhi
adelphia, eae la Cincianati, aad at the
large iasitate ia Bsffale for ia aaeetaa.
They a failed. Bat ewe bottle of Dr.
Miles' Kestorative Nerviae helped her
weadeTfaHy.n This sheaM be aaed ia
all htaiarhmr; taeaaaatssas, etc. Ask at
C, L. Oattiaafs drag store for a free
trial kettle aad Dr. Maes' new book ea
The lieietsa ef the Clawage, Mihraakee
84. PaaleempanjUent lease frees the
Palhaaa eoaiamtieaaswl operate its ewa
rleepersas anavaat ef eestfieeraaie isa-
te the travaliag weblic Tae
ompaaynew eeatremaoi ep-
ejeys a
ef tael
With tlaamueieefhwnds aad the din
of tia honas. with apeedie.uwc and
procaerioas, the dscsneraas of Nebraska
last night celebrated their recent -great
vctory, in the streets of the states rae
tropoiie. What is the 'victory in Nobrp.-kV
which they have a right to celebrate?
The accidental choice of a democratic
governor in a triangular coetatt, in which
he received some thirteen thour-nrd lew
votes then did John A. McShane :n 1SSS;
the election of a democratic legislative
ticket in a county that has a natural and
perennial democratic majority; the elec
tion of a democratic congressman in a
district where over thirteen thousand
farmers, mostly republicans, threw away
their votes on a hopeless third candidate.
Only this and nothing more.
There is no one cheering fact in the
election returns from Nebraska for the
cause of democracy. The party rote
shows an actual falling oft. History
never yet gave credit to a general or an
army who only won a 'victory" when
pestilence had decimated the ranks of
an enemy that could never be overcome
in the fulness of its strength. That,
however, is the nature of the triumph
which the Nebraska democracy cele
brated last night in tho street of Omaha
Outside of the state real democratic
victories have been won, though a fair
statement of local causes would largely
modify them.
However, the republicans of this great
state can afford to enjoy the spectacle of
a democratic jubilee in Nebraska. It
rosseasee a unique interest as a politi
cal curiosity. It is not probable that
the youngest voter will ever see its like
again. Bee.
In Nebraska it is not a question
whether the democrats will fuse with
the alliance, but will the alliance fuse
with the democrats? A glance at the
election returns places the democratic
party hopelessly in the rear of the alli
ance and the republican parties. With
tho exception of governor, tho entire
state republican ticket was elected by
pluralities ranging from three to live
thousand over the alliance, and from
seven to thirteen thousand over the
democrats. On a straight party poll
the alliance is from four to nine thou
sand ahead of the democratic vote.
Under these circumstances the anxiety
of the democrats to swallow the alliance
is not surprising, but it ia not probable
that the alliance will consent to pose as
the Iamb for the democratic lion. Bee.
A Forlaaafe Weuana.
Mrs, Mary L, Baker, of Ovid, Mieh
haa reason to be very thankfal. She
was a great sufferer from hesrt disease
for years, was short of breath, had
hungry spells, pain in the aide, flatter
ing, faintness, etc. After taking two
bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Care,
she says, "I am better taaa for SO years
My mind and eyesight have improved
wonderfuU. I advise all persons thas
afflicted to use this great remedy." C. L
Cotting druggist, recommend aad guar,
an tees it. Dr. miles' work on Heart
Disease, containing marvelous testimon
ials, free. 2
Henry Cook was in Lincoln and Oma
ha this week.
Mrs. Metzger of Beatrice, is visiting
with Mrs. Anson Iligby this week.
a Don't forget that Thonksgiving is on
the 27th. It should bo generally ob
served. John McMillan was in tho city this,
week. John is traveling for the J. W
Butler Paper Oa
M. W. Dickerson was in Omaha this
week viewing the big democratic
"hoodoo' at that place the other day.
Pope Bros, have purchased a large
stock of dry goods and general merchan
dise and will open a big general store for
the city soon.
Switchman Perry had his middle rin
ger mashed Thursday morning while
coupling cars. The wound was not dan
gerous however.
The ladies of the Christian church
will give a chicken pie supper at the
residence of Mrs. J. F. Winters Friday
night Nov. 21, Supper 15c served from
six to nine.
M. Stern of Hastings, is considering a
proposition for building a two story brick
on the corner where his saloon is. Tub
Chief hopes he will do so as it would be
a paying investment and a tine improve
ment. Children Cry for
Pitcher's Casterla
Any one waatiag stove wood, plesse
call oa TiuoDoii Tatlob, lss
We sell sore ofttettitt' little ris
ers tfcaa aaj other pill; their actios
Is so easy, do aot grip er eaate paia,
are the best regalator of the liver,
stossach aaa bowles. 2
C. L. Cottmo.
Mrs-JohaA. Clarke waa a peat
saffersr frost iadigeetiea aad sick
headaehe. She left her hease last
Satardav to hay a hettle ef DeWitt's
Little Karly Bisera, teak a dese aad
her headache disappeared as ssvster
ioasly aa it eatse. Trj thesj; sold hj
C. L. Cottiag.
People whs desira draviag deae
with proasptaess aad disaatch hosld
always aire Joha Barklev'a teasss.
Jeaa ia aa eld head at the hasiaese
aad will do year work well. Tenas
ressoaahle. 1-if
Headache is the direct reealt ef Ia
dicestioa aad steaiseh diaerders.
Rsaedj these hj asiag DeWht's lit
tle early naera sad jear fesadaeae die
sapcars. The favorite little pill
erervwhere. bold h? Cettiac S
Oar f riaads sheald give DeWitt's
eeachaad inaiaaift'nB care a trial.
No datapfiataaas fellewa the aae el
this reliahlc aaedietae, aad it asarits,
the praise reeeived f ream all wha ase
it 3
OINNsVaNi wty 1st
aaVaaaaamaa aaY aaWaal ffsaaaW. aaaWaT amaaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaa aaa
aeNt VV?S V!lMhlaBanaR
auaun,aaaaaa.p 1 J aae aa mm V -r-iJBm'n!
Ki iH 1 Willi k'ffl
Asaasaeaaaa I Sanni ! iniiiiisn aanwaafcassanwanauausnnenao II ll
I . ' Zt v mX W m hBW 1 CV FtBaaaaaBwBal aVaBaBaBaBaaaBaaaaki I . w 1
.1 i '' ri jj n. w , jfauw ckvi r VnananaT aa ftnanananananEBor ill a a
Ira aad Wears lo rail at oar store aal rtasnlac
all rlllaaca of
Scvsiaa; Macalae. Oruaa. Caraela, elr, oar stork of I'sHtertak
era ttaada Is rosaalrle aad wr am- rsorrlal allralloa lo late
oraarh of Ikr kaalaeaa
Jones & Evans,
Sl'CC'KftMIK TO II At fcllK IVtKKIlal.
IH'Mlrr la
Groceries, Provisions
Canned Fruits, Etc.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
Fort Abstract Co., Ited Cloud,
L. II. FOUT, Manager.
Ah&ivtietf of Title,
Famished to all LanrlH in Wetafcr County, Accurately and
Having Iiatl trn year cxix-rlmci In county rtvonN atul unc of llir nnw! romiiM art
ntntct books In the tat. t Ktur.uitrt? Mtltfnrtloit. Vimr feiur tllitr
All orUc lilU-ft pnttmttJy M.aii ilullir Ihj.J CInl
awl 3iruvcil. AMr?j or fall ou
L. II. F011T Ma.naukk, lied Cloud, Nek
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
W. A. McAVOY, Props,
First-class Bigs and Good Teams.
Boarding by clay or week, good hay and feer
for teams. Come and see us.
Abstracters, Real Estate
and Farm Loan Agent.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Abstracts of title fumi&hud accurately and promiitly.
Satinfaction Ouarantd. $10,000 bond HUhI
Lower than any yard in the world
Webster Street Livsry, Feel, ul Salt StiUe.
Frank AKuehn. Prop
Boarding by the day, week, or mouth at rmtmal
nte& Farmere are invited to Htop at our barn when in Uie
city. Special attention paid to their trade. Prk for
single feeding, low as anywhere in the city. Don't for
get the place.
Local Salle.
L AMeaWatsea
HaraW c,amtmt4.lMrr tlvUtd. Hnzt L.
CuUMsre. Mr. ii&Ulot mltr ef ;.
THm r OanMaHl aiMf Mr fiaWfnnl. ta
MefUS. L. MaMtf9i. wm-txsmt ULr-(
roa wl msm injure uk on vnf iim
arafOrtotT.M.I.. Atkr Wn. pUUM.
' aatKsaaj ia ia nznc- .ii m
;. caraaa.
aa (A aatt
Wcct im (rajrer of Wrt la
a miala nsutlamm mrait trr
aaaa W7. Sfsr4aiUarr Humu v W. J
aswasa (aaMi saartaaajs mtuerwmrf M
aiairs; if - r syi ' --
aaataaarat-aCaMtfcmSvv. ia Urhiit rar,
X taaas sra as Wrateraaair. SHfaraaka. mA
wsaartta fault SW aaiawaial am rrflsSs
SiiiaJswijiirliiaaW A5jAi"m tar
asat far Stl eackTaa o wafeato a4 fay
aassaatalsCrs JtrMl lataat f -aasy
( sack yasr mas 4e tWtwC, that n-e
aaa aaaV 4aW VaVsM flawaf aWMaV JaaVaf asMaTpafyt fiaV
saasf SwrXlfcr aSatsi aaa wWa tnarmt
Ms. Mat
Jiaca w
ia fcaqr GmWIwi n nytrM
aacr aa aa m
mmU ftwimem
.T aifw Saaaaw
Mock of
Carriage, imi aad hsase paiatlaf
Hard wood f asht irraiaiaf . etc, Shsa
eppotit Piatt's Laaiher Yard. Al
wwrk ftisraatecd.
Xtr .(
tM4 (4 mm r4r A a i
a vr
t f. 1L ravt. Clef a vt tkm UMrtrt Own t
wlAXii Jiirial DiitfL
l WV
&tty.Xebr'ix, . ta aa I
tmmsC.mni. akrftM. aa natmmm
M TrwM Cumnmrnj liaiisSi
ttfc aa4 aila J' U rW S ,
Vm nrf4iMi.
waasWaTaw w a'aj ar
ac awr a fcwr
ia f trMer twjatr, aa
thm Jf64f aW teat
a UMrmlim Mm
t,'tLtL a. a rf
j jr( utSi tmmtumm (! as
ua mi m uaw mm
Iraaka. Utia4wsf
CkrtaW a. 0. JSS. -
C A.Taas.
C r. McOaaw. nafcaaa
tm mm.mt0ritmi
kurtd. daa art
-u wf&w cn
CO. &' gCHlC-
m aa
saaa -
. aaaaSaawaaf
a ai aaa.
aafta. ISaat aaaaa
aajaaatasHaaast .
U as !, "yaaaaar'
.IjT . ..i lm
iaaaaSy. raaVS.
Bttaaasastt-.: aal --
BSaaralnnjSwnm '3afr'aitlll3li 'r-Bjt. t aJ11nniiaaaiTfffnfriS