The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 07, 1890, Image 2

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c&oui chief,
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Maw AnwMort retirement from
th stage la tail to ae permanent
Varux millle ballots wen prlated
for the electtoa to New York City.
Edlabars? electrical exhibition
fell 9ses short of paying expeases
at baa gome iato liquidation.
The coal miners of Indiana, ia State
convention, decided toatandby the corn
tract signed ia the spriag with the
operators, aad aot demand aa iacreaae
is wages.
Thb President haa received the reeig
aatiom of George & Batcheller aa Aa-
aistsntbecretury of the Treasury. Mr.
Batcheller will Uke the office of Mlais
ter to PortvzaL
Couxt Vos Moltkk. whose alaetieth
birthday aaaiTeraary has just been cele
brated ia Germany, has startled the
world by refasiag a Dukedom teadered
him by Emperor William.
. Bitsdkeds of persoas are sqaattiag
along the laads receatly ceded by the
Cbeyenae aad Arapahoe Indians, anx
ioasly awaitiag the ratification of the
treaty by Congress that they may eater.
The Treasury Department aanouaces
that under the new tariff law a duty of
VLH cents per pound must be assessed
on all imported lead, whether ia com
bination with silver or in smaller or
larger proportions.
Mr Schxapiiobst, the Liberal cau
cus leader and manipulator, has re
ceived reports from all parts of Ea
gland and Scotland assuring him of
phenomenal gains for the Liberal party
ia the general elections.
Ox his recent trip from Montreal to
New York the Comte do Paris had a
narrow escapo from a horrible death.
At Plattsburg he attempted to board the
train while in motion, and missing the
guard rail was swunsr between the cars.
He was saved by trainmen.
Tins widow of Prof. Jamison, the nat
uralist who was with the Barttelot
party on tbe Congo, writes to the Lon
don Times that the life and diaries of
her husband are being published. It is
probable that they will throw light
upon the Barttelot-Stanley dispute.
BAnoi Adler offers to pay the ex
panses incurred if Stepniak, Krapotkin,
Morris, Burns and others abandon tbe
proposed meeting in London in behalf
of tbe Jews in Russia, on the ground
that the cause of the Jews will not be
benefited by being associated with
thatof the Nihilists.
It is learned that the Russian Colonel
Obrutscheff. who is now in Paris, is un
der instructions from the Government
at St Petersburg to conclude an of
fensive and defensive alliance between
Bussia and France, and it is said that
the progress of his negotiations has
thus far been hitrhly satisfactory.
Prioadikk-Genekai. Griebson says
that recent surveys have shown that a
railroad can be constructed throughout
the Grand canyon of the Colorado at a
feas ble cost, and liberal encourage
ment should bo given by the Govern
ment to hasten its completion and open
up the famous wonderland, now beyond
the reach of many.
Jt is reported from Constantinople
that the Austrian and British Ambassa
dors to the Porte have remonstrated
with tbe Sultan on tbe cruel treatment
of Armenian prisoners, several of whom.
including the young Armenian who at
tempted to murder the arebpriest
Succkias. have been tortured to death
in the prisons of Constantinople.
At a recent session of tbe Dutch Par
liament all the members of both houses
being present, Dr. Mackay Minister of
Colonies, announced that in the opinion
of the doctors who had examined the
King his Majesty's health was such that
he was incapacitated for performing the
duties of the Government. He there
fore asked Parliament to make the
declaration that the constitution
Juan Garcia, who made an unpro
voked assault upon the Spanish Consul,
Senor Francisco de Bagner, at Key
West, Fla., was arraigned before a
Cuban justice of the peace, pleaded
guilty and was fined SI0. This leniency
has created the greatest indignation
among all classes at Key .West In con
sequence the Consul has been ordered
to close his consulate, and he has left
for Havana.
The annual sale of seal skins held in
London showed an advance of from 50
to 100 per cent over the prices of last
year. As this sale determines the
market for the next twelve months,
those who luxuriate in seal skins this
winter must pay well for the privilege.
Leading fur dealers of New York said
that the advance was something unpre
cedented, and attributed it to the small
catch of seals this year.
Tax religious marriage of Mile. Moh
renheim, daughter of Baron Mdhren
helm, the Russian Ambassador to
France, to Lieutenant" Des Exe took
place in Paris recently and was attead
ed by Madame Carnot wife of the Pres
ident and all the Ambassadors la Paris.
A crowd gathered outside the church ia
which the ceremony was performed and
aa the bridal party came out they were
greeted with cries of "Long live Rus
sia! loag live France!"
The decline of tbe flour mill in
dustry in Bussia is attributed to the
persecution of the Jews. Many of
the'largeat mills were owned by Jews,
and these having boon compelled
to abandon their property, by the
re-enforcement of obsolete lawa the
industry a which Russian commerce
largely depends is, therefore, languish
ing. Kussia is negotiating with France
forfavorable terms for Russian grain,
the export of which has of late largely
Captaet JIuxbq, bis sixteen-year-old
eon aad crow of .nine men of the wrecked
brlgantiaaSageaia, which went to
pieees-eaf the beach at Joaes' ialet near
LJPi arrived at New York
and the captain reports a thrilliag ex
perieace. Aa the vessel went to pieces
the eleven men took to the yawl and
were betnffrapidly carried ont to sea
when tbey atrack buoy, to which they
made fast They were eveatually res-
zrom taeir perilous aesitioa bv the
kSsr? " " J" a the Cologne Ge
IJaaase naa aa a tatsrview with X P.
V: TOmnor oa matters relating tolralaa:
Barinr the Interview O'Connor aaid that
Iteiea-Dllloamiaaton to America had
I tillil' - ---. - il. oi,m
.wawnwai wi wi vue onnu
1 1 Their only
y for political par-
ape get-
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aeaarwae so ret moac
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CHmmA By TeeTapaY aad MaJL
M. Aixakd, a journalist foaght a
duel aear Toors, France. The weapons
used were pistols, aad Allard wasahot
ia the stomach. He haa since died from
the effects of hie injuries.
Tax question of Speaker Bead count
iaf a quorum haa come np ia a case at
New York, where aa importing house
challenged the legality of aa act de
clared paaaad by the Speaker.
Br direction of the Secretary of the
Interior. Ageat Wangh haa beea direct
ed to take prompt steps to return the
depredating bands of Utea ia Colorado
to their reservatioaa The Secretary of
War haa also givea the necessary in
structions to tho local military author
ities. Tbk Parliament of Holland has been
called upon to act in tbe crisis occa-
aioaed by the King's sickness.
Mb. Gladstoxe in an address to work
men extolled free trade He claimed
that the results of the last fifty years'
legislation had been that trade had
multiplied fivefold; that the population
had doubled; and that the material, so
cial, moral aad political condition of
the country had enormously improved.
Brigos Swift, a noted pork packer of
Cincinnati, is dead. He was an octo
genarian. Admiral Pkeeiiaxtlk, of tbe British
South African squadron, has captured
Vitu and burned the town to tbe ground.
Only three men were wounded on the
British side in the attack upon Vitu.
A high license local option liquor bill,
with provisions similar to tbe law now
in force la Massachusetts has been in
troduced in the Vermont Legislature.
Tins twenty-fifth anniversary of Arch
bishop Foeban's admission to the priest
hood was celebrated with great pomp at
Chicago on tbe 29th.
Senor Miguel Suarez Gaxes, now
Consul-General at New York, has been
appointed Spanish Minister to tbe
United States, vice Senor Murnaga, re
signed. Minister Liscolx has left London
for a vacation at home.
Tine Brazilian Government
dered the conversion of tbe
cent Government bonds into
cents., payable in gold.
nas or
fivo per
four per
Thirty more Armenians have been
arrested in Constantinople for conspir
ing against tbe Turkish Government
Tax remains of tbe late General
Crook are to bo removed from Oakland,
Md., to tbe National cemetery at Ar
lington Heights, near Washington.
Owing to the new Tariff law of the
United States 1,000 weavers have been
thrown out of work in Silesia
Herbert Ward, the traveler, declares
that Barttelot was not addicted to tho
practices hinted at by Stanley.
It is stated that the modru vivendi
which Portugal has proposed to England
opens up the Zambesi to all nations,
while Engl and agrees to make no treaty
with native cbiofs in the Portuguese
sphore until tho delimitation of tbe
frontiers is settled.
Tiik anti-Semitic party in tbo Hun
garian Diet has been dissolved af tor an
existence of ten years.
IIerr Johann Nussbaum, the cele
brated Gorman surgeon and oculist,
died in Munich recently.
The lato Franklin B Jagger, of Bur
lington, Iowa, left $30,000 to missionary
societies and Grinnell College.
Italy's Mediterranean squadron has
been considerably damaged in a storm.
The wharf front at Apalachicola, Fla.,
was damaged by fire on tbe 27th, The
property destroyed was estimated at
President Gompebs has called for a
meeting of the Federation of Labor at
Detroit Mich., December &
The Socialists have gained a number
of scats in Ilrussels and the provincial
towns of Belgium.
Governor Cooper, of Colorado, has
appealed for Government protection
against tho Utes.
Less than one-half of a potato crop
this year is estimated compared with
last year.
The post-office authorities will permit
iruessing and voting schemes of mer
chants in newspaper advertisements.
The announcement of prizes at church
fairs, eta, however, will not bo allowed.
Barnum's circus was in another
wreck at Macon. Ga. Two men and
eight horses were killed.
The Western Anthracito Coal Associa
tion met in New York and decided upon
a raise of ten cents a ton in tbo price of
anthracite coal at Chicago and all lake
Natural gas appears to bo giving out
at Pittsburgh, Pa.
It was reported in London that a ves
sel with 700 emigrants on board had
foundered off Cape St Vincent
The steamboat Alexander Swift broke
in two near Glenwood, Pa., having been
overloaded. No lives were lost The
damage was estimated at 550,000.
Eureka Springs, Ark., suffered a
loss of $200,000 by fire on tbe 28th,
which broke out in the Perry House on
Spring street
The bridge man above Niagara Fain
reported a man in a skiff pass under
the other morning. No one knew who
it waa
Fire in the George Weidman Brewing
Compaay's establiahmeat in Newport
Ky., the other night destroyed a large
warehouse containing 100,000 bushels of
barley and malt The loss was estimated
at $100,000, with full insurance. '
The St Paul telegraphers' strike
resulted in an easy victory for the West
ern Union.
President Cable, of the Rock Island
road, states that the building of an ex
tension of the Rook Island to Salt Lake
City was among the events of construc
tion likely to soon occur. He admitted
that this was what prompted his recent
visit to New York City.
The Attoraey-General of Iowa haa
been ordered to begin suit to force the
railroads of that State to put into force
the State Commission's joint rate order.
The body of aa Italian was found on
the river front at Louisville, Ky., with
several gaahea ia his head and a knife
throng h the heart His death was the
work of the Mala. The victim, it ia
believed, was followed to Louisville
from New Orleans.
According to the National Gaaette
Prof. Koch, the specialist, haa discov
ered a cure for consumption by inocula
tion, aad ia coaseeueace has abandoned
lecturing aad will devote himself ex
clusively to experimenting.
Twentt hale of cotton oa a platform
at Colbert, L X, awaiting shipment,
were destroyed by ire recently.
Thomas C Woolfolk was'aaaged at
Macon, Ga, oa the Svth. Ha murdered
his father aad eight other persoas with
aa axe Augaat 6,1887. His reason for
tbe crime was a desire to obtain his
father's estate, which waa likely to go
the children by a second wife.
A coal train on the Pennsylvania
railroad raaea a misplaced awitchand
crashed through the Hotel Brunswick,
at Hunting!, p., creatine a peak
aaaaaa; the gnaata, aad leaded ia the
yardaof thaGirard Heaee aad Jackson
Thebe la a plague of veneme hUck
spiders at Aete, N. J., aad the people
are ia a seats of great tranidatioa.
Ahraan Wiener, a prominent farmer,
had been bitten and was ia a cril
. ' H
-T. i "' " ,vi iji r
ST. i,.
Tib iatirrectioa of "peasants la
Southern Kassia continue Tea rebels
pillage the residences ef laadewaer
Nina thousand troops are operatias;
against them.
An epidemic fever prevails ia Kil
lamey, Ireland, attributed to aatiaf
diseased potatoes.
Isaac L. Falk St Co., clothing maaa
facturera, New York, have failed far
Isidore Roskstkax, cloak mnaefaeV
arer, Broadway, New York, haa failed
for $150.00.
Ta commission annotated by the
Pennsylvania Legislature to survey
a route and report on the practicability
of a ahip caaal between Lake
Erie and Pittsburgh haa decided to rec
ommend each aa enterprise, The State
will probably solicit aid frost the Na
tional Government
Four men were fatally injured by a
boiler explosion at the Portage rolling
mills at Duncansville, near Altoonn, Pa,
A vouxo physician of Hyde Park,
Chicago, died recently after aa oyster
meal at a restaurant The oysters bad
been kept so long that tbey had devel
oped a poision known aa ptomaia.
The St Johns Savinga Banks, St Au
gustine, Fla., has suspended.
It is domed by tbe Two Republics
that Mexico has placed a prohibitive
duty on cattle.
The census will probably show tbe
population of Alaska to be 33.000.
The Rhode Island State House Com
mission has decided on a f 1,000,000 Cap
itol Judge Tulev, of Chicago, has decided
adversely to Ed Corrlgan, the horseman.
Bookmaking at race tracks is illegal in
Twenty-six confessions of judgment,
aggregating about S200,000, have been
entered against Leopold Bros. & Co.,
wholesale clothiers at 220
street Chicago.
iHR imcazo snerm nas laicen pos-
session of the Arkansaw Traveler, edited
by Op:c P. Reid, the humorist
Business failures (Dun's report) for
the week ended October SO numbered
218, compared with S25 the previous
week and 201 the corresponding week
of last year.
Fued Mundee, aged 13, was blown
from a wharf at St Johns. X. B Fred
Young, aged 17, tried to rescue him, but
both were drowned.
Judge Caldwell, of tbe United
States Circuit Court at Little Rock,
Ark., has rendered an original package
decision In direct antagonism to tbe de
cision of Judges Philips and Foster at
Topoka. Caldwell holds that tbe Wil
son law gives validity to the old State
laws concerning liquor.
The Pope's recent encyclical to the
Italian Bishops concludes with assert
ing that two povornmonts are impossi
ble at Rome and that authority must be
given back to tbe Pope if the world de
sired his influonco over Roman Cath
ol:cs. The Spanish steamer Viszcaya was in
collision with tho schooner Ifargreaves
soon after leaving New York for Havana.
A shocking loss of life was the result
both vessels sinking. About twenty
out of one hundred persons only were
The Vossicbo Zoitung confirms the
report from Warsaw that while a num
ber of persons wero leaving Russia,
their intention being to emigrate to
Brazil, tbey wero fired upon by tho
Russian frontier guard at Slupcha. Only
four men lost their lives.
The census of the country as finally
announced by Superintendent Porter is
a triflo under sixty-two million and a
half. If correct it shows a deplorable
falling off in the birth rato or an enor
mous incroase in tho death rate, as the
immigration has been excessive. Sug
gested causes are that the census figures
of 1870 in thn South wero greatly do
flclent, and that the present census ia
defective. Perhaps a little of every
thing has contributed to mako tbe cen
sus of 1890 an epoch in the history of the
Chilli cotiie. I1L, near Peoria, was
almost wiped out by fire on the night
of the 31st
At the tunnel near Somerset Ky.,
where the recent terrible wreck oc
curred, there was another collision. In
which Conductor Law ton was killed and
sevoral persons hurt
Americus B. Missimer, of Pottstown,
Pa, conductor of tho train caused
two deaths at Williamsport Pa. has
been arrested for criminal carelessness.
Because her husband of three weeks
paid attentions to another woman. Mrs.
John Williams, colored, of Bradford,
Ala, shot him dead and tried to kill
herself, but failed.
Eleven German life boatstnon wero
drownod off tbe coast of Germany while
trying to rescue the crew of a British
At a recent civil service examination
in Baltimore all tho papers presented
such a striking s.milarity that an ia
vestigation is made.
Ex-President Hayes on tho 1st ad
dressed tbe Johns-Hopkins University
at Baltimore, Md., on tbe subject of
negro education.
The Union Pacific has issued its sec
ond sensational manifosto. It absolute
ly refuses to pro-rate with any other
connecting lino than tho Northwestern.
Since tho outbreak of cholera in tho
Cbineso Empire there have boon 38,435
cases and ilo, 911 deaths. The epidemic
has almost subsided.
Grand Meadows, the largest hay
farm in Northern Indiana, containing
9,000 acres, was set on fire by hunters,
burning up 12.000 tons of hay. Tho to
tal loss was $90,000.
Chicago capitalists are about to es
tablish a big tin can factory in Balti
more. The municipal elections in Ireland
and Wales showed Liberal gains.
Dillon and O'liricn. tbe Irish Nation
alists arrived at New York on tho 2d,
accompanied by Timothy Harrington
ana 1. D. Sullivan.
TnoMAs RaoAuns, tho only Lynn
(Mass.) morocco manufacturer who had
not discharged his old help, turned off
167 of bis employos, in accordance with
the resolution adopted by the National
Morocco Manufacturers Association,
that on November 1 all Knights of La
bor should bo discharged.
The corner stone of the Women's
Temple, which is being erected by the
Women's Christian Temperance Union,
was laid by Mrs. Malilda B Cane at
Chicago on the 1st
Ciiir.K Justice and Mrs. Fuller will
celebrate tbeir silver wedding in Janu
ary at tbeir Washington home. On that
day tho wedding of their daughter, Miss
Mildred Fuller, to Hugo Wallace will
take place.
Clearing house returns for the week
ended November 1 showed an average ia
creaae of 2.4 compared with the corre
sponding week of last year. In New
York there was a decrease of L4.
Prices continued to shrink on the
London Stock Exchaag during the
weak eaded November 1. There were
batter iadications toward the close.
BasUees waa dull on the Paria Bourse.
At Berlin prices were firm. At Frank
fort business was quiet
Two hundred and If ty persons were
arrested at New York for illegal regis
Ajtoao the t passengers landed tress
tWiCitv at CffM a tU 4 m
sixty-six Tnrlclshearsat weaver They
eveagfctttieir teems aad teals with them
aa taayar believed to be imparted by
several amonoa aarpet
" ' " . --ft ;$.s?r2isSS6
Tnlery la the Whttemaa
at Auburn, after betas; oat all
night, returned a verdict of murder ia
the Irst degree against Charles John
son, who shot aad killed hla brother-in-law,
Jamea Whitemaa, ia July last
The clothing store of Stone Co., of
Central City, was robbed of worth
of goods by burglars the other atght
Charlks M. ThosltoV, a yoaag farm
er living twelve miles from Alliance, re
cency killed Fred Bobinaon and fatally
shot his sweetheart, Myrtle Kerr. The
iirland Tboslton were engaged to be
married, but when Tboaltoa called to
see her ahe told him that aha had de
eded to marry aaother maa named
Foreman to please her parent Thoal
toa expostulated with her, when her
father came out and seized her, aad
Tbosltoa attempted to shoot him. Rob
inson, who was in tbe house, rushed out
and waa shot dead by tbe furious lover,
and tbe girl was shot in the side in at
tempting to disarm him.
J. R, CoNKU.f, a wealthy stockman.
was arrested at Lincoln tbe other day on
the charge of criminally assaulting tbe
wife of Andrew J. Reed. Tbe crime
was committed some time ago, but it is
declared tbe lady, through fear of her
life, has bad to keep the secret
A recent fire in Utysscs destroyed
fourteen buildings, causing 920,000 loss.
The wife or Charles Clark, of Lincoln,
recently d sappeared with her six chil
dren, six cows and a horse, the rosult
of seven years' industry on tbe part of
herself and husband. Clark says be
misses tho children, tbe cows and the
horse but thinks he can continue busi
ness without Mrs. Clark.
The other morning Samuol McCath-
rnn. nnn of thn nlilnst nlnnnAP anttlnra
J of toe pjatte valley, was perhaps fatal
ly wounded at Chapman by one Joyce
i & . -,- ,,v. ....i, k. .m
i rvifcto juuuk uiaii vuvr sli uwiv uw vtu
, entieman on tho head with a club, in-
I flicting two cuts which penetrated to tbe
skull. Mr. McCathron is eighty years
. old, with poor health, and his recovery
was considered imposstDie. xno cow
ardly murderer fled, but was being pur
sued by citizens.
Mits. Giuffith, a Brown County
woman, created considerable excite
ment in Loup the other day by appear
ing on tho streets with a shotgun on her
shoulder, a pair of handcuffs in her
pocket and a revolver in her belt Sbe
was looking for her runaway husband.
j Ciiables Vance, a young man who
naa oeen employed on a larm, took a
girl toa bagnio at Covington the other
night and soon after taking a room the
girl was heard to scream and Vance
rushed out in a half-dressed condition.
The girl was found unconscious with
her skull crushed back of the right ear,
as if by a blow from tho butt of a re
volver. She could not recover. The
girl is said to bo tbo daughter of highly
respected parents residing near tbe
State line. Vance escaped, but officers
were in pursuit
The fine barn belonging to Fred
Meyer at Fremont was burned tbe
other night with its contents, including
throe horses, a cow, grain and hay.
Loss about $3,000; insured.
BEirr Shields and Smith Hart two
Kansas farmers, wero run down by a
Northwestern freight train near Supe
rior tbo other night Both men were
badly hurt and will probably die.
Thomas Dolison, a farmer residing
near Exeter, recently left borne ostensi
bly to assist a neighbor move a barn
and has since been missing. Several
days later over three hundred men met
at his farm and spent tho day in thor
oughly searching tbo premises and tbe
country for miles around without re
sult The prevailing opinion seemed
to be that Dolison was decoyed away
and murdered. A neighboring farmer
heard a pistol shot in the direction of
his houso upon the night of his disap
pearance. His granary and cellar con
tained about S250 worth of oats and po
tatoes. Ho was always very particular
about his horses, and tho fact of their
being left without food or water, to
gether with tbe fact of his having con
siderable money from tbo sale of farm
produce, caused apprehension of foul
Elder M Meciiam, of Boaver Valley,
recently mot with an accident that
nearly cost him his llfo. In attempting
to cross the railroad track about a mile
and a half from Wilsonvillo his wagon
was struck by the west-bound psssenger
train and thrown into tho ditch beside
the road. Mr. Mecham was crushed be
neath tbe overturned vehicle and sus
tained very serious injuries.
A family of newcomers to Ashland
have lately lost two children by diph
theria They had previously lost sev
eral children from tho same disoase in
the East and it is supposed the germs
of d phtberla were taken to Ashland
with them.
At a dance recently given on the res
ervation near Pender, some Indians got
into a fight and one of them had three
ribs broken and his head pounded into
a jelly. He died from the effects. .
.hie iorK creamery nas oeen
chased by John Peters.
m. . . .
Maiitin Barker, a well known s bar
ber, recently shot and seriously wound
ed El Lewis, employed in Tranmer's
livery stable at Lyon Barker was
considerably under the infiuenco of
liquor at the time.
George Akkin has been found guilty
of burglarizing Shlmanok's shoo storo
at Central City.
An election was recently held at Lex
ington to determine whether or not the
Council should issue water bonds in the
sum of 519,000, Tbe vote was largely
in favor of tho proposition.
More room is needed at the Norfolk
hospital for the insane to accommodate
the patients already committed to it for
care and treatment For some time
past from two to seven patients have
been sleeping outside the ward The
crowded condition of the institution
will demand some legislative attention
this winter.
There was a "pumpki dance" a few
nighta since in Fred De la Maotyr bis;
barn at Fremont sad most of tbe social
club enjoyed the fun. The bam waa
lighted up with all kinds of fantastical
lights and the participants ia tbe dance
were dressed ia keeping with the deco
rations of the bam.
A warrant has been issued for the
arrest of J. H. Chelson, of Leigh, for
embezzling $277, the proceeds of sales
of blading twine taken oa commission
A tramp aamed James Taylor, from
Pittsburgh, waa run over by the cars
at Scribner the other -day aad no se
verely injured that one leg had to be
amputated at the hip.
The Methodist Episcopal conference
meets at Randolph. December 2, 3 aad 4.
Heset HoYr, of Clark Coaaty, fell
from a scaffold receatly. sustaialnc se
rious in jury. One of the aakle heasa
waa drive nearly through the lash.
M. K. PuedT. of Homer, had the mis
fortaaa to lose Ive head of horses dur
ing a heavy rain the other eight His
stable was situated aear a creek aad the
water raised aad llled the stable aad
drowned the heroes before he waa aSrare
of the danger, only oae encaplg.
Tax fcr-Tear-eJd girl of Sam Schwab,
residing- near Plattamouth, reeeatly
swallowed a bean which lodged fa bar
windaine aad caused hr death.
tha UnJe Fneilc track
aad Gas Wiaceka has
guilty et the a by a
V Jvnf -
" -" z -Aryt.-yissi
tka Daeparado and
, Walk Oat of Jail.
BoosmiXE, Ma, Nor. The start
ling; aaaonacemeat that Joha O. Tar
ltagtoa. the murderer of Sheriff Crea
mer, had escaped Saturday night from
the county jail waa the report spread
abroad la this city yesterday morning.
It waa found that Turlington had
placed a dammy in his bed and had
secreted himself Saturday evening un
der the bed of Deputy Sheriff Nicold
so ia the lower hall of the jail aad
when, a short time after supper, Nicold
son went into the jail and upstairs to
see if every thiag was all right Tur
lington deliberately walked out
It was notknown until 9 o'clock that
the condemned man was at large.
Three horses were found bearing
evidence of bard usage. Tbey bc
loaged to different parties aloe the
road to Jnffnmon Citr. It ia annnoMd
Turlington pressed these animals into
KPlMtAM htm tnmrh th MUnnri
Pacific railroad, oa which ho went
either east or west
Up to this time Turlington has not
been heard from in any way. Messages
have been sent to all parts of the conn
try. Turlington was arrested at Sedalia
last spring for shooting at two brake
men near Ottcrville, Ma, and brought
here charged with assault with Intent
to kilL While at Sedalla he told a
vountr nrisoner whose confidence ho se
cured that he had concealed tho re-
volver with which he did tho shooting
near Ottervilie wbero it could be found.
Tbe young man got the revolver, took It
to lloonville and gave it to Turling
ton. That evening whon Sheriff Cran
mor went into the jail Turlington drew
his revolver and demanded his release.
Cranmer drew his revolver and accord
ing to best accounts both fired about
tbo same t mo. Cranmer was fatally
wounded. Turlington was captured be
fore be had gone very far, was triod for
murder, convicted and sentenced to be
banged November 21. lleforo bis trial
be told tbo story of tbe Prjor creek
train robbery in tho Indian Terr.tory,
and said a man named Tctupio had as
sisted him in the robbery. Temple was
apprehended at Fort Worth, Tex., nnd
is now in jail at Fort Smith, Ark.
Iteth rolltintl Coafwltten at WMhtnatna
Ilia Them Awn jr.
Washington, Nov. 2. Hoth tho Na
tional Congressional committees closed
tbeir headquarters hero yostorday.
Both appear sanguine at tho outcome.
The Democrats claim tho next Houso
by majorities ranging from Hi to 40, and
aro counting on almost a solid delega
tion from the South. On tho other
hand, the Republican committeo asserts
that tbe Republicans will control tho
next House, and that thoir majority
will not be lower than 7.
Instead of tbo flvo soats conceded by
the Democrats to them in tbo South, tbe
Republicans aro counting on at least
fifteen or twenty. They claim they
will elect threo each in Missouri. Vir
ginia and North Carolina, at loast two
in West Virginia and tho same number
in Arkansas, ono each in Louisiana,
Alabama, South Carolina, Maryland and
The Rehriax Haa.
LoxDOff, Nov. 2. A report has been
circulating here, based on statements
in dispatches from America, that
the British Foreign Office had made
overtures in regard to tho Hehring sea,
but tho Foreign Ofllco officials deny
the statement It is understood, how
ever, although it is not officially stated,
that England is awaiting tho action of
tbe American Government on tho prop
osition to arbitrate and that in tho
meantime England will soo that British
vessels are protected from molestation.
No Placa for O'MaHcr.
Jefferson City, Ma, Nov. 2. The
Supremo Court took up and passed
upon the Neil-O'Malloy contost in tho
Eighth Congressional district by
sustaining the action of tho Sec
retary of State in refusing to placo tbo
name of O'Malley upon tbo t.ckets
printed for uso in tho city of St
Louis, undor tho Australian system, as
the nominee of the Democratic party
for Congress. Tho court adjonrnod un
til November 17.
An Actor Convlete.
New York. Nov. 2. Charles Crumley,
the actor, otherwise known as Webster,
who on August 19 last shot and killed
Robert McNeill, a young engineer,
whom he suspected of being criminally
intimate with his wife, was convicted
in the general sessions court of man
slaughter in tbe first degree. The jury
in his case has been out twenty hour
KalahU af Labor Dteehared.
Ltn!C, Mass., Nov. 2. Tbomaa
Bhoades, tbe only Lynn morocco manu
facturer who had not discharged his old
help, to-dsy turned off 107 of his em
ployes, in accordance with tho resolu
tion adopted by the National Morocco
Manufacturers' Association that on No
vember 1 all Knights of Labor should be
Bariaa; far OIL
Pckbu. CoL, Nov. 2. Tho Colorado
Coal k. Iron Company, owning large
tracts of land, valuable coal and iron
mines, coke ovens snd steel works in
this city, have began to bore for oil on
their lands in the vicinity of Florence
This will be tbe third company to
develop the oil field which already sap
plies the entire State.
TornVA. Kan., Nov. 2. Tho original
package houses are closing; here. Only
oae reasalaed opea at noon. Caldwell's
decision is received with joy by the Pro
hibitlonmts aad is regarded aa a taal
deciaio of the qoestioa.
Is tha Selomoa Islands the market
.notation oa a "good quality" wife fa
la,as eecoaant The moaey of tha
oaasiata of strings of shell
aboat the sine of a shirt button,
waU made, aad strung la fathom lengths
f tw kinds, "red" aad "white moaey.
this s the bane of the enrreacy, above
which eeeaes dog's teeth, which are the their coiaage. Only two teeth
beea a tog's jaw are legal trader.
Theresa ee.thlg abeet self-made
asaa; if they o to the bad they caa't
fall back a the aid gaff aboat ecigiaai
AVebaseka girl a Uiag asked why
she did aet marry replied: "I hare
oaeyefmyew. I has
that swears, a mokey that
Laetere that smekea. ae yea
seelasaaetiaaeedof ahnehandvery
Beyt ia said ta have th
af earner lets of amy
th eeemtrj. F.
itnksilniw to bay a
lei I everr tewa ah rieUed. aad la
Uaivemityhaein all ef im
-e -
X.,?- ".- .J v'SS - - Ji,
Scfcfis-f 1 'kf "-
lisiHansm aba
i m je m m
"V-.-" " T T.VfcVZ 3-
Lrrrta Rock, Ark,. Nov.
opinio of Judge Caldwell,
United Statea Ctrceit Court,
L The
of the
la the
rigiaal packare case ef IL
M. Van
Villet. of Iowa, waa lied Teaterdar. It
diaeuaaesthe ewestioas raised aad ex
tends ever mora thaa let larxe tvne-
writte nagea. The court belde that
the act of Congress aad the lawa ef the
State are valid. The fallowing are
soma ef the aalteat points la the opin
ion: "By the aet of Coagress the right
which the importer previously enjoyed
of selllag liquor ia origiaal packagea ia
the State where the transit eaded, re
gardless of the lawa of such State, is
taken away, the act declaring that the
liquor shall, upon Its arrival in such
State or Territory, bo subject to the op
eratioa or the laws of such State."
After citing tbe authorities and tbe
act of Congress, the opinion proceed:
"It will be observed that by tbe terms
of the act tho original package, upon
arriving ia the State, is put on the tamo
footing with liquors produced in tbe
State. The original package, when it
arrives within the Stato where the tran
sit terminates, ia at once reduced to the
rate of domestic liquors, enjoys no privi
lego not enjoyed by domestic liquor, is
subject to the oDeratlons and eiTocUi of
I tho 'a of sucu Stat. -nctcd in
" XCrciSO OI 11 police pOWOM, to
same extent and in tho same manner as
j domestic liquor.
I "Now there novcr was any question
I that tbo laws of Iowa prohibiting the
sale of liquors nmduced in thn Stato
were constitutional. Thosn laws wero '
in full force at tho date of tho passing ,
of tho act of Congress and that act bar
ing in legal effect; abolished original
pacVagos on thoir arrival within tho ,
State, by plac'njf them on thf samo i
footing with liquor produced within tho
j utc such tho7 aro nablo to tho
State laws as if tuffy had never existed
in the form of original packages.
rVinrrrf rin roiriiltn It,
commerce, bwt not intrastate commerce.
It may reeiuato cornpierco among tho
States, but not in tbo States. The
Stato may regulato .partly Internal, but
not Inter-Stato commerce, Tho act la
drawn in view of those settled prin
ciple. It protects tho Inter-Stato trans
portation of liqiuor until its arrival in
tho Stato whero tho transit is to end,
and no longer. Upon Its arrival in the
Stato the act of Congress declares that
it shall bo subject to tho laws of tho
tho State.
"It is said tho Supremo Court decreed j
these laws to bo u constitutional in so far "
as they prohibited tho sale of liquors by ,
tbo importer or has agtmt in the original
package, and that Congress couid not, ,
in tho languago of the learned, 'validity
a dead statute,' Thoro aro two answers
to this contention. Tho first is, tho act :
of Congress rclegatori tho original pack
age of liquor on its acrival in the State
to tho laws of tbo State, passed In tho
exercise of tho police powers, and thoro
is not now, nor ever itas been any
doubt of the validity of those
laws. It is not tho laws of tho I
Stato but
is dead,
tho original package that ,
The obvious designs and
of Coni;ross was to with-
draw at onco tho protecting shield of !
Inter-Stato commerce from -tho original j
packago of liquor tho moment they j
entered tho State wtiero their transit
was to end by placing thorn on the foot
ing of liquor produced In tho Stato and
declaring they bo subject to tho same
"That is what tbe Mupromo Court, as
I construo thoir opinion, had said Con
gress might do, and it is what it did dc
in languago that admits of no ovaslon
or discussion."
Terrible Loaa of Lire fly a Cell Ulna liatwaea
aNp mlah Nteasavraad American Hchooner
Munarlna; of tha NnrvUora.
Nbw YoitK, Nov. "1. Tho stcamoi
Humboldt, which arrived here from
Brazil, reports that sbe picked up some
of tho crow of tho Spanish steamer,
Viszcaya, which left Now York Thurs
day and was sunk at night off Barne
gat by an unknown vessel with which
she was In collision and which was also
sunk, but nothing Is known of her capt
ain and crow.
Tho Humboldt recoived threo officers
and eight of tho crow of the steamer,
and it is supposed that tho rest of tho
crow and tbo passengers, over sevonty
persons, all told, wero lost
Tho Humboldt sighted tbo wreck of
tbo Viszcaya oarly next morning. Sot
oral persons wero clinging to tho rig
ging. Tbo chiof officer, second officer, en
gineer, surgeon and eight of the crew
wero rescued. They say that tho col
lision occurred at night and both ves
sels sank in n few moments after strik
ing. Tbo captain of tbo steamer was Iot,
as wero also tbe fifteen passengers and
a part of tho crew, screnty-ono persons
in alL Tho passengers included a Cuban
millionaire, bis wifo and two children.
Nothing has been heard of tho capt
ain or crew of tbe schooner and it is
supposed they were all lost.
The rescued people say that the
schooner changed bcr course when
within a cable's length of thn steam
ship. The schooner sank and within
five minutes tbe steamer went down.
The passengers were all below deck on
the stesmer nnd thst portion of the
crew on tbe deck took to tbo rant
Tbe Viszcaya had seventy-seven in all
on board. All those saved were mem
bers of the crew.
rail lata taa Maefclaarr.
Chicago, Nov. L Juliun Swenson, a
Swede employed at tbe Western Paving
fc Supply Company's etubliubment as a
sawyer, met a horrible death yesterday
afternooa He and several companions
employed aboat the mill where pav ng
blocks are sawed were ia tbe engine
room eating dinner. When they bad
fiaished Swenso proposed to his fellow
workmen that they should have a
wrcstliag boat By aa us fortunate slip
Swesson fell over backward oa the ma
chiaery. As soon as possible the
machinery was stopped aad the lifeless
body take oat
as Warn.
Ecnc, Fa.. Oct 3L This city has suf
fered severely recently from the work
lof firebugs aad Wednesday night free
broke out in four JitVreat carta of the
broke ont ia four different parts of the
city. In one instance three families
barely escaped with their live Ferdi
nand Fescber was arrested oa suspicion
aad other arrests will fellow.
PartAPaxraxa. Xev. L Frank Sherer.
aged six years aad nine months, who
was aceessaeaying his mother from Ba
varia to thla atty oa the eteaauhlp
Weateralasd, died at ae Tseeday from
siekaees csseed by smekinsr a rJgareta
KAAarrru. Tea. Saw. L Another
yeatarday meraia e
the Oadaaatl Southern railway at Taav
aal X f fa Kentucky, tn which Cea
dneter Lew Lewie was killed- Ten
trains collided is th taL
Mtreredaad sereral
Injured. '
Tex, Ser. L At
rl ted Care, e the aeathen
9 wen ef thla dty. a fnaght
Lded with a construct traia walla
a carve. Kmta SWaw we
to d-ati lathe
1 -- " . . , . - -5-? J. Z !, f F,S. . frT.:-ia-rf::.ri3r
. . -tp ' rf i - "c -ii. e-, t ub v- me - rir.-y n 5 ."w
WOMAN'S rnnnvoH.
he city f i
The day
fares his vleH to
Teafrtead who
lartaingnwny frees
aty wife told me to ton my
wemlrfnl Women have sw
Afraaksrfnrisslo. ....
Wemea'sgeed seae t said toecme
i.ttL.. Mvliotaetliat thcrare
cloaeeheerreraef UtUe Ulaa OaetWnf
tocertsla.thayam ap4tostrihiaaattea
the head, tn all the erdlsary areas of
afe, mere freaaentiy the Mm lerde ef erea
Uo. .
"Aeeardlncto Dr. AUc BiasHt, . ;
cntiy read epopee a rit'?. Vf
persons sahject to biltoae altaek
headache, who have crawUag ssaasunaa,
Uke the gowlegef water la the head, waa
are tired all the time' and aare
attacks of sudd wrakneaa, may well se
suspected of dangerous teadeacma ia wc
direction of Bright's dies'
Tb vcteraii newspaper coil oiponilBS
Jo Howard, of the Xcw York rXm, ia noting
this sutmeeaL suggests: "Peselmy Alko le
correct In her dlagaosl. hat wujdoeaut
ho al o mm Idea of treatment I I kae w a
maa who ha seen Hired all taa time for
ten ymrm. Jfisht before Uat he tee twa
dorof calomel
yeetertay no wtaaeu
bo hadn't." .t. .
I A proper aawcr ia laan'i m - .--.-
cr oi Jira. iii,iiiiw w. ww.
Devi, of Bll, O.. June 31st, l:
"1 do not heltale to aay taat I owe my life
to Wannrr'a 8f Cam I bad a constant
hcniorrhaffe f rora my ktdsexa for more thaa
Bvo months. The phy lclaa eould de aoth
Inpforme. My httbasd spent huadmlsef
dollars and I waa not rlievd. 1 was uader
tho carwof the motcmlnnt meUcal men la
tho State. Tho hetnorrhago eon before I
had taken one bottieof tlu Safe Cure, 1
can nafclr and do cheerfully recommeud It
to all who aro sufferer of kidacy troubla,"
Cafcaa Wnm1 Kya
The Cuban womaa gooa through the
world in an easy, sblf Um sort of a way,
lounge only too gracefully la a ham
mock or lolls In her rocking ohalr, her
' mlnd Intent on only one idea-how to
keep cooL Tho grace of the woman ts
set off by the mnrvelous way with which
k sho uses her fan. Not for a moment is
It at rest: It flutters, waves idly. Is
opened and shut In the space of a sec-
ottd, falls to the side and again rises to
I take a part In the conversation. The
: typo of tho faco. which beams above
1 o'very fan In Cuban high life Is difficult
' to describe, Tho complexion varies
from olive to white; deep btack hair is
1 tbo prevalent hue; but tho eye! Lu-
tuinous. uroamy ko larg. uara ana
vivid. La aonorlta, with her curtain
childlike frankness, but with n provok
ing richness aad fire of natum In her
features, ensnares many a heart as she
stts at her open window twirling her
fan and watching the curling smoke
from her clgaratte, and, while she la
kept under tbe strictest survelllsnce,
sho Is a woman aad romantic, and many
aro tho proofs that "stone walls do not
a prison makv" N. Y. Journal.
Hackktt. Ahkaxms. Aue. 30. 197.
A. T, HiULucxasaosn.
Itochcutcr. 1'a. Sir: I with
you to scud tne a bottle of your Aatldota for
Malaria, which 1 see advprllacd In the JWXa
(tit Asltootte, Chattanooga, Tens,, and
which I cannot get here. Fif tocn yrun aro
my mother had third daychllU, and after
trying tho doctors and other mtxHcinrs
without relief, a friend recommended your
Antidote: sho tried it and nt &im effected a
permanent cure. Truly yours,
J. K EnwAntm,
Pastor M. E. Church.
"Yovn account has been ataadtng a loag
time, Mr Dukey." "Then aWn It a seat,
my dear Shear' "Very (lad to, air; Until
we make It a re-celptf "Clothier aud Fur
nisher. a
A Waailarfal faaar.
When you wero reading tho large proa
pe:tus of Tun Youth's CoitrAMO, pub
Iltned 11 wrea la our eolutnna, did you
stop to consider what a wealth of talent waa
engaged iu produriug thla remarkable pa
per It success is phenomenal, and Ills
read In 450,000 families beruuto it is the beat
of IU kind. Now la tho time to send
your subscription. It "5 sunt atoneewill
secure you tho rest of this year free, includ
ing all the Holiday Numbers. Taa Yorcn'a
Compamo, Boston.
FsE.vca officer (to raw meruit) Do uie
tho favor to dismount aad look what a gawk
yon are oa horseback. rick Mo Up.
Kxclacively m Saw Tor Caairal laatHa.
Patrons of tho New York Central hare the
exclusive advantage of arriving aad depart
imr atOraud Central Station, Fourth Ave
nue, and Korty-secocd Street, tho very oen.
tro or mo city, convenient to hotel and
reaidencea, largcat and ft neat paaeairer
atatlon in America, and the only oae in the
City or Now York
The New York Central la tha only trunk
line entering the City or New York.
a ' -
"Tnia boat smell dreadfully of onions.'
"Yes. madam.' aa!! tho captain, "aha Is a
very keky craft" N. Y Lodger.
You can read a nappy mind in a happy
countenance witaout much ajtratIon'
This ia the sort of eouateasece that the
auoadam bllleas sufferer or dyspaptic re
lieved byafeetetersiHcseeh shtUreweara.
You will meet saaay soch. The great atom
achic and alterative also prnvidaa liapplseas
for the nalarioua, the rheumatic, Uie weak,
and tho troubled with 1 aactloa of tha kid
aoys and bladder.
' - a .
"War don't you uke aomrtalna; far rear
cold l' Tbaukt ; don't care If I &.-KY
NtAMr vtrrj article sold is cheapened, la
coat of production, at exacaes of aualitr.
Dobbin1 Elert ric Soap la rnttU today what
ib vru iu ijM,owwinii parw. Rami tea aad
uniform. Aakyoar grocer for it. Lsekent
for JmiUtiona.
A Tocjca lady of oar aoualataaee who w
very fond of a minister aaya her l4ve ie far
reverend ever. IHaa-fcamton Leader,
You make n- mistake If yon erraafoeall
give your children Iir. Bull's Worm Dav
atroyera. It la a aloe candy and wmm It
nerer does harm it sometime dees a werie
of good.
5sva stsap e janr
wife's hwaet
i oa u aava v any acr a
.- KAJtSAt OTT. er s,
CATTLS--saJfyiaa;ata.- ..,
Solenrataar... IS S IO
native cawe...,., IN is
OOe Cuail to euofaa Kaarr S U m SS
WBJKaT-aa. t rw ......... rs M
Jfa. 2 ar4... ...... Cm S7j
009 a l M...M St Sja
OATS Hat SUta s.
rLUCK miaata. ear aaea. IS S )
fancy ? M 2
WAT aala,..,.. ...... .,. J it a) SI
CaCCSK-rail craaaa.
1 m
. ......
tYrf ATO&...... .m....,.
ex. loch
sst m
BTHSAT a.are,
ooas A,-
OATS-Mav V ..
: v
me lnrBwiaeMBMSTeveMfc
tame e saw nw w-- w
thefaar. . ..
ffttftttHgtmt wttaaim
wue warm;
aaaaaae BJ 9 ftVlB ' fc aaaa. . awar
ctrrtg en if p m m mm.... set ig mSfitmSumSSmrMi
ggr-rairse min.. issii "W jtWWaaf B 1 afBaT
syajaT-avi t....Z'SZ set r iesaj m Z 5-???,lf
WmkW99 aaaaai,aae wB P B Vv ff AaVatt BmnnasnBMmaa
g--TsnaaBarrt fcai mgmmmm9mmmmmSmmmmmaJlmmmm
aPVeBariefABfJaa HI 9 nnnnm
ataaaahaf h -ma A en -a mmSmSSSaKmlm'mmmmmmW
TVa-'--- a-a . r. VeTS 41 f aW H ILMnEflHHannm!. wmmmm5aVeBmaH
CtrnM-mmmmtrnprim tm fsj I SSS&USdM
gaamwsaat s sas hm...; H m, ' I ABf VMfJ mSm I '
ysmaTama see....'....... aa t ssaj m B'srmaahaa' siBsa3f 1
mwaraassr sanmaV.. ef'e at . PJ djay sarBaaaaa' vi'sa'
jhMaC.... 1 1 ..,., m'i laiinjiaa-jlsl B)af. B?"SirTfll8P
Tey asT.
at staamch aad
aad Jed h
laeeTwde, lose ef
r.. I the bane ef
.f..Ls mmmt
Mt& en
r aa j
the eomplrnt
3r5nenr,r7w of
anI MffimL
" f.rzirL y,- (hW-iUvo ersraa serf r
"Zl2r.w.fet. "Wi thu rv-wt.b dose hj
tharrbr INtthl
in of mu an
nt -while aT1??5 to
ha Mora ireeima
iii an rarr rnSirf at
r Z'
" .ZT .- .ttM .bl Inraoat.1
JJiVrta. for U la Hk wMpvtnga UiO1
Immwl It IrrtUtea mttd urirs. fet tfta
Mreaaih to wove at kwit lvr eat rnUrrlj.
rtawTir-'" ef termor Urjrplc aro nor
aaeer la health a4 strrts'i& of iantMh
hfaaaht about by ta uoof lb fin-;pf
ZuMavtaeaiaa' end hilntf tanc sUmtUtr
kmawn aa Vr" Joha HhII Urtria, ifc
.JLJlcnrH virtue of many csc-ftai he.
It la the hlajrin aad tae li f?r.i;nrUU
Xa wagep0kc to the wt? ant! M it
Mje aim Urea toecctinttrctrl wUhoch
Cwfalkwe a h w, t a w ar-
a a drew sarvusit "" w w
, fWUU V""".
Maw' Thwl
ar er Oae Hundred DollAra R
far any case
of CatArrh that ra
ROi b
enredhy tokla lull's Catarrh Curn
r. J. CHKJta O. i'rop. Tollo, O.
We, the Baderalcaetl. iaro known K J.
CVy for th lt uttraa vr, awl helirva
him perfectly hoaerabio la all bvm
traaeectloa, and BaaHUy blo tocarrf
out aa V ohla!tl, ma by their Brm.
Wtt k Truax,Wholch3 Drcsa.ToIrhx
WaklinT. Klaaaa ilarvla, WhoUnoie
Imats. Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cur l taken laternliy,
actiBg dlrertly on the blo.l aad muvou ar
fxi of tha syt TUmcnf! frm,
PrisT3apertiutU, Hold by all DrunfUU.
Anhllseopeer I oae who can tKcruUy
peissads htmealf past ha I happr t-aae
heeaaatte h, waa be I ant JtJa
Toci. poisons that avuiuUto In ihr
alood aad rut tha machinery of thr av
teat, are eradicate and espoHed by uln
Prlekly Aah mitar, a taedlrtnrt that will
not trntata the uaoh or aml, ItaU
In a reatJ manner on theao delicate oriraaa,
aad restore bnallh in every caao.
ra, all my houae nr rrnJel rcejl ttee
oae which I th be-tof a!L MLi
aut not leaaed, eh!' Munej' Weekly.
pvapepita trouble! nm for a numtr of
years and I vra nervoua and wrak A
frlead gvl mo to uo lr Hall a SirriHa.
and eterythlBifl now eat aSTvet trlthte.
Sfy stomaoh nov irlvea m nu yla nd t
cajoy my food. II. T fcHi, Jv .vi..
Qvnsa creamrp.
hit head work
tha barber he dia '.)
Ith hi bauiU-Klailte
Do not suffer from tick healcheamftment
toHffer. lllaoinH'ary Carter .uu
Liver Wll will cur you, IK. ono Imln
pill. Small price. Small doe. Small nU.
A mwu rula ta reading not to let )nr
voice fall too auddenly; it mlfibt set.
eracked. HiugsaUu lUiubJlcan.
Cmkcx Cotda and BrOtu httta with Hald's
Honey of Horihound wnl Tar
Tike's Toothache lropa euro In ore minute-
VTa don't put our Kroat men on poiUa
atamp uUil they am iWd S they "tvrr
know when they re licked "
- .
aid promote dltfeatlon, I4k one uf Ortr'a
Little Liver fill rrry nljtht. Try them.
"Wiut'i that?" 'That's a kalcldocor.'
MIa It! When doe It begin tacoUtdct"
Tnic beat couch me.!irtnn i I'lao'a Curs
Cor Consumption. Hold ererywUcra. If.
There seem to bo little got; on
ia nnstcal circles of late, but them
is muck talk, among musical people,
of the raarvcloaa cure of Mias U ,
the high contralto singer, who ha
lonr saffered from a severe thmat
or bronchial affection, superinduced
by Catarrh in tbe Uea4, ami who
haa bn twrfectlr cured by th
aee of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy,
coupled with the a, of Dr. Pierce
Golden M iNlicai Discovery. For
all bronchial, throat ad lanr afTcc
tioaa, and lingering coMgha, It m ,vt
anequaled remedy. When compli
cated with Chronic Naaal Catarrh,
it aae ahoald bn coupled with th
aae of Dr. Sage CaUrrh Bcmedr.
Of all druggisu. '
M e att am aha
ryanafBiBJisjiai, ffannHsJim g
a.isaiaawamt sammjt namslat
mm. aV.iwsim mi iama
.aa.-w. IIlTl
mBmSBSjrfSJBsaaBaaaaa amlaaSaa
gjWilaai 1Mifsmmaaw
s m nmaam n
55? 11 anj 0m U a wha
BaaaMw aa aMMaZarrS
VmmU im gTasnt gta
. WaV mV
s&xk:zMJ'L$ - - ?'
-r - w" 7 -1 .-i - ' i-i J-1
- '"l '".
. 4?
BnasaV - -,sa
, . : L''i'
izjij-JsrF irs3T
? -" V?W iJvS3--62-'-t533
&?"$. mmsmamms;mim