2a & ' & S ; a? A - , :...--:' saBaa-ai hi i iiiUhi i HilMPMIMlfllTriM' r in Hiiiimw "" " twiti BV . .. an i l ' J - -j-BcBJL.ia7 j m'-im - WBBBBBWSWaEV" 3 . J-T". -m 'L,klHyelBkflMC;' .K.iiBirtfj H ..JkI. J c? rt i.. -" '. uev .--.---"rr- -z J jts . . -r-i PMmMnJ:. .--a -? v.. - ...:, 3ir:K-'HBr?mHaBntl-' v --tJSBBS ',- - k '7 7 ." t --'Bm - ' 'I hggyqf-MMEwBgguji4ifiAjjpa.t -tMc-ri rmWMmwmFKm!zrriRs!,mmmWK-- sarws5v. ,r " - - s-r jt . " vryBTFB6z-fcHZ,-1 ' 5bS3b' agHJBjs ,. . bbjssbbb "s --. -QafcBBBB3y '"zSeBBB lBBaiBBTLBBa29BBalBaHE5aBttt..4 CT , ag. BB " f" y-H-:?Sy!giAj-c!;'"'' - zzll" i t t r'-:'"-: r fe-r BaSrafBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBElBI A -v. ;i?niQBBHj BrfJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBaS -Ja-asalnBalV .it :&-XfiiHxAF9A''irvB2lHHihdrftiS ?a11?bb7wbT Ba.aa'aWBBBBBBBisBBBBBaYTwBBBBBBBB blHKSsaHB9BHHH A BPBSjRf?WI?aBSKii5fc- - - - JtHWMtlR a y 1 JtrBW"MrB "rrltilWBMBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV BBBBBBBB' nBiWr i BnnB aBJaa wtm wa ...aSBBBBBBfj . .Ji,-- at-JfsBCJMt ''-9BHKHB2t3flKKI9HBB''BKllBliHBftBBH3HK-lBb WJaaaaaaaaljMBWBwwwB L'r' JawBwBBBBBBBjBBSwaBBBBBBBBBBBBWMLBBBBw L WjK'awf tL-3KaKt ',fete3BT-s?' """ ' " MMM i , , , m m- gpiM iMIW - ' " - -p i .i ... .i i -.. i ii -. ... i.i - - j iv j. - w-- J " Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. By A. C. Hosmer. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, Noyember ,7 1890. Voi. IB. No. 15 WE ABE NOT Running for Congress BUT WE ARE RUX.MXO A FIRST-CLASS Dry Goods 1 3HOTSE W I' 'i'J-'J7 MMmm .' c And mean lo sell goods cheaper than before We carry a complete line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. And make a specialt) of k- r Dress Goods, Cloaks and Jackets, Our line of Plushes in Jackets and Sacks are all that any one could ask for. Ako, a complete line of Ladies Cloth Gar ments in Jackets and Newmarkets. Children's Glcaks and Jackets in all sizes and prices, in stripes, checks and plain goods. Wc invite the attention of the public before buying elsewhere. R. M. MARTIN & SON. Moon Block, Red Cloud. Higfaeat of all a LetYeamf Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aaf . 17, 1SS9. Baking Pomler ABSOUIIBiar PURE Nebraska. Written for TiiRCiiur Broad are are her smillne Tlstas, And her soil pays rich return to persevering toll. Her skle are clear and bright, and never sun A fairer, happier land e'er ihuue uKn. Her Iron pathways pierce and penetrate To every section ol Urn prosperous state. O'er prairies wide, and over many a blooming field. Where all her senerous acres gladly yield To manly effort s sufficient store To bless our homes and cheer a foreign shore These are the arteries that pulke with trade and busy traffic. And hae kindly made the whilome desert bios sob as the rose. And st-eiies of beauty to the eye disclose, wudded the plains with d iadems and crowns Of stirrinc cities and of thriving towns, Upon whose teeming htreets a restless throng, On business or on pleasurr , rush along. And passenger ana heavy freighted trains Swell with fresh vleoralfher throbbing veins. Where once was but a wilderness, we si-e The evidence of bright prosperity. When war's alarm echoed o'er the land. Her sturdy sons obeyed the stern command Tliat bid them risk their fortunes ana their lives. With sad farewell to children homes and wives, They buckled on the cinor. hurried hence. Fought for their country, bled in Itn defence, .suffered the hell of sountbern prison pen. Or, maimed for life, returned to home again; Und now they raise ami fan the patriot name. And bow their head with reverence to the name Of Lincoln; and that honored name e'er shall Proudly survive In the state's capital. The red man roams the arid plains no more. Driving the maddened buffalo before. Or seek!", with bow and arrow, the coyote. in uukjr vauev, or in araw remote. Or hunts, with leaping heart, the frighted deer. un ruggeu nuisiue or hi canyon arear. I he Indian with his tribes has taken flight lief ore the blazes of civilization's Itch. And sought a home, a home that suits him best. In the deserted w lids of the far west leaving the white man master of the plain. Monarch of all this great and wide domain. Come out and see us ye who think Nebraska Is but a dreary waste, like bleak Alaska, Scared by the burning winds that scorch the south. As dry and barren, desolate by drouth. tinti. A place not lit for human habitation. And jou will Una a people noble, klud. inteliiKent. ana cuiuirea. While fruitful fields groan and rptind. an 'neath their full atiimdince. Our lowing herds arc numbered to redundance. And all things here beneath eur goldeu skies. Conspire to make an earthly paradise. Edgar Thokmk. Tanguiiade, November 7. 1890. Christmas is Coming BUT T. C. Hacker east. 19 homo from the T B m WSSSXaUkJSt, THE JEWELER, IS HERE, WITH THE FIXEST EIXE OF vSfBr Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Lulu Potter was in Bladen last Sunday. Isaac David was adjuged insane this week. D. F. Scamniou has raised some legant celery this fall. Geo. P. Cather has just returned from a visit to Massachusetts. C. W. Barnes of the Indianola Times was in the city this week. There has been a new smokestack put up at the city engine houMt The post office windows received a black eye from the wind Sunday night. At the cold medal contest last Friday night, Bertha Brown received the medal. Jacob Hartiuan, was adjudged in sance Monday and is now in the county jail. W. B. Roby ha gone west asnin for a few days. He is a strong be liever in irrigation. The-fall trade of our merchants i picking up nicely and they seem to be doing a good business. Now that the battle's over, and the smoke has cleared an ay, we -ee several pdit'cians, calmy waiting for another dav. G. 11. Chancy was in Lincoln this week. Did you hear anything drap. Well kinder. Mrs. Mary Patten of Alma, was in the city this weak. Last Sunday night was the cold snap of the season. The city da-is arc going to have the stand pipe p-iinted. The republican party received its Waterloo at the polls last Tuesday. Thanksgiving is the next holiday. Preparrt your turkeys for the festal day. It snowed in Nebraska last Tues day, at any rate it was a cold day for republican.. Geo. Coon, one of our most in austrious farmers has purchased the Jay Pope farm. The Borean blasts arc upon us once more, and we live in the fear of our coal bills. Selah. F. P. Shields of the Alliance Knight came out in flying colors over McKeighati's election. Considerable money has changed hands over election and the lucky cubs is therefore happy. In another column will be found an original poem from our old time The holidays are coming on apace and the merry jingle of old Santa Claus' sleigh bells will soon interest the children. E. W. Ferguson and Sam Miller have made this Great Familv Week ly happy by recent acquisitions to the Bin Injun's purse. Thanks. The ladiej aid society of the M. E. church was entertained last Friday by Mrs. J. W. Sherwood. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Dr. Damet ell. Rev. H. D. Piatt of Cowles, com menced his third year with the Con gregational church of that place. He We Are Sick ! McNitt & Galusha . s RED CLOUD, NEB. "JU-CIU-GAX McKclckaa r Wefcalcr '! to Oar Hfoxt Caagrcwuaaa Th People Have Halt. The election is over and McKcigh an is elected to congress. During the campaign the fight waced against him has been bitter and long, but Mac filially triumphed. As far as this paper is concerned, it fought him on purely political grounds, and has no apologies to make concerning its course therein. We did what we could to elect Mr Harlan, and he wu defeated by Mr. McKeighan, and wc ate satisfied. Baring all political prejudices THE ClIltK blievei that Mr. McKeiuhau will make a good and faithful public servant, doing all that is in his power to help the pen pie. While we did all wc could to defeat him, we cheerfully submit to the voice of the people, and along with the crowd, wc holler ''Hurrah, for Mi-chi-gan." Perhaps tht lesson taught republi cans, will learn them a iact. name ly: that they can not trifle with the interests of the people too much There is no doubt but what the re publican party has done moro for the people than any other, yet, such high handed frauds as the state board of transporation, is alone enough', to cause an uprising of the people. There is no use of mincing matters and the boys will have to learn Then again, that little bolt last fall by which George Hummel, was de feated cost the republicans, Web- stfoooWnYng'sWo d&l1 witffriJut Ye, main facts just the same. am is Vate af Weteter County. FOU GOVERNOH. I, D lticharils. rrp I IMJ j u ficin P 1 OWlij 1II1b BLIa)ne. pro LIEUT. GOVEBSOB 1 M AJ or4 TCP AlfX EtCSkf (ICW a ! Propose to sell SUITS AND 1Z OVERCOAT For less money than anyone this year. Goods neverwerc offered so cheap in mark as this year, on account of this fact. Wfc HAVE an unusually large stock, oeirer sun man you ever Bran , : -. - ji taror- Wo shall ajll OOllffllt DCIO S.M ST1 M T3I -IS 0 PRIC mm Ever Keen in Red Claud, and I shall cll It at price that all can afford to buy. Sly saods arc ALL XEW. Kes:tirin? :i specially. I ant located la Catling's lira Store, an Wot Side Webster Street. Call and sec mc bcrorc jraa decide to bay. Hq 1 There ! is a very pleasant gentleman doing good work. The democratic papers are nw telling the people that an era of prosperity is in store for thm be cause they have elected a majority of the next congress. Wo are sorry to learn that Mrs. Thos. J. Deal has just passed through stroke of paralysis which has left her in a serious condition. We hope she may fully recover. Lumber is on the free list exclaims a free trader. How the d I do you know it? Well didn't I see O'Flarity carrying off four dry gooes boxes the other night. The following sad eyed barnyard poeti w.t-? wiiiteu bj our ldevil" Wlien vislnmof iet P.ts over our lo;- We licir fnnii the kitchen av, are jou coin;; tu milk that cow? Willie Bacni w-.sTyears old list Saturday afternoon and in honor of the event, he h.id a birth day part, the.- all enjoyed a very good time and ho ncivrd ininv tiresenta. m . -1 ?11 . . 1 - 1 lie cnantauqua circle win mceL at , , - Mrs Ootting's. Monday Nov. 10th, j N ;w thaf electno 19 oyer, let the at 730 ' i people kettle uov n to tne peaceful LDKA E DESSEV Sec'v 'avocations of life and in the meantime - . ex. resurect the watch factorj and sugr .mere wince a meuiuic ui iu uifiIOTr snlipmn. i a dn a meeunc 01 equal suffrage society at the residence of Mis. J. A. Tait on Wednesday. November 12th, at 2 -o'clock p. w. All invited. J. A. Tait, Scc'y. Tom . Penman has just received a fine stock of jewelerv, silverware. something for itcd Cloud or not? On last Thursda) evening, Nov. 30, Wm V. Law and Margtrct Scott, daughter of Ex-sheriff Scott of this c:tv, wore united in marriage by the Rev. Ii. D. Piatt of Cowles. Tt W II Keck. Ind. (1 W Woodby. pro 33 SECRETARY OF STATE J C Allen, rep a F W tjprairuc, den 21x1 CM Ma berry, Ind 13 Chas Watt, pro a STATE TREASURER J w 1 1 1 1 1 P nrix) WKtiMiiinK. ueaa r JV Wolte.iiid l II W Hardy, pro 30 STATE AUDITOR T II Benton, rcu & It B Waliiulst, oeni -13 jaulf. ind Iiart AFitch, pro 31 ATTOaNEY CIKSERAL. CW Hastings, rrp &' .1 W lllucin. dem vm .1 W Ef&erton. Ind 12 F P Wirttin, pro W COMMISSIONER PUR I5D AND UUXiS A K Humphrey, rrp tSS J HlKler. aeffl 99 WF Wrifsht.lad 12 C Olson, pro SCPT. PTJBIJC IX8TRCCTION A tL CfOuny rcpa 94 CI KieitHtrawr, rtem t!H A I 'all maml, Ind j 1-43 Mary KMorgaa. pro 30 CON0RES8 iiAriui re p. . w W A McK-lgaan. ind 1380 Lnlalnwr. pro STATS SENATOR 2GTH DIST. SOBalnl. rp K P Bonnell. dem n lsn, Ind, ......... .......... RErRESENTATIVK 41 DIST. W ETh'irne. r;p Aujtin Ui'oy. Ind REPRESENTATIVE 40 DUCT. a H ,. sirncr, rp.... ............ C O Wilson, ind....... . COUJTTY ATTOKEY J n WllJcu, rep 2 IILHopki s, ind SUPERVISORS. Id rioul-S W Foe. ReJClotd-l KIer. tiuldi lUtc'x A H Crary. 'tlllwaUT-'l M Miller. Bit I ii II A HolTinan. lUrmoay W fl rtiien--n. Inava!c-H It Ho'drrj;.'.' rottilain Philip Zlianiernnn. Mm reek L l Ihotn. IJur t; W Huremrl. 1 leasaut I1U1 John lisr. In overcoats the price is from SI to S3 - X A a?J In underwear we catch th'm Come and see. -x 32S 1344 liOO S F. SPOKESFIELD has eveiything in 'the Drj' Goods and Grocer' line and sells CHEAP FOR CASH, Try him if you want square dealing. .. - " - !. Ke4 Ulotid, where he will Make it his t. 1500 vcsra before its face wi r Ht; Jtaiejr, "Um Worked R. V.Siiiuky, Frcs. Hexuy CLARKE,Vice-Pris. L. H. Fort. Gashnr Kl.Lls 1. SiilR2rt Assistant Cashier ClMWlaafa Music Veeper rtjana. Roll call Quotation Da spweh. Answer to questiona on "aatroaoeay ia Oct. Xa of the Chautauquan. SixqueMioos on the required readings by Mra. Deyo. Muc V Bidiaffbgr Wonfc." Debate by Mr. Kaley aad Mr. AlbrifSiL 9ueatk: Was Wat Fyler'a iBewrrcc tioo joatinaWe? Critic report by Mr. Cotting. THIRD DAT. headquarters. He is traTelliag audi- aeeH ia lhim Bcctioa u u 332." JM tor for the Howell Bre. His tern- m0lt bc anj oWcr thaB go. ef Ar TMlb toUj-CBrMBt alissi News. tory lies west ef this ity. noetieal chestauts wt cxaeet t re- ..Aawwewto -silwr qaeatioa" ia Oct. The coaii.r )eislatare aiast kaoek ceive oa "beaattfal saow" aad the ZSPSntr n. oat the state railway cosmissioa. 4iat rose of stuaaer frosi oar sanag ,-Qairid raadinf by Mm CottlaaT. The tveonle are tired ol the fraud. poets. ; Musk; Tesner Hyaaaa. Ilthasbeeaaa fje sore for tear?, Durh):, h?t . Thc cct; Papar--T Teleaeoaa'' ay Mm Max land nstead of its aetiag as i ab:- 8boud fcavc mt of)tizt (f tht. eb uXmm-.i an-infc- w ca owtlae watehe?, c, which he Las opened happv conpic have the best wishes of up in Cottiag's drag store. Mr. Pen-, the r.Grclll Family Wecklv" far aiaa is a fiae workaian and will aiake lo and pro5peroas lif. it win in Red Cloud. . . . . .L , B xt r u n ii v t i t A little peiceofnpwa. The 'Star af Mr. J. F. Holleaoach, fomerlv of j BathJehea" is now shiaiag ia the this city, and for several vcars - touth..st portion of heavta's Uae iMAaoB,igiw luwrtt aK This i to certify ihat it will he it Thc Cawae. j Several f our Ked Cloud (this year repuhlicanit) went to Superior just before rlcction, and made a tic up with the deraocratrt by which they pledge themselves and the party to vote for Bonnell and Hoyd. (two demo crats) if the democrat would vote for Harlan, and against McKeiphsaii. The trick leaked out in this city and was !et down upon in good shape by the republican. That kind of trades acver helped the republican party. Thc tie-up lost Mr. Harlan votes in stead of uiakitit; them, for Ihc pcoplr get tir I of -u?h peifidy T.'cn an other cm' "f lon W -btr fount, to the repjiblican? a th ptckiu of the lat rcpublcan convention in tins cuuntr. nd the free ue of p3 es by one of our prominent tt ofi- rcrs on thc hru of tranpnrtion The loard of transporation it'lT if an rje-or. and with tlce th'ns and the "my rented tolt of lat fall o dsistfd the rpu bHcab ff the coanty that thy concluded that "t was time t' rebnke the high Landed outrage bv public oS-l" and ther hnhai- n; and wt can be said of Wibtr county will apply to mar others in the tatc Dtshoaest poli ties may wis for a while batsooarr ar later thy w.H run against Davy. Jones' locker That's all. NRHRASKA 5c KANSAS. FAMM ILAN O PAID UP QAln'jLt$Mf000. Tak Vraallallit f Thns, nmwjrit l UmH ddaa aad tnt ttif cru uvrni r lk'i ta M yt can e th Jrrt ? Maaa jttn can e oar n-w)r lmwIUfl SJcaasr Oo ttni rJ vxir TlJri ail kU' ttfiUj ttrt tmr at tt W SaAaa we raa alii rott lh"l-l tfta raaat lBrr& ai vtlU1 i;all at t &, Ui if 4f4 mhi jouwiiJ be pi--'! wStfi twfBaaRt UtUpw. 4 t iatiarf i iroauu; k Red Clour!, N;b. AllKijiy, Kcw York. What is I .. -v..-.-v -- -- - - aisaBMaaTBr- .ia aaJXja.ajaasBB aa aaaa a ffllarprl - . . T - T - . a .!, n.ui.r -. th nnaassiBiiaii itinaal 4 MfBAl iiita'Hiu(.iu tti ( wvwkfBa aiawwi firsnational bank sz&ks:z ' . Halloweea was daly celebrated . Y--r, -.- Avf -v- ioar tewa hova. Beer keg Ari X A.e. l OaVJUO f featlBg ama,a tomm trtdr dry gooa, r-"- o Minanl ktBlriitiT kttRiTirjui uv r1 dll innnl.r r-mr.fv i'c hnxra W?r StTCWb aroaad DTGM'SC .:,n:v, precinct and school district Iwnds. Buv aad sell forcisa exchange oarfv, wagoas, baggies, e.. here, ' tended aaa esibraee4 at say aaacl , V .-' " r Vhre, aad every where, aathoaseafeatarsf especially the -Wttie s-nrea to aieTe ia au atrecueaa, ana ehumb. civen bv the voaar uaies.l ae arse Jtf aassaioaa K. . Ku rlitir baviRff Pnt tike tetter aJfwxycl'Eaajlaadbjr taa ifasiilsat ere a?, th iten escaaea aa, hat saSea! ,.r .r, T?"1 w- .V r - -a . V.! iBBi . wmmmm aiaa ru wnv initaaHuaw i ui asnt BaM aaM--Oaatatioaa aw - etitertatnaieBts that we aava erar at- i Six "--- arMr.Dwjo. DIRECTORS: Jas. JIcNcny. J. A.Talley, G. W. Liasey. R. Y. Shirey. . . Joha R. Shirey. B. F. Highlaad. ' . Heary Uiarte, A. J. rvway. choras" which was eertaialy isrlv lai:hab!e. The Ktgrasm was ia fact everything that was aat aader, sh exechest oae aad thaea haTiaf k leak aaa key chawgai locatMU ia charge aesarra . areait far giriag WiehX oa tb j required Wkarayissw-irj We Icaa If j oa are is ocd of iUtu, eith er heating or cookisg, eall ea aa aad wt will diseoaat aay price yew eaa get from any other parties. 2t PeRKi5a it Porrim. II. B. Siasoas has j'ut reeeire4 a car lead ef Daisy WhiuOil, thefaeat aaa heat kereaea oa the saarfcet, aa4 sells it at the saae prices a other oil ia sold L He handles aaf hiag hat the hest oils aad gsaaliaa. Save 3mr orders f.r hTsa aad get the heat Itea,auaaTe,aa4 awfirifr eaxsd ia thirty forsT saartftrr LMisw. hr l- a. Dav ajWaat This aevar fasss. 9 haahrviisjisaiiiat fc fMraaaBkssfc kasChaiaaBi saah asaaar aaasa ! Mrs. Jaha A. t.:rte waa a aafferar frets ta4fgetaj ami wek haaaacakc.iSaa lert mtt hawM halt f alar day aahay a hct af DcWiU'al Iiatla war ftaaeaa, aaa a 4 aad aaaaaajlaw .asjaactv ha - - -- - -- m. TW aaaaAl sMBBaawAa agaaagWgiga aaja? asssaaaaal VBCawaisa aw asr ssBHSswiaw araasaawr waawsssssa mw aM sal ft nil It C talsaw khaW'4)piaMIJaVawiMaaM Oswr yawwtla achaiw. It U rAMatai " It hf FlMawsir IU rawfassati It tMrtay fWstW . m , aaa,vaaaLBaaBl siajsa lsaPawa a9VssaaT sswassaaajr assss) sBBaaaaaaas aBsaha wHsl awass a wm m pi Si-g m mm" t',,J m 'I 'g a CwsftOri QaMstPsfMi V I - . -.-.- -.. . jff, aaaaaaaassaaaBJiiBraBaaMa. haaawsaaaai " " fjavaaoasaaa, - ftj5i ii ir Tin MwawtfaswwaJwai 1 aasaaaisa - mmMmwx taL mmmlmv&- " "? WaWsijBaaBaaisWj aBaaBBswaaaaai wsaaBBBaaaBw aaya' jmmmw asai3PP" " SSbbbbI mmum .sa sBBaaia WaaasBaaBax Bg-haa mmmjmm. sbbbbbIbTwsbbbbbbbbbbBbbPF' ZF j- Z-M ' hBSLAiBSSaSBtiSMSt.9 jBBBBMBaBBBBWBLVfltfLfeBtffl ffaa, VMBBBBaTaaa. '!"' V-" t bwbbbbbbb! JsWaWafa M0L- BBWawaaW m waVV bwdw "IU mmm. BSB.-aaaBWBBBBB. aamaa awHlaaaaBawaa aTtsaaaawaBBBBBBBBBm. VV atfsBBBBBBBBBBf 'asBBtaBBBBBaW,lBWBBB Iv- B. OLAJUOl that au ,?-?: 5 it - yr j R'"- W4 a 1v- - j3 "T"1 "S3E!iS- . . . T -; . ia-' ?M .-(3E'-'C: v-V' - -. ZjA2?&T 4U 3 j- --r . -. -v. ,-1 J- . "-A . f t" -Li '-t. - -'-n' "- -- "T. ?-1 .ir- . - ? - - -zt ; j 2Srr -'jBa E-a "r-rt-- ' S52 -i-. -- - rT TtXi'J? -T2---,. x -- J-'-ILSli " 25ZSmXA. -Cv, . .-r,: -5. Vv, '".'5-5 t,. , ESffc5wi.XV?, - !K -JT'J!"-- 4?.t- i5 "t- L.:uff. 3:BF''!.rCiLc5aiBBBl t"C--'. -! , .-.! ans c. r. .r '-e&- , r& . - 25? d-Vtri ".,i??6 'S 7W0.2':tig??'' iiiZ-?2& S51 y - 'J-r -j TOrwtw-j.""; -t j ?-' "?r- . r' . t ' -'-'i1--'- -.V-"Si-s- - Sf- SfiTfA-CV; 7- Lsra tv' K-Sr . V- So. .'-.-.- ' . j7t 4nai " .t-"?!1 s: . - Jis.t ,, v . . . "- I.W1 the assalr talwanwifii. as at ttf! v ;ii; H:'!ji.'!l .H3W:-1?P1Xj vfc"r--HO-r-vi jt3vw. a.ai!:v.-iJ, -.t1. ?-" -.,wt