The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1890, Image 2

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    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBmBBBBBnBBEmmnm'?.lB5r TVW5-. -. -.J-,Wi:..-.:S-rr;'-.,.T-.v.,Cf.' -:4.fc.rivrAii'r"AViisawiW?wSiP l?.-eewr;.-i '4t9'iS..S'i"'!t;-sML-Ti. JS-- ", i-. -wj- - -
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At PcMh, Ilaagary, reoMtly Im s 4m1
fevfkt. witk sabers, 'Lleateaaat ffssur.
m of the eonbetMts, hat oe of U
'anas severed from liU body.
Ax aceouat of a fatal duel oobms frost
-Croastadt Couat Mareast, eae of the
duelists ia thlsT affair, receive a saot
wosad from whica ke was dyiaf .
A pbofos ai. has beea submitted ia the
lower house of the Aastriaa Diet to ir
crease the duty oa Americaa weavers'
spools in retaliatioa for the McKialey
Tbk committee havias; ia charge the
erectioa of a statue of Presides t Chester
A. Arthur has g ivea the commissioa for
the work to the sculptor, Ephraim Kyser,
who is now at work upoa the model.
The Texas bnmch of the Commercial
Travelers' Protective Assodatioa has
instituted a rigid boycott against the
San Antonio 4b Aransas Pass road be
cause of its refusal to sell 2,000 mile
tickets to drummers at slight reduc
tions. Tmt fiadiag of tbe body of a murdered
woman ia London recently started more
"Jack the Ripper" alarm. Tbe locality,
however, was remote from Whitechap
ol and the victim lacked the usual mu
tilations peculiar to ttao work of tbe un
known fiend
Tub Local Wage Workers' Political
Alliance has presented a petition to
President Harrison requesting bim to
present tbe name of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady
Stanton to the Congress of tbe United
States a an Associate Justice in the
place of Justice Miller, deceased.
The Austrian Government has noti
fied the Prince of Montenegro that un
der the Berlin treaty he has no right to
maintain a fleet. Austria being intrust
ed with the defense of tbe Montenegrin
coast Tbe notico has relation to the
cruiser which the Czar of Russia has
presented as a gift to Prince Nicholas.
Mb. Batjoub, Chief Secretary for
Ireland, has started on a tour through
the western counties, in which, it is al
leged, distress prevails in consequence
of the failure of tbe potato crop. His
object in making the tour is to mako a
personal investigation as to the truth of
the statements regarding the condition
of tbe crop.
Eveky window glass factory in Find
lay, O., has gono into tbe trust which
has been organized to control the pro
duction and sale of window glass. This
trust embraces all tbe window glass
houses in the United States west of
Pittsburgh with tbe single exception of
that at Sal in a, which is owned by Find
lay parties.
The New York police raided the Chinese-quarters
tbe otberniehtand arrest
ed about forty white women and girls
who were found living with Chinamen.
They made every effort to escape, hiding
under beds, in closets and climbing
from roof to root. A largo force of
watchmen was on band, howevor, and
less than twentv escaped.
Tub stallion Nelson trotted a mile at
Cambridge City, Ind.. recently in 2:10,
lowering tho world's record one-half
second. A large crowd witnessed the
performance. The time by quarters
was: First quarter :33?f, half 1:05,
three quarters 1:3SK and milo 2:10.
It was a fast track and a bright day.
Nelson carried a driver 20 pounds in ex
coss of weight
The extra session of the Ohio Legis
lature, called by Governor Campbell to
consider tho alleged corruption in the
municipal board at Cincinnati, has ad
journed to January C, 1S91, when tbe ad
journed session begins. The bill be
came a law providing a non-partisan
board of improvements for Cincinnati,
to bo appointed by Mayor Mosby, and to
bold until April, when their successors
shall be elected.
Secretary Wisdom is busily engaged
in the preparation of his annual report
to Congress and finds it more convenient
to do his writing at homo in tbe fore
noon. Consequently be docs not get to
tbe Treasury Department until noon.
Bio then, except on Cabinet days, de
votes one hour to tho reception of visit
ors, leaving the remainder of tbe day
to the consideration and dispatch of
current business.
M. Pouter Qcertib, the well known
French statesman, has written a letter
in reply to numerous inquiries as to
whether the abandonment by France of
her commercial treaties would lead to
tbe annullmont of articlo 2 of the
Treaty of Frankfort He says that Ger
many has nothing to do with the re
nowal or non-renewal by France of her
treaties of commerce. Germany could
not eliminate a single article of the
treaty without repudiating it as a whole
and to do this would amount to a dec
laration of war.
A special from Chattanooga, Tenn.,
Rays two members of the British Iron
and Steel Institute had an experience
they will never forget They were
walking over a trestle on the summit of
the mountain and were caught by an
approaching train. On one side was a
rock wall 100 feet high, on the other a
prccipico of 100 feet and. the ties were
too short to stand on without being
struck by the cars. In their dreadful
dilemma they lay down as far out as
they could got, but by the merest chance
the engine was stopped just before it
reached 'them.
Further particulars have been re
ceived from St Petersburg concerning
tbe insanity of the Grand Duke Nich
olas. He was seized in the most acute
manner daring the Volby n ia maneuvers,
and his deplorable condition aroased
the pity of all observers. The Czar to
cover tho matter from the world ad
dressed a publio letter of congratulation
to the -Grand Duke on the success of the
maneuvers, although the Grand Duke
had not been ia chief command. After
ward the condition of tho Grand Duke
became so critical that the truth could
so longer be hidden. At present his
malady threatens to prove fatal. The
Grand Duke is the favorite uncle of the
Czar, who is much distressed by the
N. F. Palmer A Co., of Chester, Pa.,
have mottled the Navy Department that
. the Ceacord is bow ready for a trial trip
and a beard will be designated by Sec
retary Tracy to accompaay her em her
trial tripaeoa. The eompletioa of the
Ceaeord la maarly a year aad a half be
hind the time ooatractad foraadaeaal
r ties of, ISM a day are bow raaaiaf
agaiaat the contractors. The Beaaiaf-
, .torn, a cesspaaioa skip, is two asoatas
behind theCoaeord aad is being
aletod with similar penalties also
iag. Palmer d:Ce. are the
of John loaeh A Co., aad have
with tartrate week that tnev
liaeamed with mrlvato work that thev. tie iwa Mi. -- - "r -r. rrT" . Xjamrmpsa red ewiadlers aaa asihlaw awars.mwsiaii i i i i mmvwwmw amateva Item mat to a maty, emiy to to - - - - - -..w--. avBaFmBmBatjamveamammsemammlaaBwA.
fca ' Mmlmumm Ifcw niiim !! mmh tdU.MUbM . Ml.m'2rWl&lVZmm, IhTa far man nf flare if fm la '" li"'gi ? ... SSSSflBad-JT ISSffIS StaarwrrrT aa flaW memtaiamaem ' mJI mVilmmt&lammmtmmmmmm1mto
sajjbyjsawalelitaay aexaamrAmer tw Ib Xeau thtSamftlisa t -lW,W2ili- Ws j nZt MufSjuZ ''jtJ 'lm0 mSSmwiW'SSf9' ?2mVjLyESJ9&Jg
-:Sn'C.-r Z ? v'bblZ!- aaV"emV . 7-1 , - -" - ml ?J -a.- " " -'- m - - ej'". - - '''Baamw-we BTaiBaaallaTaiB " a, aimf flmmASemamhaWam&memmmmm ewmmmmawmW fcsmaB tftmamamlVBB tmawe vVjAvftA-0.'t-BBBB. '?VmfBmami1 mamanmhm MBMBmamamLf- ' 'JBmmBmamamf ''.toMte mmmmmmamefjjtpj-mfe
Otoajaad By Triagnnsi Ml MaJL
Dm. Jomif FABxmAM Bonrtom died at
Syracase, N. Y., reoeatly, aged ifty
twa Heiaveatedthe Babesek f re ex
tingaisber. He had been married three
times, the secoad time im a ballooa la
New York. He was divorced from the
woman he married ia mid air.
Advices from Soath America state
that the Chilians are iad!gaaat at the
Preach Goverament for aiding the no
torioas Dreyf as claim aad are prepared,
to oppose a fins resistance to French
aggression. &
Gekebal Hkxbt Hastwos SreucTl
the first Governor of MiaaesoU aad tbe
oaly Democrat who ever held that of
fice, suffered a stroke of paralysis at St
Paal oa tbe 21st aad was ia a critical
Tub Preach Chamber of Deputies will
discuss a proposal to place a poll-tax oa
The Parliamentary election in the
Eccles division of Lancashire resulted
in a victory for tbe Gladstonians. Mr.
Robv. the Liberal candidate, received
4,001 votes and Mr. Edgerton, Conserva-'
tive, 4,696. In tbe preceding election
tbe Liberal candidate received 3,985 aad
tbe Coaservative 4,277.
As a result of tbe recently reported
attempts upon the life of the Czar all
of the palaces and many of tbe official
buildings, as well as the public squares
and parks of St Petersburg, have been
closed to tbe people.
Mr. Gladstone, in a recent speech,'
approved combinations of workingmen,
which had had much to do with improving
their condition. Ho deprecated appeals
to Parliament to help workingmen out
of difficulties.
Senator McPukbsox has discovered
errors in tbo Tariff act which be thinks
fatal to its enforcement Government
officials, however, while admitting tbe
errors, think they can have no effect on
the act as a whole.
Senator J. S. C Blackburn was se
verely hurt recently by being thrown
out of his buggy in a runaway near
Versailles, Ky.
A notable wedding took place at
Chicago on the 23d, the only son of
Marshall Field being married to Miss
The University of Cambridge, En
gland, has conferred a degree on Henry
M. Stanley, the African explorer.
Two candidates for tbe vacancy on the
Supreme Bench, have appeared in the
Northwest They are Senator W. F.
Sanders, of Montana, and ex-Representative
W. H. Calkins, of Washington.
William O'Bbien, in aa interview at
Paris, said that the Irish party was as
sured that the American tour of himself
and Mr. Dillon would yield sufficient
funds to last until the general election.
Ensign Rumset, of the United States
steamer Swatara was accidentally
drowned at Yokohama Augnst 27.
The Sultan of Vitu, East Africa, has
refused to give redress for recent mas
sacres and is preparing for war with
England and Germany.
The vacancy in the United States Su
preme Court will, it is now said, not be
filled until after Congress convenes in
Business in Portugal is at a stand
still because of the serious decline of
Portuguese funds on the London mar
ket .It is believed that a revolution
will soon occur.
Robert P. Porter, Superintendent of
the Census, has returned from Europe.
Tns Roman Catholic priests and
monks in Milwaukee have all registered
and, for the first time, will vote at tbe
election against the Bennett law.
Colonel N. N. Cox has been nom
inated to succeed Hon. W. C Whitt
borne, tbe present incumbent by the
Seventh Congressional Democratic con
vention of Tennessee.,
Director Leecii of the mint who has
returned to Washington from the West
reports great activity in all the mining
camps visited byhim. . ,
Divers locating caissons in the Ohio
river at Cincinnati found fourteen feet
down in tho mud, what is believed to
be tbe wreck of the steamor Moselle,
sunk forty years ago. A large sum of
money is known to be in the safo and a
number of dead in tho cabin.
A Cuicago A Eastern Illinois pas
senger train was derailed near Watscka,
Ind The conductor was seriously in
jured. In accordance with the Czar's enforce
ment of the anti-Jewish law all the
Jews in KisucnefT were ordered to leave
that city. Tbe Jews in Akerman, twenty-eight
miles from Odessa, have also
been ordered to leave the town.
Tub Evenment of Paris has advices
from St Petersburg stating that as tbe
tram on which the Czar was returning
to St Petersburg, from his hunting
trip in Poland, passed Grodna, a shot
was fired at it
Rev. Mr. Bundat, a Methodisht
preacher and missionary to the Peoca
Indians, in crossing Cottonwood creek,
five miles south of Guthrie, Ok., with
his wife and son in a wagon, was swept
down by the current aad upset The
wife falling among the horses was al
most instantly drowned
Pete McCartney, the most famous
counterfeiter in the United States, died
at the penitentiary at Columbus, O., re
cently. When he died he was serving a
tea years' sentence for passing counter
feit money in New Orleans in 18S&
The Alabama State fair began at
Birmingham on the 21st with a promis
ing outlook. The machinery was
started at noon by Mrs. Cleveland, who
pressed a button at Lenox, Mass.
A DisPATcn from Zanzibar says that
the Sultan of Vitu, alarmed by the joint
British and German military demon
strations, has offered to send to Zanzi
bar the heads of all those who were
concerned in the murder of German
traders, and that he has the murderers
now ia cages awaitiag their fate.
It is believed that Fred Hubert aad
Will Palmetire were drowned in Beaver
Dam lake, Wis., ia the recast fierce
gale. They were hunting ducks.
Toe Governor of Armenia has sta
tioned troops in the Christian quarter
of the city of Eraeroam to protect the
residents who fear that the Moslems in
tend to conduct aa organised pillage of
the quarter. Six Moslems have beam
arrested oa suspicion of beiag impli
cated ia a plot to rob the Christiana.
Tom Mann, the presldeat of the Dock
ers Ualoa. declares that the aumber of
uaemployed ia Eaglaad is mot less tham
TOO,eoo and that aa eight-hoar law hi
the oaly remedy.
A southbound passenger traia left
Chattaaocga, Ternm oa time aad was
raaaiag at a moderate rata of speed, ap
proaching Cmickamaaga. As the train
dashed oat of a eat a covered wagoa was
npoaaerossiag. The eagize struck the
wagom aad killed J. W. Jeakina.
wife aad bebv and Mra James Bo
allot Walker Conaty.
AmisASTmocs cellisiom eeearred im a
tunnel 6m the Cineiaaati Seutherm near
l's Valley station. To add to the
the wreck oaaght Ira. The
fcZTII mrt-!rI !Ty.Sg.V wsweTtarthsteatlTaatmmcritielamMam heroes beraed te death. Meaesdeam areaght enl t ageteet Mrs. a jf aasmaa'tlmr aay thiaw. 'ike i ' iLmCmSSSSS ' ' -lJ amSJwmwJmf eaVmrnawKamw
. jsemmmmream mmac mnrmMemnMWL amv.' kiBiia . --. Z- ' '"--. - - - - - - - - - zz L , i - mmwmMmtmmmmmtmmimmmmit.:' - - - - - - - 'j-..
Biassed by
ChrmUaaitv ef the
who took toe ass ia
Am am
it. Ma Hsafiiaaai la few im
eerity of the esavermom ,
for a mew fail way
from Jerusalem to Jala have arrive at
Jaffa. They are the lit loesmstivea
ever ased ia this aaeleat land.
The Staadard Oil Compear kas
eatthe price
of Ohle.etl. tarn time to
cents per barret The Ohio pre-
daeers are very bine.
Tme boiler of a thresher eagiae ex
pledW Bear Litchfield, Mima., recently.
Deaale Kelly, a lad of twelve, was
killed aad twelve aeraoas iajared, oae
Tarn woolen Imaortiag heeee of
beimer. Sea A Co., of Hew York,
saspeaded, am aeceaat, aa stated, of the
change caused by the Tariff Wa
iNseoiliaioBbetweea freight tralae
oa the rjaton Pacific railroad at Fair
view, Ore., Eagiaeer 0Briea was killed
and his fireman badly hurt
One of tbe fblmlaate departmeats of
the Union MetaUIc Cartridge Compaay
at Bridgeport Cobb., was blowm ap the
other day. One maa was torn to atoms.
There was. a paaic in the mala buililag.
A terrific storm raged along the
Jersey coast all day oa tbe 23d aad much
damage was doae by the surf. Vessels
were reported ashore at Spriag Lake.
Several small boats were capsized off
Long Braach.
The Russian Minister of the Interior
has received alarmiag reports as to the
stato of tho country. The prisons are
crowded with suspects, chiefly young
men of tbe educated classes, and disaf
fection is spreading rapidly. A greatdeal
of fighting between tbe peasantry aad
tbe military is reported ia various sec
tions. Tub excitement among the Northern
Choyennes in South Dakota is dying out,
the stories of tbe coming of an Indian
Messiah being slowly but surely dis
proved Steamship advices from Japan are
that cholera is gradually disappearing
and Yokohama is said to be practically
free from it There had been 84,000
cases and 32.000 deaths np to October 18.
A party of 300 Poles while attempt
ing to. reach Prussian territory with the
intention of emigrating to Brazil were
fired upon by the Russian frontior
guard, whose order to turn had been
disobeyed by the Poles. Six men, two
women and one child were killed.
Tub Brooklyn sugar refinery has
closed down aad 450 mea are throwa
out of employmeat It is rumored that
with tho singlo exception of Uavemey
er's refinery all the Brooklyn refineries
will be closed down. About 9,000 men
will be affected
Business failures (Dun's report) for
tbe seven days ended October 23 num
bered 2i5, compared with 227 tbe previ
ous week and 225 the corresponding
week of last year.
A Brazilian squadron has left Rio de
Janeiro to visit the United States in re
turn for tbo visit of the United States
squadron last July.
Tub Chicago & Iadiaaa Bolt Line
Railroad Company proposes to issue
several million dollars' worth of bonds
to improve the system in every way.
Tub Alaska Commercial Company has
sued the North American Commercial
Company for 9100.000, the value of 4,000
sealskins recently discharged by the
revenue cutter Rush, which were
claimed by both companies.
East Pepperell, Mass., was badly
damaged by fire on tbe 24th, flames
breaking out in Leigh ton's shoo factory.
The loss was 5300,000.
Tue Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers dofoated the majority report of
the committee appointed to devise a
plaa of co-operation, which was in favor
of a scheme to affiliate with the firemen,
conductors and brakemen.
Tns conference between the official
of the Mackey system of railroads in
Indiana and the employes bas resulted
ia an amicable agreement
Albert W. Oxnard, treasurer of the
Johnstown (Pa.) Lumber Company, has
disappeared, and a shortage of $30,000
has been found in his accounts.
A. II. Harris, a millionaire mine
owner of Montana, was found dead ia
his chair in his room at the West Hotel,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Tnn work shops of the wood paving
company in Paris wero burned recently.
Loss, 2,000,000 francs.
The Tipperary sureties of Messrs.
Dillon and O'Brien have sent a telegram
to the latter, wishing them God speed
and saying they are proud to bear the
responsibility of their exploit
A FBtairrruL accident occurred on the
Cincinnati, Hamilton & Indianapolis
road. at Oxford, a small town north of
Hamilton, a Two freights collided
and Engineer Meyers was killed aad
six others badly injured, two of whom
will die. Loss, $125,000,
Tux ninetieth birthday of VonMoltke
was celobrated in Berlin aad other
places with much cordiality on the 25th.
Mr. Blaine delivered bis first speech
of the campaign at Canton, O., on the
25th. Ho was tho guest of Major Mc
Kinley. Four persons wero fatally injured at
Steubenville. O., recently, a Panhandle
passenger train running into a party of
Clearing houso returns for the week
ended October 25 showed aa average ia
ireaso of 7.2 compared with the corre
sponding week of last year. In Now
York tho increase was t.5.
News received from the Dutch forces
carrying on tho war against Acheon is
very unfavorable to the Dutch, the
troops of the Sultan having repulsed
them at every point and regained a con
siderable portion of the country lost in
previous campaigns.
A destructive fire broke out at Stew
art A Butt's shingle mill. Mobile Ala.,
on the, 26th. Twenty squares were
burned ovor. The loss was put at fCOf,-
000; insurance, $400, 000.
There was an unconfirmed report
that Matabeles had attacked the Brit
ish expedition in Mashonaland, South
Africa, and killed 20ft
It is reported that Cardinal Simconi.
by order of the Pope, hasjorbiddoa the
Bishops of the Americaa hierarchy te
give any official or overt approval to the
Irish Nationalist campa;gn of Messrs.
Dillon aad O'Briea ia America.
Fifteen armed mea burned dowa the
buildings of L. U Varaes in Coffee
County, Ga, because of his supposed
participatiomla the late riot Governor
Gordo called oat the militia.
The fact that Great Briuia will re
fuse tojeimim may European compact
against Asserka em aceaaat of the Mc
Kinley billia said tea fatal to the pro
posed cesxerted actiea.
Chicago steam fitters have resolved te
Ex-AuatsaiAw If. P. WmmXAX, ef Chi
sago, was recemtly asortaUy weaadad
by G. P. Hathaway ia acambllag house,
"BUFFALO BILL'S" Wild Watt Show
Its seaaom ia Strasharc. Ger-
iy. aa the ttth altera tweaty meaUs
toarol Europe. Them
decided to aaad the Iadiaas mease te
their life, moraleaad treatmeat
ji-WJ 'Vf-
Tarn Attermey-Oeaaral af
has filed a bill la the Uai tod States
Ceert far a sotlte sat ef
liaa eotweem the States af
lewa aad Nebraska, the aesettom at ie-
eae grewlae; eat ef a cmaage ia the
chaaael of the Misaearl river, which
forma tbe boeadary betweea the two
A FABXtm by the aame ef Diffey was
recemtly arrested ia Dodge Coaaty far
forging tbe eamee of two ef his aetgh
bors, J. R. Caatlem aad C H. Fergasea.
to two promissory aotes, oae ef them
beiag for ft These notes were cashed
at the Dodge Beak before the forgery
became kaewa. After his arrest Diffey
saeeeeded ia eladiag the esscer aad es
caped. Hcnbt Hobst, a farmer living west
of Deshler, attempted suicide the ether
eveaiag with a razor. Cause, ill health.
Oa account of partial paralysis ha was
ablate lafllct only a dangerous wound
which may prove fatal.
Tarn Herron. brothers, the Madisoa
Coaaty trata robbers who recently
broke jail at Valentine and were re
captured. It Is said have concluded to
plead guilty to oae of tbe counts.
Gkokoe Furnival, who committed a
most atrocious crimo on Horse creek, in
Nance County, soveral years ago, by
murdering flvo person, was recently ar
rested in Kllisville. Miss. All efforts to
locate bim have heretofore been un
ava ling. He bas boon Identified by a
man who knew him wolL
NeiS'Morqax. one of tho workmen in
tbe collar factory at ft air, was
lately arrested for burglary. His
schemo was to broak into saloons,
steal cigars and sell them. Ho
had been under suspicion for aorao
tlmo and was finally caught by a person
giving htm money to buy a box of
cigars, which be procured from a stolen
lot that he had concoalod.
Tub three-year-old child of James Lem
on, of Risings, recently wandered Into
a cornfield and was lost. The whole town
turned out to hunt for tho little one,
who was discovered asleep after a long
search. Tbo child's mother went into
spasms, and was in a critical condition
for some titna
While running one of the planers of
tbe Union Pacific shops at Grand Island,
Charles Bait had all four fingers of his
r-ghthand cutoff. An uight-year-old boy
was showing one of the men bow it hap
pened when one of bis fingers was taken
off in the same way.
While working undnr a freight car at
North Platto. Richard Censor was killed
by an engine which unexpectedly
bsoUed down and moved the car. Cen
sor bad been In tbo Union Pacific's em
ploy' for twonty years and was sixty
years old
Will Larukh, a "society darling" of
Lincoln, who clerked in a grocery store,
has disappeared and with bim $7,000 of
the firm's money. Although bo recoived
only $45 pnr month, ho managed to live
like a prince. He wore diamonds, drove
fsst horses and was always dressed in
the height of fashion. The fact that ho
had plenty of money to spend gave bim
admission to the best circles, and no one
tbonghtof tbe manner of his getting it
It seems, however, that for the past
three years ho bad been extensively
stealing from tho firm and owing to his
shrewdness bad not boon detected But
a trap was set for him aad he was
caught He then fled He was engagod
to be married to ono of tbo leading
belles of the city and she, too, disap
peared Hari.ow Davis and his wife, who bad
been doing a thriving business at
Omaha as Spiritualists and magnetic
healers, wero recently arrested for
sending obsccno matter through tho
malls. The woman clsimed to havo
been informed by a spirit that her hus
band had been lod astray by a woman in
Iowa, and wrote lot tors demanding
money, for which both tho "healers'
were arrested
J. B. J. Rtan. tho oldest newspaper
man, in point of service in Omaha, died
recently of typhoid malarial fever. Ho
was born in Now York City July 15,
A freight train going east contain
ing principally empty cars, was wrecked
near the Niobrara bridge, about three
miles east of Valentino, the other day.
It was thought a brake beam broke,
causing a car to jump the track, when
ten cars were piled up In a heap. No
ono was hurt but tbo wreck caused the
delay of tho passenger some fifteen
Extensive preparations are being
made for tho Stato convention of the
Young Men's Christian Association,
which will be held at Grand Island,
November IS to 16.
Ezekirl Mabin. an old soldier and a
mall carrier between Heminzford and
Nonpareil, was thrown from email back
tbe other day and so badly hurt that be
will be a cripple for life.
Carl Schmidt, a Germbn farmer near
Pallisade, lately wanted to split a log
on his plsce and used dynamite. He
put the dynamite into an auger hole and
was pounding a wooden plug in when
the blast went off. His right arm was
torn off snd his body horribly mangled.
Mrs. Bvcklbt. wife ef a banker at
Stromsburg. thought she was takiag
cough medicine, but took a dose of
belladonna liniment Instead, and nearly
lost her life. Prompt work by a physi
cian saved her.
August Uemmerling, a German farm
er liviag aear Scribner. was recently
found dead near a hay stack on h s
premises. Supposed to have been tbe
result of epilepsy.
Pensions recently granted Nebraska
veterans: Increase, Robert Thorp. Bla
den; George M. Babbitt North Platte;
Charles M. Coon, Osceola; Andrew J.
Rlcketts. Gates; Charlos W. Foote, Sil
ver Creek; Nelson J. Porter, Central
City. Reissue. John P. Miller, Stroms
burg: Henry L. Armstrong, Omaha.
Herman Priebnow, aa old aad well
kaowa resideat of Cuming County, met
with aa accident recently which resetted
iwhisaeatb. He was engaged in thresh
ing oa his place, five miles southeast of
West Point, and by the sudden backing
of his team was caught between the
wagom box aad thresher, receivlag In
ternal Injuries which resnlted fataUy.
Owing to the unsafe coaditioa ef the
bnildiag the public schools at 0NeiH
have been dismissed until the stractare
cam be made perfectly safe.
A near from a stallion broke the right
of Beaton Freemaa, who resides
Aiaswerth, aad otherwise iajared
Afabxeb aaased PrnttUa Barka, ra
lly had trouble with hat wife, near
ilssam, aad suicided by takiasr
Tmm large elevator ami atill at Miasm
tea nomad the
Itesaghtfrem a spark
t Leant.
ctmmmam ef Crab Orchard lately
motified Joba Wilsea to leave that
evtekeadeesef tar ami
to emerged with arewllae;
of atghts aad iasaltiagyoaag ladies.
IjrcEweiaBTES are still at' mark at
Sehaylerr tare free aavbaf
the other night In stables.
tnJt.. - m a. e - Hk .m , m . mar mm a- l mr aw M , sl. - mmmmmmmmows mi ----.. maaar aaa mammas . emmammLmmamBammi mbbb - - -
saaamBsmmaamrai aarassB, BaemmmmHPmwapmmma mammma mm aaaaasam mmmr bbbbbbm mavmaam rnemr eaamsaammmmB mm mnenBrWw mm mam. maanemanamm amamBamiemmm! mme -- mammon mmmmmmmmmaBBBaam mmmmmamma -- -. w- p? mw bbf mmmmmmRmmmmmmmmaaBBBrsmmmmmmmmmmmmm maaammmmm bbbbbbbi bbbbbbbbi
Bj Flmmaav
Uomlb Ala, -Oct tT. Tbe most its
estrone eoaflagratiem aver kaowa la
this cite began a boat lt:M e'elcek yaa.
terday afteraooa U the ahiagl 1U of
Stewart k. Batt, aad owiag to the strong
aorth west wiad prevailing was aot
checked uatil five o'clock ia the after
aooa, aad oaly tbea after a favorable
chaage ia the wiad. The total damage
The scene of the fire was the extreme
Borthera aad of tho city, aad 5,630 bales
of cotton, five cotton warehouses, three
cotton compresses, two Urge cotton seed
oil mills, tbe big ice factory, the wood
aad coal yards, three of the river steam
boats, six wharves, a box factory and
Mobile Fertiliser Company's works were
There was no loss of life although
maay of the firemea were overcome
with heat aad smoke aad maay narrow
escapes from falling walls occurred.
The paid fire department fought man
fully and were assisted by many old
volunteer firemen In the face of smoke
and flame. At six o'clock the fire was
well under control and no fears wore
entertained for its spread any further.
The alarm for the fire at Stewart Butts'
mill bad scarcely come in whena second
alarm was sounded for tho burning of
the residence of Mosely F. Tucker, on
Dauphin near Broad, which was com
pletely burned, only a small quantity of
furniture being saved. The residence
adjoining it, bolonglng to Mrs. Ed Har
rington, caught from Tuckor's and was
also destroyed
Tbe two alarms being followed by a
general alarm caused tbe greatest ex
citement among all classes, and in their
excitement people rushed from one fire
to the other. Soon the report was
spread that tbo entire business portion
of the city was in danger and thousands
of men, women and children rushed to
tbe scene. No one felt safe even in tbe
business section of the city, and wagons,
drays aad all kinds of vehicles wero
engaged in carrying away valuable
books and papers.
More than twenty squares were
burned bounded by Beauregard, Mag
nolia and St Louis stroets and the
river. Tho loss is now estimatod at
WOO.OOO, with about 8400,000 insurance.
The tracks of all railroads centering
here have beon obstructed by tho debris
in tho burned district.
The CoagraaiBan Mlrrrd Up 11 a SlaaUcr
Started By 8om-boly.
CniCAno. Oct. 20. Sccrotary Benja
min Butterworth was very emphatic in
bis denial of the story that he had been
s.lenced in his advocacy of reciprocity
by the promise of the position ho now
occupies. "The story is absolutely
false," said he. "I absolutely and un
hesitatingly deny that I cvor entered
into any deal whatever to sccuro this or
any other ofllco. I have always been,
am now and expect to bo, an advocate
of the reciprocity doctrines. Ono of the
last things I did before leaving Congress
was to plead with McKlnley to put my
bill favoring reciprocity with Canada on
bis. My position as secretary of this
body came to me unasked. I enterod
into no deal of any kind whatever to se
cure if
High Tide
Rondout, N. Y., Oot 27. Tho Hud
son yesterday showed tho highest tide
in forty years. Tbe brick yard: suffered
seriously, millions of brick being lost
The yards between Roseton and Albany
are submerged and tbo green brick
awaiting burning wore thrown down
by tbe flood. It is estimated that 4.600,
000 brick have been lost in the Kind
stone district The fires were put out in
tbe kilns in process of burmng. Green
kilns were thrown down and tho brick
under sheds washed away. A much
higher tide prevailed last night
Italian Welcomed.
New Orleans, Oct 27. Tbo steam
ship Elysia, from Palermo with 1,038
Italians on board, landed yesterday
morning at the wharf of tho Northeast
ern railroad and tho Immigrants all
came ashore, the inspectors having
found their papers correct A detach
ment of police was on the scene to pre
serve order. General McMillan and
Captain Crawford were on hand also
with a aumber of custom inspectors.
There was a large crowd of Italians on
the wharf who had assembled to greet
their relatives, friends and countrymen.
Maaval'a Iaapretlea Tour.
Denver, CoL, Oct 27. Presldeat
MaBveL of the Santa Fo system, will
arrive here Tuesdsy. The object of bis
visit is a tour of inspection over the
Midland road recently consolidated with
the Santa Fe. The Santa Fe officials
meet In Topeka October 30, and Mr.
Manvelwiil preside and mako kaowa
tbe results of bis observations.
Aaatrte WUI Walt.
London. Oct 26. Tbe Times' Vienna
correspondent says: "The Austrian
Cabinet considers it premature to take
a decisive resolution now regarding the
new Americaa tariff and that it is bet
ter to wait aad see whether Americaa
consumers themselves ask for its repeal
aad also to see tbe practical effect ef
the act"
Terrtkto Death mt m Child.
Wichita, Kan., Oct 27. The three-year-old
son of Colonel A. S. Hillmaa,
eight miles south, fell intoe tub or hot
water aad ao oae was present at the
tiate. Withim a few miautes the ser
vamt retaraed, finding the child with the
flesh completely cooked.
Business was considerably depreest
om the Loadoa Stock Exchaage dariag
the week eaded October 2& The Ceati
memtel bourses were also affected ami
larly. There eras more firmness cxhlb
ited toward the end of the week.
mm Hawaii schools are established all
the island, tho sam aliened to pub
lic iaetrnction ia lMt-ss toingtmsst
annually. Ia IS8S there were l& schools,
with t,T7t aaalls; ef these there were
S.SM Hawaiians aad 1.3? half castes.
A party of beys killed a snake at
Dabllm.Ge., a few days age. hi few
mlmates yonag saahea were seem te
erawl eat ef the old seake's side tkroegm
by the sticks. They eea-
aeaear- until! ferty-elght,
twelve inches im length.
eat aad were killed. Pretty
a jury la New
Her has
He sVaas ef Lav, xmeeajm Bfeej remeaa
Karroa Iy mway-A aaeaekl Fare Alema
ffVg g-Va-ahmmal li-aJ aWemaememea emnmtmfa ammmtfl mmrmaemsm Vaemmmm emmaam emammttemmmm ammmaamammhrt ftmmA eiAemmU ttmHea 'ema. ' ' mamt .-am 'm- bb, fmmamBBfcmBmf hjmfW aeaae- -m,-,
Mel eNmWeoTml IfeM lma(fNammV' mmWmtl leM- Wem BNsmr B W1W WmWJKW 19 Wmmjm MMWtr T JMammmat? "'?" ' - aV ' mr9mmW mtB Womamwrefef)
rh ' ji BBBammBBBaemaa
& TABSfC aue-t- KMsfMsaV i'T. ,"I!PJM
-g- .. .. -. : -, 'VmmamMaaBBBBBvvw, toaettoa
wtss, fWJ??5f!ZlitVmW.
Oct, M.
Paersoa very receatly
to a member ef a
heaoo im New York City:
"I beg to eall year attemttem
eamfereaee report aad Tariff Ml!
yea about tern days or two weeks
aaartepamahletef SMaaawA Oa
171 yea will fled am aad meat
seettom S with Ue reading ma
lag: te drawbacks oa
TarmlageverteaagelTd, sixth bteafress
the tea, yea will find the foUewnejt
teafareaeo restores secttem Ml Xem
ia the Tariff bill before yea. yam mill
fled section St, ending witk w
peaad.' leaviag all the rest af
sectioa M eat altogether.
This emlsaica is fatal to the aUlaai
la the opinion ef emlaeat lawyers here.
Seaator Carlisle sstoag them, it vitiates
the whole bllL It la oa iatermal
revenue, but being part ef the Tariff
bill passed. It stands aad falls together."
Ia accordance with this discovery a
protest against Collector Erhardl's omV
cial actloa uador the McKialey bill was
lastevea'ng forwarded to tho leadiag
importers in this city for signature.
Under the law protests agaisst the col
lector's assessments can not be lodged
until liquidation of entry and must be
lodged within ten days after that atage
in the importer's business the Gov
ernment Attorney-General Miller positively
declined to discuss the question in any
of its bearing, sajing that it would be
manifestly improper for him to do so
unless it came to him in an official way.
Mr. Mason, Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, who is specially charged with
the execution of the tobacco provlsioms
of the law, confined bis remarks in re
gard to the alleged Illegality of the law
to the following statement:
"I will obey tbe law as certified by
tbe Secretary of State. It is not for ma
to say wbother or not tbe omission of
tbe tobacco provision violates the tariff.
Being merely an executive officer of the
Government I must enforce it aa 1 fiad
it Anyhow, the tobacco schedule does
not take effect until Jsnusry 1. so thai
if Congress desires to refund two cents
a pound on all tobacco on hand when
the law takes effect it has ample time
to legislate to that effect"
No alarm is felt here among tbe
friends of the McKlnley bill as to tho
legality of Its enforcement Tho pre
cedents of years, an old and experi
enced erap'oye of tbe House said, leaves
no doubt that an error, whether omis
sion or commission In tho enrollment
of the b.ll passed by Congress does aot
vltiato any part of the measure, except
that part to which the error relatca.
Errors of some kind occurred, be said,
at every session of Congress ia at least
ono or more important bills and to bold
that the omission or insortlon of any
paragraph. word or punctuation
mark invalids, but not only the
part or tbo bill to which
tbe error was relevant, but tbe entire
measure would establish thaos in the
affairs of Government and compel Con
gress to remain constantly in session to
correct immediately oh dissovery errors
in bills signed by tho President in or
der that tho operation of the Govern
ment might bo carried on.
TheAgrictiHaral Depart Meat Heebie the
Health ( Cattle Uy Tag and Labels.
Washington, Oct '.. The Depart
ment of Agriculture bas issued regula
tions for the inspection of cattle aad
sheep for export The regulations re
quire tbe Chief of the Bureau of Animal
industry to cause vctoriaary inspection
to be mado of all neat cattle and all
sheep to bo exported from the United
States to Great Britain ami Ireland and
tho continent of Europe. This inspec
tion will be made at any of the follow
ing named stock yards: Kansaa City,
Chicago, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and at tho
following porta of export, via: Bos
ton and Charleston, Mass..
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore
Norfolk and Now port News.
All cattlo shipped from
of these yards must be tagged before
being shipped to the points of exports
Cattle arriving at ports of exports from
other parts of the United States will be
tagged at tbo ports. After inspection
at tho stock yards, cattle found free of I
disease, and not exposed to any disease,
will be tsggcd under tbe direction of
the veterinary Inspector, and sent in
cleaned aad disinfected cars to the port
of export Animals will be reinspected
at the port of export Railroad com
panies must furnish cleaa cars. Clean
stock yards are also required. No ocean
steamer will be allowed to receive more
cattle than sbo can comfortably carry.
Trala Kehfcery.
Socorro. N. M., Oct 24. Early yes
terday morning as the southbound train
on tbo Santa Fe pulled out of Socorro
three men were seen to step on board.
After tbo traia passed h'aa Antonio,
in this county, these strangers entered
the Pullman sleeper and locked the
door. They then covered the porter
and the Pullman conductor with re
volvers and relieved them of their sur
plus cash.
The bandits then Introduced them
selves to the passengers and held ap
most of them, making quite a haul.
Tbe robbers jumped from the traia ea
the Bosque De Apache grant, takiag to
the hills. It is estimated that they got
The officers of the road bare offered a
reward of tl.ete for the arrest ef
A Mea meewa ft A
BBtDGsrosT, Con a. Oct'SX Oneef
the fulminate departmeats ef the Union
Metallic Cartridge Company blew up
with terrible force at aiae a. m. to-day,
causing great consternation amoag tee
SOS employes ia the mala factory.
George Baker aad his soa Fred W.
Baker, were employed la the depart
meat at the time. A moment he fere
tbe explceien the son became fright
ened, aad left tbe place. The father
was blowa to atoms, his body be
ing scattered ia every direction. He
eras over fifty years old aad was
ered a very careful maa.
Chicaoo, Oct . Mathew Braattt a
well known resideat ef Deaalalaes. UL.
was brutally beaten te death last eight
Shortly after aiae e'elcek a aegaaer
aeeeiay BtasslTs rashlsasa was attract
ed by the seemdef greens ia the vieiaity
of tbe barm. Om iavestigatise; he fewad
Mr. BraseU bleeding on the
his head crashed almost
altiea. Ha rallied eaeagh to matter
tramps killed," aad steadied alter as-
arrived, from his family It
armed that ha and f?S im his
aad the eemditiem ef mtealetBiae;
lad. Oct., Si. Deeeaw
rjaiveceitv was the seeaeef the Uvei feet.
fight that aver eeearred ia the hSsv
af she raetftatfee- It
at maam smat fifty af
after r gr
ives en iatelL white
eat to a body, emiy to to
WAsaaaareN, uct ia-ama)aemr saw aaaasejemva mmm r - - M laaerer
was "-TriaTi
vreto ar lettamm eimaaV Tlaww.aftoV?Tr"" afterward
TaaaiimaarsiamT aaa ramaMmmartams smy. .-- tee
jl. - . - .... -araa.en aaamahsm mwmam .
mlled ahm aesekiem A Dertlegtem feu
rmaT ThefZl area sat s t
a aw rowan w
un avetems. The Swat ream
Srrryismj freight to toe .
ai imianrr mans w-
. bet It wee eat eatil
Jter Um (lew hhet she
A Okie tarn tl aa
l. th Batted ffsUSA amd
trala la the Vaitoi
railway to He
from AJtaay o
sdv to team
The smasslaar
waa orbriaallv 1
April Is,
ISSS Tmeesmstrmettomef
commenced taemextyser.
the reed was
. t tela
the diveraioe af the trade e ww
era Now York to Aleamy hi
Schenectady amd f real the latter euee
to Albaay. The Troy teraibiaa of the
Keasaelaer Saratoga wa f2
street, the depot eeeaayiaf a part of
the presoat aite af the Yeaaf Memm Aa
aaelatioa hulldlaaT. Tea read area sasaad
from Trey to mmllstem Oetoewr a, imwV
The aehemectoiy A hwrsteffm JteUreed
Compaay. whkk waa comtrelted by Al
bany people, refuasd to carry the Baas.
eelaer A Saratoga raUroed'a ffelghftfresa
Ballatoa to Saratoga, A aumber of
TmT eMltaliata tbea parchased the
majority ef the eteek ef the ttoseaectedy
A Saratoga Kalireac teojaaay ew w
time AlUay's freight waa aader aa em
bargo oa tho railroad.
The utlllxatloa of the railroad Idea
may be traced much further beet lata
September 27. lftj whom the attcktem
Darllagtoa railroad was epeaed for
paaseager frame, la the coal dtstrlcta
of the aorth of Eaglaad, early ia the
last oratory, rails of wood were laid for
the purpose ef reduclaf the frietlea
caused by palltag coal carte from the
workiags to pit mouth About l?t?
caat-iroa rails were Introduced. Be
tween 179i snd 1K Murdoch. Trove
thick aad Gray, all Cagllshmea, made
experiments steam eaglaea The
success of the modern railway, by gen
eral cenaeat Is due to George auehea
son. who ceaatruated tbe first locomo
tive for tbe Stockton A Darlington rail
way aad who waa It engineer for sev
eral moat ha
Stephenson's engines were adopted
by other railways, bat they were aot In
troduced wlthoatopposltloa. The stage
coach owaers and the eaaal projectors
were opposed to railway competition.
Land-owners were frightened at the
prospect or going iron monsters, belch
ing forth fire snd smoke, dying ever
their property. The Kagiiah spirit of
coaservatlsm. too, was aroased, aad it
was voiced by tbe British Quarterly Be
view in these words:
We ahuuU aa easeet the people ef
Wotl wleh to auger themselves te he It re eg
upoa one or Coatreve'a reekrtt a tatraM
IfaSBiM'.vea la the merer ef each a machine
golna at ruch rate.
The machines that excited such fear
were very Insignificant In comparison
with the smallest locomotive bow ia
use. Troy (S. Y.) Press.
lea luwara. miee.
The readers of this paper will he pleased
to kern that there is at least oae dreaded
disease that acluacehas been able to cure 1..
all its stages, aad that la Catarrh. Mall's
Catarrh Cure is the oaly positive care new
known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh
beta a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh
Cure la taken Internally, actlag directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
svatem, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, aad aivlag the petleat
strength by building up tho constitution
aad assisting nature fa doing Its work. The
proprietors hava so much faith ia ita cura
tive powers, that they ogcr 1100 for aay rasa
that it fails to cure.8end ?or Uat of team
menials. P. J. Cacxsr at Co., Tetelo, O.
thVl by Prupf iu. 75c.
Gaacn "What air waa that roe
playing Uat ntgbtl" Laura-MA million
aire, aad 1 landed blm."-N. Y. Herald.
I was in poor health aad losing tosh. Tbe
food I ate did sot arve with me. My liver,
kidneys aad stomach all eeetaed de-anged.
I becan a use of Dr. Bull's HeraeeerUla
which has made me feel like e aew mat aed
lacreaied my weight A A. .Yeate, (Maav
!(o, Qcsaccs, It does aot necessarily re
Sjulreatug-of.war to tow a warship late a
harbor. Disgsasiton firpubUcaa.
QctXDTK will often atop the chills
for a
brief period, hut Btmlleabergere
for Malaria removes the sssJarleasael
from the system sad eant see. A single
deaewiU sometimes de It awhtbyDrug.
e ' -
Ir does net isjure a lake te erark It aay
more than It aeoUs a horse te hraik It
Ir yen wish te do the easiest aad
weah'a waahiag you t did, try fhwetee
Electric Beep neat washday. FeUewtaedl
rectioas. Aakyoargrooar far It Bees ot
ketts years. Take aa other.
Tan seet la aa y rl tollew. aad mseCs
prebahly why tea jateik eteeaa verse te he-
lag one by him. aiagha
War don't yoa try Crtere Little Uvrr
nui' They are a seetuve eere for sick
all lU III-
ereeredMver. OalyeaepUla
who hohl up traias far rshasry
eiTee awai mm imr
Kansas etry. t n.
fsst fat
ss a
as aaa
is a am -
i Be. reau. .......... at a) mSa
as m asis. ...... ..a sSj m sa
................ eaam as
ojssTwii,mte.etf. m m m
ammemewamV aM 9 mmMml
rUH;swraiaata, per easst SsS JtS
wmmmr IS g
............... sss m 9 ss
l e- -'
SSam iamT
ZZZ' 7?
Ir ytm waat te he cured ef aeanatamai
male's Heaey ef oreseaad aad Tar;
Mm's Teetheche Drape Cere la oaeaamsmm.
Taa fseeiaeebte resorts are iinalij
rjed. so to seeak, with fan kmrm-rhthv
aamammamBBBml TassammmV.
' e
Been can hi la eared by f meant ssnal
imaaef lrseasraisrCeaaaaaaaem.
AT ma laa
aBeVmmemaaTemaremmBl Wa7w)mBmmm-eeew
MsmJtiral IIsIbsIS
nrew swamameea
ssemwaeeWSJmwrmVe- .
aVvaaemame - e e &
amfssesmVMnBsamaVve)eeeeeeae' 4e v0
BmBmmmammVUaaJr'mVsBV amm awteamAamml 'M. mm
raajaamteajeemr saner ana aBBBBBBBBBB,,, 0ff
mTAIVBmia,4eVmweVJamVrew,M 4laV
W JiBAT-Be. reaU.. M... an
aammaet a... ................ 0p
San"saiw.w..,MM si
aaysejeaaafw....... )a
BvSim........ii.. my ss
maewcataaeaeavflaiMe.' ;
"fTTJwas.we. teas
amaaanawee' aka7 '' .' -7
aaaaawvw eewa .... ea
gaspBB'wmser aajassVi..M i'SSi
waaas-aai ass..w
a? rNwna
leva Another. -
ever faO la lave with eara othr?
do. Net tear am a onn?w,rc
hi Row Jersey ws married u yoniht i
en her father's farm. 8oro?i-,v
It was discovered tbt :h hn.
was a female; the younj wife rifiir.?
Imwevr,theahearaetijentrmti tj kt
fries ea, to give up her cho-a roaori Tv
SifaagM part of the dicoTery w tft t.
mm tee erfin anew ??r &uh,ml w
easaa before she w v u tv itir
If mea do aot esn.hit thi trMnco Nf
for see ef their own net, ther -i .
SfWatistes give evidence of ohm (: x
they leve oa aaother. Trr amrr-m
e record when oae tr.n &a e-
life for aaoiher "n arc BUor - ,
Where mea huro glreu j ,
ft te a proud UnoV
that eae has aerrd a preciou fcvmaa .
Msrldea, Coaa., is tta how ef i
hsaawaum. John H. Tretnn. of tiMt
Jaly llth, 15W, writes- -Flvo ymr
as tefeea very skk, l nai eTerj f
HA declora, aad oae astt all raet ,
eesaahVaUoe of dlrac. I vt Ht
years, takiag prescription pr.ritn
tomeaseieeectera, acd 1 truifttuU; .,
- I
aaver esyecteJ to get aay wwt .
time, I commenced to have tho .. u.-t
paiae to Bay hack. OaeUar an oil fne! '
aUae, Mr. ft T. Ceok of th firm of r- .
4k Ceok, advlted mo to try WarsT h,
Care, aa he had been trouble Ux &m - .,
aad It had effected a cvire for hitn l.j t
sis belttea. took the emilciae a Um m
mad am today a well man. I ami
see ever had a wore oa of &4-iMe ,
Mver tremble than 1 ha.1 lU-tor ti I vr k,
ahrays agaiaat proprietary raodttts t
aot aew, oh, ao "
Frieadahlp espreeeea ltc!f In vne j
rshar ways aoaaeUmee ; but th true J.-;r
te the f riead la aeed.
least 1 eae take ifilno in
way." aaei theburtUr.a he ur
er giaaa wua arDtcr u.-iBt
te ssaie I Ste.
It U not what oae rata that maVf. tx r
hat the feed teat la jroriy !u-- ,-,
aaUallete4 that lncrrar the nH i
feed Utat Ilea and fermrnta iu lhi wmt
er aaavee aadigvatcd lnu ih vj.n, ' . .
the system mh harm, thr .,
makes a maa thin to orry mu. h ,-r- -.
matter around with him. In crJr tf a
there he a full and thorough tttsr-itfo'D I
assimlleMoa of food, the nmu-n, Uc i.Mf
aad the hldseya BU t tie krj.l Iu thr R. .
coaditioa. Theae erent trnn of if '
aeeatty aeej tho IJ ef variv her :
Jukea. It la t them wiiAt oil u i ,
ehiaery. It enable tlwnn ioti.ul-rw
with leas frktion. It la thia fr.,Uv.t u
areere out mechanical machinery e.
tee marhlaery o. life. How .i-ti.- la .:
svered the aerhs that naturaliy ut i
amvemeate ef the atmiach. Hrir Vulr-r
and bowela. They are cuutalitetl in
eeVaciou remely known a lr U .
Hereafter i lla. If iim an iintart(
era! Ill health givo it a trii al
much better you will twl.
finer BcnoLaa -"(11 fnil l"' r
here cornea acme oa'l" rhvon.l llurjffcf
til come oa; it's oa'y a jHik'-uai -SJraiar
A airwea rieii
la health has Die constitution furUflfl ,
built Up With llOtotUr'a Htiuuath
The entire ihylea! eiructum nt;rl.M -atiatelaed
through the? aincy lf ""!
CiUob an-4 aaiHiilatinn, reiftiiitntv f v
wela aad liver reurel. the nrrve ie ,
eratrol, nightly iepe4t emmil ami h-
yleeiiajjr lee are among the rrilt ..(
use malaria. rhumaiin, khtmiy
plalat, are annihilated by it
Hcaooc aa'aaaare nearly alt mle, f t
mlsaea on the euttro nru trnora, ,
ma'ama. Haiti moro American,
A flMS AT mlataVe perhape wm nnwle t -.
Dr. Hherroan unuicdhU great rrinr.1 lv..
ly Aah BiTTsaa. but It la preaumnl U.' i
that time all rrscdlre. for th lkl
were called Bitter. Ifatl lie call"! It Vv -lyAahMKairBiatr,"
Curative," or i
anything but BUera. It undoubtedsy w- 1
have superseded all other prHirutlom
alMlUe character. Tkn littni" Uilter
lead lag; It la purely a meUlciae, aul '". t
he used aa a beverajea.
TatBB are two atilca to every urin,
beta huUboedi'd ssau will ahray ut ut
bo ia right - lUm'e Horn.
A riTMsa loves hie child. A mother wr
ship it llo'.h lUvido tlt) chlM nhaitM -.
caalonally ho gtvca Vr. Itull'a Worm l
atroyera. n - ii ' e i i '
ffaSeta "The brunette over yonth-r l a
Boston hred girt" Cumw-'0i '
Brown bred, too,MVnowlue'a No
Ar one can take Carter's Utile lJrr
Pllla. they are m very aumll Jto trunhi to
swallow. Xo pala or griping alter uiitair
Ts crow doea aot fly from the corn-K'-M
without cawa. Waahiagton t'tar.
WoMB5 eaaaot be farmer is the -nn
ef "huehsndmea." at leaat
Let every enfeebled woman
know it I There's a mediam
that'll cure her, and the proof
Here's the proof if it
doesn't do you good within
rcai"' " ' time, report the
fact makers and get
yoi;, back without
a you won't do it !
ly is Dr. Pierce's
Fa scription and it
liar itself the right
ren nearly every case
of ic... . weakness.
It is not a miracle. It won't
cure evcrvthinc but it has
sfJone more to DtiiW-up tired,
renieeb4cd and broken -down
women than any other medi
cine known.
Where's the woman who's
not ready for it?' All that
we've to do is to get the
news to her. The medicine
wil do the rest.
Wattled - Wosncn. First
It losers? it Second to um:
it Third to be cured by it.
The oae ccwwetoT the other.
The seat of sick headache
is not in the brak. Regulate
the stomach and yon cure it
Dr. Pierce's FtSets arc the
i i" a' LJT - - iS-- JT
emsmmmmmmmmmmyn. bbbbbb) aaaa SBBBBBBBBmaai
sammamamaSnt f
, ,
. ?