-' i- .A2ZF GE-SSy- ?vf- "J SfJE"' .",' ir w y '.t .- J--"iKJ-3-)-i3- r . - -i. -.Lr' j. wsfitt? ?ar . -, , i'" . . -- J-Z 59 Rsr v?r' .. V. I'tXS. IhF. .." &f s "T I'l : s I wc l I I ,1 t Is I v .- 'r . -vA'y'-fe-r "- r -' 'Wmmam have the efeflera, Cettfiag Ml Wv BCW ffer ckappcd T'cMiTearall stock et glaus anal iHittjr at hard ibaes price fcauw the toe liae tf lurirei la towa aad at that are nelllaa thei every aajr Leak at aar aae aallar laaias therarc ateawtie far the awaejr COTTING POIKTEBa itw5 THE CHIEF, Friday, Oel. S4, ISM. Entered at the feet Mk la Bed Cloud, Neb., M nail mfctterof the aecoad class MMimUMy""""'"" T ELECTBIC SPAKKS. A saad hat ellaaer far IS cents IJ Stahl's. Lamps aid laateras at Deyos. John Shirej was ia the city this week. D.M.Piatt was in Denver this week. School books, tablets and slates at Deyos. The best specticles made arc sold by Deyo. Latest styles in carpets at F. V Taylor's. A new line of picture mouldings at F. V. Taylors. County Clerk Ranney was in Blue Hill this week. Trunks and Yalices, elegant stock. UeNitt a Galuha. If you want the beat buy the White for aale by F. V. Taylor. Do not fail to call and see ay stock of window shades. F. V. Taylor, We have the over coats for you this fill. McNitt & Galusha. We have the best suit you ever saw for $6,50. McNitt & Galusha. The place to sec a line of men's flannel shirts is at McNitt & Galusha. We carry the largest stock and sell at prices sthat suits. McNitt & Gal usha. Oar stock is complete in our lines prices about half the usual. McNitt & Galusha. F. P. Shields of Blue Hill was a caller at the headquarters of the Big Injun this week. Underwear, you never saw as nice a stock and the low prices catch you. McNitt & Galusha. The Nebraska and Kansas Farm Lnan Co. want all the good farm loans they can get. tf Go to Deyos drug store and you will find laap chimneys of every size style, and shape Bade. Anything in the line of furniture carpets, window shades, etc., at lowest prices at F. V. Taylor's. Bead MeNitt & Galusha's new ad in this issue. It will always pay to read what they have to say. Deyo say his trade is good and we know why. It is because he is sell ing floods at hard time prices. N. E. Worlcy, who has lived in Webster county for some years has gone to Iowa to live for a year. If you arc going to buy a carpet you will save money and get the best by callta on if. V. Taylor. Mr. Ludiwig of New York, was in the city this week. He is the brother in law of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kalcy. Although everybody cries hard times, Wiener has his store crowded fuller with goods than any season be fore. J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on good farm and city property. Farm loans eight per- cent aid less. City ten per cent Loans made Itoaw ra tcs of interes by the Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Co. Money ready as soon as papers are signed. tf J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on good farm and city property. Farm loans eight pel cent and' less. City ton per cent If you desire your watches, clocks, and jewelry repaired by an expert hand leave them with T. . Penman in Cottiag'g Drug Store. 52tf Cofins wood eloth and metalic cas kets of the best grades and lowest pnees. intelligent care of the dead a specialty by F V Taylor. uo to meruit cc uaiasna ior a tailor made suits. We will save you from five to tea dollars. This is the reason we take so many orders. If you want weaving donc call on Wm. Huffman, Bed 'Cloud or leave orders at Chas. Schaffoit's. A11 kind of carpet weaving done on short no tice. John My ere, lately of the Democrat has gone into partnership with Jud Bailey iajthe abstract and real estate business. We wish the new firm success. It is hard to get good and reliable boots and shoes, C. Wiener has some that he can guarantee and sell at no higher prices thai are asked for in ferior goods. Mrs. Mary Aultx, J. W. Corbett, Jack Farrel, J. L. Beeves, F. J. Car penter and Mrs. J. L. Davis, have all added to the joy of the editor by ad ding their aaaes to the Great Family Weekly. If you want jour name, monogram emblem of any lodge, or any other de sign cutting on your watch, it will be quickly and artistically done byleare ing it with T. E. Penman at Cottirg's arng siort. 02if A little girl in this city 4 years of age, who attends the fXiad'ergartea school, remarked to her mother: "wr r-ave jus lota off an at school." To which her mether asked, "do yea whisper?" Ne we dent whisper. "We jet' eaUe at each ether." DaWiU'a little early Tieera: oily aaatlar akramw ssaaatiaatiaa. ias1iara. f.'SH': "----it- .ri 3 at s I XIBJBJC BV KWfL OOfm I - 1 I Mmtmtm. v A 64 ateala. On Thursday morning, Cct. 23 1890, Miss Carrie Spanoglc departed this life, after almost three years sickness. Dunne the last vcar she suffered fivo paralytic strokes, and survived them all, but her system was so racked with long suffering that she was unable to recover, and on Thursday morning pissed rway in the presence of her family, to the land beyoad the blue, leaving a fead fath er, a loving mother and other near relatives to mourn her premature death. The grief stricken family have the sympathy of their many friends in Bed Cloud. Time can on ly heal the wound made in the house hold by the Angel of Death. Mis? Carrie had lived in Bed Cloud the best portion of her life and had form ed many acquaintances and friends who will be sad to hear of her un timely death, She was almost 25 years of age at the time of her death. The funeral will occur this afternoon. It is not often that The Chief is called upon to announce the marriage of deputy sheriffs, but this week we have the extreme pleasure of announ cing to our thousands of readers the wedding nuptials of our ytung friend O. C. Teel, brother of our worthy sheriff, C. A. Teel, to Miss Mary Hil lers, of Indianola, on the 19th inst. by the Bey. Mr. Flook. The newly married couple arrived in the city on Monday where they will make their future home. TnE Chief takes pleasure in wishing them bon voyage over the matrimonial sea, along with their hosts of friends in this city and Indianalo. May their days be many and full of happiness. The Gold medal contest on last Friday evening was a splendid enter tainment. There were eight contes tants, among whom were Miss Pearl Skeen and Blanche Sherman, euher of which The CniEF believes was en titled to the medal over ths young lady that received it, altheagh she did well. In fact the entire contest was excellent and we were much pleased over it. xna young laaies aestrve much credit. The medal was awarded so Miss Carrie'Bun of Juniata. Our space is limited this weeK or we should give a more extended report of it The beet sugar factory is a great scheme, and our people should take hold of the matter with energy. A sugar refinery in Bed Cloud weuld be an improvement that would benefit the fanners as much as anything that could be established here. Think of the work that it would give our far mers and laboring men a chance to make money for themselves. With the watch factory and a sugar factory Bed Cloud would be way up. In an other article in some future issue we shall endeavor to give a good history of i he process ot making sugar from beets. Frank Parker leaves this week to make another commercial trip to the Pacific coast. During Mr. P's. career in Bed Cloud, he has won an enviable reputation as a business manager, and has recently recieved letters from leading jobbers and manufactures, complimenting his manner of business transactions. The Chief feels grati fied to know that Mr. Parker is one of our best business men and presume that he will not be out of business long as he has had some very fine offers. We shall always be pleased to hear of his success. Hark, do ye not hear? Hear what? Why hear that little girl over at Vic Fulton's say "hello pap." The little one arrived on Tuesday night and Vic is the happiest mortal on earth, so much so that when he came down town on Wednesday morning he would say to the dry goods boxes on the walk, "get out of the way of pap" Also Grand-pap Goble is doing well, and is somewhat elated as well as Grand-pa Fulton. Our devil says he smokes good cigars. , Only a very few more days until election day. Sec to it republicans that you are not misled by men who have no other desire than to get into office by making you fine promises, about lots of money and better times It can't be done only in one way. The business of the country will only assume a better condition when ill of this agitation is stopped. When that is done we believe the moncv vaults will be opened. There will be a meeting held under the. auspices of the non-partisan league at the following times and places: Fulton school house in Walnut Creek township Oct. 27, 7 p. m., Bcv McVcy and others. School house in District 52, Inavalc j towuship Oct. 28, t p. in., Kev. J. Bean and others. School house in District 47, Ina vale township Oct 28, 7 p. m. Good .speakers. bchool house in Distnet 41, Pleas ant Prairie, Inavale township Oct. 29, 7 p. a. Good speakers may be ex pected. B. B. Fulton, Pres. C. Schenck, Sec. City Caacas All republicans of the let. and a warns are requested to meet in joint caucus at the court house Oct 30th, at S p. m. for the purposo ot placing in nomination a city assessor, and one supervisor for each ward, and transacting nnv other business that ay be necessary. By order of cen tral committee. M. B. McNitt, 1st ward n. A. Shinkle, 2d ward The legal voters of the I rat ward, of the iadcpcftweat party of Bed Clowd, will aiect at tfce eaart hoe, Oct. 25th, 1890 for the farpe f plaeiacift aoaiaattoa: Oae nperrisor. Three jidges of tleetioa. Two clerk of cleetia. Twa comtaUes. . . A. Toraq, Gta. The Ca In talking about the curroncy, and why -money in scarce, some people have an idea that the reason for all ofjt is because McKeighan or some other agitator, has not been elected to congress. They imagine that if he should'be elected that by saying the mystie word used by the 40 thieves in the Arabian ICiighU eater- tain men vis. "sesame" that the great vaults of the goverameat will be opcuei and aeh and avery individ ual help himself to a fortiao. Iu a great mistake. The cause of the present, ensis, if there if any, is caused by a few ofice seekers aid agitators of the demagogue stripe who arc going over 'the country advising men who owe money to repudiate their legal debts. Such talk as that causes an unrest with the people, who fall in with the imaginary doctrine, or the 'casy road to wealth," and first thing you know, the men who have the money close up their deals, bank therr wealth and wait before making more investments until people bceome less turbulent It docs not make any difference whether a man has $50 or $500,000 to loan, it is sate to say that he will not loan that money wbeo he thinks there is a chance to lose it or that it will cest him half of it to collect it. When the people learn to let the mischief making and ever lasting contemptible agitator severely alone, then and only then will the capitalist again resume his invest ments and money become easy. We have the best government on earth, the best way of governing it, and why do we allow ourselves to be hoodwinked by a lot of dissatisfied and disgruntled politicians and office seekers. The facts must be looked squarely in the face and it is a good time to investigate before you cast your vote for men who have failed in all undertakings of life. Beware of making mistakes. Farawera Beware. Only a few more days remaining before election, and you must decide in short time whether you are going to vote for McKeighan, just because he happens to be the nominee of the independent and democratic tickets, although unfitted for the position . You all know that as compared with Mr. Harlan, there is a vast difference Mr. Harlani record is clean and pure while Mac suffers from his record while holding office in this county. It is a great error for the electors to vote for a man, whose record is bad and who has been kaown as a politi cal agitator for 20 year. New parties who have well defined principle can not afford to take up such men and elect them to office, with the expec tation that they can or will carry out their principles, for if they do they will be sadly left. The country has been and is to day being cursed by loud mouthed agitators who arc con tinually working the people up to a frenzy over alleged wrongs, which exist only in the fertile minds of some demagogue politician who wants an office Tho peoplo of Webster county can tiot afford to send MeKeigh an to ccngress, if they do they will a war s regret it Vote the republican ticket and stay by the party that has defended the interests of the poor man and made the country what it is to day, the best on earth. Don't make a fatal mistake in voting for a free trade democrat At the speech of M. L. Wheat, on Tuesday, at the McKeighan rally, brought out many of the old time worn democratic theories, and advo cated free trade. Tho free trade theory maybe all light in some coun tries, but the American farmer does not want much of it What he does want however is a chance to supply the home markets without having to come in contact with all classes ef cereals from other countries. The intent of the McKinley bill fiom be ginning to end is for that purpose. It protects the product of the Ameri can farmer against the invasion of foreign raised farm products. McKeighan is a free trade demo crat, and if the people uant absolute free trade McKeighan will do his ut most if elected-, to help the democratic party saddle a much worse curse upon this country than is agitating it today. What we want is a reduction of the tariff on certain articles and the Mc Kinley bill has done the ' work. The farmers should not be led astray by such utter foolishness. The scheme is democratic through and through. McKeighan says he will make a speech to our people on the 6th, two days after his election to congress. Better, perhaps, that he did not count his chickens before they were hatch ed inasmuch as he is liable not to grace the halls of congress from this district this year. Mr. Harlan will do the honors for the second district at Washington, notwithstanding the attempt of the Ictnocacy to stoal fifty congressmen by bold gerrymand erinj; schemes and othci questionable methods. Republicans should coa muuc wit h themselves and try and find out why they are supporting a democrat whea there is but little to be gained, and besides there is a irood and honorable man on the republican ticket who can, and will do more for the people than can Mr. McKeighan. Think taice. boys, before you help the democratic party into power. W. R. Thome, -oae' of Webster county's oldest citiieos, an old pioneer and the republican candidate f- representative, was in this part of the couwj'imsweeK. Mr. Tnorae is aa abjjrnnd honest man, aaiaa whom we aP kuow to be fnllj fitted to hold the J rocnnncilYlA fuieilin f t.:.1. f, ' .1 .urvUc.w,w vciiiva vi ivgiBiator. xacr people of Webster county, in their intercourse with Mr. Thome dariag tae nineteen years wLicb he nas lived here hare foaad him to be a maa af the people and one who ia felly eega uint of the needs of the farmer aJ business man The people ef Weh-1r the rcasoa that he will aot haadlc ster eoaaty should see that he it seat to the legislature as much depeadaoa having good mea there to see thaf the aeeded legislatioa is pushed through. In the battle for congressman, etc doa't forget the ameadmeat ia regard I prohibition. This is aa importaat I rf meads of the causa 8J1H7mte,t fact thai it should be aueeeaafulVlf.jew desire te nave tae smiauaisui, isaiiff tUtitlsanriflrtawywutfjiH; ITEMS OF A good rain oceored Moady Mr. S. F. Spokesfield waa in Hebrei this week. v Dick Ferris has been on the list bat is getting better. - - Mrs. Frank Hall of Niagara, N. T. is ia the eity visiting friends. The sugar beets raised in this vie iafty are of an excellent character, Mr. Johnson, of New York, a broth er of Mrs. II.fi. Pond is in the eity. u. it. unaney, is out rn the east part ot the state making ooapaiga speeches. C. Jehnson and Lee Wells of Min- del, were over this week looking up McKeighan s record. jr. iu ivooic is Duuaing aheds on the ranch north of the city for feed ing stock this winter. A dwelling house on J. L. Miner's farm 21 miles west of the eity. was qurned last Friday night Jack rarrel raised 500 bushels of corn this year. Jack is one of those lusky fellows that always make mon ey. The delegates hunting up McKeigh an s record arc still coming in from all parts of the district and going back satisfied that they can't vote for him. Bichard N. Travel lick and M. L. Wheat were in the city this week. They were here in the interests of the Knightr. of Labor of which they are grand officers. Mr. Jewell of Guide Bock, aged 86 years, the father of Mrs. A. Gar ber and Mrs. Alex Crary, died on Wednesday. Bev. Geo. O. Yeiser preached tho funeral sermon. The contest for a silver medal Sat urday night was quite successful. Blanch Sellers received the medal. Besides the contests, the audience was entertained by music from the violin by Earnest Jones, Fay and Thad McNitt Don't forget to vote for John B. Wilcox for county attorney. He has been a citizen of Bed Cloud for a number of years, and in fact every since the county was settled, and is as well know as any man in the county He makes a good officer. Tho committee on sugar beet fac tory were in Grand Island this week, and laid before Mr. Oxtord, Bed Cloud's proposition, backing the same up with a liberal bonus. Bed Cloud is bound to get to the front and her proposition ior the refinery is such that the Grand Island folks will take notice of it. We will know the result in about tao weeks. There has been several attempts made of late to blacken Judge Trunk cy'8 character by men who are op posed to him in politics. Mr. Trunk ey has done nothing more than his duty in showing the records and ex pediting the work of those who came to look over the records. He would, and in fact is duty bound to assist any and every one who may wish to look up the records of his court. Don't slur a man because he docs his duty. The chautauqua circle meets at Mr; Albrights on Monday evening, Oct, 27, at 7:30 sharp. Bcmember the tuition fee, 50 cts. Mus. Faura E. Dennev, Scc'y. The officers of the respective non partisan leagues ot Bed Cloud town ship arc requested to meet at the court house Saturday, Nov. 1st, at 2 p. m. sharp. A. B. Peirce. Com. Acts at once, never fails. DeWitt's coagli and consumption care. A remedy for asthma, aud that feverish condition which accompanies a severe cold. Sold by Cotting. 6 Paint Skop. Carriage, sign and house painting Hard wood Gnish, graining, etc, Shop opposite Piatt's Lumber Yard. Al work guaranteed . C. MYERS. I am giving a good kol meal for IS cent. J D siafcl. Dray Line. People who desire dray ing done with promptness and dispatch should always hire John Barkley's teams. John is an old hand at the business and will do your work well . Terms reasonable. 1-tf ., Constipation poisons the blood; De Witt's little early risers cure consti pation. The cause removed, the disease is gons. Sold by Cotting. 7 Oil and Gaoolinc. ii. x. oimons nas just receivca a car load of Daisy White Oil, the finest and best kerosene on the market, and sells it at the same prices as other oil is 6old at lie handles nothing but the best oils and gasoline. Save your orders for him and get the best goods. jfe' Our friends should give DeW&'s cough and consumption cure a trial. No disappointment follows the uxe of this reliable medicine, and it nicritg, the praise received from all who uste it a Headache is the direct rcaalt of In digestion and stomach 'disorders. Remedy these by using DeWitt's lit tle early risers and your headache dis appears. The favorite little pill everywhere. Sold by Cottiaj;. S Organs & sewing machines, and all kinds of sewing machine supplies. Needles for all kinds of machiaes kept in stock at Cozad & CVa. farai tarc store. YoubuJHgh will not last all wtater Yoa will not e kept awake at Bight; -.You vill get immediate relief if. loa will use DeWitt's cough aad coasaatptioa cure. Sold by Cottiag 4 Now is the time whea voa will want toftyomr children ouUwith shoes. G. Wieaer has still a large liae left aad will sell them at leaa than mm waatea aad ehildreas' shoes hereafter. Wanted Wasted, to trade several desirahle pieces of towa property, far terse. aad cattle. R W GcuiroftD. Faraiture aad aaderiahtas seeds at hedreek prices at Coaad Ce's A aew iaTeien of earaet jaat received it Cozad dV Ce's farai twcsii vdfrtaktBK Ciual 12 2t M IN TIMES Like These, Everybody Must Be Saving. We are willing to help you do it, and haye used every effort our long experience in this business has given us to buy good serviceable goods for ready cash, obtaining many bar gains, which we will give you the benefit of. No house in the state can offer you lower pri- ces, ana but tew, a larger stock ot (clothing, Boots, and Shoes to trouble for us to show C. WIENER, Go Idn Eagle Clothing House. TmmmmmmmT M smmmmmmm jmmmmmmV Mysterious Disappearance. Mrs. John A. Clarke was a great sufferer from indigestion and sick headache. She left her home last Saturday to hay a bottle of DeWitt's LitUe Early Risers, took a dose and her headache disappeared as myster iously as it came. Try them; sold bv C. L. Cotting. Small in size, great in results: De Witt's little early risers. Best pill for constipation, best for sick head ache, best for sour stomach . Sold by letting. We sell more of DeWitt' little ris ers than any other pill; their action Is so easy, do not grip or cause pain, are the best regulator of the liver, stomach and bowles. 2 C. L. Cotti.no. Itch, mango, and scratches oa hamaa o animals cared ia thirty miaates by Wool ford's sanitary Lotion. This never fails, sold by L B. D.fo draffffist. Bed Cloud J !? SkeiiaTa Sale, Notice is herebvjdren, that under and bv vir tue of aa order of mIc Issued from the offleeof li If. Fort, Clerk of the District Court of the Klfihth Judicial District, mlthln and for Web eouaty, Nebraska, upon a decree In an action Itendinir, therein, wherein, the National Lnan and Trust Company (Incorporated are plain tiffs and against John I. Patten aad anna fat ten Defendants. I shall offer for aale a public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash hi band, at the east door oftb. eourthonse at Itcd Cloud. in said Webster eouatv, Kebrasl a, that betas the building wherein the last term of said court waslioldenlonthe 94th day af Xar. A. D. ISM, at 9 o'clock a. a, of said day, the talowinc des cribed property fowit: The north twenty-six 36 feet of lot fourteen 14 la block four In the towa of Guide Rock, Webster county. Ne braska. (Uvea nnder my hand this 21 t day of October A. D. 18. f C. a, Taac Sheriff, O.C.TKBL.Depaty. C. F. Mcf S mw, Italutiff 's Attorney. 13-aod SfcerlaTa Hale. Notice Is hereby given, that nnder and by vir tue of aa order of sale rtstred f rom the office of LflFort. Clerk of the District Court of the Eighth JndleJal District, within aad for Wel MerrouBtv.Nebraskak.aDMi a decree Inaa ac tion nemlinc therein, wherein. The Phoenix Mutual ute lararance ueanaay ararance Ceapaay arol'bUntlff and azainst the estate of Louis I'erry deceased. defendant. I shall fer for sale at public ven dae, to the htjrhest aMeer for cash la hand, at taeeaatiMorof tkeemnt house at KeaCfeod. in s.Vd Webster county, Nebraska, (that being the bmldlmr waerela the last term of said court thebmldlmrwuerel was botdeai mi tae S4th aster efer. A. D. IS, at 9 o'clock a, m. of sawl day. the followiujr dec crtbed pioaetty to-wlt; Tae south half of the eath.east qaamr aad tae nertaeast quarter of tae snath east quarter and the asata-eaat quar ter ef the aerth-eakt quarter of sectlea twenty four (34) la towasMp oae 1 aerr. In range ten 1. west of six a. m. la Webster county. Nebraska. Citvea aader ary aaad this slst day ot October, a. D. ISM. . CA.Ta.hcnf. O. C Tsax, Depstr. Kalbt Baaaimnaiatir.Ataaraey. uosd Legal 9elce T. Anaa , Miaer Ca, defea- Yea are attwby that tae Eoulto TrattCo.ef Oaasl aa. tied In the dMrieteaattaNTth Wefcater. state of Was. L. Gibsaa. eetaatauttsBttiKtsei Jmush JL naaaauAal aiv. Iaaamace .. aud Wll Jiiaer s vol. raae- M. arac aala Mat bm aaaaac aaa ataacr af i " - sua ur m-" "-" ' -"'A" f vr"! ameaameal. shall ha mmntmd ava m mammm w M tmt w mmm i .. . . . ' I ' I - fp?- -aaTTilaTaaT aiaa tnr -f af ike electors Vattar at ta aaM taaci" aaM hy rsasssafTea asesl sataated Mi faH .statlaa. taea K saaB caaawtate seatasa tweasy- - I jaaVaaJer yaVraa af ja eo taaattrfy thisiaM. oaserasr Xaajaaaatswalwpi isaJKlii asatlavV 1 n I 1 1 r i lii TiliBfTaBi saia msalr sTaf ' yiSraska, aa Brraay . ?? JP hgfjFl.l",Mt-f , MmL tTIOuafl BawaaaVaaaus mmfmw.mT. JT. - tartfam asat ta ataiiilaai sT laa act ev ssrt,aamBay,sjefaaBa, aaamaeaarat 'a4sata " tP Taaianw ! aaasWasT SarkSc ttsskaa J" act 6VraVS. ta TaaaaW if ' l7rUm V1 l' "f - i iaamaa aaa as awawa. Map awa.Jtar. I, y- . f " .r!.. .. -rrsa. -m . , lass. amaamaxacL. ibbbl aasa afeaeeaar aaa wm iBiiw m hvmb -' -t- .--.r. r ..-- . .-?. ..tst. . a wr- . -S?t?J?--"rrryT.y7 iaaaittifcM u ta . mi ta aa asafwaa Iu Ssaaassaav xsaweaaata. ralawtr If n aaaaaaawsrlaa - BavaWaaVaBBfCl. eaVuVa waawBaaal spaaasaa UfT VuaawwUasl mWWm " srsaaaaaBBaajpasBav asaaay awaawaat ea eawajraBawrstasami aaaa asavs aawaVaaW aawaW eawUaai aaft eaawaVflaa1 asBwsaBBwamwawaEBwBB aawaaUBL. M-r eVrg UBBwrBBBawawawaflaVasaaU' BasaC 3a aaaaaal aHaSajatVJaal awV aawalaa BBBaauTtaVaVat 4Ub) wlusV 5t JsaPUrPfJwsal W09mWKmj Baafaaae JaW Mm esaVi lliiiBCBBBBBawaa BBBBV atawBBBi laW lUaiaau) aal taaaaW awawaar aaawaaaBaaf I &." u9b$?7 SSXSS!uSSA mZJT& ElTATK Zj - i - - l.. Bam MaW aaaawaal aWM Uaawa awTaa aaaaatlT aaff AurvaaBafjWr. JuU jV -" wmmLm awaw-aa J a aa a awa am l a awa m mm y. ' -,'-' - Zi. J ffl aaaasafJaawBa aasvaaal jBBB mc w,' " mstama saam aaa v i w-arwammiaaca p aasa mr iflBBBawi aaawaBBaaaF .aaaaa' VCsbbbbbbf' b BBBb UaVeaaawaaBBB a t -- '- - sr a r aaWWl. aaa-al awaaa--a Was. aVaa. aW - - f - -ss t w" - IT ? ' - T " . 1 TZ " fr . , 3 & i v- '- k BBBW BlBBBBBBBBkmBPaBBBBBr dBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBB SBBBT aBBBBBBBBBaaBBBB BBBBBBBBBSaSaBaBB fm aBBBBBBm BaBBBBmBBr SBBBr aSSBT aSBBBBLameaai aaBBBBI BSKWmBBBS JHSEBBBB WHS SBBVas BBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBl aBBBBBBBBBBBrmSBBr mBBSaaBBBBBr ' B BBBBBr aaBSaaaaSB SBBBBBX .IBB . ' SB " .SB wVasawSuBaT aaBBBBaLaBBaBBwat aaBBTaVuBBBBwaat bbbbbbbbbbbbbbwL VbbbbI BbbbbI afaaafmaV aawaaJJ asaj p aTMaaafMavaajVaVV saV WaaV VasaWajaaa) flB UafaBBBBBBBaaBBV BBBbbbbbbW SaaBBBBBBBBBaaaw 'UBaMVaat BBBBaaaUBT BBsuT ' '-? - r - jfsi h JSc ? & select from. It is you our goods. no I'roclamailen. Wjiriiba, A Joint resolution was adop ted liy the Icjmlntiire ot tho state or Ne braska, at the twenty-drst session thereof", and approved March 3utli, A. 1). irw. proposing an amendment to Section Thir teen (13) or Article Six (C) or the consti tution or said Mate; that said section as amended sliall reatl as follow, to-wlt : Hectlonl: Thut section thirteen fim of ar. tide six (6) or Hie constitution of the state of NeornsKA be aineiuled so as to read as fol lows: Section 13: The Judges of the supreme conrt shall each receive a salary or thirty-five hundred dollars lajzM per annum and tho Judges of the district court shall receive a salary of three thous and dollars II3.WO iter annum, and tho salary of each shall be payable quar terly. Section 3: Each person voting in fa vor of this amendment shall have writ ten ot printed upon this ballot the follow- 111 "For the proposed amendment to the constitution. relaliuK to the salary ef Judges of the supremo and district coun." inereiore, i, jonn i. Titayer, ov- eruor 01 toe siaie ox aeora&ka, no hereby Rive notice, in accordance with section one 11 article fifteen 15 of the constitution, and tha provisions of an acientitieii: "An act to provide the manner o: aroposln all amendments to the eon stitNMon and submitting the same to the lectors of the state." Approved Febru ary 13th, A, I) , 1877, that said proposed amendment will he submitted to thenaal- inert voters ot tills state for approval rejection, at the general election to tie approva or held oa the Utb day of ovember, A. l. In witness whereof f hove hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state ot Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this scth day of July A. D. 1890. and the twenty-fourth year ef the state, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred fifteenth. By the Governor. JOHN af. TIIAYKR. BCWJAMIX Jt.COWDCBV. ISral Secretary of State. torn 1880. Iroclftmall)n. Whf.bras, A joint resolution wa adop ted by the lejcuUture of the state of Ne braska, at the twenty-urt session thereof and approved February 10th, A. J). 10, proposinjr an amendment to me cosmitu tlon of said state, and that said amend ment shall read aa follows to-wlt: Section I That at the ttcneral election to be held on the Tueadav saccetdiag the first Monday of Novmler, A. D. 1890. there hall le submitted to the electors of this tate for approval or ra jectjon an aioeodmejit to the roastitutJoe, of Uiis state In words as follows. -I be mancfactH4-e, ale aod keepimc for sI of intnzicatlns IiqiKT as a teverac are for ever Brouibiioj iu tuts sute. a d u letrlslature shall nrorUle by law for tb. enforcement of this provlloa." And there shall ale at Mid efectioa be separately submitted to the electors of this state for their approval or rejection anamrwd- BKnt to tae cotutitutioa nt the ute In words as follows: The manufacture, sale aad keeping for sale ef latoxicatlac Manors as a beverage sfea-'l be licensed aad regulated bylaw. Section Z: At such elrctloa, oa tae aal lea of each elector votlac for the r re i and aaMBdmeuts to the co&stitutioa, ahall be written or printed the words. Tor pr posed sjaeafateat to the cesrstltoUca. pro hibiting tho aoaafaetare. sale aad keep ing ior auc oi icunicaiiRC uquers as a beverage." or "Against tae proposed amend meat te the eo&stitatioc pnreiDUls ike manufacture, aale aad atpis for sale of ia toxieali&c linuors as a beverage." There ahall also be wno-a mr arfate4 oa the ballot d each elector votoas for the proposed aaaeadmeat to the casta-. tioa, the wards: mrr meae to the osastltatJoa that tae facture. sale asd Keepia for sale of ta ttixlcatlag hVruors as a aeverac la this stale saaH be Iterated or reaatea ay lav," or "Ataucse said nrvaesed tae csRHt&stka that the mvnafartare, aad aw plat; fr sale of letexicatlac aaaaereoeesaau&e ueeaaM i bylaw.' aecssa 3r tf eifaer of tae ed aaseaaaaeaas shall aa aawasad be amjaiaj ox xe tunan vvtiac w us avmUilBUUU LsaVwl aar. aaaaakJUl sawawawawaTmalaw WsttfBBBsj, aauscaW f aBjaasjaja aWaaUasTVaaQ an r artiaf.ru r the !a stake. Tarveats. L Joha jL Taarer. O- of She state af reesaaka, aa hmy give aasjtJf la aaeareaasa snra m flj arfJe Mara flif at tae a ta. paavviaas ot laa ac aav a act ta pravla. the saaaaer at aame to Use ssrtars af ta raaraarr XJta. A. D. laax. aa. Hwaaasa aaseasmsrai as! ssaravti or iviacttaa at te aeaaral siiaUea lake i tass. WANT n ! cmji at our nrc ttnu nil ctnc of Miirlnary mm ftrwtafj Jmaclilrc, Organ. CMrpcl, rlc. U fiplcic Ht wr brancst of Cincinnati Boot & Shoe House WARNER &, bo5t:c1?oe Hmtc marked rfowH price tm Mtt Ihc limn : laMllea Grwta Knee, aImsi) !! far ill A wr naw m-II for l VS. MeRafcMt.MlWH) Mtl Tor riM will mw rll for . LsmIItV lac Dongutu ilior. Ml wjr mW for 41, wr rll for ttl 11 Wr carrjr Ike Iwrgt l and Url ! sarjr nlwNf By intyiuff of Us. Jones & Evans, m c:t:MR to iia Kt:it i.hi4i:h. Dealer la Groceries, Provisions Canned Fruits, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. II. FORT, Maaagor. AfcMmets of Title. Furnished to all Lands in Webtiter County, Accurately and ON SHOUT ffOriUK. Il.titi hail tn yrnr nxiwjrlrnr' fa totuity fctract books In tin iLiit w Ku-r.ititt; lUtrtloti, Ywnr f"f itirjirt AH orilfr MM iipunpttr. City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable W. A. McAVOY, Props, First-class Rigs and Good Teams. Boarding by clay or week, good hay and feed for teams. Come and see us. W RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. BAILEY & MYERS, Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Agent. Rkd Cloud, Nebraska. Abstracts of titlo furnislitKl accurately and promptly. Satisfaction Guarantied. 1 10,()00 bond HIjmI THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKK Tf T POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Wekbr Street livery, hi id Sals M. Erask AKueiin. Prop. first-class rigs as pec I alt y Boarding by tho flay, weJc, or month at roiaonaalw rata. Farmers aro iimterl to ntop at our barn when in th city. Special attention paid to tliir traie. Pricen for single fording, aa low a anywhere in tho city. Don't for get the place. MeriaTa H1c. IT otlee is hereby oven tfut under and by lr- ) i ue of aa order of se lud frm lk iO' nt I U l. Fort, clerk of the Jltritt court f Uwr ,J ludida! district, attain ! forV.JxJfrcoety, Nebraska, rpoa a lrt? tn vt Mrttoa rn4c thereia. hereto Wlllli Ht UMaf&UD swmI J acalnstohn A. lWrwj. Xtri-.n-Uni, I tJl offer for sale at pabllc vcnds. U Ww bizht z bidder for rah fa band, at the ejt r of tut courtasaae t Kd OcJ. In Virjttlor rwv,lf, 1 Nebraska, nhat l-rluc Out ImiUlitz Herrt3 tli i last term of sabl court w foiifit) m lif arUtai tor TafrleHhcr A. I. ! at 1 o'cioek p. m. of said dy. Ux fo4liit de. crtbed preparty tuwttt Tfcr wtiltzt pMrtr of sectioa tareaty-eKht (3t in ttriip lUf-m (2) aorta, raaee iirm (If i r oiut:SH. fa Webster eaaaty. Kebrauuk. Ueu mrr mj hand this ZA day of Septrober A. 1 , lfT. CaaaallC 3fe)ttsigC Kitlr. NotiecMberaarclrralaaiaadfrayf br f tae of a caartf a mmvpvt dted ct5"ih Ay af Jaly, lam.afMlda,y SseJ la ttr nflfce 4 tfee roaatycarrk. Wrastrc ?. Xtbn, f im 19th day f Jaty, MV.aad rsecW4 by Jt. JUMaaaat. the Kw stjrerdwf (. p say ta ssgaaa awe aayascat of ?.. Unac tn two asaassassrr aafn, aa fe srssdaeka. 1st. Wal slaaawd ta i. nt, d m tW a wawaw maaw iaa JvsaW wafJam jr9waasFT,aBj m$ W9 rfw CTaa StameT aaaaaaVjaBam araBaV asaawaj aaaaaa 8Bcsa34si VaraUMS; asranPhf Is i aosr ay aha mm tltW aMawitlatlsr ajaTtrfJI JesaawasaaaaVal Ml waaw Ca,Twy ftuT WaasVl awfajpC ( waY seB Saa us asm thsfetw aVsattawt t- Oae CaMsma farm wamsa wm. KfS. t aaad Mfrwat at ace af tuaaii. X. p. aa.af aawfasp kajMaa at athttj coairajrr aaaaaiDaw.i ttm I6T nnmlnr otir trk nf ft lack m I nrfrrlMk MleMll tkU pay lb COZAD & CO. WOLFANCER, DEALER fttack In Ike vallc) Wr rN nwt! ami oo of i!w wt rnnri)rt n ufAU Wflm tlolur Nnt M-t m isnwV nmt apimrtftt. AtMm or call on I. II. FOKT Manaokr, Ucd Cloud, Neb. m :rrra Miles T. Hayes- Patent Collar! 1W iaW by X O. BtHTJCK mm Vkmd, laaf BwaaVawawawawBaf "-,ll jLkftawaSawawawaawf rCawawawawawawawaawaaawawawawaw HEawawBwawawEBwawawaUaawaw FBUaiaallllllllllB '-'JFaaafFaaawawawawawBc VaaaUUaaaaaaaaaaKf iGaaaaaaaaui r sawawawawawawawawaawl' vBaBjUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHaj ""? "rrr 1 HsaUayaUaaaaaaar i jm&?;. & rj. L -Zt Ifefi-al-S".-! arTr-j- . kiiiT"- aE:-?-3iCf. :--. -r: aa5,'?2r - -.s rMcL5A-iS3;SSa-rr?t V tS8!.&-fi.-. . .- .-. .;-,:& '?- .-. Aem&kmsi 5Maswi-- v;r-T. .v Jf:-r4K -fe'araaaagfea laaaBBBwaaiaaa iaBaawl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH