STJi!Alc' W w " -i!-r-.,5 tufs-ns;- WANTED - : - . ssSjr- V. B!E atwa - w - .- - "taK,'j-(.ir-i-iirrfr -c. '. . rvs-i,- ,--"- i-- . . . v. - - " "3. - .- - - ,. ? at . at -. . jwf Rrmntiaw a. -w r ., v"a.v la'trf ' t r.fv, "i ffru. .. ..r ..k ,-. -. - .--' - .. m f. r . ., a. - . - ..! -a .1: -r I ; -L . ..m --,.. " w,-.r - . - I I mmmmmmam mm amraaaaaa -- . . -J2j--r-j - - 'iTMumtftriff nr urn im again amainr w. .,. h --- - --.m--.i -;. w......--w , , .- r- .&at-3r ' - - - " .. ww.w waww w-aw --, nm wm BnumcWBBH1BHnHa ."ni. hbiihi m. . FMMieMi v AakJaWrdhMkvAtiktkt. .- Smt. J. K. Wimmim? - ?1F Bm -- -- - w w "" . - -P'--w-' 4 1 l I ;I lS f4 t- J rs N5, ii hs?. -w!t k -p- - . ( h-BB aa IB naanr jaa b thib h. - -sb. - r . - V ." "g Tk.MnrwMt.1nMoateM, We wr.y Ike tal i"-, H 1 - tr" V - -'--' -7 .... -. . I fUWMlllCT iyfc qipwwwwivt jbi . MB - - " -- "'-, - latawfMtOateeki raftkei BUBCnUC SPAWKS. ffar 1ft ceata at)ftohra. Laiapaad laataraa at Deyo. Satoal h ka. UbleU aad alates Dcyta. The best apeeticlaa aade are aold byBajw, LateH atjlea ia carpets at F. V Tajler'a. Aim liae of pietare aoaldiiags at F. V. Tajleca. Trmika aad ralieei, elegant stock. NittGalas-a. If yoa wait tee beet bay the White far ealeejF.V. Taylor. De aet fail te eeil mad eeeaj stock f wiaiew shades. F. V. Tatlob, We hare the oyer eeete for yoa this falL McNitt A Galaaha. We Mare the beet nut yob erer aaw far 96,50. McNitt A Galaaha. The place to see a liae of sea's laaael ahirte is at McNitt A Galulia. We sany the largest stock aad sell at price sthat smite. McNitt A Gal- Omr stock is coaptete ia omr liaes wieas abort half the rsiaL McNitt AGalwSha. Fraak Krehi has aored his faaily iato the bmildiag jutaorth of the Great Faaily Weekly. Uedenrear, yom aerer saw ai rice atetk aad the low prioea catch yor. MeNittAGalaeh. The NebraslEa aad Kaasas Fara LaeaCe. wart all the good fara learns they ear get. tf Go to Deyes drrg store aad yor will Srd leap chiaseys ef every size style, aad shape rude. Arythiag ia the liae of farnitare earpete, wiadow ahades, etc., at lowest prices at F. V. TaylorTa. Bead McNitt A Galasha'a aew ad ia this issre. It will always pay to read what they have to say. Deyo says his trade if good aad we kaew why. It is becarse he is sell iag goods at hard tiae priees. If yer are goiag to bay a carpet yea will aare aoaey aad. get the best by ealliag oa F. V. Taylor. Althergh everybody cries hard tiaes, Wieaer has his store crowded feller with goeda thar aay aeasoa be fore. Loaaa aade ltoaw ra tes of iatcres by the Nebraska A Kaasas Fara Loan Ce. Moaey ready as soon as papers are signed. tf J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on good fara aad city property. Farm leans eight pet cent aad less. City tea per oeat. J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loaa on geed fanr aad city property. Farm leans eight per oeat aad lew. City tea per ceat If yoa desire yoar watches, clocks, aad jewelry repaired by aa expert head leave thea with T. E. Penaaa in Cotting'a Drag Store. 52tf Coftns wood cloth aad aetelic cas kets of the best grades and lowest prises. Intelligeat care of the dead a specialty by F V Taylor. Go to McNitt A Galaaha for a tailor aade saits. We will save yon front f vc to tea dollars. This is the reason we take so aany orders. The Chamterqna circle will aect at Mrs. Taylor's oa Monday evening, Oct 20. at half past 7 o'clock. Be acaber the iaitiatioa fee, 50c. If yom waat weaving doae call oa Wa. Haffaaa, Bed Cload or leave orders at Chas. Sehaff ait's. All kind of carpet weaving done on abort no tice. It is hard to get good and reliable boats and shoes, C. Wiener has some that he can gmarantee and sell at no higher prices than are asked for in ferior goods. Men and woaen preaatamely gray aad whose hair was feUiag, are ea thaaiastie ia praising Hall's hair re newer for rectoriag the color and pre venting baldness. If yor wart yoar aaae, atoaograna eahlea of aay lodge, er aay other de sign erttiag or yoar watch, it will be qriekly aad artistically doae by leave iag it with T. . Peaaaa at Cottipg's drag store 52tf Wher the hair ahowa aigaa of fail ing, begin at omee to mse Ayer'o hair vigor. This preparation streagtheas the scalp, preaotes the growth of row hair, restores the rataral eeler to aad faded heir, aad readers it soft, pliaat, aad glossy. Catarrh is ia the bloed. No care for ibis leathseae and daagerors dia ease is peceiele malil the poison is thererghly eradicated freat the sys tems. For this prrpeee, Ayer's sar aapanllala the beet aad meet eceaoa- lerl awdieiae. Priee $1. Six bot tles, $5. Itie reported that reveral alliaaeee in this cematv are abort to eollamee eaaeeerat ef a split ever McKeigh- asv Tie facta are that the people have ducovered that Lie nomination iaerly a deaeoratie trick to gaia a eercreeeaan and they have decided iftamt is all the reform that ia in it they world rather risk their chances with Mr. Harlan who has always been a friend of the people. n General aasemMv. Knights of Labor, Denver, Cel. Nov. 11-22 90. js J win ecu ticteta no v. yzz m- elmeiv. Jeo. M. Hayes Philadelphia, Pa. will iga eertifeatcs. Kebtreka State Christina Eadeavor Union, Hastiags, Nob. Nov. 21-23 90 dates of sales 19-23 iadasive, As't. Lane ef Lincoln, will siga eerttf eates 9trte AsteeUuer Oorgregatisrsl ewrreree ef Mebraaka, Norfolk, Nob, Oot 22-27 99. Dates ef sale 29-27 ive. Kev. H. Breet Liaeeln, Neb, willratr eeftileetes let jmBimo reing wiU be retrrned at ore tresrfrreor atatsrtotisr of oertir- ef the - MkilMMtl tr i -t . .t- m-z . -mrm . ii.. . . - -.. r: 211 vi .-. w'w wv. j w ' -rTrT'j - .-L-- . w. - m. Ti i mnT var as s antaa aaa aaw' -'"- ---ix-Smmomumomui.a'j uiamai mmmumsm ux ame wmg - . wan tanm jamj mmocr an xmeir men, xasawin wsaaamoiataatosmsasmannnxfmj iwimp.v -wiaw.j--iw -- fmmmmmmwzr H mtkwm. wtmnm uf wli-tef 'rmaroaammajnauwu. am aw wr .anaav sumt aaawanw waoauwsmatwm. imumgaa - iswaw-ui lau.uumr. . m ,m n mmmmm,-mm - ; , "n;lm fmmMaaaon rrlHmmml aTHrVaBP sar.ammaams'Masm. mjLaaam .aaaat ..37- ---maslriiu.. xi.-. .----- SH ..---.. ,Wtea ! RkU atmatmmfc mis tMal ' " '- !! ts srsr a mmjr sashsam am mr tmmmr X'AHHMValtllT"" - x PiPpTfP Vy ?; mmamt momaC5wifBa7n9 -;3l,P9F1'B-sr?- ii-"" flfOT!sTc' "-? T"!.Ti vmmtl '. ' l ---r T amTiW-jWamaaaJiaL Jfc'jg?&- 'mijy """- -- - mmBmamtfM4ailateJ' - smmat SmmmTwammmjBt - ' - -" t w m mm bromai soaa r vo a n an m as ma ario O-aao-ii - - -.- - - w -- , - r &&. ir- , wo v w -mi. bi miBmi -wrmmmm -.-. ,,.. r . ... . m, ,,, m mmm, , mmm mwmwmmz mmm w- mm r '. BMC1M4.X Carr it t.d kauri. Me f IBIItl mppllf Ml UK SeMiXo.,QMkiMJM,Nh. JmmmMM 1 1 " m KMMdMS a!v BtWWIMBIWI.ttlMUWUW. fHHHB If Mrs.O.W.B4kerofAmbot krWti "a Bev. A. . BtackwcH 10FWJI Tl ! II I Mra-G. W. new puma S.B. Kicar is home from Kearney where he has bee working. w Aug. Lauterbrch and wife, of Colby, KaiL, are in the city. F. P. Shields of the Bias Hill Knight, was in the city Taesday. Ol C. Teel, depat j sheriff, was in In oJanola this week -on betimes. D.C.lfren, who has bmer qaitesiek for some time is getting better. A. Campbell, Division Superintendent of the B.: M was in the city this week. Mr. If. S. Hmffman has been amlte siak for the last few days with nemralgia. A. O. Berg baa accepted a position with McNitt k Galaaha, for the winter. Fifteen delegates ware in Bed Ctomd this week hmmting up ttcKeiffhaa's rec ord. Hies Hettie Trankey, sister of Jadge Trmmkey, has returned to her home in Lincoln. Omr old friend A. O. Titms, and wife haye oondadedtogo to Iowa to lire da ring the winter. 8. F. 8pokesfield has traded his homse and lot for the D. H. Kaley property near A. 8. Marsh's residence. Hon. J. L. Caldwell andA.K. Gondy, will speak at Bine Hill Thursday, Oct. 23d, 1890. Go and hear them.' This week we publish a large supple ment on the political issues of the Aay. Bead it and then hand it to a friend. E. MeFariand has purchased tho Schaffnit stock of dry goods, and has moved his grocery store to that place. Bev. J. F. Winters has resigned the pastorate of the Christian chmroh. Tan Cmmv is sorry to hare the rererend gen tleman leave Bed Cloud. The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. Brakefield every Thursday at3p.'m. daring the month of Oct. Every one interested ia invited to meet with us. Bead B. at Martin k Son's new adTer tisement. They are bound to do business notwithstanding the hard times, and are selling their goods at hard times prices. Ethel Hoamer, was nine years of age on the 15th, and entertained her- little friends in a nice manner on that ooca-akm.- She received some nice presents from her guesta? Dr. Denney, John Myers and M.W. Dickerson hare just returned from a bear hunt out in the vrild and wooley west. They had a fine time, and it is said' the doctor brought home some Tory mne relics of his bear hunt. The ladies aid society of the M. E. church elected the following o&cers at a recent meeting: President Mrs. J. W. Sherwood. Vice-president Mrs. H.D. Banney. 2d vice Mrs. A. A. Pope. 3d vice Mrs. Wm. Parkes. Secretary Mrs. A. C. Hoamer. Treasurer Mrs. L. P. Albright. On the 24th of the month Mrs. J. W. Sherwood will entertain the society with ai afternoon tea. An enthusiastic temperance meeting wa held last Sunday evening at Amboy school house, at which place and time Mrs. F. M. Cockrall, Mrs. C. C. Cox, Mr. I. Frisbie, Chas. Myers, D. F. Trankey and others made excellent speeches. The following young folks entertained the audiencewith some fine recita tions: Misa Outson, Miss Pearl Orr, Nellie Cockrall. Florence Baker, Mrs. Carminy and others whose names we could not learn. Good sinping was a special feature of the -meeting. In the Grand Island beet sugar plant Nebraska owns the largest beet sugar factory in the United States and one of the largest in the world. The machine ry cost 8350,000, and it coat 3GO,000 mace to bring it from France. It required 200 freight cars to transport it from New Orleans to Grand Island. The buildings cost a quarter of a million dollars The plant uses 200,000 gallons of waters day and furnishes employment for 250 men. It has a capacity of from thirty-fire to fifty tons of sugar per day. Ex. A meeting of the Webster county non partisan prohibitory amendment league is called for Saturday, Nov. 1, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the court house, to perfect ar rangements for the future. It is impor tant that each precinct in the county have a representative present as matters of vital importance will come before the meeting. R. B. FcLTOx;Pres. Reciprocity. It has been stated time and again, aad we believe that it is the general belief that the people are all dependent upon the fanner. This in a measure is true, but at the same time the farmer cannot do without the merchant, hence there should be a closer relationship existing between the consumer and producer from the simple fact that both are dependent mpon each other for an exchange of com modities. The former can raise potatoes, hogs, cattle, corn, Ac., buf if there is no one to buy them he has no use for them. So it is with the merchant. He can buy a large stock of goods, build a fine store, bat if there are no purchasers, what good is his stock to him. So it is plain to be seen that we should study more closely re ciprocity between the merchant and the farmer. The hue and cry that the farmer is more oppressed than others is a mis takr. In new countries, the merchant is oppressed, the printer is oppressed aad in f set the entire people are oppressed because the country is not fully devel oped. The tendency of the times is to ward an mnrestfml and dissatisfied condi tion, brought about by agitators aad oth ers for political glory. The facts are that the people are about as well off today aa they ever were, and its not poor legisla tion altogether that has caused hem to be unfortunate if such a condition really ex ists.. Of course' a failure of crops does great injury to farmers, but it does the same injury to the merchant, and causes him to go to the wall along with somefar merwhohaslost hk farm because by a eertian condition of things he was unable to get the money to pay for his goods or interest on his farm. Beciprocity be tween all classes, the laborer, the farmer, the merchant. cl, is vhat is needed. Let us all stop oar grumbling and try to better our condition and try to inculcate the idea that all men are honest, instead of the prevailing idea that all are trying to eat our throats. Sagar Keel Factory. Daring the latter part of last week . 1 si. reruns and D. B. Spamogle were in Grand Island for the pmrpoee of seeing what coeld be done towards getting a sa gar beet factory. They had several talks with Prof. Oznard who held oat the in daeement that they were going to pat ap Ive factories in the state and if Sed ClOwi would make them a mood rososi- tkm they would probably locate one of the Ive here. If the plant is located here it wflitake $100,000 to doit, and the far mers and business men should see to it that the amount is raised. Now, them, lass rzrp the watch factory aad thm we wfll all tern towards the bcetxaetory ami get it if aH the people work together. With a watch factory employing 9B0 hoars and f bert factory that emptors a like -meaner and Clewd wmt be est the hJh liwad to prosperity. SOO laborers ascans atMSwiMaeTOUewexaBosaeftaic, t ponmataom. Good, let's have tks stewse.- Red Cloud, wiabmmeity w LiBdev h . vy fin. f Iteparit.. iw ..Wtaten. "l Hill lllllll P Willi lllill I Ir nlnmiMt laiir ilTrr Mm l n. gg'gjef Qg.- Kl I III lllllll ll llllll llllll I with nfcrli ffclrit t lilr - SZIZa jitetxa. it: nad (.. ! w w"" " J WW I - I - WW " -WW www wwV - www -www WW w , i - ji -tor. Pr. Pallia. I lewtaf XacMcs r z " "" pirtoooooOcta. w ifi Ciiii w oiplrlr ...vrprn. Mr. E. J. II -- fcnMMll w. j AsktMkdKMlboMOet.aR. Wail NMr VTB lbiMlIV( M w. w awaww w wK w www .k. merer seM se te w eftt r as we arc srUiar; tl prove it tr yrr. If jraa want a lne Mrthelay ar wceMlasj aweseat, get aae ar aawetae la Flae rrfruaec, the rest ejaalltjr. sutraateeel af We aare all tae ve, yet spedaltjr, aaal we win ail j aael iectiipta.wltli at ees. ewrma powtesm Taa Wyck aa Hrrlrnu Ar over-xealoue Mekeighsaite in tempted the speech of General Vaa Wyck at Hebron Wednesday to pro porsd a qrestioa thst refused to lie quiet within him. The question re lated to Barrows' charge that Harlan had accepted a bribe in the legisla ture to vole for Paddock instead of the Otoe statesmen. The answer wss proapt and conducive and refected credit alike on the speaker's sease of justice end the unblemished public record of Hon. N. V. Harlaa, Geaeral Van Wyck said, ia terms that were eloquent with, indignation, that Mr. Harlan stood tree to his own convictions and tho interests of his coBstitaenta in that remarkable sena torial contest. He occupied the speaker's chair, where he could have named his own price if he hsd been T ready to betray the people, yet to quote the language of the general "He stood so high in personal purity and political integrity that no man or corporation would dare offer him monev to swerve from the line of duty. For years he hss enjoyed this reputation, which he honestly earned and which has B6ver been questioned until Burrows' at tempt to blacken him with this crimi nal falsehood. This is all he hss from his efforts in life to leave as a legacy to his children, and he is the basest of men who attempts to strike it down. I most cheerfully bear this testimonial to a brave and true man." This is expert testimony on the public record of Mr. Marian. It not only exonerates him from the cruel and unjust chargo preferred in Bar rows' sheet, bat it also establishes the impregnable and unassailable charac ter of his whole public csrecr. Mr. Hsrlan is a clean man with a spotless record. If the second dis trict should reject him to elect Mc Keighar it world be an act of mon strous prblie ingratitude. Bee. Oar friends should give De Witt's cough sad consumption core a trie!. No disappointment follows the use of this reliable medicine, and it merits, the praise received from all who use it. 3 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. . . List of petit jurors for November term to commence Monday, Nov. 21th, 1890. Saml Shirley, Austin Riley.' wm. James, Francis Houchin, Thorn. Boren, Joseph Hunter, ClifPope, Win. Swihsrt. M. A. Fisher, H.B. Simons, John Hansen, W. S. Heeox, Frank Stokes, D. G. Grice, Godfrey Wegman, J.P.Eglington, Ed. Barr. Wm. Baker. Charles Nelson, A. S. Marsh. U. A. Davis, John Green, A. A. Philips. Headache is the direct result of In digestion and stomach disorwers. Remedy these by using DeWitt's lit tle esrly risers snd j our headache dis appears. The favorite little pill everywhere. Sold by Cotting. 8 The Dcmorest contest last Friday night was one of considerable merit, and the contestants did their various parts to the entire satisfaction of the audience. L. P. Albright, Mrs. Prof. Daum and Miss Emma Nve were the judges snd wiseiy gave the medal to Horace Spanoglc, who is a perfect lit tle orator. We desire to give credit to the singing and especially to Lillie Smith, who is not only a natural pi anist but one of the finest vocalists in this part of the.state fr a little girl only. eleven years old. Organs & sewing machines, aad all kinds of sewing machine supplies. Needles for all kinds of maehinea kept in stock at Cosard & Co's. furni ture store. Your cough will not Un all winter You will not ?e kept awake at night; You will get immediate relief if. Yon will use DeWitt's cough and consumption cure. Sold by Cotting 4 OO- m MyeterlosM INsaapearaace Mrs. Joha A. Clarke was a great srnTerer from indigestion and sick headache. She left her home last Saturday to bay a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, took a dose and her headache disappeared as myster iously as it jemme. Try them: sold bv C. L. Cotting. Small ia sise, great ia results: De Witt's little early risers. Best pill for constipation, best for aick head ache, best for somr stomach. Sold bv Cotting. 5 Lost in Bed Cloud last week, ere astir liner haadbag, with hand paint ed passies. Contained pair of spect acles with gold hows, isger ring srd pocket book, aad card with roar mf owner and 68e. Finder will it at this eftee or aldressv P. R Me- Gmire.Gmide TUek. r eaeiu. rre ie.Bark ZJT WemaUasmra of DaHitt' liUle rim- yaiarteasnm tntimmsmais.LaHma atate.madA a. ii 1 1 11 L t sha taJted mjijiAT . H.JLLL' .g!pssjr ISSkmiTZmUSTm - .. . -M-M------m --. -- . - - r .r . , ,- hi -ir - . . Lr. . . -or mmmm www- hpw --v ---: - --r: - - - . r IUa HdMMirfct!fo.7,GreldOct.22. BV IWi JB AT MM ttiar uiMewa.un.. m wpv pjw. rpj p Guise km. Oct ae Heaoel district No. as. Cataertoa Oct. sr. Bcheel district Ne. as, BUa Nov.s. Sew. J P MeVey. lBavaleOet.9S. I's er suhI Faltoa. Heaeol district Ne.zl, see ll-S-11 oet SI. fleaeel district No. ss, sec S9-3-IS Oct M. School district No. a, see as-s-ii Oct as. Meed aael Kev G Hmuaaaell. School district No 35, Finney's seheolaoase Octa. School district No. 37, Bonaell's sehooftouse Oct 22. Guide Rock town Oct 23. DF Traakey. CowleOet2L School district No 72. Oct 23. Hchool dlntrtet wo St. Oct 24. School district No SI. Oct 29. I It Hsuaataa aael others. School district No 18 Oct. 23. School district No 10 Oct 28. School district No 71 Oct 29. JT R Wllleox. School district No, C9. Walnut Creek stone sehoolbouae, Cct 25. (School district No 36 Garfield Oct 28. School district No is sec 32-2-9 Oct 29 School district No. S2. see 20-3 -10 Oct z7. Behcet district No 2tfnncis 23-3 IS Nov J. BoaJSGllhamm. Kuehna schoolhoase. line tp Oct 39, Kev Larkla Stacker. febool district No ll, Inavale Oct 27. School district No 20, Harmony Oct 28. School district No 59, taanaony Oct 29. School dlrtrict No C8 Glenwood OctOS. School district No. (A, BaUn oct 31. It will be expected that each speaker will take up a collection at each meeting as the state headquarters are appealing almost daily for fi nancial assisstance to carrv the state fer the amendment The expenses are heavy and the need yery urgent Send all collections to O. Schenek, secretary. Will not some friend of the amendment cause who Htm near to the seaootneuses where meetings will be held, see that the school bouse Is properly wanned and especially woU lighted. B. B. Fcltow. Pres. N. P. J A. League When Baby wss sick, we gave her Osstoria. When she was a Cbik!,Bhe cried for Gmtoria. When she became Mfes, she chaff to Caetorie. WkstohwlQaidrea,ahegaTethmCsitnria Removes. .. nt.McBntnE Has removed her stock of millinery goods to Jt. H. Mania's dry goods store. Where she will be betur prepared than over to furnish her patrons with fine millinery. She bas just received one of the finest line of millinery goods ever seen in Bed Glond. Call and see her. 2t Oil aad Gasoline. H. B. Simons has just received a ear load of Daisy White Oil, the finest anLbc8t kerosene on the market, and sells H at the same prices as other oil is sold at. He Handles nothing but the best oils and gasoline. Save jour orders for him and get the best goods. Itch, manse, and scratches on arm: . ano anii tals cured in thirty minutes rwwool ford's sanitary Lotion. This never falls, sold by L. H. Deyo druggist, Bed Cloud Acts at once, never fails. De Witt's cough and consumption cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverish condition which accompanies a severe eold. Sold by Gotting. 6 PalBtSaea. Carriage, sign and house painting Hard wood finish, graining, etc, Shop opposite Piatt's Lumber Yard. Al work guaranteed . C. MYERS. I am giving a good hot meal for IS cent. JDSIaal. Dray Liae. People who desire drsying done with promptness and dispatch should always hire John Berkley's teams. John is an old hand at the business and will do your work well. Terms reasonable. 1-tf Constipation poisons the blood; De Witt's little early risers cure consti pation. The csuse removed, the disease is gone. Sold by Cotting. 7 12811 SEFORT OF THE CONDITION OPTHS First National Bank. AT RED CLOUD. In the State of Nebraska, at the close ness, October 2, 1899. KKSovmcns. Loans aad discounts vfUvnuu U. H. bonds to secure circulation Stocks, securities, judgments, claims. of basl- 113,477 99 617 12 18,790 SS 7,51189 7,488 TS 12.SS9SS l,ers7e 7C0W 747 72 Due f r'm aDorored reserve erKCUw9 ) SamS Due from other Nat Banks 48 82 Real estate, turniture and Sxtures Current expenses and taxes paid Premiums nai d.... ............... ...... Checks ano other cash items 656 74 musoi outer oanxs ssooo Fractional paper currency, nickels aad cents 78 48 CTiaCiC mmmist Legal tender notes 3iG2eej BcaempuoB iuna wiiau..rreas (5 per cent, of citralation) S43 25 Total. . f 17641S a ... 75jM9 WpleW Vw ... 4VQS7S ... t$jf;$m LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in , OllspissS sUasmt IJamwlTIQCra pVOnCS . National Bank notes outstanding. Ul ItsCXlraS etisPwUU Individual deposits subject ev CarTrh w ' rraO' Demand eertlSeates deposit 30,436 Nts aad BUIs Kedlscounted Dills payable .... 4SVKJMC3 1 .... 5B9SS .... lists M tvtsU.. giiviwtr stale ot MeDrasaa. county el wecster, ss i. l n. ten, uasiuer tn ine above : bank, do solenulv swear tbat the above state meat Is true to the beat of my knewledce aad belief. L. H. Koarr. Qwkier Subscribed and swern to before me tbislSth day of October, isso. O. C Cask. Aenry ruaue. Jambs reNmsnr. i Cerrect Attest: Kokt. V. SHiaar. Directors j. A.Tutxavs. I nOllCC TaAuHmaa. Miller Co, aoa-resMcai defea- Yoa are hereby imtMetl thai the Trust On. of Oiaalav. Nebraska, has Sled la the dietriet court of the rvaatyef Wshster.sSMet Hearaska, its petirJea agatast Wm. L.-Uibsoa, Jeaaie r. Gibcoa. AalunW, HiBer . Ce IW nil las w ante Co. and Wwm H. IfiiSmam, smamm kai auammmmn ai mammmammmamr In Bm awBBf S. aSvJI dark ot said eaurt. the ohjset and prayer ef said nettt'on are a ehtara tarn fseeetotmroor asitaat" aeamhsti byjmuntUt, ami a Hem Sar taJceTneU by nlnmsMmmaaststtwatsw la ssfd eamnty aad state, and to obtain a sale at aaM mwtnasrrtna eeree or saw eoaet tasatanr thm snuinnf dun Ihn rialatiff. aad to foreeassa mlrlamtoCreweawtba fram saM mmrtsMe M efald dsfeaaaO.aadalaemtexrtameailof to from aay laetiiist aaaMhuaa. due ntaumnf far water Ksaemaa are aa inlaws, sms ose Ka-rr 1, seKar., USR, hula arenredby one aramttanse aaM bv ! iTIbT Tit wamrTu ItlwPi ejaTJP Vaw JPVt) 4 uasnmt mamas sseurea mmwma mm 9mt m i-b. rwt n : .BiMaru hbb Ban. i BBBm & bbbi hbb vbbbi mbv hbbbbbbbbb 'b. Ker. J P McVe jr. m. JL JH A. w jam AmmmI bm" IuvaleOct-aa. """ av Miii-diriicaiioiiioaMiMKwW mu uMMa --r----r i-BM-a'--t i-n -r---C immaeK jmbsusb.-. una ax umawmtrnwrn mum maeaisiss".", --.- - w. -. -. -- - . -- - - - - - -a -l ,. h - - --T - . -1 1 -. . h. r v m K- - ir -i r-i i .. mmmm Like These, Everybody Must Be Saving. We are willing to help you do itf and have used every effort onr long experience in this business has given us to buy good serviceable goods for ready cash, obtaining many bar gains, which we will give you the benefit of. No house in the state can offer you lower pri ces, and but few, a larger stock of Clothing, Boots, and Shoes to select from. It is no trouble for us to show you our goods. Golden Eagle Clothing ProclraiatloB. Wiikrkas, A Joint resnlutfoR was adop ted ly the lcarislaturc of tho state of Ne braska, at tae twenty-first session thereof, and anm-ored March qotb, A. 1). isw, preaoslac an amendment to Hection Thir teen (W of Article His (S) of the consti toMon of said state: that said section as aaeadei shall read as follows, to-wit: Keettonl: That section thirteen (13) of ar ticle six (0) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol lows: Section IS: The jaojes of the supreme court shall each notite a salary of thir ty-five hundred dollars lascei ier annum and the Judges of tee district court shall receive a salary of three thous and dollars l$3,Goo per annum, and the salary of each shall be payable quar terly. section 3: liacit person voting in fa vor of this amendment shall have writ ten ot printed upon this ballot the follow- "For the proposed amendment to the constitution, relatins to the salary ot Judges of the supreme and district conn." Therefore, I, John m. Tsayer, gov- ermor of the state of Nebraska, do hereby give notice, In accordance with section one 11 article Sfteen 151 of the constitution, and tha provisions of an act entitled: "An act to provide the manner ot proposing ail amendments to tho con stitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state." Approved Febru ary 13th, A, !., 1S77, that said proposed amendment will be submitted to thenoal lied voters of this state for approval or rejection, at the general election to be held on the 14th day of November, A. 1. isa. In witness whereof I hove hereunto set my haed aad caused to be affixed the great seal of the state ot Nebraska. Done at Llrvoui. this th day of Jaly A. D. 18M, and the twenty-fourth year ef the state, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred Sfteenth. By the Governor. JOHN M. IHAYER. BmuAxnr it.CowDmmr, (Snail Secretary of State. i-3m ItOB. Whrukas. A I( loin resolution was adop- ted by the legislature ef the state of Ne braska, at the twenty-trst sesatoa thereof aad approved February nth, A. D. isss, proposiajc an amendment to the eeastita Uon ff said state, aad that said amend ment shall read as follows to-wit: Section 1- That aT the general election to be held on the Tuesday succeeding the Srst Monday of Novmher, A. D. IMS, there shall be submitted to the rdeeuKs ef this state fer approval or re lection aa nr-aSmr-nt to the eonstltntioa, of this state la words as follows. "The manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of utnxtcatlag liquors as a beverage are for ever prohibited ia this state, a d the legislature shall provide by law for the etuorcemeat of tats prevWoa." And there shall alsa at sM ejection he separately submitted to the electors ef this state fer their approval or reject lea aa amend ment to the coatrttuMoa of the state ia words as fellows: The manufs tme. sale aad keeping fer sale of Mtoiieatiac Mowers as a beverage shall he licensed and regulated bylaw. Section t: At saeh et-etlea. en the bal lot of each elector voting for the proposed amendments te the coasutotion, shall be written er aviated the words: "For pr neeed aawndmeat to the coastitaUoa. pro atbitlag tho manufacture, sale aad keep lag for sale of latexleatiBg liquors as a beverage." or "Against the proposed amend ment to the coastitaUoa proaibHlBg the manufaetare, sale and keeping for sale of ia- toxieaUacImorsasa beverage." There sank alee be wnttea er aviated on the of each elector voting for the proposed to the uon. urn -Fat to the eausoratioa that the factare, sale aad keeping fer sale of ia toKwBK Manors asa beverage In this state ahal be Ittitii ar leenmled by law." or -Agafcat that asabeTf bylaw.' If ettber at aaafl he gJJJg t mrtkls War sue. Therttaie. I, jama M. Tl ef the ssaaa t yehtmak m iij aruete aasem iai iiM-a asm saw aarDaaaarV " SaaY to le'lSs am tti'mh tsTmfTmffBiiir. A. D. 'a-.,?-,'.!!! ' -J'g.wJS1' MSS. iisa mmj wi - T asiamaaummm " mnm laiwwsi m mm - - a is. -! r-e Tra-3 "i"i wwwi ,i -- hi -"- .Tr.- .-. r .,M -- - - mmam niiwi mmm mmmmm C. WIENER, House. Eslray Notice. Taken up by the undersigned on the 31st day of Aw?ust. IiOO, on the sw or ncctlnn 25. twn 2. rne 11, Wetttter coiiwty, Neh., the folIowlH-r des cribed est ray animal to-wit: 1 black shoat about tlirw mmitus old with some white spote or marki, 1 black shoat about three months old with some white spots or marki. 1 black shoat about three months old with some whlto spots or marks, 1 black shoat alout three mouths old with some white spots or marks. t black shoat about three months old with soe hlt ipora or marks. 1 iiick .vlKwt about three mouths old with some uliltc iots or marks. 1 black shoat alwut three niontlts old with some white siots or mark. 1 biark shoat alwui three mouths old with somo white spots or marks. 1 black shoat about three months okl with some white spots or marks. 1 black shoat about three months old with some white spots or marks. I black shoat abunt three months old with some white spots or marks. 1 black shoat about three months old with some w bite spots or marks. 1 black shoat about three months old with some white spots or marks. 1 black shoat about threa months old with some white spots or mart. The above described estray animals are now in my hog pen on lot Is. block 11, original town of Red Cloud. Neb The owner may rectal m the same by proving property and paying expenses provided oymw. P. K. Coaim. Stnos TAKE SOTICE. Frank A. Coulson and Mary C. Hummel. I hereby notify you that I have purchased from the treasurer of Webster couuty, neb., the fol lowing land towit : fart of the nw J4 of tht sw)f sec 35. twn 2.rns 12. containing: one acre ed In the name of Frank A. Coalaoa aad sold for the delinquent taxes thereon for the year 1887 at private tax sale, amounting to $4 liies, oa January 25th last, and If not redeemed on er before January afth,l. I will make applica tion for a treasurer's tax deed. M. Baum By L. Baum. Agent. Jane Fulton and John D. Falton, you are 1 hereby notified that on the isth day of January. ime. ine unoersigned M. Baum twrrhased the following land towit: The sw!i oftheneUsee 31, twn 1 rag 12, containing a acres la Webster county, Neb., the taxes amounting to S2 SMew, which tend was taxed for the yaar ls7 la the name of Jane Fulton. The land was purchased from the treasurer of Webster eoaaty. Neb., at private tax sale for the taxes deNaqaeat there on for the year 1S7. The time for reOmeUoa will expire January 19th. ISA, aad unleM re deemed on er before that date I wis make ap plication for a treasurer's tax deed. M. Baum. By L. Baum, Aj-ent- Jaae Fulton aad John t. FuHoa. I hereby a tify vou that I have purchased frees the tnauur erof Webster ceuaty.Nebthe fallowing dee eribed real estate to-wit: TheneSaof the a, secS1,twm.rngl2,eeaUiaJagte acres, anew edintbenameof Jane Falun aad sold for the delinquent taxes thereon far the year MS7, at private tax sale, amaaatiag to S3 a-M0. ou Jaa uary 19th. IM. aad If not redeemed oa or be fore Jaaaary 19th, ISSt. appHeadea win be made for a treasurer's tax deed. M. B a VU. Hyl. Faum. Agent. . Faum. Agent. . ' Faltoa aad John f. FaltaiLyea arehere- iSed that oa the 19th day of January. tm janerw bynotiSed the undenhmed M.Baum parchased tfaet41ow- iazlacdtowtt: TheseietrheneI-seeSl.twn l, mg 12, conUlalag9 acres la Webster cosaty. Neb., the taxes ameanbne to fl Ja-taa. which land was taxed for the year lsS7 lathe name ef Jane Futon. The laad was parraast i ftnsa she treasurer of Oebder coanty. Xeb . at private fax sale for the taxes dehagaeat thereaa far thevearusr. The muse far ititm atlaa wiS aa- nire Janaanr rath. ISSi.aad or lietorm tbat date I wiU aaatv far a tax deed. M. r AUM. ny L. Saam, Agent. Jaae FaKoa aad Jeha D. FaHea. I hereby mv J JWi Hw w va iwmj tm iw;i ZL. have Barrbased the foilortrwa: land U-H: The nw 1 4 of the aa l- see W. twa 1. reg ia. bur avtMla Wchater ceuatv. Neb am toS3 aaMSLwhieh laad wm taiedfer the jaar ISlCwUmnasacef Jaaerawwa. Tae mm was iu ilm l tram Ur r 1 asarar of Wiaalfra Nebwat private tax ale far ttartaasadrto qweattaefewBsar aha taartac. The ahme Sr laswtmeatmrnwaaunw-r a-. itSJaflylwnsielsI M.sUtr. Xatieafakesubyi tae T aa otdev at L. If, Fart, Clerk of I ev blaiatir.i T. a.tliarttal.ri aataainwraa-eai estMdwSrfereaamtol wo of Cincinnati Boot & Shoe 1 Iouse WABVER gumbos. bo Have Lrsllea Crala raacs, alwayo aaM MewwsMvoasHawWafewotarortw We carry lac larrcel aael aral yoa asoacy alaraya By l&ujrlnfi? of U Jones & Evans, ftl7CCKemt TO HACliKat A tARtit:il. DcrJcrala Groceries, Provisions Canned Fruits, Etc. Red Cloud, - Nemiaska. Fort Abstract Co., Keel Cloud, L. H. FORT, MiiLRcr. Alistiuict of Title, Famished to all Lands in Wtibnter County, Amirutclv mid ON SHORT NO TICK. Having hJfcl ten jfearexiriftico hi rountjr rrrort! anil nno ( Ui intnt tnilt i uf;Ab stnct Dooas III tnr ttatr, we toar.iuuw All orders flllrit i-niniptl ana appnivtu. ! II. City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable VV. A. McAVOY, Props, m p First-class Rigs and Good Teams. Boarding by day or week, good hay and feed for teams. Conic and see us. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. ' w II I mm III IWI1II''" ! I II WW W - WwMWPKwJI W J. H. BAILEY Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Agent. Rkd Cloud, Nkhkaska. Abstracts of title furnished accurately and promptly. Satisfaction Onaran'ceri. 10,000 bond filod THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. WILL MAKB m BmVW' POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world Wektsr Sties; fer;, hi aad Sals Sulk. Frank A Kveus. Vrov FIRST-CLASS RIGS ASPECIAL1Y Boarding by the day, wtsek, t,r month at ruwjiiaale rates. Farmers art invited to stop at our barn when in the city. Special attention paid to thir trade. I'ricetf for single feeding, as low a- anywhere in tho city, Dorrt for get the place. W it la fc ti. i.m ,k.r nali snil frr lr- ine of aa wder ef mCt Issued Unm ih U H. Fort, derk of the ntrlet wt ut tbe ,A JadtdaldwtrJct. wlthm and It Werwlrrcousiy. Neavaahn. epoa a decree la a ttUtn uradiox I ImTirsn.whrrfe WlMUm Snr U ilJ M ' MMMJI. mtnntna. iwi-n"i. .. far sale at ptibHe vendw. xe d,e lUct far eaa ra nana, ax uk ww we Htaimeu uowj. ia -mrmirr rwiy., ef said (wart was bWfl 11 tb or fa aar afctrsjer A. n. ! at I a'cleek p. at. ef said day. th? Ja&t 'Z tr iiiiiIi lift! lie nrathe' iMOVr 4 saeMia twenty -esxbt tstt viMy Ibrel W, larth. raae-jeei(iii aej.fw. -w ebster eawsty. Jeferka. ;i uUr mj iad m-TX da ScpuimUrr A. 1 A-"taxhlaT. . C . Ftamsncnc. i UlUS"s ABerwy. Xetlee k herer firra rhattMdT id r tit Ijio iifarnaTT Si ilit rf mhVmm mmy cvIJaly.imsaMddatyStftJiata Mr U rt H(hi fjmmy. .pi . w mmr Mwwf actai He -"-a- lOiiarliiralrf-rrr fit " mm m Oat. I Ut She r ssery af asM ttt,f the mi imeCsldWwll n,ric;MiHwdAri tebv-at w mkmw 0t JsrasTuV?p'r m mi i ftf . i Omasum saw, Smnmumaaaa, ammasS Saaraaar araaaTLSnw smnmrnVl. amour Cadzaam sari j. !. j -B m 5 ix - "-.!" Smmm to fesseSygtean taat f a mu mm9mmmfmt mmm mm-mr aamwaa ftaCT mmmmm araaaaaaj aajsviMm mfMm rmsT amii, isum. pqp ram smmaaaiiMas t Wj. Marwm. mad 0 mm &l2;. 'g i araa .aammmmmmi ararm ammmramm aarrs a-sa aramr , mnkmv aael caamatar omr afoca 1. G Caracla. etc. ourslnrk of t'n 38 aay eepermi Nftcmnm ft lac mHsttao COZAD & CO. WOLFANGIR, DEAILISKS asicoa la aall lac llmrra Prr tl itwr aowraM tmr f , will new erll for w. ftaor, alwaya aotel for 9. ' wr acii tor tl 7 rtoca la lac vnllry 'c ran t MllI-Uon. m,r i.titr v.iiicitcjj ly I0, M! i.iinl U!rl Atlitr ir cult 0:1 KOKT Manaokr, HmI Cliiid, NVli. Miles T. Hayes Patent - Collar ! m r' mra mmmmmmmwmmmmmmar l mmmmf m mmmmfLmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv J F r.aaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmT &, LHiH :3Baaaaaaaaaaananuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummm u-mmHIBaaaaaaaaV: 7aFrsaaaaaaaaaarT 'mmammmmmmmaaV --mpsar ' ' Z-Bk1 . waaaGaBaaaaaaaaam vsmuamBaaaaaaj wyilo 4 9lPr .? ijsmnnmaaaaas- UMnmUrf JCX mm r a -, - - isr CsOtjMl, 'w llai -37 -."'f ..; "'.i'?,, -' "?' J'i 1 -e . r ;tcs;kl isBiVsWfwt'-:: X. 41 I l.'f -' 3. - - L,-V - .- ? w 3a&r-: '- r-SmmVvr i eave riXST' XJi J"bjp'fe i" - j-r w -r m --wc- m 5rfc.lfW'afcsf - t , rf W tSJ-' ' -"" ?Kat "T-. 4 ,-.-. &-3t &MeC a -vw-$csAmr3a:' y a amgfW-.-XXimW mWkkS'Vr " ""t:''3 Jt W mmmnfeT' IF' 4 ,-' K . 1 1-- "-ai r ''. .. -w-tiP." ' - f - -: &.. , -. -t ., .-' .wiHwm . i . kn m wasm r- - - m -r -,, axi - ;r--.-, - . - - - , -t - --- i-v a aas rt - ie irwm. -3- apw- waiaiiii mi - - -- ---- mm- mt, r 4v , ws Pvj