fw . ". - . . - ?- -l --"- ' i j .. ---.r -i.-- v Ev -w i. ." - ' -s-. f -ajj-J-- -. a a "-,? .; ,. 'r-i. Of TT T. j. . a - t. - -a. . - Z t A'awutsMiB:4lHllltJw?fBBKllUHEHBB9Hle9 Bmal Baal y vTZ. en .f-7 n.T ij, t & . V By A. C. Hosmer. u. m. ai Has Just T FROM THE EAST Where he purchased the Largest and Best selected stock of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Jackets, And Staple Goods ever WE HAVE a magnificent line of Dress Goods of the la test design, Stripes, Checks and Plain Goods, in beautiful colors whicli none can help but admire. OUR STOCK f Cloaks in cloth and plushes are of the fewest Patterns, and run in prices so that we can suit everybody, also carry an-ellegant line of Jackets and - Shawls. Hose, Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, Quilts, Calicoes, Cotton Cloths, Cotton FlariheU, Etc.. at Greatly Reduced Prices You will find it to your advantage and inrerest to call and examine our stock. Highest Prices Pal for PredMce. Keaemker tke Place Moon Block, Red Cloud. R. Y.SniREr, Pres. Hknry Clakkk, Vice-Free. L. II. Fort, Cashier Ellis L Shirky, Assistant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL, - $75,OOG Transact a geaeral baakiBg basiaeM, bj amd sell county warrants, a!st county, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchange DIRECTORS: Jas. McNen y A.Tnlleya, John R. Shirey. Henry Clarke. A H. CLARKB President, Albany. N.Y J. A. TULLB Y, Kobt. V. SHIRBY, Treasurer. What is CMtork I Dr. ImmcI PitcaMrs intatftttm lto Ikttete a4CklMreau ItceataiMRtlmOpisua,MerpkiMaMr Umt Vareetie wiRetaact. It it a karailaw Mkatitato I. fer ParagtrkDgefa;8aetktc Syrapayaad Caatar OIL : It is Plaaaiat Ifta saaraatee la thirty yean? aa ay Z) aTHlieBgafMethan. CaatarU4aitray Wanaa aai allafa $ - : r iiiiaskaaM Caataria arereaits Taairtiat; 8ar CaraV IS : teatkiac fa Mw, era. eaMttaatlam aUralsaty. -r ':"-- Cattatte itinitM the aWd, NBalaftai the eteaneah ' '- ajal aawekv ajlvkaj healthy aA aMvralaleaa. Omn p- :u teria it the ChlMbjam'a Paamin thi M ithi'i Jrtaad. ft'- fc y . a AJftTi Returned ! I opened in Red Cloud m R. M. MARTIN & SON. 0 . W. Lindsey. R. V. Shirey. E. F. Highland. J. Kenny. Vice-President " Eternal Vigilance is Hifkt of all m Imwming Power. m JB3S3BS9 ABSOUUTECr PURE KepaMlcaa State Ticket. For Governor, L. 1. RICHARDS ef Dodge. For Untenant Governor, T. T. MAJORS of Neaaha. For Secretary of state, J. C. ALLEN of Red Willow. For Auditor, THOS. II. BENTON of Lancaster. For Treasurer. J. E. HILL of Gage. For Attoraev-GeBeral, GEOKGE H. HAMTlNGMof Saline. For Commissioner Public lands and Bnildlngs' GEO. R. HUMPHREY of Custer. For Superintendent of Public InstruetlsB, A. K. GOUDYoI Webster. CeagreMlraal Ticket. For Congress, NV HARLAN of York Senatorial Ticket. For Senator, S. C. BAIRD of Nuckolls countj. Fleat Ticket. For Float Representative, II. M, WARNER. Ceaaty Ticket. For RepreseBtatlre. W.E.TIIOKNE. For County Attoraey, JNO. U. WiLLOOX. CITY BKEE2EES. Furniture and undertaking goods at bedrock prices at Cozard as Co's A new invoice of oarpet samples just received at Cozard & Co's furni ture and undertaking establishment, Red Cloud. 12-2t Undertaking and embalming la all of its branches at Cosard 4b Co's. We are thoroughly equipped to take charge of funerals andQcare for the dead. Frank Gump, who has been out it the wild and wooley west "hinting kerosene" has been home this week, and is fully imbued with the future prosperity of Newcastle. Now is the time when you will want to fit your children out with shoes. C. Wiener has still a large line left and will sell them at less than cost fer the reason that he will not handle women and childrens' shoes hereafter. On Saturday evening, October 18, there will be another silver Demorest contest at the Baptist chuich. Miss Campbell and members of her class will furnish the musio. Judges: Rev C. E. Taggert, Mrs. Prof. Daum, Mrs. F. V. Taylor. Admission 10 cents. Children 6 cts. Be sure and go to the grand gold medal contest at the M. K. church next Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The contestants come from Hastings, Juniati, Underwood, Rosebud, Min den, Hansen, and Red Cloud. Judg es from Superior, Kenesaw, and Blue Hill. Conductor, Mrs. C. L. Jones, ef Hastings. Admission 15 cts. The board of directors of Pinkin villc deestrict are hereby wantin' to hire a teacher for the comia' wintci. which will commence at the usual time. They are wantin' a pussoo, sound in body, and intelcct, not afraid to use the rod, wages $10, per month and board sound. All applicants please apply to Suire Kieter, or Deacon llitonuiss. Cor. Seeder St. and 5th. Av'nu. Tke Vete aa tke P till. The-arrc.-irs of itiRin Jan 19, 1879: t.ill paasr.d Democrats for the bill 48 Dewerrao asaisxt tte (nil i Kemi lfcaBa lur the bill us UepuMioaus against Hie bill Xout: ihe 'widows piisi"u bill passed rcb. . IhXti. iiicit'iMti-' vrciirtnwH n,-n- : - r- - j ... mods from $8 to$12 per month: Democrats for the M1...V.... ,. . Deteerafrt agalat tae Mil....- TT7. as KepubiiraasCBr the Mil Its RepjM-cmsa against the MU None The amputation bill passe 1 Aug. 4, 1886: ivcaMcrais tor tae em... .... 75 ueareenw against ice am si; Ketwuieaasibrtke bill $l KeiwMfcaas against the Mil 'I lb A B si A MK A The widows arrears bill giving -ar-; rears of aeasiens. Iron the death of their husbands, te wideas entitled la A peaeteas. r aatea ay tae senate ay R ' UcMD.... the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, October 17, 1890. U. S. Gov't Report, Af . 17, 1889. Baking Powder Tke AaaeRtfaucat. Your committee has been besieged by letters asking regarding the form of the ticket, "how it should read to vote for prohibitory amendment, and to vote against license amendment" The fol lowing forms regarding all four of the mendments before the people of Ne braska, to be voted upon at election on Tuesday, Nov. th, have the Asst Atty Gen. J. M. Stewart; Hon. John H. Ames, Hon. C. A. Atkinson, have been adopted for use by this committee: For proposed amendment to the Con stitution, prohibiting the manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. Against said proposed amendment to the Constitution that the manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated by law. For the proposed amendment to the Constitution relating to the namber of Supreme Judges. For the proposed amendment to the Constitution relating to the salnry of Judges of the Supreme and District Courts. The above forms should be printed at the foot of the regular tickets, as in Ne braska only one ballot box is used and, the entire ticket is printed upon one long strip of paper. Above forms afford an opportunity for all to vote for the prohibitory amendment, and against the license amendment, and if you do not desire to vote affirmatively upon the amendments regarding oar state courts you can vo.e against by scratching them out with your pencil, for a vote not cast for a constitutional provision operates' the same as a negative vote. It will be well for tho friends of pro hibition to see that all political parties have tickets printed as above, ana thus increase our chances of adopting Consti tutional prohibition. Aaaaey. Everything is lovely and the duet is laid. Ed Lewis and wife have returned from Nebraska City. Mrs. G. W. Baker, and her youngest daughter, took their departure for the east to visit relatives and friends. Mrs Fred Frase and son started for their new home Thursday morning. Miss. Alice Emick is working in Red Cloud. Herbert Ogden,'will start for What Cheer, Iowa, in a few days to work with his brother. Oscar Fatmor was visiting in Amboy Sunday. Protracted meeting was held at Amboy last week and will continue thia week by Rev. Wolfe. Mies Belle Knight went to her home near Salem, Kans. M. E. Etna Creek. News is scarce in these parts. Haying and fodder cutting is com pleted. Working the roads, seem to be the or der of the day. Joe Crouch went to Boulder City, Col. last week. Mr. Jeeeen has gone to Iowa on a vis it, he expects to move there in the spring if the place suits him. Some of the fall schools are in full blast now. Miss Flora Brown is teaching school at the Center school house. Thornton Foe JBeaching his first term of school atHElm Creek school house. But froaJawat we know of him it will not likely be his last term. Rot. Wolf the new M. E. pastor preach es at the Elm Creek school house each alternate Sanday at 3 p. m. We wish him abundant success in his new field of labor. A few of the fanners here are going to try fall wheat for their next wheat crop. Majorca. Noble Sanford and family have goes to Elwood Nebr, to go into business. Mrs. Miller and her sister, V Mrs. Cox, have gone home to Kansas after enioy- Eld- inga short visit with their parents, Mucker and ue. Wni. Crabil has been out this week j hunting up temperance workers. There uns preaching on Monday night by Bishop Uruukhart at the 'Dixon school bouse. V. D. M Bible ministera met oa last Monday at Dixon's school house, and organised the Presbytery of the Chun of Christ in Nebraska, upon the -Bible basis of Christian Union with all Christians. Daniel Brookhart of Nelson. Nebr. chosen Bishop, and Ltrkin Stacker fc -OUmiaueteraatesent, P.John cjenc utaer muueters present P. John saNeUoo.Xebr,aada Fearick. Bad tusosxL. XfcHcaeaar KDITOatlAL CONMEXT. Ju-tttce Miller of tlio Unital State Supreme court, died at his home in Washington on Monday night He warf 74 years of age. W. W. Belknap ex-secretary under President Grant died suddenly on the 13th. Thre have been a dozen delegations here thia week from various counties hunting up McKeighan's record. The record banters are what will cause Mack to loose the congressional race. Harlan is a man whose ready wit and ability will enable him to do more for the peo ple in congress than McKeighan ever ez to. Only eighteen more days before the election. Everyday between now and election will place McKeighan farther and farther from being elected to con gress. The record hunters are doing the work. The people are finding out that between MeKeighan and Harlan that there is a wide difference, that Harlan is a better friend of the poor man than Mack is. and Van Wycke the people's friend has no hesitency in saying so. Make up your mind to vote for Harlan, if you want a good man for congress. The general political outlook over the state for the republican ticket is far better than any one has supposed. Mr. Richards will be our nezt governor and in fact most of the republican ticket will be elected. The men are all No. 1, and we feel certain that in their nomina tion the people have made no mistake. The republican party has dona more for the state than any other party could do, and it will not be wise to change for men who have been untried, at least a vote for the independent ticket means the election of a democratic governor. Do the people want to elect sach a man, as Boyd to the highest office in the gift of the people of this state? We guess not it would be an everlasting disgrace to Nebraska. mmimmmmmmmmm The Chief is in favor of the amend ment creating two new supreme judges as the legal business of the state is be coming more than three judge can han dle, but when it comes to giving a su preme judge more than $&j00 per an num then we say no, emphatically. The idea that because a mnn is a su- Ereme judge that he ought to have n trge salary is altogether wrong. He should be paid what it is worth to do the basiness and no more and there are hundreds of lawyers in the state who are fully qualified to fill the high office of supreme judge who would be glad to change places with the honorable jud ges for the difference in salary. No the salary w nigh enough and the amend ment increasing their salary should be oted dowau A Walch Factory. On last Monday evening a large body of laboring men met at the opera house for the purpose of making inquiry as to the reason of the non-fulfillment of cer tain men in the city to make good their promise to take lots in the watch factory enterprise. On motion Mr. Ed Farkes was made chairman, and A. C. Hosmer secretary. A call was made upon the secretary of the watch factory for the names of those who had subscribed and failed to make good their promisee. The secretary was absent, but the names were given, there being 19, representing 39 lots, more than enough to make up those necessary to complete the 300 lots by 29. Then the names of those who had not subscribed were asked for and they were found to be 13. Ringing speeches were made by"G. R. Cbaney, John Wilhelmeon, Judge Wilcox D. B. Spaaogle, J. L. Miller and others setting forth the facts in the case, which were loudly applauded by the laboring men. After the speeches were finished a committee of live men, was appointed to call upon the men who bad recused to help an important enterprise and get their reasons for the fail ore to comply with their promises. The committee was composed of J. 1 Miller, Jesse Ross, H.C. Scott, Wm. Visscher, and A. N. Fatmor. Another committee was appointed to draft proper resolutions in regard to the matter to be presented at a meeting to be held this Friday evening. The tailoring men are seriously in ear nest about this matter and propose to discover why the enterprise is delayed. Every body should be out to-night SaJM Facts. In voting for McKeighan, it is safe to say that yon will be throwing your vote away, on a man who can not do you any good in congress. Better by far vote for Mr. Harlan, a man who is known to be I the fneod of the poor man, and whom the friend of the poor man. and whose trecord is aavmed. by mat stancn moor injr man's friend. Ex Senator Van Wycke Van Wycke says that no better man ever lived than N.V. Harlan, and that the people have no better friend. If thia is true, and no one doubts it then why not vote for him, for in so doing you will vots for a mnn who has no record to- fix up, who ia beyond reproach, who has put in the beat days of hie life working fer themaasis HasMcKeighaa ever done better tana uat? No! He has talked a great deal abont the tarhT bnt there are hnndreaa of mea who are eater amiada, who have aaoaeured this great qaeetion, and say that McKeighan's theo ry is all wrong, and there is no doubt bat what tkey nnderstaad the qoestica a. weUashm'The McKinley bui reducea the taraTfTOpiXVOOa, is not that an enor- u tae race of the the Price of The Chief. McNitt & Galusha, SUITS AND For less money than anyone this year. Goods neverwere offered so as this year, on WI; HAVE an unnsuallv larire stock. We better suit than In overcoats the price is from $l to $3 less In underwear we catch thM.m Come and Ho ! There ! S F. SPOKES1IELD liss cveiy thing in the Dry Coods and Grocery line and sells CHEAP FOR CASH. aaaaaaaaaaaamRaRaaaaaaaaa Try him if you want square dealing. " ' , ' ' ' ' THE PIONEER M m m J F. N. Richardson, we Iiavf more Hay and more barn (all of which we purchased when pri ware ajr down) than auy firm in town. there4 we R prepared 2 fe (J lower RSte than any firm between tlie 2 otaist, Boardrmg by the day, week or month. We do not brag of oar hone miitihip.' Stock in oar care shosYit ttieir keepiiar, Call om w at the old reliable barn back of Pcatoaaoe and Jbe coav Tlnced that what we tell yon NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FAHM LOAN CO PAW UP CAPI1 JLJSOfiOO. RED CLOUD, NEB. Propose to sell OVERCOATSl account of this facte,. you ever bought beft PRICE mm Prop, Cloud. lU com, more oau, and n'ft and w f Voul8 No. 12 cheap in market 5-;iTT; -S "2 If -- ',- ; shall sell aa m sp fOB than List season. see. yaspnriwM fsVaVii3 vff aSsT msW akaaaaasa aaaua akaVs9a anaaaaBsst aas hasjaisvaaaaaw aFeasv anaw aaaaw aamstav awvawwr asvavaBrawa r aaaaaamamma 8"ifc W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE KKtWrflSi iris wn M WW. ajpw wsjanBHsssp - IaaattliETlir. t " -"' wr i t- JUt "-3".r .- aarnprs, -v'. . 1 ,j4Hurvs fc -aw- ir i 1 1- inavasBPff' ' -v t4ssaaan AftmtFN 4 a. asaaaaaaajit - iaV i .w Waaawaawi aMR ml Tirty a4 wiyasf mm4 M smi X-J&EgX Saaaaaaar aWBasaaaasaw aaveaajm aw aaar aawanssntFpi 4isaaaw i3ataHaHbra, wT sva aaMavS WBWFfa"iaisrr snBWw?e" aaawfae- JapVawSMBsa - -S aaasat anasaassna aWssasssff-sast4BlA anaa aRskak sBssassHaassa rn y. v P -as?sET asssnw bsbt asaaaaaajanaar aaSTTn-ffifyutyfegyf r . ' - 3"?1 '3i&... A3 1 f ?.-: mm SI 3i