The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 10, 1890, Image 4

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II. WithtetiMtfaM
lii NatUw tlMtltook
y ftr tut good watil I
th an of Atcf'ji Sanaai
hM jroineed wondcrfml naalta.
i iwutOTwt im mj
U the flsal talm,
, ay strai
11 ay.
sad aAv
mttwitfcm to
a weU
klir's Sirapirilli,
tt Ofc, Uwt,
V WfMkHa
k gti &bud ltuf.
FrMar, )et. ! lflM.
1 to MCkwlNa
rftfcewf t cImb
A giii ! ilaai 1 fii IT rrnn
at J StalU.
Ltapt sad katanii at Dcyoa.
SalMtl Wtfa, UUtU aid slates
Tha Wtt wwbila adt are sold
LatMt atrlea ii carets at F. V
A atw lias tf pictare saomldiags at
F. V Tajtats.
Trmaks aad laJitaf , elegaut stock.
If jm waat tke Wst kay the White
far salt y r. v . Tsjitr.
F. P. SkitMs is akiag a good pa
par aataf tke Alluate Kaigat
Da aat fail to call aad see ay stock
I wiadow akades. F. V. Tatlob.
We aiYt tke orer coats for you
tkis fall McNitt ft Galasha.
Tha mteai to tee a liae of atea s
iaaaal akirto is at McNitt ft Galasha.
Joaa Taaliatoa, vao lias oeea in
Itwa. for asaie weeks kas arrived
We Mm tke largest stock and sell
at prices stkat smite. McNitt ft Gal
Oar steak is ccaiplete ia oar Hies
iriees akeat kalf tke asiaL McNitt
ft Oalaeka.
Uaderwear, yam itTer saw as alee
a atttk sad tke lew prices eatck yoa.
McNitt ft Galaska.
Tke Nekraska aid Kaisas Farat
LaaaCo. wait all tke good farat
leeaa tkey eaa get. tf
Pr. H. A. Baud ia akoit to motc
to Bias Hill, wkere ke will coitine
U practice de itistry.
Mr. Fred Frets is iow ia Wyo
ajuat Hi wife aid family will sooi
leate for tkat state.
Go ia Deyts drag store aid yoi
will tad leap ckiaieys of every size
style, aid akape auric.
AiTtkiM ia tke Hat of farm tare I
eaipata, wiidow akadea, etc., at lowest
prices at F. Y. Taylor's.
Ussekerft Cowdei, aidF.P. Had
ly were ii Iaarale tkU week paiating
Mr. Freitiee'a reeideioc
Dtyo taya his trade is good aid we
kaaw why. It is kecamse ke is sell
iag goods at hard time price.
If yea are geug to kmy a carpet
yea will aave aoaty aid get tke
best ky colliag aa F. V. Taylor.
A aaaber of K. of L. boys, aid a
MBakctaf aUiaiee ata weittotke
FraakUa rally aa last Satmrday.
Do Witt Colic aid Ckelera Care,
Is always safe aad always aire.
Wo rstoaatad it C L. CotUag.
B. D. Aadrowa of Bladei, was a
plsusit eaMer at tkis aaietma recea
tly. HoioafaitafmlrcpmbHeai.
Jack Miller ia aowia fail ooatrol
of tke Doaterat. Jack, we predict,
will aaake a good paper of tke Dea-
Leaaa made Itcaw ra tea of iiterea
by the Nebraaka ft Kaaaaa Fara Loaa
Cfo. Moaoy ready aa coca aa papers
arc sigaed. tf
J. H. Bailev has $59,000 to loaa oa
good fara aad city property. Farm
Uaaa eight pot ceat aid less. City
Do Wilt's Little Early Risers.
little ail for Dyspepsia, Soar
Bod Breath. Sold by C. L.
Cotaiag. Tke Druggist.
Go to McNitt ft Galaaka for a
tailor made suite. Wo will aave yoa
from five to tea dollar s. This is tke
reaeea we take ao aaay ardors,
FalHac af the hair ia tke eigi of
iioa off tae alaiai or roots or tie
or a aterkid state of tke scalp,
may ho cared ky HaU's hair
Tho Bias Hill water koads soil last
waakfor$lt.t7a.aritiaromiam of
tkrec-femrthe of oaepor teat. Tke
tf that Tillage is
Whea jam need a fata, safe kx
aaivaakyaardnaggitt far a hex of
Avar's pilia, aad yea will fad that
alter esre aorfoot aatiaftetiea. For
atlkastisi. toraid liver, aid aiek
heaiaehc there a aothiax saaerier.
?- -.
is still motreaoUtaa.
of oar oa arte,
aaa, had apriaoaghtar-
a aam af saoaoy. aaa won
tea atrfke rairJ
milsma fame sad
of aaiag tt kleediar
afta Ukl
lIZaiaA hlsadm was tami: -""
.www WJWWI,
'a3-" . - --f3-'
y I ajrtf, tayly aaaiag tatoait
- ,U pj by aha ritowiV"?'J!J
"Lrrar aaliiaijfj!l"l''
aaaaMaiT asaaflaai aahaabml bMBMT aTaal
la 11 isft- to sang aayaalf afc CJg
k-nia efsW dWnwi aw. aa saly
at nut defeats caald W-iaseU-a
treat w vahaatsiTiaxM-
rflla. wale
M--aM ii ?
i". - .. -i ztT z r"- e.
WWWJWWJP-V T- jT JJ1 - ' - -
V -'
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S..-.&i? " -i"U.-. Xf- " &... - . v.'Wlli , K-fw.T -. : - rWj . -v W.i - 2 "-, . ?i '. . r - ... . 7. ' .j,2 . .; 'ST-'r' - . ' ,f - .. T- Tv. ' s-. ' -" '
Ooigress his adjoined after doiag
aiek good work for tke people
We kaye tke best aait yom ever
aaw for 96,50. MeNitt ft Galaska.
"Big la jaa" keepa a ateaaer ia kia
ofioc for the pirpesc of routiag polit
ieal corraptioas.
Tke state secretary of the K. of L.
aaliyered ai address at Birertoi oa
F. M. Hickok delivered aa addreas
oa tke aaeadaeat tke 9th. His aoa
Pail assist by siagiig.
If 'tke dreadfal reports aboat Me
Keighaa are aatrae, how eaa he re
sist doaaiag the war paint.
Bead MeNitt ft Galasha's aew ad
ia this issue. It will always pay to
read what they have to aay.
Although everybody erica hard
tiaes, Wieaer has his store crowded
feller with goods thaa any seasoa be
fore. J. H. Bailey has $50,000 to loaa 01
good fara aad eity property. Fara
loans eight per ceat and less. City
tea per ceat.
If yarn desire yoir watches, clocks,
and jewelry repaired by aa expert
haad leave then with T. . Peaaaa
ii Cottiig'a Brag Store. 52tf
Gofins wood cloth aid aetalio cas
kets of the beat grades aid lowest
prices, intelligent care 01 tne aeaa
a specialty by F V Taylor.
The geatlemaaly proprietor of tke
Tkaraaa House of Superior, wss ia
town Thursday. Mr. Beal is a fie
aai and keepa a good hoase.
Ltst week Boyd Saith fell throigk
an open trap door into MrMoFarlaad'a
cellar. Whea discovered he waa
thoaght to be seriously injured.
If you want weaving done call oa
Wa. Huffman, Red Cloud or leave
orders at Chas. Sehaffoit's. All kind
of carpet weaving done on short no
tice. Mr. Bosewater is working harder
to get into the lower burnt district,
and is trying to take aore voters
with hia than aay other man in Ne
braska. It is hard to get good and reliable
boots and shoes, C. Wiener has some
that he can guarantee and sell at no
higher prices than arc asked for in
ferior goods.
De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best
Liver PiU ever made. Cure Consti
pation every time. None equal. Use
them now. For sale at C. L. Cotting.
The Druggist.
General assembly. Knights of
Labor, Denver, Col. Nov. 11-22 90.
B ft M will sell tickets Nov. 9-22 in
clusive. Jno. M. Hayes Philadelphia,
Pa. will sign certificates.
It is said thai our prices are fixed
by foreign countries. In what way
did foreign countries effect tho price
of corn last year, when the Nebraska
farmers were offered Gc per bushel in
the field.
If you want your name, monogram,
emblem of any lodge, or any other de
sign catting oa your watch, it will be
quickly and artistically done by leave
ing it with T. . Penman at Cottirg's
drag store. 52 tf
Judge Gaslin is certainly a humane
jadge, has endeared himself to the
poorfirmers, by his just and aerci-
ful decision ia refusing to enter judg-
aents of foreclosure en aortgages,
uatil times get better.
There is one medicine that will
euro immediately. We refer to De
Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure for all
summer complaints. No delay' no
disappoiatment, no failure. We sell
it; C. L. Co tting, the Druggist.
Now is the time when you will want
to fit your children out with shoes.
C. Wiener has still a large line left
and will sell them at less thai cost
for the reason that he will not handle
women and childrens' shoes hereafter.
On the 10th there will be a silver
medal contest held in Red Cloud.
There will be tiro more diamond
medal contests held in Nebraska be
fore the 4th of Nov. One in Omaha
the 10th, and one at Hastings the
We recommend De Witt's Colic and
Cholera Cure because wc believe it a
safe aad reliable remedy. Its good
effects are shown at once in cases of
Cholera Morbus and similar com
plaints. Sold by C, L. Ctttiag the
It was decided at the state conven
tion that the grand gold medal con
test would be held ia Red Cloud on
the 17th. Blanche Sherman has two
chances to contest for this medal.
We hope she my secure it and also
the diamond medal.
Professor Gauthier, of Paris, states
that certain vital processes of the
of the body develop putrefyiag sub
stances in she tissues, which, if not
speedily eliminated, produce disease.
Ayer's earsaparilla effects the removal
of these substances, and Jhereby pre
serves health.
Mrs. Jones, of Hasliaga superia
teadeat of the eighth district of eoa
test work, decided that the third
grand cold medal contest ia to be
held in Red Cloud oa tke 17tl.
Blaaehe Sherman being selected to
fill a vacancy ia the "repeated" eon
teet has two chances to contest for
thia medal:
Skeriff Tecl has beea. oae of oar
most eficieat omoera and does his du
ty without fear or favor. It is
matter of fact, that although the law
laya down bis duties that it ia impera
tive that he should fulfill, yet ke haa
beea as leaient as possible with those
who have become taagled ia the mesh
es of the law by the pressure of the
times. Charley '8 heart ia too big to
crash anyone, aid what Ledvra is on
ly actuated by motives that arc im
perative aad aet because he desire to
do ao. He ia a good emeer.
Nebraaka State Ckristiaa Eadeavor
Uaiea, Haatiaga, Neb. Nov. 21-23 90
dates of sales 19-23 iaduaive, Aa't.
Laac of Lieeola, will aiga certificates
State Aaaoeiauoa Cwagregatioaal
eharehea of Nebraaka, , trfolk, Neb,
Oct. 22-27 90. Dates oeale 20-27
iealeatve. Rev. II. Braes Lm cola,
Nek, will ei:a certificate:
For tke above
f aU faro goiag will he returned ai
third faro oa grcteatatioa of eertaV
csesmgaei by pctptr earners of the
MwSfiag or guarantee that then haa
aeaa maatteat aae of -lev or
har ai--fall
fas. aat the aawvT aa-aaaBBBjsaBBjajaaaaa- gallwtejasTfaaai 0fWJwmr v - Atmm-kmML awaaBflaa&eaerneawV aanft aBWaalaBaa " ' " s-r&: Z- &' , r -
:7. . Acoaovaa. Aa '. Ln-aaaaBBjaBwBBBuaaaaa ,r wTMmmmwmmmtmwwm - ataa. - - ... - j;- ,,.v. . , . j iaw Mtiai v - -;-
--T-rT t .- - a- -. -Y-, - -tcsms-jr - t-t -, , -a-c?- - . ? r -?- - - - - . ' &?' -v, i- . is-' -rf - x sr-'A- ;wawK'iWfK' ? jr..
r&&& -Tvei . ..-., - "?y' .; &:' ' f '---. - -n , - - " w- - . . - i L' ri-TMVf-m-Pi
tWTl'lMC -POU'laaU
We mar the toast ataa aff
wy c) cam aaaw jraci vma Haass
ttaa af acaaal aappMes aa tfca
aVaad poacHa frasa 9m par aaa.
taaacpar Jam.
Ar Hccjaat Bkarara gtvaa
wlta aaam taalrt ar fcaatu
Ifyaa atataajla paaatcall
Wall paper ama NMaiir
gfjalai' aaver saM aa law sataat
dljr aawearesiJlBBBf Ihami taaay
We cam prave tt aa yea.
If jam waat a tae alrtaaay ar
wedcaaaj preaemiy get ame aa asm
flae gaM perns ar pcaeila. We
have tke aeeet eaasplete alack Im
Waepiiifaaaiia, gaaraateed af
tke aest cjmallty.
We aave all tke aheve, yet
taedalty, aad we will All y
preacrlptlama aad reeelpta wltk
pare draga, aad at lewest art-
coTTDia ponrnsi
Every man, womaa, aid child in
this oonty oight to, aad do feel
proid of Lyeirgms, the fiie little trot
tiig stallioa of WiU Eaighs. Ho is
but six years old aid kas already a
record of 2:29y aad has sever been
ashed forward by kia owiers to aay
arse extent, bit wkei ke is ke will
essily make a 2:20 record. Lyeargus
is a beautiful animal, biilt neat aid
trim, and is the most compact horse
we kave ever observed. He seems to
trot without aay visible effort aid
makes his mile ia 2:29y withoat aay
appareat trouble. Duriit tkis sea
son's caanaisri he kas lot lost bit
one race, and that waa owing to the
bad condition of the track at Omaha.
The owner of Lycurras kas a jewel
of a horse aad if we mistake iot has
an animal that is almost worth its
weieht in cold. During his race in
this eity on last Friday, Lycurgua
was the admiration of all lovers of
fine horse flesh, and it goes without
saying that he won the free for all race
without any exertion. He ia without
doubt the finest brea horse in the
state of Nebraska.
w i a a i
The hard times has tho effect of
making people feel blue and discon
tented who would under ordinary good
times be floating on the top shelf of
prosperity, and thus it is today that
we find so many people disgrantled
and grumbling at everything and
everybody, when in faot ao one is to
blame fer their condition but them
selves. If the crop had been fair very
few would have been disgruntled, ex
cepts those perhsps who have never
been able to get along in good or bad
times. The best plan is to try and
be contented, and better your "condi
tion as fast aa possible. Life is too
short to be discontented and unhappy
over something that ean't be helped.
The good book says, "Bear ye ene an
other s burdens " implying that peo
ple should do what is right and iot
borrow troible. Ia fact i. makea life
better to look on the bright side than
oi the dark. Try it
H 1
The voters of Webster county
should remember shat in voting for
Mr. Harlan that they are voting for a
mai who has always beei a friend to
the poor maa and the farmer. He is
a man oi nooie principles aau ii elec
ted to coagresfi will leave ao stone un
turned to do them good. McKeigh
an's efforts wiU be in vain ss his in
fluence will hardly be felt in congress
among men who have studied the
tariff question for many years. The
people of Webster county and all over
the district should be careful about
their votes on the 4th of November.
Don't imagine by voting for a demo
crat that it will aid you to raise a crop
of corn in a dry season. His record
as a politician wiU aot bear inspection
and we hope that our people will not
be pennywise and pound foolish, es
pecially enough so to be eaught in a
democratic trap.
a a -
Judge 0. P. Mason, oae of the
smartest mea that our state has pro
duced, held forth in the the opera
house, laat Friday light, to a large
and enthusiastic republican audience.
The Judge made a good speech loaded
down with solid facts. He showed
that the republican party had done its
duty towards the people in every in
stances and that they were alwaya
ready to help the masses ii prefereiee
to the few. The speech was proceed
ed by a few remarks from Hon. J. S.
Gilbam. Mr. Gilham is anything, if
not eloqiosuL aad always receives due
applause,Baattarpi what subject
he talks. TliB ajaamm fill of politi
cal meat aid waa well timed. Jadge
Masoa waa also maay tlmeaapplaaded
daring hia speech.
W. . Thorae. oar candidate for
county representative ia amoaa our
best aad brightsst mea. Me kas keea
a resident of tkia county for a limber
of years, aid no one eaa aay an ill
word of kirn. If the farmers aid
busiieas mil of this couaty watt
aa ladustrious. honest aad sqasre
i represent them they shoild forget
that W.B. Thorae is that mai. If
elected to tho legialatare he wiU do
na daty for tic people ia a aaaaer
that will have ao uncertain ring.
The farmers sheald aot forget thia.
w -
inert Um
eeuIwB.Oec. is.
tasic, ViHB sol-
rmUwwwi CwMTCU Hwl rosay
steaana aaa aamimeVas aaw.aay at tsptc-
wwttattww. valet aaa tat pear ease.' ay
MwwV.Wfc) OrttrtrL
wjwJwHBww aHwjwT.
Kwatailwm.awrwwww4ww?'aw)Ml iwAwltww.
Mwwte. Dwit Uwwn Jwwwa www) Awwlk.
w1wMww1wwj, wlOTwl wwwwlww wv WWJWWWWJWW
BwaWaaVwa eFmasaaaV
AStt,&t'JmmtWmmmr- Jswaraerafar bim ana get the . beat g jgy JLaVL g TL wasa?Bff "TS-i? iff iaTwliik far tt i " rftli sfl WTW1I1 in ainp ! 111 mm aHHaj ba ju ,
wtawpapBk., i.- C -.y . anaiww awaavraj was: ww awwaa www, w wwa w iwwwtww p r . M i -T'-. ' - " " j
. . i -iji--- - - awwwW. -Jterf w awwrw. a ST BBBL wait BB aBaadwwfwawT Mnr aSwwwwwwll wkBawwawftwkwi wm2l Bwk ewkAW m a i BSa ' '?
''wwwaawwxapawaiwwwBBwBBBaBVas.wBBW awSjajaw - wwwawjwjnwjwawawwJS; awwwwwawwTwB www J&. wv mw www wj yyTT X SBwW sBKaBBBBaa BBBBBBBBBBBl IBBU BBB SSBBBK BBBBBaSMr - wWBwikwi aw V'
i -- '"""8 "sT. "" -..- - . TT . . - .. f wwwwv ww wf BB BbBwwwwwBBBI SB , 7 wWwwwwjw wwBwww, ywwa wf WWwWww-. wwBBVJSJb -P-aTawBBaW BwBT wfc j.
, w.owwwaaw. , - - BBBS BBTS SSnSli aBwBVBBB wwwlK pwwk wBW wwwwk ." - fBP - .- m m mm - - m m . "2 i. i -KTj". ww "wBV
Btiai - -- ' " ---'-- v.w. - :,--. g- .-ts-!t-'-- . . . --rr - . - - JwBwtt at. rBATaaL al -"-na sswaww w-j mmmww aap wsa-aBjT 'aaaaarn: 'aaanv . ' '
. - "- BBBaBaBaaaaanBBBaUaBBaBBBBBBBBBa -r.,: cr aaBBBBaBVaBBjBBn-BBvaBBaiaaB aBradBBVBBBBBBaaa.aBaaUBBa - bt. wa. aaBaaaaa avvaa-wwar zsasBBnaaaw i - whbibi i s"-1 j. 5- sr i-,Ji . z - - - - - - 'y-t"
f ;
The Webster eeaaty fair waa a
grand sieoeoe notwithstanding the
dote tiact. Beat autre about ii-w
were taken ia, and will ho expended
to pay expeaoes oocraiag thia year.
It was oae of tho beet exhibitieae
that kas ever beea keld ia. tke coua
ty, aad especially ao in tke rating
departaeat. The korsea prcocit
tome fifty, were aaceg the best ia
tho state, aid did their work aelL
People appreciate good, bat kick oi
poor racing. Tke fellowiag ia tke
report of tke various races during tke
OCT. 3,
Pim far aH trat. 4 MHrtan
wavixamBBBjg r- mo
wBrmJIT i
amm. im, iax, 23854. 2-j.a.
uat paai
BUe aad reseat, 4 suiter
VwBwl UWMwlwwl
UfJO. Ilfwatl,....,
asaum aiaanauj...
OCT. 2.
UysasaeT M a
itse,zz.za4,z:f, zh
Mile Borelty, s starters
Lizzie M '
aw oaFBTf
:a Pact, s starters
aw Oxaalf Ij
.quarter awl half.
the ailt.
OswlwMB) VVOCflf SM
.HCCOaaBw) 1
waaVpttUwMi f
ccr. i,
Cosntjr Trot, 7 startei s
JrSllulv ly,... .... .... .... ...
Hrince Arthur,...
wtaul mjw
Time. 330,3.18. 3.14.
Half nlle and repeat ruanlng race, 5 starters
gwwwwBilC jajf a a laafw)
aaVwa f'ltjwl wfjeJvVsiaw,
DaaHaaer, Third.
tism. 82, na.
2 year old race, 3 starters
aWiwawUeji4wf a avv irot
XsSJwUV w A'f "aaaaiw
ft utII I w wa Aaaai ai
TlBM, 1,51, l.a. 1 M, L36!i.
Tke ladies and gentlemen deserve
much credit for their efforts to make
floral kail a success. Mrs. Sam Gar
ber, Mrs. Wieaer, Mrs. Warrea, Mrs.
MeBride, Miss Moliie Ferris Mrs Gov
ernor Garber, and many other ladies,
are to be congratulated on the part
taken by them in making the various
displays of fane work, etc. The lar
ger the aamber of ladies iaterested in
the fair the better the fair will be.
Of course the gentlemen did their
part aa floral hall would indicate by
the large display of fruits, and agri
cultural exhibits, as well as mercantile
displays. Next yesr we look forward
to the best exhibition ever held in
the eounty.
During the afternoon of Thursday
the following oficers were elected.
President, R. L. Alyca.
Vice-Pres, O.McCall.
Secretary, M. R. Bently.
Treasurer, L. H. Rust.
The new oficets assume control
November 1. The now men selected
to fill the various offices are those
well capable of doing the work neces
sary to make the fair a grand success.
In our estimation their selection was
wisely made, because they will use
every effort possible to make the fair
a good one for 1891.
Ilarlaa'a Railroad Caaawittee.
The question is frequently asked
by democrats and those who are op
posed to Mr. Harlan: "Yes, what
kind of a railroad committee did he
appoint, when he was speaker of the
house, in 1887?" And they asked
it with an air that would lead one to
believe that ho appointed the Devil
and enough of his imps t; make up
the number. Here is Mr. Harlan's
railroad committee:
Watson, ..Lawyer.
Ballard, Farmer.
afree, .................... jjawycr
Bowman, Lawyer.
Gilmore, Farmer.
Harrison Grain Dealer.
Wetherald, Miller.
Shamp, Agl, Dealer.
iuiuer, ............ ...... ..jawyer.
Gannon, ..Farmer.
McCan, 1 Farmer.
Barrett, ................... Farmer.
Newton, .................. .Farmer.
tsicx, .....................i? armer.
So the committee consists of 4
lawyers, 7 farmers, 1 grain dealer, and
1 agricultural implement dealer, and
1 miller. On the final passage of
the railroad bill of that session, in
troduced by Mr. Agee, one of the
committee, (and to which Mr. Harlan
left the speaker's chair for the purpose
of adding a general reduction clause
of 20 per cent,) one farmer member of
tho committee voted against the
amendment offered by Mr. Harlan,
one farmer waa absent, two lawyers
did not vote, and two lawyers voted
against it The vote of Mr. Harlan's
railroad committee on the reduction
clause, stood 8 in favor, and 3 against
It seems to us no sensible or honest
man can question the anti-monopoly
principles of that committee. The
tacts above stated are copied from the
house records. There were 37 far
mers in that ligislature, and of the 37
fifteen voted against the 20 per eent.
reduction amendment to Agee'e bill.
There were 13 lawyers and only six of
them voted against the amendment,
which was defeated. The record
shows that human nature is much
the same, no matter in what calling
of life found, and democrats of the
McKeighan etripe try to make the
farmers believe that they are the only
ones wronged by excessive railroad
tariffs, and that all other classes of
workers are arrayed against them,
they simply make themselves ridicu
lous in the eyes of tho people. Mia
dea Register.
MBS. 8. B. MCatatlaNS
Has reaiTec ker stock af ailliaery
BBB VBB mBVwWkWMrtawwwak4ak - w
B. M. artaaa esry gaiaa alarc.
Where . sae will be better prepared
tbaa erer to faraub ber patreaa witb
fae atiUinerj. Sbe baa jaat reeeiTee!
eaa af the faeat' liaa ef aiUiaery
geesiaeTaraeeaia Sea Claaa. Call
aaa see ber. 2t
H. B. Siateas baa jaat reeeiraa a
ear leeai af Deiaj White Oil, tbeaacat
aaa best kcreseaaea tae aarket, aai
sella it at tha aasaa nriaca'a athar -fl
MsaMat. He aaaales aetbiag bat
tke beat ails aaa gasiHae. Save
jear eraara far hia aad get tbe beat
I have moved my jtwtltry sreit to
tko room with F. V. Taylor, tke far
aitaremaa, wkerelehafl "ke glad to
eee all of aryeastoaers, aid all tfioee
wko are ia iced of jewelry, watekes,
clocks, etc. Call aad ace ae ia ay
aew djaarters west aide of Webster St.
19 tf Lou Vance,
Tke Jeweler.
Carriage, siga aad koae paiatiag
Hard wood laisk, graiaing. etc, 8kop
opposite Platt'e Lumber Yard. At
work guaranteed.
Children Cry for
it Lime.
People wko desire drayinz doae
witk promptness aad dispatek should
always hire John Berkley 'a teams.
Jeaa is aa old haad at the baaiaesa
aad will do yoar work well. Terms
reasoaable . 1-tf
TkocCksfin, Prof. Culver, and
Harry Chaplin have added their
names, to the big book of the Great
Family Weekly, aad will hereafter
read tke best weekly in this neck 'o
the woods. Thanks.
Itch, mange, and scratch on human o
animals cared in thirty niaatt by Wool
ford's sanitary Lotion. This never fails.
sold by L. B. Davo draffxist, Bed Cloud
Notice ta Teachers.
Notice is kereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves aa caadidatea for
teachers oftho pablie schools of this
county, at Red Cloud oa the third
Saturday of eaeh month.
Eva J. Kino, County Supt.'
Brick Yard.
I am now making brick at my yard
east of Red Cloud, aay oae wanting
good briek for foundationa or chim
neys, will do well to call on me be
fore buying elsewhere. Prices reas
onable. Feid K. Plumb.
IasaglYiaara goad hat aneal
far 1 ceat. JDtaal.
smrsaraa vrarww -aaa-i
kwMra. wfcfch via CVBJS
tathflSwrnaaefc, Fever aad Aaw,
TowJctoowa. CaabenwdwkhorwitaowtapiriU.
SIT Bar the rtwwpwr w mtOj aaowm. aHwifw
loawKhrwcfcaa. BoMlyPnuBTwnorwartfcy
wBoatwa Mldwwi aad Wlatasri tka hot
Addnsj, tt
CCO. v. STEaElcC, Gran. Rastss, tack
Ia wM tawrcry Btatc aat Cwaatyla thwTJwlwa
aai la toar WITHOUT A BIVAX. wwawtrwr.
MllytataUfwctrecwawlwtatwwS wwawrwa fcawta
ttwwa fcava kwta aw,aUUlwwwU
. LaAtUsk Aaa J atatwVav rMaw-
iwealtw aSar iiim ataa waaaaaa
w7 la It twaaa. Ba aai wataafd
i aw aataa
It aav yaar har laaar, aa4 jraa t . It
atalattfea CMteaaUl aa rarta
Bala avarjwaara.
ar arc atarkaS kh tfca
Eatray lattice.
Takes up by the undersigned on the 3lst day
of Auwst,l8at,oatheswHo(aectioa 2S,twnf.
rat II. Webster couaty. Neb., the followta? des
eribea estray animals to-wlt:
1 black shoat about three nonius old with
some white spots or marks,
1 black shoat about three months old with
some white spot or marks.
1 black shoat about three months oM with
some white spots or marks,
l black shoat about thiee months old with
some white soots or marks.
1 black shoat about three months old with
some white spots or marks.
1 black shoat about three months old with
some white spots or marks.
1 black shoat about three months old with
some white spots or marks.
1 black shoat about three months old with
some white spots or marks.
1 black shoat about months old with
some white spots or marks.
1 black shoat about three months -old with
some whit spois or marks.
l black shoat sbuat three months old with
some white spots or marks.
l Mack shoat about three months old with
some white spot or marks.
l black shoat about three months okl with
some white spots or marks.
1 black shoat about thres months old with
some white spots or marks.
The above described estray animals are bow
in my bos; pro oa lot is, block 11, trislaal town
of Ked Cloud. Neb The owner may reclaim the
same by pro Ing property -d paying expenses
provided oy law. F. E. Uoblb.
Frana: A. Coubon and Mary C. Hummel, I
hereby notify you that I have purchased from
the treasurer of Webster eounty. veto., the fol
lowing Undtowit: IwrtofthenwJtofthftsw!.
see . iwn z, rag iz. containing one acre i
edlatbaaaaa of Frank A. Coal
lor the delinquent taxes thereon tor the year
187 at private tax alr. amounting to S4 1MC3,
on January 25th M, and if aot redeemed on or
before January 2Sth, 1891. I will make applica
tion for a treasurer's tax deed. M.Baum,
ByL. Batua, Agent.
Jane Fulton and John D. Fulton, you are
hereby noUSed that on the lfth day of January,
isn, the undersigned M. Baum purchased the
followirg hud towjt: The swX oftheneXsee
31, twa l . rns 12. coaUtwing 4t acre ia Webster
county. Neu., the taxes amouauag tt S3 se-iea,
which and was taxed for the yjar 18T la the
name of Jane Fulton. The mad was purchased
from the treasurer of Webster couaty, Neb., at
private tax sale for the taxes delinquent there
on for th year 187. The time for redemption
will expire January 19th, lsl, and unless re
deeawu on or before that date I will make ap
plication for a treasurer's tax deed.
M. Bavm.
By L. Raum. Agent.
lane Ftdton aad John D. FuHaa. I hereby no
tify sou that 1 hare purchased from the trasur
er of Webster county. Neb- the fellowiag des
cribed real estate to-wlt: The ne of the bcU
sec 31, twa 1, rag 12, containing t acres, assess
ed in tae aam oi aaae ranon ana sera tor we
deHnaaeBt saxes there for the year 187. at
private tax sal, amouatiac toa28tlta.a Jan
uary lath. 188. aad It not redeemed oa or be
fore Jaaaanr 19th. UEl.awwcatkMwin he
for a treasorer's tax deed. M. aUux.
By I.. Baum, Ageat.
Jaae Fulton aad John D. Fait, y are here-
aaotiSed that on the 19th day of Jaaitanr, int.
s aaeVvsJicaed M . Baam nwrchased the follow
iaglacdtewttt TheeHfthewMsec3l.tra
l. rat; li.coatalwlBg at acres la Webster eouaty.
zicD.. tae taxes aasowauaa; w as ais. waica
uuM was taxed mr tae year
JaaeFattoa. Thelaadwaa
lathe i
of webder coaatr. Meb.. at mivate
tax sale for the taxes hwwaeat themm for
the year J3$7. Twtaaefr redamptkm will ex
sire Jaaaanr lad. 19B. aad aalem redeemed an
er before that date 1 win aaaty far a trwaaarer
Jaae F aloa aad Jean D. FaHea, I hereby ao
ltfyyB that a them day of Jaaaary, !, I
the SeUasnt laad teK :
tatieaatdilBad was taxed (or ate yea
lai7iataBwwWrjaarwwww. xne laaavas
acd fraai Usstreawwrcr C Weterxx.
at jsriyaj tax satefsr ah wsaeadeHav
fswaaaayPaa aaV laaal VawaaT aawfJa aaaw VaBaV ava
-VI tfrifr sf
laaVa ffaBaaBBaUuBBa aBaBaaavaaBBi aBaawBaanBaa. -aBBBBBBaa. K BBBaBlaV
aaaan BBaTwanaaaaaBBBaaaajaBBB arajaaTaaajbaBBBBBBaaa aas aswaawr
- li.wrwiwM.iwii.-ww ssasBB-B. at w ! Ilnai w Bpl
TTa.-? - -j--,;, "j-fgr--'-T t - asaa a at tsas aay- m . imi . m. m.t wawwwwjwwwwww - r . t
aBBB asasTaW fjw! asasaal smaaWVl-asVaBaBwawPaaa aamiaaBf wM -aanaanBi aajsaanaajnsf f bj mft1Wt0 aa-ll -t sBBBBBBaataBBaBlBBBLa aaaaT fMhaaa llalaT fJaaassVlr , -f fJBBaWBaasaBBBB Zm.r- JT- J m a.
at wl bbbW .wawawawww .wawaT aarw-, dfe taaw dJaaBBaaam wwaaaanaBa) awrsawaw aawarvwrn ""-T""" r aBBaBwBBaBwBaBBaBBaBBB waBTTar BbbbbbbbT CwBBBBraT w aVsaBaPaBBW " Awav aBBaBwwBBaBBaBBaBm ' aBBBBk' aBjBhanaeajanfahkja-idBgJB aw r
mra. itan a. viarto waa a
oafferer from iaeTitstiea ana aiek
ataaacae. Ske left ker ketao last
Sataroav to bay a bottle of DeWitt's
Litl'e Karly Risers, took a dose anal
ktr kcaslaent aisaprared as mjster
ioaaly aa it came. Try tkom: aeM kv
C. L. Ctttiag.
Waatc., to trade aeveral aeairaale
fieeeaeftowa proaerty, for korsoa
and eattle. H W Gcllifobd.
Miles T. Hayes
Patent - Collar !
For sale by J. O. BUTLER
Red Cloud, lsnckeye
Harness shop.
Fara Taaraagh afalaew Eela
cattaa Atteael tae
Business - College !
Afcaleaa, Kai
Principats) and Prarltrs.
Elegant catalogue nulled free.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and L.oan Agent
Red Cloud.
Whrrras, A joint rrtolution wa adop
ted by tho !tKitt;tture of the state of Ne
braska, at the twctitj-Drnt session tberrof
and approved Febniar)' 3ttt, A. J. IM9,
iroosinK an amendment to the constltu
lion if said sUite, and that said amend
ment shall read a.t follows to-wit:
Section 1: That at the general election
to be held on the Tuesday succeeding
tho first Monday of Novmbcr, A. I
1WJ0, there "half lie submitted to the
electors of thin state for approral or ra
jectjon an amendment to tho constitution,
of this state in words as follows. "The
manufacture, sale and keeping for sal of
intoxicating Honors as a LeYcraK" ar 'or
ercr prohibited In this state, a d the
legislature shall provide by law for th
enforcement of tins provision." And there
shall also nt satd election be MMaratsly
submitted tn the electors of this state
for their approval or rejection an amend
ment to tho constitution of the state In
words as follows: "The manufacture, sale
and keeping for sale of Intoxicating liiuors
as a beerae shall be licensed and regulated
bylaw. r
Section 2: Ar.sucli eIctIon, on thebal
lot of each elector voting for the proposed
amendments to the constitution, hall tw
written or printed tho words: "For pro
posel anirndmeiit to the. constitution, pro
nlbitltig tho manufacture, sale ami keep
ing for sale of Intoxicating liquors as a
beterage." or "Apalnst Hit: profited amend
ment to the constitution prohibiting Uie
manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of la
toxleallnc lionrsasa beterage."
There slull also Ih written or printed
on tlia ballot of call elector oting for
the proponed amendment to the constitu
tion, the words: "r proKted amend
men to the constitution tha: the maaH:
facture, sale and keeping for sale of la
tuxleatlng llnuors as a bcemge in this state
shall be licensed or mruUted l law."
or "Against said proponed amendment to
the constitution that tho manufactnre. sale
and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors
as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated
by taw."
8e'lon 3: If either of the said propos
ed amendments shall be approved by a
majority of the electors voting at the said
lection, then it shall constitute section twenty
seven 27 of article LI of the constitution of
this state.
Therefore. I. John M. Thaver. Cotmmt
of the state of Kebnsska, do hereby
give nonce in accoruance with smioa
one fl article fifteen 151 of the consti
tution and the provisions of the act en
titled "an act to provide the manner of
proposing all amendments to the constitution
and submitting the same to the electors of the
state." Approved Februarr 13th. A. I). 177
that said proposed amendment will be sub
mitted to the qualiSed voters of this state fer
approval or rejection at the general eleetl
to be held on the 4th day of ovembert A. D.
la witness whereof I hereunto set my haad.
and aue to be sflUcd the great seal of the
Stale of Nebraska. Doae at Uneelnthls asth
day of July. A. D. 1W0. and the ath year f th
state, and of tne independence of th UaUed
States the one hundred fifteenth.
By the Governor. JOHN M. THAYER.
tiBAU Secretary of State.
Sacrif s Sale.
Notice is herebr given that nnder and by vir
tue of an o'der of sale issued from the oak ef
1- H. Fort, clerk of the district court of the SUi
twhdal district, Itnta and fpr Webster eowaty.
iseoraska. ipon a decree ia ma acu
actio PfSdiac
t Is pulsus sad
fendant. I shall
thereiB. wherein William Kreck
against John A . HiMnson. lefi
offer for sale at public vendue, to the bhracst
bidder for cash in hnnd. at Uie east door of ttw
courthouse at Ked Cloud, In Webster eeaaty,
Nebraska, (that being the buildin waerela the
last term of said court was hoidca) on the
99tk elajr afOctaaer A. a. ltfs
at I e'ckick p. m. of said day, the fotlowlns de
crmea property town: ine nonneast qaarter
of seclioe twcnty-cixht (t in towhJp three
tt) north, nuHelevtn(ll) westofcthp. m. la
Webster eouaty, Nebraska. Ofvea under my
aaa inw ai way sepiemoer A. u., isss.
C. A. Txbl, Xkerlff.
By O. CTaxx Depatr.
C. Tukvnvma, riaiaUS's Atterasy.
i .
Whkbsas, A Joint rcwnlatlen was
ted by the leaisiatare of the state ef Ne
braska, at the twenty-first aesaioa thereof,
aad approved March asth, A. Ii. isa.
ffeeoainc an s an inlaw nt to Seetiou Thir
lata u 0t Arttch six i) of tne coett).
twtlea ef said Mate: that SM wtlea
shall rrad as fallows. W-wit:
Seetloal: TBatssettwa wMrtera (tl) at
ucse su () eruie ceawtHaueaaf tae
Xchrish i he amcaded so as t
ea Hi area
iwatlwa. aad BVl
m aa
s fte
rlwtsars ef the
arr 13C A. p.
wWaWav waaaMBam
- maK'SmamBmamT
a&spw(MakaaaaaaaA aajvr
smrnilrd saail rrad as follows, to-wlt:
read a m-
necthm n: The Jedces ef th isinis
eoest shan eXh reive a saUry wfthJr ft4BB.
ty-ave heedred dvifakrs Jw3) per aaa aB
aad the Mar ef the district ceast WEF
aaa rteeirea salary f three tJ-as a-aK
aad dwrtars tus aer aaaaa., aai aaam
ttSB salary f each sbaM he fayatle ajar;
seen S: Eaeh sersea veaaa t -ear
ef ads iimisis't shaN have tb
tea s arlated apea U haHea hse wdssav
gap. " "
TwwwwWw r Jwww ss Taaan aaa
JxrT' at ef zszu.9
- win. wl IfMrlllf WBBS
Like These,
Everybody Must Be Saving.
We are willing to help you do it, and have
used every effort our long experience in this
business has given us to buy good serviceable
goods for ready cash, obtaining many bar
gains, which we will give you the benefit of.
No house in the state can offer you lower pri
ces, and but few, a larger stock- of Clothing,
Boots, and Shoes to select from. It is no
trouble for us to show you our goods.
GmUeu EmU CMhing Monte.
We have jaat received our large utock of NKW GckkIh
We 9ell a castom made plot nhoe for 1.25, bent evur
went out of Red Cloud for the money
We have also a ladies fiac doncolabutton shoe, also in goat for 11 75. Krert
pair wananted. For cluldrca'a sfcocs we hare the standard brands
the Little Giant and alo the Wavcrlj school shoe. TIjcs
are the best in the world. Ksaaiac oar stock
before parehasiaar eJurwher.
Fort Abstract Co., lied Cloud,
1.. II. FORT, Man.irtr.
Ahmtvaetm of Title
Furnighed to all LandH in Weboter County, Accurately awl
iravhajr had tew year experience In rewsty
, seeas ia we state, Kwarnire
ah eraers ailed prompuy m iUr nwad si4
aadappreved. Addr er eaH on
L. If. FORT MANAOica. Rea Cloud, Neb.
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
W. A. McAVOY, Props,
First-class Bigs and Good Teams.
Bo.'.rding by day or week, good hay at.d feed
for teams. Come and see us.
Abstracters. Real Estate
and Farm Loan Agent
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Abstract of title farniherl accurately and proajptly,
Satiffactiou Viiznu'wl flO.iKK) ltfl fild
Lower than any yard in the world
Vtt M limy,
Frank A. Kukhw. Paor."" :
reeerda aad mm nt im ssnat tt r .
saUstariJ'm. Yr favors Wld
W, a) ttfta.
111 .
aamaa ?
Ks - 4 wBBBBwbV
uf- " JaaaaatL. w? wBBaBBwBvdT
'JiSb(S!r 'iffiSlT " -. - .t -tv ' - "- u -"--,--. ,. " - -. i. -T-. -. '?-w-Vjir--; 'h&yi's' ' ?- -t"- v "- - - - , - f -Xa - -. ?"-? t-.3 v 1ps'V'jr1j sr-r" - -; jh.2 -ai JT -