. . t". - ,fvt -& - " "3d ArV r-'Vi j,"xsi "&. - '. a- 'iir s- i .v" s a ? v.. jfife. .- ;? 'W mM - f - js -.- PmO V- Fvv--ts ". -a 3T: j s ! . V"1. V - ' .- - ,. . J- (- 1 .-L . JUED CLOUD CHUJV A.C .- -ED CLOUD, - - - - HKBRA8KA. - OUmtENT COMMENT. , Tins New YorVSaa has startd aland to relievo aaaarii la Irelaad. Sktkeai. aroTiaoas la Italy an oeri- tmdlj threatened by the destltntlea pre- vailiag. . Yalaan af Dallas. Tax., hare rise trust M,Ma,Mt to IK, tat, sat withiaayear. Toebk are over , chihirea attend ing the schools im Loadoa who are im safficieatly fed. Ma. A3JD Mrs. Hkkrt M. Stabucy ar rived at Ostend oa the 3d. They were received by King Leopold. Thk com lag Florida orange crop will be below the average, but the estimates vary a good deal. More thaa fifty people were poisoned by drinking 'fcircus" lemonade at a booth at the Portland, lad., fair. Jersky Cmr has a law under which fines of $10 each are to be imposed upon persons detected drinking malt or alco holic liquors ia her new parks. A Gekmah woman arrested at Cannes, France, had in her possession topo graphical charts of the fortress and plans of the defeases of the town. A large fire brick manufactory is to be established at Catlettsburg, Ky., which town has also recently closed a contract for a system of water works. Verdi, the venerable composer, is writ ing a dramatic cantata on the subject of Shakespeare's tragedy of "King Lear." The libretto is to be written by Boito. It is reported from Ceylon that an at tempt is to be mado to introduce Cey loaese cigars to the American market in the hope that they may win the favor of American smokers. A bull fighter named Mascareno has been expelled from Guatemala for shout ing for Ezotaof San Salvador, and a Ger man has been driven out for paying at tentions to ilarrundia's daughter. A. J. Cassatt, of Pennsylvania, and ex-Senator Davis, of West Virginia, have accepted the places of Intercon tinental Railroad Commissioners, to which they were recently appointed. Stbpniak, or rather the Russian who has made the name famous (his identity is somewhat of a mystery to the public at large), istocomo to this country in December and' lecture on Nihilism and kindred topics. Centhal Amkkican affairs are now quiot and will probably remain so until the coffee crop is picked. The present leace between Guatemala and Salvador is throughout Central America called a picking truce." Skcketaky Wisdom issued an order closing the Treasury Department on the 4 tli nut of respect to the memory of lion. Philip F. Thomas, who was Secre tary of tho Treasury for twenty-nine davs in I860 under President Buchanan. A New Yokkeb, who has recently spent some time in the literary circles in London, says in the Sun that thero must bo at least one hundred biog raphies of Mr. Gladstone already in manuscript, awaiting tho event of his death. Congressman Kennedy proposes to get all tho notoriety possible out of his attack on Chairman Quay. He has had 50.000 copies of his speech printed for distribution in his district and through out tho State of Ohio. Tliey are a repro duction of his remarks as originally expunged from the Record. The liritish steamer llushmclls from London reports that on September 21, 300 miles east-northeast from Capo Race, she passed an enormous iceberg which was about 300 miles in circumfer ence and 600 feet high. From the time the berg was first sighted tbe ship steamed five hours before coming abreast of it. Congressman Frank Lawler was unanimously nominated for sheriff by the Democrats of Chicago. On the ticket with him are ex-Congressman James H. Ward for probate judge and Mrs. M. A. Mulligan for superintendent of schools. Mrs. Mulligan is the widow of the Union General who became famous by his gallant dofonse of Lex ington. Hon. George Bancroft, the vener able historian, quietly spent his nine tieth birthday at his residence on the "Cliffe," near Newport, R. L, where ho received scores of congratulatory tele grams aad letters, besides 'many calls from his personal friends. He appeared quite bright for one of his age, but each additional year mow shows plainly on his still erect form. L.IEUTKNAST-VOM1UNDEB CJLER. In command of the United States ship Banger, has been ordered home and will bo relieved by Commander Wingate. The impression ia general that Com mander Eller is called because the Secretary of State is dissatisfi course pursued by him in regard to the peace negotiations between Guatemala and Salvador, and also im regard to the Itarruadia affair. Tho Ranger was in the harbor of Sam Jose whem Barrondia was killed om the Acapulco. i The will of the late John Crerar, of ticaco, which disposod of am estate of arly SS.O0a.eet, much of it being be- keathod to charitable and religious Im- .tutions im Chicago, ia to be eon- pled be relatives. The grounds on bich it is proposed to invalidate the bequest of 3,000,000 are the ae as those om which tho bequest for library im New York in the will of the Samuel J. Tilden waa invalidated: lat a bequest cam mot be legally made i any wing taat does mot exist Judge Tdbk the Assistant Attor- py-General for the Post-office Depart- ?nt, baa abont completed the instroo- tras to postmasters lm regard to the knforcemeat of the Amti-Lottery law. It has beem foand that the law is far lore reaching: im ita effect tham ia gene- tlly supposed. Im prohibiting lotteries It also prohibits all acheaaea for the iistribution of prizes by chamoe amd appliea to the charch fair aa well an .the ILouisiama lottery, so am advertiaessemt rhieh' apeaka of sTraate or a gasae ef lance will be excluded from the ssaila. The Railway Age pabli nary of railway eomatmctlom Tn:.ted States lath trst nine 18Mv which shows that S,7n sailea of have already beem bailt im lirty-mhne States aad om SIS different TheSUtea ehowiag thelaareet asileage are: Georgia, 1S, North Carelima .87. The su ntorieslm which na laid this ye are New Hasan New Haxiee. North Da ,.- -T.-."- X.5V- '::( .-T - .-. :k I .Han II aad Washiasrtoa BtT. The esilel tWi, ,. ji - , , Otv. - . , -- ". " bb lainlaim tUak haht ms Mim Mary T-UttaTfcaC af JTmanBaaa - .. , . . . BBfflMsa.ssi -.. , BPnBBBBBBBB . I . -- ..-- . .. - i .. -? m--. - aa nmiiaa l - t . u -i- af j . r-r. n 1 r. r ... . .- naaaiesiBBBBMHai ., ...... - -,--- , mm i-'mmi:ymmmmmmmmwmmmm btbsbss m av- PmsT Tall w a sbbb t . - . haTW -imr -9---AV----mm a - . av IT .! m bbbT BBmnBr bbbbb BMa eaan BrBBBBB. - v - - ---bjx - - saaas mwmmmmmmwmmmm m wp mWmW' BbbV x - vBaWBrnrnm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbb ' mmm .mMmjmmf aimnaamiiiB imrmnmia mBBam cammiBmomwp - m - -. .- jbt- - . s-ircBi. - ' mmmmm.mmmrmW - w - mr m - . . . . bbw mmmmL MmBmmmmmmmmL. Bums mmmmmmmmmm - - -- -- - . a ' mmmmk mmiiv "M- - . i . i-. r - ---iv mmss aTalnBBiii TTsTraTiTiBn Tfmih Da iTmis an , ri ' " Masa- -.i-. ., - s-,.,,-1-. rd-iifcM amsaah-hnih" eeaaerBeaaa aaalem aam saameaaaBaa - -.. ,. ,,---,. hanfmmf g" aT-' MCBBmaB-ai. ;S aamfimawJa amf'Tfta-i ' . t mim r - - f----?5f:l"T . aBaamaamXafB00BB.BBBBaarBaBW ""'--:"r a XhaVsrwBMaw-tanIwna'hBt' Sr? mmB'm tMm anj- mBnmMa- -. " -: m jST v ' m"' 'mMUW kMMtmmmwmmmmmmmmm. H CS rn Utah. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleaned Br Tolosrrmps mad MaJL lath senate on ta atn Mr. Iagatl. ay reaaest, fatrodaeed a bill to provide tor payment ef arrears of pension on applies tleas.tle4alaeeJBl-rl.nWL Referred. The eeaferraee report on tho till for tbo relief of settlers oa the Northern Faelflc railroad laealtr lands waa agreed to. The fereaee rent it oa the Dedcleaey hill presented and agreed to and the eonfer eaee report oa the Tariff bill taken ap and dlseasse! at some length and laid A aamher ef leeal aad private were thra disposed of (laetadlbc the passage ef forty foar peaatoa bills la twenty-dvn mlaates) aad the Senate ad JeanMd....Iatheneasethn conference re port ea the Deficiency bill was dlseaaaed aad agreed to. A large nnmbsr of report were disposed of la rapid order, aad the bill pasted to prev.-nt the desecration of the American Rag by printing neon K any ad-. Tcrttsententa. At the eveafag session away local bills were disrosed of. Wrrx the feaate net oa the roth the Hob9c bill to promote admlBlstratloa of Jastlce In the army ws passed, also a del cleacjr bill for cauipensatloa of members. Also a resolution coRtinalBg tho pay of.ses sIob committee coma aad clerks of Seaa tors daring recess. The conference report oa the Tariff bill wns then taken ap aad de bated natii 6:28 o'clock, wbca a vote was reached and the conference report agreed to by a vote cf U to 71, Messrs. I .dd-jck, Pet tlcrcwaadPlnmbvotlBglBtbenegatlvewith the Democrats.... The day la the Home was quiet, only a few bills and resolutions of a local character being disposed -oL Tbe re quest of tbe Senate for a conference on the bill to promote tho administration cf Justice la tbe army was granted, aad tbe Mouse ad journed. Wbks tbe Eeaat met oa October l varl a motions were d I -posed of, and a resolution a lopted to adjou: a at six o'clock p. m. Bs olutions of thanks to Vicc-Presi lent Morion and senator Ingall for tbe Impartiality cf tlielr actions as presiding onlcers, were aaaaimously adopted. The Tariff bill, en rolled, was received from tn Mouse with the Speaker's s'gnature, and the Vice-PriSl- dent signed and sent tto ibe President for bis signature. A committee appointed to waiton tb Pro'lient and notify bim tbat tbe Senate was ready to adjourn reported that the Presl lent had no further communication to make, and at six oMock tbe Vice-Pr. aldcnt declared tbe Senate adjoarned without day.... Tho House disposed of the nsaal rcutlae busi ness aad appoiated a committee to wait on the President In connection with the Senate committee Several conference reports were agreed to and the Senate resolution for final adjournment agreel to. The resig nation of Postmaster Wiieat was presented and tbe Mouso refuted to accept It, but the committee of Investigation reported tbat the charges made against him had been sustained and the office was declared va cant At six o'clock tbe Socakcr declared tbe Moose adjourned, only a few members being present at tbe time. FEK90NAL AND rOUTICAL. Secretary Blaine is being urged to visit Atlanta. Ga., and other points in the South and West The Republican managers are urging him to make one or moro speeches in McKinloy's district The President and his Cabinet meton the 30th for tbe first time in several weeks Secretaries Windoni and Rusk were absent James Broad, Vice-Consul at Santia go, Cuba, has been dismissed by tbe State Department for neglect of duty. Rev. Dk. George D. Ciieever, well known as an author, died at his home at Englewood, N. J. recently. Jean Baptiste Alimionso Karr, tbe noted French author, is dead. Secretary Blaine sent to tho House a denial from George M. Wurt United States charge, d'affaires at St Peters burg, of the reports that Russia was ex pelling the Jews by wholesale. The Paris Rappel says that tho ques tion of prosecuting tho Boulangists will be raised in tho Chamber of Deputies, Geal Boulanger will spend the wintosant Malta. Tub bill locating tho capital at Ok lahoma City has passed the Oklahoma Legislature. The Guthrie peoplo were much excited at losing tho seat of gov ernment Congressman William Mitciiler has been renominated by tho Democrats of tho Eighth Pennsylvania district EX-CONGRKSSMAN HENRY BACON, of Goshen, was nominated for Congress in the Fifteenth Now York district by the Democrats. The Republicans of the Third Indiana district have nominated William J. Dur ham, a boiler maker of Seymour, for Congresa Thk Comte de Paris and party arrived at Now York on tho Sd. There is a report that late First As sistant Postmaster-General Ciarkson will go as Minister to China after the elections. The Farmers' Alliance Exchange of Alabama is advancing 935 per bale on all tho farmers' cotton offered. Tho source of tho funds is a profound secret W. L Campbell has been selected by the Illinois Rcpubl:can Cotnmitteo as National Committeeman to succeed Colonel George R. Davis, director-general of the World's fair. Thomas. W. Pierce has been nomi nated for Congress by the Democrats of tho Sixth Pennsylvania d'strict The Republicans of the Fourth Cal ifornia district have nominated General John T. Cutting for Congress to succeed Mr. Morrow. Colonel JonN R. French, editor of tho Sun, Boise City, Idaho, and once a noted anti-slavery agitator, is dead. A treaty has been signed by Ger many and Zanzibar relative to the coasting trado along the East coast of Africa. The German Government pays the Sultan of Zanzibar 4, 700,000 marks rfor the concession. MISCELLANEOUS. Japanese are indulging in threats against foreigners because of a provision which permits foreign offenders to be ed by foreign judges. vmjrang of Whitecam fired a volley of btretfcaaWat a woman as she broke from them wbcvannjEfire pro ceeding to whip her in CalbouiNwanty, Ga., recently. She was fatally wound ed, lying im the woods all night umtil found next morning. Nine firemen were buried under a falling wall at a fire at 17J Canal street Chicago. They wore all seriously in jured. Chicago papers are now discussing the question as to whether tho National Commission has any right to interfere with the active management of the World's Fair. Seven men were injured by an acci dent om the railroad near Bangor, Ma, a gravel train coming into collision with a freight Charles McIlvaine, tho Brooklyn murderer, has beem sentenced to die by electricity at Siag Sing prison im the wee of November 17. The schedule of the assigmraoat of Sawyer. Wallace & Co., tho New York commission merchamta who failed re cently, ahow l44f,06 liabilities am 55,302 actual asseta The Congress of the United States of Colombia has approved the internation al railway conference amd three com missioners have been appoiated. The great Chicago dry goods firm of J. V. Farwell Co. has decided to im oorporateJamnarymext with 5,M0,O0O capital. Twatage between Harrison amd En- Ark., waa held u tkm ether alghtna the maU ponchos taken. It.U thoaght the Uteres made a good Noblk has t of terhiddrag the omalayaMat of ladiaa. . ffWJ OHrtomii omaat richea. -Haw. hays, tall mo what yea -rr "M111 ----- -- ihinliil lomotfy hfflil Tha mmZZZZTZZZ OBJ 1- f ia shows? """ mnamai.twetria weald rat-ar have whea ywagrownpt . . hliiio ioshnrt. " bbt ? P' "T :R5I" I xrir I 1-. . wt .VT TaaI-WaTTBWwasa.sn.Mal am " '' ' u hat aayaea, .aaa . as am iBvannraai smaaw . . - -. - . . -" ." ananm-eoaBiBBBBm dm a am r- v --.-- .- - mu hwUra9onhvea-orT " ma i.mmaBJ.nt n4 the Maeo Mmai maam-Btamo mWU QwiiMJ, aay faraVor UUor, So Jaly 4 ah ha Ud tb --., 1 " V --? TT 5g-5Jl,i' . I -mm T KEK I ft Tn California grape evwafeim daaf or ef rot from exceasivo raiaa' Siltxb took amothor npward move ment oa the laf havimg mrevioaaly steadUy aeoHaed. Many persona were reported msmtpsjlatimg tho asarket Ax expoeiUom halldfmf made of Uled hay amd straw has beem opened at Mosaeace.nL It ia qniU a large atrnot nre. " LA OaJlaTawloaftalaamtfhrthOfOt ni amd tho wife of To wm Marshal Ar meld has died of tho thum Thk Cemaos Baroam makes the mo moanceasent of tho. yopmlotiom of tho Territory of Oklahoma no L9M;CJfoag Coaaty, ladiaa Territory. ,7; elty ef Kiagtsher, Ok., LUS ; Oklahoasa aty, Ok.. ,1: Gathrie, Ok., a,HL RssoLTmoxs wore adopted by tho Interaatiomal UaaUrtakers' Association, declaring all coatracto between the aa sociatioa and the Natiomal Burial Case Association camceled byreaoom of the Manage of the Anti-Trust bilL The monthly statement of the pmblic debt shows a decrease im the debt for September of $4,587,907. The British dockmem's congress has. opened at Loadon with sixty delegates present AriBKatSydaey, N. S. W., destroyed property worth $7,500,000. The Treasury Department om the 9d, mailed a certified copy of the mew Tariff law to every collector of customs aad of internal revemae in the United States, H. Walter Webb baa ordered the discharge of aU New York Central em ployes connected with tho Knights of Labor. The boat race between Hanlan and Teemer at East Liverpool, O., was won by Teemer. The alleged stakes were $1,000. A passenger rate war has commenced. Round trip tickets from Kansas City to St Louis and Chicago were selling for single rates on tho 3d. A Brussels carpet trust has been formed. Prices will go up 25 to 30 cents per yard. Governor Ross, of Texas, finds tbat crime in tho State has decreased 40 per cent during the past four years. The Mormons of Arizona numbor one- fifth of the population. The present population of Sioux City, Iowa, is 87.862; of Dallas, Tex., 38,140; of Macon, Ga. 23,688; and of the State of New Hampshire, 875,837. It ia stated at the Treasary Depart ment that the decrease im tho bonded debt of the United States during the past month, via :$43,818,240, was greater than in any month since tho period of refunding operations under Secretary Sherman, the nearest approach to it be ing $26,593,830 in the month of October, 1888. Charles Wesley Hastings, a veteran of tho war, and two other men were ar rested at North Lansing, Mich., while in the very act of making counterfeit silvor dollars. A change in tbo weather of California for the better has saved many thou sands to the grapo growers and -aisin men of the State. About Napa $100,000 damago has been dona Secretary Benjamin Butterworth. of tho Chicago World's Fair, is preparing a circular letter containing full informa- t tion for those who desire to make ex hibits and for all others who seok knowledge. It is stated that Eastern capitalists have organized a company with $7,000,000 capital for the purposes of manufactur ing tinned plates. The headquarters of the company will be at Baltimore. It will run its own tin mines and will try to control tbe Americam t'nned plate trade. The United States Fish Commission promises to make a' great exhibit of fish and fisheries at Chicago during tho World's Fair. Tho National Commis sion has been called to moot in Chicago October 18. William H-ScimiVEMbo bank cashior of Columbus, Ind., who escaped to Cana da with $300,0)0 in bonds and cash and was only recently arrested, has turned overall his ill gotten gains and will plead guilty. Twelve hundred miners at Dayton, Tenn., havo struck against a reduction in wages. Cholera has reappeared in Toledo, Spain. Four cases, ono fatal, havo boon reported. Ernest HuMPnr.EYS, a negro who had killed two other negroes, was lynched at Princeton, Ky. It is reported in Chicago that the Balti more fc Ohio railroad has arranged for a new entrance to Chicago Five mon were killed by a boiler ex plosion at Gurloy's saw mill, Chewalla, Tenn. Among the unfortunates .was Gurley himself. The small lake pleasure steamer Golden Eagle exploded at Peoria, Hi. Of the fifteen passengers only two were slightly hurt Loitisr Carrinb, who lives on tbe third floor of 193 Lake street, Chicago, was horribly beaten by burglars. Sho will die. ADDIXKHfAI. Three Chinamen were baptized la the Emanael Baptist Church at Albaay, N. Y., recently by Rev. Henry M. Kiag, D.D. Hon. William L. Scott is still crlt ically ill at his home im Erie, Pa, Mr. Scott has long been a sufferer from dys pepsia. Stories concerning the establishment of huge tin-plate faotorles are declared to be fakes. Austrian newspapers are full of angry art'cles oa the mew Americam tar iff. The Government is trying to allay the excitement 8tock Exchange waa ended October 4. AmericaVsaBtaaaaaaaaaaaaai depressed. Paris waa qu The revolution: of Ticlao; Switaerlaai oa the question of a revis stitutioa. The popular vote sho 938 for and 11,834 against revision. Clearing hoase returns for the week ended October 4 showed an average de crease of 18 compared with the cor responding week of last year. In New York thero was a decrease of & L Thieves are reported busy at work stealing the cattle of the Cherokee Strip Live-Stock Association. The hoase of John McBee, am oa policeman of Dubuque, Iowa, was re cently om ire. His wife and three children were fatally burned. McBee escaped by jumping oat of window whom aearly suffocated. Thirty arrests have boon made ia Russia ia connection with a workmen's political movement Ia tho interior others have beoa arrested charged with the maaufactare of bomba. ia Dee Moines, Iowa, deatrored Heath's oat meal mill, erne of the larg est ia the State. The lose waa betwoea $75,taad$tee,eei The wifeef.General Booth, er-Ia-ebief of tho Salvation Army, died ta fjojaioa receatly. Tax Secretary of tho Navy ad to Cramp Seas, of Philadelphia. tract for twa shins to onftserto ni i oast asVaa.ow each aai eao ssro-. Uhs sooght so imBreas apoa her - -" "''V raahe as ifiiani ami' am wmm ZSrTT"T ara oos J J nrwswenamasaspawsBBsawd m BBwpapaj apansrapanmrarar .WaBaaaasmi aaamnB aaarap sxeaaBe mmm mmmmmm- awesw" BTrv a,r . a as sl a.. m aaaBaBaaw aajaamk AnBamgaBaBLaBs amaBBan btbbbp , araBBBBBBBB. BBByaBaSaV naayahL aaswaA . - . ennnK- b , mw nr anL, ---- vaathfnl sailirarta tha lmnsrhsaee af mwm ssj " " -,-- - -- . -m-m , - : -. - -: a 7-u - rswa r . s sr aensaa.. ya saiisu smsusbbbw mm wi , . .. . .. OBMOnm aaBBBBBBa B an t aTaa-aa nal n - ek -anaaanj Bsasaaaa. Mn-aam. BV Vkstwa l-.j:llaL' af TTl malataialmr thronrh life a srnad aame. ! i niajM. .. .m- ......--. , . aaa : a :- , Z ? x mm-mm ""' : :--. m BSiBBISBW JaMMBaWBBBSM VS. araVSB mmmtmwmtmMmff auv ai auv u aaav, BW . - a - mm & ! gaSa sBsstaaa wrmWrnm BBBW MBBBs 9mmmwm mm Ti nun mi wmt mr:-9 " .djm Mmtmmm. mmKmmMlmWWmJmiZMmmm. t ST M,.fL "oaaaa ., - ....- - mfsT. . ,yri? TB aaaI.I-! 111 a i" -a w -. , . - m imwed - - SBll-Wfc k.... mmummwm.mmmmmmmmmm w emeu. m- : . . . .. SBavaSB WBB nBTBaa WW a MB aBB BBB Milan II SZ &' - -- - --"-"-.- ,.'" m NEBRASKA STATE N1W8. Tarn other lanrMsllosrgoor, ha, aad several other partieo to tbo vieidity of Waterloo om iag expedition. After the- torn! burnt- amort they eat dowa to laaea hardly well seated before a Beck af dacha weat by. Newgoor reached oat aad caught his gaa by sho muzzle aad woo palling it toward aim whom tho trigger ceagat im some weeds, eaaolng aaaocideatal discharge, which carried away the index finger of his left hand aad lacerated tho second so badly that it had to be amputated. Bra colUsioa betwoea two sectioas of a stock traia aear Cody tho other day Charles Share, ef Rapid City, waa crashed fa the debris. Tbe Ire from tho stove igaited the wood work, burn ing three cars aad a locomotive aad 'charring Share's body beyoad reeegmi tion. John Sichford was badly lajared. Fourteea head of cattle were killed. - William J. Mead, a well known con tractor; attempted saickle at Liacola the other afternoon. He had beem con fined to his bed for seventeen weeks with rheumatism, aad becoming de spondent severed aa artery in his wrist He bled aa Immense quantity and when his wife went into the room she found him unconscious and the bed saturated with blood. A physician waa summoaed and although he was nearly dead, hopea were entertained of saving bim. Pbtsb Gross and Peter Krolm were recently put under bond at Lincoln for trial on the charge of buying diseased cattle and selling the meat They paid one farmer $10 for a steer, dying from lump jaw, and sold the meat, realizing a large profit Cal Hutman, of Sioux City, was bad ly hurt whilo trying to get oa a moviag train at Wayne the other night The train was going too rapidly for him and he was dragged for several rods, and found lying beside the track some time after in an unconscious condition. Thomas Coonet, living three miles from Overton, recently hired a stranger, calling himself Jess Murphy, to work oa his farm. The other day Mr. and Mrs. Cooney went to spend tho evening at a neighbor's, leaving tho hired man aad children at homa In the morain? the hired man was missing, and also $85 in cash, which had been left in a bureau drawer. While James Smith, of Tobias, was lately leading a horse along a road a drunken man drove his team against the animal with such force tbat tho pole of the wagon was driven into the side of Smith's horse, killing it instantly. An irate baker of Noligh vented bis rage on a theatrical advance agent by showering him with stale eggs. A cowboy named James McFeo, em ployed on a ranch about twenty miles west of Goring, had paid gallant atten tion to a young maiden who lived on an adjacent ranch. She did not however, return bis affection, and tho othor day he became aware that his suit was hope less. After writing a short letter to her declaring bis intention, hoTode his horse to a clump of cotton woods on tho river bank and tying bis lariat rope to an overhanging branch on tho ono onl and around his neck on the other, drove his horse from under him. His body hung for fifteon hours before it was dis covered. W. H. Neely, a real estate agent of Kearnoy, has disappeared, and it is al leged that he left a number of his frionds and associates in the lurch for a considerable amount TnE othor evening Isaac Traver, ono of tho first sottlors of Morrick County, jumped from a hay mow and was im paled on tho handlo of a pitchfork. It was feared his injuries, would prove fatal, no is upward of 'sixty years of age. Dr. Doan's team ran away with him at North Bend the other day and threw the doctor from tho buggy, breaking ono arm and his nose. It was feared that he was also internally injured. On the 30th pensions wore granted tho following Nebraska veterans: Original, William T. F. Dodge. Clarks. Increase, Charles H. Carter, Grant; James H. De lano, Wellsviilc; James Mowry. Craw ford; Horace Greene, Ragan; David Sloan, York; James Gaskoll, Uubbell; John McCauley, Beaver Crossing; Den nis Lyons, O'Neill; Abraham Greoncr, Table Rock; Lewis A. Colburn, Manilla; John Hare, Albion; Robert Marvel, Ex eter; Dow Stcadman, Pressor. A meteor which dropped off bright lights of various colors was seen at Juniata the othor night Iva Howard, an Edgar lad, was show ing off at school tho othor day, and while turning a handspring broke his arm. Without shedding a tear or utter ing a groan he marched to tho sur geon's office, had him set tho arm and was back at school again studying his lesson within ono hour. TnE Baptist college at Grand Island is nearing completion. Three youngsters, aged about thir teen or fourteen years each, recently ran away from home at Beatrice with the avowed purpose of going toTacoma, Tbe boys were all of respectable parent age, and had about $89 between them. TnE general merchandise establish ment of Sands 4k Andrews, of Ponder, was closed the other morning under at tachments aggregating over $7,000. At a colored festival ia Lincoln the other night a fight took place, during which George Wilson received several sevoro'stabs. Gross and Krohn, the two Lincoln butchers arrested for buying diseased cattle aad selling the meat wore each fined $25 aad costs. Pensions lately granted Nebraskaas: Original invalid, John Stovers, Fre mont: JonYanXance, Chester; Horace Sutton; ErfcemAxcry- Herman; Straight Omaha; James ngestus W. Powers, KentT9VnaaBBBBBBw)nnnon, Blue Valley. Increase, JowTHIdd, Willow Springs; Reissue, Patrick H. Steele. Kearney. At Arlington, Washington County, lives Mabel Cook, who is fourteen years of ago. Sho measures thirty-four inches in height and weighs thirty-eight ponnda. Sho has no deformity amd is im perfect health. The young lady is as largtv ia all probability, as she ever will be. James Wright, a farmer aged eighty six, was thrown from his wagon at Ne braska City the other -day by a fright ened team and had his skull fractured aad waa otherwise seriously lajared. The residence of B T. Wooden, aear Springfield, waa entirely destroyed by an incendiary fire receatly. W. Hale aad wifeof Battle Creek,, celebrated their gtddea. wedding tho ether day. They have thirteen childrea living, nil of whom -were present at tho wedding and reunion. The corner-stone of tho aew St Jo seph's Catholic Church at York haa heea laid with isapanJaf earesseaiea. I . --- " I ' nnniBHsanns Bnnnnnmr nnnaaannannnnz v ? es i u, i a .!&. asw. TBbs aasBsa BtaBaaV BBBBlnnam x" i, aWBaBBamsBBBBBmi BBBaaaBBwamBZa w eeaat lsma aattl a oiasa or aaaaay acaatsrs some am --7-. " --. - .- . ot V&. Destaier af thla aiaaa. B3ra 1 iBjnnwamnaay; aoi o SBSSSSSmmmmSmmmmmmmmiw- ft SIREN AND SUCKER. i A-Y math of ma Adwoay LEI ILOIw E1SILY Tf im New Yobk, Oct . Loais Beeaat, a handsome young medical student frees Paris, whose folks are said to reside oa the Faaboarg St -Germain, while ia ado the acquaiataace of a Aasericaa woman while sho warn attomdhaff tho Coveat Gardea Thea ter with a matronly womaa who paseed as aaat and chaporoaa, Beeaat oeatia ud tbe acquaiataace, meet'Bg and oer respoad ag with tbo young woman, who described herself as Miss itlaache Rich ardson, a graduate of Vasaar College and, a resident of Bostoa. Their inti macy became so close that the youag medical student gave up his profession al studies aad started with the Ameri cam girl to see the sigh ts at Monte Carta Later tho medical student left Monte Carlo, at his companion's solicitations, and came to America on a flying visit He and his Vassar prize took up a flat elegantly furnished, on Thirty-fifth street, near Seveath avenue, but bad been there only few daya when a young maa who was introduced by Blanche aa her Ceusln Harry" came to dinner. After dinner a gamo of cards waa intro duced. A limit of $5 was fixed aad at itaoonclaaioa "Cousin Harry" had just lost teoti. Beaant took a fancy to "Cousin Harry" aad Invited him to call again the following evening to try and win back some of his money. "Cousin Harry" did so, aad not only succeeded in winning bsck tho $200 he had lost but almost $700 in addition. Tho young student became suspicious and the next day informed bis compan ion that he was going to Washington on a flying visit to soo a college chum whom he had met at one of tho hotels. He did not go to Washington, but to Boston to look up tbo antecedents and connections of his Vassar companion. Thero ho learned that Blanche had graduated at Vassar and was a member of a prominent family, but had fallen from grace and left tho Hub to accom pany a well known adventuress to Eu rope last winter. Itesant returned to this city with a determination to rid himsolf of Blancho aad at onco return to his native land. This was Wednesday. When he arrived in this city and made his way to tbo flat tbo place was deserted and every article of valuo was removed, tbe janitor of tho building handing him a messazo from tho girl. With tbo clearing of tbo flat went besides all the furniture, bis two trunks containing almost $13,000 and his clothes and a valuable papnr. He had only a conplo of dollar.! and his gold watch, with the clothes ho bad on his back. Ho visited a detective agency and told his story and tho detectives learned that lilanche had disposed of all thu furnituro and had hur bagaso checked for San Francisco at tho Erlo railroad depot Yesterday a dispatch was received from Chief of Police Crowley, of San Francisco, an nouncing that tho woman had arrived thore and was under survcillanco await ing further orders, llcsant evinces a dislike to order her arrest explaining that if sho would givo up his olothes and papers ho would not prosecute her. Ho started for San Francisco at once. FAMILY SUFFOCATED. The Father Alone Kscaprs Half Dead lly lamping Oat vt n Wlntlnw. DiiHLMfUF, Iowa, Oct 0. Yesterday morning at four o'clock tho house of ex I'oliccman John McBco was found to bo on fire. A neighbor ran across and tried to arouso the family. Whilo knocking at tho door tho window in tho upper story crash' d and McBee fell to the ground. For a few moments he was senseless. Whon ho recovered ho began crying tbat bis family were upstairs. Tho flames were quickly extinguished and tho firemen entered at tho top of tho landing. Tho mother and threo children were found and quickly removed. Mrs Mclieoand tho oldest daughter. Rose, aged eighteen, were dead. Tho young est daughter, Ilertha, aod sixteen, and Charles, five years old. wore still alive. The boy died in tho afternoon. The girl is still alive but can not recover. McBee was too dazed to give a coa ncolod account It is known tbat bo awoko nearly suffocated and aroused his wife. They groped in tho smoke and darkness until McBee struck tho win dow through which he leaped or fell. The mother was with bim, but remem bering her childrea went back to save them. When found tho family were ia a group with their arms about each oth er's necks. Tbo building is a small two-story frame. Tho bodies wore slightly burned. Hast ef Hiriaey l.nkr. Macox, Ga., Oct. 5. Tho bust of Sid ney Lanier, tho diatiagulsbcd Southern poet, given to tho city of Jfacon by bis brother, Charles Lanier,RnBunvailed yesterday. Judge Bleckley, of thelaar gia Supreme Court, delivering the dedi catory address. Sidney Lanier was but thirty-nine years of ago whea ho died in 1881. He enlisted in tho Southern army at the breaking out of the war of secession. Maay of his poems are worthy of a place among the classics, both became of their metr rical perfection aad tho wealth of their imagery. Hera aad Driver Fatally Hart. Caktox, O., Oct a During tbe run ning races at the Marlboro fair, Bis marck, a fine sUllionsaj(aadby William Myers, collided with a bufJOtjahieh waa being driven across tbe track. Tho shifts of the buggy penetrated the horse's breast, killing him iastaatly. Myers, who was drivlag, waa thrown and trampled upoaBe is uacoascioao aad death is expected to follow. Bis marck was valued at ft 090. Fraak Deaa. a white farmer, lives oa Steep creek. Lewadaa Ceaatr. Ala. He ia aow sixty years of age. Be married foar times and three of his wives were sisters. Ho is the father ef thirty-sevea childrea Twias have heea bora to him throe time aad aripseM have gladdened hi heart em two alter- eat Miss 8alli Holley, a Virgiaiaa, hi esUblishiag small acheaU ia that State fer the Baraose ef teaehiag aegto girls tonewvaara aad eeek aad glvtag ta a -Cnta Hatisr aad ate la ataaaadhwl IveAfjeawjr. thesa aa oppsrtnnlty ta loara aO read, BBf 4immr . Ifil ! iisasry m i "B! ' li Jim aa nmaamaPE whauiaakMrMtfeaaM r awapaw...,,, sBaasrsasB Sassrnra sasna naneeaa aa aawma is. TNC LOTT1RY LAW. 0eMa)mB)Bm aaamat saamtWW WAOTBanom. Oct, 4 -First amlstsol faotaiostat Osnernl Timer, ammor mao Waaer for paalioatsomMi the Paatal BmHetia a etrcalar letter to aii laettaoilemo for their ffutdaaee ia the ease ef lottery the reeoat Aau-beuery After aaetiaff the law la fall, the aarealar reads aa follows: setlsa ana, afev qaeted. applied an nay toiler, stdlaanr oerhnared. tf k eeaearae any lattery, gift cancer r schema descrlb Mincs-etl n. aad to tottecy tleheta, caecha, drafts, i lie, ntoaey. pental aoasa, er maaey orders for anrenaas ef loMary tleaees, a say saaw r chants ia a lattery er tts oa trrprfc. aad loth Mat ef tbe dralaa at aay lattery or similar seaeaaa. aad lectlde tee ntrryiag at them ta the malls, c tha de ll vary f tees frees paaeaaee. The seal ef a letter ocofaay aealed packet, prepaid at letter ntra, mast aed a die larbed for the parpen of aaeertatalas; at Ita iraasaslMloa In th mall Ha delivery at a pot oflk Is ferfeJd la by th previsions ef Ihisaci. Nor Bill in bnn aeaple-oa that such lcltrr or packet ratal te a leltaty, the art that K I addressed t any pre kaowa to t acac4 la la anslaaas f coa dartiaa a lattery. Jastlfy Hs dteatiea er aoa-dcllTerr. except that la delivery ef rrffltrrl letters at ta eaVt deatlaatlee thall be withheld whea tha roatmaster General has Issued special eiders te that effect rojtal cards aad elrcalar aas Jsd. aad alt other aasraled matter, may. whea sas preted of havlac heea deposited er mailed la r.olhtloa ef ta provUleas of thk) as, he exatalael far the parpoa er aeeenaiatax n.. ..hi.. er - lesardiaasd hv tat act. by eM'sea te lettrry rasapaalre and tlMirMpraaiatlv,HMcleararielatlea ef the law a the mMlef et each matter by lottery ompaale to their cnOea-ers er other pel sons Wh-n it Is kaowa at th tlm ef deposit lag them for maUlas; that pestal cards er clrcalara ar anniallabl the pottsaestef hoa'd decline to receive then. If they be fuaad la a postoMce aad the seeder Is ua hnewa to the p atasuetar, or It they bt dis covered la tha mall ia transit they shoad be withdraws aa t Bsatk-d or stamped "iraaduleai" aad seat te the l-estasaster-tieaeral. accompanied by a special report from the postmaster. The provisions of this act apply te letter, postal carls aad circular coaceralag lot teries or similar schemes that come la th malls from forelga couatrles. aad suck mall so received shall be treated as If It orlgla atcd la the United States Matter seat la violatloa of the aectloa, discovered by postmasters at Intermediate post-' faces, shoald be withdrawn from th malls and dU posed of la the aaaie maaaei as If It bal bora discovered by the post master at the office of mailing nr the ofje of dcllvi ry. l'uatmastrrs ot Intermediate offices should not delay tho traaswlssloa ol other mall in waking special search for aay thi k d -tlared by t U act t he mi hi illahl. NuMnpapurs, p.itunli et- ntid publications or nil kinds. bonrinK date befon or since the 111 h day of Scntrialer, ISM (at which date III j act Wrok effect, which contain tho ad vuitlwotncnt of any lottery, gift enter prise cr slmil.tr scheme, or the whole or part of tha list of p te'S awarded at the drr.wins.tt of lottrr.'ca or similar schemes, im-, by the provisions of this act. denhd rarrluixo In iho malls or delivery to sab scribvrs, addresses, or to any other per Hon. or as "eitmple cophs " l'ostmssters nhoitid inline to rece.ve them from publish ur or to deliver them If by Inadverlance they reach the office of destination. Whea found ly potma-tTK i'i the mall la transit th y should be held until a report concern ItiK them can be made to the I'ostmasler livnrrat und Instruction received from bias as to thu disposition of them. Koruiti newspaper, pamphlets and pub lie .lions of all kinds containing printed matter f rLI-lden by tin; provlsjonsot this net nhou'd bi ireatelns If they acre pub. llsho I In the Un Ud tti-t s. Clerks In the railway raiil service discov ering matter, the car rl nee of wh'ch is for bidden ly tho prnvin one of ttiU set, should withdraw and forward It to their respective il .Vision superintendents. Division super intendents should treat such matter In the same m saner as postmssters are herein In- a' nil toil In trail lf The term "lottery" as usod In this aet em- braces a I kiads of schemes, general rloc I, , CliM .Itatrlhtttlii 0t ti,l,M, tiv lAllar .- i .. chsaccsuch as gift exhibitions, caterprlse. ' moaey or property at fair. Hence, letters, postal caidi and circular concerning firm, ii-id Buwup tpers, pamplileta and ether pn! l.catl nsc3BtaiB.ig aJVertlicmcnts are un mailable. The prov.slons of s ctloa WW, renting to regi-tertd ettors. and of section 411, rulst Inu to money order (both of which reel Ions are set oat in full In Ibe preceding copy of j tne art), sppiy to saca matter at o friers of delivery only and are to be cnfic-d upon the dlr ct orders of tho I'ostmast- r (Inneral. Postmasters and other postal nfflc al and employes are expected to be dilix at In car rying oat the foregoing instructions for the enforcement of the provisions of this act. ALL SYMPATHY FORFEITEO. Jehn BTettsaaa Thinks That His DaeghtW Deserves Ne Sympathy Press Hint fee Her Cenaectien With Her nfetlter Murder. LKAVRXWoirrii, Kaa, Oct . Mra Routzahn is still confined to her bed and as silent as ever. Not even the jail officials can get her to talk. John Mcttmaa, the father of Mrs. Routzahn. and her brother Henry were seen at their home on Dakota street Tbcy take a deep laterest, as a matter of course, in the case aad express tbe hope tbat justice will be dealt ont to all parties concerned. The father when questioned as to the expense for tho defense of Mary Roataahn said he had ao moaey ia the fret place aad in tbe second place onuid aot see why ho shoald mortgage his home to pay a lawyer whea Mary bad virtually ackaowledged her connection with the murder. It was bad. enough, he said, to have oae'a wife murdered aad thea butchered as was Mrs. Mettman, but to thlak that his owa child would be guilty of robbing ber brother ef his earnings aad have the mother 'Used" so that the theft eon Id be laid upon her was too horrible ta contemplate aad ia certainly suaVIent cause for the refusal of that sympathy that a parent would natarally show te his child. Kaxsa Cmr. Ma, Oct 4. William Dwycr, a coach washer employed by tho Saata Fo in tbe yards at Argentine, Kan., met with a horrible death early last evening. He and Thomas McGraw, w.t whem bo beard at tais Madisea aveaae, this cityeajhasl sjuit work at Argeatiae aad pattrahsBatheir aal forms aa Select KaighaSka U. W., were com iag over to a lodgfjetiaf la this city. Ia gettiag eate tha ear Dwyer slipped aad fell under she wheels aad was cat la two. Bio death was Instaataaeoea. The remalae ware removed to aa uadertaaer'n Dwyer waa abont tweaty-lve years eld. Mnrvpjtrous, Mhsm. Oct, a, Tho Kerthweatera Miller aayn: Tae mUls improved a trife oa the asaeaataf got ont last week. The afjiaoaio eat- pat for taa week eadea aaiaraay 170, harreia, avaraartaa? mm daily. agaiast 104.M0 U1.BB9 Usee ia ISBf nam ITS, 10 barrel la One leas m 11 Io maalaff There I vary littte Ufa a the ketaad dies sub a af Paatsaeassr General im kaaaswaawadl aaaaBavmamrs; maanma namjawmaamnsvama anrralo Bar taa aatraaBsaBUaaT vw - aar f ml-ml ha amBmBmmmmmmmr aaleea hho jaasanal aaam las ammm a. a. .1. w awiBamt' vaw Ba HHBhmmmmmml.BnV fc aroeea seea or bbbi amavaaBg aaara mam ejaaaaa ,...,, ,.,,,. nam faas BBBBBBmBBBBSfaBBeBBBsnOBBaam- eaJQBBBBBBma MCTHYL OvtLOmOmV - aBaass? an smo saeawsr aansasaessa vary a-awaav It It oatoaatvoiw ployed ia the fatal oapisnia 00 a aa sss the We. It hi a llnniled van. with aa that af ether aad emlatoforaa. aad see ri !! with walea aiisti It for convenient aosv oa It baste ia a oiphem or betUe or amy boat badly. It may he applied an may sarraao dtrestly tholoUowiaf a layer of foek-oilk amd taem cwvorod with thla alia, are aatarated with tho methyl hhrMe aad applied to tho part by ateaaa ef wndsn er valeaatte era After coasaet ler aeaa part brcomoa polo, aad aaasssie. dlmlalahea ia seaaitlveaeaa If the poa ha then removed there Is marked reactioa, ahewa by temgretlaa aad slight Itchlag. or If the applteatlea be coatiaued for a short time laager, aay a few Bconda, the eh la aaanmoo a whita, dried, parchment-lik appearaaee. Thta is the time to eperatsv Th appllcattea is somet men aneceeded by I tea lag aad aa urticaria-like eruption. It U raeorted tola all klmde ef eprratloaa clrcam cisloa. opening aheceeaea, aad la aea ralgla. lamhag mnacalar pain, goat, etc Loadoa Letter. . ,.- .. ett. ,. eeendent he has fouad a spec ite agalast cholera. , Everybody, it appears, ahoaht sit for so ' asaar hour la a shirt aatarated with parahln! By snch means those who am attacked by cholera will he eared, aad aa for thoee who are sound, why, preven tion, we all knew, is better than care. Nor doea M. llalma Breach what he doaa not practice, for he has actually experi mented upon hlnwelf with the happiest results. He admits that hs spec lie haa its drawback. The coataet ef the ell with the skin produce intense irrita tion, which he is ready te aeooaat fer oa scientific prlnclplea The manifesta tion is dee, it answers, to certain mi crobes, who object to being dispossessed aad who maintain what French wrltern call a struggle-for-lifer. The Govern ments ef Eaglaad. Fraaee aad Spa. a havo heea made acqaaiated with M. Balma'a dlaeevery, but up ta the pree eat Lord BalUhury aloao haa conde scended to acknowledge the receipt of the intimation. Our Foreign Secretary did aoi commit himself, however, so far as to approve of M. Balma'a suggestion that the wearing of the para fin shirt should be made compulsory on the Arabs, among whom the cholera is rag ing in Mecca. London Dally News The Pease Old Cellege ttlrt. Charlie, (wrltiag home from college): Dr.kH Katiibk I have met aad fait ea in lovo with tbe moat charming girl in tho wholo world. She isss beautiful as the loveliest thing yon caa conceive, and is as charming and good aa she ia beautiful. I intend to marry her, if she will have mo, and hope you will approve my choice, as I would aot like to marry without your permission, aad yet must liavo Clara Ermiae, for tbat ia her name. Charlie's Father (replying instantly): You havo my blessing my son, and if Clara is an pretty aa when I knew her twenty years ago, you will bo la luck to catch her. Light. Mans ay Not the poison that the covert administers ia the driak. the food, er ! other guise, but the poisoa of malaria short ! ens the lives of wyr.ads. There ia a aafe and certain aalidote. Uosteitar'a llittcra. which not only fortlaes the svstrm i. . i -i .-..- . ...- . against malaria, but mote eat Its whea they have germlaated. D; ysBepala, constipation, rheumatic, liver am! d kkl laey trouble are conquered by the lllttera. Tcrtir-"Why doea the avoirdupois sy tern havo no scrHplesI" Frof Korhlcr "liecnuso, my hoy, it's tisoil to weigh coal anil ice." A obbat mistake perhaps waa made when Dr. Hhcrmaa Baa il great remedy rrick- br Ash Hittkms: but It is presumed that at that time ail remedies for the blood, etc, were called Hitters. Had he called it Prick ly Ash "Regulator." 'Curative," or almost anything hut HUttn, it undoubtedly would have aupuaeded all other preparaUoas of similar character. The aame Hlttere lamia, leading; itispurely a mediclBo, aadceaaot bo used aa a beverage. . " - -HTBSRT-csacoBd'Jctora should net he en pcrtcd to accept less thaa the eataMtshed price for a ride. It wouWa't be fare. -Detroit Free Press, At the age of thirteen my son became af -fected with chronic diarrhea, caused by acofuhv 1 gave him Ball's HarasaarUla and it cured him. I recommend it especially for scrofula, fever, sore and general debility. l ho cures I nave aaowe it to make ia caeea eemed alssoat m Jo, Otntm BccacsB a girl has ao fgure 1 ae eiga slielanotngoodmethemitlilso sB.Jsaspa News. - - ' '' e Tov den't have te Can ear weed far the asd twenty f Dshhias' nasi tris aanm eHsst rafotsT BBeff bfbT JTaWwa1 WFUNtf bbbbBbI aaft M lapll JTM raarea easawj aaamaw aPBaBBBBawa sbBbpbb aaW faTwrwVBwaf BWaT BBBBBBbL SBBBBBBB1 BBW BBBBBbL HBBBBBBmBBBm tt&M aHaBaVa Taa oagl ia ta Bird ef freaaVsavawt tho tarhcy ha the neat friosd la the sal ef she ycervfUm's Mora. rycasv Yc hardly Kb takisg CarteVa LIUU vst FlUs ,cj , mm wmm mwi. his terpsauvrarrssTaayastraaav Eras the lartteff sesM easrhtt do. flomerTlUcJewmai. Dos'T OSSHfh ndlar Honey ef Barehenad and nk'Tshach Drep Care In IBtMttt It leoae ef mea that they don't atarabL etaaai tbo snwasyl emlorMO fdnammal evsmanmn mmm se Miiias sr BamaaaBpaBBllyp BBa)ees aaaaaw Tna aca4rngh sadhja i nae'e Car aawrBBBasJy -mmmmwmmmmmmmmmmZ---- ahjOaaL BBBBbW W BBO BBBt - -rrMk nwssissK i am. sbbwsbbjbbj sas ajaa ssajswarm. BDWf IlBltl rmmw i m m BBBBWS SBBB1 ITBIVBBBSBj CATTIg Shrpstsssesis ...fsaassi oaajrm BvBfmrad sjaly freeatherrvV. S--bv1! ' haakhy aoiTagTaahU raVt-. ?y'r'amt am BanaT wraaint emalamta ,- WaTJUT-Va 1 red .! Jjms Wv) sBfldo it rjoant-aJ " bbbbBbbI W Wtmmkf kaowa. ""i lP mfinimUimlr hm-. runra rasper a,. jjj . ,. A-jmtkHitncgiAwh as - oat ta ttZ'bbP? WomaaBBal wwl pro- mSSn!m aaa.... ag, sajaf.au; aBalmnBaV Jib aaat accept naaawaassssv., ........, as j aaa waaBi ag mmm rfeaea 4BW' SBw BBL T BBWaas"sBF ji .: .. e ss sbj EmULMWmmmmmm WmW mSVaaaBV FO Saa............,, ye) aaamsaraaaBwenf yray mwaayv ji waa y .w..w.. -r -. -, t eaja7 aas wvBaBwanaa, sssa. awaasvaav........,.,..... at e) im aaBaanBavaa, '"TAmmK j oa IMOavrBBBBam.,......-... fat '."' 'BBnnnBBBrmTSBBBNnmBaaam thm asjam. IJ1LLL IF".1' -. -dOi a das- .aaalsaVat: :Tar' aBBrsasmaBmar Baajrasar- t5 T!!i", " ww mn'mmmfmT mr-jmmWf!r' smr'smsmmTwa xbV !' grast live YStJb aawBaaaaaeaT any Yet y fend aa earn sat ef cir Mel sarriieaiHaa have had tho Of aajaet saaptdoa dlrsrUti ahesm. Cnrhaaelea. aayioklitiK sdamdea ea the far, rtmrn akin hr law an ereptive aptiearaace, etc . era in th eyeoef a saany rteaciled apicinoly M hnBaawJag th prsara of otB contaar'oti htd diseas ff. and fwiatol ntwtion kf that ataprodBcUr of ctaiteraht tmpnr Tar shin elmim bah oni;mo of courn Ral thnr onnn in tht It lea BBllBhllr awatmai But not aecrafcarUy tK rvalt f 5iW ea acroaat of reids al cviir im no fix anwr eT' -it ttn rood, weaa dixesuoa, ortnArx (U eaa afocrcr. It I wll V tvtnr o aaaataralcotlt(7S of V b!xl i tho ay a prompt ae of ir John ltu. U. II rmwK aaatrm iMirrnj. ? ally. arauUtk thr iir n I red onrUi t aoctioa t. thfr araagth aa4 activity. WorlkrV It Is therallnlraslnT 'vT-.a aleaw at hU work. Yoakrr's htat Mew TaieJ We ewer One Uundrcd PotUrs lUard fr any case f CaUrrh th-U ran not Ni eatwday taking Mall's Catarrh Cam F. J. CnnXBT Co.. IVop. TolrJo. () We, th uadershrntl, have known y J Cheaay for thMieMittewayrmrs. aal tWiirrn hhw perfectly aeeerabfo ia ail businm, araaaactleBs, and f aaadally ahln t. curry eat aay obtisxatinaa mak by their firm Weat sTniax, Whole lmgviu,Tt-?c,!rt WaMtae?. Klaaaa Marrin, Wh-w,, lYrncgtsU. Toledo, Ohio. aBaUsCaUrrh Cure ia taken Intern. 'r av4ia;dlrv-Ur oa tMtdotlndmuu jr ffaeaa ef the aysU'izv Tmtmoni4t tr rrka,3e.praoU2. rWUbyaiHrujrxiu Tna dresa-majier scrms to prrrrt t& eternal talaacc of naturtv A th ih . weat up the cvilar came down. -lui RAUtiua. Jf. C , Frb. anh. i Ir A.T. Sum:jti!:uK, IUH'htuir, lfc, fVi .i 1 wish to aay a word la behalf of vur derfal Chill and Kn er VHk Stum mnv , ago a friend, wlw know that my ti bi been aJllctnl for mnth.wnl mo a jh. kat ef your pill. I jrvc ti-m t, her intl n-r , cared her at obcv. X ncUrhbor, Mr W-tt . had autrered with chill for nrc tbn rear, aad hU taken (Jutuim until til hsf lag waa greatly Injuml. rWlnf the- e r., wreaght ta my wile's -. ho prtvuml . bottle of pills aal was tlUjr r-tnre,t perfect health. I feel that thu I duo Uu Very truly, lUv J I. Ivu TBB hcaaty of bcl&g a mUUonainv I that art things presented to )mx liui tn-r il have to buy Munej VYrvkly Theuassd of mlsvrabto and tmnr lif hihtrea have been nUin-tl to rotMtt lir-a.M, hyaslagUr Hull's Worm !eim$rr . msnlsatrtil to thestt by kind and turiurf t I r th legs arc not hollow, why U II tJwy get drunk so easily t IUm' Horn. You can't help liking th"tn,lhy rf i wt aasaUaAdthoiraclioniBs.iertect. tineini:., dose. Carter's l.UUo Uvcr Pills. Try them - Tna heliflit of i)rmmv-to Arret a brw.k htvaase It murmur,- Texas Klftlnx A siiiuil grrvt-f to weak womankind is tho fm!it., of lost health tho tmtiiuic."i t tlm raa-down" svstint. Kothit- does it so surelv as Dr. I'iin ' Favorite Prescription. It cures all tao dcranctn;nts, irtx-gularitivs ni. 1 weaknesses peculiar to tlm wx. l'' ike most perfect of stnntlt -iv r, imparting toao ami vigor to tho wholo system. For overwork!, ii bilitated trachem, milliners, cam it roasts, M slum - Kirls," ttursitu mothers, and feeble women gn crmUy, it ia tae greatest e.irthly Boom, bcinj amiuaieij a an apt--tiling cordial and restorative tonic H Favoriu lrmcriitioft " jivr ataMBction in every case, or m r Baid for it io promptly rcfufilcl Taat a tao way ita sold; that's th way ka makers prove their faith iajt. Coauiao no alcohol to inr hviato; mo ayrap or sugar to ! rmgo digvntion ; a k'gjtitnate? mnh cittef aot a evevrayc. Irely vec tahle and perfectly harmless in snv tinniUsB of the seieaa. or!l Dieficnaary Medical Aaaoctation, Fropr tsVI Main St, ltaffalo, N. Y. fjtfffffis 02V9 JSXIOY sBha bW aBfaVod aadriaalu when yneeFibBJtom;BiBiB4'. i laftaaaiiit t tho tawlo, mnl cu LrVaf awfgsowah, risaasx the its- svral- ikaoitnsJ &rrmftTig&o or m Btw4 o-rcr pr- andao- ipt ta ctalm its dHiw aam .BBbbbbbBbbbPv bbbbbbbb A. LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP LbbbbbbB Ub BBbbBBbbBB eWwrfV BfcanBBBBBBBBBBBmV. KrBBBBBBBBBBBn 1 aWBBBBBmBBmBBmBBmBBmBBmBm w BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaJMamBm--iWmrla.ji-ff,TJ: vJ WtJ i BTat faCaaeMPJgtfcC sfcfc maMmmDt- - JTSt i T -V"Ss-fe - rrrtn iT'sf i i nT l"a Baflj iTtZT!1 'iB B TTiBff i A PUjfc JLim !1JL jjnol Bd fcsf gwof r lf--! TtI