gjr$ s i-y- ll I J 11 11 . 3 " W18WiyM ww Mk ia me ciMd lu. w km taw iMM mm r JT'L"!15 - - Mlsa aim main Ayer'aWm seal AVer's Pills, a r. A & Jtott fr 1 eeatt Fltwfr fto t Ctfttiwgs. HftTjr MtMriptiowi 0tJM. 4 Mttatlf m niig a rerj aore tkmb. Lsteft MjIm is carpets at F. V Tajk'. Bay paiata aa4 aile af Dyo aad AMvliaaaf aiaiare MaaMiags at F. V. Tajkn. Tka aaat iaaaat powder aad ij ini & Savaa Mr. a B. Kiaar aaa aoved into the Siwaai property. Traaki aa4 Talitta, elegant stock. laNittAOalaaaa, A. J. Welek ku left for kii new aooM ia Keatatky. If yea waat the aaat bay the White for aale ay F. V. Taylor. Prof. B. H. CalTor of Gaide Book waa ia the eity Satarday. Deye will aell yea mebine oil ahaaper that any oae date. If. A. Haward haa had eity water pat iata his saw rasideaee. Do aot fail to aall aad seeaiy stock of wtedow shades. F. V. Taylob. We have the aver easts for yoa thisfalL MeNitt Oslashs. The pleea to ace a liae of men's iaaael shirts ia at MeNitt Galashs. By allsMsasfpte Deyo for toilet aaapa, parf aaws, aad iae toilet arti elas. We earry the krfsst stock ssd sell atariaaaathataaita. MeNitt fc Gal- Oar stock is eaaiplete ia ear liaes arises steal half the wsaaL MeNitt AGalaaha, H. B. Siswas haa saved iato his raaaatly aeaired rasideaee, the old Tinker property. Mrs. 8. R. MeBnda has moved into the Boatley property as 6th aveaae aad Elm street. B. M. Martin aad family are now iaaly lenatad in the Moon block just over their stare. Underwear, yaw never saw as nice aeteek aad tka law pricee eatch yoa. MeNitt 4k Games. The Nehrsaks aad Kansas Farm LanaOa. waat all the good farm leans they aaa get. - tf Anytktag ia tka liaa of f araitare sarpets, wiadew shades, etc., at lowest pviaaa at F. Y. Taylor's. if yoa are gatag ta bay a earpet yaw will savs money aad get the beet by selling aa F. V. Tayler. Do Wist a Calk aad Cholera Care, la ahraye oafs aad always aare. We roinmmend it C L. Cattiag. Laaaa nsaao Maaw ra tea af Uteres ' by aha Nebraska Kansas Farm Lean :0a. Money ready aa aaaa aa papers ara aicaad tf J. H. Bailey kaa $50,000 to loan on good farm aad atty property. Farm laaaa eight per seat aad less. City asa war aaat Mia. Keayoa 8kaaa and family have marod bank ta Bad Ckad, aad have mated tka koaee lately aaeapiad by B. M. Matflia. Da Wttt'a Liatla Ksrly Risers. Beet, little pifl far Byspepeia, Sear itimsihi. BadBreatk. Said by C. L. Gottiag. TheDraggiat. Two mare Pages have been added ta tka piaamaiia af tkia eity. This two JkavJ. W. Pagg praaaatad to her kemMl'a pair af twins. Ga ta MeNitt dk Galaaha for a sailer made muta, Wa will aava yoa frees tve ta tea dollars. This is, the reaaea wa take aa many orders. It la reported that tka ssleeaa of tkia aky kava boon arnrtaba,aaed byamaa aaoasd Wkise af Kaasss, for eottioclmalsoaar from the elects af wbiek ke baaaasa iatariaatod sad afkairtlaralady af her age; rsea, tkaFriaoa of Wales, is Mat aa aaat Avar s lair JwrnCp MB. amvwMI, aaTslKaaV late yet. -s antS-1 BBPJ0) MM ama J"? "?. MrMUMMNMIIi iVMUtMt Jama M. Bp, Lnbrlto, Ay. "war plaint yams I nns snaistai atPBft PeBBjBW W IB - . - WUBaaBmdn 'naBi 5? t K '-I MHtlkfMlOaMlB BOewNrt Mil irm r r - - EUBCTBIC IPASKS. Il imi fcat jtoirr ' ' BaaAWaaad Avar's kauri . ..m.:. M....... :. ;: I - - - - - lliiifcsnti aTlaiiaiiSw Issnwaatmsasm ' . t ? f rr- twmw (bvhi .( KC.UVSL I mmmim-- mmmm m -i mmmrmm. bbia mm w 1 i & i -. - . . ..a . i mm. mm mmmm mmmnwm ot ik w v - b wrmmmmmmz m- v "' m'Sl JT"'W -rwT TL Z ! WIWIMI W UMIB. IJSBt ad aBOM WiMiS BM BSS BSSa SM m - . - .. iL. - WMiWBSnB . .... riBMte m gMfTik. - - A-iyiBljaiiihi fh-V i',thf -hs.i, wi . .i ; ;glg"f -?ft SSS PS TiSSB'XS&.ZZ -. &&& fttJSSSi.'i. C 'f fsswaaMjaajsj-Tnaaaj. MTrnWUm! ..&& asa aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBi BBBBBBBmBBBB , saswaBBBWB BBBBi aaBBBBB i a m.asBBBi bbfbk BBmraRBmBBBBBr arawaBBBBBawwsBPSBi asBBr OBaBBBBam aarwrmaamM maskBB '-waaai bbi .maaak aaa saBMHisaBieBmBHHiMa - a mm - mkaA mam aja. .aLat ia po wpeaBBwaar warn bbbbbbbi aaaamsmi mar akaBBBBawaaammw awar :w mBBw-ep asBBBrBBmar'Bar aasaai aav .awaa BBBBwaaaaw umaBBar aar BBBaewamai , awaa aBBBBBaBBBBBraBBBBBBBBBBBamar mBBBBBBBKBawaar bbbbw .Tt . : ??L'ZmmMmmmsmi-W- mnnam jssst. iaiw aaa aeritooa wajeaainpaay ssiiat - ' --e - - aaawaanmsaamOTBaaaB. ar-.-- .. . - ... ... C'-,V.. , --"3&:- -rzt-r , r "v --ar-'- - waaw avaw ma ma? a, -. at . aaBwraa bb aa bbbbbbbbbbbtt wbbb, bbb .sbbbbbbbbbbi BBBBBBnaBBBBB bbbbbbbp mimm aBBBBBBBBB aawa aa aaam bbbbbbbbbbbbbbw v.. tt ' y; ar r t t s . jbb bbbbbbbe- -- - at r , 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBamv . . -j ....-.... o 1. M-.,wj..a.-bi ...... . . r-'y-.Bg"- r .. ss t, -. -. .. ,1 l aaaa jama aama smaa natu am nh swsa'TSJrSa'.r'g 'B'C ' " -- -' - .-- ,- .. - m wW FrNtajr cremlaa;, a. Aral, ena analf T the IwbelMM to . brilllamt taJmera aa the west. Every fkrwcr,lkreraa4 nanH. mwfCuiBmmm ewaaraJtBsWnl awwraTaajav. aVavama Come in sad see the ae qasrters of Tab Chief. Editor Wsrrea wss ia Liscola this weak on basiaess. Mr. aad Mrs. Wcathersl rstarasd ta Hebron, Taesday. Vashti Gardner is here oa a week's visit smong old frieads. We have the best sail yon ever ssw for $G,50. MeNitt A Gslnths. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gsfdnsr, came down from Orleans to attend the fsir. Mrs. Westhersl and cliildrea were visiting st Mrs. S. F. Sokesf elds this week. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. ehnrch will be postponed one week on scconnt of the fsir. The Aid Society of the M. . ehnrch will meet with Mrs. A. C. Hosmsr Friday Oct lOtk. Gso. Evaas, brother of Mrs Wm. Emigh aad Mrs. P. Jones, is here on a visit from Pennsylvania. Bead MeNitt A Gslasha's new ad ia this issue. It will always pay to read what they have to ssy. Although everybody cries hsrd times, Wiener hss his store crowded feller with goods thsa say season be fore. Attorney J. N. Rickardssaddasgh ter Florence, of Beatrice, were ia the city this week. They left for home Taesday. J. H. Bsiley hss $50,000 to losa on good farm aad city property. Farm loans eight per cent and less. City ten per cent If yoa desire yonr wstches, clocks, sad jewelry repaired by aa expert hand leave them with T. E. Penmen in Cotting's Drag Store. 52tf CoSns wood cloth and metalic cas kets of the best grades and lowest prices. Ictelligeat care of the dead a specialty by F V Taylor. If you waat weaviar doae call oa Wm. Huffman, Bed Cloud or leave orders at Chas. Schsffait's. All kind of carpet weaving done on short no tice. It is bard to get good and reliable boots and shoes, C.Wiener has some that he csn guarantee and sell at no higher prices than are -asked for ia ferior goods. Dc Witt's Little Early Risers. Best Liver Pill ever made. Cure Consti pation every time. None equal. Use them now. Jbor sale st C. L. Cottmgs. The Druggist. If you want jour name, monogram, emblem of any lodge, or sny other de sign cutting on your watch, it will be quickly and artistically done by leave ing it with T. E. Penman st Cottirg's drag store. oztf There is one medicine thst will cure immediately. We refer toDe Witt's Colic and Cholera Care for all summer complaints. No delay' no disappointment, no failure. We sell it; C. L. (Jotting, Jtke Druggist. Now is the time when yoa will went to it yonr children out with shoes. C. Wiener hss still a large line left aad will sell them at less than cost for the reason that he will not handle women and childrens' shoes hereafter. We recommend De Witt's Colic and unoiera uare because we believe it a safe sad reliable remedy. Its good effects sre shown at once in cases of Cholera Morbus and similar com plaints. Sold by C. L. Ctttiae the draggist Mr. C. Wiener, one of our popular clothing merchants hss returned from we esst wnere ne nss been isytnr in a fine line of fall and winter clothing. Mr. W. is a thorough business msn, aad the people will slwsys find him in the field to sell goods. Some boys tried to est fire to John Psrkes' building on Sundsy night. Fortnnstely a gentleman heard of their plot and nipped their little game in the bud. The boys will be apt to get into trouble over the mat ter if the persist in doing such things. We understand thst F. P. Shields of the Alliance Knight at Blae Hill has instituted libelous proceedings sgaiast R. A. Simpson of Blue Hill, aad U. G. Knight of Campbell, for certain criminally libelous articles published ia the Campbell Press, of recent dste. The Great Family Weekly is now located one door north of its old stand. We now have n very neat aad commodious omce wnere we are pre- psred to do all kinds of plsm snd or namental job and book work. We hope our friends will tske the pains to call aad see as whea in the city. We will try and treat on nicely. On last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Msry Miller, a well kaowa aad very estimable lady of this eity, was united in marriage to Mr. Alex Pat ten, n prominent business maa of Al ma. The newly wedded couple left for their new home in Alma oa the evening train. Their friends in this city wish them god speed snd 'many days of happiness. """ Will Emigh of Bed Cloud, is su premely hsppy. His stsllioa. Lyenr gus, got n trotting record af 2:29 at the Topeka, Kaa.t fair, ha beatiag reurteen competitors. Hie horse horse Blaa was purchased of D. J5. Davis, Spriags. It is a sea of Aberdeen snd a fine individusl animal. Mr. OdoU af Liacola haa a half brother of Ly- cargas and this record for a Ivoyear old adds to the valaa ef OdeU'a horse aa wall as Lycargas. State Journal. The Band of Hope under its pros eat emeieat maasgemert is getting along aioely, aad every 8aadayahuwa or momhcrshin, imtt Sabbath, the band aalebratod Mrs. FraaaiaWaiardV&lst birthday, aad the exereisee eoaaisted af some exool- lent siagiag and reaitotiaaa by botk oMandyaaag. Xiariag the earvieea Mms Blanche Shermaa was praasatod with a haadscete culd ssodnL whieh taw dtf ; We city. eUjswwe prove nam jmm If yaw waat ftma Mrtmamy aw uveelslaaej uwewemi sea ewaa em maw ntee awM mama aw a em asm. Wa have the the heat ejmaHfy. We have JI the yet Msedaltr. saw we wHI mU j prcscrtptiasal am receipts was pave alrawa, amel at toweat awt- CCTTtNG rmtNTWMM District court eeaeneed last Mon day. John G. Potter, ia baildiag aa ad- ditiea to his resideaee. Will Emit aad his banc Lysur- gas, is home agsia after several weeks oat oa the tarf. A. M. Walters snd F. A. Sweety, promiaeat attorneys af Blae Hill were oa oar streets oa Monday. Premature crav whiskers should be ealored to prevent the appcaraaee of age, aad Buckingham's dye ia by far the best preperatioa to da it The New York dry goods store bat closed its doors. We kape it will be oalv a temborarv embarssmcal to Mr. 8chaffeiL mwweaial atearieter Mrs. Peter Coaover has retained home from Hot Spriags, Dakota, where she has beea for her health. We are blessed to note that aha is improved ia health. Our public schools under the maa agement of Prof. Daum nnd bin able corps of sasistaatt is progressing fine ly. We hope to tea a deep interest taken in the schools by parents. Msny young children become posi tively repulsive with tore eyes, sore ears, aad scald head. Sueh aflietioas may be speedily removed by the use of Ayer's ssrssparilla. Young nnd old alike experience the woaderfnl bonefits of this medieine. L et tb republicans stay by the state ticket. The gentlemen are good, straight, elean men, aad are men who will do their daty for the people if elected. The Cmir is per sonally acquaiated with a number of the candidates sad believes that they are good men aad will be elected in November. Oar yoaag friend. Art Howard the handsome msn who is head manager in R. A. Handy'a lumber yard is the possessor aad oecapaat of as Bice a dwelling house as there is sny need of. Art shows good taste in fixing up his yard by putting in waterworks sad other wise improviag the prem ises. When fiaished it will be a nite residence. The independent tieket is compos ed of a variety of men who have ideas that woald certainly be miaous to our state interests. The people should set down on the wild cat theories that are presented by them from the faet that they sre only advanced beeaase thev soaad plausible, aad are apt to catch votes, and not because they are ever expected to be put iato operation The men who are pratiagthem before the people well-know that they are aot practicable or rrasoaable. They are oaly used for bait Messrs Hseker 4 Parker, wha have just sold their grocery store to Janes Bras, are two basiaess maa that Tnx CniEV is sorry to see ko oat of basi aess ia Red Cloud. Both gentlemaa are eouteous aad affable, aad aever sold a pounl of goods over their coun ters, but wLat they made friends. They were csrefal snd conscientious business men snd slwsys did their best to serve their pstroas. Their genial faces will be missed in the business sircles cf Red Cloud. We hope they msy sgsin enter basiaess in this city. Whenever a republican turns aver to the democracy, the democratic papers herald tne giaa tilings nil over the land. A short time saw a West Virginian who, hitherto, had beea a republican, turned t the dem ocracy, aad almost every domeeratie paper ia the Isad fouad spaea ia which to publish his rsaaeae; The latest is a lone trsdesmsa ia Bed Oak, Iowa, whom the Ottamwa Democrat has discovered, aad so ealsted has the Chicago Times become over the dis covery thst it kaa devoted aearly kalf a column of its editorial page to it The converts from democracy to re publicanism arc aa freqaeat that re pablieaa papers have long ago ceased to meatioB them. Ex. It has leaked out that Mr. McKeig han's deaucraiemaasrsdonotpro peae to have him meat ia joiat debate any af tka republican orators wha have takea the time lead trouble ta lean the facts and peetthemeelvee ia regard to his wild aad rambling state ments aa tka tariff aad fiaancial ques tions. The faet is that MaKogkaa ia raaaiag his campaign aa wiad, aad is saWtitating for real things tkee- ties irbiob an bat the vagarieo of aia awa aaaalaaood miaa. Aay fool make statomoats, bat H raaahro man of sober, soaad judgmeat aad gawd eeaee aa naaeosj with ths gnat qaastiaas that an ataatiy prsssatiag themoolvasia admiaiotratioa of a soimamsat taa liaa ours, aad aot abrokoa dowa aaliriaal Lwaalaal saian aaaa aH mea aaa whooo whole life aaa aaaa aaa ef rauaro.aiiaaea 1 ' mm - " . . - ihi ww mm mrMM mmmwm. mmmmm w m omv .iBaaa mmmmmi a BBaHkA aa aan - . m mmw wm .mmw au. -rz?z" .tt: rL. z - t: - .'.-?v?r- ... ewaasra or not aawB ss 11 - r - r:.. aaTma- a. - , BBwamaa thWasaBaT- aMaaaana aaaaaaaa mmmmmm mam aammai - r- T1.-W-- . muau aaapaBBamsmnm oanmmBsmwaaaaBBinmwammm a. annr Amw. i;icki.t avi umw. About clevea o'clock 8atareay eight aar altmsns wore agaia otartiea ay tka sharp report f the fire alarm. Ia a few miaatea a Urge crowd wore aa their way towards the south wsrd, where Jskc Nye's and Gee. Gilford's karat were oa fire. The barns were filled with kav aad other combustible material, aad before tka fire wupart- meat arrived the buildings ware eee aajted. bat by the emeieat service af the department the fames were pre veated from goiag to aay other baild iags ia that viciaitv. There seems to be bat very little doubt eat wkat tka barns were tat aa fire, aa the blase was first discovered ia a hay stack aear Jake Nye't barn. Whoever is doing this kind af basi aess should be dealt with severely st there should be no excuse for people ia these days, whea times are hard aad everything dimcalt to gst, to be so onery and despicable as to bum down poor mens buildings nt lsast. Setting out fires is mesa eaoagh any way, bat to ban apall a maa has ia still meaner aad the perpetrators should be severely dealt with if ap prehended. The loss by the two fires will aot reach more thaw $300. From a political staadpoiat Tat Caitris sgaiast Mr. MeKeighsn, from tke reason tkat we believe kis aomiaatioa was brought aboat through theageaey aad coaaivasce of tka democratic party. Ha kas several times beea the eaadidato of the dem- ocratic party, aad we do aot believe At kta twforaiiuia ! aiaacr. . iaily that part of it, where he avows that he hat left the democratic breth - kb. Wa have kaowa Maek for years, aad believe that he is aethiag more than a free tnde democrat, aad tkat ke hss beea agitstiag thst ques tioa for the sole aad oaly purpose of getting to congress by hook or crook. We do not propose to desl ia his oficial position while jadge of Web ster county, his reeeafiie hero and oar people know what it is, bat we do propose to fight him politically be cause of his democrat proclivities, es pecially when we have si good a re publican us Mr. Harlan running sgaiast him. Republicans eaa aot expect to gala anything by voting for MeKeighan, because if he is cleoted he will be a democrat all the time. We hope the republicans of the 2d district will investigate Black before they conclude to vote, for .him this fall His politicsl theory is a fallaey aad if put into execution would be the ruination of the government. Let every republican vote for Harlan, n sound and well qualified repubhesn who will do his duty for the whole people if elected to congress. . Kesawveel. I have moved my jewelcry stole to the room with F. V. Taylor, the fur niture msn, where I shsll be glsd to see nil of my customers, nnd nil those who are in need of jewelry, watches, clocks, etc. Call and see me in my new quarters west side of Webster 8t 10 tf Lou Vance, The Jeweler. School report of district No. 56, for the month ending Sept. 26th, 1890. Namber of scholars carolled 38 gea eral average 32. Nsmes of pupils aot abteat are as follows: Ettio Britten, Bessie and Grade Smith, Eva aad Bess'e Allea, Jessie snd Nellie De Wolfe, Naney, Rosa, Aanie nnd Ethel Means, Claudo Shirley. James Cslvin nnd Willis Spraeher. Mait Cockball, Teacher. Wm. Loagbotham, A. Calmer, F. D Hadlcy, and EL Lightfoot have made the big Injun's pocket book swell up like n toid this week. Thanks. wMaCkaMkacrMfer PaJatMMs. Carriage, sign aad house paia tiag Hsrd wood fiaish, graining, etc, Shop opposite Piatt's Lumber Yard. Al work guaranteed. C. MYERS. Cera far Sale. 3j00O bushels com in crib for aale at Riverton, Neb. A. A HtrMMxn. Children Ory for Pitcher Cattorta. People who desin drsyiag doae with promptaess aad dispatch should always hire John Berkley's teams. John is aa old hand at the business nnd will do your work well. Terms reasoaable. 1-tf Itch, manga, nnd ncratehan m hnmau o animals cared ia thirty minatoa by Wool ford's sanitarj Lotion. This nevsr fails. seta hv L. H. Dsv dnsrkt, sd Ctoai ia time. Tow hava too assay gray hairs for ewe soyonag looking. Us HsH's Hair Kmmwct, the host proparation oat to euro thorn. Try it. Nerve easel Liver Pills. AaJaaortaatdiseoTsry. They act aa thoIiTeo,stoaiachaad trolethoagh tho A now prineiaal. They sassoly f aote, tornM utst tipatkm. 8lsae1i tor man 00 at S. L. Cottia. sMekYi I am aaw mahiag ariok at mj jari aaat af MU Ciena1, any aaa waatiac gaad ariek far founasteoas er ofcim aejs, will do well U aall aa asa aa fata aayinf elsewhere. Prieoa reaa- WMMMaLrLVMM OhlMroaOryfsr utsss. tOdoees forW eoats. aamals T w 1 B ar - SO BBa " ST w ' - - - w - - - mm - SBBBE... WBBBBBBl aammeai (HHHHatkIaaa mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWf - : Aad new it tarns oat after years af brscxiac en Jtoataska, that t no Jar mors af tkat staUaew admit tkat it Wafstrare aaaa agriealtarsl state. Frees tka recent reports thai eeme thrawgk tka trass at that state, it seema teat taey art ia a vary aeoti tato eoaditlaa and will be obliged to give aa their homes this fall to tka money loader, who, aa a rale haa loaned asore thsa the lead ia worth . Five years ana Nebraska rare it eat to tka world tkiuegk her newspnpert tkat ska bad great advantages to offer to tka eaugrsnts aeakiag a homo, and ibeeeaede of Iowa people weat tier.-, aad aatO reeeeiW, were suppesed to be doing well. Bat there in ho dodg ins? tka faet, Nebraska is a failure as a nlaee far farmer s, er else tke far mers, assembled ia their voatiee. there are the biawcat set of liars aa earth . Oar Iowa people wha waat there ears ago, may be expected to retun ia prairie aakaaacrabetweea now aad winter. Let them eeme. We will welcome them back to a state when every iadastrioas maa eaa do well Kaoxville (Iowa) Joaratl. The above is oae of the legitimate outgrowths of the sgitatioa whieh is sweepiag our state today. The press of the esst is beiag filled with jast this kiad of belderdssb, maeh to the dis credit af Nebraska. If somethiag is net aaaa doae to ceaatereet sueh ia fiecaees, farms in eastern Nebraska wbiek today are beiag sold at from $35 to $45 per sere will go begging for purchasers at half that price. Then an grevious wreaga which should be righted, laws whieh should be appealed, others amended aaAaew aaea made ia the iaterest af the pro daeer aa agsiast capital, bat the sneer tioa that oar state, aa a state, is bank net is false aad mislssdiar, Then f ay "ea who sre baakrupt bat l ! Btabla as the laws ef the Modes aad the Persiaas could aot pat wealth ia their heads snd keep it were. Uwiag to the dry toasoa m Nebnskn this yesr, as ia maay other states, there will be tome lead ia the aewly settled parts of the west which will be sold for the mortgsge, oat we ehalleage the records to show thst tea pieces of farm lands have sold ia this county under the hammer ia the past five years. If the former who can sell his farm today for NO per acre waceeeds in forcing the untold millions of dollars to remain in the east until his farm will bring bat half tkat amount, who is to blame bat him te:ir ssuuoers county wss never more prosperou thsn it is today, aad we eaa bay aay coaaty of our rise in the state of Iowa aad have a good margiB left Wahoo Wasp. Dwight sad Walter Jones are now nicely located in their grocery store recently purchased from Hseker dk Parker. The boys sre heady behind the counter and csn dispense groe er ies in n way 'that shows thst they are BOtBOvioosia the basiness. Thx uniir wisnea the arm lots or pros perity aad believes thst thsy will aot only ueey the patrons of the firm thst they bought out but will succeed i gaining many more, A Letter of Iaterest lYeaa the Northern Now York and Vermont are daisy countries and the people bore bad an Kua that taey couMmake better but ter and choose than could be made in the west, bocauee their grasses wore bet ter; but tbey are willing to concede now that the dairy products of the west ern otates an fully equal to them. They very seldom have a drouth there, in fact, it rains too much. It rained nearly every day for three weeks when wa were there and I waa forcibly ro- ssinded of the dieagreeabhmeos of a con tinned rain. The last wo saw of New York it waa etill raining. On arming at the great depot in Chicago, of the Bur lington route, wo noticed how toperior it was io any uuiiuujg ut m aua in km east. It is anacioua and convenient, and we feel nt homo there for we know wo will bo informed when our train goes, and will not bo allowed to go wrong. In moat of the eastern depots, oven in the great city of Boston, you urn supposed to look out for yourself and find your way by sawJag ausetiooa. Wa noticed also that wa had fouad nothing like the oosafortablocara they hava on thie B. k Mroad. Wo rode from Chicago to Lin coln in the finest chair car lever caw. A person dons not need to take a sleeper whea thev can tnral in as coaifortablo can aa that, free of extra charge. The chain an far enough apart so then ie plenty of room, andtben is a porter to look after the comfort of all in tbo car, and to see that no one goto your chair if you get off nt any of the stopping placoa, aad then ia all tbo convoniences of asleeping car. I am proud to say that we bars on this RAM. railroad in Ne brsak ths finest care and the kindest snd most socossodeting oAciala of aay wa found on our journey. We ware glad to get back to Nebraska. Emma B. Kiricsrr. ujatscw. The seeretsriee of ell the towaship aad school distrie. nen-partisna pro hibitory ameadmeat leagues af Web ster coaaty sn hereby requested to send forthwith to the undersigned s list of their respective ofieen, name of lesgae, aad P. O. address ef each secretary. C. Scbskcs, See'y. Co. N-P. A. L., Bed dead, Neb, Fear Male. 20 Bess! ef ahoats weighing from 3 to 50 Bonne's for sale at a Wrgsia. P. F. Scott, Amber. larw I karo two ef tke roatSaa uetoasm orbotitof I will 1 TEFharaaa, apbySswasaeimBBaiaa ntnsaf njjnoaaaasajalof aantaa WytwaZ faVammssmaa aaawmaaajr mamn amrnw anWBBnmmWnva smmwa mf BmBBBBBBj amBBBBBmTa mwmsva bbbbj maaanumnunnTX amunf Take of Asa nan. 1 aaSr sssaaasa asans sassw alS srSUi ssssatammmwao awasasvem wan I UsafcasaaTaboaSeo namsha obi ah ' MtmJakn A Clarke waa 'a grant I , I H f saiaur nrean indigestion a4 stoki . I nwawmwmwaraTH 1 j headache. She left ker Satarday ta bay a nott!e of DaW hte Little marly Risers, tonka daaaaad Mr headaobe disappeared at myetir ieeoly aa it eeme. Try thorn: tald by C;L. Cattiag. Wasted, to trade several deairable aieset af towa troaerty. for aad eattle. H W GuLLiroa. "-iJCisAfcSES Miles T. Hayes Patent - Collar ! For ale by J. O. BUTLER Bed Cloud, Buckeye Haxnew shop. For a Tmaramani cattwm AttcsHi tme ATCnultOM Business College I Atchtsam, Maaaae Wrlncwswana frsWalsra. Elegant calalegas mslteS free. D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Agew' Red Cloud. Praclaasatlaa. Whrbkab. A Joint reMlutloB wan ted by the lrgisuture of the nuts ol Ne brsaks, at the twenty-lnt seaskm thetvaf and spproved February I3tb, A. P. lav, propeaiaff an asiendSMnt to the coantKu ikm of nakl state, and that aald aawa4 MRt shall read as follow to-wtt: SeeUou 1: That at the general eleeOen to fee held on the Tuesday suoceeOint the flrst Mondhy nt Normber, A. 1. isnv thera haU be submitted te ths electors ef this state for atproTal er rt: Jeettoa an awendment to the cnastKatlea, ef this state In words as follows, "The auaHfaeture, sale and keeping for sale ef lHtnikallafr liquors as a beverage are far erer prohibited In this state, ad the letlslatwre shall proTide by law for ths eafbrteasest of Him provision." And there shall alas at ssdd Heetlea be seMrafeiy submitted to tea electors 01 ims suse for their approval or rejection aa amend stent to the constitution of the state M keeping (or sale of iHtevieatiaR llouers as follows: "The mamifacture. sale as a beveniKc sliail be licensed ana reicuiatew bylaw. Heetlea Z: At such election, en iIh bal let of eacb ekxtitr Tottns fortbepmiioeei aaseadSMBts to the constitution, shall be written er printed the words: -For nesed amendment to the constitution. hibiUHg tho manufaeturr, sale and keep rag for sale of Intoxicating lienors as a beverage." or "Against the iropMed amend ment to the coiiMltuUon prohibiting the ma ufeeture, sale and keeping for sale of b toxical iucliiU'rii9 a beverage." There shall abut lie written or printed on the ballot of each elector voting far ths proposed amendment to the constitu tion, the words: "rr proposed mens to the constitution that the farrsre. sale and keeping for sale of tesleaUnsTsKiners asa beverage la this af.tt llA 11a...iaI av .iimiiIi t t Km Ia. er "Agalast said proposed amendment in the oonstKatton that tlie manufacture, mht aaa aeeatag tor saie or intoxicating iManra as a beverage shall be licensed aad ngulsled ay ww." nee-lea 3: If either of the said ed sawaameats shall be approved by easetlea, then It ahaM constitute section twenty, seven 1271 of article fllef the eeasthatlea af msiniiii ec tne eieciors vutiac as ine tat state. Tberefere. I. John M. Tharer. oi use state ot peeraasa, o give notlee la accord eeee with tarJon aad the provMea of the act titled "aa act to provide tho nmnnsr af in arucie anern iui er iae sabmintnglboaametbti an aaseadmeats to the ssats." Approved Vevtmn enaa voters he aah. U. HTf approval er rejection at the general tohehrMoatheahday of November. D. In wKaess wntreof I nereante art my sand, doaasetobe atUed the creat ami ef the Bhtteef KebraAka. Dene at Liacola this mm day ef Jnry, A.l. isn. and the Mth yesr eftho state, aaa et we laoepenoeaee ec as vam States tswonehaadredSfteoath. By the (leveroor. JOHX M. THATKB. BajMAXur B. Cowemr, uau pccretary of state. 1 ae of aa order of sale imasd from theosscaaf L, M. rort, chift of the dtstrlet eaart of asfi KM lailelaldlstrkt.Wl hla aad for Wi Xebrsska. epeu a 1 as-Tee la an action theiem. waortlu WBBSrn Brecit la aaalwtMhaA. luhm eiorfor sale at pobi. BwaVMP fSC Camma asa assaUl hand. ah tho at Bed Clam, ia W Xehraaka. ftbal behar the hoUdiag whan mat term af said eoart wss balden) on Use walk amy fOctaajcr A. a. I atl orchwp.m.etaalddy, CVImsnwa nWfJVmVuT wSVfat JmWj toarter wfistHmtwtatriaiht (at) la (D north, range elevca (ll) west ef em p. m.m wewaaer ewoety. jtebraaka. fiivea aader sty hand ha SJi aay ef September A. D mm Br O. a Taas. Dtanti. v.. rutavacao. risiawa s ZZK-z SsttrsrJkT manBBBBBBBBBhmmr Aiawswswswswswmwswk m swammmmmmmunmmV "''I anmmmmmmmmmmuncsm r-v'-kawswswswswswswswswswV ":'-iVawswswswswamH wawswswswswswswaB ' 'LmammmmmmmHnwsr - Usanawammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmur 'jPBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm nWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm BWaWaWaTBBWaWaWaWsws jjBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw bbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh nW Inwawawawsl . 1 awft KBBWaWaWaT 9- awawLf: awU aawawawawawawawav ia gaaaaaKmBBBMBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnw .f - AsmurVSmmnaBBBBBBmnV 'KnVwrmnsmmmmauB ' 'limNuwawawawB nnBnwaWaWaWam Lwsnuffimaawawawawal . fssswfe aBBHBa'nuBBBBBBnmmmmmmmmmmmmmurl 'w'-nwMnw9nwawawawama? anjsnuBgapapapBpBpBpBpBpBnt . iXnsssssssssssssssssssssssaUBw Maansssssssssssssssssssssssav ImmmmmmmmmmmvnaBB: vaaaaaaaaaaaaaata. aaaa? jubtu ht eosstawoea bars si She aaraoaa JLm epQafimfi amt iM"id Bhweh mob. a. . max 1 Mining aa sa mom eat se Sjsetim Thsr. tea (0 of ArneJe Mx (C of she foain taaoaof said atatej shot sM P.Wl'Taa snamoaa ssaa teas as ssaewe. imm Oslo eU oraahras avwa: ahaaanjs: Tho jaams of the mi nm Si lf3 ammr at mamT earn UA r jsrr-irrsrb,isa. m naSeea as1 sa - - ? saaaensn ana eaanms oaanaanj nomw satsi njpmmmmmmmmmr i ii i i i IN TIMES Like Everybody Must Be Saving. We are willing to help you do it, and have used every effort our long experience in this business has given us to buy good serviceable goods for ready cash, obtaining many bar gains, which we will give you the benefit of. No house in the state can offer you lower pri ces, and but few, a larger stock of Clothing, Boots, and Shoes to trouble for us to show Gmtdeu Bmgie Cimihim$f k WARNER & WOLFANGER, PROl'RIKTOltS OF ni But Wa hATe JoaH rweived oar Iakb aiook of NEW Ooofl We tell a cttatom mAde plor aboe for 1.35, brmt over went out of Bed Cloud for Use imoiiej Wa kava alee alsdjes f ae doas.aaattoe shoe, also ia Mat for $1.73. Kvert pair wanaatea. Far oktMrea'a shoos we kava tka swsadard kraada tka Little Giant asa else tka Waverlv etkeet tkat. T&eoe are iae bom in ths wend, fftsmtst Before nuroksoiac aitawkera Fort Abstract L. R FORT, Xhhw. Ahmirmeim mt Title, WmkktA to All Lemda la WeMer Cowjity, AocnrAtelj and u bhuai City Lnreiy, Feed and Sale Stable W A. McAVOY, Props, First-class Rigs and Good Teams. Boarding by day or week, good hay and feed for teams. Come and see us. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. J. H. BAILEY Abstracters, Real Estate and Farm Loan Agent Red Cloud, Nebraska. AbrffacwoT tttle IWiBfaari THE TRADERS Wiu. IT POSITIVELr Lower man any WWBm mm WwTji Fkamk A Kunnm. Por. P M .. These, select from. It 13 you our goods. no C. WIENER, Htiie. CoM Red Cloud, nuriuic Wl I SHe SUfe m UH.fOntT IfABABta, Baa Clean, Nth. cwMsfafr s pHwcUr. usanatso. "aiaon hoaii lad . -r LUMBERCO. yard la die world t Hm IBlwPKaWwWN -ri - C m m -t ii H Sf I '-? n.- r , --. " A "' " . Dill: The aat ana aba won reoewtlT nt a eentoat ia nwawawaanssss