The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 26, 1890, Image 4

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Be Mm yeu ret Ayer and ae
ether, autl take, it till the pot-oaoes
add it tl.oronshly expelled from the
system. Wc challenge attantkm to this
twtimsny :
A.'x two years ago, alter angering
for in-wly two year from rheaasatic
jont , being aWe to walk only with great
(iisnmifort, aad having tried various
.--medics, including mineral waters,
nitltotit relief, I saw by aa advertise-
meat ia a Caicsfo paper tliat a maa bad
bcea reUered of tais.distresVing eoes
plaiat, after leas; saferiag, ay takiag
.Ayer's Barssparilla- I thea decided U
aaakeatrialef this Baedlciae, aad tsek
it resjalarly for eickt asoatas, aad aat
pleased to stste UaU it has effected a
complete care. I have siace had no re
turn of the disease." Mrs. B. Irving
Dodge, 1 W Went 125th St., New York.
"One Tear ago I wis taken ill with
inflammatory rhenmstism, being con
fined to my lioase six months. I csme
oat of the sickness very much debili
tated, with no appetite, aad my system
disordered ia every war. I commenced
using Ayer's Ssrssparilla aad began to
improve at once, gaining in strength
and soon recovering my nsnsl health.
I cannot asy too mach ia praise of this
well-known medicine." Mrs. L. A.
Stark, Kashas, N. H.
Ayir's Sirsipirillii
Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co, LowsH, Mass,
friwl;sIzsttlcs,$S. Wertka&atottlt.
ghe ed hud Qltief.
rFrMajr, Sept. M, lt.
Entered at the Fost OMee in Bed Cloud, Neb.,
as mail matterol the second class
A gM ha misuser for 1ft cents
at M m Stahl's.
Flower psti tn Cottiogs.
Harry Markell of Lincoln is in tbe
Hava Tonr DresoriDtions filled at
Latest styles is carpets at F. V
Gomrt will set next week. Don't
forget it.
Bay paints sad oils of- Deyo and
save money.
Anew line of pictnre motldings at
F. V. Taylors.
The best insect powder and flj
paper at Deyos.
Trmnks and valices, clegaut stock.
McNitt Jb Galasbs.
If yon want tbe best bny the Wbite
for sale by F. V. Taylor.
Deyo will sell yon machine oil
cheaper than any one dare.
Mrs. Blakely and daughter, is visi
ting with I. Frisbie and family.
New millinery goods at Mrs. S. R.
McBride, in the New York Store.
Do not fail to call and see my stock
of window shades. F. V. Tatloe,
Wc hare the over coats for yon
this fall. McNitt & Galusha.
The place to sec a line of men's
flannel shirts is at McNitt & Galusha.
By all means go to Deyo for toilet
soaps, perfnmes, and fine toilet arti
Mrs. Ella Canning of McCook is
visiting her parents, C. C. Cox, and
We carry the largest stock and sell
at prices sthat suits. McNitt & Gal
nsna. Onr stock is complete in oar lines
prices sbont half tbe nsnal. McNitt
Underwear, von never saw as nice
a stock and the low prices catch you.
McNitt & Galnsha.
The Nebraska and Kansas Farm
Lnan Co. want all the good farm
loans they can get. tf
Onr prists on dry goods, notions,
boots art the very lowest at
the New York Store.
We sell the best $1,50 ladies shoe
that has ever been plaoed on the mar
ket at the New York store.
Anything in the line of f arnitnre
carpets, window shades, etc., at lowest
prion at P. Y. Taylor's.
The Ntw York Store is headquar
ters ft? boots and shoes. Best goods,
aad lowest prices guaranteed.
If yen are going to bny a carpet
ytnwill save money and get the
beat by calling on F. V. Taylor.
De Witt s Colie and Cholera Cure,
Is always salt and always sure.
We recommend it C. L. Cottiag.
The farmers are generally fixing
p for the winter. They have cat
mp their ton sulks and pit np lots of
Jask Millar lately of tho Blue
Hill Leader, has parchased the Dem
ttrat. Jack U a rattier in the news
paper line.
Leans mad ltoaw ra tea of interes
by the Nebraska e Kaiisas Farm Loan
Ct. Monty ready as soon as pspers
art signed tf
J. II. Bailey has $50,000 to loan on
good farm and eity property. Farm
bant eight per cent aad lets. City
nDo Witt's Little Early Risers.
Btttjlittlt pill for Dyspepsis, Soar
SttasAtfca. Jfa xfrealfc. soM y U. Jj.
Cotting. TheDraggitt.
Ga tt MsNltt sk Galaaha for s
tailor sntdt twits. Wt will save yon
frsm fiv tt ten dsllsrs. This is the
itattti wt take tt many trders.
Childrent shoes, ladies shoe
ltiitt alinntri, and mtns boots
mad tktta at ante that can't
be beat At the New York Store.
If Ttm with tt nsjgthaat a shtt ftr
yawr Vty tr girl that will stand the
wtaraadtaar tf tvery day nsage
IgsWliBiMws aTswarMaw sWaKssWaT VasUlartsBw!
at the New York start.
and Mrs. J. H. Mttrt
tht dth tf tlstir infant
Last FritTtsffht, while
Mr. Mttrt
sktUtM wasstrieksa with a vie- 'aesa.aartsM; iHrnKiMs -hcsi. aad wflldsysur wark wtU. Terms " Wtaktdk Jtaa. - lit the mjetf u ZttZEZittB JSiSSmwLSmmJX M. ii-g J& Jfii! J ffr
Matli tff CasteraiaTsatemsad SmSSSSJt 2S niM-Vh-r BSs wsssaahls. 1-tf ttssaa aw -anus nsmuw. - aaa ay bar gstf heir. Ls-Mss ye SSST!cw-taramswU-ss
mmsMa&s2as& sS2S5w isssMsss&issi rEsarri' ;m-. ;; -. rrr- -rsfiss-wsssas-K.u r
l is--- -- -- w-- ----'-- - - ry -- - - -- sai a - - li . . .- -r- . rau - -' -m -" - - - j . m - - t . -' -.-. . t . - -?-: . ..-. au -h ai nsunw- ' -- L --- . . . - - aanv - -,' s .
3Kt .''. "'.?a-J:Qm Safgr-" i -Jh m m" asannu a ' as- ssawpafc sa sss enuway-swmi - --:-. .-.--' , h o-A --'jpiata 'tuteuwmswey.-xauDm isss, ai j ty-n- ,wi .m ,-. -' b- amwk wies -Mw.swi" - ' ". gL - ya-fctj.gyj-rJ "- ,, i
(samHamBBSmsm etxuuuasuuF.y'. ;-,-' " t'-A- k jf-!'?tr'P!?f9S fatJsHu tJjWa Eyt? ,IP5ig' aaf tx4Usmumuunv ' Tt eat .'' smu4 aats f?'? t 5-2AT"a LSSk&m&'iBK&mifk sassaumusau - " a
TrTmsOrl.M tsttjea ml the
Mew Ymffti itwte.
Hen. Jas. MeNeay was ia Omaha
this week.
FrtdWiaton hss retnrned to his
home in the esst part of -the sUte.
Wt have the best salt you ever
saw for $6,50. McNitt & Galnsha.
Go to B A Ilsndy for gcaaiae ctn
on city coaLas he is sole agent here.
Taft Chief is out one day earlier
than nsnal on the account of Jtoving.
Rea'a McNitt it Gslnshs's sew sd
ia this issne. It will always psy tt
read what they hsve to ssy.
Oliver Downs left Ssturdsy night
for sn extended visit in the fsr west.
He goes to California Oregon, aad
Bead S. F. Spokcsfield's nsw adver
tisement in this issue. Mr. S. is one
of onr best business men snd sp).rt
eistes your trade.
If vou desire vour watches, clocks,
snd jewelrv repsired by sn expert
hand leave tnem witn x. xi. rcu
in Cotting's Drug Store. 62tf
Cofins wood eloth snd mctalic cas
kets of tbe best grades snd lowest
prices. Intelligent care of the dead
a specialty by F V Taylor.
If you want weaving done call o.n
Wm. duffman, Red'Cload or leave
orders at Cbas. Schaffoit's. All kiad
of carpet weaving done on short no
tice. My full stock of millinery goods is
now io. Hats snd bonnets in all the
latest styles at the lowest prices at
Mrs. S. B. McBride's. New York
De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best
Liver Pill ever made. Cure Consti
pation every time. None equal. Use
f i 4 n t. n.:.
mem now. rur bij i v. . wMmg-.
The Druggist.
Sam Seal, who has been in Bed
Cloud for the past year has decided
u, move to Bcllaire, Ohio. He leaves
this week. The Chief wishes him
prosperity in his new home.
The railroad land forfeiture bill,
forfeiting 10,000,000 acres of un
earned land, has passed both houses
by a strict party vote. Score another
victory for tho republican psrty. Ex
If you want your name, monogram,
emblem of any lodge, or any other de
sign cutting on your watch, it will bo
quickly aad artistically done by leave
ing it with T. E. Penman at Cottirg's
drug store. 52tf
Genuine canon city coal. . . . $7,50
Coal creek canon coal 7,00
Other cool 6,50
Eastern hard coal 11,50
delivered in your bin by B A Handy
until Oct. 1st
There is one medicine that will
cure immediately. We refer to De
Witt's Colie and Cholera Cure for all
summer complaints. -No delay' no
disappointment, no failure. We sell
it; C. L. Cotting, the Druggist.
Wc recommend De Witt's Colie and
Cholera Cure because wc believe it a
safe and reliable remedy. Its good
effects are shown at once in cases of
Choleia Morbus and similar com
plaints. Sold by C. L. Ctting the
Officer Foe arrested John Wilhehh
son on Saturday for obstructing the
sidewalk. He was taken before Jus
tice Scbenck and released. John
and Abe Kalcy were engaged in a dis
cussion of the merits and demerits of
McKcighan, and-becoming boisterous
drew quite a crowd around them,
with the above consequence.
Don't forget that H B Simons, keeps
nothing but the best gasoline and kero
sene and is selling it at the asms inures
that others do, inferior goods . Bis wag
on traverses every street daily snd he
respectfully solicits yonr patronage guar
anteeiag satisfaction. Try aim.
Wanted, to trade several desirable
pieces of town property, for horses
and cattle. H W Gullifoid.
I have two quarter sections of the
finest farming land in southern Colorado
containing 160 acres each, located in the
"Great San Luis Valley" where a failure
in crops is never known. I will sell one
or both of these farms very cheap.
T E Penmak, CottingB drug store.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
All parties that left watches with me
for repairs, will find same at First Na
tional Hank. Present checks there, pay
charges and take them away.
Miles' Nerve aatl Urer Pills.
An important discovery. They act on
the liTtu, stomach and bowels though the
nerves. A new principal. They speedly
cure billioueuess, bad taste, torpid liver
pfies aad constipation. Splendid fsr men
women snd children. Smallest, ntfldess
west. 90 doses for 25 cents. Sample
ce at 0. L. Cotting.
Brick Tarsi.
I am now making brick at my yard
east of Red Cloud, any on wanting
good brick for foundations or chim
neys, will do well to call on me be
fore buying elsewhere. Prices reas
onable. Fred K. Plumb.
Mrs. John A. Clarke was a great
sufferer from indigestion and sick
headache. She left her home last
Satordiy to buy a bott'.c of I) c Witt's
Little Early Biacrs, took a dose aad
her headache disappeared as myster
iously as it came. Try thea; sold bv
C. L. Cottiag.
- Children Ory for
"tetter's Catterla.
.SUSS K.J. KlBCSMt aSttwhMt kalis
cln MueHni Saturday. geslemssr.M. as
Osjc rreeksswsship ardvktatty; Miss Lena
ninrn ia inririrninifi in mini
itawaante: jaV
. Gtoawvaa and Hamst; T. M.
I; 8.W. atmsr
mnaa. a m --- , Ptt)lt wht dosil d yWg UtUt " awsamunsus mx www mmew www taeataassaejajtwm asawmwiw JgSjiBjSJi SawMUw. sMSas awwtST JJ isamanv ssTam awZmiammlis iw
n. .-I, . . iK. . . v jr--,, .i s - sVMSSEBt. t3aMtns nwsmjipwi' ?T "" 'r' r .t., .. tm,. swrauasvswssmw "y p " "'.r: lasSeBUSSMu TSsas asawawaaw Wf nuwej-w7
TJrfSl- w . .. . wlxa Mtvusattt aaa uuuuusta SBJtata . - www -. sssmaiasmassSsml. fasMSm. wB jaSKasfauswt wuaan asm isr wemmBTmnsny S2awmsawaawslbw4sssn. U . saafV - ,
GtfteaMlEjL&0w.Gmiease-. .i - xv- mj.---.a-. Biak Silk Itft mitts seauTtay sai-mimuu iJ-m-s wi SS5rypifweeat mMam sma tJSTSSS7mZmBCmmtmmantiml!tJSFiS 'EJSSff ?,, r
aSCSal: . lMm. Mad SsWSVS .SuTt altaa aaraltU a SaaBM. --- "Tr . -- -- '", alawi aalaiS. r m W TI a Barrtt hiaj-laal-f saw SSMmTi7Tr-n 1 ! UUBSmuaaa- SUr bmm- mm-
hrtthsrat Urete, -asyais ana waauamm; nmasy itye, Jshamaa oW haad st the haaiaass mmesrsuugmvus,. mmm-eS-EB--s- -?- V 2J1'S: LSS SmmSm7Tm rtmmmwm YrMkrAT,rximSFZSmJZZ
We mawe Use
wer uMsfstm Use eftfjr.
lime mi scmea swppllet tm tkt)
MAmpemciUTrmmeper dec
tm 4w'er mmx.
Ar elegant Hank swrk given
with each taMet r keek.
Ifym sure swim pmlsUemll
a ms tmr prices.
Wall paper anal wlaatow
shasles merer aaM aa law In tnst
city na we are selllna; theni taanjr
We can preve It t yen.
IT yen wnnt a flae Mrtnaay ar
wetltllBs; preseat, set aae afanr
tlae calsl pent ar aeaells. We
sutve the matt eaasplete stack la
Fine pertsunes, sjaaraaf eetl af
tke kest ciaallty.
We nave all tke akave, yet
drags aatl aietllcfnet are anr
specialty, aatl we will sill year
arescrlpUent aatl receipts wltk
pare drags, aatl at lawest art
A. U.
Becker was in the city this
A. S. Marsh has arrived from a trip
over the state.
S. R. Davis of Bloomington, is visiting
O. C Teel this week.
Miss Florence Manning, a typo of the
Courier office of Georgetown, Colorado,
is visiting in the city with Mrs.SadaJ.
Amos Hicks of Lawrence, Kan broth
er of Robert Hicks of this city, is in Rod
Cloud for a few days. He hss lived in
Kansas 35 years and says Kansas is flour
ishing better under prohibition than it
overdid. That's good evidence for the
We understand that the county board
of supervisors have settled the amount
due the bridge company. If this b
true another big debt is released. The
essence of the contract w that the Mis
souri Valley Bridge Co, stand between
the county and all damages accruing out
of any suits that may arise or are in
progress, arising from the board's ac
tions in making settlement with them.
Another surprise party was held, on
Elm street last Monday night. Friends
and neighbors gathered at the home of
Xrs. Lids H.Smith toeekbrste her 31st
birthday. She was presented with a beau
tif ol silver cake stand by a number of
friends, also a sagsr spoon, presented by
Mrs. Gnliford, snd a number of other
oostly presents. The evening was spent
with social chat, and music, after which
the guests were seated at the table spread
with luxuries, of whieh all did justice.
C. A. Robinson has obtained a
tion with the B. & M. at Smyrna.
Mrs. Robinson left for her new home
Mrs. Wheeler, after a short visit with
her daughter Mrs. Hicks, returned last
Wednesday to her home in Illinois.
Mr. Hunter moved his family last Fri
day into Mr. Thorp's house.
Lust Thursday Mr. Blakslee moved
his family to Diller, Neb., where he has
found plenty of work at his trade.
Robt. Thorp and family emigrated
last Tuesday to the Sunny South.
Mrs. Harphan is reported seriously ill.
A message wss received this morning
announcing the death of Thos. Robinson
at his home in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mrs. John Potter and family, a county
charge, was sent Tuesday to her father
in Washington.
The supper held at the G. A. R. Hall
for the benefit of the Baptist church last
Tuesday evening was well attended.
Kissing was the order of the evening.
A. Williams team ran away Saturday
evening, no serious aamsge aone.
Wlllew Creek.
Holliday, died last Wednesday the 17th
after one short week of the most intense
and heart rending suffering. She was a
daughter of Mrs. liewis who was east,
but was telegraphed home before her
death. It was the most impressive fu
neral we ever attended.
Mrs. Si Peterson, daughter of Mrs.
Brubaker, and family stopped a few days
with her mother, enroute to Missouri
from Norton county, Kan.
Mr. Zachery has gone to Iowa, their
future home. We are sorry to lose them
as they will be missed by a huge circle
of friends.
Three of mt. Heytes f smily are sick.
One little girl not expected to live.
Mrs. McClellan and family, enroute to
northeastern Minnesota from Chase Co.,
is stopping a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Sam Frazier.
T. J. Wilder attended county court
this week at Red Cloud.
Mr. Mouahang threshed over six hun
dred bushels of oats. Manitoba.
Boils, pimples, snd skin diseases of all
kinds speedily disappear when the blood
is purified by the use of Ayer's Ssrssp
arilla. It has no equal as a tonie alter
ative, the results being immediate and
satisfactory. Ask yonr druggist for it,
snd take no other.
Paiat She.
Carriage, sign aad house pain ting
Hard wood inish, graining, etc, Show
opposite Piatt's Lumber Yard. Al
work guaranteed.
Cans far Sale.
3j00O bushels corn in crib f or sale st
Riverton, Neb.
A. A. Hummer.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
m .
1 am takiag orders for geauiae Can
on city cosl ia lota off two tea or
more at $7.50 per toa delivered ia
your bin, eastern hard teal, at $11.50
coal treek caanta coal at $7.00 other
coal $6.50, these prices sre reed until
Oct. 1, after whieh etui will raise, I
am giviag my customers tht advan
tage, of tho tat ia freight rates, whieh
last only tt Oct. l,aau would likt
ytar trders plaeed before Sept. 10th
and would raranies yta frat ckas
cosl. Iaav tht exclusive silt tf
eaata tity cttl ia Red Cload, at it
Bdt believe ethers whea they say that
they eaa give yta eaaaa eityettJ, ftr
the can not get it -R. A. HAjrar.
sBBBaajaakap' Ti.-mamjujk BuuassmasuiauaV munnnT amaa aVTSmvsmvsmvsmusaTt' WsTsnuSjf suuTwsv auTsWa awtsssma tsuns - s mi -, Ha wwJ asaHB har aa. anwaW'asuuawtawaT eunjansmnj upsBsssnuu asynnmm easmw smamw Bmaajajajsw sbbswTut auaamjmu'r ajh a-susasuswh i a imr usaaa.
swswj asnc UCeeinea. ? ""rTzT . XaSk m asfsSU arses usat asmsramswir . . -- - . i. rTt ad-m "?? WT? J57HRff awm- .
At the present time there is a fctM
movement on the nsrt of the fanner
sad mochas i es tf this stats to slip the
old political yoke that they have to
long worn, sad maks a staad ftr
themselves ia the hspe" tt betteriag
their cnnJuton sad wielding the
newer that rightly belongs to thei
This ight ia Nebraska seems tt be ia
keeping with the spirit of the times
in many other districts sll over this
whole couatry, and manifests s dis
contented and in dependent feeling
that will tt some extent change polit
ical rale aad tacttc.
A Pittsburg paper tells at that the
air tf Peaatyivania is pulsiag with
premonitions of the grcit polities!
battle. Everything poiats to a polit
ical battle sach as the present gra
eratita has aever witacssed. The
distarbance in Pennsylvania ii traced
to the same fundamental cause as in
Nebraska uprisiag. The oppress'on
of the farmer aid wage worker is at
tht bottom of it all. Hat such a
state of affairs in this state, tuppli
mented with tho amendment ight.
makes one of the most complex cam
paigns ever known and the result is
eagerly awaited.
It is the opinion of the Gaxette
that the voice of the people will be
heard. It bus been heard in that the
old parties have each, placed candi
dates in the leld with a view to
catching the labor vote, and perhaps
with a desire to advance the interests
of this worthy class of citiies. But
notwithstanding this effort on the
part of tbe two great parties to place
unoDjectionaDie men in tnc neia, men
who would be friendly to the interests
of the farmers and laborers, the agi
tation of the oppressed condition of
these classes has become so intense
and exciting that they have not seen
ft to impose confidence in their sin
cerity, but go off on an independent
tangent hoping only to find redress
outside of the present dominent par
An independent spirit is always in
dieative of eventual good. It says to
party leaders, "hear us or go down'
And if a party is slow to aet in a
good cause, it urges and compels it to
hasten or give others an opportunity.
The people must be heard, if not
through one ptrt, then through an
other. But it is also true that in any im
portant movement among the com
mon people, there art maay who
would aet without mature deliberatijoa
and preparation. There are always
disappointed and disgruntled politi
cians who are eager to espouse the
cause of those who elaim to be op
pressed, and often succeed in de
ceiving numbers. 'At a critical time
like this the name of wonldbe Moi
escB is legion. It has always been a
great detriment to the cause at haad
because of unwise and unjudicious se
lection of leaders.
It is our opioion that tho present
movement on the part of the laboring
class will result eventually ia good.
But it will not come through the inde
pendent leaders who have sljly work
ed themselves into confidence, for the
sake of personal gam and the spoils.
The independent psrty will make a
stir and create a political sensation,
and may succeed in defeating local
candidates for office, but relief will
not eome through this move or its
candidates, and it will not be long
till many will be disgusted with them
selves beeauso they wcrt adroitly
taken in and usei by political shys
ters. This has ever been the history
of such moves. It affords aa oppor
tunity for political renegades to pit
themselves as benefactors aad states
men, when they are in reality the most
dangerous class af citizens.
Inasmuch as this independent
movement is withoit stability and
therefore without permaaaacy, those
who slip the old yoke, will be com
pelled to come under again as before
but in a more humiliating attitude.
The principles advocated by the
people's party will in the main bo
carried to the front aad be incorpor
ated in our laws, but the life of tht
separate party will be as grass. The
wind of one campaign passeth over it
and it is gone. Minden Gaxette.
When Baby was sick, we fare her
When she was a Child,
When she became Miss, she
Whan ahs had CMMrsa, sue aavs
A town might as well prepare for
its funeral as to become indifferent to
the enterprises in its midst. Men
who ean not look far enough before
them to see that money placed judi
ciously in a pablie enterprise will
bear a hundred fold ia the appreeia
tioa of their property, art to be
pitied. They sre not the men to pat
their shoulders to the wheel aad build
up the town. They belong to the
class who arc ready to talk all they
caa of some one else's baildiag enter
prise, but are not willing to at aay
thiac themselves. It it tht towa
that has the most eaterprisisg citi-
teas that grows most rapidly.
WlsHcfs AttcattaaX
G. W. Baker, a private iueempany
1, 40th Iowa iulaatry, daring tht war,
a member of Red Cloud mat. O. A. K.
aad a member of the Ambey Alllaste
will address tht oW soldiers. Alliaatt
men aad the public generally at
MarseVs Hall in Riverteu aezt
WedaeadavaisThkSeatemhtr24. All
invited. Riverteu Guard.
Owing to a preview anaeiatsseat ia
tht aeighhorhttd. Tht meeting
called ftr Tuetdvr evsaiac Stat. 23rd
ia tht stoat tchttl htate, uader tht
ausniees of the usu-uartisun usuaihit
try aaeadmeat Issgut hat I
ueued until Msuusv evtaing 8tat
at 8 eeleck P. M. whea Jan. GULas
will lecture ta tht- amsadm t, at
It having been asserted by Mr.
alsKtigttaa himself that tt aad
hat nut alwsys been a democrat, wc
giv tbe following aa his oUsial ret
ard n party lines taken from an cighi
ear's reeoid in Livingsl-H enrnty,
Ilia., au'i five year recent in Webster
tountv, Neb:
1871 Town eleik of 0wro Tp,
Livingston county, 111,, Matted
rsilniad bond in oipis:t.un io
the wishes sni in defiance of
tht prtttfta tf his etattita
tats. 1873 Csadidate for Iowa supervisor
aad d lasted in the conten
tion. 1874 Candidate before the combina
tion democratic and greenback
convention for congress, and
received three votes aside from
his own deicuatio!.
1877 Delrgate to Mongrel county
convention from Round Grove
township, where he introduced
a resolution demanding the im
mediate repeal of the resump
tion aet.
1879 Town supervisor of Round
Grovo township, Livingston
1885 Democrat candidate for county
judge of Webster county, Ne
braska. 1886 Democrat candidate for con-vri-Ks,
Second district, against
1887 Democrat candidate for county
judge of Webster county, Ne
braska 1788 Delegate to democrat state con
vention, that selected dele
gates to the national conven
tion that nominated Grover
1889 A member of the congression
al convention and was placed
in nomination for congress
against Laws, but declined.
1890 Democrat candidate for con
gress'. And vet Mr. McKcighan his the
gall to go before the people snd claim
he has never been sn omee-scekcr or
been identified with the democratic
party. Why, he bss been a standing
candidate, a ehronic office-seeker.
What more docs it require for a man
to do ia order to become identified
with the democratic party? Every
rock-rooted, hide-boaad democrat
throughout this concessional district
is whooping up for MeKeighan. Su
perior Journal.
Ta the Jteaaallcaa Eelltar.
Published by request.
Mr. Plumb Dear Sir: A few evon
ings sgo I visited the tent and Intoned
to your singing of "vote as you pray"
and later read your paper where you
slurred and msligned everyone who diff
ered with your views snd charged Me
Keighan with all crimes in the calander
either directly or implied and still furth
er on, you mske the statement thst you
will not bo turned from the right by Mil
ler, Richartkon, or what is his name.
Now from all this I gather the idea that
vnn man na an exanmle for the Deoule as
rearards honor, truth snd in fact all of
the cardinal virtues, if so. I would like
vour attention for one brief moment. At
one time vou were the owner of a butter
fsetorv at thw DlAce and bought cream
from the neinhborinir farmers. I call to
mind one old coupie whodolu you their
cream, and who to save thst money to
intrust on their farm loan, sctuslly went
without the necessaries of life, snd st
the close of the season found themselves
with n few valueless paetebord cream
checks. Is it not natural that when you
occupy the platform dressed in garments
that would outshine Solomon of old, thst
people should rtmark it would be more
bfmnwiiwg lor yon to hsve copied the
meek Peasant of Palestine and with the
saving in apparel paid your cream tick
ets. Did it ever occur to you that a
business man who has lisbilittee and
fails without a show of assets to divide
among his creditors, is ss surely a thief
aa the pilferer of a house. Did it not
occur to you when you pursued your pol
icy ofnbust toward those who fsiled to
advertise with you, or who refused to
take your paper, that you were adopting
a perfect system of blsckmsil. Go com
mune with yourself, and after due delib
eration see if you have not placed your
self in such n position thst you would,
after reviewing your business career,
pronounce yourself a libeler and black
mailer. If snyone else stood in your po
sition and you were the jury, would your
vtrdict be more tender? Did not the
inner man within you (if you have such
a part) ask you regarding your fine ap
parel, when the money for it purchase
was wrested in such a questionable man
ner from the poor people of this county,
we might say directly from tbe poor wo
men of the county, msnyof whom were
compelled to pass the winter, after your
socalled failure, without suitable clothes.
Explain the ubove in your paper and I
will then ask you sbout some money you
earned while you edited the Helmet.
Yours truly, Rkpcbljca.
ii ii
A garartsc Party.
A surprise party gathered Saturday
vesung, September 20tb, at tbe resi
dence of David Kesler, one of Red
doudu oldest inhabitants, for the pur
mat of osMorsting that good brothers
sixty-first birthday. Over sixty-three of
hk neighbors and friends were present
and enjoyed the evening in u manner
that was most enjoyable. Mr. Kesler
had intended to go to Kearney and other
Nebraska points, but Mr. Huffasan who
was tuginenrinc thn affair surnonilnd in
causing him to miss hi train, and full
of wrath became up town avowing that
be'dgoMondsy. Finally night came and
be went home and when near the door of
his own residence, he saw an immense
crowd hi his house, snd after a ssouaeat
renVtiou he lessembered that he was
three wore and one year old, aad that
taialks had ot the drop e him. Dur-
" " " m -m w.
Kv. ti. j. Ksuoaii, oa
t, in a few well se-
ansaososse muss.
ausstrou oiaer proemi to
invited to and
to a wall tiled tabs of aH the
of tht mmom warn we an line
toseewfcsewe'SlraaJc from tht
Mr. B-
ttaa evenins;
miueil uisils must ntrrt
chair and
Afur this tht smssts
IkalaunV 'aasT laauly luaca.Aluntsta
MUaMtMH awmssmt samar sadsav
si u . .. a.. aA. usmumi auum asm uuanwswuuv ema-s 4sBwwaw wwa w - -, k. wbsl. at. m - - - - . , - - sum ssususi smumumsmumusmusm. ssmsu bsms.v wrm m suw.
i Auuuuui amuussisu i. v. is. .w cw- .; .. -. --. .-,..-. Mvrsssssrssuusr.susuau. mmmmmmmf -----' i - r--r- - -
- 4 .. aww mmnM " rw mr . - m am -- -""- AMakak . BkaSi -i. ta 4W
mta nest-1 rssaa, yisasi inuiusi, uw sn ir t us ms, uw. anmmaBa-a.-aaw-jaw-w---u ms muissw sw nam a-M-KHa-.f'
- ?. !.- "T1- Dstei nsYtallswa. m nm.mmm '-IW.jua sumuaus . - . t m.
Qililir Ste It isaliiri. rassiaers ca FsujmmC, Oiaaxs., sM.aWweanilssrisaMissiy. iMM a iseMsuf t' aw t mt
uMsuT'Juafamea ausuVw fsWJB jmuj)mmmuuuBmuunmmuum uuub uuBumuasuw sunuSasrssBuuVmv awvaaWa -mrw' .. . - . . .
Died, at ML Hops hi Logs township,
Smith county, Kansas, Mary E. 0rua-
Mil. wifstfH.T.BrunaalLoatamnth
Sspttmbtr, at half nast mgat acmcc,
and was buried hi tht Mi. Hopu cems
teryoa tbe 18th. Sister Brunnell was
born in Schiller county, I1L, in May. 1885.
Her age was thirty-five years and four
moaths. Mr. and Mr. BrunneU, with
their family, cams to Smith county tares
years ago last ' March. They tecum
members of tbe Methodist church about
fifteen yearn ago and hsve lived Christ
ian lives ever sine. Sister BruanU was
taken sick about four weeks ago with
typhoid fever. She sad all hsrfasnUy
except her husband and on little hoy,
is lying st the point of death at this
writing and the others are all sick. Mrs.
Brunnell was a kind and devoted wife
and a loving mother. She leaves a hus
band and six children to mourn her loss.
Mr. Brunnell has the sympathy of the
entire neighborhood in which he live.
She died in peace and has gone to reap
her reward. Wx. Bauuktt.
Fran A. Coatson aixt Marr C Huatawl. I
hereby notify you that I Save pmrliart frost
the treasurer or Webster couuy, Ueb.. tSe fol
lowing land to wit: Fart ot the awfc of Uw sr
sec as. twn 2,rn 12. containing on acre ai i
edia the name of Frank A. Coalaos aadaal't
for the delinquent taxes thereon for tbe year
I8S7 at private tax sale, amountluc to $4 15-Hs,
on January 2Mh line, and If not rrdeeate oa or
before January 3Mh. 1X91. I will mae applica
tion for treasurer's tax deed. M. llAL'M,
By 1 Baum. Aseat.
Jane Fulton and John IK Fulton, you are
hereby notiHed that on ttie 19th day of January,
lft.theuiid-rsljcucl M. Baum purrhavd the
followirKbUMltottlt: The w!4 of the neN sec
31, twn l mi; K. coutalnlm; acres ia Webster
county. Xeb., the taxes amountinc to Si OS-lea,
which mnd was taxed tor tke y.wr ls7 In the
name of Jane Fulloii. The land was iurrhaaed
from the treasurer of Wctoter "ouuty. Keb , at
private tax sale forth taxes delluuant there
on for the year IW7. The tine for redemption
will expire January 19th. I?l. and unices re
deemed on or before that date 1 will make ap
plication for a treasurer's tax deed.
M. Bavm.
He I Rum- Aiwnt.
Jane Fulton and John 1). Fulton. 1 hereby no
tify you that I have purchased from the trrasiir-
erof Webster county, eotno loiiowmj: des
cribed real estate to-wit: TheneViof the tc
sec 31. twn 1, nur 12, containing 4e acres. hmas
ed in the name of Jane Fulton and sold for tbe
delinquent taxes Utereon for tire year INC. at
private tax sale, amounting to ft: M-loo. on Jan
lorn January 19th, IK. application will be made
uary mill. i!3. ana u not rcueemcu on or oe
for a treasurer's tax dee
: ueeii. m. u.ivm.
Hy I.. L'auin, Aircnt.
ni John IK Fulton, you arehere-
Jane Fulton am!
by I
notified that on the 19th day of January, IKH9,
: undersigned M . liauin purchased the follow.
iuj: land tow it: These! of the ue 1-4 sec3l. twn
l . niR r- routalnltii; 40 arres In w coster county.
Neb., tlio taxes amount! uk u j shw, waicn
land was taxed fr the year Iw7 In the name of
Jane Fulton. Tho lantf was purchased fmm the
treasurer of Vctter county. Neb., at private
lax salu for tho taxes delinquent thereon for
the year 1S47. The time for redemption will ex
pire January loth, DOl.and unless releemed mi
or before that date I will apply for a trecuurer'a
tax deed. M. DAim.
uy I, llaum. Agent.
Jane Fulton and John I. Fulton, I hereby no
tify you that on the 19th day of January. I? I
have purchased the following land tow It: The
uw i 4 of the ne 1-4 sec 31. twn 1. rnr l. contain-
Ine o acres In Webster county. Neb., amouatiuc
toss w-ion.wnien tanu was taxoiior me year
1W7 In tho name or Jane Fiiito. l ne laaa was
pu'diased from Uie treasurer of Webster :.,
Neb., at nrivate tax alc for the taxes delln-
uuent thereon for the year li7. tlie time for
redemption of said land will expiro January is.
1801, and unksa redeemed on or before that it air
the raid 3i. Itaum will apply for a tax deed of
saMland. M. Dacm.
Ily !. llaum, Agent.
Wiikkkas, A Joint resolution was adop
ted by the legislature of tlio state of Ne
braska, at the twuiity-nrst session thereof
anil approved February 13th, A. J. I wo.
proposing an amendment to the constltu
lion of said slate, and that said amend
ment shall read as follows to-wlt:
HecUon 1: That at the xeneral election
to be held on the Tuesday suceecdimc
the first Monday of November, A. I.
isw, there "hall be submitted to the
liHtor fit this state for aiinroval or re
jection an amendment to Uie constitution,
of tliis state in words as follows. "Hie
ttiani.fartii.-e. sale and keeiiiiur for sal" of
int"xicatliiK liuuors as a revvrarat are for
ever prohibited in this state, a d tho
leslslature sliall provide by law for the
enforcement of tins provision." And there
shall also at ld election be settamlely
submitted to the electors of this slate
for their approval or rejection an amend
ment to tho constitution of the slate In
words as follows: "Tb manufacture, sale
ami keepliiR for sale of IntoxIcatlnK Honors
as a beverajcu rbail be lionised and reKalated
bv law.
Kedion T: At such el-ctlou, on the bal
lot of each elector votlne for the Proposed
amendments to the constitution, shall bs
written or printed the words: "For pro
posed amendment to tho constitution, pro
hlbitiiu; tlio maiiufacture. salo nnd kee
ins for sale of Intoxicating lujuors as a
beverage." or 'Apilustthe proNseil amend-nv-tit
' the coii-ttltutlon prohlblliiiR the
inn ufMtitr,, sale and keeping '' a,c "' n
toxira'ln: liiiu -r- is a lieveraKe."
Ihere sluill sIho be written or printed
on the ballot of ta- h ec?r vitn fir
the profiosed aincinlme::t to the toitslltu
tion, the words: "F.r proiosel ametid
mene to the constitution that tho manit:
facture, sale and keeping for sale of In
Uixicatins Honors as a beverage In this state
shall be licensed or rerouted by Uw,"
or "Against said proposed amendment to
the eonstitatlAtt that the manufacture, sale
and keeping for sale of Intoxicating Honors
as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated
by law."
Sec' Ion 3: If cither of the said propos
ed aaeudmenta sliall be approved by a
majority of the electors voting at the said
election, then it sliall constitute section twenty
seven (27 of article I of the constitution of
this state.
Therefore. I, John M. Thayer. Goveroer
of the state of Nebraska, do hereby
give notice In accordance with secttea
one II article Iffera (I5 of. the consti
tution and the provbloas of the act en
titled "an act to provide the manner of
proposing all amendments to the constitution
and submitting the same to the electors of Uis
state." Approved February Wth, A. I. 177
that said proposed amendment will be sub
mitted to the iiuallSed voters of this state for
approval or rejection at flte general election
to be held on t he 4! h day of November, A. V.
In will
wberesf I hereunto set my hand.
and cause to be aMxed the treat
il of the
State ef Nebraska. Ima at UaeaiaUds aeta
day of July. A. 1. ISM. aaa the Mth year of the
state, ami of the independence of tne unnea
States the one Hundred Ifteeeth.
By the Governor. JOHN M. TJIA YEB.
Hkxmamix K. Cowdrblv.
Ma au Hecretaryeflwale.
In District Coart ia aad for Wsbstar
eoantT. Nebraska .
Francis C. GraMe, pUiatiff-1
Usry L. Stoddard,
Harrison A. Stoddard aad
Fraueis M. Vromaa, Defsa
The defer daato Mary h. Stoddard aad
Harrison A. Stoddard will take aetiaa,
that ou the trsi day of Septeasbcr, 18),
Francis C. Grsble. the piaiatif ia the
above entitled actios, fled hie petition ia
the District Coart ef WebaUr eoeatj, Ne
braska, against the above named defea
daaU; tbe object sad prayer of whieh are
to foreclose a certain nsertjrsge excepted
bjthe defendant Fraacis M. Vromaa,
Bpon the soath hair of the seatheast
qaarter and lots 7 and 8, in Metis 12,
township one, range 11, according te the
gorernni-wt aarrey in Wefcwter eeeety,
Nebrmdw, to eeesre the pa-meat of three
certain promiasorjr selen, dated thesse
oad day ef Kerch. 14. for tbe una of
fan each, dee and peyalde ha one. two and
three years, respectively f reas date there
of.esade by Fraacis K. Vromaa to O. D
Mair.andby said Hair duly assigned
transferred aad delivered to the paiatiC
bereiabefersdea; thst tkerc isuewdas
apoa said note aad mertgnge tbe ease off
tlCS, for w'aisb asm with interest from
this date plaintiff prays .era deer- theft
itt indaaf be leeired te pey the aaaw,
er that said piemhm may be aaldle setie
fTtheamiaulfs ddm.
Tee ar repaired t aaasii aaid peftT
tiassm r bsfsra tbe 1Mb day Oatefrcr,
1 tHnuBwaufauuuuaswawa
What is
fttaltifi tf -- amuu4M Plwtaswa fsanrinu.ia far Isaat
aairaBirtti Itaaass-uuasVjawJ
tullsar lfiumtlo irtiliimr' It to tt aannleat swiaatitata
j, rxi-iaric-Diaat. Ittta-aa: ff j t ', --i Cantor OIL
tt la ritajtat Ito gaaraattT to tlUxty jcoia torn by
1D1114H-S af MtUiari. Caswtia a-atrayi Wai-aa aatl allaya
j,fi,i,sa-i Caataiia atauaato waittlaa; 8aar Cawtl,
cars IHmrrhmm aatl WM Clte. Caataria wlterea
uaatalaa; traaalta, tMiaa ttauallaattoa aatl nUtalessej.
Cawtatia aaslaallatta taa faatl. rtamjattt taa altaiaca
t4NHa 1 tlva CaUtteaa
iMiave. Me ts ma,
Bb. O. C Osaess . -subu M. a,
LweCau- lllta.0hrtSa.nrary,r.T.
CmsriaatlmW-7ems-y far ililliis et "9 ''ll.lT,--."rrl! ?
.iIamsxuu-Jstr.l 1 hrj. thr -fy --- nana ssstsa h-f U thrtr cr-H
teMwtaluw-lssnaUsrthersal mm l'f.yLW!
--PlML MOlHf fl-TfW -UM-i 4HH-T BVrtAH BHaVB vBBaaalto BM waua faa an? KaptX wB
UNh towa thrtr tfcraaaa, teMshy ssauuf SaeerapsuU.-
mam te fissuatnri grnvs." Vsrrss wai. ass tnawwaaav.
Oaanray. Ark. Atfcss C. awra, JFas.
Tht Caataar Omnaaag TV Maawaf' Steeet. Hew Yetk OMy
Abstracters, Real Estate
. Red Cloud, Nkbrasra.
Abstracts of title furnished Acotirataly and promptly.
Satisfaction Oiiarannwd. $10,000 bond
Lower than any yard in the world
Weber Street Liver;, leei ul Sale Stall:.
Frank A Kukhn. Proi
Boarding by the day, week, cr month at rti'iwnaal.
ratoH. Fanners are imited to stop at our bam when in tin;
city. Special attention paid to their trade. l'riivH for
single ferdmg, as low as anywhere in the city. Don t for-
get the place;
rallaa Allcadl the
Business College
Alchlsaa, Kai
annclssie sn Preerteters.
Klexant catalsgim mallei free.
Takrn tip by the iinlcrlKnrl on the 3IH ilay
ef Amntst, Inm, oh Hi- w of M-ctlon 9, twn s.
rnx ll, Webster county. StU.. Uie foUowini -eribrd
estray animal to-wli:
t black ahost about thrr- mmiths old with
seme white ot or marku,
1 black fthoat about three months old with
white suets or mark.
1 Mara fthoat about thrre monlM o'l with
nam white swots or nark.
I Mvck sboat aNnit Uirre month oM wUh
white snot or mark.
1 black shoat alout three months e!t wHh
seme white tt or mark.
1 nUek shoat about thrre mwttht old wMh
sease white sfets or marks.
I black ahost slout three months old wilb
some white snots or matk.
t black sheet hu thrrw tsostht old with
see white spot or marks.
I black shoat sbout thrr months old wKh
ene white Mta or atarka.
t black ahtat aloi three month M with
white snot or mark.
I Slack shoat aho-t thrre menthsoTd with
ane whtte sfiets or marks.
I Mack shoat shout three moaths old
white soot or mark.
I black shMit about threw miik oil wlh
white opots or mark.
1 Mack shost about threi t.Hii ell wMh
white siMit nr mark a.
The aore derlhed nlnr auiauls ae new
la mr hoc Pb oa lot Is. Mack II. orhrinal tews
ef KedOoed. 2eb The owner nay rectal mffte
bv Btotlm: aroeertr a-d seyias ei
revise- r aw.
. - . " - - l B )
r. r.. .
Xotlee Is herehv given, that endrr aad Mr vlf
toe ef aa order ef sale leswed f rem Ibe seVeef
L.H. Fert. Cterk ef the Metric unci er me
mbfJnilrtal IsUIC wKMa and Isr Web-
eanstr. Itefermm. es-a a ercrre m an
i ihe-rie. wbercM. the Kathm
aad Tmst Cesseear HMwej""-td
1Mb sad asalsTt jabn I- ratten sad &um
lew full men. tsbaUeter (erealea
teas I--
TCSVuac ia a WWa WuwC InT wm
at the ea-t insr ef the rimrthewm at
le mm weeorr eouarr. sisrasi a. iwm nems
thc-iiMiMaawhwUi the Jastlermef said eeeat
9Mk rfajr mt em. Jk. 9. 1
et 9 e'rleek a. -. of M day. thefodeelac
rrhkd Mwnertr tewtt: The tmrtb tveafe
IeiH-rintfertYU 1KI fat block four la
the town ef liatOe Keck. rrt coostf. 5e
t rassa. filvew loader y ksadiktajrm day ef
Amrset a. l. ie.
1. a, Trxi, Hfcrrtt,
.t. rsrL.ireSv.
t . T.ntimmw, iieHww sAiteceey
Kottcc bhrrrly pvca.fhat enturaedhy vtr
Iwrof aa tedcr of lewtd from hretfeef
I-II. rnrt.tJekf the K-Vt O-wt ef Ube
mHrhU liwwl. eiiwa sw lav We.
iwwii.sKsem ta anas
thevna. w-crcf .J h K.
ey lspannr.aMBa:awc -wu T, uM
mm inarma i weasaeew. ineawew. i
ease arasw at tmM veaMtae.
Mdwlarea-h Mbad at the
a as f
he Maes wft
j-. laaa.
Tnaid dsf . the feriewiaf
ef p. at.
mse'elsak a. a
and Farm Loan Agent.
-?' 'I
Miles T. II
Patent - Collar
For Ml by J. O. BUTLEK
Red Cloud, Huck-yv
Uainaai sliop.
D. B. Spano
Real Estate
and Loan A".ht
Red O..
VsutMk A
M kr U Isshralarv d
lr 'ftyr
f-fi nl!'
bra. at mm waIy-Set
A I.
ifi mi t -S.
mid mlbm a
IS t .
4 tm
sessM tr4 M s.
Mp B'jrfsvnm
' 4r
' r!L
1 6i
'- !0 IH
''' i7 T-mmmw
v Vl -.
rJ -- '
iHHHHnamsBS ' nnnnnnv (
rrT?:- 3
n am-1 rr 7im'.
Knr v--m?
-" BV
-,dKswWd :
,Vrl-r u
jw to t Atnttm mt
flele ws m as ua maawweiews
Hmtkm O; Tfat bsts-B MT - mrx
saern she mm a mice um 4 sm
le see i mmm ituasi --m
tmt a- '" .!"
and dMlaes laUmf mm waw, jrsd
ms atrvy f mm mm a- j?btmf
n '