The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 26, 1890, Image 2

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:-jjmtik -- j: : - wibeaska.
J. S-s-aB-SaM
Couana. Gwmbb K. Day has
elected director geaeral of Um CMwgo
Fiftt tkoMMkLlerias aro tote
to Vtouia im dwwrmtiar -to city tor to
vtelt f tke Eapwror of Gtnuj.
Btroot of too MonaooChmreo
of Mako, kas Iwob todlctol for
piracy im adriaiac Morauma to
As expert aaya the Floriia phoa
fikatea, tkoagh iatateaae im eztomt are
Jaapfoimtiaa; as toricmoaa ami toe pro
portiom of kJfk graies is exceeiimg iy
Tanc Gorermor of Vinriaia maa
nated to life impriaomaiemt the aem
temce of Kammie Woods, colored, to be
hamfed im Framklim Oaamty for harmim
Tars New York Ckaaiber of Comaterce
at m aaeetimf: passed sresolutioa im faror
of allowiac imtported goods mow im
fcomded warekomses to reaiaim mmtil
February L
Cbtablks A. Wbzxbosh, a promimemt
real estate agomt of Birairngkam, Ala.,
kaa beam arrested for mslmg the aaails
fraadalemtiy by declsriag himself agemt
of a nythicnl ooBpamy.
Thk theory that good apples cammot
be growm im the South seems to be dis
proTen. Apples tern sad twelve laches
im circamferemce are raised as far to
ward the eqmafdr as Southern Florida.
The Presby teriams of Spokane mot long
siace sold their charch to a man who at
omce started s saloon im the basement
and now there is aeen a bar sign on the
corner of a fine structure surmounted
by a tall ateeple.
Arthur K. Tayxob recently resigned
his position as artist and local reporter
, on the Daily Commercial of Memphis,
- Tenm., and whipped F. Y. Anderson,
the business manager of the paper, be
fore leaving the office.
Tic work of destroying toe iron gates
im the Danube was begun im the pres
ence of the Bmmgariam .and Serviam
Premiers, the Austrian Ministers and
offlcialsof the three countrlesTnterested
mud a large concourse of people.
lie view of the violation -of -the law
which prohibits selling cigarettes to
young boys, the Cincinnati chief of po
lice has issued orders to the police to
arrest all- children found antoking, and
aaya he will hold them until they tell
who sold the contraband goods to them.
Mm. Wblsoh, of the Cherokee Com
mission, has written to a prominent
citiaen of the Territory that the Com:
mission would be ready to begin ne
gotiations for Indian lands in a short
time. He asked whether the Cberokees
desired to sell or take their separate
lands in severalty.
Thk population of Colorado is 410.975.
This is a net increase during the decade
of 316,648 or 111.49 per cent Tbo popu
lation of Pueblo is 28. 128, -which is an
increase during tho census period of
24,911 or 774.35 per cent The popula
tion of Leadville is 11,159, showing a
decrease of 3,661 or 24.70 per cent
TnEKE has been quite a flurry in the
flax seed market on tho Chicago Board
of Trade. Early in the season there
was promise of a heavy crop, but it has
become evident of late that the promise
will not be realized. The amount of
apot seed is limited and th:s fact was
taken advantage of to put prices up.
MotrssA Bey, the Kurdish Governor
of Armenia who was sentenced to exile
for the outrages perpetrated by him upon
Christians in that province, and who .es
caped from custody some time ago, has
been captured near Broussa, fifty-seven
miles southeast of Constantinople. He
broke one of his legs in attempting to
escape from the train.
Thk fourth annual convention of the
American Orthopedic Association and
the American Association of Obstetri
cians and Gynecologists oponod simul
taneously im the College of lliysiciaas
and Surgeons at Philadelphia. Distin
guished specialists in the three branches
of medicine from all parts of tbo coun
try were present
Thk new silver notes are plainer than
those mow im circulation, but tho work
mpon them is finely executed. They are
headed with the new title, "The United
States of America" promises to pay, and
under the amount appears the words "in
coin." This may bo gold or silver, at
the option of the Government and the
mote is made a "legal tender," whioh
-was mot the case with cither .the gold or
silver certificates.
Thk controversy over the claim of Lord
Saekrllle to collect rent for the ground
at Shakespeare's birthplace, on which
the memorial fountain erected by George
W. Childs stands, may possibly result In
toe aeauieitiom of a part of the great
poet's town by Mr. Chllda It was-announced
that Mr. Childs had aemt
acreat the sea a proposition to pur
chase the ground. Lord Sackville, who
iteadathat the ground is a part of his
, is pretty nearly at liberty to mame
mis owm figure.
Seckktakt Rusk, under authority of
the mew Moat Inspection law, baa issued
very minute regulations to govern 1m
apectiom by the Department of Agricult
ure inspectors of salted pork and bacon
for export Packers and exporters are
required to make written application to
the department for the required inspec
tion, and packages containing the goods,
when 'ready for exportation, must be
plainly branded or stamped with the
mame of the packer or exporter, weight
of meat and the department inspector's
Waixack Jb Ca's circus left Trial-
dad, CeL, recently for Clarendon,
Near Barola m mummer of
jumped toe track, delaying them
so mueh that they bad to -earned their
date at Clarendom. A hustler sitting om
the top of one of toe cages with his legs
dangling down the aide attracted toe
attomttomefalioav The beast reached
out with one of its claws and fixed its
mails im the mam'alegmear the knee amd
stripped toe mesh from toe bone to the
heel and before toe poer.fellew could he
released it was necessary to pry toe
beast's jaws open with iron ban.
ef toe
lJ ffP .!?.
to the foreign -
the reeemt
i J, am in
of toe I
Gesteeal FEBaoer, eommamder
French Ehrhteeath ami im Paris
cert who i ttsaiei
. - - - .
. .-; iag Captain Kshslsff
'A V :pmrahtommy.wmJaAwm dispose
.mW. mAltta. which wai threaV
(jfegm ;MaaeamBeJgm.iM:mi
awanv w-Miui wmm, ataaatui wvaue. ams
BsnamBBBeo mavm reeeeome so Baveret'amu
tZTT,1T7JiSZZ-ZZT? '.Z..TTjr?7ZZ Tfm. --3ft "i!" !!i,"u?J?-
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aaiMKbB i an at i mat a ii ai in aw mi aan -- -a&m - "i-TiasBF .ma aaisk- mm. .- -. -. . .
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CHIit By Tologrph d MtJC
en the ttth disposed ef alxteea
Mia Among other bills Basse was
the MU to create the omce of auditor of
mute, walea requires all sub
to acsu reports to that oateer.
alee the Senate MM for tbe relief ef certata
aadealieted men of tks First Kansas
veluateen. Tbe cosfereeee report
em the Railroad Forfeiture Mil was then
uattl auloeni stent.... Waea the
met Mr. McKlaley renortet back
Tarrtt bill, with the feeate amend-
Hh the recommendation that the
ta be aon-eeneurret in. Be
te the Committee of the wnote. Mr.
McKlaley also reported a resolution for tbe
Immediate eeesMeraUo of the bill, which
was adopted. The resolution, however, was
tbe oeeaslen ofaloua; debate. The Senate
ameadmeaM were oa-eoaeurred In amd a
eeafareace appelated. Mr. Kntoe (Tens )
offered a resolution reprobating; and eon
deaaaiag tbe utterances of Mr. Kennedy
(Ohio) In his lat4 speech In which the Sen
ate was severely criticised. Pending action
the Hoasn adjourned.
Ami passiBK several bills ef minor im
portance on the ISth tbe Senate resumed
consideration of the conference report on
the Land Forfeiture bill, and niter some de
bate It was agreed ta The Home Anti-Lottery
Mil was then taken up and passed with
out discussion. Ibe bUI to repeal tbe tim
ber ealture laws was discussed at some
length, passed with several amend
ments aad a conference aked....
After passing several Iccal bills tbe
House proceeded to consider t'e
Knloe resolution In regard to tbo rpcech of
Mr. Kennedy, of Ohio. In which bo It charged
with using unparliamentary language, the
question being on a point of order raised
ty Mr. Grosvener against the resolution.
The Speaker overruled the point of order,
and after a long talk the resolution was re
ferred to the Judiciary Committee to exam
ine Info the matter and report. Alter pass
ing several local bilU aad the ippnlntment
of a conference on tho Tariff Mil thb Ilou
An hour was devoted to tbe ptasage of
bills la tbe icnate on the 17th, most or the
bills being of a loral nature. Senator Illair
addressed the Senate on the Joint resolution
giving the District of Colombia representa
tion In Congress and the Electoral College
After disposing of unimportant business
eighty private pension bills were passed in
tbiriy minutes an! the Fenate adjourned....
Tbe House spent tbo en tiro day on tho Vir
ginia contested elect ion case of Langtton
vs. Venable and adjourned without flnal
Is the Senate on the 18th Senator Plumb
offered a resolution calling for Information
aa to the rule of tbe Treasury Department
In paying checks for silver bullion, which
resulted in payingout notes of largedehoml
nations Instead of those Intended for cir
culation, and In his remarks criticised
the action of tbe Department In Its
ffnaneial motley. A number of bills
passed, among them one to revive
the rank of Lleutenan of
the army. Resolutions were prcscnt-d
relative to. the death of Representative
Laird, of Xebraska, and the Senate ad
journed.... Tbe House got into aa uprour
over the Virginia Langston-Vanable con
tested cl- ction case, and in the effort to hold
a quorum the Speaker ordered the doors
locked, whereupon Messrs. Kiigoro (Tcxns)
and others forced the doors open, and, 1
pending tbe rumpus, the House adjourned
for want of a quorum.
Is the Senate on tbe 19th Senator Plumb's
resolution to recommit the Bankruptcy bill
to tbe Judiciary Commltoe with instructions
to amend by making It apply to voluntary
bankruptcy, was tnken up and after soino
debate placed on tbe calendar. After a
brit f '-x cutivo session tho Senate took up
tho calendar and passed several bills to
wliirh there were no objections Adjourned,
The House spent the entire day In trying;
losccurc a quorum In orlcr t-tdis oeof
tbe Langston-Venable contested case, but
tbe quorum melted away as fast as It ap
pear d. and tbe House adjourned without
Chief Mayes has written to Commis
sioner Morgan, protesting against the
revenue from cattle leasing being cut
off by tho President's order.
The Brazilian elections resulted fa
vorably for the new order of things.
The Democrats of the First Kansas
district have nominated Colonel Thomas
Moonlight, of Leavenworth, for Con
gress. RsruBLicAHS of tbe Fifth Missouri
district have nominated S. D. Twitchell
for Congress.
The Labor party of Massachusetts
has nominated Charles EL marks, "of
Somerville, for Governor. '
The Quebec Telegraph has come lout
squarely for annexation to the United
Count Tolstoi, Minister of tho Inte
rior, Russia, ia seriously flL
Ttir Department of State has received
a telegram from Minister Mizner at
Guatemala saying that the. National
Assembly of Salvador had unanimously
olected Carlos Ezeta Provisional Presi
dentof the Republic until the 1st of noxt
Superintendent Porter, of tho Cen
sus Bureau, is quite seriously ill of
nervous exhaustion.
Republicans of Connecticut have
nominated Samuel E. Merwin for Gov
ernor. Thk House Committeo on Judiciary
decided to expunge Kennedy's attack
on the Senate from the Record.
New HAsipsniRB Republicans have
nominated Hiram A. Tuttle, of Pitts-,
field, for Governor.
Skniior Ribeiro, Portuguese Minister
of Foreign Affairs, has resigned because
of the opposition to the Anglo-Portuguese
East African treaty.
The President has signed tho commis
sions of George L. Dobson, as register
of the land-office, and W. T. Parker as
reoeiverof public moneys at Beaver, Ok.
Dkmocbats of Massachusetts have
nominated William E. Russell, or Cam
bridge, for Governor.
News from Yokohama states that
Lieutenant C M. Turner, second officer
of marines, United States steamer
Omaha, committed suicide August SL
- Dion Boucicault, the woll known
dramatist, died at New York om the
18th, aged sixty-seven. He was bora at
Dublin, his father being French.
The tariff conferees agreed on the re
ciprocity provisions of the Tariff bill as
inserted by tho Senate.
The Republican State convention of
South Carolina decided to put no ticket
tn tbe field.
The President on the 19th signed tho
River and Harbor bllL Much rejoicing
occurred at uatvestoe, where 96,300,000
was to be spent
The State Department received from
Minister Misner a full report of tho cir
cumstances attending the shooting of
uemerai tsarruadia, but its contents
were mot made public.
John L. Routt, of Arapahoe Couutr.
has been nominated for Governor by,
voioraao aepuDUcans.
. Th Polish syaagogue at Trenton; X.
J., was the scene ef disorder on Jewish
New, Year's day, two obnoxious mem
bers bWng ejected from their seats.
The House Committee om Com
has directed a favorable report om
reeemtative Wheeler's bill, authorisima;
the 'construction of a bridge over the
Mississippi river at New Orleama.
celebrated Alhamhra, Graaada,
ire on the lftk Great
industrial ex
hibit at Ottamwa. Iowa, was formally
osaeMthe lth by Governor ltoies.
'stmsUBsBaaB. vasssmauBa h'bbbbbbb -uaahBmAdm wsamannautmttV
dteratv mvIC llfiv pHrpiv pivVMJs9BBa
X a a-r.
the SoHowimg onleers far
4aBBBmBme dflaVsmaafeal unJamdn.' tt VaT
saVTaaale A "afflsjmMBSal BSMVvJL Vb JbU
et Raleigm, N. C; deputy grand
eire,.C L T CampbeU, of TamdoayOm-,
T. A. Seas, of
emcer, Isaac R.
ef rwamylvamla: .
mgajUBaum&BJL " ansjafaTi - wn , ' ' im2
Laher have formally
declared the
Co., brokers ami
have failed fa? tV
hankers of
Axornm priest was shot ami severely
wounded im the Amemlem Cathedral at
Koumkapom, the assailant exclaiming:
This is what happeas tolmformers.n
The ire at the Alhamhra was the
work ef thieves. The leas was fit; ft.
The Russiem Oovemmemt has de
clined General Butterleld's ptopseitiem
to build a miberia.
A bad wreck occurred recently em' tbe
Warren braach of the St Louis d; Irea
If oumtaim im Arkamaas, Fifteen. paaiJB
gers were iBjured. A broke rail warn
the cause.
The Treasury received offers of its,
M,te of four per cent bonds the irst
day under the circular of Secre
tary Windom. -The price rum from 12S
One hundred persons were poisoned
at a negro revival meeting near Collern,
Dallas County, Ala., eight or whom
died, twenty others being hopelessly
sick. Unknown miscreants placed ar
senic in the barbecued pork.
The report of the Utah Commission
shows tbe Mormon Church to be as de
fiant as ever. Polygamy is preached in
public and practiced in secret
Two young daughters of Samuel God
dert of Harrlman, Tenn.. were struck
by engine while crossing tho track and
one killed and tbo othor fatally injured.
Goodman k. Co., dry goods merchants
of Chicago, Tiffin and Lima, O., have
The population of Arizona is 59,69 L
John Dim-on and William O'Brien,
tho Nationalists, wore arrested in Ire
land on the 18thoncbargesof conspiracy
in tho "no rent" campaign.
Fourteen slaves escaped from a ves
sel at Capo Town, South Africa, recent
ly. Tho authorities refused to recapture
The amount paid out at the sub-treasury
at New York on tho 18th for bond
purchases alone amounted to$l 1,668,000,
The dam of the lionestoei reservoir at
Troy, N. Y., gave way on tbe 18th.
Great havoc occurred, but no lives were
A tornado wont through the country
four miles south of Manning, Iowa, on
the 18th. Two mea were killed. Tbo
damairo was considerable.
Fire at "Now York In acoooer shop
burned to death two men and thirteen
Belfast linen merchants are rushing
in goods in advanco of tbe McKinley
Tariff bill.
John D. Rockefeller has given $1.
000,000 more to tbo new Baptist Uni
versity at Chicago His previous gift
was $000,000.
Thk jury in tho Russell murder case
at Mon t coll, 111., bavo found tbe de
fendants guilty,, of nirdor. Calvin
Holden and Albert Dunham were given
thedeath ponalty, and Ann ElizaHolden
-was sentenced to twenty-five years' and
Edwin Holden to fifteen years' im
prisonment The Turkish man-of-war Ertogroul
foundered at sea., and 500 of bcr crew
were drowned.
Advices from Hiogo, Japan, state that
the mail steamer Musaschr: Maru. has
been lost off Cochin and that all of her
crew with tbe exception of one Japanese
were drowned.
A band of gypsies was overwhelmed
by a cloudburst near Eransville, Ark.,
recently. Five of them were drowned.
A terrible accident happened on the
Mexican railroad. Two trains going in
opposite directions ran into each other
at Rinconada and the cars were piled on
one another and completely wrecked.
Ten persons wore killod and sevoral
others wounded.
The two victims of tho cyclone near
Manning, Iowa, were William Ferry and
I his child. Soveral were injured, but not
Twsboilerof a threshing machine ex
plododTat Marshfioll a, killing two
It is reported in Chicago that the coal
miners of Southern Illinois are prepar
ing to strike for higher pay.
John W. Dunn, a large brick manu
facturer of Chicago, has disappeared,
leaving $35. 000 debts, but amplo assets.
He had lost hoavily gambling on races.
President Harrison has formally ex
tended the period of vacating the Chcr
okeo Strip from October 1 to November
1 for one-half the cattle and Decombcr
1 for tho remainder.
Business failures (Dun's report) for
tbe seven days ended September 18
numbered. 100, compared with 193 the
previous week and 198 the corresponding
week of last year. Tightness in the
money market continued, but othorwise
thcro was no disturbing feature.
A terrible double accident occurred
on tho 19th near Reading,. Pa. The
Pottsvillo express ran into a freight
wreck, at tbo Schuylkill river. Tbe
coaches went into the water. BotweAi
forty and fifty persons were killed and
as many more seriously injured.
Cn.vni.Ks Clark Stfvknson, Governor
of Nevada, died on tho 21st He was
born in Ontario County, N. Y., sixty
four years ago.
Sino Sing convicts unloading a car of
rags in the prison yard discovered a
small cask or whisky bidden among the
rags and got gloriously drunk before
the guards learned of tho discovery.
On tho Omaha & St Louis railroad,
seven miles south of Council Bluffs,
Iowa, a freight train went through!
burning trestle. Three trainmen were
An express train of the C, B. ft Q.
dashed into an Illinois Central excursion
train at Chicago on the 21st Five per
ons wore killed and seven injured.
A conflict has taken placo between
Turks and Armenians at Vaa, ia which
forty were killed, chiefly Turks. The
Armenian priest who was shot recently
has died from the effect of his wounds.
The boiler of an engine attached to a
freight train on tho East Tennessee
ia railroad exploded five miles
1 from-Chattanooga, Tonn.. All that could
be found of tho emrtneer and firnlia
was a coat " -
'CuEAniNn house roturms for the week
ended September 20 showeian -'average
iarreamoflScomaaredwith the cor
responding week et last year. Im New
York tho increase was 2t- ,
Oedeks ave ljeoa issued em the New
York -Ceatral mot to re-cmploy amy ef
the late strikers.
CpNDUcnut Lowrky and Rrakemam
Brockemiller. of tho Chicago Alton,
at VehlM. lit, were trying to rid their
caboose Of vermin bv mains? sraaolinaL
JTherasolime caaght ire from a cigar.
erTerytedly.bitrned. J
An explosion mi gem took place recent
ly in the Murray abaft of the Lehigh Jb
Wilkesbarre Coal Compaay at Wilkee
barre. Pa. Four miners were killed.
The revised list of killed by the re
cent terrible accident em the rTtiilar
railroad numbered twenty. .
Tn French have snbdued the mUim
of the Society Island ami established
protectorates over them. Owe hundred
mativea were .milled ami a member of
mariaes were in fa red. -
vioucnt storms mrevailed in
n m
ea vicinity em the 2lst . Hail did
to wind
swept tme deparUaemts of Gard
erne- Loire, destroying a'
the rive Leire
.B , ' ." -. .
J1 t
Tarn Kmighssef,
maecueedof haviag tied a rope to his
fa rami aid boy's feet ami semdiag him
dewm a bored well headforemost to hrtmg
up a backet the boy had accidentally
iropmji im the welL Tl backet was
recoyerei by this meaaa. The ease was
beimg iavestigatedaad if aa repreeeated
the unnatural father will be prosecuted.
KoaxTZ, brewery at WUber was lately
ieetreyed by ire, supposed to havebeem
adiBoemdiaryorigim. The loss ameamt
ed to O.eeo, wiU fS,ttf imsaramee.
Rkcbntlt a traveliag bag belonging
to a Mr. Clow, traveler for a Onlcsge
mtamafactmrimg compaay, was stolen
from the B. dc M. train near Oxford. It
contained over t3,0M in notes belong
ing to the company, besides other valu
able papers. The thief retired to a
ravine near, the river with his booty,
bnt failinsr to find anv cash, left the
grip by the roadside, where it was found.
Kittie Vebjaal, the sixteen-year-old
daughter of Joha Verjaal, a stone ma
son of Lincoln, was fatally burned the
other morning. Tbe family had been
accustomed to make quick fires im the
kitchen stove of mornings by using as
kindling dry chunks of clay soaked over
night in kerosene. In applying the
match to tbeso Kittie was too close to
the stove, and when the combustible
mass blazed up it set fire to her hair
and clothes. In her fright tho girl ram
into tbe yard and the wind fanned tbe
flames into a perfect blaze that burned
almost every stitch of clothing off be
fore assistance arrived.
Mart Russell, a young woman from
Geneva, was recently caught robbing
the cash drawer in a grocery store at
Lincoln. She arrived in town with
only five cents and attempted to better
her condition by stealing, but succeeded
only in getting in jail.
A dill for the erection of a mint at
Omaha has been introduced in the
Houso by Representative ConnolL
A lad living near Genoa got a sand
bur in his throat while recently chasing
cattle, and the efforts of tbe local phy
sicians to remove the troublesome thing
proved unavailing. The boy was sent
to Columbus, whore tho doctors suc
ceeded in extracting the bur, affording
relief After thirty hours of agony.
A hoy ten years o!d was recently
taken to the reform school from Ne
braska City for stealing and pawning
clothing, as ho claimed, for money to
buy school books.
G. W. E. Dorsey bas been nominated
for Congress by tbo Republicans of tho
Third d strict
Joe Graham, an Omaha policeman,
was recently arrested' for shooting with
intent to kill May Smith, a sporting
woman, in a wino room. Tbe woman'
was1 severely but n6t fatally wounded.
William Boyee, a member of the
Gibbon band attending the soldiers' re
union at North Plat to, was arrested
during tho reunion for a criminal as
sault on a young girl from Logan Coun
ty. A mob started to lynch him, but ho
was placed in jail and strongly guarded
before they could catch him.
W. W. Davis, a farmer, wbilo making
hay near Weeping Water, the othor
morning, was bitten by a rattlesnake.
Tbo snako was cut in two by the ma
chine and Mr. Davis was down on his
knees cleaning out tho sickle, when tho
head end of tho snako, bit him on tbo
arm near the elbow, no delayed going
to town for treatment and it was feared
the result might bo serious
Entrance was effected by burglars
into the saloon of Gertler & Waltmath
at Blue Springs the other night, their
safe opened by drilling and over f200
taken therefrom.
The Winnebago Indians aro imitating
tbe whites in the matter of marriages.
One week lately Judgo Downs, or Thurs
ton County, issued two licenses to Win
nebagos, the first since tho organisation
of the County.
Fire recently destroyed tbe barn of
Pat McGuire, seven miles northeast of
Palmyra, together with a horse, twenty
five hogs and a lot of farm implements,
The loss amounted to $7,000, with but
little insurance.
As the result of a parachute erase at
Madison, one boy is suffering with a
broken leg and another is bruised all
over. In both cases tbe parachute failed
to work.
Ben Mundell, the nine-year-old son
of Jake Mundell, living at Aurora,
whilo recently playing with a gun cart
ridge brought it down upon the table
with sufficient forco to exolodo it
wounding him in tbo hand and on tho
Sheriff Wilson has returned to
Kearney from Warren Station, N. II,
bringing A. C Nash, charged with
fraudulently obtaining jS3,O00 from Jo
seph Black. Black agreed to let Nash
have 8300 to purchaso stock, and as the
exact sum could not be named gave
Nash three blankchecks. The latter
filled out tho checks in sums of 91,000
each, bought the cattlo and skipped.
He has been in the penitentiary for a
similar offense before.
There are about a million 'acres of
Government land st 11 open to entry at
tbe Chad ron land-office 328,350 in Sher
idan County, 24,240 in Box Butte,. 12&,
380 in Dawes aad 520,049 in Sioux. '
Newton Williams, a ten-year-old
Fairmont boy, recently had bis nose al
most torn from his face by a kick from
a horse.
There are 2,00) head of cattle being
fed near Overton preparatory to being
shipped East
John Donnelly, tho seventeen-year-old
8tromburg boy wbo was hurt by a
team at Merrill several weeks ago, has
died of his injuries.
E. W. Sims, of Madison, has lost ive
head of cattlo recently from hydropho
bia They were bitten several weeks
ago by a mad dog. Mr. Sims son
Walter, aged about fourteen years, was
also bitten at the satno timo on the arm,
but it is hoped tho boy's coat so protect
ed him that no serious result will fol
low. Joseph J. Brown, of Broken Bow,
who Mysteriously disappeared Au-
rest 4 last has not yet returmed.
Brown is a married man. about forty
four years of age, whose left arm is off
at the shoulder. He came from near
Mattooa, 111., about eight years ago,
amd was a school teacher and farmer.
Nebraska was visited by a heavy
frost om the night of the 12th.
Jemn Johnson, while lately cleaaiag
a weU twelve miles west of Madison,
was overcome by foul air aad fell to the
bottom of the well, a distance of oae
hundred feet, amd was iastoatly killed.
Trnx-Muasom Hotel at Blue Hill
recently destroyed by ire; also the
Hansen furniture store. The property
The house of Hoary Briaks,
Lyons, was struck by Ughtmimg the
might ami entirely consumed with
lmT eemtomta. The family barely es
caped with their live.
Tarn barm of John Wsifred, mearHar-
with two hemes, was recently de-
etrereibr ire ansssi to have
of the
ugat vompaay.
atluoetomed teimettom at
hss ' wsm .asssatsr -a-r' at'
aamsTsaafmsmweBmaTTBam '
iv rT-vj.ei-vi-.-jCij ,-is:
. . . - .t - a
lannaiglart- l ' ' ' ".ts-m;sstBBttasa tjtn ansa iwswewamws s ism a mass an va mmawaaasi aastmtstaasass) tsmstat,.. ia is ., , , rr, , - .
Walker aad atowatoasa raaacttoa ef mtaaaaary wora: am vauaa tor a ashar VTt. -?. -A .. 1 ' . mtmwm- JTw 1 mnmjmnmilrr -:-asmBaasasIBBB
-r Ti ,-- , ',M- - ' mt SSW BklaWaaBMavtakB tfkaaaa. tat ' y A taaaSSBaaal SaBataaataSMaaalSaalsr BSWSaSBad Stt aSaaSaa-aaal aaaaaamari A SS' aS S a ' '"to ' taUtUa. tA SmjajSBBaBBh
j "nBl adlptoBsarmsaw?aa .Chetatoaanst - sassassssn3BB. aaaea atATBfaas . ' -- "V V ssssmsv- sssssssaawa aa sansssi..wy my a. -e ev- BskatasmstBasBasB -aa'
-sxaaBaaaaa atat ttatattaSatT- abatT YTsaatei Yataav aBsasmBaadam. aaaBa asm" 'easmt ataC ' am ajeanBB aBta eg .ssasaav ? asasaaa annV pujsaBaamsstaassnauai,,,, eey'St aa- maasnnBBBBBBBBsasssEsstssssss s
jiawgsp wm aasaat ;. zjy4Z? . ' -"'j CmmJ72 zzirjz:;" emsnsmmm)awawai L.-;,syst -fm Bgpgw?awamwaamm
"&5?g&ji?'2e.?- r J5&-?s:y? 1?
r && rL-5-2.-j 5-C??5 . : . ..-.-. Z? TO. ''i.' z. -&
g?'-5v3?T'tji: '-".r- "-".--?.'-;-.. V'-tLL-rrr - - :T?tf;.
i- F1 - ' - - -.. - .- E tialaal emessnmeemm
oC am
CncAmo, Sept xx. At eight o'clock
last might am exptssa train oa the Chi
cago, Burlington k. Quiacy railroad ram
imto the rear of aa excursion tralm em
the HUaeU Ceatral road near aaght
eemth street causiag a terrible wreck.
The eollisiom took place mear Domglas
park, the victims beiag Sunday excur
slomista just reaching the city em their
way home from am afternoon s outing.
The dead are: Lily Dieaer, aged
twenty-three; Martha Diener. aged
twenty-one; Otto Schloeff, aged seven
teen; two men, identity unknown.
The fatally hurt are: Lena Riswig,
aged sevemteea; Mimnie Pilgrim, aged
mlmeteea; Eddie Thorpe, aged sixteen.
In additiom to these were the follow
ing injured: Tillie Burke, left shoulder
broken; Henry Lutx, leg fractured; C.
H. Niemann, right leg broken and left
arm crushed; Charles -Melrose, arm
A number of others received cuts and
bruises, but were able to go home with
out assistance.
During the day the Illinois Central
road had run an excursion to the orphan
asylum at Addison, aad it was this
tralm, while "blocked" om tho outskirts
of the city and waiting to be released,
which was crashed into by the Chicago,
Burlington & Quiucy suburban. En
gineer Dickson, of tbe Burlington train,
claims that tbe rear red lights or tbe
Illinois Central train were burning so
dimly as to afford him no warning of
their presonce. Other reports have it
that the Burlington train was behind
time and was running at a reckless
The Chicago, Burlington &. Quinoy
ongine lost her pilot headlight and
smokestack and her front head was
stovo in, wbilo bor tender was forced
up against tbe boiler's head. Noitbor
Engineer Dickson nor his firemen were
injured, beth jumping off ap
peared inevitable that tbo train could
not be stopped.
The excursion train consisted of fif
teen cars, every ono filled with people.
The express train consisted of an en
gine, baggage car and six passenger
coaches with about 100 peoplo on board.
Conductor Carrington, Engineur Dick
son and a brakeuian wero arrested, but
no statement could bo obtained further
than tbo assertion of Engineer Dickson
that he saw no red lights until bo was
upon tho excursion train.
three trainmen killed.
Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sept 22 On
tho Omaha &. St Louis railroad, about
seven miles south of this city, botwoen
2:25 and 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning,
a northbound froight train with eighteen
loaded cars from St Louis broke through
a trestlo work fifty foot high and was
wrecked and threo trainmen killed.
When tho train ran on tbo oast end of
the trestlo tho engineer saw that tbo
wost end was on firo, signaled for breaks,
reversed the throttle of the engine and
dropped sand on tho rails, but as the
train was running at the rate of twenty
five miles an hour it struck
the burning timber. Then there
was a crash and tbe cntiro train went
through to the bottom of tbe gulch.
The trestle work was 300 feet long and
the train went through about fifty feet
from the west end. Twelve cars wero
destroyed. Tbe killed are: Martin
Eskridge. engineer, of Stanberry, Mo.;
Joseph Burke, fireman, of Stanberry,
Ma; R. S. Williams, head brakeman,
Macon, Ma Eskridgo was crushed to
death under his engine and was burned
to a handful of ashes and bits or bone.
Burke was pinned down by a truck, cov
ered with tar from tbe tank and literally
roasted alive beforo his horriflod com
rades, who were unablotoextricatebim,
amd themselves sustaining severe burns
In the attempt Williams was thrown
over two cars and struck on the engine,
from which he rebounded into the
bushes, and received injuries from
which he died in two hours.
The burning of the bridgo was proba
bly due to a spark from an earlier train.
Conhbllsville, Pa., Sept 22. An
east-bound freight on the Baltimore A
Ohio road, fivo miles from here, was
dashed into, rrom tho rear by a fast
time freight running at tbe rate or forty
miles an hour, demolishing tho engine
and caboose. Tbe engine of the wrecked
train was sent for assistance, and while
returning, through a flagman's careless
ness, was run into by tbo wrecking
train near the scene of tbe first colli
sion. James Shields, the engineer, was
killed, and his fireman, Harry Cuppers,
badly injured internally, while John
Reynolds, fireman of the wrecking traia,
was badly cut and scalded. Sevoral
others suffered minor injuries, while
the wreck completely blocked travel.
AHUetod Calves.
Vandalia, I1L, Sept 2L In Pope
township, this county, a strange and
fatal disease is prevail iag among cattle,
more especially among calves. They
are irst affected by the stiffening of tbe
joints, aad finally lose all use of them
selves. Stephen Matbeaey, a farmer
and stock-raiser, has within the past
two weeks lost fifteen head. Other
farmers ia thatviciaity are similarly
uafortunate. As yet ao remedy has
been discovered for this strange malady.
rt-l Meatiac AeetdaaU.
Pacific. Ma, Sept 31. Two young
men of this place, Nat Zleger aad Tom
Moran, were squirrel buntiuj yesterday
afternoon ono mile south of here. While
both were chasing a squirrel Zleger's
gun was accidentally discharged, the
contents entering the right thigh of
young Moran. He was at once removed
to this city, where he died at 4:f
o'clock. The ooroaer s jury returned a
verdict of accideatal homicide.
Laura Hera committed suicided by
hamgimghenelfat her pareats resideace
ia Hebekem, N- J., the ether day. aad
whom her father dlecevered her dead
body he shot himself, probably fatally.
TaeMxt.mormiBaV the
who was erased with grief, also attempt
ed suicide. She weat fate the .same
leeus ia which her damghter hamged
merseii aad waa ssljamtiaa? a rove
her meek whom her aaa discovered mac.
Im leaden reeenUy a larga eellie def
aaved a girrs life by
asmsmuttpstraersjsjMa jaataa aae waa
aaya that at
aaswstaiiiai ia
York Oty
sat aa v.
jV -
y-f- s r A
.:. - -tT fc , - r ..- -v tp .. . - r .ai- -
swSDnrT. - w.. . 'V" ?-r .--rzY--
- ." -i&
AemmBmal AanaBflaBsasmmiK BsaB. m 'mtajfci TmmJam
amWmwH dBVvlBmnVsBsV mWWgWK9 aTmsmBBl
The Missieaary Qutinh aaya that ef t,ww UJ MTQf ruaAw. .. ......... mat mas ansam wawamsgjtamsstss
- - IM , m M a -. . m - .. .... IB- t-w '. BBBBBBlHBBaMflHnBH . .,
.-: . - T-- . - - ZTT ."7 L . - TZ
aemrv eemm maa tana awssmm aa )sbp las. mmmwwimrimMuaammm.mLmmam' ,., m - . - awvat' . rar a aaBassmw
."L -r""m "t "tttsststi tw eretary saw "" J s"--s-w ssttssss-ps-st aVBsVsvaw- - St , ama - -Bw BB.k. . BBS ammT
eiltotamasnama, - laHwvwa that will fail hi ismitj thi jSi ,,y mm'- W mm9mkmWmS.M
'TLM.'tmm: who haa stmat siararal to Brtwemamhse BtltB afcjaattv asnaaT TW' atswmBmVhmsnsnBV sfTaV J Hnfg9a1
V,TmmmrwTwwmmm'Wn,n 'Tl' L"- "' : f'V " sttamri .1 lL-astiaa. ' ?iSatmtuBBmv?tMn
kaaSaaaal kaHBHaW Saflaaaa mA. S BSSHSbJSSSb? 'aW aasaaa "SSa M SSBS SBSSp. aaw.v. rgw ........ -wwm wmm mtmm aaaa, aaaaaw SBSSaSSSBSJ4SSSBP
nmatttiani cstjsBBBBBBsse BaHBSsw wtantarssaa . i . - .. ; T. zT'Jz 'jamnatisaak -m r-. tastaS th . aaSaSaranms sasssaa smaBW-aSati!aa,aaaa
a.-.-, -x !-'.aw W I . - jta ' - -7i 7- .BaaaBtaBl kiaaaat " a -aa - . JtStBBSaaaS a..rr--- '"'f xjtWS"' . SB SStftaBtBSaP Jl. - " - .1 ,ll" SStatatatrSSSSSaL
rj a- - . .ra.aaB. " rmam ... aaaaaai a . aaiaBBBBBra ' - -, a r r -, ?-?x ij a ..'- . a
m&.:4&me&ssrf& -r-Vv'-- ..'- isth'saaBKi32i -a rjeh ' m
r.-w . ,- i ,-j tifj. .--t--"--;'iw '. - :..- -?s- -ii.t-r.-. .if- . -tiz -ii ,v ,r --- - T ---rr -i-- --- ..iF?sr-w. - atas'- i - --ft r- , i i -msn i iij'b-bmbisi aa ' ' - jit" 2 . 'bbb
u JT5&. lZiKrPJ-.mzJZ''X '-r,'. .'. - --.-.:--? . r. .w 1&-3 2tf-tuu ' SKmB &&&,' 3mB&mmgnnn&J&'-4?'XZv. ' SM
-lBatek-Kla J
Willi Plf- -diT & r?&&mti&gT&t -fg. -NraC3u; .....i.. p-fyafr--y & -tV9gmffBnmXrfj - " IKKkPPIfmKBBi--i- - -&m
mwansBsattsasmmam & amsasaBmamiatmBaK snml
RCOtPftOOITY. wvusjmrsnwtt-"---- Tj,Mse ismi I aad brwolo are perpe.
o. - .'!7MaMM MStaMtl mt lain Jli If'tl,
BtondhBsBBBBBBl mBBTdmBBBsBsVam mramBBBsBsBmi wwamtmsBsm AsBlBBBTBTasaBrml ' dBsmJsHHammnamrnw w- - at iln mnasMla
Bostow, Sept IT The folio wimff self
exalamatery letter from
Kalme was received here last might:
TaCetnact W. W.Gtopp, editor 1
ast hVistwn Masai
Bam mUmaoa. He, feat, m-My Dar afcr: 1
am la ree,t sc your favor as la me at I
caa attead the anneal baauaeter tbe Boa
aad thee Clnbec Bootee la October. Yea
add taut tie msmbara are ".a baertv symv
pathy with mv vtuwa resaralaaj tbe are
metaon et tsndin American trns,aa
wea'd be glad te aav as t address tbem." I
n grat that my eexsgsstenta will net permit
aw to acrupt the invitation, bnt yea wW
nleese thank tbe elub for the ooatp Hmoas
they pay me.
I am g!ad to hear that the members of the
dab are Interest! In a system or recipes 1
trad with Latln-Ataerka. They eaa do
real good by counteracting a certain phase
off Haw England opinion entertained at
hease a well as la Washington an opinion
which I mart regard aa la tbe highest de
gree nowise aad h artful te Xcw England
Interests. New England Is to receive In the
new tariff tbe amplest protection for every
manufacturing Industry wltbln her borders,
both great an I small, aad It will, la my
Judgment, be both inexpedient and injuri
ous for Representatives to disregard a
measure which will prrraote Western Inter
ets. I have lately received a letter from Mr. J.
F. J tabs, cf r. Loalt. a leading representa-
:lve of dour iaterrsts and president of the
late c nventiiHt ! millers at Minneapolis.
Speaking for the a rain an I flour Interests
of that great section Mr. Imtt says that
"advices of recent dste from Cuba state
that tbe duties now collected en American
lour are st a higher rate than waa Srst sup
posed to be tbe esse." And be adda: "I re
spectfully submit that tbe American miller
will be nnabie to retain any part of the
Cuban flour trade nnlea Immediate rjllef Is
secured." In view ef these facts la It pott I -
ble that a protectionist Congress can even
think of opening our msrkets to Cab'a
products free, white allowing n great West
ern industry to be absolutely exclu fed from
her msrkets by a prohibitory tariff? With
reciprocity tbe West can equally sell many
hundred thousand barrels of dour In the
markets of Cuba and l'orto Klco. tugothrr
with a large mass of othor agricultural
products. Without reciprocity the will be
driven more and inorefr luttiedu markets."
Giving tbe fu'lest protection to all K4St
era Interest as tbe proposed TalJ bill
does, surely no wan of good Judgment, cer
tainly no protectionist of wlte forecast.
wishes to exnoso a n estcm Interest to seri
ous Injur', especially when it manifestly
easy to protect It and promote itmanifest
ly easy, becauso at this very time tbe boards
of trade, the chambers of commerce aad
the public opinion In Havana are demand
ing reciprocal trade with the United states.
I select Cuba and Porto Klco for examples,
becauso In certain quartern it bai been said
that while wo might secure reciprocity with
some little countries In South we
roald do nothing with the Spanish Islands.
Let us at least give tho Spanish Ulandt an
opportunity to speak for thvmtelvea
Certain wise men ask: "How ran we sell
farm products In routh America wben tbe
same things are produced there?" Cereals
uru undoubtedly grown In the southernmost
portions of rotitli Ameilca, but the wlte
men will remember thnt ccmals and tngnr
tlo not grow In the nmo toll, or that the
sugar countries of South and Central Amer
ica and tho West IndU Islands contuln 4.
000,000 of peoplo who Import the largest part
f their breadstuff!. Intlrcil, tbo largest
part of the ntiar proJuct of Lit la-America
Is at our doors and w can greatly enlarge
our exchanges tlirre If Congress will give
us the opportunity for reciprocal trade.
Another etssi oi servo that they want time
to study the system. To this I might reply
that the beat method of slinlylnst a tystein Is
to ohterre its practical workings. While
studying In tbe abntrnrt and refusing to take
miino object lessons, these gentlemen pro
pose to open our market to l-atln-Amcrlca
product tree of all charges, without asking
Latin-America to give us In turn some free
dom In their market. The object lesson
immediately before us Is the treatment of
ugsr questions. Shall wo make Latin -America
a gift of that trade? When we have
studied that losson wo shall be prepared for
tho second.
The wotst pro posit on of all la put forth by
those who tay: "Let us put tugnr on the
free list now and next year wo will tako up
the subject of reciprocity." If I un lerstaatl
tholr logic. It is to make nujrur free this year
without condition ami next year to ask
8pain if she wi.l not kindly consent to grant
us reciprocal trade. Holding the complete
vantage ground tbcmse'.vct, the proposed
policy trans f. rs the vantage ground to
Spain. Instead of granting a favor to Spain
to-day, we ate to ask her for s favor to-morrow.
'J hose wbo tako this ground belong to
that elaai of care'nl guardians of property
mho prepare a very ttiong leck for tbe
stable tficr tbe horse It gone.
I do not mean In any thing I have said to
Imply that r ciproclly is only a Wctora In
terest. As I remarked In a note to H-jnator
rye, It will prove beneficial aad profltablu
both to tbe farm and tbe shop, w hat. for
Inatance. could be more natural or more Jnst
than that giving a free market la the United
otatre to bides from tbe Argentine Republic,
we should ask the Argentine llepublle to
give us a better market than we now have
forthe proluct of leather from the United
States. The many forms la which our busi
ness interests will bj promoted by reclproc
I yean not b known until the active com
mercial men of the United States shall have
developed those forms by Investigation aad
experience. We ahall not realize the full
benefit of the poMcy la a day or a year, bnt
shall we therefore throw away countless
millions of trade. In addition to the sixty
millions we have already thrown away, and
then htnoranlly declare without trial that
"the system won't work?"
Finally, there Is one fact that should have
great weight with protectionist. Kvcry
free trader in th Senate voted aralnsttbe
ice protitf propos'tion. Th free trade
papers throughout the country are showing
determined hostility to It. It it evident
that tbe free trade Venator and Ibe free
trade papers have a specific reison for their
course, they know and feel that with a sys
tem of reciprocity established nnd growing
their policy of free trade would receive a
moat serious blow. The protectionist wbo
opposes reciprocity In the form tn which it
is now presented knocks away one of the
strongest supports of hi system. Tbe en
actment of reciprocity Is tho safeguard of
protection. The defeat of reelproci y is tbe
opportunity of free trade. Your very re
spectfully. Jakes O. claims.
ftannaet t Oatrera.
Stockholm, Sept 17. A dinner was
given last nifht by tho city of Stock
holm to the officers attached to tho
United States steamer Haltimore, which
conveyed tbe body or John Ericmon
from the United States to this country.
Two haadred guests, including tbe
Ministers of State, military and naval
oalcers aad leading civiliaas were
Washixotox, Sept 17. la response
to a request by Acting Indian Commis
eieaer Bell for the facta in coaaection
with the killing of a white maa rcceat
ly on the Too gae river reaervatioa ia
Moataaa, Special Ageat Cooper, ia
charge of the reservation, hss tele
graphed as follows: "Hugh Beyle, a
white man, was killed oa this reaerva
tioa by two ladiaas oa September e,
The murderers were yesterday killed by
fJaited States soldiers aad Indian police.
The marderers charged em the agency,
friar they came, th us defy iaf arrest.
Every thlag ia quiet
WNI Fesfl Ktottea.
ALBjfxr, X. T., Sept II. The
ised laaacial aid for the mem wm
part ia the mow deraact strike arrived
yesterday. Same received fL each
ethers reeetved aa much aa ft-to
The ex-strikers are thoroughly
it U believed that If they
should ever strike agata It wiU aet be
ef the KBisrhts of
there wiU be ao railroad aseaia
The pittaaee ihew
tor ave
to leae aM Jaitb ia
latter aav
eaas ttlsmlhalem ia ealy a
aged mother, aaa esaers reeetvee aa maca a fa. to KrrAToaa. '.'Z' a7"i ta-T W - JaT 4
arewmd l assmeara et tme avBigmts or i t -j- -- --y -n". ':r""r?,r m ." ,-...,.,.. . , ...
the ergaadaatiea. The pittaaee laay urjrr-a.2resj. ; gm LmmU I IKamsml lasmmUHl
amisiass' hsne avstas statw irtsttwem star ave weocnr asjeaees tAfsr xs ........n...,IM ssww -JBv mm-mm
aaa eaasaa taeat to lea aM malts) ia ZSry Z I mZ mfaVaaamsmml M ammsmrVtmssfliti
their laadsrs. The latter say tmaU the Slfm'im7w'iY'''"' at 3 jf JJJBaunmmamf aWHasI asilT
a. m i- ! . - . -sasta as a j atavBBV am aim - -a,Jm--pl,'
eaasaa: to tseeenraassmt will easjaAerBBsmdtheauar y' r - . . Ll !. BLasKmBsw.amiamBaBalBm
s ss wm .-. . .-. eBntB. sma Baaamvmaa amsaaatiBmsB.aBBBr"BH
:apmBBMtaujrstaltsm ;. aeJttm&-sssMs ?
- r:.zfiJ-&&&&?F':g. n . sr& s.!sK-2'-k-rt2f-:?.'3KT,w . Sie:efr-j&kb.v .t- "i.i. r-.v -.
--, e7--x.- ,-jsvsk i-xr.T.-T..--' -. ;' i -jv.cs2?v a
Ktfc' aV2ssaa5P KSRrf " W i. jaalav -;--- . --t M
'Jt-JtJFZTZtttX&'!-JZZJ - " -- -.-.ITt:- " -. -"fM .r .. . - .-.51r'.iatfdEStBSr f -. -? . ,aS
.aWwtf ""ay
ef tm la Hear Term ty
tolswltow TechOesm-
ef Labor. , U wetuiev
facto rofardiaff the la
deetrial iiaiiwia ef wsmaa:
la UK taw femala pepalaOemef the
ma Manse ana LBBtlmiT. ef wheel MMW
were oefegod Mt
Therm were ML
holders im verieee maaufaetortoe; com
eerma, la 1ST there were I.St masie
teachers amd , im lies; the shop
keeper had iacreaaed from XT to t,taT.
the aaleawomam from LTtw to S.M8, the
educatioaal teachers from 8. lad to lt
M, the accoaataate from 1,ewto7,
54, the operators oa clothla from 24,
345 to 37.54. the operators oa cottoa
goods from ls.554 to 31.531. aad the mill
haads from 4,008 to 15. Ia the print
ing sad bookbiadias: irate the iaerease
is from l.lTf to 3.34, ia rubber and
elastic goods from 364 to 3, 147.
Ia 1S7S 39.91 womem were funilshed
with homo employment; ia 1983 the
number had fallen to 18,333, showing
that the tendency in all directions ia
more aad more toward factory employ
ment rather than home work.
Twenty-five years age very rew
womea left home for employment; they
bound shoes, made caps, shirts,
UBderwear aad chlldrem's clethiag.
hats, baskets, mittens, stockings, car-
pots and yarn in their kitchens; but all
this is changed now. The factories
have multiplied; machinery haa done
away with all hand labor aad the
wotuon have been compelled to follow
tho work.
"Woman," Mr. Wadlla mays ia his re
port, "has madoaa entrance Into the
industrial world, hat increased her
hold upon old branches of occupation
and forced her way into many new ones.
She is better educated for active em
ployment, better able to grapple with
the difficulties or busiaees than before,
and, having tasted of the eweeta of ia
dopondenco by being able to support
herself and others, one is forced to con
clude that woman's position in industry
is accuse amd will bo psrmaaent Every
occupation hut those calling' fur too much
out-door espesare or to much muscular
labor ia opem, to womea, aad if aha haa
aotatreaay secureu a veening taerein
tho noxt census will show that she hat
found a way.
On tbe Jlcach. Mias Iteacoahlll. of
Boston "Do you like Browning, Mr.
Potts?" Jack Potts, of Omaha, some
what vaguely "Well-er-yes, but I don't
like to see aay oae too brown, though.
Your complexion is about my- idea.
Shall wo tako a stroll?" They strolled.
Westborough Tribune.
Weak and enfeebled ceaatitationa aeed a
good touio oixfslonalb. Now thcro is one
tonic which a great many delicate aad weak
folks havo used to good advaatage. It re
stores tho appetite aad improves the diges
tion. It drives eat malaria, It prcveuta
colds aud iaflueesa. It makes eae feel bet
ter aad stronger every way. It will also
cure chills aad fever, even after all other
treatateutfaila Voyom.vraattofcelstraag
and well! Then give it a trial. It is called
Smith's Touio Byrup. and is the discovery
of that eminent physician, Dr. Joha Bull, of
Louisville, Ky. It Is rapidly taking the
placo of quinine, aa it has ail the good qual
ities ef that drug aad bobo of its hurtful
tendencies. It wilt not harm the meat deli
cate individual, Is very pleasant te take,
aud aever fails to do good.
Thcuk are ever sevea million pores la the
human body, aad yet we are not surprised
because some mea are sponges,
Stats or Ohio, Crrr or Tolxoo, I
Lf cas Cocurv, f -
Frank J. Cbcaey makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the arm of P. J. Cheney
& Co., doing business ia the City ef Toledo.
CouutyaoiT State aforesaid, aad that said
firm will pay the sum of oxb icisus nni.
lass for each aad every ease of Catarrh
that caa not be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Pbank J. Cusxsv.
Sworn te before me aad subscribed la my
p rescnce,thisrHh day of Decern ber.A.D.lWSL
IasAL A. W. Ulbasou, Kotary PuhUc
Hall's Catarrh Cure la takea internally
and acta dlrccUyupoe the blood aad mucous
surfaces of tho system Send for testi
monials, free. F. J. Cbkxbt tCo.,Toledo,0.
ni suppose
may be said to be
broke wnea it
't gotaaceat Mnghaav
Is Pbicklt Ash Birmt need for any.
thing! Head what Praak Origgshy, of
Dodge City, Kaa.. aaya: "For three years 1
suffered from a disease that my physicians
pronounced Incurable. My friends hail
given me up to die. when I was induced to
try your remedy. Iteek it for three meatht
aad have gained 89 neuads la weight. Am
a well maa aad Prickly Ash Bitters saved
ray life. I am under life-long obligations
to this saedtciae, aad wiil aever cease to
recommend it."
Tag beauty la amateur theatricals lies la
their realism-there fa aeldsm any acting la
them. Rlmira Ciasette.
A soAr that Is soft Isstf of mttmr, hair er
two-thirds its weight probably, thus you
pay sevea er eight ceate per pound for wa
tcr. Itobhtas' Uectrio Heap ta eh anew aad
ho adulteration, therefore the atari
erf. TryPsssbM'.
1 June oa settles sown by the
ia September he settles sp by the sea.
Will he found aa eaesileat rtasodr for
sick headatha. Carter's Little Liver 1111.
Tbousaads ef letters from swam who have
taem prove tais tact. Try
Dora's Msgailae.
How OtTBtv to t eree shlfsttta to take asaty
mm miKK ir. (UJ f
tost Hke aauaty candy
spas lark.
a Ojttsm la lues's Cere ier
Cures where ether rsBssates fail
BAMSAS cttt.
. 2m
attrt M
WUBAT-Me. j re .-. s
ttoejV m aWaBaVs
tmw" M ajp
saaTaa "Nrattj mm ' SaV 9
PUMItV-rstesasv per ssett... lb S
autfsf BtsWanBtaJ, wmm w - 4ap t9
atrrTttaCWiee srsnmtiy.. M
CMtUCSaV-rwa crests. n
.nuA - larnp.
CanX-hfatsassr aaatsml. ssa t a - - w w
sssew.. aav .m gap m.
mm zT.zz eas, w sap ' BaamjBassMassssfmamm kaajmmAusasB. m
aT sULtVa tBBmatvasmvatotWfle'eaejtAA as aaa gas An flat sBbBbBbBbBbBbI sm ma smams am amsamTtaaTT W sam ammmmmmssL? BmmsmTmm ami W
VJesu vatwWaitl era vwWmjv eBBwmn97aBtspTV Pa
ta a sagnt etgrco, tamnn
with drenchiasT evacuaatn.
mlta amfsehls tbe Intent! sal inmsTaneVt
emtent, sometime, even, sueerin-
dysentery er pile. HoetetJer'a
Wtters I the true ffacredeneum
Bestrum, since It is at ence la-
genu ami effectual, it also
ia. malarial comMalata.
ami kidney troubles.
" i
Tam ISB hjttlc stag because It Malsrnys
Itaeir outetde ef hot water.
Omce or Hucj-TX ftrvrrso Ox
ruu.utLrm. Nov 6th. i9.
Dm. A. T. SaAtxKuKaoKu,
Itecbrntcr. la. frw 5v.- Th AatI
deto came duly to hand. It U without doubt ,
the hjaat lomcdy in tho world. 1 hare m
my whom family (xciuiro of myrin. n
', mt anaatng at ono urn, uurtnir
la Fiorina, and all rrotorM u
after taking a few do of ihom-xl
biBcerrly vour,
PaTtBWT waltera-tbo
Drake xfagaxiao.
I auvg tried, I bellevo. nearly ervry tonk
mediciae adverUtol, but none evrr swm fo
do mean much good a Smith ToulrMTrui
Mrs. J. A. Seckett, Jacksonville, KLt.
MLooE outr aald tbe cyclon to l.V
spphjrr "look oaL or you'll be wortri"
Per a Cough or Hore Tbmat tho lvi meU
cine in Halo's Honey of llorehound andTr
Pike's Toothache Prop Cure Inoaomlauu-
Damsuu- "What is the aav of your boy I"
-X. Y World.
JVgvsa fall to euro alck htatlarho. nftro
the very first doso. This is what W Ul by
all who try Carter's UtUo Liver 1111,
Aj Old mcM's bouse, like a motion to t
joura, taalwavs in order Al.'hion tllobn.
of confidence in it tlvc m.inu
i)acturcrs of Dr. Sacc's Ca-
tarTh Remedy. It's a faith
lhat means'' business, too it's
backed up by money. This
is what tney offer: $500 re
ward for a 'case of Catarrh
which they cannot cure. They
mean it. They're willing to
take the risk tney know their
medicine. By its mild, .sooth
ing, cleansing and healing
properties, it produces jh.t
fcet and permanent cures of
the worst cases of chronic Ca
tarrh in the Mead. It's doitii;
it every day, where everything
else has failed. No matter
how bad your case, or of how
long standing, you can he
cured. You're sure of that-
or of $500. You can't have
both, but youll lave one or
the other.
Botk the BtotKod mnl result wkc
amsl wreemwg ta the taste, amiac
, Madly yet promptly oa the Kid tcys,
I4rer an4 Bowek, cleansee the -totoewectuaJty,
dtspcleeottia, bl
arlmw gam rerers Btxl gums tabttual
fjosmmjaatiem. gvrap ot Flg is th
oaly rtaaedy of He klad ever wo
immA ajssniiig to the taste aw! ao
ceptabla to the etomaca, frvmU im
iaf aetioa aad trttlir Imsmftdal ia ita
taVctsV avrfared only froas the atost
ltaaltby aaa arreeable aurwUeKt.
iai saaay eiceUeftt cjtialkiea aom
ssearl it to all aawJ fcava atsvie it
tasf tooet ffUr prmerjy kaowa.
tSyiaaaf rMi b fr sale hi tOa
assmlilbomltowV all liavBagaVi!;;
gat "Any ftfiahla irux'M who
Btaystoiaave Hss Wad will af
cejiw ft aromjatiy Ut amy oaa who
to try a. i mot axttt
oumiM m sm? to.
mm rear. .r.
The Daylight
You are an mtditfjent person
and know a good lamp
wfenyotitteiL Thcctsrin
' Pa;rrLarabtW-Dy
wbmc ttfht m etftsfi to
CJCMTY CAMrnUS! k'n foe only
lamp to read or sew py,
and tewtii ym aave aaedoac
jrou do abt kow vkata
rimer &th Scad to
mat D AYTJGMT fjOm CO,
3f fait ffaoe, New Tfcrk,
M" ' l
bbbbbbbK m smmmmmT
smmmcV tsw5lw. Lmmmr
e 'Sam