;;sv UrTS t-ji-r'V ""r ---,tfr .i ...n mt j-t,t (TM:wm ;Sr'v'T- j . - - &3&m. .t --.-S Li? 6i FS - -" w 'I. -" H- . ; -J- --w j h .BaaABBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBaB Jm.. . . ' An p . . -::-x;- 'lIMfc;'- - aamsmammamB .- --- -w"' vt" . , ., .. 3llBaSBBiHs9HBHBHIHiBBaI "EiHPMJl:' jfW, .. p 4. rf . it- tes.f?" t'Vajjrjp' rl &lJ3EH. 'ijT 1" r "lisff ? ti3lmmWmmmwSmmmmSmmmWm iamBBlSgawmBBKsEmmmmw Smsa- H9HBHHHBHiIHB31Sv-iHBHMf. .$ t5i9uigmmsfl i-r. -2atfe:MgJ!:niiTM!rWrMB 'l ' gggggBrfam mar MSjyary sBjsBBre; nw B B BBBlBiiBIBXlBSKEBliiPilK.' 'CIIBb: "Z ?j?IB rS " 'W "-'"zilMi .b tilB . "iaBBw m .bhbI B B' BaHlBPBBBaBBBBBBBHlBcSlK'-- IBBilii - '" 1B . :. lBBMlBBlBBBiBl m MbbhP SbbBSULm B bbHFbEbBHBbBbM SSMBBSSCfcA. pjji ; ''-1 - '-' 'c'' --.SBBBlHBBBBBlBBBBaft B B IhI ' BbHFBi BHEBI BIB ' 'BBak fc;'' ' t'-T'M -r..-.?nrrrTh&Blntm2iitit&rBK . Bf (B B BBBi B. BBJBESB Bl H vtBBSBBm. . , -rf1- A-i "52'&afflBBBBBBBBfflBBBBBaBBBBBBBhBBlBHBBBBB B I """Fl L 'fffiBflBik. y''Hic):?!ttKaMiaBaBBBaBaBaBaiffalffaBalliffaaaBa '-"- BaB Hi 'BBBaBBB ' iwWiiiiiiliJWBBBilllllllllWBIWBnilh iiBTi nT r liiiBBWiBBBBlAt i -- ::;jaigglliiatBBBilllBilll 'iirs3MHHlwBHBBllBfllBfllBfllBflNBBllBfllBfllBfllibSelHl3 r-.,H;ar3a!aaM ii ii J j ,Bii,al,al,al,al,al,anal,al,al,al,al,al,MBl,fiWi,aa,al,al,al,a I "if- r TBlBBt'"T't'.,al,al,al,al,al,al,ali,al,alB1al,al,al,al,al,al,al,ai 'r' i gii5gisaSRaaaMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPjCTBBBBtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEJBBBIBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP fcJ Ik-llrJCJ HBP'Bl IBM Ji"J"J"J"J"J"J"J"J"J"JM"J"J"BiBB"BjJ"J"J"J"J"J"J"J"J" , iTT irArlaiMaBMBJBJBJBJBjliMWMirM" l t.":::-tn2SSBB9B83HB!vBal&9IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIKAIII9llHllllllllllllllllllHIIIBBIIBIftivllllBVB99 1 n a J B F lm,rm ACBril bv BBBi "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBBBBBBBniBlnMitt ' irtaff UBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnrr rT ii8HipffiHHBi(BLmBiB Bvlv -l' ?BBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBB.TSvKlBBBBBBBBHaPaBlBHl'OT - M" S - JbUAHBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBlBCTIr llf BB&lllBBBBBBMBBBBBJLlT - r3ZiBBBBBBBBBalBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBMBg-y' j-l j - JtMiBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHIBHMBKMBGBBttfBBX . " ' - aSgBBalgBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgBBiBBMBBBIBaKsr-gB JaBliBBBBBiBBBMBBaBgMi1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBMBlBBl BBBBbBBIbBBBBBbBI- , fJlBBHKBKBiBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBrWHBBVAflR Br11 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB bT F BBBBBBBBBBbBKbB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBT' MIIflBBCBWrBBBBBBBBVlBBBflBBlt3jIU ''"'lBBZKraBBBBBBBBlV' BBaBBBIBBBHBBBUBBaBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBKVBBBBBBBV BWBBbBBJc1?', jjM1JW P"aF BHbBBBbDBBbIbBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBBBBbI W jyvrSlliBBBlBBBMHlM3BBiBBKBlBESlgj- ,Mlffffll'TTMBBrBMBBBBBWKBBB BBbBJbT BBBTIBBBBBBbB Hfl VSAfll BbBBIBBBBBbBi i yiaBBBBBBMBjjBjBrrBffBBBfM TiigWWj 'BbUbBF BBBBBBBBBBTiBBBBM BBBBBBBBBBBbSS -mMiii""- ? BBBBBBBHBaBaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfT .' By A. C. Hosmer. Ho! There! S F. SPOKESHELD has eTeiything in the Dry Coods and Grocery line and sells CHEAP FOR CASH. Tiy him if you want square dealing. THE PIONEER Feed, m m F. N. Richardson, Prop, Red Cloud. We have more hay and more core, more oats, and more barn (all of which we purchased when prices were ay down) than any firm in town, there4 we R prepared 2 give U lower R8te than any firm between the 2 oceans, Boarding by the day, week or month. We do not brag of our horse manship. Stock in our care shows their keeping, Call on ns at the old reliable barn back of Poetoffice andjbe con vinced that what we tell you is true. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERs RED CLOUD, NEB R. V.Shirkv, Pres. Henrt CLARKE,Vice-Pre. L. II. Fort, Cubier Ellis L Siiiret, AnsigUat Casbier FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CAPITAL. Transact a geaeral basking boaiseas, bay aad sell county warranta alic county, precinct and school district bonds. Bay and sell foreign exebangv DIRECTORS: Jas. McNeny. J. A.Talleys, Jobn R Skirey. Henrr Clarke. B. OLABKK Pialdeot, AlbaoF. N. &ODt. V. NEBRASKA & KANSAS. FARM LOAN CO., PAID UP CJPrjJL,f50,000. Tak Ttf ApvMeatta f Tkra, Bcase yoa ill be dcAlins direct with the lend r and net win mi acrm. ur towumhw mm mi na mC the lowest rate, a yoa can get 7ar asoacy IsiaMdiately. wede not sead year appHcatioa all orer bm v r-mm alv M tfeM hettnM. jecsmae Interest aad principal to payable at uea oaiaeiaieroK payneais. csyrawiUBepieasMwtuioHrauaBeT trouble. Red Cloud, Neb. WARNEK & WOLFANGEB, PROPRIETORS OF Hi M We have just received our large stock of NEW Goads We sella custom made plor shoe for 1.2 5, best ever went out of Red Cloud for" the money We kave also a ladies iae donsjoUbattoa shoe, also ia goat for fl.75. Ererr pair vanaatea. Far children's shoes we kara tke staaasra breads tke Little Giant aad also tke Warerlj seaool ekoe. Tkese are tke beet in the world. Examiae ear atsak before aarekaajag elsewkere. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, 1. H. FORT, Maujter. Abstraeto of Title. x.iurmnea 10 au uunm m weower joaniy, kocaraieiy and ON BtiUKr JJOriUE. City Lnerx.Feed and Sale Stable c . Bl w eft r W iBl. JVleAVUY, frops, - j. w. - jbirsi-cmss stiffs Bo'fding by d-y or weefeod hay ,ahd feed - for team - Come and sec UsL saalm'- -fe;w!fev'.4:i 'yk 8f'K5f ??S- V5WW3: -: ,?r?l?'lf: :; m m - $75, U. W. Jbindsey. R. V. Skirey. k. r. uii gkland. . A. J. Kenny. J. A. TTJU.ST, VloPreaidaot the cewntry for sosse one else to M. our eBce, aad If desired we eaa give ... Mutaess, aaa sere ssoney. save taae, sare Albany, New York. t at the fAk Yi mm m L. H. FORT Mawawbbj Red Clona, Nek. .: " V tB rfV fS V f L. - r -k os im ana, ueoa reams. w Eternal Vigilance is the Red Cloud, HM0f.lfc Pwer mi ABSOtVIEUr PURE NOTICE TO PATKOWS. THE CHIEF ia bmvt !- cated ! the raa Jawi awrtli f Its m4L lcatlat where we will he better mreawred tluui evert waltaiperfrleBWM. mmrtm Trs eerdUallf selleiteal. ' A. C. HOSMEst, Prep. KesmMlema tate Ticket. L. b. RICHaSDS ef Dodfe. 'r. For LiesteaaBt Goreraor. T. T. MAJORS of Neauha. For Secretary o( State, J. C. ALLEN of Red Willow. For Auditor. THOS. H. BENTON of Lancaster. For Treasurer. J. E. HILL of Gage. far AtteraeT-Geaeral. UEOXUE H. UASTlNGSof SaUae. For CoauBlMieBer Public Lands aad Btdidiags' GEO. R. HUMPHREY of Coster. For ttaperiatendetit of Public Iastraetioa, A. K.GOUDY of Webster. djgrcssleial Ticket. Fot Congress, N V HARLAN of York Sematerlal Ticket. For Senator, S. C. BAIRDef Nuckolla county. Fleat Ticket. For Float RepreseatatiTe, M. M. WARNER. ,' Ceamty Ticket. For Representative. W.E.THORNE. For County Attorney, JNO. R. WiLIX)X. CITY BSEEKEsw Charley Buschow week. in tke city this Elmer Crone has a nice new piano, pre sented to him by his parents. Miss Lizzie Whany, of Wisconsin is netting with Jars. A. u. trunk. James S. Brown of Bed Cloud, has been granted a pension by Uncle Sam. The grand instructor of the masonic fraternity was in the city Mondsy night. Will Emigh and his fast trotter, Ly curgus, will be in Red Cloud today to at tend the fair. J. L. Frame, Wm. Gates and E. Light foot have added their names to the big book of the Great Family Weekly. Thanks. C.G. Wilson, W.R. Riley and Harry Hopkins, independent candidates were electioneering in this neck 'o the woode this week. H. M. Crane has purchased the Bloom iogton Echo. Herb is ssood "feller" and will make the Echo resound from shore to shore, we anticipate. Several delegates were in the city this week hunting up McKeighans record. Red Cloud is the great Mecca, whither all people turn their footsteps in political times, especially this time. Tho matinee races last Friday after noon were quite largely attended and the racing was said to be extra good. Oar reporter was unable to be present, but tne boys say tnat the races were good. Will Perry has just returned from Missouri where be has been for a few weeka in the mining regions. He re ports Webb City on ttie boom. He left aeTeral specimens of lead and ziac, at thJsoOce. Every person in Webster county should ana to the fair next week aad try and hare a good time. Bring in your cattle, hogs, com, kc Take your pictures, fan- S work, 6c, and make an effort to give e association a boost A. KFaakand family will leare in a few daya for Liacola, which place they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Funk have hosts of friends in this city who will be sorry to learn of their intentions of leaving Red Cloud but will be pleased to learn of their success. Charlie F. McKeighaa, bob of Hob. W. A. McKeighaa of this city, aad a well kaowa young man of this oouaty, was Baited ia marriage on Tuesday eveaisa?. by the Rev. Mr. Taggart to Miss Lillie McCaasv a vary estimable yoglady, ana asngater or our mend Henry Jtc- Caae of this oouaty. The young couple have oar bast wishes for a prosperous aad happy voyage orer the matrimonial BBEBBJe, This week there was a ofoarhnsinitrma by which oar old Hackers: aosdtkeir toDwsjkt Parker 1 kaaa ia the grocery baaiacae ia Bad Cload for a aamkar of years aad bare people wfll be sorry to bearofthetr taauoatoaaUoBt tbetr Joaar who toowBasaiaaad wfll aaoawtsja " Tka atuaber of important bOk that tka aaaij x wfll to um aaxt !RIU KsmOmTsm aaaaa ljoaral iiiiiaaai. Tax Obobp wmkaabetmtsmoMas3MB arm - atraames to taw Mtt !! tk ebsm sarm wr?. riAA . - i mssn rmwss ani lnsrinr naHaaaaar. i. MrlUagkaa. B01 Svam ami Bal " f ? r. --- smaBrsama. "aaas.-jaaaaaa ixasaaorsK. r tW asoamaia ssmem - ' vxl h -. k mm i 3Kv " ' -J, y -'m ' l f - "' . . r a .j .. -", aasBSsvssai i asaHa aasasssss asKswssaaj sa sb a -ti ' , , ht''1!1' .'a saaaavaasaasBa'T s?AasisaiBaBmaasli saaalBBTamma'gaii'mSsaiamW '-, "jf4flAkaaBSB Price of Liberty' and Webster County, Neb., U. SL Govt Report, Ah 7 Baking Powder IrrigmtlsHi la CoaaJm;. It was leas than two jears ago that tke Journal, in a series of articles, called attention to the importance of the irrigation question to the people of western Nebraska. It advocated a aatioaal plan for diitribatiag the waters of the streams bj the baiUiag af reservoirs aad ditekes everywkere that water can be fonad west of the 100th anridian. The storm aad pro tests from people living in the region mentioned was appalliag. Letter af ter letter came to the editor iasigaaau lj deayiag tkat tkere was aaj aeed of irrigation in Nebraska. The re markable crops of the western conn ties for three jears in succession were pointed oat as a refutation of the irri gation argument. The logic of one season, a season that is execptional to a certain extent, but sarely reear rent at not very long intervals, has changed all this, aad now the people of the webt are thoroughly ia accord with tke Journal and are hard at work organising for the gathering and distribution of the waters of western Nebraska. But as the Journal said at the time it is not only for the exceptional years that irrigation is going to be valuable. Ia no county in this state is there, on any given year, the pre cise distribution of rains in sesson to produce the best crop rr salts. Irri gation will surely double the produc iag value of any farm ia the state for the reason that it enables a thorough going farmer to get the full produc ing power of his laid every season, rain or shine. Tho value increases with every mile you go from the Mis souri river, because the farther you go the more uncertain it is tkat tho rain will fsll at the right juaetare for a growing crop. The Journal ie tkerefore pleased to see the steps that are being taken in the right direction ia western Nebraska this year. State Journal. Otto Stock has aoma hens that do not believe in monapoly and are bow eagaged in laying double shelled' eggs, that is to say a perfect egg im side of an egg, comparatively two ggs at one laying. This hen evident ly believed in that old story about the hen that laid an egg 'every day snd Sundsy laid two. She a anted to show the world thst the old torv was no myth, and so duplicated it. The outer shell of one of the eggs measar ed 8$ iaches long ana 7 inches in circumference, tke inner egg was aboat the sue of a commoa every daj egg that a hen "would naturally feel proad of. Mr. Stocke has two ef tke specimens. Some of oar eatbastattic frieads of McKeighaa have swaagtwo baaaera across the streets witb this device: Oar VaiGfCta McKEIGHAN. aaiated ia large aad faatastic letters. Meaeay mcraiag wkea oar reasrter came dowa towa ke sa-- tkat the baaaera wore wrapped around tke liae, ar.d a minute afterward ono ef oar fellows said, " DoutyerseeMe Keigbansdoueup." Tke Reasber;:' are a family cf teachers. Tke fatker has k.:ld kigh psaitieas as an educator, and hi daaghters art "chips of tbcnidblck" Miss Laara kas charge of tke latctme diate room ia tke First ward aeaasl ia Red dead, aad Mis. Ella has takea ike sekoal ia tke Otto district, is Webster coanty Bth the yoaag ladies receive liberal tilane? River UaGard. Tka HaMredge Prouresa aa af tke iadepeadeat party, aays: We kaew Mr. Hsrlaa ti beaaiaeatiap tibia aad koaest maa, whose sympa thies are witk tka pesptc'V Tessa are atraag waras. aassiau from a aa kgulatar wttk Mr. HarUw HaMiaga Iadepaadaat. J. H. Bailey has $5,f0t ta kma aa aad eity araaerty. Farm per eaataadlaas. (St aigat per Ifjasaamaff gBr-MeasmsiBag- ' One Dollar a year is Friday, September 26, 1890. Still The republican rartv, quick to see the ranch needed legislation that thou!d bo r-uactcd iu the interests of the farmer, mechanic and laboring man, has with its usual promptness taken the lead ia bringing about sueh reforms ss are accessary to alleviate their distress aad plaea tkem oa aa equal basis with the more sflaeat of their kiad. Ia eoagress maay bills kave aeen intredaeed tor the beaef t of the workingmsa aad a aamber have been passed that will give tkem re lief of a subs taatial kiad. Of course there are many demagogues going over the coaatry with base drums and a great flourish of trumpets, saying to the people "We are the Moses that will lead yoa iato tke promised laad, and give eaeh aad every oae of yoa a fortune oat of Uncle Sam's till, if yoa will only eleet as U eoagress," bat they will aever be able to deliver tke goods, and it will be well for the vo ters to stop and tkiak twice before they are led off by the hae and cry of the maay agitators who seek to get tkem diseoateated oaly to further their cause and give them a fat ofice. One good brother, and independent voter, said to as the other day. if we do not sacceed in electing one of ear men, we have received all that we have asked for, namely the free coin age of silver aad the rductipn of freight rstas, eVc, ate. That is true the republieaa patty is doing all that any partv eaa do for the people, and a good healthy agitation of impor tant subjects will do more for the peo ple thaa all the isms, agitators aad raaaing after false theories, ever esa do. These matters shoald be dis cussed just the same as business prob lems, in a eool and methodical man ner, eadeavoriag to work iato ihe plaa that is to vour best interests, remcav beriag that aectsaary reforms cannot be brought aboat ia a eiagle cay. It tskes years to bring about legislation that will suit 60,000,000 of goahead people. Then let every republican aad every democrat and every other man stop ranaiag after false godt, aad look after his or their own inter ests, giving but little heed to those fellows whose theories will not bear inspectioa, and they will find times maek better, and deeidedly much less room for eeatplaiat. ' That there is mach useless legisls tioa ereepiag iato oar laws if evideat aad that there Is many neded re forms ia oar body politic is eeitaia, bat all of these csa be remedied ia your owa party withoat goin: fraatie over every whim of the demagogue who i oaly workinc job up for the purpose of helping him get a fst snap. Tbst's all. Mlwattoa. There are bo better men, oa aip ticket than those men who compose the republican state ticket. The voters should aot be led off by high soanding promises from men who have never had any experience ia legislatica or aaytbiag else. Bojd of Omaha the democratic candidate is a man that skoald not be sapported by aay good eitixea who valaes his positioa ia society. He is rick, bat tkat skoald aot be aa iaseative ts kelp kim iato the gakeraatsrial ekair. Tkea tkere it Powers, wkese ideas aa f aaaees aad stksr impartaat subjects waald absolately raia tke esaatry akaald tkey become laws. Tketkeery tkat tka pablie faada akaald be leaaed aat ta laud owners, aa mortgage tecarity at 2 per seat aeraaaam, a speeies of e!asa lei tian, is a frsad aad a delanoa aad ao tatioaal msa, of any paitv or creed, if tkorsagkly coga'saat wi'fi the fiets woald coaaider them for a nunate. Na persoB will deaj bat that the volama nf earreaey shoald be iu&resd ta meet the demaads of the f'plr, bat th.t wild aat tbestias af sme aaa zettiag sometkiag far aethiag,H ia stksarytkat wawld raia tka beat geverameat aa eartk Baaiaass ia kaaiaaae, tka paaala are tka ralers aad let tkem rata ia a kasisea Hks maaaar tka affaksaf tlis gnrersmeat. Tkat's Oar friaam. A. O. Willie, aad wife fraaa Ckiaaca, wkara Mr. Willis waat ia nearer' af medical aid far aa aakle tkat ke had tajared ta a wrack wast af this eity tw ar three years aaw. lUaajajaaaak wkk sjaad aewa tkat ks limb waaM aat aead ampataUaa. His maay- friends ia Bad Clead aiii be skated ta af " X.rte mmaaamaaasaaaBBaaa? I , - i " . rgasmaaw wsfaaaammammsFml mmmBmmsal "Bmsaarn VgBgaflgaM the Price of The Chief. McNitt & Galusha, SUITS v For less money than anyone this year. Goods never as this year, on W5 HAVE an unusually large stock. We better suit than In overcoats the price is from SI to $3 less In underwear we catch them. Come and sfbb5P At gagrssm WAvVpaWwBaa BBassaa UHfv JRm bbvbb mm-mm Don't Forget rTj7h Nf York n" Hm Store NEXT WEEK MU c""ci' "jljS Dry Goods, September 30, sanmmBmmms" AirD W. L. DOUGLAS n Continueing 4 days. $3 SHOE wu&m -Booto and ; aSasXaCSaaTafeMiMaaaVa ' ' " Kverybody come and nSm SSbmi iiii--aAai L. SfS: Shoe Store GOOD TIME. Iar- .,. , ttasHOjE uflay Best Goods, ragfjg?t -sx&t.?i: Latest St v lea gaTJBBmaasBma?r ,B"' - ' mafBp - tS jBLwVt9SfKSW79FOmLw - J jfWS? WML 1 aassmlaaalya V , 1 tTSJJtS JaWvOU X ab . aasav aSm aaaaaaaaaaaaai $-js mr M.f9 xiiA f ns aamamamamsBSB --. zs ATUUITA. CA. IBBBBBBBBBBBBI " gfVS MHMBaaasBsaBMBaHsMMaMaaaaaiBBMaBMiiBP mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmal'1 W sammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsf " f ''im 'ammmmmmmsai' --jJ ' jC Tiim gsBaamamamamamamamamamamamamma amamaaaaawmaal samammmmmmmmtvasH !g"3r "' siniic'tmm 'WJb ' - 'jmta sammmmaBBB B5.iw iSlS tSSi rTUH I " r- - sasswrnsasmaaamtgsaTps- 4- j ,--. &m tSUr LITTLEt iicKSS5BaS'i : Candsife-Jl - -1 aaamV m bbt- .aJsmsmf aamsF j- VassJamasmmVamaaV BTkHBBsVmV. i&-" -f-al n 1 11 si a mm Lmmm eBBaaiBBmmaBL PiawBaaaaMBsaaaa 5p 15 'Jt2 , c "-i La CJasaaaT 4mmw CaWssWawaaaO fMaammmmmmsV''' smtsasmmat sammsmvammaamT smTmmmssmf ? 9 - - - " "" -. - m ammBBmmmBBm-"- BKamarmr sammmmaVasm smsammmTsr sr - -! v z .Im tmW&mWBmmw& raamaaatVaMaaaW ttsaW-mfy FT l"l WV iWJaaaVasU J -J- " 'SS ami - ajTlT ' ?r 9K9LWfm9kWLmm9h $ KgfegkaflsaamB- Bmasammammmmmmammm gamsammwartllai ,,. gBgvjpjggj-, aaaBBsamW amsaV mmmm 1t BiiBmmmmmv SasBmmmmTammmmmmmmmKBBTam mmmmmmm -" fM -v mmL' ' '-' kalwkpBwjgTgTai BBJawswsa ssmmamm . kawBal ,t '"iBJBJBJBJiBJBJBJBJBfl T mWm? smrnM "smma.Mmmtar-tBH sssw'' aaSs " " Jaammssaa arsmaamassBJs v . -x- '-' J - ''r''titsJ LLLw i&OT!?, v tjT.M r s ' "L JHargswBB amaawssmBTBIH wawBJBflHpp .VgawammBsMP VsaaP - -X J? -" y "rjga. '. gammms! --bj' - Ji:-grttgl '' "' " vir' aBstf aammamsJsamW & j& Ji - Hsammmmmaf SsMsM gaammaaatmmmammmmW ..aVW --W - - i-' Zbz. "J- - V i 1 '1: Ob'.?;X-VBsaV'"-X gaaaVmvW ff''"BT'-'(-a? dl,,BBm'iiW'B -a - pfc .r?fC a -jt . . T- M -- K" -t -'"" -"'r' -aaysBaria'fwsaawaaBaF '"Hgamnmaaa BBBvJBflBSBBBB BSBBk vss7.ffBTgBhaWBffBBBHBH" ffBJL'amCmmmmsBma ' -7JCl? slggtammmmammmammamC -T -awBamwHaamlBa 'smwam 'mmmmsam 'snaEaiBB-amrBBgassm samCmmmmmmK -.' - v' ammamammmnammmmmmsB- -i?jS i' -'-'--v ' W'jt" sammmmsm ' f'i7-it '". ''&'' """i1"." :-. .J-, .'';" -' '.i'i?ztZrr'<?- '---'T'-iC'V"' '--"";' '';. """"'S5'""?T'r i- - 4"''li As-iajBssmiJmBmmm --J-. r ';' . " -w- '- .'.--i5.-" "ir: '" ? - ($ .-" .. . j.; - ;.-. - '.-- & JaMgimmmml .-..'-. - iwfc 1 eftaafc .'-J-. .T.-jaJ . - j. js-tif -t & &3SmLl. "v. .. JSSr&snL. -i2a-:u&:t4gH?WSaiBBmWsBmWsBl RED CLOUD, NEB. Propose to sell AN OVERCOATS! were offered so account of this fact. you ever bought befo: PRIC Vol.18. No. 9. '. eheap iu market i.'fS'fif m : &M& Hi s,ii iU,s-$-S-,7?r 3 ,"."- shall sem? 1". I BP I 1 1 'BBl tl "season. see. stSt1 - 'Ttd-tii mb- - - 'LA 4BBBBBSW' "-'NrT! -.- M fggU