mmmmmBRPl0s&3ft SS'SsJfiisy '"1---.-' - f-V fzmmm x-w.-rro -v' $K& K3C JK S "; W H Sc .f ?' raBSSll .i;--. . mmmmmmjmsjmj.m.ftjB.T-'sm ' 4X ', f ;r---?.rr '? Ctlra.J- Y -l " .-,-.to5. - T"- jS " --. w - BnWaBBXs. il.nv 111 ' 111 W f'l 1 ' ' I i i i i i i i1 V " I i I i ii 'ill I ' i Ss , -m, " , ,A T1 -4 ' . " " . - -C -rtH --"' Vi-Sr-J k$sa- SH'.. - lJZ-3-5- , t lni ! L't! j - ---- ' ' ii i . - t li- . -i-w;-. 1i"; " . .; 5 -vif--i-v . -. - -aBOaaaa -aaaa. aaaaBaaaa aaiaaaaaanaaaaa ""i""'""""-1" "" M""T" -2W-iV" -JTJi j .r-TT... a. : t w. 2 -'"., p . ' - , . - , - . ... - : i-.- VfcSr CLOUD CHI1F. y KEBKA8EA. CURRENT COMMENT. f dUeUUiMfeto vtaU JblMrf for th fcealtk ew cem cUae for tkafeokiaffof bWJtor. clotfc, caroeta, cwtoiM mat kaagisfi imfoeooi wita ocarlot fovor or tipktkoria. A nor mas toko alaeo mi 'Vila iagotf taeoaarnfaat eortolaJawa wero miiltr ef taa aimrior of i tiaa. Moby Jewo won torrialy txeatod aefore tiM atUiiarj o.aoUotrtta diaterboaoe. The First CooiptroUerof theTraosarj. lu readered a deeisioa la which he holds that a coamiaaioaer of the World's Colaaibiaa Exaoaltioa oaa be aa officer of the eoBMBfoeioa aad a eoauaisaloaer at the aaaae tiara. The Lafayette BtoaaaieBtconiaiiasioa has at last selected a site for the statue. It is at the iatersectioa of Fifteeath street aad PeaasylTaala aroaue. Wash iactoa. oa a sasall alot south of the Treasary haildiag. Aktksiak wolls have dereloped snch aa abuadaat sapply of water ia the des ert of Sahara that Freach eariaeers are confideat of beias; able to extead their railroad to a dietaace of a week's joar aey from Algeria right through the des ert Coixnbl Pouc, of North Caroliaa, Kational lecturer of the Fanners' Alli ance, was ia Washiagtoa recently. He says the Alliaace is aot only in good health, but the BioreaieBt is rapidly spreading aad sweepiag its way all oyer the laad. Tub crow of the steamship State of Georgia deserted the vessel just as she was about to sail from England for New York. The cause of their action was that the baker employed on board was a Bon-UBloa man and a request for his discharge had been refused. Tub friends of Congressman McKin ley hare decided to put forth their best efforts ia his behalf and will try to give him a victory like that secured by the Speaker ia Maine. The leading Repub lican speakers ia the House will make one or more speeches ia his behalf. Tins arbitrators selected to settle the Delagoa Bay dispute between England and Portugal, are M. Blaesi, Judge of the Federal Tribunal of Swi M. Henslon, professor of law in the versity at Basle, and M. Soldau, Council lor of State of Lausanne. M. Blaesi, will be president of the board. The charges preferred by General Kautz, of Fort Niobrara, to the War Department against General Brooks, to gether with the counter charges pre ferred by General Brooks against Gen eral Kautz, have by mutual application been withdrawn and the difficulty be tween tho officers compromised. Mia. MiLtr-K, the wife of tho Gov ernor of North Dakota, was once a com positor in a newspaper office, and it was while working at the case that she met the man who was to become her hus band. Recently while visiting in Dry den, N. Y., she stepped into a printing office aad set up a few stickf uls of type as a reminder of the old days.,, A young lady from Youngstown, O., who had been engaged as instructor in a Now Britain (Conn.) school, was refused the situation after arriving there to take charge. The only reason that the principal of the State normal school gave her was that she was "too homely.' .lie agreed to pay her a month's salary aad ezpeBses back to Youngstown. The London Standard's Madrid cor respondent says that the toleration of Carlists by the Prime Minister will probably result in the election of sev eral of their candidates at the coating elections The Carlists are making an active caavass and expect to secure many of the thirty-five seats for which they have candidate fa tbs eld. Advices frost Bome iadicate that the Pope is not pleased with Cardinal Man ning's latest ntteraaoes oa the labor question. His Holiness is said to have expressed the opiaioa that the Cardinal was being led by personal sympathy to indorse labor programmes which are aot entirely ia harmoay with the set tled attitude of the Church oh such questions. Tax illaess of the venerable Judge Isaac P. Christiaacy, ex-Uaited States Senator aad ex-Miaister to Pern, was teraaiaated by death receatly at Lans ing, Mich. When the jadge was first strickea dowa with cancer of the throat his safferiags ware intense, but -he -was BBOoaacioaa dnrtag the last forty-eight hoars aad his death was aa peaoefal as a child'a sleep. The Seaate, ia executive sessioB, coa flrnaed the followiagaosainations assoag others: J. & Sichardsoa, of Kansas, Coasul-Geaeral at Matamoras; George L. Dobsoa aa register of the lead-office at Buffalo, Ok.; W. T. Walker aa re ceiver of public atoaeys at Buffalo, Ok.; B. A Helsaea as postmaster at Pleas aatoa, Kaa., aad E. R. Croftoa as post master at Liberty, Ma CoxstTL TrjBNKB, of Cadis, ia a report to the State Departaoeat announces the establishment of a steamship liae be tween that pert aad New York. The steamers sail aader the Portuguese flag, carry freight aad passengers aad are registered at from 1,800 to 9.M0 tons. These vessels will raa at iatenraloof forty days, bat the oooapaay aatici pates that withia a year the increase in business will be saascieat to this to Itteea daya Tax first Aaarohmtsseeting ever held openly ia Berila has tokea place by per aiissioa of the aoUea. The Aaarchisto are aot vary aaaseraaa ia Germaay as compared with the Socialists, the Aa archistie pragraasssa aot beiag attract ive to the methodical aad regulative Teutonic salad. The nseetiag was a very taste aad aalmportaat affair. The speakers claissed the Aaarchisto to be the beaa fide feUewers of Karl Marx aad declared that Socialiaai was bat a weak snbstitnsB for the geaaiae doc trine ef naiverasl freedesa fertke-are-leUriat t' ij. 1 - ,--i ------"- -- : . . " '?f '"PWWi .liBBo BSD CIXXJIX A BiOPATCM fress Baaa-Paath stahss that the gnat aatioaal rohber chief, Baako Marest, who lately expired at Token. ImdaaiaBooanf faaaraL Baako had lived oa the iatareet of hWm-gossaa wealth for the 4oai tea years aad was the redpieat of ssaay hoaors fross. ait 1 native tewa. Whoa he was abeat a die ha oalled aha aarsaaaster aad aa theeities to hia bedside aad declared thalhehaddeae ssaay a aoble deed la ' kjajrafoooioa. aad that he died ' 'saawaaaChrkattoB. statade itaiTw iaeas to hiU as asaay Hears ws as aeasi ihialiawn anaaa the peer af-Takat smihasiaanaadaatioja i.M4hMiaaxMaf : .teaaay feocjohlto ".-;- a--iKaimr r- m i- a .sk. i s - ' m. n e . s. . . -t ss mm a ..--; r .'- --- - ' ' -l' - - - wmw- .mmmi- mw. m '-- . . : , '- ssns was --.. v. ata..aa.kaa bbmsh aBHaaaaaaBalMaiaBiaaHBBaMB .ss-aSaSSHmi misvatmr mm pm ,-r mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmanswaa' NEWS OF THE WEEK. Olo od By Ttoacrmpb aad afaaV .Tbb saati the Ota anreedtetae feraa rtport the Btverand Barter kill aad saw eeatfaneo the TorMI MIL The e mWtim aBMOdaieat to the Mil Maaostag a datv ea saasrs above Ma. is Dateh standard was agrees to. several ether asMaelneats .larrssslan Mffar ware adopted aad the segar sehesale was considered ear--lag the entire sessiee....Mnch of the tlae ef the Mease was eeraptad la secartaga noraaLand waeaJtwas ecared IMetrlet ef Ootasriila Mwlnsss w sitoaraaMafe UK the Sta the Besate tertavr the TarMt kill, the secar sehedate Meratlea. The Mil was aaallv te third reading, hat aa w had hsfore a vote, attempted te taka.aa. a eealestel hat-aU'eawctstn secare.a en the ma. iheTaral vaattwasssBea aa, six aeets.-aeiag tw as debate, at the close of whleh the Mil waaf antnpon IU third reading and piled by a vet of 41 te . a strict party vets, all the Bepublican votlag for aad the Deaaocrats agalast; There were a aamber of pairs. ;A eoafereace was asked fur aad the Seasto ad learned. .-. .The Beese spent sonte tlsjehTa' IraltleM attempt to ebtaia a quoram and adjourned. M'hek the Senate met on the Uthfr. Mor gan's rese'allen eaUlag eelhe teeretary ef the Interior for information a to certain railroad leads was agreed t". The eoafer eace report on the Vailroad Laad Forfeitere bill wan dlocusted at some lenath. bet ae anal action reached before adjoarament.... The House again wrestled with the eaoram problem aad as aoae appeared la sight ad ioarned. Tan Senate on the 13th passed a bllltoj snbject to 8Ute taxation National baak not -s and Halted States Treasury notes the same a other money. The confermca re port on the Railroad Laad Torfeltere bill was then debated until adjoarament, no action being reached.... Ia the House the Tariff bill was received from the Senate and referred to the Ways aad Mean Committee. Then a quorum suddenly disappeared and the IIoHse was compelled to adjourn the light being anon the contest te unseat Mr. Venable, from Virginia, aad award the seat to Laagston. hl colore! contestant FEXSOBTAL A3SD IfUUTTGAI. Francis Mukpht, temperance orator, was recently married to Mrs. Rebecca Fisher, of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Cakok Lidook, of England, is dead. ' Thb Democrats of the Seventh Mich igan district have renominated Cob gressmsn Justia B. Whiting by acclama tioa. Salvador's army has been disbanded. Tub New Zealand House of Repre sentatives hss rejected by a majority of twelve the Government proposal to nom inate dolegates to the convention to bo hold to consider tbo question of the fed eration of tho Australian colonies. Minnesota Democrats have nominat ed Thomas Wilson, of Winona, for Gov-, ernor. Delaware Republicans have nomi nated Uarry Richardson, of Dover, for Governor. Rktukns from practically the whole State of Maine arc: Burleigh, 03,525; Thompson, 44,844. Republican majori ty. 18.721. The Montgomery (Ala.) Chamber of Commerco has adopted resolutions against the Conger Lard bill. E. B. Winans has been nominated for Governor by the Michigan Democrats. Indiana Republicans have nominated Milton Trussler for Secretary of State. J. F. Godvaud, chairman of tho West ern Passenger Association, it is an nounced, will resign. Tub Teutonic, with Chauncey M. De pew and Archbishop Corrigan onboard. arrived at New York on the 10th. The first State election came off in Wyoming on tbe 11th. Both parties claimed the victory. 7 A revolution has broken out in ono of the Cantons of Switzerland over a re vision of the Constitution. The Now York Grant Monument As sociation has accepted tho designs of Joha H. Duncan. Tillman controlled the Democratic convention of South Carolina and was nominated for Governor. . General Ezeta has been elected President of Salvador. The situation in the provinces ef the Argentine Republic is reported again serious and extra troops have been sent out Dr. George R. Ghiseltn, a famous traveler and diplomat of tho Southern Confederacy, died at the Gilsey House, New York, on the 12th. The Bulgarian Government claims that Russia's bill for 'arms and amuni tion furnished Bulgarians during the Tarkish war is 100.000 roubles too high. MISCELLANEOUS. Frank Collier, the attorney who has been on trial for insanity before Judge Gary at Chicago, was discharged by or der of the judge. The Irish registrar's annual report estimates tho population of Ireland at 4,730,566. The number of persons emi grating to other countries during the year wss 70,477. The death rate com pared favorably with other years aad aa increase ia the number of marriages was recorded. Cables from Australia indicate that the great strike which has paralyzed many trades and nearly brought busi aess to a standstill shows signs of col lapsing. The inconvenience aad suffer ing' caused throughout the country is so great that the strikers are deprived of public sympathy and support During the Germaa maneuvers at Muhlberg, three hussars, while at tempting to swim their horses across the Elbe, were drowned. A number of their comrades narrowly escaped a sim ilar fate. Much interest has been excited in Paris by the announcement that Mrs. Langtry is to appear in "As Yon Like It" in that city. A lively run was made on the sav ings bank at South Bend, Ind., but de posits were placed faster than they were withdrawn. Tax No. It elevator ataOgdeasburg, N. Y "buraed receatly. Tho loss reached a total of 9500.080; insurance, fise.e. There was a serious riot of strikiag deck laborers at Southampton, England. oa the nth. The Riot act was read and the disorder sappreesed by the military. Several persoas were injured. 'Taxstage from Georgetown to Ankara. Cat., wao stopped by a lone highway maa aad the express box secured. ' Asxawrja outbreak of typhus fever hao.occarred la Upper Silesia lx its secoad census enumeration Pertlaad. Ore., gained 14,960 over the first coaat Jt bow has 62,442 iahabit aata. Tax Weatora Uaioa directors have de clared ta regular quarterly dividend of lJi-perceat Ax ardor has heea iosaed Providian; foraanifenafor the sailers of the Ger- ,vy atamuar to that went ay the British seamen Tax Jewish arsss la Loads have ra ta the Lord Ms jot's appeal for the aaarara by the great Ire la Saloa- SonvTarxejt . -& . ueorge Welter while baj, Alaska, 1 iatwaatr srwaafaaamia the hall af SSS&ZAJSSt. itiSfSISSS? paESX sSS?3: JZ&ZAZ&Z .JggJgSVg fSSttJttSSSZ afars aossaa to'asax aaa sa swaaty mtaa aaatra9ad:ay.'ara;- " IT. , ., , : . ..-'ta - .- -r- . " mooa xxmr fmaad ia xaata ffa early axes assBXac. "x7:""'., . .. , --, ,-..- i-msvTS Ts7at iTlam amatwalva loataf water waa foaad U r " - .lha mi dioi - Falator to held weorteathiakmaaaUl awlaaV - - -. -.-- 7 JlmBOOoaafi aifosd Baaaaati ipi il i.niina: ia lfaofnfCiatxmaa toa toavaorarUyreaalred. imawA'sam mlmssvka a n U -T to "sT Ii. '" "" TTiJ,' Waaoathaaaao -- .t-- - .-- - aamstH. vswax. i n jawex aaaa, n m u j m m , f 1 1 isiii i nolo 1 1 Bsaag af towa. ----"-T-irT.i' iwaia.oa tha xxaok bum raaa wear, r . aa4aaamaktota -aj 3 rr.'Z-,. sT asavoswl amah aaoasaasm max oamv caartswamaamsmi mmmrnvsmmnsB-s-e - yr-Jr'A--g-"' - . Tl? aoatrvwltto.aaBaf; aaadaotod ay Fafe (5"- ttlr- wtohtixBiailoi T aaa hwwar Mf rra Jtti aatohorheoa m aoaai ffm axAaloayaaateiA 5" x aaaaxxxat Mia-ftMMtoa aaa aaBsBB aeeoBBBXBTa to asasxalxaa aaaa' atdAi4CsSmSMaftdnsMssimMkBk5 : wsoaiixaeaamw? m awwsm -, .,,- ,,. samrnmasejavw " fBnwssaxasans0sv xssxaaaxsaanmnaaav avws i".- -y "y Xa Xm mmmmj mmmw amimmj ai mmm aBTBBBBBBBm aB AxatBrnaW .BSmkXBa A.XXXXXXXXraW sVmmlllnswf AmT r - -r Z. J?" -rT - AxXXXXBl 'sxTxxaaiaBBBmAamBB ' B. ' -"'" - raak-M Wsf ajBamaBXlai aspss m, - 'r' ft aas m i' aSTas.aaaaBV- & BSLsssft asuswkAs -aBBsMsa. ..a-aavai, fallatiaff xaaaxr Tki Twftxalitl;" 'fliaxJif ITsa jnamlBAass: lxfft? Thaaamxaalmad;ajlBalo ??.- - ?"W ta..Bopa arm rtiiloaa aaavaatlia "': - ab:'limoyam. 46li&tito''tmma6mmAWl9. axxjff wmkmifk w .aasy aaaaxaaBBBto vSi!!jjL,ws.ii.--mmnLxrS? !?a?J?Syfe- JPf-55fMfl??JS iiA'iaiiwm-Amimmmatmiit fPaWPAxs A jsfc ahasssmily.asvtosa l2-l-fcd W-;AtBBXxairaaaaar- mmaa-i'a-fcBaawaaAaaxsxaatoiA mWisPtoRjasSajpttpff ptpat-aw ' artaajosoBB, .1 a loogav axtwaaaao m s? taaMswasaa' ax aaaaaaMaal. ., iS" "?'"rr- ".-' - L'4 'x- BBMommamtaamVnn. iri.v. mb xaioooaoyaBm w-.-cwasei,sss7 mmm ws jm , l-,, -TBi-m-. - - '- v-- wars-: . HxATTraiaa tosoaghout NewnYerk State ea the IMa. SacxKTAxr'W fxaaai baa released 964 00,at la boadoilace the SUt of Aagast, aajiag U adTaaoe. ia eraer to reliere the ataaay atarket -j? kJatwa.cailarea iaahox 1 faatoOtaslisfraltyThey vn imv wsnnww.-t'' treatioa of mimaiiiii. caotosss hUl wiU bdlatradaeed ia the Chambers ax ing a atmptofaaral tariff aad ffiviaf the;Ooverameat the right to the daMas am goods from to gnat taaaoa- atotloa ef the fHato ef Maine to ae 66a, ffL which to aa iacraase siaee lSStaf ILS25, or 1.75 aero Two Pxtkwtoat detoetlves.hsve arr ras4sm Cali and fceU. at DUea, M. Y., whoare waatedjnr wrecking the tenia xaxkaay -SevkbAl cases' of hariag have oc curred at Lafayette College, Easton, r Tux Weotiaf house aad Pullmaa la terests are to be coasolidated. 'AoifimTEE-of the Central" striken that waited upon Chsnacey M. Depew on his return from Europe got severely aauhbedior their jouest far hiss to ad- just matters, or at least inquire into the causes if the strike. -- Tax stage from Champtoa to Butte, Moat, was robbed by a loae highway xiaa receatly. Tax mine owaen shoot Altooaa, Pa, have given away eatirely to the de maads of the mea. Tax next sessloa of the groat council of Red Mea of the United States will be held at Clevelaad. O. Ax edglne aad six can of a freight train were wrecked Borth of Little Rock, Ark., and Brakeman Haff and Fireman Rogers killed. At Cincinnati an engine with a lum ber car and one or two other can on the Cincinnati, Lebanon A Northern road, na away dowa a grade. Tbo lumber car struck aa engine aad crushed to death William Howard, who was beneath the engine cleaning it Tax heistiag of aa Americas flag at the Toronto, Can., ' Exposition caused some trouble. The matter was referred to the directors. Hebr Krupp, soaof the German gua maker, is at Ottawa, Ont. testing the quality and quantity of oro produced by Sudbury nickel aad copper mines west of that city. He is in search of nickel to be used ia the manufacture of a new gun metaL It is learned that the recent burning of a brewery in Frankfort Germany, with serious loss of life was the work of a dischsrged workman. After setting fire to the building he opened the valves, allowing 3,060 barrels of liquor to flood the place. There was a disastrous wreck on the New York Ceatral sixteea miles below Albany on the night of the 11th. Two engineers, a firemen and a brakeman were killed and three otbon wounded. The wreck took fire. It is stated that the peace alliaace among the powers has been extended until 1807. Bv an explosion in a mine at Laedr burg, Germaay, twenty minen were en tombed. In New York City Jamos Kennedy has formally adopted the Jewish reli gion in order to marry Lizzie Isaacs. The troops which left Boise City, Idaho, on the 7th' have arrived at a poiat where the Indians are reported uneasy. -Business failures (Dun's report) for the seven days endod September 11 num bered 103, compared with 203 the previ ous week and 193 the corresponding week of last year. Tho only disturbing element in trade observable was tbo tightness of the money market Further frauds in the St Paul, Minn.." census have been discovered, among them the enumeration of 257 persons in the Catholic parochial school building, the" revision showing no one living there The President has issued orders to raise the price for outstanding four per cent bonds from 1.24 to 1.25 for the pur pose of relieving tho money markot. Atxby perceptible earthquake (hock was experieaood in Saata Fe, N. M., early on the morning of tho 12tl. It was of about three seconds' duration. It was' reported that lava was seoa gush ing from the extinct volcanoes is tho neighborhood of Saata Fe. The Census Office announces the coarit of the populations of the following a ties: Mankato, Minn., .8,805, increase J,255; Winona, Mian., 18,208, increase t,000; Virginia City, jfov., 6.337, decrease 4, 580r Carson City 4.080. decrease 149; Denver, Col., 106,670, increase 71.04L W. W. Finlet, chairman of the Trias missouri Freight Association, wtoso headquarters are at Kansas City, has been chosen to succeed J. F. Goddard, chairman of the Western Passenger As sociation. APPJTJOMSI InhWaTCHXa, , Superintendent Porteb annoutoes that the recount of Mianeapolis shows a populatloa of 164,78a, This, aa oaav aared with tho census of I860, la an in crease of 117,854, or 35L96 per coat ( Clearing house nturas for the week oaded September 13 showed an avenge increase of 8.5 compared with the corre sponding week of last year. Ia New York the increase was 4.6. Business was quiet aad the toae good on the Loadoa Stock Exchange during the week ended September IS. In Palis money matters were active aad firm. A fair business waa-doae at Berlin. Tie Frankfort Bourse was firm. Sugar wis quiet at Havana. John S. Crocker, warden of the Dis trict jail at Washington, died seddealv of bronchial hemorrhage. He had been wardea of the jail for tweaty years. He persoaally supervised the execution of Charles Guiteaa, the aseassia of Pret Ideat Garfield. The Americas Miaister to Russia says he haa positive assaraace that the Rus siaa Goverameat is exertiag ao restrict ive measures, old or aaw, agaiast the Jewa. SuruB H. Krao, of GatakiiL IT. Y.. is dead-. He was oaa of the famous set Great atalwarta. Tax official oeasaa ml Near York City shows: Poaalatioa ia 1881. BOfKuatfaa lata, LSla,Stl; i 35.47 per oeat Cone Bass -went iato eulogies oa the ltth, the Senate est the lata attva BaadaU aad the Hoase aa the lato saator Beek. It te reported that the Adams Express Company has absorbed the Saw York YJostoa and Eari A rYewa aaress Coat- OaWUte aeay it, bat. iadlea- poiattotsstrath. ital traahlaa aresiisnti a soaootioa tiste ago. ia rsnsrtod toaava heea f ia Saaka rivac; xaUawatoaa aadxoBaa ware roBertoi I ", un,. J" a ;w,-ri.,2J!?!J?'S i',!-..!-i - ,. . , ssri, .. . , , 111 NEBRASKA STATE N1W& At the late All roaatoa, held at Gnat, lolaad, ladj veterao afaaaaU. Iawa fflt S4J Ohio, 41t; -Want Ylrfiala, m; DJiaeis, L9J1; Mtohigaa, 141; ala, tM; Paaasylvaaia, fTt; 9M, aad the Jf e w Abthub Ttllet. a Un yoor oH bey. arao shot, aad killed .at Kearaey the other aftoraooa by Lather CMwall. a playmate af the aasse age. A Bumber of small boys were aUyiag aoldieraad aheerowd was armed with three aid fwaa, whleh they had procured without leave of their pareato. Oaa of woaaoao wax aocldaa tally taking efect la the nay's back. He lived hat a few minutes. Tax. body of a farmer aassed Cafto Schwaas was receatly foaad la had dead, abouttweaty miles aorla af Pax toa, by a ebwboy worklaf oa the Bratt raaca. lavestigatioa showed that Schwaas had. beea dead three weeka. He seemed to have just arrived home fross towa, as bow goods ware foaad ia the wagon. He had, uah itched aad aa haraessed the horses, went to the house, closed the door, laid dowa ia the hod and died. - While Joha Break, eigatoea yeetoet age, was lately stackiaghay near North Platte, a tug broke, allowing the whif fletree to fly back, striking the youag maa below the stomach aad. inflicting inhiries which resulted ia his death half an hour later. Mary E. Sawykk, of Crete, has sued several saloonkeepers and their bonds men for causing the death of her bus bead, whucommitted suicide by drown lag. She asks for 910,000 aader tbo Slocumb law. A terrific wind aad rain storm struck the vicinity of Bsncrof t the other night about nine o'clock. General H. Raa Horn's new barn, which was nearly com pleted, was blown dowa aad almost to tally destroyed. The smoke stack oa the flouring mill was blowa dowa aad crushed part of the roof ia. Several small buildings about towa wre blown to pieces Thero was a brilliant display of electricity, but the rain was light Frank Schwindle, aged thirty-five, was run over .and instontly killed at Lincoln by a Burlington passenger traia during the fair. Schwindle leaves a wife and two brothers at Maacott, Harlan County, aad was at the State fair ia charge of a machinery exhibit from South Bond, Ind. He started to walk into tho city, and noticing the fair extra coming toward him stepped over to another track, only to be run over by an extra returning from tho grounds, which was backing into cltyi He waa literally cut to pieces, W. J. Carter, a laborer, waa sand bagged by footpads at Omaha the other aigbt He was found by the police ia an unconscious condition and so se verely injured that he could not live. A "prominent" physician and a bar ber engaged in a shooting scrape at a Lincoln house of ill-roputo the othor night Tho barber shaved ono of the physician's cheeks with a bullet and the physician injected a lead pill into the harbor's shoulder, and both were taken to the police station. A tramp wss recently found breaking into a wagon shop at Dorchester and put in the calaboose. Next morning he com plained of spending a very unpleasant night saying he had boon severato stung by some kind of insects, but jN could not in the darkness toll what they were. Upon investigation the insects were found to be bumble-bees, a large, nest of which were occupying a part of the bed on which the prisoner hsd slept The authorities considered the fellow sufficiently punished, aad ha. released. . S Ex-Senator Van Wyck haa the nomination for Congress bvthe Farmers' Alliance of the district. He says that.he can be of more service as a private at the ra thaa a standard bearer. : iv. m D P. Ellin fifty attempted suicide at Blue tins his throat witb a n his wife separated fifteen this, in connection wl troubles, caused him to cholv. which led to the not live. Joe Abts, a boy about fifteen years of age, was accidentally shot and fatally wounded by Albert Schram the other day, while huntingnear Columbus. Tho boys were riding in a cart and had a gun loaded with shot lying between them, which was by some mishap discharged, part of the load striking young Abts just above the ear. Amos Burtxett, aa old veteran livin? at Plattsmoutb, drew his quarterly pen sion the other day and invested a por tion of it in beer. When on his way home at night he was seized by two men, who robbed him of the balance of. the pension money and threw him over a bank fifteen feet high, breaking his collar bona Postmaster Gallaohxb, of Omaha, has resigned. He wss appointed by President Cleveland. C A Bunnell, who was In jail at North Platte for selling mortgaged property, recently played a shabby triek on the sheriff and got away. Since bin incarceration he had become paralysed ia his lower limbs, aad by reasoa of his helpless condition the officer gave him comfortable but aot very secure quar ters ia aa upper room in the jalL The only barrier between the prisoner and liberty was some lath aad plaster, aad ono morning when the sheriff went to the room to give the poor cripple his breakfast the hole in tho wall waa there, but the prisoner had flown. John Sullivan, a young farmer twenty-three years old, livingabout two miles from Denton, was found dead be side the roadway the other moraiag. Hia neck was broken end he waa other wise disfigured. It wss thought thst he had been throwa from hia horse aad killed. He leaves a yoaag wife aad two small children. A numbeb of the Jefferson County farmers have manufactured horse power machlaes with which to cat their eora. It is a wonderful labor-saviag piece of machinery and does goad work. Two mea aad a boy aad shock from eight to tea acres of core par day, its swath being two rows. A stsTBSMN-LAW af. B. Crowe, of De Witt, recently attempted to commit suicide by shooting herself, hat waa preveatod frees, accossplishtog her ob ject Fbaxk Jakxand, a Hooper tired ef life dose of hlae vitriol, but a doctor pre veatr ed tha ahaxuag off Tbb State' Normal School at Para opened the fall term with SlS atadeato carolled. Tax mill dam at Lyoas was badly by a break ia the 1 dtheratohtaad it will takea it Wcnucaasaa beys ware iarsdiag tha ef aPtoree Canty bvthaaexttof IVtaaw, leooatry. tag aaa oa severely. Peiatortoheld oid,'taMmxaxaxaxaxaxamxaxron yeTnxexexexexexexexexexexm beaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBJvBBBBBBBBBBBaki g acttxVexaxtTThe horsaflmxaxaxaxaxaan max. became tired of life aad took a salalotor for aver alxtv rears. Mrs city. The Tsxearawaa rear iwanwyanm TTrwTT.-- .j5r"5-32" laashad ska top so I . ,m . ----- t v. i i rr tsti nrnian arn stu- . - . aamss n - fismmssj - - - . -mm tiamt. ---j-- ,c-l.Z v: ZT . nsw i s. iwana naseaaas to aaaae aaaa anammm oopsoa. aamax aaa aaw . . - - rra -am snasaav I0LLED DOWN. Ooawi oa tatt) Maamrl Pacta THaw,,,,,,, Hi a I ni roairj, ' g YtJL ta-Tha Paalaa Ooasllxamawxxabomwaeast Raak la aa ia torview aaaa ska oaelto m t4i)-Bt-it Caiaa whjoa laoaxad atoalta taa grala Bsarketo anaaai by a yMrtrasxaaalafi Uiagil aram axf raaiaric rxmav ax asccrirtnrx lsaafsltortoraaaooid: Of voaiaa aba faaaiaaaama) af law asxasa asa ax SaxUafS UJUll If FaSSElwIIS. m that there Vrao a slight BmsxajaaT 'g7fi""r q, rttaTaTfrlf " iathaqaaatftyef oreaa had aa t " jLiaUT-snaL- itt n r -i - - " aOVTr. Trl lal mUSBTlallall till ! aaatwaV1 "" wraoa, o. all toe ootaala I jtatfAawawseoo af aha axjaadw CSmnnax. ' " V Mj tiKl OtOfl Bill ' -- A Vfpffc. AtamsiOMnaBsnanamsx '" "w. !""BWrrwTav "a . xWxxh Louis, Sept. IS. The City express oa the Paalac railway which left St Loaiaat elakt o'clock Satardsy aight Ually wrecked at Gleaeae awitoa, abeat twaaty-asvea mUes wast af St Lento. lajarea, arebablyfatollr. The St leftthetraeawhUetaeWkhitostoeaar almost cleared it The looosaotlva kept totheraiU A relief traia left here about mid night for the scene of the wrecfc. At 3:4T o'clock yestordsy moraiag aa ea. giae aad baggage car arrived at Tweaty oecoad street where carriages aad aa ambulaace were ia waiting to eoavey the weaaded to the hospital. The feeble light of the lanterns in the bag gage car, which had beea improvised lato a hospital, casta dull light over the pallid faces of the victims of the wreck. . The names of those injured, so lor as ceald be loaned, are: t Mrs Mary Lett Kaasaa City, proba bly fatal abdominal contusion. s A. C Daily, Lebanon, Ind., bruises ea tho head aad chest , Ufa. A. G Dally, braises oa the face. E. L. Norton, 9638 Stoddard street 8t Laala, latorasl injuries. Mrs. E. L Norton, dsngerous internsl injuries and cots on face aad neck. Mr. and Mrs Norton were eoaveyed homo la carriages and the rest wero takea ia ambulances to the Missouri Pociflc Hospital. Those aot seriously Injured, of whom there were six, were taken in a special traia to Kansas City. Their names could aot be ascertained. Oaly one of the sleepers, the Osage, left the track. All of those hurt wero in that coach, which rolled down an em bankment aad was badly wrecked. EXCURSION TRAIN ACCIDENT. Rapid City, a D, Sept 15. Tho Masons to show their appreciation of the bow Black Hills A Fort Pierre har row gaage railroad gave an excursion Saturday. The train was made up of two coaches and a number of flat cars with seats arranged to accommodate passengers and departed from Lead City at 9:45 la the rooming. About 200 Ma sons and thoir families went to make up the excursion party. As the train was passing a point near Elk creek, twenty-five, miles from Dead wood, a large pine tree which bad caught firo from a passing ongine, fell, strik ing the jsstcar, which waspackod with human beings, killing two peoplo and wounding seven. When tho massive piece of tinibor struck tho csr a panic took place. Following is the list of the killed and wounded: M. J. Bilding, engineer of the Golden Star mill at Dead wood, in stantly killed; Mrs. J. K. Snydor, of Lead City, killed; Mrs. J. K. Snydor, log brokon and badly bruised; Georgo Deemer, jewolor of Lead City, finger brokon; Mrs. J. E Brooks, of Lead City, severely injured; Mrs.Klingler, of Lead City, alight injuries; J. V. Llllig, In jured in the head; Sam Gilbert, badly bruloed about the body; a son of Andy Gray, of Lead, severely injured. This is the third sccident within ten days, duo in each instance to the imper feet construction of the road. BAN UTT A WAtiON St. Joseph,; Sept 15. Tho south .st press on tho Cblcsgo, I ity railroad, duo Saturday aftoraooa, occupied by L. Pen- ing three and on the Savan was running CSper hour and the front end. . on otjo side on tho other and the max and all killed. Pondlo- ton waa seven and his wifo flfty- six years old. ey wero coming irom thoir home in Savannah to St Joseph to visit their son. Alderman Stephen II. Pendleton, The bodies were somewhat bru'sed, but were not mutilated. TRIANMAMTER KILLED. Kansas Citt, Ma, Sept. 15. Thomas McDonald, tbo roadmaster of tho Kan sas City & Independence Rapid Transit Bailway, was run over and instantly killed by a train on that road near Washington Psrk about 8:30 o'clock last night Tho body was badly mangled. The deceased, who resided at Bristol Station, oa the line, boarded an east bound train to ride to a neighboring point In alighting from the train he-stepped upoa the other track just as a wcat-bouad tra.a was approaching at a high rato of speed. Mr. McDonald was a maa about thtrty-fivo years of aga aad leaves a wife and three chil dren. He bad been ia the employ of the railway compaay for a long time aad was highly esteemed. Aanrehwts BIscC Opcnljr. Berlin, Sept 14. Tho first Anarchist meetiag ever held openly in Berlin hss just taken place by permission of the police. The Anarchists are aot very numerous ia Germaay as compared with the Socialists, tha Anarchistic pro gramme aot being attractive to the methodical and regulative Teutonic mind. The meeting waa a very tame aad uaimportaat affair. The speakers claimed the Aaarchisto to be the bona fide followers of Karl Marx aad declared that Socialiaai wasbatawesk substitute for the gexniae doctrine of aalversal freedom for the proletariat Danville, IIL. Sept 14. The Be publican bo't aga trt Congressman Can aea'a re-election has assumed serioas pTOBortioas, Fifteen Bepablicaa pa pers in the d. strict opealy oppose bias. Tha Daav.lle Dally ComsserciaL pub lished at Cannon's owa home. Is latest to come eat agaiast bias. A kabte dlv haa jest el. at Parkarahatw. Va. Mra Alien sutor lav. Kater, waa is eighty-five years awatisf for ever alxtv veers. Mrs to. aearlv as old. and the connle have celebrated their sraldea weddiBg fraadchildrea aad sTeatrand- Joasahstoeaer raot St. Joseph. JHb haaadStPaafaxx aaxaxaxaxaxaxV fxaxaUv aW'xaxaxaxasXaH -. .".aBBBBBferammxaxaxhMk , xaaaaaaammmmmmneK BBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBltia CTOSS werernHRf XrxaBBxaxs I bbbjbb. mnmnm aBXamT aaaBsamat aainsasai mrxaw meaara aev. m -' ... -7T bxbxsP xaxar asaaaamm. a amna aamnxammmm a . m - uta ssnmm warsanmammai mssm mmmmmr mm mvn snrwwv mim sf ammw sssvsssem sseesesssmmmm. m m . sw mwaa untaLsniaamsmi Xnsss JIj'a. . mi hslf frrT m " asm. asm waesa -j-i i i 1 1 j 'jv-w 'OmsMMi a, nasi tool w. jwstmi -bbb ajsax- xsxbbb axaaa bbmvbb aaaa - . w. av.a av. -- s.- an a - - -"aim naa alaa aafeaa far a ai- ... . t a mm smmn? anmnss elasst to Saanatlenu mama T 7TT -- ..i i s a&. area. Tha toaahamv saase- Celsmbas An taa saw snrsn mmna a ssw'j swea sewiy ry. maJhaaaadaasasasXaaaaMMMaaan'' nsBiixikM .&.- .- . . .- . .. a Mt n. - ai aa sBBKm sBama aBBkaBBvaaa m'. ammmmmr b , BsiBBBVaS - " tk . l T f'-s.MM aniNi nn mmm-mm . m- - .. , -... - . .m. m mmmi i - m - '"J - as oottiB anetr sisw unnoian -- --. - .it.7 .tT ' " batoa, aasena s i j " PBV. BBBBBBm KMBMIB. BiamT HMBBBBl.Rr. .BBMa. . ..BMIW. ....... .MWV .MMM - --..nnannmammmsaaaaanawaaamxaaa A V ABBhXBTBB jnSBB 1B "" Rank la aa ia torview tia saagraU BMrketo eaaaad by a "Ot olkrat aUltoxeoT la taw a. J-1 ea all the eereala I sUrlbato to fa she crops. The stotosseat the ligh tost ytoUPar I oaa aai agree with. Grata opera tots watch aar baltottao vervelooely aad they aa doubt their ealealattoae oa the basis shawa la So far as the iaforsaatioa that wa receive iscoaceraed, it o Ihriaaoai filffrnrat tr Their ee- jaet te to areveat great laetaatioaa. "Yen da aot seprehena any squeese?" "Why aot a art -Tha Government reports have considerable infiueace ia checking say complicated coraer. aad every body is enabled to kaow a pre cise condition of the crop. As they prevent fluctuation rather than increase t the more frequent they are atade the more gradual aad pacific the condi tion becomes.' "Is it a fact, that the resort Is the mosraafavorable one'erer issned?" "Not at all. The cotton crop ia ex traordinarily good. Onto ,asa Brabably lower ahan they have beaa for; tweaty yeans? bat that la tha oaly weak point, with the exeopaea of too:harloy crop, which was very aroiifio last yeox, how ever. " " - "i -, "Maw is the qualltyr' - "Uniformly xUr, cxeeat aa I have stated, with oats, which are aet only short but poor in quality. The barley crop is merely good. I think thst this coaa try sheald raise less wheat aad im port leas barley. We export wheat aad import barley, and there is bo reasoa why we sheald aot raise it slL The exportation of corn this .year will bo about tho same. This is aot vory largo, however, as foreign nations eat but very little com. I think that oa the whole there is no cause for any trepidation oa the part of those coatrolliag the mar ket" TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT, The Little RnMto T Hwllsrrtan.l Has a BsTolatlon On Hr Hanoa. IiONDON, Sept 13. The news of rev olution in Switzerlsnd is the r must in teresting topic of the hour. Details of the uprising sre difficult to procure, the Federal authoritios having maintained a telegraph censorship which would do oredit to the more despotic neighbors of the littlo democracy. From the pains taken to check com munication between the dlHaffinstod Canton and tho outsldo world, and from the absence of any encouraging official announcement by tho Federal Council, it is feared that the revolt may bo more widespread in its effects than the brief dispstches pormittod to pass the censor ship would indicate. Ticino, tho Canton now in rebellion, has, however, a- moro turbulent record than her sister Cantons, and the news of the present trouble is therefore less alarming than if tho offending Canton was one, of thoso which had always maintained a peaceable and loyal de meanor. According to advices the revolution ists formed a provisional government and convoked a popular assembly, which declared tho existing Government and the Grand Council dissolved snd ordered genoral elections for noxt Sunday. Tbo insurgents hold Lugano, Mcndrano, Chiasso and Locarno. The Bundesrsth was called in extra session and ordered Federal troops to be sent to the scene of the disorders. The populace support the insurgents aad the civic guard occupied tho telegraph office, thus preventing tho supporters of the Cantonal Govern ment from communicating by telegraph with each other or with the National Government PESKY POTTAWATOMIES. raln- the RMwrvaUoa-Thre ef the LcaaVrs KIHmL Topeba, Kan., Sept IX. Information has reached this city that the council of the Prairie band of Pottawatomles held a few days ago oa the reservation in Jackson County terminated ia the killing of three of tbe leaden and the wounding of sevoral others. v There are two baBds, one known as the Big Soldier bead and the other the Little Soldier band. They met in council to consider the President's order requiring them to sectionise. Tbo Little Soldier' band are all Indi ans and are in tbe majority, and favor of taking their lands as the order indi cates Tbo Big Soldier band is com posed of full bloods, hslf breeds and white men who have intermarried and been adopted iato full membership witb the nation. This is the turbulent party aad op poses tho order to section! zo witb vio lent threats against their great father and his supporters. This feeling is en couraged by the white "Indians,'' who. It is said, misrepresent the situstioa snd the President's order aad were the cause of the riot The minority party have among them shrewd advisers who incite others less informed to csrry out their schemes. There is a delegation or the better ele ment of both bands in tbe Territory for tbe purpose of looking at the country with a view to making it tbelr futare homo. Had they beea present at the council, tbe riot probably would not have happened. rJMssrtrees CixasiXATi, ScpL IX At Kucyrusfour inches of rain fell yesterday. The San dusky river was so high as to cat off communicatioa with North Bswyraa At Akron tbe rainfall waa diastroua. Great damage was done throughout the county sad in the city unoaual destruc tion was wrought. North Howard street, one of the principal business streets, be iHjr fearfully washed in some pisces, A portion of she street railway was left with ties ia the ahr banging by the rails, the mala sewer exposed aad watoralpes torn out Railway travel ia sJssestsee peaded. Inceasaat rata wr taw iswtj ist hoars have caased a the Cleveland A Marietta whleh wsff lv traia s lsaur white. thn Clevelaad. Leraiae A Wheelmg tall- vst has heea washed away citv. TheTi MM-half feetiaeaa valley is iaaadatod. Tke Setoto river reoeaoa a which. d mere aaaa araiaary aswaaga as Wmbas AR af a!M easy ana S!!S twaaty years I oaa aai arreawita. -tanl ah isanaani llaaaaa, tlaaoail axa theaga aaa reaasrna wan naa sn 7m7saswv mm ha ema antmally iuiwo 'sat a aa & ammmmmma. --- "-' i a MlnisassafTTaf sfsoliai- Bsaka -- - - - ! -- - -m ohia. Ha waa hxasxa to ssj haehttato is MiMnMat flamasamaaaa af ahnhaaaxwa. comes frees I . TT - a m ma asnl ii waa a his way to aaa Salvador. Be by twa saoa ao aeay Whoa tha ship arrived Gaatosnala, beea warned that board, at ace seat af twa heat toads af be surrendered to then. Caatata ntta peremptorily refused to aeosde to this demaad. Aa attempt waa made to ee erceMm ay wltoheMlag alsaraaeo fn pera But after a datoattoa af tweaty foar boars, Captola Pltto aaratotUur la his refusal to deliver Oeaerel aWrxadU without aa order frssa; tha aHvaaaaax4 course. " "ThiswasAngastaT, aad oa tha mm of the same day the steamer arrived nt SaaJoae. Nosooaerhad taaAeaaalea sachored thaa two heat leads ef soldiers were seat off from shore to keep cleaa watch that ao oaa without iweser era acBtiala should leave the vessel for tha shore. Withia pistol shot ef where tha AcspHlco lsy there were twa Ualtod Stats gunboats. Captain Pitta had telegraphed to their commsadlag oatosr from Cbsmperlco requesting ssslstoaea, but his dispatch waa bob sellvarea.lA.-4 Now he made a aeraoaal ai for help. Tha reepoase mea-of-war oould do torn srdor from the port captoia. "Next day the ship was agala iavaded by the commandants of a special ferae of men, accompanied by another beat load of soldlera. This time the Gaato- ftaa e fnraiahed with aa axraaf frees the Amertoaa JataUtor. xaxaoa Af tor , being Intro duced to CapUlajntto, tha eommaadaat produced his papers aad made a formal demaad for the delivery ef Geaeral Barrundia. Then the eommaadaat di rected that all tbe cabia aasseagera ha ordored below. Whea thai order had beea executed, the eattre ferae af Gustemalaa officers proceeded to Gea eral Barrundia's room. Captain Pitts going with them. "As soon as the room waa reached Captain Pitta, after depreeaviarvhe aa cesslty of surrendering his psssnngerto the nuthoritlesUbegsn to read the order for tho General's arresL toneml Bar randia had quietly met them at the door, but at oace divining that all waa over? he reached lato the roam for hie revolvers, aad making the ramark: 'Very good.' fired.' The ball Just missed Cap tain Pitta, who, together with the com mandant ran to hia room, locked the door and hid under tae bed, leaviag the man-Hunting to tbe speclsl officers. Bar rundia was a short-sigh4aa.axMaaaV.aa ing very nervous, waa unnble to do any damage, though he chased them la aad out of the saloon, firing wildly. At last the officers dropped him from dlffereat points, riddled with shot upea the hur ricane rdeck. The brave eommaadaat tbcroupon came from hie hiding piaee, walked up to tho dead maa aad f red in to his skull. "The dead body was rolled up in a piece of csavss and aid being sum moned from the other boat aa tha Oea oral was a very .heavy man, the burden was bundled down the gsngwsy Into ono of the boats aad conveyed ashore to be sent to Gaatoasala wbera It waa Interred the next day. The ether boat conveying the gallaat perpetrators of the deed, thoir revolvers openly dis played In their haa a-a, made a stotoar round by the Ualtod States wsr ships oa their way to the shore. As they left tho ship some smilialy waved tbelr hands, "Still tbe incident waa aot overt Tha Guatemalaas had to wipe tbelr feet a little mora oa tbe Buffering ship aad she was net allowed to preened intil tha bogfago aaloagiBf ta'aaaraidia had beea eeasxhod, presumably far ovideaaa iacrimtoatiag other rThU was sab mlttod loathe guabeats still silent aad" sleepy aot a hundred yards away. Tha Americans a hoard were fall af todig aatlea and shamf at the whale aaala. LOCOMOTIVE FJRCMCN. a Oaa ri roeasMl Sab Fbabcisco. Sept. IS. At the' veatieaof the Brotherhood ef live Firemea ameag the recommenda tion made by Graad Mastor Sargeat U one thst tha Brotherhood erect, la sense central city, a building for edtoaa af tha graad lodge, to cost aot leas thaa flse,- Tbe grand master all thst stops be takea tosooaoi togtolottoa ia varioao atotoa pravidlBg'agilssstaa. emntovuMratef' naa'ortoaa or eMiea nrmet toealxtlnesitHto U;'' The report of tha graad secretary aad treasurer showed a membership ef It. 000 snd an. 000 ia the insurance fund. Tha report also state thst the Esfjairhaai raised by Uaaoanaii aM.fatta aaa- pert the grest V striha rnary, toM, aad Jaasdry 1. taaaf ."v t NRwncau. N. T.. ftopt ML Robert Dun woody, who etolme to have flagged aad aawsd aba at Liialooosaaas Ilambarx: ea Ifeadsy. atjat. has mnaeaigi (adefnttoly by taa Ceatral railroad etViala Itoaawedy says thst ate asamhssttoa at Alaaay aa Taeaday waa by Datactssaa aad Hamphrey aai by Khmell. Ha ladigaaaaly ehanaasadahy "Ifthiatoa to diastwdit asa aad raia Idaaaiaaa haw lea amahrsy that ha had araaa sty aaaa- hSeXWIiae a i sjsst sbsbs st't ii r ;. Kxw Taaa, aaaa, 11Carrto Leaa a wZZTl " Urmmr Tha anaaa ea I nmsa iwwmrj-Bsw years sa, waa J1 . ssssy sans am swspbsws sssnj HMwar AsmWa ' - - -- - m. - - mfamxxTnf sBBXaxtaXef HATHCR milQUE. It. A commltuK, q ta af aba ex-emptoyee ef the Xn w York railroad sailed oa IViini y xl saaaw in his omc t yoatoraay. asdoi t,r j, aa eld freight on- while Qaffaey. aaeiaer iriVnr. We kavecoatn to uiv aba strike ef the New York On:.-! aft, Depew respond J: Tm xtrxui to aetatuf to talk etaot. Th to virtually vr now." Strike is not over, for all u, BMa oa the road who am mcrol of la her ergaaisatieas have quit rv nt ; fTaay have chosea to rl thir r" altlaaa Mr. Webb, who was manasinc lharaad la my sbseace, took nw mn ia their places whea they quit work. Mlaaettoa has beea sustained by ihn exaeatJve beard ef maaagoment of thn road. Tbe places of those mn hT bow beea filled sad that's thn end of it" ojtJratow then naked fJrpew to wu until tbe eosamlttoa had 4lscued th matter aad said that they would thn tataca aad asaki .their proposition- to him. Depew replied: "There 1 no uo in makiag false promise to you. Then l tore to he dona I do not crn ever back numbers. You hm 0 resign your place. Mr. Wbb haa filled them, aad I have nothing store to say." Tha committee then left the office RIGHTLY TREATED, Tbts ONve Awf M mtr. aUsrae, Fx tepC ML Several ea ef aasiag have occurred at Lafayptm College during the week. Twoyeuag freshmen who were threat ened with n visit by the hating U- waraed the latter to keep y themselves with hall )t they had retired they hrl haaars approachlag the dir. nl ajhea the sophomores broke down th floor to gain an eatranc they were int-t by the determlaed freshmen. U In hanA The first of the phomre to entor the room was Juan Medina, a Spantanl from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, who struck a terrible blow oa the foiehl aad fell uueoasclou. Another ipho mere was hit but not so hadly lnjure.1. The hasers then plckel up their wound ed comrade and hastily retired. Medina has been delirious all Uj aad Is now lying In a preearlous omil ilea. It ia feared hi skull Is frxturM. Hia classmates hsve had him conrelr,l all day with medical aid In constant at tendance. Great effort was ain't to keep the matter quiet "S' RiAPPOrfrlONMtNT. I'Miinsana lHMMU'a Tmm htnlmi in tMlf-lhlrw C -r WASHI!itTit!. Sept. 13. Congresjimn fhjnnell. chairmaaof the Caasn torn- snlttee. ha tolroduand a 1411 in th .ffiaase for a tspssnlensioat of mom- 'mar of Caagraso ulc. tha saw cnuv It mskes the llouso of Kepresentatlti of the Fifty-third Congreas ronsUl of 84 members and memtier from StaU'i admitted subsequent to this term U ln added to the number. isMaaaor lions the members among thn State In such msnner thst there Is no change In the numtmr from Connotl cut, Ilel aware, Florida, Georgia, tndl aaa, Iowa, Kentucky. Louisiana, Mslnn, Maryland, Massachusntta. MUt'sttpjil. Moataaa, Nevada. New llsmhlre. New York. North Carolina. North Dakota, Rhode Island. South K keto, Tennessee, Vermont and WrU Virginia. Uader the apportionment Alabama, California. Colorado, lsxar Team. Seat Mrhl reraxa consln "' gaa, Missouri, New Jersey. Ore Texas, Washington and Wlsroasl would each gala one member: Arkansas, Iillneis. Kansas and Pennsylvania earh J twv aad Mlnaeseta m-X N'ehraska each three. Tha oaly State to lowi a Repro- seatattve will be Virglnla and Ohio, which would lose one esch. Hm AMERICAN FLAO. Wsee-M wills aVa'xafitvax ToaosTo. Ont. Kept. 12. Wha ladasaial Cshibltlon was opened the ' Karl Aberdeen a ftj handsom linltel States flag wa seen fluttering frwm aad of the graadatand. Upoa noticing XM Celoaal Crair. Brlga-ie-Mator ef the rCaasdisn mMttis, ordered th flag to be sxfeea sfasfst This was down amid a feed deal ef hissing sad cheering by those who noticed the act. Aaoeea a Maaager Mill of the Kipo sifctoa heard of th occurrene he or dered the flag to be again hoiatad. Ma tor Gmy appeared upoa tho grtind hssllag (th rag snd ordered "the flag of aa alien peopt" to he torn frwm the This the msaager refvssd to do. claim lag to be as loysl a th 4s"r. aad aajrlBf that It ass only a grarefl to Anterlcan pewpi " year visited ta Kss-ssltio In aumbera Th qUoa win bfra the heard of directors fr la wHi li A ravifluU fe brakaa eat .to the Cle ef Tirlnf iinlag ai J Jlnaiaaia sf up also r-gr-J-fag the revision af U- Omtituiion Three members of tbCnUsl 'n nt have bn Imerisoned. " " lied a4Ahva ravsiver and t& have ftod. 3 Tb redrt Tr sai seat two hattofi"s to vh i 5 1 J& ALBAST. X T. rWPt. 12. No 1r Wasata. sswUaJ fausa !w V.-fW AJf4i T swrnsv-B am p s wj mm m sn "-"-' '- - ' las Bight- Tha pUeUt-a Is ?) V she fsat thmt there Is diAftroa trrack at n4rk. slsl soil's tol'w this city, ea th New Vorfc CntrL Taa wreck I very 4lstros T sajiasa. toa cars sad a 3 Way" are aflad ap so a to rtr the psawr sfaaxa a aell as th trmlgki. Ttsa engineer. - aad a hnk ammaiaiaaertod htftod aad tore ih- ms mmmmAm. The wreck U e-a f f s4 baraiax aarewly aad iraia ar 4lsr; ., Vatothtohoaf aaatralBhasarrttd th. BAawaMaaaaaaMMaaB ftept, IJL-W. livtosT uir tlwesvUto. whtto tolsf M f a srhtoh a aar far la sea toM I a leddar la aba aell sad toa tody. BuXavtsma. ms-xrawamFBa Baaxx, a at ajBsaihe -M JSd